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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Sep 1866, p. 1

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"" my ', Ibo thm A4... I.“ “to " TI. "tr it! Lit h lo E. L.--x ~n :‘.»r’u:m-h 'r)',t':,'1a."t'llrd'a', "a funny: I "V ‘ n... ',' “NF" t"trrslly, " " u Ptth'- tn', . , salon! Rani but. " Auetionoe Private Sal. r., tho t "rted State. " eu-He-pa, - op-' p ty “and“ In Camp-menu mi d " ' v ' i i to uh. hm.- mom-g In punk-£3“! Blah“ Miami? I _-. A. Alli, Cm: ‘m min ill inlet-“in. " ‘\ " immuhlpn. m «but eh; " pp. -m on no: Mt/ttpd.'"""' ; hunky att) Inf-u. ; “a 3n a''t; ... . IS. ttWa. il " alumna M - a“... page " an; VII ' - G I ttC.',':.".:',"',',",'.".:"':,.','.':"! T.". ; JOHN ll. “ARBI'JK, ':': _ tee'"'"'. , - “my - - ', K-IISDIB and Inn-MIMI" .u thim, " . toth. 1"r1't l . ad Inch-o lulu. Our 'rsylur :r 06:. t}! It}; 7 _ ' A '3 Fin-r an". comer 00ka Bad Sul- ) V V - ' V , A. F. not clthrrrE, 'q"'oq't8NU - " 11. It. ’01" . 8m.umhw. Mr. Bourbon. will than In te ML-nam-lwywuy huh-nth luv widows-Id the - ”and, Bal new is. Mr, luau]: regularly“. cit- ma umsmmdbumut Quake. ' to: also. ' " '--'l' - - H . own-u: [HI tad Ayl-u. c. . m. Wright um and a 'iutio.t- a! 373*," elm wool. . - when“. , ',-Icnv “manntLP-czls [““JWN " “IM‘.I¢IIJIO oi... . .-..._, v -- , B'iF,?i'i?.".iiii,,i, tawny. low, .0- 0m“: - Building. - in,“ 'e I!" sum. onus. 1m... IA“. IS. "66. I" Sign . _ “bunk-C s mt!“ . h- rogcmgot-ctw.toueMo-6ae Chg-gory. Cult. - Sunni” Public. M. * t Vn‘l'. Post 'Jt'hTiortt,"i:'llir,iCG:t'.GtaTi h: B. “arm‘s. _ R. ll. “new“. ob If, T. 136K. . PM!!! Sign My. but. bun-um...- Inn-OIL _ units: [050% a... would! AUGUSTLS KEEPER. Wds.1eh%',', “I Attorney-occur, “who: in Chaney. Can’t-cor. as: c,'h'ru'dtt,It,'f, Pr. ttrc m" '1','St in tho orNA' as». W“. inch tl." u BTA' ”It "Kr-guy T. Pe blmkh . ' ("mu - law-o 3beaM' M .III. a ' . I; Can. _ _ 33““ 'vhhuv , III"? . and Ana-noma- ' w. amt-citat- i‘hm. quriu flux-ad C yuan. _ when: Ln:- Dam -- It. “on. Co: Wig; F . _ J an ken. Jam P. Dwell. [ an“ ILL ' 1‘. TGA Ian-’11 ‘T‘IO-IB‘ - AW. loll-Im- “ Chant-cry. C any-nor. he. Din our Mr. Smor‘s Sign ' c. In»... Snot. - a$:4IA. Arrives", 1 tit-tf I‘m. (“any-neon. Stud-n PINE-Jo. ' w: Rut-Monaium “all Ila-o. nun-n Rosa. Aunt fuming. 't .. Jaty SN. _ ' 193-6“! I; Cunt an. '" T. "" uriA. I». T. ml. J: F. M130) , Bteeme.""""'" --- Chancery, to. omen: A...“ Buildup. I“... m" 'a-xr. Grim-yawn Ae. (It. M \‘orI $193!!" 4m” trom Sunl- nla. Much . . IS“. tuculo I'm-OI- II“ Ae "PS'd'f4W,7e".M' to tho Pm P, tat. 0.. In! name-n. earned In. ad “no" -, - 0W Wart-'0- “vil- Bas'" w u ”"3"". 8troot. um". 1-1.5. _ , ire, 2teiter.u, LEES & GEN M ELL, Bt'd'd',tfd'f.t Aim,” “nu-m. Canny-nan. Ae. WWI: Int" Oo-m [Ln-o. that. C. W. mun_ - Jun J. 0mm. " to PIYIICIAX. In”. and Aces-thou (Juana. Day ole-WWI M's, sput- smog Oud- I’m; Sign p " ”New. M and. Com! To". rumour-n. .ilbmulb. mulch-hug: by: . . ., A ..-u" - " ml 0.0... ob-a, Jun-r127. HM- tron sutumr-staouu} . D. tt'ett.NNOi's, .' -TfoI!£I-.\1'-l..t". Sound! In 2et'Td: u‘nyuru. co" ti-ea sac-u nu: [mun Bailing. Una-a. . “QJARSHA L L MATE! 92.) ' "an: , In; \T-Ll w. Iglklgdiflnf COLNAN a WittGUT, oeoe Ir'", lard-It!“ I“ Anu- VI l l, Q4: If...” "Omit. aiMt ii tWUa Awmhar. o. Hr: l Jas ”and: nu; rer orru'u usuariiiun m (an: - I Orr-cu: Cum um.A’l-unal Digit.- J. P. sttcPHEttsoN, 1.33“ _ “a-.. Mitt: ”up. lat-um Strqqt. I N. was. . HAYCttt'K & HAYCUCK, Gi-s “an... Attorney. and dim Pause. Cloth unb- Piu- n-I may - r. .. -., n .. .._.;.‘ cum; & sums, .' ‘AIIII‘I'III and Auwymlblaw, [Win-Wt}, Cay-yawn. Snub WILLIIG'I'OI In”. "II. not! " Ink Street. Imus, - r, run. EDWARD T. DAKTXELL, In. . mick-71.! .iiEar.s.hniri ' Bucks! lawn-1. ‘13....uuc. gtoa6q.a.e-e"F Ling-m. _ 0-1.!!! '63. . JUN-2P” J. "\N'RPIIY. oous"tHsr:ETLasD, M. D M'IIC'IAI. luv-oo- p-d Loco-ll "In: M.” M. M Hui.- I DR. o'ttEiLLy, '0.‘ INCH. - n was 0? 2"l,'i?,','di . a. an: . “twin. it - . 72i t on. In luattltaf. I": ' Inc-.5 2t."e2",,t,'t,',,', “(I Mp punlly‘ In" it ntl- um, . um “a " "h-tq-e-' wr- RUSS uk PARSONS, lull! R' , um. um, INt. w. J. HENRY, Dll. n. C. WOOD. bit. 1 C. LINK“ L M. ALLIED”, I.I-1“.\I a Ottawa are“? rciiira -- 7m - me. woLFAt att'ttTT, J IL s, P. BaEttt. IrFaLak and " m . '70- In P"u. I... n. an yuan-Ind. , u. "" an) wuVo " ‘uu PM in a. ”kiddo. half-n. run-n " anti LI! . it“: w»- -sdti.iV-hi- , iii ii e. oqeor-.hV In Sun-x. T -- ' 'lt-drag I . _ o , Dit, .. ; a ' ”with I. i I .. 5m: sum t as. . I [ SS-y i, YCUCK, ' "Who-mob. _-- - curios Pnblio. As. EYgiuamuotu's R. u. “new“. l A _ that! - ', p 5TH}. .. II. In. ‘Potor - _ m will always in L te MI _ C n "t'p'V,'l'L' eit- sboc. ' - ' L, I a mam; ' t n. and Ann. 38 , . ' ' bl t on Tad-ly- s-d ‘ Ind ml ln'nu-v u.- I 'J. nwi In ittr. “It. Canadian I a . mu 1 ul- 0'0': ' on. not by a nth. our! : " Doe r cu; vi. , l J . ' U .3 M 2 ton: ‘ l I A 4ttr.; . l to: I _ '" I t-i ' t In " Sp a - ( Cit Magma 212My I I ',ibih ll -. I ' . rl 'LISG x: ". 1 kn!” I .------_ I I. Dom i a . Incl-l.- l L." Mr. l, m;- " llll It.‘ Minn 3.05“. 'PR"' “lip.- 6.0“ p. . .211! 30-0. but Mo , T . , . . r Til P3. .\l'a LS0N, l In! R.‘\VollI-gton Itmlgor ', you. Dr. y Cam‘s. om". lining ' Ind my ynn'cxporivm inn-mo ollho best elu- l U “a in the martriitaneitio at Canada. he to; 'eoMdettttttat all only; calm-wt to his can I vi) execuletljn the best s:ylo.u¢l pursued to l gi Ttutter"": _ ' i, ti. C, . tse.ntg A cont. 1:pe Ita street.- In. December Is. 1965 Astej.jj.i',.,ii,t'/e,iiii,'.? da..., “Rum.- (tion Ruining. and Real than Agents. 80. K-IISDIR and ltea"o"tse"Ftr ml. ad Mum-a lulu. Over Tyler A . _ 's “our sun. corner MrTork nad Sul- ou Sumac. on Sun; 3m". I|.Doe. IS. I865. I-tf A. MORTIMER, I-lenll and Purl-Ruler. cor- nu- ut‘SpArlu msd Mote-If. Show. an! the Cit Registrar" cum. Ana-n: boyh- mod. to [or nay hunch o! humus. egid no] build II but as}. " the art. 'LISG me to In, (anon. kiln attention " to Map Mounting. I. Mum" 19. ttll'""""'""'""""" Au' [ER CHA 1.58013. . , I oohngLOn factor, dye CliOi'u .niT.. T'I‘AWA, . I PREPARED To COVER “00". ith Til. Shea: hon, Slut. or Shula. on an l at Dom-0.1M It nuouiblc rates. Maring known m ttus plug in“ up ttrat "New“. 38 an up» be can unwind] "(one hig loo. blink! chum". u I “and... toe ths nun- " Prtyerte " an mark can“ to Inn. VI. April 2. la“. ”-3- i Pllh‘nl II. ritual, k runner. Own": Walling“. Stud. 'Tpoerito St.. _Aldnv‘l Chunk. l " Fobnnry r, IP66. 63-!“ PtiuaAatBRXARY AGHCX. C. J. B0 UCHETTE, I. wavnvon “A urn-puma, gluing. Land. nod Gourd Paw, Kuhn-cu mnipdunabh. Orrin: Iii- suoel, nut to numb Mel. and nau- tr _e_rPeiq Ibo huh, mus. ‘_ Aware?! .tttrtuA,e,te. 1AM"?! to Lt.'gt,'.vatyi,','.t so. a. \‘Ielom Cm- rent. t':pptr Town. (nun. oUora. March ttl. ISM. 79., maimJ-l. 4. ISM. " ‘T. G. 11mm, LAID A”! and Broker, - Pub- tie. In. "and hi. nio- to Niche“! Strut. "wdis-tertutkrathd Duties-Wind“. And bur-rm to mum any MOW o-tad ., Crown Land: Dormant. it pro-conga; with In. Um: um u- lna-u..- P"'"""","'. humming“: irfa"lir1G to oaodstet u] may (up. ff having bung-I with In, 1|an Indus-m. ”in. “my. groan a! 5mm and York W- awa. Dee. 18.1555. “.4" . . 1-. dun. has to. ma. on". Sin}, for parity h at tho Omar-nu ' 0.13. FoE r, nu. EssRs. TIHS'I‘LE & BALDWIN, OVISCIAL land 9mm (So-u. than“ West. Raul but. Apia, to. hr- " ere damn.) to an “I. and pant-diam the Lurl- of Atacama Applications to the row- Lamb [Mun-um " Mm!“ Lands, Att., pay attmtdid h). a _ Thy in. no! on had tan! (with not“ well mud City And Vill- edt tn Upper Ind lawn Audi; uni u inn no gun“, of running in the Tow-hip on m. on". _ Ont“: Com: 'dirt; tad loudl- Stat“. W. TulstLJ’. L. S. P. A. BALDWIN, P. l. 8. - - CHAS. E. BRUSH, General Commission Agent, Agent be V... I)" 3 (km. 0010“ Pm Ale»; M, “it”; and Ire, Ala. "In! for an Landin- lnland ' Cm, Ind “not Wm Ind Vermont Central . mull. on": , Annual-I'- Ft9yrg1. l, "It! AIHAIII‘I' - Dian-ll. “loo-o Under the Pawns;- at “in Rio-lbw, the not-0mm]. Angun' Block. lid-M Strut, - from Sim BM p. _ " Culp'l rr In: India. APPOIINI, r only on. on tho Chitin-til I..- Oulmequlué. - Lt. P JAB. JUlllA-VLLI.‘ a ' III")! Housl.‘ Nun. - may; my}! manna “mun. . IH'IHNAX‘S N PIIVA‘I'I HOTlh.lw-rlu 'ttree" 00- 13-5. C. W. A for puma-en can obtain nup- uior . In. . 7 20,1M5. " rs. swims, OV'IICIAI. Eli). t"'Nqrg"'ONs Bangui-an. he" l inland for Upper - cm) odo- In! mucus. Glau- . no" W's. Surveys A "or, description with was). Con-Minna“ Manu- . In (my. (you-p.34), will moi" peu'qt an; “50.1!“ N'o'il,'dll:1'l loud, Com-"nu Avon... on". Join an)... M. Til: In“. hem-lad ottiatmg.arsd Mittmahe ulu in nitric!" u . FG"s'tht2'G HOTEL. mums. “diam luv-menu, but and. to a. [moi-u, Ind It bu boa- ouinly rep-laud "(I "39ng No plin‘ill be lpnrodto matria- Min Laird Main-u. d Joe-ting PM Dun-I. May 're, "utttt _ o NiBUtatitt-trrotrsth-rsd, bond?!“ cl at"? Thu in I FIRST-CLASS “VERY STAB]. Mathilda]. . Dun-n, I)... was“. _ " IIIISIQS Inuit-t 3.1 Boner-l Av; Sal. uni. for ad's “kiwi-n Ind huher, “so. Daw a' Lacuna Ala nd . Pork, “our. in. f "u. I: No. 5.8pnrh ' In! the Run“ . on" eity, C. W. . y Eu}. Iqbal", 11.332: and pteet THF, " QUKBN' RESTAURANT, M KAYAIAG". P-'.torHer of 0 News". ad wan-gm- Stmu. opp-in tho man ”an" toth. Gown-cu Mimi-p. YG"sttatm"t-rfy. am" all“. for a Inuk- Beeer. Tho Ila-n bu ballroom oi W Mer, Tb BAR with: nebula-III- inundlhuua'ndonq 1aiiarriiiGFiyveytHt1tte'er, no . . . ,A--.A._uIL.Al-¢.Jh|h._. normal AN" 5411,0035. “0131's HOTEL, - , ll. .\|rl.l"..\N'S 1'01“)! Icons. Mo. l9. - Btree" Nntro Town. Ottawa. “mum. tbe ' Statiott- -"'qF"e""TiT ___-_"' _ _ "i5iiiitj'2'g,"gr'pr,flt11tr, no an out 2'Agldltlll'f. “.th IIOAIII‘I‘ or cum Chmi31‘mlu of an uri. Pinninfono. an. an. Feb. 7. law. “an! 3.31}; R, mm than“ c Bu, - aim Gun-n] h'taittrWBt"r. Alfrod Mm“ "on. Jr..-Prop'tr. Doeesuf,er'21, 186o'. _ " _ is. MCLLIN, 'EPCFIAIT ILILQR, 32" Unit. an ArT'ortisy' i Inna". on": Grth m. York strmrtied door trom Sum: BIN!!!” CARDS. sm'x n n. mum. MACDONALD, "(m-m, ' Muscat-r. cu w.. 1.. u. mums. Pr.- primr. goeomtto Bo W in Comp-l cu. Ps. ll. MuquE V Y, BROKER. Tl I F. ALBION IIQTEI._, G MR. II. R. FR1PP, J Ati: JUIINSTUN'S BU. ll. PERRY. & T. W. KEIR. K N I L ES, Clinlsg'mz, AID & mm, “gm from. and 'rruat knob. on“: "It! I 31-; ltr, chit-I. I " trr l-y 63.utf M-hn The timii- iiiiii' .SIore, THE SUBSCRIBER 'I'Alll TIIII opportunity of thanking his many friends Ind Pttptutttprit for the patronage amended to him lino. ltrsvmmettred business. Ila begs to inform lhmu that be HAS REMO V ED SPECIAL NOTICE. Wheu. and" his own "porvitiom th'o In" ut hit: any Patrons will be lvmmplly and anthrax-[wily Attend-d to. . CHAS. A trs'WN, Apothecary, Rides“ tlt., Mun, - _ _ - . _ - _.-- ll.- Ottawa, July 10, Ma slcc1i_of/lieu'0L.l.)a).lplT)lt, Is the na to Buy farluiaus I TOILET ARTICLES, (k -.PiiirCe,ijrGiG.aiul, the Stuck like: 313.1 but not im‘wrtnl. orshaud, ft If PHIL”! SOIL! FOUNTAIN,. With right dim-rents mp9, tnanurtrtuted on the rumpus. It n n Maui, and omling l-overugo. English a French Chemicals, The New THE SUBSCRIBER han spent-cl In can "abtirbtt.ut " the Mum address. for the talc oi PUhh' DRUGS and cttks'Mi1'ALs', from nut- clun “was. carcfully Iclected bs himself, and m that his competency n a bumusr 1nd, DRl'UHlH‘l’ will give general Iatisfnrt‘mn. being financed hi I mph-nu trom APtrrttr:cAiuFls' 'J,"?' DUB IN. It will be his endeavor m nup- , - ' . ' ard tho but doicriptiou of our article gonnocled with the ban-inns; will“ the 'ifiG')c's'i"y'i' Depart- ment under his 0" roman! "tretrjhtertdyoty will. to mun, man (In madam at the profusion and 'ttttem who In” honor him with their patron-go. J. knows. A h _ . Liam on . Dunn. June I I. _ , '/glll,1', I, Mun. June ll MORTIMER‘S hpirtlttta tittrlllall l A LARGE ITOCI‘ or FRI!“ "AN- DEN And FIELD "llys.lyst Arrived Ind on EE.’ iii gaui Ui/ia/ey tr.iitr "Xi-rm is". - "iiiGi% 2iiiilau Hench PER. ".1ltg,'dltrl',ladi2h' tl'h". s 21.0mm w 4113: - 501999253. ‘ . . DRUG ii'unt1'slli0lJt'slsu', “1mg BRUSHES. NAIL BRUSHES. to" Jun being eT.rted dr, RIDEAU 5731:21- ltmu. SEEDS. SEEDS. 154:6, is. tg.-Adriem to tho I run out... April,". - poo -- THE LARGEST ASWHTXBN'I‘ " DYES in this city on at}. " tl" Ottawa 0mg Warehouse. A (ugh but af Good.Chaap PERFUME?! jun Collins“)! Mum-Inn“. Importer-g and Wholeuk Dalian in Wino, Groceries, Ind (“may 18 Lemon" Street, Mammal. . Mammal. May Td. Isa-6m _ dl. Is'.. mum, , . GENIIIAL Agent [hr Grout Water- Railwny on Cumin. u, 05w. " Gnu. St. James ctruet, Mona-MI. n..m....l, May " 133-6m “In AND. FREE "fiat. iv! v. 17:13.1 may! JUST RECEIVED! St.','iT,Jl"8.','2 to Cone A Tthir, Import- on In! Dealers In Flinn. Oils. Varnish". Glut, to , No. 474. tft. Pull Street, opposite' their old won. Moan-l. loaned. Mer M. 135-, General Commission Agent All, B‘CHAI'GI 3”!!ch _ p Arm (with. European Life and Gun-um Smitty. _ Ft Agent for. the 0mm of Monnn'n Distillery, King-ml. tor the “lo of [lighting and W Iii-thy. . . - .., u..u |:__ "2.1--.. a”.-. ""ri'rGGTin%Gui0iiuua, “New and. Min. Juno " - lat-y Teacher Piano-Pom, Vidlin, (Sac. THOROUGH 3599; l, .. N. .B.--P-tt"t. "rer,,t'thtg',rritrg"- vulva owTAWA Tunsnnvs AND FRIDAYSJ Order: htt It Union Ilium will In panda-ll, ut- tomlodru). t . ‘ than». Jul, M. mm , iii, :0}; iriisd u this . ,II -.. I A Four Dollars and Upwards. avrrrn:iiitaiq.,cE BANK Oahu, Fob. lg, IttM 4tFut __ V ' _ Jiingtrun tot' Sale. Til” CALORII? ENGINE. lbnnurlylgml in the l'm'nn Printing b'.wtsbtiMunrtttt. " ll In lS-luch Cylinder. and will he Iold chap. ' APPLY, To , n. a. rush. J, or It. I. O‘CONNOR. m--., u...- n ma. H! To the premix-s uituntod next door HAM" Ottawa, in“ 21.18“. Hound. My, " JPY, VII! BOOKS. li'llll and lunch. of our! kind. We all the mention of an Lulu 0(0qu- to our Imam. A - -"hB.." Din“ Cajun-c Medici-u, Pm Chen-Itch, MPORTIBS of amend“. Win-.141- Igun. Cigars, 10., in, 25, Hospital strut, Mon- Jtved. an, "b.ft, IMO and. May M. DOMESTIC "YES'. Manuel: mull betcha Column-Ion lurch-m, Monti-“l. . r But Co» by“: Ott. than an ted. NI "NT“ EA I; CA " IDS. savmcs. .QEPABTHEET JOHN DOUGALI, & Cl 'iiGirradijil, iivi‘BNT .mzmlem ( 41 RIDE“? STREET. J. C. FRANCK & Co., Orrin: “on! T','.e.'i"i,l',,'l mm PAST FA- mrs. I bye foul-earn")! to un [mama that I hare Iu-w remind my 'stock for the Summer Timid. ll mm- prisos all the bert and purest 87. Spark: Street. " muses titrver, BALDWIN & Co., Pam-Int rulfnnmm G. 'u. 1151mm, hll‘lis, t't'twt'NF'RY JOHN MERGER, CPu'u' " \V :Sd11-thhw8iinoh; and inure-I. tril in ntioeed on Domain of _ f If. MAY & Co., JOSEPH QMKVEY, M.D. .u., ;..-rroat " “in. to 3 pan. it. V. NOEL, - - "chum “(nuns BRUSHES, Choke Permmeryg Dru 1.: 5mm "iqum‘avtui b. "and Bifvnuu nos. V A YLMrIR, P. I}. 185-, ilu-r ovciuc,i' C. W. VQATIERIBXY,‘ SEPIEMBEE ft is the Jo, Ennis". 4tFut 97-, CHANGE of T) (ltoh and btttil Ill of, nu! an" HONDAY, Jun. 1 will will m " follow: 1 plum". '" From (Mun, 7:00 . n. At Promuq u u P.45 Fm. u " 1 From P-tloo mm. At 0mm.“ " a 2.".'.0 Fm. " t6 ) The time "t [Logo Trains hon bern ml to cumm- eouwiciion with night' "ml an“ Grand Trunk. can! mull west. _ A. tt,d-'t'hr" 'l'rmm run an Moulrml l, ' Baggage to and from muuu mock from and In all wtatiott, on Grand Trunl 1tolurus tivkcls to Pretwott, Rom will wn n! rvulucetl run-n mm le hall at rho pl linmnn th line.. 3 , T.. s. Damon mu n, June I, Giant! hunk Ulm t Ol A N " A I-"I'E" MON "A y. M Twins will Ion"! b'vrinvent"ret st, hm: '. - SUMMER nllll,l)l'lilt _ ' mum wast. _ Day Expresl tor ogdeus.hurgh, Ottawa; Itrd.kvitte, Kingatgm. 1lvlleville, Tw rumu. liuvlph. Lumlun. Hrnnn‘unt (huh-rich .1 Hull alo, Detroit. (‘hiongm Nix!!! ‘Ah-umm [mm Trams tl _ . P, ;st ‘7; J ' , Fte'c? id' . .~‘4:‘L 115M? . Train: " Jim-him M I A.M., 9.00 .31.. 12.00 h'ood.'.'"olt PAL. 5.00 P. M., and IL. 0 P.N. . _ an... 3.00 P.' J.,Trairt rllnsl‘hrlughlo I lamb-"1P. J“) Nd SHVTII AND RAB" . Exlurcss hy I') hwy tlrrouglurut for '.o '. York, Buz’uu, and MI iaturmudiat . Pointy, "(mum-tin}: m Ft. Johns wit Vennuul Crntral linilruaul, M. Bur lingtnn with the Rutland nle Bur '. Hugh-n 1titiirrol,alyowittttiurlttsy Chzunplnin Steamboat: for Lak ae"rstis,tUratoruNew 5.30 15*. Areomntodativt1 Train fur Llama Port and Itttcrtrtmliattt Stadium. at........... 6.45 A.M. Expren for' "oetort and lutertuedisu V Points. eutintsetin;r, at St. Jun"! um . tho Vermont Central Railway]. nt..., 8.30‘A.M. Mail Err Portland, Human; “var night a _ bland Ptil,........,_.'.....-...-..... 2.00 P.M. Exp?!“ by railway tttruuglwtttdGr Ken . ank. But-tun. and MI lnwnnedinlo Points. siututeting at M. John: ‘wllh . Vanuuut Ceptrul Railroad, at Bur- liugtnn with the Ruth-I’M! and Bur. Iiugmn linilrnml, also at “one? Point wig) Lake t'hsrrwlains'ouun" _ Fr ' (ivargo. Sunday Nut York. he., at-..-'-..,-...,....) 3.30 P.M. .si'tlvt,t',,n', fur Thu-c Riven, QuobocJ . via-re du hmp tusd (t.',tilJ,tl/tiiill'ill', P. . 'IS" tuerepiugCars on all Sig n' rain .3553: about“! thruugh. y _ _ For further, iaformat'um, and time of iral “a departure of." trainit " Termini and 'hy Sta. may... the Grand Trunk ‘Rnilwny B k " Tim Tablet is, 2,6. deal Mail Up of Steamers between . . ' Montreal and 01101130.: RIUIIEIJIEU COMPANY. Pli"dl THE FIRST ori' INA". AND UN- til otherwise ordered, an Summer: will leave 'ht,',",!';,',' In fulluwi l ‘ i I he Steamer QI'EIIBC, Capt. J. B. IAIILLI."|“ leave the Itirhetieu Pier, opium the Jumping-Cu- tier Square. fur Qualmo. ovary Manda]. \Vodnasdly, and Friday. at 7 pm" naively. culling. going and returning. at Sorel, .rl,"r',?it, Risers, and rihstuetn, Pmcngorl whining to lake their [1331qu on board '00 Ocean Steamers. m queheu-xnu depend on Mn; in tim. in taking tlscir [mm-go by an. boll; " than will!» a Tender to who them to the ate-Inn wilihout a", rterltt: _ .. - ' 18tiu' The under MONTREAL. 0. w. BounNIuol. will luv. our, Tuesday. Thuusny. ml 85mm]. " T o'clmk, p.m., precisely. fut Quobeb. calling. suing. Ind returning. It the Pom of Soul. Th!” in", Bad Batiscuut. r" FAN-23 , l Cabin Pe? and ope;- mm“ in Gentleman“ cub- in Included)..................................,$2.50 Bt--...-..--.,----,-::" 1.00», This (3bmpnny will-nu be scmumsblmfor twin or valuabluu. unless Bills of Lading, hula; the VAL“. 1xrrryseero tinned mum. " n. I. n For 'rflr'iiiiriliruii7iTiiiFG the :Richollou Company's Off-re, 20$ CoattnrGionerg Strul.‘ r v‘I V I -" I Olico Rich-Men (‘mnfmny, May It, was. -""""- "Vee'---"'" _ I Corporation of the Township of 10rrueoter will proceed In ti 'rrr',.N' o‘eloclrmn TUES- IJAL the Ill. , l ' f SEPTEMBER. A. Ir., IBM. or n that: c that day as any be cunvenio n gun a "pin asublirh turd open I [m Wdorar. Forty 3 wide. on the uni: lino on Lulu Nos. Thin». mi Fun-won. in the " concession of (Hon-water an front, "tradi the public highway. k In tho Mmstr ml, in a Suuthogly direcuo the Gov- ernme Iowan“ for rand between th int um! Dated at (Muenster. this all Anglia. Ap, 'hum, I og'g'-ottr SATURDAY In A but I Imall VAMSh', with end um inglho mum ot WN. Mct',AWNiY, IWE1 (Alton from on board tho manner out). Any pun-an giving Inch infummuon " I it: recover? will be suimh‘y rewarded. App yto DENNIS WUAL' (I! 2121f Ride-I TIT; l'NDICIISIGNch IIAVIN‘E Pl'll- CHAN-ID I2 acres of hurl. on which [ o inund- unning n 1 (inn-(Inn 2'ce N "aisttvy In Gloucester. Green Field, County " Carleton, cull! the tsttentionior Ilia Jet- lsahitautaM' tho Clty uf “mum. and "rroundiug mpnlry. Ila will fulIrll orders " all so u ot Fruit Truss, onuueu'tal and Lawn Trees, Flu " Shrub. w'ith I ehoiee bt of Bulbs, and Hamlin t Punt. fur' Borders: nlim 1ierhreious Plants. d Enamel". Both. "a human un hand I Inge um ordnan- homo Plants. I 1 Imutilyuf (lurdeI|,Flgl-l sud Flow- " Scull trt' the Lost assoription. Putin tuning ground: laid out in the new“. Iton or land-keep- l , tangent“ with ll rafting, Plies: Ind tq,'.".".",', I'm be rumplly attended to. Ila. mw “In" II 1"'.tt 0(1)"le in unsun fur mlo, at th hm In! " a of Clement Bradley. 1-7-41. _L on"... Mini: 24. mm 334! A M. 7, - H ----l--- mum“ no rump: MESRJ'ORK- "" .. “i I s.CMtthRTrr',, ' ' Rule Agent, No. 5 s uk- WOOL . N. B.-.Parti" will plouo In" tidy onion be. fou G block. 9.3.: ' I’m-IBM] . iGt Jt itirritf, by " and ull vdhun. Wm. " until-1394! "I’M-1:194! ciuhc Norrtufe'r"F1 ”union-41. 212tr n. {noun " Iunnm. . owl'- MEAL AhHrf'_ol'sh'-MOL. awgtrtb'taAC"tNB'e PALE ttr/it AND 1yutTRlt,ivrrtod nndlmttlo,dnli [rod in In, d, W4 LOOK HERE m' : _ " '7 J li >‘â€"~:A 7 - rT ,. f. r - / o sfif. t m .4 agilll , 2h 4ilft'iifirfett' _ ' - l it. -tre','1' /, -» Mie mu il y. a ' 'tl / " lily' ri‘lli " " F, i'i'gr , lg . 'tei' a, W523 _ 332.52'1'311“ ‘ Lre, '/' :1? Us: GOI 3mm} . 1tNe,"fg?fei',1k _ I OF CAEADA. ',',l'-'re, us. Juiririti)uiirif.giil IiiMitLh'iFa'rriiil , _ d0 tgt...........,.,......... itm Train fur Kingslun and [hut-‘ Nun-hing at T A..W, 9.00 For» "in by " i'ZA ll ICES. Within two milnn "tthe city. For tale by. irvriiiiw' 'r. Denmzv. .r.'D.LAMERl-}, ' l l Genonl Maegan. c. J. BIH‘DGES.: H. CHRISTIE. y. cmusrm, 3stusgutg1tireetor. twit'r.tttl NILE": Rm!!! Strut. No. 5 Split}:- my. (ME. 19743475 Led through l RIilw-y. o Ind mu- rimipihtu- m. n mm, rub. , 9:30 an 5.00 " lie05 my moo-p.61. urrnngml as , train! an nmpany ilto EN'I‘S. " toft, ion " tsd 8.00 A.M 8.15 PM 9. 10 3.30 P. " t'irturitt. [ill load to [or Fat, _ Strut. 'ENING mi, but- rr',C. Wu l 866. lit-1f " (Tupi tal WK Allis: Iqow lANl’l-‘AC'I'UBIHO " THE ABOVE FBI] and CHOICE VARIETY of tho following Goods, which far bounty of do '%serior Workmanship) CANNOT I”: SI'RPASSEI) t B A T EI S , ' '0 W r: MW, MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. spnrkling. J'or Stloonl, Public Buildings, llouulaold ttt mm and ornamental. Rsilwly Complain, Bud (the?! And people under their one in View, In lulicltad to CAI all“. or nut. _ t , Toilét and F Bed-Z Cooking Stoves! Cooking Stoves in: “my" upcil‘ uremia. to I“ Had: of JOBBING. ROOFING, k'av1mtuuuK8, STEAMBOA'I‘ WORK ', Inc "ert d.rorilttort of Tin, Shoot Iron and Coppor Wu. on hand. and and. to order. Milk has, Milt Salim". Pull: uni Jaiiu, rsi,fi:, Sup! Koala, Agricultural Fungus. Sunni Show... Custom Pump, an! MI hi I of Dniry Humil- mud. 9 order. m URDEK 'tu mum noon mm iF W: PURE)“ BILLING OUR PMiENT srocx or _ s-rovss " REDUCED nun , u . THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. f 35, SUSSEX swim. H. MEADOWS é: TOO. _-__ .. " . w... - 62-r mun. Much l, 1366. C,riiFiriaiirii,hltl.rffttoe, Propriuor. Gnu Mano Ind {run a. ttea" In. of slurp. Dumber“. tMse, -we-- __ _ i! LATELY KEPT " a. '" DOBIEY, Hull landing, All-mu J. Laos, Propriotm. 'ar Bull Room, Bailing Allin. Psi-lot skim. Pre-me Ring, Clinics“ Winn And Liquors. Hull. Mn, 1866. 1704f Tl I K RUSSE LL HOUSE, _ lLt'R' CAMP-ELI”! HOTEL, Ottawa, C. W. The Indpnignod. propriotot of tho Above-mined Matching-loan to ttttit', hu nu- meroun friend! Ind the lruollinalpub mun! " bu te-plinud Ind uor1r-turuue1 toughen! thinnin- nodiolu otaMtahut.est, in the minagoment ofwhich by strict attention to bu-ineu and gnaw, h. hop» to dour" "tsour-ttheel?:.',";., his! , and or was year- “than” with l 'gf.ft We]. Pelee: Strut, We. J DUN M ALTMAN, LAT! B-AN'., Cowl "only Puck-alum. F The “on Wuhan. of tho on.“ Ind Runyon" In Panning, Ina bun lowed by tho undo pod :an tg,g,e,tgi,1'P21 And "my! toe an up oillsoeomm Idol: or-te. THE TABLE A D BARwill a ullllml be “ml-bod with the vary bot the murku IHW.. 0000 STABLING and I awful “all" “I!!! In Enhance. MIN: TROTTII. .gtorgt"prrtrM$t" No. 7|.Fparh we». Dub-rut Building, IT,!,',".'?:, an Valium»: Buildings The Toronto I..." nomnr'nu anything IIOGOIIII'] in I in!- 1va l HGD'I‘BIJQ A N " SAIADONVS. Mus. GRANTS SALOON, GEORGE STREET. Choice Wines * Liquoryl’rige Cigar} Ar" lumen-bu an plus. land. . (7mm or Cum-rim. Purim: NOTICE To vm: , h 'gilt given “All the Court' of GENERAL QUABTE SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, uni! COUNTY COURT, in and for "mail County or Carleton. will In hatch-Ln, the Court “mane. I}! ltr Itif pity _of J,r.t.etgtt,P0,h noun. nun-e. Iu IIIV "I... v", _. v.v..“_, W DA), tho ELEVENTH day “SEPTEMBER. 1866. .1 tho-hour ot’l'ux om.- eloek. l.m.. of which Bit cdro-,Bsitiirtr, ConIublu, And all other: eon- eornod no muted to “In none: Ind govern them-cl": ”cordially. _ “ION PM!“ 'JAIH‘BAIUEF. ._. Shanon”. om". July. fltte_', MM. - Provlnoinl Talon-hm Line l, -_ OFFICES t 69, You mums; tl til at. You. 50.. Manual. l 7 sun. 1mm. W9 an up” to Ina-no. the ”Ingenu- on} Provinclsl Tolognpll um to MONT AL. "dieiiiiiiti'Jiiiiii-"o"'"ath"tt MINI, cane Vim!!! 1lqt,hAlltt!!.l,i. a"-.. ""'" - . ._-__- ---" af,'2't""" may luv-rad Ind pun-pay a. WuCABLl Hun ' on". July mth 1869. TON, In FILTERING- COFFEE PO' L IT M B E R M E N t WILL BE DEALT LIBERALL Y WITH Full SUANTY SUPPLIES , . CHARITABLE 'tqtg'g'g'X'CPW0N" will ttrd itto tttHr MIAMI” to deal u ttse " CAPITAL" T STOVE DEPOT. A Liberul Discount is 31"}. allovodou Blt utiehn 'm'lha"d. 510mm: HOUSE, _ DRIER orete,te." P".1et.feo"'" Go to the " CAPITAL! T HE WRIGHT nova; SITZ NOTICE. TORONTO HOUSE. For Making a Good Cup o., .” Stove Depot,35, Sussex St., Ottawa, WATER COOLERS ! $lrotarritns, Liquors, AN D PROVISIONS, Wholesale and Retail. SPARRONV‘S BUILDING: Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets, l SPARROW a ($00., l‘obmuy 2t,1868, Om: Spring Stock} I I FIN ’13 SIIO‘V v, " THEE}. Mum, FARMERS, ATTENTION I THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE IN THE CITY! , AND IMPROVED KIND. They will he? the "In delicioully cool nd Me Buildings, llouulmld or Domestic an" t and: unrivalled, hing both ilwny Comp-mu, 5nd mherbwho but. the bum: and comfort. of mental"! in View, In Inlicltad to CALL AND EXAMIXE THEM. whither they put» d-Room éetts of J spanned Tinware. DIFFERENT PATTERNS. JOHN MALYMAN, MEADOWS & co. b b. O'Hara old homo: fl 'sriiiir" "FEM". If co.gte, retaining all the Aroma THE ABOVE PBII‘IIII A DUIAILI b, which far bounty of design, utylo of hill. and Dlummu. Dunn. NMIOI ll “BIIY GIVII 'grae A m. Excellency an Governor Gown}, by. a Order I- Could] bond-g thin dly'l date, in you plan-0d to on!" Ind dimet that, with the View of omrqing tho inuoduclion into the Province of the very Import»: irnttryTHurrtt of Stan! Cum"- tion, Sum Plopghlng MlchiMl and their splur- wnnnool N'glompt frolm import duties " I pried REIBEr} hot! by m. BATIIS. 300 if clut- yon' nylon 6300312138; TOBAGGOS. m. Comicrcial Engage, 'tgsdwtt,', INI'I‘I'I‘UTI. AWL. Itheurti V m mudion mm the B Interim- Gun hafnium. " Moron-Io and: . ) Tl,' " I’I‘U’I'ION " D In YO In y iar"rttothoe9rietiw . _ 'rr", ' B1581 ass Education. "tattsi u ot in Comm .0 on Continue on 1ii'iri'i' tll man le'. chnndi ' MB I11... Milting, Por- warding. all"; and Commit-ion, mum-dry. BtsLntroatItW Arithmetic: Pomona- ship, Buninowmr-gmctmudu I", Talc: (rushing. "My. An., Ind in under the chug. of Tucker. i.ue.d " I panic“ u well u s thou-cued knowlodn at the tint-inn! tho count- tti,"d',',t, For cimhr, And npoeimon of 'wr'uin‘ n nan, ""'"1'h'lth't _ MIR " l WRIGHT. Tomato. Manual. or Ottawa. tf, 1866. LIQUORS. B. runs. Plinth!» on". Ottawa, In] . Ge nut.” 77 7 on.“ Ottawa, Donn-bur. Im- Pumaun-ll " KOTIAI. you Btrh " the on". Manny Wombat. Te', ABOVE REWARD WILL BI paid to my person or pouch: who III, and. od deliver unto the undersigned an body of tho In. DAVID “WEBSTER. of the City of on;- w... or to any pom or per-om the will gin not intonation n In.) Ind t , the about", of tho Maw. The Mid David lug-hut». u {or In em be mind. w" In: nun an! the Hull 31340., and Anonym- u boat I“ found, in which 1n.- his cloth... ruck. Ae., OM from other elm-m it n hollowed that p, Mm" maiden! he In amn- " in the 0ttaxraB1"t., _ .. .. - " on“. Allin I. an, All huh; pow-u "tua. Itltr FINANCE DEPARTMENT. CUSTOMS. Ann log pun. 'Mqto.u.". . u that. Cl.- " qr. - an. _ 300 Gno- an: Bin. :00 Rod do do. ' coo Imdy lot 500 cunt do. In Ohm-m- 0m. Ion, Art, A OIIIIAI. [100' or TWO SIZES. THREE SIZES TWO SIZES. I THREE SIZES. as, THREE sgzns THE- ONE SIZE. FOR SALE $200 REWARD. ..,._ -iirrrhiueng, V IL 8. M. BOUCHETTEV Coma-Jim: of Cunnin- and Excise on", no. AIM 1066, Mry has D. muons-nu. m. WE?, ! i" Ill 3 1866. Till ' " Sf'dle1'it u can: VICTORIA " [on- Ounwl every momlng, guild”: ex- comd). " 6:30 Lam, fur Grenville. ( "akin! on hand). than. t Built-y to Carillon, ermoertitttt with Slammer " time of Wnlu," (Dinner on bond) arriving calming-I at 4:30 p.111, The comfort and economy sir thin Lino in unsur- passed, lhilo as. route [new thiougtt on. of an ',l'a2'g,t,',,t up (“yids in Cumin. undia the no“ 'l'2'i'l,;lih'l, for ourim. -iGiG aging“ of I plenum trie an obtain Mum Tit-ken mot Ottawa to GNIVIHO or Curr“- |on_, valid " guys). ft. in}! an: ' . iiGin.rt $33031, "e, 2: 1866. " ;‘ : DICKINSOIS’S ' Hideau Passage (h Freight a OTTA WA CITY y CITY: OF OTTAXVA, " . 5 (Cn.J. Run.) --' u Tir:'ar-r'p?C9_TAr2sr, I) Tun INVI-KAMED l'l'EAMEItI will pm " follow. between oa-u ind King- ston, culling u all int-di." Poets, Ind moon- ing u Smith's "any with tho Brmkvillo Ind on." Elihu“. "I . t ‘~ " CITY OF orru WA” balm: (Mail City every - and Thundny It T I. an. Inkling " Kingston u 11 I. m., the follt'win‘ til}. I' . ' - -. I a _ __ ll,,_Aj__ .__A ”_;A__ -5 mun“... -- -, . not": 1(an "or, Tuesday Ind hid-y u , p. I... urn-hug u Ottawa mt ovotirtir. 91 t p. I. . j " BY- ro WN" laurel Ottaw- City our, Wounds, - urdny. It T I. in, "rirlug " Kitsgitin e I, lollowin; der. , - . . "HER-'5 iiiG T Ion ovary, Honda, " l2. new, and Thur-city. '18 p. In. And Brririrtg " mm. on tho {alluring owning " it p. In. Connecting with thiitorit basil Linn "kfetlt on " in awn. going u war I ovary urn-in, [ nibbling mmur 'l'dl%'r. ' _ " --. A _ - _ ___. ,A .rt--t- _:A 1L.“ The}. -tPuaPsoetu.t Kingston with the Through Lino Stunner: Ping Eu: Ind Wet-I;l Balm" "In, of Quinu' for Pieton, Bpllorille, Hid Truman; Ind with the American unwr- for Outage, Reckoner, Ind Loni-mu. _ . II I - 1-,,sil. 17“ A“-__ _III ...a iGTG my... freight frmrg Omu um and it pull, to sir “anus. to and by thin lino, nun being lot and no wind“: . tl'"g,'d; Pulp" ticket“ t'ltrlfg to “that“. Por HT. fpit'ta1t"lllt'ti to. pply to . SWIFT, " Litmus. Wind} [inputs , JAB. RAT". Snith'l hm; or u an frog-ism. . n K. DICKIHION. . , Clo-l Ruin. (Mutt. on". Aprlljll. 'l 91-. 314D LI'N E'! DiiJ1CINtiO.N'S OTTAWA AND RIDEAU, 1866 LAKE CHILL“! ROUTE. Elston Steamers and Fifty Barges, AU'ed'J,','tt, A DAILY DIPLRI‘UBI tor tamper! o! hlght from loan-ll mom- 15, And nit pom: on tho Eldon Cull, at do: m. n I'll-hum ."ar, COMI Mum. I "u.. 994 at... my, Ibr- . Pun-pl “dining Pl “I. Him '3 - OTTAWA AND KINGSTON, ,'.t'tht,', nll the Pan- on the Unload-g an» 'read.' imam {an tings-El ttp. “EA .. . "BESSIE; liar. "7.7; 7.1.; with 3m wind-o be plmd on {go New Clad. tor tht noggin citrus, tt Froightlu) 3nd from Otuwt GTaauf iGfGik Ill'l “pol-u. an... 'de'ht"M Je,,,':.' Eu the Emma tug mm‘u Ewe-d will b. up: “(an OTTAWA Ind GEES LLE " the to" - l'aT, Timber mm, Saw en In. In at him to thy “my, ._Llhl pr 1'00. Btr'iigriraGaiul Arith Fargo. {on-in I FREIGHT LINE Won Oman. mod. ant be, And Bil porn on lak- chulpldn, the than!» tittrftri9eerste 2.15:: TR?.",','.:,,. I.-. ateet of Ravi lumber. and och-r gaudy. Por puma-tun. trt to OBO. UBACII, Co nal Buin, Mauro-l; Al‘s SWIFT, Ar,' " LI'NDOI Wharf, Klingon; In] JAB: ATE. smur- mu; W. D. W DELL, Anne. Gown-'0 Buildings. Pour RM‘QIa’boe I ’ Or to tho Proprietor, . I. gk. 'DICIIIIOI. , ' ' Gnu Bum. Mug; " i80 he? B "r_ATtet.....-.....-.e--. o Matt,,..'...........-) J. B. - 0 TARACr,...................Cirt. J. M. Luna. F I . an “no “can PM all Ton.- to, " blinding pom. Inning Ogden- bu lulu, "In! on Arrival of the trun frmn tU out " l p...- ard Ott/rm a Page»: o'hrqW1tarNt IM pm . Ton hing " Mortuary Mdllo. Alex-tr m Bar, Cluylon. 1i,'a'"t Sasha's Huber, 0n cum, I'm; eon-oath. " lacuna with“ foe Bay “Quint It Outer: with the "rNo ' Erma kiln-J (or Syn-nun, mm. “any. I New York. tad Bing- u-mnm“. my . “wwpt‘wu G iFriGiTrr,i", Gain 7,3nllloindthe Wei . ta',".",".'.' 1' i',jFtti)litii,i, ifiiiitiiiii I. I. m u . an... WEB WAMN,........... ..i - Dner. r “muss.......:...:....2..g.cnpc. c.. Egan} trg,eistriiiriiriia'2ti,y'i ”I'm " 'gontrotl; “a the 0. an Baum“ to Bil [mints In. . fusion-cub Hound tad I“ pollu- Wu! tor Am.- my. . Thu “In of ‘05an " a mu Bdetutta I an Mi ' J/rt,': the I. 1:"de or 'M. not wag vi ruin-u. II he.. to th- Gun. ' for up“. on. mm]. The Mouton-I nud not...» 1tq,t'rg',t Iooud by no: of "pdetstts. rot-thin! or unit undo- term-Jun And on or" tethqir - :1. " mi t or to " l Lima. Mm. . p raven-r, be - In“ by loudr cl. In eiii'tttThtUtaglttutu."g=; with; to no Pint Cl'ul Hudson-on. w tle-huge how Pup-Ila"; in uk iir7aukre"routiu-'u"Fut" - P. v. unmx, (haul W A"... 11.}. tumor. 00-1 an“. on... R. Y., guy I. , lull-I'- (rt. I”! B.ndiqs It. was! MIN} “Ht l MTAWA RIVER. lAVlGA'l'IOI: "HWY"! In“. srnAlmlu. 1 tWA TO MONTRE Aug. Bonn, Count-um»; LINCE OF \VALES," rEmN VICTORIA,” All) AFTER KAY It. All) UNTIL ,mlur Moo. tho Ontario Eton-bout Co.- vul run their tug. and emu-Minu- lid.- utumon, \ m ”um. grnnnnorr “IRAN w. HMER ARRANGEMENTS. AMERICAN grams LINE. , Tho luv fun "in" Shun-r- R. W. Bum-nun, Communist ' nonlu A": IA". on nun- . cuss cm of nut morn“. Ap- lo a. lelu'I‘OI IAEPRIII”. STEANIERS. “I up": cum Ethan 31655;; tl, Lend ONTARIO [Established in M44.) 't" noes cont-1! of in. Tam. Faun.) II'I’WIIN AID ck KING: R. w. SHEPHERD. 160tt 4ti'I't LN v'AL. 1866. 1866 1 Mit. l PRICE-3 CENTS' 1866. @StNIeorEds- tkia, ', - CACOUNA. Te, In vocal-r: Intuit: In. nun fur th and Itrge,pph:, will be "writ-d " an mind“ Fwiliu no lbs tellttig PM: on)" mu JUNhirt. " UUtiutit H103 In bu pron-Med for La- 'ti', 3;?an u Guano! PM”. 81W. - F um? in; runn- In boon} tted up w Min And Ge men. Ont ibum in “wreath-u with llnnol to nu from and” P to uni inn" mum only ersred, F j A. o'KraLL a Alum ' MIG- ILAcuA-gAID an. IIII‘I‘. MISS BENNETT. min " band uni .dmtBiiuq u limited “but of ”In; India. to than nor-l amd [oliga- mulling. on can a [ Wad principIn, t ' durum their "tmm-ent.- I “an. The domestic "ra-rr" Mthe mnblmhr l, new an under thet porno-l mqreruemtde- at l In. Busin- (I Vida.) ' arb- gnu. up“. 5 one; in tho nun-gamut or children maiden her l trdlg2 well “Al-ted to [m uomfun M l 'trite..' ofthe" emu-nu in “II. The outs. l bray d'Tutquay in too well than to Indictlptu- " may " att put- of the in“ 'orottuo no. not. . no can. u inn-notio- eaupdlel . thumb " lush! Mandel. with Punch. he has. " rl Eng. per nun-I, [mythic half-yin], in ud- . vsm. include In! " Church. Inn-dam. sad at! It" 10090056“ Inch. Dru-inf. tm' on [ mun trg,rd " the Gown-mu tohm a on An.; ' M ie, Old“ and Gum-g. out £5 In" an In can. The nation: will lac/in to.“ u . amd a ml at Chin-u. Plplll It I. during an Miami" w u..- “at. i Should st ho duirod. I'td “in: win "e My” , unulli uran- 'I aid Ao not (Ill‘ /ift1%TtlliJl.',' 117Altggrto , _ teasod the lpnrlmu Hotel ll um 'rdtt-krtrrmu, . ‘ng-phwn, has thvrwghly lemma tUmar-u 0d t llllle, And will be [acquaint to t ice. “up; III ' tr_otsiaittrtrr no " utant lam June. Thin cl, whieh wiIl .eeommod “mm In": Me “can, in pictumuiucly li d him pom! 't'l'il'te' iug u tmatpsrttetst View "ram; Huh: a. ei ics nll’urdod tor huh. ing. shut Lung or All In Maul-puma. T nou- an lug..- u airy, In" ' Lued with every n-v 'te,,",',:',',,' - to emuti cannula-um. rttngeteA" have do» - " the pa- lnguem. "lithe: at tho M, ring the mum-cl lea-m. of Htpyrinertt Pb; E a. beached Ima- Juan 2. ta-lun June I EDUCATION IN ENGLAND iAT Tile REID BOUT! iieettttEsdEs m kindir t-utud to the tat lwin‘: The Bi‘ht nomad the Loni thop cl Juana. Braden, Tor Tom-11y; The ttight no" “Id 0. T. 6 r, In“ ”May of “In. Edgy new, no" 'll'1'lToXr,'lt'P., ho Burton-U. a tur'ia, D. h2tth't', Cal-motto: “In. t.- quay; In. h2p,','t'g.ea"tietu'e out. RM. B. N. “an”... {at pour-tint sop-- an. RN. R. N. Phillému. (at will: noun- has of Christel”. quit-.9. W. M I.“ iii: a an amp}. emu, e main Mod hating mid-d ist up in... Ars. Black-nag a'nmm.m mu. m mwomy In. ”non-I u . “the - ul can and alumina “and up chilly! u Pull-[C IOTICB " " I. y GIVII that default hula; boon II o in ply-oat " ma with)“ money "J (new: mentioned in a law M nah ham T to sun s4ttre Cl” " Oman, Anthea, uf the m pm. Saul: 'urrietrtitorrt, In. wile. a“. . at] them In: but“. - wly.ol lb MM.“ Rich-ti S.CMICII,0( the City " can... liq-in. of the t.rtdraheSttr, Poet.- on the “I “do Duly my“ In umber Pony-on m an Noni lid. of Storm an in the City It Ot- uyu. the sold Id.- of [and till, (I Prep. a! We: " ah mind in no and Imp“ mm by pubhuteertiorattlto LII Ola-o! Wit igeeoitittot_.ideMRu.eg_i't an “id City at on". a. mason the run» D)Y “SEPTEMBER all. It TWEkVE o'clock nun. II _ Dub. mm “Sonny-u.- ah ll be " Pt upon» at (In [Inch-nu. - in: their our“. I Lorna-Invoc- the Home! A” uni the corner at "tmtt. ”(I late-U- an“ Mapped loll-r0 bum I In I,",'.'.,' an Jib l luau»! Thte, Olen. o- r y m, ' B GOLD Ills ' inlaidwith hair. In": " A, R. I"... e K. 3.." sugared mun» emi- ', upset-Ly ' ‘bythoov-run moo-Sr Thriller villi. I suitably and“ on Inn-g h um. elm. Gentleman’s Prunella Genghis "in. m. as... tia.. . Pow-Ir a. an - 8 poul- warm-um “all: u. m u!- only. V W. A. ROM, ( “who! for BM.“ ti. MI. mum. Ann-t M. amt ”an. Aug-n " $qu NEIXT‘AND COOL Ladieu' Bilmorals and Congrats t In Kid. Fri-Ills. Sod. to” u . 'I‘IIB an» m. Wham yul "at noon BOO" " allots l, my Had. (a a the 'tciiiiiiiiiii Jitui . or m at - um “ED 'lfotr,1'r'2r'S"fd,l"dlT f W RED B()()T l 200 BILI. or In" no P-III AI PISS POI-tlc, m. t6-800tf ttttn-sh-A, rmmw by LKUy.Iq..don-u Ann. A Lang In?! or Groceries & Liquors 'I'ORQUAY, DE 'ro.StrM"tF, BEL BROWNIXG, - A - _ I PWov-oftkm ( "UrGiaai i. an»... mun. July I: QUIICRIBEK. "gayrirtsc all Ill? WHITE CAIVAI salon- in the any "I wld u V on' IAL'u3 " 2,500 BAGS LIVERPOOL BALI. SEA BATHIML 1866. Ag! yin: o_n heg 98 (a an“ 'ntlllilli, m Propridoi Unaw- llml. new“! ' '40-;- 'r-sea-u-.-"'"'- “Mum-ma IILI. 0F IIII All, VIII. 15mm Bauh'mm " 0mm T" I: Ill-ill BOOT. SALE. BUritrte we, mum nun D. unfunny E. IOOILLIVIAI Pr, it ". Ill-C- 3-3:; um- MIM- Melt“ chalet "I luv

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