AN 2 p Inâ€" f Jawes Bauirr, Deputy Sheriff. i M?Ol-. Ottaw a, z September 10th, 18366. : PW BLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEX, that the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, and of Assise and Nisi Prius, in and for the said County of Carleton, will tu. cc PRiDAT, ns NERETEENTH day of 00. wa,. on FRIDAY, the N lx‘ 0Câ€" TOBER next, A.D., 1966, at the hour of TEN of the clook, a.m.; of which all Coroners, Magistrates, Bailiffs, Constables, and all others concerned, are nqohdbhhuï¬u.ndpnnmu- cordingly. SIMON®FRASER, _ * BAZA A R FANCY COODS ! Electroâ€"Plated W are ! SHEFFIELD HOUSE, Very _ TEAS, .. COFFEE .1 : > 'rfll:g' ure Mountain Berr world."â€"London Times, March 16. _ We are constantly receiving supplies of this wumeom-â€"ulj -}p-'n'-b, ' i 'f FRESH ARRIV AL ~â€" .,-mmmmmum and renders it the ravoRIT® WITh ALL COPFXE DRINKâ€" BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIO N * Xs it is imported by no other firm in c-* BLOODS LOXDON sTOUT. â€" BARCLAY‘S LONDON PORTER + ALLSOPS PALE ALk. BASY EAST INDIA. f DoOW S CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALE. DAW‘S SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE. DaW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & sTOUT BSF* ‘This is the finest Buack Tes over i 5s per pound ; in small Caddies, about Suitable for the forthcoming Bazaar, At TWE R T00 Chests Giood Strong TW ANKAY. 100 Chests old fashioned BREA Just Received from Eng 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE. ROBINSUN & CO,, STEWED Do: | ROAST P: TS. ROAST o#m * ROAST| PARTRIDGE. AT TW® WINCIES & FLANNELS ! Aberdeen, Knickerbocker and Fancy Wincies ! % * s ALL WIDTHS AND QUITE N‘V{; ALSO J White, Colored, and Fancy Flannels 1 New Wincies. Â¥ew Wiuses. New Fall Prints. New Fall Prinis. OTTAW A, August 18. BEST AMERICAN COTTON YARN GREATLY REDUCED A‘T CUNNINGHAM & LIND8AY‘S. One Case Choice Fancy Dress Goods ! o 4 TWO CASES CLOAKINGS. THREE.BALEs arey coTTtons. SIX CASES ENél.IS_H FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. 1866. NEW FALL GOODS. 1866. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW WINCEYS, NEW DRUGGETS, GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO. 1866) NEW FALL GOODS. (1866. 0D and 1 1 Sussex Street, OTT A W A, 1 2th Septr., 1866. + Canadian TWEEDS in Great Variety ‘ CANADIAN ETOFFS, Light and Dark, .. | _ AMERICAN COTTON YARN, COLOURED COTTON YARN. OTTAW A, August 22. RANT & HENDERSON, sSTOV ES . CH EK A P FORâ€"Ca*SH. STOVES AND LAMPS AND WILL BE OPENED ina FEW DAYS. WHOLESALE AND Good wages gi CHARLES ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, AUGUST 23rd, 1866. P AIN KILLER ! | AT THE OLD PRICE. sayâ€" BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND worrHLEss IMITATIONS. ao on 656. DUTIES EREDUCED TO 15 PER CENT. PERRY DAVIS‘ 4 VEGETABLE J A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF HAVE JUST ARRIVED, IMPORTED SINCE THE REDUCTION 1N THE DUTY. ESMONDE BROS., 43, Sparks St., | Opposite Ontario Bank., BALE WHITE SHIRTINCS. . (Late Jas. Brough & Coâ€")) ARE SHOWING A LARGE® ASSORT» wanted. Also, two m;-l Boys. 1 Y ARE NOW SHEWING obs,:.| > _ _ NEW PRINTS, © , 4e ~ NEW COTTONS, 4 § NEW FANCY FLANNE JUST OPENED. No. 20, Sparks Street. IN GREAT VARIETY, CANADIAN FLANNELS, Ailt, CANADIAN COPTON BAGS, o R f CANADIAN TWINE BAGS, ] CANADIANX COTTON YARN, â€"â€" | Magee & Russell. CLOOKs ANDJEWELRY IX EVERY YARIETY. | ALSO;â€"â€"ELRCTROâ€"PLATED WARE & FANCY G0O0D8, AT YOUNG & RADFORD‘®S. .‘ en sPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. *otluwt. Soptenbfr 5." lal â€ly- 2 No'-ncu.â€"_u.l. rartigs , HAVING claims against the Estate of the late A ~ ANDER BCQ'FE are requested to send in the same forthwith to the undersigned. Ottawa, September G OTTAWA AND AYLMER _ | ON TRURSDAY, 20ru SEPTEMBER, Tï¬ll PUBLIC £ARE PECTFULLY informied that havé been made with the Union. Forwarding Company, for an Exâ€" currion from Ottawa and A to Dulmh.m ‘rboobjoetdtht:llphhmuu.un p a rate as h‘:udu e, a few days healthful recroaâ€" tion with the enjoyment of the romantic and picturâ€" ue -mry?&ohr-hfld.t‘lr Ottawa. o bro engtmnnt M mt t t t ‘s 7 eb pate S é Parties who desire to visit Des Joachims 'im ember that to .mmm the steamer Pontiae, at they wht Ihare %-.o.w.a...a., morning, and thus avoid all ay. l‘.ill&â€"l'ml Ottawa to Pembroke and return, M;MMMW.D&JM tiomen $1 each ; Ladies 50 cents each. _ . a The tickets from Ottawa to n-hm’ml be rdfumdny-;nd\hm&o-l’n. to Des oachims for the trip. 8 mm-ou-nmb-r-mdumlw sell House ; and at the office of Mr. CHARLES E. \"Umw‘mh“fl% DES JOACHIMS WATCHES ! Dy RETATT.. * New Dress Goods New Dress Goods New Grey Cottons New Grey Cottans ALISON 8COTT, | / â€" Exsourux. THHE OTTA 207y 204y QhS. INSURANCE ADVERTS. Commertial Union Assurance Company, | 19 axp 20, CorxmnL, Loxpox. i _FULLY SUBSCRIBED. | gAÂ¥~ Risks accopted on wood or other buildings. FRANCIS CLEMOW, Aug. 10â€"200â€"3m _ | Agent, Elgin Streot. > GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, ‘AGENTS â€"FOR.CANADA. Tflll CoOMPANY HAVING INVESTED, in conformity with the Provincial Act, I Hundred Thousand Dollars, For the special security of Policy=holders Is prej to m c:i:h Dvomn-hnlnl. # on y um‘ God:mhmhn.’ and General Merâ€" chandise at the lowest current rates. . JOHN DURIE, Agent Ottawa, l > No. 10, Sparks Streot. ONitawa. Fob. 12. 1866. 4Tâ€"utf Ottawa, Fob. 12, 1866. RoyalCanadianBank OTHAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks 8t. * i K. P.HAYE® ! â€" Ottawa, June 21. -niv Milis, City and Farming Propertys and Farnishings of large Lumbering important Sale of Timber Limits Tlll TRUSTEES OF THE ESTATE of the late JOHN EGAN, to close the Trust of this extensive establishment, will offer by PUBLIC ATOCTION On Wednesday and Thursday the following TIMBER LIMITS, mflun area of some 700 square miles, in Blocks, as below : Bessets, Grant‘s Cfeok and Petawawa, Licenses Nos. 72, 73, 74, T5, 76 and 77 ofâ€" 1865 and ‘66, with a total area of about 225 square miles. . . _ _ This Block of Limits, intersected by two large streams, which have been improved at immense oxrnu. and having a frontage ot some sixteen miles on the main Ottawa, is unnrgnd for either PA nedings qo avery Ennoriptonnogethor with wit ngs of eve! er w a Small Farm and ron?t.o five hundred acres of land, is included in this lot. Madawaska Block, Liconses Nos. 225, 226, 227, 228 and 229, on the main Madawaska and Opeongo Branch, covering an area of some 220 ozun miles has a frontage on the Madawaska of 10 miles, and 10 on the Opeonfo Branch ; a Farm of some 200 mcres, with excellent buildings, and a Grist Mill with this lot. * The Little Bonnechers Block, Licenses Nos. 219 220, 221, 222, 223, and 224, of 1865 and 1866, extendâ€" ‘ ing from Cuchene Lake to the sources of the Litâ€" tle Bonnechere, some 20 miles, with & of from five to eight miles on each o %l- an area of some 216 'vm iles, Farms, ) Mills, Dams and Slides, latter of which, the other improvements of the river through the limits, cost some £8,000. The above limits are all npfllod with material for next winter‘s operations, as Horses, Oxen, Posk, Flour, Hay, Oats, &¢., (Inventories of which will be fm-d-hod{;thu,dfl aser of the limits is reâ€" guired to take at & uation. Pontiac Mill prvmrty Baw Mills, ;\l not Jnv viously sold) are situated n the Chatts Falls at the head of 'ï¬' Chaudiero . There are some fifty saws id all, with capacity 0f 800 logsin South 1 OF LONDON. Established in 1782 Lyot 3, in the 8th 60RCOB8IDM......sqes cce .6» | ALLUMETTE 1SLAND. Part of LOt 5, 200 FADGOL.....scssssecssereecre N W 4 of Lot 17, n:r sevssscsscsscscccceees 90 AOCTOB N W } of Lot 18, (1 ), N W j of 18, 900 acres),and N W j of 19,(84 acres) |\ _ in the 7th C0ONCO88ION.........«, +«+«+«««..284 80FOS Nkioflml,nuatot , N E j and 8 W § of 15, in the ion............400 a0res 'lloulollntl,trt:t 3, rear 4 of 5, .\ . and Lot 16, in the concession........000 acres Rear j of Lot 1, front } of Lot 3, and rear _« . \| ’ of Lot 4, in the 10th concession........300 20708 Lot 1, and 8 E 4 of Lot 8,‘ in the 11th con..300 seres Lot 3, and front 4 of Lot ?h 12th con......300 acres %LA NDON. }W{oflpfl.nd W $ of Lot 6, 9th.con..250 acres Lot‘1, front‘4_ of Lot 3, rear 4 of Lot 11, _ Werms tor city y and lands:â€"One fourth down, balance in three equal annual instalments, with interest at 7 per cont. 4 | Home of the above ‘ are “W are improved, and all are valuable, from su»" miï¬m fapilities of access, to both juma! and wa market. + The Stock consists df very superior Draught Horses, an immense quantity of Chains, llrl: Boats, Anchors, and a gouple of hundred pairs The 19th and 20th September; AUCTION SALES. PHENIX In the City of Ottawa, COBBION...»»»»«»++ «++ +++ ++« 284 8CPOS yV ACALL and BW\ Ottawa, A OM sns ce e en acres ht â€"Ihimmmin L. the concession........000 267658 | man who i ont 4 of Lot 3, and rear | : _ _ | this ofice. Psoh tonttntion cosâ€"200 m | oare e 11th con.. dcres O TtA in 19th con......300 nores | * £23,500,000 8TG. }s of Lots 20 and _ y and lands:â€"One fourth qual annual instalments, TI â€" Aogxt. 1574\ â€" at one pâ€"e .....z.. $1 acres DRY GOODS ! ‘ READYâ€"MADE cmmo.gmn F‘ANCY GOoOD®s CHINA SETS! AT 0. WARDELL & CO‘S Where they will sell at public auction every evenâ€" ing at halfâ€"pastseven o‘clock. I Q. WARDELL & CO. Ottawa, September 11. Crockery, China and Glassware, MAwovn PUMA'II WHERE d do so to advantage should be the idea of every one jnvesting their money, and it is a well known fact that there is no other place {iou can do so to the same advantage as at the VA Iâ€" ETY HALL, No. 54, Sussex Streot. Just 'r'::hu} BP2 eE oi Ein NV CCCA s & mgch and well selected stock of WHITE and COLORED CROCKERY, which will be sold in uantities to suit purchasers. . In‘the stock will be ?ound x ehoice lot of Breakfast Sets, Dinner Sets, Toa Sets, and Toilet Sets. _ Alsoa beautiful variety of CHINA WARE, in Breakfast and Tea Sets, China Vases, China‘ Pitchers and Mns:, with a first class assortment of CUT. and RESSED GLASSW ARE, in Cut and Pro*«l Fruit Dishes, o CA nllll2d: racantams ftit Wine (Hasses. Cut EMHRRR esw Cut and Pressed Docanters, Cut Wine Glasses Cut and Pressed Decantors, UUE MIME MEARNTS TT Champagne Giasses, Li%uor Glasses, Cut and Pressed Goblets, Custard 1 ?«. Cut and Pressed ‘Tumblers of -.lléuuaml. and in fact Anythini‘ you require in the CROCKERY DEPARTMENT, go to the Variety Hall, and you will be sure to get it. pptr Call and examine, as we eonsider it no trouble in showing the stock,. U ue S CUS 9e Aanarratia ced _ Also on hand .-hl:ï¬. *ummy of ( BOX STOVES, FURNITURE, &¢., sold cheap. W., G. Stoneware, Crockery Tul sSUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST received one of the hérlt consignments of White Granite Stoneware, China, Orockery, and Glassware, from the celebrated manufacturers, J. R. Boothe Burslem, England, and feels confident that he can sell them 25 per cent. cheaper than any other house in the city. The Goods nre all firstâ€" class, and a call to see them is respoctfull solicitâ€" ed. JEB" Remember the place, No. 42, N!)rth side Rideau Streot. A. ROWE, YARIETY HALL, TO.'I"!III HIGHNESSES® the PRINCE of Wales, and Prince Alfred, His Grace the Dake of Newcastle, Lord Elgin, 8 r Edmund Head, Lord Monek, Right Hon. Earl St. Germaing, ‘gu. Bruce, Major Teosdale, )l:g:r Cowell, and Buite. English and French Perfumery, Cutlory, Mair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes. pad Bansley‘s Celebrated Razor Strop and Razor Paste, from 1s 34 to 58. Gentlemen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes and eolors kept on hand. _ A large stock of English French and German HAIR â€"CUTTERS | And other articles toonumerous to mention, ‘NVHONVA °L °L . £4q ydjo00s yeu13uz0 043 mos; pasedoig. *suwimejoy pus s1ojof{ ‘s100048) ‘s1s129n1q pv yo ores 105 pus osn u; ois L04%, mwuhlm‘wlm-umhu -nuuqu;o.‘nol NIVELYUEO V HHV SUZXLLIG =84H NO. 34, SUSSEX STREET, i SUMMILLIG PINOL A TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF 181 +m °D trmvizo Wunn.â€"-rwo Â¥o LADIE® ‘ ‘are desirous of obtaining situations as RESIâ€" Address, by lettor, * NEW AUCTION ROOMS, l cza% D gentiomen may obtain comiortab‘s TONML 17 reasonable terms, either with or without board, in the brick building next the Quéon‘s l’rinlï¬:"OHu, Sparks Street, Ottawa. OARDING.==â€"MRS. REYNXOLDS, «THE Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Street, 3 from Sussex Street, m to announce that she is prepared to -lxoui‘hsboui- Ottawa, September 6. Loï¬-._.o- sATURDAY $ 2 last a smail V ALISE, with‘car L TOLLICIOA i smery / Ja a Inst & SMBT 1 AECCDA Oe c nttenibrn â€" n:u.-.awx.uocm. UEBEC. Was from on board the ,-.‘:':":_3"‘_..!".."".,.“'.,; 186y 216y No. 54, SUSSEX STREET. wa, Aug. 20. OARDING, =«« THREE -mc!.-u.!.rAlfm INDEBTED PI" TCO CCC( Tav .imus aman to the Estate of the late ALEXANDER SCOTT squired to make immediate payment of their OP EVERY DESCRIPTION ; nts to the undersigned. DTLIUISAGLLNY C. BANSLEY & CO. No. 42} Sparks Street, Ottawa, opposite Ontario Banks * PERFU MERS JOSEPH BOYDEN, (Genera] Commiskion Agent }, ««= THREE OR FOUR may obtain comfortable rooms on "Z d en x d 4s every Evening. oP El:&ily of COOKING and URE. &¢., which will be guch information as will lead to WORTH ‘g1 £mp ‘saÂ¥p0 AUCTIONEER, 200y EVENING affized, bearâ€" 197 â€"3m Permanent Building & Savings Society Amount required to redeem cac 100 advanced in..............». &« ooo ioi t WA T Loans ‘at proportionate rates for 2, 8 or 12 years. The above instalments include a W of the loan, so that at the expiration of the to: upon, t tmuudthalmhudvmflmp.mthm\ï¬r:du Payments made be made in advance, and interest is allowed t ed in full at any time the borrower desires, on)tquiu‘l:!‘:ntzrnn:. e en n T For further information, a id) to BELL, Appraiser to the Boehty,PS'u,DS‘:.p. j Ottawa, Eeptember 11, 1866. O‘MEARA & CO., Importers of Dry Goods READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! CGM PILOTS, BLACK DOESKINS, SILK MIXTURE OF COATIN ALEX. DUFF. Advances or:l Appro%qx Real Estate " on THE ;o;:m;:;:;;m:::r‘v A::uz TERMS : =~ nov-uwvrollul l VERY CHEAP. ‘ . Lot No. 7 South side of Murray . Street, ble llnnndm Â¥ard and Stables. : This is one of the best in the City fot a Tavern or Boarding House. + ALSO, A handsome stone Cottage, with about 14 acres of land, and: outhouses attached, beautifully situated on the Montreal and Ottews Road, -lylL"“" ‘from Ottawa, and commanding a view of the City nndnrmndh‘.m- ; As the road mbï¬wuh‘ valuable investment. . To -dlvm Apply to J. J. M » Solicitor, corner of York and Sussex Streots Ottawa, May 23 ~ TH.A'I‘ VALUABLE PRO«~ 4 â€"I~ y known as T. M. Blasâ€" au'.g‘-mul. containing about ‘Two Acres, beautifully situated on tifrom Afrost"Oig of Oe ‘with the Drelling on W &, “.:fonï¬omu thereon. Yebraary 10, 186v. PARDBL® fell One Hundred and Vifty Aores of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" fon with good Dwolling House, Barn, and other Ts lark is of th This is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from Ottews on macadamized road leading to Richmond. rufmmmbgw OTTAW A, September 12. > JAMES BEARMAN Executors of the Estate of the late George Boll. _paÂ¥~ AAdress Beli‘s Corners P.O. June 20, 1866. 16644 1f payable yearly............. CLOTHS AND:CLOTHING. RE NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED STOCK GOODS, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH BEAVERS, _ | PETERSHAMS, DEVONS, _ WHITNEYS, | ; IRISH FRIEZE, , _ CANADIAN DO., Ottawa, February 10. 1866 Feby 10, 1866. L OO B C 0 aervites / n of Wm. T. Aylen, Keq. For furt apply to sonx and Wx. Tnowso® Lawis & Puuzy, Barrister, Ottawa. Richmond, February 10, 1866. FOR SALE OR TO LET. OR SALE. STABLISEHED LN 1844 BEDFORD CORDS, _ CHAUDIERE TW EEDS, BANNNOCKBURN DO., HALIFAX DO., Or to K TURE OF COATINGS, Do. _ do. TROWSERINOS, THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT mge Lk. 6 Nki ut Th Pomts. 3 TEHH] CANADA LEWIS & PINBEY, AXD MAXUFACTURERS OF, AND DEALERS Th ) Sss c Mssc d : jOWINC FAVORABLE T L190 advanced in................$........... $ y@BTB: dpevereeeesesnen cne Peveven one bevennifens ninnnnns Il’.% iess dreues rerressonientopmenienalffintererere ns . _ BB BB 2, 8 or 12 years. wh off the Principal, a n of the to upon, the debt is olnti:ely Bs ME c 23 h: ) BOVANOOU MM......s .000 e0e ffp esns enns Saun. 10 years:. â€" 15 years. arprerenessinenedirenenrhetevenerffens rinnnnns 2.95 8.02 600 . en ensnneeenennmpree n affieenereenes c 26.05 1645 ,; 1344 8 or 12 years. wh off the Principal, as well as the Interest [ the upon, the debt is entirely wiped out. The full mmt nq&::d before the end of the halfâ€"year or year. interest is al odthonfot;urdumorï¬nuyhm- ires, on equitable terms. _ EXPENSESSTRIC LY MODERATE. (urepaid) to MEBSRS. LYON & REMON, Barristers, JOHXN G. , SPARKS STREET, ARED FOsMAKE ADVANCES OX ,, OMEARA & CO, 11 CoATs, MOOCASINS, BUCK, . LFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY, _ _ ; | Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s Worid‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen andlengthen the hair. They act directly upon the. roots of the hair, supplying re« quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are cov» ered, hair stops falling, and luxurtant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delighA fult fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, andâ€"no fear of sotling the skin, scalp, or go;lljbymmr, John Roberts W M. Masser * * *Ourthy and Il-lk.b Bold by all Druggists. mmamcmnms.!v * oorromi_!'_ll’- J. HEPTET.T MASON, SHIRTS, DRAWKRRS, IN d Treasurer, Toronto. 226â€"04â€"38wâ€"0 , _| GREY, ,| TRUNKS, _ vVALISES, , MITTS, WOOLLEN Do. Y'o;'m:l. . DUVERNAY BRO oF DRY «â€"= Fo. SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 e e .ot om thom?ulollo&n\lhwh erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of Ȣ other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Stroot jin rear of the above. . | Amfli‘c.l‘â€bul’-‘ In the of Gloucester, situated a haif n-‘h&%lfll‘m This land can be sold \-rbbew-lm 5 acres. t6 k or further particulars, ‘ Fhancis Chkiow, ®se City of wik. Qitawa, Feb. 10, 1866. _ m "s0â€"ath .__ about Farm, _ Apply, if by letter y orioardasg > I4TiLOR BaRiNBLL 294 , bo. Attomey, 1/ W Farms For Sale! 100 AcCRES OF LAND, IN THE )UD Township of Osgoode, County of Carleâ€" F 1 in Ton miles 100:“"" or LAWD IK THE h s in hx bell of tnt ho. 21. in will be sold cheap. â€"â€"ALBAOâ€" M Al"o AND A«HALF STORY HOUSE, situated on Lot No. 6, north side of Osthoart Street. _The building is nearly new, and finâ€" ishedâ€"30x36. ‘!\-hobmlm Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, rents at nnn-â€"‘n‘:“ in the imâ€" _.h._"fla-mm LC private MNBER LOTS SHTUATED IN A.'a'lun’no:hlï¬-"l lï¬n‘“" N:fl:fldfl u:ht--hdo. PROPERTY FOR BALK | 1. _ 4 1 4 _ O Acradbce t w C ed with a fine Hardwood Buth. The Farm is within five miles of the City, and is beauti« " NC CRO TCOR We Widnan n" ue _;:'â€"-.w"; m ing on the lot of at least 50 acres, and the remainder is cover» MR C ths Haxdwood Buth,. The Farm jA i nc d 128 cmcnadiradec enc w 6t 9. Ni thn hering an aprigect, m 99 909 ver, an toe wither by land or water. The land is of a superior quality, and yiclds excellent «crops. until next Weekly chases made in the O ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED M “"‘..‘.gu": 12, in the 7th con y tA ar e end m about 20 acres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is ‘covered with wosd, m AcCRKS OF uww‘l‘-' in the Township of , County of Carleton, Ridean Front, being Lot No. 20, in the 4th concession. . There is about 2b aores of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Hardwood Bush. This is m ‘.“l‘u-,ld'mhfl at reasonable ‘ NP AUEEIE L.A s1A actthnin 1 ton. This Farm is situated within Two miles of the Gloucester Church, and within Eloven miles of Ottewn City. There is about 40 acres of this Farm cleared and under cultivaâ€" and is a very 1y Pors uns well mhted tor the erestion 1 Arrur vo _ M. J. FRIEL 4 00. ~ Or to H. McLBAN, Y aA LV A BLE This is a good Farm an sSITVUATED