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Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Sep 1866, p. 1

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lt n LCb N $ to gve vwhu img ieving alued m# by ldiy nd agke » by Tiwas paurka wb 18 Sove m dot 18 whed HAS ring ~._" J. P. MACPHERSON, Araprioe, Sand Point, Pemâ€" broke, &e . ®. side Ottawa * 11.302. m eil‘s Cogners, Richmond, i Porthy ®e., ..... ....«...*~â€" 30p.m Uduckingham, wrenville and LW eP OAERWAL .o+ ++ .c 8 00 ‘ Weqptvilie, O+coode, &¢., Daily :‘:;;i&‘r-nllv ly, wOur ne PRKâ€"PalD. To the United States 10 ctâ€"proâ€"payment opâ€" lwnal. ( English Mails, HU. & A. Allan‘s C an steamehipg, YA mh-l. close at 9 every mmhy:mfl 124 cts. ; via Now every uiternate Saturday, at Noom, postage 17 <cfs; via Tonene it me maik 5 to all parts of Canada, id by Stam 4c oo irniiaece o Brilich Columbia) 10 ols Letters for British, Columbis, Germany and Foreign _ ~ROSS & PARSOXNS, t | Am.!.".â€"&'-&l'nb + Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, &¢. ] Udice: Elgin Street, opposito the Russell Autraxo«s Ross. Auszat Pargons. . | dOrttawa, July I8. _ ; 189â€"6im vylmer & N. Shore of Ottawa bolsea and Wakefeldy «oos« 0 deme T ARat 1. pleton& E st Tomplotos â€" 12302 m.[1930p m tast and West, by Rail, Daily, ~X.â€"F. BOUCHETTE, .| A-'“"‘. Office: No. 17, $t« er ; MQ-: Mr. Bouchetto will al yo: repared to attend prom to an tovernmment employes, :3 the F’U“ y aay eatrust him. . Mr. B.attends regularly #e cirâ€" wmitin and for the district of Qugbec. Tsasimkar 4C YS6L P Te ie 0 A"‘l‘fll!l'o,\‘l'.I..\W. Solicit aae | Chansery, Conveyancer, &c. Office:â€"North l whe of York street, two doors from Sussex. | I Ottaw‘s, March 20, 1366. : ?Nâ€"‘- | BAIIII‘I’RI. Atterney, Sollc Orric«: Horue‘s Buildings, corner 12d Elgin Streets, Ottawa. Ortaws, Doc. 13, 1866. * helsea and Wakefield wm_;v;r;‘.lml. rnate M:i. at Ka::.. » & x»o Lerrams mast i postâ€" wid :u‘u minutes prior to the m of mails. "24F Office hoursâ€"S a.m. to T p.m. -\110-!:\'-.;’1-1. A W, â€" Soliciter=in= Ak Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. . Office over Mr. umer‘s Shoe Store, Rideau Street, Ottawa. «ttawa, April 27. ~ t f J. F. BOULTON, BAI.M:.-AMAV. Solt Chancery, &c. £ Orrice: Aamond‘s Buildings, Rideau : Vtawa, Jan. 12, 1866.. _ sc h BAIMIQM.AO % Notary Public, Clork of the Peace C Crown Attorney, for the United Counties of and Russell. Orric«: In the Court House, L‘Orignal. $ LEES & GEMMELL, | BA..M..:. Attorneys» ancers, k¢. 1 mm-. Court fouse, Ottawa, C. W . Roswet Laxs. Jous J. GrxmtLL. Ytaws, February T, 1866. _ _ ( _| at=H . CCOxXNxXOR,. .! | ‘mnsnro.\r-u\w.' Solfet tm Chancery, Convey ancer, &c., Sussex 3 | orvic«: Union Buildings, Ottawa. j Junuary 27, 1866. HAYCOCK & HAYCOCK ‘m.ll“-AT-LAw. @ Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Pu ke. Qvric@: Post Office Building, Elginstrest, Ottawa K. B. Haydocs. K. H. llnTa. 1 ut uk 7 43â€"utf LoR Ancors. ‘Orrice: Lang‘s Building, opposite the Post Office Contral Ottawa. Wiuiax Deck. _ Jerws P. "c:m‘.'..l Riaum. Wy. Crz06. Fob. 7, 138. EssIlis. 1 B RIST £ M ® icitors in Cl Convey ancers. Qevice: Lang‘s Bo ‘DVOCA‘I’I‘. Barristers, and 7“"‘ neysâ€"atâ€"Law. Ovrices: Mull and Ayiwer, C. E. _ 4 lp_'?t-illmniulhllu-‘l‘ ‘s aud ridays of every week. . 6 o + im ® T-'.'.. Feb. 7, 1868 Bmmm amd n...-y-;j-uw» solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancers, Notarâ€" eaPublic, &c., &c. A Orric«: lelegraph Building, ""‘"4 Street, Uita~s, March 10, drtawa, PBR C. A. MARTIN, .’.l'll'o Oflce} Sussex ltn’lq over Mesers. Campbell & Co.‘s, Grocers. | Ottaws, January 27, 1866. | M-ld M THTY tll" Auawis to all Law Courts in the “oncru-mc _Physicians eom . «nd Accoucheur. ‘ Orrice: In Horue‘s Block. Can be f over ue office at “t' | * References : e On&h-nu-. ;; Rev. John Smith, Bowmanville ; Rev. Riddel!, Clarke ; Dunean Campbell, M.D., M.K. E., Torâ€" Sato ; John Hall, M.D., J. Adams, M.D., Toronto. Ottawa, Rebruary 7,1866. | | 43â€"utf L «1 > L‘-r: of Quebec. R Square. W. MABRSHALL MATH K sitending Physician to the Hospiâ€" tal. Offfice and residence, .-..'-"m and mmmq,-iuw.nmaunfi &in‘s. Entrance on Mosgrove Street. â€" Ottaws, May 5. ' | 1187 DR. 0..C. WOOD,! rvllflliflw_ .-d.:'f.- Ottaws. Day officeopposite M Russell‘s, tgh Street, Center Town; Night at hius idence, Mariz Street, Center Town. ;. Cu;:‘m Cure», M-M.l:!o::: theknife, by a , but certain, ® » :'-. References ‘iv__o’l to ,.flitlm PIMIA!qm and Accoucheur, attending Physician to the Protestant Hospiâ€" DiR. OLIVER MARTIN l’l"lfl"- Office 1 Sparks Street, Cenâ€" tral Ottaws. 1 Octawa, January 27, 1366. | !, Stâ€"utf VOL LN ARRISTER and> Attorneyest«Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancerâ€"k&¢. flce : Opposite Post Ufice, Eigin in the as lateiy occupied as the Custouws House, _ _ rHER POST OFFICRâ€"OTTAW. reated, if required. â€" The cure guara Otawa, A!ll 14. S s m".“j Phuscass """:""*- €* l s ineeioe h on femeine in rt Telegraph Baildings, Motealfe Street} / ,; .. __ _ _ rrR) H, R/ FRIPP, »Alllfl;i;‘m for Lower C _ Orric«s : Court House, Ayinterand B EDWARD T. DARTNXELL, WV of Bank Street. | Ottawa, Fobruary 7, 1866. | | _ ui DR. O°‘REILLY, : ; LJORK Street, opposite Matthews* Hg» GEO. LOGAXN, MD., LCJLB., JOSEPH J. MURPIHIY, DNLIYERING AND CLOsING OP MAILA COLMAX & WRIGHT, AUTGUSTUS KEEEER; HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accencheur, Office : Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Street. JOHN SWEETLAN D, M. D., ESSItsS. DUCK & BUC RISTERS and Atrorneyseatelsd icitors in Chancery, Netaries Public, W & 11 ® W. 4. sSCOTT, Jx. CLEGG & NELLIS, | M. .M"LE()D: DR. C. LEGGO, LEAiAL MEDICAL. DR. WOLFF, G. P. BAKER, . Mcxkay Wawour, B.A;Bâ€"C.L TON $treet, First Door Kast W. J. HENRY, ) 5$.30p. m 3,008. m 11.008. in 8 00 .. 8(00 p. m $.30gltie. s 3va m. 5.30 p. m. â€" 8100 p. m 8 p0 p. m !Ihp.- C : f [ (ity Hail #®D 1â€"y 100â€"7y g.C. & T. W. KEIBR, _ A(‘C‘OUI‘I‘AITI' No. 3, Victoria Cres= cent, Uppoer Town, Ottawa. | â€" Ottawa, March 21, 1866. 19.y o TAE mm ’ blishments in !ho-:t'wp- citigs of Canada, he | feels confident that all entrusted to his care | will be executed in the best style, and guaranteed to | give satisfaction. I i : T Loithe _ 0 .cc & s & omptly attended to. Consignments received f Prmiies saie." Pariics whibing to purshnas Heal :a. will receive all information FREE OF CHARGE by Olllil&l;.lh office. Ottawa, Dec.18, _ 1â€"y JOHN IL BARBER, c AICIU'I‘IC'I'. Ormo®: We %&. opposite St. Androw‘s Chureh. _‘I'CTIONIIIO. and General Cominis« P sion Exchange and Real Estate Agents, No. 40, Sussex Streot. ; Ottawa, December 18, 1865. 1â€"y Boo-.--uul and PapereRuler, core ner of Sparks and Metcalfo Stroets, over the City Registrar‘s Office. | Account books made to order g‘uy branch of basiness, paged and bound in the best style of the art BMK-IIIDII aud Manufacturing Stationer, and Machine Ruler. Over Taylor & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store, corner of York and Susâ€" sex Streets. â€" Entrance on Sussex Streot. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865.| | 1t THOS. NELSON, Boo-r MAKER, Wellington Street, op= posite Dr. Van Cortlandt‘s, Ottawa, Maving had many years‘ oxpcricn:o‘in some of ‘tlho ho-tl oul:- 8. CHRISTTE, I CO..IIIIOI Merchant and General Acut. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines and | Proof Whiskey ; also, Db'::l'_ Lachine Ales and | Porter. ~ Pork, Flour, &e., for sale. | Orrice: No. $, Sparks Streot, near the Russell | House, Ottawa city, C. W.| ; > 4 y\ eHURCH ST,, OTTAWA, ll PREPAREKD To COVER ROOFS, with Tin, Sheet Iron, Slate, or Shingles, on the shortest notice, and at ressonable rates. laving been known in this place since its first settlement, 33 years ago, he can ntly refer to his dong established character, as & guarantee for the satisâ€" factory pertormance of all work entrusted to him. â€"~ _ XAVYVIER CHARLEBOIS, . Roofing Contractor, &¢ Pn’ofl:‘cfiu; i.g: i-‘?'vu\;nlr;on. Draughtsman, &c., missioned for r ad Lower Canada.) 0&& and residence, \fi:- oster, near Ottawa. Surveys of every nknrifi'u ascuted with accuraey.; Communications ad ecOttawa City, (postâ€"paid),. will receive prompt ly oposite the banks, Ottawa. ‘ " P. .â€"Special attentian given with despatch to C.J. BOUVGHETTE,:* L» SURVEYOR Draughtsman, Tt mt ie enegge naji elineton Strect, next to ,lrmnoul.‘ud nearâ€" Publs Land business, adjusting disputed claims, Ottawa, February 7, 1866. E. MILES, PIII.IAIIS'I‘ Hair Dressing Saloon, User the Patronage of His Excellency the Governcâ€"General, A-gn-'.lloek. Rideau Street, 4 doors ‘om Sappers Bridge. 4 doors ‘om Sa Brid JA won mylls-lmbl Apparatus, floc-lyu’::tb.c«dimhm.‘ s OttawaDec. 18, 1865. > *""Th Ottawa, Jan. 4, 1866 GEO. L. PERRY, VIL l:.‘msll.k'. Union Buildings, ./ corner of Sussex and York Streets. Ottaws, Dec. 18, 1865. | | . 1â€"* Ottawa, March 20, 1866. Ottawa, Fob. 7, 1866. Ottawa, April 2, 1866. | ; vrawa, May & LA” Aaâ€"t.:l E';h-;;. '.‘omy Pub« lie, has reoved his office to Nicholas Street, a few doors to t South of| Dun Goode‘s Hotel, and Wid o Crowninnds Defarement, in Prossout w rtment, in in Land tang out Patents, and to md-e{ any agency for prties ha» af the Governme: offices. | M'Q,"'. 4866. ; CH4. E. BRUSH, General Gmmission . . McLEAN‘S UCTION Rooms, No. 19, Sparks Street; . Contre Town, Ottawa, opposite Hope s Stationâ€" he sale of Real Fstate at Auction or Private Sale Western and Vermo Central Railroads. Office $ Aumond‘s Bailding _ | it _ Illos HOUSE;Â¥orth Gower. Good l Stabling and an atttive Hostlor. KS ONTRACTOR and Builder. Ofice : ‘North side York street, second door from Sussex sIDNEY B. FRIPP, + RCHITECT. Orrioe: Wellington Street, ‘P’mvu'n HOTE Sparks Street, Ot= tawa, C. W. â€"A fow ntlemen can obtain supâ€" RGANIST of Christ Church, Teacher of the Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, &c. T N 1CHOLAS Street, CO%4=â€"House A venue, Ms..::h Graham,: P This House mn‘k-? , abd still main~ tains its character as a FIRâ€"CLASS HOTEL. eome pveteaal mmaas i m rej and v:::uu‘. No pains will M'N{o accommodate ase. f Oglluslswudfn-ibn“d boats free of .nm There is a FIRSTGASS LIVERY STABLE attached to the Hotel. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. | 1â€"y MOTELS AD SsALOGOONS. + w inctaevin HOLB HOTEL, ‘Yl.lll.c R Livery and General T. Stage Office. . Alid|Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. M’ KAVANAGH, Propricr, Corner of e Mctealfe and Wellington wets, opposite the main entrance to the Governmenaildings. The « QUEEN" comprises mmu:.r.,, a M.-wnfi_‘l‘hkm refitted and refurnished thi "‘u Th@AR contains m%&mhm the comâ€" $ Oysers, Game oto., daily by trees, Agont. for Win. ow & Co.‘s celebrated Pale . MULLILN 'q_uc_nx?r l&q‘f:m,’ 32, ‘Sparks January 11, 1866. Ottawa, Dec. 20, 186§. March 6, 1866. THE ©" QUEB§"_RES_1URANT, BUSINESS CARDS. MACDONALD & BRO., PARLIAMENTARY AGENCY. INTERNATIOAL HOTEL, R. H. McGREEVY, ESCOTT, C. W#4. H. Danicls, Pro«# ristor. Second to D4ouse in Central Caâ€" THE ALBIOMMOTEL, A.; MORTIMER, Patents, and to conduct for pties bhaving business with any JAS. JUANSTON‘s SEAVEMEHE Apcclin ~ Abucss, R. SPARKS, 21, T. G. HURD, DUIG aAX‘s _â€"TDt 132â€"y and Great 118y aSâ€"utt 43â€"utf 14y 18y 4y 3â€"y | _ TCB CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN, With eight different Sirnpfi. manufaptured _ on [ the premiges. It is a healthy and eqoling beverage. The New Drug Sto _ _ 41 RIDEAU STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. T“I sSUBSCRIBER TAKES '3]"! opportunity of thanking his many friendg and customers for the patronage extended to him since :nhocm:m«d business. He begs to inform them at he . SIGN oftheGOLD MORTAR _ _â€"__ 41 Sussex Street, | Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines TOILET ARTICLES,&C Please call and examine the Stock.| It is the largest and best ever imported. __|_____| _ _|___|, on hand and the best description of every article connected with the business ; whilst the Dispensing Departâ€" ment under his own constant mper’nlendenu willy he trusts, secure the confidence of the profession and others who may honor him with their patronage. J. Bll‘tow.\l.: . icentiate ecary. Ottawa. June 11. > I Imm C AI-AI.OI sTOCK OF FREsH GAii»â€" DEN and FIELD SEEDS, just arrived and on Sale. All Seeds warranted Fresh, _ _ a English & French Chemicals, Tlll SUBSCRIBER has opened an es« M tablishment at the above address, for the sale of PUKE DRUG3 and CHEMICALS, from firstâ€" class Houses, carefully selected b(‘ himself, and trusts that his competency as a CHEMIST and DRUGGIST 'm[)‘{i" general satisfaction, being sueuuod b{u ploma from APo’l‘llE(‘.\JllRi' ALL, DUBLIN. ‘It will be his endeavor to sup~ ply E.E.l Â¥ u\s:e-h '-rn‘:-lod Pr‘::h. Â¥ f A las portation of E and French PERâ€" FUMES will arrive next Took o FLORIDA W ARER. â€"_ s0OZODONT. & __â€" HAIR BRUSHES. coM NALL BRUSHES. CLOTHE us be &e., &e., d ust opoud up. s h;m ;JOSEPII CA . 8.â€" ce to the gratis. Jhere, Aphi in ____.~ The Néw Ottawa, June 11. Ottawa â€" Drug Warchouse. A fresh Lot of @ood, Cheap PERFUMES just received. s > __N. B.â€"Prescriptions carefully and promptly preâ€" § OT2raAaw A ° DRUG WiAREHOUSE, RIDEAU STREET Ns . 1866. SEEDS. SEEDS. 1so6. COIIISIIOI Merchants, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Groveries, and Cigars, 18 Lemoine Street, Montreal. Montreal, May 23. |_ 133â€"6m G:u:nu. Agent for Great Western Railway of Canada. . Office 30 Great St. Jame« streot, Montreal, | Montreal, May 23. |â€" â€"133â€"6m SUCCIISORI to Corse & May, Import= ors and Deaters in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, &0 , No. 474, St. Paul Street, opposite their old store, Montreal. _ : Montreal, May 26. | 135y / Apothecaries Hall! General Commission Agent Arnl for the estate of Morton‘s Distillery, K , for the sale of Highwings and Whiskey. Orvice : In Aumond‘s Buildingr Rideau Street. Ottawa, June 27. # 162y JOHMN MERCER, _ Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. THOROUGH BASS. V';r.nwn's.y ie t Modh “0. ;;. loft at Union House will be punctudlly at Ottawa, July 26. isnt A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Four Dollars and Upwards. @UEBEC BANK i.u -b-.-.-l t:p:l-;d-n_l.lifnnneh. and interiest wil be allowed on Depogits of . Ottawa, Fob. 12, 1266 1ND FRER PROMX AbULTERATION Ottawa, March 27. 1866. Tlll CALORIC ENGINE, formerly used in the Union Printing Establishment. It is an 18â€"inch Cylinder, and will be sold cheap. = APPLY TO __, . H. J. FRIEL, s . _Or R. E. O‘CONNOR. Pl AYER BOOK®S, l.m-u and French, of every kind. We call the attention of the Ladies of Ottawa to our assortment. btt DUVERNAY BRO8. Montreal, May. 26. J.C. FRANCK & Co., MPORTERS of Groceries, Wines, Liy= uors, Cigars, &c., &e., 25, Hospital Street, Monâ€" AND EXCHANGE BROKER, $A Agent forthe European Life and Guarantoe Genuine Medicines, Pure Chemicals, To the premises situated next door EAST, wa, Fob..12, 1866 DOMESTIC DYES. HE LARGEST AssoORTMENT oF DYES in this city on sale atthe , ‘ @" Dest Con Livk® O always on hand. lontreal, May 26. | 135â€"y RODUCE and Leather Commission Merchant, Montreal. _ P m > * moONTREAL CARD®S. ISITS OTTAWA TUEsoAaYS AND JOIIN DOUGALL & Co., *"Gg. IH. HERRMICK, : (Lnte of the Bask of UpplT Canada,) JUST RECEIVED! All the reliable PATENT MEDICINES lngine tor Male. :â€"From 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. gumes Hours 1:. V. Nokn"" Tu.\mcrl*l. FOR PAST FA«~ vors, I beg respectfully to an nounce that I have now receivail my stock for the Summer Trade, t comâ€" prises all the best and purest _ | . â€" BALDWIN & Co., 67, Sparks Street. 8. II. MAY & Co DRHRUGGIST®S. PRO! II. E. SW ALES, DRUGS, PERFUNMKRY, As JOSEPH CARVEY, M.D w comPoybEp COMBsS. S CLOTHES BRUSHES, Choice Perfumery, J. GARVEY, M Drue Store. ke AYLMER, C. K. OTFAWA +38% 135â€"y Manager 47â€"utf Â¥7â€"y 4%â€"ut CHANGE of TIME. Oftawa and Prescott Railway, «* «#~ 1:45 p.m. w | . 4 5.00 pm. From Presoott,7:00 a.m. _ At Oitawa, 10:05 an. 8# «â€" 2;20 pm. 9# 84 5:00 pm. \ The time of these Trains has been soarranged a8 to ensure connection withâ€"night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and west. r N. B.â€"These Traims run on Montreal Time, \ Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway . Returns tickets to Prescottgkemptville and Ottaâ€" wa ht reduced rates can be had at the principal staâ€" tions on th : tife. T. 8. DETLOR, 0! and after MONDA Y, June 4th, 1868, trains will run as follows: ; DEPARTURE| ARRIVAL: From Oitawa, 7:00 a m. . At Prescott, 9:30 a.m. Peta wa, June 4 Grand Trunk Railway Company lows and all points WOKL Mb ccommrccrenccnnss 00A M xight do do WWhrircomnirhincrarccies Mc HB" PM Accommeodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, Mt.............+ 9.40 A.M. Traimns for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 Nood, 2.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs lhm&hlo Plattsburgh. ' gGoIng soUTH AND EAST. SUMMER â€" ARRANGEMENTS. C i -:;‘('i:;;:i:; du Loup and Portland, at...10.10. P.M. i/ Sleeping Car® on All Night Trains, Ba e checked through. _ * “ h Nebne *% gGoIna wEstT. Lray _ .xpress for Ogdensburgh, Ottawa, Brvckville, K ingston, Belleville, Toâ€" ronto, Guelph, London, Brantforc. Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicag Express by Railway throughout for New Â¥ork, Boston, and all Intermediate + â€" Points, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Central Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Ritland and Burâ€" _ lington Railroad, also with the Lake _ Champlain Steamboats for Lake i George, Saratoga, New York, ke.,&e. Accommodation Trainâ€"for Island" Pond and Intermediate Station®, At............ Express for Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at 8t. Johns with + the Vermnt Central Railroad, at.... Mail for Portland, stopping over night at ) â€" I8IMMA PODQ.m..ccmeeeersecenieneemmentrine Express by railway throughout for New York, Boston, and all Intermediate «* â€" Points, connecting at St. Johns with ./ _ Wermont Central Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" / â€"lington Railroad, also at Rouse‘s | _ Point with Lake ChamplainSteamers + for Lake George, Saratoga, New YOTK, &C1, M... cce vr nsc nommemenicers Night Express for Three Rivers, Q‘uoboe, N4 uP emne s co u4 | May 26 CON8SISTING _ OF 1866. UNION â€" FORWARDING Aun Sissons Capt. Bockus. Oregon, se _ F y»+ Alliance, (new)s A Jason Gould, «_ Ov me Pontiacs + Duggan« â€"â€"_ Calumet, &« . Blondin. 0:« AND AFTEIR MONDAY, 10th SEPâ€" TEMBER, the steamer Ann Swson will leave Aylmer every day for the Upper Ottawa, at 7 a.m., connecting with dyxe Oregon at head of railroad, at 11 o‘clock.> Touching at Arnprior, Sand «Point, Bristol‘s, Farrell‘s, Gould‘s ‘Wharf, arriving at Portage du Fort at 2 p.m. Stages leave Gould‘s W harf immediately after the arrival of (flu for Cobden, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. . The Pontiae leaves Pembroke at noen on Tuesdays, Thunw, and Saturdays, for Des Joachim, calling at all inâ€" termediate ports, returning on Mondays, Wednesâ€" days,~ and‘ Fridays, leaving at 6 a. m., con necting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould, which leaves each day at 1 o‘clock, arriving at Portage du Fort same ovenin‘_. 4 hmd |\ Railway Companyv, UPRER:â€" OTTAWAX â€" ROUTE nfi : ut uie ds J d te is C o+ The steamer Orâ€"gon lonves Portage du Fort every morning at 7. a.m., {nllw-y time), touching at Gould‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s, Bristol, Sand Point, and Arnprior. (A connection is made each day at Sand Point, at 9 a.m., downward, and 1 p.m., up, with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway, and passengers reach Brockville in time to connect with (. ‘F. R. express trains east and west.) _ _ The steamer Ann Nixson leaves Pontiac each day at noun, and passengers arrive in Ottawa at five welock. "â€" . The steamer Calumet will leaye Havelock for Chaput and intermediate places on Monday and Thursday evenings, after arrival of passengers from steamer Oregou. _ â€" _ & un ecsoke L s . ~ RRTURNING On Tuesdays and Fridays u\} pa. * R. S: CAS Ottawa, September 5, 1866. Royal Mail Line of Steamers between | â€" Montreal and Quebesc. RICHELIEU â€" COMPANTY. The Steamer QUEBEC, Capt. J. B. Lassute, will leave the Richolicu Pier, opposite the Jacquesâ€"Carâ€" tier Square, for Quebec, every uumh{. Wednesday, and Friday, at 7 p.m., Eminly. calling, ?-g and returning, at Sorel, ‘Three Rivers, and atiscan. Passengers wishing to take their puunon board the Ocean Steamers, at Queboc,can depend on being in time in taking their pnu,‘i: by this boat, as there will be a Tender to take them to the steamers without extra charge. _ _ c o l“llo.\l THE FIRST OF MAY, AND UN= til otherwise ordored, the Steamers will leave for Quebec as follows : _ . _ _â€"_ | ~_ The steamer MONTREAL.C-‘YL Rosgrt NEL8ON, will leave every TuesGay, Thursday, and3 aturday, at 7 o‘clock, p.m., precisely, for Quebec, calling, ing, and returning, at the Ports of Sorel, Three mnrl. and Batiscam. * s â€" FARES Cabinâ€"(meals and open Berths in OONOI:,I;I.O“ BLOOARO ..... cce cce eveneeerereescverenenerescevecs| ReUU This Company will not be accountable for specie or valuables, unless Bills of Lading, having the value expressed, are signed therefor. n CE" LCC B d No d uss ds ic trass For farther information .|pp|y to the Richeliou Company‘s Office, 203 Commissionets Streot. Sing J. B. LAMERE, ‘ aipractbi + General Manager. Office Richelieu Company, ! May 12, 1866. "‘â€"}fi:@ iim'u.' gÂ¥*" CHANGE OF TIME! 1866. 0 N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, Trains will leave Bonaventire Station as folâ€" my31â€"139â€"d my31â€"130â€"d * _ oF CANADA. in included) ESS AND PRIMK MESS PORK. ». 1 FLOUR IN â€"BARREKLS.| OAT» MEAL AND CORNâ€"MEAL | For sale by ( " 8. CHRISTIE, 31â€"130â€"4 No. 5 Sparks Street. For sale by RAILROAD®S, STEAMERS TK _ FOLLOWING _ FIRSTâ€"CLAS8 8. CHRISTIE, AND . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 R. 8; CABSELS, No. 5 Sparks Street. BUPERINTESDENT, Ey : CnainmMa®. 224tf 5.30 A.M. 6.45 §.30 A.M. 2.00 P.M. 3.30 P.M. J 866. 124â€"tf W. ARKE NOW MANUFACTURLNG IN THE and OHOTCE VARIETY of the following Goods, whic Buperior Workmanship, CANNOT AZE ,V("ll“{.\"\'l'.'ll 1 " Capital" Sstove Depot, 35, 2 H. MEADOWS wE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND, sparkling. For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household o useful and m;hmonm. Railway Companies, and other and people under their care in view, are solicited to CA chase or.not: . | PLUNGE â€"â€"_â€" BATIL sPONGE: BAT sITZ 13 : rOOT CHILDREN‘® SHOW EHR Milk Pans, Mil ‘The above in Packenham, and dmron‘:!‘{ cial sccommo ‘ BAR will at al .bost the mark pas We give Ric.w. undersigned, proprietor of the aboveâ€"named , begs leave to w‘}uniut his nuâ€" merous friends and the travelling public, that he has mlhud and newlyâ€"furnished &ronghout thiscomâ€" ious establishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes BIRD COALl 1N ORDER 1 Ottawa, Decembeor 20, 1 Cooking Stoves !_ Cooking LA’I‘ILY Hull Lan â€" 72M Ball Ro Picâ€"Ni¢ Ri Hull, Ifl _ GOOD STAE im attendance. AMCE _T A en Em I M No. T1, Street, Desbarats‘ Building, m“ the Parliament Buildings. The Toronto com: everything necessary in a firstâ€" cluss Restaurant. ‘The house has been thoroughly and elegantly fitted up thm"bout. The BAR con tains the ch< brands in W ines and Liquors, and onadolimy‘of the season will be secured for the Tal No &du or trouble will be spared the ac eo-nodiu ‘ll.ltil and pntrons.d Ts DAY F rs. Trotter is now prepared to take BOARDERS. | _ ® Ottawa, April 5, 1866. v2â€" MOTELS AND SALOONS. Duraktw®xtAL OrpEE Ottawa, 13th August, 1866, NOTICI Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT L His Excellency the Governor Genoral, by an Order in Council bearing this day‘s date, has been pleased to order and direct that, with the view of encouraging the introduction mf't‘!no Prc:lnoor 1 stt eP d u220 Aubiod Tllu‘a-OVl REWARD \!ll-l‘ f Iflll‘il person or who may fin and de'l.lver u IIZ the udonm:ho body of the late DAVID MANCHESTER, of the City of Oitaâ€" wa : or to any person or persons who will give such information as may lead t> the discovery of the same. | The said ‘David Manchester, as far as can be ascertained, was last seon near the Hull slides, and atterwards a boat was found, in which was his clothes, watch, &c., and from other cireumstances it is believed that by some accident he was drowpâ€" ed in the Ottawa l{vu,__ e »earan Ottawa, August 28. * NO ORNER o W1 THE ,Ewsszm, HOUSE, > > ATE CA PD!LI_.'S !‘07‘!:?‘2(“:\7‘:: FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS Go to the THE TC IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. % (AGES CHEAP! OBIRD CAGEs CHEAPâ€"! LAMPS 1 _ CHIMNEYS! ! WICKS :.' 1 1 § L â€"OILT COXL OrL1" COaA1lr. Or1: Commissioner of Customs and Excise pf Water and Division Streets, gh, N.Y., 8. Slosson, Proprietor. and from the House free of charge. lxoehl attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EA! every description of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper W ateâ€"08 ING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. They will keep the water deliciously eool and Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, being both mental. â€" Railway Companies, and others who have the health and comfort of themselves r their care in view, are solicited to CALL AND EX AMINE THEM, whether they purâ€" F. O r WRIGHT HOUSE, KEPT BY 4 F. DORNEY, ing, Artuur J. Lemox, Proprietor. om, Bowling Allies, Parlor skates, hoicest Wines and Liquors. aer 179â€"f 1, one of the oldest and best known beonleased by the undersigned overhauled and refitted for theâ€" uto- on o(?:ch. THE TABLE AND times furnished with the very affords. . % > ‘LING and a careful Hostler @iways % JOHN MALTMAN. Li P‘llal INSTITUTIONS® will find it to their advantage to deal at the CAPITAL" /E DEPOT. A Liberal Jiscount is always allowed on all aiticles purchased. RONTO HOUSE. OTTER, PROPRIETRESS, 00 REW ARD. TERING COPPFPEH â€" POPS! ) MAKE ROOM FOR IT WE PURPOSE SELLING OUK PRESENT sToCK OR | STovEs AT REDUCED RATES. "‘THE CAPITAL‘" STOVE DEPOT. > 35, SUSSEX STREEL H. MEADOWS & Co. RTON HOUSE, ies tustianes omcs 4 uomm I Strainers, Pails and Strainers, Maple Suga® Kottles, Agricuitural Furnaces, Faimors Stoves, Cistern Pumps, and all kindsâ€"of Dairy: Litensils made to order, j SPARROW‘S BUILOING, 5 4 | Corner of Sussex and Murray. Streets, N ATEE COOLERS improvement of Steam Cultivaâ€" w“ and their appurâ€" t frotm import dutics for a period his date. _ . ‘ â€" By command, R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE,: LU MBE R ME N ! f DEALT LIBERALLY WITH FoR SHaNTY SUPPLIES ! Making a Good Cup of Coffee, retaining all the Aroma FPARMERS, ATTENTION 1 Groceries, Ligunors, M. SPARROW & Co., February 21, 1866 AND PROVIRIONS, Wholesale andâ€" Retail. :I'HB BEST AND MOST RELIABLE IN THE CITY! B AÂ¥. ‘F ET ®. 1 DPIFFERENT PATTERN®. p. MANCHESTER 2152 ears connected with ‘alace Street, Quebec Room Setts of Japanned Tinware. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN P. O'Monu old Jy6.â€"170t meâ€"â€". â€"â€"â€"mage o zes = Spring ‘Stock " CAPITAL! 3y Farms For Sale! 100 210009 200 100 100 Ottawa, December 18, 1865 Th keopfhg Department is as ‘compl nd ive as otf any Commercial College gh the Conthnent, emtpacing Wholesale and RetaifÂ¥Merâ€" chas 'lin&,l nufacturing, : Mining, Millig#, Forâ€" wardiig, BanÂ¥ing, Brokerage and ssion, Rail ing, Sieamboating, Arithmeti anâ€" ship, Bustness r-:ritil}g.Comerc’ nd" Tele ing, phy, #c., ) under the g;:rp:o of Teac practical as well as a theoretical knigwledge of the duties of the countâ€" i.lziruom. For circhlar, and specimen of writing ress, encluu‘m%l RE' + MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, | Toronto, Hamulton, or Ottews. LO’I‘I NOS. 2 AND 3 â€"ON THE NORTH side of Wilbrod Street. Those lots aro situatâ€" ed opposite St. Joseph‘s College, (Sandy Hill,) and are well suited for the erection 1 private dwellings. + â€"ALSOâ€"â€" % AUUMBB‘R oF LoTSs SITUATED IN different parts of the city, well adapted either for private residences or business purposes. For funL:r particulars and terms of sale. > B. PETERS, Priscrrat, Ottawa Ottawa, May 9. 2e TWO AND A«HALEâ€"STORY HOUSE, situated on Lot No. 6, north side ofâ€"Cathcart Street. The building is nearly new, and finâ€" ishedâ€"30x36. â€" There is also a good Frame Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, which rents at $100 per annum. It is situated in the imâ€" mediate vioinia of the Rail w-{ Terminus, and is a very desirable place for a private residence. vet §$8i% ’0ACRII oF THE PROPERTY known ma the OSSIAN HALLFARM, situated in the Township of Gloucester, Counâ€" ty of Carleton, being the East halfof Lot No. 3, in the second concession, Rideau Front. There is an extensive clearing on the lot of at least 50 acres, and the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a fine Hardwood Bush, The Farm is within /ite miles of the City, and is benutiâ€" fully situated on the banks of the Rideau River, thus having an approach to theâ€"city either by land or water. The land is of a superior quality, and yields excellent erops. '0 ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED in the Township of Gloucester, County of Carleton, being Lot No. 12, in the 7th. conâ€" cession. . There is about 20â€" acros of this Farm cleared, the remainder is covered with wo>d. "0 ACRES OF LAND, SPPUATED in the Township of Osgoode, County of Carleton, Rideau Front, being Lot No. 20, in the 4th concession. _ ‘There is about 25 acros of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Hardwood Bush. »This is a good Farm, and will be sold at reasonable rates. '0 ACRES OF LAND, IN THE Township of Osgoode, County of Carleâ€" ton. â€" This Farm is situated within Two miles of the Gloucester Church, and within Eleven miles of Ottawa City. There is about 40 ;{cren of this Farm cleared and under cultivaâ€" tion. '0 ACRES OF LAND IN THE Township of Gloucester, County of Carleâ€" ton, being the East half of Lot No. 21, in 2nd concession. This is x‘ good Farm an will be sold cheap. AprpLy To TWOo s1zES8. . THREE sIZES ns [0._ two SIZES. THREE SIZES. IAs, THREE SIZES C T . ONE SIZE. ussex St., Ottawa, x CC). .HOVE PREMISES A DURABLE for beauty of design, style of finish, and 1866, BRITISH AMERICAN V A LU A B L E â€"ALSOâ€" â€"ALSOâ€" No« 4. No« 5« Limics b5â€" KRoUGHsS, STEAMBOAT d, and made to ordor, . ~ > H. J. FRIEL & CO., Or to H. McLEAN, * toves | "’ Land Agent 62â€"y 21w r |\OTTAW A TO. |MONTREAL | The new fu‘ sailing Stéamers > | QTEAI(ER # QUEEN _ VICTORIA * BÂ¥ leanver Ottawa every morning, (Sundays exâ€" | cepted), at 6:30 a.m., fof (irenrflm (Breakfast on | board), thence by Rnillu‘ to Carillon, connecting | with Steamer « Prince of ‘ales," (Dinner on board) | arriving at Montreal at 4:30 p.m, | * | â€" The comfort and economy of this Line is unsurâ€" | passed, while tife route passos through one of the most {pi:-mn-n ue district« in Capada, and in‘(hfl | most nlhinnl'&a for Tourist«. Rideau Passage & Freight Ling, 1866. THE OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION cqoMPrany‘s MaL sTEaMERE. on o net y ® £ ! Leaves: Kingston &ery Tuesday and Friday at 3 p. m., arriving at Ottawa next evening, at 7 p. . « BYâ€"TOWN" | . i Leaves Ottawa City every Wednesday _« â€" urday, at 7 a. m., arriving at Kingston , Ne following day. F3 ocm d o Leaves Kingston every Monday mt 12, noon, and Thureday, at 3 p. m., and arriving . at Ottawa the following evening at 8 ‘I' m. k Connecting with the Royal Mail \Line of. su_ " @QUEEN |YVICTORIA," ers at Km:am‘ ;ston, going upwards, every Thursday, Friday, an fiuud-yveven‘::‘-. | L These steamers connect at Kingston with tig Through Line Steamers geing East and West; Steamer « Bay of Quinte" for Picton, Belleville, and Trenton; and with the Ameri¢an steamers for Qswego, Rochester, and Lewiston. | . 'l‘llE ABOVEâ€"NAMED |STEAMEIRS® will run as follows between Ottawa and Kingâ€" ston, calling at all intermediate Ports, and connect» ing at Hmilfi's Rallawith the Brockwille and Ottawa Eleven St;;;l:::; :on?"f‘ifiy Barges, " PRINCE OF WALES,* H. W. Suxeurrn, Commandér. Parties desirous of a pleasant itrip can obtain Return Tickets from Ottawa to Grenville or Carrilâ€" lon, valid for one day, at half fare. _ _ steamer. "CITY OFP OTTAWA," Railroad â€" Passengersfor the celebrated Caledonian Springs will be landed at L‘Orignal. _ . s 1. â€" wh TWEEN 0| OTTAWA CITY & KINGSTON â€" DIUGKINSON‘®S® â€" oTFAWA AND RIDEAU, wa, and all points on the Rideau Camal, and wice versa. I 1 â€" Parcel express duily from Ottawa to Montreal and intermediate landings, . Single and Return Tickets to Moptreal can be obâ€" Montreal, June 20 1866, : : :; ** . LAKE CHAMPLAMN (ROOTE The two new U Cabin ‘Steamers, Byâ€"Town ?:_;d (wml City, m«- a Passenger M“m‘h OTTAWA AND KINGSTON, Touching atâ€"all the Ports on the Line, leaving Ottaâ€" wn'r:nd &iwfurdn:”;:bu'k.“ Bat,; o steam tug Queen of 1 lew, rgos, will also be placed on &‘o Rideay Canal, lur‘:h'o exclusive carriage of Freight to and from Ottawa 1866 AI'IPORD'IKG A DAILY DEPARTURE fortransport of Freight from Iourou to Ottaâ€" and Kh‘lw} and all way ports. | > Tho powerful tug m-n::“%-l will be kept between OTTAW A and GRENVILLE for the towâ€" age of Square Timber Rafts, Saw Logs, &o. ____ ‘In addition to the above, a LI[NE OF TUGâ€" BOATS, in connection with Barges, forming a FREIGHT LINE between Ottawa, Montreal, Queâ€" bec, and all ports on Lake Champlaih, for thetranâ€" sport of Sawn Lumber, and other T?en_v. For particulars, IW‘! to GEO. HEUBACH, Caâ€" nal Basin, Montreal ; JAMES SWIFT, Ag.:nt.&. T ceecnvne Wt act * HFlnacknes en HAR m aIr Lawrence Wharf, Kingston; ani JAS. RATH, Smith‘s Falls ; W. D. WADDELL, [Agent, Gowan‘s Buildings, Peter Street, Quebec ; Or to the Proptietor, _ > | Ottawa, April 11 \ sTEAMBOAT CoMPANY.: _ SUMMER/ ARRANGEMENXTS. __ AMERICAN EXPRESS LINKE, Forming a daily line between Prescott and Tovonâ€" to, and all intermediate_ ports, leaving Ogdensâ€" burgh Railway Wharf on arrival of the train from the east at 1 p.m., and » 0! AND AFPTER MAY 11;:!0 UNTHL further notice, the Ontario ambont Comâ€" pany will run their large and commodious sideâ€" wheel steamers, « | BAY BTAT By. 4e mss eesseases s mg |ONTARIO,...../...............Capt J. B. Esris. ICATARACT,...................Capt. J. H. Ledvau». Ottawa & Prescott ailwayWharfat 1:10 p.m Touching at. Morristown, Brockville, Alexanâ€" ria Bay, Clayton, K.i::iwm, Snckett‘s Marbor, Oswego, Charlotte, Toronto ; »eonniecting at Kingston "i;n boats for Bay of Quinte; at Oswego with the Oswego & Syra¢use Railrond for Syracuse, Utica, Albany, and New York, and Bingâ€" huwwn' Railroad, for all T)inuS.l.h; at Charlotte for Kochester, Niagara Fall«, Buffalo and the West ; at Toronto with Grand Trunk and Great Western 1866. For Montreal ply 6 k'l‘ MODERATE RATES ON FIRST» CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Apâ€" o | * ’, J. PENNINGTON MACPHERSON, f PA C Bizararee, &o. f ontreal Buildings, Ottawa. Ottawa, 23rd March, lfi M at the office on the wharf, or on board the DICKIEINSON‘S " B Y â€"T OW N,*" Money to Lend [fi Canal Basin, Ottawa. pril l!. 8 gele% 7A_:7â€" ONTARIO THE UPPER CABIN STEAMERS Autkx. Bowir, Commander | Established in 1844.] STEA MERS. (Carr. Tnos, FanueR.) (Car. J. Ryax M. K. DICKINSON, be 1866 1866. +1 PRICEâ€"3"CENTY® 1866. education a limited number of young ladips, to vhmo-auludnl:z:a training, on |Chutch \of England principles, devote their utmast pttonâ€" tion. The domestic arrangements of the hish â€" ment are under the personal superi ot Mrs. BuaCkwax (a widow); whose great ekporiâ€" ence in the -‘:;‘rnn-t of children rendets ber rc-l'urly well adapted to promote the comfurt and happiness of those entrustéd to her care.. The salnâ€" EDUCATION IN ENGLAND rguus RavOoURITE somxurin ns Dlll---lal("-‘.ghflu"fiu'll F883 t MISS BENNETT, receive for bourd and brity of Torquay is too well known to medical pra« titioners in all parts of the world un‘::lto.- ment. The course of instruction comprises m thorough English education, with French. The w-:; 440 sterling, per anpum, payable baliâ€"yearly in adâ€" vance, include seat at Church, laundress, and all other necessaries, except books. Drawing, (on the system guud atthe Government Schools of Ar,> Music, Dancing and German, each £4 pei an nuim extra. The vacations will be five weeks at midsummer, and a month at Christmas. Pupils reâ€" maining during the bolidays £10 per annum extra. Should ll.'l:lolduirml. lb‘.‘ucmn will ve bappy r travelling expenses id),to meet young T ates on shoiramiralge anglong REFERENCES are kindly permitted to the fol lowing: The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Jamaica, Braddon, Tor uny ; The Right Keve rend G. T. 8 late Bis of Madras, Edge moor, -nm‘brby-hin ; The Reverend J . 11. MHarris, D. Dm“ Curate of Tor Moban, Torâ€" quay ; Mre. d, Torquay ; Mrs. l'llhpr wile of the Rev. H. N. Phillipps, for some time {ncumâ€" bent of Christ Chureh, (wuts-, C: W., and Moad Master of the Niagara County Grammar School blvinJ resided ‘in the house with Mre. Blackman and Miss B‘cn-u dun‘n:‘ a recent visit to England can testity from © i to the imate: nal care and mm’.?ww-um children un der their charge. April 16. 101 â€"6m P 2RRAD T $ Privaté Bathâ€"Houses and roume been fifted up for Ladies apd Gentl . Ommibuses in connertion with the I + Gentlemen‘s Prunella Congress, NEAW ANDCOOL AT THE RED BOUT ! $ A spiendid assortment of Ladies‘ Balmorals and Congress ! w The Sewing or Pegging of all work bought at the RED BOOT, repaired freeof shonge / o ui WM.. A. LAMB. W henever you want GOOD BOOTS OR SHORS â€" any kind, go to the BR ED BOoO T Lou‘l'.-lelwo- the Honse of Assembiy and the corner of Sparks and Metealfe Streets, supposed to have been a few {-m gouth of the Montreal Telognph Olo;& on‘ Tucsday afternoon, a GOLD RLN o'di'il:ouuo'& hair, with * A. R. rstom K. R.," engcay ide the otrole ;spedial‘y value d by the n.::or as a soupenir The finder will be suitably rewarded on leavieg ‘it at this offie O‘tawa, January /. Groceries& Liquors Packed and inspected by R. Kinly, Esg., of Ottawa ALSo, a LAROGE $T0CK or iN P o No o o e e Roki 1@ CIL of the Townshif of South Plantwgenet divisionfline between the N. g.m@nd S. 4 of said Lo: 18, it intersects the divigion line between the E. 4 and W. } of the 8. 4 affLot 18aforesaid; thence Souther®g, fifteen feet side of the said diviâ€" sion line, between j and W. 4 of the 5. 4 of Lot 18, the alloâ€"rance for rond beâ€" tween the Tenth and Eleventh Concessions of the said Township of South Plantagenet ( Country Merchants would do well to examine boâ€" ore purchasing elsewhere. ____â€"_______ Ottawa, July TORQUAY, DEVOXSitRa: , OR sALE. M ESS P O R K, HK BEST WHITE CANVASs sHOEKs in the city wro sold at Boats and Cars. ols hk ite and attentive servants only ".\‘ Cl 0000 ONEILL & ABBOTT . SEA BATHIM. And you can hardly fail to be swited 141 Georgqfi Hotel, in Kid, Prunelia, Seal, &e., at â€" THE RED HBoor CACOXU DN A BBLS. OF MESS AND PRIME THE RED BoOT D. WH®LAN Quoits A. MeLEAN, T.~C. B;film‘ Alloy hard ‘Tables 147 1806. agiod hax

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