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Ottawa Times (1865), 4 Oct 1866, p. 2

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> Capital Stove Depotâ€"H. Meadows & Co. Her Majesty‘s Theatreâ€"John To % Auction Saile of Improved G. Boll. Stoves. .Stovesâ€"Esmonde Bros. . | w "New Grocery Storoâ€"Hugh Ross. . | ; . ‘Noticeâ€"R. Smith, Town Clork, North Plantagenet. mation of a Western Agricultural Asedciation embracing the country from Brantford to Sandwich and from Perth to Lake, Erie â€" It argues that the old London Districtis the & flmd&om‘F‘-‘ don had more visitors than m year at Toronto. The project of & sectional society .,.._._ with London as a permanent centrewill no _ doubt meet with general favror in that city . _ and its immediate vicinity, but we do not & *I'lmldâ€"mianyadvmctinmut }va undoubtedly | it would ive a most unfavorable influence on the pros ._ perity and. usefulness of the Provincial As itselt so usively to the W as a Ym ‘ Kingston enst ts not be so as one | it is qui ible that it m € if not more beneflci m ltiu:: ?w money . afinu the encouragement of ag ** " Bet merely for the purpose «â€"â€"A Liverpool gentleman, who has hed Nmmu,&.flâ€"wwfi» kiel a prophecy to the effect that E .n bh”‘b&yw Napoleon this present year. ‘ | there wguld be a deal of practical common l‘.''lhubibifinolo secâ€" tions of country where agricultural pursuits were carried on with the gmuu.tgm of success. But we believe the intention of the Legislature is to encourage the diffuâ€" sion throughout the country of the sys tems of cultivation and stock ing, and in this sense it is manifestly the duty of" the asâ€" sociation to devote its attention to localiâ€" ties especially where there is the need of improvement. We do not conc notâ€" withstanding the flattering picture Free Press that the London District has yet reach ed the high state of m-h"nt would warrant the association in entirely gbandonâ€" ing all effort for its further imwvnn;nl.,.ll are therefore quite satisfied that for | the preâ€" sent it should continue to enjoy its quadrenâ€" nial distinction dhvingdwe;xhihiltm-iniu midst, but we should certainly enter r proâ€" test against the appropriation of &ny, portion of the public funds towards mai ining a society forits own exclhsive benefit, as a rival to the Provincial Association: i The Hon. Messrs. MéGee and Campbell, arrived trom the West on Tuesiay. The for L‘Otignal, and will return L-n this sociatign. â€" The established system of holding the exhibitions at the four cities of Kingsto®; Toronto; and London ‘giveg the u&-ya&:‘mu tern, for '--" there vufi:fin west th one in‘ the cast ; and tWbugh agriculâ€" m‘m i.".M ishing conâ€" ditige it may faurly bequestio®ed whether the mmmnmwu Kemptville, Spencervillgyand ail on the mummu-;wâ€". and at Prescott by 10 a. m. It can be had at Mr. Witheralls, at Kemptville, and at Prescott at H. i. Omiiston‘s News Depot Down the river, per Steamer Queem FVictoria, Capt. A. Bowi, it reaches Grenville and L‘Orignal by noon, thus placmg in tae hands of those living at a distance of from 20 to 60 miles from the Capitsl, all the latest news of te day, at almost as early «n hour as that of resiâ€" JOB PRINTING, gmalest Card to%a Mammoth Poster ern material, competition in this branch is defied. Al-ht-hcâ€"ym“” ly aitended to. .sed to receive Advertisements for the Ottawa Trts. C)rOttewaCimes Co., 54, Fark Roe, Nee York, ani 10, State Strect, An addition of from 30 to 50 subscribers is aaded every week to the subscription list of the Weekly. Advertising in Weekly, for first insertion, per itselt so exclusively to the West.â€" Even though as a Ym an exhibition at Kingston east thian Kingston may not be so as one in‘the Forest City, it is qui ible that it may proftibe results T4 dent. hi nad ie moppfietorie of . Itis notto be supp that we money dnunlly_.fiw.hud the encouragement of agriculture is a giim Â¥et merely for the purpose of rewarding the growers of the largest pumpkins or the raiegr of the fattest porkers. Were that its object assgciation really confert $ of beuefit of which it@s m‘ published in the Ottaws Valleyâ€"issuing of the Daily over 2,0001 and Weekly jover 4,000 : making a total cirealation ‘in theâ€" of over 18,000 1 thus outstripping all aFord:ag the best medium for business men to adâ€" George Cotton, Publisher and Proprictor (Published every mormng, d Searge Cotton, @mm bocantiles Sincsadd ' mcn&dt-)blh&p& an~ numâ€"payable in advance only,........... Transient Advertisements, first insertion per ©Oftator 5:112 Cimes, TE IE Ottawsa HWeekly On no occasion will the names of Yurnished in the neatest style of the Art. _ With fast presses, and all the appliances of modâ€" Vor Arrmal and Departyre of Marie see 1st Page. The London Pree Press advocates the forâ€" _m»â€"h‘.lh‘t 54, Fark Row, Nee York, ani 10, State Strect, HE DAILY AND WEEKLY TiMEs Now qjqo-uu-fiwunqcl any paper OTTAWA. OCTOBER 4. 866. NEw ADYERTISENENTS. are inserted in the Daily at the ry Priday morning,) o contracted with, and amount :;rdmfint 10e Remember this is the day. Tuz Terr.â€"The second annual meeting of the Prescott Turf Club commences toâ€"day and will be continued toâ€"morrow and Saturday, duâ€" ring which purses amounting to over $300 will be competed for. The track has been put in the best condition, and a number of fast horses are on hand, so that beyond doubt the meeting will be a good one, and spirited contests will take place. Mr. L. H. Daniels, President of i&oclub,hapdh-nnwhonn-chamfi- cient guarantee that matters will be conducted strictly in accordance with the rules, and that Juir play will be meted outto all. . Thos. Iteyâ€" nolds, Esq., the popular managing director of of the 0. & P. R. R., for the accommodation of those who desire to witness the races, has placed the trip to Prescott and back at one fare. A Prizs.â€"There is hardly any article among the legion of contrivances, specially adapted to the use of the hutnan family, that is more highâ€" Iy prized than a reliable time keeper, and espeâ€" clally so, when the article is ornamental as well as useful. Mr. E.K. MacGillivray, of the Sheffield House, Sparks street, who is always first in the market with all the novelties in the jewellery line, has secured the agency for the sale of the prettiest and most reliable watch of the day. Mr.J.Sewill, the manufacturer, carâ€" ried off the First Prize Medal for this watch at the International Exhibition, London, 1862, and secured the coveted honor of being apâ€" pointed watchmaker to the Queen and Royal Family, as also to the Queen and court of Spain, and this too where there was a spirited competition from all quarters of the globe. Mr. MacGillivray has them both in gold and silver cases, and will take great pleasure in showing them to intending purchasers, and cxâ€" plaining their superiority over all others. mained master of his house resenting no ofâ€" fence with blows, he could have quelled the disturbance.‘ A landlord should always reâ€" member that if people become wicked and quarrelsome under the influence of liquor, he is responsible, for he sold that liquor and made a very large profit on it. Now if Mcintyre sold sixtyâ€"four glasses to a party of eight, of whom Little was one, was it not reasonable to expect that trouble should come ofit? and should not he be ready to endure his tull share of it, even if it did come in the shape of blows? Ask the cight wives and the forty children represented by the eight drinkers. ‘The case will be taken np again this morning. ’ Porics Covrt.â€"Robert Robinson was chargâ€" ed with being drunk and disorderly on the street. Was fourtd i& that condition by Conâ€" stable Morrisonâ€"on Sunday morning. This being his first offence he was discharged with costs, A man was brought up charged with refusing to pay Joseph Riopelle $2.00 for drivâ€" ing himself{ and a corpse to the burying ground. His Worship ordered him to pay $2 40 Riopelle and costs to the clerk. # Tus New Roan reox Baxxs Stazzr to Buiâ€" woes‘ Braier.â€"Yesterday a number of gentleâ€" men took a drive over this new road for the purpose of inspecting it, and of satisfying ves as to the forwardness of the works, E. The names of the gentlemen alladed to G. H. Perty, Engineer; Ald. Fricl, Mr. Corxty or Carustos Swow Faim.â€"We unâ€" derstand that the arrangements for the annual exhibition of the above society are progressâ€" ing satisfactorily. ‘The show takes place this day, and as the grounds of the society are only distant from the city about nine miles, and the road an excellent one, no doubt. many of our citizens will avail themselves of a fine drive to witness the productions of the country in live stock, cereals, roots, and the other adâ€" juncts otan agricultural exhibition. It will beâ€"a capital opportunity for our young sport ing friends from the city and elsewhere to practice their manly exercises in the presence of the youth and ‘beauty then assembled. * Allappliances and means to boot" for atkâ€" Porics Covrtâ€"Wevszspayâ€"Wim. Little, Isaac Waitt, Johnâ€"McIntyre, Wm. Waitt, were chargedâ€" with committing a breach of the peace. Wim. Littleappeared to have gone into McIntyre‘s tavern, on Saturday night last, to engage some barge men, when a difficulty arose as to his right to engage a certain man who it appears belonged to another. Mr. Little was in no mood to brook contradiction for he had by his own showing just taken cleven drinks, and so he applied the logic. of the fist to the first argument adduced against his right to hire whomsoever he pleased. And this led to all the trouble that, last Saturday night converted the house of Mr. Mcintyre into pandemonium. ‘The fight became gencral. The landlord, until his blood got up had acted as pacificator, but when in his attempts to keep the peace he was knocked down, and throttled he-dlobolnuolpen“; and that was the grand mistake of the night. Had he 1eâ€" kdcupc'nnvfl.lhhldupon the ground Skead, Mr. James Cotton, Ald. Dow and Mr. Griffin and Mr. Heney. It appears that there are upwards of a hundred men employed on the road, which is now . graded, and in a fow days will be open to the public. The road passes through the tarms of Mr. Powell, Mr. Mutchmor and Mr. Stewart. The swing bridge, built by Government, is spoken of as very beautiful. Altogether it is the greatest improvement made near this city fora long time, and we are sure it will afford great pleaâ€" sure and convenience to a large class of our citizens and visitors. And the city generally owe a debt of gratitude to those gentliemen who have laboured so.long and incessantly to bring the undertaking to a successful issue. No doubt the Corporation will, as soon as t sible, open Bank Street to the limits of city. * The following is generalt Sweeney‘s Seard" referted to, in the telegraphic despatches of Friday last, â€" It will be seen that among other qualities, inseparable from true greatness the Sigenéral"" affects alarge stock of the virtue of humility. _ He not only resigned the office of Secretary of War, but actually refused to be "Commander in Chief of . the Army in Ireland ®* After that no wonder that he should also decline the onerous duty ofattending "Feâ€" nian prcâ€"ni¢s, and other reunions." . "In conâ€" sequence of the numerous invitations which (en. Sweeney is now receivingto attend Feâ€" nian Brotherhood, he wishes it to be underâ€" stood that he resigned the position of Secretary of War at the Troy Congress, and declined the offer of the Commanderâ€"inâ€"Chief of the Army of Ireland, which was tendered to him by that body. : Being, therefore, no longer connected with the organization of the Feman Brotherhood, he does not intend to take any part at present in the proceedings of the Broâ€" therhood, to whom he feels grateful for the continued confidence evinced towards him by these invitations. LOCAL NEWS. ‘The contract for tne e of a new powder magazine in the vicinity of> the Drill Shed, London, C. W., is let to M . Wright anig Durand. The work will aroceeded with, immediately. ; & Axotuz® Ixtrcors Suot.4â€"Mr. Geo. Wattie, of Vespra, shot aâ€"fine blac hnront*mn- ing of the 13th. It ap Bruin was helpâ€". ing himself to property did not belong to him, and like many t thief, got into trouble by his misdecds. (He was shot in aâ€" field of grain belonging to| Mr, Duncan Couts, â€"A rapy in Lafayette, recently in preâ€" paring ber Sunday dinner put some beans in a pot to bake, In a hurry to get to church she inadvertently put her bynin book in the pot and wrapped a pie‘_’d in her pocket handkerchief and took it to church with her. Her mortificationâ€"was i upon discoverâ€" ing her mhhh'ilndng se ; so was her husâ€" band‘s at the singularly composition of his repast. . â€"â€"A fight took place on| Tuesday, between a pagty of tinkers, on the between Caleâ€" !oghud Hamiltqn, some young men â€"A young man David Leslic, shot a young lady named Taylor, in New Lebanon, Ohio, on Friday, she refused to marry. him, while was sitting in the doorway of her mother‘s dwelling sewing.. Leslic nred at her from the upper story of an hotel opposite, in which ho dwelt. She lived only three minutes receiving the wound. Trewexpous Stomw ty Friaxce.â€"The south of France has been ted by a tremendous storm. Rain fell during two nights in such a cataract that it see f " the ‘fountains of the greatdeep were en up;" and this was accompanied by a display of lightning‘ Wails have been whn down, mills washed away, aqueducts brokef into, fields laid waste, and towns rendered ly uninhabitable. Buch a storm has not n witnessed by the oldest man living samed Kelly fired four ti with a revolver at the tinkers, the last t hitting a ‘man almost passing through body. Three of. the assailants have been and commitâ€" ted, but the man who firdd the shot has thus far eluded pursuit. â€"The Amcrican Exp Companp shipâ€" ped from Lockport, New York, during the week ending September 15, twob and ninetyâ€" three tons of peaches. + ; â€"â€"Indications of potatoe rot in various porâ€" tions of Michigan have recently become quite apparent, caused by the almost continuous rains of the last two mon 4 Dexax» ror Grafx. is arriving in farmers‘ waggons 1 rate of nearly six thousand bushels a day, chiefly barley and ryc, selling at 55¢ to 56¢ pet bushel. Wheat and peas are also coming is freely, but in much smailer quantities. ‘Thore is great demand for Lower Canada consum . and Berrvy & Co. Lower Canada consum , and Berry & Co. are grinding this grain into flour for the same market, ‘The docks arclall alive with farmers‘ waggons passing to and|fro, who are "making ‘hay. while the sun "â€"Kingaion News. â€"â€"Mr. Walter, M. P., the |proprietor of the Times, accompanied by his |son, is about to visit America, and will no doubt include Caâ€" nada in his tour. 4 t â€"â€"Messrs. C. Draper & Co., of Whitby, have just completed their ‘steam elevator for â€"The quantity of glass essary for the Exhibition Palace in Paris, would suffice to cover eight hectares (twenty Reres)â€"that is to. say, 80,000 square feet. s * storing and shipping! grain. ‘The elevators canstore away 41,500 fill each day ot ten working hours. | â€"«Salmon has been found ih the estéary of! the Mhames, thanks to the.improved sy8tem of drainage now prevailing. T#o years ago fish| could not not live there. se ' â€"The Delaware Gasette sayg t P T. Engard hos sold tw8®6Its of the hor*‘ "@Norman" for $2760â€"one of them selling f¢ $1500 and the wother for$1 200. ~ No 4 â€"The Ltalic say®# : Athe | Venetian . debt, which is to be Werfron; Austria by the Italian gon-mm.-ncl%nu{ to â€"230,000,000 francs, s s m . | + | â€"The standing &army of $weden, which has hitherto congzi about ‘men, is to be entirely Wni:ed,in increase its effective stul.ha, f ; | â€"Accotrding to the census recently taken forf the City @fRaris, the population of I‘tq’pihk exclusive of foreigners passi through «it, is There are various thgories monb those who first saw the slide. ‘The most common is that it.was an earthquake, the most probable is that it was caused by a large accumulation of water and quicksands under the road, which finally burst their bonds. Oll Works n..?- â€"What Was It t (From the Clevelsud September 28th.) Yesterday shortly 12 o‘ctock, a very sinâ€" gular casualty occurred on Hill Street. On the north sida of this is a ravine, perhaps twenty feet deep, occu by the ol‘ works ot Mr. Celemater, and others. At the hour mamed, the man in c of Mr. D.s works, heard a rumbling noise, and looking towards thmt{-w.bontfl leet of the bank movâ€" ing rapidly out into ravine and directly upon the works. In an instant, a gnn mass of eartt. was precipi with much force ‘aâ€" gainst the buildings, which, being of wood gave way and were crushed nlon.;k with several tanks, some machinery, &¢. ie ravine was suddenly filled to ths depth of four or five feet with the earth from the bank, the deposit being made evenly, and very h as if it had been "dumped" from wago: The way of Hill street was clniedh::, ‘there is now a gulf forty or fifty feet , and nearly half as deep, across the street. , â€"â€"Thos. Lark, the #ell known propriet a hotel at (‘hnh.uu, committied micldnq day morning by taking strychnine. I â€"The crops of the lower proviné / afe 16â€" ported t0ibg equally damaged, witW&hse of Caâ€" nada, by continuous wet weather. * \ The singular feature of this is that it was not the falling of 4 steep bank, but a vast mass of earth was fo out ho tally by some unknownsagency, carried some of it seyâ€" entyâ€"five yards on y a level. .| There. was some water wltlz;he slide, but the t part of the earth whith moved was even wet. â€"It is said exâ€"Secretary Harlan,; who ten years ago was not worth $5,000, has accumulat+ ed a fortune of nearly half a million of dollars, â€"The Fenian trials at Torofto, will be cn; tered upon on Monday next. (*t â€"â€"The Grand Trunk voluntéers of 'l'om‘ofi hove received their clothing equipments, â€"Buth Brick is now being fnanutaâ€"tured id Stratford, C. W. _ It is said to be an excellent atticle. i | â€"In Toronto on Thursday a young man named H. J, Lawton, for uul’llting'-u special constable was fined $5 and costs." «4 â€"The receipts of Ristori‘s first performance in New York were $3,100, of which the traged+ ienue gets $1,000, I 414 â€"Three or four murders have been com mitted in Chicago since Mondéy last. hy Dexax» ror Gratx A SING NEWS‘ ITENC®S. AFFAIR One ot the latter THE OTTA WA |~â€" The Herabi‘s Washington s \Dix Wwill only hold his appoii ‘officer a few days. He has ac fof to France. ° m k Go'.lu-ll Slocu |* The World‘s Washington s understood that Gerl, Slocum &n important foreigh ‘mission. & + Santa Anna‘s Washin |\ Santa Anna‘s recent viufl mhd his efforts in favor"of dence, did not appear to m:‘:J ‘thy from the resident Mexic #: New York Money ®., New York, 3rd.â€"Gold: ope Al_148}: fgh Posts money article says lq Id lpwor whd less active. Loan market more .d:g'; Call loans 4â€"to 5 per cent; discounts 5 per cent. Stock market lc’-tI active. Govâ€" ¢rnment steady. + Railroad lchgulrud_ lower. Foreign‘ exchange fi at 106} for toâ€"day‘s. Commercial bills. 107] ‘o_ 108] for banker‘s debtsat short sight. | | : . New York | | , Junon®‘ Pars, New York, %t.fanl.â€"'!’be first race, mile hoats, for all qmr started, won by Bayswater; time 150 and 148j. At tendance large, ‘The seco d race, mile and an eighth dash, won by Luther;time 201}. Richmond won the third race, matcli for $1000. hmfoutth& of a mile wom by| Belmont‘s Maid of Honor; time 121. [ » \ â€"â€"The Duke deGrammont Gaderousse, who died in Egypt of consumption after a wild life, left the bulz of his fortune to Dr. Declet, his edical man, For some years previous to his :.fl: his relatives had obtained from the triâ€" Bunals a certain control over the manner in hich he spent his fortune, there was no &uuwn was to be reve on them that he. left his. property to the . ‘The civil mal of the Seine . has annulled the will, the :roulnd that I:l;;n 9:::& article of the Napoleon prohibits the P&"h“ of any y to a doctor who attends ithe in. lis last illness by whom the b«jnm E made. Fatal Balloon A slone |, Oswreeo, Oct. 3rd.â€"The wurgrv:at exâ€" vitement at Albion yesterday by an|account of an wronaut making &n ascension in a balloon. g:‘ intention was to dueeti Byracuse. The balloon was picked up by the schooner Aétive. Nothing known‘ of sflle of the wronaut, f £.*. o4 M Jn lagine manceer it Andets Aroteniies: S ailcalcs mtcb e i wl dlab ud 3 jand retaining also rights is the hunting \grounds, Ffi this fourth of the freehold the company may exercise the right of issuing ‘land warrants:on the stock e ha;p; and as ‘the Imperial and iBritish Anmerican governâ€" \ments propos¢ to carry out a system of coloniâ€" isation in earnest, it is likely that this will |prove a sourcg of increasing value to the comâ€" ‘pany. | It is farther calculated that this transâ€" [fer will not interfere with the trading interests ‘of the computy, the colonizable lands being quite distinct from the huhting grounds, the practical| monopoly over| which, in all |probability, will still remain |with. the comâ€" |pany, throughi its superior facilities and settleâ€" \mente. _ While this is so, it is stated that the ‘old claim against the United States under the ‘Oregon territory is new on the verge of settleâ€" iment, and that the compromisp will probably ibe somewhere about £250,000. â€" (Under the fiut report the net assets of th company were £927,000. To‘this We have to add the amount to be derived from the sale of \the territoryâ€" whatever it be fixed at, between (£1,000,000 wnd £2,000,600â€"and the produce also of the ‘Oregon claim;, in order to estinjate the amount that will be disposable among the shareholdâ€" prs. When this is divided the company will be able to deal with their p ed issue of land warrants, and to continue their trade, which is at present yielding them about £100,â€" â€"fin. B.i;;el';ihn'n’ Worl;i‘{:‘{-ir ‘Restorer and dressing, the ‘great un led preparaâ€" tions for no’torlng, invigor::} , beautifying and dressing the hair. Sold by all druggists. | _ ® It ampears that we may at \on the appromching settlemen \Bay question; hitherto delayed \difficulties, ‘The conditions now appear to be reduced to 1i ‘matter of arbitration. The jarbitrators haye already be n suggested. \shareholders may, therefore, I:‘k to a l (being struck at some intervening price. .‘The \Intest pmpo-r.ppe.n to be the compaâ€" ‘ny should sell, with the sovereignty, threeâ€" fourths of the freehold of the territory, reservâ€" ‘ing to themselves one square mile out of four, | ‘The Mn Daity News 01 BAYS :â€" 6 . New Yous, Oct. 3rd.â€"The offife of Santa Anna was ‘overrun yesteidhy) by partics who were anxious to euter the Mexicar service. 1t is reported that six steamers to be bought for the service of the Eiberals; A Eloln of nine million dollars, whic)r‘ Santa nua) was negotiâ€" ating, has becn com¢luded with three banking houses in this city. 4 | j Five Handred nou-rtteyunl. New \'on;, Oct. 4rd.â€"Th Su?ervlwrs of Queen‘s County "offer $500 reward for the arâ€" rest ot the murderer of Robert Walker on the Centreville race course. _ T | Te The, Steamer Sher â€" ‘The passengers of the stcar cently wrecked off Brady Isla ab Norf@Wk, | All on board wer er & total loss. } Npui\'n.u‘, Oct. 2nd.â€"Ele cholera here toâ€"day. £ Terme Havts, Isp., Oct. 2nd this morning at a depth of 3 sinking an artesian well. Santa Anna derstood to aak £2,000,000 for the sovereignty and the bulk jof the frechold, while the Impcâ€" tial Governmient bave long |undertaken to ;mntu £1,000,000 ; but it now appears that | parties have agreed to the principle of arâ€" bitration, and that the names of two eminent P00 a year net. It is unde British North . American .del tountry, who are now about terms of confederation with th will ‘MHP' jointly with the gor to terms with the Hudson‘s Bs order to complete the confede fore they leays England." «* ‘Destructive F Pirtsacron, Oct. 2nd,â€"A in the tobgcco factory of w consumed the entire building estimated at $30,000, The:Choléra in the Mymm, Oct. 2nd.â€"Only cholera and 9 deaths toâ€"day. «_ OTTAWA TO KINGSTON.â€" Ottawa leaves at 7 a. m., évery M The steamer Bytown at 7 a.m., e Saturday. » OTTAWA TO MONTREAL, Victoria leaves the foot of Suse LATEST AMERICAN ny at 6:30. [HIGRI THE HUDSON BAY TJ PRIVRLLERS® DirRCtery, Ofl in Terre H (Por Montreal L lerstood that the | cessful whe d: -gnhil in this :"“fl:"r a ut concluding the | 10890 9!!A! colqnial office, | $nd i®mM&® y4 mmnt, ©°M¢ / home, d r Company, in | places by ion system beâ€" | advertised T | duction int fortrdal Time c Steamer City of nday and Thursday, ery Weduesday and en me4ze+> 1.45, p. m. ..”\. 10.5, a.m, prisredinrss $00 $A escott Junction Wwith Heemant woy U aln parts of the U, &. ES no.) South. 15 new Phe Steamer Queen : Strpet every mornâ€" 0 fe re *his c\-cninfi & D. Rhinehart, ind stock. "Loss en on lilnlon. ro Washington, exican Indepenâ€" with any sympaâ€" legation. ecial l;ys GenLl, tment as naval cepted the missâ€" rcial says. it is s to be tendered idan» * er .?Aeridan, reâ€" ad, yve arrived saved. â€" Stcamâ€" and 148j. At race, mile and t:t; 2013. atcl for $1000. 'cnfi calculate of Hudson‘s through various f a |settlement le more than a impany are unâ€" RRITORY. wul 4+ lU\I'- + that the gates in this oncluding the colqnial office, thfi' 13th ult <+++« T.00 a.m. 1 was struck t by a party ce of Santa parties who service. It P be bought tloluof nine was negotiâ€" ree banking ATCHES. s of id ny Te dveefiratwadiosiisl Ahirdiean Sio ces ind P oreten ases from, or a ated by impure blood 'l’tmmp.fln. uid bo used 14 connsotion with the pills, 2432 Bristol‘s Sugareconted Pills.=«No family cathartic has ever deserved or received the praise which has been awarded to Bristol‘s Sugarâ€" coated Pills, both by &hyciehm and patients. The Mlmoninil to their efficacy and ontire freedom from all objectionable properties are from the very highest and most cuutious modical authorities. Their great merit, according to those witnesses, is that they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels, but obviate the necessity for continual ;»urfstion. In other words, which enable them to fulll their functions nwlnl:{, without being urged to their work by a frequent resort to the original curative. ‘This is a maiter of vast lmrorhnoo. Moreover, th{ do not reduce the general strength., as all minâ€" eral purgatives do, nor involye pain nor nausea in their operation. Hence they are invaluable for women,children, and -fod persons. They are put :fi in glass vials, and will keep in any climate. In al therefore wish to say to all that it is equally sue. cessful whother uwI internally or externally, and it stands alone, unrivalled by all the great cata. logue of family medicines, and its sale is universal and invmense, ‘The demand for it from India and other foreign countries is oqual to the demand at home, and it has become known in those farâ€"of places by its moritsâ€"the proprictors have never advertised it or been at any expense in its introâ€" duction into foreign lands, 4 « Srrin" CC hn } Oatmealâ€"per 200 lbs...... | Indian Meal «_ ...... ‘ Ryeâ€"per bushel 56 lbs... Barley «. . 48 lbs... Wuratâ€"Fallâ€"per bushel, 60 Ibs. swin‘h w «e Corxâ€"Per bushel, 56 1bs ............ & Peas: * §01bs.......:««««.. Oats * 34 Ibs............ + ‘Beans " §0 lbs.............. Porxsâ€"Messâ€"per barrel... ......... : Prime Mess ';or d0...... Hog per 100 lbs............... its healing virtues whon . .}.’Ei;l'e'?n'.'r;:fi"."m therefore wish to say to all that it is oqnfiy sue. Grax»o Truxk Rattway or Caxapa.â€"Return of traffic for week ending September 22nd, 1866: FaSSODGONS) .. s iovrvessnnrererepern inrbrereire rer ces ser d§@RqOOD Express Freight, Mails ant Sundries,......... 4,900 Freight and Ein BROOKy::1â€"1.::1.stztserrerecassss> ByD 4 Perry Davis‘ Vegetable Pain Killer, The universal remedy for internal and external complaints. . At this period there are but few of the human race unleqxnimd with the merits of the Pain Killer ; but while some extol it as a liniment, they know but littl6 ofits power in casing pain whes taken internally, while others use it internalâ€" ly, with groat success ‘but aro cqually ignorant of A CARD ‘PO INVALIDS.. A] clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and li.x: nnbdl for the cure of nervous weakness, carly cay, diseases of the urinary and geminal organs, and the whole train of disorders hrwfi:'on by baneful and vicious habits. Great num have been cured by this noble remedy. \Prompted by a desire to bencfit the affiicted and, unfortunate, L will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one whe needs it, yree of charge. . Please enclose an envelope, addressed to yourself. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. Sepiember 24. 237â€"y Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syru Rov. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes in the Smm Christian Freeman :â€"We would b{ no means reâ€" commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be goodâ€"particularly for infants. But of Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrap we can speak from knowledge; in our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by giving an infant trou{lod with colic P'W““fi sleep, and its parents uubr&ken restâ€"at ni lost parents can a Emhu eso blessings. Hoere is an article whip ; works to perâ€" footimnd which is harmless ; for the sleep wfioell it affords the infant is «perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as " bright as a button." And diring t.hoir'bn-‘ of teothing its value is incaleul~ able. We have lh%uently heard mothers say they would not..fn without it from the birth of the child till it had finished the teething li:fo, on any conâ€" sideration whatever.. Sold by all mgg‘;u, at 25 cents & bottle. 1d " Since writing the above, we learn that two other: Union. men were killed, in the same gounty, one of whom was Capt.! Dodson, late of the 4th Arkansas (Union) Cavalry. The rebels attempted to kill Capt. Wood, but he got out of their way. $# 4 Corresponding week of 1865, Oatsâ€"Per 32 lbs........... Baxuzyâ€"Por 481bs........ Mortimer‘s Remedy tor Choicra and Diarr« hoa«. We certify that. Mr. G. Mortimer‘s «Cholera :::u;iyc: hsls lpee‘nl‘i'lly removed sevoral attacks of el Complaint and sym of Cholera, with which we wl:ro' Inhl& uwm P 3 . Grrmatx, Sussex Stroot. o â€"__*_=â€"_ D. McGratH, York Street. © What followed is of a nature s diabolical and heartâ€"rending as almost to stagger beligf. The fiends then coolly told Ray that they come to kill him, and that he had! to die iniâ€" medictely, accusing him of having killed|a frieud o theirs during the war, . Hofroiâ€"struck, Ray pleaded for his life, for the e of his poor wife, who was contined to "her‘bed a hel less invalid, _ But the monsters knew no mercy, and as one of them .was about to fire, the wife sprang out of her bed and piaced herâ€" self before hgr husband, begging with all t1 fervor of a devoted wife, under circumstances so dreadfu‘!, for her husband‘s life. But in vain. ‘The savage removed one of her arms :m her husband and fired, shooting the man xhow only crime was to be a Union man arid exâ€"Union soldier) through the body. Breakâ€" ing away from his wite, he staggered acro the room, trying, perhaps, to escape, but fell dead after ‘receivingâ€" three more. shots. â€" ‘The assassin then fired off the réemaining two charges of his revolver in the room, and then the whole party left. ; @ No arrests have been made, nor will tnete ever be, _ ‘The murderer, before he killed Ray, confessed he did not know anything of him, but that he was a Union man, and Union men could not live there. "‘There can be no doubt that there is an orâ€" ganized band of rebel cutâ€"throats in that part of the State, who do the bidding of their masâ€" ters with terrible fidelity." % . Welland CanalSuperfine D&g FIOGK X1.....::......... Wnnâ€"SnYr No. 1 Canada..... No 1 Western ............... PP .0 P C reiceassarrien Canada W heat............. Butrkzâ€"Dairy.... Asuxsâ€"Pots The Fort Smith New Era of Sept| 5th says : 4 About the time Sheriff Willi was killâ€" ed in Pope County, a couple of wéeks ago, a man named Ray, who had been & soldier 1n the 2nd Arkansis (Union) Cavalry} was mogt barbarously murdered in the e county, under the following circumstancek : Several men rode up to Ray‘s nouse late in the eveâ€" ning, and inquired if they®could hive supper. Ray told them that his wife was vefy sick, but he, would do what he could for them. Whergâ€" upon he himself prepared a meal| for them, anil they partook of it. ‘ Supper oyér and their horses fed, the bushwhackers, for|such théy were, asked Ray what they had th pay, He hospitably refused compensation. For sale at 41, Sussex Streot. ®â€"Super Extra. Extra ........ Yesterday‘s Montreal Markets. COMMERCIAL (Compiled expressly for the T rugs.) NO. Brrrerreversersreterraress Bagsâ€"Fall per 100 1bs PEACE IN ARKANSAS. OTTAWA MARKETS. OCTOBER 4,) 1866. Decrease,.. SPECIAL NOTICES. Po 1 Address, .. P _ : Several n the eve» ve supper, y sick, but known and melancholy fact that one groat CRUE® of denth among ohll({n- is from Worms alone, it emn:}n too dnpl{ impressed upon the minds of varents the necessity of closely watching their parents the necessity of closely watching their children. _ By so 'dolng; u{l undnr:z‘wding the s and true cause of the disense, uw':i%hudm ilflh be saved from early gra * smd 54 “ol"y orus. â€"â€" The l'ollovi:g are ow e > numej symptoms a dindu which are caused »,"3'«.’.: deranged ?p to, “l““‘ ':.nn-iuu. ofl'on-‘i;o‘h bro:u;; pitking ‘nose, gnd e toct dm sleep, hardness of the lly%m frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching ol( ufl lrlluf s pdlm and Mh.' A‘::, unquiet sleep, fa coug igestion low a irm dreams, and a ;mlnflui-t. lng afray of Bollle .A C IACET NCns 900000 .00 | ffi preparation at once renders the akin soft and Rerible, and thus prevents.that perspirable matter from ::l[ad;:.a_on its surface, | It »wot only renovates the hair, imparts to it : A BEAUTIFUL GLOSS. | It should be on every Lady‘s and Gentleman‘s toilet, both as a DRI!Sbr{NG and RENOVATOR, | | Prepared by * | | $W. H. MITCHELL > | | Hair Dresser, Wellington St., | .. _|_: _ Opposite Montreal Bank, Upper Town. Mothers Read This!â€"Rolioway*‘s Worm | l‘,"‘fll’“ are a certain and safe romedy for| Wornts in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" | known and melancholy fact that one groat cause J _ They are palatable and selfâ€"administered to the child 4 ive out the worms thoroughly without pain incapacity of tlmminfl off those groéujr;:n;ti;h;; of perspirable matter deposited upon it. The conâ€" uciuefnée is the skin becomes contracted, scales and r:eln off ; and the heat which is on its surface, eakens that nutriment which feeds the HAIR, it goon falls off, and BALDNESS is imminent. childâ€"drive out the worms t hly without pain and fi;mmmmâ€"bnby £in‘ away with the necessity of administering Castor Each box contains the facâ€"simile signature of Nomturor & Lvmax, Newcastle, C.W., who are he opr?;fldon. N. B.â€"Ask for Holloway‘s Worm Lozenges, F and take no odnr.‘& Bola by all the ruggists in Ottawa, and medicine deale . everyâ€" where. 144â€"6m Mitchell‘s Dandruff Embrocation, ['l' IS WELL KNOWN TO THOSE WHO h?o carefully studied the peculiar diseases of e hair that DANDRUFF collects on the skin by is EW ADVERTISEMENTS c CGreat Dandraf Preventative. a, July 2. 1866. cathartiosâ€"as in the use 18ly * Capital" Stove Depot, 35,Sussex St., Ottawa Made to order. * The best of material used and none but firstâ€"class workmen employed Camp Keitlies, Bake Pans, Shanty Plates,and all kinds of | supplics on Hund. STOVES. STOVES. UR STOCK OF THE ABOVE I8s NOW COMPLETE, COMPRISING a GBrEAT 0 variety of all the different &ntem, with every real improvement which the advancing requireâ€" ments of Central Canada have shown to be noeded.. The assortment is the largest and most varied in this market: Special attention has been given to the selection of STOVES, suitable for Farmers -nq‘ to residerts of LE:cclty. The ) . #s ELEVATED OVEN COOKING STOVES !| . : Of which we have about tnnt( different sizes and patterns, including the following celebratéed names : Protectionist, Large and Small King of Stoves, lu:zwod Farmer‘s, (2 size«), Fortune, Mousekeeper, Sunny Side, &c., &¢., all of which are splendid bakers.© Our * * Of the best Russian and other Iron, also Gallows Pipe, T ‘Pipes, Elbows, Key Pi % s Tin, Sheet, Iron, and Copper Ware on hand and ml':l‘. toor":.. ° Song Ahey Pipes, and all kinds of We have all the latest and best paiterns, open and close fronts, elogant in design, durable for use an cheap in price. » * $ . BOX STOVES ! _ A very large stock of these Stoves just received, including the Black Giant, Rambiler, Rover, Liones Lion, Fulton, &c., all sizes, suitable for the ufilut bedroom or the largest hall, warehouse, or churct (a liberal discount made on all Stoves sold to Churches.) Different patterns, with single or double ()naJl. Builders‘Job Work, Hot Air Furnaces, Eavetroughs, &¢,., Go to the " CAPITAL !‘ DUMB STOVES AND STOVE PIPES ! LOW OVEN COOKING STOVES ! H. MEADOWS, & CO. DOUBLE STOVES ! PARLOR, STOVES ! ~ "THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. » 35, SUSSEX STREE1. . MEADOWS & Co. Thursday, Friday and & Ocronse 4tu, Sru, axo 614, SsECONDANNUALMEETINCG Three Days‘ Racing over the New Presoott fecBulLHakss ... . ... ... .._ ADMISSION, w w & 25 CENTs. LADIES FREE. . _ No ?irltu- liquors or gambling allowed on the The Ottawa & Prescott Railway + M So receive LENDERS from parties wi i? to supply 20,000 Ties, -IWMth wod. fications containing the conditions and forms of (on which alone Tenders will be receivâ€" «d), may be had on and after the 1st OCTOBER at his office, and at the several stations on the line. $300.00 IN TIES AND FUEL WOOD. At a Council held in the City of Quebec, on Monday, 24th September, 1866. mssy : IHS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL, On the recommendation of the . Honorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the anâ€" wfimumwhlfi“d& n&urammm&m of Canaâ€" da, His sellency was pleased to order and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the item, " Iron Wire," "round or fat," meftioned in the Schedule E of the Act 29th, 30th Vic. Cap. 6, was intended to include, and :s hereby declared to extend to and include flat wire for crinolines unâ€" Ottawa & Prescott Railway Office, Ottawa, Sopt. 20, 1866. pompéedellist of the groat International Exhibiâ€" THE ABOVE WATCHES SHEFFIELD I10USE, BDBRRRET Prosoott Turf Club. 66 y sewin! warchxiaker, ‘l;or account of Messrs. e lm DAT, OCTOE®EK tas. Sale at NENE o‘clock. * FIDT Montreal, October 2. | TRADE SA Racing to commence each at 2 o‘clook. L. i bakters HKE UNDERSIGNED Is PREPARED to receive TENDERS from parties willing to 1. an ana m d C nsl & 2L 2 " 245.3 RADE SALE OF TEAs. 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. E. K. M.cGILLIVRAY & Co. C .. _ | _ Watchnakers and Jeweliers, .Ammdflhfim“h PA rsion Trains will be ran on .n‘?.l..‘ IN GOLD AND SILVER CASEs, CONTRACT FOR Driving Park. Appiy ts W. A. HIMESWORTH, THOS. REYNOLDs, AT THE RS WiILL HOLD a David ‘Tofrance & Co., at Street, Montreal, on FRIâ€" LE OF TEAS LEEMING & ©o., P. A. LOFTUS, Alpthe Russell House kept 42â€"y || f407‘s and THELR M eammant f Newcastle, ww;‘??ck- Right HAIR â€" Brace, jor Tecad: h‘l:b“m Fren Footh, Xail and Sha _,’, Bansley‘s Ce Paste, from Iryi:d to ~â€"Gentlemen‘s and Solare ept on Band _ Adlurge stock of ue _ _ _ [ RUBBER By the case, at Don‘t mastod (Warea, \ TL O W W llol" At No. 12, BOOT PE G continuanee of on him before. Ottawa, Sept Is AGAIN PRE CAPRIAGE: pmasos.cdocd s > WITNEYS not to LOTS, BLANKET AND WILL BE CALL] CALL1] CaALL! CaLLit ____ Am Tane â€"* AT THE THE ONLY E8TA® THE ONLY ESTAN {(OUNC A large assort Ottawa, Aug 20 Ottawa, Sept. 28 CIG A leaf or smoking \'u:n-llh. resort to the usd T ob RETAIL P. Machine in a PA Cheap for As the proprietor a way that wil reat variety , sul the season of 18 in the Leath free of all LARGE Lim< Pracmcar W ising all that Drugs, AND Apply t Also a () RID

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