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Ottawa Times (1865), 9 Oct 1866, p. 3

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For account of Messts. David Torrance & Co., at the salerooms, Hospital Street, Montreal, on FR1â€" pAY, OCTOBER 1*h. Sale at NINE o‘clock ie 3WE SURSCRIBERS WiLL HoLD A TRADE SALE OF TEAS BRAXDIES, WINXES, . | &s.. &c., for sccount of Messrs. Converse, Colson & | mummlfiland.w.u \ FRIDAY, tith of OCTO . d | Sale at ONE o‘clock, or immediatoly after Messrs. I>. Torrance & Co‘s Sale. JOHN LEEMING & C0., | Mortreal, October 2 4k RUBBER OVERSHOES, ! By the case, at variety, suited to and country trade, mmd,!fl-t.'::(mdmth rise in the Leather Market, at extremely MENS‘" > COARSE BOoOTSs, At No. 12, and also at No. 93, BOOTS & SHOES, Dowt mistabe the right storee, if you desire ‘-E.N‘Ivh be Aad for your money in Ef!]‘/ (Wtance. Â¥ Mnb i en e THE ABOVE WATCHES ~"'i'v‘]'*"-ll‘.“c |‘ % Prize Medaltist of the groat International wahtse: SHEFFIELD HOUSE, Sale at NINE o‘clock At a Council held in the City of" Queber, on Monday, 24th September, 1866. | HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL EN COUNCIL Ou the recommendation of the Hozorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the auâ€" ‘iv-nlndundbylbalmdtho 17th of the Consolidated Statutes of Canaâ€" da, His Exseliency was pleased to order and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the Nem, = Iron Wire," «round or fSat," mentioned -~Mld~“mn'fi-fip l.'-l-.ldt-iâ€"hlo.nd-habydahnd to extend to and include flat wire for crinolines unâ€" eas, â€" Xr LPOCeCLICs, _ BRANDIES®, WINE®, _ __| . &0., at the stores of Messre, @illespic, Moffatt io. on TV ESDAY, OCTOBER 9. Ottawa, Sept. L Thirty thousand prices of the above forwarded, gnodal”-‘ly.” , Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire RADE SALE OF TEAS. Burgoyne, Butbridges CHARLES ESPLIN, | Millwright and Engineer MECHANICAL: DRAUGATSMAN, Gmn AND n:‘ MILL® ““fl: on most recent improved pt ples. r for Fleeks and â€" improved| Taylor ster Wheel, .u?-uu Iroa Works, Montreal. Address Chas. Eâ€"plin, Ottawa. m# ATTENTIO N HOWE & SON BOOT8, SEOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS I * WE ARE XOW SELLING ; RKADE SALE OF MOXNTREAL TRADE SALEA PR Bo075. S110ES, &C., At enormousiy reduced prices, as we intend furnishâ€" u-uuufiu-nsa-hu P SPRiG & SUMM:i 6003 | Sow is the Time fter Bargain» LARGE LOT OF GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c. oW PERBEILICES, ADEK SALE OF 0""‘ AND GLOUCESTEE n"*" COMPANY.â€"Notice is the Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Coun have this day made a further call of TEN nfih. of the Capital Stock of the said (ourâ€" e call they uq;ln the bolders of suth :E: y to J. D. S.I:.A ER, ‘l'..S'Q.,. ‘l'n'u‘nur of the Lfl.’- at ofhice, COrtaâ€" wa,‘on FRIDAY, the 26th DAYD'OCI“{&B next. ,Ddo‘!iinm day of i;xv-bon 1846. W. DUCK, Becusta®r, #40td4 @:tawa and Gloucester Road Co. #4, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Ca., W atchmakers and Jowellers. as â€" Tobaccos DRUG®S, Oetober 2 WHOLESALE & RETAIL, October 2. IX GOLD AND SILVER CASES, At TWE 100 puns. Highwines» 45 hhds, Gim« 25 qr. casks Gin« 300 Green cases Gin. §00 Brandy do. IQT OR s. FOR SALE SEWILL, _ WATCHMAKER, v special appointwent, to Her Majesty r“.z..n.ptl the late duties. JOSEPH PHELAN, * §35 and 537 Paul Street Montres THOUSAND DOLLARS wORTH OF 5 G. HOWE & sOX, 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Rideau treet. RIDEAU STREET JOHN LEEMING 4 ©o.,‘ Auctioneers (ASSORTED;, | ;Manufacturer‘s prices for Cash (B. F) ALSO â€" *n JOHNâ€"LEEMING £€0., Auctioncers Â¥Proceres, W. A. ULMSWORTH, merx 87., Loxpox ANT BEST qQUCALITY % H. PRESTON & 14. joneers ‘“2 45td o. sTER g0oAD GRANT & HENDERSON, 14¢" Another consignme just received. FPRENCH MERINO®, BLACK SILEK®, t WINCIE BLACGCEHK & COLORID V ET. ' Ttibbons, V elvets, &c. C. & L. invito inspection of their FALL GOODS as they are sure to please. TTA W A, Sept. 17. * Importers of Dry Goods ! They would call p-;uellnr attention, as tfioy have now on hand every novelty of and. ® ticular n pattern i luh{b &‘h.:: luhw::lo for the seasou, and as their stock is large and v they D'EP\-' are prep* to take orders for Clothing, which they to |make o They A + ’lm up in the t sty lea .'.;l ‘;8';‘!"1'" and as they are under the superintendence experienced |outte:s, they are CUNXNXIXGHAM |‘& :; LINDAIA Y ,| cordingly BLA! ALEX. DUFF. OTTAW A, O«t. 8, 1866 the l ith INST. f Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of JAMES D° SLATER, | Chairman Board Common School Trustecs. By Jauzes Banivr, Deputy herif‘s Office, Ottawa, September 10th, 1866. z ~~, OoLET, 0N CORNER OF + 2L M ‘Witbrod and Kotson streets, MX ME (h=> *A Sandy Hill, two dwellings, newly | BEAVER®, PILO® BLANKLETs finished, first class. One building t 1 m- :. nn-T-. and kitchen: the :txh!"I“ rooms | ELTORS, k‘ itchen. .The promises are beautifully situatâ€" + x . ed, and umiuqdoglpwuh shade trees. ‘Rent modeâ€" | English, Seotch, Canadian and Bannockburn Tweeds, 2d, and surrounded with shade trees, ‘Rent modeâ€" | Milj"M DUIUM AMATIAEE TA OMAE eE C rate. For particulars. .I'flx':finm':'.'\”s | Also, m‘ cholce of those fashionable Ottawa, October 6. . > tigh _ _ _ | Frost Proof) Whitneys fae 4 g | :vhuc: he is prepared to up in the most satisâ€" Notice to Builders. C . oo io mo es ; € . sndl h dillies | arcunrEriar r R CA S L 0; fll‘lm TENDERS WTLL BE ufl" N.B.â€"Protessional Ro Riding Habits, Miliâ€" c ACEN l2 ‘undersizned for the construction | tary Clothing, &¢., &¢., makle to order. 245â€"d | We CLOTHS AND CLOT o mE TT P that the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and of Assize and Nisi ius, in and for the said County of Catleton, will holden at the Court House, in the City of Ottaâ€" a, on FRIDAY, the NINETEENTH dyay of 0OCâ€" BER next, A.D., 1866, at the hour of TEN of the k, a.m.; of which all Coroners, Magistrates, ailiffe, Constables, and all others concerned, ate quired to take notice, and govern themselves acâ€" SIAI.'D TENDERS WILL BE RES ceived by the undersigned for the construstion and completion of a Central Schoolhouse, in Byâ€" W ard, until halfâ€"past seven p.m,, 0n 'l‘lllJRslM‘, Ottawa, October 6 Pl' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and BC CCC ragiy on oi t ngpety tb TW NOTICE. UXTY OF CARLETON, } To wit. § TK DOESKINS, * ILK MIXTUREOF CNATINGS, Do: dâ€". TROWSERINGS, BEDFORD CORDS, F CHAUDIERE TW EEDS, RANNNOCKBURN DO., . f HALIFAX DO., KERSEYS, * FLANNELS, E NOW OFFERING A" LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED 8 K or DRY i0ODS, which they will sell CHEA? POR CASH EAVERS, PETERSHAMS, DEVYONS, _ wuIrTxE®ys, A C IRISH FRIEZE, CANADIAN Do., a BROADCLOTHS EADYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! AW A, September 12. * M B â€"A. tX A SA â€"Cr Et C PSTABLISHED IN 1844 THEIR CLOTHING ‘DEPARTME k&e., 2y 2. 6) AXD MAXUFACTURERS oF, AND DEALERS IX SIMON FRASER, (Late Jas. Brough| & Co,) ARE OFFERING BAKGAINS IN 4 & and 11, Hussex Street. â€"HAVE TO HAND THEâ€" EUREXA | The New Grocery Store mt of cheap | LINEX HANDKERCHIEFS Sheriff. , SPARKS STREET, 248td Sherilf BLANKETS bi0s. td Y MEARA!IG& CO. \First Block West 0 MOCCASINS, BUCK, #&c., Jk"fim a emall advance on lo-z. QUICK sALREs ° SMALL PROFITS . being his motto. Call ard| examine prices and qhality of goods. ® J~ All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. HUGIL ROSS. Artawa Oetoher 2. 4dwd >\ 'l"-Km{'on hand a choice CERIES, WINES, and LIQ r" of choice Green, Black an ‘EES, Muscovado and refine PICK LES, SAUCES, &e , &c. tion of very fine old PORT at '.éihw.m gma Bea Lac Cham; ; Brandy in wood and bottle ; Jamaica mestic W Herring, Hams, Bacon, Pork, 3t af 44 shith ho rlil selt Ottawa, Oetober 2 l OST,«â€"=â€"O0N SATURDAY (EVENING . A last a small VALISE, with card afficed, bearâ€", ing the name ot W M. MCCA THY, QUEBEC. Was* taken from on board the stéamer Qusen Victoria, Any person givinfnmeh information as will lead to its recovery will be suitab‘ r"vs‘sl_o'd.' eg 4. Fall Goods! Fall Goods! fl‘ul SUBSCRIBERITAKES THIS OPâ€" portunity of reurnin thanks for the patron age so liberally bestowed on him, and begs to anâ€" nounce to hisâ€" numerozs omers and the public it general that he has jast réceived a choice assortâ€" ment of : FTall and Winter® Goods! E. w A L. F CJ) P sSPARKS STREET. BEROALTLD CLOTEIS estic W h * * Tuovistone â€"Guch as PA ALMORAL SKIRTS, the brk buiidin t Sparks Street, Uitawa. Bo@nm:o. «â€"« THREKE OR FOUR gentlemen may obtain comfortable rooms on reasonable terms, either with or without beard, in the brk building next the ‘s Printing Office, BAGS, LINEN, Do., TRAVELLING, COTIONs, STRIPED, De., . BLUE. . TiE SUBSCRIBEN Latest Novelties ! French & English Ribbong, MILLINERY, BHONXNET FRHRON‘, Apply to WELLINGTON STREET, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, "onsisting@ of Wast of England VELVKT AND FELT WaT®, MARKET P SMOCKS, â€"AT DENNIS WHALEN, 1X TRUXKS,_ VALISES, KEEPS® CON«, ssortment of GROâ€" ‘ORS, consisting in Japan TEAS, COFâ€" SUGARs, SPICES, Also a choice sclecâ€" SHERRY WINES, Pearl Seal and Gold Gin, various brands Upper Cod Fish, Labrador TT3, WOOLLEN Do. â€" BVUCK, NNETS, * Groor«, meu: S:'.;od» t Seotch and Doâ€" 207y t s sil t d.o k : :k 4 oTrawaAa TIMES â€"O0cTOBER 9. isas AUCTION BALEE. t Auction Sales every Evening. DRY GOODS! [ m 17A NCY GOODS® CEHINA C "And other articles toonumerous }Qo ment ron, AT 0. WARDELL & COâ€"‘8 Where they will sell at pu _.â€"_. ing at balfâ€"pasts °“_SL"“"':' P sts. Crockery, China atfllasswate. A.N‘m\»(lele apnd well sefected #100M $7 17 SEA RMC MICC COLORED CROCKERY, . which will be sold in ?-unm'm tosuit purchasers. . In the stock will be ound a choiee lot of Breakfast , Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, and Toilet Sots. (Alsoa beautiful variety of CIHNA WARE, in Breakfast and Tea Sets, China Vases, Ching Pitchers an .Mui‘l, with a first class assortment of| CUT and PRESSED GLASSW ARE, in Cut and Pres Fruit Dishes, Cut and «Prossed Decanter Cut W jno Glasses, Cut Champagne Giasses, Liq'&w Gldsses, . Cut . and Pressed Gobiets, Custard € r.- t and Pressed ‘Tumblers of all patterns, in fapt uylh{n’r !on require in the C ROCKERY DEPARTMENT; fu to the Variety Hall, gud you will Ne sure to get it. s T . NSaIPZ O o in cclibdee "Iy uk _ M Call and examine trouble in showing the stoc! Also on hand a largo qu Also on hand a lugn }u ntity of BOX STOVES, FURNITURE, &c sold cheap. Josl1ll BOY I 1§6v Genefal Com: W. G. Stond . CHINA, Crockery THEx sUBSCRIBER H received one of the I-rrfi White Granite Stonoware, Chin Glissware, from the celebrated R. Boothe Burslem, England, 4n that he can sell them 25 pret cent. other house in the city. | The G< élass, and a call to see them is ad. â€" J@O" Remember the place, 3 Rilleau VARIETY HALL, me3Bn1g 11 3w oys 104 put 0# oy) uayySuons pus IYLW3O Y AHXY i SYTMHMIL INsSURANCGE Al UAPITAL . â€" | < _ £2,500,000 816. FULLY SUBSCRIBED, [pAr Wisks mpfé_d on wood|or other buildings. Commercial Union Assur NO. 3$4, 8 Aug. 10â€"200â€"3m 1>1â€"1(EN 1&( ; FIRE ASSIIBAII:E coOMP‘y OF LONDON, ... $5,000 WO w¢â€"18I *A *o ‘vavHO GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, For the special s'oe-r“y:i l8 pnfiuod to ueor SNTBWE HMousehold Goods and Farnitur chandise at the lowest current 1 [ JOH Is prepared to Oltawa, Fob. 12, 14;0. AGENTS FOR CANADA. Tllll coMPANY HAVING INVESTED, in conformity with the Provincial Act, t Hundred Thousand Dollars, A TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF ‘VA!'I'ID. By a yO is a suporior accompli who has had experience in t ment in a school asidaily musi( in private families.! The high qualifications can be produc tor for the address. WA!‘I‘ID.-'-A Situa Store by a person of 2 Speaks French an English ; derstands Bookâ€"keeping. Re! Please address to A. B., at the WAwr:p.-é--rwo ‘YOUNG â€" LADIES are desirous of obtaining situations as RESIâ€" DENT GOVERNESSES, or as Teachers of Junior Pupils, either together, or sepi ately, in Academios. Nochoiceofplace, whether in C nada or in the States. Address, by lettor, stating 1,1 culars, J. of J. E., THBEE RIVERS, a | Co. St. Mpurice, Canada East. Ottawa, April 2, 1866. | 89â€"4f WAu'rlm.&-A SITI CERY or (GENERAL man who is exporienced in th this office. _ | Tug sPORTSMAN / IST IN CANADA ; or History of the Game, Game 1 County i by Major W . Ro with eolored plates and wood READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, AND _ «*The Student‘s Natural Daltik :s 5000093 c0ccoo> _ A new Edition of Wilson‘s 4 vols. | A $A" London Society, Cofmhill, Argosy, Tem Bar, All the Year Mfl:?fimn‘?n!l r-ls:; Magazine, Conteinporary Review, British Work« man, Loisure Hour, Surday at Homeâ€"FOR 8BPâ€" TEMBER ts 4 .Aoomgounqekofdlt Text Books used in the City is iand Colle , ‘WNYHINYA °P * 186y IN GREAT VARLETY Ottawa, July 27, 216y Ottawa, April 14. New Books and Established in 1782. NEW AUCTION POOJ SualLaLILAÂ¥A or EVERY DESCRIPTION 19 axp 20, CoRXHILL, For sale by ND 1. ow« »as <>* dILIIISAGâ€"LLKY Y KX T l; Cn-'uld téd on wood|or other buildings. FEANCIS CLEMOW, _ _ , which will be sold in ors. In the stock will be akfast , Dinner Sets, . (Also a beautiful variety Breakfast and Tea Sets, JOHN DURIE & 8ON, in fapt anything you DE l(TMl‘.'N’l'.!tfl will Ne sure to get it. s wd consider it no No C BB\ Ks w;;‘am_ : Streot, House NG LaDy WHO PLANIST, and ohin:. an ongage» teacher, also pupils ast testimonials as to vING JU8ST consignments of Crockery, and anufacturers, J. feels confident: heaper than any a are ‘all firstâ€" poc(full} solicitâ€" e SPDo qs ) Post Office, Policy«holders » Dwellingâ€"houses , and General Morâ€" ) years‘ experience. tho thoroughly . unâ€" rences if roquired. COOKING and , which will be EN, ission Agent. N DURIE, Agont Ottawa, 10, Sparks Streot. ton in a General RTH V ERTS. ‘s1 41ng ‘sa*n0 wWware, ATION in a GROâ€" STORE, by a young bausiness. Apply at Magazines. THE Avcrio®EK®®, 42, North side every evenâ€" Apply to the odiâ€" Elgin Streot. Company, 100 tf/ 4Tâ€"utf RoyalCanadianB: Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77.8pa > M. P. HAYE! Ottawa, June 21 'l‘ THEIR HIGHNESSES the P Wales, and Princo Alfred, His C Duke/of Neweastle, Lord Eigin, 8 r Edmu Lord Monck, Right IlonMEarl‘ 8t. Germa Brocé, Major Teerdale, ajor Cowell, an English and French Porfumery, Cutle , Nail and Shaving Brushes. Bansley‘s Celebrated Razor Strop Paste, from 1s 3d to 0s. ? Gentlemen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all colors kept on hand, _ Alarge stock of English French an New Goods. New G PEG TOP DEP Com_lpri-ing all that is new in tashion a WITNEYS not to be surpassed ; BEA FALL AND WINTER C LOTS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, MELTON Also a choice selection of English, Sootch & Canadian " ‘hA';:‘:lu pmp.l:‘le::ir of :!m above “‘(;lb}"l":ll ov 8 & ty as a prepuzfln make to arder his well . asto inja way that will gvo satisfaction. b Cheap for Cash. G. M. HOLBR Champagne Manufactured in LAROQUE & Co., CHURCH S ARE XOW MANUFAGYURING A WINE Oe onl Cw bn who have tasted the wine, consider it a. article, and superior to what is aw, J. HMotel keepers andâ€"dealers l: W 50 well tocall on LAROQUE & €O,, and OPCONKs > :=s::@4 > m ie v;i‘ Bottles of every description, en bottles, wanted, and one penny per doze en than by any other party fur'th’ #am FETm Ottawa, September 21 CALL! CALL1! CALL!I CALL! CALL!! CALLI ! AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT aT THE OTTAWA sHIRT THE ONLY ESTABLISMMENT T9E OXLY ESTABLISHMENT A large assortment of A large assortment of OTrAWA AGEXC] PLAILN AND FANCY ‘sMIP PLAIN AND FANCY SHIR par Also, Collars, Ties, Bearts, Moves, Hand hiefs, Hosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 S Bank St., Ottawa, | Is AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE all descriptions of | CAPRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &c., & : Mbopubymm-uontobmlnutoh ve a continuance of the patronage so liberally buTuwed on him before. Ottawa, Septemb@r 15. *_ 230y | , Canadian Champa THICHIS EXCELLENT, an« CIGAR MACHIN Is recommended to Smokers as a very ch« gubstitute for the oldâ€"fashioncd Clay WI'I‘II LT A CHILDCAN ROLL WITH ease as good a Cigar tor ONE CENT out of leaf or smoking tobacco, as you can bth fot TEN. You can nse the very best tobacco, and nged not resort to the use of a strong pipe for cheapneks. RETAIL PRICE,..... Any : ordinary smoker will Machine in a week or two. For sale only at Tobaccos, Ciga FANCY GOODS Meetschanm Briar, Gutta Percht Pi CIGARS,..........+«»»++«+....«.... fFOmM 2 Ot8 UP & _ $ Orders will be taken for a new w stand, delivered in/4 weeks from the ris given. j e \ JOHN G. ZIMBMAN'.J hiw gwg_ofSpnhudedh& y T O BAC C 0O Ottawa, June 26. Provixce or CaxaDa, United Counties of Lanark â€" and Renfrew, To Wit: \In the Pounty Court of the United Countice ‘_ â€" _' Renfrew. * { In the matter of wa, Aug 20 'Wnlnlu, A DEED OF COMPOSI« TION and Discharge in this matter has b“nu_ Ilold"uh me, :hh is to SI\'H&)T&CE that if opposition to such com| on isgharge be not made by a oudknrpov'i&h gix ju:fichl‘;nyu aiter the Mrpublludon of this notice, mecording to said Ast, I, HERBERT CHILLON JONES, A«â€" |l¢m o:‘ said Estate, vul“-r:.. on suid composition an terms. | eted at Brockvilie, this 14th day of Aligust, A, No l Rit io Tinorporate ie‘ Chiawe Weminr t wa any,for th _ supply of the city of Ottawa NO_'I‘IOEMALL PARTIES INDREBTED to the Estate of the late ALEX ANDER SCOTT are n&:irod to make immediate payment of thoir accounts to the undersigned. " ALISON 80O0TT, Oitawa, September 6. J. G. ZIMMERMA IR â€" CUTTER arCH 18 EXCELLENT, and they cansell at$3 PER DOZEN. MHSESD PE W s Insolvent Act of 18 whus n it Ottawa, January 30. JUST RECFEIYED aN AS8ORTMENT 0 OTICE.â€"â€"NOTICE IS HERE en, that an application will be m Frouk 20 cts up to $1.50 cts per pound Opposite the DPost Ofthee J. SBMLIPEI, C. BANSLEY & Ottawa, opposite ___ Banks PERFU M A CHOIOE ASSORTMENT, OP WILLIAM CASE LEWIS, TOBACCOS. THE POCKET No, 424 Sparks Str AS AMENDED. BEALER N HERBERT C. JON ..........from 2 ots up THOS AND LAKOQ Where .. uNB Doql,ua. save the cost |of the ROO8S, 244 , Sparks FACTORY 15 An IxsoLYENT ne ? ;vpuqn hateyre very good to be im« ines would give lh+m pron 8 TOR ou will EB & CC g INCK ace the 1 Head, #, Gon. izos and epting (oil e givâ€" Suite. y, Mair, ntario id Razor ks St. German nk CO. is ++>/~gll maioal day :l:cl 6s,&¢. i06 IS, is kerâ€" arks Pipt. Lanark ! Ottawa, September 29 M -:’\ TO LET, FURNISHED or uniurnished, with or withâ€" out board, or with partial board, and at moderate Â¥ntes, four or five nice bedrooms, with, it required, a handsome parâ€" lor, in a good brick house, painted and papered anew in‘the summer, and in one of the beet and most central localities in the city. . For references enqui reat this office. dtu‘u, Beptember 24. 237b 3 C i es â€" couulnli seven rooms and a good lar. Rent moderate. For ynniculnru apply to «_ MRS. FREDERICK SPARKS, _ Ottawa, September 29. e .l House, containing Ten Rooms, in the Deâ€"barats‘ Block, Sparks Stroet, next to Mrs. Trottor‘s Resâ€" rant. . Possession immediate. Avg'qu to t GEORGE E. DESBARATS, Queen‘s Printer‘s Office. Nibawa . Sentember 20. MA Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. +oo w THA'I‘ VALUABLE PROâ€" i hk 43 perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" * dell‘s Homestead, containing about BE : ‘Two Acres, beautifully situated on the Ottawa River, being Lot One, North side Welâ€" l.l:fon Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling outhouses thereon, â€" Ml’ to + miwre £ DINHEV: Yebruary 10, 18bu. 245â€"tf FABH FOR SALE.â€"One Hundred and Ninety Acres of Land, in the T\mmhir of Nepean Shr roperty of the late George ell {lne Hundred and Fifty Acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" on with good Dwolling House, Barn, and other outbuild‘msl thereon. & This land is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from O:tawa City on macadamized ro;d I:_ndi:. to Riehllnond. j the uid ‘or further particulars apply to the us ersigned. Â¥ Jl(’)l;l.‘l BELL, * WILLILAM GRAHAM, JAMES BEARMAN, ixecutors of the Estate of the late George Bell. 3A Address Bell‘s Corners P.0. June 20, 1866. a 156â€"f we PODIIISIOI GIVEN IM» Ifulsitoet 2 mediatoly. _ A new Brick mmmfiu on Besserer Street, Sandy Hill, near the residente of Hon. Maloolm Cameron. This building contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with all modern imâ€" provements. * A lufio Two storey Wooden.Building, on the corâ€" marof Murray Streets. This House is lined with nente AERTPRY MCY NO CerdE N. Brick, furnished with double doors and windows and Venctian Blinds. There is a large Kitchen and Shed attrached, with Punlw. Stables and other the yard. This House is well adapted for a Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private resiâ€" Ottawa; February 10. 1866 FOR SALE OR TO LET. Feby 10, 1866. aiodey .o l;on SALE.â€"â€"THE 5 git erg ongâ€"third of Lot First Concession Ottawa, 3 pean, and Lots Nos. 26 the same Concession, at present in the, UP Wl P Avien. Esq‘ For further: CEee Deerepant NC C000 C Cncasd + the same Concession, at present in tho_oocuannw of Wi. T. Aylen, Esq For further particulars apply | to JOHN and, Wa. TrHomsox, Nepean, and Lewis & P:xary, Barrister, Ottawa. Jeaâ€"141â€"tf for a General Merchant. Tor & MOnOI®! ARBTUIIIICT For particulars apply to the Proprietor on the premiscs. | GEORGE BROW N. Richmond, Fobruary 10, 1866. 46â€"utf > Fou SALK.â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Catheart Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Strectâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. | Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, boin:' gtfl iof the South half of the front part of Lot 20, unction Gore, Towml_ligor (iloucester, as laid down in the registered s»lu.n y Geo?o F. Austinâ€" and other City Lots and Farming Lands. jEat~ Money to Lend on Real Estate. For furthor particulars ‘#pl'y to February 10, 1866 CITY PROPERTY ! LOTS & HOUS® WITH!I TWOâ€"AND=A«HA MILES of the Clx Limits, with A DWELLING HOUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is cleared and: well fenced. These pertios are worthy the atiention of intending pu hasers, and will be sold CHEAP. INDPIE'PK”I‘&.BLPB.“&E;'ES WILL BE GIVEN P apply to wu.’g‘x.mmsq., LN THE TOWNSHIP OF N B. ie > 1i n Pnd Oltawa, Fob. n'.rfa”. ”""'f’?,::?&:" fl waney‘ TOER SALE. Apply to Dwellings to Let. TO LET.«â€"FROM 18T OF November next, a STONE DWELLING on Sparks Street, l}&'-niâ€";il;li_o rooms, on Otta w & Streot, south of Mathew‘s ‘Hotel. Apply en the promises, to ppl TII&'!. G. BURNS. 'l\o BE LET, A DESIR« able house in Victoria Terrace, Richmond Road. Apply to Mesers. C. T. Bate & Co. 231f FRANCIs CLEMOW, ESQ, FPOR SALE 0 LET A DWELLING 25 ACRES OF LAND 0 LET, A HOUSE CON« SHOI’ AND DWELLING= House for Sale in the village of Richmond, 18 miles from the City of Ottawa,. An excellent opening OR SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 ) RENT.â€"â€"â€"A BAKE House, with working utensils, m good house and â€" yard, LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &o., Ottawa., COK#ISTIXG OP LEW IS & INHEY, Barristers, &o., Ottawa, WF& Andrew‘s . imbermere P. 0., On the premises n C x Fol ered, hair stops falling, and HOU%ES. lusuriant growth is the re« HIP OF ;%EPEAN Tut. ragrance amk rithi l ra A raintse| glossy appearance impartâ€" . Sneim! oi old ~,i,| e to the hatr, and no fear intending p?b-urq. and? of soiling the skin, soalp, or ue uns he oves} most elogant hoad tss wat. Creo6,es0., : !/ Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. MARY LEDUC L. P. O‘HANLY. Bandy Hill. 46â€"utf ‘ew Edinburgh 40wd Barristers, Ottawa. City of Otawa. 2420f wagon, horse 161tt E‘ IGI\'EN# i6 /msq., © !| tu' 7':3‘?' 'd WEST» No. 27, in Front "Neâ€" and, 28, in Very â€"Choice and Superior NOW .oN sALdE: 1,000 Tané Pure Mountain Berry We are cnnn;ldy receiving supplies of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, roasted dai/y on ies b our premiwes by *« Without exee;«ion the ‘finest Coffee in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. By q‘hich peculiar process, the aroma is preserved, and renders it the FAVORITE WITH ALL COPPEK DRINK» FRESH ARRIV AL Wines, Spirits & Liquors We tGT BJ j Do B ROBINSON & CO. would especially call the tlon of families to their stock of .ltm Received from England : _ | ROAST HARE. i ; CURRIED DO. f | | JUGGED Do. 1 | STEWED DO. : | ROAST PHEASANTS. } | ROAST GROUSE. § * | . ~ROAST PARTRIDGE. ‘ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our own Waggons to any part of the City daily. } ,poo FXS at* UNCOLORED 500 Chests very choice and superior YoUNXG [.â€"» .‘ MYSON: 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANK AY. 100 Chests old â€" fashioned BREAKFAST ‘_ ROBINSON & CO., ; « THE TEA POT, | | t OTTaAWA. Establishmentsâ€"Sussex St. and Rideau St. TEAS | soOUCHONG. « 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE. toOD SAMARITAN BALM An Internal and External Remedy for.Ofr Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinder ioob‘s LOXDOX STOUT. | RCLAY‘S LOXDON PORTER. &# LSOPS PALE ALE. [ 88 EAST INDIA. t Jw‘s CELEBRATED MONTREAL AL ’tws SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE, $ w‘s CELEBRATED PORTER & srouT EWARE OF SP URIOUS 1IMITATIONS, As itjs imported by no other firm in Canada, lich we are selling at 8 shillings per gallon. Jhapped H ..s, FroPDMMIMAMM®RE] U OO 2 4 06 For sale by all Druf(in.- throughout the P.rov‘u-. Dlroefio: {c‘w uo'wll .eoo-p::z oul;:cu.lo. 1',.“ bora um to ggiste o dfi-h Dealers. ! ‘ h Manufactured by G. WOOD, _ > * < * Ottawa, C. W. N. B.â€"All orders will receive ‘rnnp atte it addressed to G. WOOD, OTTAW A. Ottawa, March 28, 1866 lhwy" have a most delicious LES, WINES& SPIRITS INESS & CO -66;;;, S.F..b!r_l’: 100 cases Otard Brandy. 50 " _ MarteltP‘s * 150 ::::** Ileupeue)'. 1500 %â€" United Vinquels, DUBLIN STOUT ~COFPEEE |! PRESERVED MBATS. DINNEK SHERRY, ROBINSUN & CO, THE TEA POT, OTTAW A. I io m en "fad woOoops OP 2251 i | «Commencing at the S of the 1 Q. river, on the line bet and 34 | | extending Fouther the suid liflg throu i. | 1st concession, en front to the b '5’ Lots 31 and 32 concession, | | erly along the# inc between Lots 31 . q tance of 10 c. 1 thence 8. #1 9 E. Mag® « } thence 8. 2 © ag. 6e 121., thence on fh 3 | ing of the sidegifines along the division lin@b i j Lots 31 end i the rear of the 2nd Com, | | Easterly,alorffffthe lime between the 2ndfs Concessions, fifc. 03 1. «o the centre of thePr }â€" | lowanee Lots 20 and 2. in the Srf « | | sion, thence y in a direct line to | | ceptre of allowance in the rear of 3 i | cession, thegfb Squtherly in a direct 1i | ! | in centre of allowance, on the rearfof < | | cession, on a Mag. bearing of § 10 <â€" | distance of $cbs., untothe 5th con., | | K, 2 o. 501. 6.2° K., T e. , th $ 8 C 45 E.5 §65 1., thenee 8. 10 © WF., 4 c. the line in of read allow. thence Ncw Fall and Winter ‘ â€" GOODS : Filannels, Hosiery, Cloves, Cottons, Linens, Blankets, d. A.., PELEN ARD JUST RECEIVED! Filannels, Dress, Coods, Hosiery, Shawis, â€" CGCloves, Cloths, ; Cottons, Skirtings, Linens, _ Winceys, Blankets, Maberdasher y &c., &c., &c. OWIIB TO A VERY LIBERAL PAâ€" TRON AGE, the undersigned bas made con siqerable enlargement to his establishment, which f enables him to _ Show a larger and better Assorted Stock , THAN HERETOFORE. \ M A visit before buying elsewhere, will conâ€" vince close buyers of the cheapness and variety of ‘ he stock. o# «sntcniiliiles . m retatich S OXE PRICE. No. 17, Sussex St., cor. of George. ¢ * J. A. PINARD. Ottewa, September 22. 236d Plain Figures. The Ottawa & Prescott Railway TIES AND FUEL WOOD. TIIE UNDERSIGNED 186 PREPARED to receive TENDER® from parties willing to supply 20,000 Ties, and 3,000 Cord> of Fuel Wood. rmw eontaining the conditions and forms of er (on which alone Tender» will be receivâ€" ed;, may be bad on and after the 1st OCTOBER at hir office, and at the several st«tions on the line. Ottawa & Prescott Railway Office, : _ Ottawa, Sept 20, 1866. NO'I‘ICI Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Council of the Townehip of North Planâ€" tagenet, intend, at a meeting of &c suid Coumcil, to be held in the Tows Maii, on MONDAY, the 2#th day ulk(DC‘l'Oul'.h. A.D..Blb' 6, at the bour of ONE o‘clock, P.M., passin yâ€"Lawe to open u and establish the l&-flh“ named Roads in th'e' said ‘Fownship of North Plantagenet viz:â€" " mb ut NiR 900 0Ob ns a 4 c d Gmad msccss Ab es t ie P Ist A Road 66 feet wide, described ns follows : «Commencing at the S of the Ottawa river, on the line bet and 32, and extending Souther the suid liflg through the 1st concession, en front to the Wee between Lots 31 and 32 concession, South~ erly. along the # inc between Lots 31 , a dis tance of 10 c. 1 thence 8. #1 9 E. Mag® c. 50 1., thence 8. 2 = ag. 6¢ 121., thence on The bearâ€" ing of the sideffifines along the division lingbetween Lots 31 end : the rear of the 2nd Com, thence Easterly, alorffffthe line between, the 2ndfand 5rd Concessions, @ifc. 03 1. «o the centre of thefroad alâ€" lowance Lots 20 and 2. in the Siff Concesâ€" sion, thence in a direct line to fike post in ceptre of allowance in the rear of Srd conâ€" cession, Squtherly in a direct 1i the post in centre of allowante, on the rearfef 4th conâ€" ceasion, on a Mag. bearing of W 10° E., a distance of unto the 5th con., &. 20 °© E, 2 c. 60 1. 6.2° K., T e. , thence 8. #°C 45‘ E.5 65 1., thenee S. 10 > WF., 4 c. 001 , to the line in of read allow. thence along the division 1 between Lots 20 21, in centre of road allow a distance 21 # 50 1., more or less, to the line Rupween the 6th concersions, thence on the of the lines of the 6th won., a distance ©. 87 thence &.. 12° W., Mag , 1 o. 78 L., & © E., 13¢. 701., thence 8. 31 © E., 66.10 L., 8. 6 © E., 106. 00 1., thence 8. 29 © E., 5 c. 851. thenoee£. 1 © E., 2 c. 30 1., and thence S 20 © W., 2 ©.801., shence Bouth 3 thains, thence 8. 11 ® E.6 c. 35 1., more or Jess, to road allowance, between cons. 4 and 7. 2nd, a roud 68feet wide in continuation of the exâ€" tablished road through the Southern part of the 6th _ w4 S e ks e e n eR C con., between lots 6 and 7, produced &nx the mnoan.,ummd'mmh @on., or 8. 22 © 48‘ E., astronomically. 3rd, a road 40 {eet wide, one halt off each side of the dividing line between Lots 10 and 11, through 2nd concession. 4 H. SMITH, T. C. ‘Town Clerk‘s Office, North i‘lantagenet, 6 September 25, 1866. ‘ 42wa LIKE THE PH(ENIX OF OLD We Rise from our Ashes ! : REMOV AL. T-c u““"::.” nn‘: n Mru-n-'l friends and customers for the liberal patronage bestowed TA R MS ! BY VIRTUE OF POWERS OF SALE cofitained in cortain I-flflu. which will be produced at the Sale, on SATURDAY, the 3rd day of NOVEMBER, 1866, at Twelve o‘cluck, neon, at John Macdonald‘s Auction Rooms, in the city of K *Â¥ « “;ll'ln above Lots will he sold together or separâ€" y. Lo! No. 3.â€"â€"Broken Lot B, in the 1st comgession of the ‘l‘wnhi’ of Torbolton, containing by ad measurement 77 acres of land, of which about To acres are cleared. There are erected on the prex: ises a Dvdla-flaun, Barn «nd Stable. There i« a wharf to the p«r.vty TER MS :â€"Une tenth of the purchase mobey ! be paid down. For balance, terms will bo ma i» kn;vn at the ll-;‘ of rale. 4 or further e~lars, y to p:onx G. B‘:I?'L. EsQ., Otawa. Or, JONAS8 AP JONES, £3Q., Solicitor Masonic Hall, Toronto R.‘. Toronts. 4 _ In the County of Carieton. coxTRACT POR North Plantageneb viz :â€" feet wide, described as follows : the S of the Ottawa s bet and 32, and r the suid liflg through the en front to the Wee between concession, South~ inc between Lote 31 , a dis , thence ®. 819 E. Mag c. 50 1., ag. 6¢ 121., thence on The bearâ€" e# along the division lin@between the rear of the 2nd Com, thence e lime between the 2ndfand 3rd 03 . «o the centre of road alâ€" Lots 20 and 2 â€" in the Concesâ€" THOS. REYNOLD»s, > Managing Director HAS 2430016 176â€"3im

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