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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Oct 1866, p. 1

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crand halk ewly RK AS very ns reful i the "I‘% the af fo all parts of Canad®, i. P M ) ~f CCTION Roo s oo i aeege tw on Betes comnatiett t | BCmy tows, 0 Lettors for Sxantrie«® \rhprior CPW ho. T â€"anss 1 f wroke. &u . 3. side Ottaws * .11.00%. M $.00 p.m. .‘ w 3 To a WERU, MbCL,. 200000000 + o+ â€" 5.309 1. £0p. m meckingham, Greuyille and hss Loxcer Othamks. .. .. & 00 a wh.! tgy.- e w.;...,mnl.-.hc.uu‘.y 5.%0p. m.. 6301 m. ‘helseaand Waketebd, «â€"«»**. ) a"- 80 p. m [~â€"â€"mpleton< E‘st Templetom . 1 a. m. 12 30 p. m ;';:r::y':p" ‘nâ€"ld‘l: | ots. ; via New };;' ‘; Rucivreax» L orruas must *.‘ post And thuly mm%!.mfl ‘ , per d Thursdayâ€"postpaid 12 ONtawie * »t, by Rail Daily, | ~ "sad .. _ and _ jast and West, by § im 1#‘ « s se <~~+ tOOg: m. 3.3 p.m Ak Chansery, Convey‘uncer, &c. Ofce md\'«tsma’.‘;yvdom from Sussex Oftawa, March 36, 1865. } ‘chruagy 71 , 1866 HAÂ¥COCK & HAYCOCK, _* *4 A" 70-“?.- AT «L A :, m urrice: ummu‘:?mon-. oR Warcock. H. Maycock. _| A-voi:â€"ui‘ oi ie dnted Ritt abways es | 11. _ onl k mw’ .m ways repared to agtend fi:pflyb ;‘:-m-’m |._| XAYVIEKR CHARLEBOIS, nym :L‘.‘fl: regularly the cirâ€" [ R‘oofing:(“.outractor, it in anit for the district of â€"Quebes: â€"â€"~~ w« s ('I!l‘nCH 3P OTTaAWA; Decesmber 24, 1965 â€"= â€"~~ «~_ @7 | ys PREPARED 2d" cov £a Ro puu es s i wiy radmenean m w Pr on a e d to all parts of CTadeda, if usricer Post O K. B. Harcock. ebruagy 7. 1866. Ufice e@ck: Inglish Mails, M. 3 ::‘,‘:.p. vim E'I;N. arsday â€" Ad 124 ot ermater ‘m‘% ston, every alternate Mor n:‘n:.umlmâ€"- ' a w rene"ls ‘ f, C e t ® ;;s.;rvah' eaily, Must BX Prkâ€"PAID. _ » the United States 10 ctsâ€"preâ€"paythent opâ€" Mr. W & on d ovgumass is Anic o L 7W m 'qummmu'shmq; on paiy To 1:ss : snn oo es ons ds 3. P. MACPHEERSON,! .:; ° R & Oitawa» .. Qficei m ,;’"" L _ â€"â€" i .‘ ~AUGUSTUSâ€"KEEEEE,...... WE;MOU‘-"&I C_Wes . Roskat Lexs. ami.« 4B Jxtews, Febezary T, 1906. _ x ~.‘ EDWARD T. DARTXNXELL,* _ ARRISTEER, Solicitors A amd B aary Public, Cierk of the ..‘.‘.:'.'.'Im mwy.hmu-wwq > VOL. Lâ€"NQc;: 253.1 ROSS & PARSONS, TTOR NEKYSâ€"A Tâ€"L A Wo, Souet JOSEPH J. MURPHY, ‘ *~twatbeesscated TTrORNXE Â¥â€"A TeL A W , ~ $olicitor=In=® }give satisfaction January 27, 1846. rHE POST OFRICEâ€"BTTIAWA. "~." @CoONxoXk, : > | C 'mahi.-l.A& Soueitor _ in } A ica" Thike Surldings, OGven aov‘k hok :o-hâ€"hlâ€"l:hl.. &e. . Qrvic«: Lelegraph Building, D "OCATES, Barristers; and attor loae. ie MARITIN, yas Office e “_.._’--.....,“-%;',.&Wfi.fl{: neummgaixe axD CLostxe oP Wallé. Bnulu-rz-- Ee PE T W , Soliciters in Chancery, Notaries Public, and m' 2 se t . L * â€" Ovrict: beng‘s Building, opposite th m? GEO. LOGAX, M.D., LC.IHB,, )j [!"" [ | mrrnu:: m'lth-,! l-':‘.l: % q#'wfi 5 moditt Oe sue0l ‘A’z »-.-ou-i: y a Referemees : mh‘,&r‘m‘ Rev. | ::l.nhm aa es m"un&fi:‘?& cce Sn Hail, M.DL J. Adwms, M #, Sorent>â€" T: Otfkes, Pebraary $MAAG. : " _ _: :i ard| 5. m wWOLrrk, *# 5f ~«~I -'_m" : Rew. Sn y MRCC+ ;«-":’s-u. nm% l&:n:-u, Aarke ; ; N6Dâ€", . ogâ€" mml.:'amlhm ie fenay rime ~"__". / o B brk. wWOLkX®\ :/_.], : K ATE of Qu¢bee. Resi#encom=Clity Hail wl 40 MRA lâ€"Â¥ ARRISTERS, Attorntys; dOctawa, January 27, *"SQts V EerEAOD i. tbJ 4 = PUUCHMEINEY ar Prasrane med COLMAX & WRIGHT, W u Cukce. m [ 4 cc2, Th is seadih ty vbed §int SCY B33 nce, Maria Street, Center Towi. se tad c.:mm’.'brx-:dml‘. & new, '““" 'flfl‘ cans._ References giyon 4> :..m J’ reated, if required. The cure guaruntbed. 'I'“" MESSIS. DUCK & BUCKE, _ ARRISTER® "‘9'11"':1'::.1".'3 WA P L ® . [newiy‘ab. Cuommn. GEO. LOGAX, M.D., LC.IH.B,, KOMCGEPATHILC m.uu-, Hurgeon CLEGG & RRISTER$ and A :.'-vuu-â€"-â€"-, a2 u.'..!-!: «> a abse "@. F. BOUCHETTE, Ouawe, April 14 RATES OF POSTAGE, DR. W. J. HENRY, TOK Streot, First Doos pyyrasine roust us Plant Bm xt Ottawa, Fobruary 7, 1866. 43â€"att T'.;o.m 1 IEZLES & GEMMELL, l'lm CE Vlr'"wl.l\'l"\ % ? ORK Street, opposite Matthews®* Ho«= YSICIAN, YSIC1ANySurgeon and 4 ttawa. Day office opposite Magz ; Street, Center Town; Night DR. C. . FER$ and Attorneyseat«eLaws | cpooapand‘y. Coutcyandets, Notar: | I J C cmeuthicdis »oa and residence, corner of Ridean and RedLCutsr|y oppotite Worleman & Gril ttond at Hull on Téesdays and W Moxar Wabgt, BA BCpâ€" T&’i‘fif&"”“ e G. P. BAKER, Postmaster. " DKE C., LKFG6GO, pi. 0. C. WOObBy H. & A. Allah‘s Canadian amd, close at 9 p.m. every rM- oers, â€"i-“-fm f k¢: ppidite the Russell : House © DR.â€"O‘REILLY, t'iim h. “‘ *# y 6O m wa. Surgeon and Acconcheur; is Whock . Sparks Street. NELLIS, rOoLF®, ._= -n :| f JVUVIGNAmN $ 0 , ResitencomeCity t "" Bee. 18 65. . !â€"7 il u':%?f;?ng;fm:::aztm:& | |orior apartments, .. * . LEGGO, || . Ouame. Bog t 196 . : . a* geon and Accoucheur; | ; _ INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 1 6 ing, ~Metealfe Street, Sudb.® Nmume .â€"._ T8â€"6m 36â€"p " :u.:fi_c:_.o\.n;.â€"..a s Btote . 'L.hdlnl Estate at Auction or Private Sale promptly attended to. Con#ignments received. far | ::i:‘i:o sale. Partieswishing to. purchase Real l will . receive all inforniation FREE OF CHARGE by calling at the office. * | ~ Ottawa, Dec.18, 1365. : Iâ€"y 87 B..K-.llllfllt and. Manufactyring Stationer, aud. Machine Ruier.‘ Over Taylor & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store, i:-rau» of York and susâ€" sgx Streets. Entrance on Shssex Street. Nusses Traa 18 INAS lâ€"tf A. MORTIMER, _â€" Boo;-‘unnn and Paper«R uler, cor= ner of Sparks aud Motcalfo Streets, over the am:ri Office. Account books made to for any branch of business, paged and bound " REWING hoet any qatem. any aduluwm ald to Map Mounting. _ _ Otta#s, Dacember 19, B EJ PSE SW MEsSss C o0 We HECCC ; en d uies Bs vencaldiiecs L e aal 4 + + oâ€" w t3 harth beo frome + ~aâ€"+~ + mun t eR se p use i n oudmdo ‘mewathes Tnstosl. btecabtem ieb STDNEY! B. FRIPP, $ ! M . cAiurams F t\ qreseesyys ""Tr" \_. The New Drugâ€" $t0rg, Ottawa, December 18, 1865 oiz phe mfi i+ 'm' rte: _"j_m"; ,"qt; m ".'&kc..-lu sale. e .m us : 3. 5 a Street, Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. _ ..“ } Y Ottawa od Ottawa City, (,011.3‘). will receive prompt S oc ue macte priuen fioteg, and nonsâ€" ie rsiiy kh fakiste® us retrn en e e se doptc e ,1.-0. ;f-y k. :sc +zn "â€" ,,-'”L’,P h« ® o :ol-;l.; LAND a ic‘;;?{on’; AdL, 12 °£.. veinal. ) Lgh l‘ aughtsman, &c., (commissi i +1 nutnat c1 Sok and (Lower Canada.) -U,G(fleo and residense, 4';‘““', e fm-, Feb. 13, 1868 01 (ikawa, J an.4, 1366« puyie °EKNGINEER, Union Buildings, cerner of Sussex and York Streets. â€" nhank, mau K es * _‘ :". â€"*~ _ ~ K â€" Otaws, Fobruary 21, +i SIDNEY! E. FRIPP]*â€"*> RCHITECT. Orrics: Weollington Street, _ oppositeâ€"Bt. Andrew‘s Chureb. tawa, Fobruary 7, 166. > 43â€"utl *T oL. â€"CR. SPARKS, <Kinwa, April 2, 1866. UCTION Roonts, CRtawa, May 5. ONTRACTOR and Bullder. Oflce : ‘Nocth side York streat, second door from Sussex â€" | : PARLIAMENTARY AgENCY, *\Q.~J .â€"B O U CHETTE, L. SURVEYOR and Dra 3 E. fhromg. Landk, -‘W_:"hg:::‘-‘-"' AND Agent and Broker» 3 tl;,],,.h-md his office i4 §?¢‘€L a few deoraito the South of Dan Goode‘s AI: is to teansact any busigess. ¢ w Crows Lands D?-m-u. in get Land Claims, taking out Patents, and* to ’y agancy for parties haying, business 1 the Government offices. .. ., ‘Quawa, Feb.{, 1366. | |â€" ~CHa&s. E. BRUSH, General: â€" Oomgximion Agent, :: im iFOEk. Lly:: . BUSINESS CARDS. Agent for. Win. Dow 1‘ Co,‘s celeb él'-; Rye Whiskey ; and Highwines, ... the Canadian Inland .\"u\f.tinp Co. :mul Â¥ermont Central . Railrog« Aumond‘s Buildings. 44 U NHOTELS AND SALOuNS. / 2s HOELTS HOTEL, ..‘ .. nada. W”“y”m‘v I Ottunia, Jobn @raham, Propristom. .( _ s ~o * hmmfi"uu.-d.fiu tains its Charaetor.ap 4 RSDâ€"GLASS â€" HO ConsiderABle additions have recontly been made to the premises, and it has been entirely repainted and | renovated Ke paing will be spared to agcommod até | mt tss cmeath iramncatvivilihh RCHANXT â€"TAILOR, 33 Bparks treet. e | va. May 5. | 118y & t d Broker» y Pub= ; A NE ELA CORLE RERUER Oe esns .Mephas remored his office i¢ lstz;ru €:wm. | _ | B Agent forthe Edropéart Life Abd ‘Ouhrantee w deorsto the South of Dan Goode‘s Hutel, and |Sgciety. late j -rdb»w any busigess. copnected | | | gaÂ¥~ A ntfortbomfl(!“‘i’“np"m . the Crows Lends D?"-nt, in prosecuting | the sale of Highwines and W hikkey." .. the Crows L804 CAfi ts and«to conduct | ~Orrict: In Aumond‘s Building, Ridead Streot. ; [Illo’ HOUSE, Stabling and an a< January 11, 1866. the CHBBIODE @2077 7_ on tll Esmnd An thie 2 delicmey ofthe season will be found on the table. The m‘-mflu'flludhm to the comâ€" poy-nn.'ouo' oto., dall > ‘ JIOUX ILBARBER, GEO! IL PERRY, Des. . 1865; ) Ilbl' immt and Generat | Solo agzent for Read‘s Highwines and | ey ; also, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales and | EsCOTT, C 18, ie T on theâ€"Ottawa. . _ .. % mxs\ _ _F, A. BALOWIN, P 4. 8. sS»CHRISTIE, TiE ALBION IHOTEL, B. MULLIN, out«, No« 19 l?rkollmt, Cttawa, opposite IHope‘s Stationâ€" J AsS. JOHNSTONS M *¥‘ G. HURD, Hecond to no Hetse LKAX‘S DUIGN / W., L» H+ Damiels, Pro« LES, & l.ron'rmu of Grocertes, Wines, Lig= ade W wors, Cigars, &¢., &c:, 25 Iidepital Stroct, Monâ€" s of His the | wreal. ; en t Pule 2 e c amelad ‘ Block, Ridesa Street, | _ Montreal, May 26. toodive 135â€"7 ; vlor‘h Gower,. Good tentive Hostler. it N AX‘s TDt==> arks Street, Ot« men ean‘ obtain #opâ€" in wu&ing to gomduct $ 'filh any a:l Pale | W FRIDAYS. _ ho mie Th ctoms us 4 agent | _ Orders left at Union Hoyse will be pandtaally at~ ‘»‘wUrQ“‘.ndcdlm muboum l Phaugh yare tire 1 1.; Ofice: | | Ottawa, July 26. 6 P Com@npe > +1 Itf eencmes yoc se trakianix s OW kaâ€"â€"| 7 Foenerm e P CC 0 83â€"3m lâ€"y 14y 2y 18y | 43â€"utf ht o No e o n1 n s Arat {Iathb Place to Ruy Your Medicines! s i f PROPEELY COMPOUXDBD i 10 TEL Lonmm Gmuna AIDIITRRATIONI SPECIALNOTICE UE ~SUBSCRIBER â€" TAKERS THSs opportanity of thanking bis mamy friends and customers for the patronage gxtended to him since tbl: ol;::\enccd business. He begs to inform them AsS EEMOV ED #â€"v | mt Ottawa, July 10, 1 vl\lusihmn ror PAsST FA=â€" vors; Iâ€" beg respectfilly to an notrnce that 4: hon now received my â€"stoole for the Su Trade. < It.comâ€" prises all the best and purest English & French Chemicals, | ~MORTIMERS _ . Apothecaries Halil! 20â€"y DRUG WAREHOU 86;, n hand XAML BRUSHES. . &e., Just bein nods ue o0 ) 600 o i :"' :Josm“ .B.â€"Advice to the poor gratis M:s_.‘Apdl Kt.> P AND FREEE #7y and Cigars, 18 Lemoine Street, Montreal. Montreal, May 23. A_.‘ s ‘138- _ H. E. SWALESyâ€" GESE‘R AL Railway of St. James Street, Montreal, May ‘TJ the premises situated next door EAST, N. B.â€" Svcc:sson! to Corke & May, Importa ers and De&lefs in Ps#ints,Oils, Varnishes, C &o , No. 474]8t. Paut Street, opposite thoir store, Montre&L. > ol * kn ontreal, May 26. : w lc on . ltfi + General Commissidft Agent Oveice: In Au Ottawa, June 27. f T fiam;c’m&"f Â¥ k Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &o. | 41 RIDEAU STREET c \~~‘ ‘DOMESTLO DWYÂ¥ ES. DMMISS1ON .. Merchan and Wholesale Dealers in . Otawa, Fob., 12. 1256 moNTREAL CARD®. 69, Pio« "Xaviot 8t. w on n o THEAL. â€""|~ Provingial Telegraph, 'nevlo,%xlmh-’ ht We have now perfect connestion with the United Statés Telegraph Lines at ‘ | I JUST RECEIVED! Montreal, Cape Vincent Buffalo & Detroit is m\rfl;.gn; c-rr;fly forwarded -mnmmpgly (G. W. CARLETON, Mmnnger, 3 dooks fromt Surset Atteet, bogs to‘annownce that she is prepared to adconimodate sb or dflm‘-j FisIT®, ‘g:n;\wx _-rvg:,sqg"’u }Ann‘. Tll;;;}:;fllonflfll’lmyuqd‘in ths Uhian Printing ‘Establishment. It is ao »fiithyn-du.ndflll'hnu C APPLY TO " J,r"niii; Bs ie is.~~â€"~/"<~<â€""~~‘ Of K. , of00yNyONL : | Oitawa, Marck 27. 1866. ' 00K%, English and F resich, PWXFERES We sail the" sitention of the Ladies of Ottaw‘s to ut assortment." _° > _ _ _ _ + Oftayra Jul [30th 1866. .‘ _ . ‘ IOâ€"AP * ’. _.‘.W......_.._...._. ,.‘.,_.‘r,. BoAnnma.--ams. REYNOLDS, ‘THE Cotinge" Book and Faney Store, York Street, (Lnte of the Bank of* Upper Canadas) AND EXCHANGE BROKER, i analme DRUGGIDNES.: Prescriptions carefully and PaOPEELY COMPOUXDBD .. . + PE REOM ADULTERATLON ! BALDWIN ‘&:Co., SE LC C n Th F. Cc norrok Alfect, 8. W MAYC & Co., DRCGS, PRRFUMERY, G. II., HERRICK, OTva wA ngine tor, Sale. §1€ J. FRA.\'CK '& 00.. « THOROUGH BAS®: ... _ ~~~oOTrawA 0. w.â€" FRIDAY." OCTOBER .12, 366. be a JOsEPRCARVEY, M.D. t for Great Wosterm lm. ‘_Olopm rks St. l Yonge St. tawn; > : Toronto,. + DUVERNAY BROB. ; fore 4 0%°l AYbLMBRy 0. & 13%â€"6m .‘ YJ t C 96â€"7 letion of the 91â€"7 CHANGE of TIME Oftawa and Prescott Bailway, 0' Td mil nn ar Mn un ar hi ‘ AYy «e | «s i:zo P'-' «* « ‘The time of these Trains has been to ensute goungction 'g‘h night and Grand Tyunk, east and wost. N, B,â€"â€" These Praws un on Montre Baggage to ‘and from Ottewh cb from and to all stations on Grdnd Tr Returns titkets to Préscott, Kem wa at reduced rates can be had at thons on th . line. f F.1% 1 t s; .nt, vas«a, {ane 4 Grand â€" Trunk: Railway _ oF CANAD. sUMMER ARRANG 0% AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, i Hrains. will leate Bonaventurg Station as folâ€" ows : | Fl; | # GoIn@ wWESP| . limmy â€" press for Ogdanlbn%h. wa, 4 Btrockville, Kingston, Bél :vill 'T_g- ‘whd all points WOSty Mt..,....«,sâ€"â€"fec0..c 0.00 ds Bhe Night vdoPm 40| * (&b...kcemererficcs SASPM,. Accommodation Trate for Kin and ® </ Intermediate Stations, At.............. 9.40 A.M.. ‘Traing for Lachine at 7 A.M., .00 A.M., 12.00 ThNood.o Si?&‘l’._rl.,‘é.ofi P. r.. a G.‘!IG l’.:l.r + 4 3.00 P.M., Train runs through to 4 k 5s h‘,ug‘ sDUTH ‘ANDI gs‘t‘m in «s by Railway: throughout f ow ) - 'F;ofk;. Boston, {nd A“‘l inte Points, donnetting at 8t. J writh > â€" _‘ Nerntont Central Railroad, at) Burâ€" t °_ .lington with the Rutland and| Bus« | lington Railroad, also with the i.« ‘~ ‘Qhamplain St¢amboats for Lake Ee | ge,Saratoga, New Yotké ke. 5.30 kl. Aseofmipodation Train for Isla 6 1 .n‘;‘lntennodlpusc.aum. at..}........ 645 AM. Rxpn::n for ‘Boston: and Inte I ** Points, connecting at St. J with o0 | ~ it i*i“ \;:urhmt Central Rail ut.... $.30) A.M. ail for Portland, stopping overnnight at .. ./ _â€"; Mx.u%a P“l“'"mmt ez :.q.r,n. ress railwa. ghout ew L , '\'g’tk.’hmm,{nd all Intermgdiate ; ° . {’uinu, c«mneclin‘":t St. Johng with | â€" . Vermont Central Railtoad, at Burâ€" / 4%â€"ut _\ lington |with the Ratland Burâ€". </ ‘. lington Railroad, also at ie . +) oint with LakeChamplain Steameps . | . or : Lake George, Saratoga,| New 1 Â¥OTK, &8) M.c.copmzelermemiknmers: 490 p.M. Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, t _ _ Riviere du Loup and Wm “'i:‘i;. PM. t * Sleeping Cars on all Ni ains, checked mfi;fi t + ' e P::nhum and tinme of |arriv &: departare of ull trding at Termini and Wa; a tion® see the Grand Trunk, Railway Bookn, me Tabled, AlC‘H'A‘NQE OF iétifi. 4‘ a-â€"-â€"n UNIOX / FORN ) [Railway Cor UPPER â€"OTTAWA dp.T;ug;o or |THE . FoLLow i2 [ > /â€". ~STRAMERS® 01! %n:vm-: MONDA Y, 10th SEP« UP TrexBen, the stenintr Ans Simon will leave ‘Aylmer every for the Upprloulv.,uf BelRey connesting with the Oregon at h of railroad, at 11 !p‘clock. Touching at Arn ior, Sand _ Point, Bristol‘s, |Farrell‘s, Gould‘s Wharf, arriving st Brockville, hingston, D€ W.Q!-Lv'z-,‘.fw.‘f:-_ (Ipd-}j Whe steamer Qregon leaves P imorning at 7 A.m., Snilwny Gould‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s, Brist Amprloc. (A gonmection is . Sand Point, at 9 a.m., downwa with the Brockville and Ott C o Pea Sand Point, at 9 a.m., downw uu‘ 1 9 | with the Bi-wk;il{: .:dlllm wa R |fi. 3! mgers read rockville time ecuxd '&Wo;"r. R. nAprnurdn- andiwest.) + + + The steamer nsi-.:rlrv .Pontine “‘"T at nooh, and passengers arriv in wa . at fixe oflogks|s| .2 ob ci8lftoke .. c3l) * pSC Th ‘Whe steamer : Caluimad will leave HMavelock tor %npulnd intermediate pl on | Monday and uudi, evenings, ‘ aftor vail ~of passongers ,r“m ,.-“(‘ ”"'. 4+ ©p uho (te o9 ind W n § _ }| [( "*RETURNI h: iey plosif Un Tuesdays and Fridays ab B pame | . i. o< ; gICHELIEC__ £02 Royal Mail Line of 8t | 4 _ ~Montreal and .Fnou THEFTRST OF MA t otherwise orderotd, the : . hide Soamer QU DBRC, Cagt. J. amer loave the mowiom ito (ie‘ri %]ugn, for ?ueboe, 9‘!0‘: f“ And Friday, at 7 p.m., soly, c rurning,’n‘ Sorg_l. 1{:'8 l’von ‘Passengers wishing to thike their the Ocean Steamers, at Quobeo,dan lin time . in taking: thoir + JEON' will be ia ‘Render to i without extra charge. ‘ }. The steamer MO&TREA CQKL will leaye every Tucsday, a ‘at °7 ofclock, p.m., ‘ precisely, for '[ioin{, and réturning, at the 1 ‘Rivers, and Batiscan. _ "__‘j ; Ann Sisson; éul'»«- ({new)s ason Gould, Jason Gould, Pontiac, Caluntet, * wa, 7.00 a m: «/ 1:46 p.m. Office Richeliou Company, 4.,..__ _ May 12, 1866. | __, 1966. A AWES* D WiiEmir word aod be .Moflh'fl”tw\. ruthus NO. 1 FLOUR IN BAR @ MEAL AND,CORNâ€"MEAL , ... For sale by: # wa, Sepicmber 5, 1866 IAILROADS, ° my31â€"139>4 my31â€"139â€"d t Baffado, Detroit, Chipugy , d tnls w..t’.'t':f: *E > giop A. STEA MEH $ No. bownterd rties will ph+ Te nm-“ , pe. | _ \my31â€"439â€"4 > €870 Dys.c . 4 omergrt C. J. BR g. | h 1{’ tage du Fort every y time), touching at stol, Sand Point, and : made o:eh day at ra » t ':n‘;.“v'-:;: aud time to euuxd .- andiwast\ . o Railway. lle and Otteâ€". ptMpslm- Ain t laas 1 DENT. / . Mss Bs â€"C + Fgomfim MEATS. . %,00 pm» ia, 10:0$,| o 4th, 1866, ARDING ns T IME! pan v. © ROUTE ! G _ FIRBTâ€"CLASS General Managet« No. Findiay» 0:0) a,m,) 5:00 p.m. \1 [PANY. Sparks Btrdot,, CuaiRuax. CH4f 1866. 1866. *Capital" Stove Depot,35, Bussex St., } 11 AIT"A nnauwo & MA â€"â€"â€" STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. Of which we have about tvo:l? different sizes pn‘ pattern}, including the following celebrated names» : Protectionist, Large and Small King of Stoves, lmmnd Rarmer‘s, (2 sizes), Fortune, Mousekeeper, Sumny Side, &¢., &0., all of which are splendid bakers. Our ; : Are unfivalled for city use, being viry economical for tuel, and jikewise good baking Stoves. The following well known Stoves n.&-ln part of the stock : Monitor, (3 sizes), Empire State, (3 nizts), Queen Olty, Hotel, Charter Ofl, St. Lawrence, Forest, Premium, &c., &c., &¢ 44 PARLOR STOVES! _ ; _ ' Waehars all the latest and best paiterns, open and close frqnts, clegant in design, darable for use and cheap in price. % : o onl 4 * ‘ | § â€" BOX STOVES ! & A "r#ulu‘gt stock of these Stoves just received, including the Black Giant, Rambler, Rover, Lioness, Lion, Fulton, &e., all sizes, suitable for the m’n‘lluhhd\mmor the largest hall, warehouse, or church, mant: uveadibinge o o 08 Li Ls I * ks A "f;ulll“. Reone uo CEoRe PSie PCOE q q CNLE 20c aha 44 J Lion, Fuiton, &e., all sizes, suitable for the smallest bedroom â€"or the largest hall, (a libgral discount made on al} Stoves sold to Churches.) || e peasy, Dilor‘nt patterns, with single or double Ovens. Of th&but Russian and other Tron, also Gallows Pipe, T Pipes, ‘Tin, Sheet, Iron, and Copper W are on hand and made to order. Builders‘ Job Work, Hot Air Furnaces, Kavevrolgn8, ©C, Mude ito order.. The best of material used and none but firstâ€"class worlkmen emylloy,od. % Camp Kettles, Bake Pans, Shanty Plates, and all kinds of Lumberer‘s Supplics on MHand. Tron Bedsteads, Tron Bedsteads. \~â€" BIRD CAGES. BIRD CAGES CHEAP. HOUBE FURNISHING G@ODS.â€"Parties about furt qur stook in this department, as there is almost every culinary bungh. â€" i COAL COIL,. > ~COAL,.|OIL ... ~COAL . OIL, WHEN Yol Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1868. I & i UR STOCK OF THE ABOVE Is NOW CcOMPLETE,. cglr*nugua W PA TT 2 Adven re{painced and newlyâ€"furnished LAFONE®!!" -¢5|ou establishment, in the managemen by strict attention to business and guests, to‘henrvumwn&udna rt. | 3 yC" =~4 »ef ARERE K. 5%11«. MOTELS AND SALOON®. Builders‘ . h“' ."I '1;6':-7 »R Go to the " CA Snd ths sholéost brands in W :J;“;ym;l;idfioum ahie. . No mains or trouble tonl-;:;;xv;-;&'s.&m' i o :;;"“' é“""m.. "l’“'..“".;..";“.m;?.v..n'.'.’fimv.';.;’. NP ERET OO CT tw mtvlul.u HOTEL, Orta was C. g. e undersigned, proprictor of. the named Hotel, begs leave to acquaint his nuâ€" mlmonduummvdlm&r;kv, that he has ;suimduduvu-fumhhod oughout this comâ€" hous establishment, in fiomm&t‘n(!bich »pleasedto order and direct that, with the View of | _ , ... . q r ° xmficm‘zfi;figg g’;fim.' 1| ~~~ BRTTIBHâ€"AMENOAN _ <â€"> | tion, Steam Plough i und vq)pnr:' i 1 al EFfeayac~=o=.~â€". Commercial College, e ~Argoa n Arvi‘s * \ MECHANICS® INSTHTUTE, OTFHAWA, ; ho oS > l :'“. 6;51:0-‘”*“ 5 is * + v"". ""'- ns ." P ge«+ » s ml. â€" ’m mt ns antst .. WAfiW&malmmy.wuwMM- | ‘mINANCR DEPAREMENT) CUSTOMS. > | > pc. f{t BW pithontars and terms ofeale,. â€" fotye en cÂ¥be Nt 64 9A Nkigminiemes MEDLOE u) n s t ols 1: > AGPNE O .. n.‘, »“’.‘"““""‘.‘”"':@fi...,.xmnpd.m. | m4l Or. to H. MCLEAN, _ hy M e o porbnies anord a e i k C 4 Land Agent. â€" r-xn. Trotter is no'pp‘l"opmd to take DAY ARDERS. ¢ l lome, April 5. 1568. _ _ _... _L.___. _A2. Bedroom | K.4 Ml'l:‘ooq:r TT q-c;'â€".- rds south ‘of the su & beon a s6oth / lmm-pfil:‘zn f m! :mftr=neon, a GOLD m hair, . with *«A. h«â€"from oo it t etane 19e Prin rett D4 R . , suitably rewarded on ;uvh!'u at gh"olw. wilh ad.'uil:v.fl-\?'-flr' x IN FIRSTâ€"CLASS BUILDINGS, ‘Aug. 10â€"200.:2m P-ompwul BY . NOTMAN, FOR Sale al the Oltawa Stationéry Warchouse das ud cheat a n Ssn Hhivicais i l snn it CHOROGOE S'I‘ZS_!_IE.::B'I‘. E Sale at the Oipits Atationery Warchouse m‘:”.l“ â€"I Best Pennayloania Kerosene and No MORTON HOUSE, wWANT TO EXAMINE ANYTHING IN ELEVATED OVEN COOKING STOorR.ACcâ€"E nm'r-m.%s RUILD GRANTS SALOON, «Botwe '“.q.â€"." TA sgchi®t 2 sornee of Bparks and Metca Un Stroots DUMB STOVES AND STOVE PIPES ! .: â€" B. 8. M BOUGHETTE,. Commissioner of Custome and. Excise H. MEADOWS. & CO. AND PROVIISIONS, â€" = > Wholesale a d Retail. | sraRrow‘s BJ n.ou’u‘a.‘\ Corner of Sussex and:Murray Streets, § M. SPARROW & Co., August 1, 1866. DOUBLE ~8TOVES ! JOHN MALTMAN. IMPORTERS: AND; 1 M oTT A COOKING . STOVES ! "THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. | 35, SUSSEX STRER1. he hopes for the the 26 1 Canada Oils, No inferior &rticle kept Farms For Sale! DEALERS IN 00 Aclfl OF LASD, IN THE Town i:qfO-goadd.’OalnyctM ; ton. ‘This ivituated within Two miles | .. of the Gloucester Church, and within Eleven miles of Ottawa City. Thera is about 40 | acres of this Farm cleared and under cultivaâ€" Lignors, PITAL!..: houses would do well to call and examine ite for the Housekeeper, especially in the KTK, COMPRISING . A GREAT vement which the advancing requireâ€" Now 1+ > > ”0Aclu oFr THE Nu-l.or-l'lw. known as the OSSIAN HALL FARM, situated in the Township of Gloucester, Counâ€" ty of Carioten, heing the East hnlfof Lot No.. a 0. ‘.'»’. in the second concession, admx?m. ‘ ‘There is an extensive nlurht:'m ‘lot ot at least 50 acres, and the remai is coverâ€" ed with a fine Hardwood . Bush. ‘The Farm is within ivewil«s of the City, and is beautiâ€" r.:‘ay Mufi- banks .‘:ho ‘lrdou ver, thus having an approach to the eitherâ€"by Jand or qu@r_?_ The hg!to?_’_’l superior quality, and yields excellent erops. TWO AND A«HALF STORY HOUSE, situated on Lot No. 6, north side of Cathcart Street. The building is nearly new, and finâ€" w&&.heu is .l:‘o,l g»d Frame dn the . Lotâ€"24x24, which rents at $100 posunn-. Jt ds lihllb: in the iimâ€" mediate vioh%of'tfii Rs\lwn{ Terminus, and is a very degirable place for a private '0 ACKRES .OF LAND, ITUATED in the Twum of Gleucester, County o(ClflM‘thz *No.12, in the 7th conâ€" eession. . There is about 20 acresofthis Farm cleared, the remainder is covered with wosl. No. 3. * j )0 ‘A.C:"*I or l.‘:‘ln. II!‘UA"I: ‘ownship of Osgoode, Count; o nirstnt, Inragne $rogl, baing Lt No: »0, in the 4th concession: ~There is about 25 acres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Hardwood Bush. This is a * good Farm, and will be sold at Teasonable Elbows, Key Pipes, and all kinds of Ts N66. a Axo s on Ttuk sontn g{:l;p! mw:qm. 'l‘:nna are situatâ€" 'mfl.gsqdlg'm&-fioon&iu_l ’o“AOIII OF LAND TN THE ‘ownship of Gloucester, c«m;qt Carleâ€" ton, being the East half of Lot No. 21, in *nd concession. ‘This is ‘a good Farm sn will be sold cheap. m 01 V ALV A BLE the advancing requireâ€" .rfuu.-d moet varied in uitable for Farmers and No. 4. No« 5+ Ottawa 1â€"4f * I{, W. Suxrnuzep, Commander. Nee C S’I'EAIER‘ 46 %glll vÂ¥ICTORLA » leaves‘ Otu!;n .‘morning, ?wd-n-uâ€" gepted), at 6:30 ffms, for Grenville, (Breakfest on board), thence by Railway to Carillon, connecting with Steamer « Prince of W ales," (Dinner on board) arriving at M al at 4:30 pam, . ‘The comfort and economy of this Line is wneurâ€" passed, while the route pusses through umaol' 2 . ..‘ ‘Mhe new fast sailing Steamere + "@UEEN . VIOPORIA," + AurKk. Bowix, Commander, * 6e PRiNCE oF W#LES,”. THE OTTAWA RIVER NavirGaTION coMPANY‘8 MAIL STEAMER®. OTTAWA TO MONTREAL ';.;{ V]ictl}én@._ diu:t_ri:?l.l most rplct-nn ue districts 1 most uhio!nl}\g for Tourists o« ns M Uvercngper 2 eP s MZ TNQG@NDGp ul uu c d $1’990! : PICRINSONS "~ avitRELER & WILSONX‘s Rideau Passage & FreightLing,| :; |"" «mss \ 1 Le i t tm tm n gron io gure m m ym > en t ts mm id C P catass I Partics desi of: a sant trip can obtain leturn,'nekmr:::n Om;:v‘ uren\'!l)llcux Carrilâ€" lop, valid for one day, at half fage. _ °_ _ [, __ 1866. OTTaAwA CITY "orry or:â€" orrawaA," ncigf (Car. J. Ryax,) j * y â€"ToOWw a," ‘ K as follows between Ouuuhnnd ow ston, :sll‘u‘:.i at all intermediate Ports, aBd connectâ€" | ing at Smith‘s Valls with the Brockville and Ottawa. | Railroad. |. _ ‘, s _ city OF orrawar } Leaves ‘Ottawa City every Monday and Thursday at 7 a. m., arriving mt Kingston at 11. a. m., the following day, # Ln'vu'ifigm every Tuesday and Friday at, 3 p. in., arriving at Otfawa pext evening, at 7 p. m. . * . «BYâ€"TOWXN" ] Leaves Ottawa City every Wednesday : =| urday, at 7 a. m., arriving at Kingston ._, , _ he . urday, at 7 a. 1 i iofing aay: lwv'lll. “., w# M ves Ki on‘every Monday at 12 'l'hlh‘rdl‘ y» .':,‘::n.. apnd lrfl:{n‘ at tha followineievening at 8 p. m. 1866 LAKE CHAMPLAIN ROUOTE â€" FrORWARDING A‘_;;.â€"Afiqllllflflm , } â€" oon-n?v » £% | .("M‘] even Steamers and Fifty Barges, | erseess ~A rronpore 4 pamy perantin® | iy uo . roum to C w ._-u,u;sm on the nxa,u’égm and vice £;,! two new Uppor.Cabin Steamers, f To i ol ovesr '31".'5.'"--.1’9-99'»3{'""‘*! [Oftawa, a M .. 1t t i 1'1‘4&', A; AND KINGSTON,| ) 4 Téu; mfid. ll".hoMoutboLlu.hifiniou-" t A ...‘2§"’"‘" ;:Thifi'ug;.‘ x+ , wWith . s 4 . in o o en t hi cron hartte | [Â¥ lusive age of Freight ‘to &and from Ottawa |« ( rfi‘%fi‘"&‘.’.‘f" gland will be kept | _| *7 ween OTPAW A and SRERULCIR tor the tom: ‘]fv' t o(Stknto Timber Rafts, Saw lm{-. &e. e In addition to the abpve, a LENE OF TUGâ€" #ufl fig. in conneStiod with Barges, forming a | <f NO HT LINE between Ottaws, Montreal, Queâ€" -hr 1 and all ports on Lake Champlain, for thetranâ€" unc C Iatimikmrepnr‘ts on0. niona IFA | | For particulars, apply to GRO. HECBAOH, 02â€" | and 8 oc e hnd tnl yas aTH: | i ad ' wrence v ; an . i 3 ‘s Fe .w.n.vflm.wom-. yzw , ings, Btreet, Quebec; : _ ie a T n < : Or to -W. “"‘ y ie M. K. DICKINSON, . |}#}in nE. ABOVEâ€"NAMED #TEHAMERS will run as follows between Ottawa, and Kingâ€" |â€"~ STrkampBoaT COMPANY. â€" > SUMMER ARRANGEMEXTs. yren Stoamters fi'.'&"i\"fcy Barges, wa, April 11. d Qimea City, will form a Passenger anU F TeM@H M o Dmmey D11 0 No 2t OCt Lmd d TTAWA AND KINGSTON,| DHICKINSQON‘:ER :: TTAWA AND RDEAU, ED LILIN E | Ofl‘ AND AFTER MAY.14, AND UKXTIL further notice, the Ontario Steamboat Comâ€" MMEAEP;tMI large and commodious side> l";‘t‘tl Tine ‘between Prescott and Toronâ€" ::n,;u flm ports, leaving Ogdensâ€" hr’\ Railway Wharf on arrival of the . train 1 fromm the east at‘1 p.m., and â€" Oénws & Prescott ailwayWharfat 1:10 pm Tquching at Morristown, Breckville, * Alexan Bay, Clayton, K.ixm. Sackett‘s Harbor, Charlette, â€"Torento ; connecting Shveanince 0e Oavege & Byrntess Retvand for e ‘Onw Syracuse, Utica llh:n';. and New York, and Bingâ€" #‘m:_llmul, for %HIS.&; at Charlotte r, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and the West ; Ran 'iAlnnO‘dTo e D the au aine: | ways. ns w steaime: | | um'i ELGIN,.........:.....‘ â€" DeWirt, > “PlL‘-SS,..C-t C. B. DeWate. For Montreal ; and the Ogdens rgh Railroad to [ (#+ all points East. q . ‘Lickets sold to Montreal and all points West for American money. y ‘This line of steamers affords great advantages over all other lines, to the pleasure traveller or farâ€" mer -w&n&‘mh‘m horses, wagons, &¢., to the Jreat Wost, for speed, comfort, and safety. The ‘Mcered of expdrience, or (thilr dwi_itt_t_i._v_phfia‘mb&eir passens e two now np& Steamers, n‘n-- (itmea City, will form a Passenger and Freight geors. : For (reight or pastage apply to _ â€", _ _ , * fimnh.uméiflma in Pabsh to uts Firsl Oines dnoeroftenmers wher ;.:@fl‘.:‘,.’.‘i&‘:‘.."‘finm:‘, n‘fi:'. â€" =. _ :P. Â¥+ LANKTON, Goneral Eastern Agent HNETHROOP, Gen Bup‘t, Oswago, N. Y. _ _ . CATARACT,........... i"!“;.' sR LD +o u. AFuR TAL A e .:“u:mgc.: * nn''"" * ',:ml-‘L wa, April 1i. AMERICAN EXPRESS LINE TM& UPPER CABIN BTEAMERS STEAMERS. XBTATE,........ (Carz. Tnos. Fague®r:) OM TTPAFERIO Money to Lend II the Ports on the Line, leaving Ottsâ€" ton fodt titmes in the week. * > â€" tablished in 1844.] BETWEEN TEU‘‘y . K. DICKINSON, Canal Basip, Otawa. schate natkd ox entér. OITY.or FARM PROPERTY.~ Ap ‘‘ & KTINGSTON AN D in Canada, ........Oapt. J. B. Reris. ...........Capt. J. H. Lspvazp une of the and is thie , noon,â€"and 18‘56.1‘ 1866. < 1866. 97â€"8 1 PRICEâ€"3 CENTS 1866. education/a limited number of young ladjes, t« whose mofal and nlmqu traini on Church oi England principlcs, they devote &"cir vimostiatten EDUCATION TN ENGLAND ton: > 11 ‘“&:"7 :?uuun establish =m».n under the ‘per¢on w""‘:‘:l. 6t ras Biagcraan (a widow) ; whose ’tfll experiâ€" @nce in ‘the management of childrenâ€"renders her r’“‘.r"" ewedl %-‘;n;râ€"d- the comfort and appingst «f thase zo her care. The ealu brity ol Morquay is 1oo well known to medical pFeeâ€" titioners |n ali purts of The world to require com ment. | |* _ Theé eobree of instruction comprises a thorough Bnglish Aducation: w6 French." The terms, 448 lin r annum, p-i.blo halfâ€"yearly in wa. mfi' lude seat at Cburch, laundress, and «i q.b: arice, exeept books. . Drawing, s-n the g im jptireued at the Government Schoois < Art,) Music, [Dancing and Germun, each £5 per m + num &%tra. The vccation* rillâ€" be fine areoks al mw. and a -dhn(:l'm-u. Pupile reâ€" i uring w.fii 0 anpum extra. Ehould udbe Jie-i't.:d. Mas. I.Acug;‘wm ue bappy Aoono PSR oi {her travélling expenses bei id), to meet youn # Iulig}on p cil";nr"iv,l in bzl':d. ) \ REFEAENCES are kindly permitted to the fol lowin®: The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop «4 Jattitica,[Braddon, Tor Torquay ; The Right Keve rend G. F. Spencer, late Ihslh'vp of Madras, l'.«lp- moor, neitr Bluxh-n,berl;_\‘ahire; The Reverend J. 1 Harris, D. D., Perpetual Curnte d'l'ulr'h)xh-hun. To: â€" nay ; Mz Am%‘l‘nr uay ; Mr«. Phillipps, wife }flu Kev. H. N. illi;?y‘,f‘ mfi-nmix. bent of Christ Cburch, Grantham, C. W., and Head :(:tn of the xhgr. (\--ym Rehoal , ving resided . e . Blackman and ;fiu=m%m“m‘w-¢ MA D tia w Di dgc 142 ALCGâ€"A coamble of voune Indiex 1. MEET RETETmmRmUV P mt EP e-n'&:my from peno;l experience to the mater nal care and attention bestowed nth?fldm an #7â€"8 der their charge. In t to keep pace with thp demand, 1 have just recgived the largest lot ever yet imported iuto this pity, which will be sold at priceeto writ the milttonskâ€"| S48 32 04â€" 5c _0 5 lan:r-';râ€"gyâ€"u?_';i.â€";fl better, and is th imost behutiful and nextest machine"in the market *1 4: 4. A. ) W ALTON, Agent. _ 11. “ ; $7 Sparks Street, )ttawa. N. B.â€"Needles for all Machines, Machine on,?,.{a Bilk, etc. . All kinds of Sewing Machines repaired o se n PE 47 1e ‘Tras .fi P“'.‘""' ® Af,qo‘._A'lfi aÂ¥oor or oDi HAEA] | Ottewa, January 4. 'lynu: UNDERSIGNED HAYVING PPRâ€" CHASED 12 acres of land, on which he intends ¢lftu" a Garden 4& Nursery ofe ';q"-oiu‘-ring_elaew“ou. otnt’ of Carleton, clillot:: mz:m of the 1n habitants of the City of WA, su i country, He will l'uffill orders for all serts ofgnil Trees, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plant. for Borders; also Merbezions Plants and Exculenc %fl.kushou hand a large stock ofGreenâ€" Aopse Plants, a quantity of Garden, Field, and Flow â€" In Gloucester, Green Field. TORQUAY, DEYONSHIRE aopse Plants, a ‘\::minyd Gaucdemn, 7 1600, EWO EACT er E of the best description. Parties wanting t laid out in the newest style of landâ€"keepâ€" , tbgether with Grafting, Bu , and Plulin‘-. w Itmflymm He also will have all #in season for sale, at the late resi>â€" ince of Clement Bradiey, Keg. ____° ______ 2G j 0_ _ CMaATHEW T. Drr®%y. Oltara, March 4,1806 BB4f M 188 P 0 R J ATUCTIEON SALE EOA R MS ! Y VIRTUE OF POWERS®: OF SALE contained in certain M , which will be #m‘ed at the Sale, on 8 [, the 3rd day of NOVEMBER, 1866, ve k, noon, at -h: Mardonald‘s A Rooms, T the city of uloas..© "* mRae V ~«e:: sc I.T No..1, FAR ARCH.â€" h;Kast Bonth< W est ts of Lot.No, Tfipn the Srd (Gomeession of the hip of March, iming 3{ mdmeasnre 100 neres of land, or leas, r:‘h.i“eh about res aré. cleared. ve .wre «1 on the ines a Log Hquse Bam; !‘uu(s I RBOLTON, bot No. fâ€"Lot No. 42, in the it 10n uf the Tow of Torbal â€" ton, contai acres of land, o less, of which al mores are cleared . this Lot ave ¢rected a House, Barn, St Shed#, and ‘ LOOK HERE. gtnno F : E | Also L@ N@ 23, in the 4th eo hon 6f Torbol â€" ton, cont@finig# 43 ncres of land, fore or less, a1 Lluml. ndfon which ate d a Twoâ€"story Stone P Aand Cedar Barn @Ad Btables. ‘ And afbo, the Northâ€"West WBf of Lot No 22, is the 3rd ofipcefision of the ip of ‘Terbolton pontaini 0p mcres of l ore or less, of which se t .# are cleagffd. There is a Barn 0: the Lot. * 1 ue ab0 wilfff¢e sold together or separ ately ; ic . c s . Stone @ | Also L@ N@ 23, in the 4th fon 6f Torbol â€" ton, cont@ffinig® 43 acres of land, or less, all Lluml. which ate a Twoâ€"story Stone P nd Cedar Barn @Ad Stables. * And , the Northâ€"West of Lot No 22%, in the 3rd on of the ip of ‘Terbolton, pontariti 10# mcres of l or leas, of which Eh+ . % are cle . There is a Barn on ately ; f ]3; No. 32. Lot B, in the 1st concession of the Tomh(r , containing by adâ€" measirement 7i acres and, of which wbout 70 acres are cleared. There are erected on the prem ises a Dwellingâ€"House, Barn and Stable. ‘There is a wharf attached to the property. ‘ â€"TERMS:â€"Uneâ€"tenth of the purchase to h‘p’ifid down. For balance, ur-u'. will ::..’m * o ferige: partieutars, ‘or r y to * rOHX 6. BELL £5Q:> Ottawa. Or, JONAS AP JONES, _ _ Bolicitor Masonic Hall, Toronto St., Toronto. October 4. e 42wid £OOD SsAMARITAN BALMM ! An Tuternal External Remedy for mdin‘ uk y for Our *O SAXLJIS. holosa (1.....:.'?’. most noiseless ; ::: dapacdity amd ent for periar arietv of work. and better, and im BBLS. O« tRS8 AND PRANM»® Within two miles of the city, Protected by Letters Patent. In the County of Carleton ; OF POWERS: OF SALE certain M , which will be 12, on 8 [, the 3rd day 806, ve k, noon, at w A Reoms, T the city 6t . ARCH.â€" h; Kast ts of Lot.No, Tfipn the Sr« ship of March, Auviong 100 meres of land, or leas res &ré. cleared. e .wr OP 1MPROVAD woOonrs p. WH" LAN, April 16. 101â€"6m bus\

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