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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Oct 1866, p. 2

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.. Seorge Cotton, Publisher and Proprictor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS _ On no occasion will the names of Wogse AV antecdâ€"Apply at this Office. Farm fo» sale or to letâ€"Enech Walkley Ottair Bailp Cimes, rl‘nn DAILY AND WEEKLY TIMES uo" enjoys tu® LarGEst CizcuLamo® of any paper published in the Ottaws Valloyâ€"issuing of the Daily over 2,000 1 und Weekly over 4,000 } making a total cireulation in the week of over 18,000 1 thas dutstripping all competitors, and‘-dh-'”hfiu-.-b.b vertise in. S 4( Anvrarszwents are inserted in the Daily at the Business Cards of from. 3 to 6 lines, pet AB= _ ; numâ€"payable in advance only,.........â€" 20 00 Transient Advertisoments, first insertion per | Vibly coe0 erecevarncrrens cenersncevnennenenertomsn se All subsequent insertions, per line,...........> %e © Yearly advertisers specially contracted with, and Geore Cotton, Publisher and Proprictor. "An addition of from 30 to 50 subscribers is aaded very week to the subscription list of the Weekly. > Advertising in Weekly, for first insertion, per .. Otitawa ~Werkly WIMC,.. ... css« «20004 Aven00000e0v00eene00ee0000tme0me00.â€" 207 111 subsequent insertions, per line,...............> Se ‘ The Daily Times is delivered every morning at Kemptville, Spencerville, and ail Stations on the Ottaws and Prescott Railroad, at an early hogr, and at Prescott by 10 a. m. It can be had at Mr. ‘Fitherall‘s, at Kemptville, and at Prescott at B. M. Ormiston‘s News Depot. Down the river, per Steamer Queen Fictoria, Capt. A. Bowie, it reaches Grenville and L‘Orignal by noon, thus placmig in +no hands of thee living at a distance of from 20 o 60 miles from the Capital, all the latest news |of he day, at almost as early an hour as that of resiâ€" _ed to receive ChrOttawaCines * Purnished in the neatest style of the Ast. _ | W ith fast presses, and all the appliances of medâ€" orn material, campetition in this branch is defied. AH orders from the country specially and protmptâ€" â€" ADYERTISG AGEXCT â€"Mesre. S. M. Pottengall & Co., $4, Fark Kow, Nee York, and _ State Stred, .-*Ge-dm"‘.mw* JOB PRINTING, rhou Tw® amallest Card to a Mammoth Poster this â€" The Hon. Mr. Howland arrived in wtn vesterday. * { ‘Phe Honorable Jo«zrn Howz by committâ€" ing his antiâ€"confederation vaporings to paper has given the world an opportunity of con trasting is arguments and opinions of toâ€"day with those he held but sxery short period before on the same #ubject. Nothing could be more thorough and complete than the reâ€" volution which has taken place in that gentle man‘s jleas within the brief space of two years. . TheHalifax Colonist, instead of wastâ€" ing its own arguments to demolish the un tmaunded assumptions which Mr. Howe puts frward‘n his pamphlet, quotes from Mr. Howe‘s previous uttérances, from which it apâ€" pears that he w among the foremost to énâ€" courage the project which he now so lustly. denounces. . In a speech at Halifax in 1864, The Hon. Mesers. McGee, Gak, and C. (J. Brvdges, E«q., will arrive in town by the cara " He was not one of those who thanked God that he was a Nova Scotian merely, for ie was Canudian as well. He had never thought he was a Nova Scotian, but he had looked across the broad continent, at the great > territory which the Almighty had given us for an inâ€" herftance, and studied the mode by which it sould oe consolidated, the mode by which it could be united, the, made by which it could be made stromg and vigorous, while the old fiag still floated over the soil. (Loud theers.) He was detighted to see such a scane as this, which gave promise that that which was the he said :_;tm'sanu-uumup‘ * With the territory of Canada,, with the themet Ni Settoncrtontee ver Cns w & T uie ahien not bo hrought kboutl? / He Junt abowyt beck in favor of uniting any two, three, four, or the whole five Of the Provinegs. In conâ€" clusion, Mr.. Hows said that he was pleaked to thhk“thz was rapidly ‘approaching when the P be united with one: flag above their heads, ohe thoughtvin their. bosoms, with one Sovereign and one> Constitution. (Loud and prolonged cheers."y** | o any force thatcould be sent from abroad. " How oftem hare we heard that our repubâ€" lican neighbors to overrun the Prov inces. ,flM“_*,fi ;â€"*:::lupfislfilik it can be shown en m nrn c n sinate, but in detencd af these Proviaces invineiliic us .'.'.;;,"i.?(flh:"‘”fi?" en out, £6 not hesitate to MM _ And at the the county .of Weiland in the fall "of 196%, at which Mr. Howe happenedl to be present, he delivered himeelfas follows, regarding Canada and its union with the Lower Provinces: > â€"*= "® He looked bopefally forward tolho”fl-' when this great Province of Canada w be commected with the Provinces below, and when a man would feel <that to be a British A“u.ian was w-lbl. aA citi::;‘: & mfl w i these lands,â€" all “m:ufinhqtl.h_- m“‘b mufiololdll‘- land it she would let us, and if will not enterprise and the spirit of Britons, and the chvilization of British America, of which he trusted none of us need be much ashamed." let‘us, the flag of British North America, bearâ€" img to foreign countries the lineaments, the In the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 18584 Mr. Howe declated himself in fevor of a British American. nation whith he now a» mmuch despise=: . ami aito took strong ground in favor of the Colonles being able to defend thmseives : * 1 -pu,u’..uuqmo-nrd.-am En brogl exmagh ot aiiet io make a & nation" At the risk of travelling over some of :h- L» A-â€"n.l’i- Y filn’i W:L-m Kor Arrveal and Departure of Mavle see 1 Page. OTTAWA. OCTOBER 12. 1866. (Published ewery Friday mormng.) T H E for the Oriawa Toexs. us t y ty (y Jns 10¢ cans over whom the old flag flies,are able to defend every inch of their terfik even though her Majesty‘s troops m.- ‘ # ® * ® ® ® ® ® * If, then, the British and Colonial statesmen do not incorporate this people into the British Empire, or make a nation of them, they will, Yong before their numbers have swelled so much, make a nation of themselves. . * When Mr. McGee lectured in w: in 1863, in favor of a union of the culopiext, Mr. Howe was determined not to be behind him fin zeal for the project. Atâ€"the conclusion ol | the lecture Mr. Howe took the plattorm and is thus reported : 4# Mr. Howe went on to remark that it would be injustice to the lecturer to say more, furâ€" ther than be was with him in all he said. Z¢ was for a Union of all the British North Ameriâ€" can Provinees. He thought a union should not be delayed till we had drifted into difficulâ€" ties. Talk of the fall of Quebec being a source of sorrow to the inhabitants of this Province. It would be more. Jf the St. Lawrence were in the hands of our enemies, we should be compelled to beg permission to tear down the British flag. What he wished for in Nova Scotin was that she may be the frontage of a mighty colony, upon which it“-ly tre truly smeeii on e e BdR T said| the sum never. sets. No man can look upon Halifax and its environs, its harâ€" bors, its citadels, and say it was made for this Province alone. +3 eS C C « Mr. Howe said that he hoped when Mr. McGee returned to Canada he would be able to say, <I have been down among those peoâ€" ple who live on fish anid lobsters, aud there ‘l & tvalhurs e Aroano o O e n EOE T T n ce n CA RCNG c K ut saw keen politicians ‘bickering upon small topics, but when the great subject of national wnion was brought before them, then all minor differences were disregarded, and 1 found the.m Had Mr. Howe confined his opposition to the proposed plan of Confederation, he might have preserved at least a show of consistency ; but in taking distinct ground against any union, in contending that British America 4@ naturally dividesitselfinto four great centres *of political ‘power and radiatory ‘ intelliâ€" gence,"" he sets himself entirely agninst his previous declarations. â€" As the Colonist remarks "out readers may judge for themâ€" «selves which of these two Howrs they ought 4 to believe." uniting and pyshing and checring is Inbor of lore‘" e1 overboard, and Wm. Bailey, second en gineer, died 4- exposure. ~ t * The Queen Victoria sailed from Quebec on the 8th ofhanmh for Cuba. She had dis posed ot MMM was on the voyage back with a return cargo, when she founderâ€" ed in a be.v.yl:uonn on the 4th i"b The passengers crew, it is stated, weR@ pickâ€" dnpo-»n:ch by the Pomfret of New York. The fitst mate, Robert Day, was washâ€" The Montreal Gazeffeof yesterday morning says:â€"* The loss of the steamship Queen « Victoria, belonging to our Canadian fleet, «" of which news reached us by a telegraph @ yvesterday, is a disaster which will ‘be «* deeply regretted throughout Canada. â€" She **was the piopeer in a good work, â€"the openâ€" " ing up of the West India trade. _ All must «* n‘luth:;n first venture should have «* ended so disastrousty." THE LOSS OF THE " QUEEN YVIC | ~â€" rORILA." | ltuwu‘â€"fflm afternoon a horse attached to a h&ch was left standing at a store in Upper Town, whilst the parties who were using it were shopping, and taking fright, dashed off ui. fearful pace, down over the hppl’tl!rl’ylldan Rideau Street, unâ€" tillreaching Mr. Whalen‘s store, when the veâ€" hicle came in contact with the stont posts at his door, and‘ then fetched up all standing with considerable damage. _ â€"} s D;:cnouWon.â€"Oltboulinu., about four o‘clock l“fiom-’lnb. Laniâ€" pnwithuu,o,nchildflnynl;l old, was in his field, bordéring on the Gatineau road, some men being at work there at the time, two meh drove past in a buggy, and when‘ opposite to where Lanigan was standing, the â€"buggy was drawn up, and one ofâ€"the .party drew a revolâ€" mlflqt:i:thmlhou at a dog which had comme barking on the approach of the yehicle. ‘The man holding the revolver then fired a couple of shots in the direction where Mr. Lanigan was standing, which . woere supposed to hare been aimed at him. _ Fortuâ€" nately none of the shots took effect. : Warrants have been issued for the apprehension of both the parties, one of whom we understand has already been identified. The case will come before the magistrates at AyImer for adjudicaâ€" Pouics Cogrt.â€"Willism Morris, charged with vagrancy. He has been furnished with | a pass to Pres¢ott, where he says he has friends, with whom Re resides. If so, they should take care that he does not wander from home, tor he is so deat that it is with great difficulty that he is made to hear & single word, and he is upwards of seventy yearsâ€"old. | This poor old man wa#here m few weeks ago, and we then noticed the fact that he was wounded\in the battlc of the Windmill. . MHis ;pronunciaâ€" tion is that of Gloucestershire, England. He is full ot patriotigth, and is ready to fight his country‘s battles over again.â€"â€"Bridget Ryan, charged with buying fowls on the market beâ€" fore twelve o‘clock. ~Fine $1 and gosts. â€"Jos. Derache, drunk and disorderly ; whem plcked up the previous night he refused to walk to priion, and the politemen were obliged to carry or to leave him. ‘They carried him and he covered their unitorms with flth. Fined $2 and costs.â€"Christopher Coghlan was chargâ€" ed with wsing very insulting and offensive language to a youth named Edward Matthews respecting his mother, The defendant is also a young man, but older and much stronger than the complainant, and no doubt he calculated on his animal superiority, when he cast the cowardly and villainous imputation on the mother‘s character. Even if the slander were wue, it would be indelicate, unfecling and bruâ€" tal even to hint at the impurity of a mother to her child. His worship not being satisfied of theintention of the offender, let him go by paying costs, $1.75. â€" Margaret Riopelle, charged by Josephine Jolicoceur with assanlt. This was a case that grow out of the quarrelling of two children, and the quarrel being: enterod into by their mothers, Case dismissed withqut ucdn:;:ib,:y being carved up. with a bowie , a&t New Orleans, to which city he had lately been transferred by his employers. A Southern gentieman desired to give a pointâ€" dw&&m“d of the sentiâ€" m-uothw Mr. Doyle: repre. Tus Frxwon Ross Travmâ€"â€"The trade in roses is of considerable importance in France. Rose trees are cultivated in different of the country in open fields, just as !lfim‘:r'&b bages. ‘Thus there are 500,000 rose trees near Orleans, 200,000 near Metz,1,000,000 ncar Paris, 000,000 irteen communes of Brieâ€"Comteâ€"Robert. : The ~varieties celled the Bourbon, and Mousseuse, fourâ€" particularly in the mlloll of I_ftm'h;d A Rocven Recerrion.â€"*Captain"â€" Doyle, an luflvidldmuflykmnhunnrun the Toronto correspondent of the New York Herald, has been temporarily disqualified for NEWS. â€"Horse thieves are operating in the neighâ€" borhood of King»ton. JR â€"The Wellington Company at Sherbrooke sent $10,0uv worth of gold to Halifaz last week , â€"â€"â€"The greater part of Portâ€"auâ€"Prince has been destroyed by fire, with a heavy loss of life. j t â€"A Sar Francisco despatch mmnc‘u“ the first silk dress pattern ever made in Caliâ€" forma was completed ymfly.m:l' â€"Chicago had more deaths, fromcholera last month than Cincianati. ‘Theâ€" official figures are : Chicago 272,C§nci|;mu '.P.'x"{. â€"The shop of ‘R. P. XNiles, confectioner, of Brighton, was forcibly entered on Saturday night last and robbed of $90 in cash, | â€"â€"The grape crop this year on‘ Kelly‘s Island and elsewhere in the neighbothood of Sandusky, is only one third the average yield. .â€"Atâ€"Olcan, N. Y. State, on Tuesday, a junpâ€" ing match for $1,000, came off between Robt, Way, and Norman Bortle. ‘The latter jumped 12 feet sin., winning the cash. s â€"Fall apples are plenty and good in most parts {: New England, and it isâ€"said ‘that the supply will only be sufficionk to supply the home Uemand. â€"â€" ~*‘~* « â€"Mr. Platt‘s saw mill on Maitland Rivgr, GodericB, was burned down on Monday mornâ€" ing. ‘The mill is a total loss and was ‘1“" at $1500 to $2000. urre e *4 â€"Accounts, of the state of" commercial affairs in Bermuda are very gloomy, and : stagâ€" mation prevails in almost every department of ttade. D 4 â€"A raid was made on Friday eÂ¥ening by the State constabulary, upon five gambling houses in Boston, and 40 gamblers were arrestâ€" ed, and a quantity of property ca@finml. â€"»Dr. Lavelb has been appointéd as the representative of the Royal College of Physiâ€" cians and Surgeons in the Council of Medical Education and Registration of ‘Upper Canada. â€"A Brussclls journal states that five hunâ€" dred English and three hundred French marksmen are expected at the approaching Belgian national rifle meeting. â€"At a recent meeting held in $pringfield, Mass., the Fenian organization in that â€"city voted to disband. ‘Whatever funds they have left they donate to one of the Catholie charâ€" itable socicties, *p . 1 â€"Among the distinguished visitors at Washâ€" ington is Sir Henry Hollaad, the wellâ€"known physician of Queenâ€"Vicoria. . He is the guest of Sir Frederick Bruce, the British Minister, and id over cighty years of age." He attended King George the Fourth daring his last illness, â€"The . Lendon Times, of the. 26th of Sepâ€" tember says that the stcamship Pennsyleania, of the "National Steamship Company," is about to proceed to Malta with the 24th Regiâ€" ment, and then take on‘ board the 100th and with all possible «peed convey‘ them to Quebec. > } . *â€"â€"An arrival) at ~Mnamichi from the Gulf reports that the catch of fish during the seaâ€" son has been indifferent, though recently it had somewhat improved.. Some 300 sail of American fishing yvessels are said to be in the Gulf. pur â€"The Montreal Gazette says that it may be true that Lieut,â€"Col.Browne has been arrested in England by the chief of thegovernment po« lice; but so far the authorities have not been officially apprised of it, The despatch respectâ€" ihg his arrest was a private one, and it it was founded on fact, Chict McLanghlin may be expécted here by next steamer with his prisoâ€" â€"William Wilson and one or two other "fast. youths" of London, went to the house of Mrs. Oliver, on Clarence strect, on Maturâ€" day nightlast, and demanded admission ..... This and shot:him‘in thé leg below the kncc. Mrs. Oliver, who appears to ‘be a respectable woman, surrendered herself to the [police, but ner was refused. Wilson then went to the rear of the house and Kicked in the window, whereâ€" upon Mrs. Oliver fired ag him with a pistol Coumvateén» Thisves.â€"During church hours ‘ on Sunday last, the music store of Messrs, Lauâ€" rent, Laforce‘ & Co., Notre Dame street, was broken into and the till forced, $60 being taken therefrom. â€"The thieves also took a quantity of music; principally selections from operas and ‘solos fromy Robert Macaire and Robert 1e Diable / This shows in what direction their taste has‘ been caltivated in respect to music. It would; be somewhat singular if Coallier,from his know» ledge of this fact, should be able to pounce wpon the thieves, â€"Montreal Gazette. + Wilson ‘declining to prosecute she w Reâ€"Exnarcariox orâ€" rus Clat . Re ingy1, â€"The Quebec Daily News of the 10th :;v The G1st Regiment which arrived here from England a week since in the troopâ€"ghip Oren(es, recerved orders the day folJowing their arrival to proceed to Bermuda, West Indics. Toâ€"day the invalid soldiers, women and children of the regiment, with the baggage, will embark b# board the same vessel, and. toâ€"morrow the rec. mainder of the regiment will be taken on board. Mr. Tibbit‘s steamers Arcticand Bidder: are engaged as tenders for this purpose, ‘ The 6lst are a fine set of fcllo;u, and it is rather a disappointment to them aftermaking up their minds fora lengthened station in Cana, da to be so suddenly ordered away, and: before 'the men have had time to recruit thethselves after their late sea voyage. o An ancient gold cross was found last winter in an excavation in the ruins of Clare Castle, in England, of which theâ€"Queen desired to know the history. As treasure trove,: it \b&â€" came the property of the crown, and by the Queen‘s command the antiquarians have found out all about it. ‘There is strong reason, they say, for belieying that it formed at ong time a part of the royal collection . of jewels l:rc- longing to King Edward III, for it is recorded that he had among his jewels, kept for safe preservation in the Tower of London, " un croys dor double overe de triffure que es ; de In croys Jhesu Crist, ct ne puit estire presse," â€"«a cross of gold which represents the cross of Jesus Christ, set with pearls and cannot be valued." This description fully answers to the cross found at Clare, for that ‘had four large pearls,oneat cach transverse section of thecross, TREASURE â€"TROVEâ€"A . CURIOUS RELIC. and the.chain, about two feet long, was of the richest description. How this precious royal jowel came to be found in the ruins of Clate Castle is thus accounted for. a on o T m eane Sop io ce c t t Paiour fgon 16 wis thostbonntitihiy folinted, ber marriage came to reside at the Castle, she in all probability had this jewel given to her on the occasion, and it was by her taken to the Castle, wherc‘it got lost. ‘What confirms this history beyond all doubt,‘is the fnct that this particular jewel, before" described in old Frepch, disappeared from that very time from the numerous inventories which are extant of the l\ofl”fll Thus this once royal Jewél, which been buried <at Clare, : lost for five hundred years; has once more come into Toyal NEWS ITENS. THBE OTTA EUROPEAN N u,..ungl‘étt the Atiantic Telegraph The '”;Illll Army to be Arnied wlt‘ Haumax, Oct. 10.â€"The steamship 4« hiverpoot on 29th, via Queenstown on t Sept,, arrived at this port at two o‘clo p.m. Sr:;o,haa 94 passengers for Bos 44 for tliis port. ~ â€" _ § Time £900, have comti don, Biari PcC | + An fironâ€"clad squadron had arrived | off ‘that place} and passed in review before |the Emâ€" peran n n N e e o ce in 1 l Th show speci Th tion i turba tion i fort b vast Euto; Mous _ Sra taken allegi thron fathe the sho teres Pril joine Further insurrectionary movements were ported in Smyrna, in which Turkish ‘had the advantage.s~>>e us ,| ooo onl Isni4 Axp CnuA.-‘.lâ€"?!M India China mail is received. Dates from Calcutta are to the 23rd August, and from Hong Kong to the 4 ith August. |â€" Hhadshanlterty § lxnj the P Turk down‘ Ad Gove and Fu The details.of tlc . famine in Indi most distressing. ; London . Money â€"Markets.â€"Owi closc lof the quarter discoutit; ’z't the baink at the reduced rate‘ & 4: the baink at the reduced rate‘ & 4 was pretty active. . ,| . .. .. _â€",, Gold . continued to artive freely, and was flowifl( inio the bank of E ‘in large quantities, j ® To the Editor of the Montreal fmueert # s0+ Sir,â€"I note in the Gazeite of the jthinstant, a brief" (happily a btief) editorial,| about the other nuisance, and a few lities from «T.8.B." . As to ©‘P.8. B." ‘his réemarks are ipleasantly Utoplan, . But we don‘t want «generally receiyed opinions"â€"they are just gs reliable as special teleg@Qmasâ€"as the" knows. Why not prove the fa¢t that " fish disappear on the exection of saw. mills?* No nstr logln-‘{ for the tittiebats has, as yet, dong this, an( men don‘t usually use « opinions" / Im.m argitmients when facts «Iu id as be had. «The value of fish in inland watérs is groat to the inhabitants," ko great, indeéd, on the Ottawa, that they. unanimously co sider it a waste of time to go aâ€"fishingâ€"except on Sunâ€" day, ; They would suffer vastly more if the culls and slabs, which furnish their winters firing, were to fail them _ So much for ccoâ€" nomical considerations. + onl Now Mr. "T. 8. B." filos in our f with a chimney, and an nfiejflum, and a kiln, and a npt)u: it sawâ€"mills were somp bubbics, and mill sites India rubber, all this could be done. But ‘c argues from Yr_enrscu wm?n have no earthly connection with the subject|: We don‘t. want telescopic analogy.. We have to f with mills, built under anpther system, .&nd with certaininherent obstacles to t -adopt‘on ot changes elsewhere in vogue. Given water mills, and a system |in which all ifire, even‘ down to a man‘s pige, is prohibi and you can t in justice, argue from stcam {mills and blast furnaces, â€" The Go¥érnment imust tike existing circumstances into consideration. | A spout to €atch sawdust from gangâ€"sawing, with slope stifficient to carry it away by its own weight, would terminate in a spot aljout elevin fect under the surféce of the river. Having got it there you must give it slope ienough to bring it up, (here‘s where the r: maâ€" chinists shut their eyes conveniently) to the wonderful kiln, â€" You may then lay out $6,000 in building the apparatus, endanger your lum. ber from spatks, and forfelt your | insurange poli¢y, . Yhisk »$1i .#\ The c;No Rates io io Twenty years ago there was m sawing than now, All deal slabs, refuse, inow worked. into siding sawn stuff, was flung into the rive thatino‘ oue ‘complains of the ri been choked in this good old time. Now, ten lines for the Gazette. \'Yhy has he backed down from his positiviam ofia few days since ? | Then there was no doubt about ‘the matter ; sction was to, be taken at ; xl the mills mashed irretrigvably.. op, thiey yuthâ€" um;lwfl:; :3'. there arc + two i t:"‘ by establi * C tmust Chave npfllgie.l?t infotmatidi “rf:;:m " ‘before they Act, and, go ‘fir from pr the cage, a waupore doue, the (Cazale‘ only " undiy, mattér ; sction was to, be. taken a ;, apd | d thenll'lnmbdi;uh'l;nbl,;,@% r:?,x{ A m;ilml J. .'!:3', there are +two j t:n by i; estal i tmust Chave | -gmgse?c lr':fM’Mti im" ‘Defore ||G they Act, and, go ‘fir from he cage, | CC sn uge peos toue, the Ouanie onlf » nB [ 8 s this can be done. â€" And the niik # ought to be rigorously punished,", A while ago it was "«will be tigorously punished." Pridce Positive has changed his ini V am glad the Gazette thus pnbficl{ con that his first position was untenable, trust he may not again make such an exbibition of himselfâ€"g/.bâ€"connoisseurâ€"writing ln2ech without getting them up will not| do, ds the OQazette‘s change of opinion owns. ; ~ Th The Insurrection t Candia. of Germany, the allegiance offered by a, and had recalled the troops that had the Federal army of cxccutioh. l & TION lle:u«-On the jarrival of hi il Candia he issued a proclamation . on the, inhabitants to submit jto the th authorities, and promising ito redress evances, _ > ©4J > : .‘The new/Duke, in his speech from rome,‘ declared it fitting that Prussia ‘be the leader of Germany. <~He further weekly returus of the Bank o{ France in decrease of half a million francs in icw foreign Minister, the . Marqu ler, had !'rlv:? hy France fionw hAE SAWDUST QUESTHION. the Juarists in Mexico, the/ffect of the lot formed in the belief/pf & general ean conflagration would be the result of e German war. .â€"â€"The Spanish War Depa nt has steps for the manufacture oféthc Prusâ€" leâ€"gun. [ > v&â€"The estates of Saxe-livincngcn bled ‘on the 27thâ€"to take th¢ oath of nce to Duke George, who ascended the i@n consequence of the abdication of his ler, had arrived is one to Biaritz) * j Putrie asserts that the lingurrecâ€" Palermo, the revolt in Candia, the . disâ€" s in the Ottoman Kmpire, t}l« agita» i Greece, and even the renewal of an efâ€" e, and his representations to â€" Gnuhk nment were supported by the Frenc nglish mlnlmp.po ' h t n ¢» | ‘insurrectionists; are requirdd to. lay their arms in five days. figes‘from Athens say the Turkish Amâ€" lor thrcatemnert to break off relations with Be $N0 TCader jOf ermany, â€" me Jurtnet that ho had gladly recepted, T’L the inâ€" the statement made in the Long'o'n hat the cable was carning at the rate of 0 m year. â€" The various cable securities + i a 1 ex.~â€"‘The . Emperor has relnLlned. at India and Cnina. Necdie Gune Marketss the . Marquis â€"De g to : the emand : at rl::, from c 3 ck l(ri: on ahd y) to the out $6,000 your lum. insurange er. having contlaye ‘waste in culls, and ind small AVDIBR® 0‘y» urkey, L. t h es Titr Hatz, Ootober 18t, 1866. Preséntâ€" â€"His Worship the Mayor, Ald. Cunâ€" ningh&W , Langford, Dow, Goodwin, and.‘Traâ€" vcr;{‘ Coun, Scott, Rowat, Perkins, Abbott, Go! Jez Qu'rrd, Hency and Martineau. *foved by Ald. Traversy, seconded by Ald. Cunningham, that this council do now adjourn until Monday next, the 8th inst., for general ‘ business.â€"Carried. > â€" Coun. §tunmwer mptesanted / %h aprflfin yof John Kc%y for lm o",';cnil'ig,tb Chapet tréok. woer $ In’\'nd't"y CounSt@Â¥nict, kéeconided by Coutn. Heney, that the communi¢ation of John Kelly: just read, be referred ‘to the Strects and Im« provement Committee <â€"Oatricd. i Ald. Traversy presented the petition of Wi. Barry and. Anu McComb for remission of Presontâ€"His \\'on,h(lpmtho Mlyo:i,):ld.ll;:ingl- tord, Bate, McCormic osgrove, w, e Gdodwin," Borithan ; and Trafversy. * Goun. den and Guerard, The minuteg wore read. Ggodwin, : Befighan ; and ‘Tr#vrersy. m Scott, Porking, Abbott, Starmer, Wood, taxes Moved by AlJ. Traversy, seconded by Coun, Heney, that the petition of Wm. Barry and that of Aun McComb puymsbr remission of taxcs, be received and roferred to the Assessâ€" ment Committeo.â€"Carried. is _ Coun. Bcott 7pi-{.-'scntu«l a number of petitions relating to assessments. > ENT 00 CC coen ie oo oi Moved by Coun. Scott, seconded by Ald. Langford, that the petitions of the Rev. Mr. McLardy, J. B. Lewis, Esq:, Samuel Mix; Geo. White, Campbell & Kennedy, J. A, Gemmell, Mrs.D. Manchester,respecting assessments, and of Thos. Gunn, Catharine Duggan, Mary Wilâ€" liamson, Nancy Dean, Catharine Cornwall and Aunes Burke l.n exemption from taxes, be reâ€" ferred to the Assessments Committee. â€"â€"Carâ€" tied m(;';)uu. Guerard presented thgâ€"petition of Anâ€" toine Tremablay for remission of taxes. .. ___ Mm’udb{ Coun. Guerard, secondcd by Ald. Berichon, that the petition ot Antoine Tn{h- blay. be aoferred to the Assessment Committce, â€"Carried. /. | Coun, Abbott presented the petition of Alexander Cox, for a new cheqne in â€"place of one lost by him. ©â€"__ _ h Moved by Coun, Abbott, seconded by Coun. Perkins, that the communication of Alexander Cox just read, asking this counvil to Teissuc a cheque to replace one lost by him be received nim(Il mfcrk}fl to the Finance Committee.â€"Carâ€" ried.> ; . , Ald? McCormick Srotc,n"ud the petition of Cathasine Smith and Aléxander Brown for reâ€" mission of .taxes, 4 Moved by Ald, McCormick, seconded by Ald. Bate, that thepetition of Catharine Smith «nd Alexitnder Brown for remission of taxes just read, be received and referred to the As« ‘sessment Committee.â€"Carried, . Ald, Fricl presented the petition of J. B. Tur*con,lL,lceme Inspector, for remuhneration }ut labout in the enforcement‘ of the liquor aw. . 8 â€"‘Ald. Mosgrove presented the petition of John Kilt, John Mills, and Thomas, Costello, respecting assessments. 9 srutl Moved! by Ald. Mosgrove, seconded by Coun. Perkins, that the petitionof John Kilt, John ills, and Thomas Costello be referred to the Assessment Committee.â€"Carried. Moved by Ald. Fricl, seconded by Coun Goulden, that the petition of J. B. Turgeon referred to the Finance Committée.â€"Carridd. Ald. Traversy presented the petition of the Sisters of Charity for the rethission of taxes on houses oceupied as an orphans‘ home, _ Moved by Ald. Traversy, seconded by Co Heney, that the petitions of the Sisters Charity praying for a remission of taxes on houses occupicd as an orphans‘ home such purposes, be received and referred to Assessment Committce.â€"Carrled, _‘ Coun,, Wood presented. the petition Richard PFitzsimmons and that of John Ry for remission of taxes. Moved by Coun, Wood, seconded by Cot Starmer, that the %efifionl of Richard Fi simmons and John Ryan be reccived and . ferred to the Assessment Committee,â€"Carri Ald. Bate presented the ‘petition of ; Trustees of the Wesleyan Mcthodist Chur and that of Robert Kenly, and Lyman I king, for remission of taxes. .. L Ald; Friet presented the petitions of 1 Guardupic, Bridget Hayden, Johanna Ken xly, widows, for remission of taxes. _ = Moved by Alderman Bate, scconded by A McCormick, that the petitions of the Trust of the . Wesleyan ; Mcthodist (Church, Rob Wood, that the petitionâ€"of L. N. Nye ‘referred to the Assessmcnt Commuttee.â€"C ferred to the Committee on Assessments Carried. | !’ouncfl.-q-Carricd. unicipal loan ‘ fund, 5 conts ‘Gommon school rate, 3 cents . City rate, 10 conts.,........ Byâ€"law interest 172, 2} cents . Sinking tund, 1} cents..,.... gy-li\v 180, 2 1â€"6th cents.... trears Of tAXC8, ... .. ...... Sthtute Iabor...;.. «... s‘ x . ‘Moved by Ald.‘ Friel, seconded by n. Goulden, that the petitions of Mrs. Guardupic, Bridget Hayden, and Johanna Kennedy, tlfree ‘poor widows, be granted, and that cheques be 4ssued in favor of collector, for amount of their rates for 1866.â€"Catried. of the We_l'}‘eyan Mcthodist ‘Church, ‘ Rol Kenly ahd LyrhAn Perkins be received and Ald. Frfel ‘preserited the petition of L. Nye, for the remission of tages on a vac portio. of a lot wrongly assessadl, ‘separat to him. ~ Moved by Ald. Friel, seconded by Co of the (c,cns Collector, for a cheque in . acco ’( collection, } " Moved liv:Cannâ€" Scott seconded by A ®" Moved Byâ€"Coun, Scott, seconded by A Langford; &hat the communication from : City Colloctor be received and referred to Financé Committee, and that the enclo statement be entered on the: minutes ‘of t Ottawa, 8th Oct., 1866. _ Moved by Coun, Perkins, seconded by Ald. Bate, that the petition of Mark Bishoprick, be referred to the Streeta Commime.â€"Carriui. Coun. Scott presented the petition of James Wadstworth, for reimbursement of the purch@seâ€" ment money of a lot bought at the High Baiâ€" liff s sale. + Moved by Coun, Scott, seconded‘ by (,‘ttln. Abbot, that the petition of James Wadsworth, ukln! to be refunded purchase money of lot No. 7, Metcalfe street, be received and referred to the Finance Committee.â€"Carried. Coun.. Pepkins., presented ‘the ition of Maurk Bishoprick for a platform fm Sparks to Queen sts.. ... ...._ . )_ e trane .Goun, Scott prescuted the communication â€"of the Muyer of Guciph in reference to the adâ€" Coun, Perkins presented ‘the petition Atbraham ‘Wardle respocting a well contr Moved by Coun. Perkins, seconded by 4 McCormick, that the petition ot Abral Wardle, bo referred to the Streets Commi with power to act.â€"Carried. ~Ald. Goodwin presented (the petition widow Cloran for remission of taxes. ‘ _ Ald..Friel presented the petition of Francis McDougall in reference to & city platform erogsing the corners of two lots hulonglngr to him. omm Wek (ran e * Moved b{ Ald. Goodwin, seconded by Ald. Berichon, that the petition of widow Clofan, be referred to the Committce on Asseesments#,â€" Carried . Moved by Ald. Friel, seconded by Coun. Heney, that the petition otf F. McDougal!,| be referted to the Streets Committee.â€"Carried. _ Ald. Goodwin presented the petition of P. M. Partridge complaining of being twice asâ€" sessed for income. **‘Moved K.Ald. Goodwin, seconded by Ald. Berichon, that the petition of P. M. Partridge, be rcj';c’m-d to the Assessment Committee.â€" Carried. § ; dress of Dr. Howit on the formation of Rifle dress of Dr, Howit on the formation of Rifle Audéflé.," enc s# x9 Moved by Coun, Scott, seconded by Ald. Bate, that the communication of the Mayor of Guelph, be received l:lld referred to a sclect coptmittee, composed of the chairmen of ‘Smlng’}‘.‘ommimu.â€"cmuil. .. _ Ald, Mosgrove presented the petition of Aun Owens, for remission of six months‘ priâ€" vate butcher‘s stakl:â€"license. H Moved by Ald. Mosgrove, seconded by Ald. Dow, that the 'w'.iuon of Ann Owens, praying for the remission of license, be received and referred to the Finance Committee.â€"Carried, © Ald, Goodwin presented the petition of Robt. Smaith, and others, for the removal ot an old building from the corner of King and Bolton Coun. Scott preseated the, communicat y TOMEL : s1 s c s i+ ) Report No. 9 for 1865 CY "jouNoIL. uks Tb TOBXR 12, 1866. Ciry Hanc, Oct. 8th, 1866 Passrcx, City Collee of nt ly M= ie he h, T8. 16â€" of n of ct. rt Dr . 1d is or a reduction of the assessment on incomes of Moved by Ald. Goodwin, lecom Berichon, that the petition of and others, be referred to the Streets "W. Dickinson, and â€"others, of the.â€"civil service, tee,â€"Carried. h e _ Ald. Goodwin presented the petition of Moved mld. Goodwin, seconded by Ald. Bericho8, the petition of M. W. Dickinâ€" son, and~others, be referred to the Committee on Assessment.â€"Carried, _‘ _ _ Ald. Mosgrove presented‘the petition of Geo. Wallingford, and others, butchers, for amendments to the market byâ€"law. . _ _| _ . Mov Ald. Mosgrove, seco Abboth tikt the petitibn, of use be received and referred to the Byâ€"law Comâ€" mittee.â€"Carried. , Ald. Traversy presented the petition of W. A. Scott, for a platform near the cathedral. ‘ :. Moved by Ald.‘Pm seconded by Coun, Heney, that the $ of W. A. Scott, for a platform on B? juast read, be received and peferred to the Streets and Improvements Committee.â€"Carried. Ald. Goodwin presented the putition of the Sisters of Charity, for m platform on Bolton street, and that, of the Bisters of Charity for the complétion of dmin ou sAid street. Moved by Ald. Goodwin, seconded by Ald. Fric}, that the petition of the Sisters of Charâ€" ity be referred to the Streets and Iimproveâ€" ments Cormmmittee.â€"Carried, _ Ald. Traversy presented the petition of John Clancy for compensation for losses in Charles Goodwin‘s contract. Moved by Ald. Traversy, seconded by Coun. Heney, that the petition of Mr, John Clancy just read, be reccived and referred to the Fi« nance and Streets Committee, with instrrc» tions to report thereon, at the next mecting of this council.â€"Carried. 5 â€" Ald, Traversy presented sundry petitions re! specting assessments. ~Moved by Ald. Traversy, seconded by Coun, Hency, that the petitions of widow Moran, Edward Burke, M. Slattery, G, McEdward, J. B. Landrian, Mrs. Genvean, widow Mooney, and G. Lemaitre, praying for remission or reâ€" duction of taxes just read, be recgived and rcâ€" ferred to the Assessment Committee.â€"Cartied. (Co., for i_n_nbrq»:r_m_c_nt- to Rideau Hill _ Ald. Mosgrove J)i;uéfit;:d the petition of N. 8. Blasdcll, President of the Gloucester Road Moved by Ald. Mosgrove, seconded by Coun, Wood that the pctition of N. 8. Blasdell be reccived, and that the clerk of this corporaâ€" tion be instructed to advertise for tonders for the improvements of the hill at the cast side of Ridean street, llmllquw to be reccived at the next meeting of this corporation under the modified specification of the city Engincer. Lost by amendment, © line l rerh Moved by Coun. Scott, seconded by Ald. Bate in amendment, that all after the word "That," in the original motion be expunged, and the following substituted : Although it is very desirable that the hill leading trom the end of the Rideau bridge to Ridean strect should be cut down, it is nevertheless inexâ€" pedient at present to incur such an expenâ€" diturc, the more especially as the enormous, rate of taxation for the currert year provides for no such heavy outlay, Moved by Ald. Fricl, in amendment to the amendment, gecomuded by Coun, [Goulden, that all after the word "that ‘ be ¢xpunged, and the following be ‘substituted, viz: That the question under discussion be referred to the Streets Committee, with instructions to report the sections to be constructed, the numâ€" ber of feet otf excavations of different kinds, and the amount proposed to be expended, and also the Jvru]mscd terms and time of payment, â€"COarried. M Nays :â€"Bate, Scott, Mosgrove, Wood, Dow, Starmer, Guerard, and Heney. _ j Yeas:â€"Langford, McCormick, Perkina, Ab« bott, Fricl,; Goulden, Goodwin, Berichon, and THECORRY 4 :=c c i4 i eeirea Ald. Traversy presented sundry accounts, which were read. : Moved by Ald. Traversy, seconded by Coun. Heney, that the accounts ot Patrick Cowell, Evering Post, Klie DAmour, J. G. Robinson Dr. VanCortlandt, L. Pinard, A. Lafrage, and Isaac Cluff, just read, be received and referred to the Commqittee on Finance. e _ Moved by W1d, Traversy, seconded by Ald. Dow, that the account of Jas. Finch, just read, be reccived and referted to the Streets and Improvements Committee, with instructions to report all particulars of said account at the next meeting of this Council.â€"Carried. | : Ald. Traversy presented the Finance Report No. 12. * s To the Carporation of the Cily of Ottawa : The Finance Committee, in this their 12th report, beg leave to state that they have examâ€" incd the following accounts, and recommend that His Worship theâ€"Mayor be authorized to sign cheques for the same, ; Strects Inprovements, | ellington By WAINL: : rmrctrenmereresssssrenss Ro’aiflnfi PIAMOPD«., 00e sses0000»+ ’ll'lhomuhi::hou,..............‘.'... enry removing: mud... P. Brennan, inm .':i frames _ on Murray and Sparks Ste... H. Lang & Co., puinting 200 A. Dechamps,for teamingoedars M. Cuuk.P‘w'ovi on l{:’puh at : Salarves of 6 Police Mnm 3m to Ist 0ct 250,00 City Clerk w se â€"= 250.00 Chamberlain « « 250.00 Chief Constable _ «_ « ‘ 200.00 City Engineer 14 6 P. Carey for cloaning market, Constable‘8 fOOR......cussseeserees> Paul Favéreau‘s fees, police COUKt, 10 6t UDD...sssescccccccss . T50 . BEOWB...:csrsrrsccerrerres servisess "â€" §QD E. J. O‘Neil, detective.sundries por order Polico Commisgion‘r 21.00 Miscclianeous. N. Chovier, for “zlku and ceâ€" _ dars for repairing platforms.. 53.95 J. Suthoriand, 10 copies City A. Wilson & sons, advertising A. Swallwel!, coffins per order 6 (:}ll‘i:{.Co::ubh Â¥ibnverdaespdeets . s ing pauper.. ..... P. un.nnn‘s:,n bocprd.p(.?. Hebâ€" erlin, to ll.hflor., 14 woeks.. P. 0. 0Gt, to 186 IMBE.......ssscs00es 0. & P.R. R. Co. for passages ofduu rsto 30th August...... W. ou:g making out co‘lecâ€" wwfi' Rlu’...........'.:...............loo.oo s ompson, assist. copyâ€" old : ci coke and :‘;‘mod..g?:m............ $5.12 I. B. Taylor, adv/ in Citizen, water works Iailllldhd“n{.. 13.92 2961.51 Your corporation have n served with a summons to. the court of Queen‘s Bench by Mr. Jaines Walkley for the following amouut say : Salary from Aug. lst. 1864 to 2nd. Oct. 1865, $550 ; ,one tape line,â€" $1.50 ; pass book and stationery, $1.35 ; one spirit level, $2.50 ; cedars, $1.90 and $1.50 ; cedars head of Deey Cut, $2.65; cartage, T5cts. Total $562.65 with interest from 2nd Oct, £7 10s and costs, Your committee have had the Solicitor enter a defence, and would recommicnd that Counâ€" cillor Abbott be requested to take charge of the suit in connection with the Solicitor, as he Councillor Abbott, is in the opinion of your committec, the only one conversant with the employing of Mr. Walkley in 1864. All reâ€" spectfully submitted. < â€"Carried Ottawa, Oct. 8th, 1866. Moved by Ald. Traversy, second«d by Coun. Wood, that the twelfth report of the Finance Commitiee just read be received and adopted. Ysas.â€"Bate, Scott, Langford, Mc§ormick, ‘ Mosgrove, Wood, “i’erklu, Dow, Abbott," Starmer, Goulden, Goodwin, Berichon, Guer. ard, Heney, Traversy. _‘ * ‘ Nays.â€"Friel. J s Coun, Heney presented r:m No. 7 of the Stroets and Improvenients mittee. Moved by Coun. Heney, seconded by Coun. Abbott, that the seventh report of the Streets and Improvement#" Committec just read, be reccived and adopted, _ o C r Moyed by . Ald. Friel, seconded by Coun. Wood, in amendment, that the report just read be referred back to the Committee with inâ€" structions to report the cost of cach item, and the time and terms of each payment, The Council then djoume!. stroet 3 mos. to 5th October...........« in Daily News veasapress c ersennensecssnnd Isipors Traversy, Cnas. T. Bate, W. C, Woon, Jaxes Coxnxinonas, 75.00 70.00 10.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70 00 100.00 32,40088.30 13.14 50.10 17.00 11.00 12.70 Chairman, 14.00 200.00 980.49 *4 1825.15 » nquiu-' Aaxp» Znmvam or rrars. Mail Train leaves Ottawa at . .. .........» 7.00 a.m. :crel"i'mml A nwvnlt............ :oc.';. p. m. bevertcestenremmencenies Web hok loilt‘gen! he ‘ $.00, p.m. §®" Thesemains connect at Prescott Junetion with Traine on Grand Trunk Railway for the East and Wert, Traine on Grand ’l‘nh‘{k&uvw for the East and Wert, and at l’tc% fl\ll'l‘ _ tarr{ l‘o:l I()gdcnlt'mr‘hbâ€"g:fln connec i ds for al , B. 14. J opiiee uDs un on Montradt Pime. OTTAW A [TO KINGSTON.â€"The Steamer City of Ottawa Ietve\let 7a.m,, every Monday and Thursday. ‘The steamer Bytown at 7 a.m., every Wednesday and Baturmiay. â€"| OTTAWA)|TO MONTREAL. â€"The Steamer Qneen Victoria leaves the foot of Bussex Street every.mornâ€" THLHGRPIC LATEST! AMERICAN â€"DESPATCHES. Liaclede Racesâ€"St. Louis, 81. Loct', Oct. 10.â€"The two mile dash was won by «" Mollic Austin." ‘Time 3:44. Next race, mile heats, best three in five, premium $1500, wn* won by :« Malcolm." Time, 1:46, 1:49}, and 147. Lousvi®, Ky, Oct. 10.â€"The tornado at Franklin, . Indiana, . yesterday, â€" demolished twentyâ€"six buildings. _ One person was killed and two were fatally .injured. s Cholera on Board a Steamer, Naw Yore, Oct, 11.â€"The steamer Helvetia arrived at lowér «quarantine yesterday, from Li\'crpooi*« with ‘twenty cases of cholera on board. â€" Fourteen deaths occurred on the voyâ€" age, four ieiug from cholera. Cabinct Changes in Washington. A Tribin? telegram ‘says rumors of cabinct changestare again rife, Seward and Stanton wre said to be on the, point of retiring, the forâ€" mer to hig home in Auburn, and the latter to Spain in !lwc of Hale. | An Octan Yacht Race» l In an ufa;uau yacht race yesterday, for $1,000, the I/nraita was beaten vy the Vesta. l}-tennlu Mexican News» The Higrali‘s Mexican cotrespondence has the follov;ing: (General Mejia, Imperial comâ€" mander, ljas moved on Montercy, and a battle has probably taleén place with the troops of Escobedo, _ The report reached Matamoraz that Escobedo had been defeated at Montercy. It is ktated Maximilian had gone over to the church party to satiffy the clergy. â€" He had to restofe ’-Ii the church property, anntul some of the offensive laws, and dismiss two of his ablest ministers. ‘ ‘The embarkation of the 81st Regt., French Infantry, had been stopped, to await informaâ€" tion from:France, expected by Casteinau, Naâ€" poleon‘s special envoy, who was en route to Mexico, |A European hanker had promised to loan mflmilin $17,000,000. ‘ An American protectorate is still talked of and desired. E Arrived. New York,Oct. 11.â€"The steamer Europe from Havre on the 27th ult., has arrived. Washington Rumours Denied. | Wasmxcrtox, Oct. 11.â€"There is positively no truth jin the .?ecld dispatch sent from this city to the Philadelphia Zedger, relative to late queries by President J ohnston, as to the status ot Congress, made of Attorneyâ€"General Stanâ€" verry. . 1 :. % n leniadngs Geary*‘ s Majority 18,000 to . 20,000. Prirapgkienta, Oct. 11,.â€"The Bulletin says that General Geary‘s majority will be from 18,000 to 20,000. Oxe Hivxnnp axp Twexryâ€"ons Ysars Ounâ€" One of the oldest women in America is aâ€"Mrs. Porch, who lives in the mountains of East ‘Fennessce,and is aged one hundred and twentyâ€" one years. _ She is blind, but, being quite hearty, walkes without assistance. Her memâ€" ory is unimpaired and she can recount many of the events of the R:volution with great acâ€" curacys Po ‘ Rev. Sylranus Cobb thus writes in the Boston Chrigtian Freeman :â€"We would b{ no mean8 reâ€" comnienid any kin of medicinp which we ‘did not know to‘be goodâ€"particularly for isfants.; But of Mrs. Winslpw‘s Soothing Syrup we speak from knfld‘-; in our own family it has :rbo‘nd a blesaing indeed, by giving an infant trou with colic pains quiet sleep, and its l-m rest At night. Most parents can ate blossings. Hore is an article which works to perâ€" feotion, and ithich is harmiess ; for the stoop witigh Onlâ€"l-‘tr 0S NDSeoeeprractabcraners BARLEYAPOT 48 ID8...040s000«0«««» BUTTERâ€"DBIFY oc essm arenes en s at 6:30. We porfine....., i Bag MN lc.ud kA r No. Reecerprerent §o 1 WOBIOTN .........sccscceneet NO, B\ +¢ C ..clrcccmnvertrernt . |CADAUR WBORL ...cccseee»esscem able. We have fi tly heard hers say ther ‘:I?llldhnt: :'vhh:::k“;:,- the of 3’3 t shed the testhing on â€" sideration whatever. Sold by all _-’::s cents a bottle. little cherub awakes as " bright as & button." And during ts frooets of seoleing He value io incalonl> | A‘CARD TO INVALLDS. A dmnn. while residing in discovered n s au r.:-:dy for hodo-;z of M‘“ j ::'«'l' fl'm. tuin‘l:lu&d.u banefulâ€"and vicious habits. Great num! been cared by this noble remedy. ] desire to benefit the afficted and unfor will send the recipe for pm;fi‘ng u medicing; in a sealed env , to any needs‘ojm Please .donA “:.'::nlqo, add to [ | JOSEPH T} INM | Station D, Biljle He !"“.loéh"!‘ml_“ is P!l’i:.&ly 'q'_ .'l'.l__“ilg esmm o CCC Tâ€"‘ C s â€" e t TRIVELLER®K! DIRECTORY. | September 24. Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup. COMM ERCIAL (Compiled expressly for the ‘T‘ms.) Storeâ€"Packed........... OTTAWA MARKETS. Tornado in Indiana« SPECIAL NOTICES. (Pet Montreal Line.) kessssassersctersrersced@@ 90 @ 8 25 mivevessatarbrssyecised T. Pir Ub B 00 nal Su haveet 1 Canada........... T 50 @ 7 70 PR sercescrorcrercccect 3 B F2 96 sevvevisessssmeoue N MO D 7Bb JOBtrcrssssrarcrncrirn; 1 45 #@ 1 50 ME artetiedcents cotathy I is dilich delh Ne sed to yourself. INMAXN, Ne â€" d % !l‘!â€",c., 0 32 @ 0 34 0 60 @ 0 65 16 @ i7 15 @ _ 16 5 50 @ 5 60 1 00 @ 1.30 lr 18 WELL KNOWN TO THOSE WO have carefully studied the peculiar diseaser of the -mumrp.ufâ€" on the skin by its in ‘:Lof throwing off those grosser particles of porgpir matter depesited upon it, ’i‘ho conâ€" w ~is the skin becomes contragted, scales m off ; and the heat which is on its surface, wea that nutriment which feeds the HATR, it soon falls off, and BALDNESS is imminent. . Thik preparation at once renders the «hin soft and Aeévibly, and thus prevents thet perspirable matter from calleciing on ts surface, R not only reseates the hair, but -'rfi to it a beautiful glows. It should be on w Laay‘s and Gentleman‘s Toilet, both as a DRESSING and REKOVATOR. $ _ :° °0 . . oR MITOHKELL M | Â¥ Hair Dreesor, Wellington St., ‘ gx'd. Montreal Bank, Upper Town. To be had of the ietor, at 204, Wellington _and at the 0::’:-â€" of J. Skinmer, Wellâ€" i Street; J. Brown, Eparks Street; and J. Robefts, Ridean Street, 4 t wa, July 2, 1866, _ â€" 181y time, it imparts to the ekin flexibility and ifl-. and m the use of any other dressing unnctossary . i ons l usn Mr. W. M. Mocurni, 8 s Air,â€"L have found your Dandruff® Embroâ€" efhicacious in the removal of dendruf", at the MroW. IL Mircusia, Depr Siryâ€"â€"I ear with pleasure recommend to all the of your Embrocation. As a Hair Dressing it exdels any that has ever been used in my family. While it renovates the skin and hair, it gives a softnéss and brilliancy to the latter, unequalled by «ny r hair dresser. â€" It should be used onevery toil M AW. 1. Mivomaa, > i j Nir,â€"Maving used gumerous Hair Restoraâ€" tives I can say with regard to your Dandruff Eim ion, that it is the best I have used as a remeâ€" dy for the removal and prevention of .dandruf. A'ldg:inm to the skin and hair that softness n':.:‘oolnen not experienced in the use of any other dresging. cmd ifi en Mr. W. M â€"Mocurly, % D¢ar Sir,â€"Before using your Dandruff Embroâ€" cation‘my hatr had become a:llu thin ard taded in or, in ‘consequence, I ieve, of dandruf ll‘lut he Imrhhei-‘ e‘oe;\.nlly n::w‘d. my hnar as much improved softness, and rinfi_g-qofeohr. 1 use no'mdr dressing 249. Yours, &¢., Nicworas Srazys. NDR Snd tabe gront ptensure in acknowledgâ€" ing value and efficacy of your Dandruff Emâ€" nl:&ia&t? h‘:ztl’n'i':l":y‘:t:"m I:: Poocks hea fow prmg n is Lbe bow 1 have ever used Mortimer‘s Remedy for Cholera Diarre We certify that Mr. G. Mortimer‘s «Cbolera Sone Capnaty id ariormarf ids ol which we were lately n.i’:d?"“.' A ', which we were lately sci €hronic Eruptions, from whateyer cause arising, are the most obstinate of external malaâ€" dies, The greatest believers in mercury admit it cannot control them. ‘The iodide apd biniâ€" of that mineral, as well as corrosive subliâ€" ma .llhnidofiw:d %n‘::n for sCtofulous and syâ€" hilitic eruptions a m"cbunm- 'o’d,undinnllpuuofth' i nl;‘h‘:chnm ng the most confirmed and vi chronic eru on the skin with Bristol*s Sarsapa« which acts chemically upon the blood and :i‘-xl‘aebh. The use of Bristol‘s V s atthe same time with the Sarsaparilia will debteiness of Canada is berween 50 and 80 million dollars,a nice round little sum certainly,but she does not owe this mhflh‘-‘lfil‘u“ for it ; there is the W ellandCanal,the Grand Trunk Railway m-dins over 700 miles, and last, w loast, is the ©Canadian Pain Destroyer," which for the saphrilla h:&ad" Canadian Pfillhp:luy.l".:dfi'rfk the cu Pl.'fi?o pains back side, spraine, sadden colds, frostâ€"bites, &c., has no equal, Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cte. per bottle, 2498 knot snd-olmhoz’l‘:dlhnou‘nn cause s :"‘.':.""'"4..,..‘"“ fepresnnd mpon the sttale of cannot be.too an L parents the necessity of nhulyp:uh‘ children. _ By so doing; and fio'oynzmu and true cause of the discase, thousands of children might be saved from early ‘'. SY;I'I;:I or Wourxs.â€" The f« uro, a few very numerous «ymptoms disgases which are caused by Worme : ':Th. emaciated u:xuem‘mn. ozcu(i?mm. requent picking at the nose, grindin tecth deffng sitep, Mevantss of Tthe bolly, with Frequent Worins in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" ;Iiiy._mds'.'ud sometimes convulsive fits ; itching of arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquiet TiniSpiriie, rigiin grobine, abd a gradual hain spirite, fr , and a w feyp y o hnb e esnt en _ ‘They are palatable and scliâ€"administered to the ohi â€"dflnmm.mumfly without pain completely cleanse the stomachâ€"â€"thereby doing an ¢leanse the stomach â€" ing sMJ wht ty necroniy ‘vt, nministering Canter Oil|or other unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of dther Worme. -.r'M box contains the facâ€"simile #i of Norzumor & Lyxax, Newonstle, C.W., m‘ . B.â€"Ask for llulluc_va Worm _ Lozenges, and take no other. Sole by all the r in Ottawa, and medicine dowle everyâ€" B Fo- SALE OR TO LET. A ll;plendhi Farm, within three miles of the City of Ottawa, on the Third Concession of Gloucester, conâ€" 180 acres, 150 of which are in the highest state of cultivation. There are buildings of all k%oue::.c:&fu-. besides a :“;:. andevery cnwu premisse. A%hu' ‘ion can be to undersigned, or to C. T. Baines, of Ottawa, solicitor. ________ _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTSs Ottawa, October 11, Tu‘ 0"30. OF THE UNION FPOR« B warorke axp rarnway CoMrPaAXSY has been TEurogariLy rxwove» from Aylmer to a partion of the premisds the r‘;u(}nd:. '“flm &’uv..m M ipe Penaevaing ana Relleag s * *** Government Employees ’l-h.:t-fl?;: m:‘:’ oPFNED COMMERCIAL COLLECE 1 For sale at 41, Sussex Street. Kal oge in ho to are 0 m f c a1 Ichfiuhlmm- s oatly facilitate the removal of all u:rn- »To, blotches, etc., etc,, as they carry off from e pystem the vitiated mattor ret free by the Sarâ€" The Great Dandruff Preventative» Canadian Mothers Read This!â€"Bolloway‘s Worm R Over the Mechanics‘ Institute, Ottawa, Qetober 10, ... Sble . â€" . Oitawer doviber th, Toee ilivered if required. . _ Apply to w. D. WwooDp, P WOoOD! wWooD ! ATTENTION. TESTLMONEIALS. Ottawa, 1 5th Sept., 1866 NOTICH. Yours truly, Nincerely yours WAN'I‘I:D TO RENT.=« A small Cottage, or two or bentral part of the aity Apapiy mt centra . at patt C oaimye Yourk, &6., ~ G. A. Warrox f Ottawa, Sept. 28, 1866 CORDS GOOD SEASONED Hu:dv_nd.fuuhhldnhnl‘ N. Grnxars, Bussex Stroot. D. MoGzaTH, York Street.. Yours truly, T.P Ortawa, Sept. 20, 1866. Ollawa, Ottawa, Oct. 6, 1866, ENOCH WALKLEY. within at least a month‘s Cornxor Orrics, J. R. Boorn Jourx Tavas. n the minds. t3 the discase, ved from early ‘The followi ma ms: deranged _ , 24, 1866 J / . . Acemormentinredecet Building : Plots <â€" FOR S R idb agige :+ For aecount the salerooms, pAY, OCTOBE Sale at NNE o ndvantages of actual One plot is between the T RARE SAL 'l\-l.l IA‘ Lamb, stores, Hos FRID of OCTOB Ea NE o‘clook, or i most delightfully situated, .uum:ul’-ihi-.' Parliament Buildings. / Montreal, October 2 Tease# T fronting on Victoria (‘mnht"mfiom high and diry. All in .¢â€"l JLinkeat _ A s RUBBER O By the In At No. 12; ar First Block West erring, Hame, Bacon, } u.:’__-(;ue.!-_-.' cost, QUICK SALES_ being his ‘motto. Gall Ottawa, October 2. & M‘uhn‘.‘l CERIES, WINES, and fitolehd- Green, Blac ES, Muscovado and re PICK LEB, SAUCES, &« , A:E::‘o- u had clare, and it is hereby or the item, = Tron Wire," * in the Schodule E of the 6, was inignded to includ to extend to and imcinde # At a Council held. in 4 ld_u.whl HIS EXCELLENCY TH AL IN« On the recommendation ister of Finance, and un O tawa, October 10 General Gaol Delivery, Prius, in and for the said CcoUNXTY OF C P mathe ‘doen clock, a.m.; of which 4 Bailifis, Constables, and mfiuuhuhu Sheriff‘s Offce, Oitawa, September 10th, 1866. Wewst Weost, and Â¥s Address Chas. Replin, Gllll' AKD & the wost recent .TTR SPRIKG & S Now is the and completion of a W ard, until hallâ€"past the 1 ith LNEI. __ _ MOXTREAL ‘Ottewa, October 6 o CIT* And 30 T NECHANTICAL RIST ASD $A) DE SALE OF given and By James October 2 LA AR KN A he reâ€"building of b:;:d‘ (lfi.‘}-_.‘kj ved by the f anety, suited t« ason of 1866â€"7, he Leather Ms «& Co ‘s Sale. CHA TS RIDEATU 28. JOHN 1 (B. £) citi

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