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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Oct 1866, p. 3

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44 h.A T xo CITY TAXES. J!“‘l‘ ouTts TPS, yet so Building Plots and Town Lots J TBS, yet so convenient as to: possoss all the :Jvuh‘:: of actual citizens, (ereept fowation,) I'-;lfl betweon the residences of J. Rochester and J. Bouchetté, br.m.mbylltfhfl. fromting on Victoria Terrace and Preston Streets, moast delightfully situated, covered with beautiful »Nade trees, and within fifteen minutes‘ walk of the We cNamsant Ruildines. . #" Several other Plots Convenient to the above in high and dry. . Ml in the i‘-â€"-u-un, # fully received by the following lades RUBBER OVERSHOES, TEKELKAK B 460 uE) m o ol A hb’on-hil‘m‘da‘t. Jamies‘ Charch, a Hull, will be held (D. V.,) on the 19th and 20t DECEMBER next. Contributions will be thank Parlinment Buildings. . J@F~ Sevcral other â€" And 30 Town Lots ! A. €C. CARY, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, . / At No. 12, and also at No. 93, BOOTS & SHOES, TheNew Grocery Store. _â€"| ABcirmerox strE®r, ~| First Block West of Upper Town, RIDEAU STREET. °| | } Npg. Don‘t mistabe"the right stores, if you depire Ae bert paiue to ,be had for your money in the city of L En m m i CERIES, WINES, and LIQUORS, comsisting io awmmfimu Fâ€" %w-‘*& SPICES, LES, SAUCES, &e , &e. Also a choice selecâ€" tion of very fine old PORT and SHERRY WINES, at various prices. Green Seal, Pearl Seal and Gold um;muumm i:‘-.dn‘\-flo;.h-m' Rurs, Seotch and Doâ€" m%â€"u.mcuuw Hams, Bacon, Pork, Chesse, Butter, &c., &c., alf of which he will sell at a smaill advance on cost, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS "being his motto. Call ard examine prices and of goods. "AI goods warranted to be what they are & HUGH ROSS. Lac CGampaigne ; Bran in wood and bottle ; Jar mâ€"“ PROVE, Hams, Bacon, &c., al} of which he will cost, QUICK SALES ‘bei motto. Call ‘A‘IM war for. L d1 2 ME SbecdP ols ng Etd in the Schedule E of the Act 20th, 30th Vict Cap. 6, was inignded to include, and is hereby declared To estend to and :nclade fiat wire for crinolines unâ€" (ttaws, October 2. 0 tawa, | PEESEXT: ‘ M HIS EXCELLENCY THE GO\‘ERXO#GK"!.' Râ€" °_ AL INX COPXCIL I mfion«-.:yflolmo Honorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, under and in virtue of the auâ€" given and eonferred bylhoflin,efi-laflh 1ith of the Consolidated of Canaâ€" da, Mis m'ufiomdlm and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the item, = Tron Wire," @round or flat," E"M?d At a Council held in the City of |_ Monday, Mth September 1Â¥. Ottawa, October 9, 1866. 200â€"t i LARGE LOT OP BEST qUALITY COUXTY OF CARLETOX, 4 To wif. § Ottams, Sept. 23. / BLIC .flfl 18 HEREBY GLV EN, l that the of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, and of Assize and (Nisi Prius, in and for the said County of Carleton, will be boiden at the Court House, in the City of Ortaâ€" ws, on FRIDAY, the NINETEESTH ‘1'1'0“ 0Câ€" TOBER nest, A. D. T966, at the hour 6f TEN of the TPodeldh wekk d e ie i o ce dode clock, a.m.; of which ‘all Coroners, Magistrates, Bailiffs, Constables, and all others concerned, are required to take notice, and govern themselves acâ€" By Jaxkes Basciry Sheriff‘s Ofice,â€"Outawa, September 10th, 1366. _ CHARLES ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer ETe im, O %» * WECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, G.”’ AKD $AW MILLS BUILT ON hok-d recent and .:’yuvod pl'm;i’ll-. .“'. lm“ nylor °fll' Wheel, and :'nlnl Iron Works, !_e:t:’..‘l. BO073S, 3HOE3, LEATHER & FINDINGS | tsh tdousass souuans ATTENTION| HOWE&&SON . \my â€" * â€" FOR SaL=H, CST OUTSIDE QI' '!'ll; (‘I'l'!-l_.'l'l_. At enormousiy reduced prices PKL.B0078, SHOES, &C., SPRIKG & SUMMER GO0DS | Now is the Time tor Birgains i G. HOWE & $08, 69 Hussex Street, and 10 Ridean treot. Ottaws, Feb. 12, 1866. 47â€"4 varmety, suited to city and country traile, p‘.‘“d 1868.7, ,ln‘nnl before‘the 1‘! inthe Leather Market, at estremely, . , BAZAAR IN AIDb OF THE FPUNXDSs iN Aip OF THE PUNXDE oW PRILCES, & 3 EKALED TENXDERS WILL °BF RE« i & for the constru¢tion 4 ccived by the undersigned for the construction P1 Notice to Builders. * ~CoarRsE BOOTS, SUBSCRIBEK KEEPS CON= r on hand a choice assortment of GROâ€" uusly reduced prices, as we intend furnishâ€" n'fl_uoduuv Stock of _ (AssORTED;, | at Manufacturer‘s prices for Cazh ‘(B. F.) ALSO . £1 10. ollo@ing ladhes ; m".flmxuj.v. «â€" MeNAB, â€" woORTH OF ANE , positions, beisg 1&‘.’ 5: Carletom. RUBIDGE, Deputy Sherif EIMON FRASER, @. . PRESTONX .. 21b G. H. PRESTON. H1d =Importers of Dry Goods 2198f D R E S s wWREATHS, EVENING DRESSES, PABRIS PATTERN MANTLES, PATTUERXN BONNETS AND HATS! @4 LONDON AND PARIS PATTERN BONNETS, % f PEATEHEERES, PL‘Q’MES, «041 .c YELVET JACKETS AND .MA}‘ITLES, COLORED SEAL JXCKETSâ€" MADE FRENCH AND ENCLISH FLOWERS, tg#* Another consignment of cheap just received.: â€" 4 Jpen thoir Show Room on Thursday PA As our present Stock is the largest particularly invited. 4 FRENCH BLAGK & COLOREDVET . ALEX. C. & L invite u,d-dhir FALL TTA WA, Sept. 17. CA RLANXND, MUTCHMOR & CO. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! All NOW OPPEIIIG,A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED @TOCK GOODS, which they will sell CHEA®P FOR CASIH. They would call pdrticular atte! Rnd’-lnlu. that is fashionab! CoMPETITION. & Bukcuclty They ';.l:,j ..g“p‘d;:u?l;r -u!;tu;m. t;’ they have ‘}wv ;n hand :v;‘ry noven.y.:.n SEr EUE Cw ...1. es, ‘ashiona or the weasos, and as their stoc lar varied they DEFY ol They mo ts mx%u' ders for Clothing, which th s ' [ ike y are > prep® ake orders for Clot ing, whic oy gusrantee to make us in th \.Rcyl- and fulir:. and as they are under the aupe:inundeaee of‘:xpeflmd cuttes, gln; n'r:' WARRANTED TO FIT. 4 + * PLLOTS, FZ BEAVERS, _ * } * PETERSHAMsS, . _ | ‘DEVONS, 1 WHITSEYs3, | LRISH FRIEZE, CANADIAN Do OCTOBER 9, 186 CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY BLEACK DOESKINS, | €TLK MIXTURE OFP OOATING®, 7 V haw hour o t OTTA W A, October 9. OTTAW A, Oct. 8, 1866. OTTAW A, September 12 CHEO EEIE) ‘ FEATHERS, FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS, ME A_ Ei A. :« Ex 3. S. "Narva," from London, ROER CaslLL. * Ribbons PSTABL BEDFPORD 0OR * CHAUDIERE WEEDS, ANNN( KBHRN DG., HALIFAX DO., ERSEY m&'nn 8, V elvet, wWITI A GRAND DISPLAY OF THE LATESTNOVELTIEs IN BLACK SILIS. wWI~CIE®, N rlw (Qy aGBRAaAND DIoPFLA&xX. THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT On Woednesday, 10th Instant. * Magee & â€" Russell. MoOUNT 8T. BERNXARD JACKETS, KETSâ€" MADE IN THE LATEST STYLE», Â¥FI MATERLIALS. do. 9 and 11, Sussex Street. C T AND flL\l'?AC‘I’l’HE‘I OF, AND Dl}A’l.lR‘H TROW BERLNG: (Lite Jas. Brough & Coâ€",) AREâ€" OFFERING BARGAINS 1 BEOADCLOTH®, . 50, SPARKS STREET, Plush, and Felt Hats, AXX Dâ€"CLOPEENCH. HAVE TO HAND THEâ€" Tsm IN i1844 * ®XEILIBLTION , V elvets, we have everhad the pleasure of showing, inspectiol GARLANXD, MUTCIHIMOR «& CO, H ENDE RS O.:N: GOODDS as‘they aro sure to please. WiLnt oF K&e., (Â¥M KEA RA & C©O. how on hand every novelty of cut wha pattern in d as thoir stock is large and varied they DEFY KETS COATS MOCCASINS, BUCK, . i4 BAGS, LINEN, Do., â€"TRAVELLING, > COTTONS, STRIPED, * Do., BLUE, °_ Ds., _ _GREY, TBUN!B’. ~ _ VALISES, BALMORAL LINEX IIANDKERCHIEFS 4 04° PAXNTsS, ! BONNET FRONTX®, :; Latest Novelties ! French & English Ribbons, MILLNERY, BONRETS VESTS, SHIRTS, DRA W ERS, next, 11th Inst., YELVET ASD PELT HaTS, showing, inspection is THBE . .OTT A W SIKILTS, THE (NEWEST MITTS, WOOLLEN® .. Do. BUCK, . 2114m oF DRY iC â€"*~| . AUCTION_SALES.: ‘ Auction Sales every Evening. DRY Goo0bps! CEERINA SETS! And other articles toonumerous to mention, AT Q WARDELL & COâ€"‘S : NO. 34, SUSBEX + Where they :will sell at ‘ e i inboamena se * Qpavn.gc"phnbull. OW !&‘;iol M.uur. UR PURGRASES WHERE you can so to a go #hould be the idéa of every 0 vost) eir mopey, and it is a «wellÂ¥nown j no lfl?“ can do so to the s advgniage as at the‘ VARIâ€" ETY HALL, No. x Street. |Just recoived a muumto and wel ted stock of W HITE and CopORED CROC , which will be sold in ?uuutities to suit p rs. â€" In the stock will be ounil a choice lot fast Seta, Dinner Sots, Toa Sets, and lwo a begutiful variety of CHINA W , tw kfant Â¥ea Sets, China Vases, Cffilha Pite and “i:. with a first : class assfiiment of and PRESSED GLASRW AltKgtin Cut and dâ€"Fruit Dishes, Cut and Pré Decantert®, Glasses, Cut Champagnod@@®iassos, Liq('i?' ea, Cut and Pressed G ts, Custard J)" nd Pressed Tumblers M taucnu. and in d\ifi you require i e CROCKERY DE ENT, go to the Véliifety Hall, and you will ko to get fz. all and examine, 2s we * r it no troub) showing the stook, r e en ;ulfiheup. $ 7Ar»n hand aâ€"larQa'f}nmlhy ot BORBTOVES, FURNITURE, &¢ Crockery that he ‘can sell t other housg in class, and a ¢ od. . P0" R Ridean Stri si1y LÂ¥ o oo o & VARIETYâ€" HALL, CAP Aug sANCXÂ¥X GooLns FIL GILLESPIE Mop‘EAi _ aortrd romviy chandise at the lowest current Oltkwa, Fob. 12. 1866 I Hundred Thousan w,« NTED, BY A touxnl f W is a superior accomplished who has had experience in |eschi‘1 ment in a sohool as daily music te im privale families . Tho_hiyi_qt C quhlifications can be produced. . A ?«r{t"or the address. P J S%lll French and English ; also derstands Bookâ€"keoping. . Reforer Please address to A. B., at the Poi Ottawa, July 27. Wufl'nn.-'rwo You are dosirous of obtaining si DENT GOVERNESSES, or as To Pupils, either together, or separatel N,ehoiooofplaee,whether in Can Address, by lettor, stating particu | J. or J. E., 'filREI i Cd. St. Mauri h ces W AATS, Ottawa, April 2, 1866. eb enc s min who is experienced in the snn ooo tm ant N ht w¢â€"18 1 At * *vaviQ titk sUBSCRIB ; reaaiyed ong of ite Granite Stonewflll, ware, from the brated x)th Burtle gland, | Z1 m L vols "*~ ~NEW AUCTIONK A TREMENDOUS SLAUGH ‘NVHINAYA CE [‘llfl SPORTSMNIXN AN IST IN CANADA ; or N istory of the Game, Game Birds buntry ; by Major W. Ross ith eolonn} lates and wood cuts fi 'r‘l'u Smfau'l Natural H rd. . o4Â¥ - A new Edition of AWilion‘s N. New Books and M m:mv-x.«q‘x cx.orumu{ AND Established in ] | S LL M 6 ITAL ~PHUsS5 N1A LE ASSURANCE /. â€" Gr1ONXDO B6y: |, jaiirfl;Con’itt\\ TE OAELLâ€" L â€"« NJkL4, sUSSEX rgngnn.â€"fi llt--zsuil & byâ€" 19e s l'#rhench nm} English ; pl-o’ 44q 110001 reu?$uo o) mouy ry, China and ANTED.««â€"A SITUAT! CERY or GENERAL STC For sale hy GREAT VARIETY A O# EVERY DkSCRIPTION ; PHCENIX 5 per cent. c Fy. The G see them is res ber the place, No.|42, *suvinv}soy pus JOSEPM BOYDEN 401010)/ tonej re, IINA, woRrt ‘; Streot. |\Just recoived ted stock of W HITE and , which will be sold in rs. â€" In the stock will be fast Seta, Dinner Sots, lwo a begutiful variet y Jak (@et Â¥ea Sets, e and uÂ¥, with a f a RESSED nd ‘u}‘rulg Dishes, t#, Glanses, Cut uantity ot Jsoux pUf ‘A. ROWE, 10, & Opposit AVING JUST pasvdoig 04 ‘sa0004f) NG LADIES E:tiomulllfll- hers of Junior CcoM RE, by a young ;nou. Apply at in a General wis‘ «experionce. thoroughly unâ€" es if required. on the Natural and Fish of that ng. â€" Mustrated hic y, in Academies. a or in the States ON in a GROâ€" ar8, RIVERS, 6, Canada East, 80â€"f > y" ; vCrio £ing ‘saÂ¥30 , British Work» onoâ€",%l‘ol SBPâ€" t Bogks used in Arge china th‘« sox, ‘I;:l’k Btroot, Russell House. Office, Ottawa. btery; and acturers, J. xuv,iluâ€". than any »all first» y solicit~ y William n‘s F/ side i Iamnraant . | RoyalCanadianBank Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. i M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21. _ _ P e by special appointment, to Her Majesty the_Quern, Rogal, Famdly, and "Court of é’gi'x.{ Prizo MedaNist of the great International Exhibiâ€" tion, London, 1862,2 THE ABOVE WATCHES %6 J SEWILL, WATCH MAKER, © by special appointment, to Her Majesty Ottawa, October 2. SHEEFIELD HOUSB, ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES WATCHES, _ CLOCKs, YOUNC AND RADFORD‘S, To THEIR HIGHNESSES the PRINCE of Wales, and Prince Alfred, His Grace the Duke of Neweastle, Lord Elgin, 8 r Edmund Hoad, Lord Monok, Right Hon. Earl St. Germains, Gen. Bruce, Major Teesdale, Major Cowell, and Suite, English and French Perfumery, Cutlery, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes. $AS"Bansloy‘s Colebrated Ragor Strop and Razor Paste, from J1s 3d to 5s. Gentliemen‘s and Lagies‘ Wigs of all sizes and eolors kept on hand. 7 _A large® stook of English French and German New Goods. New Goods PEG TOP DEPOT, Opposite the Post Office. $ HAIR â€" CUTTERS | FALL AND WINTER 4O0D09, ising all that is new in tashion and : wxfnfl Tt to hy ':::E:ufi' BEAVERS, PLâ€" LOTS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, MELTONS, &e., 0. Also a choice selection .of *# English, Scotch & Oanadian Tweeds. Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa,. LAROGUE & Co., CHURCH STREET Canadian Champagneo ! Wmcn 18 EXCELLENT, and WHICH they canseli at$3 PER DOZEN. Amateurs who have tasted the wine, consider it a yory good article, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" 5«&. l!gt}l keepors and dealers in Wines would well tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them git~ Botiles of every description, excepting oil bottles, wanted, and one penny ?l’ dozen Jon“iv- en than by any other party for the same. ‘ * _ LAROQUE & Co, Ottama, September 21. 235tT * CALL! CALL! CALLI! CALL} CALL1! CALL! ! ; AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT STORE! At TuE oTTa WA sHIRT STORE! Tar vi:\' retasuismeretr y Je THE Y ESTABLISHM®NT A large assortment of A large assortment of PLAILN AND FANCY sHIRTS ! PLAIN AND FANCY SHIRTS! pAB~ A\so, Collars, Ties, Searfs, Gloves, Handkerâ€" shiefs, Hostery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Sparks Street. y 199Â¥ THOS BEAMENT ° ,__ 80, SPARKS ST,, OTTAWA. F‘ Particular attention| given:to the repair of &}“CBES. CLOCKS and JEW ELLERY. wa, October 9. I 2My J. SMITEI, OENTRAL @ FAC And hopes by strict attention to business to have a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on him before. ;. _ _ â€" _ ks Asthe proprietor of the above establishment has "‘z{{“ his sbmtm- a. CUTIIER, he . is ep to make to order his well agzorted stook, Te e ons n t t G. M. HOLBROOK, OTT‘AWA AGENCY : CIGAR MACHKINE! qubstitute for the oldâ€"fashioned Clay Pipe. wWwW‘zs IT A CHILDCAN ROLL WITH ease as good a Cigar for ONE CEXT out of leaf or smoking tobasco, as you can bux' for TEN. You can use the very best tobrcco, an need not resort to the use of a strong pipe for cheapness. ~~~~ RETAIL PRICE,.:.. .._.uzvi'} DOLLA K. An‘ ‘ordinary smoker will saveâ€" the cost of the 4n a week or two. F ‘__| _ For sale only at | i ksn Toebaccos, Cigars, Meerschaum Briar, Gutta Porcha Pipes,&¢. T 0 BAC C O S From 20 cts up to $1.50.ots per pound. CIGARS,.......................... from 2 ts up to 10 ots, pas Orders will be taken‘for a new masionl w starid, delivered in 4 woeks from the day the ris given. 4 i JOUN G. ZITMMERMAN, Corner of Sparks and Motonife auulhm Ottawa, September 15 Ottawa, June 26 ANE SOW MANUFACTURING A WINE CALLED 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. " E. K. MAcGILLIVRAY & Co., Watchmakers and Jowellors Is recommended to Emokers as a very choice wa, Aug. 20 Bank St., Ottawa, AGAIN ‘PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE all descriptions of .. J.| G. ZIMMERMAN: CAPRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &o., &c.. IN GOLD AND SILVER CASEsS, AT THE JUBT RECETVED AX ABSORTMENT OP JEWELLER Y, _ &z 2200 FANCY GOODS and ELECTROâ€"PLATED WARE, w Ottawa, opposite Ontario Bank, C. BANSLEY & CO. PERFU MERS FANCY GOODS TOBACCOS. No. 42j Sparks Street, PEALER N AND Where you will find Where you will find 24}, Sparks Street. *19,> L866 FACTORY! GO0D§, 208y Oitawa. erate. â€" Apply at this office for, particulars. Ouwaprlllu 26. pe‘t 161ut w with a good dwellingâ€"house, store house, stable, shed, two barns, and two I5;)«1 wells thereon, being & part of Lot No. 8, Third Concesâ€" sion of Gloucester, 0. F., seven miles from Ottawa City. Apply to the proprietor, on the Bear‘Brook «â€" 'l\o RENT.««â€"A BAKE n House, with working utensils, with a good house and yard, stabling ; and a good run of cusâ€" omers ; also, for sale a good buker‘s w-finu. horre apd harness. . Possession immediatsly. Rent modâ€" 19 ig FOI. $ALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 i itccies Bouth Side Sparks Street, nearly opposite the lot on which < the new filnk of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. Lots9 apd 10 on north #ide of Queen Street in rear of the above. , h s ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND. > In the Township of Gloncester, situated about half & mile fromt Bil&rgl Bridge. Thisland can be sold on 'Noe or in lets of 5 acres. or further pll’uflllll. to 4 FRAN CIS?YK‘.MQ\Y. ESQ, * <Co+ > ~â€"* RERANCIS Oftawa, Feb. 10, 1866. t =~, TIIA'I‘ VALUABLE PRO«â€" owz perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" +4 dell‘s Homestead, containing.about PBX s Two Acres, beautifully situated on the Ottawn River, being Lot One, Northside Welâ€" lingtom Street,| City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling lingtom Street, ':f".“"'}i't" ' Yebruary 10, 1860 w ' l“Allll FOR SALE.â€"One 3 ~ordth & Hundred and Ninety Acres of Land, in the Towmhirof Nepean &ho %roperty of the late George 11 One Hundred and Fifty Acres ohvhlfi are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" ion with good Dwolling House, Barn, and other qutbuildings thereon. This land is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from Ottawa City on macadamized ro;d l?di:gto Bieulnood. j ooo abdarst ‘or further particulars apply to the u ersigned. t" JOHN BELL §ME WILLIAM GRAHAM, JAMES BEARMAN, Ixecutors of the Estate of the late George Bell. 3e0~ Address Bell‘s Corners P.Q. v._ s on |Â¥GAA ~â€"156â€"f £: .# RS810 4 o mediately. s ding on Bess Hill, near. the 1 Maleoim Cameron. â€" This buildi Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished wit provements. A l.rao Two storey Wooden B: nor of |rn{ Streots. . This H Brick, furnished . with double d ~~FOR SALE OR TO LET. Ottawa, February 10. 1866 s qagnge:‘s Fon SALE.â€"â€"That eligible fcuy 26 in "".xroputy known as W ooDROOPS, l“, the late C}&Ah ln_k:r. beautifu ‘Lniwmd on the Rich * Road, within five miles from Ottawa, eo.h\nin‘m meres or thereabouts, boing comâ€" posed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Concesâ€" sion Ottawa, Front on, Nepean. :ln Pew No‘.‘:i, in Christ Churclxn. Ofl,::l-R- i o. terms and particalars, apply to the Kevd. Charles Forrest, Merrickville, or {:)P LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, Ottawa. (Giloucester, Sep@ggl‘n r 14 Feby 10, 1866. mds s is Fou SALK.=â€"THE WESTâ€" eriy oneâ€"third of Lot No. 217, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the eccupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Eeq. For further particulars apply to soux and Wx. Tnowsos, Nepean, and U4 2 U Burev. Barrister, Ottawa, â€" Jo?â€"141â€"4f apply to soux and " M« Lewis & Pocney. B_ln'i‘er, for a Goneral Merchant. 148B 10â€" o uids <oantcutatid‘ o For particulars apply to the Proprietor on the premiscs. * § 4 GEORGEBROWN. | Richmond, February 10, 1866. 46â€"utf . | Fou §ALE.â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Cathoat Etreet; 26, 27 and 28, Nofth Rideau Street ; West Augusta Stroot ; 1 and 2 Enst Chapel Strect~â€" all in the City of Ottawa. ~ + Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, be vart of the South half of the front part orm , t t M C TAE t June 20, 1866 artof the SOHTI BET TT 2O C OOIS sunmmfivn.mhr‘dm. *_ tha racistered plan by George F. 4 0 n9 40 dsc Audvtadnatats dn â€"v 1 in the registered m;l)un by George F. Austinâ€" ai other City Lots and Farming Lands. #AB~ Money to Lend‘on Real Estate. February 10, 1866 For furth er particulars tgpll to .L. P CITY ~PROPERTY outhouses thereon Auuly to Qtiaws, LOTS & HOUSES TOR SALE. Apply to Dwellings to LgE._ FOR SALE.s«A PARCEL of land, eonu;:}v Sixtvâ€"sryeE8 weres, of which l?l__' _are. cleared, coxsistI8G or 'l‘o BK LET, A DESIR« able house in Victoria Terrace, Richmond Road. Apply to Messre. C. T. Batk « Co. 2311 sllol AND JDVV 4 MXAE INUA® ) House for Sale in the village of Richmond, 18 miles from the (City of Ottawa, An excellent opening Â¥ oo ud N on 4 â€"B"m- EBo. ‘Telegraph Building, Ottawa ( b!l'!: HOP AND DWELLING» LEWIS & PINHEY, LEWIS & <INHEY, Barristers, &e., Otawa. , 46â€"utf |__ Barristers, &c., Ottawa 46â€"utf L. P. OHANLY MARY LEDUC City of Ottawa. Sandy Hill. 46â€"utf .. Show a larger and better Assorted Stock t | ~THAN MERETOFORE, PR@B" A visit before buying elsewhere, will conâ€" vince elnsj’ buyers of the cheapness and variety of he stock. ! Plain Figures. us T‘ oNE PRICE. No. 17, Sussex St., cor. of George. . gw A Ti TCJ ] I sPARK® STREET. 'l‘llh UBSCKIBER TAKES THIS OP= mity of revarning thanks for the patronâ€" age so liberally bestowed on him, and begs to an nounce to his numerous customers and the public in pnn‘ ncu he has just received. a choice agsortâ€" Fall Goods! Fall Goods! ment of BEOALD CLOTPEAIS BEAVER®s, PILOTS, BLANKET® English, s’t'ok Also, L'leh«{ice assortment w | C NC 300 hf chests young Hyson Tea. f 350 do Twankay «do« 400 do Japans do« 100 do / â€" Gunpowder _ do. 120 ‘a. Imperfal . . do. \ AND A GENERAL ASRORTMENT OFP GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c. mctory T L Q U â€"O 171 ~Thirty thousand pr free of all charge, Burgoyne, Bur! MW gentliomen may reasonable torms, eith the brk building nex Sparks Street, Ottaw G'lr'-hiin. ware Medisine Chests, Storekecpers‘ Sundries. 25 qr. casks Gine 300 Green.cases Gin. 300 Red â€" de ~do. 800 Brandy de. 500 Claret do. TS Champagne Green Seal, ® Axp A GEXERAL $p0Cr or 100 puns. Highwines. 25 hhds. Gine FOR SALE All having escaped the late duties. JOSEPH PHELAN, 535 and 537 Paul Street Montrea Consisting of ‘West of England > incorporate t for th supply < awa, January 3 and Winter ARDING, = danadian and Banouchburn Trceds, SILK MIXTURRS, â€"ATâ€" h'ofvtho abore forwarded, ly, by 1CE 18 HEREBY GIVe leation will be made to the | at its next session, for &n | e Ottawa Water Works GComâ€" | the city of Ottawa with water | rdges and Squire ax 87., Loxpox. _ 229 â€" THREE OR FOUR obtain comfortable rooms on r with or without board, in the Queon‘s Prl-li.u"olcc, s imBSr.loxox._____._â€"â€". |ipears, bald spots are vonâ€" :bzinnn'n"%!'l r:v:.] ered, hair stops falling, and4 t r -i&?&zfm: ;:rd'. in | luxuriant m is the reâ€" the Quen‘s Printing Ofce, | sult. Ladies and Children» ® -;‘m;i on ineastes \ awill appreciate the delight f oeiesaaubEnscorr | Jut fragrance and rich, ’ !‘;....‘!fifl payment of their ‘ glossy appearance impartâ€" s "ALtson s6orr, â€"| ed to the hair, and no fea: ' Put*~ _ of soiling the skin, scalp. or ' cpmscepenie mcrngey rew marâ€"raie m W W’ t of those fashionable J. A. PINARD Very ~Choice and Superior NOW O% sALE PA" This is the finest Brack Tra ever. import ed, ."urr ruml; in «mall Caddies, whout 14 1b each, Ts Y4. Thae Pure Mountain Berry By which peculiar process, the ®roma is preserved and renders it the ra vorTE WTTEALL CoPPRE DRINL® " Without exception the finest Coffee in th world."â€"Loadon ;’iun, March 16. benutiful ‘and delicious COFFER, coonted i FRS ROBLINSON & C0, would espesially eall the at tention ‘of families to their stock of ALES. WINES&SPIRITS Wines, Spirits & Liquors BLOOUS LONDON STOUT. * BARCLAYS LOXDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALE, BASS‘ EAST JXDIA. DpoOW‘s CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALE DAW S SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE, DAWS CELEBRATED PORTER & SPovd GUINESS & CO We have a most deliciouns i AbL GQOO0DS DELTVERED FREE by our "qgh-nuypndlhcuy-lfily. 1,000 . Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. CURRLED Do. _ JrGGED po. a * STEWED Do. ROAST PHEASANTs. | ROAST GROUSKE. ROAST PARTRIDGF® me | n & hok acL it :;‘mmammwua.l.v. s ROBINSON & CO., ° s THE TEA POT AO"A\"A. Esthblishmentsâ€"Sussex Bt. and Ridean Et Ottawa, September 10. . oib ing !”fl_» The Ottawa & Prescott Railway PRESH ARRIV A 1. We are constantly receiving supplies of thi« traix hich we are nlfil‘ at 8 whillings per galion BEWARE OF SP URIOTUS 1MITATION f sQGUCHONG. 150 Caddies MANDERIN MXTU R® _ HYSON, â€" 700 OChests Good Strong TW ANK A Â¥ 500 Chests very choice and superior YOU N4 100 Chest« old fashioned BREAKFA»I l' Beld by Ocoa Maseoy, M. F. Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinter 100 cuses Oizrd Brard). 36â€" * â€" Martelts * 150 > * HMennessey. 15 * United Vinquelis, LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s Wortd‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen and lengthen the hair. They act directly «pon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns.® Grey hair disapâ€" DUBLIN STOUT PRESERVED . MEATS. ® it is imported ty no other firm in Canada TEAS, DINNEK SHERRY, COFFEE ROBINS8UN & CO,, Bold by all Druggists. CHEST® UNCOLORK®O J APA N. » THE TEA POT, llnrlizz-"""-"“‘- arths, and 8. Skinner â€" Ottaws OPTAW A ol

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