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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Oct 1866, p. 4

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Wpusllll ul ll 0 CC OTC ZEDOIIHON of Her | the TAE Of Duties ble under " enaets Majesty, there shalÂ¥be an interval of w less than | that = upon, fn-‘J.’ou.nlo FIR8F day of OCâ€" Twentyâ€"four hours between the departurs thesefrom } TOBER in the present year," Spark! 'Ld.ll of any such vessel (Whethera Ship of W ar, a Priveâ€" Mh\du.'buuu.&uh‘ a certificate teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and | of growth, shall be entitled entry | at $3.00 the sabsequent departure therefrom of any Ship of | dosen art bottles and $1.50 por #-a W ar or Privatser of the other Beiligerent, and the buhot hereby given that in the of any mmhptdhhm.dmhsfip form taat may hereafter be bed by ‘of War and Privatsererespectively, shail always mp“ for the certificere wred, the in ¢ase of necessity be estended, so far u-,L Exporter may go before thé place #fiwmg effect to this proviso, but not | or port of -'..q.“‘:-h sign before r or rwisg. him a declaration as to the place of growth and HL loui: of War or Privateer of sither belliâ€" ‘ production of such wines describing the same, and m‘- shall hereafter be permitted while in any l such wâ€"-.-nyuhiuunlh outh and sign Roadstead or W aters, subject to the Terrioâ€" | such aration, which declaration should be auâ€" rial jaried ol Her Majesty, to take in any supâ€" | thenticated by the British Consul, whose certifieate plies, exe rovisions, and such other things as | should state the name of theship on board of waich may be "'l'&' for aubsistonce of her crow, and | and the Port at which the Wines are to be shipped except 1o mach coal only as may be. sufficient to fitnpflfll...dluhmluulh.u at present earry nish Vemsel to the nearest Port of hes own | be deemed the proper document to be at , or to mans nearer destination ; and no coal the Port of importation in this Pmm‘::h shall z .ci. «spplied to any lnci’b'hi'ol'“'uot hnv: of there being no British Consul at the Priwateor io the same or ahy other Port, Koadstead, | place of expertation the ce fleate of authentication ut W stars. subject to the T-,n'narinl luriadistion ofl may he aloaw hee the u-..,??u ate of authe or W sters, subject to the Territorial j or W aters, supject io the Termitomal juriediction of kM.“flJ‘J‘fll* m-.:ri-dm e fi-bd:-i- such may have been tw withâ€" hn British Waters -,mw L havre the honor to be, Sir, + =/ . Your most humble servant, _ (Signed) _ EDW ARD CARDWELL jurishetion, from which any Vessel of the other N PPIOE,.eâ€"ALL _ PARKTIES® HAaVING ‘lwiuns .‘..u;n- Estate of the late ALEXâ€" AND ‘& SCOTT p¢e requested to send in the same Sertier th to the undersignsi. _ e The Ofiser Adminiitering L. During the continuance ot the present Hostiliâ€" fi-ml-c-.-l‘-lq-?-umla»- lies of Chili and Peru, all ships of War and Privaâ€" wers of cither Belligerent are prohibited from making use of any Port or Roadstead in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in the Channel Lelands, or in any of Her jesty‘s Coloâ€" mies or Foreign Possassions or or of zl’n-t:m Territorial jurisdiction for sny warlike es l’-:'c:opr’:': sort purposes, or cm.-vlnumuu(-ufihmd no Ship of Waror Privateeg of. cither l‘g shall hereafter be permitted to sail out of or auy Port, Roadstead, or Waters, subject to British OUBW 1, Soptomber 6 Sum,â€"Her Majesty‘s Government being desirous dm;n‘mm-u‘hyi~~ between in and the Repablic of Chili, they pose. 'u:“h vhew olâ€"‘MmP v.o‘.rtl:lz nciple, to interdist the Ships, sn :o‘l‘nnn--ll‘mln- earryu;l’n..mb‘,m- into the Ports, Harâ€" bours, Koadsteads or Waters of the United Kingâ€" dom, or any of Her Majesty‘s Colonics or Possesâ€" mons abroad. s I hare sccordingiy to nw you that the‘ forthwith be addressed to all E.'Mh the Ugited Kingdom, and to Majesty‘s Naval or «ther ssthorities in all quarters beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidance in the cireumâ€" bm-h-&omd lnst mentioned Versel beyond the hmd . dictice of ) 4 IL If :m War or Privateer of e Belligerent shail, ufter the time when this C shail " be first notifed and put in force in the U you, for your guidzace, the following Rales, which :hbmfl‘n‘-im:du‘qu'dy’- To S iore ns sns in Ieament w to u-u.munumuucwla dom, and in the Chansel Islands, on and after day,the 2od of March sext, and in Her Majesty‘s Territories and Possessions beyond seas sizx da -i-_'fl-de!"fl-_.-_efl!'â€"'!hflz_ the Governmett of Canads. Otte rs, April 3. 165. DOWXINXG STREET, f t February 26th, 1 866. Siz,â€"Her Majesty being fully determined to obâ€" serve the dutics of ‘zmm-_‘ hortilities between Her Cathoiic and the Repablics of Châ€"li and Peru, and being moreover resslred to prevent, as far as possible, the use of Waters within Her Majesty‘s Territorial juriedi d-..:a‘dtho-uhlop:q-udpm Belligerent (whetherthe same shall be hep/s Privacens, on h Merchant Ship), sh Otitawa, September 1!, 1886 Ortawa, 19th March, 1866 six,â€"1 hare it in commund to call your special aZention to the annexed copy of nbmlfl froum the Secretary of State for iuv, irs, to the wovernorâ€"General of this Province, conreying Her Majesty‘s Onders that no Cholian or Spaniek armed \'..._b be allowed to bring their priss into Briâ€" Kingdom, and in the Chanoel Isiands, and is mavuce) Colnies sht Poreign Peesiaioks or aither in the United Kingdom or in the Chan lands, or in any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies or F respectively shall have notifed and pablished the are to be obeyed by all persons within the same territories and raseasions. _ t se The Collector of Customs, e e i bouee. D00 ECCEa®T Perooy NSn IWOWiFâ€"loor hoars aner Nee < uomm â€"» Orrawa, 21st 18646. Toz ounfens. gurentie “,__..‘:_7;:'7" . ber nace«s repairs shall bave been completed ; : t , Profided heretthfelshs, that in all taacs in whieh y nEnz«s, tur s« secrion or j 8 ‘.1 4 : there shall be any Vessel (whether Ships of War, the Act in the 29th 30th yeurs I t g is Privateers, or Mershant Ships) of uw of Her intituled : « An Act to| Â¥ . | \e 1 . vvodp.fl'n‘filhl‘.ol’ofl. â€" or | amend the Duties of and , atere within the Territorial jarisaiction of Her | the Tariff under " enaets | © i stt 1 Majesty, there shalÂ¥be an interval of not less than uu--p.,fn-m.;cm'm day of OCâ€" 1. +, } * Twentyâ€"four hours between the departurs thesefrom TOBER in the present year," Spark! 'chtll l l 192 ‘ l ! of any such ressel (Whothera Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" n.a., a certificate |@4° (g4 § â€" A P : © teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and | of growth, shall be entitled entry | at $3.00 t 4G L / E+% | the sabsequent departure therefrom of any Ship of | dozen art bottles and $1.50 por plutu: e s te W ar or Privaiser of the other Beiligerent, and the | Motice is hereby given that in the of any | 3 _ | h ; i t : io u..lndvhmxdl-hmumhsup r‘dhhfl may hereafter be bed by mm sppmnmoes | cmmunfem cce nnipaes of War and Privateersrespectively, shall always Department for the certific#se wred, the ' l oi uit in ¢ase of necessity be estended, so far ..-,L Exporter may go before thé place | : j fonpas us q m‘nfixfln effect to this provise, hu,wmdnmafl-h sign before PP Inaibest Eabid 1 ul';o“i':‘;"h'“'“ ub‘hi-.“‘nfimublhflfl growth and | 4 6 I * sither production ch w deser fr/ P | serent shall :ontllu be nermicead )3 70. "aTi~| production of such wines describing same, and 4d TE I Loap« at proportionate tates httfl.fimn. n:'-.---: ...’.- alments include a Sinking 4. whiok of the loan, «o that at the expiration of the term 8 amownt of the loan :» a11anced, and mo w Payments made be made in adtance, and fl. oob in fall at amy time the mmm@t The Right Honorable | Kéward Cardwel}, M. P., Authority of each of such Territories or Possessions Ror further in RELL, Appraiser to [Cort.) Amount required to redecti 64« h $100 Mh....;..; If payable hait FOMPLY .. cuveuge s contentines conprenine orv ons if pavahle vearly ,,«~--.;&*" Permanent Building & Savings Society Advances on Approved Real | Estate FINXANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOM®, * Phe Karl of Clareuton to Mr. Curdureli At Sea Ports in Cagada. on THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : Ottawa, April 5, 1866. ~ New Spring Goods. Union Block, cor. of Sussex & York In all its Departments | HEKG LEAVE To ntvou‘ynxu CUSTOMERS AXD Tilk PEOPLE IX GENERAL TRATOTHAEIR (Signed4.] Foumes Oritics, 2od February, 1866. her information, a *MI.. wor to the : .( W SPRINCG AND l.\'\’lTI,lXBPgl‘TIOS‘OF THE SAME AT EARLL CONVENIEN 3K. Your obedicat serve I have, &c., STREETsS, LOWER TOWXN. SA sOUCHETTE, ALISON 8COTT of Customs and Exeise. THHEF CANADA ot the present Hostiliâ€" CLAREXDON. Is NOW Fr®®ormix 222â€"bm 1% PREPARED To MakE | Sif ’9::..-: ;nfl'i': COMPLETE GOVERNMENXT HOUSE, UVitews, Tuesday, 21st August, 1866. PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" * AL IX COUNCIL. EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED q.:zuw::oc-.a-umam of recommended Honerâ€" able the Conuntssioner of Public Works, to be leviâ€" d.:::_'fp. in the “"'c“r‘ period ‘-’N. provided wnwd‘&ofl lMl.:d- J uod-honflindclho THRTEENTH day of SEPTEM am has been :wbyth&md&.vi:tblut Montreal, surrender of its power -mmum‘umum» pointed Agents of the Province for the lssue and redemption of Provincial notes, and that the issue of Provincial notes is authorized from and after the FIFTEENTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1866, and _ . Recomy®mâ€"Gextaar‘s Orvic®, (ttawa, September 17, 1366. ‘\Vo‘ll('l IKHEREBY GIVEEK To PARâ€" A W TIES who havre tendered to the Government for T per cent. Debentures, and whose tenders have .'Crlfl':d.lhn must it the funds for the same Qolulgumb the TW EXâ€" TYâ€"PLFTH SEPT l-t.AJ forward the mn‘mfifclh amount to r;bd m k ie as on N. F. BELLEAU, U Pooiss oC rraing thas notes of tos. Reme of imkd notes of'a.. seribed, are deciared to be Provincial Notes within mmdm, ‘O‘I'ltfi 1s HEREBY GIVEX, THAT 1 W under the W in the 29th and 30th Victoria, Cap. 10, ed : " An Act to proâ€" = vide for the issue of Previncial Notes,"â€"and of F ~ . Thak ~ 97 FaigP ie Spuint alicler dc 4 <+ â€" . A XZ COMPANY.â€"Notice is hersby given, that the Directors of the Ottaws and Gloucester Rowd m‘h‘:nlhhhy-‘ohmoudld‘!ll . of the Capital Btock of the said Comâ€" , which call they the hoiders of such ub ,bJ.b.n'mm,Md tbouldaupuy.uhmoleo,huo(m‘ofou» wa, on FRIDAY, the 26th DAY of OOTOBKR next. wa, on FRIDAY, the 26th DAY of OOTOR Pated this 26th day of September, 1866. may be F‘Nfi by &.ly;;m Magistrate at se zc’n-“ S‘TOCKHK / PROVINCE OF CANADA PHINANCE DEPARTMENT, CuUatonms. _DEPARTMENTAL ORDER. â€" COs * ~~ orraws. Hhit A 188. puEnzas, Tur ara sEcriOn or WÂ¥ the Act passed in the 29th and 30th years TT AW A A CGLOUCESETER ROAD L“!?fl;‘:g.!? Is hereby given, that Principal, as we!! a« the Interemt is entirely wiped out. The fult Q.} ot the halfâ€"year or year. he mortgage may be redeem sSSTRIUTEY MobpRn ATR [NON, Burtisters, JOHN U Rooe ;. -Bfi-""‘" 49004 > Becucrauy, Gitawa and Glcucester Road Co ~â€" & yéars. 10 years, 15 K .$12.95 â€"_ $0t l‘:‘ x | 26.00 16.45‘ ILM RT MASON, tary and Treasurer, Toeranto. K. 8. M. BOUCHETTH, * “ml.h-c of Customs. leceiverâ€" 92â€"7y 4y | whoee custody it wil %« & Bvery cmt | on a printed , in o annexed, and Ke porson making it. 4 Ev O | ons ontonl U which “.‘ fhm_unuunud. a U | | srongravings a" ma c } "o t o ( +8 1) T it [ tkk it 4 lu(v)m: + P A s o «& M tion of th thortzed y cullector 4 | nue Divi 2. Ew m state :â€" eA 1 («) T ages in w 4 ' (4) Th Permit the remoral in (1) .. t ho ts] from (2] . .l t us:m‘ lphk‘?ulu (4) ~ /+ ‘ gallons of the strength of proot being the property ‘hh'dhvdfltur[nj . *~* idays from date and no l-rt.ul on or before m u-dlhould‘ 9 days, it is to ed into the the Collector or Asgistant Col+ lector of Inland Revenue, for the Inland Revenus it is to remain in force, which peried shall not bo more than will, in the opimion of the r‘fn-u'ni it, be sudiciont ‘tor r".‘llll‘ the rei of . the ""cmfl:'m“m" tho y d&ccompany ints to vlmulwfl remain i‘Pl: r.b...'afl. of the m lnm: thereof, but it thall be proâ€" tor exat a as« often as may | be required by:gd.«rhuin. authority thereto, and it shall be vered to the collector, or assistant collector, of Inland Revenue for the Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are to be removeil, or wherein they are removed the poricd mentionai in Te &qmnnwfi?-uplmluw.mnm- lq the period in the permit. ;‘| : 7. Every endorsation nlt::nmfluiu-vf any | Sin, permit shalt be made onthe back thereof, and every |â€" I hay permit shall be defaced by writing the word " canâ€" 'ullo.eli colled® n-â€".ohnju. on &o «xpiration of | Council NM&“&‘:-M ranted. new, fo Areenemam n n m wemd O which they are | that " contaiped hare ..!‘:'.‘:..‘... mbered htodhn connéction with the Warehousing lazhl_ apâ€" proved on the 17th March, 1865. "â€" . â€"| | Oustomm * w . a. HIMSWwORTH, 1 qnol 54 Assist. Clork Exsoutive Councit, {refiabl of xd‘-tâ€"-u) d 7 q?u nln';{ot(,?-ifn- to + um remove u.'ilt-aowuo n heteof and the cosge i44 ‘.’d TECLET 'r’-(‘) EMARRery i (h) T : £: ... .:. | Mn > :s ce 4 B M a .Mh:(’hlv*-lh :fl,-lg,cddlplflu hviq’h@(l.) of [5] ter the duty Division of (12) M3 EXCBLLENCY TuE «OVKRNORâ€"GENâ€" RRAL IN COUNCIL | 0. THE RECOMMEKXDATION OF the:Monorabie the Minister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the 7th section of the Act 20â€"30 Vic., Cap, T, intituled : © An| Aot to amend I% Nereny ordered, that the lulluv}:‘ nrhuono I '“IMHT permita for the removral ‘apirita. from the Distillery in which they have been manutattur> ed, or from any 'mhmbU““gq have beek bonded or storedâ€"together with th¢ forms and oxâ€" plafiations Ing the #samo,je,and the same ' are U"Uw and adopted, that is to aay : | â€" L. Permite for theremoval of ®pirits from any (4) The name of the person or t-rpnnl‘wn in | whose custody it will be during its removal & Bvery cation tor a it whall be made on a printed , im «‘lu-‘{:uh?ul hereunto anneaed, and ked A, and shail beisigned by the person making it. * §!I~ h 4 EWA .nnud“ l:l“ hfi‘:‘!nrlflnd t forms rtme: inance :o“ umu:Lun‘ln’::l‘IP:- 4 «l*(lr-" rennto ® e pri on paper especiaily prepared 'fltmm-.a; Th sell type | Tof ie duly tnereby im lency in h has 50:: is hereby ordered, that t or trom any warchouse whorein they have bee bonded or stored, may be granted o ‘the "'1‘“““ tion of the owner of such o;!'[lu. or of his duly au be n oae memnt o e omm e eeappae c ce ns i (‘mmhonhdmy has been |IL', and, if not, ow k * (';‘RO time at which it is ::dbomn%vfid Â¥% pati t of # _ () The hairk» coupation and plate of busines thorized ‘sgent, by the collector, yrithe assistant oulh;--r ::.lnh.;{‘:ann. e, for Q‘ilfilnnd Reve» nue Division in w the spirite â€" 2. Every application l.u':'.ml & ;:mn aball state :â€" rexstdins ! N + («) The number and deseri f the packâ€" ages in which the spirits are .J'.‘f&’ s T _(8) The marks and nambers T-.'.‘J;IC-‘.-( the packâ€" .‘;:) The quantity, in wine gallons,/in each packâ€" age and its “‘!‘. i | > («) }\. equivalent in wine gallonsiof the strength of . ‘% ! & F)“T» place whorein it is then id , (J ) The place to which it is to be removed. â€" u(:) The u'.: the parson be transferred, ,:“:v' it held at the Cily of" 'mffwr, an Monâ€" \ w the 24th September, 1860, | f Pr®uerpre o [ | 4. Pemmite for the~ removal of spurits from an Distiliery wherein they "AAte been Inanufactured, | [ _ Mk . mmiine datiis mibetl hbomu:'h‘:.-l.m'd,“‘# ME M 2 i ho malsa onl ol w eonveyance as */] @-(ullvl":é 0'! W argon hln::lfl mi’-’-’iii{fif _ (2) The war P, at Presoott," or = "&?g'r:::“r "':'JTM*::! [3] Th onsÂ¥ thme aed pooupiion in ut F, at Pnz’." or * Bonding \hffl*flo B, at [l]‘!hpluolovhbhthwuéurlohu- J i oi demip j 1. a‘lflgop.r-u e 2e 4 6 Airmoath) of proof g‘ ) The place to which it is to be semoved. (3) The conveyance by which th romoval is to ioA B Pormit granted at 11) To be signed by the person making the reâ€" PORMS AND EXPLANATION$ 186 .}) ' } of the manner of in the ce nc rcr C on a as pan., ;“':"'-.“-,-: m t n Lo ds h en 2 e t e or the " Waggon belonging to A B," tl‘mld of Exeixe, and to alâ€" | posed on spitite," His Exce!â€" | it has ""J""’J' order, and it red, that the lulluvru n‘lhtiona ) mity for this semems td s Eentalse ~Hane T C avm- Aâ€"'\i; r"l'""] and about to be transferred into the) ®, mv‘,' business ‘d nl"‘ll'l.('l‘l | NC IESAMINCTITOS CAPETOC: to whise I for taking account of the ( im w""‘ ppirits @r0 19 | y guch manpufacture,; and No of Permit, P momebns this _ Coll 192 Panyrt on for a Patmit iB 3 THE OTTAWA TIMES and caneclied OC-tlINo Local No M is 427 gl in gile h have been e applicaâ€" dur;'nu- Miomaiioh‘ Eiees o ho warkh ralned b* 1) | ing the smle, excha | of n‘:l .?!u:g_; | in j I")noi ryotlu'd-d‘ | |_ One search, with â€" | Centa, & [ F | | _ That ord [ | In alt CC | .| visions of Lower Canad .. | the j dat! trar , shall | | and paid over to the ie o c Ihail diaitict. in ruuflq. 4& It is desirablethat they should be . written as concisely | as possi lld(otnofro- anything like exagâ€" ‘ I am, §ir, > $@4 + _ Your obedient j £.S> ___, A. C BUCHANAN, ‘ Agont. ; that pu manber made hb | May, 1: | of thei | for cons | that « Fire Arms and Munitions of W ar" be import+ toflno duty antil the Ihmi:o.ndg’oubm that the Importer the Collector ot : w lists of parties desirous of procuring | and :& ueh.p:fi- be known to be m Hv such 'h M ‘(Ibu'.‘ wu-l I-pund-. -.a':'p and from |‘ Yod gre hereby authorized to refund the duties â€" alre w r Arms and Munitions of War imâ€" \ ported within the period above namod. I am, Sir, ; "w'fiu.;?‘ Bboveletrs 8. M. BOUCHETTE. | The Co&odnr of Customs N4 ; having authorized the publication, .‘V this of an cccasional flmu. to be callâ€" | od the Â¥CANADA IMMIGRA GAZBTTE,* which be devoted exclasivelyto the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffusion of accuâ€" | rate usetul information concerning Canada . 1 Naluvwo bring under your notise the adv is shopt will ofer as an advertising | mediung to land ow u.n‘uhnnfiu(worn- ties for sale or lease, â€" As information of this kind ' g the intending purchaser or lessee in (Great ! Britain|in direct nication with the property. â€"â€" The rable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized the opening of an â€" Information Office in Liverpool, under !:l manageâ€" ment of Mr. W in. Dixon, a gentieman well acquaintâ€" | od withithis and the mother country, who will be specially eharged with the distribution of this paper | the United Kingdom, and in bringing | same inently unider the notice of the emigrant. ! ‘The first namber will appear in the course of next the second in April, bringing down the 3. That in addition to the 2doense fee named in | the Act above cited, every porson to whom a « Bond: {ul Manufacturigg Licen«e" is granted, shall pay | to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" 1 #, such sums of money a# shall be sufficient | for the U.ynem of the, expenses incurred by the Fin partinent for the effective nurervi-lm of | the mapufactures carried on imder such license, and | for taking account of the dutinhle artides consumed Fel Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled I havy it th command & inform you that WMs Ex+ ullo.eljfio @avernor General, by an Order in Counci lo(‘lny’l dui, has been pleased to reâ€" new, fot a pgriod of one month from ac:.hnur. the Order in Ogupeil of the 1Â¥th March last, directing and: on search made in such| Regiptry Office on or .’lL 1%id day, the fullol\n“ :'t{u res» poctively, that is to say : â€" 7 ‘(: .L ry will, marriage contract of donation, y Ugnte. _ _| On deed{or instrument pffectin evideneâ€" ing th.o 1 mL-m hnuhuuu." mortonien Whergupon His Exceliency was and it is hop‘:by RDEREDâ€" That 6n, from and after the FLF TOB. re shall be imp« Rintered in any Raginty ow in a 2‘-1 on ory” ei made in such 7] The name and‘ Jon in full of the perâ€" suf ty wnose posremice o it o ut Ratafaited" 8] His place of business, | * iot: Paid * or « unnd’ln bond," as the case may be. . do] The number of days which, in the opinion of the officer grantingthe permit, may be necessary for the romoval. 11| The period named for the removal. lll The Inland Revenug Division into which the spirits are removed or in whigh the removal trom one place to another u‘u place. _: 245â€"f C”h 0 Thirty Cents, n e other deed or instrument, #‘¥/teen Cents On e search, with or without certificate, #Â¥o Centa, f | 6 That orders the above duties shall, in alt Ou:h fi o tion Diâ€" visions of Lower ©J n toney, and the amg dutios no,:l‘nd by every Regisâ€" trar , shall be by hi for and pald over 10 the Receiver GM’nIl mediaiely After the close ofievery third month, to be reckoned Trom the paid ‘Fitst day of October next. aas aad | , _ WM. ~Lg-.' J lations GOoVERNMENT HOUSEâ€"OTIAwA. | _ Baturday, 16th day of December, 1865, k â€" . Passeut. His E or tu® Aowmustrato® or tux Govâ€" f x .lli‘:‘u;n ix Covncu. | NCY was to in nonfeadrrengeg sioner , da i by th. u:mu Mihister of Finance, statâ€" Of chapter 17 hf the Con. «n Order in Council was passed "N THE _ NEC the Htonora bia. th under and avhfln of i ferred by the Act 20â€"3 in auch manufacture, and of the articles produced there . And the maxtmam eam to be ropaid by the party aforesaid shall be from time to time de: termb by the Minister of Finance, as he may deem ssary, and shall, as nearly as may be, be ink qo ion to the magnitudp and general charac: ter of the business carried on under such license. 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" moved |from the apartments of the mqnufactory wherein they are manufactured as soon as the whole »rocess be piac the mbove recited Act, mid ‘:*oi nfiu License for{eited, whenever I{It"’. to the a~ fwotion of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for bolieving that frauds :r the Revenue are perpetrated in connection with such manufacâ€" l23 NA Ned wirr t 1. en arapmie * n‘nloo-u gh & foreign eo:.l: «.om rectly \to porters in Cannda, shall ber be pat m:fufllq; as dutiable (oods, in Council has been pleased t in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereâ€" | by ordered that the }ulluhg lbgufudum nT‘O& ing the munut’whh« of the undermentioned dutiable goods in Bond, be aud the rame arg horaby ad â€"that is to aay :‘ * MIS EXCELLENCY 1. That subjeot to the provisiona uf ‘ cited, to these u:- ilations, and to lumm gulations, as mnyfllamnflrr be made by competent authority , Licenses may be granted to manufactir® in Bond the articles herein enumeratad, yie: ~~*: t wâ€"-lwulhl Ex#onees and Rxtracts, > Perfumory, At a Commeil fi:la.l in the 4‘.’/yE,[f (Quebec n Monday; January|1, 1866. real proporty, for m sum or .consideration exceedâ€" 2. 'l“:u nny‘l:l;d;\l nmnulu;:rx !iuuM under a mhove recit ¢t, id 40 ® cense forfeited, whenever I{h to the ”:- Btarch. \ megar, \'mtho’-. GOovERNMENT nOUSKE, Ottawa, 17th August, 1866, | PRESRNT : NCY THE GOVERNOR GENXERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL f I§]EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED tolay before the Council s Tariff| of Duties & under the authority of an| Act of the of manufacture is completed, and shallthen in apartments of storeâ€"rooms set apart for , wherein they shall be bonded in the required by the Excise Bonding Regulations Urder in Council, duted the 17th‘ day of 85; and they shall be dealt with, in respect sabsoquent ‘removal, exportation or entry mption, in accerdance with the said Regu+ Querexc, 25th January, 1866. _ § ble the Minister of Agriculture and h oos ho ring Aniporieni se bepritniitar is the 2Mth dory of Neptember, 1866. ¢ PRESENY : CELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€".GENKERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL. THL â€" NECOMMENDATION OF ERNXMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, et to provide a fund towards F*.,u. fot matters necessary ito the eféâ€" the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." 10. id ntil it whall be otherwise ordered, L such Goods were imported diâ€" nentioned mfl into this Proâ€" ting that it would be desirable dn Council to free as woll as duâ€" W. A HIMSWORTH, Wu. H. LEH, 0. E. 0. in Council was pleasâ€" in the session thereâ€" 8T day of OCâ€" ‘Dry Goods, This is the Motto:of evervâ€"BReal Let the World Know it Do You want to Buy ? IT HAS BEEN TRULY SaID THAT *4 JUDICIOUS .1l‘l'l.i(’)l7'lllh' uF THE PROPERTY to SELL No Matter what your Business Printing Works! ADVERTISING Or Hardware "OTTAWA TIMES" 60, Sparks 8t., Contre Town. WILL AFFORD A sUPERIOR MEDMUM NOW is the TLME G0TORBER 12, 19066 PRINTERS INK 1s ONKE Ob THE l.'.fl)l."(l AVENUES TO WEKALTH® TO BUSINKESS MENCOIN THE ADV ERTISE. Qrrami tss ADVERYISE! THE "TIMES" Groceries, BUSINESS MAN. I8 THE MEDJIUM ADVERTISE!! ADVERTISE ! THEW PUBLIC, ADVERTISE ! §‘ J A M IF YOU HAYVE IF YOU HAYE Which it Will Rench Crockery,. > OorFICEK ADVERTISE: TO SELL, T H H LINE OÂ¥ Glassware, Lightsâ€"Gulf ‘of St. Lamerence, Prince Edward Island. _‘ TH.GOVIII'II‘I‘O' PRINCK ED« ward Island has given notice thata Light House has recently been erected on the North Point of that Island, in 47°, 3‘, 46" N., and Longitude 63©,59%, 9" W. |The Light stands oi¢! feet high above water, and shows a fixed white i‘{t. By command, * R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Wl have appointed Mr. J. LESLIE, Sparks Street, solé A for sale of above W atcher, and caution the ,.5.?.,-’.. being im posed upon by Watches marked " Makers to the M"utwhhhmuwb‘o-. * THCMAS RUSSELL & SOXN, | Gro. Er. Cartik®, wuBKICAl. in and AMtysâ€"Gen. z by the thirtyâ€"eight chapter of Consolidated Statates of Canada, intiâ€" * An Act respecting‘thé preservation of the May 31, 1866. Public Health," it is amongat other things enacted, that whenever this l'vuvin‘:: or any p::t thereof, or placge therein, appears to be threatened with any fufmld:.b(l; Q'Mom‘r, endemic or contagious disâ€" anse t overnor may, by Proclamation, to be b Blyf from tima to dmo’ln:’enl, by and wi(htbo -l' yice and consent of the Executive Council of this ProÂ¥igce declare the said Act to be in force in this Province, or in any partâ€"thereof, or "place therein, mentioned in such Proclamation, and it shall thereâ€" upon: be in foree | accordingly ; and the Governur may in Tike manner from time to time, as to all or nny Of the partsor places to which aby such Procâ€" lamation extends, revoke or reméew any such Procâ€" lamation : and, subject to such revoecation and reâ€" newal as aforesaid, every such Proclamation shall have effect for six ln(md:u or for any*whorter period in such Provlamation exprersed ; Axn Wurmras, although there exista‘no reason fer. seriou» alarm, the Province Al:r-uru to be so far threatened with Asiatic Cholera, a,diroase withiq the meanâ€" ing of the said Act, as to render it expedient that all nerMutVJnfcvnmmm sheuld be_taken for the proâ€" tection of the Public Health, and it is therefore exâ€" pedient to declare the raid Act to be in force in the aaid Provinee. Now know Ye, that by virtue of the power in Mo vested by the #aid Act, I, the said Governor of this Province by and with the advice of the Exccutive Council of the -ni:‘ Province, do hereâ€" by declare the said Act herein before mentioned to be in force in this Provinee, froin and after the date of these presents,and that l.h'o rame do and shall conâ€" tinue in 'urcc for and during the period of 6 Calendar Months from the date hereof, unless this Proclamaâ€" tion be roon revoked and recalled under the proâ€" visions of the said Act : Of all which, Mer‘Majesty‘s leving subjects, and 211 others whom these presents do or may in any wise concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Girk» under my Hand and Seal at Armms#, uan Government House, ih the CTTY OF OTT AW A, in the said Province, this TENTH day of April, in the the year of Our Lord one thgusand r‘ghl hundred and sisztyâ€"=ix, and in the Twenty Ninth year of Her ‘lujnly'u Reign. * A MONCK. By Command, H WM. McDOUG ALL, Secretary. 124â€"+f General of British North America, and Captainâ€" General and Governorâ€"jnâ€"Chief in and over the Provinces of Canada, Nova Seotia, New Brunx, wick, and the I#land of Prince Edward, and Viceâ€" Admiral of the same, &c., &e. | To all to whom these presents whall comeâ€"Gurarâ€" HIB EXCELLEXNCY THE ‘GoVERNOR | | * GENERAL IN CQUNCIL Wl‘l:lnlg BY AN A(‘o"l‘ lll'Al:‘lD IN twentyâ€"ninth year er Majesty‘s Reign, intituled uA-Ad.’t.o rrwldo against 3.. introduction and lvflldilli' disorders affecting ld‘c‘l:“;m given to the Governor in il to such measuros as may appear to* be necessary in order to prevent the introduction of contagious or hfoouwlswden affecting sheep, caitle, horses, and other animals, and check :3; disorders trom spreading, if introduced ; Ry His Excetlency the R“I‘bt Honorable Branuwy â€"Viscount Moxox, Baron M Builytramon, in the County W exford, G Slansmatalf Hinirinh Somh Absmebien â€"acul d tion of the H the River Tront, via. : 7 One cent per Saw Log of thirtcon feet in longth and in the umwpuuu on rl.m of greater length, and one dollar on cach b of square timâ€" ber; and that the above toll of one sent be collected on such B.Lb-w' and one dollar on all such Cribs of square t r as have &nuud down the River Trent from the opening of the present season of naâ€" vigation; affecting cattle prevails skins, hides, horns, hoofs,‘ or other parts of such M.i‘x. straw, and fodder, be, and the same is prohibited ; save and ueqn‘mhen?orw- su.ot_p::o( cargo, as His Excellency in Counâ€" t may gee fit to exontpt from «uch proâ€" hibitton. " & W. 1. LEE, t . Clork Exeoutive Council, February 28, 1866. ; 66â€"tf GOVBRNIIINT HoUSE Oftewa, Tuesday, 14th August, 1866. PRE8SENT : â€" HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GEXNE. RAL IN COUNCIL. olfll RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, And under the authority of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 22 Victoria, chapter 28, section 85, His ludlnxhplunddowhr,udlthhnby orâ€" dered that the follw-b{ Tolls be inmposed on Saw mhlbor, &c., passing down the slides at Chisâ€" I.shlfi, Ramsay‘s Falls, ‘Middle Falls, H‘ll_ and Crooks Rapids, on the works of FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS. Ottawa, June 14th, 1866 PROVINCE OF, CAN A1 wC NOTICE TO MARINERS GOVERNXMENT HOUVUSE Ottawa, Wednesday, 7th June, 1866 A PROCLAMATION London and Javerpo esent season of naâ€" W. H. LEK, aso or ‘Qi'hnh H A RLE® | until kind of Screfulous and Scabious erupâ€" \“1 It is also a sure remedy for SALT RHUEUVN, RriNc. WORM, PETTER, .__ . BCALD HEAD AND SCURVEY. It is guaranteed to be the purest and most powerâ€" > JGENUINE HOXNDUAS SARSAPARILLA, Fixasce Porawxtsr, Customs, Quebeâ€", 6th March, 1863 l'l' 18 DIRECTED BY THE HON. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published . and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on American Invoicesswhich is*to be in accordance with the price of gold a# represented by Exchange, at a rate equal thercto. ‘Such notices to appear every Saturdry if the Canada GazerTr; SKL Order, notice is bor;By iven that the authorizâ€" iscount is declured to cfihnynweeu.l wjich percentage of deduction is to be continued . until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all por. | chases made in lbyo United ;!:.‘ d-fl‘,uu v'o:t. ( R. 8. M. noL’f_nmx } Les Brose P Yarulor s trok w lc raP ol nap t +. 1005 emkd 7 pess, ~]t is the only genuine or original M- tion tor the permanent cure of the most dangerous ; and coofirmed cases of Scrofuin, Old Sores, Boils, Tumors, Ab= A(TADIA.\',......(Hu_ildin',:; AUBTRIAN ..,..(Bailding).... . PERUVIAN . .Capt, Ballantive, , , MORAVIAN ... . Capt.Aiton ... ... MBERNIAN.,Capt..Dutton . ... NOVAâ€"SCOUTIAN . .Capt. Wylie. . BELGIAK ... .. Capt. Brawn ... NORTHâ€"AMEIRICA N""“u:"x‘t" DAMASCUS, ... .. Capt. Watt, .. By all who are sick, or who wish to prevent sick= The Great gure for all Diseases of the LIvER, sroMacMk axn» sow_kLs. g‘-‘.- I’Ud-. and Warranted to keep m‘l »avod to operate in harmon; -ufi'up:imm purifers, gfiszsvs SAESAPAI(‘U-LA. in mllblflu I'# bumors, or 'l'-"““: most % peed ir. 1 the influâ€" OCEAN STEAMSIHIP CoMPAXNY to 81 SI 81 81 ply to Bristol‘s Sareaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Contâ€" ed Pills are for sale by all Dn‘f:a every where Bold in Ottawa ? John Roberts, Dr. Garvey, H.F. MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. Massey, -i“ 1. DAYID, 1650 tons...,.«.. Capt Aird, ST, GEORGE, 1468 tons ... ... Capt. Smith., ST. ANDREW, 1432 tons . .. ... Capt. Scott. . ST, PATRICK3:1 207 tons . . . . . . Capt. Trocks. The steamers of this Line will sail at reguâ€" bar intervals Wotween the Clyde and Quebec., Borths notwécured unti} paid for. | For prassage, or any other particular®, ap se us 1 Mortimer Aug. 10â€"200¢ * E. MoGILLIVRAY. PROVINCE OF CANADA, ) In the County Court, County of Carieion, of ‘the County * in the matter of LEON nsvw wivy +. 9806 mattor DESMERAIS, Insalvents, * _ _ AMERICAN IXYOJCESâ€"pJseorxX® Ts Ottawn, Mav: 14 BALILING W EEEKL Ratox of Througle Passage from OTTAWA LIVERPOOL a LONDOX DERRY : CABIN . ... . .. ... . §$66.15 to $86.15, P I L Li S . »RLTEI Insolvent Act of 1864 DAYID, 16510 GEQRGE, 1 46 ANDREW, 14 PATRICKs q# USs1IG:I MUsSIC :: FRENCH AND . English Rongs, Sacrod Music, Polkas, Vaises UHAWR, VCL, y, 1806, | ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE TEEI MONTREAL. OCEANX STEAMSHAIPE SUMMEE SEEVIOE. Fisxazers Deramra®xr, Craroms, Ottawa, Vct. 5, 1866. N); TICKETS GRAXTED REDDCED RATES. rdit HEUBACH & COWARD. ~ Aorar® ar Orrawa Red to Li 6. _(Building) ... , . 2650 , . A(Bailding}. ... . ;. .. Capt, Ballantine . . , , 2600 .. . Uapt.Aiton . . . .. . 2650 GO W‘ LT NE t« 1. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. DUVERNAY ui0 ommeodation iondonderry 2400 1784 1800 2434 ons Tous Tong TORS | Mare w _Wimmabes »@u, 2A 44 .".:rflom"l., ap | codbre Ikuxnela T908 | Rermen Wolienha upt , TOLS | Francts #, Arown, Tems | Whn, Meury I‘ry. Tones _ MHK. XEGENMiUNL AT ‘Automatic Ore | mm ing Tull description of style, and | of the most eminent musicians, as tof excellence of our instrumentsâ€"will be ‘-mf. | A NILEUFTRATED 1# AL;‘! !‘d,', m"&. | School Organs & Mel |PIANO â€"Fort !‘in our im _Ancther objection to this method of ble ’M.‘M “'qoeeupicd.nom Ofered for the m of the ewell. 'll“'l“:.j.heuflry.nuu- dificalty ("h ‘..:‘:2 a lever has jectod from pentre instrument, | upon the ewell, axp orzzaten zy yur & | Sroiy» the simple act of blox ’“M re ‘vh':“-l‘n. ho 85,000 Now in * The Automatic Organ. In presenting the Avroxame Orcus, ® ie oi im ons in o ments int tht y and b‘l‘n -.-_‘P" struments with double beliows, and two p the feet to operate, but the want of the re EXX2USTED BFMLLoW®,,(which is the only bel this cbject are disagrecable enough tor but to a lady the use of such an apment: k wITk y PATENT BASSQ TEXUTO or Finisbed in Elegant Rosewood, W alout or «s Every Instrument Warranted t Yearsâ€"Ne Charge for Boting or Shipping. in our instruments,) made it im produce the meliow, rich and m war instruments are celebrated S .now been before the public for ** Id.-o.n.l:--ofi--':l hkd.-: instance to case of dissatisfaction where the directio® suffering from any of the complaint i onnteenges fiey mpont ahoo ie jut mt presorying all its They have received the press, and all the q (fy,nuu‘t‘ which nre: ‘inm. ty# :â€"1 have ex ortes, and 1 curdially 4 construction. Jt« phinesy croase of Â¥ibratory pow or yiumple and pertects hi grand and nolle ; u’ I.'.- taining the #romnd for », tne or power I have neve; purity, and rvmunthor. . n hi f nretir y Tll CANADIAN PAIX DESTRO _now been before the public for the to ; parns of Rheumatism, and i !;“-“,m&d.iu-mfl; ture, they are onginel arn voluie, and Conblimuity «, tude, that crow «x pianists to « uiu:, wh the ever deserve the bighe«t our that their orders will be :“.le *mdfix‘! in full, =GEO. A. | iixzc_xi“ co.*. W same as ours," it '-z"'! a mere man inferior instrument on which be cst Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, $# Spraine, Bruises, Cramps in the Stom® . _ Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bor® Complaints. Burns. Sealds, perty followed ; but on the contrary, all 1 od with its and speak in tht terms of its virtues and magical effects. _ The ethe. of Mmq d_uu’“’ l&u: MM commended, and its wonderful success it . N and Estimates of Buildings prop48 ) 8 ) _ ed accounts of Artificers‘ work measured 894 AUGUSTUS LAVEK Late Ktent & Laver, Arthitecs 4* KFrom The N. Â¥. 4;, examination of J)p~.. results obtained are a pority and brilliancy e o o ooo on tae it in 0d a e fonstructed on ® ty s They have greater ot ""K"‘IY. a in Tome, than any cther Pj,, in whinple and futural, a)) (.2 invented Plans 4« given to them by dtrackosch, Mason the old plan CANADIAN PAIN DESTA list of Remedies for these complaints to the Iniverent Putichiatios ingives. my Opanr®n, is de in . the manufaect world. . ~ 0 % ment, not ioften found mediate relief. All Medicine Desle® ! erderand use it ; and no faml) Trice matiyrave remi hes botite uo:r'fl; & LYMA® s-‘-«‘; _ Bo _ by Geo, Mortimer, “‘E Vistoria Terrace, Vttawa, January 26. #52 10 8552 EKacu. THIRKRTYâ€"XINXE YÂ¥aRiIE3 Before nruehui.‘, send for gue, wi price, Caution to Purchasers. All of our instruments have spon the name Gronex l‘.c:â€";h-w-a-u K Aeecoone" eWME "Tlc.' kE thr ONL y PX ®Tag . Coni®tructed wn m i2220 Avroxart deyice obviates this 3 & 5 5 5 "neARy yst: DRIGG®* NF w #n y« 18, 1865 contortion pesessart i NL 3 PATEXT ANS, SPECIFICA GBO. A. PRINCE 4 and School bio«‘ng wi nerease or m ke , & *Us Mlraeg Ch hes " 7 uis 4 Pikke] poonlionet usicaltube NEW # descrin Th lany wren 49 Ww ° 54 _ Pr Tem i he VO

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