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Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Oct 1866, p. 4

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\Bhips, and also the Privateers of both parties, from earrying Prizes made by them into the Ports, Harâ€" FINANCE DEP ARTMENT, CUSTOMS, Ortawa, 19th March, 1866. Siz,â€"1 have it in command to call your special aitention to the annexed copy of a Despatch from the Sectotaty of Sinte for Poreign Afairs, to the @overnorâ€"General of this Province, couveying Her Majesty‘s Orders that no Chilion &r Spom«A armed Vessels be allowed to bring their prises into Briâ€" tish Waters. ®ke Collestor of Customs, At Sen Ports in Canada The Barl of (Narendon to Mr. Carduweil. Formox Orric®, 2nd February, 1866. Sim{â€"Her Majesty‘s Govermment being desirous Of observing the strictest neatrality ir. the contest between Spain and the Repablic of Chili, they proâ€" :. with the view "::: effectually ur’ryl‘:’ effect this principle, to interdict the Ar The Right Honorable _ _‘ mc-:d'-u. M. P., Ovtaws, September 6 tion, in aid of the warlike purposes of either Belâ€" ligerent, has comulanded me to communicate to _.__ February 26th, 1866. Bix,â€"Her Majesty being fully determined to obâ€" serve the duties of Neutrality during the existing Nestilities between Her Cathoiic Majesty and the Republics of Ch:li and Peru, and being moreover resoived to prevent, as far as possible, the use of Her Majesty‘s Harbors, Ports, and Coasts, and the you, for your guidunce, the following Rules, which are to be trtated and enforced as f!c Majesty‘s Te Maguiny has Lied ptomendt to sovimand th to at these rales shall be put in force in the United K'fi dom, and in the Channel Islands, on and after day,the 2nd of March next, and in Her Majesty‘s Territories and Possessions beyond seas six days after the day when the Governor or other Chief Authority of each of such Territories or Possessions zo Ship of War or Privateer of u&:h.mmm shall hereafter be permitted to sail out of or leave uy Port, Roadstead, or Waters, subject to British ‘urisdiction, from which any Vessel of the other Belligerent (whether the same shall be a Ship of War, a Privateer, or a Merchant Ship), shall have zoqh_ma.â€"n afterthe expiration cfat hours from the departure of such last mentioned Ve«sel beyond the Territorial urisâ€" O IP P mt uo ced Om ccut ul td same, im notification that the said Rules -bmd-h?dl persons within the same territories ahd pâ€"asessions. .. e o â€" L During the continuance ot the present Hostiliâ€" [Cort.} -l..ymp-.nhm‘mmo of cbtaining of warlike equi and zo Ship d’.u Privateer of cither ;li‘cnnt dietion of Her . IL. If any of War or Privateer of cither Belligerent shall, after the time when this Order shail be first notified and put in forcein the United Kingdom, and in the Channel Islands, and in the mca:m Foreign Pouoo-‘iou or Deâ€" ajesty respectively, enter :M 'wu{olu‘b‘w Her xaj.:c",, either in the United Kingdom or in the Channel Isâ€" lgnds, or in any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies or Forei Possessions or l neh\'o:;d ;hllg required to put to sea within Twentyâ€" tour hours after her enterance into such l’on.m:’d- “‘: 'm.Whmd‘:nui of weather, w requiring provisions or things necessary for the subsistence ofher Crew, or repairs, in eithor of which cases the Authorities of the Port or of the m.l.wahivwdnhhuhm- :r shall be permitted while in any Roadstead or Waters, subject to the Territoâ€" rial jurisdiction of Her Majesty, to take in any supâ€" w and such other things as for sgubsistence of her crew, and ~seept so much coal only as may be sufficient to 2;‘ Vessel to the nearest Port of her own or to some nearer destination ; and no coal shall be again supplied to any such Ship of W ar or N:--:*-w'_-m"l’m"- Twentyâ€"four hours between the departurethercfrom of uny such vessel (whether a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and &-hmh"mthmfi-du,flbd W ar or eer of the other Belligerent, and the times bereby limited for the departure of such Ships of War and Privateors respectively, shall ‘l--{: in case of necessity be extended, so far as may requisite for giving effect to this proviso, but not the expiration of » months from the time when -.c-l-qhz':-lutu"ndu her withâ€" in British Waters as aforesaid. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, Ygur most hamble servant, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. newrest Port (as the case may b:&. shall require l-bfl‘bluuu-‘n possi h:n« the exâ€" -.*h-m::éz,mwm zh-.mluhq' i use ; and no uu:mv -.’h:.: ‘Mwwmmnhi aters for the purpose continue in any such Ports, Roadsteads, or waters, for aslonger period than Twentyâ€"four hours after her necessary repairs shall have been completed ; Provided nevertheless, that in all cases in which there shall be any Vessel (whether Ships of War, Privateers, or Merchant Ships) of the said Belliâ€" m-fiawsfim} of the said Belliâ€" r-'-fluhlhâ€"- Roadstead, or ‘aters within the Territorial jurisdiction of ~Her Waters within the Territorial jurisdiction of <Her Majesty, there shall be an interval of not less than ar Waters, subject to the Territorial jurisdiction of ___ the Governmect of Canada. Ottaws, Aptil 3. 1865. A UCTION SATLE known at the time of sale. Or, JONAS AP JONES, ESQ., _ _ 7 Soliciter Masonic Hall, Toronto 8t., Toronts. Ostober 4. 42w}d, ! BAZAAR INY AID OF THE FUNXDS for the n-hdl‘h‘d St. James‘ Church, at Mull, will be held (D. V.,) on the 19th and 20th sext. . Contributions will be thankâ€" recabred by the following ladies : » * MRS. JOHNSTON, (Rev.) ‘ 8 «* > MCNAB, _ F‘AR M S ! * «* _ JONES, H. J., ‘,‘fll TRUBIDGE, (Refreshment Table.) E$ & [Signed.] Commissioner of Customs and Excise. 1 ww, sit, ALL PARTIES MHAVING ast the Estate of the late ALEXâ€" u‘unq!upd to send in the same Your obedieat servant, __ * ~ ~R.S.M. BOUCRETTE, DOWNING STREET, I have, &c., 5. FRC 6 ALISON 8COTT, LL, E3Q., Ottawa. CLAREXDON 90â€"if 450â€"tf considered as withdrawn. No‘l‘l(‘l 1s HEREBY GIVEN, THAT under the uu.m{ contained in the 29th and 30th Victoria, Cap. 10, intituled : " An Act to proâ€" " vide for the issue of Provincial Notes,"â€"and of an Order in Council passed on the THIRTEENTH day of a‘l!“l‘“lfl.‘:{. wn arrangement has been made by the Government of Canada with the Bank of Montreal, for the ‘!ndnnl surrender of its power to issue notes, and that the said Bank has been apâ€" pointed Agents of the Province for the !ssue and redemption of Proviscial notes, and that the issue of Provincial notes is authorized from and after the FIFTEENTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1866, and 'r.a" ling the completion of the Provincial notes now n process of Printing, that notes of the Bank of Montreal, stamped and initialed as hereinafter deâ€" scribed, are deciared to be Provincial Notes within the meaning of the sai Act, thatis to say : PROVINCIAL XOTE ' Legat Taxpx®. At a Council held in the City of : Quebes, on e Monday, 24th September, 1866. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GEN llf AL IN COUNCIL, €3 j3 On the recommendation of the Honorable the Mipâ€" ister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the auâ€" lboritagim and conforred by the 5th section of the 17th asn of the Consolidated Statutes of Canaâ€" da, His Exsellency was pleased to order and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the item, « Iron Wire," «round or fat," mentioned in the Schedule E of the Act 29th, 30th Vie. Cap. 6, was intended to include, and is hereby declared to extend to and include flat wire for crinolines unâ€" covered And that the following persons have been authoâ€" rized on dehal/ of the I.‘n‘floc'-eml to attach their inftials thereto, vis. : +9 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENBRâ€" AL IN COUNCIL _ _ Hll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Schedule of rates of Toll submitted and recommended by the Honorâ€" able the Commissioner of Public W orks, to be loviâ€" Biain. foe we period of SmeWyear, an provided y ain, one , as grdfluConu.loflhouh mhlmw o Whereupon His Excellency was pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that for a period of one ear, to be nwdudnm«: from the 12th ‘ly of May,1 the folh'int:uno('roll, be and they are hereby authorized to be levied and collectâ€" odc.thudd‘l#!.lhuhwuy: For each vehicle of any kind and one horse motoud as one horse, and smy of 10 out. as 10 owt.,...............£0 0 4 For each additional horse or beast of draught attached to such vehicle, or saddle horse, or other beast, and its rider.................. 0 0 J For each horse not attached to any vehicle and without a rider, or, cow or head of : catile or nomâ€"enumerated quadruped...... 0 0 1 ‘ For each sheep, pig or goat..................... 0 0 0f Foot PAARONOTR......««s .. coseutverencnecmcrcneccccce @ 0 1 215tt 'l‘lll SUBSCRIBEK KEEPS CoNâ€" M‘u hand a choice assortment of GROâ€" CERIES, WINES, and LIQUORS, ooulnlah rfi of choice Gno-,llukndlh’sn TEA8, COFâ€" EES, M~scovado and refined SUGARS, SPICES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &e , &0. Also a choice selecâ€" tion of very fine old PORT and SHERRY WINES, at various prices. Green Seal, Pearl Seal and Gold Lae Champaigne ; Brangy acd Gin, various brands in wood and bottle ; Jamaica Rum, Scotch and Doâ€" mestic Whiskey. PROVINCE OF CANADA. WELLINGTON STREET, First Block West of Upper Town. PROVISIONSâ€"Such as dry Cod Fish, Labrador lhnillf. Hams, Bacon, Pork, Cheese, Butter, &c., &e., all of which he will sell at a small advance on cost, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS boh, his motto. Call and examine prices and quality of goods. f se WBI.IAI; THE 3rd SECTION OF the Act e:md in the 29th and 30th years oflotlry Rel intituled : "An Act to amend the eumpoanbuiu of Custoras, and the Tariff of M:-J‘y.blo under them," enacts .mmnnnuuloc- TOBER in the present year," Sparkling W ine of all kinds, in bottles, when accompanied by a certificate of growth, shall be entitled to entry at $3.00 per z:ul form that may hereafter be prescribed by Department for the certific*te wed, the Exporter may go before any u.,mu.’uu place or port of Exportation, make and sign before him a declaration as to the place of growth and production of such wines describing the same, and of shall be entitled to entry at $3.00 doren quart bottles and $1,50 per dosen pint bottles. Notice is hereby given that in the absence of any The New Grocery Store. KPD gentiomen may obtain comfortable rooms on oitoiaes ‘brk buildi e ‘s ce Sparks Street, .&-n. a :ml l NO’PICI‘-A“PA‘TI" INDEBTE ~»mum¢muumunnm are required to make immediate payment uo:::u to the undersigned.. _ __| _ _ _: ___ Quaws, Septtmber 6. NO‘I’IC'.â€"IO‘PIO' Is HEREBY GIV»~ 1W en, that an application will be made to the Provincial Parliament, at its next session, for an Act to incorporate the Ottaws Water Works Comâ€" York street, Ottawa. Ottawa, December 20, 1865. ageiverâ€"General‘s t Titews, 1906 Septemers 1008 any for th supply of the city of Ottawa with water 0‘.-&. January 30. * 36â€"f or other beast of draught, and not more than 10 ewt. of load, each additionalewt. FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOME. DEPARTMENTAL ORDER. OARDING. === 10TOGRAPHS BY NOTMAN, FOR Sale at the Ottawa Stationery Warchouss GovERNMENT HOUSB, Ottawa, Tuesday, 21st August, 1866. * â€"_‘ * Sucastarr, @itawa and Gloucester Road Co. THOMAS R. CHRISTIAX, JOHN ROGERS, ROBERT mnu. WILLIAM M. DONALD, JOHN A. TORRANCE W. A. HIMSWORTH, R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, PRESEXT N. F. BELLEAU, Receiverâ€"General Orrawa, 21st August,%1866. W. A. HIMSWORTH, © »mmissioner of Customs. ALIBON 8COTT, o t Cobyie | OE UOn~!1 | ~< day of t | Anpennion ithe i ma rom | "As bhe mds of wom roRr [2 of eont house | 64. Helen" or the " W ag the case may be. ¢ Jl] The warehouse « nust 4., as Warshouse atte | | P, as Pressott," or @1 3B | Ni Hiitiom i w -snllu'mul-" | 141 Tha total #allons At a Counoil held at the City of Quebes, on Monâ€" | _â€"<â€" dey, the 24th September, 1866. I 00â€" rxNSEET: 4 under and in virtue of the 7th section of the Act HIS REXCELLENCY THE GOVERKORâ€"GBXNâ€" ERAL IN COUNCIL. > 0. THE RECOMMENDATION or the Honorable t&r Minister of| Finanee, and madar and in virtua of tha Tth section of the Act duk m AME 08 oPhi l P dnahatct c on ow TA us chov I OJ V eP Ts AORC. â€"30 Vic., Cap, 7, intituled : " An (Act to amend n en : t’i Acts l"l]ih?lin‘ the Duties of Excise, and to alâ€" | 5 ' x "“"‘"- 5 T ter the duty thereby imposed on spirits," His Excelâ€" | HIS EXCALLENCY THE u(')\ll;l(u?}(_u ENERâ€" leney in Council hubeontflumrlo order, and it §3 AL IN COUNCIL â€" | is hereby ordered, ‘that the tollowing regulations N (THuE nuconnnum\f 108 oF réspecting permits for the removal of spirits from LO the Honorable the Minister of Rinance, and the Distillery in which they have been manuf@@turâ€" | under and in virtue of the authority. giyen and conâ€" ed, or from any warehouse in which they have be@n | forred by the Act 29â€"30 Vic. Cap. 7, fil Excelleney bonded or -wnd-»;t‘o:o‘m:h with lh;.fmun‘l ®*= | inâ€"Council has been Floued to order, .rul it is hereâ€" «nations accompanying the same,be, @ 8200 | by ordered that the following Regulations respectâ€" Il‘" hereby “““W‘{ and adopted, that is to say â€" in"g the manufacture of the undermentioned dutr:blo 1. Permits for the removal of spirits from T ad. | goods in Bond, be and the same are hevby adopted Distillery wherein they have been imanufactured, | C_that is to say : | or from any warchouse wherein they have‘ been | 4| *Im subjoct to the provisions ot the Act above buuded or stored, may be granted on the :YP"“- cited, to these Regulations, and to such further Reâ€" tion of the owner of such -rfim. or of his duly A4â€" | puiations, as may hereafter be made y competent thorized ?u. b‘! the collector, or the assistant authority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture :L’“"i')"“ h‘"'“ l:‘:"“'» fz'&“l Inland Rer®â€" | is Bond the articles herein enume red via: e Division in which the spirits then are. \Drugsâ€"including Essences and Extracts, | %. Every appli¢ation for such & pormit shall ! 4 "p5',£,n_.,,‘ & [3 state :â€" i e (Vinegar, | | (@) The number and description of the packâ€" -vm,f,h.,, \ t ages in which the spirits are contained. _ _ â€"| _ |Stareh, uin‘ . & navants _| (e) The quantity, in wine gallons, in each packâ€" ago and its strength. P ; | (d) The equivalent in wine gallons of the strongth | (f The place wherein it is then stored. | (/) The place to which it is to be removed. [ 8 The conveyance by which the removal is to made, % | *(l).Jhthr the duty big. been paid, and, if not, how red. o | (i) The time at which it is to be removed. > | 21) The name, «ocgpationâ€"gnd place of business of the owner, eP rmmccpced $3 P (,;, The namg, place of busingse and ceeupation oldl)o person Bo.wlhm po-eml the lpifitll:.lo to be transferred, and _ _ | sez | (I) The name of the person or |corporation in n{2¢_ custody it will be _dpfi.l’ill its removal _ _ . | 8. Every it shall state the for which i & t remain la forve, which }'i“dh.‘ul not be more than will, im l.ln.?i-lonolgo flurJunting it, be sufficient for effecting the removal of the P o ipeinmentey iss | e permit s accompany / the spirits to which it rs:tu, and remain h':h’gbuu:l]:u of the erson having charge thereof, but it shall be gm- s;ood for examination as often as may be required by any officer having nmbor:ty thergto, and it shail delivered to the collector, or assistant collector, :; Inland Revenue for the Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are to be removed, or wherein they are remored from one place to another, within _|(6) The street, town, city, village, &a Tg.; ‘l'h: place to wh:cyy i: h‘g be removed, 1. The mode of conveyance, «" The aggon on to A B," or « TL un:r Bt. Ho;n.’ or "Tioy Mame 00 edvepmite of 1hs porenes into ame 0 e E-d-hh to be transferred. (9) His residence Im of business in full, ag « 26, Craig stroet, t." (10) Here state whether the 41.7 has been paid, #Mmmflum removed under removal ‘(I.l_)' To be signed by the porson making the reâ€" “‘2...1:.’?@.0â€"“ l 'l 1 a w or ace, its Aé]u Warchouse attached to the ‘Dutiiery of f P. as Preseott," or "Bonding Wuobonnri, at Maitland, &e." __[8) The place to whichtite spirits are to be reâ€" -fi“;imfi i C M ... oummaaeig m rmmfl secupation in futl _ (b) The marks and numbers on each of the pack to act as such must be lodged with the before the Permit is granted, stating the residence, and eccupation of such owner. (4) The Warchouse, or other locality, wherein mâ€".““fi._’ fst Mueg in the on manner im anks in the preceding Form A : * (1) Name and cccupation in full of the person DI{I‘I':OMIH‘M (2) Mis place of residenmce. .. _ _ _ .. _ _ Requisition made at ) [Sd. 11] s [Permit granted at C this _ Collector of Inland Reâ€" | day of . venuse for the Diviâ€" W.‘c’&. .fl'n'n:. ‘the | manner w blanks Peimerl s 1 of eonveyance as "The Steamer k " or the * Waggon belonging to A B," as PRDMENC CHOM NM, MB °. RWW NT REWIUMT ERRDERCC CC : !riimlh? of C D," or « Bonding Warchouse D Prescott," or " The store of J K," as the case may 3) @ Owner" or " Agent for [A B) th * us chem any ve. Th ie Spoh, thse‘ s mriticn period mentioned in the permit. spirit then is, as " The Warchouse attached to ~~~~ +‘ ~â€" ~W. A.JHMSWORTH, B45.â€"tf Assist. k Executive Conncil. ed have been mar ion with the Wareh on the 17th March, 1 Brcown. Requisiion for a Permit. e .« t C No of Permit, examinatiod of any THE OTTA W Local No 3 4 itg4: g&gi a x y yas {i6f gi» 133 PÂ¥A a*e | son thaa ‘ 2 Wb 9 [# ] JLis place of business. m lorsedidiicies -.9 @Paid" or secured in bond," as the case % | ‘‘10) ‘The number of days which, in the opinion of the oflicer grantingthe perimit, may be necessary for the removal. | P 1) | ‘The period named for the removal. l!{ ‘The Inland Revenue Diyision into which the |l|uriu are removed or in which ithe removal trom one place to another takes place. |° At a Oouncil held in the City of Quebe¢\on Monday, § the 24th day of September, l£+0. : * lâ€" RRR@RNT: _ [ .4 s HIS EXCALLENCY THE uo&“m ; AL IN COUNCIL. â€" | inâ€"Council has been Floued to order, 114! it is hereâ€" by. ordered that the following Regulations respectâ€" ing the manufacture of the undermentioned dntr:blo goods in Bond, be and the same nr; herby adopted â€"that is to say : < _ Pto en i t a :â€"du*h to say : P * 1. That subject to the provision® ot the Act above cited, to these Regulations, and to such further Reâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made y competent authority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture im Bnndml.lo utllel;- horl::.n enume . via: | Dr including Essences and Extracts, : ‘,l'c'rgm_ory, NA \\’inoflr. | ' {Varnishes, ‘,, 1 1 {Btarch. > %. That any Bended manufactory licensed under the jabore recited Act, may be ‘cldsed and the Licgnse forfeited, whenever it is shewn t the satisâ€" hetzc.)l of the Minister of Finance there is just cauge for bolieving that frauds u lm Revenue are |perpetrated in connection with such manufacâ€" tory. I T 3. That in addition to the Licenge fee named in the Act.above cited, every person lohaol‘n a " Bondâ€" odlr.-mufncturin, License" is grantéd, shall pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, i? monthly inâ€" stalinents, such suins of money as shall be suffi¢iont for the ll:;.ynom of the expenses ingurred by the Fingnee Department for the effective 'nreni-ion of the jnanufactures carried on under m% iconse, and for faking account of the dutiable artigles consumed in sich manufactare, and of the artidles produced the ‘m aforesaid shall be from timg to time deâ€" terngi by the Minister of Finange,; as he may deeta necessary, and shall, as nearly G:: may be, be im Eflionh the magnitude and genoral characâ€" ter ebusiness carried on under such license. «4/ That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" mo from the apartments of the/manufactory w in they are manufactured as as the whole , of manufacture is corpleted, and shallthen weed in apartments or storeâ€"room$ set apart for that purpose, wherein they sho# be bonded in the mannerrequired by the Excise Bondi lu‘guluiou made bdy“&-dcr in Council, dated the 17th day ‘of ln& 1865; and they shall be dealt with, in respect of their subsequent removal, exportation or entry for donsumption, in accordance with the said Reguâ€" latigus. ; t w. A HIMSWDRTH, _ _ cellency the Governor General, by an Order in 245( Sim, cell m‘{ the Governor General, by: an Urder in Cal;e of this day‘s date, has been ipleased to reâ€" new, for a period of one month from hereof, the Ordér in Council of the 19th March last, directing that « Fire Arms And Munitions of W ar" be importâ€" od ftee of duty lthflh&l::ino, ?Mhtho condition that the Importor ish ollector of Custom with lists of parties desirous of procuring such arms, and that such parties beiknown to be reliable loyal subjects, and such> %lvflo‘o shal mu all such importations made Â¥pon and from ate | You are hereby authorized to refund the duties already paid urm Arms and uum- of W ar isaâ€" ported within the period above na W I am, Sir, y 4 Your obedient seryant, + R. 8. M. BOVCHETTE. Cirdera® No. 175. ‘¥INANCE DEPARTMENT, The Collector of Customs ; The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Imthigration, having authorized the hlie.fion,ll? this: Department, of an occasional 8. , to be callâ€" ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATION GAZETTE,* which will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffusion of accuâ€" rate and usetul intormation concerning Canada abroad, I Nfiono to bring under your notice the advantages this sheet will offer as an advertising medium to land owners, and others having fl'orr'- tiea! w.laboql::l;. A:ihforlll:lfi:::: ;h ind is i or, and much v. every infotiigent emigrant, means will thus bo afforded of holder here. The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized the ning of am Information Office in Liverpool, unde !:o manage~ meht of Mr. Wim. Dixon, a gentloman well acquaintâ€" ed with this and the mother country, who will be specially charged with the d'utribuuok‘of this paper mwm the United Kingdom, and brln‘lngmo same prominently under the notice of the emigrant. * %:o first number will appear in ithe course of next month, the second in April, brin down the information to the latest period, to be followed‘ up monthly or qumflz;'u may be required. As the space it is intended to allot for advertising purposes will be limited, and in view of the l;rflo_ cireulation the lhoolt }'l:lh:bulp, [‘l‘br&!l will be disâ€" tributed ‘f&“m y). ces vertisements cannot be much lower than K‘. following:â€" j â€" For each advertisement, not execeding ten lines, placing the intending purchaser or léssee in Great slrih?:in direct oomml::iculon 'iflltfin property. $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for mr{v very extra line. g:s’n‘qnm of 22 lines, to stand for a twelveâ€" 1n all cases, advertisoements must be prepaid, u&l early transmission is recommended. _ undersi will gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a al character for publication, bearâ€" ing on the subject of Immigration, such as letters froth uh:l.d settlers, “"hf their p;o‘nu in the country, inting out the peculiar advanta of | ;lhrzir 5 diulZict gn particular, '&u.q [t‘z: ad possi | @OVERNMENT ROUSE, 4| 4 Ottawa, 17th August, 1866. : PRRSENT : 0 HIB BXCBLLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL nll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to 1sy before the Council a ‘l‘:dfi‘l of Duties to be imposed wnder the authority n Act of the: uflllohn of Canada, .mnd in the session thereâ€" of held in the Twontyâ€" and Thirticth years of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled : | 1 #An Actto provide a fund towards defraying expenses incurred for matters muutz to the 6@#â€" ciency of the Rarhtry Laws of Lower Canada." Whereupon His Excellency was pleased to order Whereupon His Excellency was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" | That on, from and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBER next, there shall be imposed, levied and cellpcted on cach deed, instrument or document réâ€" February 10. red in an; Roflnry Office in Lower Canada, fi?nn ovor{?lm made in such Registry. Office on or after the raid day, the following dutics: resâ€" poctively, that is to say : &1 i ;): ozory will, myarriage oontrm:or donation, h /ents. (’€-n doed or instrunent effecting or evidencâ€" inglthe rale, etchange, bypothosontiwn| of morlgage of rbal property, for a sum or cc hglnvdnao. Thirty Cents, w "{Eln:.h until further odc:t: the nMBn‘ dutics .h':’lil. in‘ e Registration Counties or Registration Diâ€" visions of Lower Canada, be paid i1 money, and the amount of such duties received by every Regisâ€" lrlz mgoefinly. shall be by him sccounted for and paid over to the Recoirer General immediately after the close of every third month, tq be reckoned fromn the said First day of October next. _ _ directly to Importers in Canads beput on the same footing as duti â€""@ovErnNMENt noUsEâ€"OThawa. Ej Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. +4 , Presext. Hiq Bxomuzxcr tux Aoumistrato® Or Ttas Govâ€" ERNMEXT IN CoUNCIL. , 18 EXCELLENCY was rh‘ld to lay before the Council a Report ronfln Comunisâ€" siomer of Customs, dated 15th December, 1865, and :gnud bi.:h Hon. the Minister of ;‘hum. statâ€" that un m‘::.dn’hr 1J of the Con. Stat., Can., See, 24, an Order in Council was passed Jusuary 1, 1866 Stat., Can., See, 24, an Order in ‘Council was passed on $8th April, 1853, directing "that Ggods bona /ide to this Pmlaoomfron any| country, but in trancitu w another ofi: and unâ€" er Bonds shall be,until it shall be oth ordered, Lo I hn it in command to inform y-* that Hig Exâ€" m ioi en ucaiils nc Esc LN â€"_XAuBols al proper every other deed or instrument, Fijteen Cents every search, with or without ate, Fio Iam, Sir .__. _ Your obedient serventt > A. C. BUCHANAN, Chief Agent. cz-nf" Ottawa, June 6, 1866. CHETTE. 144â€"tf ast. C. E. C No. 8. "OTraAwA TIMES" Printing Works! 60, Sparks 8t., Centre Town. WILL AFFORD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM ADVERTISING IT HAS BEENX TRULY SAID TRHAT *4 JUDICIOUS APPLICATION OF TRE Dry Goods, This is the Motto of every Real Or Hardware ._ADVERTISE! Let the World Know It Through Which it Will Reach PROPERTY to SELL Do You want to Buy ? No Matter what your Business NOW is the TLME TUE "OMTAWA Thiks" 0OCTOBER 26¢, 1866 PRINTERS INK IS ONE 0) THE LEADING AVENUES TO WEALTH® TO BUSINESS MEN IN THE ADV ERTUISH. THE "TIMES" : ADVERLISE! Groceries, ISâ€"THE MEDJIUM BUSINESS MAN. ADVERTISE!! STUTEA M TME PUBLIG. ADVERTISE! IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAYVE orFICE : T H B Crockery, =â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€". LINE OF ADVERTISE. Glassware, WH;.;;' Ry His Excellency the %M Honorable CHARLES Btixikr Viscovt Moxcx, Baron Moneck of Ballytramon, in the County W exford, Governorâ€" General of British North America, and Captainâ€" General and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and overthe Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunsâ€" wick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and < Viceâ€"Admiral of the same, &e., &c. To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"G®EETâ€" ING : A PROCLAMATION. @xo. Er. Cartie®, HEREAS, in and Alty.~Gen. _ ‘ w by the _ thirtyâ€"cight ooo R 1 Aity.â€"Gen, _ § WW _ by the thirtyâ€"cight chapter of Consolidated Statutes of Canada, intiâ€" tuled : " An Act respecting the presorvation of the Public Health," it is amongst other things enacted, that whenever this Province or any part thereof, or place therein, appears to be threatened with any formidable epidemic, endemic or contagious disâ€" ease the Governor may, by Proclamation, to be I:(y him from time to time issued, by and with the‘ adâ€" Â¥ice and consent of the Executive Council of this Province declare the said Act to be in force in this Provinee, or in any part: thereof, or ?l.“ therein, mentioned in such Proclamation, lnd_ t_lhgll thoreâ€" upon be in force accordingly ; and the Governor may in like manner from time to time, as to all or any of the parts or places to which any such Procâ€" lamation extends, revoke or renew any such Procâ€" lamation : and, subject to such revocation and reâ€" newal as ll'ureuid,evex such Proclamation shall haveâ€"effect for six months or for any shorter poriod in such. Proclamation expressed ; Axp Wirreas, although there exists no reason for serious alarm, the Province .Z?“" to be so far threatened with Asiatic Cholera, a disease within the meanâ€" ing of the said Act, as torender it expedient that all aneosnr{ ‘Kmnul.ionu should be. taken for the proâ€" tection of the Public Health, and it is thérefore oxâ€" pedient to declare the said Act to bo in force in the said Province. Now Know Yo, that by virtue of the power in Me vested by the said Act, I, the said Governor of this Province by and with the advice of the Executive Council of the said Province, do hereâ€" by declare the said Act herein before mentioned to be in fores in this Province, from and after the date of these Ptuglu,nd that the same do and shall conâ€" tinue in foreé for and during the period of 6 Calendar Months from the date hereof, unless this Proclamaâ€" tion be soon revoked and recalled under the proâ€" visions of the said Act : Of all which, Her Majesty‘s leving subjects, and all others whom these presents do or may in anywise concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themseives accordingly, Givzx under my Hand and Seal at / A,f.'.'.'.f.'-.'.'.,{..' Wl have appointed Mr. J. LESLIE, Sparks Street, sole Agent for sale of above Watches, and cantion the public against being im posed upon by Watches marked « Makers to the Queen," but which are not manufactured by -;s â€" THCMAS RUSSELL & SON, . FINANCE, DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS, + Ottawa, June 14th, 1866. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Lightsâ€"Gulf of St. Mza:;ue. Prince Edward and. TII' GovERNXMENT OF PRINCE ED ward I#sland has given notice thatas Light House has roocnfll been erected on the North Point of that lsland, in 47°, 3‘, 46" N., and Longitude 639 ,59", 9" W. . The Light stands ei it{ feet high above water, and shows a fixed wpito‘ig . PTWH MTin NOZ ECCC ONEL ol Sm s qanH c Government Houge, in the CITY OF OTTAWA, in the said Province, this TENTH day of April, in the the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtyâ€"six, and in the Twenty Ninth year of Her Majesty‘s Reign. * 4 MONCK. By Command, « W M. McDOUGALL, Secretary. _ 124â€"tf GOVERNMENT HOUSE. $A Ottawa, Wednesday, 7th June, 1866 Parsext: se« BIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENâ€" ERAL INCOUNCIL Hll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASEKD to lay before the Council a Memorandum from the Hon. the Minister of Finance, secommending that Peas, Barley, and Oats, as well as Petroloum, which have ‘nid full Toll the Welland Caâ€" nal, be permitted to Plflfill’fll’ the St. Lawrence, Ottawa and Chambly Canals free of Toll. Whom.son MHis Excellency in Council, on the recommendation aforesaid, and under and by virâ€" tue of the authority &l"n and conferred bqy the 85th section of the 28th Chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is hereb ordered, that on, from and after the TWENTI ET{I day of JUNE instant, Peas, Barley, Oats and{Petroâ€" leum, which have paidfull Toll on the Welland Canal, be and the same are hereby allowed to ‘i)m free throughthe St. Lawrence Canal, the Rideau and Ottawa Canals, the| St Amn‘s Lock and the Chambly Canal Â¥. ®irks,""""1 May 31, 1866. and is increasing and extending its ravages, and whereas it is expedient, in order to prevent the inâ€" troduction ofbm u:o lnrt&t:il Pm;lheo,d that the sea of ce animals and articles should be prollhhd- His Excellency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the Honerable the Minister of Agriculture, and under the authority given and conferred by the HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL WI'IBBEAI, BY AN ACT PASSED IN the twentyâ€"ninth year of Her Majosty‘s Reign, ‘intituled «* An Act to 'ytovide agzinst the introduction and spreading of disorders affecting certain nim.‘h';nm.hority is given to the Governor in Council to such measurcs as may appear to be necessary in order to m the introduction of contagious ar ‘infectious ¢ ‘n affecting sheep, cattle, horses, and otheranimals, and check une% disorders from spreading, if introduced ; said Act, has been pleased toorder, and it is hereâ€" Do orfaron, that on, from and ahor the FIHGT uny of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animals, hlg. straw, and fodder, be, and the same is prohibited ; save and except such cargo or carâ€" goes, or part of eargo, ‘as His Excellency in Counâ€" cil may hereafter see fitto exempt from such proâ€" hibition. February 28, 1866. the River Trent, vis : One cent per Saw Log of thirteen feet in length and in the ‘same ‘sropofl.ion on picces of greater length, and one dollar on each crib of square timâ€" ber; and chat the above toll of one cent be collected on such Saw Logs, and one dollar on all such Cribs of square timber as have ;uuod down the River Trent from the opening of the present lShon of naâ€" HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENE. RAL IN COUNCLL. 0. THE RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Commissioner of Public W orks, and under the authority ot the Consolidated Statutes of Canads, 22 Victoria, chapter 28, section 85, His Excellency is pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered that the fdlom’h{n!'om be imposed on Saw m‘h’-bu. &c., passing down the slides at Chisâ€" m, samsay‘s Falls, Middle . Falls, Healy‘s Falls and Crooks Rapids, on the works of Voms__P 41 mxsn LNE _ PROVINCE OF CANADA. hhy-'c;flinnd,‘ GovERNMENT HOUSE. Ottawa, Tuesday, 14th August, 1866, PRESENT : u4A i P on 4 W. H. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs H. LEE, Clerk Executive Council, 66â€"f London and Liverpool. C 13’59{‘ k +TA ZA C Clerk Exeoutive éounefl‘ W. H. LEE, 0CEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ACADIAN,... ... (Building) .. . . 2090 AUSTRIAN .... , (Building) . ..« ++>>>« PERVYVIAN. .Capt. Ballantine . .. , 2600 MORAVIAN... . Capt.Aiton . .. . +« 2650 HIBERNIAN..Capt. Dutton ... . . 2434 {;’0":\-5(:("[‘“\24 . .Capt. Wylie, , . 2300 ‘l'lLUlAN......CnEt. Brown .. . 2400 NORTHâ€"A MERICA N,.Capt. Kerr, 1784 DAMASUCUS,;.. .. Capt. \3.1: . , . «1800 | â€"â€" Fixaxos Derartuext, i Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863 l‘l‘ls DIRECTED BY THE HON. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on An;r&n hvo:‘eo‘l.,l :hlei is to be i: m.m wit price as represented chan at a rite 3-;1 Theroto, ‘Buch notices to nppo‘:r' every Saturday in the Canada Gazetr®. | R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. Rates of Through Passage from OTTAWA to LLV EIPOOL or LONDONDERRY : CABIN..., .. .... . $66.75 to $86.15. k (According to. accommodation.) Fixaxcs Derartwext, Costoms, . * P94 Ottawa, Oct. 19, 1866. l!(\ ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE Order, notice is heroby flvw that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be this day 32 per cent, which percentage of deduction is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all purâ€" chases made in the United States du that week. [3 R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. s ;lg’,’\cmniing to. accommodnt?on, ) S:. EERAGE . ... : . + «.+ . . ++ +4§84,.20, â€"RETURN TICKETS GRANTED| AT ! _ â€"REDUCED RATES. .. | 8ST. DAVID, 1650 tons..... 8T. GEORGE, 1408 tons ... 8T. ANDREW, 1432 tons ... ST. PATRICK, 1207 tons . .. Passengers Booked to 8T. ANDREW, 1432 tons. ... .. Capt. Scott, ST. PATRICK, 1207 tons.. ;. .. Capt. Trocks, The steamers of this Line will sail at reguâ€" lar intervals between the Clyde and Quebec. Berths not secured until paid for. For|passage, or any other particulars, ap ply to « 24 HEUBACH & COWARD. | Acexts ar Orrawa. By allwho are sick, or who wish to prevent sickâ€" ness. It is the only genuineâ€"or original preparaâ€" tion for the pe{me@l_:t‘gn)ol the most dangerous Andcvoty kind of Screfulous and Scabious erupâ€" 5 ‘tions. It ig also a sure rémedy for ___"~, . , ind confitmed cases of P > a ; Scrpfula, Old" 88res, Bolls, Tumors, Ab= I scesses, Ulcers, siLr wiféoa} riNns: worM, TETTER, _ [scarvHkx» axb sovrvey. Itis guaranteed to be the purest and mast powerâ€" ‘“ ful ptopuumu of P GENUINE HONDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, And isithe only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, | even in its worst forms. It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all diseases arising from a vitiated or impure stute of the blood, and particularly so nection with from depraved humors, or impure blood. ‘The most helpless sufferers need notduar Underthe influâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies that have heretofore been considered utterly incurâ€" &o., &o.2 « h'hoannmtoraurl)iumoolh LIVER, STOMACH AND BOWELS. y vhmare * ‘Ahose Pili These Pills are prepared expressly to operate in Keriony with that groatest of ait biood purihere, able, disappear quickly and y. In the‘ ‘5.!;:.&.3., realh p_m'. are the safest, :: uickest, e best remedy ever prepared, &wld,bc at once resorted to : f Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Comée plaints, Constipation, Headache, _‘ and Piles. * Bristol‘s Sarsaparilla, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Contâ€" ed Pills are for sale by all Dnlgfl:u every where Sold in Ottawa by John Roberts, -..2“"’, W.F. MacCarthy, J, f'enninzn, W. M. Massey, and Geo. Mortimer. + 48utf P October next, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of *he said Court for a"‘.’ar the Put up in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep lnmoos with that greatest of all blood purifiers, BRISTOL‘S SARSAPARILLA, in cases arising Aug. 10â€"2008f | BRISTOLUS (Vegetable) Sugarâ€"Ooaped PROVINCE OF CANADA, ) In the County Court, County of Carleton, of the County | _ To wit : of Carleton, In the matter of LEON DAVID and LEONARD DESMER.1S, Insolvents. t sUMMER SERVICE. h en usmm SATILING WEEKLY AMERICAN INVOICESâ€"DISCOUXTs. Ottawa, May, 14 PnsPR ied 207â€"2m LEONARD DESMERAIS. Ottawa, 16in day of A 1866. e * LEON DAVID, P I L LS. Insolvent Act of 1864. N THE TWENTYâ€"THIRD DAY OF OUEAN STEAMSHIPS. MONTREAL. USI€!I MUSIC 1: FRENCH AND zn’lhh Bongs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valses GLAsGoW LLIN KE SALE. 2,500 BAGS LLVERPOOL SALT. L;reqmd 4& Londonderry. DUVERKAY BRo when used in conâ€" Capt Aird. Capt. Smith 2650 125â€"y Tons Tons Tons Ton# ‘Tons Tons ons PIANO â€"FORTES ! DRIGG# NEW PATENT ‘ RE THE ONXLY INX8TRUMENXTs constructed on a truly Scientific l'ri.cirh.â€" They have .mhu‘lg:gh, and will remainlonger in Tune, than any r Piano. The construction is simple and natural, all the extrancous Jumber in the body of the instrument is dispensed with ; the sound boards are merely two arched planks of this wood, like the front and back of a vivlin; the strings are attached to a strong iron frame, which is separated and entirely independent of the case, thereby dispensing with the cld harp form of string ing by substituting straight bridges, presorving at the same time the Over strung Jim««, of which Mr Daioos is the Inventot, (By these improvements we gain much more vibratory power, at the xame time preserving all its purity and richness of tone. time preserving all it« purity and ri They have reccived the highest t« the prees, and all the principal arti try, among which are: Marry banderson, 4., «M Hax Maretsck, | A. T4 Marry banderson, 1., M, Goltachalle Hax Mavrelsek, | A, Thatberg, Theadore KAzheld, | W‘m, «Mesony : Merman Wollenhaupt, «J, Harili, k Francis H, rowny _ | U, Aireckouch, W‘m, Menry Pry, | Char, Fradel MH. SEGESMUND THKLLLEI®G, the greut ianist, says :â€"1 have examined your new Pianoâ€" y‘ortu, and 1 cordially nfwyru\o of its system of construction. . Its principle, by which great inâ€" erease of vibratory power is obtained, being wery simple Lnd[-erlbetljy philosophical. The tone is grand and noble ; it has great capacity for susâ€" taining theâ€"sound for singing, and its wolume of tone or power J have never heard excelled in «'q»('u, purity, and aympathetic eweetucss. . _ _ |____ purilL, and u{-mynumi«- EWeetnors. WM. HENKY FRY, late musicabcritic of The N. Y. Tribuncéays:â€"1 have cxamined your newly invented Pimnoâ€"Fortes, They merit all the praise given to them by Messr=. Thalberg, Gottechalk Strackorch, Mason and others. As regards strucâ€" ture, they are original and philosophical ; in purity, volume, ®nd continuity of tones; im voeul versimiliâ€" tude,.thut crowning excellence which enuhlés the pianists to * «ing" on the instrument. . Your Piance ever deserve the highest rank. Your invention, in my opinion, is destined to work radieal changer in the manufacture of Pianos throughout the world. E. From Thg N. Y. Herald, Seyt. 5.â€"Upon a caretul ‘nminnti-nhl Dsica‘s Plano Forte, we find the results obtained are a very fine singing tone, great purity and{brilliancy throughout the entive instruâ€" ment, not often found in Planos constructed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, July 12, says :â€"We have now an instrument withodt anequal. lt can sing with a emooth delicacy, |erk-d1y unattainable on u.i other instrument; an ordinary player obtaims wit :c&u‘:?lfll. the tulhTu of a Gund‘i"inno]l-'ume, y muast lg-di supercede the. e. a HENTLEMEN :â€" .vin" '.E::ro-“‘:&.-& ani tested the Pianoâ€"Fortes, invented and patented by Mr. 8. B. Dri‘fi‘. 1 ai of the opinion tru the tone resulting frem his improvgements as exbibited in the iw' under examination, in point of richness, depth and brillianey, equals that of the best (E.nd Pinoâ€"l’om,nnd exzcels them in pure, musical inâ€" tonation actual tone, power thus approximatâ€" ing clgser to what I considet perfertion in the instouâ€" ment than has yet been achieved by any other system it t o * .. s oure respesthitly,) _‘ 4 o i |_Yours 4 ; L. M 50‘!1‘&;!‘&!&- Automatic Organs. PATBNT BASSO TENUTO OR SUBâ€"Bas School Organs & Melodeons Finished in Elegant Rosewood, W alnut or ork cases Every Instrument Warranted for Five Â¥earsâ€" No Charge for Boxing f or Shipping. C of the most eminent musicians, us to the urrh excellence of our instrumentsâ€"will. be seut free to any address.. _ _ & ioi o 35,000 Now in Use. Anuther objection to this method of blowing was, that both feet being occupied, no opportunity was offered fur the on-&“mm of the ewell. _ Within the past two years, ments constructed on this European plan of ©double blowers," have been manufactured in this country, and to counteract this difficulty (want of a ewell) a lever has been preâ€" joeted from the centre of the instrument, to act u{-m upon the swell, axp orkratep ®y tus «ar. The inconvenience and contortion necessary to effect ‘this object are disagrecable enough to a gentiomar, but to a M.Lthouo of such an appendage is nearâ€" ty imposlible. . â€" : 1 C/r* The Melodcon and School Organ» For seyentéen yéars the superior excellonce of our Melodeons hias not been questioned, ‘and for two ’e-nbnqt the enormous demand has made it im possible for us to meet our orders premptly. With .‘:‘r increased m&l:;mo feel --nmn.:h u;r- our r orders w y. mot, m a continuance of their |wrugo. A" ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE CONTAINâ€" Z%. ing full description of style, and testimonials The Automatic Orgasm 4 In presenting the Aurexaric Orcax, we boldly announce the greatest triumph in musical instru mients of the Age. During the past half cextury,the French and Germans have manufactured reed inâ€" struments with double beliows, and two pedals for tite feet to operate, but the want of the reversed or EXHAUETEDP skLLows, (which is the only 58# ows used in our instruments,) made it impossible fof t em to produce the meliow, rich and musicaltone _ which our inctruments are celebrated. L _ Out Avtomatic device obviates this difficulty enâ€" direly, the sHapls act of Sroning with snore oo fere Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Bore Thront Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the ru-h, rost Bites, &o., ke. 4 Tnl CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER Has now been before.â€"the public for s length of 1x hujic uetent is give iptomadn en mint a ve . ‘when timely used, and 'oi‘uc wever known a #ingle case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the , all are delightâ€" ed with ‘its wfi in the hi “'#"'?..." Trom axperients in this featter, havi ¢ rom ence is matter, havi tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who s:u‘ force the desired increase or decrease in the vd-‘ciz.&o tone. Among the most important of modern Medical Disâ€" coveries stands the in full, ©GEO. A. PRINCE & CO." When a dealer represents any other instrument as «the same as ours," it is usually a mere attemptto sell an inferior instrument on which be can make a ?-8-â€"% liberal discount to Cburches, Clergymen and Schools. Address GEO. A. PRINCE & Co., . Buffalo, N. Y Ottawa, Dec. 18th, 1865. & +o y CANADIAN PAIN RESTROYER ! suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" The A‘dnbhfi eficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing diseases for which it 1s reâ€" commended, and its wonderful"success in subduing l.hmrh’ pains of Rboumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high runk in the list of Remedies for these complaints, Orders are from Medicine Dealors in all parts of the for further -mim and each testifying as to the universal it givess > The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers hm it. Physicians erder and use it ; and no fawmily will b fl!‘dfl after once trying it. . Price twenty â€"five eofl ‘l-or bottle. 4 NORTHKOP & LYMAXN, ed accounts of Ar Tes Orrawa Tiuxs.â€"Printed and Published every morning, (Sundays excepted,) by , Groxes Corrox, Proprictor, at the Timrs Steam Printing Works, No. /60, Sparks Btreot, in the City of Ottawr County â€" Carleton, C. W . @4 . tawa. Bo ’p Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W !nn H. Â¥. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in Ot Victoria Terrace, Dttaw a, No‘l‘lt‘t.-rl.lll' l_P.cll"lCA'l‘lOil a W and Estimates of Buildings prepured; disputâ€" $52 to $552 EKACH. THIRTYâ€"NINE YARIETIES Before purchasing, send for a descriptive catm Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. Caution to Purchasers, All of our Instruments hiave ng.t\en-:-boni. full, ©GEO. A. PRINCE & CO." When a Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866 Geo. A. Prince & Co‘s PATENT oo in oult, AUGUSTUS LAVER, _ _ MM‘I@..ANL"J%%., §l0s . ts __D_OM Buildings BOLE AGKNTS f â€"_WM. HALL & SON, 543 Bmulwli. NEW YORK .__Newcastle, C. W., General Agents for C, W id hness of tone. timonials froie t# in the coun» JR S C u‘ uI:d 1â€"dwâ€"y 1â€"y . _ Oitawa, January 27, To all parts of Cana $ cts, if unpaid, 7 ot«. Letters for British Colu _ fkce: Elgin Street, Auexaxons Ross. Qitawa, Jaly 28. _ fonal English Mails, “-er 1 (e e ui y id 12 aiternate Satarday, at . Boston, every alternate . Rucisrerro Larrees . aid thirty minutes pric $AF" Olice boursâ€"8 a e d tusk To the United fiuteq EDW ARD ‘I BAunllflu, We Notary Public, Cle Crown Attorney, for the t‘l‘follliolf- %. Chancery, Conveya Jurner‘s Shoe Store, Rid Oitewa, April 27. Jttawa, Jan. 12, 1866. Unckingham, Grenville Lower Otta »»4a Semptville, u-..:fi«. &« "helsea and Waxefeld, Peupleton& E‘et Temapl ham, C.K. $A Asrowids to wll Ottawa. Febraary 7, 1866. A"'l'olll"-l" Chancery, Convey ide of York strest, two Ottawa, Febraary T, 1 _ Orvice : In the Court January 27, 1866. _ Cexrtral OGawa. f muiax Duck. A'I"I‘OI.IIV-A'I' Chancery , Conveys aay entrust him. Mr wit in and for the dist December 28, 1865. BAulu-rr.- Chancery, &c. w romg ho s ‘a <s Public, &c., &¢ Aylmer & N. Shore of 0: _uu®io®: Union Buil february 21, 1866. ~ J protn Gucice: aay entrust h.i:,’hz'} Mr. Wright wi Srideysint rery woreke last and Westyby Rail bell‘s Corners, Aichime __ Wu. Cixoo. Atawa, Feb. 7, 1866. GEO, L0OGA® HOICPATIIC and Accoucheur. Orric®: In Horae‘s: he office at night. . _ Qrrice: Post Office E. B. Harcoc«. ebruary 7, 1866. Ottawa, March 20, 1 Ottewa, January 27, P-Yllfl A N Office : Huntor ©COLMAX ‘DVOCATEI. I neysâ€"atâ€"Law . Orrices: Mull and . ::&;:.. Dec. Ii‘i“< P Telegraph Build "pams, lgu:el 10, 1 Ottawa, Feb. 7, 1866. new, but certain, Di £ Puvuaslo 1 Ottawa. Day 0 W. MALLSIL p A EOS UR q TTORNE Y8%«A Chancery, Convey HAYOOCK TFPORNE ¥®â€"A CLEGG ARRISTER® MESSItS. D ARRISTER® ARRISTER, A BC IS T ACHC, 1 Orrices : Court YOL â€" L. or, Sand Point, 1 oke.&C ,B. side OV ATE of THE PorT 0 Orrice: Horne‘s JOHXNX SW JOSEPIIL J AUTGUST DELITERING ANI ROSS & LEKS & W . J N & 418 RATHS 0 D. oC DR. V DR. ~M. DJ

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