| * _ ROR MILITARY HOSPITALS f , _ 1. Provisidns to Military Hospitals. | *2. Washing Bedding and Clothing. | 3. Emptying priviesâ€"at per privy per, time. V °4 Emptying Ashpitsâ€"at so much per annum to | be quarterly, and emptied as oft demand? 1 o‘.'.::‘-u'ul to coase Ilhd-:u m“‘l.v.n up. "nm-nxp‘-bm.-m-bum-ffl' MAIL CONTRACT. (From his OPERA HOUSE, New York,) "Composed of the mogt Talented Artists in the Proâ€" New Acts in Minstrelsy, &c MR.BILLY PASTOR The,Quebec Fire Relief Fund, _ + __ _ , _ fession, who will appear in TONY PAasTOR‘® g' CoxIC spNGs, NEW PANTOMIMES. DANCEsS, ’?&Cm . BURLESQUES, Ou Monday ev‘g., 5th of November; When will be presented for. the first time in th ~ . city.the beautiful comedy, entitled * TO PARIS AND BACK FOR £5 BEDOUIN ARABS, At Her flaje_s__ty'o Theatro. POSITIVELY 2 NIGHTS ONLY. THE WORLD‘S FAVORITE TROUPE, and all other necessary information can be obtainâ€" ed at the Commissariat Office at Kingston. No tenders except those on the prin‘ed forms will h-‘nl..'-llhdg:“ghmt:uo-dbhm‘ ““ M suretios. f A. M. FESTING, e f D. A. C. G., Commis=ariat Officer, _ In charge Kingston District. Crand Amatour Porformance With the assistance of Mrss Fromxycr and Miss Congrtaxce Gro#yrNoR,; Ottawa, October 30 TONY PASTOR‘S COMBINATION ! Thursday and Friday Ev‘ngs., * SOVEMBER 8 ANXD 9, 1866. ° Return of the ever Welcome afd Famous Duprez & Benedict‘s Under the i-odmopmug of Wis Worship the Mayor and Corporation, and the Relief Q-J.t. COMIC OPERA TROUPE S$1GNOR MONTEVERDI!, MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND From the St. Charles Theatre, New Orieans, Crowned with Lanrels and Immense Succt HER MAJESTY‘S3 THEATRE ! Having bad the honor to to one of the ioiï¬ re ever of the burnt nrhu- CIAI.?I NOLDS, LEW BENEDICT and BILLY WEST, the three uncqualled Comedians, will appear in some of their latest Novelties. Doors open at 7 ; to commence at 8 o‘clock. _ * THE GREAT SHOW OF <AMBRICA. hg trict, until noon, on _ _ Saturday, 3rd November next, For the fullow &c., at Ottawa, from the Miake o the w in athere, to 20iK Sep. i.’i.?uu-:." ing stationed there, to 30th Sep. tember, 1367, 0 m«-ummm. FOR 2 NIGHTS ONLY ! I'I Nr‘uc&r:&:u service &.: ..p‘:yd marked on LJ rece! ~,=?-iw c--h-um Kingston Disâ€" if before that day & ing down, cleaning and refixing Stoves .‘?mâ€"dmswnptum. 6, Sweeping Chimniesâ€"at per flue per time. T. Removal of snow trom Hospital Yard and Roof at per hour. 3 * Separate Tender« will be ired fhr each of the ® mirlintrne o mid), ud of teadess, C. T. SLOCU M, Agent. Ottawa, October 27. h ue on c SDER®, Postmasterâ€" ##, Noon, on BER, \for the com on & Cor week way, b Station, (0, & P. Conveyanie to wa, until Noon, on FRIDAY, the 23rd of NOVEMâ€" BER, the conveyance of lier Majesty‘s Mails, on a Contract for four years, six times per week way, between North Gowerand Osgoode Station, (0, & P. Railway), from the 1st Januaary Mflé’\hb.&hnhfldflk.whn vehicle. \ s Ts to yare were Oc ner ty onliage excepted, at such\hours as may be J The favorite Clown: and Comic Vocalist. fl‘?lc-b; reserved Seats 50 cents. Doors pen ati? ; commence at 8 d‘clock. fls x LEW R. PIKE, Ageat. For further rfliflhfl see small bills. Maxaoenâ€"jir. Richard S. Newcombe. Texascrerâ€"His Worship the Mayor of Ottawa. Staoe Drarcrorâ€"\tr. h‘u t’h-o.. @oD savE THE QÂ¥EEN. _ (Byv Prox Boccicavir) .0 00 l RO" Dr. I1. Hill will also deliver ad address. towan‘s splendid bard will be in attendance. . Doors open at 7 ; petformance to commence at The Famous Contartionist. ‘The whole under the immediate directiort of WOSEL BEX SAIB aad XORLEL LAU SOXNY, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, Novewsem 6 & 7. THE PHANTOM,. The Original and only In their wonderfal Gymnastic Feats * JUST FROM XEW ORLEANS, DER®, ADDRESSED TO THE stmasterâ€"General, will bo recoived at Ottaâ€" AMVUSEMENTS: (Br Joux Manison Mogtox,) (Lare Dureez & Gzezs), CHAS. 1. DUPREZ, Manager. OX § IA8td found on the premises previous to and during the EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE together with the Horses, Carri;se:. Harness, Sleighs, Buffalo Robes, &c., &¢. ; the Bar Furniture, Fixztures, Liquor, Glassware, &c. As the hotel was opened in May last, the Furniâ€" ture and Motel Fixtures are all quite new, and barâ€" dred dollars cash ; over that amount three mooths credit will be given on approved endorsed paper. . Until the whote is disposed of. The property conâ€" sists of a large quantity of Kitchen furniture of en? description, in Dilincillwn Extension Din» ing Tables, ghh‘ Room Chairs, Couches, &c. In Parlor Furnitare, Hair Cloth Sofas, Hair Cloth Chairs to match, Tapistry,Carpet; Mirrors, Pictures, Parlor Ornaments, &c. â€" Also ohe of Chkhtil&': best soven octave Pianos, new this spring, with Furniture, Beds and Bedding of fifty Bed Rooms ; f e A. ROWE, | 216y ~. _ Auctioneer and Commission Agert. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves 'l‘lll CANADA (LATE CHAMPAGNES Hotel), having beer rented to Government, the pmrwt has instructed Mr. Rowe to sell the whole of this large hotel farmshings by pablic auction, on the premises, commencing on Monday, *}0th of October, gains may be .,’ru',, ed, as the wholoe must be sold. ‘l‘lllg OF SALE.â€"All sums under one bunâ€" 20 per Cent. less than Cost. To close the Consignment. Those Stoves 1 gmaranâ€" Ahmï¬ï¬‚ul'm-flm Purâ€" niture always on hand. All orders for manufactur CONKING STOVES, of various sizes and patterns, with low and elevated Ovens, will sell at &‘S’N‘Nâ€*ï¬.’iï¬ï¬i irge namber of second hand Cooking Stoves, l‘-gg.vu. s-ulPu- lor Stoves, at low figures. piture always on hand. All orders for manufactur hn-fly;mh Crockery, China and Glassware. Household Furniture, Auction Sales every Evening. CEHIN .A SETS! And other articles too numerous to mention, will be noticed, aud the signatures t IEANCYVGOODS AT O. W ARDELL & CO.‘S DRY GOODS! â€" _ â€"___ img at halfâ€"pastseren o‘clock. _ _ « 0. WARDELL & CO. Ottawa, September 11. t26y Where they will sell at public auction every ovenâ€" SATURDAY, 3rd i&vm:zn.;n next, for the folâ€" lowing -qlh-ud services, at Ottawa, from the date of the mphh&mmdmmm â€" tember, 1867, or until the date of their withdrawal, SIALID TENDERS IN DUPLICATE â€"the service or supply being marked on the envelopeâ€"will be received by the Senior Commisâ€" if before that day sariat Officer, il%t}i-' District, until ; on SATURDAY, 3rd NOVEMBER nest, for the folâ€" ** } WICKB, for Coal Oil Lamps, at por dozen. 6. WATER, for Troops, at per 100 gallons, | 7. LAXD TRANSPORTâ€"Cartage. | Separate Tenders will be required for each of the above services, 1 to 7. o £ "1 Thmd&oum-lmgow ich icular attention is iuvited), the quanâ€" w‘d each article required, or the nature of the mmwumorï¬.msam,mw other necessary information, can be obtained at Commissariat Oflice, Kingston. . No Tenders, except those on the printed for Further information may.be obtained of J VARIETY â€"HALL, No. 54, SUSSEX S$STREET. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING REâ€" To this department particular attention is given w Sale to commence each day at 10 o‘clock, a. GENERAL SERVICE 1. FRESH MEAT, at per 100 Ibs. 2. BREAD, at per . do. 3. FIREWOOD, atper cord. 4. FORAGE, at per ration. 3. § COAL OIL, at per Gallop. _ Morses, Carriages, &c. NO,. 34, SUSSEX STREET, A TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OP READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, AND NEW AUCTION ROOMS OF EYERY DFSC2IPTiO® ; AND FoLLoWING DAYS, Kingston, C. W., In charge of Kingston District. AT TH® OP A. M. FESTIN®,: â€" J £LUCGK., Commission Agent. z& i & <§3 «* * The â€" Shawl, Mantle, and Millinery 0!.'! 8TOCK OF FASHIONABLE lbry aoops being now completed we have much pleasure in inviting inspection of the rollliwing choice Good#, vis. : . o Hoainh RetiNGRE " sorr cmaag gaiue," FRENCH MERINOES, « very cheap."! â€"â€" LA QTTAW A, October 22. sSEHOW ROOMS, {. Sparks Street, â€"‘~â€" |â€" ~â€" Ottawa. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY, Atvaf I I (LATE J48. BrovaIt & c0) SUSSEX STREET, OTTAW A, October 17. | _ } A LARGE VARIETY OF FANCY ARTICLES :S:‘i":;::dn prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make up in the les and fashion, and as are under th ri T a sty o TED To PLT. they * r o superintendence of experienced cutters, rhoy aro GRANTL AND HENDERSON, A“ NOwW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED #TC GOODS, which they will sell CHEA? FOR CASH. ; Importers of Dry Goods. O‘MEA BR A.) & CO., NO'I'IOI Is HEREZY GIVEN, 'l'l{h'l‘ this Bridge will be looked open from ‘Six UM: w., until Seven a, m. uzrnodop.n- Ing or lllv it without authority will be liable to a penalty of forty dollars. I * JAMES D. SLATEH, t Superintendent K. Canai. Ottawa. Octoher 30. 9 268â€"8 °|| Ottawa, October 30. FRENCH MERINOES, « "'Ese;“"" + I RUBIAX HÂ¥> EMPR CL(EHS. « nice Goods." FANCY STRIPED POPLLNETTES, "tashionable." GLASGOW, BRADFORD, & AB WI . _ COBOURGS, THIBETS, & ALPACCAS STRIPED & CHECKED SKIRTL NCASIHIILRE, WELSH & SAXONY FLANNELS, « cheap." | COTTON GOODS, of every description, " very low." | CLOTHS, from all the best manufacturers, "for Ladies‘ and SHAWLS, MANTLES, &!ILUNIB\' GOO0DS, and OCTOBER 29, 1866. CLOTHS AND CLOTHING. would call particular attention, as nu.%::vo now on hand every novelty of cut and psattern in ;â€"Mades, that is fashionable for the seagon, and as their stock is large and varied they DEFY Velvet Jackets, Cloth do., Lamtskin do., at CUNXNINGHAM & tm tb id es i | Millinery, ‘Millinery, Millinery, N{Ct’.\'.\'l."uu.\il & LINDSAY‘$S. ; Cl a ) 4 | Mantles, Mantles, Mantles, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S.| { | | : Plush Hats, Velvet Hats, Felt Hat«, at CUNXNINGHAM & HINDSAY‘S. Fawey Silks, Black Silks, Plain Silks, scCUNNINGITAM & LINDSAY‘S TO THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT WINTER PTASHIONS GRANT & HENXDERSON arg showing cheap DRESS GOODS., GRANT & HENDERSON .r‘r showing cheap . WINCIES. GRANT & HENDERSON are showing cheap SKIRTINGS. * GRANT & HENDERSON are slowing cheip FRENCH MERINOS GRANT & HENDERSON ard showing cheap FLANNELS. GRANT & HENDERSON ark showing cheap HOSLERY. GRANT & HENDERSON aird showing cheap RIBBONS. || GRANT & HENDERSON are showing.:cheap HOOP SKIRTS, GRANT & HENDERSON are showing cheap BLANKETS. GRANT & HENDERSON are showing cheap TWEEDS. GRaANT & HENDERSON :t lbowlngAcht"lp MANTLE CLOTHS. GRANT & HENDERSON ars showing cheip OVERCOATINGS. GRXNT & HENDERSON arp showing cheap SHAWLS.‘ || ESTA:BLiséHED IN 1844. . The Largest ‘stock in Ottawa of NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, sep 4 cz Axp maxcracttRkrs or, axp DEALERS TX No, 14, Ridenau Street. -rnmé»v’rn’AWA ‘flï¬s i]Nd'VEM‘BI})I{â€u, 15 6 t Too NUMEROUS TO MENTION some ie + Magee & Russell. _ Do., TRAVELLING, l D?" couous.sfltinn. : | Dos, BLUE, f | Do., __| GREY, | TRUNKS, 7 | t VALISES, AnkErs. . | [{» O‘MEARAX &:CO. AT MOCCASINS, BUCK, NEW ELECTRUâ€"PLATED WARE _ ~24, SPARKS STREET,/ OTTAWA. Side Dishes, Cruet Frames, Tea Sots, Baskets, Waiters, Butter Coolers LiquorFrames, Pickle Frames Ottawa, October 31. SHEFFIELDHOUSE, NEW VOLUME. sunday Magazinefor 1866 s »esreys crEar :gboxl 1: year," @«Iow I :‘3:«!"' Children from Inâ€" faney to !lurhgv." | 1llustrations of Scottish Life, by Dr. Rogers. The Sparrowgrass Papers. + pA~ Particular attention paid to the repairing and munfuwfln*do‘:ruuu. + ~| . B. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Co., t Watchmakers and Jowellers. Half Hours of English History, by Chas. Knight. London Poems, by Buchanan. The Tiger Prince, by Daiton, ‘The Contemporary Keview for October. Bound to the Wheel, by John Saunders. > Mrs. Becton‘s Household Management. .‘ Vols. ‘I to VIII, Chambers‘ Encyclopedia, «for Ladies‘ and Gentlemen‘s wear." BA For sale by vESTS, BEN WINCLES, «from 15¢ per.yd." PACCAS, « good value." SKIRTINGS, « choice." SHIRTS, DRA W ERS, SMOCKS, JOHN DURIE & s0ON, AT TNR Opposite Russell House, T wlll & BON, swh Street, )pposite Russell Hous INDSAY‘S, \M & LINDSAY‘S. ; LINDSAY‘S. :; t & Linbsay‘s. 1 & LINDSAY‘S. INDSA Y K8, MITTS, WOOLLEN Do.. BUCK, 257â€"6m 2114m "S 261y FALL AND WINTER â€" GOODS, huiband, the late R. R. HIAMILTON, be,? loave to inform her friends and the public genera I‘y that sho intends carrying on the business 2s usual, and by attentien to guests to deserve the support on him before. . _ (}u-n, September 15. 1 .. FULLY SUBSCRIBED. | $2" Risks accepted on wood or other buildings. FRANCIS CLEMOW, \ug. 10â€"200â€"3m Agent, Elgin Street. O K¢ CIC ‘or the special security of Policysholders in Canada, pngnnd to ueor Risks on Dwellingâ€"houses, old Goods and Furniture, and General Merâ€" andise at the lowest current rates. «_ JOHN DURIE, § Agent Ottawa, % No. 10, Sparks Street. wa, Fob. 12, 1866. 47â€"utf IRE ASSURANCE COMP‘Y OF LONDON. Established in 178#‘2. Hundred Thousand Do!llars, ILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, AGENTS FOR CANADA. l‘llll COMPANY HAVINGINYESTED, in conformity with the Provincial Act, ew Goods. New Goods oyalCanadianBank OTTPAWA AGEKXCY ; wa, June 21. EQG TOP DEPOT, ‘ble place in town for commercial men. MRS. PHOEBE HAMILTON AIR â€"CUTTERS | intlemen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes and s kept on hand. large stock‘of English French and German . ; ; tawa, Aug. 20. _ P 208y of the city ; adjacent to the Railway Station Steamboat Ludh}‘, rendering it the most deâ€" patronage of the travelling public. ady proved his .mm{l as a CUTTER, he is MJ to make to order his well assorted stock, way that will ’,“" satisfaction. : Cheap for Onsk." _ ;. } El el< 5 0.,000 "k ‘tf.et,. omwa, c. w- HE UNDERSIGNED, PROPRIEâ€" tress of the above named Hotel, in returning ks for the liberal patronage bestowed on her ARB NOW MANUPACTURING A WINE CALLED anadian ‘Champagne ! Vlllcll IS EXCELLENT,and WHICH they cansell at$3 PER DOZEN. Armateurs have tasted the wine, consider it i very good @"~ Bottles of every déseription, excepting oil les, wanted, and one penny rdonn more givâ€" han by any other party for the same. LAROQUE & CO. wa, September 21. 235tf Bank St., Ottawa, AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE * [ all descriptions of * 0 THEIR HIGHNESSES the PRINC of Wales, and Prince Alfred, His Grace t§ of Newcastle, Lord Elgin, 8 r Edmuni HMoad, le, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" ed. Hotel k‘:apon and dealers in Wincs would ell tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them obaccos, Cigars, FANCY Goops Monck, Right Hon. Earl 8t. Germains, Gen. e, Major Teosdale, Major Cowell, and Suite. glish and French Perfumery, Cutlery, Hair, , Nail and Shaving Brushes #~Bansley‘s Gelebrated Razor Strop and Razor , from 1s 3d to 5s. . es Fostes # am.. Remember the Pince, 264 Sparks Streot. wa, Octobor 16. e Virginia Leafs orschanm Briar, Gutta Percha Pipcs,&c. IJ. G. ZIMMERMAN * Orders will be ‘taken for a new musical ir stand, doliversd‘in 4 weeks from the day the rth given. , > * \ JOHN G. ZIMMERMAN, | hopes by strict attention to business to have a inuance of the patronage o liberally bestowed An excellent article for Smoking rschanm and Briar Pipes» ligh, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, the proprietor of the above establishment has dy proved his ability as a CUTTER, he is CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &c., &c., SPARIS STIQEET GAR AaAND TOBACCO DEPOT, WA, Great Pocket Cigar Machine, One of the novelties of the day wa, 18th Oct , 1866. tronago of the travelling public. i Hmo‘a is situated in thsgn_t_ business por O BAC C O $ ! From 20 ctsup to $1.50 cts per pound. rcial Union Assurance Company, pagne Ma.qp[gctured’ in Ottawa. Desbarate‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. M. P. HAYES, JUST RECEIYVED AN ASSORTMENT OP MILTON‘3 HOTEL Cotner of Sparks and MetcalfeBtreots. June 26, 16 19 ax».20, Corxim11, Loxnox UE&Co. CHURCH STREET J. SMâ€"IEPEX, â€"=â€">. at eA racrory atrissomerice .+ .»... from 2 ots up to 10 ¢te. Opposite the Post Office ANCE ADV EIVTS. i that is new in tashion and shade : ot to be surpassed ; BEAVERS, PIâ€" A CHOIOE ABSORTMENT OP KETS, CLOTIHS, MELTONS, &c., &0 Iso a choice selection of PHCENIX TOBACCOS. No. 424 Sparks Street, \ Ottawa, opposite Ontario Banks, C. BANSLEY & @O. PERFU ME RS PRIME AND CHOLCE CIGARS just to nand of vaâ€" . M, HOLBROOK, £23,500,000 $TG. The best in the city Proprietor. 250â€"7 Acocx®t. 157 J. ROOS, Ottawa the Ottawa River, being Lot One, North side Welâ€" \ |in5tun Stroet, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling ‘.AII outhouses thereon. _ Amply to uen h n patas n eopuigut mt + +"> 'l\fl RENT.â€"â€"â€"A â€" BAKE *A . 309 t House, with working utengils, a T7 with a good house and yard, 227 3 stabling ; and a good run of cusâ€" omers ; also, for gale a good baker‘s wagon, horre apd harness. Possession immediat»ly. | Kent modâ€" erate. â€" Apply at this ofice for particulars, Ottawn, Junc 26. J61tt ° m nearly oEpnsito the lot on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks, â€" Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street in rear of the above. ® r \hbqury 10, 18bu. this office ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND. In the Township of Gloweester, situated about half a mile from Billings Bridge. This land can be sold en bloc or mlots of 5 acres. ¥¥$WgeAee _ BL Wilbrod and Nelson streets, Sandy Mill, two dwellings, newly finished, first class. One building contains 9 roows, and kitchen: the other.6 rooms and kitchen. â€" The premises are benutifully situatâ€" ed, and surrounded with shade trees. Hent modeâ€" rate. â€" Fot particulars. apply on the premises to ARCHIBALD KEYS. Ottawa, October 6. 248t( taurant, "Posscesion immediate, . Apply to : GEoRGE E. DESBALATS, v Queen‘s Printer‘s Office. Ottawa, September 20. . 2 Ottawa, Fob. 10, 1866 + es Aevfonnte [“ARM FOR SALE.â€"One & stt lMundred and Ninety Acres of W‘_“ ; Land, in the '.l‘uwmhir of Nepean sho sa)ropcrty of the late George ell One Hundred and Fifty Acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" ion with good Dwelling. House, Barn, and other outbuildings thereon. _ A % . cellar. Rent moderate. For particulars l]lpi†MRS. FREDERICK SPARKS, | i _245â€"tf uic td the proqilq;g. This land is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from Oftawa City on macadamized road leading to Richmond. 7 he snd For further particulars apply to the undersigned. f Jlolil.‘l BELL, § 4 WILLILAM GRAHAM, JAMES +BEARMAN, Executors of the E:tate of the late George Bell. p8" Address Bell‘s Corners P.O. June 20, 1866. 156â€"tf P()SSESSION GIVEN IM» €\pgie . 2 medimï¬ly. As new sn.!f:;k 3~\"i3,4,"_ Building on Besserer Street, y ‘»‘-‘J-’a‘-‘r‘:_.“ Mill, near the residence of Hon. Malcoim Cameron. This vuilding eontains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with: all modern imâ€" provements, :. } : (¢ n oo ooo t icl. â€" Alarge Two storey Wooden Building, on the ¢orâ€" net.of ï¬rn\ Streets. This House is lined with Brick, furnitiod with double doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. There is alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with l'nm’u, Stables and other Buildings in the yard. â€" This House is well adapted aor a Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private‘ resiâ€" ence.. Ottawa, February 10. 1866 l s ks AOR SALKE.«â€"That cligible 6 CC 11 . .0 Wa Srnpeny known as WoonRroors, owned by the late Captain Baker, bonuti.'nlli situated on tlho Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, compmini:!oo meres or thereabouts, bein! comâ€" posed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Concesâ€" sion Oitawa, Front on Nepean. { Also Pew Na, 62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. Forterms and particulars, apply to the Revd, Charles Forrest, Merrickville, or to LEWI3 & PLNHEY, pricgs. ."-“"A FOI SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST» t erly oneâ€"third of ‘Lot No. 27, in First f,{)noeuion Ottawa, Front Ne: pean, and Lots Nos. 26 :and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the occupation of Wm. T. ‘Aylen, Esq. For further particulars apply to soun and Wx. Trowsox, Nepean, and Lewis & P:xagy, Barrister, Ottawa, _ Jelâ€"141â€"tf Foby 10, 1566. for a General Merchant. Richmond, February 10, 1868 For particulars apply to the Proprietor on the premises. A [ a GEORGE BROWN. Richmond, February 10, 1865. {4bâ€"utf Second Concessifh Rideau ‘Front, on e line leading. from WiEll‘s Corners, to Oltaw which 20 acres are ared, and under good ¢uffivation, with a good L& House and Frame Barnflerected thereon. TheSpt is amply supplied wi l Forfall pas lars as.to time, &c., a Execttor« of th@@V ill of the late Mrsâ€" M Nepean, Octobot 21, Fou‘s.u,lc.â€"m.n: and 13, South Cathcart Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Streot ; 1 West Augusta‘Stroot ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streotâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being art of the South half of the front part of Lot 20, s‘unction Gore, ’l'uwnshi{;of(llouoemr, ag laidd own in the registered sln y George F. tinâ€" and othor City Lots and Farming Lands. . wl FAS~ Money to Lend on Keal Estate. | Apply to i | LEWIS & PINHEY, } i nmnalan Barristors, &c., Ottawa, Fobruary 10, 1866 1W EN that no reccipts for m«m:flu of goods, or erders for goods, in the name of the reigned, will be considered legal afterthis date, c coï¬wlnn issued by JOHN 1’ ESMONDE, JO8. KSâ€" MONDE, and their agent, JOHN ESMONDE, 82., or by special ordoer trom them, % EAMONDE BROS. Ottawa, October 20. CcORDS GOOD SEASONED 19000 Hardwood, for sale in ï¬u to suit, and ‘delivered if required. | Apply to wW. D. Wwoop, 38, Ridean Stroot. Ottawa, October 11 Ottawa, October 17 For further particulars, apply to es FRANCIS L'LEMQW, ESQ, Ottawa, September 29 Ottawa, September 29. For further particulars apply to . 7. p 1447 OTICE.â€"â€"NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIV» FOR SALE O TO LET: FTOER SALE. Dwellings to Let. WOOD! wWood 'l‘llA"l‘ VALUABLE PROâ€" t perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" ¢_ dell‘s Homostead, containing about â€"‘‘Iwo Acres, beautifully situated on TO LET. «« TWO COTe tages on Augusta Street, Sanâ€" dy Hi‘l, containing seven rooms, with good cellars. _ Apply to‘ J..4. ROBINSON & €0., * . . Tra Por. ber 17. 2570 WA!\'TED TO RENT,»» A small Cottage, orâ€" two or _three rooms and a Kitchen, in the â€"central part of the city. 'AFPI, at â€" 200â€"t F§ NO LET, ON CORNER OF 'l‘“ LE'I‘---FROMJS? or 3 November next, a STONE DWELLING on Sparks Street, 'l\() LET A DWELLING House, containing TenRooms, in the Desbarats‘ Block, Sparks Street, next to Mrs. Trotter‘s Resâ€" containing seven rooms and a good Vl‘o LET, A HOUSE CON= . faining nine rooms, on Ottawa Street, south of Mathew‘s Hotel, Apply en the Frcmius, to THOS, G. BURNS. nber 29. 2421f Non #ALI.â€"Lots 9 and 10 + South §idq_ï¬[:a}'kn Etreet, 1HNOP AND PWELLING» 9 House for Sale in the village ot chmond, 18 miles from the City: Ottawa, An excellent opening NOR SALE OR ,LI‘O LET. JAMES HO LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa, 4bâ€"utf or particulars apply or particulars apply to L. P. OHANLY. : Sandy Hill, 46â€"utf > Darristors, Ottawa. City of Ottawa. 5w3 13, being of Lot 20, laidd own istinâ€" and ")3-‘ to the Holbs AT 62 SPARKS STREBTIT. which he is prepared to make up in the most satis~ factory manner pP&° CHEAP FOR CASH. 64 N.B.â€"Professional Robes, Riding Habits, Miliâ€" tary Clothing, &¢., &c., made to order. 245â€"4 â€" FOR SALE VERY LOW, PENNSYLVANIA ROCK OIL ! Fall Goods! Fall Goods ! JB portunity of rewurning thanks for the patronâ€" age so libenl{y bestewed c'nn him, and begs to anâ€" nounce to his numerous customers and the public in general that he has just received‘ a choice assortâ€" ment of Fall and Winter Goods! Ottawa, October Table and Desert Knives, Meat and Game Carvers and Steels. Electroâ€"Plated . Spoons (and: Forks, E. WVA LT O NC COs TIIE SUBsSCKIBER TAKES THIS OPâ€" portunity of returning thanks for the patronâ€" BROAD .CLOTEHS BEAVERS, PILOTS, BLANKETs 300 hf chests young Hyson Tea. 350 do Twankay do. 400 do Japans do. 100 _ do Gunpowder _ do. 120 do Imperial do. AND A GENERAL ABAORTNENT OP GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c. ROGERS‘ BEST CUITLERY English, Scotch, Canadian and Bannockburn Tweeds, Also, m choice assortment of those fashionable Frost Proof Whitneys ! wWATCHES, CLOCK®, TWE ONXLY PBIVA'!‘I BOARD, WITH GOOD AND comfortable accommodation, for siz or seven persens, can be obtained at MRS. J. MCARTHUR, CALL! CALL!! CALLIt CALL1 CALL!! CALL! 1 A % AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT STORE! AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT STORE!: +iE OXLY ESTABLISMNEYT * Ottawa, A large assortment of A large assortment of » PLAIN AND FANCY sHIRTS! PLAIN AND FAXNCY sSHIRTS : ZAD~ Also, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerâ€" chiefs, Hosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Sparks GERBEAT SHOW ‘VAS('...%’D...‘ III:A’?.I..:: a General ore & rsOn Spoaks Fromch and Raglish ; Al09 thoroughly anâ€" derstands Book: :f..fl_ ping. References if '.mg' red. Please address to A. ;.‘:luh Post Office, Ottawa. Ottawa, July 27. * 188tf FOR|SALE CHEAP! * A large and excelient sssortment of WA!'!ID.â€""O YOUNXG LADIES are desirous «Wumxu phngl'fpovmmm.uu‘ & Ao(Jll‘:l: , cither together, or separately, in Academi Noeholcnol*m,wbmrhm«lflom Address, by letter, stati rticulars, | J. or J. l:%m RIVERS, .. . 0P 2. Bi,, LEELIE RVL C BA ; | Co. Bt. Maurice;Canads East. Ottawa, April 2, 1866. heas‘*~‘:, of Mcflvhn suitable for the season, itâ€" cluding 5-!. , Kid, Cloth and Felt Goods and Rubbers, for [Ladies‘, Gents‘ and Children‘s wear. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. \ at _ G. HOWE & soN 69 Bussex Street, and 10 uz.- Stroot. Oltawa, Oct. 17, 1866. 257â€"470tf LEATHER, TRUNKS SHOEâ€"FINDINGS, K soors 1nd suors,M@ George W. Crane, VARIETY STORE! 56, SPARES BTREET, | L LQ U OR S . Ottawa, October 25. HAVII? PURCHASED ALL THE Stock of J. H. BARBER, in the * News and Periodical Business : And having added largely to the stock of STATIONERY & BOOKS I shall be happy to wait on all his customers, u& will favor me with a call. _ â€" _ . _ _ > _ . _ o w‘A“DIAN. ENGLISH and AXI!IOAI. .P.A‘ Strict m-fl‘ paid to o dwp y pefyend. _ N. B.â€"Picture Framing done to order. _ _ Ottawa, October 20, Ottawa, October 24 m All having escaped the late duties. fey JOSEPH PHELAN, 171f 535 and 537 Paul Street Montres Private Boarding House. JUST â€" ARRIVED ! The bert.and purest wil in this market. W â€"__â€" BRACH £00., hok #Atk soo BBLt, MEWR PORK. D. Kreigh & Co., brand, (Cihm) 200 bbis. No. 1 strong superfine ol At {oo puns. Highwine: 25 hhds. Gin. 25 ar. casks Gin. 300 Green cases Gin. 800 Brandy de. PORK AND FLQUR. 75 Champagne Green Seal. AXD a GENERAL 8T0CF oP 122y FOR SALE ! «â€" SPARKS STREET. WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Also a large collection of the best Consisting of West of England & And FANCY GOODS, YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, Practical Watch and Clock Makers, 30 Spark® Stroot, Ottawa. October 24. o % . 234y JEWELLERY, BILK MIXTURES, WANTS: MELTONB, 62 Sparks Street, _9_&;9'3. Post Office Block Where you will find Where you will find Very: Choice and Superior NOW ON SALE t sovchoxa. + [ 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE | > dï¬ â€˜This is the fnest Buack rnmn-rn- i .’uzurm\d; in #mall Caddics, about 14 1b each, 4s Bd. Fing We are constantif.receiving supplies of this truly beautiful and delicions COFFER, romited deily e» our premises by ie s k s Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinder * Without neogion the finest Coffee in the world."â€"Londonâ€"Times, March 16. BEWARE OF SP URIOUS 1IMITATIOX®, ZHB~ As it is imported by no other firm in Canada. ROBINBON & CO. would espesially call the at tention of families to their stock of uUINESS & CO The Pure Mountain Berry By which peculiar process, the aroma is preserved, and renders it the FavoRTTE WIH aLL CoPPEE perxkâ€" ALES, WINES& SPIRITS 100 cases QOtard Brandy. We have n most delicions BLOODS LONXDON STOUT. °_/ BARCLAY‘S LONDOX PORTER. ALLSOPS PALE ALK. | BASS‘ EAST INXDFA. * » | pOW$ CELEBRATED MONTREAL Ar,z. DaAW‘S SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE. || DAW‘3 CELEBRATED PORTER & sTOUT Just Received from England : _ ROAST HARE. « CURRIED Do. > JUGGED po. 8TEWED bo. ROAST PHEASAXNTs, ROAST GROUSE ROAST PARTRIDGE. Wines, Spirits & Liquors " ALL ©00DS DEEIVERED FREE by our Waggons to any part of the City daily. ‘ BAZAAR TN AID OF THE FPUSDS for the n-hildheof 8t. James‘ Church, ut Hull, will be held (D. V.,) on the 19th and 20th DECEMBER next. Contributions will be thankâ€" Oftawa, N“lclvâ€"Alcl-PA.sflll INDEBTED to the Estate of the late ALEX ANDER SCOTT are nqnh-d‘: make immediate payment of their accounts to the undersigned. " :. ALISONSCOTT, 'mmmfb;u .h.lolflnhd. Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire . ully received by the fannim mllllt FRESH ARRIV AL and lengthen the hair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" gquired nourishment, and hich we are selling at 8 shillings per gallun ~ LiFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY _ Mrs. 8. A. Alten‘s Workt s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen returns.‘. Grey hair disapâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luzxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appréeciate the delight ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance diinpartâ€" ed to the hair, and no feat of soiling the skin, scaip, or Qodmm Depot 198 N.Y. mu&m!-l ‘ROBINSON & CO. ~â€"_â€" THE TEA POT oTravwa. stablishmentsâ€"Sussex St. and Ridean 8t. Ottawa, September 10. _ . _ 325% _ _ C. CARY, Ottawa, oaourr{, 1866. oo ieï¬ ** NMOLORke 500 Chests very choice and eaperier YOUNX@ HYsON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANXKAY . 10# Chests old fashloned EREAKFAST DUBLIN STOUT PRESERVED MEA‘TS. 15 DRUG®S, &e. TEAS, DINNER SHERRY, ___.. MRS. JOHNSTON, (Rev.) «* McCNAB, * as :oxï¬. H. 3.; MRS. TRUBIDGE, ( ment Table:) ROBINSUN & CO, COFFEE | BAZAAFL. * Sack i. THE TEA POT, United Vinquels«, AT TRE OP , and 6. Siiuper _ Ogewa. OTTAW A 250â€"f cwn