: ha«e euce faw ex #re tuft ‘ M ontreal Trade Sales| ! _ By JOHN LEEMING&O. â€" FOR THE BENEFIT Om mt e O mEAn t ce a} OR, THE sum:-stntck LOYERS. ‘ SWdmissionâ€"Boxes aud Dress Circlo, 50 cents; ;u-?.â€:-u;rrinn& , $>. Doors open T. dommence precisely at 8. Garriages a‘ 1113 4 $ GOD SAVE THEQUEEN: _ _ > tr, holding a h'-,doninï¬l. JB Ticke:s can be had of Mesers. «um Ani and of Messr®. l!?-& Co., Sparks street ; at Russell House ; at Jobn Grabam‘s, Hamulton‘s, ad Mathews® Hotel«, or of John Townsend, at the BA Positively not a single fi6e adinission toâ€" JOHH TOWNSEND: right. IM‘no.eo.Olli'l. 4 * Novembet 6th, 1856. § );Thnnday ev‘g., November 15th, z. Immediatel after the , Jobs enc wi hvnhob{.mnl i e a‘t m b!“.e. of the Drama ud Stage public amusewent. Gowan‘s foll Band will be in aftendance. ‘ ‘ To conelade wit Adjourned Sherif‘s Sale of Lands. Dttawa, November 9 SKETCHES IN INDIA iccm\‘ 0Â¥ CARLETOX®. + §EX vIRTUE f To Wit. s of a W rit of Vew. K for part, and Fieri Facias for residue, issued lu:t. and P.es Paciaw 1OE MMTMENMITIUEL of Majesty‘s County Court, of the County of Cdrieton, and to me directed and delivered, .‘-{-t the Lands and Tenoments of Johnston Brown, at the suit of Horace Pinhey, and also of another Writ of Ven. E. Jnlnn. and Fies Fecios for residue, issued out of ‘r‘v'l Court of Queen‘s Bench at Toronto, against the Lands and Tenements of the said Johneton Brown, atthe suit of Thomas Hynâ€" ton and William Hunton, I will sell at Puablic Auction, at my offce in the Coort House, in the City of Ottawa, o3 MONXNDAY , the nineteenth day of Kovember, A.D.,1865, at the hour oftwelyero‘clock, noon, all the estate, right, title, intersst and equity of redemption of the above named defendant, im «nd to lot pumber #six, on the north #ide of Sparks Street, (numbering eastward) in the City of Ottawa. sIMON FRASER, v m Sherif. l [ By Jas. Banirr, Deputy Sheriit Will be presented tor the first t ; Sheridga‘s great play (llr:f ROGERS‘ BEST, CETHERY Table and Desert Knives, Meat 3 Carvers and Steets. Electroâ€"Plated Spoons and ~Forks wWATCHE®, » CLOCKS, l‘\.l SALE, BY THE UNDERSIGNXED, .CORD WOOD, SPLIT SHINGLES, LAD+ DER®, and SCANTLING® | s H. ADOLPHE PINARD, | Corner of Botton and Dalhousie Streets, | Qiaws, Ostober 22. s 267 | Ottews, October 24 TEACHER WANTED. ANTED, FOR SCHOOL NXO. 11, in the Township of Nepeaa, a Male Teachâ€" ding a Second Clas# Diploma. Appi to the At Groger HowLama®; / Cuumse. Wirkra, ;&bwl Trustees Janes Lisem. f November 5. 4iwb #> the Invasion of Peru. (Lrsags ax» Maxaot®,) Also a large enlleet ud FANCY GOOD®, YOUXG & RADFORD‘®, Praciical W aich and Clock Makexs, 30 Spark« Street, Ottayea JEWELLER YÂ¥ , : the play Mr. John Townâ€" { iveéring a brief adâ€" ‘ » OEHme? day Ev‘ngs., | rl\mc UNXDERSICNXED HAVING REâ€" es im . sedd. | ceived a large copsigument of first. class lonn. Orug and m of the hest in Ottaws, ts) of and Game 275 td Household Furniture, Horses, Carriages, &c. ’l\lll: CAaNADA (LATKE CHAMPAGNE‘s Hote!), having beem rented to Government, the ""T"'m has iu(r\wu%.\h. Rowe to sell.the whole of this targe hotel furmshings by public auction, on the premises, commencing on _/ As the botel was opened in May last, the Furniâ€" taze and Hotel Fixtures are all quite new, and %r- gains may be expected, as the whole must be sqfld. * TERMS OF SALE.â€"All sums under: one hinâ€" dred ‘-Ihn cash ; over that amount three months credit will be given on approved eadorsed paper. jn‘ Sale to commence cach day at 10 o elock, a y aXle “‘?}‘nhhn information may be obtained of James Swith, E«4., previou« to purchase, 'h:‘ will Eo T i C L uo on Prlen lcb tks Hov Stoves. Stoves. Stoves 20 por Cont. less than Cost. MR ceived a large cogsigument of first class® COOKINXG STOVES, of rarious sizes and patterns, with low and elevated Oven«, will sell at 1 &o‘uw"»'.“;.":ia':.}" _Also a i;;g'li â€" number of second hand Cooking Stove«, Hot Stoves, and Parâ€" lor stoves,at low figures. Furniture. |Furniture. â€" Furniture. To clo;o_lbo Consignment. Those Stoves l guaranâ€" Crockery, China and Glassware. To this department icular attention is given securieg a «nplou’::‘mmm of all kinds, and prices that defy Mï¬liu‘. [ JOSEPH BOYDEN, 7 | General Comqission Agent. &D To those having Stoves and Furniture to ‘i-‘un of, will find imwediate sale for them at he Variety Hall, 188y DR Y GOODS:! iture alwa‘ VYVARIETY HALL, CHIN-A- SETS! -OCTOBER}.â€""I“‘; "Thomas Birkett Sugcessor to Jas, Starke, fas now on hand a splendid lot 0" PREPARE FOR WINTER And other articles too numerous to mention, AT 0. WARDELL & CO.‘S W). Jtawa, September 11 COOKING STOVES, . Amongst which are _ The +6 QUEEN CHT Y,**with resorvoir _ , The s CANADA COOK,!! with elevated oven, | ( The i ROY AL,!* a good cheap Stove. | _ f & Auso, # * Fancy Double Stoves °* VERY THICK. 7+R did article, very cheap, Calt and examinc, Ottawa, Novenber uction Sales every Evening. Grand Trunk Railway Company NT AGETY ETN N0 on T uiL c ande AEAmemen ture Station, on TUESDAY, the 20th XOVEMBER, a very large and iniscellaneous stock of SU RPLUS STORES, consisting of HARDW ARE.â€"________ ~a NCYÂ¥ Goops| A l.ml’l’A.\'l' AND EXTENXSIVE SALE by auction of SURPLUS STORES, &¢, Large assortment and stock of IARDW ARE. The subscriber has been instructed by C. J. Brydges, Eâ€"q., to sell by auction, at the Bonavenâ€" 2 . DCV Y 9O akalimawnunen en e e is Catalogues will be pre »ared, and the Good»® may be examined on )h'dly. the 19th. Further particulars hereaiter. . Sale at ELEVEN o‘click. x | JOHN LEEMING & CO., Auctioncers. Maontraal. November 3. 21214 Montreal, November 3. ul Abswois. xc ds uk Cidhncbetite Snd iesd s { on the premises previous to and during the IA"'Domo id artiale. vi SHEFFIELD HOUSE, 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAW A. Sido Dllhu._éâ€"ruot Frames, Tea Sets, Baskets, Walten; Butter Coolers LiquorFrames, Pickle Frames Shelf and Heavy Hardware. " at 6. HOWE & SON, . | #) Hussex Street, and 10 Rideau Street. | Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1868. 207â€"47ut€ Ottawa, October 31 $A Particular aitention paid to the repairing and manufacturing h;nnwn‘. t . E. K. MacGILLIVRAY &.Co , W atchmakers and Jewellers, ere they will sell at ‘public auction every evenâ€" ing at h.l.'.-pol::nnn o‘clock. _ 0. WARDELL & CO. awa, September 11. . . ty FOR SALE CHEAP! LfATHER, TRUNKS SHOEâ€"FINDINGS, ) *) M Boors 1sD si0rs, MR |»3 Of ever de.rr.i&dm suitable for the searon, in: zludhgin'.t‘ , Kid, Cloth and Folt Good#« and Rubbers, for Ladies‘, Gents® and Children‘s wear. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ie at . HOWE & SONK, . NO. 34,‘sns§tx STREET, PlllVA‘l‘l BOARD, WITH GOOD AND comfortable accommodation, for siz or seven perscas, can be obtained at & â€" MBRS. J. MceARTHUR, ® Clarence Street. â€" Ottawa , 1,000 fm5â€"°2°2. and delivered if required. _ ____ Ottawa, October 11 A TRENMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF FTNT Neo. 1%, SUSSEX STREET. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, AND Private Boarding Housé. AUCTION SALES. SIVE AUCTION SALE A large and exceiient assortmient of A"|’ to & A. ROWE, . Auctidneer and Commissiou Agont XEW AUCTION ROOMS OF |RYKEY DESCRIPTIO®; ., WOOD | Lead Stove Poti<b, a new‘and splen vrey prscetriio® OP of the Anvil. %4, RIDEAC STREET. . £ 271y % sT THE XHiL VED ! â€"PLATED WARE au Street 344 A50NED lots to sult, +/ Millinery Goods, Mantk{s| and | Jackeis ! Varying in Quality and Price from $2.50 to $40 each. P o onl L O MAE s emunir. 1.3 aure. panmmab us in all t Is ER®, WINTER FASHIONS The Shawl, Mantle, |and Millinery Sparks BLACK AND COLORED SILK®S, « excellent value." â€" FRENCH MERLNOES, = \'erLebnp." | ***‘pirrftAaX AND EMPRESS CLOTHS, 4 nice G LAXCASHIRE, WELSH & SAXONY FLANNELS, « cheap.) _: COTTON GOODS, of every description, «yery low." ‘ CLUTHS, from all the best manufacturers, 4 for Ladies‘ and Gentlemen‘s wear," â€" SHAWLS, MANTLES, & MELLI.\'ER\' ODS, and * C ABRAKO VARIETY! OF CHANCY ARTICLES \CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY, London and Paris Winter Fashions coppRED SEAL U 8SATARRA, _ OTTAW A, October #3. BLM‘K and COLORED SILKS from the ehcapest to the best| to be fowa FRENCH MERINORS from 50 ccntl‘lgr yard. GLASGOW, ABERDEEN and BRA FORD WINCIES on{y 12} cent COROU RGS, THLBETS and ALPACCAS from 15 to 75 cents per yard dGREY COTTONS, from 10 to 17 cents per yard. PRINTS, fast colors, from 15 to 20 cents pet;{lnl. Saxony, Welsh, Lancasbire, and Canadian FLANNELS, as cheap as f 500 pairs GREY AND WHIEFE BLANKETS, splendid valne. whib aAXD BATH BLANKETS, vory nices. SJLA W 1LSâ€"As usual our stock is large and complete, with the Iatest n Al full assortment of LACK GOODS, RIBBONs, FELVET , COLLAR ¢, FEATHERS, XUBIAS, HOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY . f | % s â€" |\ Carpettings and House Furnishings eq | + I CGARLAXID, MU A (LATE JaA®. BROTGH |& €O.) SUSSEX STREET, OTTAW A, October 17;) _ | OTTAW A, November 1 GRANT AND HENDERSON, READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! Importers of They would call particular attention, as they have‘ now Readyâ€"Mades, that is fashionable for the season, and 2# t CoMPETITION. f ‘}_ They are also prepared to take orders for Clothin 1 styles and fashion, and as they are under the supe WARRANTRD TO FIT. | s% UR sTOCK OF FASHIONABLE DRY GOOD$ heing now "ut'uploll-l pleasire in inviting inspection of the l’u}lnving choice Godd#, viz. : PLLOTS, admitted to be the largest in the City. BLACK DOESKINS, 1 BILK MIXTURE OF COATINGS, : Do. 130 TROWAERING®, BEDFORD CORD#, o 6 CHAUDIERE TW EED#, ARANNNOCKBURKN Do. NNETS THAT ARE PERFECT GEMS, ¢opied from e RVSVIAE® PORERR 2C e newest Materials, ALEX. DVUFF. RLAND, MUTCIHMOR &/4CO. LARGE VARIETY! OTTA W A, September 14. DRESS â€"GOQODS! Millinery, Milline Muntles, Mantles Plash Hats, Vetvet Hats, Felt Hate RE NOW OFFERING.A LARGE AND WELLeâ€"SELECTED) STOCK ( GOODS, which they will sell â€"CHEAP FOR CASIL _ | | es TO THEIR CLOTHINGT DEPARTMENT Flannel«, We F1 IRA\'BM. f . PETERSHAMe, sns i pEvYOXS, * P Wlll,'l'!"“,l‘- RISH FRIEZE, _ _ % CANADIAN DO., BROADCLOTH NCH MERLNORS, « "'Eeb“r'" G f RUBIAX AND EMPRESS CLOTHS, 4 niee Goode." & FANCY STRIPED Poru.\‘l-:flzs. « tashionable." f GLASGOW, BRADFORD, & ABERIDEEN WINCIEsS, « from 15e per yd.‘ COBOURGS, THIBETS, & ALPACC As, « good value." 4 STRIPED & CHIECKED SkIRTINGS, « choice," .‘ ‘LOTHS AND CLOTHING. WCTs, ‘ M E A BR A GRANT GRANT GBANT GRANT GRaANT GRAXT GRANT GRANT *A GRANXT GRaNT GRANT GraNnT GRANT 1 Shawls, Chemlle Shawls, Fiked Shaw!s, 4: Cl "\i",inrsm. vEI SEHOW zs S6treet, Silks, Black Silks, Plain Sitks at CL mSTABLISEHED IN 1844. NO. 20, SPARKS STREET, > ARE KNOW SHEWING TE LARGEsT stock or NO BE FOUND IN fl‘hï¬(fl’l“\'. The Largest stock in | Ottawa of Feathers, and ‘Fanvey B: TEHE NEWEST DESIGNS / PLAIN CLOTH, : 3 IDENT, : TNEY, | MOUNT 8T. BERNARD, venrrrery TACKETS SILK JACKETS, Flannel«, Flanncts, at C VELVETEEN JACKET3, & HEXDERSON are showing & HEXDERSON sfe »howing & HENXDERSON ate showing & HENDERSON are showing & WEXDERSON are showing & HEXDERSON are, showing & HEXDERSON are showing k HENDERSON afte showing cheap DRESS GOOops. & HEXDERSON se showing clfeap WINCIES.| . & HEXDERSON ate showing cheap SKIRTINGS. & HENDERSON are showing cHeap FRENCIH MERINOS & IEXDERSON are showing cMeap FLANNELS & HEXDERSON ate, showing cHeap HOSIERY. £ & HEXDERSON are showing cheap RIBBONS.| 8 & HENXDERSON afe showing cheap HOOP SKIRTs. _ & HENDERSON, afe‘showing chkap BLANKETs. & HEXDERSON l‘\[t\!\mwhlg clfeap TWEEDS. 2 & HEXDERSON o showing cheap MANTLE CLOTHS, & HENDERSON, are showing eBeap ovERrcoaTINGS, & HEXDERSON dre showing cheap SHAWLS. | ;‘ ; OoUR &. Millinery, at CUNNINGHAM & LNDSAY‘S. Mantles, at CURXNINGHAM| & LINDSAY‘S. 3 i Hats. Felt Hate. at CUXNINGHAM & LINHSAY‘S NO. 50, SPARKS BTREET, No, 1â€"1, Ridesau f‘tl-vc-t. HALIFAX DO., . _ ‘KERSEYS; . FLANNELS, AND MA.\'I'I'“"!I'HIJI'B Or, TOO NUMEROUS TO ME*XTKI).\" sTOCK LN TS DEPAWTMENT TH EB ofl'rAWA TLMNQVmEMBE.H 0, | 1866. AND MANTLES, , as they have now ruud every novelty of cut and pattern in the séason, and a« theit stock is large and varied they DEFY e orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make up in the are uhder the superintendenca of experienoed enttors, they are aines 10. tw ca nz geeâ€" w | P Ma ge&\e & Russell. n« at CT BLANK O‘MEARA & CO. COATS MOCCASINS, BUCK, 1 AGB, LINEN, Do.," TRAVELLING, |__ _ COTTONS, STRIF | No., â€" BLU oatl to be found in the Market AkD| DEALERS TN 1 LONDON‘and PARIS PATTERN®, fy 12} cents per yard ho |atest novelties of the Reason. _CoLLARs®, TTES, BUTTONS®, FLOW. cheap as they can be sold XINXGHAM & INDSAY‘S INGHAM & LINDSAY XCNTNGHAM & LINDSAY gs equally Cheap. ), MUTCLHMOR & CO. i 210y ANTS, C Pore, ry Goods. XXINGHAM & LNXDSAY‘S SHIRTS, _ | . PRAW ERK, AMOCKS, RNCKE, ‘TED STOCK OF DRY Ottawa. WO L TRUXK8, VALIS MITTS, WOOLLEN * 14. /©> BUCK, 2114m ED, have much 257â€"6m I8B8, 2876 INEURANCE ADVERTS. |â€"| [FOR SALE OR TO LET. OA : *KVLLY SUBSCRIBE®D. Risks gecopted on wood or other buildings. i | FRANCIS CLEMOW, Aug.(10â€"200â€"3 Agont, Elgin Streot, & \PHGENIX‘ PIRE ASSUNANCE COMP GILLES AG II8 CO: in confor For the spedial security of Policy«holders in Canaday '{. Elndl aceept Risks on Dwellingâ€"houses, d old Gogds nm‘ Furniture, and General Merâ€" chafidise at the lowest current ratos. JOHN DURIG, 4 Â¥ | Agent Ottawa, \ 3 No. 10, parks® Etreot. Aevales Cal 19 1886 47â€"utf 1 Hundr Th 1P 008 1928 c lt o ohihen ts Apdbtuc l enc wat F $ all ll»: happy to wait r'lm all his enatoiners, and on old cugtomers, gnd as imany new dne whi avorm with l("l. YÂ¥ e NADIAN, ENGLISH .and AMERICAN PA_ PERS and MAGAZINES kept con:tantly on hand. Strjet attenti paid to orders. .‘B.â€"Picture Framing done to order, ‘FXTIDNERY & BOOK», 0 THEIR HIGHNESSES 1 he PRINCE of Wales, and Prince Alfrad, His Grace the ke of Neeastle, Lord Elgin, 8 + Edmund Head, Lord MoneK, Right Hon. Earl St Germains, Gen. uce, Majpr Teeale, Major Covell, and suite, nglish and French‘ Perfumeryy Cutlery, Hair, Téoth, Nnianml Shaving Brushes. Bangley‘s Celebrated Razor Strop and Razor Paste, from| 1s 3d to 8. Jontlemen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes and York t:nbnnd, inform she inten hopes by and patr The Ho tion of the and Steat sirable pl Olhwl'. Gha.mfl LAROG W&, LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH STREET ARR NOW MANUFACTURING A WINE CALLED Canadian â€" Champagne ! W CHIS EXCELLE! T,and WHICH ey eansoll at $3 PER LOZEN. â€"Ama@teurs who haré tasted tho wine, consicer it a very good article, and superior to what i; supposed to be im« ported. . Motel keepers and deaiors in Wines would do well theall on LAROQUE & 20., and give them AVING _ PURCHASED â€" ALL THE . Stock ofâ€" J. 1. }I*\I(BEI(, in the wa. and |â€" Poriodical â€" Business ! And having added largely to the stock of oyalCanadianBazk looâ€"-De*b’antl’ Building, 77 Sparks St. M. P. JHAYES, OTrIawWA AGEXxCY : ors kept on hand. hn A Targe gtock of English Frouch sand German T o. iws n x eyrty bottles, Y on than | wa, Ottawa, ercial | Union Assurance Company, CIG Jw t ia HA) rious gri Pure V 20, Meersc jecopgeeo W . Crane, The G AIR â€" CUTTERS | Oftawa, Octobor 16. Toebaccos, Cigars, _ FANOY GOoDs â€""~ leerLchaum Briar, Gutta Percha Pipes &¢. T 0 BAC C O $ ! 19 a sb. 12 1866 Jung 21. J.. GA. ZIMMERMA N (OF LOXDOX yrrsesscccverrcssreces«»»»»sfFORA 2 ots up to 10 ote. Orders will be taken for a new musical stand, delivered in 4 weeks from the day the is given. ‘ JOHN G. ZIMMERMAN, Corner of Sparks and Metealfe Streots. ra, Jane 26.* 1609 From 20 etsup to $1.50 cts per pound. UNDERSIGNED. . PROPRIE»â€" of the above named l{otel, in returnifg the liboral patronage bestowed on her he late R. R. HAML TON, begs leare er friends and the‘ pubolic 'ene'ullly that s carrying on the business as usual, and itentien to guests to deseryve the support age of the travelling ,mblic. se is situated in the best business porâ€" city ; adjacent.to ths Railway Station boat Landing, rendering it the most deâ€" e in town for commercial men. ____ m 20, Corxmmt, Loxpox IB, MOFFATT & CO, INTS FOR CANADA. IPANY HAVINGINVESTED, rity with the Provincial Act, 8T RECEIVHD AN ASsoRTMENT OF } < TOBACCOS, PA IRIICS STTIRNRIIT irginia Leaf. Mlished in 1782. oprictor of the above establishment has oved his ability as n CUTTER, he is make to order his well assorted stonk, ut will give satisfaction, eap for Cash. . * woar aimmy bbaARL = {ILTON‘S: HOTEL Street, Ottawa, C. V ottlea of every description, excepting oil anted, and one penny per dozen more givâ€" y any other party for the same. I AROQUE & CO. Remomber the Place, 20} Sparks street agne Manufactured in Ottawa. @NXD WINXTER â€" GOOD8, s An excelieut urticle for Smoking haum and Briar Pipos» d Thousand Doliars, AR AND T"OBACCO DEPO®:, 0 _ _ MRS. PHOEEE HAMILTON: 18th Oct , 1866. 250y _ all that is new in tashjon and shade : not to be mrÂ¥nud; BEAVERS, PIâ€" NKETS, CLOTHS, MELTONS, &c., &c. Also a choice selection of eat Pocket Cigar Machine, | j One of the nuvelties of the ilay eptember 21. OQpposite the Post tWce 000 Scotch & Canadian Tweeds,. ETY S"*ORR! SPARKS STREET. oods. New Goods TOP DEPOT, Ottawa, opposite. Ontario Banks C. BANSLEY & CO. PER F U MERS A ORHOI0® AssoRTHAT or No. 42j Sparks Street, DEALER N £3,500,000 8TG. PRIME AND CHOICEK CIGARS just to nand of vaâ€" G. M. HOLBROOK, AND The best in the city Proprietar. 260â€"3m Acrat. 157tt Ottawa. J. ROOS. 256tf 230( | Attme"~ «/s M Wilbrodwand Nolson stroets, Sandy Hill, two dwellings, newly finished, first clacs. One building @ontains 9 rooms, and kitchen: tho other 6 rooms« wnd kitchen. The promises are boautifully situmtâ€" et and surrounded with shade tree«. . Rent modeâ€" rate. | For particularsâ€"apply on.th > premires to $ 9 4 ARCHLBALD KEY®S. I s 10 . B2 PSE ts. Bolicitor for AMichael Stevenson 160# | Dated ist Nov., 1806. 370â€"% erec Ban en b In t Ott 1 L=as Il‘IIA'I‘ VALUABLE PRO« A us ie % perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" ( dell‘s Homestend, containing about u2 2.‘Iwo Acres, beautifully situated on the Ottawa River, being Lot One. North side Welâ€" lington Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. ‘Awnly to * on ve ao nmarmmey Yebruary 10, h0 mt CC Kn land is of the best qunhty, and situated seven miles from Ottrwa City on macadamized ro;‘d'lerudi:x to Ri‘ch;n-,nd. j is ubdeisigned or further varticulars apply to the unders » J’t’)l;l.\‘ BELL, + WILLILAM GRAHAM, JAMES BEARMAN, Rxecutors of the Estate of the late George Bell. JAY® Addresa Bell‘s Corgers .0. _ :. June 20, 1866. 156â€"f Ot Oltawa, February 10. 1866 ts ia 4 yoed known as 4Â¥ oonRoor8, owned by the late Cng.flin Baker, beaut ifullz situated on the Richmond Road, within five iniles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or therenbouts, being come posed of the broken Lots 24 an} 25 in 1st Concesâ€" wion Ottawa, Front on Nepean, Also Pew No. 62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. " Forterms and particulars, spply to the Revd, Charles Fortpet, Merrickville, or to , * LEWIS & PINHEY, ; Foby 10, 1866 [Ristpid ;« as Fon SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST» ; erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same ‘Concession, at present in the occupation of Win. T. Aylen, Esq .For further particulare apply to soux and Wy. Tnowsox, .\’ogun. and Lewis & Pixncy, Barrister, Ottawa. * Jo2â€"1414 A y Bie a FOB sALE OR TO LET. 6 A lrplendid Farm, within â€" three miles of the City of Ottawa, on the o Third C ion of Gloucester, conâ€" taining 180 meres, 150 of which are in the highest state of culivation. Thore are buildings of all kinds erected on the farm, besides a fue orchard,, and everything convenient attached tothe premises . Appicnmn can be mude to the undersigned, or to. C. T. Baines, of Ottawa, solicitor. EXGCH WALKLEY. N. B.â€"Possession given withig at least a month‘s notice. : ,.__ 44w3m e 'l‘(l RENT.â€"â€"â€"A BAKEK o 1 ie Ane House, with working utensils, "Te with a good hovse and ‘yard, , stabling ; and a good run of cus rs; ulso, for sale a good baker‘s wagon, horse iarness, â€" Possession immediat»ly, â€" Rent modâ€" s A].j'!y at this.office for particulars, awa, June 26. 161u l'l, Feb. 10, 1866 « NO S$ALE.â€"Lots 9 10 ;- t l‘ South Ride Sparks ng?r,“.. nearly opposite the lot on which the new SAnk of Montreal is to be ed, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other ks. _ Lots 9 and 10 on north si 4e of Queen Stroet ar of the above. ALSO, 23 ACRES O:" LAND, ie Township of (Gloucester, situated about : ball le from Billlx)n‘- Bridge. This land ean be sold o+ or in lets of 5 acres. r further psniculan,nr‘}l.ly to ; FRANCIS CLEMOW, E8Q., t TR City of Ottawa. 'i:';-;'fmher part icul ars njsplly tr\ FOIC SATE.â€"Lots12 and 13, South Cathoart Street ; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Strectâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, ""‘f gan of the South half of the front part of Lot 20, unction Gore, Towmbigof Gloucester, as laidd own in the registered ghn y George «F. Austinâ€" and other City Lots and Farming Lunde. ; ZAr~ Money to Lend on Real Estate. ' I i NOTI(‘NMHO'I‘ICB I8 HERKBY GIVe EN that no receipts for muneys or goods, of | orders for goods, in the name â€"of t.do undersigned, wiil: be considered legal afterthis due.exeeg when | i«sued byâ€" JOHN P. ESMONDE, JO8. R. E8â€" | MONDE, and their agent, JO IFN ESMONDE, 82., | or by apecial order trom them, | L<MONDE BROS. | Aitawa Ostobar °0. 200uf 1t February 10, || PUBLI(Y NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN, that default having beea made in payment of } the pringipal money and intorest, mentioned in & | morigage mude by James Scaarf, of the Township | of Russell, in the Co\mt{ of Russel}, yeoman, of the | first part, and Rachael Echarf, his wife, made a | party thereto for barring dower ounly, of the escond | part, and James Keays,of the same place, Esquire, |FLCR OMR NS We eW af Tt mnmihar ~J. SMI‘TEZ, oentrat ceA rac Bunk st., Ottawa, IS AGAIN® PREPARED To .\fA.\'L'l-‘AC‘l‘\NH And hopes by strict attention 10 business to have a continuance of the patronage o liberally bestowed on him before. Ottawa, September 15. 250y | Ottawa, Octobor 20 0430 1 08. 4. 040 40 a04+ Archa Pbrandia wa : W i To hsn k 2 1 of the third par‘, of the West half of Lot sumber eventeen, in the Second Concession of the aforeâ€" said Township of Russoll, and the Southwest quarâ€" ter of Lot number Ei*huon in the Second Concesâ€" sion of the aforesaid owm_h:{ of Russell, containâ€" ing in all one hundsed and fiity acres, more or less, which said mortgage was dul ; uesigned by the said James Keays to Michael Stevenson, of the City of Quebec, merchant. The said lands ana promisss will hrmuuo of the ï¬!or of sale u.u'f.l.a in the sai n«&:’: deed be soid by Public Auction, at the Law of Merers. Scott: & Ross, on the Corner of Queen and Elgin Streets, in the City of Ottaws, on Friday, the nints day of November next, at twelve o‘clock, noon. Rra pense of the purchaser. 6g4 I Eu said Michaol Stevenson will c6venant against his own acts only. _ ol d agh ul en cb y '.l‘“ LET,.â€"«â€"FROM 187 OF ukss November nest, a STONE &‘ DWELLING on Sparks Street, _3_3' containing seven rooms and a good Ront moderate, For lmr'loulnn apply to NRS. FREDERICh SPARKS, (f : t the premiser. TOER SALE!. Apply to All searches, deeds and abstracts will be at the CAPRIAGES, SLEICHS, &c., &c., Dwellings to Let. ']‘0 LET A DWELLING o . MHouse, contrining Ten Rooms, !_ in the Deâ€"barats‘ Biock, Sparks *3 Street, next to Mra. Trotter‘s Resâ€" «scssion‘imimediate, . Apply to dGEoORuE E. mih‘g!ARATS, (Queen‘s Irinter‘s Office. mntember 29. M2f, w‘\N’I'ED TO RENT.«« A small Cottage, or two or three rooms and m Kitchen, in the central part of the city. . Apply at P stt _ B @wiving nine rooms, on Ottawa Street, south of MNathew‘s Hotel. Apply en the promises, to: THOS8. G.»BURN®. O LET, ON CORNER OF NOR SALK.«â€"That eligible 0 LET, A JHOUSE CON® all descriptions of LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &e., Ottawa, 46â€"utf LRWTS & PINMEY, Barristers, &e., Ottewa. T. P. OHANLY. Sandy Hill. 4Aâ€"utf Barristers, Ottawa. } 248C M2f FACTORY! AT 62 SPARKS EO R x A LF 15 ‘f 7 F CB \'. PENMSYLYANIA ROCK\ GIL 1 G@REaT sHow | FEBESH ARRIVAL e BEACH & 00., ? «â€" 62 Sparks street, Ottawa., “"',"!t"‘“"'“,, 2624 Fall Goods! Fall Goods : Fall Loods: rall bo00S . TIIE SUBSCHKIBER TAKES® THIS OPâ€" . portunity of returning thanks for the patron age so liberally bestowed on him, and bey« to an nounce to his numerous customers and the puldie in general that he has just received a choiee masort ment of Fall and Winter Goods! Fall and Winter Goods! $ f . F Cunlhï¬n‘d‘ “]'.}}t :f,éngls:’d ods ! | (JOFFEE ' & BROAD C1LOTEL®|The Pure Mountain Berry BEAVERS®, PILOTS, BLANKET s | s jX *mmene | a MELTON®, : : = Without, exception the. Amest Coffee in th English, Seouch, Canadian and Bannockburn Twee‘s | N.B.â€"Professional Robes, Riding Habits, Mi i fary Clothing, &0., &e., made to order, _ 245â€"d _ Al;b, a eholee assortment of those fashiona e \Frost . Proof® Whitneys ! which he is prepared to make up in themost aa«isâ€" factory manner ESMONDE BROS. TO THOSE W ANTING A GOOD CLE AR OIL, we would say we have the bea, free fr: m smell, and wxrnaud-mn-nplmlu, (known frow Pyrometer test). . & ‘OUR: LAMPE Are from the champion makers, every size of good stoves on hand. * s i No Inferior Articlee Kept. Competent workmen ever ready to do STOVE PIPINXG, JOBBING, ETC,, ETCO EASMONDE BRO®., Are of the most beautiful and varied assortme and not to be equalled in the city., j it The trade eupplied at low rato:. Ottawa, Ostober 27 300 hf chests young Hyson Toa. 350 do Twankay do« 100 do Japans 40. 100 do Gunpowder do. 1%0 do Imperial do. AXD a OEXERAL ASSORTWMENT 0 GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c. The besi and purest oil in this market CALL! CALL!T! CALLI! CALL! CALL!! CALL! 1 y AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sToRE! aAT THE OTTAWA SHIRT STORE! THE OXLY ESTABLISEMEYY * T9R ONLY RSTARLIAHMEXY L IQ C O s . A large assortment of A large assortment of PREPARE FPOR JT BY BUYING @4 PLALN AND FAXCY sHIRTS! PLAIN ANDFANCY SHIRTS! $ Also, Collars, Ties, Bearfs, Gloves, Handkcrâ€" shiefs, Hoslary, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Spacks ifitf OU BR STOV ES WV Store by a rema of 20 years‘ experi Speaks Â¥Fronch an Bul'uhn; 'nho thou;mgm,\ NE G Cns l w en lefersnaus 4F enar Speaks French and English ; also thoroughly unâ€" derstands Bookâ€"keeping. References if rog: wed Please address to A. B., at the Post Office, Ot! awa. Ottawa, July 27. 188tf» “n!-rnn.-u Hituation in a General Store by a person of 20 years‘ experionce. WAI'I'ID.â€"‘I'W(D YOUXNGâ€" LADIE® are desirons of obtaining situations as J k 1+ DENT GOVERNESSES, or as Teachers of J saior Pupils, either together, or soparately, in Acado ies. Nochoiseofplace, whether in Canada or in the Ftates. Address, by letter, stath rticular®, COLI WV EATHEHK. Ottawa, April 2, 1866. 300 Green cases Gin. 300 Red _ de do. 800 Brandy do. 500 Claret do. 15 Champagne Green Seal. ASD a GEXERAL M100F OP â€" Arso 100 puns. Highwines. 25 hhds. Gin« WHOLESALE & RETAIL, free of all charge, monthly, by â€" Burgoyue, Burbridges and Squire 25 qr. casks OI:: cHEAP FOR C4sau. NV FOR SALE ! Thirty thousand prices f the above forw®rded, All having escaped the late duties, JOSEPH PHFELAN," 835 and 537 Paul Street Montrem sPARKS STREKET. DRUG®S, &e. Pharmessutical Preparation: < hwu Suï¬'i_u. Japans do. Gunpowder do. Imperial do. GEXERAL ASSORTMENT OF =â€"AT ter, staf@ng partioula "24 C aiek Aivens, Co, St. Manrice, Canada Bast. . 1866. E2f wWAaAxTs. ~. 43 Spa 0ppotn: THOS BEAMENT rnrko Street, te Ontario Bank Where you will 1 ad Where you will ind PM Medicmes ’\ Chemics‘s, / Oilmen‘s Btores, _: | Veterinmy Bundries. 1y Dye Goods, Al Color® : Wines, Spirits & Liquors "| ALES, WINES& SPIRITS 1,000 Very ~Thoice and Superior NOW ON sALE each, 4+ Â¥ sOUCHONG. k 140 Caddes MANDERIN MIZTURE ZAY" Thiels the Gnest Buacek Tra ever I-rn vd, 5s per pound ; in smail Caddies, about 1: 1% â€" TEAS, We are com«tanty receiving supplies of this truiy beautif.] anl delicious COFFEE, roased desly # our préms hy % # Without, prcopiien the. fhu Coffee in the world."â€"London }iw«s, Marck 16. « Dakins‘ Patont Sitver Cylinter By which peculiar pro;ou. the aurome is preserved, and renders it the FaYoORITE TE aLL COPFEE DNYEâ€" t£8 BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMiTATION8, [RA As itis imported by no other firm in Canade. ROBLNSON & CQO, would especially eal the m tentiun of families to their stuck of We hare a most deliciong uUIXESS «& Co BiLQUODPs LuXDONX STOUT. BaRCLAY‘s LoaDo® FORTER ALLSOI‘s PALE ALL BASS EAST, I.\l.glA. a pow§s CELEBR®TED mMONTREAL 2LE. DAW‘S SUPERIVR LACBHIXE ALE, paW‘$ CELEEBRATED PORTEE & sPOUT Just Reccived from England : ROAST HARE. CCRRIED Po. JUGGED Do * STEWED po. ROAST PHEASAXNTé. _ RoaST GhOUEE y RoAST PARTRIDG A BAZAAR IN AiD uF THE FUNDS for the re bnudi-!o( SL. James‘ OCburch, # | Huli, will be held (1D. V.,) on the 19th and 204 | DiCkAMBER next.. f,‘:-l.ui_bu-:m: will be thauk ALL GOOD8 DELIVERED FREE by our Waggons to any part of the Cigy duily. â€"ROEINSON & CO. THE TEA POT‘ OTTAW a. Establishmenteâ€"Eussex 6t. and higean 8t. B | _ Svia Oy Geurze mortumer, d u Oy Weur ' rau «ut . by &uy.‘_l.“l-."m? vaog sirirk| excoront? 500 Chost: very choise and superior YOUNO MYSOXN. * 700 Ch.sts Good Strong TW ANKAY . 100 Che:ts â€" old fashloned BREAKFAST \Sunday Magazinetor 1866 hich we are scliing at 6 shilings per gailon "O‘I‘l(‘l‘..-‘l-l. PARTIES HAavINAG 4°%@ cluims agninst the Eâ€"tate of the lote ALEXâ€" ANDER sCOTT ar+ requested to seud in the sxime forthwith to the undersigned. ALISON #OOTT, (Wiawa, September 6 ully received by the f«;al.l:: ing lad» # | Vols, I to VIMI, Ghembers‘ Lncyclopedia. , | 0 ty mak puats a sox, Z Opwosite Russel) House. ‘ OTICE.,.â€"â€"ALLPAL Tik§ IADEEL KD a°@ to the Estute of the late ALEXANDEK SCUTT «re required to make imwediate payweut of their sccuunts tu the undersigued. AllsO® 2COTT, Ottawa, September 6 Mnl_. WARREXS GREAT BOOKE : * dow 1 NMugsged my Houe un £.09 a your," ®How I asmaged An Chilmwen tw Inâ€" fancy to Aastinge Ottawa, September 10. secretary Ottaws, ~*ober 9 100 cases Oinrd Brandy. 50 * Marteh‘s * 150 â€""® _ Mecunesscey, 55 "®â€" United Vinguebs, €. CAbkY LiIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY Jrs. 8. A. Alten‘s Wortds Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen and lengthen the hair. They act \dh-mly «pon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are covâ€" ered, hatr stops falling, and lcwumant?gmcth is the reâ€" sult. ies and Childre» will appreciate the delight ful â€"fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no feas of soiling the shkin, seaip, or most elegant headâ€"dress. DuUBLIN STOUT INostrations of Scottish Life, by Dr. Rogers. The Sparruwgrass Papers, Es Half Hours of Luglish lLstory, by Cbas. Enight Lonaon Poums,‘byBach«nan. r The Tiger Prince, by Daiton. The Contewporary Review â€"or October. . Bouna to the W heel, byâ€"Jobn cauuders. Mre. Becton‘s Howsebuld Menagewent. PRESERVLD MEA1S. Bold by all Druggists. Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. DINNEK SHERRY, ROBINSON & CO, â€" THE TEA POT, rived by the follo® ing ladi #: numu ~*TOX, (Rer.) â€" #â€" MCNAB, «_ â€"JuNBe, M.J. NES. TRUBLDGE, (Refreshment Take.) B AZAAFL: EW VOLUXK. OB 4, 1666 OTTAW A.