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Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Nov 1866, p. 3

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GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & . CO. HAYEJUST RECEIYVED A VERY LARGE ADDITION To THEIR ALREADY LARGE SN(’? oFr T & ; 1 ® # Staple and ‘Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery ! xEW TWEEDS AND SILK MIXTURES xEW CANADIAN TWEEDs In Great Stoves, T1 amps, OTILS. IXerozene, OILS. Ottawa, Nov. 10. And hopes by striet jon to business to ha .d-.:nlmm;:limyuos -:tfiu, | % Sevitember 15. | 230y ° . .. IE corp woop, sPLIT SHINSGLEs, LaDâ€"| INGLEs Dm..flsc&vl.ll‘:‘ & 5 LAD~‘ LPHE PINXARD, . | Corner of Pngd Dalhousic Streets, Ottawa, October 29. _ | > ~~~if% ' E. ccugic I "Orte W. WADE, Ontario Bank A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINC OW the St. George‘s Society will be heid at SALâ€" MONX‘Sâ€" HOTEL at 8| oclock, on THURSDAY EVENIXNG, NOVEMBER 15th, 1846, tor the parâ€" 1 Cns ons € d pose of clecting a Sec St. Geo‘rgb's mociety. Ottawa, November 12 'l-l TRUST ANXD LOAN COMPANY i OF UPPER CAXADA have funds for investâ€" ment on the security of ji class towa asd tarm property, and are also prepared to purchase good The rate of interest Toans is $ per cent. N | No commission charged, expenses reduced. The | h.nmuu%fnbl“ y:::.rt oln be -'-dde | yable '-m or ha instaiments, if deâ€" | ”dra" of $10 ted f l’hvh n | A> t 0 requi with e amplication. . For further inl»rnui‘; apply at the g-”ny‘p Office hlhgu-. or to | s J. PENNINXSGTON MACPHERSON, ‘ L Barrister. November 19 OTTA W A, November 14 CALL! CALL!! CALLLCALL 2300 New AT 1"_2 oTFAW A sHUIRT STORE! AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sTORE: TWE oSLY n) 1 r * TSE OSLT ESTABLISHN®AT * omm w nc ow 45 A large agsort ment of_ A large assortument of > PLAIN AND FANCY SHLRTS! | mmo is expericnced. " A« f PLAIX AXDFANCYX SHIRTS!| Ottaws, November 9 JBE Also, Coliats, Ties, Searts, Gloves, Handkerâ€" | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~~ shiefs, Hosiery, Wristbands, Braser, at 25 Spark$ | wWw7TaANTED.â€"â€"A New Whitney and Blanket Cloths. JUST! ARRIVED! FOR SA@&LE CHEAP! LEM'HI;P.. TrRUNKS SHOEFINDING3, FRsioors in suors,MK AGAIN PREPARED TO MAXUFACTURE Private Boarding House. Of every d.ent.irxinn suitable for the season, inâ€" | ==«â€"â€"*~ <luding Baff, C £, Kid, Cloth and Felt Goods and Rubbers, for Ladies‘, Gents® and Children‘s wear. | } WHOLESALE ANXD RETAIL I at _ G. HOWE & S08, j Ns-ox Street, and 10â€"Rideau Street . | ° Ottums, ONLLHT,{tThue. ______________HTHuH _ | or c A*8: Grand Trunk Railway ompnyl fne =â€"__. ,._â€" @ll deseriptions ot .’n“l’"" ANXD EXTEX&IVE SALE ~by auction of SURPLUS STORES, &e. Large assorument and stock of HARDW ARE. The subscriber has been instrueted by C. J. Brydges. Esq., to 1«ll by auction, at the L‘m- ture Station, on TUESDAY, the 26th NOVEMBER, a large and miscellaneous stock of SURPLUS P es n e hn Haso c top we deets ogues wil i the ¢ m‘y be examined on !-’o‘"oy. the 19th. * urther partyculars hereafter. Sale at ELKVEN o‘clock. us JOHN LEEMING & CO., Auctioneers. Montreat, November 5. _; 212¢4 Montreal, November R SALE, BY THE UXDER®IGNXED, RIVATE BOARD, WITH GOOD AND comfortable gccom: lon, for six or seven ns, cas be obtained * MRS. J. MeARTHUR, Bank St., Ottawa, Canadian ! ESMCNDE BROS., | 43 Sparks Street. MoNEY TO LOAN. I wamps, 3. SmMITTE, BRlook and 1227 Stoves, A Isrge amd qxeellent assortment of IDDUTIONA_TIL, STOCK. CALLH Stoves. 1 amp»> * Mantles.â€"Various Styles and Prices. ‘NEW MILLINERY, ' V ariety and at Moderate FPrice 6. SPARKs STREET, CEBXTRAL TowX. f GARLAXD, MUTCOHMOR & CO. ADIAX TWEEDs AND ETOFEES. XEW FANCY PLANNELS. " 43 Sparks Street. pposite Ontario Bauk COxsISTING INg#ART OF 15th, 1846, for the purâ€" | To this department particular attention is given y, and ‘for general busiâ€" | in wb&:‘mpb-p:ommn of.all hiudfand | at m ti JOUN ROCHESTER. ; ‘a m&%Ybfl. e mdns xt o hveh‘-nlCm‘:t‘uiuw“ | _ git~ To those Stoves Furniture O LOAN. ‘»dhv- of, will find immediate sale for them at â€" ~â€" _ _ | he Variety Hall. L 186y BLACK AND COLORED FRENCIL MERINOES. XEW FAXNCY DREss GooDs. â€" g XEW ‘ASTRACAN CLOTHS. xEW WELSIL FLAXNNELS THOs BEAMEST FACTORY MEETINXG OP | Where you will fnd | Where you will find ‘ xyw CAXADIAN FLANNELS. & XEW CANADIAN COTTONs. XEKW PRIXNTS AND SHEETINGS * NEw sHAWES. 278d â€"ICKI N &A SETS! ‘Stoves. Stoves. Stoves â€"YARIETY HALL, 120 por Cent. less than coft. . To close the Consignment. Those Stoves 1 graranâ€" | tee to the rnhmr. Also a large number of | second mm.mmm,mrm R ceived -.-l_ug.â€"-mwv"â€"â€" ent of first class CONKLNG STOVES, of various sizes and patterns, with low and elevated Ovens, will sell at | Auction Sales every Evening. lor Stoves, at low figures Furniture. Furnituré. Furniture, at Moderate Prices ing promptly attended to t Crockery, China and Glassware. i Where they will sell at public auction ever; | ing at halfâ€"pastseren o‘clock. R 0. WARDELL J | Ottawa, September 11 DERYC GOODSF! . Crane‘s News Depot, No. 56, Sparks St. AT 0. WARDELL & CO.‘ A l WAKTKD; sÂ¥ .A YOUNG who holds a firstâ€"class diploma Bureau d‘Education, a situation in a f ‘Feacher of English, French and Music, she is upeflt-ncod. Address E. L., Time WAI'I'SD--A Situation in a Store by 5rnm of 20 years‘ e Kpeaks French and English ; also thorou derstands Bookâ€"ketping. References if Please address to A. B., at the Post Office, Ottawa, July 27. 18 iAn‘ who would be without a can of them at the I «* * low price of I | 40 Gents per Can and X X X at that. GEORGE W. CRANE, _ ‘va:'rl:n.--rwd YQUNG / LADIE® are desirons of obtaining situations 4s RESIâ€" DENT GOVERNRSSES, or as Teachers of Junior Pupils, either together, or separately, in Academies. Nochoiceofplace, whether in Ca.nm!aor iifthe States. o e o ce c on oc ces Nochoiceofplace, whether in Canada or Address, by letter, stating _l’nniculnn‘ J. or J. E.. THREE RL Ottawa, April 2, 1866. " AMNCYX (10>0O)>l1)Ss And other articles toonumerous to mention, NO. 34, SUSSEX STREE‘ November 9, 1866 A TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OPF No. 54, SUSSEX STREET. t USDERSIGNED HAVINSG REâ€"« \';n'; ;gvis_â€"oi_.l- All orders for manufactur XQOTHER FRESII LOT OF THOSE READYâ€"MADE CHOTHING, AND AUCTION SALES stock of Black Wainut and common Fur® Y &8$1D1 C B S ! NEW AUCTION ROOMS OF EVK&Yâ€" DESBCRIPTIOX ; J. or J. E.. THREE RIVERS, «&T o Qg’. wANTS. JUST RECHIVED AT St. Maurice, Canada East % 89â€"tF No. §6, hpir!]_ .Btrd- 28ly rai ience. ty unâ€" quired. t a W @2 f ADY, aily as r€3 CO evenâ€" "Which COOKING sTOVES. *_â€" SHign of the Anvil. PREPARE FOR WINTER * .Successor to Jas. Starke, Has now on hand a splendid lot of ,__ Amongst which are The 6 QUEEN CITY,! with reservoit. The § CANADA COOK,** with elevated oven The * ROYAL,** a good cheap Stove. A1so, . Shelf and Heavy Hardware. | r‘_bono Lead Stove Polish, a new and splenâ€" did article, very cheap, Fancy Double Stoves did article, very cheap, Call and examines 1 N n Table and Desert Knives, Meat and Game + Carvers and Steels. > Electroâ€"Plated Spoons and Forks t Also a largo collection of the best waTCHESs, « $ t SHEFFIELD HOUSE, 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA Brooches, Te R Ear-erigs, f Fingerâ€"Rings, , Bracelets, Chains, Lockets, E. K. MacGILLLVRAY & Co., Watchmakers and Jewellers, $A Particular attention paid to the repairing and manufactiring department. Ottawa, November 10. . h AT 62 SPARKS STREET. Ottawa, October 24. FOR SALE VERY LOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, PENNSYLYANIA ROCK OIL Ottawa, October GEBE.AT SEHOW Finance Department, Cus:oms, Ottawa, 6th November, 1866. WlllllAl the power given to Collectors of Customs by the Customs Act, Consolidated Statutes of Canada, Chapter 17, of retaining the invoices produced on thl:’sufing of Entries, has not been pnonlbl{ exercised, and that it has been found advisable to make it incumbent u'ron Collecâ€" tors to retain the official custody, and place on file all such invoicesâ€"â€" Notice is hereby {lm that u and after the FIRST day of JANUARY ural[ invoices of Notice is hereby {lm that u and alter the FIRST day of JANUARY urall invoices of r:od-. W for entr‘y at any of the Custom louses inthe Province, will be retained and put on file b! the Collector of the Port, in eonfonnig with the 13th section of the 29 and 30 Victoria, Cap. 6, and that certified copies thereof will te given by the Collector or pronr officer, when required under the conditions therein mentioned. § By command, ¢ DOOCO LE OB Aes Avvamunes Tlll: following imir;omnt ANotice to Navigators has been issued from the Hydrographic Otâ€" Gce, ‘Admiraity, London, in reference to a fixed Light on C? St. George, Gulf of Mexico, United States, to which the attention of all concerned is specially directed. Aud FANCY GOODS, At â€" YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, Practical Watch and Clock Makers, 30 Sparks Street, Ottawa. tawa, October 24. 2My ol o cce tw d stne o2 rnnaer d U seived on board, is to be inserted in red ink on the Charts afected by it ; and, introduced into the marâ€" gin or otherwise in the pog;d the Snlh,‘Dim- tions to which it relates. instructions, Naviga~â€" tion and Pilotage, p. 172. * i [No. 51.] \__ _ Gulf or WU-IM States» : FIXED LIGHT OX CAPE S1. GEORGE. h{:r-u‘wfl has been received at the Admiralty, that eLightunCar St. George, West Coast of l'Iori,d;‘.‘ was reâ€"established on the Ist day of Augâ€" u“‘ * : i 3 Li TEV wb aine Cc pict ‘Thomas Birkett The best and purest oil in this market. "®%. BEACH & CO., moagt 62 Sparks Street, ‘(‘)g‘lwl- "Ki'."'fim‘ is a ficed white light, and in clear weather should be seen from a distance of.15 miles. FIXBD AND FLASHING LIGHT ON CAPE SAN BLAS. + Atso, that the light on Cw San Blas, West Coast of Florida, wa« reâ€"established on the 23rd day uf dulyy W68. :: Shgs oo cce dagn dn e d h ‘il-n’l.l‘i?il a jired white light, varied by a fo«h every minute and a half, and'\‘l‘ el’u weather :l'i;{ldl:-;n from a distance of 16 mites. FIXED AND.FLASHING LIGHT AT JUPITER INLET. * Also, that the light at Jupiter Inlet, ‘East Coast of }‘lo;i:l“l‘. was reâ€"established on the 28th: day of AMatniy M .. .. s 10000 L ons es Te S : ho o CLOCKS®, 'ufle.lm't is a jired white light, varied by a fa« every minute and a half. * FOG SIGNAL AT wEST QUODDY HEAD sTATE OF MAINE, . Also, that on and after the 15th day of August, the fog signal at West Quoddy Head, Coast of RIC e t s ig OR OD s s ie TsB Bvvcrous The substance of this Notice, as soon as it is tcâ€" Maine, \:ild: ti.câ€"myl'o- 'b]‘-h;;;'l ‘c;l a Di“b.dl ‘cinm' oper & Roper hot air engine, vin mul:' 5 neozuh duration, with intervals of 21 seconds between the blasts. ¢ ‘ u‘l‘;bo t:;unyot is plu:: i&: small vhiu“uudn; ort distance sou lighthouse, at an ele vation of 75 feet nb%o the mean level of the sea. By command of their WE. i6 .. GEO. HENRY RICHARDs, Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, 30th August, 1866. | This Notico affects the follo'_'hlnlt Charts : 8t. umi;n sound, No. 2,898 ; West Ind &e., No. 392 4; QM' in West Indies, No. 390. Bay of Fundy, Ko. 452 Malifax to Dollwfi?&x : 2 670. t VYERY THICK. FIXED LIGHT ON CAPE ST. GEORGE. Gulf of Mcxico==United States, NOTICK TO MARINERS. JEWELLERY, By.command, KYERY DESCRIP1ON OP :‘o'"cl TO MARINERS. GOLD Finince Department, Customs, Ottawa, 3rd October, 1866 NORTH ATLANTIC. AT TME NOTICE. E. S M. BOVCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, _ Commissioner of Customs: t Notice to Navigators TH K â€" OT‘TA W ACC Mydrographer &c. . Importers of Dry Goods,. _ 800 1000 2000 Wikf] a large supply of Foreign and Domestic Gray Cotton, * O TWEEDS, BLANKET®, &c., &c."° ‘[WThe unintoffupted sucéess their House has had for the past quarter of a ccihtury has induced Mesars. P. A. E. and 8. to a renewed effort to supâ€" ply find sell goods at prices which they hope will merit the continuance of an ihereased patronage from an intelligeut public. o icg patlrondal® e o isF _: _ soo PAIRS Superior Quality Gray Lumber Blankets ' I JUST RE‘CEIVED. > ESPECTFULLY OFFER To M ant4, at their new promises, *sSSEX ST I}BRT , 10th November, 186 O °* M E A R A NOVEMBER 12, 1866. n Extensive Stock of Wincies--j-all makes, Th CC ‘TTAW A, October 22. |â€" / PLLOTS, 1‘ ‘BEAVERS, | | * \PETERSHAMS, | ‘ . DEVONs, .. ELACK SIL BRANTF ANX D ELEN DJ ALEX. DUFF. OTTAW A, September 12 OCERIES AND PROVISIONsS, #c., T A W A, 3 ‘UNNINGHAM & LINDSAY, 30 EW DRESSES AND W! EADYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! ndg-lndu. that is IASNIORWONTO POF MRW MEIIRANOY ENE Om 0000 MPETITION. They are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which th ?g!l!_ln_! fashior, and as they are under the superintendence y would call particular attent idyâ€"Mades, that is fashionable RRANTED TO PIT CLOTHS AND CLOTHING. GRAY BLANKETS. RF NoOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASIL } ImmpPoJ® O B C PPE TVE . 8$0, sUssSEXâ€" STRISICT, RES S ~â€"GOO DSs! xo : 4 + HAVE A VERY LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENXT OF DOESKINS, K MIXTURE OF COATINGS, Do. | _ _do. TROWBERINGS, BEDFORD coins. | s CHAUDILERE TW EEDS, | BANNNOCKBUKN DQ., * ‘ HALIFAX DO., KERSEYS, , ‘ FLANNELS, TNSPECTION BOXES TOBACCO HALF CHESTS OF TEA. ‘ BARRELS OF ALL KINDS OF SUGAR TIERCES GoLDEN AND OTHER SYRUP3 £ECGLESON & . d s on BAGS RICE BOXES RAISLN®S BARRELS SPLIT LABRADOR HERRIN; is, BARRELS MESS {mn PRIME ESS PORK. BAGS COARSE AND FINE SALT. BUNDLES .uél-:mc AN COTTON YARXN. PpSTABLISHED LN 1844 EVER BROUGHT ‘TO OTTAWA, COMPRISING O8R OP THE THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT HITNEYS, IRISH FRIEZE, . CANADIAN Do., AT THE LOWEST JCASH PRICES AXD NANL‘fiACTI’E!IS OF, AND DEALERS 1X No, 14, Rideau Street. attention, as they have now on hand every novelty of cut and pattern in nable for the season, and as their. stock is large and varied they DEFY red to take orders for Clothing, which they guarantee to make up in the i a« thev are under the suporintendence of exporienced cutters, they are LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED sTOCKs oF BROADCLOTMS, THE PUBLIC, THE TRADE AND COUNTRY , SPARKS STREET, â€" â€"ALSO;â€" Magee & Russell. BLANKETS. OM EARAc&:~CO. COATS, MOCCASINS, BUCK, BAGS, LINEN, Do., TRAVELLING, f COTTONS, STRIPED, * Do,, BLUE, ® Do., G“Ya i TRUNKES, * t VALISES, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, . DKA W ERS, SMOCKS, 80CK8, SRSON, [INCIES. BIK R WR 15,. 1 SNh6. MITTS, WOOLLEN Do. BUCK, 2114m 78â€"6m 261y 27 INSURANCE ADVERNTS. m PHO@NIX FIRE ASSURANGE COMP‘Y GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, % asiaduaudl For the special security of Policy=holders In. Canada, o Is pntne‘l to ucex-t Risks on Dwellingâ€"houses, Household Goods and Furniture, and General Merâ€" chandise at the lowestcurrent rates. JOMN DURIE, > Agent Ottawa, j # No. 10, Sparks Streot. Nitawa.Fob. 12 1866. 4Tâ€"uth Ottawa, Feb. 12 1866 I Hundred Thousand Dollars, VARIETY STORE! 56, SPARKS STREET. f llAVlNG PURCHASED ALL THE " Stock of J. L. BARBER, in the | News and Periodical Business !| And having added largely to the stock of i I shall be hv.”’y to wait on all his customers, an« unm{ old customers, and a&s many rnew ones & will favor qm_v_u\h_g_rnll,. *A & STATIONERY & BOOKS CANADIAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PA PERS and MAGAZINES kept coustantly on hand Strict atténtion paid to orders. , N. B.â€"Picture Framing done to order, _‘ Ottawa, Qptober 20. 260â€"3m (Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St . M.P. HAYBS, RoyalCanadianBank Ottawa, June 21 HAIR â€" CUTTERS | PEG TOP DEPOT, FALL AND WINTER (.:oqns. Com’lpriuln‘ «ll that is new in tashion and shade : WITNEYS not to be surpassed ; BEAVERS, PLâ€" LOTS,, BLANKETS, CLCW‘HS, MELTONS, &e., & f Also a choice selection of Eng As t alread !)rep- n & W AGENTS FOR CANADA. IIIS COMPANY HAVING INVESTED, in conformity with the Trovincial Act, Cie L c» O r°C 1 0 . Or ral 11 W C 9 Provin Act to any f Established in 1782. Yor than husba to info she in hopes and p The E tion o and S sirab that I Hotel, deavo This r dictin of my same‘ I reay lic ge OrrAWA AGEXCY:!: Ottav the Spart II CI oP ( Ott TC fish, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds. y d{.ov'ed his ability as a._CUTTER, he is ed to make to order his well assorted stock, y that will give satisfaction. , Cheap for Cash. woar war ppantr ICE,â€"â€"NXOTICE IS HEREBY GIV»= , that an application will be made to the ial Parliament, at its next session, for an incorporate the Ottawa Water Works Comâ€" th _ supply of the city of Ottawa with water a, January 30. + « E. UNDERSIGXNXED, PROPRIE» ess of the above named Hotel, in returning for the liberal pnrouafe bestowed on her d, the late R, R. HAMIGTON, begs leave m her friends and the public generally that nds carrying on the bugincss as usual, and y attentien to guests to deserye the support tronage of the travelling I::blie. o House is situated in the best business porâ€" the city; adjacent to the Railway Station camboat Landing, rendering it the most deâ€" place in town for commercial men, sn o en trbas WA MTTDAN e proprietor of the above establishment has Eooo sictrnp Ens enc OMOVIRInERTS t h e AMILTON‘8s MOTEL k Street, Ottawa, C. V I' * _ _ MRS. PHOEBE HAMILTON (wa, 18th Oct , 1866. _ â€" â€" 209â€"y TICE, ««« WHEREAS CERTAIN vil disposed persons have circulated rerom the undersigned proprictress of Hamilton‘s York Street, Oitawa, am, or have been, en= ing to dispose of the said Hotel and business. otice is theppfore for the purpose of contraâ€" such np&p, and to state that the business Hotel will coutinue to be carried on in the rst class n;le as heretofore, a trial of which ctfully invite from my friends and the pubâ€" eraily. * * PHCBE HAMILTON. . Nevember 10. 278â€"3 D,000 Roos, OF LONDON. ARDING. ««« THREE OR FOUR gentlomen may obtain comfortable rooms on mble terms, either with or without .board, in rk building next the Quoen‘s Printing Office, s Street, Ottawa. _ , «_ 1978 JUBT RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT OP jAR AND TOBACCO DEPOT. sPAIiIK®s sTRIZEET Great Pocket Cigar Machines One of the novelties of the day An excollent article for Smoking. schaum and Briar Pipes» 7 ‘ , Nevember 10. Virginia Leafs Opposite the P C. BANSLEY & CO. Ottawa, opposite Ontario Banks PEREU MERS TOBACCO®S No. 421 Sparks Street, PRIME AND CHOICEK CIG ARS just to nand of vaâ€" G. M. HOLBROOK, s .. Ottawa. et The. best in the city 10e Proprietor. AckxT 1578 # | taurant P 1 in D3 00. ce ! !’d& finished, first class. One buildit contains 9 rooms, and kitchen: the other 6 rooi and kitchen. â€" The premises are beautifuily #itis ed, and surrounded with shade trees. . Rent mod rate. | For partica}ats. apply on the premises to | ARCHIBALD KEYS. Aitaws . October 4. * 248 Ottawa, October 4 eellar. Rent crected, and withiy five ininutes‘ walk o Banks, [Lots 9 and 10 on north gide of Q in rear of the: above. e ALSO, 2 ACRES OF LAND. In the Township of Gloucester, siteated abot a‘mile from Billings Bridge. Thisland can| en bloc or nlets ofg; acres. For further particulars, apply to FRANCL» JLEMUW, EAQ., Oitawa, Fob. 10, 1866 is ni2i..). i esn vabcaunrer yaoâ€" J _ BEWARE & l k c | perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" | sons a, uje q Wirm i. ~~ dollis Homestead, containing about | P®"As 1 is io oooX Ste Two Acres, beautifully situated on | , the Oftawa HRiver, being Lot One, Northside Wolâ€" | * R linfton Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling | f and outhouses thereon. * | Auply to 0+ + +( o avem en y e kn Coppainos®® lYel\ One of which ‘nre cleared and ion with good. Dwwelling ou!!{uih!ing- lheruan This land is of the best quality, and situnte seven . milos from Oftawa City on macadamiz road leading to Hichmond. Forf further particulars apply to the undersigne ' * J'"ll.\’ BELL, «* WiLLI A M G KR AH AM, f . JAMES BEARMAN, Oitawa, Scptgfixgb*r 20 Executors of the Extate ot the late G 28 Address Beill‘s Corners P.0, June 20, 1866. | ) provements d ltrfio Two storey Wooden Building, on the corâ€" ner of Murray Streets, . This Mouse is lined with Brick, (umiu{wd with double doors aad windows and Venetian BJinds.| There is a large Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pumps, Stables and other Buildings in 'the?u-l. This rl'uunj; well adapted for a Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private resiâ€" l)msunssws civEx m» mediately. _ A new Brick in ioa.a * Building on Besserer Street, Bandy u002 Mill, near the residence of Hon. Maleolm Camercn. This buflding contains ‘Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with all modérn imâ€" ies +2 Ottiwa., February 10. $Â¥a bott * Iiakh.L eontain poftcs Foby 10, 1866. ;{â€"«‘ oi Fon SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST= t erl! oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in ; Firet Concession Ottawa, Eront Neâ€" pean, and Luts Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the ocoupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq For forther particulars apply to gour and Wa. Txowsox, Nepcan, and Lewis & Posaxy. Barrister, Ottawa. _ JeZâ€"141â€"tf #45â€"tf FOH SALE.â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Cathcart Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Strectâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being gart of the South half of the frout part of Lot 20, unction Gore, ',l'ownnhi‘:d(ilwcv»u r, as Igidd own in the ”‘i’w""“r“' y George F. Austinâ€"and other City Lots : Farming Lands. gaas~ Money to Lend on Meal Estate. February 10, 1866 For further wflwlus lyp!li ,t;:’ angh | x s FoR SALE on To LET |_| |{{fQESH ARRIVAL At a Cor day, as prohibits the importation or wtrodu ses into this Province, or into nn)‘run be and the same is liereby revoke I W . A. 1 MSW C f PRESENT IIIS EXCELLENCY THE G ; AL IN COUNCILe p ON the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and undor and in virtue of the authority of the 17th Chap. of the Con. Stat. Canada, His E"Imu.ncy in Council has been pleas= {ed to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the £.[â€" lowing articles which, under the provisions of the Act, f-tlu:led: #An Act to amend the duties of Castoms and the Farill of Duties payable under them," are to be admitted rax:: of duty when izmâ€" ported by Shipbuilders for shipbuilding parposer, At a ( viz «_ Compasses. _ «* Du-r E‘yu. «* _ Dead Lights, * Pawgs 204 Pamp i * Pumps myr Gear: * Sluerl-. Â¥ : « b‘hn:lu‘.‘ i is * Bi mps. / # . ‘l'r‘:‘vellingn‘rmeka, Yellow Metal in Bars or Boltand YVeliow Metal Sheathing. . ; j Nisighe > * Stch Spiges and Nails Nails. gh'.'mu‘copmu Nails, e lmQ-udmdm. Wire Rigging. ?r’e;i;n.udwu.:;i x giossy appeuronmco UIERIDE® « Iron Masts or parts ron Masts. f " May be aid ‘S‘;’ are bereby authorized to be ~CC £0 the hair, and no feast en out of Bond free of duty, when purchased . by “'P Shipbailders exclasively fors)llphnihlmg purposes, Of “m‘”’ the ‘k‘”’ 0P u:.}mu. puch ofders and regulations for the proâ€" most elegant headâ€"dness. tection of Revenue as may yom time to time s imposed and sanctioned by the Mon. the Minister of field br ull *u N. Y. Finance. 1 j Depofl?flm a i. a. PusSwWoRTH _ | Bold by G ‘!_!- ' | City of Ottawa. Â¥Feb. 10, the6.. |_:___*>~ _ adâ€"uil" mTOR SaALIRH. Apply to Ships @ in (the Desbarits‘ Bioc} S¥°F Stroit| next to Mrs. Trot! Posscssion impmedtate. . Applyt UEDRKGL E. DES~DA! [( _1 Queen‘s Printer‘ 280tf Dwellings to Let. nt_moderatg. For partioul MRSSFREDERICh SPAR Un the 280 neil held «t the ( the Snd doy of N "‘YANT;«:D TO ENT A small Cottirge, or two WV Asmall Cottrge, or two or three rooms and a Kitchen, in the eentral pait of the eity. Apply at 252â€"tL (R) Wilbrpd and Nels Sandy Mill, twoldwellis finished, first claes. On Blocks and patent bushes for block: Binndcle Lainps. Bunting. Sail Cloth or Canvass, from No. 1 to 'l‘(, LET.«â€"FRON 18TP OF ! November next, a STONE ilwlt.n'r fi\ DW ELLING Honse, containing Ton Roome« DW ELLAN containjor s .l‘v November next, a STONE DWELALANG on Sparks Slrm-l.’" containjog seven rooms ahd a good | deratg. . For ‘l:ll‘fll‘lfl.‘l." apply to FREDERICh SPARKS, Un the premisos. "Nfl LET £ DW ELLING ; ‘Honse, containing Ton Rooms«, in ithe Desbarats‘ Btock, Sparks Stsost| next to Mrs. Trotter‘s Hesâ€" ion imjmedtate, . * . UEDKGL K. PESDARATS, : |/~| Queen‘s Printer‘s Ofiice. ~ | nber 20. MH2T d 'H‘O LET, A HOUSE ('0&'-*; M\ inining nine rooms, on Ottawa h'tl’eo}. south of Mathew‘s Motel. ' Ap{ly on the premises, to [# THOs. G. BURN®S. â€".| Post Office Departmen | â€" Ottawa, m{: Noven it held at the City of Montreal, 10 LET, ON CORNER Or L 1808 PRAG LEWIS & PINHEY Barrigters, &¢., ! WIS & PINHEY Jarristers, &e., Ot L. P. OHANLY. Sandy Hill, A. 111 MSWORTH ty ;e,'g Barn, and other Barristers, ber, 1806 ERNOR 4bâ€"utf As 13 A J 1 n whic Ottinwa. Gâ€"if ember, 18 he sold 1 10 n of Mor» it, by §28, GENELE he hgr ect NER {l:?;\;n | n« W VOLUME, ° »o=l Yanday Magazinetor 1866 1,000 J Very Choice. and Bupericr NOWw o% siALE Wines, Spirits & Liquors | ALES, WINES& SPIRITS By wh and c Tnc Pure Mountain Rerry BANY EASY INDIA. > € pow s CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALE, paAW$ SUPERIOR LACHISE ALKE, IpaAW® CELEBRATED PORTER & sSrOUT ROBINSON & CO, would especially call the at tention of families to their stook of > GUINESS & Co, We have a most delicions ‘~ PRESERVED MEATS. BLO0DVs LONXDONX STOUT, BALGQLAY‘®® LOXDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE AbLk: & Just Reccived from England : ROAST HARE. CURRIED po. 3 ,+ JUGGED po. > STEWED po.â€" . * ROAST PHEASANTs. * ROAST GROUSK s * ROAST PARTRIDGE. ALL GO0DS DELLVERED FREE by our own Waggons to any pait of the City daily . > LIFE, GROWTiI ANO BEAUTY i\ _ Itrs. 8. A. AHen‘s Wortd‘s ~| Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen andlengthen the hair. They ,.. act dircciiy «pon the roots of the hair, supplying 16 quired â€" nourishment, and naturat evolor and beauty rcturns.‘ Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald ®pots are covâ€" .. ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children» will appreciate the delight jfut fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" .. ~ed to the hair, and no feast v . of soiling the skin, scaip, or ~.. most elegant headâ€"dress. :‘ ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA POT, | oTTAW A. Extablishmentsâ€"Susser St. and Rideau &t. A BAZAAR IN AID OF THE FUNXD® for the re*b\lili:”l‘ Ht. James‘ Chufch, at Huil, will be held (I# V.,) on the 19th and 20th DECEMBER next. Contributions will be thankâ€" ully received by the following ladics: MRS. JOHNSTON, (Rev.) «* MeNAB, _, «_ JuUNES, H.4. MNRS. TRUBLDGE, (Refreshment Table.) agen s $ t® hCO 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUNO MYSON.: . * 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY. 109 Chests old fashioned BRBAKFAST h 150 Caddes MANDERIN MIXTVRK are required l'u madee 1MEMC! account¢to the undersigned Ottawa, September 10 fancy to Marriege 109 case, lard Brandy. 500 o‘> Murteb‘s * 150 * Ifennessc}. 15 %â€" Unitcd Finquels. Secretary. Ottawa, October 4, 1866 TEAS €. CAKX Vols, I to VIIL, Ohambers‘ Encyclopedia. DUBLIN. STOUT sing Patent Silver Cylinder ich poculiar process, the aroma is preserved, ileys it the FAVORITE WITH ALL COFPKE DRINKâ€" Iliustrations of Scottish Life, by Dr. Rogers. The Sparrowgrass Papers. ° f = Half Hours of English Mistory, by Chas. Knigh, London Poeras, by Buchanan. * | The Tiger Prince, by Daiton. s 4 The Contemporary Meview tor October, Bound to the Wheel, by John Saunders. * MMr#. Beeton‘s Household Management. ~ This is the finest Beac« T#a ever i-rn- r pound ; in swall Caddies, about 1 Th Bold by George Mortimet, J Mhsszey, H. F. MeCarthy, and & 1 anmd delicious ‘ARE OF SPURIOUSITMITATIONE, it is imported by no other firm in Canada, we are scllingâ€"at 8 shiliings per gailon DINNEK SHERRY, ut RS. WARRENS GRKAT BOOK® : "blow I Managed My MHouse on £200 a " #llow 1 Munaged My Children trom Inâ€" COFPFEE | ROBINSUN & CO, _THE TEA POT, For sale by SOUCHONG. e:cc}:'iun the fincst Coffee in the dom Times, March 16. «tant‘y receiving supplies of this truly B A TA ATFTL. JOILN DURIE & SON, . 10, Sparks Street, Opucsite Russell Houre ALISON £OOTT, Exsovran. OTTAW A Ex 250â€"4f aAt

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