*._ The city was all agog yesterday afternoon « with a ramor that‘ a» telegram had been reâ€". sn ceivat by the Atlantic cable, announcing ~> that the Confederation Conference had te e } j.adomi--upuï¬qu“bu â€" 2 22c ul o tal Lavllo nncesemet Tor ‘-Wisn Year‘s Prosents at the Shofte d * Mouse!â€"E. K. MacGillivray & Co. ...,.-..m..*mn-w.u:. B. Guerard. Auction Saterâ€"I. Macdosald. _ ; | , St. Josefph‘s Orphan Asylum Basacr. * Grammar Schoolâ€"J. Thorburn, M.) A. EbeOttawaCimes oge magonky."". e old m o us‘ us say Mnmhmhâ€"‘“ received., The rumor was a mere ‘piece of honsense, kept afloat perhaps by some tunâ€"loving wights tor their own amusement« But, it thaced to its source, we should not be at all surprised to find that it had its origin in the despatcly cent some days ago. to the ‘Montreal Transcript, noticed by us on Saturâ€" day â€"morning, which may have gathere®‘ s«tength on its travels, like the timous story «t * the three black crows," and been tel¢â€" pfl“umiubww Â¥as Arrical and Departure of Mails see Ts page. by w to the recei "mm \ ipt of a temar w . was eifect, no occusion will the names of Oid Advertiscments be inserted Our readers will NANC MURMENT T 200000 day‘s issue the announcement df" the appoint: ment ot W.F. Powru1, Eq., M. P. P., to the Shrievaity of Cuarleton,. rendered vacant by the death of the late Sheriff, Simon Fraser, Eq. This appointment has been received by ullpflb-‘k"lhmm On the vacamcy occurring, we understand che office was offered to Mx. Powrii, and ac. cepted. by him with the approval (of. Ins friends, who, though regretting his retire ment from public lite, felt that he had alâ€" ready served his constituents and the Ottawa country generally with m zeal, fidelity and ability, aind for a period long enough to render him eminently entitled to this proffered ap ..m'-t--qa.uml‘l«l‘."“i"‘"h'~ hands of the Government of the day and a great measure due . straightforward, and < * .‘ valty with the fullest . filence in his abilit we cordially join in t City and County Official Paper OtTiwa. DECEMBER 13, 1866. members beyond the immediate circle of the ;â€";v-;‘i& have achieved :b"“' idespread reputation throughout coun» .._.. WE Githe sismber for Carleton," and try than, "the member for Carieton, . ANG. his abgence in| the future from the Legisiaâ€" un.iolhm"“ he always wok an active. and:intelligent part,. will be véry generally regretted. His constituents, to, will doubtless regret the loss ofa repreâ€" : sentative who continued to enjoy their utmost eufl-;:jdy-mdbil“" torward as & politician, but also be: canse ol his unvarying attention to matters XEW ADVERTISEMENTs way long live to enjoy the position .welt on â€" the subject of Canadian. indeâ€" pendence. . The ‘London Times has lately given our Westery confrofe fresh courage by expressing the hope that the Confederation of the British Proviaces may be but the preâ€" lude .o a séverance of the gonnection with the mother country, arg therefore it comies out more boldly than heretotore. . The upinion of the great English Thunderer, though always entitled to respect, and: no complete change befure the "hope" of the n.aw.uuu-ub:t witk the public sentiment of England. The whole foundation lor the desire to cut the Imperial connection with the British Amerigan Colonies is to be found in the dread of a conflict: between England and Arterica, and the unpatriotic writers of the mother foolishly believe that by thmh.Cnuh?vahudu- sop t» Uncle Sum, he wigg the morsel and |m' ever ‘m. friends with the country which hitherto it has thign his chief delight to bully and browbeat on every conâ€" ceivable occasion. . It is not because they are tired of the connection,«bat because they fear that it may lead to international entangle: “u;‘..ruh-ï¬bpwnd-m of sending us adrift, and: therefore the point «hould first be considered whether their fears -,‘yflâ€ï¬‚“lfloflnninflbj‘ to take gounsel of ther. Press does not wriler® nection a constant source of Imperial danger, tnerefore we, at the beck of these seribes, must at onee prepare ourselres to assume an ;M';;h- among the nations of the earth. â€" But it would be only reasonable that #e should Arst understand upos what ity."" It is hardly necessary for that no such message has been The rumor Wa* & mere ‘piece will have continues, to ~exercise «t w," a origin v-}' o w the | whigh 1 in Suturâ€" | able| to gathered P en‘ been teleâ€" ;ed shape ::", W other English F:;â€"l-l attempt of this kind NAS 366 M Still | same or adjoining premises. ibtless in & um:.-Ewo‘W ‘was . betwee Mo o cleck y morning. reer in the | yvaluable horse#in the stable, £ the shric | tity of harness anfhgther ardd public sonâ€" | Â¥r5ec whith is not covened V Ap+ (lied +o “ tinlity, and | ~ RBetween two and m model our imlepemdent government iato be | _ [( constituted, betore: we. are asked to abandon ‘ ced the Imperial: connection at our own choiee. | _ Porics ( ‘Shall we have a Monarehy or a KRepublhe® | bsing drut ‘Shall it be Canadian ihidependenee or British | Sunday n American indgpendence* ;If the tormer, } â€" Goon . abail it be U pper,Canaia independence, sepsw | a¢ note ti rate ®rd distinet from Lower Canada indepen | has Goen dence? These, anl many other practical | in the E.i questions suggest /themselves‘ thr . solution : Cart. before the subject is deserving of ms.m‘m, attention, for no sane man who values life | ln:u and liberty would véenture to decide otherwise lnwl than adversely upon the abstract proposition | abs of â€" independence, unaccompanied | by . any | more asgurances as to the circumstances and ¢on ‘uin ditions under which it was to be assumed. | Will the Free Press claborate the pulicy, l Mr. abandonâ€" ditions under which it was to be assumed. | Py W ako â€"â€"lt is with ploasure we bowbda 1 Will the Free Press elaborate the pulicy, ‘!v. James Wadsworth is about being no of 'm. every illâ€"natured | oriticisnm trom } nated to represont this ward at the ensy across the Atlanue is made the basi@"of & | election. . Hi« triends in the warnd are w panegyric?. A« yet we have acquired but h‘ wpd will present hiin to.day a nunrerc vague notion of what he wants, beyond the | nlgu.“. icquisition, which we are given to immoflh lmw connection. idru"lul will be acce pt d by hiua. W . aannot hut think that the Free Préss | _ Asornan Connzcrios â€"The same papet We caunot but think that the PFree Préss | _ Asornes Cormwcrtios â€"The same paper NSX has fallen into .‘"t.’ mistaken notion as to ‘ stated that a drumken seldicr of the: 100th had w'“'mm Am Me “'"‘kalim;\iu at an unseasonable, hour distarbed â€" the the fact that some four millions of I'fl'}'kn ’ Hon. Mr. Mc lhnm\l'fl.l'nmily,mhiiuglrw-(ural with a country, capable of sustaining twenty | that the ‘authorjties wouht confora favor by times that number, are strongly embued with | aeeping their drunkards in quarters. . Now, on the wlmd British l‘olplimliunnl Govâ€" i the night referzed to the s{aies show that there ernmentyand as ardently> tached lo-thf\[wu not a man absent at tittoo, not even on British Cro@n as any eq wamber of its | pass, cousequaintly it could mat have bech one W\.Wflhw ite Mlfllm | of the 100th. lnsia * m or celonial. â€" He that the great Goop Coxpver Mipar.â€"Yesterday forshoon, dly of the Britigh people have no sympAthy | in presc.iwe of a full parade of the hoadquarâ€" with the antiâ€"colgnial party, and would fight | geys of the 10uth tegiment, Coloncl Campbell “’.‘h) rather than ‘:‘N;. R..}':" '“‘":"’;‘ pteu-nl\"d Sergcant Winfeld, tormerly of th territorial W t ire, and be | 1%th, and now belonging to the R. C. R.‘s, with c altogether the nL"i.‘ support | a good cenduct modal, to which is attache whi these Colonies will at no distant day b€ .| (ue usual gratuity. Coloth] Campbell passes w contribute to the maintenance of the | 4 high compliment on the serguant, wne sb r ige of the parent State in case of trouble. | that he folt as much pleasure in presenting th | Ca d‘“\:" & “‘:’.' m““.:'l“:h.“ medal as did the sergeant" in being the re + day W. England wi it | cipient of it. & > ' 1 nations, it jumps at the conclusion Commox Senoor Exjxixations.â€"â€"This wee f '“‘.M may &* well mm the role public examibatiyns will be l Id in all th , | which destiny may have in . store 107 i | ghool« under the coutrol of the Board of Con y Jnowe * &t &ny . tuture time. But _ it moi Sclmof Trastocs of this city. Gonerall is & settled conviction of the minds of Mm98t | gpoge examinations attrict too little notice « studenta of history that Kingdoms and EW | the part‘ofthe pablic. Parents, even, who h pires, however strong Of powertul, must fall | shildren attend the cominon school4, do M #A and decay ;NMWM becaus¢ | attend in suflicieut numbers to warrant 4 e Macaulay‘s prophetic vision, may some d.’, belief that the interest takon in publicâ€" edus y become a reality it would be wise in a. paâ€" | tion is at all commensurate with its paratmen triotic Briton to begin at once to dismantle the | importance. ‘So Yong as this state of this "r | fortresses of the Empite. . And where is the | shall egatinue --nti: the public shall rece : mm;hlqioohh Free Press, | nino in he common school the most impo l4 -dâ€â€˜h‘, who would destroy the E. | ant insi tution in the countryâ€"the bene! pire lest it may (alt? The Free Press asks derivable froms that institation will not be r« C | us to cut the connexion because otherwise it ized. _ fy all parts of the civilized world/vag -wmwh"hw"mâ€w and undefined ideas have for some time } e teason, ani until he does jpo, that change jp | vailed, telating to the education of the peoj alâ€" our relations with the mother country whigh | but: nowhers has «popular . education ®4 |he desires to see eifected will never «fln been â€" redueed to a | system compteht c i * d ing . the â€" requirements of society in ler “.’M‘.M " “-u l pmle;n advanced stage of the world‘s j *** | derstand an avowed W “... h‘f‘ wrexs.| Canada, perhaps, has a sy stoim, Of w any such who preferred Republicanism . to Monarchy, we could understand an «* indeâ€" lent " 1 .'â€' “‘-‘ w‘tflll con nection ; he was honestly opposed" to it, if we had/such an one amongst us ; but theee sneaking whining people who, brimful }.llo,dpm»thmmvwflv"“’ full of the praises of British consexion,, would e o i o Sn full of the praises of British consexion,, would yet have us "torswear the one and forego the other, forno better reason than that some day cireuingtances may compe} us‘to do both, we do not profess to understand, ‘unle«« on ‘the assumption that they are wiot sincere_in the arguments they use, however much at \mhd to the éonclusion they draw from them Galiant Conduct of a Several sPEOIAL TELEGRA MS |_____ Ah Sss srerten . d athdnntt t out in the in rear of the premises, asd ‘was first between one aniletwo oclock y morning. ‘There wete two ‘ :l‘h.olu‘ horse# in the stable, hd:. a quanâ€" ty of harness w.m wit of which \were consamed. loss sdistained is over $1000, which is not Wy insurance. Between two and Wrlock yesterday, a schgoner that had been in sight from an carly hour in the morning, was scen endearoring to make batbor round the western point of the island without avail. She hoisted a small d l ols l o e Mpctes Snunt. 4 Tonoxto, Deg. 17th, 1866. An mo-nvu made yuu-h; morning to set fire to dwelling of Dr. Newcombe on Yonge street, it being the fourth time that an attempt of this kind has been mads on the same or adjoining premises. . The fll:! bw.:x Seo e mE S flag, and sbortly after six stalwart follows, not. withstanding the hurricany that was Piowing at the time, put out from the Queen‘s Whart in a lifeâ€"boat, and succeeded in boarding tha. uchooner safely.. In an hour afterwards, through their efforts, the amail craft was securely anchored in a Rlan of safcty . . T rvararnag ~wadbemare ETE e en en C c s ge A bill was filed in Chancery toâ€"day for an account of sums expended in the purchase of atock by&bomollh Bank of Upper Canada, as such, and sceking to hold the direc» tors personally liable to the stockholders for the amount expended improperly. A bill was | also filed by one of the stockholder®, impeach« ‘ ing the lmmflou in which Mr. Cassels bad been pursonally engaged. _ Humphrey Lioyd | Hime, on behaif of the stockbolders, has filed | & bill. s 4 2i _ t More lâ€";-o' of another . Fenian ©* _ Mowtusa, Dec. 17, 1866, Last night fell the first good »fall : of snow this season, an‘ nm.ln- which* wie mugh wanted, and toâ€"lay aleighs have been on â€"The examination of watches submitted to The Admiralty has been brought to ‘a close, and J. Sowili has received the appointment bf watch maker to the Admiralty. E. K. Macâ€" Wlflylfo,dl&llu.oki)iuu.m the | agents tor the abore watches. On Saturday a meeting was leld in this us:u consider the propricty of forming a Joint Stock company to erect a large first eluss hotol. After discussing the question as to location, #&e., and reading a prospectus the meeting adâ€" journéd, for the parpose of calling *another public meeting at some future day. . 2 w7 wÂ¥ S2B ECCAE Avle: Milocie c ocms * Information received in thiscity from a gepâ€" | tleman in New York, states that the Roberts‘ ; party are very busy . receiving and issuing | arms, ammusition, &c. He states that groat | activity prevails among them, and that there is | no doubt but that they are preparing for anâ€" | other raid as soon as the weather permits. | Splendid alcighing toâ€"day Scasuimaviax â€" Iusiqnasy®s aâ€" Immigration into this country fromt the Scandinaviae naâ€" tions of Eurdpe is rapiuly increasing. _A commissioner appointed. by the Danish Government is now here to superinteod te settiement of 2,000 Beandinavians, who gte z:l to arrive in ‘the se imee of the |.u$n antumn â€"A«. Paper + Good Slcighing in Toronto. Incendiartsm in Bills} Filed to ‘Holdâ€"U. C. Bank Good Slcighing in Montreal» FROM MONTREAL. Por Provinctal Line. ‘of .a Joint Stock . Hote! Company» . TORONTO. ‘a LifeeBoat‘s Crew» nl.nu“ 66 t.llisili\iln derstand will be a Asormen Comti®e stated that a drun ql.\iu atan uns Hon. Mr, Me Douy ; that. the ‘uul!uull ing «drunk atid Asormes Corfzetion â€"The same papet NisQ : stated that a drugaken seldicr of the: 100th had ql.\iu at an unseasonable, hour difsturbed the Hon . Mr. Mc Dougalil‘s family, adding a request that the authorjties wouht confor a favor by xceping their drunkards in quatters. . Now, on the night pefersed to the afwes show that there was not a man absent at tittoo, not even on nase. conscadvntly it could mat have buch one of the 100th. SuuMuricr w Goon Coxpvert Mapar.â€"Yesterday forsnoon, in prese we of a full parade of the hoadquar tera of the 10oth regiment, Coloncl Campbell presented Sergcant Winield, tormerly of the 1th, and now belonging to the R. C. &.‘s, with prs o uhy Cmy on "whtith "Is ‘atinchud LOCAL Comwox Senoor Exjsuxatioss. â€"â€" This woek public examibatipns will be held in all the swhools under the control of the Board of Com» mon Syhonp Trastegs of this eity. â€" Generally these cxaminations nttmact too little notice on the part‘ofthe pablic. Parents, even, whos children attemd the cominon school4, do Bo! attend in suflicient numbers to warrant the shildren attend the cominon school4, do Bot | .. attend in suflicient numbers to warrant the g belief that the interest taken in public. educt» # w tion is at all commensurate with its paramonnt | 1t im portance. }o I'ou‘ as this state of thikgs | * shall cgaunugs'â€"ntfl the public shall recogâ€" P nize in the common school the most importâ€" | 1 ant tution in the countryâ€"the benefits 1 derivable from that institution will not be realâ€" | | Azed. all parts of the civilized world|vague | ; and fined ideas have for some time preâ€" vailed, telating to the education of the people, * but : nowhere ha« popular education . yet : been reduced to a : system comprehend: | , ing . the â€" requirements . of society in { the | pnnl;t awdvanced stage of the world‘s proâ€" .v-;j Canada, perhaps, has a «y stoim, Of what, ; by t mp-nmrl an l.h-l!lgs-ns people milght be coryv linto a system approach» ing more nearly to what is requiral than any othet country in the woild. . We have the‘ machificry, but it does not work ; we have the imlq'mu! force of the educators, but we have not the appreciative iyulll;rhc* and -nglbmro“bcmo; and until we have | theseâ€"until the people shall be able to comâ€" f ‘ 'pnwlhuhhnlcï¬'tbv.’pmvw-od | education to develops all the faculties re , | quisite to the best interests of the individual anid of society, prosent and prospectiveâ€"popuâ€" } _| lar education will go halting, and our progre&® | 1| will be retarded. Lt parents, at least, nu.-ml'i the. exervises on thh‘ present occasion, and julge as well as they can of uw‘u'hool-| work ‘done in the last balf year. | Their presence will encourage teachers in their arâ€" duous labors, and satisfy the ratéâ€"pay ers that some interest is taken in the work fot which a considerable share of the public ney istexpended. At nine o‘clock . this lE-:i†the exercises comisence in the ter street School, and at one o‘clock p.p. 6 Avpopersekr â€"Lt is with e that J, Poaningtum Marcpled in unpointed Lectureét on + John Thompson, Formin ; Uco, AUMâ€". mg, Robert Booth, George Blythe, Samunel , Geo, Buck, Carter Burpec, Michacl er, Jonas Barry, Duroches Bolivier, John . Garland, Bartbolomew ‘Gilligan, Chatles , James Montgomery, Samucl Muilizan tchibald MeDougall,. Pierre Maner,, Hootor cLean, Jesse Poweérs, Louis Stunsfeld. His Honot in his address to the jury exâ€" «d the law relating to such maiters as would come before theta, when they retired to their room. >‘ The Recorder‘s court for the city as op.(‘ yeflcnlly morning, J sq.; Recorder, presiding. The C ras jmpannelled as follows : . that on .Queen street tb Hi« triends i present hifw |u|iai|iuh, whi vill be acce pt labot Aun Cooper yi;'wk;l guilty, to the charge o stealing money and woearlt4) apparel from th house of John MeGiltivmy a ow woeks agi awd wak sentenced to ons week in jail, | ko« Aun Jully, found guilty of| stualing . ratioes wiappers, was sentenced w nine months in ptisonment at hard dabor, pt" Thomas: Roborts o« the City of Otthaw This was an appoal from the decision of t jolice magistrate against the appotlant 6 an alleged breach of a market byâ€"ly, Vorli ‘+ Not Guilty." Francois Naviee Gertin . the City of ttawn. * This was an appoal fre the decision of the: pdlice magistoate agait th l“qu. \â€"There is good sleighing at Buffal â€"â€"PhiladeIphia . sonds 80,337 chil school. * | f â€"There are said to be thousands of persons . at Washington out of employment. l â€"The merchants of Woodstock have vstub« lished lzbt watch at their own éxpense, in default of gas and a regular police forve. i «n â€"Mr. Burna, Mayor of 8t. Catharines,: lias been recommended to the Government for the office otf police magistrate of that place. â€"â€"‘The largest assortment of fancy gouds in the city, suitable for Christmas presents, be bad at the Shetficld House, Iim street. s . â€"It is suid that a New York miltionaire te» }nnul) gave a dinger «t his redidence to torty guemts, oneâ€"balt of whom were ladies, and by \the site of each plate of the Iudy gueat wiae a inted â€" 4.¢ Amori 'MI THE REOORDERK $ COURT irged, . Sampson wits t hbarraiks uitlu_ml Teave â€" imnishmentin the ju se A ppeal refused. .. [his ended the business before this wisa tat w wl tâ€" it appellant Ln Idior arlus James charged y rdorly on the strots d $4 and cumts. â€"oâ€"â€"mmmniy 4 Alew pm;-m\.ry'nlau\l w dow amed Sampson, of the artiated for deserticnh DN io WV ;.,u, i N AVIe® CET k bs wass ib ApYp ue :.fm'wi‘.nw + selling liquor w orenuin ; G.o. Aumâ€" orge Blythe, Samnel | arter Burpee, Michasl THE OTTA t als it] C n on ; Contre & , with m,,m‘:i- mnchod |day on th prswed by this 6 s_ |. | may be a kF 1 MR | that the # M the | ago, in he rc» ‘% hiléren matly hi 20009 tdb dnï¬ hi us mi‘lnl,éhnw ouly t be the business of the have neitherâ€" hand nor to be of zqueral bonet vantageots| to . thoin 110 calculated to improve the e lulmdh!iu‘ly say two miles af which are n groutest l::.l im proveta Ancurated tor some tims«. ;usumled t some U wivantage to the who! Gentce and Upper To understimd, intend making & C100 7C V D day on . those whoso. property will te bene by this roai, and it isto be hoped the resp may ho a gpnerous on*. There is not a d that the «gook wilh .pmy & handsome per . age, in adibtion to its indirect awdvantages wIDY C J M Ricl, that Bambrk k and Jaineg C prxp.‘t'fl\ Pn «+ W Rie by him o wllo’r:m l‘ynrlll ‘Moved that Mess be, and t .mmhu current 3 that Mes#rs, Robert O Reilh br.;-d they are hereby apy audit the| accounts of the / current ypar, and that they ton doliafs for the same, “Nn\ufl in amendment 1\"“"“ by Mo. Quain, thi Ulancy bk struck out, and t Heary bf insorted infbli-- niays 4. ' MovedJin amendment Â¥rs. McGkrron, seconded name ot nane â€" of d viau ;‘ln\‘u Mo. Mct W the Fin On m “l\"'d PrioHe, Enrigh Ns mett REP] who The + COita t« t wll tha vh f’~l’~|lulal e s i rhu m'i;;hlmrlnr:. The Board anladmirable ons, gud the business | ubility of the â€" President, afford anfo that the ailiirs of the comâ€" be| managed judiciously and well. hihe of the intercst taken by Mr. it ©96 0429 420 008. oc nc on 7 Y llxu.n au, witow N. Parent, widow ts widow C. Dalloire, Mrs. B.. Lepine, | we4 Connelly, be received, and that the thircof be granted.â€"Carrigd, d |by Mr, MeCarron, scconded by Dr. atia cheque be .znum.-f in favor of F. $},50, to reimburse hi for taxes paid og the Leamey pmpehy.n;lu the xr fis instructed to take the chmlu in nt For taxes frota Mr. Dea» k «AJby Mr Proux, soeconded by Dr. Riel, c«srs. Robert O‘Reilly and John Clancy | they ave hereby appointed Auditors to ho accounts of the Treasurer for the ; ypar, and that they: be allowed cach llufs for the same, © .l £ wifin amendment by (Mr. McCurson, exfly Mo. Quain, thist lhx-'lrmc of John : bk struck out, and the na e of Andrew insorted in licy thereof. [ Yeas 3; 1 l{‘ Mr. McCarron, secontien FJ M7C it the petitions of Robert Cass,: widow k\ / Otiviee Coutarier, Mrs. Cloran, PW Z! & Te ut : in this and kindegd improvements » |» obtiged to add that his con» qplanticular stands out in bold reâ€" af ot many of our wealthiest citiâ€" {hould take m | prominent part k (the interests of _ our â€" ris plolis. Unfortunately there u’ PE e n or some tims.. Tt will by of «great to the whole city, but especially to \ Upper Towns. | The director«, we I, intend making a call at an carly jse whpse, property will te benefited i, and it isto be hopud the response Ao anun« ons. . ‘There is not a doubt iditor of the tmeg Times: In your journal will be seen & requisiâ€" Mcassrs, Cunningham, Langford, and boaring the pames pf a large number influential clectors of Victoria Ward, *iug that we| show@d * I:.Jlu’«i in ation as aldoymien at the ensuing muniâ€" plection. â€" lar . Wiig ll:“o-'ug.' The ince of that requisition jbeen df‘-d and, as such, xx‘\flvdl with due teelings titnds to the gentlemen who have so Sbiv invited "me to become one of their "i.:.\'l.'.\’TATTIO‘t Oz VYICTORIA | wakD. Eme P odidid entatives, . Yet ?tfll(luudlu nL.:- ¢e of that re qzh tion, & Nm has been ited to the vffect "that I changed ind, and, ther -fu::'v. theâ€" electors would o sclect some other person in my place." h had been the.|éase, a‘notice thereof have been ingetted by me in some of y journals. C those gentlemgn who have placed credâ€" n the report, I beg most respectfully to mt is vmr(l;l being informmed of, I presume 1 nced pffur po apology for requesting you will be gbod eno h to inform me her there is a Jaw against akating â€"surely inocent and Itmul'I;ccmï¬ou if ever c was ontwon the Sunllay ? If there be a law, of vourke 1 have no hesitation in ing tant it should be observed, until it be aled. At the pume time, 1 must confess t | did not belipve until Sunday: last, that same spirft whiich enacted the Connecticut ve. ty t Mo is very Intert yood ho ,Appuimme# of the latter lace .of Mr. Mutchmor, whose quire his pr«-l+,'nco in Europe _ M:. McGQillivray was unaniâ€" oted ~ President. â€" ‘This‘ latter ns to be a mar*\hmiu-d * Mud» cmost in ~-\'-~ryiwn‘tl L'llhll‘wi“ by Mr| Duhamd), seconded by Mr. hat the accounts ‘of Mr. Proux, Mre. Joseph Tasse, i:('nmla.dn Umion, «in, and John Ndvilie, be reforred to ntoâ€"Committde + ed. # tion the Lboard aftjourned, * ‘i Louts T ass®, H Secrctary. on e mt C iet John Clancy be ck out, and the Isidore Travergy : inserted instead Lost on the samie division. [ :s F shulclct auw eime EmmE Pe esP anel n the report, 1 beg most reapectfully to t my ac~eptan®e ‘of the requintion wias not + du» considerption, and that on the day ninaticn / hong (6 be present, 48 well at stion ; and if onured as one of the repré< ives for the. ard, 4 shall bear its inâ€" s, as wel} as the general advancement of itv, formpost dn my mind. \':Fms réspectfully, &¢., * I Joux Rocwesten, Junr. * ‘1» GLOUCESTER ROAD t @MPAN l'.~\ us who have made fortunes J e orfly umugrnl. would seeinfto ‘ s of the money lender, They hand nor part in what is likely ral bonefit, und leave others to y enterprise, go matter how adâ€" . thouy ""““i“" and however mprove the city. [« atingly say that this new road, shich are now gompleted, is the lnmvcmcu;ml has been inâ€" CR ECCCE + T itions for the «xemption of «ax¢s 1 laid on the talle, also & number Dec. Tth, 1864 motion Was r of the Dtiarca Punes to Ament Oi the amendment by onded by Mr. Quain, thl"l:u 14 he 1 have no hesitation in | , {1d be observed, until it be,| , me time, 1 must confess 1 tve until Sunday® last, that | , lich enacted the Connecticut till in this enlightened, as ! all it, era,.so tampant and | mam« of common sense, why |. it recreation be made iNegal ? ployed in some way, 'uu} if Lhealithtul, does it not folâ€" {msequeneg Atmost that they cupied ? â€" Why should this v of the Kibbath, as ‘certain {Jews, in my .opinion), deâ€" day, be forced wpon me and ir®, who don‘t believe that tlor of the universe can be inuoctnt recreation of His uy of whom haye no other ko that rccreation for which eraves? ; * n law, if it be law, scoms to $4 infringement on the liberty Sabbatarians haveâ€" no more his peculiar notion or doctrine hey | have to impose any propounded uy ‘the "Rovd. hciz peculiar Bethel, Why cliildren be foréed, (for their is they fancy that to do so j!,‘ ) to remain scated, like so n profound contemplation , of humgn system by which emâ€" Pute| with the patent, or in 'VS.V oN THE RAM "AG E. * 1 !iniuk it must be aAdmjitted, fne a point upon it,‘ that As well as every other p“l'll“lf outined within the walls of its ate 4 ee..â€"â€" ETT e k reot shay seelnt meet, zo far as ves concerned, solely. . And 1 on in wlopting the dicta of an ditop in w recent article uponh irso| . â€" 1 rrL»u' n Sir 866 use of whatever name, y "c;'tï¬hl; Babbatarian spirit â€"hould be Sigwned down by »ing somuthing far more rcâ€" ';I"ln;' bw eqrcied out as to all denowinations at once, ‘mtAly, lest it become a nui« ‘$u"§ trgw ?"’ down by. all denowinations at once, FI ;gtll; read and car» proverbial for knowing seconded by _Dr‘ sCHOOLS m. . Prewent, ; Messrs Mcâ€" in. ~‘Friotle, per cent» urs truly PV P m C 8im,â€"The short period of your residemce in Ottawa prevents your having a full pefsonal knowledge of the state and manner how the municipal affairs of the city are condjicted. it is encouraging to know that the columns of your influential journal are open to dxpose the inismanagement, if not the corruptions, which exist. _1 tberefore solicit the fivor ‘0f your inserting the following facts, as elicited M®seiss CC C303A in Ofttawa and 8t * MUNICIPAL ï¬:Lscn‘oN.s To the Editor of the ï¬-m ¢ fr=e the botter a member sorved in the Council, the suret he v and rejected the next time he ward for reâ€" election. This sy of Mr. ~ Friel rates t of. . th citizens _ at . & ard. q‘h“wr ignorant â€"t in Mr. Fricl‘s estimationy it i if the whole Council wi inechanics and litbourers, C3 ~would have fewer competito ’ © VWP ca CiTI® u10e Lc cll h d oAtw se Ao chanicre bad discharged their duty as well as they knew how. . ‘They were not to be blamed, butt the citizuns were chargeable for not changing them for gentlemen of more intelligenice and better business habits, whose influence would control the working of the Council and bring about a botter state of our municipal afÂ¥airs, 1 ‘remain, Mr, Editor, respectfully, 3 A Tax Payen. > LATEST AMERICAXN DESPATCHES, (Per Montreal Line J"". : Eomm C200 | Putuapwuriia, Dee. 16. â€"This moming the ironâ€"plated . frigate New Ironsides, lying t League Island, was discovered to be in flawes ; whe is not a total â€"loss, She . was about 3,500 tons, and cost over a miltion dollars. Mollie Trussell gets One Year‘s Imprison» R .+ NWNKE® . . : + ind Cmeago, Dee. 16.â€"The trial of Mollic Trusâ€" sell for the murder of George Trusscll, ended last night in a verdict of guilty of manâ€" slaughter, Sho was sentenced to ofte years imprisonment, . The trial is generally considâ€" ered a farce. * ® . Fire in Qbicago« .. A fire last evening destroyed Singer‘s packâ€" ing house, with an oil refinery and soap factory ‘adjoining, and 4,000 tons of coal, ~ Loss \ ’301000- * * More Mexican Rumorge | New Youx, Dec. 17.â€"Private advices t«= ccived state that Maximilian will not nccept the proposition to retain power in Mexico, He will only stay long enough to make a show of passing . the government over to other hands and leave the countryunder formal stipulation. _ Ten thousand French troops have left that country, and 15,000 remain to 1emlm'k during the winter and spring. ‘ The Trial of John H. Surratt« «& New Yorx, Dec. 17,.â€"The Woglds Washing» ton telegram says the trial of J. H; Surratt will probably make public two important porâ€" tions of the evidence on the conspiracy. trial One is the journal of J. Wilkes Booth, in which the last flnr{ was made a fow hours prior to his death, which was taken from his pocket, but has thus far been kept seerct. ‘The other is a confession made by Payne to a goneral officer of the volunteers just prior to his «x ecution, in which he declared that the plot was for the| abduction of President Lincoln, | and that it was only a few hours prior to the | assassination that Booth ordered them to comâ€" | mit thurder, they having‘ repeatedly failed in | their attempt at ubdrutiun. s on en lacdnralind Wnskent s Ottawa, Dec. 16, 1866 ECEMB‘ERI is, } {66 New York Money Market. New Your, Dec. 1#.â€"Gold opened at 137}, and closed at 1384. The Poss money article says the loan market is moderately tranquil ; Miscellancous 6 to 7; r(l)m'crnmuntu 5 to 6 ; Stocks animated ; Railroads opened strong and closed steady ; Foreign Exchange firm. Burning of an . Ameri¢an Frigate» A Young and Lovely Woman Betrayed \‘ by a Preacherâ€"The Guilty Pair Fly |. * to Loutsvilleâ€"The Woman is Rese | ened by Her Father, but the Viliain Escapes. (From the Louisvilie Journal, Dee. 5.) | North of Lancaster, in a pleasant little Inâ€" diang village, resided a family by the name of Dunn, who moyed from Harrison county, in this State, many years ago. At the time they lett Kentacky for their new home, they had a sweet little daughter, who in succeeding | years, grew up to be a lovely and accomplished woman. Some year or two ago, a young and prepossessing minister of the Mcthodist por: sausion, named Davidson, was sent to the vil« lage where the Dunus resided. . He was not only prepossessing in, form and flature, but. was vary <nianaible and insinuating in his A PHoe P o‘ : 1 was very plausible and insinuating in his manners and address, _ He became acquainted with Miss Dunn, and the acquaintance ripened to loveâ€"like intimacy, Giving the young lady and her parents to understand that his attenâ€" tions were of a matrimonial nature, he was recvived by the family and friends in the light of an accepted ‘suitor. ‘Time passed on until about two tmonths ago, when the couple disapâ€" peared. The fagitives were traced to Indianapoâ€" lis where all clue of their further progress was lost. Several Aays. ago, a neighbor of the tather of Miss Dunn, well acquainted with her from childhood, bappened to mect Mary on Fourth ~stréet. Knowing the anxiety of her aged parents to learn her whereabouts, he manâ€" | aged to follow her without himself being, obâ€" arved, and tracked her to a notorious horie.of ‘ assignation gn «West Green street,â€" bélow | Twelfth, . where she and her destroyer had taken and were occupying a room, â€" Returhing ‘ home he imparted the discovery to Mr. Dunn, who, accompanied by his son, immedigtely came on here & recover the lost, but istill dearly loved one. ‘They succeeded in fintling the poor, ruined girl, but the false minister, and false lover, gaining wind. by some means ofâ€" their presence in town, made higelf scarce. â€" The poor repentant woman gladly ac> companied her ‘father and brother home, hayâ€" ing realised the truth that her seducer never intended to make her a lawful wife, 1t was well, perhaps, that the villain:could ‘not be found, elso we would, in all human probabllity have to record another deed of Llood. | Tite wrring and deceived girl has returned to the bosom of her family, let us hope, to e as much as possible the story ‘of her gu-.slix by alife of irreproachabie virtue and sincere reâ€" | peutance, ymR | â€"â€"E. K. MacGillivray & Co., of the sx::mcm House, wll‘l show toâ€"day the largest and best ««sortment of fine gold jewellery ever exhjbited in Ottawa, Those in quest of Christ or New Year‘s presents would do well to cfll on him. H fobe o9 A SAD CASE, in Ottawa and 8t.. public mecting teâ€" r ward, I am creditâ€" the counciliors proâ€" Reform in Poland» ‘ 8r. Pevenancag, Dec. lG.g-Anlmpcrinl comâ€" mission ‘has been resolved upon, OVeT which the Emperor is to preside, for the purpose of considering and putting into operation reform® in Poland. c @f James Stephens §upposed to be Arrested. Loxpox, Dec. 16.A man has been arrested n n sooth ammmosiet ~to be *dant# Stephens, mes 0E 0OE Loxnox, Dec. 16.â€"A MSD """""""o,0 otfveng, in Norfolk, supposed: to be James Stephens, the Chicf Organiser of the Irish Republic ; but his identity is as yet doubtfal. PVETERT WOC00CLCPAE has been received at Rome by M . / 91 ° L‘ltatia newspaper say8: Strong hopes are entertained that the important mission of Signor Torelli having begun s0 auspiciously, will have a favorable result. The King of Italy opened the Nutional Parliainent on Saturday. _ In his opening speech he wished Italy joy of the ireedom she had gained. Me: said that France, faithful to her promises, had withdrawn from Kome, and that the best unâ€" derstanding existed between Italy and Na: polcon, . Me declared ho would respect the territory of the Papal States. He hoped . the modcration of the Italian people, the wisdom of the Pope, and a spirit of conciliation ‘on both sides would remove all differences, and said it was his wish that the Pope should rv= OE *C" " lont in Honic. : He concluded by 1 uds eauie c Pniaadh As Victor Emanuel and the Pope» ‘ Fuomgscs, Ded. 16.â€"The new envoy of the. Italian government to Rome, Signor Torelli, has been received at Rome by the Pope. L‘ltatia newspaper say8: Strong hopes are entertained that the important mission of Signor Torelli having begun zo auspiciously, oot PR U 00 0u0s result The King of DOMR RTTIT (CCTOWLG said it was his wish that the main.independent in Rome, reforring to the great and glo had befere her, and dcclnrlng BHURLANACODCDUETE 2007000000 Gcave Korbet 1 reforring to the great and glorious future Italy had befere her, and declaring that she must by every meaus develope her resources to aehicve her position as a grest nation, . The . speech was well received by the members of the Par+ liement ECE P IEC L Cieelicendet Loxpox, Dov. 17.â€"Noon.â€"‘Lhe Times of this morning contains & telegram from Berlin, in which the‘ writer says that the Pope of Rome has been officially invited to visit the United States; and th* sime despatch,. which is alâ€" most exclusively devoted‘. to American affairs, says . that Maximilian / is |actually. & prisâ€" oner. & 1 w eEme : Austria: Loxno®, reported a continues (Per Lavento market w affd will to. 20,000 | __Rev. H. J. Campbell, Pastor ot 1st Baptist l Church, Lancaster, N. #., writes: "I have ‘ used Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and . Zylobalsamum, and| can cordially recomâ€" | mend them to those vï¬o wish to have their griy hair restored to its i mal color| I am satisfied the Restorer is g(;'t‘ a dye, as Â¥ have thotfoughly tested K.‘: lz all Druggists t WO ToA Nn oulk :4 w o e Livenpoor, Dec. 17â€" Aï¬qmoou.â€"'l‘liu eotton ‘ market vxcited. . ‘I sales were large, afid will probably rnchuFm the day 18,000 to, 20,000] lales at quotations given in the first despatch, | w Latest London Kr-ey-l-melc Loxpox; Dec. |1-â€"»l“c‘lp‘m.â€"(:onml- were higher, and were quo at from 88] to 89 ; bonds, at the official opdning, were done at from 714 to 71 for ‘62‘8;| the issue of ‘65‘s is nominally at 69] to 70. | lsnt plated ware, : Yoar‘s presen Sparks street Happinegsâ€"=«Trac happiness, in our opinion, eonsists of the following named articles :â€"A nice little wife l'm.lr¢ on your| knee, her trusting smile filling your mind 'hh‘::py MEN‘. a neat little room tidily furnished, a of «Canadian Pain Déstroyer" in the cupboard ready for instant E" O llann "a K. AdLG aslde . amraing. ll"':llll BZeRoae OODRIOE CAE AaRds :â€" e ; nothl:f better for sudden colds, sprains, busus, and all kinds of aobes u.dd‘m-. Price 20 cents per bottle. Sold by all M cine Dealérs, â€" a CARD ©O INVALIDS. 1 A el:rumu, while residing in South America: as a missionary, discovéred a safe and u‘mslo remedy for du.fn of nervous weakness, early deâ€" cay, discases m-fln’rï¬ and seminal organs, and the whole train of d bmï¬â€˜u by banoful and y clous habits. Great num have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by & desire to benefit the afflicted and uw will md the recipe !ot‘l:‘ngsfll‘ and using medicine, in a sealed envelope, to ADY one. who noeds it, jree of ckrrt-'u * l'lu.‘emu:‘ouon ope, addressed to yourself "A "°" * joSEPH T. INMAN, e : Station D, Bible House, 5 } | New York City. ork City The Pope Who is Mrs. Winsiow â€"â€"As PMD AMZYIMT is frequently asked, we will simply say that she 1s a lady who, for upwards of thirty years, has unâ€" tiringly devoted her time and talents as a female ph¢sician and nurse, principally among children. she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, ;.r result of this Cl 2ad cxhattast Fhowladva. obtained in a lifeâ€" _A .Abcsed wcordnathin Atlantic Cable and ‘Montreal Line.) wants of this numerous class, and, as a rosu‘t 0 wiore Tad prictickt Rhowledgs, obtained in a AMC Oeate omm e es y hair restored to its Ltighul color . 1 am isfied the Restorer is Ax:'t‘ a dye, as Â¥ have Toughly tested it." by all Druggists pot, 198 Greenwich Street, N. Y > ' b: September 24 Mitcheli‘s Dandruff Embrocation M have carefully studied the wuli-r dis@azes of the hair that DANDRUFF on the skin by its incug-ciq of throwing off those grosser ‘l‘ru\lclu of perspirable matter deposited upon it. The conâ€" sequence is the skin becomes contracted, scales and peels off ; and the hoat which is on its surface, weakens that nutriment which feeds the HAIR, it #goon falls off, and linALDN ESS is S!I.:mix_:o.nt. x _ This preparation at once renders the skin‘ soft and ~ 6: tornr 1 Hecible, and thus prevents that irable matter from ‘ a:lfl;m‘ng on i:mfneo’ it ’n.n':poul, md{ the (JR"\MI\I bt†liOOL' hair, but imparts to it a beautiful gloss. 4 % J It -honld’ be on every Lady‘s and Gentleman‘s rl\flu SE AN AMINATION Toilet, buthpn & nl:l‘i’SSlNG and RENOVATOR. i of the above I jon wi®take place d repare y 4 > | | . H, MITCHELL, j 4 ; s on “.‘(‘j%"'ï¬{' Wellington 8t, .. â€"| On FridayJ the|218%t Instant, 0 to al Bank, / r ‘Town. » i : s To be hssghmmtopflm. :ngs._':v.m:m ‘ : AaT®D @0L0CK, & A, . | treot, Ain e drug stores of J. Skinner, Wellâ€" | And on the eveifing of the sameSAny the usual Ex+ ington Street; J. Brown, Sparks Street; and J.| pipi ~ ‘ ml:m' ludo;-n m », Spit i | hibition will be held in the of the i { xc y I esns gegatee. _0 0_ _ ____| WESLEXANOHURCH, benutiful assortment of new elecifoâ€" ware, suitable for Christmas and New presents, at the |Sheftield House, 24 Lozenges are a certain and safe remedy for known and m&liin\icm“l'm that one great catse of death among jchildren is from Worms alone, it Worms in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and malunohaly Tast that ana‘wrant auhen cannot be too de hr-od' upon the mi parents the r::{'!. of ,-'oe!zw;{*eh'n.t children. . By o doing; and understanding the .":Ewm and true emuse of the diserse, thousands of children uwt be saved from early graves. . Syurroms or Worxs.â€"The tollvwii: wre a few of the very numérous symptoms an dizenses which are emused z Worms : deranged appotite, emaciated 6 , offensive bréath, frequerit picking at the nose, gllldh‘ of the teothâ€" ‘during sleep, hardness of the belly, with frmuns sliiny stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching of the arms, pairin the head and stomach, unquiet sleep, faintings, tromblings, coughs, indigestion, T IS WELL KNOW N TO THOSRâ€" WHO N. B. |Ask for Holloway‘s Worm | o oaln Hi en p ols | dru n Ottawa, a ne very» i whorg. | l“-l-. e a faintin trombli cou indigestion Tow spirits, mighifel dreniss. aud s gradust waint ing away of fles! childâ€"drive out the worms dwnwly without pain and completely cleanse the stomachâ€"â€"thereby doing away with the ity of administering Castor Oil or o%n unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Worms.|. . r‘lbh contains the facâ€"simile signature of Noemmor & Lyuax, Newcastle, C.W., who are he sole ’nzm rs. s N. B. ‘Ask for Holloway‘s Worm â€" Lozenges All Quict® in Treland. * Dec. 17 â€"There |is no truth in the rest of Headâ€"Contre Ste phons. All quict in Ireland,) _ __ atest Liverpoo@Markets.. * Mothers Reed This!iâ€"Holloway‘s Worin The Great Dandruff Preventative. hey are palatuble and selfâ€"administered to the sSPECIAL NOTICES. Mrs. Winsiow tâ€"As this question Invited to the L .â€"Noon.â€"‘Lhe 7 of new electroâ€" upon the minds of ~â€"â€"diisrNds AND NEW YEAR‘3S PRESENTS AT YOUNG AND ;RADFORD‘S, 30, SPARKS §fm:-:|-:-r, : gopDh AsSZPâ€" 4 y "; CLOCK®, FINE LoNDONMADE 12CTIEECOCTRO * PLATE FFC, 1. 4 LN SR c uo e ol ; : Papier lgnhio Goods, Lcather Goods, F%ENCIâ€"I V.A_SE it enaipan 6# n ... POILE®TE BOTTLEBS And a Varicty of Goods sull for the present season, and bought expressly therefor. : > ‘The whole will be sald at PRICEs To SULT THE ‘TIMES, and at the same time defy compefjtion Pattics intending to purchase Are invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. won . Bargains will be given, @2R . qo Remember the place Ottawa, December 11. cuRISDEAS & NEW YEANS I sHEFFIELD HOUSE ! Gold and Silver ,ï¬atches, j s Drawing.and Diningâ€"Room Clocks, s Fipé Gold, Silver, Steel and Je s With a large assortment of f e in . P ak . 1 Poanesx "Fancy. Goode; including an English, English, French,, and German Fancy PAPIER MACHIE and CABI qlfrréd in‘Ottawa. +â€" 15. JI4. M OTTAW A, Dagember 18. {*____: _ 3107 i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ~ _ REQUI®TION â€"* 'l‘o/:Cluu'. Goulden and J. Guerard. S Em EPS C ewi oC (I tors of OTTAW A WARD hereby request you to allow yourselves to be lplneod in nomination as Aldermen at the coming Municipal Elections for the above Ward, and pledge you our united support to secure your election : Alex M Dole Antoine Tremblay , Miram, Robinson ‘Emerie Denault s Milaire Pinard 1 FX & Jn?!fl *4 T C Pidgeoh : Augustin Taillofer Laurent Duhamel ‘Thadde Hotte Thomas Kehoe Louis Deslauriers: ‘Thomas Presley Robert Snaith Louis Peltier .+ Theophile Rossignol , 'I;:‘l"ix Dcnr“-ul' ‘Thomas Lahaise n McGillivray . . Beraphim ampagne Octave Lahaie Adoiphe PECI‘ Moise Dupont â€"< Octave Dubrenil Pierce Manstield Isidore Lecourt * Vincent Daze Joseph Blgis _ . , F I 8t Jaeques Francois Potvin John Hughes . _ George Thiberult 1 N Lafontaine Emeric Merino ‘ M Shepherd Â¥ X Benoit their | Ottawa, M Shcls):urd J Bto Belanger Thomas M£'0’ Antoine Bordeleau Patrick Berney Charles Leger Jumes Luby Lonis Lavalle * Antoine Bordeleau Patrick MeNamara Jeremiah Gavin Andrew Moegrove »Francis Hunter _James MeKinney Michacl Brennan Patrick ï¬lwud Charles Shaw * Joseph L‘Eveque h (% The undersigned elec=e 1‘51 L"‘;‘!,'Ei...’. ’!.!'.enn 1. ___L _ Lannackwon erate doses. Octave Jolicoour M St Jacques Phillip Cassidy + Ambroise Roy Pierre Foisy . ; J A Chevier _ | + Michael Burns 3 F X Desloges P Fitzsimmons f John Philion P Keating \ Vital Borleau Thomas Morrow G T Cousinean David Watt > Joseph Benard Wim MceGowan > Joseph Brown _ > Louis St Aumand William Renuick t::wl McCullough is Riopelle Alex MeDonald Theodore Pichette Revere Lariviere * Jean Barue Magloite Couviette â€"| Tonssaint Lahaie > | F X Gauyrean * 5 .I'pl\;ic Gardien ‘ | L,@pointe | p. lnsr;)d i | F X Pelchat flonx Gill ; Abrahaim Rathier Raphael Hurtubise Edouard Rainville ! Jean Savarie John Pendon _ ~ Bamabe Desjardins Joseph L F Hugh Bar =__â€" . C. Pidgeon, Laurent Duhamel, Thomas ‘ . Kehoe, Abraham Ruthier, Exgrs., and others : Grxtuexex,â€"With sincere “mouun we accede to your respectably signed requisition, and if elected, will do our utinost to fullil the duties devolving upon us as your represontatives. â€" GRAMMAB_/SCHOO! hain se mt e Ne is On Fridayf the/21§t Ins i AT® OCLOCK, & AM, . ibiltion witt be gord in the paaglhont of the pA~ Entrance on Queen Street. To commen precisely at halfâ€"past 7 o‘lock. Admission to the Exhibition will be by ticket. Literary, Scie rl\uu Institution will be * the FLRST MONDAY in January, 1867, and it is intendâ€" ed to be made, in all 'rxeu. fully equal to any other similar institution in Canada or the United Statos. "Ottawa, December 17 EC0008, “'; :vi::‘l;:.lh- 14 t:'lam ‘l‘h:‘::'l- W L + at ‘clock, .:.'l-;- can b.:l.:qad at Mu. is wishing to attend/are requested ve ln.{h:l.:u-u at tho.l-dtig..u':o‘u' as p-‘& | N. B. WEBSTER, Principal ef L. 8. & M..Institute. $ B. PETERS, > nsc o [ ,. Principal Can, Com. College. 310td ALBERT STRBET, OTTAWA, C. W, , Decomber 18. i) SILVER WATOCHES, ier Teon Pinard bise John Donovan , ille Francis Danfouse James T‘l".’ a* 3 John Tompkins rdins Robert Thackery , Hiram Robinson, Hilaire Pimard, youNG AND RADFORD‘S, NO TTE e nds Hearksl Antoine Tremblay , _ Emerie Denault .. Ruprain Thmeter u m ‘Thadde Hotte Louis Deslauriers: Robert a“:ulh ‘Thomas Lahaise WI- _# Adoiphe PE.M Qctave Dubreunil Isidore Lecourt * Joseph Blgis _ . , Francois Potvin George Thiberult Emeric Merino F X Benoit Victorâ€"Bourgeois Antoine Belanger Michael Jolicoear Ferdinand Monette John H Bagsber Andre Jolicoeur Louis Paiment Charles Gill Peter Logan John Johnston, Sr Henry Lapine * vpoxsIsSTING IN PART Glivier Morelle Bte Auger Jean Hogue Moise Boileau Chatles Mullen Etieme Ro L J Cuufl Nicholas Cote F X Charlebois l;:elli‘gilm imoges Antoine Boucher William Doran William Sterling Aime Lahaise o Ja¢ques Beaucham Bmmlx a f . 5' fln;o(!‘lo 4 oseph Groulx Jacques Moria | Damase Laderoute Emerie Denault Antoine Tessier Jérome Desmoyers Celestin Desvochers Bte Chalifoux Andre Roy l';;l!u;du Gleason Alex CA w illi;nmnm James Smith Thomas Hitchingame : Michael Boyl#" . John Shea + Robert Smith Paul Tombean f « John Dossert Michhel Sullivan Lawrence O‘Brien Joha Shoam _ CHARLES GOULDEN, JOHN B. GUERARD. @xhibition will be bJ tick J. THORBURN, M. A., ‘ and CABINET WARE, _â€"O0N8ISTING OFâ€" MeGILLIVRA®* AT THE Prixcirar. 310 t&f MADE JEWELLERY, E\ul THE ENSUING FESTIVITIE® of the seazon an appoal is made to benevolent hcarts in behalf of the poor little inmates of St. Joseph‘s Orphan Asylum,whose Christmas feast will be saddened by the memory pf a kind father and loving imother, who are now no more. Y ou generous friends, whom our Lord bas favored with this vorld'l'goodl. thinkâ€"on these days to you #o .(’."" falâ€"of the numerous wants of the destitute uq‘ an, We solicit you in the name of the Sweet Babe of Bethichem, whose mercies we will be commemeoratâ€" ln;h::lrocinl manner, to lend an attentive ear to the o of the \'ou‘n‘ Ladics of the Ottawa Conâ€" vent, who respectfally uest you will oningâ€" ‘ the little Bazaar held r«"«h; b‘o&. Py 9t." Joseph‘s ‘Orphan. Asylum Bazsar. Steel and Jet Jewellery, This Baraar will be held WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th inst., at the French Can and 29th inst., at the French Can adian Institute, in aid of the French Canadian UFâ€" phgn of this city. L e young Ladies of the Convent will be present for the occasion, and will exhibit some fuc{ work. The Bazaar will close by a Dramatic an Musiâ€" eal Soirce, given by the Ladies of the Convent. wh i of admission to the Sdiree, 50 cents. y Gentleman, 75 cents: Pktacrn . mhar 18. IP 310*1d Glad Tidings to the Orphan. Ottawa, Décember 18. KUCTION Household Furniture SPAIIK®S STI‘{ E’.l‘l’l‘. *0U1 Late blmon Fraser, logulro, Late Sheriff of the County of Cw To sell the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FPURNTâ€" TURE and EFFECTS of the said deceased at his late mi@om o SoOUTH SIDE OF DALY STREET, Fridny, the #21st Instant, i At the hour of 12 o‘clock, noon. TERMS CASHâ€"Payable in bankable funds. J. MACDONALD, teull Avucrionere, Ottawa, December 18. A MERRY CHRISTMA®S. Co to_Proderick‘s ! A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Go TO PRUDERICK‘S ! 40,] Sussex Street. (140. Confectionery, â€" Candy â€" Toys, FRUILT CAKES, Paitry, &c., &o., Fruit Cgkes, Wedding Cakes, Biscuits, &c., furnighed to order, promptly, and in the best style. w in your orders, and don‘t forget the old 40 Sussex Street. * Ottewa, December 17. f 309 HE l: INDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV» ED ion® from the Executors of the. . AIO WITH THEM WILL COME THE â€" annual calls of your friends. You will then require Glassware ; and the Cheapest and Best Place to get it No. 42, North Side Rideau St. ® ie : â€"4 f 1 have mmd&ghw(QLAEBWA_BE on view, ever brought to this market. The stock Soomer af OUF afass DBCANTIENS, CLARbT JUGS, TUMBLERS of all â€"sizes, GOBLETS, and ‘WINE GLASSES of all.kinds. Also a V.l‘ylll. Dramatic and Musical Soiree. Of every description ; to enumerate all would be imâ€" possible, but an early call is w‘nlicid. * AMOS ROWE, _ â€" Auctioneer, No. 42 Rideau Street. CROCK ER Y ! Remember the Holidays are Near ! !dl.lg an ammense Sl0cl }, making the largest stock THEIR HIGHNXESSES the PRINCE l of Wales, and Prince Alfred,His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Elgin, 8 r Edmuni Head, Lord Monck, Right Hon. Earl St. Germains, Gen. Bruce, Major M"r.:f Cowell, and Suite. English and French mery, Cutlery, Mair, Tooth, Nail and mvlu.:‘mhl Riropand $A Bansley‘s Celobr: Rasor Strop Raszor Paste, from 1s 3d to 5s. Gentlemen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes und solors kept on hand. _ A large stock of English French and German HAIR â€" CUTTERS ! llonel. ‘Carriages, Toys.s Oltawa, Dec. 17, 1866.â€" * in aid of the French Canadian Or wa, Aug. 20 V .X 1118 Y & Cou_ . DIRECT IMPORTELS. TO MaKk IT 80 ESEXTS > C. BANSLEY & GO., . No. 42} Sparks &troet, I Ottawa, oppositc Ontarto PERFUM ERS 30b 18 AT ATTIHISOLD AND favorite ‘Confectionâ€" will be. found alil (‘u is movel and beautiful in stock Establishment C004 310td of ~ ‘ € ENT M tors of To ‘ 1 ENTLEMEN )c'hr undersign K tors of Victoria Ward, hereby req allow yourselves to hxlw‘ in nom Aidermen at the coming unicipal Kleot nbove W ard, and pledge you xeoure your «lection : P James Skead Jub HKobert Bell, M P P «_ * Ja: Hommet Mill, M D 4oh Allan Gilmour 9e E. MeGillivray e . Morace Merrill Ab J 1 ©‘Connor â€" qÂ¥ M T M Biasdell | Juln Fotheringham F Link £ * °F 0 Tims 4 Win Morrison C B Pattee .A Pratt * Win Atkinson X Abbott Wim Birkett 4 T Johnston H J Brading ‘Thos Nelson R Switzer A Masson * J Mallandale . Win Latimer A Mtkenzic, M.D ‘Thos Sproule murICIPAL ELECT 8 C Keir T W Keir W m Cousens W m Cartney M Hutchinson W M Mitchell C Carsons A‘Menderson Jas Escott John Albert John Mahony ‘Wn Mason Peter Atkinson A Dayley 1 Kenedy B Farmer k Thos Handrican John Boyd * To the Hon. James Skead, R. 4 Hamnet Hel, M.D»., Allaon Cral ~~ rill, and others ; > j <ixwTuéwex,â€"With, eincere ploasy to your respectably signed .u:.ill do our utinost h(dm auym s oo us s your *T s Awks ouK 4 «. * JOHN LANG W 3OUN ROCH Oitawa, December REQUISITION Jas, Cunningham Isangford, and Jn chester, Esquires. TQ R. . MitRE4 being aware of the large property in said Ward, and relying on yo terprise and business energy, '..u"-;uut;i;iloi said Ward, and we hereby pledge our best efforts to secure your cleo Thos Patterson * """1 Geo E Desbarats + Denulg {\“m.-!‘ nd é.‘.‘: r 4 § * m cu'wa-‘:s. "(;E faridigs _; Th o Biiage * _ Thot D« Peter Dufour G Powell G M J.fl‘"v John Bowes R Jamieson Thos Kirwin > O‘Donnell Jas Kain Jas Graham ers and Eatopayers Geo A Coulson o. James McCarron Je i aen" â€"â€"__ M lvfl" A James Smith °; R _ James Walkiey * fo Thomas Paterson, G Adan», Willion Py Whelan, Andrec Rus Gextuzmcy,â€"I feeol it t l:“ vid-..“..l‘“ be given to protestion e you tor this kind exp To the Flectors of & qA EXTLEMEN: to me On themsclves as Cand1da8 these ciroumstances, 1 my friends as to the «c °7 se zdn tapir 900 if necessary, Tar at the Requisiuoe ceedings wore most ut expression mapifested the great success I hn To ie l ais thail fd me UNDERS1G XED, my duties. REQUISITI y ie ies i p. ces ow d steps to arrest the 1 en d UK _ the request of the Electors of fh Io be nominated at! tion.‘ If elected to # shall, to the best of # or extravagant expol will diligently advos in every department To the Electors of will «endeavor, D7 "" to duty, to ‘.“‘!“ Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1 Ottata, Dec. 8, 1 x ENTLEMEX to become & the office of your Votes and N ores {.:n-!""‘{ k 4>. N Kug. \@2008 ‘o the Electors © 11, « ENTLENE W of a large ® James Dyke John Meline _ Win Swenting Thcs Minchey A brabam Wa M MeNaught M Patterson # Wil=on This mleeman Nelson ‘l'u-k- J«n'vh ow n John Kenr John MeD« Wn Lecla Eamuel Mix * James Mark Thos Porter W i Win Hay J Wigmore M Tongue John Law L George Ne John Bonne A ® Whittie & Fiemming -:' R Booth oi Ti hene ohnâ€"I nnis John Met Win Auable: Horace 1 it it Booth M Aubray Auiveg w a 3 R Mason too llm Joseph J Merner Chas Pope It was not tieo #ALE» pal Eleot ar unthed Jas Ou Geo A JP J® EF J3