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Ottawa Times (1865), 18 Dec 1866, p. 4

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K \ _1 have to -r.m that the Qlcon to direct lh’:unlon im coa@rmity with the principles above stated, should prine r t (thwith be addressed to all mum im :h4 U nited Kingdom, and to Majesty‘s Naval «+ {other authonities in flm beyond â€" the iu-toliiagi..fulllom‘ in the ciroumâ€" st amoes. , &6., s ~i __ _ | [Signday || * CLARENpo®. Tlie Right Hunorable Térritories and i# beyond seas siz da »tnh day ‘when the or MCIE Adthority of each of such or Possessions respectively shall have and . published the --e.:zn-.hudnd n that the said Rules «1e to be obeyed by all within the same territories and 1 I. During the continwante of the present Hostiliâ€" t PCEMq TTO C° SNO pPeWenE TTOBEITE tigs betweenm Her Catholic w-flhfi-& lE:‘MMM.n ps of War and Privaâ€" t of either Belli are prohibited from making use of any Port in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in the Channel Istands, or in of Her Majesty‘s Coloâ€" nues or Foreign or Dependencies, or of y Waters subject to Territorial jurisdiction pqm&-.u or a place of re. sdit{or any warlike or for the purpose of i q arlike equi and no Ship of Waror Pri dm% ;Nlb-nal\-rl- to sail out of or leave any Port, Roadstead, or W aters, subject to British Térvitories and tsty,the 2nd of March next} gnd in Her . Majesty‘s Tnnigerent (emmugstnagine theh o wBhip of : ::..rO:.:fl. Wv‘ Febraary 10, 138%. Cher.] there shall be any V whether Ships of War, Privateers, or Merchant of the said Belliâ€" 'm'flh:.. Mdl:,mlliuh than Twontyâ€"four hours between the departare therefrom of any such. vessel (whether a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" teer, or a Morchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and the subsequent departure therefrom of any Ship of W ar or Privateer of the other Belligerent, and the times hereby limited forthe departure of such Ships of War and Privateers respectively, shall alwa ‘neuouf,:e-hyhomndo.d.hph u-‘:‘yc ini to not h 3 S tari en s Irinaton otrther lt X ar or wmum'uhhu’ Roadstead or Waters, subject to the Territoâ€" rial jurisdiction of Hor Majosty, to take in any supâ€" Ottawa, April 3. 1365. the exptration of Three months the time when qulo-l.-yl-.h.l-n:du her withâ€" in Britich Waters as aforesaid. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most hamble servant, . f _ ;u;_ipny.a:h‘n for particulars. c ue plies, except and such other things as wbn:?fi“dh".lfl \xcept so coal only as may be safficient to wrry suoh Vesselte the negrest Port of her own mnb-mfl%n“-‘ofl al in supplied to any such ar or Prh“:.-u-onnyuh-hl\m or W aters, subject to the Territorial jurisdiction of *‘ . YDWARD CARDW BLL CITY PRBOPERTY ! LOTS & HOUSES. Wlf-ir'o- ND=A«HALPF MILE® d--az-‘ with A DWELLING AOUSE erecteit > One haif of the land is :Ka‘:‘.:.";..""‘.c iemtieg poregmrenty uod y wi sold CHEAP. : # INQISPCTABLE TITLE3 WILL BE GIVE® For burther iculare a; to t vx.’l'l.'m.m. "2 stabling ; and a g F â€" m*tflm:‘ .(:lo as i harnoss. ',-_-!-"_-'-.-"‘-!.*r:,‘n“ a5s ACRES OP LiAKD [(N THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN provements. «id PI SALZ.â€"â€"THE WEST» < md.:mn of Lot No. 27, in ® First ion Ottawa, Front Neâ€" * pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Cyncswsion, at present in the cceupation df Wor. T. Aylen, Esq. PFor further particulars a«pply to soux and WLTmMmfl Lawis & P.=wwr. Barristor, Ottawa. 141â€"«f . _ _ _ Telegraph Building, Otawa City, "Him a, Fob. 22, 1s66, .. h * l”II-MOl'-. 1M« »te dA d * mediately.. A new Brick ,mlfll‘n‘-mmw’ t s Mill, newr the residence of Hon. Malcoim Cameron. This bailding contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms,â€"and is furnished with all modern imâ€" The Rart of Marendan 48 Mr. Cardeeit. ‘ * Fommex \)mx.‘m February, ©1866. ie faminngo o uk mm wl t {ween %.nin and :h. il.lh -u’t'lill. they proâ€" <o, withthe viow of effectually carrying tiawa, Fobruary 10. 1968 "bw , M. P., For further particalars apply to Ottais, 1#th March, 1866 #.â€"â€"1 have it in command to your special ntion to the annexed copy of :‘%Ad from Nesretary â€"of State ht boreign airs, to the etnorâ€"General of this.Province, conveying Mar W Urewlcs > uoly to the Governmert of Canada. t Foroign Possessions or Commissioner of Onstomns and Excise. detor of Customs, w ts f T‘OEF € A TLBH. Dwellings to Let. â€"* al d t ME 1 our obedfleat servant, \\ R.S.M. BOUCHETTE, SiP bring their prizcs thtoâ€"B¢iâ€" ARTMENT 0 RENT.«â€"â€"A BAKE Hoase, with working utensils, uwuon.':lr. A,lA 48â€"aif P. O‘HANLY. Bazmorer, TOMs been accepted, that maust it the funds for the ln-o!’(“m,lh TW BNâ€" , Krcarvenâ€"Guseaa,‘s Ofrice, ; «_ (ttawa, September 17, 1866. " OTICKISHEREBY GIVEX TO PAR~ a W TIKES who have tondered to the Gorernment tor 7 per cent. Debentures, and whose tenders hare a:mD:u certificate of t,.-u for the m: this un detad‘mtutogeemer thatt tenderh 44 ; . â€" N. F. BELLEAU, > Receiverâ€"General. . # vide for the issue of Previneial Notes,"â€"and of an Order in Council passod on the THILKTEENTH day of s}:_l"l‘_iuwl& an arrangement has been made by the tGiovernment of Canadea with the Bank ‘OTI(‘I Is HEREBY GIVES, THAT LW ander the -ummv contained in the 39 th and 30th Vietoria, Cap. 10, intituled : * An Act tuproâ€" their imitiols thereto, PRESEST : HIS EXCELLENCY THB GOVERNORâ€"OENERâ€" * AL IN COUNCIL, T On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and utier and in virtue of the anâ€" thority given and conferred by the 5th section of the ;Lu-é-rdumwm :2.:: sellency was pleased to clare, and it is hereby ordered .i.nnlu the item, « [ron Wire," «round or fat," imentioned in the Schodule E of the Act 20th, 30th, Vic. Cap. 6, was intended to include, and is declared towplflllfl*“flflmu wnâ€" A“Mtuflmmnnh. autho rized on beho!f of the General to attach the same in the Bank of Montreal, by the TW ENâ€" T\â€"FIFTH SEPTEMBER inst.. and forward the covered HIS EXCBLLENCT THE GOYVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL | . Hll EXCELLENXCY wWAas ASED to lay before the Council a of rates of Toll submitted and recommended, by the Honorâ€" able the Commnissioner of Public W to be leviâ€" d-n:mmw.h‘ in the .tcu: ain, one. s provided Sripincont ts Mn n wroneda in beier * was to -fluhl-'b"- fi“fiq*nfld& daF of May, 1000, the ..........1""""‘..:.'.“‘1:.'.‘:.‘2 they are hareby authorized to be levied and colloctâ€" ed on the that is to say : For each vehicle of any kind and one horse or other beast of draught, and not more than 10 owt. of load, each additional ewt. At a Council held in the City of Quebee, on Monday, 21th \cpl%cflm “:l-td to such t .0". horse, or or other beast, :::h--. b 0 3 For each horse not attached to any rehicle and without a rider, ox, cow or head of catile or nomâ€"enumerated quadruped...... 0 0 1 For each shoop, pig OF §ORt...................« 0 0 Of Foot PAMSENLOTS: uy se pe e eve0004 e en vecevvenenbnnee. 0 0 1 21548 WVÂ¥ the Act in the 29th and 30th yoars of Her Reign, intituled : "An Act to amend the l-Am of Customs, and the Tarif® of Duh.o.rn under them," enacts M‘-u‘:.!n- sMQo"lOl’dl{.cloc- TOBER in the present year," Sparkling W ins of all kinds, in bottles, when accompanied by a certificate of growth, shall be entitled to entry uflw dozen quart botiles ard $1.50 por dosen pint Notice is hereby given that in the absence of any FINANCEB DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS. DEPARTMENTAL ORDER. Orrawa. 21st August, 1866. W-.II.IAI. THE 3rd SECTION OP the Act passed in the 209th and 30th yoars &Wnyu-uâ€"-uunuu- such aration, which deslaration shoald be auâ€" Muodbnb’lrifilh(!-l.-b.onfllnh .ha.u?:‘ name of the shtp on board of which and the uvufio'h.mbhw for exportation, and. certificate shall at prosent be deemed the r document to be produced at mMZi:‘.m-hM Provinee ; and in the eventâ€"of being no British Consul at the place of expertation the certificate of anthentication may be given by the Mayor or Chief Magistrate at lhhfldfirfl. C v Command, special form that may hereafter be prescribed by E‘:W for the certific#«te n:-:ad.lho up-!-lml;:"-.h and sign m him a decluration as to the place of growth and production of such wines dessribing the same, and authority conferred by the Ast passed in 'l::.:’l‘:.’mdln lfl-i’;nmp.&u-hl ~A-A_ut:'pm=qshu M‘:fi .ll'ui.u:‘h.y hc-:-'u':‘:u. pleased to orâ€" PRESENT : 7 HIS EXOBLLENCY TE GOVERNXORâ€"GBNXERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL 0' the recommendation of the lonorable the Minister of Agriculture, and ander and in virâ€" tue of the authority conferred by the Ast passed in His Excelioney in Council has been pleased to orâ€" d«.cflifl-hn’munmdoflh Order in Council |h“fi’dh~ugh-. as prohibits the innportation of introduction of Horâ€" mlmnbhl’rwm..uw.:l.hng be aad the same i« hereby . W. A. HIM3WORTH, 280uf Asst. C. E.C. At .ww:’.: hxmfi.nh ed to order, and s:‘ ;fiwmfi. 1. h;l':'l:‘l-. articles w under m W: "An Act to amend the dutics of Customs. and the Tarif of Dutics payable under them," are to be a Initted vaee of dity when: imâ€" ported by Shipbuilders for Shipbuilding parposes, vig. : * Bhips! Blocks ard bushes for blooks. :” Binnacle C uge : t At a Cmuscil he4 at the City of Montreal, on Seiue» duy, tÂ¥# 3â€"diof Nocember, 1884 :\ * t es PRESRNT : * NS EXCK:: ENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GBNXERXâ€" AL IN COU NCIL, osm.m'--oflsk- of the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the authority of the 17th Chap. of the Con. Stat. Canada, His Exsollency in‘Council has been pieasâ€" Shoathing Copper and Nails. 3 ll'.l':o.oo-.lm'n. L _ Wire Rigging. h Treenails and Wedges lfltu:‘ux‘?oudlmlm Tenk in be May k are hereby auther to taken out of Bont ’:‘.':'w” ildere exclusively rposes, %ummm 1‘&& of Revenue as may be from time to imposed and sanctioned by the Hon. the Miaister of PROVINCE OF CANADA. #* _ Shoaves.| * * Le & # Signal L‘-_r. â€" s «e runm... racks. * Vellow Metal in Bars ar Balits and T ellaw: Motai Steering Apparatas. 7 Comperhich Spigerand Nailnâ€" | _ . .O‘u‘:wo. 15th Bo;t-b‘:. 1846 Tnnoiln uf 1e ouh an 1 tWe of 10 owt. as 10 ont. â€" > BÂ¥ Comman R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Stf . Commissioner of Cuatoms. Sail Cloth or Canvan«, from No. 1 is No. 6. wnaps and Paump @ear fumlien ~G@ovERNMENT HOUSB, | â€" . Uttawa, Tuesday, 31st August, 1866 Lxeat: Tevpan. KHOMAS R. CHRI3STIAN, JOUN ROGERS, MAURICE DU NSFORD, JOHN W. TEMPEST, ROBERT G. HEBDEN, WILLIAM M. DONALD, JIMN A. TORRANCE W. A. HIMSWORTH, Pust Ofice Department, W. i. MNSWORTH, W. A. HIMSWORTH, Ottawa, Oth November, 1346. ortn, ‘ _ M) The owner‘s name and cecupation in fult Asst. @ K. 0.‘ flnm:m M T lesue | Distiiery ar the | or frow ‘a , and 0 hpow | Hor sn " ir deâ€" | collfjor . rithin vis > ver «t t== (f) The . in wl (P) The ‘ w ** w | . (¢) The w «thie x ) ~ KE | af Uroof. ~g2 The ~4 49 The i The h be made, â€" (3) Wt + â€" & | how secur under and in virtue of the Tth section‘ of the Act 30â€"40 Vic., Cap, 1, intituled ; * Au Act to amead the Acts respecting the Dutigs of Excise, and to alâ€" ter the, duty theroby imposed on " Mis Excelâ€" leney in Council has been to order, and it is Nereby ordered, that tollowing regulations mg permits for the remugal of .spirits from the| Distillery in which they have been manufacturâ€" ed, jor from any warchouse in which they hars beon 1, Permits tor the removal of spurits tromm an Distillery wherein they hv‘,kn nn-l\ohn!. or from any warshouse whercin they have been or stored, may be gtanted on mo‘:rplh- i m owner of such spirits, or of his duly auâ€" thoti‘:x the éctor, of the assistant coll@Â¥or of Inland Re for the Inland Reveâ€" vision in which the o}‘rib!hu aro. very application ‘ such a permit shall stage :â€"â€" i ) The number and degcri of the â€" e . in which the spirits a mM. pee* (b) The marks and numbers on cach of the paokâ€" uded or storedâ€"together with the forms and exâ€" ations sceompany ing th¢ same, be,and the same hereby sanctioned and adopted, that is to any A a Gounert held at the City of Quebec, on Monâ€" day, the HAth Neptember, 1866. HIS BXCELLENCT tu% GoVERNxORâ€"GEN. ERAL LNâ€"QOUNCIL d1X tnE® A®EcMxEsDpatiON â€"or . (F) The quantity, in wine{gallons, in eash packâ€" udhutnq\{. | PM L ""N‘-‘vdutln-l-”uhnd.o-* ‘The place wherein it is then stored. §Tnpu~unuu to be remored. mt u‘{:‘""”“fl by which the removal is to made, _ (») Whethor the duty has been paid, and, if not, how secured. o onk o i (-}T\ou-ou-lhll to be removed. (;) The name, e and place of business of the owner, , i 7 d(.:)‘mlign.ylad 'In-.::d on-pb: persoa into w ':uu spirits are h(f) The “‘d the pet corporation in name or wieae rentopnt wit briuuring in reabay _ * llnryo'&?uhm" it shall be made: om a printed im with that hereante ansexed, and masked A, o{‘llhdpdbylbo person making it. 65 CC Pame forms supplied by the ‘-lflu.n.. -mnmflam‘:}mmmm hn.:onsmd'.“h:::llhyhl;: -.p:pl especially rpose, with such ty : ;qnvh':':o -Aybo-p';rovod by the Iuhz imance. : _ 8. Krery permit shall state the peried for which it hhm'hm 'N-Ipor'l.-!-hll not be T to buflcemt m sthaing ho removal of the spirits to which it relates © 8 . The it shall accom| the sprite. to -ihhun‘:udn-.hhm’!-ud-dlk névean haviae ahares thasaaf hut it shallhe men. of the usdermentioned .pblh.nq:lnpm’hd. remove the same between the da Wn‘l: at (3) aÂ¥not to (6) * ** sy e * ........-.m...'!....@ :â€"l-!l.a) of (#) duty on the said spirits having been (10) «t ~ it ‘.y of the manner of flleg is the blanks in the preceding Form A: ____ _ _ _____ _ (5) The street, tow will â€" 4 z.; The place to :lwfl u'f'fi'ma. as ‘l'h-‘uf-.vx.u. «The waggon Nm(h(hAl.'u" M:r&. I.I“'fl. or *T ind Infocennate at lt "hevin ; e vb(sorl-uhulow (9) residence of business in full, an = cnuml-:'d-" (I#M“-Wrflh&yhuk&pfl. or whother the spirits are remored ander removal to (3) 5 welotmentioned epirite eqanl Qngl'&: sd‘.-qun-cfi?::-‘:}!?c the property. (8) ............!.L.....u.... This permit is valid for (10] «> * days from lmnduhorv.ndnuhfin ho;rin- thdhmu days, it is to be verâ€" od into the the Collector or Assistant Colâ€" lector of Ialand Rerenue, for the Inland Reveaue Division of [12) and cancelled “f';r;,:.h“c&oé-;h N w or F % archouse atiached Q’j :.‘u.P:-un.'- -..‘h: 'm‘. at .! ho“m. to which the spirits are to be roâ€" [l‘!'.:: e -IM." of for " Le) tne ttal gailone ot thes trength of proo ts :. m whate .« | > Explanation of the manner of Alling ap the blanks Ti it Ne i Rerrapnnce an »The orieer [L.’ of as ." The 8t. or the =Waggon belonging to A B," as &. Every a 4. Every pormit granted shall be on L (1) Reduisition made at ) (34. !1} Pormit the removal in [1) Pormit granted at oomcdes > > ~â€" Ti d ME WTORrEts 245 .4 Assist. Clerk Executive Counail, _ tnak l:cmnnfloh or the Monorable the Minister of Fimance, and 3“=‘ és i A To be signed by the person making the reâ€" FORMS AND EXPLANATIONS. Brows. Requirinion jor a Pormit Fueesy paving bese 151 from [3) No of Permit, this‘ _ Coltector of Inland Rteâ€" venue for the Diviâ€" i tu® otrtawA wfinrg pEcBMBER i8s, is66 Local No 5i2 !‘-!H 57: Tel taod 10) The sumber of days which, in theâ€"opinion ullao]olmmh.mmwhm {or the removal. . 11] The period naméed for the removal, 12\ The Inland Revenue Division into which M rits are removed or in which the removal trom one place to another takes place. HIB BXOBLLENCY THE GOVERNOR.GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL THE RECOMMENXDATION oP the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and w rudhvlmodm“&om{fllm and conâ€" ferred by the Act 20â€"30 Vic. Cap. 7, His Excelleney in Council has been rluud to order, and it is horeâ€" by ordered that the fullowing Regulations respectâ€" i-’ the manufacture of the undermentioned dutiable goods in Bond, #e and the same are hereby adopted at is to say : , T. That elgect to the provistons it the Astabeve eited, to these Regulations, and to such further Keâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made by competent authority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture in Bond the articles herein enumerated, vis : 1. 0s T0X Sep if Sremies Notge * O J That in addi Aect above cite !u-luurh" the Collector ::h.“- %‘fl-n Vinegar, _ > ' l Vn.r:tho. Ls"l':‘ Bended licensed under at an -mhtry censed u m abore n,ohod Act, may elosed. and the forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just esjuse for believing that frauds :rl the Revenue afte perpetrated in comnection with such manulac i 1 ont for the effectiversu on of .knnhth l é:? r-rvh( a ol far taking account of the dutiable articles consumed uluh-n-f_n:.ulalm articles produced therefrom. _ And the maximum sym to besopaid by &opmwchllhfiwfl-o to time deâ€" teormi by the Minister of Finanes, as he may deom necessary, and shall, as nearly as may be, be ::"nzu-u t h:::nlu‘o and general charao of the business on under such license. Jo‘;‘I‘“ po:.-ulfu.u‘:: B‘::duhll be roâ€" from ents man dhnhlhqmmm red as scon nm css of manufacture is completed, and shallthen .rludh apartments or storeâ€"rooms set apart for purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the nnrna:lhn'd the Excise Bonding Regulations ade b&' in neil, dated the 17th day of ay, 1865; and they shall be dealt with, in respect their subsequent remoral, ux;luuu or entry for consumption, in sccordance with the said Reguâ€" nlln”m Governor General, by an Order in Council of this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" new, for a period of one month from date the Order in Council of the 19th March last, directing that = Fire Arms and Munitions of W ar" be importâ€" lations. w No. 175. ww a wR i um«uywmumu-&udm éondition that the Importer ish the Collector of m-vu.h lists ‘of parties desirous of procuring arms, and that such parties be known to be teliable loyat ulrl. and such privilege shall extend to all such importations mAde upon and from + You are authorised to refund the duties ::.Amudlnlfioud"uh- in the period above named. I am, 8ir, > Your obedient servant, The Cotlector of Customsâ€" __________144â€"tf ‘monthly or , as may be required. P | M&W&oflhhdm \parposes will be limited, and in view of the lnz (rieatne grataievasty }. the pricts fo mdrertisntuints Qumu-hm.’.mmH:_ For each advertisement, not exceeding ten lines, $3 the insertion : and 8 conts for noz'mlht. _ Por a square of 22 lines, to stand fora twelveâ€" with this and the mothor mm will be ‘ hlly“vm&.dldrl of this ghout the Mllmflh bflqh':m jsame prominently under the of the emigrant. next month, the second in Apr l.'bdqifl' ging down the information to the luatpm. to be followed up In all cases, advertissments‘ must be prepaid, |n‘nu¢lytn-'lhd-bu--hd. | 'houlu:m 1 gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a pri charaoter for publication, ‘bearâ€" !i-.-cbo-floddl-lpu.l:. such as latters a-.qul.lhn.-la'lz r country, and pointing out p.-m-m.u desirablethat they shoald be writton as concisely amnmm anything like m.’- geration. . « I am, Sir, F ; Yoar lent serventt ie â€"â€" _ A.‘C. BVUO| AN, Chief Agent. GOoYERNMENT ROUSE, Ottawa, 17th Augast, 1866. PRRSRNT : * HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORGENERâ€" AL INX COUNCIL F l[ll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Tariff of Duties .L.wnn“ lat dc.-“:. im Q:m:om re» of in the T -m Thirtieth years of Her Majosty‘s intituled : & = Am Act to ut a fund towards dalnmylu. expenses incurred for matters to otâ€" qhuydlholmfiy u-.«wzu..m ‘\ Whereupon His Excelleney was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" 4 ‘That on, from and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBER next, there shall be imposed, Iav‘.‘ and eellected on each iss 1, _ ment or document reâ€" February 16. gistored in any Registry Oflce in Lower Canada, and on ovm in such h(l:tr&'ol:o' on or after the raid day, the following du/ reaâ€" pestively, that is to «ay : * 6 "?”"wym'ill. marriage m‘ or donation, in o'u'.'::f “‘C) hyflmn y "-um("“” an af reat property, Tor & suts of eonsidgeation eaceod. visions of Lower Canads, be paid in money, and the amount of such duties received by every trar respectively, shall be by him mccounted for trar vely, shall be by him accounted for and over to the Receiver Goneral immediately after the close of every third month, to be reckoned from the said First day of October next. _ . , -;:lm“:-m further “o:' the abore dnd:':lai:. in all Registration ntice or Registra e visions of Lower Canadas, be paid in money, and Btat., Can., See. 34, an Orderin Council was passed on 28th April, 1853, W Goods boan fide exported . te this Provines from any country, but asing in tramsitu another co nd unâ€" 5:."...« shall hmflm’uw'“ w ::.I:odhr-mlf-olm “N‘:Wfl- from mentioned this Proâ€" vince," and subm &um be :.awflo#hubfinu':rx:. Whereupon His in Counc i eordeyn, and nm im TAfi (1) ,__RaRwEXt 1 Copwxon.. nll EXCELLENCY was mnl to lay before the Council a Report the Commiaâ€" sioner of Customs, dated 15th December, 1863, and approved by the Hon. the Minister of Finance, statâ€" @OVvERNMEXT HOUSEâ€"OTTAW A. * Setarday, 16th day of December, 1865. Hm Brom.casor ras An-_u'hnn or tus Gorâ€" the the Minister of , statâ€" Tug taat under nuthority of ohapter. 17 of the Gok. Manufacturing License" is granted, shall the Cdloou':’ Inland Revenye, in -odllypl.n’- riments, sach sums of money as shall be sufficient r the paynient of the exponses incurred by the _ FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS. > j Ottawn, June 6, 1886. ®, | I have it in command to inform you that His Exâ€" o1 "Tad" m #mhires in ead,"as the vatlt . That in addition to the l.h::u fee named in Act above every person to whom a " Bondâ€" !hr!.-f!-m_' is granted, shall pay ‘The first number will appear in the course of real i' for a sum or ideration exceedâ€" ; hy mr:hw dood o .f:-c Pifteen “c.- ve » On :vo:y’ search, 'kt”u‘mm certificate, Pre f‘-.flr-' | Your obedient servant, R. 8. M. BOUCHETTB. W. A MIMSWORTH, rticular, &o. _ It is be written as concisely WM. . LRB, Ka. 8. «OTTAWA TIMES" Printing Wol 00, lplrki 8t., Contre WILL AFRORD A SUPERIONR IT MAB BKEN TRULY SaID THA! UDICIOUs aPPLICATIOX OF ADVERTISING Dry Goods, + TO SELL, 3 . _ ADVERTISE! Let the World Know It Or Hardware PROPERTY to SELL Do You want to Buy ? This is the Motto of cvervy Real No Matter what yourâ€"Business TB "OTTAWA THES Through Which it Will Jiench NOW is the P MIG Groceries, PRINXTERS INK 18 ONE 04 THE LEADING AVENUES TO WERAlTH® To BUSIXESS MEX 1N TH ADVEHETISTH. THE "TIMES ADVERAISE:! ‘ADVERTISE!! " o mt I8 THE MEDIUM BUSINESS MA X. §STICA M ADVERTISE! PHE PUBLIC IÂ¥ YOU HAYE IF YOU HAVE OoFrICFE : Crockery, T H E. uinA N 1)s LINE OF ADYVERTISE, Glassware, 1EDIUM kg] own. THE 1 99 1 B4 00 Aciczadsptetataiyneg Gzo. Er. Carti®®, “] HEREAS, in and | Aity.â€"Gen. t by the â€" thirtyâ€"eight ehla’surof Consolidated Shl:n.tu of Cn.nucdn. o'm:li- tuled : " An Act respecting the preservation of the Public Health," it is amongst other things enacted, that whenever this Province or any part theroof, or place therein, a to be threatened with any formidable .]M.-n endemic or contagious disâ€" sase the Governor may, by Proclamation, to be t:‘y him from time to time issued, by and with the adâ€" vice and consent of the Executive Council of this Province declare the said Act to be in force in this Provinge, or in any part thereof, or place thereid, mentioried in moh{’mllmuim, and it shall thereâ€" upon be in force accordingly; and the Governor may in like manner from time to time, as to all or. nuy of the parts or places to which any such Procâ€" lamation extends, revoke or renew any. such Procâ€" lamation : and, subject to such revocation and reâ€" newal as .forqnid,ov;z such Proclamation shall have effect for six months or for any shorter period in sgch Proclamation expressed ; Axp WarkREa8, although there exists no reason for serious alarm, the Province lp{nuu to be so far threatened with Asiatic Cholera, a disense within the meanâ€" lflhbo said Act, as to render itexpedient that all n ulr{ ‘Knuutlonn should be taken for the proâ€" tection of the Public Health, and it is therefore exâ€" pedient to declare the raid Act to be in force in the said Province. Now Know Ye, that by virtue of the power in Me vested by the said Act, I, the said (Governor of this Province by. and with the advice of + f weslh I 4 Ry His Excellency the Rl|(ht Honorable CHARLES Staxiey Viscovnt Moxo®, Baron Monck of Ballytramon, in the Count y W exford, Governorâ€" Gencral of British North Americs, and Captainâ€" General and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and overthe Provinces of Canads, Nova Scotia, New Brunsâ€" wick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and Viceâ€" Admiral of the same, &¢., &¢. To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"Gzzetâ€" ING : + A PROCLAMATION. delBERAANENE : .. 0 0i og I C d oi d d dA ts o o 7 ce the Executive Council pf the said Province, do hereâ€" by declare the said Act herein before mentioned to be in force in this Province, from and after the date of these ynunu,lnd that the same do and shall conâ€" tinue in force for and duringthe period of 6 Calendar Months from the date hereof, unless this Proclamaâ€" tion be soon revoked and recalled rldor the proâ€" visions of the said Act : Of all which, !Lhr Majesty‘s leving subjects, and all others whom these presents do ot may in anywise concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Givex under my Hand and Seal at Arms, atthe Government House, in the CITY OF OTTAW A, in the eaid Province, this TENTH day of April, « â€" in the the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtyâ€"six, and in the Twenty Ninth year of Her Majesty‘s Reign. . . MONCK. By Command, I WM. McDOUGALL, Secretary. ‘,lu-u Lighteâ€"Gulf of St. ldlfizem, Prince â€" Ediord and. 4 THI GovERNMENT OF PRINCE ED= ward Island has given notice that a Ll&: House has mentl{ been erected on the North P of that Island, in 47°, 3‘, 46" N., and Longitude 63°,59%, 9" W. The Light t:.nd. elfihty feet high above water, and shows a white light. _‘ By command, C m se mastamnenme 3 GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Ottawa, Wednesday, 7th June, 1866 Przszxt : + HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENâ€" $ ERAL IN COUNOCLL + llu EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED MWM to 1ay before the Council a Mémora®éum from the Hon. the Minister <of KFinance, recemmending that Pons, Barley, and Oats, as well as Petroleum, which have ‘uid full Toll Ihm? the Welland Caâ€" nal, be permitted to pass through the St. LaWwrence, Ottawa and Chambly Canals ffu of Toll. May 31, 1866. Whon:son ‘His Excellency in Council, on the recommendation aforesaid, and underâ€"and by virâ€" tue of the authority (gmud conferred by the 85th section of the 28th Chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to order,.and it is hmbfi ordered, that on, from _and after the TW ENTIET day of JUNE instant, Peas, Barley, Oats ard Petroâ€" loun, which have paidfull Toll on the Welland Canal, be and the same are hereby allowed lnéum free throughthe St. Lawrence Canal, the Rideau and Oitawa Canals, the St Ann‘s Lock and the Chambly Canal « W. H; LEE,, E have appolatéd <Mr. J. LCESLIE, w Eparks Street, sole A, for sale of above Watchers, and cantion the ”F:CF“ being im posed upon by Watches marked "Makers to the Queen," but which are not manufactured b; us. THCMAS RUSSELL & SON, MIS IXCE%.\'CY THE GOVERNOR GEN L IN COUNCIL * WIIIRIAIQ' BY AN ACT PASSEBD XN the twentyâ€"ninth year of Her Majesty Reign, intituled «* An Act to J'wldo against introduction and lprudim disorders aff certain animals,"guthority is given to the Gov in Council to take such measures as may appear to be nocessary in order to gnnu the introduction of contagious or infectious disorders affecting lhl'& cattle, horses, and other animals, and check suc disorders trom spreading, if introduced ; And whoreas a oonufwo disease or o%:omh afecting cattle prevails in many parts of Europe, and is incregsing and extending its ravages, and wherens it is upfl:nt. in order to prevent the inâ€" nuhmlon of the e into this : Province, that the pomuunfllz sea of certain animals and articles should be prohibitedâ€" ‘His Rxcellency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the Horierable the Minister of Agriculture, and under the authority given and conferred by the said Aect, has been pleased to order, ard it u‘zoro- b{ ‘ordered, that on, from and after the FIRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of Cattle, sheop, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or othor parts of such nnimdu,l:x. straw, and fedder, be, and tho. same is prohibited ; save and except such cargo or carâ€" goes, or part of cargo, as HMis Excellency in Counâ€" :ilumny hereafter see fit to:exempt from such proâ€" ibition. ] Ol THE RECOMM: Honorable the Commis and under the authority ot t of Canada, 22 Victoris, ch Excpllency is pleased to ord derad 'lhht the ‘(:llbmhf T l‘n"' "“‘l # P.. holms RAE‘I, h“”.” Healy‘s Falls and Crooks 1 the River Frent. via : February 28, 1866. GoOVERNMENT HOUSE Ottcwa, Tuesday, 14th August, 1866. PrResiot : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERXOR GENE. ; RAL IN COUNCIL. 0! THE RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Weorks, and under the authority ot the Consoliduted ktatutes of Canada, 22 Victoria, chapter 28, section 85, His W“’ is pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" d that the folltbwihg Tolis be imposed on Saw Logs, Timber, dc., pun{qlon the slides at Ohisâ€" holms Rnxdl. Ramsay‘s â€" Falls, Middle Falls, n{..iy'-r is and Crooks Rapids, on the works of tha poaw muls acl t moussnedibns th ie Riasth cilhcilil &A the River Frent, vis : One‘;:tpt Baw Log of thirtoen fntfh length and in same on 0 length, and ‘mr':honh ‘*en’_l:.:.qnm"u.:t ber; and Ih:a' above toll of one cent be collected on Baw Logs,and one dollaron all such Crths J@n timber®s have passed down the River TI lhn-m (d‘,pm seuson of naâ€" wioutian vigation PROVINCE OF CANADA, FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS. Ottawa, June 14th, 1866 NOTICE TO MARINERS. w TW R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner ‘of Customs. W. H. LEK, Clerk Executive Council. London and Liverpool. L d Cl W HL LEE, €. . 0. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. T nc s sUMMER &ERVICE. ACADIAXN,.... . (Building) .. +« AUSTRIAN ... . (Building).. .. . PERUVIAN..Capt. Ballantine ... MORAVIAN.., . Capt Aiton ,.;;.. HIBERNIAN..Capt. Dutton , . ... NOVAâ€"8COTIAN..Cupt. Wylie.. I‘EL(HAN z.. .. Capt. Brown .. , NORTHâ€"A MERICAN,.Capt. Kerr DAMASCUS...;.. Capt. Watt ... Passengers Booked to Liverpool & Londonderty. Rates of 'l‘hrm‘xgh Passage from OTTAWA to LIVERPOOL or LONDONDERRY :._ _ °_ CABIN...... ... . . $66.75 to $86.15. Vâ€"(-Ac‘(ording to accommodation.) STEERAGE . .., .. .. «. . . .. $34.25 fIPRETURN TICKETS GRANTED h REDUCED RATES. ST. DAVID, 1650 tons.. ,.. . .. Capt Aird. 8T. GEORGE, 1468 tons ... ... Capt. Smith. ST. ANDREW, 1432 tons, . . . .. Capt. Scott. 8T. PATRICK, 1207 tons, .. . . Capt. Trocks. The stcamers of this Line will sail at reguâ€" lar intcrvals between the Clyde and Quebec. Berths not secured until paid for. 'For passage, or any other, particulars, ap ply to a44 HEUBACH & COWARD: » Acexts ar Orrawi. * Fixaxos Derartuex® Cusrous, 4 Ottawsé Dec. 14, 1866. ll AGcORDANCE WI THE ABOVE Orde§ notice is hereby that the authorisâ€" sil discoffnt is declared to WÂ¥ this day 27 per cent, which uur of on is to be continued writil nes Weekly N and to apply to all purâ€" chases, mflie in the Upi#ed States during that week. BRIST.OQ LR â€". . .| SARSAPARILLA ! DURING TH (I SPRING ANDSUMMNER “nllx THE BLOOD IS§ THICK, THE circulation cl:fird. and the humeors of the, body .endersd unhealthy by the heavy and nenuolr 39.'“ winter months. This safe, J powertu rgent, cleanses every portion system, and uhw‘d?o jmm. USED DAILY AS A DLET DRINK, Â¥& ~ = _ * and confirmed cases of ai Scrofula, Old Sores, Boils, Tumors, Ab= w.'-m’ Ulcerss + h And every kind o{.&mhlou and Scabious erupâ€" tions. It sloonnnu_-od’for f SALT â€" RIIEUfl. RING WORM, TETTER, SCaLD HEAD AND SCURYEY. be lh It is guaranteed to be the purest arid most powerâ€" * ful prepuumn of C GENUINE HONDUKAS EARSAPARILLA,: And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, â€" â€"even in its woret forms. h It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all discases arisicg from a vitiatod or impure state of 'Byilll who are sick, or who wish to prevent sickâ€" ness. It is the anly genuine or original prepar®â€" tion tor the permanent cure of the -:a& dangerous fhe aoui onl lt ontarly ao wheo uood 49.006â€" BRISTOLS f (Vegetable) Sugarâ€"UCoated The Great cure for all Discases of the LIVER, STOMACH AND BOWELS. % Put up in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep any climate. + * These Pilt tod 1 ate 46 ese Pills are prepared e y to harmony with thl.r pgmn. 1?‘:\:‘ bloodq:nrdfion. BRISTOL‘8S:â€" SARSAPARILLA, in cases arising from depraved hnrzon,or impure blood. . The most helpless sufferers notde-EQir. Underthe influâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies that have heretofore been considered utterly incurâ€" able, disappear quickly and l|-»-||mu.|y. In the following m:uu. these Pills are the safest, the ?hhu. and the best remedy ever prepared, and should be at once resorted to : Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Come plaints, Constipation, Headache; ed Pills are for sale by all 'Dm‘fl:u" ggists evorywhere Sold in Ottawa ? Joh’n Roberts, Dr. Garvey, H.F. MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. Massey, and Geo. Mortimer. > ie 4Sutf Surgica °_ Bundries. _ .. v Bundries. . Thirty thousand prices of the above f: fmo(:llehmâ€"w,. by oeanrdel, gAILING W EEXK Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire ates Coumtax 8t., Loxpox. 229v y TN Qt‘{‘mr BOTTLES 1 _ | NUE GREAT |PURIFIER OF THE BLO00B Is puua-jluly recommended for use { Ottawa, May, 14 \Glassware u,jm.‘.. Chests, Bristol‘s Sarsaparilla, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€" P I L LS. [Btorekoepers OCEAN: STEAMSHIPS. ioal Instruments, hop Fittinge, Peffumery, Drugs, _ Paints, 7 MONTREAL. UsIG!: MUSIC:! FPREXNCH Axp ‘?'lhl Bongs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Vaises GLAsGOW LINE DRUG®S, «&c. Pharmaceutical Preparations, mcz foae i and Piles, r NR Cs * y somer Ch :m, Od:n'- Store eterinary R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE DUVERNAY BRo . .« 2650 Patent Medicines Drysalteries, Dye Goods, Ch :m, 50".-.'!-'- Stores, , , 2600 ,, 2650 . 2434 , . 2300 , . 2400 i1784 .. 1800 1257 Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tong AT PIANO â€"FORTES ; They have strength, and will remain ionger in Pume, than @by other Piano, | The constructiop is simple and ral, all the extrancots lamber in the body of the Jnstrument is dispensed with ; the sound boards arg merely two archod planks of thie wood, like the front and"back of a viclin; the strings aro to a etrong. iron fraime, mwhich ie separated and entirely independcbt f the case, thereby dis with the old harp form of stiing ing by #u straight bridges, prosery ing at the same time Over btrung Base, of which Xr Dwioos is the Inventor. By these improvements we gain much more vibratory |mIc£, ut the sume time pmorving I1 its purity and rickners of tone, They have ived the highest testimonial» fiom the press, lm!» the principal urtists in the coupâ€" try, among ‘hic* are: s Marry Handerson, 1 L. M, €i044 Hax Mertlvelty I F, Thaibers Throgore ml‘,‘ to "ni, «anes SMerman % hoanaupd y «12 dier bli, Prancis I, Hrowny l wl yPe se a dow W‘m, Heury Fry, . 0 athons 6 vae + Mit. SEGENMUNL â€"THHLLIHAG, q pimnist, says :â€"I have exaimibed your 10y Fme, and 1 cordially @pprove of its & gonstruction. (Jts principis, by which ¢ erease,ef vibratury power is oMtuiiou, be, simple and perfectiy philocqphical. ho grand and noble; it Ifas great capmoity taining the sound for singing, and its v tone or power I have never heard cxeciiod purity, and sympathetic sweetuere. _ purity, and lzn,’uuuflc- sWeethers, € "L. HENKY FRY, h‘ mesical critic of 71. N. Â¥. Tribuncsnys:â€"1 hawk examined your newly invented Pianoâ€"} ortes. 'l‘lae'f merit all the praing given to them by Mesers. Thalberg, Gottschalk itrackosch, Mason and others. As rogards.strueâ€" ture, they are original and philosophical ; in purity, volume; and continuity of tone ; in Yoeal versimil.â€" tude, that crowning excellence which enalice the pianists to © sing" on the instrument. .\ our Piarce ever deserve the highest rank. Your invention, in my opinion, is destined to work radieal changer in t.l:. manufacture (of ‘Piapos. throughout the world. H % the old plan KFrom The N. Y. Heraid, Seyt. 5.â€"Ujon a carciu examination.of DmiGo‘s Pigno Forte, we {1d the results obtained are a very fine siiging tone, great purity and brillianey throughout the entire instre» ment, not often found in ‘Pianos eChetructed ujor The N. Y. Tames, Jfily 12, enys :â€"We have now an instrument without an et‘u-l. 1t can sing with & smooth dclienqr%‘fecty unattains ble un any Gther instrument; anjordinary player cbtainewith mo exertion, the ef a Grand Pinnoâ€"Forte and they must epeedily superced=%;c cld style. Grxt.rury:â€"Having thoroughly ¢x«mined an i tested the Pianoâ€"Fortes, invénted and patomed by Mr. S. B. Drigr. I am of the opinion I{mm the tune resulting from his improvements as exhilited inthe instruments under examination, in point of rickners, depth and brilliancy, iequals lhtul the best Grard Pianoâ€"Fortes, and erce/s them in pare, musical inâ€" tonation and «ctwal tope, power thus approxmat ing closer to what I consider perfection in the instruâ€" ment than has yet been achieved by any other wystem or manufacture. â€"_ Fol PATENT BASROQ TENUTO OR EUBâ€"Bas Finished in mgu-clbo'ood. W alnut or oak cases ‘v-'yÂ¥l ns / Another objection to this method of Liow ing was, that both feet being occupied, no opportunity was ©ffered for the management of the awell. . Within the past two years, instruments ceustructed on this Eurppean plan of «double biowers," have beca manufactured in this ry, and to counteract this difficalty (want of aswell) a lever has been preâ€" Wfio-ltedn &n_imm-un{a upon the swell, axp orkrativ» sy Tug kar». The inconvenience and ion necessary to efect this object are di ble enough to a gentJemar, but to a ln:(y the use of such an appendage is nearâ€" iy fmrpostiinle, )c c 0000099 AN ILLUSTMTEL CATALOGUE CONTAIn ing full description of style, and testimoniais of the most eminent musicians, as to the -uruiu excellence of our instrumentsâ€"will be seut free to Automatic Organs School Organs & Melodcons any address In firesenting the Actowar:c Orcas, we boldiy the greatesttrizmph in musical instru ments of the age. D“t-‘ the frast half cextury,the French and Germans have manufactured reed inâ€" struments with double beliows, and two pedalis for the feet‘to operate, but the want of we*" EXHAUSTED BKLLOWS, (which is the w.lj. used in our instruments,) made it impossible for t em to produce the melliow, rich and musicaltone which our instruments are celebrated. _ _ ______ 85,000 Now in*#fee. _ Out Avromatic derice obviates this diffculty onâ€" tirely, the simple act of blowing with more or loss foree ‘ifllfi?‘ desired increase or decrease in the yolume of the tone, . â€" | â€" _ The Mclodcon and School Organ. For seventeen years the superior excellence of out Melodeons has not been questioned, jand for two years ruu.h enormous demand has made it im possible for us to meet our orders promptly. . W ith :; increased fl:.fllbc:‘ "v: :::I vnru:uod iif asgurâ€" our nt the ers will be promptl u.Jm.Mnm of their pn.t}'\:u‘lo. * Cantion to Purchasers» ‘ All of our instruments have -5«: the nameâ€"board, in full, ©GEO. A. ‘PRINCE & CO." When a dealer represents any other instrumont as «the same as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to gell an inferior instrument on which he can make a P.8.â€"A liberal discount to Churches, Clerkymen Among the most Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Â¥prains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentéry, Bowe! THI CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER HNAs now been before the public for s length of fi.oh ."I:“ mw used is well llk.d.un;‘lnling & to give permanent relief when timely used, and wfnu never known a single omddi-ufldn:t:n ':.” the dinetl:«â€" are proâ€" followed ; on eontrary, all are delightâ€" srl"“ its mn-, and mx'lnuu hi;tu terms of its and magical effects. We speak from exverience in this matter. havine , Ottawn, Dec. 18, 1865 CAKADIAN PAIK ©EST°ONE ! We .r.k from experience in this matter, having tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended may hpmy- its being m Soveâ€" RO efficacy of the Canadian Pain M‘fifi.‘m for which it 1s reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing fi.mrh’ pains of Rheumatisin, and in relicving Nervous Affections, entitle it "to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints, Orders wre coming |'-¢h- I.dielu:'u.l:‘n in all parts of the country for further su each testifying as h_t{o -:lvn:_al -_nfi.lm.;du it gives. y Ne Prenle Loo V Ripdicine Denters kee Plrkh- Orderand use it ; and no family wi Pflu .‘I.w M‘L bottl o ce twenty â€" e. xox‘rufi; & LYMAN. 11 _NCZ 42. C. PECURTAY, CNG « &I'»I O;H-J)oo.lg.l!“. J . W and Estithates of Buildings prepared ; disput ed uou.‘dimnn’nflh::u-nd and vnll'xed AUGUSTUS LAVER, late Stext & Laver, Architects, 4¢., Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 26. Tuk Orrawa Tiugs. @52 to 8552 ERACH. THIRZYâ€"NINE Y ARIETIES * ~___ L. M. GOTTECHALK. BOLE aGEXTS es WM. HALL & S0OX%, ; 543 Broadway, * ; pEW YoRK Before purchasing, send for a depcriptive csta Ottawa, Dec. 18th, 1865. Inin Risten Wissk ce The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give Bo â€" by Geo. Mortimer, John is Orrawa Tiwgs.â€"Printed and Poblished every morning, (Sundays excepted,) by Grzoras: Corrox, 'Pmpr'k-u-(, at the Trws Stcam Printing Works, Xo. 60, Spmb Street, in the City of Ottawa Cqurity Carleton, C.W . Geo., A. Prince & Co‘s The Automatic Organ. hite .: *4 * es Yours respectfully, 8 KEW PraTENT ONLY INSTRU MEX Ts on a truly Rcientihe Prineiple.â€" r strength, and will remain ’ nger y other Piano, The construction wral, all the extrancots lamber in PLANS, SPECIFICA TIONX® S e y C n W Buildings GEO. A. PRINCE & ©0., . Ne 4 _ Buffalo, N. Â¥ Warranted for Five stands the of modern Medical Dis Ts sM, C600 nabor ie ®, Thaibers, N m, «Newos , «h , ds dli, wl y Plt se a dtone d Ches, 6 vosiel NeR CCRpRme l-fi.a-. # voaied on LEERG, the grout bed your new d aanc» ove oul its #ystem «if by which great ins Mtainou, boang very phical. ‘The tupe 1s ut caprcity fur gug g, and its wolume of QP & LYMAX. Neweastle, C. W ., Dealers p i no fin‘.ly-:'irl d in gej th , in Otâ€" 1â€"dwâ€"y 1}% Boston,‘every alternate Monday, 4 _ Ruomree®o Lerress must be . ‘ _ aid thirty minutes prio® to the ¢ SA Olice koursâ€"8 1.m. to T (. P. BAK tast and West, by Rail, Daily, > &rupmor, sand Point Sell‘s Corners, Michmond, l.cklmgb!vflh“ Lylmer & N. Shore of Ottawa s en l.:‘fl_:s OR ?sud ..:,il..’nid.'leu. lol& wun(um(‘ah-b:. Mfiufl\y.wn To the United States 10 jonal. * _ Eoglish Mails, per H. & A. Al _ Lower OURWE ......0.0 0. 1 8 -b-flfillh,ud.:t..wng E ‘helser and W »rmaitf P ampleton & E‘st Templetop > | i2 Ounwa, July 28. Aml.ll'l-AMl'< Chansery, Comv syancers, N« fkce: Elgin Street, opposite th * wW. J. 8COTT, ATMI.'-AMA" Chancery, Conveyancer, &e. Jusner‘s Shoe store, Ridean Stre Oitawa, ‘April 27. 3 VOL. L xo. ide of York Street, two doors Uttawa, March 20, 1866. broke.&c . 6. «ideOtiawa" (i1 \'I‘TOKII'OA'I‘OLI‘ tT Ohancery, Conveyancer, * Orvice : Union Buildings, {ebruary 21, 1866. «2y entrust him. . Mr. 6.A wmitin and for the district of n elowbet %6, M "I _ Anvoclr:.. Office t ebreary 7, repared to attesd promptly to TEL POST OFFLICRâ€"O1 pmuyEkNe ASp a«-gu- or “l‘ffl"‘ Â¥%*A TeL & Â¥ Chancery, Convey ancers, 2 usvice: Post Ofice Bailding, K. . Maro0c«. Juawa, Jjan. 12, ham, C.E. â€" S birmuide to ul\ Lak JOSEPH J. MU TTORNEYâ€"A Tâ€"LA W, TTORSEYâ€"ATâ€"L A W LEES 4& B.o- l.lfl‘slh Orrice : c the Court YJitawa, Fobroary 7, 1866. Bunmnl. ol Notary Public, Ciork vown Attorney, for the U: -aoml: In the Court Janaary 27, 1866, _ Â¥ebraary T, 1866. HAYOOCK & II rown Attorney, o# Public, &c., &o. W. R. BELL, AX w . MARSHALL Solicitor in Ohancery, w & d L® ARRISTER, ARRISTER, Etosy D tS puars PVE Ottewa, November 13. ROSS & PA D masers. Campbeti / GEO. LOGAXN, “.wlm 1 and Acconchour. Orrice: In Homas‘s 1 e office at night _ _ _ CoOLMANX 4& W LUGUSTU®S Clarke; Dus sulo ; .Ih “fl Ottawa, Pebruary T. URGERY at H Store, York Streot. EDW ARD T. J. P. MACP ATE of Yeated, if required. nutaws. April 14 D. o‘CoNN 5V V Ottawa, May 6. J. F. BOUL F. BOUCH CLEGG & LEGA L ll‘__&. 3 wim 10, T, 1866. DR C. ) . $.80 11 11 30

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