__® submitâ€"their ~project to 12 â€" Wakter a full and free pullic . W itemerits, it met the appr *"threefour®s of the m« * Houses. .‘ In. such a cas . * large wouldy I apprencnd, . * recept a conclusion thus 8 with a great deal of eSniile ~ / Mri McCully n# le«s bapy â€â€˜l position 6f the oppone ; tion in the colonies, by the § tious State.of affairs on t\ Inéasure as above: skettis _ That there woukk neversi . * Britain, «s" in the Provia * miggrity, even after pas=‘n, s«ikiy "DBÂ¥ no meaks anlikely Hopposiuon woul bis whoâ€"eithd oo e e o e en have already appeandfn reply to hing, and has‘the merit of giving 4 comprehensiye and intelligent view of the arguinent on both sides within a very briefspace. ~Mr. Howe, jt need handly beâ€"said,, is hamiled wahodt kloves, whuile the case in favor of the Confederhtionof British North America is put in a Â¥inner which ought to be conclugrve with e unâ€" %Mu@&e;qu«:x.’ Nefeyring to the a« and thag.yn;gc:ilion',og' eQueâ€" bec Conférence, Mr. McCuily illustratls both to the Engligh reader in the following happy. mahner: â€" Ti is . as if Lord| Derby #amk . Loid â€" Russell,. ~ Mr. â€" D‘Isracli and â€"â€" Mr. ~Gladsfone; _ Mr.|. Bright **and Mr. Lowg, m}:e ‘heartily to" agree ** uponm a subject of prblic «policf, a Re: *# form:â€" Bill if yow choose, and were then to ee iE realy O UT. AUppCF 8 $ d;xl'- Howe‘s tjr."t w:r;.hlc But among the worâ€"t n Mr. w.‘. brief career as ate, is that attending lhis 3 * As the new council meets at nooh on S&on: ‘day for the purpose otf electing the Ha‘Tor, there is no little ‘speculation as to who (the m:dxndvll will. be. â€" We have heard the names of four geutigmen nm:ï¬onrd{ as aspirants, of likely candidates for the ofticeâ€" Messrs. Lyon, PrE Traversy and Roches terâ€"but whether with og withort their conâ€" sent we are not in a position to say. | The first named Iabors tindet the disadvantage of| not having hadâ€" any <previous experience in the nineil..!‘m many cases have cccurred in Canada this want has been Abundantly atoned for by zeal tud ability." Tlie cther threeâ€"gentlemen ‘ are well up in crpordiion matters, each having gone through. a cohsidâ€" * We received by the last English mgil a copy of a pamphlet by the Hox. J. McCuriy, one of the Nova Scotian Delegates, enitlcd, "ï¬i&h Americaâ€"Arguments ggainst a MeQ 4* Union ‘of the Provinces . reviewed ; | witlr +* further reasons for Confederation." | MF. McCully‘s ~pamphlet is a° review of Mr. Howe‘s two pamphlets, and ol the two #hich â€"4. enjoys iz Lasorsr CirCvLazion df afy paper | « published in the Oitawa \‘n!loyvi.-miTg of thq.' Daily --rmsâ€m Weekly over 4,000 1 making a total circulation in the week of over | +~18,000 1 thus outstripping all competifors, -ndI * afording * best medium for business._mgn to adâ€" â€" scatccxs i _ Apveemsxo AGESCY â€"Mewre, S. N. P. & Ca., 54, Fark Row, New York,jand . State Boston, General Advertising Agents, are hereby authorâ€" tzed to receive Advertisembnts for the OTTAYA m An-dmï¬-ho'ou,uj-pï¬dbnuï¬_p; ty attended to. â€" Â¥}> CbrOtiowaCimes The Daily Times is delivered every mdétning ‘at Kemptville, Spencervillo, and ail Stationy on the Ottaws and Prescott:Railroad, at an carly hour, and at Prescott by 10 a. m.. it.can be baid at Mr. ‘Vithorall‘s, at Kemptvilleg and at at H. M. Ormiston‘s News Depot. Down the tiger, per mqu-ï¬m-i-,ï¬c;pt.&novio’.' Teaches @renville andâ€" L‘Orignal by noon, thus mg in tae hands of those living at a distance of from 20 to 60 miles froku the Capital, all the latest ?«n of the day, at almost as early.an hour as that of resiâ€" Im-m“mgflh . With fast presses, and all the appliances,of modâ€" ern material, competition in this branch is ddfied: smallst Card t a Memnolh Postcr. Business Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, por a “â€"Fm in .‘vmo‘&y. decuenk Transient Advertisements, first insortion p« h'..-. avevieces y wee .o............-..._.n.. An addition of from 30 to 50 subscribers very week to the subscription list of the 1 Advertising in Weekly, for first ipsertion Yearly advertisers specially contracted .MM“:.L' «* + (Published ecery Friday mornng, Ceorge Cotton, Publisher ard Pro Ottaws &Workh All subsequent insertions, per lins,........ Seorge Cottox, Publisher and Proprictcr. ryAH ~DAILY AND WEEKLY Thiks xow Ottawa Skating and Gurling Clubâ€"â€"C. H.\Carriere wheer I I % So‘w Lights for the Péopleâ€"Win. Hearu.| _ _ Flanders® Indian Vocalisis.. 4 ~ > | â€" On no eccasion willithe mq‘,mc's ot: pess 2 7 Adye'nhm}fm-,be iscerted | Ottatva Dailp Cimes, P TRidinsramae aianadielts je. A h‘v"‘d“w:o['a*mldp*‘ y Abvenmskuzyrs are insertod in the Dail OTTAWA, JANUARY JOB. PRINFTING NEW ADVER T EH E2 TISI IG.e uLCip an C 16, . 1867. »h gas it stterding L’unl&dh’ the " Op. ® suth expqsure te of a * says: n Great Lt senting y at the added fkl’. [per . " «.4 10e 1...-# 3 S¢ tuing ‘at on the 57 hour, at Mr. , $6 00 ith, and intyâ€"" PIEOT, ne C â€"â€"The wife of James Mulligan, a weaver by trade, ing on lot 9 in the 3rd concession, South Oriflia, committed suicide by hanging herself on the 1st instant. ~ cable, as well as the telegra out :‘Brilis!r“\";rll{i\mcric; parties upon the prinaiple 0 ';efl'cï¬?‘:ml it mllrs to Upmpgpian journals have Leen du'iug of late. liltie préss do not pericei some swth arrange ni-m,, who buat they will be held responsible fur the ‘annoyancesot Canadian news being * rum through a Yankee, filter crc it reaches * the English reader.‘ * 1 have the honotr to be f > _____ 4* Your most dbedt. @ervt., > F * JesarHort.". velween briusa and Britsh American pul» lishers, as one, meuns of establishing a more intimate feeling between thaliparent state &nd its dependencies on_tb‘ side of the Aylintic ; and we might even argue that it would P«ay this country,to bear the cost of the pastuge on all Canadian *newspaper; mailed to any address within the British Isles. We think this item couldbe mostâ€"equitably charÂ¥ed to the Burean of Imimmgratton, and‘ would, be found, atter a few years of experience, to be With referente to ;lie transmission of news from ,British America to England, we gan only urge upon the English press the propriâ€" ety of seeking a moreairect channeF ol interâ€" course thap that géa New York, and Yankee compilers. ~â€" We may urfe; and we think Ca nadians and> British Anmicricans gewerally ought to urge,.a free exchange of newspapers between Btitish und British Amezican oul Tadmeke C0T aCSer eolese OAnoEmng Snd . every ing papers, it is just poss‘ib!c.:lml the advanâ€" tages would go. far to reimiburce ‘expendes. The special interest in suth an arrangement to the British American public would be that the news‘compiled by the agertt of such an association would. be, specially interesting to thid eountry, whereas at the present time it is only *incidentally, if at all, that an item comes over the wires in which we have uny but a general interest. | & * W bhether a British Aw in Liverpooly for the ‘p despatches for this count sent time be matutained the Colonial press, may but we think the enterpr ing:~ At the présent ti furnishes a considerable jtemâ€"of expense and a very small modicum mli.-thc’-.i,‘.u,y Au indéperdent ageney would doybtle=s mdd much to the cost, but by v.e}l timed arrauizeâ€" ment of two despatchesâ€"daily,. to;, interest equally the publishers ol ;nnrniné and evenâ€" which to some gxtent wo the advantages which in present eonfers. _ , Inconelusion we may say of Mr pamphlet, th@ it presents, the \\Ih m a 'eompreb%.-iu and. }ll(‘â€i;.ll; saying the best that can Je said Contederationk," in adew wor!s, : pretty evidently that its rejection‘ porial Government, or even it« do be hailed â€"with delight. by the . British rule upon this continent, w1 befound in the Colonics or in the ing States, but at Lhc same time the utmoet confilience. in the > sati<luctory accomplighment of t! an;l the best results fromits adonti newspaper, reviewed and condeintc most. ‘uunvasum;)!’v::igr. denijuncit calenlated wo ."* involve the «colonies « barrasgments far more weighty, th ie benetits â€" it would now c\lbr.' Bannister â€"himselt \writes to the Sun . of December 15th, ealliniz a <o this , l‘.n:’.' but _ with [a lm.qin that does him egedit says of Mr. Hows memory * the recollections of his carlier n thecanseof Colonial . Unios, "und “J the absurd projectâ€"of Qolonial ‘Represer in the Imperiab Parliainent. _ â€", 1 ut his time oflite most lik i has failed and has bkeome d MrHMowe! Aberery \tuin in to Confederation he .lifl'ik his gamvzation of the impire. . anid the matter is referred t that Mr. Howeé‘s «cheme is m an article publish onial Magazine, and mselt, while editor of t and, m:z.u ;enler- netal arrangement, Eld deprive thent of ividuabenternrise at erican news agency reparation : of cible P’, could ut the preâ€" advantageonly by erhaps be doubted ; ’ie&wqxt‘_h investigatâ€" me the cable news ‘(em-ofe;ip,_ense and would faull mainly p'l{:l naian newspapers, ing ere is a strong per | ho rams"â€"fh0 matter | gy,â€" sâ€"i#f only they are en ne! journal; it will| stat ompanies, Â¥ with the in which Xprec leC ch h Â¥Year B Uuxtuey AcaucertUras Sociery.â€"The un'-i nual mecting of the Huntley Branch of the Agricultural Society took‘ place on the 9(:!‘ inst. In the absence of the President MrJ, Gourlay. took tire chait, It was then move I by ‘Thos. Rivington, and seconded by Mr. Pfsm'-.l son, that the following named petsons be the f wilicers and directors of this society for the‘! ensning year, viz:â€"Henry MceBride, jr., Prosiâ€" dent; Wm, Goutlay, Vice President; Wm. Rivington, Secretary , and Treasurer ; Nesbit Alexander, Win,. Alexander, Alexander Boyd, Samuct Caldwell, John Caldwell, Forest Caldâ€" well, Thos, Armstrong, Thos. Rivington and John Pearson, Directors.â€"Cartied unanimousâ€" ty~ No other businesg being before the meetâ€" ing, it was moved by Wim. Rivington, and seconded by Wm. Dooley, that this meeting do now adjourn until the 16th day of April next. | â€"Cartied. t t * | Orrawa Acxiuany Bius Society.â€"â€"The anniversary meeting of this brauch of the British and Forcign Bible Society will be held this (Wednesday), evening, at St. Andrew‘s Church, at seven o‘tlock precisely. Addresscs will bowlelivered by‘several speakers from a distance, as well as by ;ministers and other gentlemen belonging to the city, â€" It is hoped there will be a large attendance on the ocâ€" casion, as matters of much iinterest to the subscribers and friends of the society will beâ€" laid before them.;/. (< . > * } | * \ MoxtrEAr, Jan. 15, 18607. L. _ The president and other officers of St. t Patrick‘s Society, have published a letter reâ€" | fusing tor take amy notice of the many public | chargeg of the disloyal doings at the recent | mnn.-r:, on the ground that the name of the | author of one of the letters making the I \'Mn"-s has been refused them. _ This style | of defence will not hold good in Montreal. | Epecific charges have beéen made, and wheh | the officers ot St. Patrick‘s Society deny them, i their accusers must either make them good, or ; their names must be surrendered. 1(« the socioty refuses to plead on such a pettifoggery | as their officeâ€"bvarers have put forth, the pubâ€" | lic will believe that {this; hitherto regpectable and ‘useful society ‘us been ‘ converted into " a disloyal politicat association. j Nontnu| Bririsu Review, Dsc. 1866. New York : L. Scott, *Publishing Co.* Ottawa : J. Durfe ‘ & Son.â€"â€"The contentsâ€"of the present, nm{l;c.r are: Conclaves; On the. relation of the food of man to his musculat power‘; the Irish Church Establishment; the Emperor Frtderick the Second; Professor\Conington‘s KÂ¥incid ;* Empedocles ; ° Sixteenth ° Century studies ; the Loss of Calais; Submarine Toleâ€" graphy. With the beginning of the year, a favorable opportunity is presented to comâ€" mence subscriptions, | . Parmevt Acomesxt.â€"Mr. John Monroce, o? Wakefield, has met witl\ a severe accident, which will, at the best, lay him up for the winter. â€" While chopping wood hid axe caught in a clothesâ€"line, whicl turned it from the inâ€" tended direction, and caused it to descend.on his knee, The wound made was of a fearful “"“m"r"n‘!“! we. learn it !I progressing favorâ€" ably, <| * y 5 t > give the little folks an opportunity of hearing the songs of these children of the forest; Doors optn at two o‘cleck. : ; â€" * Marixes.â€"Prof. Flanders‘ troupe of Indian vocalists will give a concert at }lué Theater this afternoon, for: the accommodation of ladies and children. Arrangements have been completed, we believe, with the teachers of several uf our city schools, to enable those of the scholars desiring to attend. By all means J Â¥imz.â€"About halfâ€"past stven last evening, an Alarm of fire was given by the Lower Town i)éll, and the companies .rolled out in double quick time, . The fire broke out in a building owned and occupied by Mr. Maloney on Clarence street, and was extinguished without the aid of the firemen. Damage trifiing. x Azngstip.â€"A person of rather a vicious temper, styled Captain Dyer, from having had conymand of a small boat on the Ottawa, was arrosted last evening for attempting to stab a soldier of the 100th Regiment. He will appcar to answer for his conduct toâ€"day. * Trwirss Armaxac. 1867.â€"â€"We have reâ€" céived from the Tribune establishment a copy of the © Tribune Almanac and Political Regisâ€" ter for 1867," containing, as usual, a large amount of political luï¬tflc; and . other® inâ€" formation relating to the legislation of the United States during the past year. | â€" batrick hoating, 4 young man 24 or ‘.'f- | yours of age, was pht?oh his trial, ‘The eviâ€" | dome« showed that the prisoner, whose father | resides in the township of Crowle};"‘tm‘ | miles‘ from Fort Eric, came from Tennessce | with the Fynians, with the avowed purpose ot | gvitin‘ . home, as he Itad no means to ket home }willu.ut thoe id of the Fenigns. . Atter got+ (ting to Fort EKrie hei fold several parties he ! was watching his chance‘to, tet away from the | Fenians, and wanted to #wt a ‘horse from a | farmur to cscape. â€" The evidence was so weal | that the learned judge instructed the jury to ' adquit the â€"prisoner, and a, verdict of " Not | Gnilty," was returned, . The young man left | tho court with his aged tather, $ _ James (O Contnor, a decent looking youns \ man, twoltyâ€"six‘â€"or twentyâ€"seven years of ; a5¢, & tcaident of the county of Wellington, C. W., was next placed in the dock, and was | defenced by Miâ€"P. M¢Curry, of Guelph, â€" ‘The evidencé ~for _ the crown _ showed that the> prisonce ; was, seen . in Fort: Erie on the _ tirst ~of* June, â€" apparently i cnrrying; despatcles to General O‘Neil,; ‘and "was } arthed. _ Evidunce for defence fried to prove: _an alibi, that prisoner was in Buflalo on the: «lst or 2nd of June, and thet he was seen at an clevator about seven or eight o‘clock in the [morbing: â€" ‘The jury returnet in half an hour with a verdict of ©Guilty," Sentence deferied: Atill Monday, Daniel Quinn, a Jaborer, and | ~who lived every where, was also trigd and conâ€" . victol. ‘The evidence against him was that on ‘ the 1st of June he was with the Fenians at\ Foit Kric, and that he lad said ho came to make Capada an Itish Republicy Defence tried to prove an alibi but failed, and a verdict ol ©tnilty" was f#turned in half an hour. Senâ€" . tences deferted in both casés. â€" The couï¬t will resum* toâ€"morrow. x , A tolegrant from }\"cllington Square says that a man . named James Alton committed suidide by (cutting his throat. on Shturday, aud that, a hotelâ€"keeperâ€" at Port Nelson, mumed Edward Royal, died suddenly on Sunâ€" day night.‘ h i B sc Le Minerce@ London correspondente states that the conduct of Mr. Tilley and his colâ€" leagues has dispelled any fears of difficulty on the part of New Brungwick: A | ~ J \â€" ‘FROM MONTREAL. 1 ‘EQCILXL TELEGRAMS «6| To thh Ottawa Timess * From ToRrovrto. L OCAL NE W S. ‘er I‘rovineiat Line. , Kpnorto; Jan. 15, 1867. assizd openet at ten o‘clock THE OTTA WA ‘TIMES JANU AFERY i To the Editor of the Londor Times : | Sim,â€"In reference to your artrele on the yacht race, you say ; * Tife quickest pass age across the Atlantic ever made by a sailâ€" ing vessel was anfy: performed in thirteen days and eight hiours." / â€" y | In the winter of 1821 L erossed the ‘Atlantic in the Newcastlefrigate, landing some passenâ€" rs, at Falmouth on thewleventh day, and finchoring at Spithead on tle twelith day, being Christnas Day, _ ‘|â€" (I am, Sir, your obedient servant, â€" > ¢ E. Lipscoxsz, Commanding, R..N. 12 Wellington square, Hastings, Dee. 27. | A~ Troventect Wormis.<A couple l longing to one of the«coast towns of Fife, who haaâ€"been but a few months married, took ad vantage of the railway to Edinburgh, s fow weeks ago, to see the ceremohial at thelaying of a ftoundation stone. . The young wife proâ€" ed stayilig a few days with her friends. ut muburgh,' but it was necessary that her lusband should proceed homeward by the boat on, the next inorning: To iry the | _ A|Pugasaxt Party.â€"Atthe close of the last meeting‘ of the old council, Mr. Alderman Mosgrove announced that it would afford hitm [Lgrv:;t-ple.un;c to meet the members ‘of the council nm:iho press at Mr, O‘AFeara‘s saloon, ‘.whct‘e he had left order.§ for preparations to ‘be |made for @social entertainmont. The n‘,':.l.'l?:c'rs, ' with .one or two éxceptions, progcediit to the jsaloon in a body, . where they, found a well ijptoviinfoncfl table â€"spread to. reccive them. ‘After the hungry edge of appetite had boeen apâ€" bipcwd, and. the gloth removed, rscitation, toast, speech, and song sucos@ded each * other, | to" thre AInfinte gratification of ‘the guests, ?;Hntunl expressions of good will, by and toâ€" wards retiring and â€"reâ€"elvcted members of the council pervaded every speedh, and> all was bl)knony. The usual togsts, The Quoen, â€" the Ei:kcc and . Princess of Wulcs?h\ll the memâ€" bors of the I*oyul Familyâ€"Wha Army and ’ Navyâ€"The Canstlian Voluntcersâ€"The Morâ€" cantile Marine of : Canadaâ€"The lla)'o;eThu | Ereuâ€"â€"'l‘ho Benchâ€"Our Hostâ€"â€"The City â€"Clorkâ€"â€"Mr, Aldeiman Frigtâ€"«The Ladics, 1 wercall well responded to, and had there irre‘n sufficient time, the hcaltl of cach inâ€" dividaal présent would have beenâ€"<irauk, with i;!.lm same cuth};siasfn that characterized â€"all } that were proposed.. ‘That evening‘s pleasuss, and the sentiments exptessed therd, will live in the memories ofits participants ‘long aiter ’ the peity conflicts of_ party trife! shall have ‘ been forgotten. °It has seldoin, if ever, been ourlot to attend a mecting where all e prominent nationalitics of. ofr? country, its ereeds and sects, were so perfectly fused into a union, kindly, genial, sincerc and good fellowâ€" ship, as that which prevailed at Alderman Mosgrove‘s entertainment on Monday night: ‘and ‘mizzenâ€" masts were cut fn_'.'u,\', ad the essel righted, but being wateripgged, she ;oMacd helptessly for liftcen days, tre persons on board ‘suffering dreadial Sprivations. . The essel went ashore at Koskomo Sqund, and il::e up immediately. Allon board finded a raft, and were made prisoners by the ndians, . and reduced to a state of slavery. fter forty days‘ ‘captivity the two mon sucâ€" eeded in escaping to the Hudson‘s Bay Comâ€" y‘s station at Fort Rupert, where passage as furnished therii to Victoric, | Messengers gave been dispatched to Kosâ€" koma demanding the release of the c=ptain, but no answer had been reecived up to the sailing of the sehooner,â€" Application lhas been made to the Government for a steamer to prc» geed to Koskoma to rescue the wreeked woaâ€" men fromr the Indiahs, THE QUICKEST ATLANTHiC Werrible Tale of Shipwreck and Captivity â€"Escape cof Two of the Unfortnnate | Scamen« u. ts ®t Bax Frarcrsco, J¢n. 11.â€"A telegram dated Victoria, January (9th, says the schooner @uselie, from the porthâ€"west, eqast, arrivgd there last night, haviag on beard two Hawaiian sailors from the bark Mzarna Ara; which vessel Teft Port Gable, W. T., for the Sandwich Islands, Nov, 2nd, find was wrecked on. the ?75th of the: samgé month near Koskemos Sound. . The bark was thrown on her besra ends while off Cape Flattery, when the . main | â€" Daxeszous Rysaway;â€"Yesterday aifftalucon two horses, atuicked to & box elcigh with . pij in it, and driven by the owner, started| «t ‘a frightiul pace near the {»‘.-.yi»:-’r's Dridye, Aud tho |driver was incapable of vhecking them. ~On Ithe bridgo the box was knocked off, and with it the ntx) and pig, but ‘fortimately both exâ€" caped gvrious injury. ‘Thie man, it appears, |blained the pig for frightening the howes, ll:rever that may be, the horses, Teft, free, procce‘dvd on their way at a rapid. pace, and came in! contact: with and damaged a lt gleigh bylonging to My. Hollingsworth, of Progâ€" |eott. ‘Phey continued their ‘course aloug 1ti~ fd;‘pu-htq-ljt to | Williamestreet, â€" where they turned in at the same spotid. . Here there was !a man standing by Mr. (_Inx‘xh"_x:'a gate, who fell |at tlll'ilflappl‘u&".’!l, and | thus probably fwvadt ‘his ilitu.: His leg was at the ‘lu,‘.:um ;f.'.' the |step qh:{‘u, and orte runmer passed over the stop, mbt?Yét.l_ui‘ man‘s leg, without teuching it." A 1}ï¬m rloory further on, they unset@he fiarniture |standiig outside the shop ef Mr. Russell, cabiâ€" metâ€"maker, and bidke two panes pf glass, (but ‘the furnitare was litttedf at allinjured, |Stilt the horses keptâ€"on towards â€"the mra» !ket,yheru they were followed and taken char ze \ol by Detective O‘Neill. A dollar was agresd jto be pard to Mr. Russell, and the horses lallowed to go with their ownor. 4 fore, f A4 rich .s:-rn-iv."..'u';.'mi,_-«a '(‘n::u-««l on witâ€" ness being crossâ€"examined by Herbert. [Itapâ€" peated to: the wituess to, be a‘very novel and unusual way of procecring, to be ollized to answer Ais questions, and he stoutly refused to do so, aud when told that he ‘_mnst, did it in ‘the true Hibeérnian fastion of answering ‘one question‘by putting another, and gencrally by such a tantalizing and l_mlicx‘oujs one as to cony ®ulse all in the court with Jaushtor, and leava the defence in a worse position at every thrust> ‘The case was postponed til! this morpipg, when \flne witness promises to tlurdw moiro !':,’;M ipor, the subject. t i o ~|‘s 4 the prosecution.. . l« culty in gvitiu;;vintu twiolve milts in the c béen sent or thkeia b Poues Covnt. â€"Chiis moderate: indulgenee in fined. $3 â€"â€"Patrick Herl the â€" inspector of » jJic iiql!m"witho.nt Laving form of obtaining dJecal Enscrioy or Orricans.â€"At th,_c annual meet ing ot the Contral }Jook and‘ Ladder ‘Comâ€" pany, held at the City Hall last evening, the following gentlemen were clected ofiicers for the current year : ‘(‘n_p‘min,"llr. A.: Matthew. mat; 1st Licutenant; Mr:John Wilson; 2nd Licutenant, Mr. Johit Bayliss ; Sceretary;» Mr. A. W. ,I“".‘f‘; Treasurer, M¢,. Johy ‘Nichotson ;‘ Engineer, Dlr. John Marshall= ‘The annugl report‘ submitted to |the â€" company khowed that | the . Freasurer; had fignds ‘. in ; hand amounting to over $120,. a very hï¬ulthk and : satisfactory state of matters, truly. uie ET1 FROM THE PACIFIC» anly c ® eC Nises to thirow more Hght fup t tnuyPrsy k. we XaAwAÂ¥viâ€"Â¥esterday ailttiuo hed to & box elcigh with . ; i by the owner, started| ait it the Bippet‘s Brido, d t & i able of checkine then: ~4 to. town from adistaiice C country, whither he h i by defendant the day i N. 11.â€"A tclegram dated Oth, says the schooner orthâ€"west ; ogast, arrived ing on board two Hawaiian Madra Kea: which vessel of enecking then, ~On as knocked off, and with but ‘fortimmately both es« Hic l il! nse n W TRHIP. \â€"Over $2,000,000 ih mutilated antl worn out notes ‘have hbeen returned to the U. 8. Treasury, where they are placed in an imâ€" mense revolving iron cylinder, cgretully lock» ed, througli which a heated stream of acige passes, so that the ink is completely removed anda mass of pulp remains. ‘Phis is bicached and manufactured itito envelopes for the use of the Treasury Department. Large amounts of mutilated and worn ont fractional notes are thus decomposed and reconstructed hito en« velopes. . stt % s * T On Tucsday, Tr.,Aikens removed i portion 6f the lower jaw of n â€" woman named Show, who ha?l come to the Hn::p?‘:\l to be operated upon, A cancerous tumor had rendered this extzreme measure necessary, â€" About .oncâ€"thitrd of the jaw wasremoved, the paticnt, an old woman, begring the: operation well. B k on and kept up. How eagerly ly they have pushed forward thei in the &st ean be learned from it of their‘report which says that in China theirsagencies‘ keep steady those of theâ€" faremes=t . *English bankers. | ‘They have now resolve their‘ capital. | ‘The shares hold market, selline at a premiaim.‘" eupront that an establishiment fc facture of ‘Wounterfcit© money c village, andâ€"that a keen watch is tain suspicious quarters, ° a , ... The Toronto (Wate\ of We« +â€"In a recent cast in Indiaka a justice comâ€" placently remarked, in stl’mmiug up the testiâ€" mony : " Gentlemen of tht yury, in this case the counsel on both sgides are unintelligible, the witnesses on both sides are incyedible, and the plaintiff and defendant are both such bad chatacters, that to mc"lt is indifferent wiicy way you give your vordict," n ting triac Ita gains tweby nine inves réport ofthe directors‘ of the discount,; |}r¢scutcd last Deger ral vearly mectine of (he sha; JARMY‘S CHAZ A MONSTEr Ghaniby C OVA ScoTIA it a p BANKING HOUSE, ental ares hold well in the niaimn."" 1 eP to i K « t Otta w vif )\ ~AmY Lonk, Jan, 15.â€"â€"A New QOrlchns disâ€" | patclnsays : Adviccs from Vern‘Craz give conâ€" | alicting nvounts mqrarding the Emperpr‘; one i sayint that he had abdicated, and mnother | that inss avould do o in twenty days | Mejin | is reported to have abandoned the Ilnpui.nl | Catise, ‘The last of the French troops were | expected at the capitai daily, preparatory to a | gonerkt eribarkationy and the Lib n’.{ forces | were following closcly in the wake| of the | retiting enâ€"my. Bazainewasto leave on the | 28th. . Maximilian‘s confessor was virtually | governing the sempire, the Empeéror himself | living quictly, and secluded in Mexi¢o city, | An Austrian frigate was awaiting him at Vera | Cruz, | All the abandoned citics were being l ocerpied by the Liberals, ©. . ) >4, Scrigus Reitroad Agélde-t.i 1 .L\'xtumtxui Va., Jan. lS.â€"t train jion the | Virziniacand Tennessee Railrbad was t;rc('iyi- l tated ,doifn"n an embankment thirty fect high, } on h‘u;xJ:u‘ night, and cleven passengers were somely thickened up, and l!flyi has a healthy appearance. . We are thankiul to you, and feel that we have full value tor our money." Sold liy all druggists,. Depot, 193 Greenwich Et., New York. + Cl ) on 7 Veroan‘. ; ibnaricls. prvinscaiiialansi ieis + ount i tubsicadlacs o tis x Arican vibcsci one of the wonders of the place, , The ilvu O£. Costume. | a tub41 feet in diameter, and 22 feet high, is a | , o 3ve umal y‘ un hok cysngh subject worthy of a I)ioéenci, if we have nucir| â€" Ladies not required to Assums any: particalar a character among us, The h,ililding will be | dress, a slight deviation from the ordinary skating commenced next week, uu% will be watched | dross being in Jicir caso considered sufficient. with interest. . McéLean, of the Tarr farm in |â€" y a nissi Penusylvania, is the enterprising proprietor. | \\o ayemmaamme es gake pe'r.ls‘mn. â€"Rev. Daniel T.Wood, Middletown, Oranf« |â€" NO @tntleman to appear in Female attire. _\ County, N. Y., writes:â€"* By the use of Mrs, | ~ Gentlemen desirous of appearitrig in Costume are 8. A. Alien‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Zyâ€" | requested to leave their names and «lescription of lobalsamum, my hair has greatly thickened | dress with t.h.'lSeeu(uy when applying for Their upon my head, and put ob a ‘very lively, | ticket | 4 s ~ healthy appearance. The same is true of my | € h se us * daughter; her hair had.become thin, and came | * ADMISSIONâ€"Subscribers on producing their out constantly, until we thought the ‘head | feagon tickets at the door, Free ; ‘Nonâ€"Subscribers, would be a\moaq hare... Her _ hair Ts JitHEâ€" | 45 sunbe > Alcabrmen ie cftsagdits s > es dhioge oo ooo oo â€"â€"An English Protestant clergymin says that over five:millions of the people of Enyâ€" !:mdrye living in open neglect of the means â€"[ grdce, and gives statistics to prové hi%ucT 1(10:1. e j y , â€"â€"Grgen Bay, Wiscgnsin, during the year just closed, has exported 163,370,000 shingles, 32,040,000 feet of lumber, 2,061,000 laths, 113,â€" 868 bushels of wheat, 165,915 Gushels of outs, and 75,303 barrels of flour. The increase of trade for the year is estimated at full 25 per cent. â€" . f » I â€"A despatch‘ fyom the Northâ€"west says that pork transactions have been exceedingly slow this winter, comparedâ€"with former seagons. Farmers are holding back their hogs, reding up theirâ€"grain, and hoping for higher figures. From present indications they are to I disapâ€" pointed, ‘The priges paid are 5 to 5}¢. nct. »â€"The Petrolia Sentinel says : Mt. F. Smith is supcrintending the construction of 3 5,000 barrel iron tank at the station.. This wili be ‘+â€"There argâ€"one thousand bales of cotton on the wharf, and 1,000 bales at the Nashville depot, awaiting shipment to the East. â€"From 1862 to 1865 there were 986 Premch shipwrccks or, disasters at sea, â€" ‘The crews of the vessclsamounted in the aggregate to 3,250 aien, 1,853 of whom perished, . _ , ; â€"The Court of Queen‘s Bench will open at Aylmer on, Monday, the 218b instant. Barnard Dcylin, Esq., of Montreal, will attend during the term,. *3 41 â€"â€"Ten pfinters, three schoolâ€"teachers, one pliysician, three merchants, twoclergynien and two lawyers were among the prisoners conâ€" fined it ‘Toronto jail last year, .. > /~ | ; â€"The total stock of wheat in â€"store at Chiâ€" cago, January 7th, was 1,731,629 bushels, corn, 2,822,309 bushels; oats, 2,451,492 bushels. quiectly to the residence of «Mrs. Linco ;1;';1-::! without pomp or speech, presented her with a medal in behbalf of thirty thousand French â€"There ‘were nearly four million ‘pounds of wool gathered im Verpont last year, â€"Sanr Francisco has a Mechanics‘Institute. The vuilding just fnished for its" sessions cost ©$75,000. * *â€"A tabular statement shows that treasure from all sources in Califorftia for 1866, amourks to $53,647,549 ; exports, $44,362,668. 166 . â€"â€"Thd people were wz?lkfng across the James rivet on the ice, at Norfolk, on Wuesday. _ wounds LATEST >ple, in token of respect for Abmhfln Lin« ho HRoported Panic at Hong Kong. ospox, ‘Jan. 15.â€"Noon.â€"Late tgvg‘mmfl c buen reccived fropmm Hong Kong, which 8 no micntion ot â€"a commercial pagic in cocity. lt is now belfeved th:\t‘m, such #o, when Life‘s Autumn sadly sighs,. _ Yet smilos its cold fears through, ~ No Spring, with warin and sunny skigs, The soul‘s youth will renew, ; Love blooms and dies but once for all, . Life has nogecond Spring; . .. | The frost must come, the snow must fall, , Loud as the lark may sing, O Love! O‘Life! ye fade like flowers That droop and die in June; T ie presentâ€"Oh, too short!â€"is ours, And Autumn conies too soon, * Whenâ€"Autamn‘s chilly winds complain, And red leaves withered tall, Wa know‘that SHring will laugh again, And leaf and flower recall.. TpRANSIT G LORIA BREVIS. it when Love‘s saddening Autamn wears The hues that death présage, / o Spring, in \Vinter‘sllnp prepares A A second golden age. ‘ s Â¥, Jan, 14.â€"â€"A fire on ‘Grech siree nibg sefionsly, damaged two stores of all the French Transgor Tan, . 15;.â€"Thedast of the trins *uz, taking home the Fr‘:ud]p ti ico, left Ponlon late last evenin o SpmuIsh Loan aâ€"Failurc» . Jan. 15.â€"Noonâ€"â€"It js naw NXEWS IT AMERICAN DESPATCHES, rupill Y ALBERT PIKE, oot Market» Ioucy Markei. \00 ct ad D M MS. iâ€"Cotton uughancze ontreal Transports» ‘ the trinspor > Fr.rm'l]p troo: inish loan Line 'h(')'r ed and rl& Fort the reâ€" nd, was 000 ners of by any match ..\ The Dinâ€" lo ne in I wipgdom has. yiclued to chemics . | orate the stomach and gently st aetion wit‘h‘ !h‘is famous" restor _ | that the digestive apparatus it t ofâ€" vitality from which the, who â€"= | supplios, ond that Hristol*s .8 specific for the disorder: that aff t eases altecting the liver, stoma«l ‘ tol*s Vegetable Pilis: shou i j“""’ time with the Sarsaparilie ,) . A CARD NO ANW: !‘ A clergyman, while residing | as a missionary, discovered . a | Ottawa, January 16, 1867. | .. None Hut Subscribers, and those introduced by | them, will be admitted to skate. / ADMISSIONâ€"Subscribers on producing their P season tickets at the door, Free ; Nonâ€"Subscribers, | 25 cents. Skaters in Costumoâ€"Free. Deors open | at halfâ€"past 7 o‘clock. | No person will be allowed on the ico except in Costume. : | A Fancy Dress Entertainment AT THEE ARILNIEC, Tuosday eve‘g. next, the 22nd Inst. mc ontiroichup of programme.) . â€" TICKETS for sale atthe Music and Book Stores. . _Prices of Aflmisgion :â€"Boxeg 50 “"Q“'; Gallery 25 cents. [+ % x Doors open at 7. Coneord to commentce at 8 o‘elock, 8 # \ + % .~ PROF. FLANDERS, â€" _ .\ Oftawa Skating & Curling Club, IN THEIR NATIVE COSTUME ! Oftawa, January 16, 1867 children. By io (doing; Anï¬ undon‘anding the syn‘.fltrm'u and true jeause‘ of the discase, thousands of children might be saved from ertly graves. _ Syatrroms dr Wouyxs. â€" The following aro a few of th6 very numerous symptoms and diserses which are caused by Worms: deranged Appotite, emaciated <extremities, ofenzive. rr:nh.. frequent picking at the nose, grinding of the tecth during slcep, hardness of the beily, with freqbent slimy siools, and gometimes convulsive fits ; iot}bing of the ;ms, pain in th;l hoad nnd‘hmm. unquiet sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, igestion, low gpiriu. frightful dreali:. and a ‘ndnf.'“uq: A ing away of flosh» : # HIGHLY APPROVED HAIR DRESSING. Si. frain numerous gentlcmen and ladigs of this city very flattorini recommendations, They testify that DANDRUFF and SCURF have been removed‘ with but fow appli¢cations; that it imparts to the hair that softness and brilliancy, and to thie skih th. coolness and flea ibility not experienced in/the use any otherdressing. 1t prevepts the hait f¢om falling, gives it a richness of cqloxcnd removes hll obstrucâ€" tions.to its growth. It should be on etery lady‘s and gentlemnn‘s toilet both| as a drowing and regoâ€" pator. * * â€" To be had of the following Chemists and Drugâ€" ists\of this city : Messrs. J‘u. Skinner, Henry f §leCnrthy, Jas. Brown, John Roberis and George Mortimer. Algo, of tfl_o'l‘x_?pr_i_eyf____;_ t HER MAJESTYS TlIEI\TIiE. ‘â€" IMMENSE SUCCESS.â€" _ Last Nigh;:_t-mt.' one of ; FLANDERS â€" INDIAN TROUPE away with the necessity of administering Castor Oil or other unplezsant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Worms. â€" : , _ F@~LacH® box contain the facâ€"simile signature of Norturor & Lywax, Newcastle, C.W., who are he sole proprintors. â€"â€"| â€" $ t Mitcheli‘s© Dandru# Embrocation FHVILS preparation for the Hair has received 'l‘llls TROUPE CF HIGHLY POPUâ€" lar Native‘ Vocalists will have the honor of giving their second performance this, . « Wedanesday k\'enlng, Janm‘ary‘ 16, + WEX TREV ILL APPEAR : clillâ€"drive out the worms thofo‘iu};lil;;u};p;; and ,cumpchtekly cleanse the stomachâ€"thereby doing _ N.B.> Ask for :{ollmm.y'r Worm ‘ Lozonges, JF" and take no ‘uther. "@Z Sola by all the druggists in OitAwa, and medicine deaite â€" everyâ€" where. . f / ce .‘ she . has .e3pecially »studied tho constitutron and wants of this numerous â€"class, and, as a I't's*l‘l. of this eHori, and pracfGieal knowledge, obtained in a lifeâ€" time spent as nurse nnd physician, she ‘has comâ€" pounded a Soothing Sypup, tor children tecthing. It opérates like magicâ€"giviag rest apd health, and is, morcover, eure to reguls *Z a¢ bowels. In conâ€" sequence of this article, M## Winslow isbecoming worldâ€"renowned as a benetactor of her.race ;â€" e-pcci- ally is this the case inthis eity, â€" Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrap awe paicy sold nuz used kere, We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this invaluable atrticle, and we sinctrely believe thousands of children have boenâ€"sived from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions ye . unborn will share.its berfefits,â€"and unite in callin . her blessed. â€"No mother has dircharged her duty to her suffering little ones, in oar opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup. â€" ‘Try it, mothorsâ€"try itnow.â€"Ladies Visiâ€" tor, New York City, > f + Eold by all druggists, . 25 cents a poitle. , 201â€"4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mothers Read ~rru-xâ€"xxf120u'.y’. Worm Lozenges are a cértain and esfe remedy for Werms ‘in Children and Aduitsâ€"As itis a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of death among.childrensis from Worms alone; it cnnmtbc tuo deeply finpressed upon the minds of parents the nceessity> of .closcly watching their cLllildn:u. . By #o ‘doingy Anï¬ _underslgtding Who is Mrs. Winsiow ?â€"As this question is frequently asked, we will simply #ay that she is a lady who, for upwards of thirty gears, has unâ€" tiringly devoied her . time and taloits 88 a female physician and nurse, prineipally ainongwhildren. e A CARD NO INÂ¥VALIDS, A clergyman, while residing in South Americg as a missionary, discovered a gafe and simple remedy for the cure of nervous weakness, early q,le- cay, discases of tho urinary and seminal organs, and tho whole trainâ€"of disorders brought on by haneful and y cions habits, Great humbers have been cured by this noblo remedy. Prompted by a desirero benelit the aillicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and w&i this medicine, in a spaled enyclope, to any whe needs it, pree of change. +5 : "Please enclose an envelope, uddressed to y ourself_ Address, . © 0( ri Ottawa, Jan. 1, 1867. They are palatable und selfâ€"administered to the Sentomber 2 The Responsible Organ.==Tho stuinach Qjs EGULATIONS : OF YOCALISTS; SPECIAL XOTICES. {0 _ [ .. W. M; MITCHELL, lipir Dresser, Wellington St., posite Montreal Bank, Upper Town« Do Good to Others =â€"â€"ANDâ€" C. H. CARRIERE, JOEEPH T. INXMAN; sliva D, Bible: House, f XNew York City. Musical Diréctor. Secretary. 433a . ‘JT’ :({nu: ‘< $*. ']\IIE ubdersighed Beg~to Inf®rta thel: . _numerous friends that s GRAND >KAT! S EXTERTAINMENT will be held on the ROCH iz TEUL.POND RINK, on Wrbxrepay Evening nest the D6th inst.. Sctherlands Baoss Band wid ho i attendance. _ . akA , Single Tickets fer Gentiemen...........~.......... t Ottawa, January 15, 1867 Ladies® Wickets Ottawa, January 15, 1867 «* ~, OF, ST. ANDREWSCRHCRCOR, On Wedrcesday, the 16ih; F; 4 "at1l ovL0CK, xdos. * AIPRELIMINARY MXETINXG wit the House of the Insiigztion,"ou MoNX 14th INST., at 2 wclock, p.in., far the resciving ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIO NX and a lot of Gas Fixtures, . Will be Cash. ~ k A Requires NO CHIMNEY, and is To â€"+~, Sight Bedâ€"Rooms, Hot Clear as erystah emits a béautiful 1it yas~ Call lnf. sce gamples, at tire Oftawa, January 11, 1807 lew â€" Lights forâ€" the : People Deodorised Goa! C;;,. . Mark t / Drug j "A nn'("x{jm:xr'r ORK ST., LOWER TOW ~JOttawag January 16. MOKELESS AND BRILLTL: Grand Skating* Enterts PHOTOGIE x #E THIRD AXNXCAL MEETINC the Orphai‘s Home Society will be helll : SPLENDID Ofice Dosk, #n. Om ‘T0 eests por E. SESSI0Nâ€" fG0oMm ock, two Stoves and Piping, seversl Tai BPOEL SA T F, Apply 44 n's & ; HC};;U n se R. MATIIES At the defupst Erening Pos . 5 Motealf By order McGoVERn® & HARRES: Alâ€"« ANXNAJ. EAT antiee" MoNDAY core 9% 17 Yaks