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Ottawa Times (1865), 22 Jan 1867, p. 4

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Siz,â€"L have it in command to call your speciat attention to the annered:copy of. & Despatch from the Scoretary of State tor Poreign Auairs to the Quovernorâ€"General of thisâ€"Frovigee, conveying Hor Msjosty‘s Orders that no Chilian ar Spanish armec Vosécls be allowed to Erizg their prizes into Bri tish Waters â€" a L. During the continuance of the pres¢at Hostiliâ€" tios between ,lhcttnl‘nflqic? Ne Repubâ€" lics of Chili and Poru, all ships 6f W ar Privaâ€" teers of either Belligerent® are prohificed from making use of any Port or Roadstead iwthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelsnd, or in the Cazanel Istands, or in any of Her jesty‘s Coloâ€" mice or Foreign Possessions or or of -y'nhllâ€"fm:&o Torritomial jurisdiction d\hhwm. -.’mfn‘;.plmil reâ€" sort any w poses, or far r 0 M1 bfilin'u-of wWarlize -equip':lu’:..nn({ mo Ship of War or Privateer of cither BelHgorent shail hereafter be permitted to sail out of ot loave aaÂ¥ Port, Roadstead, or W aters, ubjoen:JriM jurisdiction, from which any Vessel ®f the other } . DOWXINXG STREET, _‘ > Fobruary 26th, 1866. Sre,â€"Hor Majesty being fully determine? to obâ€" serve the dutics of umn’d-m‘m existing hostilities between Her Cathoils Majesty and the 1i and Peru, and beidg moreover wed to prevent, as far as possible, the use of Mer Majesty‘s Hatbors, Ports, and Coasts, and the W ators within Hor l‘ry‘s Territorial jurlsdiecâ€" tion, in aid df the warlike purposes of cither Bo!â€" ligereat, has commanded me to commuticate to y-\.hty‘upfln-slh follow®hg Rules, which ara‘to be treated and enforced as HMer Majesty‘s fi:lnl Directions :â€" Majesty has been pleased to command that l‘:‘dhl-d:b'd.h hnohlhl?-ibdk’hgâ€" dou, Qâ€"dfl-â€"h‘- B + day, ths Znd of March next, aad :m. Territories und Possessions beyond oa:‘h'u ha- after the dry when the Governor or t Chief m1nd~ll’.m«l’m respoctively. have notifed and published the, be obeyed by all pn-‘ m Rn.‘.)’ are to ithi territeries and psseqsions. _ _ _ 15 _ "I goatinge,inany such Posts, owdstewis, or. waters, for alonger period than Twoatyâ€"four hoars after hor necessary repairs shall have boon completed ; Provided nevertheless, thatinâ€" all cases in which there shalil be any Vessoi (whether Ships of War, Pdvmumspgpa)'d the said Belliâ€" cnu_’udu in the same Port, Roadstoad, or W aters within the Territorial jurisdiction of Hor Majesty, there shall be an interval of not loss than Twentyâ€"four hours between the doparture therefrom of any such vessel (whether a Shipof Wer, a Priva« teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the ons Bolligerent, and hmmmdny&i’ of W ar or eer of the other Boilligerent, and the times hereby limited forthe of such Ships of War and Privateors vely, shall always h-nd;--ty boutpd:‘:o hr.u-.:‘y{o effect to not Te a sitaile AK T â€"IIL. NoShip of War or Privatsor of cither belliâ€" porent stal Hersafter be pormitted while in any Road«tead or W aters, sabject to the Territoâ€" riat jurigdiction of Her Majesty, to takodn any supâ€" plies, except and suchâ€" other things as may be for sabsistence of her crew, and nxcept so mach coal only as may be sufficient to rrry such Vessel to the nearest Port of hor own %Ob-rm‘nfl :'oeod “ * to. such ar or m:fi“u-ocnymil’mpw. or Waters, subject to the Torritorial jurisdiction of Her , withont epecial until after the w of Three: ol ln-&bfi;:wm suck may have been last suppliod to with+ in British Waters as aforesaid. | I have the honor to be, Sit, x1 k Your most hamble servant, (Sizned) * EDW ARD CARDWELL | At Sea Ports in Canada. :â€"hd Her Majesty ‘respectively, enter any Roadstoad,or '-lnuquiqh Uotfl-q. sither in the United Kingdom or in the Ch 1 Isâ€" laads, or in any of Hher Majesty‘s Colonies or Poreign Possessions or sugh Vessel) shall, be required to and pat to s¢n wiui-' Twentyâ€" tour hours «fter hor enuternnce into sach Port, Koadâ€" fi:&: W aters, except in case of stress of weathor, or requiring isions or thing» nocessar for the subsistonce o her Crow, or repairs, in sithor of which cuses the Authoritics of the Port or of the newrest Port (as the case way be), shall require her to pat to sen as soog 28 soesible after t** ox~ with the view of more edectually carry‘ :’h this n-t.u. to interdict the Armed Bhips, and also the Privateers of both partics, from mm-fl-w&- into the, Ports, Harâ€" bours, Roudsteads or W aters of the aplhdâ€"fiin‘- dom, or any of Met Majosty‘s Colonies or Possesâ€" Betligerent (whetherths same shail be a Ship of War, a Private@r, or a Morchant Ship), shall havé Efiqfly b::-d.-nal afterthe expiration ¢f at Twestyâ€"four bours from the departure of such last mentioned Vessel beyond the Torritorial urisâ€" Kestiow of Her Magesiy. .00 > c« > c The Earl of Clarendonm to Mr. Cardhsell. f Forstex urrics, Ind Fobruary, 1566. Sta,â€"ller Majosty‘s Government being desirous of observing the strictest fimyh the coutest between Spain and the Republic of Ch"!i, they proâ€" . I havre as to acquaint you that the Queen I-‘-l:.?.d :}um th’u udo:u“ll: " MMM a forthwith L addressod to all authorities in IL. If any Ship of War or Privateer of cither Beiligecent shall, after the time when this Order shail â€" be first notified and put in force in the United Kingdom, and in the Channel [slands, and in the several Cologies and Foreign Possessions or Deâ€" Frb T ae pors _ the Fovernmect of Ca Ottews, April 3. 1865. [Corr.] or other suthorities in ‘all quarters beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidance in the circumâ€" stances. . 1 have, &¢., he Right Honorable Edward Cardwell, M. P., . mW is as complete and wth ot any Commmercial College on the Contineat, embracing® Wholosale and Retail Merâ€" Manufactaring, Mining, Milling, Forâ€" warding, Brokerage and "Commussion, Steambonti Arithmetie, Ponmanâ€" ship, 8 W-Yr%co.o:ei‘.l Law, Tele . Commercial College, graphing, Phonography ho be o o re ie Ceppmmeie in on airier cnact t HIS EXCKLLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" chayes, May * : 4 umc ”. AL IN COUNCIL _ » ; + N recommendation of the Honorable the swifl" 8a| Lands. * OImMoll,uutsndm&rudhm R 8 -â€"2 Of :’Hho tll:oflg:.(“lho Hl;.hg::p.r:lho(?ot&u Coomt or Cazestos, x _TUVESDAY an: is eney u«il has been pleasâ€" + To wit.: J“lh Twenty â€"Sixth uu; ad to orter, and it is hereby ordered, that the folâ€" of Pebruary, A. D., 1867, will be odored for sale | lowing rticles which, under the provisions .of the by agefion, at my office, in the Court House, | Ast, i m# Am Act to amend the dutiaa of hln.. of Quawa, at ts hoaro! Twoelreo‘clock,,| Customs and the Tarif® of Daties payable under noon, and by virtue of several writs of Fiesi | theto," Are to be admitted rass of daty when im~ F. issned out of Her Majesty‘s Courts of Comâ€" 4 ported by Shipbuilders for Shipbuilding. purposes, mon ad:-fqlmb.ntmautm vig. : - of the County of Carieton, at the seveâ€" | . Ships‘ Blocks and patont bushes for blocks. of Alexander Workman and Edword Grilâ€"| â€" : i:i:.-u-eloh-p. s aod others, plaintiffs, t the fands and he. . / CC feuaments which were 9f Hichaot Copps, deccased, | â€" | * | Sail Cloth or Canvass, from No.1 to No. 6. at ihe time of his death, in the hands of Mary Copps, «* lc’:-Juns & k executrix of the last will and nt of the sqid ol Byos. [ *4 wmmuo:q:‘nuuu- «*\ Dead Lights. > o sad to me directod and. ‘wun:d All| . : ‘;tol?l:: f < title, interest, property, claim aad d¢â€" |~Pumps. PC*M 'dm;-"-a‘kflgbu,ud y * ;n..fl... o eags which wore of Michael decoased, it #.} Sheaves. ; ‘ the d&&ddb.w.m-tmr.l- « | Signal . f lowing lande .l-â€"o..u.t:lhuuy:nm «# | Tem z‘meh- > :u-'w-_-s- Tweatyâ€"three and Twoatyâ€" | _ Yollow Matal in Bars or Boltsand YTellow Motal rin the Teath Concession of the Township of NEheathing. Fitzwoy, in the County of,C. which may be / Steor ‘Ap?tmuq. * known and dessribed a« follpws} th«t is to gay :. Comppsttion Spikes and Nails. * That strip of Ixad adjoniag and lying along the | Shoâ€"thing Coppar and Nails. , W estarly Lidlbo{ivn Carp, being thn;xh-i Iron Knces .and Ridors, 4 out two hasdred fost i4 bseadth, morsurinz from . Wird Rigzinz. * MI"&::MI adjeniag and lyi: W estarly of the dtiver Carp, bei out two hasired fost i4 Leeadih, msa the sail Westorly Han‘k or shore of ths and teagth cle~+r across th Twentrâ€"throse »ad uoo ,â€"ionr, tor® Grist Mill saerson, m tho "anudhters s m,, &c.,‘ and is under the solected for a practical as woll as a theoretionl knowledge of the daties of the countâ€" Ing room. Ror cirsular, and specimen of writing 8. 8, CAXN, Prisowas, e t "aclasditeys Carp.*and being tarospLoat two h kread:s, mogsdcing F «a the said R. shore of the suld Hivsr Carp, aad Jsa L nuaber Seven in thsâ€"Teath sesion of Pn o youdli t on 1 barvinbs coby cnicgcael Establwhed vy comnection with the Britwh American Mfl:flqâ€"'â€" Toronto and Hamilton.) Business EKducation. BRITISH AMERIOAN t.i'*. k '»* our ebedieat serve . RS.4. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs and Excisg. MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, _ ‘Toronto, Hamilton, «x Ottaws, 2E C AWL SE S 4 B: th N CY & wakes)y v _ s15joot to, each prders and regulations for tho proâ€" \n,;[puim A!‘kgnnf as may be from time to tl-gi On the ation of the Hoaorable the Minâ€" istor of nee, and under and in virtue of the.anâ€" thority and sonforred by the 5th section of the 17th of the Consolidated Statutes of Canaâ€" dx, His Exseliency was pleased to. order and deâ€" clare, it is bereby: ordered and declared that the item, * Iron Wire," «round or flat," mertioned in the S¢hedule E of the Act 29th, 30th Vic. Cap. 6, was {mrended to includo, and is hereby derlared uul::'i to and inc.ude fat wire for crinoliness unâ€" eovered. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" W. AL LN COUNCIL, â€" * At a cmum.'. the City of Montreat on Saâ€" turday, the 8th doy of December, 1866. A ‘ .. . PRESENT: HUIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR.GENEâ€" RAL IN COUNCNL ~ ; EAS IT HAS BEEXN REPREâ€" ¢ to the Governor General in Council that m inconvenience has been, and‘is experiâ€" enced by certain of the inhabitants of this Province residing in the vicinity of the Canadian Frontier line, by reason of their being deprived of the priviâ€" lego h*nhlm enjoyed by them of having their grain ground at Mills aituate on the Ameriâ€" can side of the Frontier, and reâ€"importing the same into C s free of Customs duty, in cases where the proximity of such Mills to the residences of mhl inkabitantd, or their greater capacity made it expedient to resort irui tâ€"= Whereupon, and on the réfommendation of the HMansralia tha Actine Minister of Finance and unâ€" Ald(.‘#w‘lhfldiu the City of Quebec, on onday, 24th September, 1866. 2154 FIXANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS. | DEPARTMENTAL ORDER. P . Qrtawa,. 21st August, 1866., Wm EAS, THE 3rd SECTION OF W«I in the zfih‘nd 30th years of Her| Reign, intituled : " An Act to amend the Acts respecting Dutics of Custorns, and the T of Dntimq-blo under them," enacts that .« from after the FIR§L d-mf 0Câ€" TOBER in the present year," Sparkling W ino of all kinds, in bottles, when accompanied by a certificate of gro shall be entitled to entry n‘:l.ootmr dozen buttics and $1.50 per dozen pint bottles. Notice is hereby given that in the absence of any special form tnat may hereafter be prescribed by this Dapartment for tie certific=te n&gnnd. the Ex may go: before any Magistrate of the place or.port of Exportation, and make and sign before him a dsclaration as to the place of growth and of such wines describifig the same, and such M fmuu may administer the cath and sign such declaration, which decluration should be auâ€" lhp‘hmby the British Cansul, whose certifiicate should the name of the ship on board of w:ich and the Port at which the‘Wines are to be shipped for mhfl. and such certificate shall at present be the proper document to be produced at the Port of importation in this \anilfi;fildh the of there being no British Consul at the place wmu.c: :‘ authentication may be given syor or Chiof Magistrate at the Port of shipment. _ _ made ltii'xpcdhnlo ns'oflifi-ni tâ€"â€" Whereupon, and on the mmendation of the Honorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" der the ons of the seventeenth chapter of the Consol Statutesâ€"of Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleaged to order, and it is hereby ordered way flour or meal, or other prodm of anyâ€" w or grain grown in and taken out of this into the United States to be ground, and brought back into this Province within one week nll:mvhu'ci grain has been. s6 taken out to be shail be, and the same is hereby exâ€" empted trom the payment of Customs dutics‘; proâ€" vided &.yn that such grain be fitst duly reported outw at the nearest Custom House before exâ€" mfigpwupqmmnmm ani that the identity of the flou: or moal, the proâ€" duce thpreof, be sworn to on its importation into this Provinee. (die in Coopn n esn rima mt .. * * bis Exgeilency in Council has been pleased to orâ€" ter, in-hn?u\hmd.thnnmoh of the Order in Council lhfldayolhm.:lla-, upnll}&illlhl.p&flhuwmm Horâ€" ses into hm,ot'umuwno:l.byuo. be and the samigi« hereby revok: | W. A. HLMSWORTH, â€" 250 - \â€"â€" Asst. G. E.0. At a Council held at the City of Montreal, on Saturâ€" d-* the 3rd day of II::’-&, 1866 : * » $ow.+ PRESENT : J HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" |.; AL TN COUNCLIL 0.‘. recommendation of the Honorable the ister of Agriculture, and under and in virâ€" tue of the authority conferred by the Act passed in the yoar of Her Iljux;l reign, intituled : # An Aet to provide against introduction and spreadihg of disorders affecting cortain animals." takon out of Bont freo: of duty, when purchased by SMiptrriiders exstustvely forShipbaitding parposts, At a Council held at the City of Montreal, on Saturâ€" day, the 3rd of November, 1866 ; » T MODERATE RATES ON PIRST»â€" A. CLASS CITY or FPARM PROPERTY, Apâ€" to â€" py J. PEXYLISGTON MACPHERSON, Wire |Rigging. _ * C nigns" _ [‘ . ‘ T wily and Wedges. * Tron uuormnollntm 4 A May bo and they are hereby suthorized to be Oitews, 23rd March, 1 245tf Money to Lend Ottawa, Tuesday, 21st August, 1868. f PRESENT : 7 GovERNMENXT HOUSZ, w * ._‘s / ~~ Rravitveks, do. â€" Mlui.lnl & Alâ€"tl. v Command, Post Office I::m-c-l. ¢ Ottawa, Novembers 186. W, A. HIMSWORTH, # Assist. C. E. C. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Coramissioner of Customs. PRESEXT PRHSEXT W. A. HLMSWORTH, * Asst. C. E. C. W. A. HIMSWORTH, > *# Asst. C. 8. 0. JXFA» A a Council held at the City of Quebec, on Monâ€" . . _ day, the 24th September, 1866. ® PXESENT: , / p 3. Every application for a permit shall be made on a printed form, in domormity with that hereunto annexed, and marked A, and .inll be signed by the person making it. MAE E: $s e c 4 :6 The permit shall aégompasy the spirits to which it ng:m. and remain in lho’gouou'ng:‘:f the sorsou having charge thereof, but it shall ho }{m- uced for exainination as often as may be.required by any offieer having authority thereto, and it shail tâ€"o delivered to the collector, or assistant collector, of Intand Revenue for the Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are to be removed, or wherein they are removed from one place to another, within the period mentiongd in the permit. _ .> > _ ~ 7. Every @ndorsation of theeramination 6f any porniit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every permit shall be defaced 3 writing the word " canâ€" celled " across the face of it, on the expiration of the poriod for which it has been granted. . . _ o T t HIS MXCELLENCY TiE ‘covrERXORGEXâ€" )m. IN.COUNCLL 0“ TUE RECOMMENDATIONX OFP the Honorable the . Minister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the 7th. section of .the Act 20â€"30 Vic., Cap, 7, intitaled : * An ‘Act to amond the Acts respecting the Duties of Excise, and to alâ€" ter the duty thereby imposed on spirits," His Exce!â€" lency in Council has been J:lund to ordug, and it is hereby ordered, that the following regulations respecting permits for the removal of spirits from the Distillery in whichthey have been manufacturâ€" ed, or from any warghouse in which they have beon bonded or storedâ€"together with the forms and exâ€" plmutiumlmmplnjin‘flll same, be, and the game are hereby sanctioned and adopted, that is to say _ 4. Every permit granted shall be on the printed forms suppiied by the Department of Finance, which lflgrl‘ shall L in conformity :'i'th‘tho form B 8. Pormits shall not be granted for the removal of spirits unless the packages in which they are Sonnection witly the Warshousing Regaiations apâ€" on w al ons ® proved on the 17th March, 1865. â€" P- W. A. HIMSWORTH, *~ 245â€"tf Assist. Clerk Executive Council, state _ "(e) The quantity, in wine gallons, in cach packâ€" -:‘-’.’-"ii"q:"."tsi-.n. s omasneitinls P. hes ;(d ) }‘ho equivalent in wine gallons of the strongth of proof. & ‘The place wherein it is then stored. (}) The place to which it is to be removed. be("').}h conveyance by which the removal is to made, * $ (A) W bether the duty has been paid, and, if not, how secured. eP (i) The time at which it is to be removed. (j) The name, vecupation and place of business of the owner, f << § [ 3 (k) The name, place of business and “flgl:l of ih)o por.sth in&opwlholo possession the spirits aro to be transferred, and | Eko (!) The name of the person or corporation in whose cméy it wil bcrdz.ring;;'vt:_ oo herennto artnexed, ‘and shall be prinied on paper especially prepared for the purpose, with such ty pe o; ;.l_tgruings as may be approved by the Minister of Fixance. . e i n olR it, be guflicient tor effecting the removal of the spirits to which it relates. . _ .. 1 2k 1, z06 of u:? I?ndcrnnfio-od -pfiu, nqnlropor(n?uien to remove the same between the date hereof and the oi diky of. :.; > +,from (fy : := _ . b. Every permit shall state the perrod for which it is to remain in force, which period shall not be more than will, in the opaknolme officer granting at (5) 1. Permits for the removal of spirits from ::1 Distillery whereim they have boen manufactured, or from amy warchouse wherein they have been bunded or stored, muy be granted on the srplica- tion: of the owner of such l!:ih. orof his daly. anâ€" thorited ngent, by the callectur, or th¢ ‘qlizuc sollector of Inland Revenue, for the Inland ‘Roveâ€" nue Division in which the spirits then are. _ _ > _ . (@) The number and |description of thepackâ€" ages in which the spirits are ined. (b) The marks and nunm:: each of the packâ€" day of 186 .}) umt Explanation of the manner of filling in the blanks in the preceding Form A : .. _ _ (1) Name and occupation in full of the person making the requisition. 2) Mis place‘of residence. 3) «" Owner" or " Agent for [A B] the owner," as the case may be. . If an agent, then a written authority to act as such must be"lodged with the officer before .:. Permit is granted, stating the name, residence, and occupation of such owner. the Distillory of C D," or‘ « Bonding Warehouse D :Pm:(k~lg;mdll.”q the case may (5) Theoistreet, town, city, village, &c. &I) The‘ place to which it‘is to be removed, as 7 “‘;‘.S.L ode of conveyanc‘, The waggon e m as was b&‘ingto A )."::'KQMM 8t. Holen," or “1‘;0 grmd '{::nk Mlv-y,‘;:::omfi -cy‘:c. A ame gecupation person into wh(uc)ofi«u-bu it is to be transferred. (9) nvuhlm‘ud:m of business in full, an " 26, Cni‘&g inb." .. f (10) Hore A'Nhntthm has been paid, or whether the spirits are rom under removal quisition. possession of [7] t 200005 + Whe duty bee x This permit in.ulg ro:'[l?gl a 31. days from date and no longer, and on or before he expiraâ€" Y on on Snd U the Calieer at Aurnane bo. lector of Inland Revenue, for the Inland, enue Division of [12] ooptles y + eumd _(4) The Warehouse, or other locality, wherein he spirit then is, as " The Warehouse attached to t (5) us J . h 9(0 .. __. by th y £ 6x ,'t.:o(n) to be c‘lellvc:c:dy int:gz cssession o(ia) of (9) ; he duty on the said spirits having been (10) { Requisition made at ) . [S& 11} (11) To be signed by the person making he reâ€" Every, application ; for such a permi¢ shall EBxomss. Requisition for a Permit FORMS AND EXPLANATIONS. No of Permit, Exciss Pemat Ey | a‘s if sA General No Local No E32 gagi «5244 5 62 $ iinf THE OTUTAWA TIMES, JANTUAXRY %2, 1867. sig? son 8] Ilis place of business. EI «Paid" or «* secured in bond," as the case may be. [{0] The number of days which, in the opinion of the officer grantingthe permit, may be necessary {or the removal. 11} The period named for the removal. 2{ The Inland Revenae Division into which the spirits are removed or in which the removal trom one place to anuther takes place. At Council held in the City of Quebec on Monda u.z«u«,.jq;m{-w.xsu. eoat .« *~~ / PRESENT: MISEXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL | ON THE RECOMMENDATION. OF the Honorable the Minister of Financé, and under and in virtue of the nuumri;y given and conâ€" @grred by the Aet 29â€"30 Vic.Cap. 7, is Excellency in Council has been Planaed to orcer, and it is hereâ€" by ordered that the tullowing Reguixtions mtrfl: ing the nanufacture of the underimentioned dutiable goods in Bond, be and the same are hereby adopted â€"â€"that is to say1 ; * I have it in command to inform you that His Exâ€" eollono{ the Governor General, by an Order in Council of this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" new, for a period of one month from date hereof, the Order in Council of the 19th March last, directing that « Fire Arms and Munitions of W ar" be importâ€" ed free of duty until the 6th F'onmo subject to the condition that the Importer furnish the Collector of Custom with lists of parties desirous of procuring such arms, and that such partics be known to be reliable lo‘yusl t:bgou. and -nel:d privilege !r!nll extend to all such importations made u rom this date P s “Td 6 GovERNXMExXT IMMIGRATION OFPFICE, QuraBzc, 25th January, 1866, i SIR,â€" L S f ‘The Honourable the Minister of Agrlculture and Immigration, having authorized the pll‘il'wlflfl.:{ this Department, of an occasional paper, to be callâ€" ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATION®*GAZETTE," which will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" mient of Immigration, and to the diifusion of accuâ€" rate and usetul intormation concerning Canada abroad, I bo&lnn to bring under your notice the advantages this sheet willâ€"ofer as an<advertising medivm to land owners, and others having properâ€" ties for sale or loase. _ As information of u& fi.nd is eagerly sought for, and much valted by .every intelligent emigrant, meanss will thus be afforded of g-chg the intending purghaser or lessoo in tGreat Britain in direct communication with the property. I\ol_fiox here. | e Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized‘the opening of an Information Office in Liverpool, under the -.m mont of Mr, Wm. Dixon, a gentieman well aeq ‘ed with this and the mother country, who will be ‘ :rciully elnr.(o]d with the thistribution of this paj roughout the United Kingdom, andin bringin'm same prominently under the notice of the emigrant. 3. That in addition to the License fee‘named in the Act above cited, every purson to whom a " Bondâ€" ed Mnnufmflng Liconse" is granted, shall pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" staiments, such sums of money as shall be sufiicient for the ‘:.yment of the expenses incurred by the Finance Department for the effective -uretvinou of the mabufacturescarried on under such i?cnu, and for taking account of the dutiable articlesconsumed. in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom. _ And the maximum sum to beso paid by the p:r:x resaid shall be from time to time doâ€" termi by the Minister of Finance, as be may deem necessary, and shRil, as nearly as may be, be in proportion to t hemagnitude anfi general characâ€" tor of the business carried on under such liconse. ~ 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" moved from the‘ apartments of the manufactory whorein they are manufactured as soon as the wholo process of manufacture is completed, and shallthen be nrh“d in apartuents or storcâ€"rooms set Apart for that purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the manner rogu Im‘ by the Excise Bonding Regulations made by Order in Council, dated the 17th day of May, 1865; unLtlley shall bo dealt with, in respéct of their subsequent removal, oxmnnlion or entry {or consumpticn, in accordance with the said Reguâ€" ations. f ts W. A. HIMSWORTH, 245â€"4f i Asst. C. B. C. Sim, You are hereby authorized to refund the dutios already paid mfl Arms and Munitions of War im« ported within the period above named. I am, Sir, 7 es t ; Your obedient servant, Vinegar, Vamishes, 4 $ * That any Beadod bmpufsctory licepsed ubder y at any mant cen: the above recited Act, may be glosed and the License forfeited. whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing,that frauds |:§0Il the Revenue wre perpetrated in connection with such manufacâ€" Circurar No, 175 ‘The Collector of Customs 1. That subject to the provisiqns of the Act above cited, to these Regulations, and to such furtherReâ€" gulations, ag may bereafter be made by competent authority, Licenses may be granted to inanufacture in Bond the articles herein enumpfrated, viz : Drugsâ€"including Essences and Extracts, Pertamery, & ‘The first number will appear in the course of next month, the second in Agril, brlngin* down the information to the latest period, to be followed up monthly or quarterly, as may be required. . . â€". As the space it is intended to allot for advertising purposes will be limited, and in view of the latge vireulation the sheet will obtain, [for it will be disâ€" tributed gratuitously], the mou of advertisements cannot be much lower than the following :â€" _ For each advertisement, not exceeding ten lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for every extra line. . m.&qnmol 22 lines, to stand zr.‘tw_olvo- m 4 ©0. 5 7 R d from m:l“ n'u‘lon, lhowiEEQhel'f mfl in the country, nting out the peou vanta :L_ ml‘r “disp:gietu”n &A;tlomr. &o. It‘:: ethat the 0 as concisel as possible, and gom!m mu&. m.! _ In all cases, advertisoments must be prepaid, and an early g;l-_mig!i'ng is recommended. _/ _ The undersigned will gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a practical character for puhfl:nh-, bearâ€" ing on the subject of Immigration, such as letters from actual settlers, showing #hoir progress in the Fobruary 10. GovERNMENT HOUSE, F Ottawa, 17th August, 1866. PRESENT: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERâ€" * AL IN COUNCIL » Hll EXCBELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Counsil a Tari® of Duties to be imposed under the authority of an Act of the Legislature of Canada, passed in the session thereâ€" of held in the Twentyâ€"ninth and Thirticth yoars of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled : nooiien Dois h+ # An Actto provice a fand ‘towards defraying m-hurmdto- m «tters necessary to the e%â€" the w aws of Lower Canada." _ . Who Exceliency was pleased to order and it is heroby ORDE RED. â€" That on, fi nd after the FIRST day of OCâ€" > That on, from~and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBER next, thereghall be imposed, levied and coilected on each 1ss â€"â€" mentor documentire. gistered in any RofmisQ ~Office in Lower Canada, and on everyâ€"searc u-dc“h{tl:oh Registry Office on or -M-K- irid day, the following dutics res. pectively, that is to say: _ _\ > _ . > _ . On'on:{ doed or instrument effecting‘or evidencâ€" ing the sale, exchange, hypothecation or of real prvpu:z,.tc a sung or consideration ~ ing in vglue , Thirty Cente. On every other deed or instrument, Fifteen Cents _ On every search, with or without certiticate, Fiv That until further orders the above dutics shall, in all the Registration Counties or Registration Diâ€" visions of Lower Canada, be paid in nioney, and the amount of such duties received by overy Rogisâ€" trar res vely, shall be by him accounted for 3: wover to the Receiver General immediately after the close of every third month, to be reckoned from the said First day of October nekt. _ . ear enc WM. H. LEBE, directly to Importers in Canadas, shall hereatter be put on the same footing as dutiable Goods. ,Wu. H. LEE, C. E. 0, Jannuary 1 1806 } lin 125 Saturday, lgth dz of December, 1865. Reegyr, Hrs Exosiuzxor tus Anmcmrol or tus Govâ€" ERyMENT t Counci. c lt HI! EXCELLENCY was rlenld to lay before the Counsil a Report from the Commisâ€" sioner of Customs, dated 15th Desember, 1865, and approved by the Hon. the Ministar of Finance, statâ€" ing that uior authority of chaptoer 17 of the Con. Etat., Can., Seo. 24, an Order in Council was passed on 28th‘April, 1853, dlnntlng;fin Goods bona fide exported tothis Provines from any country, bat T2 ETY ECUTIROY PFUMT DHE ssing in transitu through another country and unâ€" stf'm shall be,until it shall Indhorvipouhnd.] valued for duty as if such Goods were imported di. rect from such first mentioned oo-drzlim this Proâ€" vince," add submitting that it would be desirable to extend said Order in Council to ree as well as duâ€" tial â€" Wher His Excellency in Counc hy 100. gn d ige N ig y it doghee mas 14 +4 04â€" en Goods passing through ountry consigned oods, prssinp h roed o haiee countey cancigned _ On eve! rriage donati plihe pDaRd NPUI mertinge cobtrAck_or donntion, [7] The name and ccet j The name and ooen?ll.ion in full ol the Tnto whoso possession iC is to be tratisferred. ‘viar No, 173. No. 8. FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS. * : Oitawa, June 6, 1866. GOVERNMENT HOUSEâ€"OTTAWA. I am, Sir, A.c. YuoEr obodAieNuuM BUCHAN '-cw! ’d R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, g+ 144â€"tf <E "OTTAwWA TUIMES" Printing Works! 60, Sparks 8t., Centre Town. WILL AFFORD A BUPERIOR MEDIUM IT HAS BEEN TRULY SAID THAT " 4 ADVERTISING Dry Goods, Or Hardware . TO SELL, ADVERTISE! Let the World Know 1 Property to Sell This is the Motto of every Real Do you want to Buy No Matter what your Business Through (Which it WHUL NOW is the THE "OTTAWA TMES " JUDICIOUS APPLICATION OF THE PRINTERS INK IS ONR OM THE LEADING AVENUES TO WEALTIH® TO BUSINESS MEX IN THB A DV ERKTISHEH. THE "TIMES" Groceries, IS THE MEDIUK BUSINESS MAN. ADVERTISE!! STEA M ADVERTISE! . TEX B IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAYVE OFFICE : Crockery, ADVERTISE: Glassware, OoF TJISH|! Ry His Excellency the Right Honorable Craxu®s Btaxury. Viscopnt Moxcx, Baron Monek of â€" _‘ Ballytramon, in the County Wexford, Governorâ€" ‘ General of British North America,and Captainâ€" Genoral and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and over the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunsâ€" wick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and _ Viceâ€"Admiral of thesame, &e., &6. . To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"GzEETâ€" Gro. Et. CA‘:uu, HE AS, in and Atty.â€"Gén. tw by‘fie thirtyâ€"cight elllstersl Consolidated Statutes of Canada, intiâ€" tuled : " Anâ€"Act respecting the preservation of the Public Health," it is amongst other things enacted, that whenever this Province or any part thereot, or place therein, appears to be threatened with any formidable epidemic, endemic or contagious disâ€" ease the Goyernor may, by Proclamation, to be by him from time to time issued, by and with the. adâ€" vice and consent of the Sxecutive Council of this Province declare the said Act to be in force in this Provinee, or in any part thereof, or place thorein, mentioned in such Prociamation, and it shall thereâ€" upon be in force accordingly ; aud the Governo! may in like manper from tnio to fime, ‘as to. all or any of the parts or places to which any such Procâ€" lamation extends, revoke or renew any such Procâ€" lamation : and, subject to such revocation and reâ€" newal as aforesaid, every such Proclamation shal} have offect for six mom.‘- or for any shorter period in such Proclamation expressed ; Axp Wurr®as, «lthough there exists no reason for serious alarm, the Provimcwun to be so far threatened with Asiatic era, a discase within the meanâ€" ing of the said Act, as to render it expedient that all necessary tKro«m.lom should be taken for the proâ€" tection of the Public Health, and it is therefore exâ€" pedient to declare the said Act to be in force in the said Provinee. Now Know Ye, that by virtue of the power in Me vested by the said Act, I, the said Governor of this Province by and with the advice of the Executive Council of the said Province, do hereâ€" :z declare the said Act hérein before mentioned to in force in this Province, from and after the date of these rmnddntflnu-o do and shall conâ€" tinue in force for and during the period of 6 Calendar Months from the date hereof, unless this Proclamaâ€" tion be soon revoked and.recalled under the proâ€" visions of the said.Abt : Of all which, Mer Majesty‘s loving subjects, and all others whom these presents do or may in anywise concern ate hereby.required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Gtvzx under my Hand and Seal at Arms, atthe Government House, in the CITY OF OTTAW A, By Command, FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS, Oftawa, June 14th, 1866. NOT:CE TO MARINERS. > Lightsâ€"Gulf of St. Lawrence, Prince Edward / Island. PA Tlll GovERNMENT OF PRINCE ED» ward Island has given notice thata Ligh House has recently been erected on the North Poi:t of that lsland, in 47 ° , 3‘, 40" N., and â€" Longitude 83° , 59‘, 0"â€"W. The Light stands eighty feet high above water, and shows a fixed white l‘i\t. * luxaxoe Drrarnuext, Cusroxs,8 _‘ & Ottawa, Décember 6, 1866. R, 5 ‘The time fixed by Order in Council, for the free admission of fire arms, baving expired on the $Uth ultimo, I beg to inform you that the probibition, created by the Imperial Act, against the importaâ€" tion of fire arms, &c., from a forcign country, revives, and you are therefore to govern yourself, from the above mentioned date, by the instructions conveyed to you in my Circular of the 12th Januâ€" ary last. Arms and munitions of war tm&med otherwise than from @Great Britain or the Jsritish m-euieu. aro to be Tuined and reported to this nartment, to be dealt with as you may be farther Cireular No. 202 The Collector ot Customs tingdon, * Mungerford, Marmora, Madoe, Elzevir, m«l Tudor, aro offered for sale as mineral l.‘.d' ,.t ‘s. per acre, °e'h,i fooe t s hn .4 No‘!‘lol is hmb{lgiven that the vacant Pubâ€" L W lic Lands in the ‘Fownshipssof Rawdon, Hunâ€" ville. country, He will fulfll orders for all serts of Fruit ‘Trees, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plart. for Borders; also Herbecious Plants and Esculew Roots. He tuoln on hand a large stook of Greenâ€" '“A;!Tpilvo;tvi&' t;"fir;i;l-o to be made to Alfred A ampbell, Esquire, Crown Land 4(0‘?}-r leâ€" ounty of Carieton, cails the. attention of the Inâ€" habitants of the Citf of Ottawa, and surrounding Lanatse © HAWHHEATRN asidave fae all aovte af Renit Garden & Nursery Within two miles of the city, sorts of Plants in season for salo,:at the late dence of Clement Bradley, Esq.. _ : _ ____ In Gloucester, Green Field s0use Plants, a quantity of Gardon, Field, and Flowâ€" or Seeds of the Lut description. Parties wanting grounds laid out in the newest style of landâ€"keep fi together with Grafting, Buddlx;:nd Planting be promptly attended to. . He will have & ‘ MATHEW T. DeRINZY. Ottawa, March 4, 1866 83â€"tf certain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Council to take such measures as may appear to be necessary in order to K;evm th:rlnupduefion ot s or infectious disorders shee; Wmm and other anirbals, tm ne% disorders trom spreading, if introduced ; â€"____ _ And whereas a contagions disease or epidemic affecting cattle prevails in many Iumol %nmpo, and is increasing and extending its ravages, and whereas it is expedicnt, in order to prevent the inâ€" tndnm‘ i dbflu umo“ into thi:u Pr:‘v‘m:;,d that the mportation by sea of certain animals ‘and articler should be pmllbb\lâ€" * His Excellency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the Honorable the Minister of Agricuiture, and under theâ€"authority given and conferred 5: the said Act, has been pleased to order, and it 1s hereâ€" :Im.l.fiuol.nvnndlncfiq FIRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any, by sea, of cattle, sheep, horses, swinc, asses «raules,. ment, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such ;',.»..»';':3' yoersgen ....,."’.’J"‘ ie ; save c or carâ€" goes, or part of cargo, as I{hlkulhncyn Counâ€" cil may hereafter see fitto exempt from such proâ€" February 28, 1866. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GEXEâ€" » RAL IN COUNCIL.* Oxm RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Werks, ‘E¢ and under the authority ot the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 22 Victoria, chapter 28, section 85, His hdk‘:{hphnodhoflhr,luith hereby orâ€" dered that the followihg Tolls be imposed on Saw Logs, Timber, &c., passing down the slides at Chisâ€" the Kiver Frent, viz: 2 “Q‘yo:pt Saw Log of thirteen futo‘ln length in unorcpdc-u ? greater Tength, and one hruouha& square timâ€" ber; and that the above toll of one cent be collected nâ€"hfl.'bp.ud-oddhrudlu%flu dqnnll.bcuhna-dd-nflo iver ‘Trent from the opening of the present season of naâ€" partment, fo be dealt with as you may be farther PROVINCE OF: OANADA. ING in the said Province, this TENTH day of April, in the the year of Our Lord one thousand cight hundred and sixtyâ€"six, and in the Twenty Ninth yoar of Her Majesty‘s Reign. % 4 MONCK. WM. McDOUGALL, Secretary. _ 124â€"tf ~By 154tf ~_. CRowN Laxp DrraRTNMENT, _ > Ottawa, 6th December, 186. ‘OTIOCE is hereby given that the vacant Pubâ€" HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR» CHASED 12 acres cf land, on which he intends be attended to. |Mm{| season for LOOK HERE. A PROCLAMATION MoxTrEAL, 20th day of Fobruary, 1866 I am, Sir, GoVERNMENT HOUSE. Ottewa, Tuecsday, wp August, 1866, Your obedient servant, R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. toms. 3024 R., §. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. W. H. LEE, Clerk Executive Council. Â¥ep «*4 c o n L. . 302 35 OCEAN! STEAMSHIP COMPANY ACADéAN. . ;. .. . (Building) ... . . 2650 AUSTHiAN:‘;.. . . (Building), .. , «» . » +« PERUVIAN .. Capt. Ballantine . . . . 2600 MORAVIAN... .‘:n‘t.Aiton â€"+++ + ; 2650 HIBERNIAN..Capt*Durton .... .2434 NOVAâ€"8COTIAN .. Capt. Wylie. .. 2300 BELGIAN.,.... Capt. Brown ,, .. 2400 NORTHâ€"AMERICAN,.Capt. Kerr.1784 DAMASUUS,..... Capt, Watt ... . 1800 Passengers Rpoked to Liverpool & Londonderry Rates of Through Passage from OTTAWA to LIVERPOOL or LONDONDERRY : CABIN.... .. ... . .$66.75 to $86.15. (According to accommodation.) STEERAGE..:........ . .. §34.25. rG»RETURNX TICKETS GRANTED REDUCED RATES. Fixaxcs Drrarturst, ; Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863. l'l‘ 18 DIRECTED EY THE HON. THE FLINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on American Invoices, which is to be in accordance with the price of gold as representod by Exchange, at a rate equal thereto. Such notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada GazeETTE. _ 1 % ST. DAVID, 1650 tbus........ Capt Aird. ST. GEORGE, 1468 tons ... ;.. Capt. Smith, ST. ANDREW, 1432 tons. . . . ., Capt, Scott. ST. PATRICK, 1207 tons.,. ... Capt, Trocks Fimmaxce Derartuexr, Costoxs, $ Ottawa, Jan. 18, 1866. _ 'l ACCORDANCE WI‘I'H THE ABOVE Order, notige is hereby fl"" that the authorizâ€" »d discount is ideclared to be this day 26 per :znl which percentage of deduction is to be continued ntil next Weekly Nétice, and to apply to all purâ€" chases made in the United States dur‘ng that week. The stcamers of this Line will sail at reguâ€" lar intervals between the Clyde and Quebec. Berths not secured until paid for, For passage, or any otlw; particulars, apâ€" ply to SARSAPARILLA ! wees THE BLOOD 18 THICK, THE circulation el:fi«l. and the humors of the body aendercd unbealthy by the heavry and -ocretr'\i:r{- :& the vi:u{ montBs. â€" This safe, % we or cleanses every portion # . sy“.;om, and shou‘d be wae. USED DAILY AS A DIET DRINK, "®A By all who are sick, or who wish to prevent sickâ€" m’n. \It is thoody'gmlnorodgiul preparaâ€" tion for the permanent cure of the most dangerous En rmey q r";;{i_e'onfimâ€" rmed cases of ill Scrofula, Old Sores, Boils, ‘l‘â€"-n, Ab= scesses, Ulcerss And every kind of Scrofulous and" Seabious erupâ€" *â€"*~ thons. It is also a sure remedy for salLT RHEUM, RING WORH,â€" TETTER, SCALD HEAD ‘AND .ZCUB VEY. Itis gusranteed to be the purest and most power» # _ ful preparation of » GENXUINE HONDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, h o’nn in its woret forms, It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all diseases arising from a vitiated or impure state of the blood, and particularly so when used in conâ€" DUPING THESPRING ANDSUMMER nection with .I’i climate. . > hese Pills are prepared .?nuly to operate in harmony with t!!uw:rulnd all blood purifiers, BRISTOLS SARKSAPARILLA, in eases arising from depraved humors, or impure blood. ‘The iost helpless sufferers need nth.zdl. Underthe influâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies that have herctofore been considered utterly incurâ€" wble, disappear quickly Mrâ€"fl. In the following dm&au, lhonml::‘l are the safest, :: uickest, and the best remedy ever prepared, i.mll be at once resorted to : Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Come plaints, Constipation, Headuche, * and Piles» ‘Thdnunntyt;flmflfiv LIVER, STOMACH AXD BOWELS. Put up in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep ed Pills are for sale by all Drug Sold in Ottewa ? John Roberts, MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. Mortimer. SBAILITING W EEELY } IN QUART BOTTLES 1 rus crEAT PUrJFIER OF THE BLOOD Js particularly recommended for use Surgnl luo'tm-fl, op Fittings, . Perfumery, Drugs, ~ Paints, ‘ Glassware, Thirty thousand prices of the abore forwarded, fmdfin’ â€" P Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire MU‘I.I MUSIC 1!_ FRENCH AND 1VR English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valsss AMERICAN IXYOICK Sâ€"DISCOUXNTs8. Ottawa, May, 14 Medicine Chosts, ‘ x +o + o5 Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Coatâ€" PX LLS. (Yegetabie) _ Bugarâ€"Coated OCE‘*N BTEAMSHIPS. MONTREAL. DRUGS®S, é&c. GL aAsGow S&JIIIMEB SERVICE. BRISTOLS BRIST OL*S Pharmacéatical Preparati EEUBACH & COWARD Acexts ar Ortawa. < 125â€" k. S. M. BOUCHETTE R.S. M. BOUCHETTE DUVERKAY BRO L I NE :t‘n, B: Garvey, H.F. M. Massey, and Geo. Patent Medicines Uye Goods, Tons Tone Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons AT PIAMNO â€"FORTES ! ZP%. canstructed on a truly Scientific l'rimirle.-‘ They bave greater strength, and will remain longer in Tume, thap any other Piano,< The construction is simple and patural, all the extrancous.lumber in the body of the instrument is dispensed with ; the sound boards are merely two arched planks of thin wood, like the frout and back of a viclin; the strings are attached to a strong iton frame, which is sepurated and entirely independent of the case, thkereby dispensing. with the old harp form of string ing by substituting straight bridges, preserving a the same time the Over btrung Bass, of which Air Dr16Gs is the Inventor. By these improvements we gain much more vibratosy power, ut the same time preserving all, its purity and richness of tone. They have received the Liglest testimonials from the press, and all fie principal artists in the €ounâ€" try, among which ase: * x Harry Sanderson, 1 L. M, Gottachalls MHax Marel gel: s i\ 8. Gh‘“ur‘ » Theodore Lisneld, W ‘m, Basony Herman Wollenhavply |. _ .3, doovrili, Prancts H, throwny , «W, ie Loarlc. Wa, Henry Ery, ‘ Chas, Fracel® « MR. SEGESMUND THRLBEIKG, the great g\ui-t, says:â€"1 have exatyined your uew Fuanoâ€" fortes, and 1 cordially approve of its system of eonstruction. . ts printipic, by whick great inâ€" erease of vibratory puwer is oltgined, being very simple and perfectiy philocophical. ‘The tone is graud and nuble; it has great capacity for susâ€" taining the sourd for singing, Anu its vclume of tone or power I have never beard exceiled in depth, puntfl «nd -xn*uhcuc swedtners, _ WM. HENRY FRY late mustealeritic of The N. Y. Tribunesays:â€"I have examined your newly invented Pianoâ€"Lortos. . ‘They merit al the praise given to them by Mesers. Thaiberg, Gottechalk otrackosch, Mgson and others. As regards stiucâ€" ture, they are original amd philosophicat ; in purity, volume, and contipuity of tne; in voeel versimiliâ€" tude, that crowning excellence which en»Mici‘the pianists to * ging" 0n the instrument. .\ our Pignos ever deserye dlcfl:igbeu rank. Your invention, in my opinion, is destined to woik radical changes in the manufacture of Piancs throughout the world. f t From The N. Y. Herald, Sept. $.â€"Â¥pon a careful examination of Dri6o‘s Fiaro Forte, we £ud the results obtained are a very ine singing tone, great purity and brilliancy throughout the cative ipstru« ment, not often found in Pianos ecustructed cpor the old plan. â€" The N. Y. Times, July 12, says :â€"We have now an instrument without an eT-al. It can sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly unattainable ¢n iu( other instrument; an ordinary player chtaibs wit mo exertion, the {ullneu of a Grand Pinno-Fu&e, and they must speedily supereede the old style. School Organs and Melodeons, Finished in Elegant Rosewood, W ainut or oak cases KEvery Instrumsent. Warranted fou Five . Yearsâ€"No Charge for Boxing Z%. ing full description of styl¢, and testimoniats of the most eminent musicians, as to the nrqria excellence of our instruments=will be sent free to any address. . = Ek Dlmpul‘ ylu' , of «double blowers," have ‘been manufactured in this country, and to counteract this difficalty (want of « swell) a lever has been proâ€" jom‘(m‘thmdhm-m.bwig upon the swell, Axp OPERATED 8Â¥ TBE KXz inconvenience and contortion necessary to éffect this object are disagreeable enough to a gentJiemar, but to a lady the use of such an appengage is nearâ€" 85,000 Now in Use. In presenting the Avroxamc Orcax, we boldly annoupfe the greatest triumph in musical instru ments of the age. During the past half cextury,the French and Germans have manufactured reed inâ€" struments. with double beliows, and two pedals for the feet to operate, but the want of the reversed or EXNAUSTED BXLLoWS, (which is the only beliows used in our instruments,) made it impossible for t em to produce the mellow, rich and musicaltone â€" which our instruments are celebrated.. _ Automatic Organs Ou. Avromatic device obviates this difficulty enâ€" tirely, the simple act of blowing with more or leet lon“lflx:hdodn‘huuu.dnn- in the volume of tone. . The Melodcon and School Organ. For seventeen years the superior excellence of our Melodeons has not beenquestioned, and for two yunbruflhom demand has made it im possible for us to meet our orders promptly. ‘With our increased facilities, we feel warranted in assurâ€" 17 impossible?" * ing our patrons that their orders will be prompt; -f:.m.m-.«um? ' Cauntion to Purchasers» All of our instruments h ire ur the nameâ€"boud, in full, «GEO. A.. PhINCE & CO." When & dealer represents any other instrument as = the same as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior cce a _ P.8.â€"A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymes and Schools. â€" Address I the of modern Medical Disâ€" Atong the most important 0e Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Eore Throst 'cunuu?w Bowel â€" . Bites, &c., &e. TEIOAXADW PAIN DESTROYER HA8 now been before the public for a length of CANADIAN PAN PESTRONE! M now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well hb‘.-.n{«hdq in a single instance to permanent relief when timely used, and -.f.':. never known a single case of dissatisiaction where the directions are proâ€" i on eroat aer t ed wi . k terms of its virtues -;flm“ Ti -\Vcr-& fnâ€"uprb:.hlhio matter, baving tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who &re suffering from any of the complaints for which it is Remed war ie es M '.*:o ld-n{obfi efficacy of the Conadian Pain Destroyer, in discnses for which it 1« reâ€"‘,u.‘ iudvn‘ocfil .on:;iin :lb:“hg torturi is of Rheumatism, m ing Imfl-':i-l.cdiflokbalhhmt in the list of Remedics for these -phtu Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers all parts of the mhw.‘“uflyh‘u to the universal it gives. ‘The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give Aarriings w ced mn hy se ho daniy wb m- -‘-oltL.‘n y Tiilt tnmrret es bs boute twenty NOITI&&L_YI_A!; |. @52 to $55% EACH. THIRTYâ€"NINE YA4RIETIES . N and Estimates of Buildings prepured ; dispiit~ dm«mâ€"t-â€"udmfi- AUGUSTUS LAVER, Late Stent & Lawer, Architects, &¢., Prof ranioak _ Departmental Buildings. Bo by Geo. Mortimer, Massey H. F. McCarthy, tawa. . Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. _ Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 26. Tus Orrawia 'l‘m-;-â€"rrhmd and hbllM every morning, (Bundays excepted. R 543 Bromdway, KEW YORK Before purchasing, send for a dercriptive cata with price. hrawa, Doc. 18. 1865. Ottawa, Dec. 18th, 1865. DRIGGS! NEW PATEXT 6 RE THE ONLY IN&TRUNXEXTs Geo. A. Prince & Co‘s 1 PATEXT * NILLUSTRATED CATALIGUE CONTAT» Btrect, in 4b6. Oy of. OHe®s Carleton, O.W ; TOTICE.â€"â€"PLAXS, SPECIFICATIOK® The Automatic Organ» instrument on which, be can male & Yours respecifully, McCarthy, and J. Ekinner, in or Shipping. ___ L. . GOTrsCHAEL. BoLE aGEXTS y WN. HALL & £ON, GEO. A. PRINCE & C0., ¢ Biffalo, K. m5~ \. * Iâ€"r L. M, Cottachalls 8. G hatberg. B I, Bastny â€"J, dvnvili, Newcastle, C. W., neral Agents for C. W Ko. 60, 1â€"dwâ€"y TPOR NE Yâ€"ATeL A W A Chaneery, Convey ancer, & Jusmer‘s ghhe Store, Ridean Str OQrricz: Post Ofce 4 coaray 1 M9sb Li98 ; A Omon“?-“m apimer & N ‘rroun\'hrr-l.‘ Th pramncin oc be PR Stroot, Quebes. Air. Bo repared to atiend prompily * Sabotroet on 1008b 4 PA may entrust him wid thirty minates prior to the Office hoursâ€"8 e ts . ons 4 Orric® : In the Court _ January 27, 1866. BhRpils ty s ‘Ottawa, April 27 \ Bnllu'l'll.. Ki6ep O@pices ; Court Hous k‘l“l‘Ol! EY$«A TeL A> Office: Elgin Street, opposite Aurxixous Ross. sitawa, Jan. 12, 1866, COLMAN & tnvocd‘:':’s, -m: Orrices: MullSind Agimer Mr. W right will attend at 1 r oracnge hace ols yOL. U : W. R. BELL, TEORNEYâ€"AT»LA W Atawa, Feb, 7, 1866 «ud Wert, by Rail, Daily OQrrice : In the Co 13 WHAYCOCK &A the Orrice: ‘Lelegraph k a dn i T rak rost or£st og,iBand Point, Pem * J. K. BO ARRISTERâ€"AT ay TE W L ayâ€" ald 124 ots. ; .’am,.n Noem, : every aliternate Monda, TkzED Lerrexus must b pEWYTEELXG ANDP C EDW ARD T July 26, Notary Public, Olork ; Herve g in mag BROSS & PAT A. F. BOUC Mails, per H. & . b"'gfl_‘,“-‘ % A £ 4.# Shore ol Otta wa . J. sCOT LEBS & p. ‘Cox? , Conveyancer, & LEGA NL 'o‘“’* DR. C. Ocb

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