1l «I$ EXCELLENOY Ts oovn*o- aexe. RALIN COUNCIL N THE RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Commissioner of Hublic Works, under.the authority ot the Consol statut oa of %, 22 Vistoria, chapter 28, 83, the is vleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" that the followihg Tolls be i on 3 2 Tmbov.u..’uo!qm.m uh: Ips'r.b, swamsay‘s â€"Failt, Fails, w and Creoks Rapids, on the works of Trent, viz : is prohibited ; save and except such or orâ€" of Mi Coumâ€" y min eavemag ""“.;F“ w His Excelleucy in Council, on the ol tion of the Honorable the Minstor of ioultute, and under the authority given and by the said Act, has been pleased to order, is hereâ€" 7-&0â€â€˜.“:.,0-.“‘!\0000 PL&ST day MARCIL next, the importation or |introduction into this Provinse, or any part , by sem, of cattie, sheep, horses, swine, asses and les, moat, m.l'uhq. horns, hoofs, or other of such a als, hay,.straw, and foddor, bo, aud the : sume Fobruary 28, 1866. fength, and ons doltad on enci orib of equace uin ‘OUne cont per Saw Log of thirteon in lon ues ame promitice oo maks of prao bers and that the above toll of one cegt be sollectad on Saw Logs, and ons dollar dn all such Cribs of tim\w-hn'rd the River Trant from the opeaing of semsonâ€"of naâ€" :ï¬ w as a . cuntiaqfions disousy epldeni ng* io provianili m deny youlfesl w .,r ts lbou® willy A0biiReming . uht o Bl +§00, . Adsl it inlompodioni. on wh408 bo profuk Uio ob df the smus into tais v, tiiat tho x sowrof certain aniuiale wiligles shoald be probibitedâ€" . . . .. | viggiat ion ‘ Mo«tzzac, 20th day of F , 1866. PREORNT i â€" . HI3 EXCELLFNCY THE Go OR UGENERAL LN COUNCL NWV in imaaty sns foar o Hek" Mejoup‘s Reign, intituied ruun-'rwu- Rirw .ny t Introduction and spreading alecting certain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Council to, take sucl monsures as may appoar to be.necessary in order to ent the ob contagious of hlnu«.m.hn afopting shoop, mu other anicaals, chook such orders t sprewding, if introd 3 C making use of any Port or Roadstoad in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 1 or in the Cannnel Islands, or in any of Hor M y‘s Coboâ€" mies or Foreign Possossions or Ds ucies, ur| of say Waters subject to the Torritoria§ jurisdiction of the British Crowa, assStation or a) plaoe of foâ€" sort for any warlike puses, or for ob sbtaining u‘ lfl# ld warlike p'v::‘:.. aind no ship of Warer Privateer of cithpd Boiligoroni shail hereafter bo permitted to sail ouf of or loave auy Fort, Roadstead, or W aters, #1 to British jurunliction, from which any Ves the other Seiligeront (-id-liou-. ahail & Shipi ot W ar, a Privateor, or a Merchant Ship), shail have sreviously aomq. until afterthe expiration of at «sast Twontyâ€" hours from the of such last mentioned‘Vessel beyoud the T urieâ€" dintion.of Mer Majosty. ‘ lx.((-.{.:wd' or Priv of Boingeront , alter ï¬:"- w this t shall be first notified and put in force id the U Kingdous, and in the Chanael, Istaads,| and h& several Colonies and | Foreign or mmin-l Her Ihcu{‘l-p‘ui . enter any Roudstead,or W aters lo.(lxb Majesty, cither in the Cahfl’&w- Jhannel [s» lands, or in any of Hor Majosty‘s C ntl‘unin Possessions or De 10s, such V shall required to depart and put to sea T wontyâ€" ' tour hours after her tn-ni‘- Port, &oas» stoad, or W aters, except in of of weather, or of hor requiring provisions or things necessury for the subsistence of hor Crow, ormrepairs, in cithar ol which cases the Authorities of the or of the newrest Port (as the case may k‘. U requite her to put‘to sew as soon as possib the oxâ€" piration of uau:nud of Th-my-tou onl -l:l. out permitting her to take in suppli youd what u;.b'o necessary for her ‘u-nm ; and mo such Vessol which may have been bn-..ls within British W aters for the purpose of repair sh uouuluo inany ~l“l’-b.m Asir or 'll.al:. alonger period = r necessary repairs shall have been pompleted ; i nevertheless, that in all in which there shail be any Vessel (whother Shigs of War, Mvm-mï¬lp)';(..&o said Bolliâ€" gorent parties in the same or Waters within the Territorial j of Majesty, there shalil be an interval of aot less than ‘Iwentyâ€"four hours between the departuretherefrom d:nn,-dv-d(vht:;.flpd ..hi:; toor, or a Merchant Sittp one sabscquent departure therefrom of Ship of or Prvateer of the other n-:': heroby limited forthe departure of such of W ar and Privateors respectively, u-Y: in ease of necessity be extended, so (@t as may uisite for giving effect to this but got n.. or dtherwise. 1 _ the Governmenct of Canada. Ottawa, April 3. 1865. ler Majesty has been pléased to . hose rules shallâ€"be m‘u force in the dom, and in the Caaohel Islands, on day, the 204 of MLorg® nost susd in ib Toermipmed aud Vossessions scyuad + aftor the day Wheu tie auyecuur â€" o Authority of oach of sacl Lovcu wiee o respectively shall have astined «ud #aung, stabing tnguch nutiueation timt ate w be obeyod by all persons territories and pssessions. â€" _ lies of Cuili and Poru, all Â¥hips of W as teers <of m?fl“ aco prol making use of any Port or Roadstoad Kingdom of Great Britain and Lrela Cannnel Islands, or in any of Hor Ma «L During the continuance of the tles between uucmw. ties of Chili and Poru, all Â¥hips of W . > DOWXIxG EET, 1 § Fobrcary|26th, 1966. Sin,â€"Her Majosty being fully determined toob serve the dutics of" Ngutral the existing ...gzu....-:..-.?'c...‘.’... and tho Republics of Ch li and Poru, and be: moredver resuived to prevent, as luunn‘u Ahoi-t:l lkulmuy'nfluh::.l’a;h. and the W aters within Hor u:qvl‘ ;du‘z tivn, in aid of the war purposes of cither hgonu,hnuwm to you, for your guidance, the which ase to be treated and enfurced as> ‘m UrJors and Directions :â€"> [Cort,] ' . The Barl of Clarendon to Mr. | 1. S â€"1her Aixgmaar‘s Govammant e P rous bof obsorving nu% neutralit h::. dontest ween‘Spain and the Repablic ol’ 1i, they| proâ€" me, with the view of more eff y oubw’ uto effect this mld’h to inte the A hips, and also Privateors of parties, from m,’hla“w&o-hw Ports, Harâ€" .| ours, or . W aters of the Lnited Kingâ€" . :u any of Her Majesty‘s or Pogsesâ€" abroad. C \ 1 Have to nxu‘u ou that the «ueen lum to direct orders in m-.{.m the principles above should forthwith be addredsed to all nrupv im the United Kingdom, and to Hor Majesty‘s Naval or other authorities in all quarterss beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidance in the citcumâ€" stancgs. 1 have, &¢., ce ts ..(_’!_’3."1 % Do" tish Waters. The Collector of CuStoms,: _ At Sow Ports in Canada. he Right Honorable â€" ltnzdcud'dl. ., #0., &0. .' '... ; FINXANCE DEPARTMEN vmn:.“. | â€" e Ortawa, 1 Siz,â€"1 have it in command to our special Aftoention to the annexed of a 2 .:.-um». the Secrctary of State hnyom A!un. to the QGovernerâ€"General of this Province, leonve}ing ller Majesty‘s Orders that no i SpansA armed Vessois be allowed to bring t izes into Briâ€" aovERNMENT gou i ~ _ Otterms, Tuesday, MlI:Ll“ 1 NN spedtient adevent. _ ® R.3. M. CuETTE, W. H. LEE, L Clork Exocutite Council. W. K L&BE, . of Customs and Excise. of weather thin .onu:‘r.,' repairs, in e he or of m 0), U u »‘ 33 «t ~four with. ies, Heyond wha ate ; and mc bn-..lï¬ se of repair sh. or waters , PmE PCo !“ Joke | / odrepeRtiagetrh Doddings Quare : | that mited i after :r‘n: M ajo -l..'s nt Hoatiliâ€" the Repabâ€" and Ryivaâ€" rolisted the e said Rules n, the same ated, should uthorition in esty‘s Naval beyond | the i the citoum» + 'ln?h'- and Wedges, Iron Masts or of Lron Masts. l.ylondnz:nhniy*ubu taken out of Bond cfhv...vh._ by Shipbuilders exclusively for purposes, to such orders and thc of Revenue as may be from time to l'mwmwbyhh.olhh-i goicnc W. A. HIM3SWORTH, _ A'r MOoDERATE RATEKks oN FIRSTâ€" a . OLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap. * "s. rexuixorox WACPHERASON, . Yollow Metal in Burs or Bolts and Yellow Metai % Cumporitish Shiker ind Natle Act, intituled : «©An Act to amend the dutics of Customs and the Tarif of Dutics payable under them," are to be a lmitted rass of daty when imâ€" an:l:?w'muuwpunh.m Ships‘ Blocks And patent bushes for blooks. «_ Binnacle Lamps. * «> Bunting. { @ . Sail Cloth or Canvass, from No. 1 to No. 6. UF Minister of Finance, and under and in vistye of the suthority of the 17th Chap. of the Con, Stat. Canada, His &nllon, in Council has been pleas= od to order, and it is horeby ordered, that the folâ€" lowing articles which, under the provisions of the Post Odice At a Comneil held at the City of Montreal, on Suturâ€" day, the 3rd of November, 1864 : & PRESRNT : UI1S EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" # AL IN CoOU NCLL J + {§1 N tho recomendation of the Mongrab}é the W.II.A.; THE 3rd SEKCTION OF the Act passed in the 2Â¥th and 30th yours olllorlx:’olo intituled : « An Act to amend the respecting Dutios of Custoras, and the Tarif of Dullmny-. under them," enacts M*u‘o-.frm after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBER llboM,m.'Mlh.'Ldfll kinds, in bottles, when accompanied by a cortificate of growth, shall be entitled to -a.u $3.00 dozen quart buttleg #o d $1.50 per plul-un Netice is horeby given of any :rummuu may he be bed by is Department for the 1e wed, the Exporter may go before any the place WMWN and sign before him a as to the place of growth and production of such wines describing the same, and such :-‘fwm may. administer the oath and sign such aration, which declaration should be auâ€" Ws&nmm -m‘m should state the name of the ship on of wnich and the Port at which the Wines are to be shipped for exportation, and such certificate shall at present be doemed the proper dovument to be‘ produced at the Port of importation in this Province; and in the event of there being no British Congul at the place of expertation the certificate of a uthentication may be given by the Mayor or Chief Magistrate at thl'vnolohl;-ou. v Command, i 'lom‘rn His Excelloney was pleased to order and it is nbyutdn-l.ll?h.pfldcl.. .lubooul;r«hmlm oned on from the 12th n;dlay.l .llobllwh‘.nn-d‘loll.boud thvmh-ubiunwmuu levied and collectâ€" od on the said Bridge, that is to say : _ 1549 MR tolay beture the Council a Schedule of rates of Toll submitted and recommended by the Honorâ€" able the Commissioner of Public W orks, to be levi« flain, tor the porivd of ane ‘year, s provided by 10y une year, as 5':«. 12 O(-nmlho dth l’ml lmw * For each vehicie cf.any kind and one horse or other beast of dranght, and not more than 10 v:::‘h‘d. mlmm_‘ owt. â€" reo! as one any :’8«-“ 10 OWt. M# 10 OWt...«»2.â€"ss0««â€"60 0 4 Por each additional horse or beast of draught attached to such vehicle, or saddle horse, ar other beast, and its Mdot...............« 0 0 3 For each horse not attached to any vehicle and without a rider, ox, cow or head of tattle or nonâ€"enumerated quadruped...... 0 0 1 For oach sh0¢$, pig 0P §OMt..«.»«««««es««s««»««» O 0 0 FOOl PMABBDGOTS.....««« :s ceentsesrnmmecencecccecces 0 O B HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERXORâ€"GENER s AL IN COUNCIL ‘uu EXCELLENCY® WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Schedule of rates claré, and it is heroby ordered and declared that the ltom, « Fron Wire," «round or lï¬-flhï¬ in the Schodule E of the Act 29th, Vie. Cap. 0, was in ended to include, and is hereby declated to extend to and include flat wire for crinolines un» On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minâ€" ister of |‘laance, and under and in virtue of the auâ€" it a Councul held at the Montreal, on Satur > daly, *N*yym.lm: P PRESRNT : Sheathing Copper and Nails. Tds > At a Council held in the €% Quebec, * Mzmt»fi’o«",’lm. o PRESENT : MIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" 6 AL IX CoUuxetn, thority given and conferred by the 5th section of the 1 ic --"nrv of the Consuliduated Statutes of Canaâ€" Ax, Mis Exsollenoy was pleased to order and deâ€" Whereupon, and on the recommendation of the Honorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" dor the provisions of the seventeenth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excelleney in Counci} has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that uay flour or meal, or other produce of any wheat or grain grown*in and taken out otf this Provinge into the. United States to be ground, and brought back into this Provinee within one woek after such wheat or grain has been so taken out to be ground, shall be, and the same is heroby exâ€" empted trom the payment of Customs dutics; proâ€" vided always that such grain be first duly reported outwards at the nearest Custom House before exâ€" pyrtation for the special purpose herein reforred to, and that the idontity of the flour or meal, the proâ€" duce thereof, be sworn to on is importation into this Province. ; * W, A. HIMSWORTH, 4 JA : Asst. C. £. C. 5tf Â¥ " sented to the Governor General in Council that much inconvenience has been, and is exporiâ€" enced by certain of the inhabitants of this Province residuig in the :rltlty of the Oanadian Frontier lind, by reason of theit being deprived of the priviâ€" loge heretofbre enjoyed by them of naving thoir grain projuse groand at Mills situate on the Ameriâ€" can site of the Frontior, and reâ€"importing the same into Canada free of Customs duty, in cases where the closer proximity of such Mills to the residences of such inhabitants, or their greater capacity made it expedient to resort to them :â€"â€" s At & Council held in the City & Montreal on So» turday, the 8th day of December, 1866. % . FRRBRNT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXOR.GENEâ€" RAL IN CuUNCIL y enrEas it nas BEEX REPREâ€" kaublittn the Havatues Hanssal in Cuuntit 230tf FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS. DEPARTMENTAL ORDER. HA5tf Money to Lend Sheaves. Signal Lam Travelling ‘ Pumps and Pump Gear GovERNMENT HOUSE, . Oitawa, Tuesday, 21st August, 1866. PRESENT: . © » R. 8. M. BQUCHETTE, W. A. HIMSWORTH, Assist C. E. C. Orrawa, 2ist August, 1866. W . A. HIMSWORTH, Compmissioner of Customs. Basmu®ore®, &0 C 1 1 ) _ Nhis. _ Collector of Inland fteâ€" day of 184 ::aotulh Diviâ€" .Wd:-i:-dunqum Ru‘m w :‘k.;:-w..-u.‘}q?m L?) The warechouse or other .blo-’ P, u.'::-_g'u ~).u:$:¢~.i.{ [:ammv‘“hwmbhn- 4 'llou-ltn-mhu.p ".u!r-l_ granted. . af _'T._.' «d Parmit the removal in [1) _ donfll:l'".‘.-’::l.'m ?m of [6 â€"â€" wad about o be transferred into the belonging to A B," or " The steamer St. Helen," or -0}'.)).2'-‘::-! ldl'u.':t.:unw:. ame cccupation & person 'Mr-uhuuum (9) nd‘..-‘:uodhuh..hhl. an " 20, Craig stroot, * F * (10) mu-mmmmm or whethor the spirits are under removal .a‘.ï¬?;luo-hum @.""“"""fl""’" B) the owner," as case may be. an agent, then a writtem authority to sot as such must be lodged with the officer before the Permit is granted, stating the l.-o.l-lv-.ndmdu.l owner. (4) The u-h.}:dhhuuq. wherein :M u~ho~o- muhu.w 3 r k de. es P T N PEA remores, is _ (7) The mode of conveyance, as " The waggon Jrey ot _ _â€"__ _ ~Hk «y : en en d i ho a a _ (1) Name and cccupation in full of the, person .1 . We naran -cm > (’t 'uï¬mi‘,’.ï¬':'é-'ï¬.":;ifdfu: of the undermentioned "1:"""" ported within the period above named. remove the same between the da b-nduilb.:’ * 1 am, Sir, dup uk â€"â€"â€"_â€"<. trew (y :+ : :: > _ Your obedient sery imemston or cay + thoee ie pegattvered in Emmfl’m-‘,&umï¬mm) pormit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every permit shall Nd.fnodbjwhhauom“ou- celled " meross the face of it, cn expiration of the period for which it has been granted. ‘l‘mmblb:l.fl h(nu:.dï¬ntbo removal | # unless packages in which they are nu'.th mm marked and numbered hi connection archousing Regulations a proved on the I7th March, 18055 * * *‘ *** | duced lor examination as often as may be required byln{ officer having awhority thereto, and it shall be delivered to the collector, or assistant collector, of Inland Revenue for the Inland Rovenue Division lm'lhhlhosmnmuhn-nfl.-'hnll they are from one place to another, within lhprh‘d-th-dhlhc-l T. Every endorsation of the examination of any _8 The aball « the sprite to which it n‘.‘“obl. and mm’r** of the person having charge thereof, but it shall be proâ€" 8. Every permit shall state the period for which it is to remain in force, which mhinhll not be muu'u!.hlh.z:h.d m.nhq it, be sufficient for ing the of the spirit« to which it rolates. 5) The owner‘s name and H MMis place of business. I A aâ€" Coumerl held at the City of Quebec, on Mon« ' dur, the 24th ?nphr. 1864. * ndstiene : MIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GEX. ERAL LN !e)llsl'll.- xâ€" TWE RRECOMMEXDATION orf 0 the HMonoruble the Minister of Finance, and | under and in virtue of the Tth spction of tn Act 20â€"30 Vic., Cap, 7, intituled : * An Act to d the Acts respecting the Duties of Excise, ‘mlgi:u wl ter the duty thereby impesed ‘-.:Iti-." Mis Excelâ€" ‘l:.ey in Council hu‘:oo- ‘:. to order, and it hereby. ordered, that tullow i nr.d‘. respecting permits for the removal ? spirits from 1 the Distillery in which they bave been manafacturâ€" i ed, or from any warehouse in which they have been | beuamicha o mg ts ramaturendthy yoieg anations accompan same, same | :‘nhnbyuu'n'.n‘ and adopted, that is to say 1. Permits tor the removal ‘of spirits from an Distillery wherein they have been mmt«um{ or from any warchouse wherein they have beek bunded or stored, may be ulh‘:r'nu-‘ tion of the owner of such spirit«, or of his duly anâ€" thorized .‘.u..:{ the collectur, or the assistant collector of Inland Revenue, for the Inland Roveâ€" nue Division in which the «pirits then are. 2. Every application for such a permit shall state :â€" , («) The number and description of the packâ€" Permit granted at The name of corporation i Shere resedy it wat be dhring in rewabel * * _(b) The marks and numbers on cach of the packâ€" («) ‘The quantity, in wine gallons, in each packâ€" ago and its strongth. .‘(‘) ‘Pooqdnh-hï¬opl.dlhm *) The place wherein it is then ‘; n.,.......m.....".“.i':...‘ “u?'lhc-vq-u ‘by which Il.‘l!-\fltlhb made, 1 | _(@) Whother the duty has been paid, and, if not, how secured. e (€ .m-mu-muhw.um _ & name, «ecupation and place of business of the owner, +. â€"_(4) The name, place of business maad cccupation dgh into whose the to t en f... l possession the spirits are Requisition made at ) [(3d. 11 11) To be signed by the person making he reâ€" W, A, HIMSWORTH, 245â€"tf Assist. Clerk Executive Council. FORMS AND EXPLANATIOXs. Excist. Requustion jor a Permit if <B i1 No of Permit, Excmse Prawt having been [ and cegupation in full d o General No Local No ip THE OTTAWA TIMES, FEBRUARY I5, 1867 Hi, 14 Es ;%%s; fiit Jammary 1 18046, mtzfl.m "that Goods bona Ame :'-\-4 &hm any country, bat :ï¬uhmï¬mr anocther country and unâ€" Boudeâ€"shall be, until it shall be otherwise ordered, valued fur duty as if such Goode were imported di. vince," ww .:umou-ue-â€"nuh-uua- tiable Goode. Whereupon His Council was pleasâ€" ed to order, and “mm that free Arfoneinp ieenes o forerth country connigned u.-!.'&.u-__r-a;..mm Ihes Exomuezer tuz Aowixt«reatos or tus Govâ€" ERSNEXT is Couycu.. ul! EXCELLENCY mm-‘ to lay b ~farethe Council a Report the Commisâ€" stoner â€"f Customs, dated 15th December, 1865, and approved by the Hon. the Minister of Finance, statâ€" wmlu“vmdohw 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., See. 24, an Ordor in Council was passed -N‘Afl}&im-‘uuh_ï¬o trar v-~rd'dy.-bnn be by him sccounted for after the close of every third month, from the said First day of October next. M Wiapretsren _‘ WM: IL LEB, Ou cvery other deed or instrument, #Â¥/teen Conte o-:--gm.lllu-iu.nm,flb h?uxmwmmum m&% Tie Registration Counties or legistration vision» of Lower Canada, be paid in money, and the amsunt of such dutics received by every Regisâ€" necuran No HTh., ..â€"_ .. ; N kLNXANCE DEPARTMEYT, CUstoXMS. On e deed ur instrument effecting or evideneâ€" ll-'::{o. exchange, hypothecation or MEha) (pTord Tot & poit o eranidetaiion encred" That on, from and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBL.1 next, there ghall be imposed, levied and n.-uv:‘-miln&. menut or dogument reâ€" mthwlnfflyou in Lower Canada, u‘-u'nr{:un made in such I.‘m‘o... -u.mu‘.;’\uu’.m following res» postivs (y, to say : Om w contract 1 ill, marringe e 'Lr-uo of manufacture is completed, and shallthen | rï¬h.mnm-momnpnh that parpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the mannor Indbylholulnlc.‘h.l:.'-lul- .dob"a:daheuuu.bud the 17th day of May, ‘A; u‘thqll.llhdultwllh.hm’od of thelr subsequent removal, un:nnk- or entry z‘:â€"mum- the said i ~guâ€" . _ W. A HIMSWORTH, 245â€"tf Asst. C. E. C. @An Actto provide a fund towards defraying np.b-u‘hmmm-.~ iï¬ naininy sn PsP cce and it it hereby ORDEREKDL"** *"*** *pexmant : HIS EXCELLENCT THE GOVERNOR GEXER ALINX COUNCIL HI‘ EXCELLENCY WA8s PLEASED s e.lnyhl'.b&m. T:‘dl :‘ D:z iâ€"nposed under authority of an Act [sture of Canada, in the session thereâ€" of m?my--m Thisticth years of Mer Miafbsty‘s Reign, intitubed : n tons «f a practical character for pablication, bearâ€" ing on the subject of l-ipul:.‘n letters câ€"n. ud.‘h -‘3. p-E"-n...." C s *F% pfldn1 of their district nartisntar. A:_‘ J "bs ger Pabrusry 10. ~~A JVERNNENF HOUSEâ€"OPFAWT _ Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865 'lu the payment of the expenses incurred b‘ylh Fina .n;pam for the effective urorvlc on of ‘lhltuhmnmkdun‘nm‘.‘mlfl for taking account of the dutiable articles consumed | in such mamufacture, and of the articles produced | theretrom. And the maximam sum to beso paid by “tr:l:l&udd-l-llhfn-ti-o to time deâ€" tormi by the Minister of Finance, as he may deein necessary, and shall, as nearly as may be, b6 in proportion to t hemagnitud «a _ general characâ€" ‘m‘dlhbuhpnnn& ontn â€" rsuch license. .-'_-;;.â€".2---.-â€" â€"â€":lfllu-'-: “;:-ouh: and 8 cents for extra line. For .‘:‘und 22 Mbm. twelveâ€" in -'I;c-u. W and an early transmission is _ The andersigned will gladly receive communicaâ€" 1 have it in command to inform you that Hig.Exâ€" eeliency the Gorernor (@eneral, ‘by an Order in c.-...f.: this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" new, lor a period of one month from date hereof, the Order in Council of the 19th March IW liu-;\n.lmudln-muud\\'u“ import» ad free of duty until the 6th .-m&o cundition that the Importer h the of Custom with lists of partios irows of procuring such armse, and that such parties be known to be reliable loy al 'nbtu. and such privilege shall :moollmh portations made upon and from You are hereby authorized to refund the dutiecs already paid upon Armws and Munitions of W ar im« The C of io 2. ... / nb hoider $i%, dtaits®s tnovapartnen of Th nipanaty moved from & man whereinthey are manufactured as soon um‘m proce«s of manufacture is completed, and shall then | MS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" f AL IN COUNCIL 3 ! 0! THE BECoOMMEAXDATION or | the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the mlhw'u’ flivu and conâ€" | ferred by the Act 20â€"30 Vie. Cap. ?, fMis Exceliency | in Council has Inenrhmd to ogcer, and it is hereâ€" | by erdered that the tollowing l:&nuh- ree poot» | ing the manulacture of the undermentioned dutiable Guori« in Boud, be and the same are hereby adopted | «â€"that is to say : * | _ 3. That subject to the provisions of the ‘Act above cites, to these Regulations, ::d to such further Reâ€" | gulations, as may hereafter -ul‘ by competent | authority, Licenses may be granted nmn'n:u'u ‘ in B ind the articles herein enumerated, viz : â€" q:f...ueha.. Essences and Extracts,~ _ Pérfumery, Vinegar, . Varnishes, o [ Starch. the above recited Act, may be closed and the Lisense forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just caus» for believing that frands ;F- the Revenue are perpotrated in connection with such manufacâ€" tory. 3 That in addition to the License fee named in A «t above cited, every y"uu-to'b- a * Bondâ€" ed Mapufacturing Licenm«" is granted, shall pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" stalt>onts, such sums of money as shall be suflicient K[~] The name and occupation in full of the perâ€" sou into whose possession it is to be transferred. .. ~] lhe place of business. hk 'c "# Pa«d" or * sccured in bond," as the case That any Bcoded manufactory licensed under #] The number of days whieb, in Ihoopld.. .olnï¬Â«r gv’uugngtu y’.m i may be necessary le rom ues . vue peried named for the removal The Inland Revenue Divisica in is are remwoved or in which the plase to abother takes place. . ind uen *A 4/ ~A4 i~ teil held in the City of M on Menda the 3ith dny af September, 1866. ¥» PRESENT : © : li-\,sï¬.â€â€"'f" [ _ / R.§$. M. BOUCHETTE, Wu. K. LEE, C. E. C. Vitawa, June 6, 1866. eding ten lines, | 33 nzflnl..u 4 form twelveâ€" | 34 m hy rromst. | in 7 .:l.h“busi' | n-hukmn" m;n-hho 41 advantages | 49 &o. Lt i| 4 'Ilm“ hing like exagâ€" | 45 a into which the removal No. 8. 83 Nerval Comp‘y T8‘ Peterboro 0-1 2 Toronto !lvl.q zOlllhgud 81‘ 10th als...... 82 Ontario Mï¬â€˜ 83 Searboro‘ Co‘y.. 84 Cookstown do... T1 Welland Bat‘ry 72 do | * 13 do 74 York Rifles...... ~ y Sppeue 6 Bradford o nimm. 64 67 57 81 82 $3 84 36 10th Royals..... A 19" de . ... 20,10th Royals... . n' 10 .. â€"tare 22. York Rifles...... u.uyu Infty. 24 13 bat Hamilt‘n 69 13th Battalion.. n 12 13 14 Queen‘s Own 15 18, 17, 2 do _ ......\Corgoa 3 do .. ......\Corpor ‘J 00 ¢,> siris 'Pflm df: : 1 â€":â€"=sewer 'Priuu 6| _ do > ......\Priv.C 1 do _ ......\Private #) do ......\Private |:||u‘i~y u......;rm. 3 fls maifinnne |_J-l| I:lwu.l;l‘rlm M. M-o....;mod from disease Wod on 2 St. ThereseCorp Private P. Charron............ ‘â€" _ do 44â€" akg The Pensions gunted to (No. 24) acting Captain Percy Gore Routh and (No. 28) Captain Saunders King to be payable only from 2nd June, 1867. | _ . | : f » : « All Pensions granted to Ohildren, as above set forth, to cease at the age of (18) eighteen years for boys, and (ila.twenz;ono for girls, and that all othér persons to whom Pensions are granted, excepting those menâ€" tioned in the above abstract, as representing deceased Volunteers, and those who have lost a limb, are to appear before a Medical Board at the date of tlie expiration of each year‘s Pension, with a view to determine whether the disability continues. | ' 7 ; a Payment will be made by the Receiverâ€"General under the regulations laid down in the Consolidated Statâ€" utes for Upper Canada, 22 Vic., Chap: 6. § l . ‘ T. D; HAMNGTON,: . ; |.;>< es Recoerverâ€"Gexztzrar‘s Derarrucent, Ottawns, 1st Fobruary, 1867. '“. ad ".“J ‘:.Ovl... ?:p'tlu B Boustead ‘ whee m Campbell... do _ ... Lt Jas m Beaven..... do _ ... Eusn Jas Â¥ Smith...,......,. do â€" ...\Ensn Win Fahey.............. Welland Bat‘ry Queen‘s Own... Of Militia Pensionsand Gratuities awarded by Ordel 1867, upon'report of the Board of Officers ass upon Claims for Pensions or Gratuities, on acc abled by wounds or sickness on actual service i do do do do [Published under authority of the Act 22 Vic., Chap. 6, Consol Corpl W HaAll...=......... [Prt‘John Whitton............ Prt George ElliotL............ P ey aoee :: > Carpt Mate J Clendinning Prt Thos Stephenson....... 5"«....."“’"3.....““::::: 14 & Adjt Jacob N Tabor. Lisut John H Stobo..... Prt Samuc! Dpllu.:....... Pri Jas Mitter Stuart..... Pvt John Robt Donnelly.. Prt John Geo Powell....... Ltâ€"Col J A Skinner........ Gunner Thos Higgine....,.. _ Do Jehn Harrison..... _ Do ‘ Jordan Thomas.. Prt J Allan Young....... Capt George Prentice.. Lisut Wm N Kennedy..... Prt Michael McKenna..... Prt Richard AcCormick.. Prt Joseph T Heally.... PÂ¥t John Cole................ PrtDaniel Farrell........... Prt John Jackman........... Liout C H J Winstanley... PrtSamuel McKay......... Prt Chas Thos Robertson.. Lt W Tyrwhitt Armstrong.. Act Capt P Gore Routh..... PrtQG A MeKenszic........... Prt Edwin Hilder............ Capt Rd Saunder King..... Gunner Fo Act Sergt Paul Robins...... Jobh Ocï¬ i:’(l:!n ‘Tbu iss , Do John Bradley.......; Prt Richd Pattecort,.... ...! Prt Alexr Olipbant......... Prt Chas Lugsdili......... PV Jonn waitg,.."::::""‘ Ens Malcolm McEachern. John Tuck......... § T A TBE Mâ€" L doul 16 :w..’ï¬f;lllliliil :l“’"’;&‘ 2 months........... Injury equal to 12 months (unfit Injury equal to 6 wooks. ns A+. do do P‘% Injury equal to 12 months. do usual occupation| _ do Unfit for service greatly impairs| ‘ usual cccupation................ Sickness do * do | ««»«..... Wound... do ‘do | «ss«..... Bickness do _ manual «........\ Wound... do occupation |.........! do , \ fo > ;~ €6l. *) + Killed 1N ROCtOD....0....sss00s0e00»» do meneiervfenersrese do Iinfummmpatmeven ‘ do »nflelreeefernnenaden: ‘ do mervivendinmmeivin Died from disease cont‘d on ser equal to 2 weeks............. Injury... w"’“ 12 .m‘...........;“yfll?d & do 4 weeks,...........! _ do do ‘ _ 2 months........... Sickness Killed in action... Died of wounds rec‘d in action. ~â€" THIHD CLASS. for service) REPORT OF MEDICAL do do do loss of leg 2â€"yr8. 5 mos do â€" * 1 Wweok:s......... do 6 woeks......... do SECOND UOCOLASS. PIRST CLASS. FPIRST CLASS. 10 woeks............. 12 months........... 6 wogks........... T weoks.;........;.. 10 weeks............ 6 weoks............ 11 months........... 12 months........... 18 months ...gw‘ou] 6 wooks............ 3 weeks.,........... 1 NNBOcissrevrvers 2 months 4 weeks.......... 1 month/........... do do do Lowrr Caxapi. UrreEr Caxapa. * Urrer Caxapi. .... Sickness $280 ayear............... July 1, .... Wound... $100 a year.............. June 2, «... Bickness |20 cents a day........... July 1, ...\ Wound...‘20 cents a day........... July 1, «.... do , |40 centsr day...........\July 1, »»».| do . $400 a year.............. June 2, «...\ do _ |20 cents a day.......... \June 2, eresl t |30 cents a day........... June 2, .... Bickness |25 conts a day........... June 2, \_ do ?iemu lt nong.: Injury Wound ., 40 cents a day.. Sicknoss 35 cents a day. W eund .. 20 cents a day.. Nickness 30 cents a day.. Wound .. 25 cents a day.. do |30 cents a day. To |Widow, $110, 2 children [ EHOMER:ererrerrrerarrens To |Widow, $100, 4 children, |. ABMHY BCR +.»»rexaavrereeess To To To To To To To MIL: s ssvicisene Widow, $146 Widow, $110 None Mother, $80......;......... Widow,$240,(eldest son nil)$48 each,to 3 child NOHE ssesrerpertyrascescsnin Mother, $80.......1».,.+««« Widow, $110............. Widow $184, and $27 w idow, $110, 30 cts a day for 2 yrs. from ist Nov. 1866 25 cents a day 30 cents a day 20 cents a day 4 months at $50, Gratuity, 6 wks at $12 11 months‘ pay at $30 No eldn................‘... 18 mon‘s pay gratuity No cluin.'t‘.......“.......‘ 18 mon‘s pay gratuity each to 5 children PENSION. in Council dated 25th January, bled to investigate and'féport t of Volunteers killed or disâ€" 1I8G6G.. : :: : ;. dated Statutes for Upper Canada.] . July 1, 1866 280 00‘ 1 s . June 2, 1806 400 00 1029 30 MR . July 1, 1866, 73.00 ...........] 61 00 . July 1, 1866 73 00, / y & .\July 1, 1866 146 3: A : ; ~ . June 2, 1866 400. 00,1020 00 748 00 Dr. Minot .‘\June 2, 1866 73 00 50 00 60 00 Dr. Farrfil . June 2, 1886109 55) â€" 50 00 23 00 Dr. Neff .\June 2, 1866 91 25) ____ | 10 00 Dr. Ryall reâ€"ex June‘67] _ _ | f d ’ July 1, 1866 73 00 .......... Lo P ilo’ S ssbencennel do | T3 00; ' 1st Nov. 1866 109 50 100 00 Athuatinaes ied mss > sebinprsientetrassecenei Gnervemccest 1P â€"AO0 Sevesatrabirrenee Aearsbrecect BC N00 July 1, June 2, July 1, July 1, July 1, June 2, June 2, June 2, July 1, June 2, June 2, June2, June 2, July 1, July 1, July 1, June 2, 1866, 146.00 ) do 110 00 : $ cte. June 2, 1866, 312 00 June 2, 1866. 110 00 _ _ 1: ote. June 10, 1866 130 00 April 1, 1866 150 00 FROM. do. Deputy Receiverâ€"General, 1866 .146 00 1866 127 75 1866 73 00 1866 109 50 1866 91 25 186 109 50 1866, 91 25 1866 109 50 1866) 73 00 e erememacs TV CY las ws«|ses«««...\ 700 80 78 00 Stevenson 4960 50 8811 47 2214 05 :80 00 110 00 384 00 $ cts 80 00 240:00 216 00 24 00 60 oo 54 00 200 00 36 00 70 00 100 00 161 00 20 00 90 00 12 00 330 00 250 00 28 00 2400 865 05° 114 00 Small, $80 $2% ‘Hodder$34 B4 00, 19 00 35 00 1 T5 00â€" 113 00 18 00 Dr. Heggie 20 00 Dr Webster $ cts 21 00: Langsley 25 00 Dr.: Sewell 10 00 _ fchofield 24 00 Dr. Sewell 40 0+._ Schofield 19 00 Dr. Tabor 22 50 Lapely $17 121 50 10900 Dr. Cabill 24 00 Dr.Warren 18 75 Kinnaird 26 00 Dr. Ross _ 16 00 DrStephen 50 00| »Newcomb 40 00 Dr. Joy 21 00 Dr. Wright 25 sg Richards‘n 10 “'inlml{ 20 00 Newcom! T 00} do. 1 65 00 Turquand 30 00‘ McFarland 26 00 Dr. Baxter 1500 Dr Johnson 5 00 Stevenson 83 00) .. . do 5 00 do 10 00 Dr..Payne 10 00 Dr. Nichol 14 00 Newcomb * 8 50 do 30 50 15 00 4 00 Dr. Ry.il Phillbrich, | ~ $100, Dr. Russell $13 50. Wright To W ox Pavyasuzr. do £W and Estimates of Buildings prepared ; disp9( ® al t ed accounts o(Ardï¬Â«n‘voï¬m::nm Ilé valued. 4 AUGUSTUS LAVER, d Late Stent & Lover, Architecis, h€., in enatimect _ Departmental Buildings Tas Orfawa Tixzs.â€"Printed and Published â€"every , morning, (Sundays excepted) by : Gxore: Corrox, Proprietof, at the. Truzs Steam Printing Works, o. 60, Spark® : Strect, in the City of Ottawa County of ounty of Carleton, cails the attention of the. Inâ€" habitants of the City of Ottawa, and w“: country.. He will fu{hll orders for all serts of F Trees, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Bt.‘ and Beddingâ€"out Plark for Borders; also Herbecious Plants and Esculent Roots. â€" He has also on hand a large stock of Greetâ€" loazl‘npu. a quantity of Garden, Ficld, and Flowâ€" er of tlnlo'fl description, . Parties wanting grounds laid out in the newest style of landâ€"keep ing, together with Grafting, Budding, .n, Planting IC WOsR CSE w 100 0MA awa dehce of Clement Bradley, w + MATHEW T. DeRINZY¥». Ottawa, March 4,1866 * s3 & '.'.51. together with Grafting, Budding, and PManting will be &ronpdy attended to.â€" Healso willbave sorts of Plants.in season foreale, at the late Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 26. These Pills are prepared expressly to operate in harmony with that greatest of all: blood puriSers, BRISTOL‘S SARSAPARILLA, in cases arising from depraved humors, or impure blood. The mast helpless sufferers need not despair. Underthe infuâ€" ence of these two GREAT. RENEDIFS. muladies thag have heretofore been considered utterly incurâ€" able, diuml.r qujckly and Ipor-nflly. In the ‘dh"~°k .-‘: dr, there I;idll are :;P.""ll“-.:: uickest, and the best remely ever Luldln at once resorted to’: Dyspepsia,. or Indigestion, Liver Come _plaints, Constipation, Headache; and Piles» 4 MUII.I MUSIC 1 f FRENCH ANXD 1VR English Songe, Sacred Music, Polkas, Vals® Gardon & N ursery NOTIC!#-PLAN.. 'PECI"I(‘AI‘IO‘. a @ and Estimates of Buildings mln‘i ‘lfl:“" Mortimer. In Gloucester, Green Field SALT RHEUM, RING WORAM, TETTER SCALD HEAD AND SCURYVEY. @ENUINE HONDUxaAS SARSAPARILLA, And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, , even in ifs worst forms. . It is the very best medicine tor the cute of all diseases arising from a vitiated or impure state of the blood, and particularly #o when usedâ€"in conâ€" nection with : BRISTOUS*. â€" QOCEAXâ€" STEAMSIHIP Cu . sUHKHERR sEevior: Nn n fimeprmm zces . & . SATLINCG wEpE;Iâ€" ACAD[A.\',......(RuildinL; ruxs wl AUSTRIAN .... A(Buildings,;,_7"" PERUYIAXN .. Capt.BaNantine on w MORAVIAN ... .« Api.Aiten , ... ; .2 HIBERXIA N ..Capt. Desttes *4 $ NoVAâ€"sSCOTIA N . .« apt, Wylic,, , 2 BELGIAN..., Aipt Drowa ,.; .2 SORTHAAMERH AN â€"4%. 0 araecc® _ Rates of Thrul;uliT:- to LIV ERPOOL or LOX1 M CABIN .L. _ ~ 7. '“’Il!!’ THE BLOOD ISs THILOK, JPHE circulation clozged, and the humors iof the body sendercd unnenvhfuy by the beary and Tn secrétions of the winter mopnths. . This safe, t nmz powerful detergent, cleanses every purtion of the f ®ysteim, and shou‘d be ; Scrofula, Old Sorcs, Bolls, Tumors, Ab= _*| T weesses, Cloersy > * _â€"| And every kind of Serefulous and Rcabious erupâ€" tions. | It is also « sure remedy for NXORTHSAMERICA NX DAMASCT‘S... C Passengers D teRETUCRX® trkrrs on® « *~ REDUCED RATES 8ST ST ST ST By all who are sick, or who wish to prevent sickâ€" ners. / Jt is the only genuive or origingl preparaâ€" tion for the permanent cure of the most dangerous c and confirmed cases of It is guaranteed to ‘be the purest and most powerâ€" * ful preparation of . "â€" * SARSAPARILLA! DUPING THE SPRING ANDSUMMER â€" & G L AS G O w LIX F ST. DAYVID, 1650 tons.. ++« . .. Capt . SC. GEORGE, 4468 tops »++ ++ Capt, P\'T.;A.\' I)Ill}\\',‘l 432 tous.....,. wpt, ST. PATRICK,"1207 ton®, . .. .. C21%. The steamers of this Lintawil] saj] lar intorvals between the Clyde and 1 Berths not secured writi] paid for. For passage, or any other partiew ply to COarleton, O.W. IN QUART BOTTLEK 1 » t _«â€"_~â€" IHE GREAT PURIFIER OF T_fll! BLOOD J« particularly recommendc d for ust HEUBACIH & cowarp, 3 . , Aoéxrg ar Orrawa Ottawa, May, 14. : » 1 a P I L L®. NHE l'SBiQRIIUSED HAVING PUR« CHASED 12 acres oi land, on Â¥yich be intends (Vegot:nhl(-) f Sug:lr-(‘uated (A« 8TE] LOOK HERE. MONTREAT o€FEaAx strAay SED W ithin two miles of the city, BHRISTOL+S RAGH DAILY AS A DIET PRIXK, %& uin frgmediongs W â€" P * * .4 4 4 TNCG ALe EEXTY +. .. . (Building) 2. , , . 2649 Tens .....((:laill:i:.;}.;..a'........ »»CaptBaNantine . . . 3606 Ta;'. > +»»CApLAiton . ... ; ;2631G Tons ( Capt.Dritton ; 5.,", .‘."-3.'“ T~ TAX . Capt, Wylie., . , 2300 Tons on Napt rowan . , â€"â€"2198 Tong ERICAX,.Ca;a Kar.1781 Tous x>+. .. CapH Watt . . ., 1830 Tong oked to:Liverpoot § 1;;.40.%_ Phrovugt T. ~-4-:--ï¬l: oi akea 10 tons....,, +. Cag 468 tous‘, ... ;, Ca; 1432 tous..., .. Cay 1207 lnmx: Frag« Cay of this Lintawil] x# ween the (1_\'4]1- and cured titil paid for pUVERNAY BRG M SUIPE particulare Â¥ 4 l‘.uh‘o‘nbï¬' Jt â€"% s roim GTTAWaA AXTED A1 im 17 BBÂ¥ pt. Smith, ipt, Soott, 219. Trocks M f all at Iogu» 1 qQuebec, h8 ns ie hs 1 1~,000 1 £Or3C ptore, 1 J amut &B‘ ©@i0, +MX w n Fobe: Qwoums 1 ph m w 15" {4 Irowith und K sidaws taaies Nr. W 1» Cl mm wW. «s Pa Atow O d Oula O#Â¥i Ore tt; bot 49 V W 49Â¥ ha‘ 44