L. During the cuntinuange of the i tios NM‘# Catholio the Kopubâ€" Hewot Chili Poru, all sh W as and |Privar . weers of sithes Belligerent are i from amaking use of any HPust ur Roadstead in the Unitea Kingiowm of Grout, Britain and or in the Cusuue: Islands, or is any of Hor ‘% Colo niss on Horeign Possossious or or ol uy \W aters subject to the Torti jurlsibotion of tho\ Britisa Crown, asa Station or 4 placg of coâ€" soft for auy warlike purposes, ot for pu wh sbtainung y es of warlike oq: ana ao Suip ul W aror Yrivateor of oi Mwl shail horeaftor be paravitted to swil of of towrs any PuMy Roadstowd, or W aters, subjpot w Bricist utiidaction, lrom waich any '?od-ol of the othe: %ll:_-uou (whother the same shall a Ship os ar, « Privatyer, or a SMorchaot shig), sball har prov.ous(y dopmited, antil aitenths espiration of as loast Ewontyâ€"ibur hours from the de of such ‘lust moutiwaed Vessul boeyoad the Tetritonial urisâ€" distion of ther Majesty. *t‘e it« 1Â¥ auy Buip of War or Privat of cithe: . Bs.c,goront snall, after tie time u Orde: aliail | bo ‘urst dutiied aud put in in the United Kingdoul, and in the Cuanmel ; and in the severiad u‘uh: n-li:‘;umv or Deâ€" . poudeacies & »qpety cespecli y «hy Fm&- W atdrs dolongitg m sithor in tas Uuited Runigdow of in the Ci 1s laids, 4f m aay of bhor ahagesty «C u nn_ul 'unu’y tge edfect this priuciple, t interdipl 100 AlDMIOG Slips, aud also the trivaleers ob parsties, from Tariying Priges made by thow: tato l'“ Harâ€" . Ouls, Huusstemds or | W aters of the |United | King «on, or auy ul ber Majesty‘s Culugies or Russes * i heup seunat int the "1 have agry tu w + Quesu has beeu preased m-u -:?:l in coalurmity with the principles above hould forthwith be addressed t ail m« ies in the United Kinguoin, and to jesty‘s Naval or other suthomties in all > h’u& "the VUnited Kingdom, for their guida&ncg in the ciroumâ€" SHances. 1 have, &o. +. * flma) _ â€". â€" |C R : Phe Bart of Clarendon to a ‘ RBowrlus urric®, T 1866. S§in,â€"Her Majesty‘s Goy@rument (being i of ubserviug the strictest neutrality it the gunlest bewoun Spain and the Kepublicut Chili, th¢y proâ€" E- o, witu the view ‘uf mure afoctuplily currying L“.\:l thig pmiuciple, t interdikt the Arinew Shops. «ud also the trival0ers of ’-‘l* from duw, Lud in the Chaanel Istands, on alter Priâ€" Gay,il%s dud uk aharca next, aad im . Mo .‘Iï¬my'. To.r.qories and iussessious beyond six days ailer e d=y when the Governer or|other Chie: Autornty of cath of such Territuries or} Possgassions respectively shall have notided anid ished the same, stating ilkmuch aotiocition that tosuid Rule» are to be obcyod by all persons w the same territories and p4sobsions. . . _. aoll ‘s. e capiem AW‘y se â€" - you, lor your guidunace, the ars to be treated and culurced as ‘ OQrders and Duestions : _ _ lios Majesty hus been pleased to 0 Brazâ€"1 have it in command ty ¢ attoation to the of‘.m uy, of the sucretary of stute (or . Forei Governurâ€"weneral of this Provieo, Majpesty‘s Undeds that no Chelsem Vesseis be allowed to bring their tish Waters. . 6 s The Collector of Custoims, _ At See Ports in Canads. [Cort.] He: Possessions or Depeudequcies, sach Vessol be required w dopasct aud pi 10 st% ithin Ewontyâ€" four houss aites hee onier ance into sych Goamt~ stewd, or W atess, exceptin casuluf s of woeather hoyo rules siall be put in torce in the | or of ner «@paibing provisions of things necossary for ue subssiouce uf hof Crow, or edpairs, in cither of waich cases the Authorition of ust of of the nowrest Purt (as the vaso may! bo shall require her w pdl w sow as s0ovu as pussible aiter the exâ€" picatioa. of sucks pested of Twoutyâ€" houre, with. out pormatting hor to také in supplips, beyoad wikes may bo accessary fur ber. tunaoa) use ; and . no suvo Vousol whicg may Gave veen aflowed toremain wituin bbritigh W aters for the pur ol repairshal :o.wuuo inaay such l’nu:‘ Wourks or . watere ue a louger . yosivd than‘ Awoutyâ€" atter hor amuu;' topairs shall Nm m&l; Provided aevertheiess, that in cases l}vlhl thore shail be «ny Vessol (w Shipe W ar, Privaisers, ur Morchant 3uips) of jthe said Belliâ€" fl:nu pasties in the saind Roadstoad, or aters within the Torritérial jus ouuL:l Mor Majesty, thore shail be au intorval) of not thas Twouty â€"lour hours u-uu.ab therefrom of any such vessel (whethera Shipof W ar, a Priveâ€" toor, or a Mersant ship)of the one C w“‘:-: the sabsoâ€"quent dogarture hy \Vuur.‘umwrut‘mm Bolf and the thmss hereby linited forthe of such ships of W ur and Privatoors respectavely, shall d'-g hcudw)u‘mu:. far as may ro pasite tor giving efect: to this |proviso, but ast fusiher oc uthorwise. C o ie sc he Right Honoruble _ . LKaward Cardwell, M. P. Lo., &o., &0. 11L Ny stip of War or Pri of cither belliâ€" > uereaiter be por while in auy sad or W atece, subjodt to the Tertite uf Hlor abajosty, Uf take in any sup plies, exoupt provisious, aud uc Mnrlm:r we may be ce quisite lor sudsistedc® War crew, anu Axcupt so wudt cual ouly as may be sutlcient to jarcy such Vessel w the nearest| Port ofther own sountry, or to some ncwrer dosti ; and no coml shall be aguin supplied to any sugh Ship of War or ‘afesung oattie prevails in many partsof arope, add us wuu'm‘lm aad extonding lits ravages, aud waereas it is expediont, 1n order ty provent the: inâ€" tcodaction of the saine into this vince, that the importation by sow of certain anl aud articles should be projibitedâ€" . y ar W aters, subjsct to the To of MHor Majesty, withont special mon, antil after the expiration of Three months the time when mhn::h‘qmmhnu tw her with» c aters as 4 (urs the faor i in Your most humble { i (Sigmed) â€"â€" BDWARD|CARDWELL * Privateor us the same or any thet Port, ituadstead _ the ‘Fovernmert of Canads. Otaws, April 3. 1368. _ RphSmwER ~+|>. . A13 EXCBELLENCa 14€ VERNOR w# XBiekAL LN COUNCLL wua&.u. UV AN ACK FAsSED I% s taw twoatyâ€"as th yoar loc Majosty‘s Roigo, intituied * Au A‘tu! ie agmiust the Introduction «0d sprgemug yuders . adocting cortrin auiurals," authority is §1 to tag Goveruee in Counsil to toke such moasures 4e whey wppour to be ascessury in urder to provent .‘IMM un gontagiods of "S‘um disvrders |alfocting shoop, eattio, horass, _uâ€"'u:aus aud chouk: such disvcders troums spybaniing, if i 4 Aad 'nonu:':h contegrous ~di or epidemic Mis Exseileacy. in .Council, on the recommenda | grgEXCELLENCY TUE G)VERNORâ€"GENERâ€" tion of the Monorable the Minister of Agricuiture, | AL TN COU NCLL > o and undertae suthority given and conforied by the N the recommondation of the Honorable the sald Act, has beun P““‘m" o. ud it ie hode. 0 Minister of Einance, and under and in virtue by ordeced, that on, from aftof the FLRST day of the authority of the 1ith Chap. of the Con. Stat ol MAACH uest, tas iunport or W‘:| Canada, His &nlhw’ in Council has been please lato tais Province, of Any purt thereoh 67 §68, Of | 5y uy order, aud it is horeby ordered, that the {olâ€" cattle, shvop, horses, swino, asses ind mules, meat, | lowing acticles which, under the provisiona*of the skins, uides, horue, hoois, or parts of suchâ€". A.,.:.f.uw..‘; @ An Act to amoad the dutics of animals, h!. straw, and foddor, \e, and the #008 | (\.loo, aaq the Tarit Of Dutios paymble unier h’fllhibulu :‘“10 and O:n..p“ Cl"\‘;'W’ them," are to be. a Linitted F228 of d ty whem iny» or part of cargo, As Coun Shipbuilders for Smpoailding par o m;,m.ullb “""\5':,‘.‘., * T C hibition. x *~. 3 | _ Ships‘ Blocks and patent bushes for blocks. * W. IL LE h y «_ Binnacle Lawmps. â€" Ciork Council, l «* / Bunting. Febraary 23, 196%. \Gttect | «# Sail c\.u. or Canvass, from No. 1 to No. 6. OA donosable e Cy wmisftonsriof I'J‘w Works, an i under the anthority ot tho lidated Statutes of Curady, 44 Vistoria, chipter $3, seswon 83, Hhe Ressilency ig plo uied to ar {, «ol it is horeby orâ€" deeed thiat the Follow.by lm impoed on <uw Logs, Towber, &s., p ustlieg a ns alides at Chie= hobnse | Ropide, i uneay‘s | Â¥ Mubile Rails, Hoealy‘s Hails and Couoks *.,‘. on the works of the Rive? Froat, viz : \)’.u \:::l pot duet Log d:\i I ".‘:l‘- length and on the sang pro ou groater |..5=..u.....45a.:â€.,f~?n of square timâ€" bor ; and that the above tollof ons cent be colleated on sasy saw Loge, an d one . on all such Cribs of sqprare timbar as have dowa the River of aqrere tumbar as have down the . Kiver Trachnlhomd%mdw vigatiom. & k a Uweular. i ue 2 mt m ime + 119. 1P FILX ANGE DEPARTMENtT w:{nyxufm-“ ___ Yourebediect sorvant, _ _ R.3.\Ab BDUCHUETTE, Commissionet of and Excise. 1 am, sir, vria®a, 1W HIS'I‘“*, Mawch, '““u N your gpeel 'wg,mu‘t' Trow â€" Aitairs, to the convey ing Hor SpdmuN) armed maes into Briâ€" oo Majosty‘s wie agaiust the yuders . adocting to ta® Goveruse way wppoir to |wdmw wb ailfocting shoop, aud choulk such ally carrylag a the Armes parties, from Porks, Harâ€" U nited | Riug hos or Rosses 10L â€" t tes, which amand that niatedy in ingâ€" J aiter Priâ€" ha “Ol(". wade it expedient to resort to thom :â€" e Whereupon, and on the recommendation of th Honorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" dor the provisions of the geventernth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Couneil has been pleaged to order, and it is hereby ordered that uny flour or moal, or other ‘produce of any wheat or grain grown in and takes out of this Provinge into the United Stntew to be ground, and brought back into this Provinee within one week after such wheat o grain has been so takon out to be grounit, shail be¢, and the saine is heroby exâ€" empted trom the payment of Customs dutics; proâ€" vided always that such grain be first duly reported outwards at the nearest Custom House before exâ€" for the special purpose horein referred to, and that the identity of the flou: or meal, the proâ€" duce thereof, be swora to on its importation ilato this Province. 16 a ue eovis o At a Council hebt in the City of Quebec, on Monday, ith September, l1o66. = C PRESEYT : & UIS EXCELLENCY TiE GOVERXORâ€"GENER t Al IN COUNCIL, \| On the récommendation of the Hoscrable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and under and in vistue of tbz au~ Mlt‘glvun.l conforred by the 5th section of the iTth .mdio Copsolidated Statutes of Canaâ€" da, His tency was pleased io order and deâ€" slare, aod it is heroby orddred ‘and deslared that the item, « Iron Wire," «round or dat,"" mentioned in the Schedule E of the Act 20th, 30th Vie. Cap 4, was imended to include, and is hereby devlares w 0:::::1 to and inowuttle flat wire for crinolines une sov WI3 EXCELLENCY THE GovERrNoR.GENEâ€" i.} %. RAL IN CoUNCTL WIIII‘.AI ir Mas BEEX REPRE+â€" sented to the Governer tGenelal in Coumeil that much inconvenience has been, and isexporiâ€" eneed by certain of the inhabitants of this Provinee vesidiog in the vicinity of the Canadian Frontier line, by. reason of their being doprived of the priv {â€" lego heretofore enjoyed by them of hating their yrain projuce ground at Mills situate ca the Ameriâ€" ‘can side of the Frontior, and resimporting the same into Canada free of Customs duty,in cases where the closer proximity of u:ch{.\ll!ll to the residences UIS EXCELLENCY THE GOYERXORGENER ._ ‘AL IN CQUNCIL % nfl EXCEALENCY was PLEA®ED to lay before the Council a Schedule of rate f Toll submitted and recommended by the Honor wbie the Commizsioner of Public W orks, tw be leviâ€" od on the Batiscun Bridgo, in the county of Chaimn vlain, for the period of c-no!,m. as provided by Jrder uy Councel of the 6th March last _________. he closer proximity of such AIMS to the residences of such ‘lubabitants, or theit greater capacity Whereapon Hi# Excelieney was pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that for a vriod of one yoar, to be ou:rduol rechoned on From the Tith lay of May, \ the following rates of Toll, be and they nnh-vol‘ authorized to be levied and cullect od on the said d‘-‘lr. that is to say : f Ror each vehjele of any kind and one horee or other beast‘of draught, and not more than 10 «wt. of load, cash additional owt. being reckoned as one horse, and any * 2C esn insd ow cce v#a & a‘ fraction of 40 OWE M# 10 OWhe.scosmscseccccoce0 # 4 Â¥or each widitional horae or boust of dranght attaohed tosuch vehicle, or saddle bors®, or othor Beast, ABd its PEOF...summmsemsssese 0 0 3 For e«ch horse not attached to any vehicle and without a tder, or. cow or head of Sutile or nowâ€"enumerated quadruped...... 0 01 For OMON $M0094 PIG UF JOME,seecoencnssecnenmcs 0 0 04 Foot W""“"&;-'"‘:"'.'.'."'u':.';.‘.‘;;j:.'".'.. 0 1 WV the Ast passed in the 20th and suth years of Her )uan ‘s Reign, intituled : «An Act to amend the Acts mm Dutios of Custoras, and the Tarid of, Duties y:{\: under them," enacts | %A*np..hnumu r the FLRSC day of UCâ€" I BER in the presont year," Sparkling W io of all kinds, in bottles, when nccompanied by a certificate of growth, shallâ€"be entitled to entry at $3.00 per dosen quart buttles and $1.50 per dosen pint botties. votige is hereby given that in the wbsouce of any ‘ r:hllof-ud may hereafter be prescribed by is Department for the cortiicate Required, the | Exporter may go before any )luai.uuu‘ the place ug port of Exportation, and make and sign before . aim & decluration lLl: the place of growth and | production of such wines describing the same, and . such I.'mtuh may administer the oath and sign . such declaration, which declaration should be auâ€" henticated by the British Consul, whose cortiticate | should state the nams of the ship on board of w .ich . and the Port at which the. Wines are to be shippod. . ibe exportation, and such certilicate shall at present 1 be doemed the proper doâ€"ument to be produced at the Port of importation. in this Proviace; and in the event of there being so British Co.sul at the \ place of expertation the certificate of authentication l may be given by the Mayor or Chiof Magistrate at the Port ol Bulpment. . _ 5tE osm recommendasion of the Honorable the Miyister of Agricult«s«, and under and in tirâ€" tue of the authority conferred by the Act p ssed in the 29th your of Uer .\lajonl."a reogu, bntituled : # An Act to provide against the intreduction and m of d€orders aifecting certain apiomals." teacy in Counsit has been pleased to or: der, and it bs lcn.l? ordered, that‘ so_much of the Urder in Council of the 2uth day of February last, as prohibits the imporstation or intruduction o’ tor ses into this Province, or into any Lmu 0. it, by s0%, be aad the same i« horeby revokes 1 e C oa OeE M S WWADTT At a Councul held at the Cuyof Montreal; on day, the 3rd day of N.eember, 1800 : 4 PRFSRNT : UIs Qomscr THE GOYVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCiL Post Oiice Dopart ment, Ottawa, Uth November, 1868. At a Council held at the City of Montreal, on Suturâ€" day, (Ae Ird of November, 1804 ; & PRE®RNT : % HIYEXCELLENCY THE G oVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL TN COU NCLL > o o‘bo recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and ‘under and in virtue of the authority of the 1ita Chap. of the Con. Stat “.0:(.‘ A"uu-. k c.'-.r.- Spih:;?.mz yaim Shoat C Nali Wire Rigging. Treeqails and Wodges. . I «| i lmu‘:flll'lmâ€lfll. x Een enc We ce May be and they are heceby anthorized to be | â€" Permit granted at flncud,hlfmnl-l-uz. who~ ‘purchased by | â€" this Sho Ironosdulnly for Shipbuil.iing purposes, | day of sub suoh orders and régulations.for the, | 188 . on of Revenae as mey be (rom time to 5:-. Erplanation of the ma imposed ani sanctioned by the Hoa. the Minister of | in the ::‘*01".‘ Â¥inance. uce [l.)* o mode of comt C W. A. HIMSWORTH, | 8y, Helon" or the * W ay J2f 245tf Yellow Motal in Bars or Dolts and Tellow Motal FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS DEPARTMENTAL ORDER. _ ; Ortaws, 2ist Auguat, 1868. ITUEREA®, THE 31d sECOTION OF turday, the 8ih doy @qovERrNMExT HoUsSE, Ottawa, Tueslay. 2ist August, 1868 O PWEsENT : Dowd Lights. Dook: Plug® hmr and Pump Gear |~' # Ihu‘vl-.' v I‘r_-nllpg_rrioll._ 3 Money to Lond . k. s. M. BOUCUHETTE, w. a. HIMSWORTH, PRK3LNX P W, 4. HIMSWORTH Asits C W. A. HLMSWORTH W . A. MLM3WORTH Commissioner of Customs. y in Council has been pleas». | ‘€ctor 0f infund mev eveby ordered, that the {olâ€" | Division of {12] : under the provisiona*of the | a"~ q ~â€" q Act to amead the dutics of ) g C 8 d bf Dutics payable uulu‘ x :‘ is tod racs of dity when ie | gz & 4 s for Shippailding parposes, a a g stent bushes for biocks ) | a4$ [3 .2 $ M"> I }1 34 34 Canvass, from No. 1 to No, 6. | A ; gi zL4 k * | & o | ®% A t , Asaist. C. E. C. (k). The name, place of business and cecupation of the person into whose posseasion the #pirits ate to be transferred, and (/) The name of the person or corporation in -l:o"mdy ;;:"';2 during lbn:ovnnl‘. Lvary a ation ior a permit shall made on a printed l!r-. in comormity with that hereunto moxed, and marked A, and shall be signad by the péreon making it. 4. Every perm:t granted shail be on the rrflnhl lorms suppuied b{’tbo Dypartment of Finames. which torms* shall bet in conformity with the form i nonuwl n.lu«:.flt?d :::ll be pai:lo: on‘m;e: sepecially w lor we, with such ty -; ;"."'i.P;f“. may be ol?:t?v.d by the Illl‘l". N i#ancs. i UISâ€"EXCELLENCY 1418 GOVERNORâ€"GEN. +___ERAL N OOUNCHL 0! THE NxkeonMENDATION OR the Honorable the Xinister of Finasee,"and andec and in vistue of the Tth section of the Act R0â€"30 Vic., Cap, 7, intituled : ++ An Act to amend Lho Acts roq.ow'wc the Duties of Excise, a«d to alâ€" v the duty thereby imposed on spirits," HMis Excelâ€" Jeney in Council has been plegsew to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the {ollowing regulations respecting permits forthe removal of spinits trom the Distillery in whichthey have been mauufacturâ€" vd, or from any warehouse in which they have been ~(e) The quantity, in wine gallons, in each packâ€" ago and ite‘strength. K _(d) The equivaient in wine gallons of the strength andec and in wistue of the Tth section of the Act | HIS EXCBELLENCY Yilk GoVERENORâ€"GENER« 10â€"30 Vic., Cap, 7, intituled : * An Act to amend | AL IN COrNCtL. Lln Aots mpowh: the Duties of Excise, a«d to alâ€" | 0- THE Rikcummeabpatmon OoF v the duty thereby imposed on spirits," HMis Excelâ€" | the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and mey in Council has been plo&-to order, and it / ander and in virtue of the authority ‘given and con» hereby ordered, that the ing regulations ; ferred by the Act 29â€"30 Vig. Cap. 7, liis Excelioney ing permits forthe removal of spinits {rom | in Council has been pleased to orcer,‘nnd it is hereâ€" the Distillery in whichthey have been mauufacturâ€" by erdered that I“L‘lu.in‘ Reguiations reepectâ€" «~d, or from any warehouse in which they have been f ing the manutacture of the undermentioned dutiable bonded or stcredâ€"together w the forms and exâ€" | goods in Bond, be and the same ace hereby adopted planatious accompany ing the same,bo,and the same | â€"that is to say : are horeby nuu'l.wl‘j and »pter, that is to say ~| _ 1. That subject to the provisiuns ot the Act above L. Pesmit« tor the removal of sprrits from ::f | eited, to these Regulations, and to woch further 1teâ€" Distlilery whereinthey have been manufactured, | gulations, as may hereafter be made by conrétent or frow any warhouse whetein they hare been lwhuri(y. Litenses may be granted to manutacture bunded or stored, may be granted on the lrI'“Gl' | in Bond the articles herein enuyrerated, vie: . tiow of the ownerol 3uch sprrity, or of his duly au« | Drugeâ€"including Eegouces aud Estracis, chosized agzent, b{ the callector, or the assistant | â€" Perfumery, * ~ * cotlector of Infand Revense, fo: the Intand Keveâ€" Â¥Vinegar, . ‘ & p nue Division in which the spitite then are. _ _ ;« | Yaruiâ€"hes, 5. Every permit shall state the ported for which t is to remain in foree, which period shall not be nore thair will, in lh;-.?:uhdthe nlnr‘fn-lh. t, be suficient ror effecting the romoral of the -yi:it:;‘:u which it relates. ts e mit shall accorppany t! nta to which it -5:«'... and remain in the g...um of the wr:on having charge thereof, but it shall be proâ€" plirits uo which it relates. > 6 The rvnil shall accorppany the fpunts to which it rolates, and remain in the ion of the wr:on haviog charge thereof, but s shall be pro« od ior examination as often as may be tequired y hny olicer having authority thereto, aud it shail © Qolivered to the collector, or ‘nssistant collector, if Quland Revenue for the Inland Hevenue Division ntol which the spirits are to be removed, or whorein hey are removed fyom oue place t» auother, within he period mentiones in tb‘--‘r:ui.,, T. Every endorsation of examination of any sermit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every 1. Every endorsation of the ezamination of any ermit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every sermit shall be defaceéd :] 'lili»".bo wond # canâ€" walled * aâ€"ruks the face of it, on the expiration of he poriod for which it has been gr,uo-{. o “'.l“_m.l::';' mourlogd u:. numbered in sonneetion arehousing Regulations apâ€" proved on 17th March, 1365, M ,‘.'. A. HIMSWORTH, A B43â€"4f \, Assist. Clerk Exccutive Council, l (4) The Wurchouse, or other locuisty, wherein he spirit then is, as * The Warchouse attached to | the fl;.n.g of C D," or « Bouding Warchouse D | at Prescott," or = The store of J K," as the case may _8. Permits sBal not be granted fâ€"r the remoral { spirite unless the packazes,. in which they are Fros». Reponnon for e Pomit . 10 are hereby authorized to refuad the dutie aeemmmmmtoact itln, rrepnctates i | pniediais ihermiet doocniiniigs ue Wt in C re w ve od. 1-":.&.“-0 hu':u'lho :l‘-‘l: h'r::l-ud the i . 1 c’:. Sir, s uv & Nnyet to (6) "““)b the | ‘wl 3A B C af%l»‘l"l'!. » f 3. M. BOUCIE ) it .mnuuhumong'mcmdm~ 8 M4â€"u uL« â€"~.‘+ Â¥00 |. y & planation of the manner of flling in the blanks in the preceding Form A:~ _ _ _ _ i) Name and cccupation in full of the perton D&{ILIN requrlaition. 2) place of residence. 4) * Owner" or * Agont for [A B] the owner," as the case may be. 1f an agent, then a written wthority to act as such must be ledged with the officer befere the Pormit is granted, stating the naume, residence, and cccupation of such owner. _ _ (3) The street, town, city, village, &c. KR inn {& The place h'b:ol".k is to be remored, as | dotirnble ) Ton modeof ccaverance, as «The waegen | stt t ance, as " The w "flzt“lhAl."n“ steamer St. Helon," or # The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case may be. | (8) Name maad cecupation of the person into '“mndâ€"nhhhlnuromd. (9) residence and piace of business in full, ""(19) there shikw nbather the duty has been paid, 10 re as »;r(-plchu the spirits are n.:fluul '..P:“l to (31 e h t of the o i it is may C 1op 10 C er c "afepr _ *""">. possession of [7] tion of the ~aid LrlJ duys, it is to be deliver= od i. to the hands of the Co‘lector or Assistant Colâ€" lector of Inlund Revenue, for the Ioland, Kevenue Division of {11] an! cancelled qulsition, O oc =>~ The duty having beea [29]) _ â€" This permit is valld far (10] days from late and no longer, and on or before he expiraâ€" [u.:.'ho mode of conrsyanee as * The Eteamer t n‘ or the * Waggon belonging to A B," as the oase may be. ( #} The warchouse or cther place, lnlonl:y To e Werehoue #ttached to the Dawitiery off it, at Prescott," or = LDynding Warchouse Muitiand, &0.* * P t t Requisition made at ) 34 11} (11) To be signed by the person making ho reâ€" Permit the remova! in [1] tips from (2] i .8 > WWe ow‘ .‘ * * [ Erplanation of the manner of Llling up the bianks P The number and deseription of the packâ€" a which the spirits are contained. The marks and numbers on each of the pack» y . applwation Tor this and about oht'n&fom‘h‘flb' JFl. ... l_. _ %. CEDKEk ... No of Pormit, Exors»® Prowt Uile . . Collector of Inland Reâ€" . venme for the Diviâ€" s h a permit shall THE OTTAWA TIMES, FEBRU ARY 19, 1867. General Ne Local No | aIr in proportion to the magnitud & genoral caaragâ€" tor of the business carried o 1 o reuch license, 4. That goods manafactured in Bond shall be reâ€" mored from the apartments ‘of the manulactery 'honingwy are manufactured as soon a« the wholo process of manafacture is completed, and shallthen be ploced in &partments or storoâ€"rooms sct apart for that 1 irpese, wherein they shall bo bonded in the Fina: the i for ta in suc there myy +rre paired by theâ€"Excise BDooding Regulations Yeass ‘nder in Council, dated the tith day of Miy, 1805; and they shall be dealt with, in respect of their sgubsequent remoral, exportation or entry for e nsamption, to accordance with the said lieguâ€" latioc«, ; : w.aAa nruswoatt 245â€"4f 2. That any Bended manufactory licsnsed under the above recited Act, may be closed and the License forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the sntisâ€" faction of the Minister of. Finative that there is just cause for believing that frauds m-un the Revenne are perpetrated in connection with such Imanalacâ€" yoegs 30 CAE CCCE i me. Cimovias No. 175. iINXAXCE DEPARTMENT, CUspAM Si®, _ 1 have it in command to inform you tat 0« Exâ€" | celleucy the Gorernor General, an Qhaer in | Cunneil of this day‘s date, has beeg pleasosto reâ€" now, for a period of one month froarkdate ucreot, the | Order in Council of the 19th March last, directing that * Hire Artos and Munitions of War" be itportâ€" I ed free of dutyruniil the 6th proximo, ouhjnl to the | condition that the Importer iurnish the Collector of Custom with lists of parties . desirous of precuring such arms, and that such gartics be known to be | reliable loyal subjects, tn quch privilege shall | :;:wl io all such umportations made upee and from | _ The first number will appear in the cour |next month, the second in April, bringing dow | information to the latest period, to be fullowe | mounthly or quarterly, as may be required. At =â€" Council Aeld in the t the H4th doy «; | The u.lu:m will gladly receive communijcaâ€" tions of a pr character for publicauon, bjarâ€" l ing on the wa of Imnigration, sych as lettors from '\dlllm lers, lho'&nt their progresa in \the , eount7, inting ‘out the peculiar auvantages | of their dbl:;ia in rt'wml; &e. It is | desir» blethat thz. Mï¬.bo written as | concigely | as p« sible, and be free trom anything like exagâ€" Tue Honourable the Minister of Agricultire and Imusiyration, having authorized the publication, by this Dopartment, of an vccasional paper, to be gali+ ed the ©CANADA IMMIshATIvA GAZETTE," which will be devoted exciusively to the eucoura went of Immigration, ‘and to the didusion of a rate and uselul inlormution copcerning Can abroad, 1 beg leare to bring ander your notice advengeges this shoo. will ‘viler as an adrert: medivzp to land owner», and athers having projp wes for sale or lease. | As information «i tisâ€"k is exzerly sought for, and much valued by ev ldd:-.uu emigrant, means will thus be allord m‘ the intending purchaser or lessee in t n in direct cormmunication with the proper holder here. The Honourable the Minister of Agricaltaze .And | 21 Immigration has also authorized the opening of an | 26 Information Otice in Liverpool, under the munage~ | 27 went of Mr. Wim. Dizon, a geatleman well acquahntâ€" l 2s ed with this and the mother country, who wil bo| 29 specially charged withthe distribution of this pqper | 30 J:‘-‘hwt the United Kingdom, and in bringigg the | 69 same prominently under the nutice of the emigrant | Whereupon ts h-llry was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" That on, from aud aftor the FIRST day of OCâ€" ! TOUBEK neat, there shall be impo=sd, devied and t eolle od on each 141 4, ment or document reâ€" | gistorad in any Kaf-uy Ofice. in Lower Canada, | and o1 every search inade in sueh ltegistry Uthce on or ater the : sid day, the following duties resâ€" pectively, that is to say : * On every will, marriage contract of donation, | Thirty Cents, As the space it is intended t allut for advertising } purposes will be limited, and in view of the lirge | virea‘ation the sheet will obtain, [for jt.will bo disâ€" | tributed gratuitously}, the prices of ailvertiscitents ; cannct be much than the following :â€" _ | | |__Qn every deed or instrument efecting oreridenoâ€" | ing the eale, n‘:p. bypothecation or mortgage | of real property, for a sum or consideration crcoedâ€" | ing in valug $100, Thirty Cents, ~ | Un avery uther doed or instrument, Fijteen Cents On avery search, with or without cortiveate, #40 Cents. ; M R j;tml further orders the above duties shall, Th ali the Registration Counties or Registration Diâ€" visions of Lower Canada, be paid in money, and the amount of such duties received by every Rogisâ€" trar nalrclivcly, shall be by ‘hun accounted for and prid over uo the Receivor Generalimmediately | after ine elose of every third month, to be reckoned from the said First day of Qctober next, e n ; . WSML HI. LEE, t so° if C. 2. C. For each advertiseiment, not excecding ton Hnos, $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for every extra line. For a equare of 22 lines, to stand ior a Aweiveâ€" -ouh.r- s ln all cases, advertisemeni® must be puphld. and a#3 early transmi«sion is recommended. _ | > Fobr ary 10. IIS EXCELLEXCT Ts GovERXNXOR GEXER AL IN COUNCIL nl. EXCELLENXCY ‘Was PLEASED to lay before the Council a Tarid of Doties to be imposed under the authority "of an Act of the Legisiature of Canada, presod in the session thereâ€" of held in the Twentyâ€"ninth and Thistioth yoars of Her Majesty‘s Keign, intituled : _ e _ ®Aa Actto provide a fund towards defrayi expenses incurred for imatiers necessary to |lu’.';-‘ civuey of the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." . ~~â€"JOVvERNMENT HOTSEâ€"OTIAWX. Saturday, 16th day of December, 1805. Puksgxt. > Ths Exomuairuus Aowmqstzatron or us Govâ€" ERXWENT in Copxcin. 18 EXCELLENXCY was 'plecul to lay ll before the Council a Report from the Commisâ€" sioner of Customs, dated 15th Docember, 1885, and approzed by the Hon. the Ministor of Finunce, statâ€" ing that under authority of chapter 17 of the Con: Stat., Can., See, 24, an Order in Council was passed on Zioh April, m:.ams-‘gn:aum bona fae expomsed to this Province y country, but »mawiig in trommecitw umr another country and unâ€" 50: Bâ€"nds shall be,until it shall be otherwise ordered, value« for duty as if such Goods were imported di« reot from such first mentione«d country into this Proâ€" vince,* and submitting that it woald be desirable w ext ~nd said Order in Council to jree as woll as duâ€" tiable Goods. | Wherenpon His heouue{h Conncil was pleasâ€" ed to order, and it is here ordered, that free Good« passlag through a bn{pou-rfoâ€"&nod directly zo Iimporters in Canada, shall hereaitor be pui on the same footing as dutiable Goods. Jannueacy 1 1846, «)YERNXMENXT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, & QuEBA¢C, iuth January, 1506. ts A y in iL 6t * n_.' M uy N Far$ ,?affé.;ï¬@ M M us . AAMP 4 ~ * @OVEKNMENE nuUsE, I am, Sir, ____Your obsdicrt serrentt A. C. BUCHANAN; Chief Agent, Sâ€"t PA Quawa, l7th August, 1866, *rassext: 0 * sK8T m 2 4t 4 %‘v N : | ": N«, 8. ) â€' tEXT, ouspon. _ _ |â€"!® Quawa, June 6, 1058, 1 % + h + inform you that T6« Rxâ€" | !% weral, an Qhaer in | 18 has beeg pleascato reâ€" nth fromkdate horeot, the | ~* i March lakt, dirccting | Wu. K. LEF, C. 8. 0. t {o the up .Of Militia Pensionsand Gratuities awarded by Order in Council dated 25th January, | 1867, upon report of the Board of Officers asserr;bled' to investigate and report ? upon Claims for i’ensions or Gratuities;. on account of Volunteers killed or disâ€" | abled by wounds or sickness on actual service in 1866. >. j : es‘ y _ CoRPA 11 ) *h Battation 19 Queen‘s Own... 13 ioth Battalion | _ d h do 4 do . 6. > .4o 6 do 1 e 8‘ â€"«deo * 9 do . > p 1¢th Hoy® 14 Queen‘s Own.... Act Sergt Paul Robins...... Unft for service or occupation f % * <| . from six months from date...... Wound .. 15 do> ... \Corpl John Connor........... do do ;/ do * ...... Rickness 18 do â€"~ ... Pvi has Thos Bell......... o â€"â€"betual ; doâ€". ...... Wound .. 17 do . ... Pst Alexr Oliphant......... d wgual | do â€" ...... sicknss 18( _ do â€" ... [BÂ¥t Chas Lugadill,.........,." dh =>~ "| / do . ~..... Would .. 19 16th dou {'n J¢¢:W:th........... :Q s VIWs: cusit Get + 20 Royals... . P‘vt Thes Charters.........« 0. greatly impairs. . | I 1 ' y s -gen:tl un’fufmu Sickness »1 do . _ .....\PytSamuel MeKay.........: do "AT T0 semil ; 09 22 York Rifles.....\Prt Chas Thos no{.m..;_ _ do _ asual dccupation _ do 21 do . . _ .....\Pyt Samnel )lel\z do 4 OO( NRK * veavks 22 York Rifles..... Prt Chas Thos Ro rtson ..| do usual dccupation 23 Loydton Infty, Lt W Tyrwhitt Armstrong..‘Unft for service greatly impairs % f . UBUAL OCCUPMAQD snn en ++ 24 13 batHamilt‘n| Act Capt P Gore Routh...... ~ _ . do do | 25 ‘do Pyi Larratt W Smith........ do 0 1) % Cevuasbes to . db PytG A McKenzie...........! doâ€" -nu&l 27| do |Pyt Edwin Hitder......s...s. do: oeccupation . ......... 28 Welland Bat‘ry Capt Rd Saunder KlnT.....' do do‘ 29 do Gunner Forgus Schofield..., do do 30 do. <| Do Jobn Bradiey....... do do 60. 13th Battalion..‘ PvtRichd Patteoort......... Injary equal to 12 imonths......... 1 Hochelaga LtI l‘rivate M. Prudhomme.... Died from disoase contrac@d on 2 St. ThereseCorp Private P. Charron... 40 41 46 47 44 311 Queen‘s Own. 48 34 55 56 13 3t do. _ ...,. Pyt John Cole............... : , do loss of leg 2 yrs. 5: mos.. 58 do *~..... PÂ¥t Michael McKerna......| do HWBORnsncrersccres} 99 do _ > ... PÂ¥t Richard MeCormick.. ; do 6 months........... 60, do ... PÂ¥t Esra Cumimer....,c..> do . M0* snriasssss 61| do _ ... PvtDaniel Farrell............ * ‘do E: MO. Seacrsbcess 62 do _ ...;. PVL Ju8OpPh T HOMIlY ssesss| avsevereeceseesenensrninpreseesnnnnneneensers §3 13th Battalion,. I‘vt Samuel Dallas........... do 40 .sreerere 64) ~_| do _ | |Prt Jas Mitter Stuart...... o:)\ M NC mevvessenes| 65 do {P‘vt John Robt Donnelly...| * do 8 weeke........,... “l .. do | |PVE W AAVID@...0us sxee)â€" do 6 weoks............ 87) , do | | IPvt John Geo Powell........} do T mounths...... . . 8§ °o | |ProThos Wyatt....cam...| : do 9 weeks............ 10| do | (Ltâ€"Col J A Skinuer.,.....! do _ OWBCK®.:.carrrrire T1 'dlAd Bu'r*;dnnmr‘l‘loo Higgins........! . do 10 months........... 12 do Do . Joun,Harrisun....;.) . do. : AL0.â€"â€"svvses scers 11 do ‘ Do Jordin Thomas...‘ do B ~AO reamiipers 74 York Rilu.....-.'&fgt John Tack........si 4 do B AMG . seeviverives 15 do . ......\ Pyt Robert Cranston.........! do Y cU0 "Reramce 76 Bradford Co‘y,, Prt J Ailan Young...:....... do N: M00. â€"rerrnestsess 77 Columbus Co‘y. Capt George Prentice...... Unft to;’urfloo and occupation , â€" | MEORANELE ce ser serrxveÂ¥rues s +0 hi 78 Peterboro 003\,. Lieut W im N Kennedy...... Injury equal to 6 weeks... 79 Toronto NvI. do Carpt Mate J Ch.dannin†do : 14 weeks.. 80 Collingwood do Corpl John Milwood.........| do 2 months 81 10th Royals...... Put John Douglas.........;..] Kil 82 Ontario Batt‘le Prt John ti'rlnn...........flnjnry equal to 2 months. 85 Scarboro‘ Co‘y,, Lieut John H Stobo...........{ do . °_ 2mont .s. 84 Coukstown do.., Pyt Thos Stephenson......... do 2 months 85 «o * {Corpl George Ross............ do 9 woeks. 80 do I‘vt Goorge Graham.. ......\ â€" ‘ do > 2 months 87 do \Pvt Robert T Banting....... do 3 months 88 Scarbore Com‘y Lt & .}(ljt Jl{ob N Tabor . do it ;mk; 8u do Eergt James Young...........\Injury equal to 3 moaths #0 . do Corpl W HAL..sssssmmmmnes ts d.o‘ 2 months 91 10th Royals.... PviJobn Whitton.....,...... Nil 92 Brampton Co‘y Pvt Georgeâ€"Elliott........ ...\ Injury equal to 12 montt Queen‘s Own 03 Norval Comp‘y Pvrt James Br{u‘ 94 Queenstown do, Evt Jacob Stabbs 10th Royals The Pensions %mnted to (No. 24) acting Captain Percy Gore Routh and (No. 28) Captain Saunders King to be payable only from 2nd June, 1867. _ » o x* o | All Pensions granted to Children, as above set forth, to cease at the age of (18) eighteen years for boys, and (21) twent{'-ono for girls, and that all other persons to whom Pensions are ‘granted, excepting those menâ€" tioned in the above abstract, asrepresenting deceased Volunteers, and those who have dost a limb, are to appear before a Medical Board at the date of th¢ expiration of each yeat‘s Pension, with a view to determine whether the disability continues. tdarl| en o hok a n m â€"l;nyment'v;'lllb;l;ude by the Recefvér-Gcneral under the regulations laid tiiown in the Consolidated Statâ€" utes for Upper Canada, 22 Vic., Chap. 6. | . s * es 1 > é t | "T. D. HARINGTON,|>â€". |. [( _ Reormrarâ€"Genxerar‘s Derageruent, Ottawn, 1st February, 1867. do do do do tPubhï¬M under authority of the Aot 22 Vic., Chap. 6, C:msolidatfld Statutes for Upper Canada.] do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Ens Malcolm MeEachern <ergeant Hugh Matheson.. Co:fn.»tal Fruncis Lakey.... i‘r. vate Williamn Swith.. .. Privateâ€"Mark Defries...... Priv. Chmu-l.hor Alderson Private W. E. Tempost..... Private J. H Mowlma..... criv. Malcolm Mackenme Cantain and Paymaster y Jobn Huston Richey Crivate James Cabill ..... ;riv. Jamea II. Morsison. Private Daniel Laker.... Corpl John Connor.. I‘vt ‘has Thos Bell Pst Alexe Oliphant Prt Chas Lag=dill,.. Pvt Jobn W hite...... I‘vt Thos Charters.. apt Ing B Boustead ....... Injury equal to 2 weeks............. ?J'»’V‘u rmClmpbcu.... 6t r,do 12 months........... Lt Jas He Beavon..... do ~! 4/ weeks.......... Enso Jas F Smith............‘ do 2months.......... Ensn W m l"-hiy..........,... do 18 months.......... ‘.olor Sergt F McHardy ..,.. do > & NNORUNG.evv en +++ Pvi Thos Oulster..............‘ do 4 months.......... Pvt Jas McFarland........... do 2 months........... Pvt Thos Purdy....si00., do â€".>â€" 4 woeks......... Prt W in Thonkm do 10 woeoks..... ...« Prt George Briggs...........‘ do 6 wook®..........» Pvt Charles Wintor ..... .. " do 11 mouths.......... Pvt Richard Clayton......... do 12 months.......... Pvi Edward Capp.......... do «1 mopth.2....»«»» Pvt Fredk WooLu...........‘ do 2 inonths.......... Pvi Thos Oulster....... Pvt Jas McFarland... Pvt Thos Purdy...... Prt W Thomk.m.... Prt George Briggs.... Pvt Charles Wintor . Put Il-ï¬ich.::gh’wl Pri Edwa app..... Pvt Fredk Wooflu...‘ Corpl James Bull......... Pst Alexr Smith.........«. Pvt Jas B Ruthesford:... P‘vi Ruport E Kingsford. IP‘rt W m Vandermissen... I‘vtE G Patterson.....,..». Pvt Edgar J Paul......... Pvt Eden Forsyth.......... Pyt Alexunder Muir....... Prt John Jackman Liout C JI J Winstanley $ TA TE MENT Died of wounds rec‘d in action. ¢o do j ¢a Killed in action do : do ‘ Killed im action........ do do Died from disease cont‘d on ser I Y ns REPORT OF MEDICAL BOARD. Nil | u ual to 2 months..... ... .. Sicknoss ) r’d? ">~ MBRONF2G«â€"â€"â€"+â€"» «s.| db do 2 months. .........! . do do Q weeks. ...........! do i k : 2 months...........\ do do 3 months...........! do do @1 ;mk; do ury equal to 3 moaths...........! do _ ts d.o‘ 2 months...........+ do Nil *4 Injury equal to 12 months (unfit] fOF BOIVIOO) resesesessssssscmmssoss+| â€" GO do do §ECON D CLASS. do do do do do do do do loss of leg 2 yrs. 5 mos... do do !M:oek'l do do onths........... Injury do $ MQ" renrrarrenns l‘i'lor’ do ol .( mePiseduenies ue do do do do $ months TTIRST CLASS. do THIILâ€"D fPIRSETâ€"CLASS. ual to |loss 6 weeks.. 3 weeks.. _9 weeks.. 12 months 10 weeks 1h: MQ s neursss 1040 «/s1 8 weeke........, 6 weeks......... 7 months...... . 9 weeks......... 6 weeks.......... 10 months........ D.: 440. â€"ssssrn‘ M MB somsclis 6 weeks............ Sickness 6 weeks.......... Tiweeks............ 2 months.......... 9 months do do do Lowir Caxapi. Uprrér CaKana. Urper Caxapa. of ..... Wound .... Wound ,.. Sicknors .. Wound... a».| ~€9 wes} _ C# are} 0 ornl . K. ... Injury... . Sicknoss , Wound... . Sickness . Wound... + ty Wound Sickne: Wound sickn s Wound do | â€" do Sickness To To To To To To To do NO C1MD.s.sesssse00 000« Sicknees ‘ W dound 18 mon‘s pay gr-tuity‘ 0 vererter prensrrrprrerentarnns do |4 months at $50......... ISIOREE T 0â€"â€"â€"rresererebnbarsarnbacery DOJUTY ... | conmseeceensnnspnenenpridenns WORRE...!..... ... snn mrmnvensnnnir inss Injury... Gratuity, 6 wks at $12 W:«nd.. 11 months‘ pay at $30 do CLAS»s. Injury. W ound To To Injury... Sicknoss do <| ~. do Wound... do do do Sicknoss do do do do Silâ€";â€"«.. Widow, » idow, Nope ... Widow, Widow $184, and $27 June 2, 1856, NODC veeeenmeeneentnenennnne e NODG :s rivsnnsnssssscncssisns: MutheF, SHO.mccercercrecr Widow,$240,(eldest son, nil)$18 each Ao 3 cbild NOWB .. rverrrrrierernesesss MOthGF, $80.«ommeree+r+++ Widow, $110.............. Widow. $110, 2 children $10 ehOh....cccssscrercres Widow, $100, 4 children, each to 5 children PENSION $1J ench 40 cents a day 35 cents a day 20 cents a day 30 cents a day 25 cents a day 3Qkcents a day 25 cents a day. 30 cents a day. 20 conts a day. $280 a year......... $400 a year....... 20 cents a day.... 20 cents a day.... 40 conts l:l’...l $400 a year....... 20 cents a day.... 30 cents a day..... 25 cents a day.... No Claim!..........seer+++ 18 mor‘s pay gratuity NO O1D.2,»2svseetiiaiere Nune. 30 cts a day for 2 yra $100 for 1 year, to be $ reâ€"examined in ‘67 1st April ‘66. 400 00 ...... 20 cts a day, to be reâ€"} { t examined 1867....... July 1, 1866 73 00 .......... 30 Ob .. .MO. ..[.wccricl. . _ MAD ... >. . ADWIMLc, .c coceues i0 oie > â€" dn .cs in | Ts 00 from ist Nov. 1866 1st Nov. 1866|109 50| wg % evevveni nenprnnnt eivane. iNR amRneii c o OE (ECTR 1 $146, $110 $1i0 June 2, 1866, do June 2, 1866 June 10, 1866 130 00 April 1, 1866 150 00 June*2, July 1, june 2, June June Jaly 1, Juty. 1, July J, Jaly 1, 1866 June 2, 1866 July 1, 1886 July 1, 1266 July 1, 1866 June 2,â€" 1866 June 2, 1866 June 2, 1886 June 2, 1866 reâ€"ex June‘67 FROM. do. Totals.........4960 50 8811 47 2214 05 1866 46 00 1866 127 75 1866 73 00 '.32*3 109 50 1866 9125 186 109 40 1866 91 25 1866 109 50 1866 280 00: | 1866 400 «00 1029 30 1886 73 00 ........... 1366 73 0D, ;. 1866 146 00. â€" . 1860 400 00 1029 00 1866‘ 73 00| â€" 50 00 1866 109 55 â€" 50 00 1866 91 25 i)\;;n’ty Roceiverâ€"General. $ cts. 312 %0 146 00 110 10 110 00 80 oo]‘ 384 00. £0o ooi 110 00 $ cts srimatet D4 100 msesicc! 200 00 ... 180 00 ~.... 120 00 .....| * $6 00 sm‘ $ cts. | .'numJ g§H: *‘ ‘ 50 00 â€" 10 00 Dr. Nichol | T5 00 700 80 250 00 200 00 865 05 50 09 50 00 250 60 28 00 24 00 100 u0 161 00 168 00 54 30 204 10 240 00 216 00 40 00| 20 00 12 00 24 00 168 00 84.00 70 00 75 @0 48 00 96 0G 12 10 68 32 94 00 24 00 27 00 121 100 qo Dr. Cabill 30 50 15000 748 00 Dr. Minor 114 00â€" Small, $80 Joddor$34 60 00 Dr. Farrill 23 00 Dr. Nef 10 00 Dr. Ryall 113 .00 Phillbrich, | $100, Dr. ‘Russell $13 21 00 Dr. Wright | TS 00 Stevenson 15 00 Dr Johnson 5 00 Stevenson 10 00 Dr. Payne 50 00 ~Newcomb 25 00 Richards‘n 10 00 Wiastanly 20 00‘ Newcomb 40 60 Dr. Joy 30 00 McFarland 26 00 Dr. Baxter 19 00 do 24 00 Dr.Warren 50 18 75 _ Kinnaird 26 00 Dr. Ross 16 00 Drétephen 21 00 LIIIS""{ 25 00 Dr. Sewell 10 00 _ Echofield 25 00 Dr. Sewell 40 0+ _ Schofield 19 00 Dr. Tabor 22 50 Lapely $17 18 00 Dr. Heggie 20 00 Dr Webster 4 00 Dr. Ryall T 00 do & 4 . w= .cR alsp 7 & â€"| ï¬j/' To W. ou PavaBL®. Lapely $17 50. Wright | < Rates of . Throwgh|ines ‘ to LIVERPOOL o+ 10X p [ ACABIN . L. ct... :B ut (Avcordipe to no*o t BTEERAGE...... .. \ (GpRETUCRX TICKET: prf REDUCED 1 | ST. DAVID, 1650 t } ST. GEORGE, 1363 ' ST.AXDREW; 143 | ST. PATRICK, 120 ocEAN STEAMSRNT sUMMER 816 P nc nntndice fmomccss.. SAaATLING w ACADIAX,, .. . .. (Buildin; AUSTRIAN ... . . c(Buildin PERUVIANX .. Capt Baliana MORA VIAN , .. . Capt Aif. HIBERXIAN . .« wpt Di NOVaAâ€"SGOTIAN . _ Cart m BELGIAN . ... ;. Capt. Bno NORTHâ€"A MEJU CA NX , Carg DAMASCUS .. }c_2Cant: y Passengers Bo BRISTOL‘R SARSAPARELLA | YY The steamers of (}.!s lar intervals between t Berths not secured 1 For passage, or any ply to _ ' ym USL '.s.u.r RHEUM, t RCOALD HL DURING THESDRING ANI WV circulation clozged, and bedy sender« jgunnenithy by th secretions of the winter imomths. po'orlul detergent, cleanses e [ system, and whou By all who, are s‘n\, or who a ness. Jt is the obly fenuice tion tor the permanent cure « | and confirmed c Scrofula, And every Kind of Seref % â€""thons. . At is #lso It is (utuutocd’t .. IN QUART BOTTLi rHB GREAT PUMEIE® or 1 «!â€"+ J# ptniculady recommended . Ottawa, Maz, 14 The Great cure for all Diseases of LIVER, sTOMACH axb B0 Put up.in GTase any climate. harmony with that greatost of @2 j9=4" } BRISTOLB SARsAPAIILLLA, in <hâ€"er from depraved humore or impurie Yhood. â€" 1 helpless sufierers need sot despair; I nflert euce of these two GREAT RLMLDLL : that have heretofore m‘:zu.-mw d upter able, disapperr quick}y an pormbane}Uy following diseases, these Pi}i« art the n xlickql.. and the best remedy ever prep® ould be at once.pesoried to : Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver °ud iss oo op ie s 0o â€"An ts abhm Bristol‘s Sareaparilia, and Ds od Pilis are for «ale by all Diow Sold in Ottawa by, John Koberts MacCarthy, J. Jenniugs, Wâ€" L Mortimer. rl"m: UXDERsIGNED HAaVING 1 CHASED 12 acres of land, on whil , in starting & * [ Garden & *uy= ounty of Carieton habitants of the Ci habitants of the City of OCaW®H countrys ‘ Le will fuljll onders 1 ‘Trees, Oramerital and Lewn Tre with a choice lot of Buils, aud 4 for Borders; also Herbecious 14 Roots. _ He has alszo on hand a13 house Plants, a quantity of Gar d« or Seeds of (beLfll deseriptio® 'nllï¬ laid out in thenewest ® * V S ohar with Grafting, Bud vo"l(‘l_a-’l;lfl!q sPEARF L* C . W and Estimates of Building® prepared m-d‘l\iï¬eorr’vurk wewsured 49 ATGUSTUS LAVER Late Stent & Lower, Archinccts, C j t Departmental Build Vistoria Terrace, Ottawa, * January 20. z ; In Gloucester, Green 4* I’.ï¬'w with Graiting, will be 'i!‘-."‘“‘†mitended t sorts‘of Plants in season fo dence ef Clement Bradiey, M C ol Sos F j ; MA THE W Ottawa, March 4, 1866 Tus Ortawa 1128# every *7‘0(. Grzores /Corto®, oOCBAX STERA¢ie MONTREAT: P ELi Li W (Vegetabl THEXN THE BLOOD Is Thick USED DAILY â€'.ll‘q or â€" Indigestion, Liver plaints, Constipmilony M oaghoe and Plies» |_ ;;;I'h are prepared expr usie 1 mUsIC +1 FRFEXCH ‘English Songs, So‘etod Music, Polkab LOCK HKEh Old Sores, Boil», Tamo scesses, Uicers, / W ithin two miles of fhe.citf, :?h‘v (Sundays * Corrox, Proprict®" * Printing Works, 20 in the City «of O% ful J Phials, and Was G O W RIA Is& v{;fr;li;nd the ‘h Sin nn d thy l.;y the bein ] n5¢ § f pangpthe. . Wls safe, is ? leanses erery (porticn ul\ and whou‘d to * i i AS A DILT IPRIXK,* :; f ; * is r who wich to prevent Ǥ\ @6 fenuive or original prep® (A t cure of the must dangeff | _ frmed cases l t ons Boitss Temork, M# â€" es, Uicersy / 7 pefulous and Beabiont elff s so a sure reivedy for } t urke wons, Tero® . y*axp serri®sr. $ : A L e tse parest an | quost pi T. reparation <f 2 UKAS SARLSAPARIL® $ ud reliable cageor y pal | its ypact form®. * ; * â€"â€"Printed (Sundays Propricto Rixi 0 M ht 1 expressly 'I t of all pbiugd pm LLLA, in cheer i impure ood . 144 . despair. U nder theil 8 C RLNEDLPL, wl t :rmuw d upterly $ . P l»cr‘uul"’l‘-.' * Filis are the ceut c o vedy ever P}!’“ 8 | to: restiony Liver ashoany 4 krk o I Â¥ikf uen g y €.* sPECIFICA puV Ts I’tn‘n 1 antod to k a j T\ ts of t J ar 4 and ift UVi Ottais 8t Ba Ditasea, Eoba rowa A and us VBrric ! in d onl y ED “.r' ie W .L. B4 ut a. Y a. C106 Atawa, cou. 4 ## o4b 5» D":"Ih‘ strect by meaus of ¢ John S.aice, Ciarke ; Das i MGE l and A tal." uce a Mlosgrove St« hia‘s. Satral Ottewn. M Eparks sor Iesid uce, P A K ili® & sess. . Ref reated, if Oftawa, JQAL 18 % 0C i’ 5.(‘Qq-ï¬l JAS ;s is PC aveya UrFiOE : ho Si:v\ R r y oo Te N AÂ¥ DVoua® DVOCA U & G % at i A a Htoil im# A 48 i% 48 & Ott ow a, 4 ATE of Aat A 32 1t s 4 AJR IL4® 1) . «CÂ¥ TAS% ExTi® a seee. a9f w J"’ awa, Jan Te «1 V ®I MCV 6b OE a W w a, Pei )1 e wl k48 & 194 . in Di