A4XD CONDITION MEL i'l:"k % ll POsSITIVELYX sSUPERIOR To axÂ¥ or all other preparations for the gure of H«~â€", Coughe, Thick and Brokes Wiad, afd all discases which affect the cWind of Ihows : also, as a Condi+ im “u-‘:urpuing everythilg of â€"the kind ; hnqbu'ln.nnbm. and saife in all cases and at thnes, and does not prevent the horme flow beifq wotked white using itt~ | _ _ _ _ | Not only relias _ It cleanses the broathing apparitys, by remov» ing from the airâ€".colls the comgulable lymph, ot that secretion which in heaves clogs them, causing a di@fcu‘ty in breathing, and by its gction on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrarie to resume u‘nldumh-u. thas alizing the oflgd the blood, and restoring the distended vessols to their natural size ; by its the horso‘s is improved, all derangements of the :.’u' eunloehd. ;:cr?lu‘ skin, and Vfl“ a sloek and shining appoarance, "D. .lvï¬â€˜su«o.my to Hex» .f o., Maiden Lane, New York, sole Proptictor for the United | â€"NORTHROPKLYMAN, «/ i j Nawcasmb, C.W., nl\-nnunu. MEDICINE ESTAR« lished in 1837,, and flnflnnick of the kind aver introduced under the of « Pulmoniée Wafers," %n‘u or any cther| country; all other Pulmoni¢ Wafers are counterfe:ts. ‘The genuine can be known by the nyme BRYAN being samped on each WAPFER. « | | Bryou‘s Puilmanic Wofers WOs MIMW&. Sore Xhroat, llo‘uun Reliove frSp T _ .+ _ Ngweastle, C. W. sold bï¬d‘nr Mortimer, John| Roberts, W . M. inMu- y M. F. McCarthy, and Jogeph Skinner, in t & i Side, Baek and Hoead, Coughs, Coldsy & Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the St Cholora Morbus, Dysentery, B 4 c«-.’mm. Burng, Scalds, ** Frost Bites, &4 , &« fl.‘mblhrf eficacy of the Canpdian Pain Destroyer, in curing disouses for whigh it 1« reâ€" commended, and its wonderiul succes« in subduing n..â€"-n,:h:d Rhoumatism, and in relioving Nervous , obtitle it to & high rfank in the list of l:odln for these eu'-pln;:u.l R nhu‘ :.ro coming in from w..m w a of the country for further/supplies, and each testifying a» to the universal Ql_ln‘cflul Rgives. . | < .+ . Tn CANADLAN PALN DESTEQYER HA. now been. before the public for| a length ot time, and whenever used is well liked, never taling in a single instance to giveâ€" pormanent reliet. when timely used, we have nevér kndwn a single case olM.;e‘klo- where the directipns are proâ€" ".a:no'au but on the w-uptz.nn delightâ€" ed its dperations, and speak in Po highes terms of its‘virtues and magical effects. | f We :rah from experience in this mafter, having teated it thoroughly, and therefore those who are sulfering from any of the complaints fot which it is recominended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" Reliove | Asthmwa, Bronchitis, Pit I Bryon‘s Puimonic We gu-u-q.smfl.a Blood, Pains PULMONIC WAFERS ! Are adapted for Vocalists and| Public Speaker$ JOB MOSES, Sote Proprietor, _ _ 4 New Yor The Canadian Phin Destroyet never fails to give relief. All Mediging Dea keep i enderand use it ; and no family -al’n it after onee trying it, Pricn tweontyâ€"five cent« per bottle. .; + taws. â€" Ottawa, Fob. 5, 1887 â€"Maving alteged 4 or S.dozon Burners during, the past week, which in'o great safisfaction in all cases, they camâ€"with conthklisnce recommend this change. > 1 Good Canada M Oil WILL BE SUPPLIED at RELIEF Are a blessing to all Classes ind Constitutions by Goo. Mortimer, John, Koberts, W Sthimey "I 9. Speanthy shaX. Sanesr. is MMM arrangements to do so at a small cost ‘burner, and withodat injuring the Gas .-n:_ or Chandelier, .. _ : 37) @ts=. per C iallon. Em . containing. Five Gallons ; and |Chimne h!&‘:‘o‘n very I!'w. f it Y PefAnsylvania Rock bll __ Pharmaceatical Proparationg, \| :« «/ * Phagraphis Shatines, * hr’d Instruaments, ' Pa:au Modicines Fitting=, ry: Porfumo®y, _ © A ~Dye Gapds, ounty of Carleton, cails the attention of the Inâ€" babitants of h.l\ilf of. Ottawa, and sw »undh: country, . He wilt fald!) orders for alt sort$ of Fru Trees, (‘u.-nm and Lawn Tross, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Balbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plart for Borders; apo Herbocious Plants and Esculese & will bo‘n:-plly attended ts Mealso will have _ sorts of Plants in season for sale, at the l4te dence of Clement Bradley, )w 4 MEA BME T. DeRINZY. Ottawa, March 4, 186¢ 83â€"t4f Which stands« unrivalied, sapplied in any quantity n BEACHL & C0. 628 Street. MJ“‘!‘O #8, 1807. ~; ©~ SS- dw â€" ~LOO0OK HERE. starting a ' CGardon & Nursery feoe ot ib everpeydectin it io+ In Gloucestor, (érsen Field Bargoyne, Burbridges and * Biryen‘s . Are in sinwe (o.m Ottaywa, Feb. 5, 186 Porfumo*7 , Drugs, Paints, __ Glassware, Medicine Chests, GAS FIXTURES CHANGED ! UaAQ ourtsthED §| ie isurey ue oa Op Ji.thâ€"it a box of Bryon‘® Pulianhic Wayere in the house. Notraveller should be w supply ot _ Bryani« Pulmonic W « in his pooket. * No person will ever objectits give for l‘lm UND ERSIGNED ".\\’I.‘f PUnM+ CRASBD 1 acres of land, on which he intends COALC® O IL, DRUG®, &« Within two miles of the city, Bryan‘s Pulmonic : _ Twentyâ€"five Cent3. NCYy ~m l’.’\lu;l‘:\"-. : * _ Heaveoe ed.v,’ XORTHROP & LYMAN, BRYAI IN TEX No#THROP & Lrilax 20 A8 TO USR nane@ Nowcastle, C. W., MAJ‘« C. W MIXUTES n the Che alt Breathing vstiilg cures P every one B0ydw ore Throat mach, wel Od w h in rwhrded, Squire wiuhn.\fl.nrmsu DE .NICGOPP \ of the eighteenth day of Jasaary, now ls> Mu;tnlboub. the ofiee of Wiltiam N. Canop bell, t puty Clerk of the Crown and Driptrlue tor of. Law Stamps in the town of Brookyjle, is and for the United Counties of Leeds and u.lm-nu in our province of Canada, (the said ofige.thes being in the Court House of the said United Conaâ€" ties,) was clandestinely entered by some cyil dis posed person or porsons, and a «juantity of Law Stamps, of a large value, as well as a sum of money, then and there being, wore then and there veloniously stolen, takem and carried away/: Now know yo, that : mmesitra Two Hundred Dollars : of the current money of our said proviace, will bo paid to any person or porsons, not boing the actwal ofender or offenders, who will give such in{:::.ua- tion as will load.to the discovery, approhension and gonviction of the perpetrator or perpetratory of the vifence above described: [‘ | I%, Tratimo®y Wurzror,. wo have ed theso our Letters to be made Patent, ud ! |___ ‘the Great Seal of our said provincé oi ___ Canada to be hereunto afixed © Wirskss, Our Trusty and Wellâ€"Beloved #ix I-u\ Micuse, K. C. B., Administrator 0% the (Qovernment Lol our provimee of Canpbda, t wad Licutenant General Commanding our Forces thorein, &o., &o., &o. ‘At our fGov» ernment House, in our CLTY of OTTAW A, To all to whom the the same may 4k notifed that the â€" Exccutive Council chave authorized the * p A list of the names.has this day been published in the Conmde Goztte, by the Receiverâ€"General, who will pay the several persons entiiled to receive \N amounts awarded, upon compliance with the requirements of the Ast 22 Vic., Chap. 6, Consoliâ€" dated Statutes of Upper Canady. * By Command Pensions and Gratuities, Miuttia Desraeruzyt Ottawa, Fobruary 2, 18 Provimme® or } CaNaDa, / NCOCEFLICH,. |â€"â€" VOLU N TPIEIZNE®S Which have been recominended in ue-mlat;co with * the torms of an | | Board of Officers assembled to Investigato and \._ Report hpon Claims for Pensions and Gratâ€" uities, on s¢count of Yolunteers Killed or Plansâ€"and Specifications may be scen at the Rideau Canal Office, on and after MONDAXY, the lith INST. The lowest or any Tendet will no necessarily be accapted. + Tenders to be endorsod @ Teader . fur| Boidye, and addressed to Semitk wid & To be built across the Rideau Canal st Long Island, on the Town Line between (Gloucgster and Bueruntzso®yt Ringav Caxat Oitawa, December 11, 1868. S0itd VFICTORLIA, by the CGroce of 6 l'm'la_l A';l’!bfl. v:/' dircat Bs . Ireland, Queep, Defender of t de.. &de. â€" T Until Monday, the th insstun: The time tor reseiving tenders for the abov Bridgo ha« beon extended, Contrietors will be daly notified of the time, and therefore need not send in their tenders for the present. Wooden Bridge with Swine VOTICM’LA’IQ ® PE(‘-IPI(‘?TIOSO , W and Estimates of Buildings propared; disputâ€" od accounts of Artificers‘ work measyre+ and valued [N THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN Oitawa, February 19, 1867 ply to wn'nls TWO=â€"A ND« A«H A LP MILE® of the Cix Limits, with A . DWELLING AOUSE erectod thereon. One half of the‘land i «Jleared and well fenced. These propertics are worthy the attention of intending parchaser«, and Fnumim.n erry PRoPSRTV Sale very ..:3 and on reasonable LO T NO . {5.1! side of York Streot, t upon which iferected a larr house §3 = |; containing tour tegoments, bringing uryn ab of £%1. + 4 A FARMEI to take charge of! Stock aad a amall Fanid, an$ to make himbelf gou crally useful. $ ~ Best testimonial« relprired. s , ' x dcppte tw ... â€" :. ied Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 28. Ottawa, December 19 ORDEG& LX COUXNXCH! NOTICE TO CONTRACTOUS. TEBNDERS â€" be sold CHEAP. C NDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL B8 uGIVEN rl MODERATE RATES oNX FLRST» claas CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap. y to > J. PENXNXLNXGTON MACPHERSON, Mentreat Tolngraph Buildiage, on * wild ings, Ottaw a, Ottaw _ 33rd ln‘..m' baiy ®1â€"6f LOTS & HOUSES. ND OTHER® INTERESTED, AM! Telegraph Building, 0 .w..hh.fl:la'*_u ,“ For further particulars apply t WI.’G;.’)N For particulare, apply t x ECRW AFCGLE = \Pai tual Secvice Disabled by Wounds and Sicknes#, on in oug swld provinece of Canada, t EIGMTH day of FEBRUARY, in t {:: of our Lord, one thousand eight h« and sixtyâ€"soven, and in the thirtic year of our Reign. \ _ AUGUSTUS LAÂ¥ ky« . _ Late Stent & Lawer, Architects, & c., _ ___\__ .. Dopartmental Buildings Lk w M(’)u'c\f to Lend DATED 2tar AUGUST, 108 PosTPONEMEXNT. POR SA W ANXTED, ISSUE UuEF THE , _ _. ALSO 41 ACRES OFP LAND WILL BW RECKIVH CoNgISTING or JAMES D. SLATER, v'â€â€˜ NCO d t JOMN .\snwmnr s Belmont, J. MICHE! U LAPLERKE 1e hall L E, Ay in 10, 1 §6â€"tt U terms Cl w in Fon rund “rumu:«-. UV HAS BEEX REPRRM® sented bo tho Hovernar Gobseal in Connell this triviat and comm of the doepaeated and Evï¬md‘u' expols ns .and derancemer ductng. gencral aggravation, sulbring, and discuse. While in this conditien, oppressed by the dorangements, take Ayegs Pili«, and soo how -Mll‘&v vostoro the l-ltJ xlua of the system, aml with it the buoyant feoling of hoalth agrin. ~ What is« true and so apparent in this trivial and common comphint, is also true in many of the doepaeated and daneerous distempers, . The «ame E’:""‘"""‘F’hm t\.d?uhlm .and deran s of the .:flm of the body, they aro gnflmofl surely, eared by the same means. . Nong who know tha virtues of theso &‘.'fllrflqxhv them when suffering from divorders they cure. . ~* Statements from leadinit physiians ja some of the pr Dr. Afer: Your PWMs are the paragom of all th great in imedicine. They have cured my little diu, -lllnn-mnzl-tï¬bnmhl pr incumble for years. mother has been loug & ously aficted with blotches and pimples on her «kin cusly aficted with bl in her hair. After ¢ your Pills, and they 1 From Do. E. W. Cortwright, New Orbans. Your Pills are the princo of parges, Their extoilont qualitics surpass any eathartic ) we p.-..'uM-:- mmnmmmmnm makes them inv lo to us in the daily treatment of disoass. u-'Mm‘lAnw:fmnl denee on an efeetuat catha diseaso, and believing as | « best we have, 1 of course va De. J. C. Arim 8 the worst Aruducht a of your PWHM. Jt so which they cleansa at the Liver very tice proved mo plaints OMIA{ rejoice that wo thy the conflâ€"tsr Headache,8ichlHcadache, Foul Stomach. Prom Dr. Fdword Biyd, Baltlmore. Deir Brio. Aren; Icannot answor you what n-z'hu I have cured with your Pills bettor than to say all we Dysentery, D Prosa bir Your Pills have ho hold them in estecto ever hand. Their a thom an excellent rc bikous dysentery «i makes them very a~ of wemen and childr #amMost of tho Pills in market contain Merew -h..u,.uwu-' ‘ratuable. remedy in $hilfat hands is hn.u-unnflh tnll.k:llo‘&nf:m unhâ€u mereury or mineral substance whatever. Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO., Lowoll, Mass. #uecess ith Frmil ce uin n Lo mu'l. n*l 1 py frionds. in the use of the:a, I am pow catitely well. _ . __~ Sexats Cmurar®, Rouge, 5 Dee, 1853. Dr. Arts: 1 have been humu“tyyrm Fllls, of Rhowgatic Gout = a discaso that bad «ffMicted me for yourss vm)r SLIDELL Dess Sin: 1 am tiee, apd find thes system and pmur./, Constipation, Co«ttvene««s, I.pr"ulon‘ Rhenumatism, Gout, Newralgis, mo" ay, Paralysis, Fits, etc. ‘ done it for t that compt the progen tivemess to orsan and enal higin Poiaski Houss. Savanuah, Ga, Jan. 6, 1854, llmn.:.nt 1 -:ml-l"b: a‘l;mm for the nlb: your lr broucht mo dhl not raport caso you. cold settlod im n{ lmba and lmflfl excru clatiog neuralyic paing, which ended in ehrowic rhrwmaâ€" Billous Disordersâ€" Liver Complaints, Hrom Dr. Mpothre DU, of Now Yort City. Notonly are your PM« admirabiy adupted to their pur mss as an everiont, hbut 1 Ain‘ their beneflclab effccts upon From a Porwarting Merchan Price, 25 conts por Dox, or 5 Boxes for $1. Dyspepsia, Impurity of yome Rew. J. V. Wimes, Pasior of Adve Da. Arer: I have ued your Pillayn ccess it my family and amope thodo pat cities, and from other weoll kn brivary Yours with great res 1 by George Mortimer, U F MeCarthy and As a Family Physic 16 t n the iy JOHN uhi was cured, sho also tri h % DA TIO®% 0+ the ’.::nr Rul&ï¬-r the c;md | vo thom mall join me I‘M f 8. Lo @, MEACHAM, M. D > hest of physician«, the oi reans (ram o famang T your PE!:. taken at the von of the natural so¢re» mvvm and also vory ¢ rovme. nwn t lna im »tlee, and I l-\-m----u 1 have vponthe liver makes r*-'l' n;n'mul doses for e ‘Il‘m nveniont jur the use id your PM tinte:) to their purs vo in my price :ni of Dilhu’n com« nhion. 1 sincerely atite which is wore xd the people, a*, Worms, bir dvrangements P P L C ) IL\LI-! i’#. Micl/+, Dicton, 1NTRRIOR, Â¥eb, 1884 tai and thnot to v. Their regu» who in ain Fpis. Chturch PREPLE, in btsclf, in belicro ca> s afect that 0 Mospital, a eJ Prov PHE OTTAWA TIMES MARCH 6. ign‘?. ubl » Charions 1t NEAT their W . tw #th or & The permit shrail accompany ‘the qurit« to which it J:u.. and remain huhoro»i«-n of the person having charge thereof, but it shall be proâ€" d reed Jor examination as often as may bo requirad hy any officer having authority thereto, and it shall Le delivered to the collector, or as#istaut collcctor, of l.l-.n':.laou:ufn the l:ud Revenue l'i;::‘i‘m into w t # are to be removed, o s n they are. .â€".3':.\- ene place to anoth â€"s, within the period mentiongd in the permit. s 7. Every endorsation of tï¬axflntlun of any permit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every permit shall be defaced 3 'rilin&l.lu word © canâ€" celled ". across the face of it, on explration of the poriod for which it has been granted. 4 of the undermentioned spirits, remove the same between the day of es undermentioned spirits equal to {+4] i. this . Collector of Lnland Roâ€" lay.of / venue for the Diviâ€" 188 ©. thom * Explanation of the imanner of Alling up the Lianks iâ€" the proceding torm B. [IJ tno miie ol conveyance a* " The Stoamor ~*, Melen" or the ««Waggon bolonzing to A B,"â€"as 1o0 case may be. T | 2) The warehouse or other place, its la-ml'i‘?'J & +., a#s Warehouse attached to the Dinflht{‘ Â¥. lJ.“'M‘ &t," or «* Bonding Warchouse 1, at N ad e. 8 3) The §u¢b which the spirits are to bo roâ€" "'!"]‘;'s: Tong.of the treagth â€" proo for 4 'H"r“u f. and occupation in full t3 name im l'hl His place of business. Arefily on the 9’) The place to which it, is to be removed, as * 11y The made af segreyae The 0 conveyance, as * The wazgon bo&chchl."n“'lesc. Aloien," or = The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case may be. (8) Name and occupation of the person into vwr.e-h-llhhhm-hm‘. s (Â¥) l1« residence and place of business in full, & ull;- of the strength of | ptidn‘hils-'. the property . anad about obot!'tthudilum <a #26, Craig street, Montreal." 4 (10) Here state whother the. duty has been paid, L.rwhthuhuplrlum n-in!udu removal gl? To be signoid by the person making he reâ€" quisition. / * Is EXCELLENCY THE GOoVERNORâ€"GEXâ€" .__ERAL LNX COUNCIL PS $N THE MECOMMEXDATION O® '».. the Honurable the HL f Finance, and wlor and in virtue of the Tth seection of the Act he wsesgicn of [7] Explanation of the manner «# Liling in the ank« in the preceding Form A : (1) Naime and cccupation in fall of the person \u'uf the requisition. (4) HMis place of residence. A (1) * Uwner" or * Agont for [ A B} the owner," : the case may be. 1t an agent, then & written ithority to act as such inust be lodgo©\ with the icer before the Fermit is yaautud, stating . the inâ€", ro«lLlence, and eccupation of such owner. (4) The Warchouse, or other locality, whorein « svlrit then is, &« = The W arehouse aitaghed to o DistiNery of C D," or «* Bonding Warchouse D : Presoutt," or * The store of J K.," as th© cuse may The duty hvh‘ been (9] [ This permit is valld for [10] . days from ito and no longer, and on or before he uriu- no(thu!‘llu days, it is to be detiverâ€" : lute the the Collector er Assistant Colâ€" tor of Intand Rovrenue, for the Inland Revenue .vigion of f12] aud cancelled 1, (1) (5) The straet, town, city, villagze, & Requisition made at this Permit the removal in [1] from 21 Permit granted at (3) + Council held‘ut the City of Quebec, on Mon» doy, the Mth Sptember, 1866. P *PROeuexT : y ) The place wherem _ is then stor ) The place to which :t is to be re +) The conveyants by which the ) The number and description of |the in which the spirits are contained. ) The marks and numbers on each of the Vermita shall not be granted for the removal irit« unless the packages in which they are »lned have been marked and numbered in ection with_the Warehousing Regulations apâ€" ed on the 17th March, 1865, °_ _ _ ally q 1 wgent, by the collector, or the assisian t of lnlnn!lbnuu for the Inland; Heve vision in which the 'p‘l'l'l then are. tery application for such a perudt shal Excis®. FORMS AND EXPLANATIOXN F , there to be detive ) of f') «f (9) on the said spirits having beer wantity, in wine g-n‘r. in each prck» trength, I quivalent in wine gallons of the strength it relat Excoms®e Prowrt W, A,. HEMSWORTH, Assit, Clerk Esecutive Council to (6 s / #1 £ Permit, atuon for it to 30. 11] (;? A ‘l lt- o Tale Icleof ond the » from (4) < â€" :> .. of (8] teneral No Local No been (10) et to amend se, and to alâ€" oz y the (7), The ( ie ) | Lo. of the tw | Order it | Whereypon His Excellency in Council was pleasâ€" ed mnrdl. and it is hombr ordered, that free Goods pagsing through & foreign cuuntr{ consigned directly to ?mp\mn in Canada, shall hereatter be put on the same footing as dutiable Goods, f | *__. Signed, rssac ty 1 {B Founeil of this how, for a pori Order in Counc on 28th April, 1853, directing @that Goods bowa /ita | exported <tothis Province from any country, bat x:ning in (remsitu through another country and wnâ€"‘| t Donds shall be,until it shall be otherw iso °§3ï¬"‘l’ vglned for daty as if such Goods were imported diâ€" rect from such first meationed eountry into is Proâ€" vince," and submitting that it 't-lrli' be desirable to extend said Order in Council to /ree as well as du« t tiable Goods, + $ | Whereypon His Excellency in Council was pleasâ€" | In all ¢tsos, advertiséments must be prepaid, and an edrly tranamission is recommended. * The igned will gladly reccive communicaâ€" tlons of alpractical character for pablication, bearâ€" wmg on tag subject of Immigration, such as lettors from actanl settlore, lho"in‘f tbei:ll»rngr:u in & souniry, pointing: out the peculiar advant of thzir district m’}-’rï¬culnr. ‘"«o. | It is desirablethat thiry should be :written as concisely «* An Aet to provide a fund| towards defraying exponses incurred for matters necessaty to tho efiâ€" ciency of the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." Wheretpon His Excellency was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" . j That on, from and after the PIRST day of OC:â€" TOBER nest, there shall be imposed, levied and eollected on each 1311 4, meut or document reâ€" gistered in any Registry Ofice in Lowor Canada, and on every search made in such Recistey Olee and on every search made in such Heg on or after the i aid day, the: following pestively, that is to say : _ On evary will, marriag® gontract « Thirty Cents, . â€" On every deed or tnstritment eFecting 5? the sale, exchdunge, by pothscation « real pnpcn{. for a sum or considern ing in value$400, Thirfy Cenis. Un evety othor deed or instrumont, / _On every sSarch, with or without cort That until further orders the above in all the Registration Counties or Re: visions of Lower Cadada, be paid in the amount of such daties rescived by trar nlswoth-oly. shall be by him : and paid oyer o the Receiver Gonera after the close of every thinl month, ta from the said First day of October ner ll_g;flxcn.u'.\cr Tu® Apmixistrator or tus Govâ€" 3 Taaa prRxwext s Corsciu. | + uls EXCELLENCY was ‘plc‘hn-d to Iay . before the Council a Report from the Commisâ€" sloner of Customs, dated 15th De«-e!‘nlzcr. 1§35, and approved b{,l!u lon. the Minister of Vinance, statâ€" ing that under authority of chapter 1; of the Con. Stat., Cl!l-. Kee. 24, an Order in Counsil was passed S EXCELLENCY THS GOVRRNOR‘GENER | _ALINX COUNCIL a' I8 EXCELLEXCY vAs PLEASED M to lay before the Coungit a Tari{ of Duties to be imposod under the authority. of an Act of the Logiststare ‘of Canada, passed in the sezsion thereâ€" of held Jn the Twentyâ€"nipth ang Thirticth years of i \'uu;\r? hore? already rhaid us rtemd to bis dato ebruary 10 anuary $ 1834 1 hay For a #yuar ty wikhin t FINANCE D readh adver gOVERNMENT 410 L’A’!ng; T7AWA. ~~ Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865 hie N d ELLLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" Ad. IX COUNCIL,.~ i > PHE ~RRECONMMENXvATION oFP lionorable the Minister of Finance,..and Al sty‘s and be free trom ‘anything like exag W 10 itil the 6th j Iimporiter £ inthorized to refund the Artas and Munitiong of W eriod above named. * t will obtal y}. the pri pr thiin the oment, not CHANAN, Chief Agent, n oo ngpapy it enne Division into which or in which the remoyal Wy. K. LEF, C. E. C s for every which, in the opinion ait, muy be necessary meis the € lecting or eyidencâ€" onl or mgtpuge in | money, l by crery 1 m actounted for eral immediately a, to. be reckoned next. M. U LEE, Lt ed, levied and t document reâ€" Lower Canada, Registry Oiice ing dutics resâ€" w t int U d," as he case Aurther 1 y compet inatrahiec C rventt luties shall stration Di ten lines xtra line a twelve teen Cents cate, Fiw t, 1866. m exceed TTR if to be shall d from duties at inne ont ire : sOUTH AMERICA, 1 AUSTRALIA AND NEW IEALAND q Via New York,. DEPARTMENT QRDER, Ll:'l"l‘l-:ltl. Newspapers, &¢,, for the aboveâ€"named destinations may be forwarded from Canada by way of Ne# York in the Mails made up daily for that City at the Postâ€"offices of Quebee, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and Leiters, Newspapers, CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS. Hain The object of the 7 cent unpaid rate, is to induce preâ€"payment andthereby relieve the Post Office from cost and trouble of account and.collection, but this object isequally defeated whether the letter be wholly npaid, or but partially prepaidâ€"and thereâ€" fore the 7 cent rate applies to the whole charge wpon the letter in both cases. , In the case of lettersto or from the puiud States, no credit is given for any partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent rateâ€"By the United States Post Office Law, any amount of fcrtiul preâ€"payment is torâ€" feited and theletter rated as if wholly unpaid. dail, Lawâ€"and Registration Stamps. 4. Postmasters intfusi¢d with the sale of Bill, Law, or Regiâ€"tration Stamps (stamps to be used in Lower Canada in psying fees on Doods, &c., in Registry Offices) are required to be careful to keep their accounts and mmm;ucel connected with such sales, and the appMeationd for further supplies of 2. A Packet of Newspapers; or of Books, adâ€" dressed to the United Kingdom may be nq regis tered on pre:payment by PostageStamp‘of the same registration charge as on letters for the same dostiâ€" nation, namely, 8 cents in addition to the regular candition that the whole postage due be fully prepaid â€"or at7 cents per } oz. if posted unpaid, or only partly prepaidyâ€"in the latter case the full rate of 7 ots. per } oz.schold be marked and a deduction made therefrom of the|amount which may have been paid â€"thus on an ouhce letter prepaid 5 egats onlyâ€"the rate wiil be 14 gents and crediting the 5 cents paid â€"9 cents will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery, + ; 5 * such stamps, entirely distinet from their accounts, remiittances, and applications in connection with Postage Revenue, Postage Stamps, or Money Order busines«. j 5. PostrÂ¥asters dro reminded that, at every Post Oflice, a printed of written notice stating the time ut which the Mailé arrive and close, and the hours for opening the Ofice in the morning and closing in the evening," should be put up for the information of the public. Acapuleo! As '!:.wnll Bo{ivin.... BOUMOOR s risreesierrrevris CrxtRraLâ€"§ Costa Rica Axrkica. z Guatemala Cuiiaâ€"Valparaiso ... Cardenas, Mavana, CenX [.\lnmmal. _ _ | PurtoPrincipe 3. In applying the 7 cent unpaid rate to leters passing within the Province posted unpaid or not tully prepaidâ€"Postmasters 'ï¬" observe that a letter pazses cither as prepaid at 5 cents per 4 oz., on 6. When letters are posted without address, or for any other reason, cannot be forwarded by Mail, they ate to be sent by first post to the Postmaster General, but before doing so Postmasters should se® thatthey are postmarked, and that the reason for sonding them to the Postmaster Gencral is written upon thei. ®, 7. When a lo!ï¬r is posted; at an ‘office after the degpatch of the Mail for which it is intended, but on the same day, the Postmaster should mark it opposite the post mark, ei!&f_ by stamp or with pen and ink «©‘Foo Litk" to shew that the letter was HONOLFKS: ce xssitrorctss sessses MOXKIOQ..iâ€"rrecemanpesreevet‘+; Do. via HayanA........... New (Grenaun, except Aspinwall & Panama, sl'neil‘.a side Nicara6tua 4 Gulf of Mexâ€" 2 ico side 8t. Kitts, xX 8t. Lncia, St. Vincent, : ‘ Tobago, } Trinidad, /. Wrer â€" lxpies,â€"Foreign, except Cuba and g Thomasâ€" â€" Guadaloupe, ) Mayti, St, Domingo, Martinique, ‘ Porto Kico, E:4 Santa Cruz. } > Australia and New Zeaâ€" land vs« New. York and ~ Panama, _ by _ steamerleaving New * _ York on the 11th of . each month............. Lettors forwarded by this route can be registered as far as New York on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of an additional 5 cents per letter, All Letters, Newspapers, &¢., for the above places intended for the New York Route should be adâ€" dressed (ria No York.) * A Postmaster having letters, &¢., so addressed to mail, will mail them for whichever of the six City Ofices above named, may best suit the purpose as regards the relative position of hit own Office and New York. postage posted too Fite for the Mail of the day of which it bears the post mark. WEKST INDIES, CoPNTRH ON PREPAYMENT ton, Letters posted without Address, &¢ pPosTâ€"OrFFICE lmyz‘r.\u:x'r, ~ > OTFAWA, 12th F('lv'\'.; 1867. Bahia Para Pervam Rio Janciro t I the following rates by m late Letiers espapersâ€"and Books for United Kingdom. : y § I;l&';n'r& I.Lh?r'?" OR THE Olice and Mail lours 10 34 18 10 99 10 34 10 10 2« 2p40r 3â€" ; 5p oz 2 p 4oz 5 p or . 2 p 4oz 2 p 4oz 6 p or 2 p doz 5 p or 2 p 4oz Newspapers for delivery not $o Le‘ r se in ~.» Offices, 8. Postmasters should .be careful not to open or | read themselves, nor to sufler to be opened or read | by apy other than the person addressed, any Newsâ€" ! paper or l‘éï¬odicll passing through their Offices , or comingâ€"to their Offices, for delivery. The pracâ€" | ticeof allowing Newspapers or Periodicals to be «o opened or read, is very reprehensible, and leads to | abuses and complaints, even when the trregularity is alleged to take place with the permission of the | person to whom the Newspaper or Periodical may | be addressed. * [} (A | * 9, In Department Order No. 65, dated 24 Nov., 1863, permission was given for Bookâ€"Manuscript, and Printers‘ Proofs, whethor corrected or not, to pass at the printed imatter rate of one cent an ounce, and it now appears to be netessary to explain to Postmasters, that by Bookâ€"Manuscript, was meant the written sheets of any Book, nnd. the inâ€" tention was to encourage liu-nr, productions, by affording facilities for Authors to wond and receive such matter to and from their publishers by Post, Printers® Proof« are the printed improssions taken by a Printer, for correction or examination, of any matter passing <through his Press." Under former regulations the written marks| correcting »uch proofs rendered thein liable to‘ letter postage whon sent by Mail, and the intention of the Department Order referred th was, to relax the .rule in favor of such proofs and jallow them when correrted, to retain their character a> printed matter, andâ€" pass at printed matter rates of charge." > JC L LANGEYIX. * FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Toall W homit May Concern Not incorporated by any Statute wipthis Province have not published the statement of their Assots and linbilities ; Amount of Capital Stock ; j Amount paid thereon : .. Nature of Assets3â€" . t& * : Amount of lowses ; _‘ & ‘ proof; sesain â€" resisted, and for what canse : â€" â€". _ Amount of all other claims against the comâ€" e .. 4 *‘ Amount of premiuivs earned and unearned . during the past year ; â€" The whole as required by the Act 23 Vic., cap. 33, see. 11. , NOTICE is herehy given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not comply ing with the said Act are iable to the ‘NO'I‘IC‘ IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a@ His Excellency the Governot General, by an Order in Council bearing this day‘s date, has been pleased to order and direct that, with the view of encouraging the introduction into the Province of the very important improvement of Steam Cultivaâ€" tion, Steam Ploughing Machines and their appurâ€" tenances be exempt from import duties for a period of two years from this date. it * February 23, 1867. HIS EXCELLENCY TB GOVERNORâ€"GENEâ€" RAL LN COUNCIL _ â€" 0! THE RECOMMENDATION oF the Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the eightyâ€"fifth section Ofthe twentyâ€"cighth chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it 1« hereby ordered that the following tolls be imposed, levied and collected or saw logs and timber passing down the shdes at Ranney‘s Falls, Middle Falls and Bealy‘s Falls, on the works of the River Trent, that is to say : one cent per saw log of thirteen feet in length, ‘p(n proportionate sum on‘ pieces of greater length, passing down each of the abovo* mentioned slides respectively. And tnat the above toll otf one cen per saw log be collected and paid for each ruch slide_on &ll such saw logs, and of ome dollar per orib on all such cribs of square timber as have passed down the River Trent from the beginning the present season of navigation: Derarturxtaz OrprR. M vward Island has given notice thata Lnï¬h. House Nas recently been erected on the North Point of thal Island, in 47°, 3‘, 46" N., and Longitude 63°,59‘, 9" W. The Light stands ei¢ty feet high above water, and shows a fixed white light. By command, + a R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, 15416 * Commissiqner of Customs . Printed forms containing all other information and conditions_ of the proposed contract may be seen and obtained in blank form at the ostâ€"Offices of Aylmer and Ottawa. f & For the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Mails for the _ _ term of four years, twice a day, between Lightsâ€"Gulf of St. Lawrence, Prince Edward Island. # Tlll GOVERNMENTOF PRINCE EDâ€" M vward Isiand has given notice thatm Light For such actault, as pmvi«{ed in the eaid A ; JOHX SIMPSOX, At a Council held in the City of Montreql on Sat urday, the 8th day of December, 186G, _ t PRESENT : * KiUDiY, â€" MARCH > H5th, 1867 AVLMER AND CTTAWA. 1st of April next. ostâ€"Office Inspector‘s Omé.mzm" esy Montreal, 20th Feby., 1807. $ â€" 3674w9â€"u1 ddressed to the Postmaster® General will be re 4 geived * PENALTY OF $1.000, 7 R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, 208tf Commissioner of Customs and Excise & T â€" O T T A W A. Bookâ€"Manuses q‘:t and P rik OMPLALN certain 312 FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS FINANCEâ€" DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMES. ; Oltawa, June 14th, 1866 worick to ManixEns. _* 6idw9â€" Mail ~Contract. TENDERS due and unpaid ; adjusted and not duez in surpense and waiting To commence on the Oftawa,; Pebruary 19, 1807. mg; bosal made that By AT NOoOXN, O&a\u, 13th August, 1 W. A. HIMSWORTH,â€" Asst. C. E. C EDWIN F. KING, ___ Postâ€"Office Inspector UNTIL relax the .rale in fay them when correrte printed matter, and charge." 1. LANGEVIN, Ptogasterâ€"General Assistaxt Aupiro: 36Tdw# tf Aupit Orrice 24 wrt PE r | the EIT EXACTED ay Fing B ation of the City of Ottawe, in € bied, and it is hereby enacted and or therity jof the sameâ€" s 1. That no person Hall threm tos. pla i.lua serv fen distregs found out of which the #same cai) be I.?:g' such nfonnler shall be imprisoned in the Commeq Gaol df the County of (,l ricton, with Of Witkoy: makp Lapon, ‘and for, sugh peried excctdine TWEXTYâ€"oNE pays, as the C: art, conNicting shy!) adjudge, unless »nch fine ind cost« be paad | «iiven under the Corporate Seal of Yhe City .; [ Hitawa, this Eightcenth day of Febreary, A. 1D, 1867.. | ; +/ 3 % | "~«fSigned,) z. ‘Bristol‘s Sarsaparilla, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Costâ€" ed Pills rre forsale by all Druggists everywhere Bold in Ottawa by Jobn Kobertsr br. Garvey, HF PE CC eVmenth m P S2 C OP ister of Finance, and under and‘n vistue of the au ‘tlom£ iven and eonferred hy the 5th section <f e 17th r of the Consolidated Statutes of CaSAâ€" da, His [Exseliency was pleaged to order ané deâ€" :hl‘,l it is bereby ordered and declased that « [ron Wire," round or fat," mentioned. m)he ule E of the Act 29th, 30th Vie. Capâ€" 6, was intended to include, and 1« hereby declared to extenil to and include fliat #ire for erinolines #B: covere i av. A. HIMSWORTH, iâ€" sabtt f Assist C £.C. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GLAM®® 53 AL IN COUNCIL O3 mpaeinin a oo neatett tue of the authority conferred by the Act passed in the ymd‘fl«uq'-g'omn.ldw' « An Act to provide against the introduction and spreading uf disorders affecting certain anim®}" Certified, | _ City Clefk. Ottawa, February 22, 18 Put Irl& Glasg Phiats, and Werranted t wny climate. / C e Te Sn clf c 6BAE CLLGY scplndin mm mickest, and tho best remedy ever_ j spared, wod ‘-\wu be at once resorted to : ,[rq. Dyspepsin, or Indigestion, Liver Com» ‘_ plaints, Constipation, Meadacht, *4 | | * mand 1*Hes» i MacCan Mortim Tus Orrawa Tixes.â€"Printed arnd every morning, (Sundays xC« Gzoree: Cortox, Proprietor, at iS&ai-' Printing Works, . Ko.. 6 Street, in the City of Oftews . | Carleton, C.W. PX NO PREVENT the depositing of Nights Soll, Manupe, and other NAUSpOn; * sad imwholesome substances> pon 4 the I¢e, or in the Waters of ||.:u'.' trv nrml Ridean Rivers, .-‘Ill:.u Canaly avithiin ther Fimits 0f the Cir of Offavas #3_ 3 BRISTOL‘S SAKSAPARILLA, in‘ cases Mpm from depraved bumors, or impure blood, . The m« holpleumnflenrl need not despair. Underthein®uâ€" polpleisibullerers El AATIEDTES. maladits At a il held in the City of Queiec, «s \ ynday, 21th Septambes, 1964. . > & PRESEXT: 4 a HIS EXCELLENCY THB GOVERXCRâ€"GEAERâ€" | ALIN COUNCIL y* On the ation of the HMondrable the Minâ€" onne onprees n ie meccegecmien e t n held at the Ciy o) Montzen "| â€" daÂ¥, the 3rd day of November, 186 ; "hve;}vi‘lflu are prepared expressly io oporste i6 harmony with that greatest of all blood puribers Scrofuin, Oid Sores, LIVEK, STOMACH AND By all who are sick, or who wich to prevent #ickâ€" ness. At is the only genuine af origical preparaâ€" tion forthe perma cure of the most dungerans T and confitmed eases of 4 And ;s the only true and‘reliable cure for Syphili i even in its woret forms." y "It is the very best medicine tor the cure of a discarey arising from a vitisted or inopuse state 4 the blodd, and partieularly #o when used in eop nection Wwith € s . » * & .\ BRISTOLS “Y.II-IN THE BLOOD 18 THDCK, THE \cireulation clozged, and the humore of the body .t:llhr.'.l unbeaithy by ‘the heavy ank greasy secretions of the winter months. . This prfe, though powertl detergent, cleanses every portion of the | system, and shou‘d hbe â€" : And crtry hind of Reorefulans and tons. lt is also a snre rer It is gua SALT L RHEUM, ~RING 0 â€" CALD HEAD AND DUnING THE SPEING q A iA ts *A %é‘:s : Hzp Pm S ate s *"**"*L . * . Af PA â€"ay: * 3 PHE|GREAT PMRIHH Byâ€"Law No. 243 asx{:(xu HONDUEAS SARSA El ... :: l::,. ( V‘. 2451 ‘;t:. The Great cure for all Disea + parGiculariy n6oom U \lll‘ V QUAamP 14 D DAMLY muanle affer J. Jennuings, W £°* B‘ table)y is cd to he ie purest. ful preparation of N seessess Ulorrsy h. hreach ; Ju T N Coats ds g. Works, . Ko. €0; spark® ty of Ottews County 0 PRESENT 1300 throw Boils, Tumorsy Abs A BIET DRIXK, () M. Massey, and Ge â€" _ dbutf WIRN, â€" TETTEL it TRLLEX® uF d levied by dis. attels of the of. at of fine inâ€" T u.rm.‘., e cal ";lttig, in thp Commen with Of Witkou :;.cc;a) by at‘ the TF* . CoRrPog Council assen tdained |._y an AHE 1 1 ) SUMAMT abjoug erny nâ€"GENER moâ€"t power ARILLA o Syphi Publist it« » Natur kee (4 Daily over %. making & total 18,000 ; thas » Fording the t« vertise in / J enjoy® T :ul;l‘nb“ in t 4 Anrumwï¬l following y s : {}usimess ;I & Scorge Co +ME DA â€"â€" > 04ikâ€"â€"pRye i rapsient A?'e_' 1y .â€"»â€"+ se« All subsequent VYearly advert liberal aRow» ©ttals worner of Sunm UJitawa, Fob Apsirmnin: Co., $4, 1 .vr 4 Aostem, G caenrcl 4 i sed th veceize Al KA oneo ortara, C. 1 Viice: Eig Auzxnlx orntawa, Juby TTORNE A Chancery, Elore, Hideau ; dJanuary 14, «2 \‘l'. AD VÂ¥ DC As w y w »at â€" Oe l w 2 AMr. N cigat "ridays of tas. Coustaat. _ Oftawa, Feb. repared to att bovernâ€"ment aay “rld‘fl wit in auad dor Desember 2 & «4 SK0L L8 1 .‘ :}‘luunery ‘-r'rolu . Cha ' UPPIOR : I'c ebraary 21, @. B. May®« ibï¬df,‘%. 1% fooms lateiy o Jriawa, alas RP Qunancery awaicg : _Aas Atawa, Jan. 1 Orrice: kn Junaary 27, 4 $OC m iÂ¥ k Fouraary }.1 W.AR. B »»s Pablic, & Qrmion: M MtaWwa, ‘(M UPPICE ED W. 5 Ip A HLAL08 Wa. Cum Atawa, Few. Lsns Di rown Atu B’uuu- Solicitar wSae, over 1D cX d Elgin se Ott awa, 14 V OL. D*« by meaus JP C. sveye urrIicE: in Jhe othce at Ottaw a, N Wt A W y 0C TrR® ® Ohancary, LA C TT OA N W . MAs p A Ht 404 ® DV CA ‘Otawa, URGE LA l.‘ & AUA A 0t at a ® sulucitor A 3t 2t 18 GEA. Qrrice Orrice CXTH JO l\ J