& difficu‘tyâ€"in breathing, ynd Wy it« action on the dissased part, ~lq‘.lho ous membrane to resaume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood, and restoring the distended vessols to their naturalâ€"size ; by its uss tha horse‘s is hproved, all defangements of the c organs correctAd, softpning the <kin, and is hproved, all defangements of t m:!m correctad, softpning the <kin, a mb&.“llfl‘ and shining lpp?nt. « lwl:‘lumgto mr» & Co., Maid Lane, New York, Sole Propridtor t the Uhi: Tl CANADIAN PAIN DEST | mow been before the public f and whenover used is welll likod 12 & instance to ti" perpaner tavely used, and we have nopor k ® dissatisfaction where thq dire« porly followed ; but on thd contfary, a ed its operations, and sppak i verms of its vistues aml magicalle V iot the p=mSO, TOTGaCgM, and in relieving mm&h it toja bigh rank in the list of Romedies for lbuol::m wbhtey Orders mve coming in from Medicige Doalofé in all parts of t\ country for further nJ.‘lin, and each testify ing J to the universal satisiaction it gives. | which affect the Wind 0/ Lh tLom Medicine, surpassing ""1 is ensy to give, sure to cure, a The Canadian Pain Dstroye immediate â€â€˜i"-.“A‘“ Medicin mm use it; ar without it after ones trying it. . Price twenty â€"five cents por NOR nul(nw temen with. rooms and biea board. Can also take a fow < und at all times, ll:nlmu trom being worked while using It cieanses the breathing a ing from the air.cells the “w'mhlu\'m PRICF TWENTYâ€"FiÂ¥R BofM by Geo. Mortimer, Jo 32.'.'" Henryâ€" 4. MeCarthy, . N Aide, Back and Head, Coughs, * Bprains, Bruises, Cramps i +\ Cholera Mortbus, Dysor * Sofee * cv-’hlw. Burns, j Frost Bites, &c sulfering from any of the complfints 6 resommended may depend upon iss L ml-.-dv‘ . astonishing efficncy ol the Ca Destroyer, in curing=dizcases for w) commended, and its wondopful pucobs l_lomqpï¬_nul Rhoumati im, avind ".rllm-u lene his i tested. wy.ff.'a"mlr'l",l.’l Parties tendefing must give t\ dress in full, also mnmrw m willing to -q; suret of the contract. The AND CONDITION MEDICINE l. POSITIVELYâ€"SUPERIOR To iNÂ¥ or all other proparations fort the oure oi Lisoves, Voughe, Thick und Broken Winy, and all disoasos Bo by Geq Morthner, J Massey | H. E. McCarthy, as C h uag':n also take Nevember | x: if Bryan‘s Puimonis Are buh: form and ple s s yan‘s Pulmonic Not lect ra Not only relieve but oï¬ e Bryan‘s Pulbmonce Are warranted to give sat No family should be wi Bryanis Pulimomic in the house. Netraveller should be with Bryan‘s Pulmonic in his No person will ever ob) ‘s Pulmance e Twentyâ€"five C JOB msux:wum. & t Newâ€" Â¥ : XORTHROP Sold Mortimer, J h..‘.my. Reparate Tenders to b Te mpromy * wely « # Tender for Goal \’Hl," & of Light House supplies. Department of Puo y arpyt «s Ottawa, $th March, 1367. anniel Li su x eAAAE ve Li stati Kiver Lawrence and inlan: on Lakes St. Louls, St. Franci vence between Brockville anm Ontario, Erie, 8t. Claigr and I POLMONIC \, Retieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throai, % * Bryan‘« Pulmonic Wo/c« Reliove Asthma, Bronchiti¢, oult same day, for a Steam V ossel { 'l‘lo.lcgll. MED lished in 1887, and first ever introduced under:tho n 'zco.“ in this or any other & Wafers are counter Goorgian Bay . The crew of the veasel mn he bound to accept the lowe RELIEEF INX TEX of the Stores A buik sum to be named fot i this service. . Any further infur tained on application at this of: cagks, in each case, to 1 &, and their cost inplu: the oil. The vessel will henn provided it dooes nit in ery of the Stores. Wm alsg.be tor this Dopa ~h.â€l=|lp vessel m‘l receive and tramgport from one any such Stores as the Supors whay direct. out Tenders will also be. receive: for the of 7300 Qallons « of -@n COAL OLL, wonâ€" easke containing tro vach, Bubject to mk\n and auce, and to be delivered at t\ at the time above stated at Mon UE NTH OP MAY NeXE for the fupply ol huz'ï¬hd‘\ulu of winteppresod OLL the Proviacial Lighthoukes a bov o ogeâ€"third of which must be from hoead mat will stand Ihsl: at 30® Fahregbeit, and twoâ€"thirds at 34@ subject to peetlon vetote weceptance, and if requirpd, toâ€"by The -ug be futiished in cont a gailons each, in to h..d‘:!-l at the Contras wharf, near the Lachine Cana and on such day on or about the next as may be specified in the « qnl-. TENDERS® WILL BE KS KC# ceived at this office wiftil nodn of FRIDA Y. the TENTH OF MAY next, for the Ortawa, Feb. 5, 1967 Uttawa, Fob. 5, 183 Ottawa, Fob. 5, 186 SEALED TENDERS will b STEAM VESSEL OA R D,.«« 3M %. °D it (> 1 be known by the R eropy imaaee hi LIGHT HOUSE SUPPLIEs. Toronto House, can a !-,.3‘, _I’u{.nuuidj m NORTUROE i soax DARLE Y Heave Al here directions Are proâ€" h0 coatrfary, all are dabiiiitâ€" and | # a{ in ae highus mapicnlle Vapts. + lenceâ€"inthis matlor, haxng ko u thoge who . wre 0 compl¢ints for which it is end upon its being a.Sovgâ€" mey of Canadian Paip soases For which it 11 rs wdogful pacedss in subduing asmail Wtb ies ces 3B wed *, by galable: ly them, t« motio t LY MAXS ESTROYE i HA. io for a lengtih o: liked, never tailing woliol wilon oe known a single m K wonstie, ( J. Skinner, in _._\ li.fof the names ha« this day been published ww in, the Cngete \Warets, by the Receiverâ€"Ganeral, Jaty dw ; whi will puiy the severnt persons entitled to recerve | the amounte dawarded, upon compliance with the PEM, OS WHE | requirements of the Act 22 Vic., Chap. 6, Consoliâ€" ',"f:""‘:__!i';’b 49"" | dated Statutes of Upper Canada Joseph §‘u]ngr & LY M ; all of te. ‘The genu N béing stanm C600 . . . _ in Roborts, \\ mad J. Skiune LXMAX, / NeweastloC. W : in Roberts, W . M CINE E®TABâ€" nover { AP KRB t t 1 sale in prevent . rticle of the k SIRUVER W ANTED, lds other ‘ art 44 SMbuilte Lakes : stats MINXUFI also, as a ( boarders Remetliv, two res for the rtwent NCR Medica! D [R > ‘Pensions and Gratuities, by re W in 0 Ga d t ?m the PE RM ind ; asds I t M ‘Two Hundred Dollars Miuitia Deranrwest, Okawa, February 2, 194 Wlks of tho current money of our said province, will be paid to any person or person«, not being the actual offender or ifsaders, who will give such informaâ€" tom as will load to the distovery, mpprehension and convriction of the porpetrator or t of the offence above described. 1x «PDratmowy Wurazor, we have caused i these our Letters to be mrade Patent, and y the Great Seal of our swid province ‘ © _ Canmdm 10 be bereinto alized : W iryzsa, ! Oar Thasty and Wellâ€"Beloved Sir Jonx P 0 * Jurktm®o : wu&l.‘-ADo DURING THEK NIGHWT of the eighteenth day of January, now last puast, or thereabouts, the office of William H. Campâ€" bell, the Deputy Clork of the Crown and Distribuâ€" tor of Law stamp« in the town of Brockvilte, in and for the United Counties ot Leeds and Grenville in our province of Canada, (the said office then (O3" VA TORLA Obl}al NO PrICE,. Y C1 N‘DPIHSISHSH 3 7 jood Canada Rock Oil ROVINON O# # GAS SUPERSEDED ‘ MBR ®UBSCRIBEINS beg to inform the _ public that having been apphod to by a large abor of the citizens of ttawa to have their CCRA X. XJFRLIL., Proprictary preparation«, Pateht Medisines, +XS FIXTURES CHANGEDâ€"! Talapin, Podophytin, Lip Tandrio, Spirlts Aummonia Aromatic, Compound Spirits of Lavender, Do do of Juniper, Medicinal Tincture: of all Kinds ND OvHDBNHS PNTERESTED, ARE Ponnsyivania Rock Oil hairm acont n (-on-“l"kallgl old Tom) other Gie and SooteR and\Trish Whiskers, / Ipltiic « lerolorur * Mhochiaun or .{nmm. C % ng altored d.or 4 dozen Burnera "1{“ sok, which give great satisfaction in all thav can with conidence recommend this the vecommendation of the Monor= l6 the Acting Minister d€ Finance and .umâ€" in viiue of the authority given and conâ€" o whoin those samoe may 7 1 & w Miwuar, K, C. B., Administrator of the Qnr.m-l of our province of Canada, »nd Licutenant Goneral Commanding our Forees therein, &0., &0., &o. â€"At our Govâ€" eramont House, in car CTTY of OTTAW A, in our;" salid provines of Canada, the FIGHTH day of FEBRUARY, in the youar of our Lord, one thousand cight hun« dved and sistyâ€"soven, and in the thirticth vearof aur Raizn. . * un a , to the condition«,|regulations #@F allished ans inr’fï¬l by the J\I ie 2ith day of September, mt.im -rgumw a« may hereaiter be made it unthority, Licenses may be granted ture in Boad, the wkal wt= made arrangements to doâ€"so at a +mail wymet, and without injuring the Ga« +{=. ppee» C@qllon. lser« assombled to Investigate ang NOTICE. Uh L. by We 1 ENCY THE ud y the Gonace of tiod, of the «lom of Great Britain and wu, Uefender of the Faith, scommended in accordance with ;‘vg 6 torms of an presents shall come, or whom neernâ€" v0 paraklun®, 1, «upplied in any c\nllmy BEACH & Co,, _'l'l;,r: .u{':nx ;sn' RA«+ GoOV ERN M EN UNXCIL. 9 pleased to and it ectâ€"to the "A of A. MEREDUTH . M, LKE Executive allon r Pansion® and Grat OUXCIH ve N3 LICHEL inteors Killed Asst, Secretary Hi 185 3â€"w 7 uf agd Chimneys kye#s, on Ac W Exoot veed 1. have l oper time, are excellent m. are excellent I .A.::n.fl-.hm_. Sewate Cuamaz®, Baton Rouge, Lo.. 6 Dec. 1855. hAI:l:lhnl-uWymâ€"Lm,uvflmu Rheumatic Gout â€"a pabuful disease that bad affiicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL 'all- of t:.!flh im mlu.mmw. w NN hands, is dangerous in a public from the dreadial e .-....a--:...u,ï¬.u.uâ€".....'i\‘.'. contain no mereury or mineral substance whaterver. Price, 25 coents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Propared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO., Lowoll, Mase. Sold by Mortimer, John Roberts, W , M Massoey , lm and _ Skinper in Oltaws, Pebruary 26th, 1867 ® 368d3woy Priaszt Hocse, Savannab, Jan. 6, 1856. “Nllwhw&.ï¬;&.nm m‘:’n.l“ï¬ml-ymhl- you. A h:b?lldmlm-um clating ended in chrogic rhrumaâ€" <lisease 'u:fl.‘:"sh m'“ worse worse, vice of .J’r- .dm 1 tried your Pills. effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, I am now entitely well. are so much the best physic we have that 1 gecommend no other to my patients. f Prom the Rév. De. Howhes, of the Muthodtist Fyis. Church. and in the same proportion om picces of grow !-vl.-.!!e'_"m'-!'_‘é -'r-‘,er":" bat n, Corntive , Suppression, Gont ‘oml.% Dro ay» ï¬u& Fite,‘otc. * CTVT Prom Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreat, Cinacla. Too mach camnot be said of your Pill« for the of costivemess. ufll#mMyrnh-;.::o- as efficacious as T have, they should joid me in laim« lng it for the benefit of lt--n?“u-n:-‘-flnr? “w"‘h‘.mh noug, itsel, the ’.r‘“m“ u.o.'o.fw t ï¬â€˜hvn.;’ E+ tinemess -m liver, your at organ and cure the disease. f From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midoi/s, Bost»:. _ _1 find one or two large doses of your PMI», taken at the MUIS EXCELLENCY THE gGovEzNO . RAL 1N ‘COUNCIL. 0’ THE RECOMMZNXDATIOY% Honorable the Commissioner of Publi and under the authority ot the Consulida*od dMg Vistoria, ol:'uv '.'l'. weet io Excellency lepleased to order, and it in he dered that the followhe Tolls be in pases mln-hw. &o,, passing down the slide w. Ramsay‘s Falls, Miid Nealy‘s Falls and Crooks Rapids, on the the Kiver Frent, visa : _ > _ One cent per Saw Log of thirteen foot in length, and one doliar on each erib ol @qmare ber ; and that the above toll of one cent be call« on such Saw Log#, and one dollar on all such C of square timber as have pased down the it Trent from the opening of the prosont season of vigation. f Jike. e Fram Dre. Theodore Bell, of New York C:+7. only Pills admirably adapted to their :--zl.lhln-um.m-q': “wml&d. They have in my pracâ€" tice proved more for the cure of bilious come Tejoics that e have at length â€m.'llk:uv 4 Om thy the confidence of the profession and the people, f â€" Devantwext or tus Drtemor, â€"} Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Rev. J. V. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston. -l_xlhnï¬mmm"wm-z success in my and among those I am called to v in distress. " To the of digestion and in pepnint Poivetial) mmnondh ons ever o wy friends. Yours, _ J. V, HIMES Warsi®, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24. 1855. Deas Sin : I am using your Cathartic Pills in my procâ€" tice, and Ond them an excellent purgative to cleanso the the closer proximity of such Mills to the reii of! such inkabitants, or their greater ea made it expedient to resort to thenm :â€" Whereupon, and on the ress ndbation Monorable the Acting Minister {mm ar dey the provisions of the seventevnth chapter Congolidated Statutes of Canada, is Excolle Conncil has been pleased to order, and it is h ordered that uny four or moual, or other prod any wheat or grain grown ln and taken out « Province into the United Statas to bo groun« brought back into this Provinee within ne after such wheat or grain has boon #o takea be ground, shall be, and the samqis here! empted trom the payment of Customy dutics vided ablways that such.grain be first duly re, butwards at the nearest Custon House hels portation for the special parp and that the identity of the 4 duee thoreof, ho. sworg to @4 thi« Prodines. : qualities su any cathartic we possess. . The Tok Tat on cevindy wind oifer ind In their xction on the Deas Bro. Arse: I «hat complaints lhn-d.-hh:.v:m d:':m-y.awcâ€" «eer treat @ medicine, great dopenâ€" t.--umm in my :ï¬:mm with dissase, and believing as 1 do that your Pills aGord us the Pretssona, Pu., May 1, 1835. i Du. J. C. AtE®. Sirs 1 have been repeated!y.cured of " the worst Acaduche any body can have by a dose or two , [‘ w‘. It seemb to arise from a foul stomach, | ‘ they cleanse at once. «t Yours with great respect, _ ED. W. PREDLE, | _« . Prom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. _ £] Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I lflhhâ€"nmd&oh:{:b-ulm ever found. Their alterative effect upon the livet makes u--‘um&-mnâ€"nw.w makes theun d“lhlnlt. enient 6 ‘l‘!‘u.‘ w a h d-&-.- + e t Ne tem and purify the fountaing of the blood, _ _ meene d â€" we JOHN Cv.ll:tl-l').\.\l. M. D. Constipation, Costiveness, Suppression, Dz. Arss: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. Mh-fl;‘ymmu;u wâ€"â€"h“d that had proved curable for years. Her mother has been long wrievâ€" ously affiicted with blotches and pimples on her skin a~| in her hair. After our child was cured, sho The Wied rent of dise T . I Headache,8ickHeadache,Fou!l Stomach best we bave, 1 of course yalue them high‘y i senmaptons P U fa Pb Hhois Sim: I have uséd your in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot besitate to M-ï¬hrMn-â€"m. Their regu= %ï¬u- liver is quick .uhmm-; of -‘qml have seldom found a case of theas. n-:mm“m;'fli;‘uu.’i"ï¬'“ dhysician of the Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoa, Relax, Worms. yrain prounce t can side of the F into Canada free the closert proxim d " TU‘I.!IM. the fupcti "h, of the body into vigoreus a C s a tivity, purify the system from the obstructions which make diseaso. _ A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob structs its matural functions. These, if not rellioved, react upon themseives and the surrounding organs, proâ€" ducing gemeral aggravation, suffering, and disase. While peaae d adharmanet action of the system, and it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is trus and so.apparent in of the doepâ€"seated and dangerous distempore. . The ram S T Eting thint tapols thine, tnuled 29 sienter ohetras ‘m;-ï¬cï¬i_-;ï¬' Caused by «tmilar a A,wï¬ n __a_u_-_n:-flw“ WE TT ‘the etions of the body, they are rapidiy, and many of them suroiy, c "'L_H"".'.':."'k............':..“i..:'.‘.: I.lt.*_-hmum- mfl-. h-mm in some of th principal cities, and from Other well known public perâ€" line, by rea leze heretofore e Wi® ENXCELLENXCY THE GovLfXORGENE RAL IN COUNCH. : “J’“‘IIAI P HAS REEX REPR E4 sented to the Governor (Guseralin Conncil that much inconvenience has been, and !s exneriâ€" Billous Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints. Froms a Forwarding Merchant of 8. Lowis, P\}. 4, \>* As a Family Physic. From Dr. K. W. Cartwright, New Orleans. Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellont 3r2t m, and on the rese ol buit c he Acting Minister JEW an isions of the chapter i Statutes of Canada, is Excetlc: been pleased to order, and it is is t uny flour or moul, or other prod t grain grown in and taken yut c to the United Statas to be ground K into this Provinee within pne heat or grain has beon #o takea\ «bail be, and the samqia hare} i _the payment of Customy dutics ; makes them lovaluable to us in the dails NVERNMENT fot T‘u PRR®EVE PR EB ENT t MILNSWORTL t of Steamer Clavic ASA MORORIDG! is also true in many stempors. . The rams w H. LP aforred t d THE OTTAWA TIMES MARCH £3, iss7. w here Falls, rhe of o H"'I rted il= tad Jaitland, &e," . Wilsalitghine ol S en ind i n temedta en l . Fold Tao Migas to Jt thn aviit on t n tw WeX Pentndtine guthe Howalt Bc ie |3] Tos opnors yhme 224 cccupation to ui Â¥rplanation of the manner of filling up the blanks 1the m«\nnt«n B ||J a made of conveyance as *The Steamer t. Helen" or the «W aggon belonging to A B," as nemnv:n.-y be. it ; 2 warchouse or other place, fe ols PWarahoime aiimened to ts tA ‘, at Prescott," or «©Bonding Warshouse B, at i« to remiain in foree, which :'td shall not be nore than will, in the opinion of dmrqin it. be sullicient for cz.etl-‘ the remuss! of the ‘nirit= to -hichkr:luu. te ® ¢ The permit shall accompany the sporit« w labote it n\m and remain hlhr-lc of the nerson having charge thereof, but it shall be m dusgd for -un;l:uï¬ a« often as may :r::hl A hy anv oficer having authority thereto, l':.x.nmv-l to the collector, or assistant collector, of Inland Revenue for the Inland Division into which the sptrits are to be rem or wherein they are removed from one place to another, within the period mentioned in the permit. _ _ lay of 188 .}Y ( Explanation of the manner of ‘filing in the anks l-uupruhchm A : (!) Name and cccupation in full of the person .n-hilï¬uu requisition. 2) His place of residence. }.1, = Owner®" or « Ar- for [ A B) the owner," i# the case may be. 1f an agent, then a written nthority to act a« such must be lodged with the licer before the Permit is granted, stating the .ame, residence, and cccupation of such owner. (4) The Warchouse, or other lycality, wherein he spirit then is, as " The Warehouse attached to he l!l-ullo? of C D," or « Ronding Warchouse D t Prosectt," or = The store of J K," as the case may at (5) meseasion of (% The duty on l‘bo,‘ +) Ihe mode of conveyance, as.*‘ The waggon Ju-)nzhglo A B," or « “nm Bt. Helen," or The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case may be. (#) Name and occupation of the person into ahurau-hnlthloboum i (#) His mld-nm of business in full, -*N,I(;nnlgm m" n * (10) Mere state whether been c whether the spirits are ro-«::Yndu nm 7. Every endorsation of the examination of any ermit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every ermit «hall bodo(uod:!nkhï¬hnd“m- elled " acros« the face of it, on explration of he portod for which it has been » 8. Pormits shall not be for the removal ;l‘-“.im- unless the packages in which they are alned have been marked and numbered in * Exome®, â€" Requuition for a Permit, s is Qntermantionet tfths, requireperthsionto Mcummï¬m‘hnflm dayoc> _ ,mmo: _ Permit granted at («) The name, place of business and cccupation llhop{rmho:b--omm.’hbâ€b * t rred, an * ; 1').?11: name of the person or corporation in (0) The place to which it is to be removed, as Mostreal. : (i) The mode of conveyance, as.* The waggon (11) To be signed by the person making he reâ€" Permit the removal in [1] Lel from (2] (5) The stroet, town, city, village, &c. Kequisition made at thik . / w secured. ic P oo ie t ) The tiine at which it is to he removed 2.&)) The nume, «ecupation and place of business (â€") The place wherein is then stored. (1 ) Inc place to which it is to be removed. (7) The conveyance by which the removal is to made, % (}) W hether the duty has been paid, and, if ndt, session of Fixance. m $ â€" Kvery permit shall state the perrod for which 8 HXCELLENCY THE ‘GOVERNORâ€"GENâ€" ERAL TN COUNCIL D‘ THE RECOMMEXDATION oF the Motorable the Minister of Finance, and dor and in virtue of the Tth section of the Act ided th he ) The number and lon of the = in -hk.h the spirite m.l.‘. pack )'l'honuluo-lu-h-nmnlm’uk- ) The quantity, in wine gallons, in each packâ€" and its strougth. ) The eqtivalent in wine gallont of the strength day of Commenl held at the City f Quabed day, the 24th September, 1866 % PKEBENT ; tion with the Warchousing Regulations a l--nthel?lhmmw & W, A. HIMSWORTBH, 1540 Assist, Clerk Executive Council. Vic., Cap, 7, intituled : * An Act to amend i« respesting the Duties HQ + y -h.lvqlhorzv hnx-l:nlrlh =-‘l‘-’:. tr erie very application f ninted fooue, n Come d, and marked A, on n kangg it very permut grante -u"a.!iâ€ol '.L the f=ms shalil be in ¢ ‘o anhesed, and «l illy prepared for th he name of the person or corpuration in ustody it will be drrln. its removal s ery application for -rv-k shall be made nted lorm, in comormity with that hereunto L, and marked A, lllï¬illlb‘ï¬." by the ns aCcot pda ll.m l‘l'.h.l“lh“ by -mu and adopted, that is to say rmile for the removal of Wï¬-':z y whervin they have been manufactu ‘ uny \urtlull.l.'hlfll lbcy“:m i:!‘ or stored, m granted on a a~ he owner of m{h sprrits, or of his dlry'lfl-' agent, :'{ the collector, or the assistant ~ of Inland Revenue, for the Inland Reveâ€" ‘slon in which the spirits then are. ory application for such a permit shail FORMS AND EXPLAXATIONS. «ty thereby imposed on ?l’ll.’ His Excelâ€" Council has hu-r to order, and it ; ordered, that following !Tfll- « permit« for the removal of spirits from lery in which they have been manufacturâ€" «n any warehouse in which they have been r storolâ€"together with the forms and exâ€" o to 6 n + m(:o)-bu-nn ’u of (%) of (9) n the said spirits having been (10) rumt granted shall be on thm «d l-‘y the Department of lulll ..u-‘l. u;-lf.w:lty with the form B sed, and sha Fu w pared for the parpose, with -eh’c‘ym a« may bocapproved by the Minister Noof Permit, Exome Prawit gth of this _ Collestor of Inland Reâ€" venue for the Diviâ€" {84. 11J General No M shall not be i1H No 21 be put on the same footing as dutiable Goode. _ _ Bigned, Wu. K. LEF, C. £. 0. anuary i 1866, » 18 GOVERNMENT HOUSEkâ€"OTTAWA. Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. Â¥ Presext. His Exomuznor vux Avoumastratro® or tux Govâ€" ERXXEXT 1x Couscu. Hll EXCELLENCY was mn‘ to lay before the Council a Report the Commisâ€" sloner of Customs, dated 15th December, 1865, and W.x.thllu. the Minister of Finance, statâ€" ing that authority of chapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., Sec. 24, an Order in Council was passed on 28th April, uu.nmm&ummn« exported ‘to this Province any country, but rtqhtâ€"htlmr another country and unâ€" Bonds shall be,until shall be otherwise ordered, valaed for duty as if such Goods were imported diâ€" Mmfllmw»mlmuu Proâ€" vince," and submitting that it be desirable to extend said Order in Council to ree as well as duâ€" table Goods. mnnunuuu{hcuuu was pleasâ€" ad to order, and it l:ho:.Lmhnd. that free Goods & of real property, for a sum or consideration exceedâ€" uu.m. Thirty Cents. if ? every other deed or instrument, P4/teeh Cente On every search, with or without certificate, Fiv htfl&ow&u:.. l.tlm‘l.)ul: es or visions of Lower Canada, be paid in money, and the amount of such daties received by every Regisâ€" trar. vely, shall be by him ‘mccounted for and over to the Receiver General immediately after the close of every third month, to be reckoned from the said First day of October next. _ and on every search made in such Registry Office on or .n::z.uu day, the follo'h.‘mc res» pectively, that is to say: _ + _ * That on, from and after the FIRST day of 0Câ€" TOBER next, there shall be imposed, levied and sollected on eachisod, _ ment or document reâ€" gistered in ny Registry Office in .i‘;-"_c._m.- and on ovor.;z.mh:zdo in such Registry Office hm.uu' of Canada, in the session thereâ€" .I'u in the ‘.l‘v-ty-m Thirticth years of «* An Act to m a fund towards defraying expenses incurred for matters to the eBiâ€" ciency of the laghtry Laws of Lower Canada." Whereupon Excellency was pleaged to order and it is hereby.ORDEREDâ€" ___" _ + GOVERNMENT ROUSE, Ottawa, 17th August, 1866. . PRrSEXT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCLIL. “l. EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Tarif of Duties to be imposed under the authority of an Act of the son into whose possession it is to be transferred. . | 8] Mus place of business. | |9] «#Paid" or «secured in bond," as the case ma D ! [{0) The nuinber of days which, in the opinion of the officer grantingthe permit, may be necessary ' for the removal. \ [11} The period named for the removal. 12] The Inland Revenue Division into which the # are removed or in which the removal trom one place to another takes place. At _ Conncil held in the Cit Quebec on Monday, the 34th day of Sc',d:/-bc, 1866. PRESEXT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVEKNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL.. | {x, ux nrcommExnation or the Honurable the Minister of Finance, and ndorudhvirnooflhn-luvm:n and conâ€" ferred by the Act 20â€"30 Vie. Cap. 7, His Excellency in Council has In.nrkc‘d to order, and it is hereâ€" by ordered that the following Regulations respectâ€" ing the manufacture of the undermentioned dutiable goods in Bond, be and the same are hereby adopted | «sthat is to say : February 10. As the space it is intended to allot for ad p.rpnumunlu‘iud umu‘zxm“"hm virculation the sheot will obtain, [for it will be MWM’].ME..‘WM sannot be much lower than the following :â€" f For each advertisement, not exceeding ten lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for every extra line. For a square of 22 lines,to stand Vorp twelveâ€" “h.r. i -l‘l al cases, uiv’n’n..uh must I!o_pnpu‘. and an carly transmission is recommended. > _ The will gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a character for publication, bearâ€" Ing on the subject of Immigration, such as letters from actual settlers, showing their progress in the , and out ad ddubbï¬uflz be written as concisely as pt:l_blo. and be free ftrom anything like exag '“Ol o‘:vawul. marriage contract or «donation, (;:’ deed or instrument effecting or evidencâ€" ‘30_‘.":!_'_.:!‘1!'_":!!'9 hypothecation or mortgage this Department, of an cccasional paper, to be callâ€" «d the #CANADA nnuoungfl OAZSTI." which will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffusion of accuâ€" rate and usetul intormation concerning Canada obn“.lhalunhhh‘uduymuï¬nm advantages this sheot '.u.l‘oloru:r‘vuddu medium to land owners, others hav :-bluhuhua;' &thm + much valued by every lï¬:mmmvulfluhuï¬dd mubflupnhmwlu‘uhm in direct communication with the propeftyâ€" .d':bo“mhn the Minister of Agriculture and lmlunnmld-dthumï¬.dn' hvvk t t io io Uien aevativane weif nequnint ment of Mr. W m. Dixon, a gentieman well acq ed with this and the mother country, who will be ed with this and the mother oul:awbo will be yauvmmumm oflhhpm the “Klz‘-.ndllm sanfe under the notice of the emigrant. 4 Arst number will a in the course of month, the second in Am. bfl%‘wflh information to the latest period, to be ed up monthly or quarterly, as may be required. _ > @OVERNMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, Sik, © Quz»zc, 25th January, 1866; â€" ; The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture: and having authorized the Immigtation, having anporined the Publication: b9 Cimoviar No. 175. No. 8. FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOXMS. & s Ottawa, June 6, 1866. 1M, * I have it in command to inform you that His Exâ€" m the Governor General, by an Order in of this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" mew, for a period of one month from date hereof, the Order in Council of the 19th March® hfl.‘ln&. that " Fire Arms and Munitions of War" be importâ€" ed free of duty until the flm.. -w condition that the Importer the of Custom with lists of parties desirous of procuring such arms, and that such parties be known to be nlhblol?nd .tdl, and such privilege shall :thu‘: such {mportations made upon and from . You are hereby authorised to refund the duties already mr Arms and Munitions of W ar imâ€" ported w A porio-it above named. am, Sir, [ _ Your obedient servant, | It, 8. M. BOUCHETTE, The Coliéctor of Customsâ€" 144â€"tf 3. That in addition to the Licenso fee named in l.h‘oxA::l?on elwmm“ to whom .h:lw ufaetu " is granted, shall pay to the (‘ollntort" Inland Revenue, in Mlypl.m 1 o We Fopmen ol t ,....."'"i:'.'..':‘.:"".‘." or yment of / ox) by the D‘hneo‘).cpu!-m :‘::\h effective -rrvhdn of the manufactures carried on under such license, and for taking account of the dutiable articles consumed in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom. And the maximum um to be#o paid by the party aforesaid shall be from time to time ‘doâ€" hmhol by the Minister of Finance, as he may dn-. m.:flï¬dl..‘:nmyuuï¬ih.h lpnm\hbl emagnitud «_ general characâ€" ter of the business urrfl 0n . reuch license. 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" moved from the apartments of the manufactory wherein they are manufactured assoon as the whole nu«- of manufacture is completed, and shallthen rluo‘ in apartments or storeâ€"rooms set apart for that purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the -uurna:‘l.nd by the Excise Bonding Rolflhtiuu Mb&, r in Council, dated the 17th day of :l‘a‘y‘. llc ; and tboymubdlh dealt with, in respect sabsequent o umfl-uol or entry ll:h- consumption, in apeordance with the said Reguâ€" W. A HIMSWORTH, . B45â€"4f ‘ . Asst. C. E. C. 2. That any Bonded manufactory licensed under the above recited Act, may be closed and the License forféited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing that frauds u the Revenue are perpetrated in‘connection witr:.urh manufacâ€" 1. That subject to the provisions of thé Act above eited, to these Ro?hflou. and to such further Reâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made by eo-'yehu authority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture in Bond the articles herein enumerated, viz : Drugsâ€"including Eszences and Extracts, Perfumery , YVinegar, Varnishes, The name and oourulo-hhn of the perâ€" o whose possession it is to be transferred L am, Sir, _ _ Your obedient servent‘ A. C. BUCHANAN, ChiefA 4* WM. H. LEE, 7. When a letter is posted at an offfice after the despatch of the Mail for which it is intended, but on the same day, the Postmaster.should mark it posted too late for the Mail of the;day of which it bears the post mark. 5. Postmasters are reminded that, at every Post Office, a printed or written notice stating the time at which the Mails arrive and close, and the hours for opening the Office in the morning and closing in the evening, should be put up for the information of the public. 6. When letters: are posted without address, or for any other reason, cannot be forwarded by Mail, they are to be sent by first post to the Postmaster General, but before doing so Postmasters should se* that they are postmarked, and that the reason for sending them toithe Postmaster General is written opposite the post mark, either by or with pen Mm‘frbfl'.ï¬#w:: The object of the 7 cent unpaid rate, is to induce preâ€"payment and thereby relieve the Post Ofice from cost and trouble of account and collection, but this object is equally defeated whother the letter be whllyupdd.crbdpï¬hllymfl-udlbuoâ€" fore the 7 cent rate applies to the whole charge upon the letter in both cases. oo In the case of létters to or from the United States, no credit is given for any partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent rateâ€"By the United States Post Office Law, any amount of partial preâ€"payment is torâ€" feited and the letter rated as if wholly unpaid. > Bill, Law and : Registration Stamps, 4. Postmasters intrusted with the sale of Bill, Law, or RegistrationStamps (stamps to be used in Lower Cafada in paying fees on Deedg, &c., in Registry Offices) are required to be careful to keep their accounts and remittances connected with such sales, and the applications for further supplies of such stamps, entirely distinct from their accounts, remit‘ances, and applications in connection with Postage Revenue, Postage Stamps, or Money Order business. 5 Kingdom, s 2, A Packet.of Newspapprs, or of Books, adâ€" dressed to the United Kingdom may be sent regie» tered on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of the same registration charge as on letters for the same destiâ€" nation, namely, 8 cents in addition to the regular Partially Prepaid Letuers. 3. In applying the 7 cent unpaid rate to letiers passing within the Province posted unpaid or not tully prepaidâ€"Postmasters will obserye that ‘a Wpuaduumulmw{u.n mmauhmmuoumuymd â€"or at7 cents per } 0s if posted unpaid, or only partly prepaidâ€"in the latter case the full rate of 7 ots. por j oz.should be marked and a deduction ufade therefrom of the amount which may have been paid â€"thus on an ounce letter prepaid 5 cents onlyâ€"the rate will be 14 cents and crediting the 5 cents paid â€"9 cents will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery. * Letters forwarded by this route can be regustered as far as New York on preâ€"payiment by Postage Stamp of an additional 5 cents per letter, All Letters, Newspapers, &0., forthe above places intended for the New York Route should be adâ€" dressed (via ‘NasYork.) â€" . A Postmagter having letters, &0., so addressed to mail, will mail them for whicherer of the six City Offices above naimed, may best suit the purpose as regards the relative position of his own Office and New York. : Registration of Ne en Cene y Weer Ixorsâ€"Brituhâ€" Babhamas, Nassau, Barbadoes, ’ Demerara, ulbo, Grenada, § Jamaion, . * Nevis, Bt. Kitts, Bt. Lucia, St. Vincent, Wrer Ixpics,â€"Fore! except Cubaâ€"and New Grenads, except } A# ph'dl&,rï¬n-:“ * Nicaraova 4 Gulf of Mexâ€" dner n z lso side JA aboveâ€"named destinations may be forwarded from Canada by way of New York in the Mail« made up daily for that City at the Postâ€"offices of Quebec,; Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and Hamiiton, " Vexztorua Of t‘ho lolmungr rates by CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS. Aca LIT'I‘III. Newspapers, &c., for the aboveâ€"named destination: may be forwarded DEPARTMENT ORDER, AUSTRALIA AND NEW 7EALAND WEST TINDIES, Notiee to Public of Ofice and Mail Iours COUNTRIKES, &o inwall ivia..., ON PREPAYMENT Letters posted without Address, &¢ PO8Tâ€"OFFICE DEPARTMNENT Via New York,. Orraws, 12th Feby., 1867 ; Newspapers, Ne pess and Books for United :im Too late Letters FOR THE 10 34 18 10 34 10 10 10 1 2 â€"‘ 2 p4or 5 p oz 2 p 402 M ward Island,has given notice thata Light IMMMLMMC on the North Point of that Island, in 47°, 3, 46" N., and Longitude 2°.W,9~w. ruu;umu?z feet high , water, and shows a fixed white i;ic. Oitawa, 13th August, 1 . OTICE 18 H BY . GLV THAT N His En.ll:leyt.hn:wm Oo::fl. by an Order n Couneil bearing this day‘s date, has been pleased to order and direct that, with theview ot encouraging the introduction into.the Province of the very important improvement of Steam Cultivaâ€" tion, Steam Ploughing Machines and their appurâ€" tenances be exempt from ‘import duties for a period of two years from this date. f ..By command, R. $. M. BOUCHETTE, | 0B _ Commissioner of Cnstoms and Excise RR&EXT : Pss . HIS8 IXORLLENC\&I‘ï¬B GOVERNORâ€"GEN Eâ€" . RAL IN COUNCIL. > 0l THE RECOMMENXDATION®X oFr the Hon. the Commissionerâ€"of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the eightyâ€"fifth section of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated of Canads, His Exeelloncy in Council ht?* pleased to order, and it 1s hereby wrdered that the following tolls be imposed, levied and coliscted or saw logs and tinber passing down the shdesâ€"at Ranney‘s Falls, Middlo Falls and Bealy‘s Falls, on the works oflb‘d River Trent, that is to say : one cent per saw log. of thirteen feet in length, and a proportionate sum on pieces of greater longth, passing down each of the above mentioned slides respectively. And that the above toll ot one con persaw log be collected and paid for each such slide on all such saw logs, and of one dollar per crib on all such cribs of rquare timber as have passed down the River Trent from the beginning the present season of navigation: / t a Tlll GoOvVERNMENTOF PRINCK ED« M ward Island.has given motice thata Licht Dreartur=tat Orork. + _» FINANCEK DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS. © . Oftawa, June 14th, 1866. * Korick To Marinmins. >~ Lightoâ€"Gulf of St. Lawrence, Prince Edward $ EDWIN F. KING, ‘ t :_ ______ i Postâ€"Office Inspector. | Postâ€"Office u-mu'a Office, _ Montreal, 20th Feby., 1867. z 367dw9â€"t4 â€" ; Printed forms containibg all other information and conditions of the proposed contract may be seen and obtained in blank form at the Postâ€"Ofices of Aylmer and Ottawa. iAl a Council held in the City of Montreal on Sat urday, the Bth day of December, 1866 | PRR&EXT: O _ > ~ ? For the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Io‘fll: for the * term of four years, twise a day, between _ d d re rsed to the Postr AVLMER AND OTTAWA, 1st of April next. FRIDAY, â€"MARCH 15th, 1867 NOTICE is hereby given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not complying with the said Act are iable tothe. ~â€" *.©| t February 23, 1867 The whole as nqnlud’b; the Act 23 Vie., cap 33, see. 11. | > For such ‘iefanlt, as prov | JOHNX tioe of allowing Newspapers or Periodicals to be opened or read, is very reprebensible, and leads to abuses and complaints,â€"even when the ifregularity is alleged to take place with the permission oF the person to whom the Newspaper or Periodical may be addrersed. P #. In Department Order No. 65, dated 24 Nov:, 1863, permission was given for Bookâ€"Manuscrip. and Printers® PFoofs, whether corrected or not, io pass at the pri'l-d matter rate .of one cent un cunce, and it now lppnj to be necessary to explain to Postmasters, that by . Bookâ€"Manuseript, was meant the written sheetsof any Book, and the inâ€" tention was to encounfljo literary productions, by affording facilities for Authors to send and receive such matter to arid from: their publishers by‘ Post. Printers‘ Proofs are the printed impressions taken by a Printer, for correction or examination, of any matter passing through his Press." Under former regulations the written marks correcting such proofs rendered them liable to letter postage when sent by Mail, and the intention of the Department Order referred to was, to relax the rale in favor of such proofe, and aliow| them when corrected, to retain their character as printed matter, and pm«« at printed maiter rates of charge. ~ . _‘ f ~* ~AL.]T LANGEVILX, 267 dw#â€"u | . â€" Phetmasterâ€"Generai, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANLES Not incorporated by any Statute of this Province, have not published the statement of their . Assets and Niabilities s #f Amount of Capital Stock ; * , _‘ Amount paid thergon ; mpt." Nature of Assots ; | Amount of loun-;i R . due and 4|p.id 5 ndjusted II‘M not due, 2. B nu}pe and waiting for turther 8. Postmasters ’éul‘c be careful not to open or read themselves, nor.to guffer to be opened or rea d by any other than the person addressed, any News paper or P.)‘M pasrsings through their Oflices or coming yunir 96«4. for delivery. The prac Toall W hom it May Concern Newspapers for : deli PENALTY 1OMPLAINT having been made that / certain v I 8 B12tt FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS Bookâ€"Manuscript ind Printers Pr» Amount of premiums earned and unearned | â€" during the past year ; . resisted, for what cause : Amount of all oth@r elaims against the copi * [ail Contract. TENDEHRS To commence on the AT NOON, R. 8. l.nouctfl'n. Commissioner of Oust Mtawi, Fobruary 19, 18 W. A. HLMSWORTH, C NInL, prodf ; / T A W A , geter Generaliwill be re ded in the said Act SIMPSON, OF $1.000, A{uusn'n Avptror 367dw9 t not to be read in Pos Avoit Ore vince, | Ottawa, Pebruary Ter Orrawa Tiwzs.â€"Printed and Publishe® every morning, (Sundays excepted) W Grorer Cortox, Proprictor, at the Tn® Steam Printing Works, Xo. 60, BP4 Btreet, in the City of: Otftem®p County COarleton, O.W. ; the 209th year of Her Iujcfl'nl reign, AAMMETTUL " An MW ugainst the introduction s24 T Eo heme n omamd ns phsnd ts in is Excellency in Council has been pleased t 9 der, and it is hbin:;y ordered, that so much of the Order in Council of the 20th day of !‘ouugh& as prohibits the importation or »ntroduction Hor» ses into this Frovince, or into uzrfl of it, by #08» be and the same i« heraby revok W . A. HIMSWORTH, . Sgitt +â€" . Asst. C. E.C. bied, and it | therity of t | ~ 3. Thata HIS EXCELLENCY THE WVWOI#â€â€œ- * , * AL IN/COUNCIL | On the recommendation of the Menorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and under ayd in virtue of the auâ€" given and conferred by the 5th section the 17th r of the Consolidated Statutes of da, His Exseliency was pleasod to order and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the item, « Iron Wire," round or fiat," mentioned in the Schedule 1 of the Act 29th, 20th \w 6, was intended to include, and 1s hereby to extend to and imeludé flat wire for unâ€" covered.* i a | W. A. HIMSWORT } 45tf *~~ _ Assistâ€"C. E/C At a Comncil held at the City of Montreal, on Natur> day, the fird doy of November, 1866 : ¢ s PrEgixt : : 4 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" f AL IN COUNCHL olm recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture, and under and wirâ€" tue o’(.lao nn.bu-h.g:lfcnod by the Act passed is the 29th year of Her Majesty‘s reign, ABUENUE / able, disappear quickly and permanently. In the following Sflu;, these Pills*are the the 1-&.«. and the best remedy ever p and should be at once resorted to : Â¥ e Dyspepsia, or Indigestions Liver \Com» plaints, Constipatio®s Mead #s At a Council held in the City of Quebet, on Monday, 24th September, 1866. 1 PRESENT: * I â€" These Pills are prepared uycpul' to M in harmony with lhaxl ‘r'nust *I ï¬c-d : puribers, ?ub:l;ol.'s SARSAPARILLA, in casos '1;:“-: rom deprared humors, pr im Liood. helpless s,ufl'egerl need not del:;:r. Tinderthe infuâ€" ence of these two GREAT RLMEDIES, maladies Hh:v: herotofore il:ée'n 7cumuï¬od> ut Put $p in Glase Phialb,.and \v.fn-q keep apy climate. J a s The Great.care tor ull Digeases of the LLIVER, STOMACH AaXND»P BOWELs @ENUIN® HOXDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, And is the only true and reliable for Sy philis, evea in its worst fe 3 It is the very best medicine tor cure of all diseases nrising fromâ€"a vitiated or state of the blood, and particutarly so when used in copâ€" And every kind of Scref@lous and Feabions erup * ti!na. ~It is also a sure romedy for _ s.u.f, RHEUM, RIXG . WORM, TETTRR C SCALD UEAD: AND ®CURYEY. By all who are sick, or whyo«rish to prevent sickâ€" ness. â€"It is the only genuine or original preparaâ€" tion for the permanent cure of the most .dungerous and.coofirmed chses of Scrofula, Old Sores, Bolls} *u-on( Abs soosses, Ulcer®y | _ WÂ¥ circulation clogged, and |b:r-' of the body rendered untâ€"aithy by the heftvy and seeretions of the wiuter months. | This safe, q poweric} detergent, cleanses every portion of + system, and shou‘d be ll.ilf guaranteed to be the purest and most powerâ€" { \ ful prepuration of | s TO PREVENT 16e depositing ighs Solls. Manime, lm'l. ther .:.‘...‘. monel n wh:olpronse substances upon the Loes or id Che Waters of the traw s and Hidene l(h‘crq..“-“:':' Camale ae e ttf anll au l o EOE fender ; a: Bicted for distress for such offen Certified w . 8 A 12 2. That bach and every on gulty of dny 'qn:’rnr-l'\‘m or mch provisions of th\\l‘-y» aw, shall, 1 thereof, before the Porrex Core+ pUNING KHLE SPRING ANDSUMMER a FINE of not ies Than TWO DOLL more than FIFTY DOLLARsS, togétber cost s m.msomlim. to. be an and levi tress‘ sale of the #oods n nthele , Y PHE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD P I L .. Byâ€"Law No. 243 245tf (Vegetable)" Sugarâ€"Coated IHEN THE BLOOD IS THICK, THE of QOtfay Is particulerly recoammended for use IT EXACTED ty SED DAILY AS A DIET DRINK, %& IN GUART BOTTLES 1 DNE DaÂ¥A; unless sue under the tawa, this D. 1867; BRISTOLS nmd Piles» _ tm | /Arow, 1@hYe, deposit, of ) 44 thrown, ‘.dr. deposited, or c permit bis or her servant, of , leave, dq»ut":’ï¬rm any it soil, cartion, ‘meat, or y animal, or freeh or desscas h fine ‘and eost« be sooner paid. _Corporate Seal of the m Eightcenth day of February, A ronm who .shall be t brench <of ‘anly of the ; shall, urm conviction : CouRT, ferfeit and pay 1 TWO DOLLARS, mor hests oh. 3 any artion, mir:.:“. +A 1, or freeh or decayed lirt, filth, or Tubbish of : of, or in the waters of Rivers, or on the ice of ide an Canal, within the llmll;.' 0};; City THE CORPor»â€" a, in Council Assemâ€" and ordrined by auâ€" 15e with the .; U myoak | seal to receive u. enyoys f published in nily over wuking a 18,000 1 a$ording the vertise in. _ Aoviemeie tollowing rate Business Card Ali subseque Yearly ad KA Orees Qttawa, C. W 4 liberal Sceorge Col Odice : Elgi ArcxaxpRR uttawa, Jaly : R Alvmun! Co,, b4, Fark (@©tta siin~~pM Iransient Ady *L (MMMMNpGlocea OtinwaL Febranry Jitawa, January 21, gay entrust uit in and f 1 40 A‘l‘ 1OR 3 ©Chancer Qrmor: Un <qhruary 21, Orricr: A Huawa, Jan. #* Public, urri0r: Po E. 8. Have ebruary 7, 1 Ae office at PNC . JoHu ‘TTOII ~"Chameer raer of hass Ixttawas Bo UPPICES : Uttawa, Ottawa, F d Elgin ~HE DAJ W . M V C)] ; At TEOR Chance o# TTOR DvOC DvOC. ney s â€"mi L4B) HAY WwI