"l. TRUOT arvo LGi% coxurayy JP UPPER 2OA NCADA hats tunds for invost« mént on he seswrity of dratâ€"ol town, and. farm proparty, and are also prepared to purthase good _ The sate of interest on loans is 8 per cent. No commission charsed, and or reduced. The lowas are usually for Imu 'b.u u:lbo mu‘d’ 10 . Jw â€" lustal ments, m.:l.bg m-: * beipmimeninr unmurenicaiied extrinls A ; of the current miyney of our said province, will be ulge®nâ€"nites paid to any person or persons, not being the getual Referring *o the above #o # ctiully to R teafier our o:t thanks for the ITh‘Ov..I.'-':pynrl’.l' ofender or "““"t who will give such informaâ€" rv‘mma at the hauds of the pablic of rrawa, and | on as will lead to the discovery, apprehension and ave. . s®mon to hops by a dillzgnt sttention to the | gonviction of the perpetrator or perpettators of the wauss of our custougre to merit h still larger shart | ,g, «bove descrited. af their patronage. . Our stock _ J R Is Trurmoxy Wurssor, we have caused Gents‘ and You Outfitting ! these our Letters to be made Patent, and AND #ANCY DS, the Groat Seal of our said province of w'.,...m.... ully intite a ,Cuv:.::o hereunto afized : Wiryzas, OQur and Wellâ€"Belored Sta Joux f THOMAS BEAMENT & Co., i\ m * C parks Streat. | Mioum,, K. C B., Administrator of the Ottaws, Janakry 4, 1=67. . . 30y \ Government of our province of Canads, Ne fofeefo®nitactâ€"afa m and Liontenagt: General Commanding our BOOKS ON AGRICU RE, &e. : @urdening for ProGt . Bregk‘s New Book of Flowers. Bee Keeping. hy Qhinby. The Fruit Garden, by Rivers. The Ametican Horticultural Annual, for 1867.. The ican Agricultura‘ Annual, for 1867. . 3 * Ot‘awa, November ‘"Wl-â€"'uAll. # @4 * aad Cstuaates 0f Buiidiage od accounts of Acdincare‘ work m * AlluUstUs | e lame Steut & lLower, Arc % s Dopart ue THE BARGAIN3 will until first day of Ma» ‘next, when * Musers. J. G. MeLACHLIN & CO Will carry on the business at[No. 12, as usual. SZBH" See Circulars.â€"ONLY OXE PRICLKL "CA * 0. M. PRESTONX. ° Ottaws, January 2, 1847 AND #®ANCY ps :‘:ll very complete, and we * THOMAS BEAMENT & ( A deposit of 810 re prired with e« sh application hmhhv 'w..k. appl ::lfu 8:‘-'--,'1 Office in lhr-. ta | .: J. ux'i'.wms CPUEKRSON, T.I'lotll sTOCK able Goods, at both my stc No. 14 and also No« 93, | Can now be had IN LOTS TO EKS, at cost price for cash. . _ Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1867 3 Sormta" and Linborers‘ Ftogiszsiry #Moo ! l!;n.lld‘ll! havi admitt oc % RNE B oA xN l“u.'w(u"n ie tits will be carried on gnder the styie and firm of THO3. BEAMENT & CD. C [Hus |SEKAMENT, Separaie Tenders to bo gi and to be addressed to the « dorsed respectively * Tender «* Tender for Coal vil," and * of Light Moase sapplies." M“.H must give t dress in fuil, -3;. -i;n‘u-n m willing to become au of the contract. The be bound to accept the lowest « Ottaws, March 12. NOTICUE to the PUBLIC : Ten per C Of the Capitas stoew ot the sai call they require the holders of to the undersigned at the oilice S0N, E3Q., in the City of O« & Secretary had Treasurer, Ottawa and G Road Company. . Orric« Hovas from i0 to 12 4 m., and trom#2 to 4 p. o. | 3Tutd be nv!m TO DEA/TH ;* a NoveL « flw;" by author of " Theo. Leigh," &0. * " by author of " Strathâ€" more."" = The Last W arning ;" by Dr. Cumâ€" mings â€"The Gestie Life, ist antl ind series. The Volunteer‘s,Active Service Magual, by Major Dix on. \ A Geological M«p of the¢ Madoc Go)i Rog ions, by White. Oliver & d‘s Almgnae, for 1867, . The Nantical Almanac, for 1867. _ Vietoria Torrace, JMawa, January 26. Department of Puo w ajpqrks, “OTI(‘l 19 HERL BY 1 W the Directors of the vits Read Company have this day a ‘l:: casks of oil, arnd 44. tons respective Ligkthouse stat River 3t Lawrence and inl on Lakes St. Louis, 3t. Fram rence between Brockville au Ontagio, Krie, 8t Clair and Goorgian Bay. Works u-dnLlnn!..- Vessel f annual Lighthouse supplies, A bulk sum to be named for this servide. Ary further intor tained on application at this off Ottawa and Glow ON . IXHU H=DA YX . The vessel will be allewed to provided it does not interfere w ory of the Stores. > ~A:.â€"duk~ will also> ‘from this !b&d:::th vessel wi receive and transport trom any such Stores as the supe may direct. 1j next as may be specilied in th Tenders will miso be receiv for ilou'ï¬; of 1200 Gallon of nenâ€"explosive COAL OiL ironâ€"bound casks coataining each, subject ty ifl.fliu an ance, and to bei vered at at the time above stated at M« tlowhl:.l; be jurnished containing gailons each, to be delivered at the Cont wharf, near the Lachine Can and on such day on of abuut next as may be specified in th eneâ€"third of whioh -nh trom head mat will stamd limpod at Fahfonheit, aud twoâ€"thirds at 44® subject t) inspection betore acceptance, and if reqgirea, to be The crew of the ressel must f‘the Stores. t Dated this Twenty sixth day jof February,.1387 * W. H. FALL * Ottawa, 8t¢ Murch, 1367 SEALED TENDERS will STEAM VESSEL The Latest il4 Books. RETIRING : ots, Shoes & Rubbers, AT CRANK‘!Ss NEWSs DEPOT, Kor sale by The 28th day of March next. AT COST, FOTR The new Diamond Eilition: of Dickens Money to Loan, e, in each case, io and their cost. inct CoOMEPA » order NUOTLC # JOHN DURIE & SON, 1 Streot, Opposite Russell House « 314y > Bi $6, Sparks Stree |20 Sparks street d Lake® r the delivery of th ACPIHERSON, 1 King Auron," t:ny other froight the pooper duliv lor each service, eraigned, and en« for sperm (il L.‘nlr:‘dolhm i required on bowr rtmont in charge « also be required t GIVEX, THAY ra and Hlouce to: i Company, which LCLFICA PiQ X» f propared ; disput masuged and valaed friiter, Otta wa 3404 ciart. lidean=street s SUIT PURCHASâ€" > station to ancther ntenuent in .charge of two ree ible on for the dne fule ppartment will not uny Tender. ester Road wdo a turthor call of he rmanco < l‘l:‘un be ob WANTED. € other art ns, situate eir names and adâ€" f W. M. MA PHE CASH. AT OF SsEASON«= AV BA SECWET A wy w10â€"12i Lia ke n th th | Boanplw..-lns. REYNOLD8, «THE | d oi on en namaigs | ;‘.hmdtoncâ€"-dmuh% WV of the cightsenth day of January, now last past, or thereabouts, the office of William H. Campâ€" veli, the Qeputy Clerk of the Crown ana Distribuâ€" tor of Law Stamps in the town of Brockville. in and fyr the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville in our province of Canada,~(the said ofice then being in the Court Wouse of the said United Counâ€" tins,) was glandestinely entered by some ovil disâ€" | jed person or parsons, and a quantity of Law stumps, of a large value, as well as a sum oi money, then and there being, were then and there (eloniously stolen, taken and carried away : Now | know yo, that By Command, T wo Mandcred Dollars iâ€" hereby ordered that subject to the provisions of ihe said Act, to the conditions, reguiations and resâ€" trictiong estabiished and imposed by the Order in Council of the 24th day of september, 1866, and to such further regulations as may hereafter be made by competent authority, Liseuses may be granted to manufacture in Bond, the undermentioned arâ€" tnho.llu/hlouy: AcétioAsid, Tok" " . Acetic Ether, © , Batvrie * They have made Arrangements to do so at a small cost per burner, |and without injuring the Gas Burner or C d irei Having altered 4 or 5 dozen, during past week, whigh gire .“,‘-â€â€™rf':flh. in all cases, they can with conidence recommend this change. s In came gontaining Five Gallons; and Chimneys by the dozen very low. . « GovERxMExT HOUSE, * Orcawa, 20th Fubruary, 1867. Puzssgwr : l Us EXCELLENCY THE ADMINXISTRAâ€" Tok OF THE GOYERNXMEXT IN CoOUxCIL. + 0! the recommendation of the Honor= wble the Acting Minister 0‘ Finance and unâ€" der and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" fopred by the Act 20, 30 Vic., Cap. T, His Excelâ€" ency in Council has been pleased to order, and it “7: have appoilnted Mr. J. LEALIE, Sparks Stroot, sole for sale of above Watches, and cantion the ic against being im posed wpen b‘ Watches marked «* Makers to the Queen," but which are not manufactured bxo-. THC MAS RUSSELL & sSON, 37 ots. per Gallon. Provino® or CasaDa, de., de., To all to whom these presents shall come, or whoth the same may conceruâ€" e yrf May 31, 1866 'l‘“l SUBSCRIBE R® to inform the public that having been applied to b‘ a large number of the citizens of Ottawa to have Pennsylivania Rock Oll Which stands unrivalled, supplied in any quantity BEACH & CO., 62 Street. Ottawa, January 28, 1807. m-ï¬ lae J, MICHEL. VICTORLIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, WV GAS PIXTUBBS CHANGED ! GAS SUPERSEDED ! tf [ Or 0 P Nitroug .« ; Sulphuric« . Chloroform « Collodian « Hofmian‘s Anodyne, Podophytlin, Lip Tandrin, e Spirits Ammonia Aromatie, Compound Spirits of Lavender, Cordials, w Bitters, | f : Ayrups, w Com of Brandies, p Gin (’-«Mfldd‘h) other Gin and Scotch and [rish Whiskeys, Proprictary proparations, Patont Medicines, Do | do of Juniper, Medicinal Tinctures of all kinds, Pharmaceutieal Preparations, Auline Dyes, $ Hair Oils, . Hair Washes, Powders. s Resinoids, S mt e td %0 : FUEREAS, DURIYOG THE aGHT A. RBE W AECLD ce w EIGUTH day of FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord, one thonsaad sight hun» dred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtisth year of our Reign, therein, &6., &0 , &s. sar Go#â€" K:u NHouse, in our CLTY dt:flA'A. NOTICE. WILL BE SUPPLIED AT #0 A8 To U8® Cletk Executive Council T , OIL. E. A. MEREDITH, 0# Wy. H. LEE, Whereupon, and on the recommendation of th Monormbie the Acting Minister of Finaneo and un der the provisions of the seventoenth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, gad it is hereby ordered that way flour or meal, or cd,a produce of any wheat or grain grown in and taken out ot this Province into the Unite® States to be ground, and brought back into this Provinee within one week after such wheat or grain has been #o taken out to be ground, shall be, and the same is horeby ex« empted trom the payment of Customs dutivs ; proâ€" vided always that such grain be (irst duly reported outwards at the nearest Custom House before exâ€" portation for the special purpose horein reforred to, and that the identity of the flou: or meal, the proâ€" duce thereof, be sworn to on its importation into this Province. .1 wondertid cures of palmonary: “â€"â€"&;â€" made is | . [ °P ICTTDITTY T AETONOE Of mUEg Uplhe Diauks | Musscy iL i aC a / WintPink io cmilins. 2t Fien pei cures W iD tus targs | inthe lorm soy IL E. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in â€" _ | sendingthem to the Postmaster General it written a I h i 'z- Ar even *‘m ‘ ‘ll ! mï¬ unce as "The Steamer “(')gt.'.‘ Feb. 5, 1987. { 1 u them. t â€"R*Mvm"mhnmm‘;: y belonging to A B," as | .. aitee 33054# t subte and disorders of the throat and lung® 2) The warshouse or other iss d s i oal T. Lette € Ententounantuamsmeus dletremonceqeict rBicpi)| A : | o arebi t ; paminersume=nn Lugus o soee remaaka . , Money to Lend _ | n neweriieplametiate at mas tb o Sn ind the, * / o o4 io whick the are to be re. | & THOPERATE Rnares on rirsr. despatch of the Mail for which it is intended, but -: "“-...-N | «6 ;:rlm ei spirite reâ€" [ &7 "cuss CITY or FARM PROPERTY, Ap. on the same day, the Postmaster should mark it Prepared by Dr.J M.‘! naned .:-†'d_“u t i , k. | opposite the mark, either by stam M?lm and â€" Ekinner -Ou‘:'n'. "ï¬ 'g"..'....?.'.’.. .“l m::“ s | * ..‘::’0’ -‘:mï¬.n..::' | and ink 1‘1":1..-' ..Mb{hu g:"' m% 6] is _ ++ , Baildings, Ottawa. posted too late for the Mail of which Prbruary 16th, 1867 443w909 besipess. Ottaw uul.nn.W' Ml4L, lbuinh’a-ut. C .'n- _ _of the Dissase,. . Permit granted at y b.“-dflhb“ ‘ t r.w W-QMTE' day of itt unrivailed excellenc« .4:‘ calds, and its truly Explanation of the Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, attacked. â€" 1 think ita wonudertal medicine. J. FKEAM. Juies Y. Getchel}, of 8t. Louis, writes: "I have W#n afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which m-r-n-». 1 tried every thing, and every thing failed M-:-‘lhnm-bun@--mu for some from no other cause than derungement of hg’g the Mey, Mr. Hapy, ady ised to he said he knew yob, Shd any thing you made wis worth trying. y the bless ape Weart Discase, Fits, Epile t :;.hhohmloly. lcml.h’ ®* Many remarkable cures of these affections have beca made by the alterative power of this medicine. . 1t stimaâ€" lates the vital wwm.u-l thus overcomes diserders which would be supposed beyond its reach. | Buch a remedy has long been required by the ns cessities of the people, and we are conddent that this will . do for them all that medicine can do. ..?oo:'nmh'dthh\m (od'lllufl) im same proportion on of greate *d-&-“urrqun thin, ber; and that the above toll of one cent be collecte: --‘lo-bp.u‘mdonunnnmhflm clq-olhhvuhn.cnddonm weo Trent from the opening of the present season of na vigation. W. H. L&E, and any made was worth . he biass h‘mc-d -':-u-"-’.":.mz'-,wa as to make a new man of me. 1 fel young again. The MM-h-ï¬ldph-‘hllpdnm' A varlety have been reported to here the use of this remedy, bat our space bere will not admit thear -dmufld in our T'..m. “â€hd*wtfl.‘. C C the Kiver Trent, vis Â¥raternally yours, _ G. Y. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Iyvavempesce, Co,, Â¥a.. h July, 1+30. Dn.J. C. Ares: lh.ml-n aitticted -n'a. a palnâ€" Nc?rh“.hth.ho.vlflhl«nh skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies 1 could find, until 1 tried your Sarvaparilia. One bottle.cured me in two weeks, and restored my general hfl_lp.,qllh‘l-ï¬l*vhh‘nlw UZ Honorable the Commissioner of Public W orks, and under the authority ot the Consolidated statute» of Canada, 22 Vistoria, chapter 28, section 8), I1> Excellency is pleased to order, and it is hereby or dered that the followih¢ Tolls be imposed on Naw m‘lm&o, &6., passing down the slides at Chis l# sdameay‘s Falls, Middle Fails Healy‘s Falls and Crooks Rapids, on the works o -nnblh-l-nun.h-‘::dnul-ndw in ber and #ho, too, was cured by your In a fow weeks. 1 know from ie formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from mhc-m, must bew great remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable results GovERNMEXT HOUSE, Ottewa, Tuesday, Mth Augist, 168. y PaK®EXT : H1% EXCELLEXNCY THE GOYVERNOoR GFENE. , RAL IN COUNCIL «1XÂ¥ THE RECOMMENDATION 07 the De. J.C. Aria: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with the veâ€" ’m-l,u-l'ul.n‘ to you some of the clorts have realized with Ma. # lhnc-c‘“lch my praftice, most of the comâ€" plunts for which it is recommended. and have fund its ofhvets truly wonderful in the eure of Vemerval ons Aerâ€" curial Digease, . One of my pationts had Syphilitic ulcers in bis throat, which were consuming his palste and the top of his mouth,. Your Sarsapariila, steadily taken, cured hiy in five weeks. Another was attacked by secâ€" endary in his nose. and the ulsuration had Edh.nlhnbun-u- wen reach his braie and kill him. But it to my administration of your Zarsaparilia; the wlcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. _A woman who had been treated for the â€"-“w--lmq t-l&r.hl-h-. had Locome so senâ€" sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ox« no sympto® of the discase remalug" .. _ _ _ _ Oyphilis and Merourial Disease i hï¬ _ New Onunurs, 2th Angeâ€"t, 1 wath i tlee of your Sursuparilia cured me from a Goilre==a lidâ€" sous swelling on the peck, which 1 had suffered from over two yoars." Lencorrhen -“Wh. Tumeor, Uterine Ulcersation, le Discases. And for the speedy cure of the following complaints : ln‘_.h.ui:'rhhumnou‘.:-rh ma w cors, bores, Eru 0 0# , Pt-:n. Pustules, lllololu..lou-. Wains, and all Skin Discases. Ongray», lnd., 6th June, 183. * J. €. Anlluc-\ Om l::y duty to ac« nowlelge w your done for me. Having inherited a Scrofuluas infection, 1 have suftered from it io various ways for years. * BumeUines it burst out in Uleers on haods and arms; cometimeb it turned laward and we at the stomach. Two years ago it brake out on and covered my scaip and care with one sore. w w t and leathsome beyoud duscription. 1 and several but without much agy thisg. In i en en nren ie cfare an alterative (Sarsmpartia) for 1 Im: yuvrh:':v tion that any lbmlyu-‘- must be good. 1 sent to Cincinuati and got it, and used it till it eured me. 1 took Dr. J B. 8. Channing, of New York City, writes ; =I 'lhay-fmh h“’m n“" on imap most excellent lll-v..ni..: --.-.. r:d-l:'l--v -l-:h we en pl & e im Pmale Diseas 7 the enaammendinlhems J mare cared many Inteter ate exses of Lencorrhom by it, and some whore the comâ€" N-uu:.-liy“dlhmo. The whesâ€" farked was soon cured, Nothing within my know i« edge equals it for these female derasgements." â€" _ gerous cearian tumor on one of the females in my fumily. ".."‘..'.‘.‘......‘:'..3.' c-dl-g" n Feriract of ty . at y your Extract of Barâ€" smpariiia, Our physician thought nothing but exil tlon coubd "!v.vlh( but he advised the frial of )'.r; Sursaparilia a* the last resort before cutting, and it :-d*tg.“lln 'pll_gmlo-ly clght weeks it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles, + New and bealthy skin sion began to form under the scab, which after a while fil off. _ My skin is now clear, and 1 know by my mun\-ku:-lh--’m. You can well beliove that 1 feel what 1 am saying when I toil you, that I hoit you to be one of the apustles of the ago, and reroain ever gratefuily. _ Yours, Sept., l.lml:u he has cured an inveterate caso of Drepay, w wsm%«n m-flmmm-ï¬o. mam Erysipelas by large doses of the same; says he cnres the common Zruptions by it constantly. * equals it for these female derniige ullyâ€".dlm._kl:_':r;m*-_h-tm AYER’E_S Sarsaparilla " F% a ALFRED B. TALLEY, 8t. Anthony‘s Pire, Rose or Erystpela Bronchocele, Goitre or Swellod Nock, . Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writek : " Three bot t. Anthony‘s Pire, Rose or I:rolr.-ln. Tetter and Sait Kheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, bto’-y. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Balem, N. Y., 12th FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Cancer Tumers, Enlargement, flen, Caries nad ‘Exfelletion of W , A. HIMSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C nt Come FHHK <OTTAWA CIMHBS,, MARCH i8#,. 1867 (#) Phe number and description of ages in which the spirite are cont ained. (») The marks and numbers on each o a gos. (e) The quantity, in wine gallons, in « uge and its strength. ((:l) The equivalent in wine gallons of t +) The place wherein is then stored The place to which 1t is to be rem ;‘I‘N conveyance by which the 1e be made, § (4) W hether the duty has beea paid, how socured. (i) The time at which it is to be reino (L'l'h name, «ceupatibn and place « of the owner, (4) The name, place of busine:s and PKES ENT : $ ‘ms EXCELLENCY THUE GOVERNORâ€"GENâ€" I ERAL IN COUNCIL | 0.1 THE RECOMMEAXDATION OF t the Honorable the Minister of Finance. and h‘x:h-ï¬; J‘LS of fllin he manner im t binnks to the provediag Form A: _ _ * 10) Here state whether the has been paid, '(-J&clhaplrlh are n-o::?u.;or n-P:v-l late and no lnfn.ul on or before harlfi- hdlbuld.Lu days, it is to be deliverâ€" @4 into the ha the Collector or Assistant Colâ€" ector of Inland Revénue, for the Inland Revenue Jvision of [12] ot and cancellod 0y (e Snd plate io psk in full oY of business * o7 fom residence aud piace . («36, Craig street, Monlrent." (3) * Owner" or « Agent for [A B) the owner," is the case may be. 1( an agent, then a written wuthority to act as such imust be lodged with the licer before the Permit is granted, stating the 1ame, residence, and occupation of uch owner. (4) The Warchouse, or other locality, wherein he spirit then is, as " The Warchouse attached to I.?!)hg!",h"“! of residence ue «t (§ (%4 teofk * + ./‘ y tht t .l;c(n)uhdnll'n ’mgz .aazession of (8) of (9) mqvquummnvg‘mao) he flu-nv of C D," or © Bopding Warchouse D & Prescott," or " The store of J k," as the case may »scrounte annexed, and sholl be juinted on paper «pecially propared for the parpose, with «uh ty pe t engravings as may be approved by the Minister s ‘:'“',«-u sh b . Every all state the period fur which t is to remain in foree, which |-'~|'i... thall not be nore than will, hch.:’n-h-unu offfce. rranting t, be sufficient tor efecting the removas of the .-'.rl‘;‘h.' which kr:htu. s & 4 rr-k-‘uu«n ny the sprits to shigh it relates, and remain ln'::oyroumru of the erson having ehmthnnl. but it shall be poo« inced n:.â€'m.hm as oftemn m N‘h"qlihml »y an a authority and it sha 1 od‘o‘{mfl to the collector, or assistant collcstor, { Ioland Revenue for the Inland Revenue D.\ ision "‘""‘.".‘."..3""‘ are to be removed, or whorein hey are from one place to anothss, within he period mentioned in the permil. _ _ . . T. Every endorsation of the examination of any sermit shall be made on the back thereo{, and every «ermit shall be defaced .b’ m\.{u‘. word « canâ€" elled " across the face of it, on the expiration of he period for which it has been granted. k jll! To be signed by the person making he roâ€" l Excist. Requuntion for a Permit. L, (1) , of :2“ (:;L nh-mhndvyi , require permission to emove the same between the date hereof and the l k y« â€" Ameo _ _ 'l.' Vermits ï¬ï¬m h:..uufl r-;ht:o ;omunl unleas # in w theyâ€" are -m hare Nor-:‘r:od and numbered in onnection with the Warehousing Regulations apâ€" soved on the 17th March, 1865 l ‘this _ Collector of Inland Reâ€" | day of venue for the Diviâ€" 188 â€". tiom + Md‘m-_â€".dfluq-p:h blauke | ('; The time at which it is to be removed. () The name, «eeupatibn and place ‘of business ( the owner, ‘(‘:).ho u-n“:';ul:::l business ‘;:-l cecupation w splrits aroto m ons name or m in hose custody it wiil bodrï¬'::lh nm“'c:ltu & Every application for ‘d-a-u shall be made a a printed form, in comormity with that‘ hereunto nnexed, and marked A, and shall be signod by the ul Aivecy porie ad shall be on th éd 4. Every t grantad s : on the print rens wu .p!!od by the‘ Department of Finance, ho th m'mn shail L in r-vrutv.nh_v with the form B Cekip Jw .. ... ).. c« > * is «) The number and description of t l(ï¬)h which Ih:?pll'm are am’l‘.ille-l. (») The marks and numbers on each of t (1) Name and cccupation in full of the person P the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and wler and in virtue of the Tth section of the Act +â€"30 Vie., Cap, 7, intituled : * An . Act: to amend e Acts respecting the Dutics of i;u'ut.: awhd to alâ€" r the duty thereby imposed on spirits," His Excelâ€" ney in Council bas bknl&uoqrtn order, and it hereby ordered, that tullowing regulations specting permits for the removal of spirits trom « Distillety in which they have been manufacturâ€" , or from any warehouse in which they have been imded wuudâ€"wguhh::h:hh the forms and exâ€" «nations accompan same,be,and the same e hereby um':n-{ and Mopï¬d. that is to say 1. Permits tor the removal of sprrits trom rn:{ istillery whervin they have ba-- manufactared, from any warchouse whereid they have been amided or stored, may be granted on "the l‘»plkl- m of the owner of such spirits, or of his duly auâ€" orised agent, by the collector, or the assistant lle Requisition made at ) [84. 11] *) The place where! ) The place to whi ) The convey ance + made, (4) W hether the dut FORMS AND EXPLANATIONS No of Permit, Excrse Prewit _ W, A, RIMSWORTH, Assist. Clerk Exocative Comncil U 30000 NT B e gallons of the gall General No Local No I Tlll CANADIAN PALN DESTROYER HaA. 1 now been before the public for & length of | tme, and whenover used is well liked, never tailing | in a single instance to gln permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single ease of dissatis{action where the diréctions are proâ€" porly followed ; but on the Mlnr‘. all are dol Iodvilh its operations, and speak in the highes | torms of its virtues aad magical efects. h We u;uk from experience in this matter, having | tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are ‘ saffering frowm any Of the complaints for which it is recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" | reign Remedy. ‘tCAaADIAX PaIN dEsT20NEA ! | Among the most important of modern Medi¢a) Disâ€" ! 4 . Coveries stands the * So by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W Mussoy L Â¥. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in taw a. â€" commended, and its wonderful iir;‘;n;ï¬;&{f: the ing pains of Rhoumatism, ev Nervous uo'«t‘wu,nï¬uok to a high rank in the list of Remedics for these complaints. Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country f:l’ further supplies, and each testifying as country for Turther sapplies, and eact to the universal satisfaction it gives, The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers keep i Physicians order and use hi and no family 'ln -m;-'; it after e.:o“ troy.lz t. § ce twenty â€"( bottle. NOR‘HIJJ;’ & LYMAX, Newcastle, C. W., Lo d sc S to _ General Agents for C. W Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel ,.__ Complaints, Barns, Scaids, ; Frost dites,. &0., &c. , The uunbl:l‘nj elicacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing discases for which it 1s reâ€" ; Proprictors for the Canadas. PMCE TWEXNTYâ€"PAÂ¥E CExts. Sold by (Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey,; Henry E. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in OUE m ns s f JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, _ New York L. Newcastle, C. W. Fold b{ï¬)eufpllfllfl. John Roberts, W. M. Massey, II. F. MeCarthy, and Joséph Skinner, in Uttawa. 108 ds Ottawa Feb. 5,1867. * 350dwém PLLMOMU WAFBERS! %,. That in addition to the Licenge fee named in ihe Att above cited, every person to whont a * Bondâ€" el ManulCacturing Ii4cense " is granted, shall pay t athe Collector «i Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" stalments, such sums of money as shall be sufticient lor the payment of the expenses incurred bry the Finance Ibopnmuent for the effective -u,nryil on of the manufactures carried on under such license, and for taking account of the dutiable articles consumed in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom. And the maxiimum sam to beso paid by the party aforesaid shall be from time to tiume deâ€" mmin«{ by the Minister of Finance, as he may deem necessary, and shall, as nearly as may be, be in proportion to Ihcmofnitml «_ geperal characâ€" tor of the business carried o n isuch license. 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" moved from the spartments of the mavufactory wherein they are manufactured as soon as the whole trw“‘ of manufactureis completed, and shall then e placed in apartiments or storeâ€"rooms set apart for that purpost, where}n they «hall be bonded in the manuerrequired by the Exciso Bonding Regulations made by Urder in Council, duted the 17th day of May, 1865; and they shall be dealt with, in respect of their subsequent removal, exportation or entry f« consuinption, in necordance with the said Reguâ€" for the removal. _ __â€" _ "* hy o% 11} The period named for the removal. « 12] The Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are removed or in which the removal trom one place to another takes place. [ la /RMUIE ORIGINAL MEDICINE E8STAR»« [10] The number of days which, in the opinion of d;‘o ulogrflgl:lnuu‘lha permit, may be necessary may be lad B lished in 1837 ver introduced un Woarers," in this or At Ottawa, Fob. 5, 1867 [ [7] The name and occupation in full of the CLIEF IN TEX â€" MINGTES. if lished in 1837, and first article of the kind introduced under the nawe of '-om’e er#," in this or any other countr other nonic Wafers are cotiterfet® *hl genuine be known by the name BRY AN being stamped wat subject to the provisions of the Act above o these Kegulations, ahd to such further Reâ€" ns, as may horeafter be made by competent ty, Lacenses may bo granted to manufacture i the articles herein enumerated, viz : ugsâ€"including Essences and Extracts, WAFR hyld in the City « od, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" Minister of Finance that thero is just ving Ihltfl‘;llldl :rm the Revenue d in connection with such manufacâ€" NXORTHUROP & LYMAN, BRY NORTHUROP & LYMAN, __ Nawcasm®, C.W., W,. A HIMSWORTH, Asst. C. E 1 manufactory licensed under t, may be closed aud the A N: f Quebee on Monday, mber, 1866. ty & 350dw6m Letters posted without Address, &c. 1 6. When letters are posted without address, or for any other reason, cannot be forwarded by Mail, they are to be sent by first post to the Postmaster General, but before doing so Postmasters should se* that they are postmarked, and that the reason for sending them to the Postmaster General is written upon them. 5. Postmasters are reminded that, at every Post Oflice, a printed or writteq notice stating the time at which the Mails arrive and close, and the hours for apening the Oflice in the morning and closing in the evening, should be put up for the information of the public. }f 4 ~ Bill, Law and Registration Stamps. 4. Postmasters intrusted with the sale of Bill, Law, or Registration Stamps (stamps to be used in Lower Canads in paying fees on Deeds, &c., in Registry Ollices) are required to be careful to keep their accounts and remittances connected with such sales, and the app{@eations for further supplies of such stamps, entifely disuinct from their accdunts, remit‘ances, and applications in comnection with Postage Revenae, Postage Stamps, or Money Order business. s The object of the T cent unpaid rate, is to induce preâ€"payment and thereby relieve the Post Office from cost and trouble of account and collection, but this object isequally defeated whether the letter be wholly unpaid, or but partially prepaidâ€"and thereâ€" fore the 7 cent rate applies to the whole chlmp upon the letter in both cases. In the case of letters to or from the United States, no credit is given for any partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent rateâ€"By the United States Post Office Law, any ‘amount of partial preâ€"payment is torâ€" feited and the letter rated as if wholly unpaid. C _ Partially Prepaid Letters. 3. In applying the 7 cent unpaid rate to letrers passing within the Province posted‘ unpaid or not tully‘ prepaidâ€"Postmasters will obserre that a letter passes cither as prepaid at 5 cents per $ oz., on condition that the whole postage due be fully prepaid â€"or at7.cents per $ oz. if posted unpaid, or only partly prepaidâ€"in the latter case the full rate of 7 ots. per { oz.should be marked and a deduction made therefrom of the amount which may have been paid â€"thus on an ounce letter prepaid 5 conts onlyâ€"the rate wiil be 14 cents and crediting the 5 cents paid â€"9 cents will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery. * o Registration of .\'ercpapen and Books jo" United * Kingdom. 2. A Pucket of Newspapers, or ‘of Books, ad; dresseq to the United Kingdom may be sent regisâ€" tered on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of the same registration charge as on letters for the s desti. nation, namely, 8 conts in addition to the regular postage.:: °_ =.â€" . =â€"~. _ ON PREPAYMEN Letters forwarded by this route can be registered as far as New York on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of an additional 5 cents per letter. All Lettors, Newspapers, &¢., for the abore places intended for the New York Route should be adâ€" dressed (via New York.) . | Do, ria n:;n.‘..‘.......‘ e ayra / | Vaszusua 3 P. Cabetio $ West Ixonsâ€"Britushâ€" Babamas, Nassau, : Barbadoes, | Demerara, j Dominica, | Eesequibo, | Grenada, | Jamaica, l Nevis, ‘ 8t. Kitts, | Bt. Lucia, . > | ;c.bVlncont, 3 | 0 » ‘l'rinmd, ; Wesr Imm.â€"rmig:‘ except Cuba and St.) Thomasâ€" | Guadaloupe, | Mayti, St. Do-m}o, Martinique, [ t 1 Porto Kico, * I Santa Croz Australia and New .01-1 land via New Yort' «nd _ Panama, by) y steamer leaving New York on the 11th of, each month............. EOUMIOF v<.severeserriernen CrnrRat § Costa Rica AweriCa. zuummlla Cuittâ€"Vaiparaiso ...... ï¬ndonu, avana, Coma [ Matanzas, i_ _ | PurtoPrincipe New Grenada, except : Aspinwall & Panama, ( s Pacitc side Nicaraota < Gulf of Mexâ€" ico side NEA )1 +6 e es0r0338 retvrven Prrcâ€"Callso, Lima........ St. Thomus, U. 8. packet Brazm :{‘ondn‘-l'...'.'.;...'.. OKICD ;3 sxe erareins ++ Do. via Havana. gLE'I"I‘ERl. Newspapers, &c«, aboveâ€"named destinations may be f from Canada by way of New York in t made up daily for that City at the Postâ€" Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Tore Hamiiton, i Aca A 1 Asplawal® DEPARTMENT ORDER, CANADIAN POSTAGE STA Letters, Newspapers; AUSTRALIA AND NEW TEA WEST INDIES, Notice to COUNTRIES, &¢ POSTâ€"OFFICE DEPARTMENT, ( Bahin ll:-rs erD Rio J‘A-uiro Via New York. Pubtic of Officé and Mail. Hours Of the tollowing rates by Orrawa, 12th Feby., 1867 FOR THE Cents. . Cents. i0 |::**% 19. i 10 34 18 10 10 22 10 *4 10 10 34 10 10 r the arded Mails ves of nto and 2 p 4oz 5 p os 2 p 4oz 5;u 2 p 4oz 5 p or 2 p 4oz 5 p os 1b im 5 p or 2 p dor 5 pos 2 p dor 5 p or 2 p 4oz 2 p 4oz 2 p 4os AND Conts A list of the namies has this day been published in the Canada Gazetc, by the Receiverâ€"General, who will pay the several persons entitled to recerre the amounts awarded, upon compliance with the requirements of the Act 22 Vic., Chap. 6, Consoliâ€" dated Statutes of Uppor Canada. Miuitia Derartuext, Ottawa, February 2, 1867. } d853â€"w7th Board of Officers ‘assembled to Investigate and Report upon Claims for Pensions and Gratâ€" wities, on account of Volunteers Killed or Disabled by Wounds and Sickness, on Acâ€" taal Service. Pensions and Gratuities, Which have been proportionate sum on pieces of greater length, passing down each of the above mentioned slides respectively. . And that the above toll ot one cen per saw log be collected â€"and paid for each such slide on all such saw logs, and of ome dollar per cmb on all such cribs of square timber as have passed down the River Trent from the beginning the present season of navigation. AID OTHER® INTERESTED, ARE notified that the Executive Council . have / NUOTICEH. V OLUNTEERS HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENEâ€" RAL IN COUNCIL. |_ 0. THE RECOMMENDATION ,.OF the Hon, the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and in virtus of the cightyâ€"fifth section of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it 1s hereby ordered that the following tolls be imposed, levied and collected or saw logs and timber passing down the siides at Ranney‘s Falls, Middle Falls and Bealy‘s Falls, on the works of the River Trent, that is to say : one cent per saw log of thirteen feet in length, and a For such jefault, as provided in the said Act. JOHN SIMPSON, | _ Assistaxt Avrprron February 23, 1867. _ 367dw9 tf ORDER IN COUNCIL resisted, and for what cause ; _ Amount of all other claims against the com t pany ; Amount of premiums earned and uncarned + during the past year ; The whole as requireil by the Act 23 Vic., cap. 33, see. 11., se NOTICE is hereby |given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not complying with the said Actâ€"are iable to the At a Council held in the City of Montreal on Sat , urday, the 8th day of December, 1866. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 8. Postmazters should be careful not to open or read themselves, nor to suffer to be opened or read by any other than the person addressed, any Newsâ€" paper or Periodical pasgsing through their Offices or coming to their Officts, for delivery." The pracâ€" ticeof allowing Newspapers or Periodicals to be so openedor read, is very reprebensible, and leads to abuses and complaints,| even when the irregularity is alleged ‘to take ‘place with the permission of the person to whom the Newspaper or Periodical may be addressed. + s You are hereby authorized to refund the duties @lready paid upeh Arms and Munitions of War imâ€" ported within J.P‘ period above named. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, _ 9. In Department Order No. 65, dated 24 Nov., | 1963, permission was given for Bookâ€"Manusecript, ‘ and Printers‘ Proofs, whetber corrected or not, to | pass at the printed matter rate of one cent an | ounce, and it now appenrs to be necessary to explain | to Postmasters, that by Bookâ€"Manuscript, was | meant the written sheets of any : Book, and the inâ€" | tention was to encourige literary productions, by , affording facilitics for A’uthon to send and receive | such matter to and from their publishers by Post. | Printers‘ Proofs are th¢ printed impressions uken'i by a Printer, for corredtion or examination, of any ! matter passing through his Press. Under former | regulations the vrian marks correcting such | proofs rendered them l}able to letter postage when { sent by Mail, and the iptention of the Department | Order referred to was, to relax the rule in favor of ! such proofe, and allow them when corrected, to , retain their character &s printed matter, ind pass ‘ at printed matter rates of charge. I I have it in command to inform you that Mis Exâ€" cellency the Governor, General, by â€"an Order in , Council of this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" | new, for a period of one month from date hereof, the | Order in Councilâ€"of the 19th March last, directing | that " Fire Aris and Munitions of W ar" beimportâ€" | ed free of duty until the 6th proximo, mlg’:ct to the | condition that the importer furnish the Collector of Custom with lists of parties desirous of procuring | such arms, and that such parties be known to be | reliable loyal subjects, and such privilege shall ] m all such importations made upon and from | Not incorporated by any Statute of this Province, have not published the statenient of their Assets and liabilitics ; Amount of Capital Stock ; Amount paid thereon ; Nature of Assets‘; Amount of losses ; > * due and unpaid ; adjusted and not due, in suspense and waiting for further Sir, The Collector of Customs Toall W homit May Concern Cinctra®r No. 175. | * Ko. ,__ FINANCE DEPARTMEXT, CUsSTOMs, . i Ottawa, June 6, 1866 Newspapers for delivery not 4o be read in Pos Ofices. R. take took from ussell H » m&.:spa.'l"ftm CAP, will oblige by re. ming the sam e. Owawa, Febraary 22, 1867. 360Â¥ PENALTY OF $1.000, 312tt HK GENTLEMAN WHO BY MiISâ€" take took away from the Russell House, on Bookâ€"Manuseript Aubit Orrice, â€" Ottaira, February 19, 1867. OMPLAINT having been made that 367 d w 9 â€"U DATED 21sr AUGUST, 1866 NOTICHE, ISSUE OF THE recommended in accordance with the terms of an BY/THE W. A. AIMSWORTH, Th L LANGEVIN, Postmasterâ€"General 8. M. BOUCHETTE { ABRISTOL‘R:, â€" SA RSA PARELLA ! Tas Orrawa Tiwuss.â€"Printed and Publis®®" . every morning, (Sundays excepted) br Gzores Corrox, Proprictor, at the TS Steam Printing Works, Ko; 60, SpK* NOTICk TO MARINER Lighteâ€"Gulf of 8. Lawrence, Prince Edge Jsiand. Tuloo"lu:lfov PRINXCE ED« ward Island has given notice that a m y-\nmofllhn“luhlmi 1 thai Island, in 47°, 3%, 46" N., and Longitude 63°,$9‘, 9" W. The u.um.ï¬ï¬uy feet bigh above water, and shows a fixed white light. PPPOm PP RRMURATCCOC ICCalol N His Excellency the Governor General, by an Order in Council bearing this day‘s date, has been pleased to order and directithat, with the view of encouraging the introduction into the Provinee of the véery important improvement of Steam Caluivaâ€" tion, Steam Ploughing Machines and their appurâ€" tenances be exempt from import dutics for a period of two years from this date. DrrarmeExtiaL OrpER Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugar ed Pills are for sale by all Dn‘fl:u every idduouu.v'- ?Joh b\""i’n . Garvey MacCarthy, J. Jenning® W» msgey, an lcfli.ï¬.’ 48utf able, ar quickly and permanently, in {b® fullo"h:muo‘-, u.e{- Pilrln the eafest, the xiehu.-dcbohu remedy ever prepared, and be at once resorted to : Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Com® plaints, Constipation, Headaches and Plles» â€" These Pills are red expressly to operate in harmony with Mm:?.fl biood ’I:«:i:.m. BRLSTOL‘S SARSAPARILLA, in cases arising from depraved bumors, or impure blood. The mest helpless sufferers need ludc?‘u. Underthcinfiuâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIE®, maladies that have heretofore been considered utterly in"urâ€" The Great cure for ll, Diseases of the LIVER, sSTOMACH AND LoX any climate Put up in Glass Phials, and Warranted to Blt ITEXACTED BY Tie ation of the City of Ottawa, in bied, and it is beroly engctod ad therity of the #ameâ€" 1. That ho person shall thriw is TO PREVENT the depositing ~ Sell, Manure, and ©tUher and unwholesome substa the 10b, or in the Waters fawa and Ridean Rivers, 4 Camaly veithin #tre limils 4 of Oftawa.. guilty of any ibfraction or provisions of this byâ€"lat, . thereof,rbefore the Pouies ¢ n FINE of not less than ‘ more l’n FIFTY DOLLA; eosts of :mecuu«.n. to be m tre«s and #ale of the goods a; fender ; and in case of nomâ€"p flicted for any wuch breu-L distress found ut of which th #uch offender shall be imprt Gaol of the County <f (.lnl HABRD LABoR, and for"such TWENTYâ€"ONXE Day®, as the € adjudge, unless such fipe an Given under the Corpora: Ottawa, this F,il;'lftn A. D. 1867. .. W.P. LETT, City Clerk. Ottawa, February 22, 1867 SALT . RHEUM, â€"â€"_ SCALD HE It is guaranteed to SENUINE HONDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis > even in its wordt forms. q s It is the very best medicine tor the cure of al discases arising from a vitiated or impure state 0 the blood, and particularly® so when usedsin con place, or enuse to placed, or «<fer‘. y rervants, to throw, dead arimal, night the ‘entrails of sny vegetables, or any any description on> the Oitawa or the j “YIIII THE BLOOD 18 TRICK, THE circulation c‘!xged. and the bumors of the bedy iendered unt y by the heary and greas secretions of the winter months. . ‘This safe, u.«mlé poweriul detergent, cleanses every portion of C , system, and shou‘d be By all who are sick, or who wish to prevent sickâ€" ness. â€" Jt is the only genuine or original preparaâ€" tion for the permanent cure of the most dangerss ind confirmed cases of Scrofula, Old Sores, Bolls, Tumérs, Ab= And every kind of Serefuious and 5 tions. It is also a sure reme nection with or in the wate limits of the Ci CertiGed W. DURING THE SPRING ANDSUMMLE1 ~R. £. M. BOUCHETTE 208Hf |â€"â€" Commisgionert of Customs and Excise Street, in the City of Carloton, C.W JHE GREAT PURIFIER OF TLE Bl Pâ€"FL 1. Byâ€"Law No. 243 FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTroXs : Ottawa, June 14th, 18 FINANCE DEPARTMENXT, CUSTOM® Otawa, J 3t August OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEK | (Vegetable) By USED DAILY AS A DIET DRINK, %& Js particularly recow IN QUART BOTTLL BRISTOLS OBi scesses, Ulcers, i to be the ; ful preparat By in e acriaey. S RING_ WORM, TETTER 1D AND SCURVEY. the Oourt SugarC ccpge s ... c 09â€" W Waters of the O1» Wivers, Bd Midery ade and levied i ind chattele of Ottaws ~County irest and wost power stamoes w itih cor Por. Sugarâ€"Coat every where ©T y, and Ge 4Sutf Published T Nights nAuscouy the ¢ THAT Byi kee} EL8 WF of george Col {cllowing ra (ttatu A‘l subsequent | Nearly adve; liberal allows 4 2e0d to ree Pusines* Ca | . aumâ€"pay kransient Adve corner of & mo-cnm KA Oreici ottawa, C. W Vttawa, July â€" Othce, January 1 K. Street, Q repared to a iovernment « nay entrust h wnitin mud fot Decomber Prideys of ev i1 A Y\ i‘l‘ 1ORX Chansery awguck: Pos K. B. Haves ebruary T, s 31!&.!! Solicito l'l' roR® C?.maem Oreics : Uni ebruary 21, 1 nam, C.K. Qrrice: 1 Rosear UVitawa, Fob durtck : A sttawa, Jam: Auo mt cal es and Ha and Lasse!. Urric«: 1 Jansary 27, & Chanser Odice : Elgi (P <# Public, Qrrice; Rimwra. Atawa, _XOL ‘DVOCJ ne y s â€"w ~ OrriCa® : Mr. W right Ottawa., F Viice : rouns Jrtawa, M rown A w , M A BA 20 B0 4 8 Orric: d Eigin Su Ouawa, Ds VDOR N Fobra wey by means 13%X $4, 1 ark TroR x _Chancery ODUtaWP a, Orrics Ahe office John 6@ ȴoca March 1. ubl ished Ottawa. LAP] A RAZE A BX LX 4 A 68 88 EDW A TKE Squai 1» ExT WI AU JO