APARILLA, in heen ere= is *, 3. ‘:.5 s Light staod® erefelous and Scal also a sure remedy whib 'htnr ane t lig . t Ietomen 34. P tike ) pUsAS SAB ; zad reliable ndigestloms s«tipations 1 mal Plles» reatest PAR Â¥O#y rs, or impure 4 remedy ever orted to : . or who wish to pr : genutne or origing nt cure of the mosk nirmed cases of kazzey 0 the Governof 1DD AND 3CUI be the pu ED n y RLNG W Kiy and hese ?flm BLOOD 18 RT aofn:ig RIFIER OF TAE J y recommended for us siie) 6y the heag t w EME mxexyr oF i6 "‘_..A‘- img thie C92 direct that mhuction 19% n every PRJXNG ANDSC medicine tot V# \a vitiated or in sSTOL .. cmd ro MARINEE A RTMENT ArRTMENT, ouswea, J a, and 7 No MiLaW ®+ Lenor ent*s ol and. _ Print0d sflw Works, * canses ever and shou‘d povernent of 99 \Machine#® d‘ m on broachag sc maabthdle han TWQ LLARS. » M *Destt; W Boils, Ulcers, % Th 4%#, in ¢ ® o‘..; w.'m Hlve'.. , 80 Milnig , + Onta#w® A day of [f, UD Store, Rideau Januaty 17 uAllll?ll aid . Attormey=at=Lawy Solicitor in L‘hmr{; Con , &0. Uiice: Opposite thee, Stroot, in the Jooms lately occupied as the C Mouse. UJitawa, Murch 30. | $7Af aam, C.K. c s * : _ ym aiends to all Law Courts tha Distrint of Fobcauey 7, 1388. | . °_ 43â€"ut BAllu'rlu, Sollcitor, Adtormey, and Notary Public, Clork of the Po wad County rown Attorney, forthe United Countios of Prescott sad Russoll. > ® Ormc#s Court House, L‘ t RISTERS®, Attorneys, Solicitersy 1Bb anpamees an Orric®: lathe Court. House, Ottaga, C. W . * Roswat Lexs, Jous JJ Grxotink. Uttawa, February 7, 1966. 4Sâ€"upf Orrice: Lob 10%: ‘Lelograph mm..; *de W. R. BELL, A.M., M.D.,| C.M., &¢. * (Reorytuy raow ) sll..-." cmd es George Streot. . Ottawa, November 13. ; 230y BA.II!’IH.!‘ and Attorngyseat«Lawp Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chatcery, Convey Notarcâ€" «s Public, &c., &s. ADVERTINING AORNCY.â€"Memure. 34 . Patengull & th., b4, Park Kws, Nee York, _ Atate Stroct, Boston, General Advertising Agents, dre hereby author« wsed to receive Advertisements {of Ortawa Tiuxs llOI-PA‘flll( and Accouchour by in U '),IYIICIA! Surgeon and>A.coucheur, | Ottawa, Â¥eb. 12, 1864 :Office : Ilnu:.’o Blook. Smrbéuu‘. * | Senvimenntromemtrmmef mt .:)rmn In Horna‘s Block. Can #e found over offhice at ur ,Ilcj.m: '0~mh.|v" Ot-n‘ lov. (rke; prrere o MLD., M R.0.8.E., Tor nto ; John Hall, m.l ., Toronto. ‘ Stiawa, Febrhary 7,1866. 43â€"ut P-tllcu:. Surgeon, and Accouchour, Clarence Streot, Ottawa. P pgneou L« iâ€"â€"â€"â€")â€"_.â€"â€"_1â€"â€"â€"â€"<â€"4 Stky: _ Wu. Cureo. ttawa, Fub. 7, 1366; Am.llfltl'l'-l- A W , torewiime Chancery, Convey ancers and Notaries Public, sorner of Sussex and Yorkâ€"streots, Qttaw a. Ottawa, February 26, 1867. 88y ROSss & PAR 8, Am-s-'mmnw. torsebm« Chahcery, Convey ancers, Notgries Public, &0. Odice: Eigin Street, opposite the Mouse. Ackxaxpezn Ross. °_ Aum Pargona. Vitawa, Jaly 23. 18Â¥â€" Anvocu'r.. O@Mce! No« 47, $t. Potor PKk street, Quebec. Mry Buu:hu.. w'\:.ll:_‘l;:.y-‘:: Nnmâ€"n!. c ‘J the lio generally witin -ul:::hE:i n ig im e oi .,M.__Lm“i'._»_-&-ï¬ â€" errmmaiso t! ~~ ~COLMAN & WRIGHT, _ +jallE DAILY ANXD WEEKLY TLMES NOW | â€" Octawa, April 14 l enjoys TWE LARGM®T CirCvia of any paper | mel s gn published: in the Ottawa V jssuing of the WCON N Quily over 4,000 1 and Weekly over 4,000 1 E?mffnnl making a total ciroulation in th| week of over ing Agonts. Offic 18,000 1 thus outstripping all petitors, mod | ®. K. o‘camxor afording the best medium for men to aq. | March * es Aovearigausyre aro inserted in Duily at the (ollowing rates : F j [ Business Cards of from 3 w $ linos, per anâ€" _ / LA'. Chancery and Cqnveyagmcing» Ormic®: Mosgrove‘s Block, | Rideait\Street, ntawa, C. W. 4 366â€"tf ’ffll{lï¬(o"fl'ï¬l 18. COLMAXL _ _ ** W. numâ€"payable in advance onl {ransiont Advertisqments, first ins All subsequent insertions, per line,,..... ..... to Yeoarly specialiy with, and nuum.‘a. (P '.u"i K. 6. HaÂ¥ycoos sbruary 7, 1866 ebruary 21, 13 george Cotton, Pabtisher aud Proprictor. W , M ARSALALL MATHESON, .A I.ll‘l'uqul. Attormey, $olicitor, &e« fl;)nl_cla no‘s Buildings=, t of Sparks dElgin streots, Ottawa. Utawa, Doc. 13, 1865. lâ€"y ‘DVOCATII. Barristers, |and attor= neysâ€"atâ€" Law. _ x Owniczs: Mull and Aylmer, C. E. Mr. Wright will attond at Mall on} Tuesdays and ’Il'l'll‘l'- Olfice 1 Sparke Tma. Cune tral Ottawa. Htawa, January 27, 1866 Moutf Ottaiva Bailp Cimes, DK. C. A. MARTIN, > ’ll‘lll'l'. o.u: 0.:'“.‘ reet, over Vttaws, January 27, 1866. " Btâ€"uth . Commtant, _ x* W. Mcxar Wu?n.!.A.ll.c.L Htawa, Feb. 7. 1866. «jâ€"utf. Pl;u:cu,s‘, ‘-.-‘6:'::-& uo.ohm.. : Oiice and residence, corner of Rideau and m:::...n.ul, opposite Wotkman & Gritâ€" Mews, May 5. C | L â€" NTIST, Huntom‘*s IW 8 pourk s '.lno(. 'fl'F:ch extracted Mrlu means of the Ethereal Spray l'wdaor. 3508 ARRISTER, Kic», for or Camndas Orrices : Court House, Aylngranad Buckingâ€" A TK of Quebec» € llty Mail | skill Square. Deoc. 18."65. 1â€"7 Ot ""\My GEO, LOGAN, MD., LC.HM,B., A RRILSTE IQ=A T«L A W y ltor=im= Chancery, &o. .. , ricu: Aamond‘s Buildings, Kideau Street. ra, Jan. 12, 1806 21â€"y TTORKNE Y«AT «L A W, Heitor . im Chancery, Conveyancer, &s., Stroot. HAYCOCK & HAYVCOCK, rProRNEY TeL A W, Sollcttors=in= Chancery, Convey ancers, Notazies Public, &c. ric«: Post Odice Bailding, El Ottawa U. HaÂ¥ycoes. K. . Maxcoc«. P..J. BUCKLEY, LL.B., 210ug UASWLHAGL . IROUCLICE); U0U;y UBC+ 'Allllfu and Attorheysat«Law, DIAW“OI For LETTERS PAT» Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and N Public. KXNT of invention neatly executed ; descripâ€" fee, over Mr. Luke Cusner‘s and Shoo | tions and spesifications drawn up, and working , Rideau Street, Ottawa, C. W. Models of appropriate materials prepared ; Deâ€" ustty 17, 187. _ 3My _ signs luomn l'Irl.M and .I:‘m-un " e esns Reranciens * | ereeted ; Ormamental in 8t mater of AUGUSIU3S KEEFER, Puriny w-'pcuu-. .,.."u‘..;:....“.‘.’..‘ excouted MRRISTEIL jaad . Attormey=at«Law, | upon the shortes; notice. . wor hacke Nnz «â€"â€" r a EDWARD T. u.am{\'m.x.. ‘Wflmw.nq.‘.) ONMEPATHICâ€"_ Physiciany, Surgcom JOHN SWEETpLAXND, 1.lp., _ | Chimpagne Manufactured in Ottawa. ORK Streot, opposite Matthows‘! Ho« Oflice : Hunton‘s Block, Sparks $troot. VOL. H. NO LAPIb Dit. OLIVER MARTIN, WILLIAM MOSGROYE LEES & GEMMELL CLEGG & NELLIS DR JOHXN LEGGDOD, DR. W. J. HEXRY . F. BHOUCHUETITE, J. E. BOULTON, D. @CONNOR, DR.C. LEGGO DiR. DONIUON DR. OREILLY, MEDLUA L. SULRE & DR, WOLFE, M a Buildtings, Ottawap i LEQGAY MC L EOD, Tuos. F. Nucrts HAYCOCK “*mmiA . 386. lon per att 4â€"utf 43â€"utf 4Jâ€"ulf | _ P99 Orrios Howaa:â€"Rrom 10 a.m. to 3 p 42 \@UEBEC BANEK | Four Dollars and Upwards â€" ‘They have now on hand and for sale some well situated City and Villa Lots, in U and Lower Canada ; udnhmu.qcnmoll'u-h‘ Lands in the 'l‘utl.ll;:o‘tlo Ortawa. Orrice: Corner of Sparks and Metalfo Streets. Ortawa Dec. 28. 1805 > E. MILES, ARLILAMKNT Mair Drossing Sailoon, PU*I& P&-nq of His Excellency the Guvquu-\kunl.‘A’u Block, Rideau Sstreot, 4 doors from sappors Bridge. _ _ x C ob Brushing A llo‘,'o.l] u:'\:m Cm im u-o.‘.’ peetets Ottawa, Doc. 18, 1863. | bt. VI‘PIII-AII SURGRON, is ‘h.:ll at the old stand.s Clareace Street, which was destroyed by the lats fite ; and is propared to troat any disease of the Horsy with promptaess and MESSItS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, +CHARLES: ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer â€"«MECHMANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, SE rea hm niry rartined Arise vies \V.ur a:.â€n'n::‘ Vulean 'l.v:- ‘;ula. ue:;’.l.'x' Addrogs Chas. Esplin, Ottawa. 2lut® P L SURVEYOR and mm. + Illll? Land, and General P y ’u. erences uaurhubh. Orvic® : ellingtgn Strect, next to, British Hote!, and noarâ€" ly opposite the banks, Ottawa. Mring wouy JOHN MERCER, Teacher Pimo-f‘orï¬g Violin, &c. THOROUGH BASS. 1si1Ts OTrawa -w‘l,;'io.:t.i sko v FRIDAYs. s Ordu;hl\ at Union Iltxun will be punstually atâ€" Ottawa, July 26. 1876 . Motel keepors and dealers in Wines would| I‘TIVAL@ DBORATPGLNE HLOUSQ. ;-dluudlplu\loql!laco..uiglnh! bapraged . orders. ..‘ wit I PI.IVA'P. loAno.w'::'u:ooo .A:.Il Rit Boities of every description, excepting comfortable accommodation, for sit or n bottles, wanted, and one peany per dozen more givâ€"* persons, can be obtained at en than by any otherp; y for the same. % MRS. J. McARTHUR, LAROQUE & 00. (larence Streot. Ollawa, Beptember!! . 3860( Oitawa, October 20. 280C _ P. ntian ith despaich to Pnhl:â€"".ddl..-d wflfln‘““ 'Qltrlhll claims, Ottawa, May 22. | 134y _ IR. SPALKS, P%:)VIICIAL“LPD IUIV‘:IUDI. aughtsiman, &c., (commissioned and Lower Canada.) Ollico and residence, Jh': cester, near Ottawa. Suryeys of every description executed with accuracy. (Comipunicativas addressâ€" ed Oitawa City, (postâ€"paid), will receive prompt attention. 1. MULLIN, 4 n--flli'l' TAILOR, 32, Sparks j-j"" May 3. . 6 118â€"y conxu:‘l::s -.rn.‘ m w agont for Read‘s w . Mmoy; also, Dawes" Lachine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0., for sale. ~_C, E, ZOLLIKOFER, Draughtsman Modeller, &o., &c. HMas been opened at this Branch, and interest wil € be allowed on Doposits of ABE NOW MANUPACYCRING a WINB CALLED Canadian â€" Champagae ! WICHIS EXCELLENT, and WHICH . & -flu:%n DOZKN. Amateur who have tasted the wine, consider it a very good article, and superior to what is suppos=d to be im« ‘ï¬;a;uam P U iiniinacs racuived tog prom atiended Consignments recel for w. sale. hrg wishing to purchase Real OIIAlO;m calti l l.gooltt i e ® Ottawa, Hn.w..flu 1â€"y ‘Ottawa, March 30, 1866 Orric@: No. 58, Sparks Street, near the Ruysell House, Ottawa city, C. W. «* | . y -‘r Orrice :. At the l.bn:. o;:nm Laver .. Eigin Strest, -'ru. t Ontaws, Docember . 08â€"3m â€" LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH STREET U. McLEANS Avcmx Hooms, No« 19, 8 Streets Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite ‘s Stationâ€" «ry Store. X cu&dcmm::dmm». w . Ouldl.M. most painloss xu. Roferences given to parties -nnlt:l.y reated, it required. The cuse ynarunteed .. hi Al‘c’mu.‘..fl General Conmmin= sion Exchange"and Real Estate Agonts, No. 40, Sussex Street. e > Ottawa, Decomber 18, 1865. 1â€"y K Ottawa. office opposite & Russoll*s, Sparks m’o“n Town ; lm.a at l:n Kosictance, Maria Street, Conter Town. M Ks cidental Insurance, Commission and Collect ing Agonts. . Office, No. 27, Sussex street, Ottawa t. . o‘camxon. + W. W. WabLLKR. Masch 9. h K 478y Ouawe, December 39 Ottawas, February 21, 1360 * TKE L . FRIPE, [’ROA!II‘I‘ of Christ Clhurch Teacher of the Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, «o. ; Ottawa, Fob. 7, 1866. 43.utf > GEO, 1. PERRY, "NIVIL ENGINEER, Union Bullding», ./ corner of Sussex and York Streots. Ottawa, Dec. 13, 1869. 1.# i. _ _ 8.0.& 7. Â¥. KEIK, “UOU"AR‘I‘I. No« 3, Victoria Cree= cent, Uppér Town, Ottawa. Ottawa, Muarch 21, 1466. Way NONTRACTORNand â€" Builder. . Office 3 llcmlc‘h Ormic®: Wellington street, opposite St. Andrew‘s Church. Ortawa, Fobruary 7, 1866. 43â€"utd J. P. MACPHERSON, EPWAE ittact houny omm t n AWG, n':h lo.ulu' 10â€"y Notrth side York street, second door from Sussex* SsAVINGS DEPARTMENT XCHANGE Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac« UVS1IG ; MUSIC 1: ®FRENXCN AXD Engiish Songs, Smored Music, Polkas, Valsos he | DUVERNAY BRo 1YSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheus (WCONNOAR & WALLER, BuUsINXEss CaRDS. Dit. 0. C. woonp, MAUDONALD & BRO., PARLAAMENTARY AGENCY SIDXEY B. FRIPP JAMES HARRIS, t,. MORTIMEN, I1 BOVCHETTE, W,. K. THLSTLE, P. L. 8. F. A. BALDWLN, P. L. 3 CHRNISTIE, GREEV\Y, U. V, NOBL, Manager The 3194 49â€" ut 100â€"y 18â€"y ": 7 MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries Hall! | Mouse comprises everything necessary in a firstâ€" t:l:;l‘ln‘:nu- The house has M&&mgmy ® ftted uj M’lul. con ' tains th.:‘ohonc‘ bnl'-h in W inc«s lwfl longdolio.oydlh-u.tulh for the | Table. No pains or trouble wiil be spared the as> | commodate &3 guests and patron«. | _ D Mrs. Trotter is now prepared to take DAY Tul LARGHS®T .ss0RTMEXT OoF DYES in this city on «aiv at the Ottawa Drug Warohouse. A frosh Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just jeceived. _ a ul on e n c icl THE ©QUEEX" REsSTAURANT, M KA V ANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of TR e Motsuifo and Woilington Streots, opposite tha main ontrance to the Government buildings. LA'II MceADAM®*S, Commerclal Motel, Packenham. The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known in Packenham, has veen loased by the undersigned and thoroughly overhaaled and refitted for the v‘oâ€" dsluu-uluh-d‘c-u. THE TABLE AND BAR will at all times be furnished with the very beet the market afords. . J C AVAML No. 41, ©WEPO0R ACEDETRN mu.m,run.'.u Buildings. The Toronto comprises everything necessary in a firstâ€" LA'II CAMPBELL®S HOTEL, Ortawa, C. W. The undersigned, proprictor of the aboveâ€"named Hotel, bogs leave to ubv}unint hig nue merous friends and the u’:m is, that he has :rhsod and newlyâ€"furni ghou, ciscomâ€" lous mn‘mnl. in the management of which by strict attention to business.and guosts, ho hopes to desorve encouragement and n‘m-n. lract JAMES E. GOULN, u Loste! y, ‘ur mern s conmscted wil 3 ,Rh-{;’v Ihbz r::nct Street, Quebee, The « QU EEN" comprises nllmn\-.“lum' for a frstâ€"class Restaurant. â€" The House has refitted and refurnished lhlvb-l- The BAR containe the choicest Brands in W inos and Liqnors, and overy delicacy of the season will be found on the table. The mdctc’nh-tdom will be directed to the comâ€" of his guests and patrons. _@ooD STABLI NG and a careful Mostler always in attendance e anasreacs OMNIBUSES to and from the cars and boats free of ~$ There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY STABL] attached to the Hotel. Ottawa, Doc. 18, 1866. Lâ€"y A LARG® STOCK OF FREsH GaAaIâ€" DEX aad FLELD SEED8, just arrived and on Sale. Alt Sceds warranted Fresh. PIIV.\'II HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot« tawa, C. W. A fow gentlomen can obtain sup~ erior apartiments. Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1865. _‘ 37 R.-‘TAUIA“. cormer of George and William stroots, (1P. O‘Meara‘s old stand). O‘F QY3TERS in evory style, at all bours. awa, Janquary 9, 1867. 307y Ottawa, November 27. _ _ _ #Hf _ _ The tume tor reseiving tenders for the abor en mt en " | Bridge has been extended. Contractors will be daly MRS. GRANTS SALOON, | notifed of the time, and therefore need not send in AmMORCHPE O EREmem. [ theirtenders for he present wes us Just being opened up BOARDER®. Ottawa, April 5, 1808 cCEFoRrGE srREET. Choice Winas &Liqnon,l’riml:ggnn P. 8.â€"Advice to the r Ottawa, April"1l. pece« ‘lfll. TROTTER, PROPRIETRE®®, VR xo. 71, sparks Street, Desbarats‘ Building _ A large importation of English and Freoach PER FUMES will .:Mn next 'o&. FLORILDA WATER. . sOZ%ODONT. Please call and exam l-yuul best ever imp All the relsable With ®i, lhmbï¬ TOILET ARTICLES, &C on hand VHrÂ¥AaWA _ DRUG WAREHOUSE , HAIK BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHE3. Where, under his own su the wants of his many BPatrons will be ‘,mu satiyfactorily attended to. r A Ottawa, July 10, t:c..' Is the Plac English & French Chomicals, THE METROPOLIT AN, The New Drug Store, 41 RIDEAU STREET. | cust he e that RIDEAU STREET 1866, SEEDS. SEEDS®. 1866 SPECIAL NOTICE. FWWUIE SUBSCRISER TAKES THIS FTAS REMOVEETD SIGN ol theGOLD MORT AR Lll“'l‘li!.â€"" A l\ iD N.! l.fll).\' 6. HOLT3 HOTEL, : Private Boarding House We esd un m mmmntume un a 7 .L . 0s .o ol tawa, Fob. 12, 1866 cmeoflo~~ en â€mox MHOUSE, North Stabling and an attentive H January 11, 1866. MB 0) yitare. (Game oto., dail l'ull. C A‘f;:dli""'l :’-: oom:.l rOfide. At Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. D:::ï¬tzl.lws. 4y RAF* Remember the place, P. O‘Mears old AND 4 opportunity of thanking fis many friends and mhmp‘hâ€"-ï¬.x‘d to him since mmenced busine#s. hers to inform them D 6 M 1 PHE RUSSELL MOUSE, Aumond‘s IRMoolc, Ridoom Strect, Ottosea. 20 0 =â€"__ P. O‘MEARA, Prosurcron TORONTO HOUSE. TROTTER, PROPRIETRE®s, JOHN MALTMAN, e promises situated next door E A Just Roceived ! J AS ’l\ll.\l‘"lo POR PAE VA« vors, I beg respectfully to an nounce that 1 have now received my stock for the Summer Trade, It comâ€" prises all the best and purest DRHRUGAGINTS, 11 Suesex Street, _ _ _ ca to Buy Your Medicines ! PrROPREEY CoMPOTXbED * ‘E FROM ADULTERATION! DUIGNAXN »inn d t PA 00 0E i 9 1Â¥ SODA FOUNTALIN, Werent Syrups, manufactured or 18 & bul\iyr'fl cooling bevefage AEBION HOTE! J. LEMON, JOHNXSTON CHAS. AUS JOSEPIPCARVEY, M.D P I C s0%0DONT. °_ COMBS. CLOTHEs BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES e the JOHN MALTMAN Rhican 8t., Ottaw l D) Y Gower. Good ther. Jv6â€"170t _____ _ HARNESS FOR SALE. OTTAWA C. W. TUESDAY,. MARCH 19,, ise7. 20.y bee, ’ HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRAâ€" TOR OF THE GOVERNMENXT I IX COUNCIL. ; we IERE AG it is expedieat that the ar« * 1 WW \ale khowas as Lock Spindie Trom, yaed in l‘!t the manufrcture of Spindies for Door Looks, shoald, , 1 | though unenumerated in any of the Schedules to anj | the Ast, 20th and 30th Victoria, Cap. 6, be held late | and deemed to be and be included in the exempâ€" To tion from Castoms duly created in favor of Rod gy | Lron, with which the same should properly be clasâ€" siGed. O Ottawa, Desember 2? MHis Excellency in Council on the recommendaâ€" tivn of the Homorable the Acting Minister of Finâ€" ance, and under the authority conferred by the 17th C‘np.Con.Sut.Cu. has been pleased to order and declare, and it is heroby ordered and declared, that square Rod Iron used in the manafacture of Spindles for Door Looks, shall be and the same is heroby deciared to have been since the passing of the Act first above mentioned, exempt from the payâ€" ment of Customs duty on importation into this Proâ€" vince. Oitawa, December 11, 1866. To be seen at the Stable of necessarily be asccepted and addressed to cents Plans and SpeciGcations may be seenâ€"at the Rideau Canal Office, on and after MONDAY, the For further information, and time of arrival and departare of all waine at" Tormint and Way Ste« departure of all wains at Termini and 'y Staâ€" thons, see the Grand Trunk Railway Book of Time cenis To be built across the Rideau Canal at Long Island, on the Town Line between Gloncester and Ongoode. Al IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOV» BLE and Tandom Kight . _ io. _ ~~ do * i cocedrertemeriem S6P0 PBE Accommodation Train for Kingston and . Intermediate Stations, &t...........»«» 940 A.M. Trains for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.I&I‘“ Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs through to Plattsbaurgh. . bu?&i‘lm 8OUTH A% Expres« w m:-“.m ow \'wi.’ m.!l‘ Intermediate I‘vints, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Centrcl Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Lake cn--m&-ï¬; for Lake S A.M Aesominedarien Ercin for infece Povd and Intermediate Stations, at............ 645 A.M. Express for Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at &t. Johns with it “|=o Vomu.t‘?o“ Railroad, at.... 8.30 A.M. all for Portland, stopping over night at hh:‘ M“ .......& e io To 2.00 P.M. railwa for Now n T T wik Hovien, Ano aif intormedints Points, at St. Johns with \’omaumm at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also at Rouse‘s Pudrhuncs.-plmm.ru o George, Suratoga, New § \3:3. dnr Ce Three Kivens quebec: 4* P% t or vers, » C Miriire de Loup and Porticnd, a6 1016 P.M. Tables 0! the recommendation of the MHonor= able the Commigsioner of Public Works, and ander and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" ferred by the 28th Chap. of the Con, Statutes of Canada, His Exceliency in Council has been pleasâ€" ed to Order, and it is hereby ordered that the Bridgo recently erected over the River Gatineau, in the Township of Hull, by the Department of Public Works, be and the same is hereby transferâ€" red, conveyed and made over to the municipality. of the said Township of Hull, and that the followâ€" ing Schedule of the rates of Toll be levied and colâ€" lected on the said Bridge, that is to sayâ€" 1ith INST. The lowest or any Tender will ho t =ta «a, November 26 (’.\ AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, Trains will loave Bonaventure Station as folâ€" May 26 CHANGE of TIME. Oitawa and Prescott Railway, DEPARTURE ARRIVALL Prom Ottaws, 700 am _ At Ottaws, 11:00 am. # * ~1:50 p.u. w °...# 5.20 pm. Tlou.odlh.o'ln!uh-h-uumn to ensure connection with night and day on Urand Trunk, east and west. J.V. Aâ€"Il;.z-am-w Tume. t from Ottawa «hocked w ln-m‘t.oalluuin-uflmdhflmh Roturns tickets to Prescott, 3'1:& and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the prin¢ipalstaâ€" thons on th Jine. T. 8. DETLOR, Grand Trunk Railway Company OF CANADA. SLMMER â€"ARRANGEMENTS.! "! and after TUESDAY, the 247th No# vember, 1808, and until further notice trains will rus as follows : GoIxg wEs8T. imy .%pregs for Ogdensburgh, Ottaws, UMIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRAâ€" TOR OF THE GOVERNMENT 1N COUNCIL. Carldl lon::ll:m’:ï¬ Instant, Wooden Bridge with Swing NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, TEPNDERS Tenders to be endorsed =" Tender for Bridge,‘ ZPO~ Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains, Baggage For each horse, cow, or ox, two cents. For each sheep, pig or oa‘f, one cent. W, H. LEE, m â€"Cletk Execntive Council 6 309â€"44 uituctne ihanton Beflaties w i route, Guel mm teg. and all points Woet, at........ Meinoks en‘ AMPNHNHA :. / k x AND APTER MOKXDAY.MAY 14i8, | _ BEAVEKS, Silver Mounted Harnesses, each span of horses and double wagon, six each horse and cart or single wagon, three GOVERNXMEXT HOUSE, POosTPONEMENT. rrawa, Weanesday, Feb. 20, 1867 Prssgxt : GOVERNMENT HOUSE, HRALILROADN®, JAMES D. SLATER, Suremuustcxpext Riogav CaxiLâ€" Wenxesoay, 20th Feb., 1867 Passext: * Clerk Executive Council ons on (Grand Trunk Railway. . Prescott, Remptrilie and Otlsâ€" C. J. BRYDGES, JAMES D, SLATER, Supt. R. Canal Wx. H. LEE, N. CAMERON, y 135â€"y 31400 $.00 A.M. 8.15 P.M. 6e -.8 L. MAY & Co., .g Corse & M Y @ sfll:‘h-‘l :f. :hl’ "ll*' o:?-f'v-':“; MÂ¥ es , No. 474, ‘aul Street, opposite the Montreal, May 26. ; 136â€"7 continuance of the patronage o liberally bestowed on him before. f Mw 1%. 230y IL friends and the pablic in general, that be has | now reâ€"opemed his new threeâ€"story Hotel, which has been refurnished, and will be found comfortâ€" | able and central for travellers. } _ M The best of Wines, Liquors, &0., kept con« | antly on hand. In this branch we keop the best and most reliable. . J@@#~ Our o o Tant Leamdinn‘s butsnnsers woord We can always furnish any part of a Stove that is bought from usâ€"a fact inhndinf purchasers would do well to note, as many Stoves sold are of foreign imake, and when separate Plates are broken or burnt out cannot be replaced. y JOB WORK in all n’ branches un!lll‘y attended to by competent and experienced mochanics. All kinds of Bailding and Work done on the shortest notice. 5 BIRD CAGESâ€"BIRD CAGESâ€"A variety of beautiful patterns. COAL OIL ot standard quality, Canadian and American. . Lamps, Chimaoics and Wicks. Inspestion invited. Ottawa, March 11, 1867 CENTRAL Bank $t., Ottawa, IS AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE all descriptions ot And hopes by strict attention to business to have & P. GORMAN‘S HOTEL Clarence Ntreet, Opposite the Market. T- SUBSCRIBER begs to inform his friends and the pablic in general, that be has READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! :: BATHS! BATHS!! BATHS!!! s Plunge Baths, 8 Baths, Hip Baths, Sitz Baths, Foot Baths, Children‘s and Infant‘s Baths, various wizes. TOILITI:-""I'! pcl.ud’lu new and beautifal dui‘n:. IRON BEDsTEADSâ€"IRON BEDâ€" 8TEAD3â€"double and single. REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHESTS ; ftso «Torry‘«" Armic Ieo Croam Freezer, warranted to freeze the cream in four minutes. Dlll.oul OF RETALNING AND DESERVING THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE hitherto accorded them by m&-mu of the * CAPITAL," beg to intrmate they have lately added some pew and improved machinery t their manufacturing department, and are now enabled to offer extra inducements for the manufacture of all kinds of articles made from Sheet Metals, such as TIN b.lb!. Wa make different sizes and styles, so is To Dr should"be without ong, especially where there are children Jelly Moulds, Pudding Moulds, Jelly Cake Pans, Pie Plates, Melon Moulds, Brass, Tinned and Enamâ€" elled iufl- and Sims:u.mvp‘u. Egg Coddiers and Slicers, Loe Cream Moulds and Freezers, Rice Moulds, Soup Tureens, %hc. Uval Ste uk Dishes, Dish Covers, Round, Oval and Oblong Tea and Coffee Gl-. !m Ladles, Forks and Racks, Wire Vegetable Boilers, Gridirons, Egg Beaters, Skewers, Mincing ves, Paste Cuttors, Cake Turners, Flesh Forks, Basting Spoon«, Cullenders, Patty Pans, Gravy Strainers, Nursery Lamps, &c., &c. ; PLATES, Galvanized, English and Russia SHEET IRON, JOPPER, &¢., and are prepared to take orders for the manufacture of all kinds of MILITARY STORES, in the above line, sach as CANâ€" TEEN8, SOUP KETTLES, CAMP KETTLES, DIsH PANS, &e., &o. Also We would muhdy draw attention to our Water Filters and Coolers, by which all impuritios are taken away the water. ‘They f&re constructed on undoubted scientificprinciples, being simple in their ?onua-. and not liable to r«m of order. ‘The filtering substance is the same as used by the best Water Works Companies in England, and recommended by the medical faculty as the best kaown combination of ingredients for removing all foreign matter, and making the water purc, «parkling and All NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED sTocK or »RY @00D8, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. BLACK DOESKIN®, . SILK MIXTURE OF CuaTiNGs, be. , . 1493 TROWSERLNOS BEDFORD CORDS, f * CHAUDIERE 1 W Lans, BANNNOCKBURKN Do., HALIFAX DO., . KERSEYS, FLANNELS, Importers of Dry Goods. AL(M\V?.gm\u 124 Aill Lamps 4 â€"Canital" r I i ,____| dangerâ€"unitilâ€" they are abreagt of the <Umlazi bapltal StO\ C DepOt‘ G . m:.‘: (cbo':l 94 ’-nu.; mo:t. Light House), i n i â€" I when they must kee more Northw as "Capital" Tinware Depot! A | ts lacd reats mpte to t4e Rquwerdigirtog ts £ h & iÂ¥ o % ' | | shore a good berth of a mile, and when the light : " Capital" Housefurnishing DepOt !| tears about ®. N. E, they can haut in to the & s NortWward for the anchorasa> anchovine in 8i to I8 AT NO. 35, SUSSEXâ€"STREET. Water Coolers _ Water Coolers ! _ Water Coolers ! Water Filters ! _. Water Filters ! Water Filters ! Montreal, May 26. _zmi;ï¬;oâ€"iï¬ii_é-. always on hand. May 26. 135â€"y MPORTERS® of Groceries, Wines, Liq= wors, Cigars, &c., &c., 25, Hospital Street, Monâ€" RODUCE and Leather Commission MmoONTREAL CARDS. JOHN DOUGALL & Co., woul«1 call particular attention, as they have now on hand every novelty of cut and pattern in m&u is fashionable for the season, and as their stock is large and varicd they DEFY TION. " They are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make up in the %_ndflg:. and as they are nnder the ruperintendence of experienced cutters, they aro J. C. FRANCK & Co., PETERSHAM®, « DEVON8, ; 0_ WHITSEY® f IRISH FRIEZE, CANADIAN po., ue BROADCLOTH®, AND THE CAPITAL CENTRE OF ATTRACTION OF THE ; t CONFEDERATE CAPITAL, ‘ CR LEA & CO., TO THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ED TO FIT ROSTABLTSEH ED IN 1844 SMITEZ Oil Cans. Bake Pans. Sugar Kettles, _ Milk Pans and Strainers. Agricultuyal Purnaces and Stoves ! EFI. MEHEADOWS & TCO., , 1867 dients for row;v“u all foreign matter, and making the water {mre. # different sizes styles, #o as to bring them within the reach of all Cloths and Clothing. August 1, 1866. Farmers‘ and Lumberers‘ Supplies. Groceries, Liguors, â€" AND PROVISTOXN$, Wholesale and. Retail. SPARROW‘S BUILOING, 4 Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets M. SPARROW & Co., OCULINARY UTENSILS. NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, AND MAXUFACTURER® OF, aXD DEALERS i% IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN P. GORMAN 363â€"w8â€"3m H. MEADOWS & €30. FACTORY . STOVES. STOV ES. 136â€"y BLANKETS â€"4 44. l s .‘Tobaccos and Cigars O‘MEA NA &:CCO. SPARKS STREET C|éar ANDP TOBACCO DEPOT Ju ROO.. * ® Proi)l’lotOh JU"I' RECEIVED, a fresh importation of the choicest brands of Purc: Virginia Honeydew, ~â€"â€" And Natural Leai, The best Smoking . Tobacco ever imiported into K&" CIGARS of every choice brand. (Meerâ€" schaum, Briar, ud ]’my Clay, Pipes, all at prices to suit the times. _ _ _ _ jmm. Remember the Place, 26} Sparks Stree! Corner of Metealfp and Sparks Sts., Keeps on hand a ;ood stock of imported Tobaccos and Cigars, ® Mcerschaum & Briar Pipes, Fancy Goods, &c., &c, Aln.uâ€"u_wnnem o€ :.* Cloth, Fur and Felt Hats ant Caps. SL of every kind. We call the attention of the Ladies of Ottawa â€" our assortnient 6 * PUVERNAY BRO8. Ottawe, February 7, 1867. PRAY“ BOOK®, English and F zench , of every kind. We call the sttention of the cuArs,L'v PANTS, MOCCASIN8, BUCK, BAGS, LINEK, D6., TRAVELLING, + <â€"_COTTON8, STRIPED, Do., BLUE, * Do., _ GREY, f TRUNKS, Ottawa, February 26. Which will be sold at low prices. JOHN G. ZIMMERMAN, Corner of Sparks and Metcalfe Streots YESTS, J.G SIIRTsS, : , DRAWERS, SMOCK®, * _ ROCKS, +. ZIMMERMAN, TOBACOOS 55â€" a 143Â¥ it( VALISES, MITTS, WOOLLEN Do. | ~BUCK, J, 4008 2 302U 68 famil y _ _nder the opcration thereof subject to such condiâ€" tions and qualifications, if any, as may be deemed expedient ; and whereas it has been made to apâ€" | pear to Her Majesty, that due facilities are given | for recovering and apprehonding seamen whoâ€"deâ€" 1 sert from British merchant ships in the territories | of their Majesties the Kings of Siam. Finance ‘Department, Customs, made to appoar to Her Majesty that dae facilities are or will bo given for recovering or. apprebendâ€" | ing seamen who desert from British merchant | ghips in the territories of auy Foreign Power, Her |.Majesty may by order in Council, stating that such | facilities are or will be given, declare that soamen | not being slaves, who desert from merchant ships : belonging to such Powers, when within Her Msâ€" josty‘s dominions, shall be liable to be apprehendâ€" ed and carried on board their respective ships, and ‘ may limit the operation of such Order, and may * NortHward for mM: anchoring in 84 to 10 fathoms, with the Light lMouge bearing 8. W. to © 8: W. 4 8., distant 1 mile. | _ And the Lord# Commissioners of Jer Majesty‘s | Treasury, the Right Honorable the Eart of Carnarâ€" | von, the Right Honorable Viscount Cranborne, and | the Right Honorable Spencer Horatio Walpole, ithm of Her Majesty‘s Principal Secretaries o | State, are to give: the necessary directions herein , accordingly. $ The above light is not visible from the Aliwal Shoal, which is 25 miles S., 53° W., from the Light House : vessels should ‘not, therefore, when coming from the Southward and Westward, apâ€" preach the shore nearer than «4 miles, tor shoal their water under 40 fathoms, nsing the lead freely until they make the light well out from the deck, when they may stand in until it bears N. 59 . E., â€"which bearing will keep thom outside all known dangerâ€"untilâ€" they are abreast ‘of the â€"Umlazi River, (about 9} miles below the Light House), when they must keep it more to the Northward, as the land tends more to the Eastward, giving the shore a good berth of a mile, and when the light Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue of the | Malcolm Cameron.> This building contains Seven . powers vested in Her by the said « Foreign Deserâ€" | Bedâ€"rooms, and is W'_ allâ€"modera imâ€" ters‘ Act, 1802," and by and with the advice of 9 Tarty Fyo storey Wonden Building. on the corâ€" Her Privy Council, is pleased to order and deciare, ! -;u'ï¬'m Stroets. ‘This House is lined with and st is‘ hereby ordered and: declared, that | o ¢. M‘-L‘m_': double :-:'I::“. c ivek from and after the ’lblhsd.i? hereof" in UIOl a‘sum'uw‘“ other Londun tazdte, seamen, not being slaves, who, | ‘uildings in the lud. This is well adapted within Her Majesty‘s dtniuiu;‘.‘d‘nm fru;- merâ€" | 0.:.5“"- Hotel, Boarding House, or private #esiâ€" chant ships belonging to the om of Siam, o L shall be ri’ublo to be apprehended and carried on | For turtbs pritioulare w .l.' O‘HANLY. board their respective ships : I I Bandy Hill. Provided always, that it any such deserter has | (awa, beoruary 10. 1866. spâ€"uitf â€", . committed any crime in Her Majesty‘s domimons | s r he may be detained until ‘he has Inntr‘ndbyâ€CITY PROPB RT\ 14 cempete . Court and until himsentence (if any) has | 4 .Â¥ ‘been fully carried into efféct. â€" \ POR BAL E, Of e ‘uerl;tlon suitable for the season, in ;Indl:'(r‘ul.c , Kid, Cloth and Felt Goode and Rubbers, for Ladies‘, Gents‘ and Children‘s wear. WHOLESALE.AND RETAIL. . at ._ _ G, HOWE & SON, 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Rideau Street. Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1866. 257â€"47utf tor the liberal patronage which he has received for many years, begst 0, 'fl". te that for the future his business will be carried on in YORK STREET, tained of the best quality and at the lowest prices. | * g&ie very cheap and on reasonable term: Bread......................... 94 per loafe | Lo -r)l(.o'.‘?s,m -‘lrd York Stroet, Ottaw»: Mr. Shouldis icmdyhmu.n.u..,’.â€'nuhmu house 66 x 33 feet favor him with their custom, and farnish them daily | MMMM!'M ren with such bread as they may require. of £84. f ’Plomnndyuroumwmwkmrncy' !wpnlfhu.‘"'i‘:‘ ; ï¬;!- | «* PLIERRE, Twe sourneyimen Bakers Wanted. ; Solicitor Ottawa, December 300f _ | Ottawa, December 19. !ll'.h“ ember, 1866. cA # Praesext : ; The Queen‘s Most Excellent Majesty : in Council, wiess by the Foreign l)thna-' Act, 1852, it is provided that wheneyer it is JUST ARRIVED | | "*W@érghtig‘e wiesir pectmes, «es l« NDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEX FOR SALE CHEAP!| | rotuterpatiecar epgrte _ _ . | |__ A large and excellent assortment o Baruiste®, LEATHER, TRUNKS SHOEâ€"FINDINGS , .. .. . .. . foigmnm »eiiane Owenn Oy FKB00TS AND SHOES,MK \Farm and City Lots wEROZ ABRCAEEK 5 has Fo. SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 1t is visible in all directions from North (round m South Bide m d n eick by East and South), to*S. 59° ‘W.; and can be s wose Te Anae ns ts ts seen from a ship‘s dock 24 miles in clear weatheor. | crected, and within five minutes* walk of the other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street ie in rear of the above. N* where his premises are known as the And where overy article in the trade can be obâ€" | EEHOLD CILTY PROPERTY FPon tained of the best quality and at the lowest prices. | J" gyle very cheap and on reasonable terme. A Light Mouse has been erected on the Bluff, at the South side of the entrance of Port Natal, at an elevation of 292 feet above high water, a.light from which will be exhibited on the 23rd January, The builaing is an iron tower, in the form ‘of a frustrum of a cone, 81 feet high, painted white ; centre of light being 70 feet above the base, exhib iting a revolving white light of the second class (dioptric), attaining its groatést brilliancy once every minute. | * The following important ntee to Navigators has been jssued from the Colppial Office, Natal, in reference to a Light House, ¢rected on the Bluff, at the South side of the entrance of the Port of Nutal, to which the attentioniof all eoncerned is in reference to a 1 at the South side Nutal, to which specially directed The Light House is in |..m+d. P 52 50 abd Longitude 31 ° 3‘ 35" E.\ |â€" Colonial Oflice, Natal, 20th October, 1866 1867 IIS EXCELLENCY the Administrator of the Government \directs {he publication, for general information, of the following Nétice of the erection of a Light House on the Bluffy ft the South ide of the entrance of Port Natal _ | i At 1/ YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, NOTICE TO MARINER®. NOTICE TO MARINELRS® GOVERMMENT AOTICE. No. 122. 1866. 387 M TH R. GEORGE SHOULDIS, IN RKâ€" turning thanks to his friends and the public By His Excellenty‘s command D. ERSKINE, By command urt at Windsor (Signed,) BE EAD. OTTAW A, 14th Janoary, 1867, l February 19, 1867 W. E. ARCHDEACON R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE EDMUND HARRISON. | ommissioner of Onstoms® Admiralty Surveyor the 10th day of Nov« Colonial Secretary i p [ajesty | 4 T‘ »’t'""h' | omers ; also, for sale oÂ¥er it is | apd harness. Posses facilitios | erate. Apply at this prebend â€" | Ottawa, June 26. _ { PRICEâ€"3 CENTS : bg.2 EC gible property, beantifully | situated on the Bauks of the Otta f â€" wa, in the Township of Nepean | distant from the Ci? of Ottewa about three mile | on the macadamired road, together with the EToX i DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon ereoted, at prese:: , occupied by William Thomson, Eequire, and th« 4c FOI SALK.â€"â€"THE WESTâ€" erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First &vuouloa Oitawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the ucru‘pll.iau of Wim. T. Aylen, Eq. For further particalar« apply to Jow® and Wu. Twowsox, Nq;n.n. and Lewis & Prsuzt, Barrister, Ottawa. _ Je2â€"141 4( ~ TO HENT,.â€"â€"â€"A BAKE l House, with working utensil», with m good house and J“d' stabling ; and a good run cus omers ; , for sale a good baker‘s w.g, horre and harness. Possession immediat:ly. t modâ€" crate. Aprly at this office for particulars. Ottawa, June 26. 161tt FOER SALE!: , W 4 of Lot 23, in 3rd Concession, 0."F. Gloucesâ€" ter, a Farm of good land, of about 120 scresâ€" wbout 40 acres cleared, with a good Barn, Fences, and other improvements. [~@a Ceaseeere® Bell One Hundred and Fifty Aores of w:l‘e‘: are cleared ‘I::hl’l. ‘ood.u.m f::l:;. lon good Dwell ouse, PB, er outbuildings thereon. Tlll FOLLOWISG VALUABLE PKOâ€" perty is offered for rale at private centract on terms very favorable t the purchaser : en blot or in lots of 5 acres. For Tenber pitiioaiarecs WILLIAM GRAHAM, JAMES BEARMAN, Ezecutors of the Estate ‘of the late George Boll BB~ Address Bell‘s Corners P.0. June 20, 1866. 156â€"4. Febroary 10, 186« Lot Ro, 30, South side Patrick stroet, Offaw with a house containing four tenements. J Lot No. 18, South Boteler street. * Apply at the Law Office of .â€" LEES & GEMMELL, h Court House, Ottawa. 1 2 _ A. House, containing TenRoom#« in the Desbarats‘ Block, Spark» Street, next to Mrs. Trotter‘s Res taurant. Possession immediate. Apply to ftt***PRancis Chbaiow, mee City of Olawa. Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. ce s AWgemaK h-hfluamm&‘wny,mmm seven miles from Oftaw@ City on macadamized road leading to Richmond. â€" . â€" _ _ _ _ _ °â€"____ALSO, 23 ACREKS OF LAND. In the Township of Gloncester, situated about halt a mile from Bflï¬z’a Bridge. This land can be sold street, Aylmer. Otta wa !Jhuu 2, 1867 [N THE TOWNSHIP OF N EPEA£ SHKTITHIS TWOâ€"A ND«A «HALF MIL Ottawa, January 9, 1867 Ottawa, February 13, 1867 Coxrumlc TWELVE ROOM®, with Kitchen and Cellar complete, rituated on Main garden and ornamented {unb adjoining the same, forming part ofâ€" bot No.â€"20, in the â€"Jet «on cession, Ottawa front, A most desirable privat: residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same als« for sale at reasdnable prices. Wlfllll‘l"o-AlD-AdlAl.' MILE® of the cswm. with A DWELLING AOUSE erectod thereon. One half of the land is Ottawa,â€"Fobruary 27, 1867 A TWO sSTORY $TONE HOUSE "For particulaks and terms apply to Jobn and Willinm ‘l‘ho-.o*n'_ on the pg‘_-_‘u-.ï¬ or to SA CS Tw o Auwdfl y situated on ho.m-llnr.ln? Oue, North side Welâ€" B‘- Stroet, City of Ottewa, with the Dwelling outhouses thereon. / wuly to P nsl . Ottawa, September 29 Ottawa, September 99 For further particulars apply to the undersigned woOoR BaLE, LOTS & HOUSES. Apply to FOR SALE OR TO LET. Three Houses to Let, Dwellings to Let. HMouse to Le JFOR SALEE. 25 ACKES OF LANXD Apply to J x «n ts «hy > ) +A App! FAII FOR _ BALKE.â€"One Mundred and Ninety Aores oi Land, in the Township of Nepean the r)np.n of the late George Sell ne u.flana and Fifty Aores Tlu‘l' VALUABLE PROâ€" perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" dell‘s Homestead, containing about Pollflll[ol GIVENX 1M+» mediately. .A new Brick Building on Besserer Street, Sandy Mill, near the residence of Hion. South side Patrick stroet, Ottawa FWIO LET A DWELLING ind uzht ; aa seesion (.i?ra May lu..“ K nl:‘:aiiu rooms, on Ottawa &m ':.l \Mathew‘s Hotel. y on ises, to 'I'Ilm. U. BURNS. nber 29. 242 CONTAII!IG 8 EV E % * Room#* and Stome Cellar, situâ€" ated in . Augusta Street, Sandy LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &o., Ottom r 27, 1867. 260y GEORGE E. DESBARATS, JAS. G. ROBINSOX, r + Tea Pot, Suxsex Street , 1 867. 348â€"3m OR SALE, THAT ELHâ€" 0 LET, A HOUSE CON«= Nâ€"Â¥ICTORIA TKR» LEWIS & PINBEY, Barristers, &0., Ottawa s WGuk ‘s Printer‘s Office Sxeur 2A2f & MRS. LAUDE] Ayimer, C. E. 302f Itf