# ‘Tl" See Circalats.â€"ONLY .0 It sterases the orpithing appatatis, by remov. Ing from the airâ€"oglis the cougalabl¢ Iymph, or thet secretion whisy in hoaves clogs them, caasing a LGsa‘ty in breathing, and by astion on the dissasoed paurt, caasiog the mix>}s membrats to resu as its natural d.amnhm. thas equalizing the cirgalation of the bl)51, and resto }'ï¬â€™u lod ;-n* to :.Iol'v. -u'll-a.l whee ; :y uso the horso‘s petite , all deradzoments of the J&u‘wo oquï¬m:oa.d. softoning the akin, and ‘%&NMQMM&I :oâ€nuuo. D. W. HJ RO, Sassessor o H¢ Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Prop for thy United ll POMITIVELY sUPERIOR To aÂ¥y R or ail other propuations for this olre of Herrer, Coughs, Thick sal Brotea Wind, hadk all dissasos which afect the Wikd of Haser; as t Cumdi~ tiaw Melioine, surpassing overyt 5:( the kind ; is eay to 'ln. sard to cure, and in wil 6 io# and at all times, anl loss aot pfevent the horre from being worked waile using it. ‘!aivuodlu?nhmh por cent. No con alssion caaggod, and ex, reduced. The In.:.:.n asaally ¢ ":ll-’mu;l .::: be made p sÂ¥ 10 yoe hallâ€"y almonts, iC desired by ‘:-"--. yor &A urh of $10 re qaired with gush -"nmio- Ror far nor infor:mation apply 4t the Co.apany‘s Office in lio’un. dr e w. PEX NINGION MAGPHERION, c, Otte we. 3804 L. od 0 2204 0 4 C A DA an s moat on .As no-ui::ol drstâ€"ol ase prossrty, and are also propared | mort;igos. _ n FEVIY TAUST A%0 LO\ PriCE TWextyâ€"mve C 'l-ld Ooo.’afl-::.)wh wssoy, Ly . MoG , &n Ottmere. 9 , THE BARGALN3 will contin of Ma* next, when Ot‘awa, November 37, DARLEY® â€" .q Arabian â€" Hsave. Remedy, r» AND CONDITION MBDICINE I TII WHOLE STOCK able Goods, at both my No. 13 and alyo No. 93, Can now be had IN LOTS TO 3 ERS, at cost price for cash. ml: for Proft. . Brecl Flowers. + lypia by Qu Garden, by Rivers, A Aenual, tor 1867, The Ame: Annual, for 1867. KS Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1867. NOTICE to the RETIRING : Boots, Shoes & tubhers; AT CO8T, FoR Casu. | Servants‘ and La Hogistry C W orks Messre. J. G,. MALACL be UNTED To b® HMCHira d d Leigh," «o. « Idalia," by Oaida, more." _« The Last Warning C ming. . The Gentle Life, ist a Volunteor‘s Active lounn:‘ l:: on. A Geological Ma t logs, by White. ‘Oliver & Bo 1967. The Nauti¢al Almanae, vo-nel 18 HERAEBY piyEs®, tnar 1 W the Dire of the, Ottawia and Gloucester Road Compauy have this day & lurthor call of *_â€" Ten per Cent.: Of the Capitar stoow or tae Company, which uubynqul:;obounut h Stook to pay to the undersigned at the office of W. M. MA [HEâ€" SON, EsQ., in tho City of Otta A bulk sum to be nanged for an this service. further cam b h&’d om atthis ‘Bocm-‘l' to be for | each ser aind to be a to. the raigned, ans dorsed respectively .* Render| for Sperin «* Tender for wil," and t fur deli of Light House supplios," Department of Puo y appyrks, Uttawa, Sth March, 1867. Ottawa and Gloue OX ©IIHURKDAY. Otawa Qloucester Qrrice Hovas 10 to 12 a 4 po 9. \ * ‘ )tawa, March 12 Siment of the contract . The Départmest will n “mbwmh'ï¬lo any Tehdor. same da â€", for a Vossel anoual -:s“u. 180 casks «t oil, and tons the respective thouse River st ‘Lawrance and on Lakes 3t. is, St. Franc rence between to Ontario, Erie, Clair and tisorgian Bay. | The vessal be allowed to other hl,\( provided it does not interfere w the proper deliv ery df the Stores A will also b6lrequired on board tor the persons this De in charge of theâ€"Stores, and vessel wi bo: required to reeeive and to from staton to another any snch as. the Superi in charge Ottaws, Fab. 5, 1867 n-n-hr.ad’hhnliuh the oil. i t Will carry on the business at N SIA&-. '.37 'l‘l.#fl of Y next, fur lons of the best ol wh QLL for the nolad owbâ€"third of which must be wilt stand limpid at 30® P twoâ€"thirds ut « subject t betore acce and if req out. o e t the vereet must a bated a N :fln‘l’w sisth day c «M. FALLS | Becretary a rsone willing to become suretfes for the due SEALED TENDERS will STEAM VESSEL BOOKS ON AGRICUL1 The Latest in Lt Door West ./w AT CRANE»A NEWs For saule by LIGHT HOUSE $UPPLIE3. The 28th . day of M Money to 1. coMP By orte 3 ANO LO coxrAyy I C A Dh av s ftands for invost« ity of arstâ€"ol towa and farm also propared t purshase good Diamond Ed â€"ALSO A JOUNX DUR ;. 1Â¥8 Opposite t F. Bi AN 1LL BE .z: of FRIDAY, supply of 680 Galâ€" pa SPERM Aljove Lachine, hoad matter which heit, ind the other Arrlqm nefiven mg: ;" by De. Camâ€"» 2nd serics. The 1, by Major Dixâ€" Golt Rogâ€" ‘s Almanac, for 18607. | â€" n ironâ€"bound casks, n the order, and rctor‘s on such 1 Basin at Montreal, he first day of July contr $ | ester Road DF SEKASON»=| réceivod on the fln‘? of isting wb other | articles situate bn Lake® ; naine River 8t. 1. Kingston, La URE, &e. i ‘s New Book ol ._ The Frait Horticaltural Agricultara‘ d on same day of the ‘best quality to be furnished in om 20 tp 30 gailons | test woseptâ€" AUN M 1** a Novel. author of " Theo. df ® Strath= tian of : Dickons IE & sX WANTED, rch next rd Treasurer, Road Company. m., and trom 2 to e Russell 1 deanestreot, TT PURCHAS ‘r 12, as usual. B PRICK & ‘r PRE3SYON. > 3524 borers‘ . »Leco ! Y MAX, m®, C.W., ’ or the Canadas, Roborts, W. A. F:--hfl" , bu | o until first day LIN‘:& CO DEPOT 4 Sparks Stree UBLIC : Books Fohounry, 1867 316â€"w10â€"121 SECRETARYT My @dolivory | FRVMIE SsUBsCRIR: ury: l public that having erv Lal » in | denomof Clement Bradley, Exg. _ _ _ _ _ ',e | m‘# T. DeRINXEZYÂ¥, Ottaws, March: 4, 1805 3â€"of »000, id " ory the will be attended to. . llo also will has l_u.dm season for sale, at the late ounty of Carletin, sails the attention of the Inâ€" [ habitants of the City of Ottaws, and surrounding | country. . He wili mfm ordears for all serts of m | Trees, Oramoatal and Lawn Troos, Flowing Sh with a shoics lot of Buibs, and Beddingâ€"out Plagt, | hf..‘.fl'. also Herbocious Plants u::u.u-’ Roots. kâ€"ho hand a large stoo Grogn« *M‘.Mya_mmum | | Ottawa, January 28, 1987 is mioutiee aaa t the newest }rï¬".‘iini-n?' -awmm.m.tm nf.u‘ Plantifg will be promptly attended to. lo also will have | February 23, 1 Tlll UNBERSIGNED HAaVING Pog. CHASBD 1 acres ciland, on which he m-in- sarting a | CGanarden & Yur_yoryv The wholo as required by 33, see. L1. ~. NOTICE is hereby giv COMPANIES not comply in iable to the FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 3T6H Toall W hom it Mivy Concern Not incorporated by any Statute of this Province, have not pablished the statement of their. _ Assets and linbdlities ; ‘ Amount of Capital Stook ; s !Md%a ¢ Amount of # ; M i..-a § | and not due, | in suspense aad waiting for. r.m+v proof ; | realsted, and for what cause ; _ | Amount of all other claims againat the com Within two miles of the city, L In Gloucestor, Green Fiel the said Aet, to the conditions, regnlations and re» trictions estabiished and imposed by the Order in Council of the 2ith day of september, 1800, and t snch further? regulations a* may bereafter be made by competent authorit?. Lisenses may be evranted 0’ the recommendation of the Honorâ€" able the Acting Ministor of Finance and un der and in virtue of the authority given and com ferred by the: Act 20, 30 Vic., Cap. 7, His Exce! leney im Connell ks« been pleased to order, and i is hereby ordered that aubject to the provisions of the suid Act, to the conditions, regulations and rew have made a t w por burnor, m I Iulrv or Chléo:iov.s d l. . Mavi or wom bn past Af“:flm {ln great : cases, they can with contdence change. 37) ets. per Gallon In cuns containing } by the doten very low HI8 EX Which standa anrivalled, supplied in any quantity 1 ~BEACH & CO.. .. : Good Canada Rock Oi:"" M W atches, and WC PENALTY OF $1.000, manulacture GAS FTXTUR such lefault, a« provided in the said A« + vâ€" JOHN SIMPSON. OMPLAINT having been male that certain Podophytlin, Lip Tandring Spirits Ammonia Aromatic, Compound Spirits off Lavender, Do do of Juniper, md Tinctares of all kind«, Bitters, se a Nyraps, _ s Compsunding of ln-dhn, (Gim (commonly called old T-t Sootoh and Lrish W Nikgey â€" Propristary preparations, Putent Medicines, Resinoids, ; Chemicals, Pharmaseatical Proparat Auline Dyos, Hair Oils, Hair W ashes, Powders, GAS SUPERSEDES Ho#man‘s Anody Talapin, Podophytlin. Butyric Chlorie Nitrons Suiphuri CC TCP Ak. L. TCP X I., Ponnsylvania Rock i Amount of premiums .â€"> dur hloroforn LOOK HERE ats, a quantity of Gardon, Fleld, and Fiow. .‘.'.}‘J“.L"._ t description, Partics wanting it & have appobated Ni. J. LESLLT Sparks Street, sole Agent for sale of abo\ #, and cantion the public c,vnho'n’ dn nom by Watches marked *Makers to t t COner w w w Nich are TOTFP ERNMEXNT HOUSE Avorr Orrics, . Ottaws, February 19, 18 oby given that INSURANCE | #y, Parsiysis, Fits, cte. complying with the said Act are | _ 478 05 4 2 Fougho, Moat TH TJ MAS KR pany Wy. H. LEE, tk Executive Council o Gallon« PNE ADMTINI OV ERNMENT * tirtscsr**s 1 yeAÂ¥ H ‘73 lg:.!n Stree TANT Avon 307dwo tf FUAP toe tan Goasine t hie LJ ere Â¥i , faxsay!. A. Y a, ¢ a* «6 â€" | GWiss cam L ISTRA | cV | PI P 8. * Are you w complaia io Tz order, with Homore ranged, an and un s u|e' * comfurtabl and con «[ MWu q . h ::'-:.':'": a Excel ‘ ocm “â€" N slctinoss in f f C h and shouk ¢, amd 1 .4.‘». Hinely use lslons of "\,' w24 @ edy Take and res 'c Q* ‘:4" ‘ :':::..' Order in * t t let the ‘: 3, and to | HG 4 :‘:":L: be made » N of IL bod Lir.nlu-b' o s :’;."’" purl med ar || dimmso. A cobl settles somewhere in | structs Its naturd! functions These D m n e y ng the i and wed | Â¥). si e oo tt o e Een oet C Constipation, Costtremcss l.pr:ouh- ! Iho:_â€"-:u-... l_a.mu. acn'r.lg » l)rop-' Avus ww watusls i4 . wes F! &. M“. Price, 25 conts per Dox, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Ganyerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conseâ€" m“..flï¬ltlyn‘h'luh.l&--. These contain no wereury or nineral substance whatever. Pu. A Ith VOR : ave Rheumati¢ Gout â€"a for yeare. da Most â€"of the Pills in market contain h wiich, sithouge a »efenee n h caitht Rerburp Prom Mrs. £. Sinart, Physician and Miubei/+, Bs tm--mma.-wyn:'mgm-m time, are ebcu natural seere “bchnn.l'bqâ€"nnu worme. ‘They are so much the best pbysic we have 1 recomment no other to my paticut®. wwd moro effectual for the cure of bilions com» pluluts than any ons remedy 1 can mation. 1 sincerely rejuice that we have at lougth a purgative which is worâ€" thy the couddenco of the profussion aud the people, ov ame Iyremo®, "-N-E D. C., ith Feb., 1806, Sim : L have used your in my geneval and practice ever since you made them, and cannot to say they aro the best cathurtic we employ. Their reguâ€" w‘:-u the Hver :l:*. n‘.'bqtl. conseâ€" Il“w-"-. Indeed, 1 have seblom found m caan af of that orgaa. Indeed, 1 have sellom found a case of Md«nx-rmuh“mmfl;ruh theu. Praternally yours, . ALONZO BALL, SL. D., : dhysician of the Murine Morpital, Dysentiry, Diarrh«a, Kelaz, Worms, ,-l'râ€"bv.l.u“dtw Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and 1 hold them in as of the best aperients 1 have ever found. m-,.n-ulhlwfl- M-Wfl‘-mmhâ€"lhu bikous dysentery and diarrhea. Their nrwd. makes them vory acceptable and convenient the use of women and children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Rev. J. Y. Himes, Pustor of Advent Church, Dostum, Da. Arca: 1 have used Pills with snccess in -yh-nyuvlâ€"ngm thome 1 ..-'m. Im dh": To mhh m v'-:-:l *!-h'. and H APO ver M have ever Ln-..-u luwnl.!v-m; recommend them to wy frionds, Yours, _ J. Y. HIME®, ‘hi':uw. Wyoming C "J..'zt Dean i 1 am using your C io tacriins theue att anputiont patghtive oo system and prry January 29, 1807 W Aro you sick, freble, and compluining? . Ars you‘rut 6C 5. ender, with your system deâ€" ranged, and your elings unâ€" t J-lue' comfurtable? . These symp mw“‘.' tome are often the prelude to © % ‘d’ serious llinc«s, Some Ht of . slcknows is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a u"’,- timoly use of the right remâ€" mz * wdy Take Ayer‘s Pills, and I Q+ ¢loanse out the disordered buâ€" C mors â€" r.n" the biood, and let the Aluids move on unob» structed in health again. !\'Luh-hlo the functions of the body into vigorous a~ trity, purify the system from the obstructions which make disoass, _ A cold settles somewhere in the body, and o) structs Its naturdl functions. These, if not relioved, react upon themselves and the surroundiag organs, proâ€" ducing genoral aggravation, suffering, and disease. \\Mhl-numw by the derangements, take Ayer‘s Pills, and see directly they restore the Mmdmmnl-‘iulbl-yul foeling of health again. â€" What is true and so apparent in this trivial and curtmmon complaint, is also true in many of the doepâ€"seated and dangerous distempers, The tame purgative effect expols them. M?hhuu tims and derangements of the iral functions of thp Iuly, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cur Mb omm maine Coaieba en tit sw it thess neglect employ w “ï¬- the disorders they cure. . ibnl uds o Eol Staiuments from leading physictans in some of th« principal citics, and froum other well kaown public per From a Farwarding Merchant of $. Louis, Pib. 4, 18%%. lh.l.nn: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great Mh “m.w a-w:’:wr.u:&::?mum..l m yourss beea how» ndy thrnt with totaiies n ptomntenes hor ahte wind in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tru your Pills and they have cured her. ____.______ _ miich Headache,$ick Headache,Fou! Stomach. Prow Dr. Eihoard Boyd, Bultimore. Dess Bro. Are®: I cannot what 1 M':"*'-‘ :-"3 ‘your Pilln better then to -:m hay WV Against said ad Rle can ) es onl o We e oc Oaee thta on A«slgnes for the 1 Are advert vome the Rev,. Dr. Hnoles, of the M:Zodist Epis. Chire>. Porask: Hocut, Savannah, Gs.. Jun. 6, 18454. ie ib se m in aatmntetet it ae atiet ma not to : Ac‘tmmhbud m.-:om ating newralyic pas=#, which ended io chromic rhewma» A Dower of Tw o houssnad Pounds W ha ellont azent litles surpas® any cithartio we possess. They are :anm--uwb“-h-h wels, which makes them tovaluable to us in the daily atmont of discase. $ NXC As a Family Physic. From Ds. E. W. Cartwright, New Orkans. ir INlls are the prince of purfes. Their excellen Wrow worre ant wore, untithy the wat grow worse and worse, m-.-thhhm’r.h‘n:b.l Their efe¢te were slow, bat sure, . Ry ; horet HEREAS CERTAIN LOTS C x OW N HEREAS 17 HAS BEEX REPRLEK® ro® CA U TILGCOIEN. LLENCY it \LCRFRS ZBACH, vO aun now enturely well. _ at haee ntnnal taiek o rom Pite fwliatich dinalne Th my snetei lt o AYER 8 \ CATHARTIC l ALMIRA McDONXNELL, wén JOHN 6. MEACHAM, Â¥. D THE GOY A. HIMSWORTH YINCENT SLIDELL _ } it Blils fur the eare of nity have fbund them 1 join me in proctaia» ASA MORGRID who syffer from ugh in Htwelf, is Ry perse Ic DONX ELL wanse the d your verieg PHs® aTrrawWA TIMES MAROQH 30, iste GENE | (4] The total gailo | # tih tha permitia greaeds® thme t | 1x Actoropet w ) tha ; | t« < the duty the boaey in Counci * ] i» hereby orde J pix pern £ fl’-my i «‘, or from any * | Bâ€"nded or store ; | peimations acco # 0 heroby #an: f 1. Permite t t | Dstiliery wher + M 4 wian : 4t > J of the manner of the blanks <T) i aik $ anciid B »Fiatineg u + "-(J.h-.h "mh‘ to A B." as .-:,--:;"-:-. or other its localli Ac.:n Warchouse attached umu".?,l ‘(i-‘.‘-“ Pn:r_.- or * Bonding Warchouse B, at _ ([3) The place to which the spirits are to be reâ€" wal in [1) _ _ T j t lh-[ï¬'j . "'Lw. o rits equal to [4] ;tfl,nd&om:‘p?pd__hl_.‘;& ¢alsition wlicer before the RPermit is granted, stating the name, residence, and occupation of such owner. (4) The Warechouse, or other locality, wherein he # then is, as = The Warchonse attached to Ne m-]«c U," or * Bonding Warchouse D :ï¬M or " The store of J h.," as the case may 4« The street, town, city, village, &c. §L’l‘:- place u-uï¬u h..;:bormv-‘.u f Tl.l.-«l of The e mods of ¢convreyanee, as " waggon |.f2gugu.\n.~u-1‘.~mra. Helen," or * 'n‘;grud::flhflny.“:mmnqhb:. ( ame cccupation person 0 ub.orâ€"hltbhhu-hufl. (P) .mm of business in ful, “‘l:).'m'm-hu-m"u has been paid, «_.'(v.hthulhonpldhm n-n‘vuht bn':nl Explanation of the n of flling in the bianks in the preceding Form A: _ â€"_â€"* 1) Name and occupation in full of the person t the requisition. is place of residence. ) ~.0'ur"-r“Aï¬Â¢ut for [ A B) the owner," »« the case may be. an agent, then a written uuthority to aet as such must be lodged with the day of | D W f) is Iâ€"to which the spirits are to be removed, or wherein thay are removed from ome place t» another, within the poriod mentioned in the permic. 1. !mymndtn‘-m'rm permit shall be made on the back thereof, avd every .mMMththhh‘&omcd“eu- walled " nerues the face of it, on the expiration of the poriod for which it has been granted. 8. Permits shall not be granted for the removal of spirit« unless the p-nqc in which they are o-q-h:l. lrv: ‘:c;_ marked and --::d in connect wl arehou Regulat ® |mflulbolftblllgl.ll;.\:‘ï¬f†MB : e and no hnfw.ld on or before hurln- u-om.-.ulg days, it is to be deliverâ€" i into the h. the Coilector or Assistant Colâ€" ctof of Inland Rerenue, for the Inland Revenue ivigion of [12] and cancelled This permit is valid for [10] ito and no ho;‘n.ud(nln Pormit granted at sseesion of [7] (4 Requisition made at this 1, (1) ‘!'I.L_'l'o be signed by the person making he reâ€" sed jor exaimination as often as may be requrired any odicer having awhority thereto, and it shail «delivered to the gollector, or assistant collector, lutand Revenue for the Inland Revenue Division lice porson toko Whore pooserston the rpivier aye in t rsom w t are to |r:;(und. --:l‘ g # hE R ‘) The name the person or ation ce ountody it whit be daring its remorat & Every -"lkth. for l;fl.‘ shall be made a printed torm, in comort {vkblbu herounto "“"':l.:.-iuu A, and shall be signed by the worte thk . b. BE t granted shalil be on the ad es sappling" ‘»i t Leputiment of Elowace. ich torms shall be in conformityâ€" with the form B wuntoaunexed, and shall be printed on paper ~ally prepared for the parpose, with such type & The owner‘s name and cccapation in fail day of Lvery pormit shall state the period for which to remain in force, which poriod shall not be thas will, in .-.ruhn.nh wlicer fnlli-. sullicient tor efecting the removal of the _;l:: which it relates. s e shali accompany the ; iys e it .J::f‘.u remain Inborud'-r?llho a having charge thereof, but it shall be proâ€" lory whercinthey have been manufactured, »:: any -mh-oh'honi- lhyl‘:ln been «l ar stored, may ranted on nrplln- { the owner of such .,Sm.. or of his duly au« ed unl..x the collector, or the assistant tor of Inland Revenue, for the Inland Reveâ€" ivision in which the spirits then are. Kvery applleation for such h nermit shall Excias. Reqmetion for a Pormit FORMS AND EXPLANXATIOX® tf »lace wherein _ is then stored.‘ _ place to which it is to be removed. coaveyance by which the removal is to Fule daty buving uece 0) an uuné. in wine ;allons, in each pack» trongth. quivaient in wine gallons of the strength 'M"F“:’?‘:j} the property and about o be transferred into the pproved | Minister 1« may be approved by the 138 No of Permit, Excise Proit this _ Collector of Inland Reâ€" venue for the Diviâ€" which it is to be removed scupution and plage of 1 W, A, HLIMSWORTH, Asslst, Clerk Executive Council the collector, or the assistant Revenue, for the Inland Reveâ€" ch the spirits then are. ation for such m permit shall . of (2) amd desori of the pack» i Ee emitalents _.__** i numbers c4 each of the packâ€" s B [&4. 11 i 4 «en pald, and, if not General No Local No $% days from 24 34 BOAID WANTED by a Lady and Genâ€" tieman in a private h-llz.uu the Postâ€" Office. Address, stating terms, &c., G. N. C., Box 210, Ottawa * 384a Aug. 10â€"200f VICTORIA it, VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United | â€"__,___ Kihgdom of Great Britain and Jretand, | Queen, Dufondoy of the Faith. To all ; to whom these Presonts shall come, | tirecting : . i wunn:u, by a Warrant nader Owr | Royal Sign Mamual, countersigned by one | of Our Principal Secretaries of State, and bearing | date at Our Courts at Buckingham Palace, the 29th | day of January, 1856, in the nineteeuth year of | Our Reign, We did constitite and create a new | Naval and Military Decoration, to be styled ‘and 'cloolgubd the Victoria Cross, which Decoration | We expressed Our desire should be highly â€"prized | and cagerly sought after by the Officors and Men: of Our Naval and Military Services, and did also make, ordain, and establish the Rules and Ordiâ€" nances therein set forth for the gorernment of the | same, to be thenccforth inviolably observed and | kept : « ' And We do further for us, Our Heirs agd Succesâ€" sors, erdain and appoint that the said Docoration way a be conferred, in accordance with the Rules and nancer prescribed in Our said recited Warrazt, and #ubject to the provisions a.oresaid, on such persons whomay"be qualifed to receive the sams in accordanse with the said Rales and Ordinances, as may hereafter beemployed in the Local Forces raised, or which may b#raised in Our Culonies and their Dependencies, who may be callâ€" ed upop to serve in coâ€"operaton with Our Troops in military operations which it may be necersary to undertake for the suppression of Rebellion against Our Authority, or forrepelling invasion by a foreign enemy. i Now know ye, that We of our especial Gracé, certain knowledge, and mere mution, have thought wt hereby to siguify Qar Koyal Will and Plowsure that the said Decoration may be‘ conferted on such persons atoresaid, who may be qualifibd to receive the same in accordance with the Rules and Jrdinances -_ulo. ordained, and established by Us for the government thereof, by Our said recited Warrant, and We do by these Presents for Us, Our Hoirs and Successors, ordain and appoint that it shall be competent for such persons aforesaid to obtain the said Decoration in the manner set forth in the Rules and Ordinances referred to, or in ac cordance with such further Rules and Ordinances as may hereafter be made and promuigated by Us, Jur Heirs and Successors, for the government ‘of the said Decoration, provided that it be established in any case that the person was serv.ing with Our Croops, under th6 Orders of a General or other OiBicer, under ciroumstances which would entitle an Oficer or Soidier of Our Army to be ‘recomâ€" mended for the said Decoration, in accordance with the Rules and Ordinances prescribed in Our #aid recited Warrant, and provided also such person shall be recommended for it by such General or wther Ofcer : v | Nestr. i: sire, : BAytagy Aud whereas aluring the progre:s of the operaâ€" tions which We have undertaken against the In surgent Nativetribes in our Colony of Now Zealand, it has happened that persons serving in the Local Forees of Uur said Colony have porformed. ‘de eds of gallantry, in consideration of which they are not, according to the strict provizions of Qur ‘said recited Warrant, eligible for this high distinetion : 1 have mpe)p pleasure in transmitting to you a Copy of a Warrant, issued under the Royal Sign Manual, under which the decoration of the Victoria Cross may be conferred on persons serving. n the Local Forces, which areâ€"or may hereafter be raises in any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies. I have to instruct you to take whatever steps may appear to you Thost likely to give publicity to this W arrant. (Signed) The Officer Administer ? the Governmen Canada. & T MoODERATE RATES oNX PI®STâ€" CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY, Ap. to c c . PENNINXGTON MACPHERSON, Montreal T\ nï¬ idings, vhs ontrem ul W&. Ottaw â€" 23rd u.....‘HS"‘ * RLâ€"Ef. Cirovcan, _ (Copy.) WARRANT j in pum!k- to themagnitud .+ _ genoral characâ€" ter of the business urrf:l on l‘!:(‘h license. 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be roâ€" muved from the apartments of the manufactory whereinthey are manufactured as soon as the whole Ku«u of manufacture is completed, and shall then “.rlu‘d in apartments or storeâ€"rooms set a«part for purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the manner required by the Exciso Bonding R:fuluiou made bh["?rd.r in Council, dated the 17th day of May, 1865; and they shall ba daalt with in racuant lat Given at Our Coart, at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, this first day of January, 1867, in the thirticth year of Our Reign. By Her Majosty‘s Command, . (Signod) J. PEEL. Wry 2. That any Beuded wanulactory. licensed under the above recited ‘Act, may be closed and the Liconse forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing that frauds npon the Revenue are perpctrated in tonncction w.lt‘ #uch imanufacâ€" 1. That gubject to the provisions of the Act above cited, to Ihno Regulations, and to such further Reâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made by competent authority, Licenses may be granted to manufucture in l-‘.d the lnleulrl:‘u:ia m-onu&, vie: Lasences and Estracts, \'he‘ur. & : x Varnizhes, * Starch. CF the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and dander and in virtue of the uthoru] fliu. and conâ€" ferred by the Act 29=â€"30 Vic. Cap. 7, is Exceliency in Council has been rltuod to orcer, and it is hereâ€" by ordered that the following Reguiations respo@â€" ing the manufacture of the undermentioned dutiable goods in Bond, be and the same are hereby adopCed «â€"â€"that is to #avtâ€" T en Pranedl pak‘s & vanme Nonbmnilis ww 5 acil son into whose possession it is to be transferred. 8] is place of business. Â¥ .:I‘ud" or "*secured in bond," as the case 0) The number of days which, in the opinion dlbo]olm granting the |imlv. may be ...:f...r, for the removal. : 11J The poriod named for the removal. 12] The Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are removed or in which the removal trom one place to another takes place. l8 EXCELLENCY THB GOVERNXORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL «LX TUB RECOMMENDATION OF tay, 1865; and they shall be dealt with, in respect f their subsequent removal, exrorumm or entry or consumption, in accordance with the eaid Rezuâ€" it The name and oced in full of th ;?u-'hu possession J?." : be tru-n-‘;m:d.'“h RNANT j&r extondin Locul Forees in New nies, and their Deprad if Money to Lend Council hele the #t/h 1500 Baas LEVERPOOL SALT. PROVINCE OPF CANADA 1 have the honor to be, Aeld in the City o, c on 2ih day of .Sql{-t',"'l'b(ï¬ PRESEXT : Dowxrxa Staret, 9th Feb., 186 Your most obedient, Humble Servant nding the Victorle Croms to the New Zealand aud in the Coloâ€" W. A HIMSWORTH, E. MoGJLLIVRAY AlMARVON. Aest. C. F 7. When a letter is posted at an office after the despatch of the Mail for which it is intended, but on the same day, the Postmaster should mark it oppdhï¬opcnuk.ulï¬abyn-pw'lï¬p- and ink * Too Latk" to show that the letter was posted too late for the Mail of the day of which it bears the pest mark. General, In the case of letters to or from the United States; no credit is given for any partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent rateâ€"By the United States Post Office Law, any amount of partial preâ€"payment is torâ€" feited and the letter rated as if wholly unpaid. :___Bill, Law and Registration Stamps. 4. Postmasters intrusted with the sale of Bill, Law, or Registration Stamps (stamps to be usod in Lower Canada in paying fees on Deeds, &c., in Rogistry Offices) are required to be un&flq keep their accounts and remittances connected with such sales, and the applications for further supplies of such staimps, entirely discinct from their accounts, remit‘ances, and applications in connection with Postage Revenue, Postage Stamps, or Money Order business, 5. Postmasters are reminded that, at every Post Oflice, a printed or written notice stating the/time at which the Mails arrive and close, and the hours for opening the Office in the morning and closing in the ovening, should be pat up for the inforraation of the public. The object of the 7 cent unpaid rate, is to induce preâ€"payment and thereby relieve the Post Office from cost and trouble of account and collection, but this object is equally defeated whether the letter be wholly anpaid, or but partially prepaidâ€"and thereâ€" fore the 7 cent rate applies to the whols charge upon the letter in both cases. tsk., P 3. In applying the 7 cent unpaid rate to letiers passing within the Province posted unpaid of not fully prepaidâ€"Postmasters will observe that a lettor passes cither as prepaid at 5 cents per } oz., on condition that the whole postage due be fully prepaid â€"or at 7 cents per } oz. if posted unpaid; or only partly prepaidâ€"in the latter case the full rate of 7 ets. per } oz.should be marked and a deduction made therefrom of the amount which may have been paid â€"thus on an ounce letter prepaid 5 cents onlyâ€"the rate wiil be 14 cents and crediting the 5 cents paid: â€"â€"9 conts will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery, 2. A. Packet of Newspapers, or of Books, adâ€" dressed to the United Kingdom may be sont rezisâ€" tered on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of the same registration charge as on letters for the same destiâ€" nation, namely, 8 cents is addition to the regular postage. _ All Letters, Newspapers, &¢., for the abore places intended for the New York Route should be adâ€" dressed (ria New York.) f A Postmaster having letters, &¢., so addressed to mail, will mail them for whichever of the six City Oflices above named, may best suit the purpose as regards the relative position of his own Office and New Nork. 3 Registration of Nm’rapn and Book ingdom. *.* Lettors forwarded by this route can be registered as far as New York on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of an additional.5 cents por letter. . Do, ria Havana......... ireiebint Laguayra Vrazcina 2 P. &b:{h: , W eer Ixores â€"Britishâ€" Bahama#«, Nassau, Barbgdoes, Demerara, Dnminlieu |I Essequibe, i Grenada, ; | Jamaiea, Nevia, 8t. Kitts, 8t, Lacia, iA ;L.b\'lmnl, | ‘obago, | Trinidad, | Weet lxmu.â€"-?mlg:, except Cuba and ® Thomasâ€" | alulilloupxo). [ ayti, St, Domingo, | Martinique, C l ! Porto Rico, | Santa Cruz. ) Australia and New Zeaâ€" land ria New York| and _ Panama, by tteamer leaving New York on the lith of ~| ‘each month............. INETIUNE: .1 .1s conrerre rimenbevven Pretâ€"Callao, Lima........ 8t. Thomas, U. 8. packet NOURUOE .. ccrccourventarnceress CrxtRat § Costa Rica g Axerica. z Quatemaia Cmiutâ€"Vafparaiso ......... Cardenas, l Havana, Orsa { Matanzas, L. _ | PartoPrincipe ) FEORNFILN: c+ coxrerrieerss revenes Do..via Havana...,....,.. New (Grenada, exeopz Arpinwall & Panama, 4 ( Pacite #ide Aearulco‘ Aspinw all llorivil..‘. Brazi Lli'l"l‘uul. Newspapers, &c«, for the aboveâ€"named destinations may be forwarded from Canada by way of New York in the Maile made up daily for that City at the Postâ€"offives of Quebee, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and Hamilton, & CANADTAN POSTAGE STAMPS. Notice to Public of Ofice and Mail Hour: AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND DEPARTMENT ORDER, Letters, Newspapers, WEST INDIES, caragra< Guifof Mex l ico side CcotUXTRD Letters posted without Address, &¢c ON PREPAYMENT POSTâ€"OFFJCE DEPARTNMENT Bahia Para Pervam Rio Janeiro soUTIH AMERICA, ‘artially. Prepaid Letters Via New York,. Of the following rates by Orrawa, 12th Feby., 1867. ) Too late Leiters &C ingdom PQR TH® 10 for United & p of 2 p dor Board of OfMicers assembled to Investigute and | _ Report upon Claims for Pensions and Gratâ€" uwities, on account of Volunteers Killed or Disabled by Wound« and Sickners, on Ac tual Service. 1 Pensions and Gratuities, Axn OTHERS INTERESTED, aitE notified that the: Executive Coancil have authorized the Which hare been Neo.llilipndod in accordince with the tot;al of an HIs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GEXEâ€" RAL IN COUXNCIL. Ou THE RECOMMENXDATION or the Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and in virtug of thewightyâ€"fifth section of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordored that the following tolls be imposed, levied and collected or saw logs and timber passing down the ghdes at Ranney‘s Fajis, Middle Falls and Bealy‘s Fall«, on the works of the River Tront, that is to #ay : one cent por saw log of thirteen feet in length, and n proportionate suim on pieces of greater length, passing down cach of the above mentioned elides respectively. And thitthe above toll ot one cen per saw log ‘be collected and paid for each ruch slide on all such «aw Ing«, and of one dollar per trib on all such cribs of square timber as have passed down the River ‘gmt from the beginning the present season of navigation. . V OLUNTEEIs OQORDER: INX COUNXCIHI At a Council held in the City of Montreal _ urdayythe Bth day of Decenter, 186 | PRESEXT : .. year of our Reign By Command, is of the eurrent money of our said province, will bo ’ paid to any person or persons, not being the actual | offender or ofenders, who will give such informaâ€" | tion as will lead fo the discovery, appreheusion and I eonvict.on o. thp porpetrator or perpetrators of the | offence above described. | "Ix Trammioxy Wurrzor, we have caused | these our Letters to be made Patent, and the ‘Great Seal of our said province of * Canada to be niler-_nto aflixed : Wirxxss, Our Trusty Wellâ€"Beloved Ei Joux | ~MtomEL, K. C. 1., Administrator of the | Government of our: province of Canada, and Lieutenant General Commanding our Forces therein, &¢., &# , &c. At our Govâ€" | ernmént House, in oor CITY of OTTA W A, | % in our said province of Canada, the l * GerEirNG : Wul:um_u. DURINSG (THE MGHT of the eightcenth day of Jagaary, now last past, or thereabouts, the ofice of William H. Campâ€" bell, the Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Distribuâ€" tor of Law Stamps« in ithe town of BrockviNe. in ‘and for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville in our province of Canada, (the said office then being in the Court Hoase of the said United Counâ€" ties,) was clandestinely entered by some ecvil disâ€" posed person or persons, and a quantity of Law stamps, of a large v.ï¬ue, as well asa sum oi money, then and there ‘eing. were then and there feloniously stolen, taken and carried away : Now know ‘ye, that * * j T‘wo Haundred Doliars ¢f | J.ll\“('“lf!.. VICTORLA, ‘by the Grace of God, af the ©United Kinyulunj( of fiveat Britain and Ircland, Queen, Dâ€"fender of the Faith, «tc.; «e.," "| To all to whom these p;‘ecuu sliall come, or whoi _the same may conciruâ€" ° list of the names hasthis day been published the Canada Gazette, by the Recéiverâ€"General, o will pay the sevoral porsons entitled to recerve amounts awarded, upon compliance with the uirements of the Act 22 Vie., Chap. 6, Consoli+ Statutes of Upper Canada. Miuitia Derartuest, _ ) tawa, February 2, 186%7. | ~d3szewitl Provines cf Canapa. 9. In Department Order No. 65, dated 24 Nov., 1863, permission was given for Bookâ€"Manuscript, and Printers‘ Proofs, whetber corrected or not, to pass at the printed matter rate of one cent an ounce, and it now appears to be necessary to explain to Postmasters, thu“zy Boukâ€"uanucripl. was meant the written sheets of any Book, and the inâ€" tention was to encw:ige literary productions, by affording faciliti¢s for Authors to .zend, and receive such mattor to and from their publishers by Post. Printers‘ Proofs are the printed impressions taken by a Printer, for correction or examination, of any matter passing through his Press. \ Under former regulations the writtin marks correcting #uwch proofs rendered them l}able to leiter postage when sent by Mail, and the intention of the Department Order keferred to was, to relax the rule in favor of such proofs, and allow them whin eorrected, to retain their character as priated matter, knd pa«« at printed matter ratés jof charge. * IL. 1. LAXGEVIXN, SOoTdw9.1f 1 Postmasterâ€"General. cal Instrume E:. _m-g-, 8. Postmasters whould be careful not to open dr read themselves, norâ€"to suffer to be opened or read | by any other than the person addressed, any Newsâ€" ‘ paper or Periodical paksing through their Offices | or coming to their Offices, for delivery. The pracâ€" ticeof allowing Newspapers or Periodicals to be #o { opened or read, is very reprehensible, and loads to abuses and complaints, even when the irregularity l is alleged to take place with the permission of the ] person to whom the Newspaper or Periodi¢al may ; be addressed. t I %Mu.d prhf’lb;i. above forwarded, irgoyne, Newspapers for delivery not 0!*'4'0. Drugs, Paints, Glassware, fedicine Chests, 312 Phu-n.oonug?l Preparations Photograpbic Sundries, cal Lum-om.’ \â€" Patent: DRUGS, * 16 Counuay 81., Lowpox. llool'â€"."flnu{tl‘l}le A REMW AEEID +] DATED 21sr AVGUST, 1866 daw EIGHTH day" of FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord, one thousand cight bhunâ€" dred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirticth NO TLCIEE. ISSUE OF THE BV Ti W, A. HIMSWORTH, | Asst C. B.C E. A. MEREDITH, _ Asst. Secretary. anÂ¥l Printers Proof LYyY Puxi)az Medicines rysalteries; | Dye Goods, and Squire #7%%4 &o. Le read in J »#| RELIEF Tx â€"P.: T $P; Li . Tus® Orrawa Tiwgs.â€"Printed By all who ure sick, or who wish to preyent wlak» nees. It is the ouly genuine or original prepars« tion for the permanent cure of the most dangerous | «nd confirmed cases of Mortimer. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Com * plaints, Constipation, Headache» and Plles.® Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Cost ed Pills are for sale by all Druggists mfr':'; whw.'lqullm ‘G‘"mï¬t‘: MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. Massey, £9 _ These Pills are prepared :l('pr-ld to operate in huno;s widl,t.huw:nm all l{lo«lql""""' ?nx.sd LB s:ï¬nsnnnilu..\. 3.;.:;'"5{:::‘ rom depraved bumeors, or impure holpless safferers need not ir. Undertbe i ence of these two omr‘imnm -dz 3:: have heretofore been considered utterly :":; R 3 ,. m filtteing Beraots toate Pills use the eprert the uickest, and the bestâ€"remedy ever prepared, #24 Luu be at onee resorted to : any climate. ‘ The astonishing efficacy of the Cenadian Pain Destroyer, in curing diseases for which it 1« reâ€" | commended, and its wonderfal #uccess in subdning | thetorturing pmins of Rheumatiexi, and in relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedics for these complaints . Orders nre couting in from Medicine Dealers ts‘l“ parts of the [ country for further mE:iu. and estch testifying as | to the universal satislaction it gives. ‘The Great cure for all Diseases of the LLYER, STOMACK AXD BOWEL Put up in Glass Phials, a6d Warranted to keep | Side, Buck and Cougbhs, Colds, 8 i Sprains, Bruises, Cn;l;: in the ‘(::crh,“ @ENUINE HONDUKAS EARSAPARILLA, And is the only true cnd reliable cure for Syphilis, â€" _ even in its worst forms. It is the very best medicine tor the cure of wl diseases arising from a vitiated or impure state of the blood, and particularly so when used in conâ€" nection with Itis guarhnteed to be the purest and most power eC ful preparation of, Scrofuiay Old Sores, Bolls, Tumor®, A‘h scesses, Uloersy i And every kind of Scrofulous and Scabious erapâ€" tions. â€" It is‘also a sure remedy for b‘!" ETJI;E;B‘T“â€"]._;J the humors of the y sendersi unheaithy by the houyy greasy secretions of the winter months. 'l‘hiz rmw powerful detergent, cleanses every portion of the svstem, and shou‘d ibe * PONIONIC WaPiRy: saLT RuUEUM, RiNG WORSK TETTER SCALD HEAD AXND SCURYEY. We speak from experience in this matter, har tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ; suftering from any of the complaints for which t reconmended â€"may depend upon its being ¢ So reign Remedy. Eo by Geo. Mortimer, John 'i!-nbuu,'-â€" x $ Massey . F. McCarthy, and J. #kinner, in/ MaWik. X.. ... ... * » pUPING THE SPRIXNG ANDSU MMER The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to gi immodiate relief. All Medicine Dealers kcm i Physicians order and use it ; and no family wili vflhpnur: it after m&yh‘ it., bu-tll y ce twentyâ€" nents e. . NORTIH{(:; & LYMAX, Newenstle, C. XF., o0 _____ .. General Agents for C. Â¥ _ BRiIsTOL‘S 8ARSAPARRILLA ! TllB CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER ma. now been before the public for & length af time, and whenover used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to iive permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a #ingle care of dissatisfaction where the directions are preâ€" perly followed ; but on the contrary, all are delightâ€" ed with its anrflian. and spesk in the highes terms of its virtues and mazical efoote. D every morning, (Sundays excepl@ Gzonrer Coflol,'gvpdm. at the Steam Printing Works, o. 60, | Street in the City of Ottaws Cov @arleton, O.W CANADIAK buld by Ge Massey, M. P Xttaw a. Among the most imyortant o Relieve Coughs Relieve Inci};i:z,t JOH THE onlula“, lished in 18%7, an ever introduced under â€" Wajers," im this of any Jmoni¢ Wafers Aroue be‘known by the nan Relieve Aslhm:. â€"lir: 08 Are warranted t Are m biessing: 4ry Are -dupuah 1 _JIN QUART BOTTLES! , ] + M * IHE GRZAT [PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD J# p-‘nlcuilr!ym;mmendrd or use Ottawa, Fob. 5, 1867 re m bl Ottav (Vegetatl« Relieve Spitt Arc in «im Rétieve the THEN THE HLOOD IS THLCK, THE Relieve I USED DAILY A8 A DIET DRIXK MOsEs U Ch y relieve tray a Feb. 5, 186 BRISTOLS WAFKEi tamily sh Bryon‘s lera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! l‘«?hinu. Burns, Sealds, rost Bites, &e , es n his pock‘ erson will ever ob Riryon‘s Pubniohic Wafere ghs, Colds, Eore Throat, 1J I""""_' Pulmonit Waker C» McCartive Coveries #tar NXORTHROP Iwentyâ€"five C le Pflbpr:euw, NAL MEDICINE E7 h l ez T give4atisfa i, and first i the house ald be wit uld be without a box Pulmoni¢ Wate 0,,Counterfest I'.I‘IJ:Ie BRYas nch Printed and Published undays excepted) bÂ¥ TEX . MIXTUTFs ROP & LYMAX, Neweastle, C. \ imer, John Robefts, W. Sucarâ€"Coateu the td Y ork Y AN be the wrticle of n to every one County of rNEM M Lhe genuins ing Sampeq 505 d w ESTAR. A the king Ar8Enceq M w im all Come Ale OE published . 4 â€ï¬, over making a to 1®,000 ; th @Otta All Octawa, € O m w m €W4. °0 corner of : Ort n KB Solc. Odice, «0 Ftore, Iids J anuery r carly ad iberal allk may Catod went in uen Docesab OrenCR® Mr. Wai s‘ï¬â€˜a!‘ of !a8, CoLML Oct awa, nam, C£. OtLawa, # rown 4 and &4 K. B. Ma ebraary . (DC Lk ie Feoram MLB® Caas rrice: Atawa, 4 UrriC« January . ag o mHE* DA {P Offhice C e aitii ©rrice »th m w iss ALA W a, VCO P sothcs «)Mce : 8 ains late Oct o on by mea l Slgran C000 a mt DDZ OreiC® Qrruc Me offic Mojer john & mito 5 J 54, 7 LALl TPO® mj Gen + M A W Ottawr w U inh Chang TWOi D V D arod t 1 VO \W