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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Mar 1867, p. 4

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ll rosETLV & LÂ¥ IUPIIIO;.'ID AN Y or all other proparations for the of Heaves, Cuaghs, Thiek wl Brokem Wind, and| all dissasos which affect the Wind o/ Muser ; as & Condi~ tiun Medionms, garpassing uou(l'mg}l the kind ; is emey u.u. sure to cure, and »afd in all cases aad a8 timas, and loos not prevent the horse from being worked 'fio‘ using it. El I; cieagses the oreathing apparatus, by removâ€" lng from the airâ€"colls the cougulable lymph, or thas sesretion whish in hoaves clogs causing a d«ifisu‘ty in broathing, and by its on the dissused pert, causing whe macous membrane to rosu no its aatuaral aé ising the clroal stion of the aad restoring tie distended versols to their auturalisizo; by its usoithe horse‘s dpnstite is lamprovet, all doran of the d\ griure organs corroged, softoning thp skin, and p‘m."u the coat a slesk and ohlu‘ D. N. ULJ 4), sascessor to Hord , Maiden Lvag, Now Vork, Sole Proprictor for Uaited St ut Gev. Murtimer, John Robetts,; W ‘m‘?‘"”‘-’ #.. MgCarthy, m‘m... On::g, Veb. 6. 1967 $50d4wizm Tas rate o{ intorgst on loans is 8 cent. No cam ausion charged, and oxpenses nnod The lomas aco asually for tive but can be made p sy gbis vas ‘.Afl, umd{-‘;”'m L‘.l..u, it o inpactent ireu with ong ‘ A de 810 ro i #oe K:hn hfaosn apply at ‘mo Ofice in Ki-ru-. or to * J. PEX NINu PON MACPUERSON, ® y | â€" K #, Ottawa. . DARLEY‘S ~| Arabian Heavo Remeody, HOOKS OX AGRICULTURE, &e. : | @urdening for Projit. Breck‘s New Book of Flowers. Bse Keeping, by M. The Fruit tiarden, by Ruvers. Th American Horticulturai Aunmual, tor 1887. !The American Agricultura _wsm. The now Dismond Edition of Dickens‘ RETIRING ! Boots, Shoes & Rubbers, Tllh’. Tarsr e!l, LOaN, CoxPrAaxy ud U##i4 CA JADVA have for invost» mont on ho secwrity of dratâ€"class n and farm property, and are al«s propared to good | Eits, at cost price for cash NOTICE to the PUBLIC : wo UNTED TO DEATH : a Novel H ""‘WQP':" b,luu"l-ul“'ho-o. Loigh,‘ «o. " Iowiia," by Ouids, of « Strath more." .« The Last W armag Cry ;" by Dr. Cumâ€" mung, â€" The weutle Lifo, ist and 2nd series. The Voluateor‘s Active fluv‘no Manual, by Major Dix ant, A @eological Mip of the m&.-umuo. long, by «Whue. Oliver & hlt'vm. for 1987. . The Nantical Almanac, lb?. w ‘oflcl is ugRaBy Clu.. enat 1 W the Directors of the Uttaws Uloucestes Road Company have this day made a tarther call of Teon per Cont. Of the Capitai stoow ot tne said , which call theyâ€"require the holders of such| Stock to pay to the undersigned at the office of W. M. MA THEâ€" SON, E8Q., in tho City of Ottawa, â€"| A ball sum to be niamed for of this service. . Auny further can be ob= tained oh applcation: at «his Es * soparate Tendors to be given M service, and f. be addressed: to the and en« dorsed respecuvely «Tender for sperm il" . _ The 28th day of March next. Dated this Twenty sisth day of Fabruary, 1967 Qorica Hovas from i0 to 12 a m., and trom 2 to & en . P ; | ‘sTurd KK 3ee Citenlars.â€"ONLY ONE PRICK. "R ] @. . PREsSTO Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1867, e f’ +w Servants‘â€"and Laborers‘ Mogiszstry qtnoo [ e lst Door Wos of Betes‘, a1r CRasg‘s sFWs pEeror, y h NEOpaRK .l â€" 36, Sparks Stree M‘awa, November 27. 0 Department of Puo y orfqrks, Oitawa, 8th March, 1867. Rtawa, March 12. Partioe tendering mrast give l&:ru-add- lress in full, also the signatures of two responsible r'“".:'.“.“"......g" use "The Depirtnent wilf woe i ment e will not be bound to aséept okmw%lfl. Ottawa and Gloucester Road THE BARGALIN3 Pm sontinag until: first day { Ma+ next, when | Norlg Ag04 M lWMH.fl..’iflfl romen * So. 13 and a so Now 03, & * an now be had LN LOT3 To SUIT PURCHASâ€" Tendor for Coal Vil," and « Tender for deliver £ Lighe Hocpempyifen." wider for: delivery o ‘ 1 e a s d e CR e V for ure oC Gallone of the best quality o€ -tmm &U.I‘ to be hrn&d in ironâ€" bquud caske ining 20 to 20 guiluons canh. “Wbuwtiu 1:-0 l-lunuor- anee, and to be vered at the cootractor‘s ri>k at the time above rtated at Montreal. The vessel will be allowod to Mw -Wlmumm’om Iv-’ ry of the Stores. I i ontractor, and ilol{ ost incluaed in y ai. . cost. 9 in L *#sRS, J, Gr, MCLACITLLA C G Will carryâ€"on the basiness at No. 12, as asual The -u;: b& furnished m ironâ€"bound um contaiming gallons oach, the best order, io be deltrered at the C\-:Ou’- risk, on suokh wharf, near the Muc-g.huhum and on asdoh day on or abuut urst day of July next as may be spacitied im the contract. s..l.l. TBADERA WILL 8E REKâ€" .o...:" this viide until noun of FiibaY, the Taa Lt uP MAX mexst, for the supply of &036- lour of the best quaisty of Wiutorâ€"piecsed SPEKNM ULL tor the Provincial Lighthouses above Lachine, one shird of whion mast be irums heud matior which will scanu liumpid at $u® Fabroubsit, and the otuer twoâ€"thirds at $4® subject to inspection and test beture acoeptance, and if requireu, to be measured Tecommedations tfln be irequired on board v the persons from thi in charge of 0 Stores, aad the vessel wi be required to weive and transport from one| staton to another hy such Stores. .as the Suporn in m,' SHALRO . TRNDBRS will beâ€"received on the n-d‘tfi-.uu‘\f ttplb,fln‘? of the uwal Lighthouse suppltts, donsisting about 0 cusks of oil, and 40 tons of other articles, at + respective Ligtuiiouse A situate on the vor at Lawsence amd Lake«; namo‘ly, Lakes St. Louls, St. Frai River 8t. Lawâ€" nce between Brookwille aad Kingston;, Lakes tatio, %ob. 8t. Clair and Muron, asnd on the orpan Bay. Cl M STEAM VESSEL WANTED. The casks, in cach quse, to be furnished by the Tenders willaiso be recoived on the same day 0 crow PThe Latest in Books .ln uh‘y E WHOLE STOCK OF #EA8ON«â€" LIGHT HOUSE sUPPLIES. tYD CONDITION MEDININE iT Ccost, For ¢Asa . J. 6. McLACHLIN & CO Money to Loan. PMICE TWANTYâ€"HV4 C@~ts. ' the delivery tsol must agsist in of the vesgsel coMPaANY.* R¢ onier .. o ie atale x Nawo «m O Mie in __ i Propritorefor tle Canadas. â€"AL8O0 Aâ€" JOHN l::lu & s0N, Apposite llq" Auaselt House BRAUN 316â€"w10â€"12% $ 0d w ®u BNdC Bd Ady the price wb be promptly attended to. Uealso willhavre _ | ,_____", g:m.ou- for sale, at the late | Prepared dence of Clement Bradiey, w Y Sold by MATHEW T. DeRINEY+ | Massoy, | Ottaws, March 4, 1806 . 83 / | yev 470 for Borders; also Herbscious Plants and Excalbew | Roots. _ He has also on hand i large stook of Greenâ€" mM.&Ide-MM.dMJ or Seeds of the dessription. . Parties wanting U‘ab nawest style of landâ€"keep | together and Planting be promptiy attanded to. u.t.-mun t ounty of seils the attention of the Lnâ€" habitants of the of Ottawa, and surrounding country. le wilt orders for all sorts of Fruit Trees, Orameatal and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs with a choise lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plart. For such iefualt, as provided in the said Act. * JOHN SIMPSON, * C Assistaxt Avoryon Â¥ebraary 23, 1887. 367dwo w The wholo as required by the Act 24 Vic.. vap. | 33, see. 11. | NOTICE is heroby given that INSURANCEK ' COMPANIES not complying with the said Act are epenpagien | CG#arden & N urser In G@loucester. G@reen Field FIRE INSURANCE COMPANI®S aovERNMExT HotsE®, ' Orrawa, 20th FPubruacy, 1867 .+ Prazssyt : # | HI8 EXCELLENCY. THE ADMINISTRAâ€"| TOR OF THE QO\'EIXI}I.\'T I IN COUSXCIL. 0- the recommendation of the Honor« able the Acting Miniater of Finance and wunâ€" Jder and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" ferred by the Act 29, 30\Â¥ic., Cap. 7, His Exootâ€" ‘eney in CounciÂ¥has been pleased to order, and it | I-bnl'-tngn' subject to the provisions of | the suid Aot, to tWe conditions, regulations and resâ€" trictions estabrished and imposed by the Order in Conncil of the 2ith day of september, 1966, and to such further regulations &s may heroafter be made vy competent authority, Livenses may be granted t manufacture in Bond, the undermentioned arâ€" | noles, that is to say : .. f Acetic Acid, ib * | Acetic Ethor, f 1 ’ Buturig * a i Chlorie â€"« y k Nitrons â€" « L } 3761 Not incorporated by any Statate of this Province, | have not published the statement of their _ . | Assots and liabilitics ; ' Amount of Capital Stock ; 3 ' Amount paid thereon ; Nakure of Assote ; t | w‘h“x % 1 I dus and unpaid ; ' 3 wijusted and not due, _ . in suspense and waiting for Mor| They have made arrangements to do so at a +mall cost per burner, aad without injuring the Gas Burner or Chandelior. lhm-uwd 4 or 5 dozon Burners during the past , which give m-mluuu in all cnses, they can with con recommend this| change. 1 Good Canada Rock Oii Toall W homit May Concern "!lll SUBSCRIBEIS bey to bnforms the public that baving been by a large number of the citizen« of Ottawa to have their | 37}), ets. per C#allon. In c‘nq Â¥ive Gallons ; and Chimneys bylh“.:-'-vcy & . M WVÂ¥ _ Sparks Streot, solo: for sale of above | _ W Watcher, and canjion ma.,.«- hog th | rtomocebt c:?- by. W atohew "# Makere to .'v‘. hn but whichare nog .;rh-n‘ by us, _ |. | dor the pr * flu;susb “nnu. & SOX,â€" _ | â€"/ Consolida May 31, 1966. hk mack Aitaipests [ | Comnoit h W PENALTY OF $1.000, GAS FIXTURES CHANGED ! GAS SUPERSEDED ! CHASED ! acres of land, on which he intends OMPLAINT having been madle that cortain ns UNBERSIGNED fAYTXG PoRâ€" Podophyilin, Lip Tandrin, Spirits Ammonia Aromatic, Compound Spirits of Lavender __ De do of Juniper, Medicinal Tinctwres of all kincds, Cordhale, Bitters, Ayrups, Compeanding of Brandies, Gin (commonly called old Tom) other (in and CQOxaAxL OLI1L, Seotch and [rish Whiskeys Proprictary .f:‘h.' Patent Medici Pharmaseatioal Auline Dy¢s, Mair Oilsy | Hair Washes, Powders. Sul phuric * Chioroform « Collodian « Moffman‘s Anodyne,, Talapia, f reststed, and for what cause ; ; Amount of all other claime agains} the comy pauny ; * x‘ Amount of premiums earned Mlbmd during the past yoar ; LQOK HMHERE. Within two wmiles of the city NOTXICE WiLL BE SURPLIED At Acour Orrics, Ottawa, Febranry 19, 18( #0 ad voo tane Wx, H. LEE, Cletk Executite Connci Price, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mase. t\l-uouh'm in market contain Mercur . which, slthough remedy in skilful hands. is -'ll':'u-.nursil. t:fmm-oâ€" i“umumnhmw-n::c. Eoo e grow w and worse, until by the a .-':lubr ‘1-.:\0-:& ,.t ellects were slow, but surc. Ry the use of them, 1 am uow outisuly well. | Sexare Cuumsun, Huton Rouge, La.. _\ Dr. Arcn: 1 have been entiroly cured, by : [Rheumatic Gout s patofal discaps that had | Prom Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montrect, ( | Teo much cannot be said of your Pliis H others of our fraternity ha eMticacious as 1 have, they should jrn 1 it for the h-l:u'thw\h‘:tui complaint, which, although enou NIM“:“M:H;“!::.' uz“"unA L. to the liver, your F::-lmmm e § | Mrome Mrtc E. Suort. Prosicion and Ni i Dr. Arcn: 1 have used your Pills with dn h-flyuulmlhâ€"l.-m %w‘hwut of digestion and ll‘ blood, they aro the best remedy 1 have v_known, and 1 can conddently recommend them to friends, Â¥o J. V. HDHES. frtem ad puryy the Jonntaim 17 Te I JOMX G. Mi tem and purtfy te fountuins of the bood, ____ _ _ | i i ooo JOMX G, MEACHAN, M. D. l"ullp.llo-.(uun-n-.l-' sslom, | w Gout .‘outal.fl:m | aiy Pakatini Hiant iss e* | Prom Dr. Edward Buyd, â€" | Draa Bno. Arue: 1 -lmm complaints ‘ Mfl.'u’rn’:“ w@whcine. 1 .’.lfl‘“*- @ gr-*t cathartic in my contest with and belleving as I do that your aflonl us the we have, 1 of course valus them y | + _ Pretsnono, Ph.. May 1, 1835, De. J. 0, Avce. m:lu«:â€"%{l wor‘t Drudache an hl" have or our Pills. 1....!..........3-.-.-.: s;unh.-umo. in. . F8 | I mmn-uâ€"pfl % l&l. * Ccerk of Staner Clarion, | | Krom bir. J. G. Green, of Chscoges | Your Pills have had a long triat in my practice, and 1 Mhm-.-.-lhhn“lhn found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes au excellont remedy, whou given in small doses for + dysentery and diorrhoa. TYhoi 1«“ thom very acceptable and contenient the use women and children. 5 January 20, 18 | Du, Arse: Your Pills are the parmgon of all that is in medicine,, They have cured my little daughter m-â€"yxunuuuuwa tor Mer h‘huh:gmv- ously aftiicted with blotches and pimples on hor akin wnil josk P P makes them invaluable to us io tho daily of disease. Headache,SickHeadache,Foul Stomach. ow hair. After owr child was cured, she atso trlod wnt'nd they have cured her. ____________ | Dyspepsla, Impurity of the Blood. fir{ksl,_fl}l-m Pustor of Advent Churth, Boston, "> * Wiike seriouy liinoss. Bome At of n s slokness is creeping upou you, I amd shouhk be averted by a .'% timely use of the n’:‘a‘l remâ€" @ edy Take Ayor‘s Pills and .1, cleanse out the disordared huâ€" ¢ mora~â€" purify the blood, and let the fukds move on uncb= stracted in heaith again. hLIm the functions of the body jnto vigorous as tivity, purify the system from the obstructivas which make discase. A cold settles somewhers in bwiy, and ob Sruute Its natural fanctione. These, If not relleved, react upon themselves and the surrous organs, proâ€" ducing general axgravation, suffeting, aad disouse. W hile in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, thke Ayor‘s and se how Mmfl{hq restore the action bf the system. and with it the buoyant Ing of healtif again. â€" What is truc and so apparent in wivial mon complaint. is also true in many deppaeated and dangerous distempors. . The same pargative offect ecpela tham, o.â€":':{ shnilar obstrucâ€" thes and derangements of the nat fuactions of the Nly, thay aro np‘-ll‘ and many of them surely, cured W the same moans. . None who Know the virtues of these Ms, will neylect to employ them when suffering from the disorders thay owrs. Mtatements from leading physiclans in some of the Are advertised for «al Assignes for the Het: portation for the and that the klew duee theroo!, be this Provineo. LitehGeld, County Sold by Mortimer, John Koborts, W . M » and _ Skinper s i L;?" .m.'?! a nper in O‘tawa W‘ Pr made it expedient t Whereupon, and Honoguble the Acti altor swely wi PFrom a Prmording Merchant of S. Lowis, Pob. 4, 185. “’"... A8 1T HAS BEEX REPRE« sented to the Governor Caneral in Conmnel Jramsu®, Wyoming Co., N. Peat Sn‘ 1 uis usint your coriers Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent atwards a 4 & . ~* ' :‘Aw: 8 24 e C "“ < »:’: y + ’ nt ns .cc /9 c a 5* j 3+ ) M *4 % | Gunci * Lxt o + Plowmcag o \ io s 4996 Aps ~""ai | At _ Conncil held in the Uity of c on Monday, M% o i e s M e ~e o * m A~, ; ue o. .. ol *3 d | PRZSENT : 312 PHWERE A% CB NT A LN LOTS K NO W N 200 ACRES As a Family Physic. From Dr. K. W. Cartwright, New Orkans. kXCRELLEXCY THE GOYÂ¥KRXOR.GEXE RAL TX CuPÂ¥ NXCt. ated Sta TA UTTILIOIN. ty marked indewl. They have mote cifectual for the cure of any one remedy 1 can mention, the 8th day of 4 W their being d joyed by th and at Mills s i in the Ci ALMIRA MeDON Proysician c W . A. HIMSWORTH w Et 0X AYER‘8 GATHARTIO PYLLLSH. nt 6 ¢ m&l. feebie, and order, with ',-‘."q’:':: nefoutt? taatrer Tame ate often the pretude To roly cured, by your Pil® of |4 t Ac ...’..m..[. INCENT 8SL1 T of your Plils for the of fraternity have fbund should join me in multitudes who e has been, and is experiâ€" Alex andria: Park, Portagedu Fort ASA MORGRIDGE * ind Mikwi/+, Butm. 'l our Pills, taken at the -.%-"-.-.-.-:=§: ies t { Bihodia® Epls. Canrc®, | 1 2PACH, in me in j is t ted on t! ( A Li has been erested on the Bluff, at :,,::,','.fit:.‘“ l.ommunmdhnl.hl.un «o. 1 beliowe ouâ€" | c‘ovation of 202 foot above nigh water, a light from ar Pllis affict that | + hich will be exhibited on the 23rd Janua: , 1867, } mum.uhmra-u-'l L Mubei/+, Butm. | â€" The bw i8 llh-h"l’,‘l“'nfl,. Pills, taken at the | ! wstrum of a cone, 81 feet high, painted white ; the natural mere. | © "Olr0 6f light being 70 toet above the base, exhiâ€" wd, and also yery | ) tiog a rovulring white light of the recond class rt?;m’-zxz ( n.o,uh). ataining its groatest brilliangy once a e 6 & lfinvulnh all directions frow north (round dist Epls. Caye®. l;'tloud::dmfikh&”' W ; and can be .-J...a.wa. s~en from a ship‘s deck 24 miles in clear weathor. ful tur the reliof ow & report my case to The uboite Hoht ls uak Wislkle Relci k. sasil c Vills in my prac» ivo to cleause the CPipeciane the :.’3.:'.;:...: itle, 1 tried _ By _ { naving their I F1 0 + P he Amort THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 21, 1867 NH at mt ier 10 t sordast of the Umlaii River (about 9 :, A.IZA‘;:I.' &w vhu‘llh:y Suu kooi | more to the Jbludh-bmu te castward, gi the shite a good berth of a ;summmwsmwxw;m ‘mhulfr.:-hl:?"fl'mmm / it 10 fa :mwésw‘m' 1 mile. ~* ; W. E. ARCHDEACOX m‘hmh" N. B.â€"The above bearings are magneotic, * 356tf parts of the world befure gubstituting a Floating 1 ght at the entrance of this HPurt for the present caectour Lights, 1 have the, honor to request that h.« kxcelioney the Governor will authyrize the » cinting of the annexed sailing directi~=*, and the i rwanung of theim by the mal. <tho iStn insant, w« all parste of the world. Tae rale i:-lo nllo-r:‘rh :x.munn:“u-:‘u coach every important hm world, ve voesels that havd leit beture it« arrival time to vach tho spot where the new Light is to be placed. 1 have proposed thersfore, to hx ht up on the #4th «â€"â€" nest Asy, the auniversary of He: Majesty‘s 6 rthâ€"day, subject to his Excelicaey‘s q\z::nl. i.ue alluwing nve months and one week for the Colonial Secrotary‘s Ofice The ubw‘ lisht is not visible from the Aliwal woul, which is 25 miles 8,53° W ; from lhou‘\p «»so : vessels should not, therefore, when com: ng «n the southward and westward, approsci the ore nearer than4 miles, or shoal their water unâ€" r 40 fathoms, using the load freely until they ake the light well out from the tbey ay stand in vatil it bears N 50 ° bearâ€" & will keep them outside al! known I oy are abrsast of the Umiazsi River (about 9} ilod betow the when they must keep more to the Jhll“hflb more ta ward, may # llis Exceliency the Administrator of the Governâ€" out dirccts the publication, for genéral intormaâ€" nest May, the auniversary of He: Majesty‘s rthâ€"day, subject to his Excelicaey‘s \pz:'nl. us alluwing nve months and one week the anstmisgion of inteliigence, which ought to be su(â€" wat, if no tuae is lost in sending it trom England Nourth and do-:h A-net.‘ o nitice . 1 recommend that copi¢s of the notice should at to the uovernments uf the followin,, countries: ~Russim, l:dllltl, Donmark, Sweden -ln:l’lu:-y.' olginm, France, Portu, taly, Ausâ€" ':f Prossia, T-rk'oty‘.h‘mbt !::‘nh America, aited States, Mexigo, Brazil, Callso ; also to the seretary of State for the Colonies, the + xd the Mn;:{..lhoq for transmission to wotech, and Ports ; to the Australian ipe of Good Il-ro. the Indian wmfi.&: raits Ports and Batavia, Manilia aod gether with any others that may hlls:.l. »d |‘n| 100 copies may ?' sent to this for stribution a the sh a s work 1 hro.'r:.‘ n, ot the following amendrd notice of the erection a Lighthouse on the Bluff, at the south side of e entrance of Port Natal, in correction of the no :&ubo given in Government Notice No. 124, lanial Oif af on that bear enbent. nout 100 fathows io a N N W direction, vese!» ust therefore be archored in such a mauner as to void hooking it. The depths at the anshorage vary from 12 to 20 e Hon. the Colonial Secreta y Ma ime Iuct of this being a Gazhing Light, at short l-rnlo.mllllldou’ distinguish it from the'v:ul..l.‘h at Flat Island, even wersa misâ€" ® , Veesels from the northw fte k nlee Poiot, mast ba unt‘.nh‘.n.-n a: 'L:...“:S...c‘:. tin the Sith ot May, 1867, the HMarbear Lights at e ~vun:c-n.l‘|’wt Louls, lmld-.&:lg.ldblo:no +o. with, a Floating at uoy momerage. = iL be flb‘lll&“ The Flonting u'fi. Vesse! will be moored a little the N W ard of the preseat well known Bell Buoy, t the fullowing bearings : Â¥utreme of land to the northward : N E B N. Eatreome o‘l;'l‘lfllb. westward : \, < W. Hlagstaf® on ort George : 8 E | 8. Depth of Water: 15 Ifthome * Tho Light Vesse! will be painted white, which i1 enable hor to be distinctly seen against the uk land dering the ‘.1.'.‘ ohe will shew is «, iny white Light " from noet to Buprice, Wwhich will be visible a distance alne miles in & drection from Seaward, from ‘the fact of this ":':? short he fuct i ing a Gash at ervals, will “hfihh‘ u‘ the ari beari All the bearings are C..m_‘ age uUovERNMENT NoOTICE XO. 1, R tice to Navigators bas been issued by the â€"wormment of Mauri:ius, in reference to a feat hi at the Beli Buoy Auchorage to be ulflh‘: the harbour lighis at the eatrance of Port Louis, which the attentiwn of all concerned is speciatiy puabad * Honer he Earl v. Do# Pm Fivance Dersurerst, Crstous, (ttawa, 12th March, 1867 NXOTICE TO MARIXERS, 0E POLLOWING IMPOR rAXT Npâ€" The Colontal Secrotary, 8t. Helona. The Colonial Secretary, th.r of uosod Hope, The Colonial Secretary, Natal. The Cotonial seâ€"retary, Tasmania. The Colonial Sesretary, New LZealand, Chief secretary, South Australia. % Uotonial Secretary, Western Anstraiia. Commial l!unur{. Quesusland. Chief secretary, Victoria, Necuctary to the Government Naw Snath CUnlonial Seerct ury, Coptea. Secretary to mr,flmn-ul. lln.{ll. Necretary to the Government, Bombay Reerstary to the Goreramew, Madras Colbuial sectetary, Hoag Kowg. Civil Commissioner, Seychelles. His Excelieney‘s Command necretary to the thove Batavia. Chie? Commissioner, mhu. Neecrctary to the Government, Manilta (Phili« Al a % .’-‘J:'.“i&w”""‘u":%"“‘" ©, & Signed) FELLX BEDLNGFELD, € i Colonial Fecretary. \W t will be necessary to sond intelligence to all Dea ritlu«, 1Tth December, 1864 U (Signed,) lth Januaty, 1867 s Irom the northward, after rounding Canâ€" ulot, mast be careful not to bring Cannonâ€" 1! l.ll‘.u ue nuu'n-ud ot ’l::tnluu‘.: the Floating ut the a0y e7 may then du?lln the Istter, on a 8 a bearing, and aschor on that bearing, from to a mile from the Light. ‘» appreaching the Port from the Woestâ€" ay steer from the Floating Light on an } Lbu:i-;.' and n!l"_ anchor } a mile from etary to the Gidvernment, Straits Settle» | wring chain of the NOTICE TO MARLNERs w Nic W. Borkly to Lord Carnarcon. Manzitins, 18th Decumber, 1864 No. 202, MÂ¥ Lord, By Command, I Hus. Wo Asst. Com, of € (signed,) WWith Carmar ny Ploating Light hace beea seut to aster to Onlonint Neere ng, or further nouthward as con> her, l:u..iur Master the Governmenat, New South With reference to the previâ€" ous Correspend nee, -J: in the margin, on the -#:‘ of the substitut on of a ting Light at the entrance of the Marbour of Port Louis lfirnlbo present Shore Ligh*s, ve the homor to forward, for the infurmation of" the .loud of lrade, the accompanying ies of a Notice, a--hlfct:’u the change in queâ€"tion will take o::n ‘lr- C:: 2ith May m' w ving the nesessary = bug finlx. for the '.MM of vessels lm.el the Port, Cuples of this .{31‘. have been lorwarded to the ‘differen, suuniiies enumeraled in the enclosed lut, bearing the sigâ€" nature of the Calonial Secreâ€" tary, and 1 beg that informaâ€" tion may be given to the cthor Lovernments mentioned in the aCouto pa ty Co, y of a Letier from lb':ll‘l.:’mt 30‘:‘". datod the lith instunt, as well as to any Depastuknis ot Her Maâ€" Joi¥‘s Government whoin the maltor may cuncertn, 1 have, &#., 8 & XOTICH M D. WALES, ( Harbour Mastez. ERSKINE, Colontal Secretary WOoRTRINGTOXN HENRY BARKLY Floating Light runs ustoms and Excise. }h ol DL000Z Stre®L, to announce that l.dohru:m‘hm':'?d:ud‘g_y | ply to 210, Ottawa WB Oxttage" Book and Fancy Store, York Street, 3 doors from Bussex Street, begs to ennounce thai BOA RD,««â€"MRS. TROTTER, OF THE Toronto House, can accom wodate a few gonâ€" tiemen with .rooms and breakfast, or with fal board. Can also take u few day boarders. | _ And whereas during the progress uf the oporaâ€" | tions which We have undertaken against the In | surgont Nativetribes in our Colony of New Zealand, ’uluhn-dwpeu-uo"h‘ in the Local #orees of war said Colony have performed deed: | of gallantry, in consideration of which they are | not, according to the strict provisiong of Our saiu f ceeited Warrant, eligible for this high distinction : And We do further for us, Oar Heirs and Succesâ€" sors, ordain and appoint that the said Decoration may also be conferred, in accordance with the Rules and Ordinancer prescribed in Our said recited Warrazt, and subject to the provisions a.oresaid, on such persons who may be qualifed to receive the same in accordanse with the said Rulos and Ordinances, as may hereafter be empfoyed in the Local Forces raised, or which may bs raised in Our Colonies and their Dependencies, who may be callâ€" ed upon to serve in coâ€"operation with Our Troops in military operations which it may be nocessary to undertake for the suppression of Robellion against Our Authority, or forrepelling invasion by a foreign cnomy. < (Giren at Our Court, at Osborne House, .Isle of Wight, this first da} of January, 1867, in the thirticth year of Our Reign. By Her Majesty‘s Command, < . _ ‘(Signed) J. PEEL * Eroops,â€"under the Orders of a General or‘other Officer, under ciroumstances which would entitle an Officer or Soidier of Our Army to be recomâ€" mended for the said Decoration, in accordance with the Rales and Ordinances prescribed in Our sais recited Warran, ani provided also such person thall be resommended for it by such General or uther Oflicer : Now know ye, that We of our especial Grace, certain knowledge, and mere mution, have though: «thereby to siguify Our koyal Will and Pleasurc hat the \said ecoration may be conferred ou such pfiu atoresaid, who may be qualied to ceceive the same in accordance with the HKules anu Jrdinane¢s imade, ordained, und established by U Jor the goyernment thereof, by Our said reciteu Narram, and We do by these Presents for Us, Ou: deirs and sueqessors, ordsin and appoint that i1 suall be competent for such persons aforesaid t« mhlhuu(bntuhli-m‘n-r sét forts in the Rules and Ordinanses, or in ac sordance with such further Rules and Ordinance: as may hereafter be mads and promuigated by Us Jur Heirs and Successors, for the govebnmont oi the said Decoration, provided that it be establishea in any case that the person was serving with Our ' 245â€"4° 3. That in addition to the License fee named in the Act above cited, every purson to whom a =" Bondâ€" ed 8m!m-ri|:’ License" is granted, shall pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" stalments, such u:; of money as shall b.ulfil:ie:l for the payment expenses incurrod by the Finance Fop-mnn ‘f:r'nh ©Wective .I'-orvlclu. of the manufactures earried on under such liceose, and for taking account of the dutiable articles consumed in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom. _ And the maximum eam to beso paid by the party aforessid shall be from time to tiume deâ€" nur-hui by the Minister of Finance, as he may | deom mu‘ ary, .ud -hl‘l. : nearly as n:y‘be. be in irtion to t h emagnitu goneral characâ€" , uv':(orho business un& on such liconse. | . 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" | moved from the apartments of the -uuiuuz | wherein they aro manufactured as soon as the wh t:oeo- of manufacture is completed, and shallthen “Jlu-d in apartments or storeâ€"rooms set apart for | that purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the . WIIRIIEAI. by a Warrant under Ou Royal sign Mamual, countersigned by one f Our Princip.l Sccretaries of State, and bearing date at Our Coarts 1t Buckingham Palace, the 29th day of Janzary; 18,6, in the nineteenth year o Our Reign, We did constitite and croute a new Naval and Military Decoration, to be styled and designated the Victoria Cross, which Decoration We expressed Our desire should be highly prized ind cagerly sought after by the Officers and Men «f Qur Naval and Military Services, and did also make, ordain, and establish the Rales and Ordiâ€" aances therein set forth for the government of the «ame, to be thenceforth invioclably observed ana kept : & Oftawa, November 1 I have much pleasure in transmitting to you a Copy of a Warrant, issued under the Royal Sigo Manual, under which the decoration of the Victoria Cross may be conferred on ‘persons serving in the Local Forees, which are or may hereafter be raiseo in any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies. 1 have to instruct you to take whatever steps »ay appear to you most likely to give publicity to this W arrant. ; YICIORIA ®. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ircland. a Queen, Defender of the Faith.. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting : & ditaw‘" 2Ard mannerrequired by the Excise Bonding Regulations made ui“'&u I:’(‘andl. duted the l‘n'lrduy of = , 1865; and they shall be dealt with, in respect L& subsoquent renroval urnum or e {::im-puu. in -eeodnm' with the said lh.:l’- W. A HIMSWORTH, 245â€"4° Asst. C. E. C. (Signed) The Officér Administerâ€" l‘? the Governiment Canada. WARRAXNT / 1. That subject to the provisions ot the Act above olbd.ulhfl%hu.nflumhfnmrm- gulations, as may r be made by competent authority, Lacenses may be granted to manutacture in Bond the articles herein enumerated, viz : lfl:râ€"hpluh. Essences and Rxtracts, umery , *A Vinegar, f Varnishes, . Btarch. * 2. That any Bended manufactory licensod under the mabove recited Act, may be ‘closed and the License forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing that frauds upon the Revenue «re perpetrated hm-u{ such manufacâ€" MHIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXORâ€"GENERâ€" ; AL 1N CUOUNCLL 0! THE . RECOMMENXDATION oFf the Honorable the AMinister of Finwnce, and under and in virtue of the unlum, given and conâ€" ferred by the Act 29â€"30 Vie. Cap. 7, is Exceliency l: Council hl:n b:: ’-luud to orcer, and it is hereâ€" ordered that ullow ations â€" i.’. the manulacture of fie‘:‘ww m« goods in Bond, be and the same are horeby adoptou â€"â€"that is to say : e ; OARDING.â€"â€"â€"MRS, OARD WANTED by a Lady and Gonâ€" ‘toman is‘ a private h-u‘,nu the Postâ€" L‘_‘,‘“‘"&‘h‘ torms, &o., G. N. C., Box T MODERATE RATES ON FIRST» CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap. 0 ( J. PENKINXGTON MACPHERSON, . RRANT jor catending the Victoria Croxs to the Lotal Perecs in New Zealand and in the Cotoâ€" wics, and theivr Depondrnvies genâ€"vally, onA l mt on 39000 A es °_ es Money to Lend Bassistes, &c.. Montreal T Buil oo t t oo eph Buildings, Ottams. PROVINCE OF CANADA I have the honor to be, Sir, Dowsixc Staxet, Oth Feb., 1867. Your most obedient, Uunyb Servant, P CAR M ARVON 270 . "THE 7. When a letter is posted at au offce after the despatch of the Mail for which it is intended, but on the same day, the Postmaster should mark it Mmmw&owrbymanpn and ink " Too Latc" to shew that the lettor was posted too late for the Mail éf the day of which it cars the post mark. ‘ . Letters posted without Address, &¢. 6. When letters are posted without address, or for any other reason, canrot be forwarded by Mail, they: are to be sout by first post to the Postmauster General, but before doing so Postmasters should set that they areâ€"postmarked, and that the roason for wending thew to the Postmaster Gonera! i« writton apon them. 1 0. Postmasters are reminded that, at overy Post Office, a printed or written notice stating the time at which the Mails arrivo and close, and the hours for opening the Office in the morning and closing in the evening, should be put up for the information of the public. m Law, any amount of partial preâ€"payment is forâ€" feited and the letter rated as if wholly unpaid. Bill, Law and Registration Stamyrs, ‘4. Postmasters intrusted with the sale of Bill, Law, or Registration Stamps (stamps to be used in Lower Canada in paying fees on Deeds, &c., in Registry Offices) are required to be careful to keep their accounts and remittances connected with such sales, and the applications for furthor supplies of such stamps, entirély disinct from their accounts, remit‘ances, and applications in connection with Postage Revenue, Postage Stamps, or Money Order business, In the case of letters to or from the United States, no credit is given for any partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent rateâ€"#By the United States Post Office The object of the 7 cent unpaid rate, is to induce blbpny-ou and thereby reliovye the Post Office from eost and trouble of account and eollection, bat this objectiisequally defeated whether the letter be wholly unpaid, or but partially prepaidâ€"and thereâ€" fore the 7 cent rate applies to the whole charge upon the ?etter in both cases. â€"or at7 cents per } o%. if posted unpaid, or only partly prepaidâ€"in the tatter case the full rate of 7 its. per j oz.should be marked and a déeduction made therefrom of the amount which may have beon paid â€"thus on an ounce letter propaid 5 conts onlyâ€"the rate will be 14 cents and croditing the 5 cents paid «9 cents will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery, Registration of .\'e?npcn and Looks for United & ingdom. 2. A Packet of Newspapers, or of Books, adâ€" dressed to the United Kingdom may be sent reyisâ€" tered on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of the same registration chargo as on letters for the same deâ€"tiâ€" antion, namely, 8 cents in addition to the reF'lu postage. _ Â¥y 3. In applying the 7 cent unpaid rate to lettors passing within the Province posted unpaid or uot «ully prepaidâ€"Postmasters will observe that a etter passes cither as prepaid at 5 cents per 4 oz., or sundition that the wholé postage due be fully prepaju All Lottcrs, Newspapers, &c., for the above places intended for the New York Route should be adâ€" dressed (cia New York.) A Postmaster having lotters, &¢., #o addressed to mail, will mail them for whichever of the six City Ufiices‘ above named, may best suit the purpose as regards the relative position of his own Office apd New York. C Lettors forwarded by thisâ€"route can be registered as far as New York on preâ€"payment by Portage Stamp of an additional 5 cents per letter. st. Kitts, St, Lucia, s st. Vincent, Pobago, J Prinidad, ~ # Weser _ Ixptes,â€"Foreign, excopt Cuba and st. Thomasâ€" duadaloupe, Uayti, St. Domingo, dartinique, + +l Parto Rico, * santa Cruz, ) Australia and New Zeaâ€" ~_ Jand ria New York and _ Panama, _ by steamer leaving Now York on the lith of each month............. Pammint®. .04 scimserermmermers s Prrvâ€"Callao, Lima........ St. Th«m.u‘.‘ll. 8. packet Do, ria II:‘:MIQI........ guayra Veszuysin ? Â¥. Cabolie | Wesr Ixorrs â€"Britishâ€" Bahamas, Nasean, Barbadoes, Demorara, h Jominica, Sesequibo, irenada,. f lamaica, Nevis, MORIOD.1. condenieever rerres ns Do. via Havana.......... New Grenada, excoptz Aspinwall & Panama, ( Brazi Nicaraora 4 Gulf of Mex ico side Acapuleo, As r:vull Boriv 16. ... <LIC'I"l‘lltl. Newspapers, &oâ€", for the aboveâ€"named destinations forwarded from Canada by way of New York in the Mails made up daily for that City ‘at the Postâ€"oti es of Quebec, Montroal, Oitawa, Kingston, Torunto and Hamilton, ‘ CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS. p Notice to Public of Ofice and Mail !t AUSTRALIA ANO NEW ZEALAND Via New York,. Letters, Newspapers, DEPARTMENT ORDER,| WEST INDIES, COU NXTRIES, & ON PREPAYMENT rosTâ€"OFFICE DEPARTMNEXT ( Bahia Para i Pervam Rio Janeiro Partially Prepaid Letters soUTH AMERICA, Pacitic side Of the following rates by Too late Letters Orrawa, 12th Feby TuF 10 34 18 10 34 10 22 10 34 10 2 |2 p4or & p oz 2 p 40z 4 p oz 2 p or 2 p 4or 2 p 4oz o 2 p 4oz 5 p oz 2 p 40z Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire burgical Instrumonts, Lop Fittings, Perfumery, Druge, > mPllnu. < asswaro, H._dlely Chests, A list of the names has this day been published | in the Conedlr Gazet#, byithe Reseiverâ€"Genoral, who will pay the sevoral persons entitled to recerve the amounts awarded, upohn compliance with the requitements of the Act 22 Vic., Chap, 6, Conscliâ€" dated Statutes of Uppor Canada. | Muttia Dersersext, Ottawa, February 2, 1867 Board of Oficers assembled to Investigate and Report upon Claims for Pensions and Gratâ€" uities, on mecount of Volunteers Killed or Disabled by Wounds and Sickness, on Acâ€" "tual Service. e . Thirty thousand prices of the above forwarded ree of all shikrge, monthiy, uy â€" ___ * .‘ Pensions and Gratuities, authorized the Which have been recommended in accordance with the terms of an f At a Conncil held in the Gity of Montreal on Sat urday, the 8th day 6f December, 1866. % PREBENT : UIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR.GEXEâ€" RAL IN COUNCIL Ol THE RECOMMEXNDATION or the Hon. the Commigsioner of Pablic Works, and under and in virtue of the cightyâ€"fifth section of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excelleny in Council has been pleased to order, nd-it 18 hereby tfidor«l that the (ollowing tolls be imposed, levied and collected or saw logs and timber paksing down the shdes at Ranney‘s Falls, Middle Falls and Bealy‘s Falls, on the works of the River Tront, that is to say : one ~ent per eaw log of thirteén feet in length, and a proportionate sum on pigces of greater length passing down cach of the @bove mentioned Hlides cespectively, And that the above toll of one cen swersaw log be colleited innd paid for each such slide on all such saw logs, and of one dollar per ‘tib on wll such cribs of square timber as have paesed down the River Trent from the beginning the present season of navigation. » . W. A. HIMSWORTH, B12t * AESL C. K. 4. ORDER â€"IN |COUNXNCUCIL, , > NOTUCEH, . V OLUNTEER S By Command uf the current money of bar said province, wiil be paid to any person or pé ns, not being the aciuai offender or fenders, who will give sach informaâ€" tion as will /o 1 «+ the «listovery, -pprehoy(»ion and ~onvietion of the perpetrator or perpetrators of the offence above described. 4 Is Tesnu»xy Wararor, we have caused theso our Lettersto be made Patent, And the Great Seul of our said province of past, or thereabouts, the wiifee of William M. Campâ€" bell, the Deputy, Clerk ofthe Crown ana Distribuâ€" tor ofâ€" Law Stamps in the town of Brotkvilio. in and for the United Cousti¢s ot Leeds and Grenville in our qprovince of Cnnuta,' (the waid ofice then being in the Court, liogse bf the said United Counâ€" ties,) was clandestinely entered by same evil disâ€" posed persoa or persons, and a quantity of Law staimps, of aâ€" large value, as well as a sum o money, then and there b‘fing. were then and there feloniously stolen; taken land carried awny: Now kifow ye, tha Iwo llundred Doliars To all to whom these present« the same may concernâ€" 9. In Department Order No. 65, dated 24 Nov. 1863, permission was given for Bookâ€"Manuscrip{ and Printers® Proofe, w r eorrected or not, t pass at ‘the printed m?t:: rate of one cent a: cunce, ind it now appear to be necessary to expiai: ln_Por.m-.-'lm, that b lh-okâ€"lhnmcril.x,' was meant the wiitten sheetsiof any Book,â€" and the in tention. was to tncwnifl literary productizn=, 1 affording facilities for Adthors to send and receive auch matter to and from!| their publishers by Pot Printors‘ Proofs are the printed impressions take: by a Printer, for eorrection or examifiation, of an, matter |»u-sin,'£ throm, is Prees. . Undor forme; regulation« the writte rg::l’rk* correcting Aucl proofs rendered them Ti®ble to leiter postage vioa sent by Mail, and theo 1n*nxiw of the Departwen Order referred to was, to\etax the rafe in favor . retain their character or coming to their Univ:cq'. for delivery. â€" The ; ticeof allowing Newspapers or Periodicals to opened orroad, is very IT‘rroWIble. and lea abuses and complaint«, ¢¥ven when the irrego! is alloeged to take place with the permission o person to whom the Sewl’;n’wr or Periodical be addressed, 1 L VICTORLIA, by the‘ 6 United Kinxodom af 8. P tors should be careful not to open or read j}-wlrer, nor to gufer to be opened or read by an er than the person addressed, any Newsâ€" paper t Periodical palx‘jng through their Ofices or coming to their Oflices, for delivery. _ The prac» tice of allowing f\'ew-pléun or Periodicals to be +o it ) YINC ‘% 4 a I ND OTHERS® INTERESTED, aRE notified that the Executive Coancil have lreland. Qucen DRUGS, 10 Courna® §1., Lorpox. 220y HEREAS, DCRING TE MGHT DATED 21sr AUGUST, 1856 of the eightcenth:day of January, now 1a Our Trusty and Wellâ€"Beloved 8@ Jousx Mroner, K. C. B., Administrator of the Govermment of dur province of Canada, and Lieutenant General Commanding our Forces therein, &P., &¢ , &¢. â€" At our Govâ€" erument House, i‘ our C!TY of OTTAW A, in our said pl‘""ill(‘. of Canada, the EIGMTH day of FEBKUARY, in the y«ar of our Lord, one thousand cight bunâ€" dred and #ixtyâ€"saven, fnd in the thirtieth year 6f ohr Reign. Canada to be hereunto affixed : Witxrss 1 d w Pharmacoutical Proparationt _Photographic Eundries, ers for delivery not to Lr 442'4-”, DA ISSUE OF THE i.l MICHEL: y the Grace of Giod, of the lom !V Great Britain and u. Wefender of the Faith, BY TK m m a« iprint w (them E. A. MEREDITH, I Asst. Secrotary Patent Medicines ANGEVIN wntinp when corre d Râ€"w7TU me, ur whoun GREFIINC i of the read j any 5c 5ow ewsâ€" ‘ L i‘ 0 flices ,l l &‘l e mrosphons iniif mc perpnentp. to ie e, r quickly an + | following munn P’d;-m the eafest, the | quickest, and the best romedy ever prepared, and lluldben once resorted to : ed Pills nre for sale by all ists overy wherk Sold in Ottawa by J..l\’n‘ Robeng,'{k Garvey, BJ MacCarthy, J. Jeunings, W. M. Massey, and Geo Mortimer. } t s | By a from depraved bumors, pr impure blood. The es helpless sufforers neod :ndnxur. Underthe infuâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies an{‘hdim;t;-.l. ied ese Pills are prgpaired expre harmony 'iu;'lh-P Te ‘I‘ al BRLSTOL‘S S.\BSAP:B_IH.A. The Great cure for all Discase LIVER, STOMAQHâ€" AND Put up in G Itis guaranteed io be t and most power» ful. prepa®ition of * @ENUINE BOXDU:xza» SARMMPARILLA, And is the only true cnd|reliable eure for SFpbilis, & even in its woret forme. . ~ > ° It is the very best icine for the cure of all diseases arising frogn a vitiated or impure rtate of the blood, and particularly #o when used in conâ€" nection with |« y » ® BRBISTOL‘S SALT â€" RHEUM, I.'l.fl«‘ woRad, 17 SCALD NEAD AND SCOURYVEY Scrofuis, Old Sorc«, Bolls, Tumors, Ab« o j .n-ne-J Uleeray °n And every kind of &n-{.‘hm and Scabious erupâ€" tions. â€" 1t is also h sure remedy for ness. Jt is tion tor the 1 body »enders d seecretions of th DUi‘1 C BUIEWD U TTCE EmE d CC, e Steam Printing . Works, Xo. 60, Sparks Street, in the City of Oltews County o m‘-'. [ â€" We speak { tested it thore suffering from recommended reign Remed\ Bristo!‘s Sartaparilis, and B 8A $& € W time, and wherey in a single instas timely used, an perly ed wi terms Aw M IHE GRi FBuir Ré RELIE] 1 spepsin; or I estion, Liver CC plaints, Const y Headaches and Piles» Ottawa, Fo P I] L L s . (V« YE CANXA rtul detergent, cleanses ev h HENTLH EN THJ BLOOD 18 4 circulation clogzed, and the ite v ueVX 2. a 4M N â€"â€"> oRIG? W /1 ze _ 86 Pm 4 =" e sick, 0# who wish to provent «ick» ic only goutine of original preparmâ€" rmanent :fl:dd the most dungerous anil\cont enses of 11 MJA 1 PUI Bdb t * ABHILLA ! nd Warcanted to keep 1 th SuycarCoated A DL WORAM, TETTER PHTs TTLES ! stol‘s Sugarâ€"Coatâ€" wists overy where T DRINK, %R 1‘s matter, haying re those who ‘ure y u:‘upull n blood purifiers, : casce arieing P BMQ 1 Lux"rgs THE BLOOD ) hnmors of the 1 7 and s eafe, % nortion of PEoYER l!.L for |a lengt on d, never tailing mt Pelief whep knowa a #ingle petione mre proâ€" ,ullan_ddi‘g. in the â€"highes kinner, in for which it is being a‘Foveâ€" e & Discasés 1i H W El L NMHE1 NEA Com» reat} trse ST Au» the kipg gen Cped tthe;® ver .4. eujoys Tas published in paily pver ".‘“3. tot £ 4 affordibz the george Coli *« ~il€ DAl @©ita A‘l“l‘nll Chancer sorner of Nuss Ottawa, Pok «t awit \I"l‘flfll . *%. Chancer uffice: Elgi AVERANXDER Octawa, Jaty : B B Solicito Offige, ove Btore, Ridea January 1 mlll“ to iovernmént nay entrast wit in mnd f . C1 AD voC d ney sâ€"wmtâ€" . Orricnt: 1 Mr. “'?H. ‘tideys of e !a%. CoLMAM. Ottawa., Fo #Un, (Hiawa. . Fobraary QVitawa, Fo and Rassell » â€" »k Buutu Solicito >»diice : Op joomk bately UVitawa, M Qurice: Janaary 27, ebraary 21 4. B. Have ebruary 7, 1 Jrrige: A Wiawa , J an * raiee »tl t w t *# Pablic, Orrice: Pll"lli Claren March 1. i to rece December by means ‘eatly adve beral allow nsient Adv WY , M BA 1t 0t 4 Orer d Eigin S Ortawa, 1 EN D‘ JP Oc ave OQPFICE: | t 5A Orric« Ae office Ottawa, »hto ; J Publiah 54, / W id AW, C Ottawa, ® POil: (aancer DV C VCO lA Y P POR Chanser URG A 88 1t 43 Chance A 8t 3t 4 A BR 3t 4 LAPJ A 88 68 6 A TKE ED\ GEC ExT JO

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