URLI NC EXT, NTERK wed on the pd by Sniâ€" Jank, _ keâ€"stroet â€" 306y ous to work to invite * Parlah, for of orks during anmét MAN OF NTEHR~ AUDER Diréstors 393td D AT ERS EXT Church t, in the pril. ster dit (Jub. ful Co# ailw#iny , ng tothe on firetâ€" geal o« of this Freuch THE ty. will Edwad. McCGillivray, Esq. The umdersigned Electors of the City of Ottawa | inviteo you to offer yourself as a CANDIDATE ron ITS REPREsEXTATION 1N THE ’ rIRST coxMoxs or Tu® ooauluo-( OF CANADA, and pledge thomselves to your | support by their votes, influence awml active exedâ€" | SIR Oftawa, March 1 #ENTLEMEX,â€" have much pleasure in accepting your 10q sition, so respectably and numeronusly sigped. . Froth my exporience in commercial transactions, long residence amongst you, it would wot, 1 t be considered presainptuous in me to say t I have a deep: interest in the welfare and vancoment of this section of the country, and lay claim to a thorough) practical acquaintance with its trade, its wants, its, resources, and the of their best development. \Should I be the choice of the people I pledge self to devote my best energies to the advanceâ€" of our County generally, but more especially all that will contribute to the prosperity of our vising City, and that groat staple trade so closely identified with the progress aud prosperity Ottawe valley. % g (Ktawa, March 16. CITY REPRESENTATION ew Watches & Clooks, * ; t*" J ? T New Fancy Goodg, > &;ï¬ | < . New Gold & Silver Jewellery, | New Plated Ware, YOUNC AND RADFORD‘S, | ~â€"â€" 30, SPARKS 3T,., OTTAWA. N. B.â€" Particular attention pard to reparring atches, Clooks and Jowellery. â€" JM_New Jowelâ€" lpry made to order. * Mrsszs. Youro & Raproto would u&:;onw inform their friends and the pablic that have imrported from London, England a firstâ€"class A‘: tromomieat Clock such as are used in all Royal Observatories, and on which the public can uhm:'n-nnu-o. wishing to have the trus time are invited 'l‘u co:tm orPrERs8s zoi â€"all( A+~ [ â€" mb h K Pous nan cvnnuse semanee t Pares| . NO, 34, SUSSEX STREET, thom in profits. . No extra chargo for Voluntsers Where they will soll at public auction every even «lefence of the country . es \ 19 at seven o‘clock. â€" RINTOUL BRO8... Montreal, General Agents ‘l#‘ s1GN or THE LARGE FLAG. â€" RINTOUT Canada. Ottawa, Marcle 25 ASSOCIATION OFf SCUTLAND, FOoUxXDED 1838, FOR .. | LIFE AsSURANCE AND ‘\X.\'l'l‘l‘ll;a‘. MEAbD OFFICE FOR CANXADA :s â€"| PLACE DARMES........ MONTREAL ixvEstEp rFUXDS OXE MILLIONX AKD ‘FIFTY THOUSAND POUXDS STG. Assurers have the choioo o 6 Classes of A e» gl ALLOCRTEUOR "X®E T onllool c Cash is made eur.,ynrhthhcu wil policies of not les« than vo years‘ standing at «he m;â€"umu emch Poli¢y» or‘s share is applied in payment of his next al The outlay required for the ies thas, for many years been only from ote. to O-Apn.ldll-pndn-lmofll.h n%admiu with those dug the énd of “ï¬" CAsII PRORTTs of more than £300,000 st nnMthh-wnflM lop= holdets during their own lives. | ANNUAL REVENXUE QVER Life Assurance Company. ESTABLISHKED 1i9380. C4PITAL, £600,000 Sty. : REQUISTITION Lo Hon. James Shoad, U. £. Lrossa, b . MeCormeck, Kay., 4. N £ Hoodwin, | Exg., Donalit Bo#, David Moore, Ewy., ond others 1 4 14 04 cfts coudcbAts ced hn dflhï¬o“w in a comparatively sm"“- k uu%ummmot hangâ€" ing these large Additions when he feaches mm'-hdcfllb.hqnqflv in & VALUABLE PROVI8ION FOR UI3 OWN AFâ€" TER LIFETIME BY A CaA8SH PAYMENT OR ANNUITY. 1t | For a Policyâ€"holder for £1,000] at ag* 15, om e aorne Poine turo had of that ago, will, at that rate of have had *h addition to his Assurance of £1560, making the um assured £2560, instead of .£1000, Or, he may then exchange this larg® 5o to 1O T B c M lclat af about {1000 to Or, he may dition for One himsolf. himsolf. Or he m-s the Bonus tion for an Alfly:â€.h‘d £102 payable his life. Such exchange will in no sw Assured, which, as well as the to Bonâ€" uses will remain intact for the irs or other parâ€" poses of the Policyâ€"holder. f LNDER No OTHER SYSTE s« C‘an . Ampthing like the same amouwnt of efite be Iuned, whether as is i 'x u. lanured, or «n equivalent in C ~~_ Paymentor Lije Annuity« An Assarer during the current year Clase E. will receive, at next Division, Filth more llo-n»ï¬nl:l'. ï¬ï¬‚.d.l' being so as £40 on‘a & ""1';’."‘0 Anpual Balance will be on 5th April, 1867. m“'flml rofits as of one year‘s longer standing than latar -&nu. â€" P. WARDLAW, | _*~_ Paymentos Lt An Assarer during the E. will recerve, at next Di Bonus ~than later Entrant Hop, W. McDougall, M.P.P m:f J. C. Tuche, Esq., M.D.. Dop. Mi* Ottawa, February 27, 1867 T. C. Keefer, Eeq., C.Eâ€" Medical W.â€"J. Garvey, Beq. 3 D _ _ Agenti,â€"Mesers. J. T. & W. Penudekâ€" * aAckxTs IN VICINITY ‘fl"_r" pard un Money to the Podjeyâ€"Rotde# hi M‘“""l""‘f‘“r‘"‘,‘ 1X €CLASS A, THE BONUVSE® Mpecial Notlice. JAMES SKEAD, f HU. Â¥. BROX8OX, HENRY MeCORMWICK JO8EPH AUMOND, JAMES GOODWIX, DONALD DoOW , PAYVID MOORE, *«» . Aud others. t ALLOCATION OF PROPFIT | 18 Division REPLY, TCmAi®, LIBP‘EF <EIL, MeKINNXON, Cash Payment Y ours respectfully, UWonorary Disectors AR OTTAWA E. MeGILLLVR AY 384tf arkaâ€"streot, Ottaw a $391vw .w‘... vi 1 Secrotary. . Min. of Agficultitre. £120,000 81 Mr. Jax®s® of about o separato ,. MP» mpagatively of the . A. Invixa 5A 4t (REAL ESTATE RI . _ m1GN or THE LARGE FLAG. ' 6 0. wum:ujaco. Ottawa, Fobruary 11, 1807. _________ 430y __ i RUSSELL HOUSE, IT TUE CITY OQF OTTAWA At 11 0@Clock, a. m.. Te following Lots, situated on the l'flats 'mul Victorta Terrace Shie, _| Terms, oneâ€"fourth cas Anstalments«. (Rtawa, March In the 1st Concession Nepean, K. Â¥rout, to be sold Lots to suit purchasery. . Plans to be seen in niy ofice until the day of | _ A CARD. Ax~ k O W K. M Auctioneer of the City ofOttawa. ALES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION sohoited. Valuation of Houschold Furniture offects carefully attended to Principal Oféce and Sales Room No. 42 North hhdm.u Streat. Mrs lo:o in r‘.ï¬â€˜:fln"lo. the above Card begs pectfully to say that as completed arrange~ N’ï¬hfl’h( sales this spring in a manner at must give general satisfaction. ear, a some 'n.-‘: favoured last y ad for yeurs w Ibonu;:ntd.flafl“l-pï¬ul which have place in the d‘. and he e npï¬xy universal: satisfaction has been given in every respect. _ _ _ e waiiiinin. wileg are.. ho etiquntye nequaint nle Twik ihe plorchnagis, both "tn the sily and A““'ll:.‘li.:†pu.r;lmn. Wh:l the oh{lu-l country, unt-u as given him thorough knowledgo of value of every -mel: he offers for sale. Wifer hi tR S t n oï¬ + : _ And the most essontiaÂ¥@part which he was the fOrst to introduce is to close and cash a sale the second day after ittakes place. ~ _ _ _ ____ trat bigis! fatlighs Organs ‘m:-'-bnl veferences can be given i| T6 ‘ * a Consignments of every description solieited. ï¬-lun..-do-uw&-:h posk tive sale it required.~ . ________, . 0; ___, NOTICE. O. WARDELL & Co. B‘lld about to leave this city beg to return their sincere thanks to the citizens of (Ottawa for the liberal patronage they have receivâ€" d-hntu{i::-d business hore. . As theyt intend rema here only till the first of Murch there will N.'nu bargnains to be had. They inâ€" temd sefling off their entire stock before lnvh{. so now is your time to buy your goods clur hey sell at private sale dering the day, and at auction at night TO SELL OX THE tor OF APRH No, 4; in Blook A ; No. 2, in Block D; No. 14. in Block E, with a nice Cottage thereon ; No# 1, 2, 15 and 17, in Block F ; No#. 3, ' 1. 5, 6 and 10, in @ ; Now. 2, 3, 8, 6, 8 and fl.nla!&.S.O.hlnlJ;lJ.Cn“. in Block K ; Now. 3 and 11, in Block L ; No#. 15, 18 and 24, in Block 3. Vistoria Terrace; Nos. 5, 7, 8 and 10, in Blook N» I Richmoud Road; No. 2, in Blook Q; No. 1, in Blook 3. ' Also, at the same time wnd place, AT THE VARIETY HALL, No. 34, Bussex ®treet, 'l‘fl MEET THEK INCRKASING DK+ maunds of my business, and to keep pace with the thmes; I have leased the large storo and tn-- ises in PRODERICK‘3 BLOCK, next door to 3. W. l%&l.. where I shall removxe to nest month, and until that time 1 shall give every inducement T C M TA TE | Arvcacbaadiccs and wntil ih:.mfl..l .b.OnG\t‘ every d-"-vm to -d“ TW purpose MA mw neafent large stock, which is very complete a my M1N comprises the -y’nuul unl.'hhhlin'n.mh.nr mh.ll:'r.irnm-( White Colored Granite Ware, White and Gold China, Colored China and wlassware, of all descriptions. 1 have llhdnynnlvdmhu-lclm‘lul“ which I shall soll at#4 r.r vet to close the consignâ€" ment. Also 1 case of beauntital Punoch and Fruit Bowls ; with ‘aâ€"large vamety. of Furniture, of all kinds; Wooden ware of all kinds ; a very large variety of Carpets; aud a large assortment ‘of new and secondâ€"hand Cooking toves, all of M-mbm-um-unm»m 1 have also onened an orderâ€"book for the of Ottaw#®t; March 18, 1867 io ie difred To n94A0 CC 1 of new and secondâ€"hand Cooking ioves, wll of which will be soldrat the most reasonable m 4 hNave .bom «n orderâ€"book for the of those who require any particular pattern of China or Glacawkre, notobtainable here at present All orders left provious to the 25th of this month will have immediate atte ation. 6 JOSEPH BOY DEN, General Agent, and s Commission Merchant. NE Nee wl 34y A8s RECEIVED INsPRuoTION® from the HETRS of the late® 67 Acros of Lot No. 40, hitawa. Maroh 5 ?muwvdumcwamuw of Ottawa, until MONDAY, the FTRST DAY of APRIL, 1867, at 7 o‘clock p m, for the completion of the CHURCH STREET DRAIN, in aeccordance D dacask and Sneelféntion of the City Eyâ€" with the It x"s Ottaiwa, March 27 AT HAMILTON‘S HOTEL,| SIII wEIGHS _ THE ENOR MOU® W eight of 516 POUN DS ; Measures around the h«l"lbdflulu.(n Hast‘;uwullhu-. 27 inches ; around the calf, nches ; and yot is only 5 fest 1 inch tail, caly 13 inches across the m.umwuo.m.-n..- a number 6 w. and a number 3 shoo. These are which must be seen to be beliovâ€" od, and when seen, you aro tompted to doubt the reality still !| Iu‘.hbn_d‘mhm Eâ€" % af intellect and \ DESIRARLE FV in Centre Town. Apy Murch 27. T CC su ;;â€"m- stive of the .b‘.'.. very small and Up to the age of twenty 90 ""507 105 pounds. Capt. John LeBreton, delwata, welghing at the time on phohm'“lv‘“' tw old, onl« ut emrrefeemupme in this world, certainly is a * ADMISSION 15et«» « C "5'.m0--to Marsh 27. EXTENSIVE SALE 1 K x DK R 8 AUCTION SALES. Byv Auction. * FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY all and see for yourselves H. MeLEA °N t AVOID LEMOYVAL " BIG. um WOIAN-" ort and By orde arEaAt ATTRACTION voRKâ€"@T., OrTraAWA UHECTOR MceLEAN, To Rent, ARRIV AL re, makes het of the kind. TWE A. ROW E, Auctioneer & 3#8y balance in three equal rURNISUMED HOUSE Apply at this office. _ , « CMHILDREN 10cts» 10 g‘clock p m. ‘ 1x tows o# Mt. 1. LRTT, y City Clork a9%tel rporation of the City Auctionoer of intellect and 3 the best of with her lot 103% New Spring Goods, New Spring Goods, } UAVE RECKIVED THE. FOLLOWING NEW GOUPS l Black Silh Mantie VYelvets. * | _ Fancy Dress Googds, BHlack MantleCloths. New Designos in Prints, , Nhirtings and Tickings, _ a | Camadian Tweeds, | Malitax Cloths, . | Alexandre Kid Gloves. uo .‘o ‘ c& ‘lkl‘ will be larger and botter extent, variety, and cheaps« Ms. Meveuw b\?n from ¢tta prices, and to proc No. 14, Ridean St1 OTTAW A, MARCH 18, 1867. i k . e OTTAW A, March SPRING DRY GOODS ! OTTAWA, MARCH 12 GARLAND.: MUTCHMOR & CO. ‘‘New Dress Goods, Millinery and Mantles! "\ G1r?ANT & HENDERSON‘S.: victont« Bntal«‘nakmoxtuss, -'Wfl;dw.mmhl. Cathodral Chareh, 8t Ja0 Music, Profestor of Music at the University of Trinity C Church, Toronto ; W. hm’._m!ï¬h! ': Church, Toronto ; W. Labitsky, Organito® 8B PRUTP O "*ucos oal Society : E. A. Has ummwflwamt.MMMhWA.w ‘ lst of Richmondstreot W. M. cnnv Mrs. T. C. Pletcher, Organist of" â€"streot \ Church, Torouto ; E. Mason, Organist Lion Church, Toronto ; J. G. Lawson, Organist of % stroet Wesleyan Church, Toronto ; M. lmo:a-u-(urwu\m; J. D. Mumnh.;r.londb.o"-ud\'-i ll.ehul;l.llnlhn.()nuhtd street W. M. Church ; T. L. Wyn®e, lnpdudrflnltlnl.chul. victoxta droGaNs, HaARMON TOR )NTO, and consider them full way~ N. B.â€"â€"An Assormnent on ho OTTAW A, February 16, 1867..____________,__ ‘New Dress Goods, Wincies,; Shawls, French Merinos, Shirtings, SHEFFIELD HOUSE ! Importet Silver C Ware, C Purticular attention 'Au'J to the tncing of Presentation Aets, Cups, . Doesignas WDurnisin OTTAW A, Jananty 2. _. _ _ â€" _____|__ Sussox Street, 1+t Decoember, 1868 Y e«wâ€"Whitney TAKE PLEASURE IN PRESEXTISG THI ous Ot!:lluo' «? nlons, which cannot be geainsaid:â€" W e, the undersigned Organiste and Protessors of Mu NV HOLESALE AND RETAIL. CaBE CaSE CaSsSE CaASE CaASE CcaSE CcasE Ladies and others ts of the celebrated Sewill utlersy 18(8 NEW SPRINCG COODS. w# HAVEJUST Watchmakers and Jewellers, OVvVER 50 PACKACES . MacGILLIVRAY &Co. N WI" . ABE NOW OPEXED.OLT AXD READY FOR 1XsPECTIOX STRA W BONNETS, STRAW HATS, MANTLE CLOTHS, coaTsSs‘ spoors, HERROCXKSES SHRITING, PRINTS3, DPDRESS Goops, NO ARRIVE THIS WVEEK MAXTLES, CLOTHS, TWEEDS 1 , aithous! remaincd ES TIMONIALS. MAGEE & RUSSELL. No,. 40, Sparkimstreect. 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA ENX D ILID YX AJQs «s With rbeated Sewill and lInTrlve W old, Silver, Steel, and Jet Jewe y Goods, Parlor Croguet, «&e. 1id to the Repairing Department. s':n. Cuns. Meduals, HZ&')M{"‘ Jewels, & this ‘lll‘llllnhl."l on the Shortest Notice. . opportumity of stating Uh rted than ï¬aic:fufl', and ith anv in Central Canada HOVE eoy and HHorse Blankets» ! OEPERING AT CHEAP PRICES, later OPENED OUT SEVERAL CAsES CONTAINIXNS t CUNNINGITAM & LINDSAY‘S, At OUNNINGIHAM & LINXDSAY® interosted will THE OTTAWA TIMES APRLL 1, 188. W TTLILIT ME‘ A LARGE #TOCK OF BT FANMED FOLLEVINXG Melodeons the European markets than any other ® do take every advantage, as regards the scasot. TWE PUBLIC THE TEATIMONIALS OP .i.uu..g that their Stock this Season ofore, and will compare favorably in t, MILES, Agent in Ottawa. INSPECTION INYITED. _ NEW GOons I;;mâ€"e W atches, in Gold and ot Jewelloerv, Electro.Pated ise make a note of the ~Ot. k&e., &o tm to the Manufacâ€" 3604 â€"w8.3m 384y 310y TINSURANCE COMPANY Incorporated 1819.â€"Charter Perpetual. CABSH CAPITAL, l PC UJP:â€" > > > > > sc ss en en es en + +s eC AsSET®, at Ast Juun-.lsl’,.......................,.......ul,A ASSETS at 1st Sanuary, 1867,...... .#4,478,100.74 ASSET®, at Ist July, 18066 ... ....... w1 078,830,:55 HE‘R‘i TOFORE, at the lowest rates commensurate with the Risks, incurred. Private Dwellings, detached, their contepts and Farm Property Insured for three years ut greatly Reduced Rates. « o * f For finuncial stréngth, liberal treatment of Policy Molders, ond promptness in the settlemient of Losses, } & " All Losses paid promptly in Canada Bankable Funds. OA I. & W.IPEXNOCK, Agents, > wars* The large assets of the Company have, withi increased by a sum exceeding $400,000 as shewn aboec, OTTAWA, February 22, 1 Mlc BANSLEY r::s-dfu“{ informs the citizens of Ottawa vicinity that, at the solicitation of many persons upon whom he has operated, he has been induced to announce that DPeR®ntrte 2C 200094 . RCTRACT WITHOUT Oper®itts 27 7770 Ds eyere AeT o wIT he is now pnroud to EXTRACT, WITHOUT PAIN or bleeding, the worst CORN8, BUNIONS, or other protuberances, that may inflict pain or impede locomotion. _ Me would ‘also intimate that bodoolldwmlh‘nblicvkhlhwb:! TT TT TD AfDect.senrahin.or as having cradâ€" Mr. Peter l?â€â€˜ P. Hamilton, Mr. T J. Barn, Mr. Jas. Â¥ Hamilton. _ _ TOYEH : TOYS : | Ottawa, March 18. 1:.,];-1 and ctblut'ua Jowdlery and Leather Goods, Ottawa, December 24 Tul SUBSCRIBER begs to notify his ons« | tomers and the public generally, that ho has| :.wdh-lhto;:otuud to the pnt;‘t:d‘u :n ellingtonâ€"stroot, many years occu y Messre. Workman & Grifin, Hardware Merchants, 'bonuu-dhfllllupmdlykan hurd a choice selection _ of FAMILY .GROCERILES, | wINES, LLQUORS, &oe., &6., at lowest CASH PRICE®. uVGH £08§, Grocer, Wine and Srvltlï¬ Merchant, _ e ht!nn-mut. * ‘pper Town. CcORNs & BUNIONS 4X TRA CTISI» wWITHOoUT PAiN. °* Useful Ornaments for the Million | OTTAWA AGENOY : Offceâ€"Dosb...uts‘ Building, T7 Sparks St. M. P. HAYES, â€" _ RoyalCanadianBank Ottawa, June 21. MEDICAL 28, Sparksâ€"Stroot. f T“ IUIOCII:II. :c just recelved a hflm w&':-.l plain, Lubin‘s Perfames, v Piver‘s Porfumes, < Hair Brushes, t Tooth Brushes, . Nail Brushes, Dressing Combs, 26, Mparksâ€"Strect. The Subscriber b‘o.‘l‘!.o ¢all the -::t::lol- of Phy:l lu’- e count s lar n comnplete stock :! id 9t * Pamily and Depewins Ohtaitt, | _ BRITISH AMERICA mpIcAL trarur. Assurance Gompany ! This Old ana Favorite Company being NONâ€"TARIFF continues to insure, as \ Country Merchants will be supplied with HE ABOVE c rertane? Painn Maaicines, Dyertaitt, oc, | B pasy it props at wholesale prices, and on the most favorable | of property -ph:.l " wl terms THE ETNA OCCUPIES A FOREMOST POSITION. JUI‘I‘ IN TIME FOR THA! Dress Entertainment, a fine lot of March 14 ALSO, a fresh errival of FANCY GOODS, such as Balls, both hard and soft, for Base Balls, and Gold Return Balls, Atso Stee! Chains, / Magnets, M N t + ; â€" Viciins, + j Dolle, Roand Combs, : Rubber stings, Ottawa, March 19. r.s.-n.uu-uc-ufl-u , GEORGE W. CRAXNE, ; 58 Sparksâ€"streot, and W ellingtonâ€"street UST IN TINME FoR THAT FANCY Notice of Removal. :‘:‘,,' 4 |____* A@ENTS FOR CANADA. ‘Canes, * gyeus COMPANY HAVINGINYVESTED, : _ Viciins, & in conformity with the Provincial Act, * Soutsties, _ 1 Hundred Thousand Dollars, Roand Combs, Â¥or the special security of Policy=holders : Rubber stings, g ts Am c...'u-, Ner Playing Cards. | bpnmb u::r Risks on Dwelling.houses, 1,000 AND 1 OTHER _f!!l(i’o “n.. -‘G.o:.dl Furniture, and General Merâ€" Increased Agsets in 6 months,....$ 102,270.19 &o., RL .A&. S K t . OLD ETNA OF HARTFORD, CONN. C., &e., &e. W. M. MASSEY, Family and Dispensing Chemist, * No. 424 Brrh Btreet, Ottawa, opposite Ont Banks | ! w /. . io. i All new wnd Novel. €. BAN%];‘QY & OO., ne 24. 208y W . M. MASSEY, _ Family and Dispensing Chemist, Santa Claus Depot, AND "6 China Oroaments Tol ï¬m-flmu. €. '!lâ€":?pc}k,.uld'm" . Ottawa, January 4, 1887 & Soaps, pper â€" y 4 e â€" Ontario 167t and | rl\ml mosTt sUCCESSPUL Li} d SURANCE COMPANY divides the _ InN8URANCE, Fire and Life Insurance, LONDON AND LANCASHRE Insurance Company. Capital, â€" â€" â€" #3.000,000. Chairmanâ€"WM. WORKMAN, Esq., President Cï¬! Bank. + OHN REDPATII, Eeq., Vice Fres, Bank of Montreal. _ BENJAMIN "II. LEMOLN EO%.‘ Cashier la Banque du Pouple, ALBX.. M. DEâ€" LISLE, Eeq. _ J cols Xavier St., Montreal ZaB~ For Prospectus and Rates apply t the un» dersigned, agent for Ottawa. es s | {JOHN 0. . hcu‘?:m f""' Â¥P1C â€"street, ite the Kus louse. Ottawa, Pegu‘:y 23. onPss | 36¢â€"3m _ \For instance, the annual payment, at the ago of 30, in most Companies, to insure ‘ is, with profits, about $50, and without « PFOBNK .. s 0 counfecns netines nnvvvernnmens sarmmmnrenceerfeer $ 48:00 In the Rtna, $2000, to a person 30 years of | age, C08t8 thi fiPBt YOAF....sos«»} ... 25.31 â€" Ard cach subsequent yan‘ 26.74 _ Which pnyn:r is subject to further reduction ns the business of the Company incroaecs. |_* y Endowment policies on equally |favorable The fact that the Atoa has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 porsons, from amon the best buluu"-.not lhc&:nnmnt. the hu‘t possible testimonial to the sowndness < the Comâ€" m and the excellence of its meth« 1 of. doing MIMORKS s c P xo lcoop Kina Life Insurance Company,. Capital and Assets, 1st Jan., 1867, Sl,(orl,833.86. rWWiIS MOST SUCCESSFPUL LIFE INâ€" P90 c l sA it { ABSETS, JANUARY 1s7, 1867 United States{and State Bonds............$4 NHHORME BADK BROOK :s sssssc00s mss eessee0000+] 3 | Real Estste owned by the Compuny....... . | l.omo.lout-r.&whudonlfnl Cash on hand, auk, in Ageuts‘ h | wnd due fOT PFOMIAMS.....eecsessâ€"se=»»»» 3 Bills Receivable and Fire and Inl Ottawa, March 13 GENERAL AGENTsS : Messrs. SIMPSON & BETHUNE, 104 & HOME INSURANCH CO, Cuash Cuapital, â€" #1,000,000 NSURES st Loss or Ds Ito l Fire and m Tn..qmuun‘-o:.:em'- adapted to the hazard and couidentLith sound and reliable underwriting. ; id BMIVRGO® \« sotsemmenneenederens se ervepnes Interest and Rents AC@ru@d.........s....»> All other propeity bologgl ng to the Com Losses unpaid and in process of ad ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1820. sine#s. s f J. GARVEY, £SQ., M. D., . â€" Medical Referee. ® R. SMITH, » & Office : Over Seott‘s Confegtionery FIRE AXND MARINE. ESTABLISHED 18:30. R..8. Omk,l‘.qOomulngmcm FIRE ASSUBANCE COMP â€"/â€" ~â€"«~40r LONDOX. .!+>..1 Establishod in 1782 _ ; GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, ll chandise at the lowest current rates. JOHN W%l.li, Agent W B, 10, Sparks Stroot. Aitawa Wab 19 1886. E+ s 4Tâ€"utf Sparks Arget. Orrawa Ottawa, Fob. 12 1866 paAXIEPTRoWBRIDGE, CHARLES WILSON, SAMUEL L TALCOTT, _ 000000 _ | _ W, 8,G00DELL, Secretary Ortawaâ€"W. WADE, Agent. _ ___ _ DIRECTORS FOR CANADA oF XEWHAYEN. COKX Feb. 23, 1867. PANY is prepared to insure all descripti bperty -gm.lou or damage by fire. ® HEAD OFFICES . . | Iicerpool, . . . . t Prom. reev‘d. na&t! ..$ 87,887 30........... $ 20,7 .. â€" _ 81,230 00............ 46,190 .. . 168,289 49...........; 92,130 .. 256,973 55..........., 160,434 .. 470,473 78..........c. 278,488 as . T78,815 6B2.sssss2000e 451,202 «2 1,475,405 43.,.........cl,128,894 D. R. SATTERLEE, President inst loes or dn-or bz fire. l"q(luf'l(. BRUSH ‘CO-. PHCENIX .. 43,000,000.00 .. 84,178,100.74 105â€"lgn FIRST«CLASS COM» man AerxTs, , Aumond‘s Building« 3My .. Viceâ€"President ® iths, been $1,371,016 74 M $1,440;116 60 $453,200 00 . Sou,48» 00 .. 73000 00 L a4l444 16 366â€"4f ly 364.818 06 58,739 19 44,561 32 30,868 27 68,599 86 Fran TIIE PROPRIETORS of the INDIA W AREHOUSE having completed their Etock of Goods, nnpoc!‘h:‘l‘y invite an inspection of the same, being satisfied that such a varied assortment of delicacies have never before been offered in th is city, and whish they will sell at unusually low p-(eu. * The Stock consists in part of : TEAS, Molasses, Golden Eyrup, Amber Syrup. g&~ SPICES of all kinds found on the premises FRUITS : [ on# | 1 /. i | PROFE3EOR W. C/CLARK, Graduate of Majpl B 00 K B I NDER § | Wood Musical Séminéry, Connecticut, and Touafl * Motcalfe=â€"strect, | of P::u, Vo‘hl : Harmony, in A‘lhn Cou;ln n : in Bellevilig te remov to Oitawa. ». i d BEGs TO ANNOUNCE TO| ks‘ w. c‘ CLARK, Pr:"tnud Abert Col â€" his friends and patrons that he ha* | loge, Beliovilie, Teacher of Drawings and Painting | removed to the building on Metcsife" | in Water Colors, Oils, Monochromatic. | street, formerly occupied by The Freni Post,| _ Pariculars learned by enguiring, at Jame # lvwohhmrpuodhmm-lh;xcuï¬n Hope & Co., J. 1. Orme & Bon‘s Music Store, an Y | BOOKBINDING, :.Jmm & Kon, Sparkeâ€"street, where ordt: } PAPER«RULISG, or ; farcs $64â€"3m ‘ BLANK BOOK MAEUPACTURING, | T Sre in e us e n aninomreormcmmnee recpierifemneet | Of every description, in the neatest and most durâ€" < i R ~ jp, | xstie v ' | ~WILSON & CO.. , | _ Giving personal attention ‘to all work, and havâ€" / mark | RuestlarE Eleme Fig«, Oranges, > & Lemons, Crosse & Blackwell‘s Bxtracts & Syrups. INDIA WArEROUSE, _ TEA S, Nert door t3 CHEESE : Mnrm;l:doTiiuhoM Jams, in g::t variety Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel y English, American and.Canadian. 7 Sardines, Lobsters, Oysters, Salmon, Kiffend Herâ€" rings, Lochfyne Herrings, in Kegs; Mackerel, in kegs and barrel«. i j Strasbourg Pates, Potted Meats, Figh, &°. GIN : BRANDY bottles ___ Cherry Brandy Ginger Wine, Lemon 8yrup, ke.â€" (Varying in prices from 30¢ per 1b PORTER : ___ . Corn Starch, &o0., &c. PATENT . BARLEY, 0!0}’;!, OATMEAL, INDIA MEAL, SPLIT PEAS. . Pastry Flour, > Grah&m Flour, Sugarâ€"cured Hams, Roll Bacon, Digby Herrings, Portiand Bloaters, Salmon Trout, Seotch Ling, Dry Codtish, Labrador Merrings, &c. s ‘l;v;-:lï¬s PORK, and No. 1 Flour constantly on hand and for eale by BROWNE & HARDY. .â€" as J noss seasi Apply Marc with & Garde next. 1867. _ Mibbert‘s London Porter, â€"* > Guinpess‘s Dublin do., .Daw‘s Lachine.do. ALE, CIDER, VINEGAR, CRACKER®, andles, Fol;. w Barley, apioca, Sago, .‘~~~<~~*.Groupd Rice, _ â€"‘ feot 0 FOR SALE OR TO LET. 4 . FOR SALE.«=A new Brick Coitage, with full Lot and Outâ€" houses, situated in a pleasant locality, within ten minutes‘ walk of thp Portâ€"office, and oonuldln{ a bonutiful view pf the Parliament Buildings. For further in form@tion apply to 1). V‘CONNOR, E=Q , Thompâ€" son‘s Building, coruer of Sussex and Yorkâ€"rtreets March 14. 3820 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. | 04 lmbr i Tlll CcOMMODIOUS AND | P indz r\nnlly situated howe and mises on the Court House ‘ E-m. corner of Mainâ€"streetâ€"8 | rooms beside and p.wuu‘ for four | horees, large oulbulhlkn‘c.. "Re _ï¬&‘ A good ‘orné! The Victoria Hotel!l could pot fail to be made to pay. _ F It is built on the most modern style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has mp,m.:uu and is four nwrhz hich, exclusive of the Ee P ies and is four stortes high, exclusive of the basement. It is finely situated on the corper of Wellington and ‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings and has three vacant lot» attached, o that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired capacity. £ Applications, ï¬:ï¬alsd) to be addressed to FRKAN CLEMOW, E8Q., . Ottawa, March 11 Hennessy‘s, es NMOTELEOCE, No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, _ |now ox sale March 14 March 1 had many yéars , he feels vel ddebt that satistacoon will be given . Ornamental Binding ‘done in most artistic Inopod laspberry . lil.llplpll'(fll, Oltawa, March 16. g:'“ébr;rry 1 Or Straw and Orange Peaches, Cherries, $ ~take took oi i Russell House, on M‘m A CAP, will oblige by reâ€" turning the same. (Ottawa, February 23, 1867. sA6tf DuKeyper‘s, Booth‘s O}d Fom sSUGARS | COFFEE, | CHOCOLATE, TT f + GOcgaAd to the proprietor, Ottawaâ€"st )l. March 15 CA insfapoist oma/stem@| . ROBINSON & CO ï¬ es iey Cigns Tioker .(.)::::"‘ THE TEA POT heds attached, and good lm water ; also | § s \'TT.:\:' i nAw “;h‘â€h'::.' Polu-' "“l'::.’:::*r:',f\ Establishmentsâ€"Eussex E1. and Rideaos F: fflrg“k,ll! m-fl_ Aatren \ Ottawa, September 10. ‘ 2251 wa, March 25 "~ TO LET FPOR A TERM ~,> of years that large and commodâ€" fous |hm-ng:z;w- building on Spairkeâ€"st., al Town, known nston Bl&:fl'l corner. One of the best busiâ€" inds in city. â€" It is newly finished. Posâ€" given the first of May. Terms liberal. 28 u[nnet. having & froptage of 210 Yorkâ€"streot,.aud 65 feet on Kln,-moct. Apply to .,_ _ WILLIAM CLEGG. Or JAMEsS INGLIS, Montreal. AT AYLMER. Old Jamaica Rum, _< o Old Rve and Proof Whiskey Port Wim.’ Champagne, NUTICE OF REMOVAL. A. MORTIMER, r»a _ LOTS FOR SALE.««Two > Lots immediately Idjoill.il’ the m Gas Works, Nos. 29 and 30, Yorkâ€" Currants, Buckwheat Flour, bmwm ond Lindsay‘s Layer Raisins Sultana, Bunch‘d, do., Seediess do., Martel‘s and Otardsâ€"very Almonds, W alodt«, ‘To 1Let, In boxes, halves and qrs. JAMES W ADSWORTH s 394â€" 1 M Filberts, A. MORTIMER, Brazil Nuts Fherry Wine, Claret, &e., &¢ â€"â€"in wood & bottles 1867. $91â€"22w I M upwards.) =â€"in wood and Otta wa sTa 3798 window#, 1d W ‘ FRESH ARRIVAL ’Very Choice and Supericr 1,000 5 ed, 5 .ll"h,.r; The Pure Mountain Berry * Without cu-rioo the finest Cofee is world."â€"London Times, March 18. We are constantly receiving eupplies of this beautiful and delicions COFFEE, roasted «. our premises by male By which peculiar process, the aroma is prc and renders it the ra yorrte wimn actcomrey soUcHONG. ; * 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE f This is the finest Buack Tra ever | . 5s per pound ; in .email *Caddies, about â€" BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIO NS JS8~ As it is imported by no other firm in Can««< Wines, Spirits & Liquors ROBINSON & CO. would especially call the tention of famili¢s to their stock of ALES, WINES& SPIRIT‘ We have a most delicions UUINES8 & CO Which we are pelling at 8 shillings per g BLOODS LONDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘$ LONDON PDRTEL, ALLSOPS PALE AL}. « BASS EAST INDIA. . > pOWS CELEBRATED MOXTLEALI DAW‘8 SUPERIOR LACHINE ALK DpaAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. w1 k CURRIED Do. ‘JUGGED Do. * STREWED bo.| ~____ ROAST PHEASAXTs®, + ROAST GROUSK e ROAST PARTRIDGH ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by Waggons to any part of the City daily Blfl RESPECTFULLY to ANNOY that tbody have opened EEPARATE h for ladies and gentlomen, for | suéu BEING the fact, and as a matter of conâ€" t sequence, "new buildings will bave to be eroc« | ted, it is of every importance to know where to get HAIRCUTTING AND DRESS KG. . _ AT,.NO, 57, RIDEAUâ€".STREET, Oppouite the Ridocan Hotel, 4. All kinds of HATRâ€"WORK, WIGS, &e.. kepi on hand and mude to order on the shorter: UE K. B â€"This is the only «establishment im thi city where there are separate rooms for the ac commodation of ladies and gentlemen. _ .. s cHESTS UNCOLORED 000 S31s."" 500 Chests very choice and superior YorXo HYSON. . 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKE AX 100 Chests ‘old fashioned BREAKFA®ST 24 Christmas & New Yeararo Past. $ STILL WE PROGRESS. OUR MOVEMENTS ARE ONWARi» * ~ THROUGH 187. lnvidh‘u engross all publis attertion ,d-.lh‘umlbd I have now © the largest and most complete stock of Dakins‘ Patent Sillver Cylnda Ever offered to the public in this eity, con every i-“melo in m‘.ycamo.u and exfin ou w me :â€"- stock i ZInnd 5:-':3'- room for the Spring sto Ottawa, January 5, 1887 Ottawa, March 18 Messrs. Curtis & Mcintosh 100 causes Otard Brand). 50 'r Maurtedi‘s + / lip" Mennesse3. , # * _ .United YVinguels (Late of Chicago.) * H#* T i nnie Aobients steadard . m M “M w‘ standard ; Bugarâ€"cured Hams, Broakfast Bacon, &c. _ _ * cnnsgm having been orders will be â€ï¬‚yw at the lowestmar ket rates. I â€" HERRICK, BRUSH 4 C0.. * * J Aumend‘s Botidings. Ottawa, March 2 DUBLIN STOUT CHEAP HARDW AIZI Shelf and Heavy Hardware Rideaun Street. WILSOXNX â€"& CO, Pork Packers, ~~ _ POROXIO, IANOâ€"FORTE IN®PRUCTION. COFFEE | ROBINSUN & CO,, THE SIGN OF THE PRESERVED MEATS. THE TEA POT, AT THE SHERRY wer Im‘m about 14 15 TT AWA 372â€"10w6m & SToI 285â€"3m erved owr ewn 24 C NCA hOM Ad.J n to th on bas