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Ottawa Times (1865), 3 Apr 1867, p. 4

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Mis Excellency in Counsil onjthe recommendation »{mlutbca.w « Crown Lands, and under and in virtue given and conferred by the Ind section ofithe Act 27 and 28 Vic. Cap. 9, has beey the pleased to order, Axp IT is mereny OanzaEod, that the tract of Counâ€" try comprised within and the Townships of Barrie, Clarendon, Palmerston, Miller and North: «nd South Canonto, in the.County of Frontenae, the Townships in the County Renfrow, situated north of the Townships of M and Canonto, the ‘Townships in the Connty of situate north of the Townships of Shefield amd Barric, the Townâ€" ships in the County of sitnate north of the Townships of Sidney, . Thw and Tyendinage, the Township of Belmont, and the Townships in the County of Peterborough, situate north of the Township of Belmont, be and same is hereby declared to be a Gold Mining Divisicn for all the wmmuuiuq to His Kz cellency the Administr of the Govern ment in Council through the . the Commissionâ€" er of Crown Lands, that Gold been discovered and is found to exist in various| parts of the Townâ€" ships hereinafter named, and Eonn it is expedi ent that the tract embraced in the said soveral Townships should be brought h the operation, and be made subject to the |provisions of =The Gold Mining Act," ‘ UIS «EXCELLEXCY THE ADMINIsTRATOR OoF THE GOVERNMENT IX COUNXCIL 0.‘ he recommendation of the Honorable the aet ng Minister of His Excelleney in Council has been pleased to , and it is herebY ordered that Serap Metal of all kinds, though not special‘y mentioned in the of Goods authorized by the Act 29 30 Vic, Cap. 6, to be imported into Canada free of Customs duty, be and the same is hereby authorized to be into this Proâ€" vinee or taken out of w for consumption therein, free of Customs duties the provisions of the 5th section of the 17th chapter of the Consoâ€" Yidated Statutes of Canada. | MIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRAToR®R or THER @0Â¥ IX cor xet. dectared to be a Gold Mining Divisicn for parposes of the said Act, the name * Quinte Gold Mining Division." the Governor General in Council: 1, That all Ships and other Vorsels, except the Caandian Mail Steamers, which hencelorth and during the eight months next frllowing the First day of April in each .u.v:z year shall arrive in the Port of Quebes, from port or ports, place or places in Europe or by way of that part of the River 8t Law which is below Grosse Isle, and which shall hyve at the time oftheir said arrival, or" sball in at during their M"-..'.z lnlam auy person on \ Cholâ€" ora, Fover, Smail Pox, or Measies, or other infeections or dangerous ag on board of which any person shail have during such pas sage, which, being of less than seren hanâ€" dred toms measurement we oa board 13 cf 97â€"0f 97 â€"4f Now therefore it is ordered by His Exceiloncy doOvERNMEXxT RoUsB, OTTAW GOVERNXMEXT HOU3E, OTTAW A, + _ Thursday, Hstlday of Mirch, 1867 QUARANTINE Thuredary, :lr day of March 186 PRESRNT. PRESENT W, A. HIMSWORTH w. a. uryswortu Asst. C. E. C Asst. C. E. C i+ The | Lale. The Island shall be so divided as to leave one portion thereof for the hospitals, and Tor the l treatment and reception of those who are laboring ' under or are threatened with any of the following | disoasés, namely + Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small , Pox, Scarlatina or Measiss, or any other infoctions | and dangorous discase ; and the remaming port.on | for the reception and accommedation of all pasâ€" â€" sengers .and other persons who whall be landed | and detwined upon the said Island, whoâ€"shall not labor under or be threatened with any of the #aid diseases, and no person or persons, unless on duty, shall be permitted to ytj.“iino- of the suid portions of the said Island to the other, unless they have passports signed by the !odirl Shperâ€" | intendent. _ A i more Steerage Passengers, or which being of greatâ€" | or tonnage than seven measurement, | shall Rave on board go Passenâ€" | gors or which shall have infectod . | Port, shall makethoir Grosse Isle in ! the River St. Lawrence, and thore remain and conâ€" { tinue until such shipg or vessels shall be discharged l from such Quarantine, by such Ucanse or passport, | and discharge, given without fee or emolument of | any kind, as shall be directed or permitted by such ' orderh a« shall be made by the Governor,| with the | advice ummoâ€"-«w;ku "*incil the said abips and vessels shall respectively have | ’ performed such Quarantine, and shall be discharged ‘ therefrom by such li¢ense or passport and disâ€" charge as afuresaid per goods or merchandize which shall be on h‘r:-oh ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on bourd of any other ship or vessel in this |‘ Province, excopt on Girosse lsle aforesaid, when duly required by competent authority. l 2. That all sh ps, and vessels which heneeforth . and during the eight months atoresaid, shall arrive at the Port of Quebec, from auy port or ports in | Rurope, place or places, or elsewhere as aforesaid, ' of the cluss or description bm‘u\f-n mentioned . | as liable and bound to make their! quarantine at ' Grosse Esle, to make their further gquarantine i= i the harbour of Quebec, according r the Requiaâ€" i i tion« hereinafter provided. | All ships and vessels oi| the class and descripâ€" tion hereinbefore me d, as lHable to make their Quarantine at Grosegâ€"Tslo, shall anchor withâ€" in the space included between Grosseâ€"Isle and a line, drawn parallel to it through the Red Buoy, to be placed as heretofure under the direction of the Superintendent of Pilpts, and bounded on the East and West by lines dtawn due South from the Western Extromitios of Cli® Islaed and Grosseâ€" The Extablishment at Grosseâ€"Isle shall consist | P®** of a Medical Superintendent, an Hospital Steward, | tb* one Ordurly, one Cook, one l\.unmu‘]"‘* wuâ€"g The Medical Superintendent shail, | **** by virtue nu..a.u.auduaméhml'h within the| limits of the Quarautine station as | *"*P hereinbefore described, shall Le authorized to see | U\ tb the Quarantine duly performed, and for this purâ€" | * pose shall have full power and authority over all | ~ _ _ officers and other persons whatsoever in Grosseâ€" | _ !\ Iste, or attached to that station, and be. authorized | **44 to call upon all persons to aid him in enfureing ihe of th l.yu‘lhouvoplnk-.g.\'nomdhhm ting sickness or abrence, the next in rank emâ€" | 4* 0 ployed on the Istand, shall have the power and | 4*** authority aforesaid. Aud the said Policemen and | ‘B* < Boatmen, shall, by virtue of their office, be peace | 4* @ officers, acd be vested with all the powers and au. | ©BOf thority of Special Constables, within the limits of | @1 the said Quarantine Station. keep 3. â€" Medicab Superintenden. ::': The Medical Superintendent (or in case of his | , |;, death, sickness or abssnce, the Officer next in rank dnt .-,byd-uum.u)mmm..u’m,, Law and these Regulations, and shall direct #hip# | aps , or vessels to go to such place or places to perfor® | jgy Quarantine, as it may be necessary to send them | of ;p to. Me shall direct all ships or vessels, liable to | giy, pertorm Quarantine, to be brought toâ€"ahchor withâ€" | g;,, in the lHmits of the Quarantine Anchorage, 409 | ag,q generally do all that may be uqdndbnh.“.. rigid obecuenee to the said law and theso Reguiaâ€" | p, , tions. e shall permit all passengers, or othet | »,,, shore, and when it shall be deemed advisable not to land the passengers on the said Island. He shall whenever a vessel is cloansed, ventilated and purified, direct such vessol to receive on board the whole or any pertion of the passeagers, or whether He shall also go off to vessels bound to make their Quaekntine at Grozseâ€"Isle as aforesaid, and put the following questions to the Masters or perâ€" sont in charge, viz: _ _Wluhymu-ou:mnal,mnnbl? %. tn-'uuod"- . and date * 3. What is your cargo, and whence taken on board * + The Medical Superintendeut shall also board all vessois he may consider necessary to inspect. 1e shalil have charge of all vossols detained in Quarâ€" astine. . He shall direct, it necessury, all stoorage passengers to be landed with their lugzage. And shall saporiniond the cleanusing and qdisinfection of vessele, le shall direct the number of passonâ€" .onl-holu-h‘.fiuilflhhh;&u whorequire to be treated for pestilential or infoctious disonses, and who are to be landed at thit part of the said island set apart for such treatment, f:om those who do not require dgeh troatment, and who may be landed at that part of the said island set apart for the reception of the hemithy and those free from pestilential diseases, and he shall be careful that all such persons shali be landed at such places rosâ€" pectively. Heshall bave medical charge of all cabin passengers who do not disembark, and who may be laboring under any other thas pestilential or infectious dissase ; and shall order all passengers and porsons on board any such ship or vessel who shall labour under any pestilential or infoctious disâ€" ease, to belanded with their luggzage according to the foregoing regulation. He shall give medical treatment on bound in all cases of slight dissase which are not by these regulations specially required to be treated on 5. Was such place or places, or any and which of them, intected with the chelora, plague, or any pestilential fever or discase * _6 How many persons were on board when the vessel sailed? k Cabin passengers * _ â€" Stoorage passongors * Crow ? x * T. Have any person or persons duridg the voyâ€" ago been infocted? or are there now any 1nfected with the cholera, plague or any pestilential fever or discase * % U, Did you or any of the ship‘s company or pasâ€" with your privity go on board any ship or m‘udd-yd the company of any ship or vessol come on board your ship in the voy age, and from what port did sho sail last ? . . 11. Mave you any person on board who is lunaâ€" he, idiotic, deaf and dumb, blind or infirm, and are such accompanied by relations able tu support them ? * 4. =« Establish m threatened with any puch disease. !s shall have the goneral superintendence and direction of ev ary â€" thing relating to the sick. Me shall visit and in spect all passenyers landed from any vessel, and distribute them as he shall think expedient cither on that part of the Island appropriated for the treatment of pestilential or infectious discaser, or on the part of the said leland appropriated to healthy passongers. . Upon the recuvery of persons trostod for sach a disease ie shall, after due preâ€" caution, trapster such persons to the healtby part of the said Idand. He shall superintend the cloansing, washing«and puriting of ali passengers, and the unpacking and ventilating of their baggage, and when they are in a fit state to proceed, he shall, il need be, cause any haggege or any part of it to be burat or otherwise destroyed. No porsous following the basincss of Sutiers, Traâ€" dore, tigocers or cther occupations, ut concerued in buying or selling, shall be allowed to reside on the Island, except under the license and strict control o: the Medical Sdperintemdent, why will bave full authority to discharge and sead from the Island, .Iluh,mlpw.mhllhft of such discharge and the reason therefor, for informaâ€" tion of the Governer thioncral or person admini=ter> ing the goverament. All such persons in any way en gaged in solling or trafic on the said Island shall be regulated as to prices by lists to be furnished by the Medical Superintendent from time to time, as« He shall strictly engquire into aad dewide upon all complaints of inisconduct or breach of the regulaâ€" tions by persons #o trading he shall sos that no oflicer or person ewmployed by the Government, ot in any public employment on the said Island. has directly or indirectly ‘any interest or cuncern .« any supply of provisions, or other things to be supâ€" plied or furnished,booght or sold uponthe said Lsland or directly or indirectly recvives or takes any |priâ€" vate gratuity or reward for service rendered toany Masters or Crews of Vessuls, Parsengers or other persous upen the said Island. And it shall be the duty of all petsons to whose knowledgeo any breach of this Regulation shall come, to report the same forthwith to the Medical Superintendent, who shall enquire into the facts alleged, and may suspend from his ofice any person sw charged unâ€" til the pleasure of the Governor General, shall be known respecting the person so charged. [ . | T / Pilots, â€" Pilets having been furnished with copies «t ghe said Act relative to Emigrants and (Quarantine and of these regulations, and also of these faws regula~ ting Emigration, shall exhibit the sawe to the Mas« ter or person in charge of every vescl they may board. Every Pilot having clharge of a vessel, of the description of those liabie to make (Quarantine at Grobse Isle a«s aforesaid, shall bring her to anâ€" chor withia the limits of the anchorage ground at Grosse Isle hereinbefore defined. They shall also keep a Unionâ€"Jack dying at the poak of all vessels under their charge, until boarded by the proper ofi cers. Onarriving at Quebec, ifthe vessel has received a Clean Bill of Health from the Medical Superintenâ€" dynt at Grosse Isle, and has not beeu detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, she may bring to at any place within the following lt-hh..Md’quit vis: the wholo space of the River 8St. Lawrence, from the mouth of the River St. Charles to a line drawn acrows the said River St. Lawrence, from the Flagâ€"staff on the Citâ€" adel or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said river, but must not communicate with the shore ot with any other vessel or boat until boarded by the Inspecting>Physiciany but if the vessel beâ€"of the clas« of thaee nut liabie to make theur Quarantine at Grosse lsle she may cither bring to at any place within the aforesaid limits, in the Port of Quebes, or she may procee} at once to the Bailast"Ground. the whole or any und which of the said passengers shall remain on the said Léfand, to proceed up the rviver by some other modé of conteyanee, and he shall, so soon as the passengers are reâ€"embarked on board thetr ship, or on any #hig or ressel leay» ing the sak} Liland, give a ot Clema BQI of lealth to the Master or aviig sugh vorsel in charge, to proceed to Quebéc. He shall make returd4 of the vessels boarded by bim at soon as possible aiter such vessele nte visited. The Medical Superintendeént shall have charge ofthe Hospital«. â€" He shall receive into the Moepi+ tals «et apart lor the treatment of pestileatial and. infoctiqns discases, ali persons laburing under or sisted In all cases whore vessols having passengers on board, on account of sickness amougst such pasâ€" detained in Quaruntine, the Master or petson in charge may, un applicytion to the Medical Suporintendent at Grosse Isle, be alâ€" lowed to lund the said passengers with their lugâ€" gage ; and the vessel being properly cleansed, puâ€" miledaund disinfected uoder the saperinteaonce and with the lisonse of the Medical Suporintenâ€" dent, may pruceed up the river without the said passongers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such porson as shall be appointad to se« eeive the same, one shilling and three peuse for each passenger, to bear the expense of their conâ€" veyance to Queber, and alo at the tute of one shilling per diem for each of the said passengers, to reimburse the ctpease of their imaintenance at Grosse Isle, for the time during which such vessel, in the Jadgument uummm would have had to be in Quarnatine waiting for the passengers not afeeted with any of the pestilensial or infoctions discases aforesaid, etherwise such vessel shall be detained in Quaranâ€" tine until the passengors not sick of the aforesaid @iseases, shall be cleansed, washed, purided and disinfected. A ® 10.â€"â€"Inspecting Physician at Quebec, Au Inspectingâ€"Physician . Quebec shall go off to all vessels arriving at Quebec or at the mouth of the river 8t. Chartes, and pat the following quesâ€" tions to the Master or persons in charge, vis : _ 1. When did you leave Grosse Isle ? %. Kxhibit to me your passport from Grosse Lsie 1 3. How many persons bare you on board * Cabin passengers * 9 On the arrival of any versel at Grosse Lete, on board of which there shall be or shall have been during the passage any case of Cboleca, Fever, Smail Pos, Seariatine or Measies, or «ther infecâ€" tious (or dangerous disease, and in «!l cther cnses when it shail be comsidered necessary by the Medical Superintendent that the stcerâ€" ago passengers shall be landed with their luggage, and washed and purided and shall be permitted to reâ€"embark and proceed in the sawe vessel, or shall be detained and cmbarked in some steamâ€" bout or other vessul, as shall be <directed by the Wu”m&mw in the principal cabin shall not be landed except in cases of sickness, and may at all times proceed with the vessels, or otherwise, after having washed and paâ€" riied their luggage to the satisfaction and with the paseport of the Medical Suporintendent. Vessels arriving at Grosse Isle from any infected port or place, or one supposed to be infected, and on beard of which no pestiiential dissase shall have deciared itself during the passage, may be kept under Quarantive of Observation for a period of not more than three days, during which time the passengers and crew thereof, shall besubâ€" jected to a strict purification under the direction of the Mouaical Superintendent. All yvessu # detained in Querauntine shall be cleansed and ventifited, and their between dock», if not painted or varnishâ€" eod, shall be well whittwashed ; but if painted or varnished, shall be thoroughly serubbed with soup and water or ley, and such portion of the balluet as the Medica! Superintendert sball order, shall be thrown overâ€"board under his immediate superâ€" intendence, or that of yuine person to be appointed by him for that duty. within the limits of the Ancborage Ground at Grosse Islo hereinbefure detined, until boarded by the Medical Superintendent : and if they shall nut be detained at Grosse Isle on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, shall recewe. a Clean Bill of Meaith, apd may proceed to the Harbuar of Queâ€" hn.-“h’uobotuw place within the 1iâ€" mits of that portion of the Port of Quebec, hereinâ€" before defined, and there romain without communiâ€" cation with the shore, or any other vessel or boat until Anally discharged from Quaraatine by the li« cense passport aloresaid; but ifany such vessel shall have been d:tained at throsse Iste from slowness or suspicion thereof, it shall anchor at the mouth of the River 8t. Charles,and there remain until fnally discharged trom Quarzutine as aforesaid. _ â€" All Vessols liable to make their Quarantioe at Grosse Isle, on their/Werival there, shall anchor ma Vensels nigrant Agout at TBE OTTAWA TIMES APREL 3, iss7. disemsed y causing the mucous membraus to resumé‘fi- o:ld-. the corenlation of the blood, and restoring the disteuded y.fl.:‘rm:) by its use the :‘an‘;': m'-i';-fil.‘- corrected, softening the skin, and I'fl soat a sleeic and fld? appesrance. Â¥ D. W. HURD, Suesessor to Huzp & Co., Inl:u ;--'- New York, Solse Propristor for the United KOIM:C LYIA!Ié s RWOARTLE, tÂ¥ * Propricore for the Canadas. Sold (eo, Mortimer, Jd: Roborts, W. l.- "::Q.L, E. MeGartby, and J. Skinner, in | Cotmue. _ Ottewa, Â¥eb. 5, 1867. 4501w0m «uarantine at Grosseâ€"Isle, to exhibit to him the Lcense or passport which they shall have recejved irom the Medical Superintendent at the Quarautine rtation; and such Masters or persuns in charge + all forthwith exhibit the same for examination, t» the said In=pectingâ€"Physician at Quebec, who, i he shall find, as well from the answer he may reseive as from the tenor of the passport and the actual state of the health of the passengers and crew, that sicknoss does not exist on board, he »Lall then grant to the Master, or person in charge of such vessel, a Cortificate in writing setting forth the healthy state of the passongers and crew, to the end that such vesse!l may obtain a fual disâ€" charge from Quarantine. Uut if, on the contrary, +ach Inspecting Physician at Quebec shall find any case of pestilential or infectious disease on beard» vr shall have just cause to apprebend the breaking vat of any such malady, it shall then be hisduty t» Noist a yellow flag at the main topâ€"gailant m is head and shall cause the vessol to return to of remain and be detained abthe mouth of the River raint Charles for further observation and inspecâ€" tion ; and having asqualnted the Mastc: or perion {m age to progsed or return with suchâ€"resse} to Grogseâ€"Islc. and such Master or porson ia charge shalil obey such order. Aud the proper oficeis at Groaseâ€"Isle shall observe, in respeet of such vessol«> tie same rules and rogulations as ane , ~vided for yessels arriving at Grosseâ€"Isle with sick. ~hould the Inspecting Physician at Queboe meoct with any resistance in discharge of the duty required of him by this regulation, he will immediately enfor>e the came by all lawful means at his disposal. 11. Apy Steambost or other vessel that sha‘l have towed or etherwise communicated with a vesâ€" +i of the of vesscle liable to make their Qua rantine nt-o-blo. not baving the d sebarge Quarantine of the Medical Superin ondent at Grossoâ€"Isle, shall be subject to ‘the same regulaâ€" tions and instructions as hereinbefore provided, respecting vesselsnct discharged from Quarantine, III3 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR.GENE | RAL IN COUNCIL | y ien®ss it nas sees revick. , sented to the Governor General in Council ‘ that much inconvenience bas been, and is experiâ€" : «aced by certain of the inhabitauts of this Provinee ; residing in the vicipity of the Canadian Frontier | lne, by reason of their being deprived of the priviâ€" | loge heretofore enjoyed by thom of having their | «rain produce ground at Mills situate on the Ameriâ€" ' can side of the Frontier, and reâ€"importing the same into Canads free of Customs duty, in cases whore ' | ‘r Mills to the reaidences of such ants, ‘ their | groater capacity l viade it expedient to resort to them : | Whereupon, and on the recommendation of th | ilonorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" | der the provisions of the séventeenth chapter of the | Consoldated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in | ©ouncil has been pleased to order, and it is hereby | «rdered that uoy floar or meal, or other produce of «ay wheat or grain grown in and taken out ot this i P‘rovince into the United States to be ground, and Lrought buek. isffo this Provineeâ€"within one week »iter such wheat or grain has been so taken out to | be ground, shall be, and the same is heroby exâ€" l « apted trom the payment of Customs datics; proâ€" | vided always that such grain be first duly reported | «atwards at the nearest Custom House before exâ€" | portation for the special purpose herein referrgd to, «ad that the identity of the fou: or meal, the proâ€" | wbree thereof, be sworn to on its importatigh into this Province. ; AND CONDITION MEDICLNE From Mrt, E. Quart, Physician and Midwifc, Boston. 8 POSITIVELY supEnsorn o anxy | . [ £00 000 or two large doses of your "‘"*,"“,; maeplind l or all other prepasations for the o?n of ll:::. | fi:‘:'ht':"‘".'n‘.t:x'\-x.r.:lmrm.:wlm°m" aughe, Phick and Brokem Wind, and all dissascs | effectual to eleanse the Aomach shd expe! warma," They [ affect the Wind of Hore«t ; also, as n Condiâ€" | #r0 #o much the best physic we have that I â€"recommend ‘u htfi.‘.r’u:. mmg(hu.k,“” mo(huto.tpuknu. ‘.c.q sure to cure, o in all cases t Prow.te Rec. Dr. & cthodist pis. Church. l:l.u times, and does not prevent the horse | ni‘?“ll]’:::h‘{f:.:lho“: 6, 1856. o Hn.â€"hd.. while using it. |~ Howornts Siitr I should be ungraterat for the relief j .-“~ mwbym.‘l your skill has brought me if T did not report my case to ig airâ€"calls the lymph, or | you. | A cold ..-J?:S ia my limbs and ‘broughtâ€"on excruâ€" { 1st secretion which in heaves them, causing clating mr-lr'epon,-vzlch ended in chromic rheumaâ€" ',““'V" m.‘ sction â€".on the tism. . Notwit mndlnglMtboMorpthehum d i i the : i is :--:v wmm‘m.&nul by the advice of your rasume J-uc--u--:lmm Pills. 'lh“rva‘cruvmllo'.h;llâ€"r:..':ylm'“m' :ufl?‘hu‘lm“m in the use of them, I am now entirely well. + ore« Sewium c \pvaie" in hamaoved, "elt AZraingnmemes ht e | . o Sirut Otiiorrm Taten Rovat o Dt BE «igestive organs correoted, softening the skin, and | Ahewm~â€"Lic30ou‘â€"a painful discass that hnd aficted |& to the cout a sleskâ€"and shining appesrance. | for yoars. _ YINCENT luDlI-L- 6. Mave asy died? Btate namber, names and disesse? _ %. Have you amy person on board who is lunatic, idiotic, deaf and dumb, blind or infirm, and are »uch accompanied by relations able to suppor them ? And mereover, he shall require all Masters, or jersons in gharge of vessels liable to make their| _ | 12. No Steamboat shall be allowed to proceed to Grosseâ€"Isle for the purpese of taking en board passengers direet from that Island, withoct preâ€" viously obtaining from the Collector of Customs of the Port of Quebec, a written Permit to that effect ; vubject nevertheless to the regulations hereinbefore provided. 4. Nuniber left ut Orosse Isto * 8. Have any person or persons been takon sick »inge you left Grosse Leale! 13. All vessels trading between any ports of | places within tre District of Quebec, and not hayâ€" | ing touched at any ports or places without the said District below Grosseâ€"Isle, nor communieated with »ny other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the said district below Grosseâ€" Isle, »hall 16 exempt from the foregoing rules and regu> litions, so far as respects the necessity of going to or stopping at Grosseâ€"Isle ; nor shall the said rules" and apply to any Veesol of War, or to Trw Vessels having ‘Queen‘s Trocps on Loard accompanied by a Medical OGicer, and in a ' healthy state, or to any Steamer from Europe, un» less sickness or death may have occurred during ' the passage. § +C 7. Mave any person or persons come on board or oft your vessel since you left Grosse I«le ? 14. No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until all the require» ments of the foregoing Regulations in reference to such Vessel shall have been fally complied with. 15. Any person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, any of the foregoing legâ€" ulations, shall for every ofence incur and pay a Fine not exceeding FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be recovered in the manmer prescribed by the said Act; and every person who, upon conviction of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount <f fine which he shall have been condemned to pay, +hall be imprisoned until such Fine be paid. . Axp > The Order in Council, of the 9th April, 1866, and all previous orders making Regulations relating to (Quarantine, are hereby revoked. > W. A. HIMSWORTH, 3018f 1 Asst.C. B. C. At a Councit held in the City of Montreal on S : charge with the penaltues to be wuld permit any communication . ntil released from Quarantine, he ve ciroumstances to the Secretury . t the intormation of the Govern it shall appear to the said Insge t any tiime that such vesse! »hall b warantine station at Grow=eâ€"l«â€"l0 w 3 . DARLEY‘® We lrabian Heave Remedy | + make Quarantine, being liable theret reuld.therefore be seat down to Grusse1 cle, ich vessel having already cleared: from + «4«, should return thereto, there to land th vâ€"us, he sWall ordar the Master or per 3120 steorage passengers? tupday, the 8th day of 1e PRESKXT \wb W, A. HIMSWORTH, Asst C. E.C t ~ienor ting Phy t ~Cia w, , Almid c Pi ket contain M , |@ T sinits :rc':;.‘:j..,u: | -Ifl:(lt:::u‘:h%lsrul::n::dy tl’s‘:.:llfnl h|-ndl.{. l Jt oglle“l;o""' L o:)h:h.h, qnester, that fe n | Veterimary i olle These Storolk os. .| vanainoneamantnes | Stapnt _â€" Ystermar rthe Canadas. | _ Price, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. | t of the ai a ow 5. 4 ‘mn;m.:.c.;mam,mu] ...“«"".u.m...-m,'.by i , â€" Skinner, in | _ Sold Mortimar, John Roberts, W. M | re i5# hes M‘Om.&r\y and â€" Skinaer m Oitawa, l Burgoyno, Burfid‘“ &n ;?;“ $801wom + _ February 26th, 1607 + 38 8d3w#y ___|| 16 Conmua® 81., Loxpox. | 8t P t b in es ~. | fa J “;f:‘:;'u *# | â€"~ Eie Be 38. ad | FF sw 0. | ( ‘ *\ Bravi A i. Tek .;‘[ lusee . con yz a ord Â¥~ -4’,?’ " M ran | JRrieg. o) c# | â€" / nuwaugeg Pepor . ton r‘ P Wis, :'“'.‘_ '.4 :rl: y *o, ~CCeene! and &‘ t ( «3 a Te ns edx ts 4 ky cles l c.' 2 n moi h\' . o 7 at ' n [Dxgs » ‘n.: 3 & e of ‘ z. F 2s tivi the W M They have mado~arrungements to do so at a small cost per burner, ud without injuring the Gas Burper or Chandeliet, Having altered 4 or o ‘dozon Barners during the past woek, which give great gatisfaction in all cases, they can with confidonce recommend this change. _ Good Canada Rock Oil 37. ets. per Ctallon. In cans bythe d vz\ur: SUNBSCRIBEILS beg to Inform the public that having been|applied to b‘r a large number of the «it -emfi‘l Oltawa to have their Ottn w , J Whith L ‘ d l‘ 'flmfl * '1 Ara you sick, feebie, snd im â€" zm complaining? . Are yousut of a"" 4 order, with your system deâ€" Â¥~ ‘4‘,’-’ @8} â€" ravged, and your felings unâ€" JRreg!. §¥ | â€" comportablet" â€" These ‘muu“,' ND . _ toms are often the mlm J * W(' [Â¥ 9pyâ€" serions illness. _ Some fit of m (8.JpaHt, | sickness is creeping npon you, y o t aud should be averted by a t F4 n on on 78 xA vef y e Ayer‘s Fi $ "”. R@ Bi WBA clcanse out lh!dhuda& buâ€" C.l 2 + § â€" moreâ€" purify and k\' let the Auids on unob» P structed . in h . again, s fDxit They stimulate the functions $ & ae anubo-:&’h;owm» us F_â€"29% tivity. purify the system from the obstructions which make disoaso. ‘A cold settles somewhere in the body, and obâ€" structs 1ts natural (unc:’bnl:. ‘These, if not ‘relieved, react ypon themeeives and the surrounding organs, proâ€" M.‘wfiunenl aggravation, su(ering, and disease, While id this condition, oppressed by the derangements, hka':‘vw'- Pills, and see how dlrocfl&lhq restore the nat action of the systend, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again, â€" What is true and so apparent in this trivial and cotmmon complaint, is also true in many of the deepâ€"=ated and dangerous distempers, The rame purgative effect expels them, Cullol':{ elmilar obstruc» ::-: d-rupt.ou-oldthom; functions of the 94 y are l‘n# many them surely, cured by the same means. None who khow the virtues of these Pills, will nelect to employ them when suffering from the disorders thoy cure, â€" Statements from leading physiclans in some of the prineipal citics, and from other well kpown public perâ€" Ds. Are@: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in snedicine, ‘They have -u-!a littlo daughter «J-I'wwmmbrw that had proved incupable for years. â€" Mor has been ‘1[‘“". onsly aflicted with blotches and pimples on bor skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pill«, and they have cured her. ______.____ ... , As a Family Physic. Prom D¢. . W. Curtwright, New Orleans, Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excelent qmalitics wurpass any cathartit we possess. Thy are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invalaable to us in the daily treatmont of discase. â€" Headache,Si¢kHeadache,Foul Stomach. & From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. Droa Bro. Avsa: Leannot answor u“flu* I h;w cured with )'m:l; ruuom-r d’m.‘ to -‘y;l' we ener trgit with a parpative icing. . doneo on -‘hfig cathartic in my me‘tm discas®, and belioving as Iâ€"do that your Pills aford us the best we have, I of course valuo them highly. w Pretsnono, Pa., May 1, 1885;"> Dr. J.C. Arce. fir: I have been nMdIL.u‘l. the worst Araduche any body cnn have by a or two of yourâ€" Pills, 1t reems to arise from a foul stomach, whie quently they ai wf that organ, bdious diveise s them. â€" brater hold them in est ever found. . Th thota qo exceliou From Dr.J. P. Vaugla, Montreal, Cunada. Too much cannot be eaid of your Pills for the cure of enstinaiss. 1f pthers of our fraternity have found them as efcacious as I have, they should join me l:.gfiln- ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the prozenitor of others that are woree. 1 believe cosâ€" tiveness tooriginate in the liver, but your Pils affect that organ and cure the discase. a Constipation, Costiveness, 8n Eonlon, Iheumatism, Gout, Nemlz , Drop» s#y, Paralysis, Fits, etc. mak Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom hieo. J. V. Himes, Pustor of Advent Church, Boston, W aARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. Dear lu:': I am J(:ni _\uur! Cathartic ?‘mo I:"-m thoe, n:::-l them, ‘:‘n excellent pumnvuodn- the .’“ Mh “\u # u fJuu.\‘ u{uncuu,u. ».: Dysentery, GASY FIXTURES CHANGEBD ! GAS SUPERSEDED ‘ Ponnsylvania Rock Qil « theim very accep! hmen ud‘;"nhh‘ th y cleanse at once, +3 -?n with great respoct, _ ED. W. PREBLE, have aAppointed ontaining. Five Gallons ; and Chitanieys en very low. _ » + Is hav NOC EPIC . lermally yours, _ ALQNZ) HALL, M. D., _ * Whysician of the A!rill Hospital, ry, Dierrhcoa, RKelax, Worns. ‘rom Dr. J. G. Grein, of Chicago,. have had a long tria! in my practice, and I esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have Their alterative effoct upon the liver makes liout remedy, when given in small doses for tery axd diarrhoa. W very acceptable and eu.‘ma the use airy 28, 1887 W atches n ~lrave not m rivalled, mmdlgd in any quantity ‘ BEACH & €0., 7y Merchant of St. Lowis, Prb. 4, 1850 AYER‘8 CATHARTIC PILLS. SUPPLIED A Clork of Steamer Clarion, C » I]J.' ASAX MORGRIDGE Nr. J. LESLLE, {acture SELL : Sparks Streot $22â€"3m«d w t L ale of above st being im« akers to the d by ns. & SON, Liverpool. 139y k Under and by virtue of the Powers conferred upon WHEREAS, it will fnuly conduce to the health and somfort of the Citizens of Ottawa rnenlly, to have the City cleaned of all filth and nuizances : And whereas the introduction and ltn.d of Cholâ€" eu.'l‘y'rhu and other contagious diseases is, and will certainly be influenced by the sanitary conâ€" dition of the city : And whereas , the juined to proceed, at once, to bave all Privy Pits, Ce#spools, &¢., thorougbly cleansed, and to see this order carried into effect, and all and overy person or pérsons diooboyln“of neglecting to observe the wame, on orâ€" before the Twenticth day ot April, 18607, will be punished nccording to law. them lzvnr{oul Acts of Parliament, establishing " Boards of Health," and in ace rdance with varâ€" ROBERT LYOX, Mayor of the Cit§of Oitawa, do { hereby order and direct, that all Yards, Cellurs, | Stables, Quthouses and .other Buildings anc Enâ€" | closures, Lanes or Alleys, shall be thoroughly ' eleansed of all Filth, Dirft, Nightsoil, or otherâ€"imâ€" | puritics by the owners or persons occupyirg the | #ameé, j jous Byâ€"laws ofâ€"the :‘:{ of Ottawa, have deemed it advisable that &- inte steps should be taken for cleansing the City. _ Now Know Ye that I, Toall W hom it May Concern & Avorr Orrice, | Ottawa, February 19, 1867. C(‘D:‘I"L.\IST having been made that or before the 15th day of August, 1867, and any parties neglocting or refusing to do o will be proâ€" secuted according to law. + | THO8. LANGRELL, Ottawa, March !d Gfi‘n?Nfi, or others ov‘n!n' Churches, and individumis, and com ies owning Uall, Theu(mmaht Buildings P.:ud for the pnam of holding public nuulsl. or places of public résort or amusement, all the doors shall be so hinged that they mny‘?on free‘y outwards, on or before the. 15th day August, 1867, and any Ottawa, ‘March 22 For such lefault, as provided in the said Act. freme; JOHN SIMPSON, . 1 Assistast Aauprror February 23, 1867. 36789 tf |, 1867 : .\?'l I hereby fio notice that the Chief of Poli¢e andthe Comstabulary of this City are enâ€" smlii-'nrpor-ud by any Statute of this Province, have not published the statement of their Assots and liabilities ; | Amount of Capital Stock ; | q:.onnt paid thereon ; *a, Nature of A ; : Amount of lowses ; | due and unpaid ; | _ ~ *~ adjusted and not due, | in suspense and waiting for further 0! ‘the recommendation |of the Honor mble the Acting Minister of Finance and u~ der and in virtue of the authority given‘ and «tâ€" ferred by the Act 29, 30 Vie., Cap. 7, His* E#¢lâ€" lency ‘tu Council has been pleased to ordet, #4 it is heteby ordered that subject to the provig®s of the said Act, to the conditions, regulations nm- trictions established and imposed by the #Ader in Council of the 24th day of September, 186 and to such further regulations as may hereaftebe made by coutpetent authority, Licenses may » granted to manufacture in Bond, the undermgioned arâ€" ticles, that is to say : J Acctic Aoid, y Acctic Ether, Butyric « Chlorie _ © XNitrous « " ;‘ Bulphuric = + j % ‘\Cbloroform « | Collodian « 1 Moffman‘s Anodyne, \_â€" Talapin, Podophytlin, : Lip Tandrin, f . Spirits Ammonie Aramatic, (ompound Spiriis of Lavender, Surgical Enstraments, Patent Medicines FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIEKS [ resisted, and for what cause ; | . Amount of all other claims against the comâ€" | I;ny ; Amount of premivms earned and uncarned during the paw year ; The whole as required by the Act 23 Viec., cap 33, se. 11. i un XOTICE is hereby given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not complying with the said Act are iable to the 376 HIS EXCEKLLENCYâ€" THE ADMINISTRAâ€" ToR OF THE GOVERNXMEXT | IX CoUxNoIL. > Before the 20th day of April, Medicine Chosts, Storekeepors 8 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONGRE» PENALTY OF $1,000, (IVEN under my hand at the City of Otte wa this ?2nd day of March, A. D. 1867. |â€" Seotch and Iyish Whiskeys, Proprictary preparations, j Patent Medicines, Resinoids, * Chemicals, * f Pharmaseutical Preparations, Auline Dyee, _ Mair Oils, ; Hair Washes, * Powders. _ | “' Do de of Juniper, Medicina} Tincmures of all kinds, Cordiale, * ¢ Bimre. fl!l!lm, Compeunding of Brandies, (iin (commonly called old Tom) other Gin and DRUGS, &c. Drugs, Tho Board of Health GovERrNMExT HOUSE, . Orrawa, 20th February, 1887 Presext : N O@‘FT LC EL Pharmaceutical Preparations, Mop:h Sundries, .. Clerk Executive Council Wx. H. LEE, ROBERT LYON, Chief of Police 389tt & i Dye Goods, Mayor. Muf ' 'l\ll‘ SUBSCRIBER has just received a [A eeprieae .. , in ain, | hb‘l:'i Perfame#, & ver‘s Pefhns, a | Hair Brushes, ’ Now know ye, that We of oar :pei;l‘a;::o, | certain knowledge, and mere mution, have thought l | fit hereby to signify Our Royal Will and Pleasure | ‘fiu the said Decoration may be. conferred ¢m 1 such persons aforesaid, who may be qualificd to | receive the same in accordance with the Rules and ‘ |Ordinances made, ordained, and established by Us | )for the government thereof, by Our said recited J |Warrant, and We do by theeo Presonts for Us, Our | Heirs and Sucocssors, ordain and appoint that it | shall be competent for wuch persons aforesaid to i obtain the said the manuer set fortn | in the Rules and Ofdinancee reforred to, or jn ac| ‘ seordance with such further Rules and Ordinances: as may hereafter be made and promulgated by Us, | Our Heirs and Suceessors, for the government of the said Decoratiou, provided that it be established in any case that the person was serving with Our Froops, under the Orders of a General or other Officer, under circuinstances which would entitle an Officer or Soldier of Our Army to be recomâ€" ‘ mended for the said Decoration, in accordance with the Rules and Ordihances prescribed in Our said } recited Warrant, and provided also such persoif thall be recommended for it by such General jor Jther Officer : * i And We do further for us, Our Heirs and Sucsesâ€" sors, ordain and appoint that the said Decoration nay also be conférred, in accordance with the dules and Ordinancet prescribed in Our said recited Narrazt, and subject4o the provisions a:oresaid, m such persons who may be qualifed to recoive Aesame in accordance with the said Rules and )rdi as may hereafter be employed in the ‘orces nhodb:f which may be raised in Our aud their Dependencies, who may be callâ€" »d upon to serve in w-hweh i w'n:.Onr Troops a military operations whi may necess o undertake for the up;nuion of lelnu.lz «gainst Qur Authority, or for repelling invasion by & foreign enemy. Given at Our Court, at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, this ifirst dssno( Jabuary , 1867, in the thirtieth year of Reign. By Her Majesty‘s Commund, (Signed) J. PEEL _ And whereas during the progress of the operaâ€" tions which We have undertaken against the In surgent Nativetribes in our Colony of New Zoaland, it has happened that persons serving in the Local Forces of Our said Colony have performed deeds of gallantry, in cumsideration .of which they are act, according to the strict provisions .of Our gaid recited Warrant, cligible for this high distinetion : At â€" Council held in the City of Quebec on Monday, > â€", the 24th day of Sqlc{ubw, 1866. o PRASENT : under and in virtue of the lndnori(Ty given and conâ€" 1 *> ferred by the Act 20â€"30 Vic. Cap. 7, His Excelloncy | in Council has been rkued to orcer, and it is hereâ€" | by ordered that the following Regulations respectâ€" | ing the manufacture of the undermentioned dutiable | k goods in Bond, be and the same are hereby adopted | â€"that is to say: | _ ; high VICTORIA R.| _ j VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender ef the Faith.‘ To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: * Wur.uzns, by a Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual, countersigned by one of Our Principal Secrotaries of State, and bearing date at Our Courts at Buckingham Palace, the 29th day of January, 1856, in the nineteenth year of Our Reign, We did constitute and create a new Naval and Militaty Decoration, to be styled and designated the Vietoria Cross, which Decorati We expressed Our desire stould be highly luf and cagerly sought after by the Officers and Meén of Our Naval and Military Services, and did also make, ordain, and establish the Rales and Ordiâ€" aances therein set forth for the government of the kept IILS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" *= Meutcooners ©VO°N"" | rgune ommeryar OY,, THE, RECOMMENDATION | OF | cver introduced unkar" the Monorable the Minister of Finance, and | Wafers," in this or 6 under and in virtue of the sndwritTy given and conâ€" 1 "Jmonic Wafers ate * ferred By the Act 20â€"30 Vic. Cap. 7, His Excelloncy | be known by the nay in Council has been rkued to orcer, and it is hereâ€" | WAFER by ordered that the following Regulations respectâ€" | & ing the manufacture of the underimentioned dutiable | Setieve C Bryan‘s Pul m. in Bond, be and the #ame are hereby adopted | "**"*Y* "‘“,}';- 'C‘_'id;. i at is to say : | Sak rgan‘s Pul 1. That subject to the provisions of the Act above 1 Relieve‘ Asthma, Brone cited, to these mfl.aion., and to such further Reâ€" | !,| .. __ _ #iryon‘« /w gulations, as may hereafter be made by competent | ieve Spitting of Bj 1. That subject to the provisions of the Act above cited, to these R’a{{ntion-, and to such further Reâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made by competent | wuthority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture | in Bond the articles herein enumerated, viz : | Dr:f-â€"including Essences and Extracts, | P'Y fumery, + : Vinegar, ; c Varnishes, | Etarch. * | 25 That any Bended manufactory licensed under the above recited Act, may be closed and the License forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finanee that there is just cauge for believing that frauds n the Revenue wre perpetrated in connection wnf"::en nunufnc-1 tory. s MEDICAL HALL Country Mabhants will be with ou.."i-mmlmm. » g_vldualo prick, and on tbo-mbv:u‘b‘fi . 3. That in addition to the License fee named in the Act above cited, every person to whom a * Bondâ€" ed Manufacturing License" is granted, sball pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" stalments, such sums of money as shall be sufficient 245â€"f Circculak. /+ «(Copy.) I have much pleasure in trangmitting to you a Copy of a Warratt, issued under the Royal Sign Manual, under which the decoration of the Victoria Cross may be conferred on persons serving m the Local Forces, which are or may bereafter be raised in any of Mer Majesty‘s Colonies. s Maroh 14 WARKANT for extending the Vistoria CrowBto the Local Forees in New Zenland and in the Coloâ€" nies, and their Dependencies genrelly, MEDIOAL HALL, 28, Spaksâ€"Strect. The Subscriber call the attention of Phyâ€" clans practising in he country to his large and , to be thenceforth invicably observed and ANcictt s d k 28, Sparksâ€"Street k mer‘d‘s irgeny, $ + PROVINCE OF CANXADA Tooth Brushes, Nail Brusles, 6., &c. &e. W. M. SASSEY, F«mily and Depensing Chemist, | 28, bparksâ€"strect. 27 â€" 86) PR ARBRNE 3 4 Fanily and Dispensing Chemist, 1 lll:l' the honor to be, I Sir, | + % Your most obedient, ‘ F Humble Servant, gued) .‘ CARMARVON Donexisc StkeeT, "th Feb ‘Dilst Soaps, Bath Sp« s Asst. C. E. C 1867 *"P I L:lL/s. \reurr in | $y es xmb THICK, THE i circulation elog‘ied. and the humors of the body iendercd unticalthy by the heavy and l secretions of the wintor months. . This eafe, q | pywertul detergent, cleanses .verapuniu of : system, and shou‘d f Tus Orrawa T uss.â€"Printed and Published every morning, g:nthyu excepted) ~bÂ¥ Gzores Corrox, prictor, â€"at the Tds Bteam Printing Works, Xo. 60,. Spark*® t A RSAPARILLA! Pu:r-llmul Phisls, and MV artanicd 10 AUSP are y harmony with that all Liood purifers, BRLSTOUS EARSAPARILLA, in cases srising from deprared humors,or impure blood. The most helpless sufferers n.duuaur Underthe influ 1e Leov t wohoe eou erpeidornd attaly io: it Mn ertronn e meqreamnnenitc o in e following Ascears, there P4 bre the eafest, the wu‘m best remedy ever prepared, and be at once resorted to : f Dyspepsin, or Indigestion, Liver Com* plaints, Constipation, Headache; and Plles» Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Costâ€" ed Pills are for sale by all nnugu-r'i"' wuou-.z:mm . Garvey, HJâ€" MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. luuy.u‘?.- | Are a blessing t | Bubd l’{ Geurge ) l)l'luey, 1. F. Mef Ottawa. t The Grest cure for all Diseases of the LIVER, STONACH ANXD BOoWELS Put up in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep Itis guaranteed to be the guutnd most power» fyl proparation of * JENUINE HONDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, And is the only true cod reliable cure for Syphilis, even in its worst forms. It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all diseases arising from & vitiated or impure state ot the blood, and particularly #so when used in conâ€" nection with, BRISTOLS * By all who are sick, or who wish to prevent sickâ€" ness. Jt is the only genuine or original preparaâ€" tion tor the pernm‘.u:f the most ~dangeros L and confirmed cases of Scrofuia, Old Sores, Bolis, Tumors Ab= ) sconseny M AQdenrykimhlEenhk‘ and Seabious crupâ€" 6 â€" tions. â€" It is also a sure remedy for > sALT RHEUM, RING WORMA, TETTER SCALD HEAD AND SCURYVEY, PULMONIC WAPERS pUFING TuE SPRING ANDSUMMER 1 o e Cein s C3 eaamnt time, and whenever‘usod is well liked, never tmiling in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely used; andâ€" we have never h-nnfw. case of dissatisfaction where the directions are pro perly followed ; but on the contrary, all are de} od with its operations, and speak in the h& terms of its virtues and magical éffects. Bo by Geo. Mortimer, John K Massey H. F. MeCarthy, hnd J. $ tawa. * JOH M CANADIAK PaIX cESTROYE 1 Side, Buck and Head, Cougbe, Cold», Sore T Sprains, Bruises, Cramp» in the Stomac} Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! C('-Pllim. Burne, Seald», Frost l"ku, \&e., &e. PWE CANADIAXN PAIXN DEsSTROY®R Amor Are adapted i Street, in the C # 7 o.-un-.o.w.w' e > °. IN â€"QUART BOTTLES ! j e ) /s 4E GREAT PUKIFIFK 0F THE BhG0D Oftawa, Fob. 5, 188 Oftawa Fel Ar ( Vegetable F in the Ih} Ne traveller should be w USED DAILY As A DIET DRINK, & J# particularly recommended for rge Mortimer IN TEX MIXUTEs BRY AX‘s : NORTIM Iwentyâ€"five le I'nqii"g._.r_ before | the: public 1 CREmme ie ‘31, and first srticle Mâ€"h:kh‘ under the name of j-l'-llm.'o or any ier _country ; mll other t ate enmrle.u. The genuire the name BRY A x being stampeq "Tae mportant t mode hese comp €s «tan MEDLCIN®E EST AR. 1 Mkes c c P he: public for a I.m- is l‘llfl liko‘,wm ve |permanent relief wheg pogket Suvar Conutetu with hnd J. Slanner, in k LÂ¥MAX, Nt“filfl(k whn Robert 1 Joserth Nk DESTROY ER â€"Ba Ids, Sore Throxt a supply of M 505 dw 0d w 6n nuer C.W . e érner of. s 0 e _ Anmickint {ollowing r fasiness C afording vertise in. nugeâ€" fransient lipe,.. Al subseq Yearly a : lihqu actaw a, € Odicn: 1 AuCKAN Ortawa, d published paily making m Orric« : yueraf Orric® : IEOES 1 *4 fuouns lat Piet o m T. noysâ€" Orrices Mr. "W ri fridays of 118. COLM4 Ot1 joverame drrak wutiwh witin and Decemb Nt im w s Fobraar Aawa, P ebruary repared t %. Char OrriCR: ebruary JP soisci Othoe : t d Elgin Ottawa, Urvice Oftawa, ore, Kide January Apyiemtm NC (PublG ~HE wW. Colta w 4W A the 3 VC TTPO UA TPO Chan W A NÂ¥ % DVoO TPO A §% 4 1O Chan Cbar ED Jre

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