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Ottawa Times (1865), 6 Apr 1867, p. 4

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cther infeotions or which any pn--hfi ve died ‘l'di'j;;iâ€"';lfl ““*"dâ€"’““b dred tons meéasnrement shall havre on boatd }$5¢ Regulations, the Gc in Council may assign to the several Oficers and persons to be employed at the said Quarantine the powers and daâ€" ties necessary lor the said Regulations snd this Act fully into effget, and may deciare that say sach Officer or shall by virme of his ofhce or emplo be a\Justice of the Pomos or a Constable or Paase for Grosse Isle and the said Quakantine Station @ud for the space around the same desoribed ‘in Regalations, and such Oficer shall be such Justise of the Poase or Powse Officer he be cthorwiso quaâ€" lifled or not: And by m&d«v nor in Conneil may fines not exseeding Four hundred Dollar» in kny case, on persons couâ€" travening the samo and provide that the ofâ€" fendor shall be watil such Ené‘ be paid, and may direct that no Vi§eso! shall be entered or cleared at the Port of or of Montreal, ui§til all the requirements of Regulations are bEy complied with, and may that any Vessel, or thing, who or which has passed or doâ€" paited or been removed the said Quarantine Station, before ali the ent of yuch Reguiaâ€" tions have been witlh im respeot of such Person, Vessel or thing, of without the written porâ€" mission of the OMcor emppwore 1 to authorise sach passing or departure, be compalied to return or be carried back to the taid Station, and by forse if necessary." & during the oight months following the First day of April imeach andpvery year shall arrive in the Port of Quebes, any port or ports, place or places in Europe or by way‘ of that pait of the River St. rence, which is below Grosse Lsle, and which shall have at the time oftheir said arrival, or shall at during their passage trom the .u..t respedtively cleared sa7 person on board finder Asiatio Choiâ€" foree of law during the they respeotivaly re» main unrevoked, unloss be expressiy }imited to be in force only during alceitainctime.or at cerâ€" taim times or seasons, in. which case they shall have the force of law the time and at the times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force} " and " by sych Reguâ€" lations the Governor in may reqaire the Master of overky Vomsel ing up the River 8t, Lawrence from below Quarantine Station at Groase Lele, (exoopt Vossels as are thereâ€" in designated and to us excepted,) â€"to "hUNlV-:.I‘L at the place at the said Quarantine in the Regula« tiens, and report such V. in writing to the OM cer at the sald Station for that parpose in such Regulations, all the partigulars relaâ€" wive to the same, and to the Voyage., Passonâ€" nd“pr uired by such Reguâ€" Intions or by duly authorised under them to require the â€"and to allow the proâ€" per Oficer to visit and such Vessol and every part thereof, and Passengers and crow and the cargo and other on board the same, â€"and to answer truly al{ questions asked of him toushing the same,â€"and|to send on shore at said Station and at the places pointed out by the Offcer therounto by the said regulations «ay or all of the P. Crow, Cargo or other articles on board sach V , as the said Oicer thinks necessary for proventing the latroduction of contagious or infoctious d ,â€"â€"and to allow such Passengers, Crew, Cargo and othor artioles, and als > the Vessol itsolf, to r so long at the said station and at such places pestively, and to be so inamtad alsanask ank% S .iÂ¥ngs i w think mesessaryfor the Now thorefore it is by His Exceilency the Governor General in : _1, That all Ships and Vossels, except ‘the Canadian Mail whish henceforth and thorough cleansing and e of such Ves seis, Gondsâ€"and Passongers, so as to provent as far as possible, thé or dissemination of dissase into or in this and may from time to time revoke, alter of amend such Regula~ l-.:d them, and| make â€"others in their stead ;"* «# smo ie lons shall have the AF sctmg Minister of Finange, His Excelloncy in Council has been pleased to , and it is hereby otdered that Sorap Motal of ail kinds, though not sgecial‘y mentioned in the List of Goods authorisod by the Act 29 30 Vic, Cap. 0, to be imported into Canada free of Castoms duty, shall be and the same is hereby authorized to be into this Proâ€" vhn.hl--n_l'm cupsamption therein, free of Customs duties under the provisions of the 5th section of the 17th phapter of the Consoâ€" lidated Statates of Cansidaâ€" OF THE GOVERXMEXT Ix cov xcuL. ‘vmn- n-nh.nm of the w“--dc-umw Am Act respecting Emigrants‘ Quarantine, it is amonget other things that « The Governor in Council may from time to time make such regu* lations as he thinks proper enforeing compliâ€" ance with all the requi of this Act, and for ensuring the duo of Quarantine, by und in respect of Vessels, gers and Goode coming lnto the Port of to which he thinks it right for the preservation of the Public Health, that sueh Regulations should apply, and for the aovER wotsk, + Ottawa, 3Ist March, 1967. HIS EXCELLENCY THE ISTRATOR -â€"-yhc-n*mw of the Honm, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and under and invirtaeofthe muthority given and sonferred by the In# Beotion of tha Aot 27 and 28 Vic. Cap. 9, has beey tmmz-uu to order, Axp it 1 waruey Ornnasen, tract of Counâ€" try m'flhw‘thfn-mp « Burric, Clarendon, , Milter and North and South Canonto, in the County of Frontonac, the Townships in the County Renfrow, situated north of the Townships of Miller and Canonto, the, Townships in the County of ingtom, .iuu.‘qh of the Townaships of Shefield Barrie, the Townâ€" mphuo-qd?_ simate north of the the Township of Belmont, the Townships in the County of Peterborough, siguate north of the Township of Belmont, be and |the same is horeby declared to be a (lold Wivisicn for all the parposes of the said u!.m!h wame of * The =" Quinte Gold Miwing Dis * it has been to His Exâ€" wwml-um:o wovern= ment in Council through the Hon. the Commissionâ€" or of Crown Lands, that Gold| has hbeen discovered, wad is found to exist in various parts of the Townâ€" -Npm-d.m;whmum. expediâ€" ent that the tract embraced | in the said several Townships should be brought under the operation, and be made subject hfim of « The Goild Mining Act." A Thursday, He doay of Morch, 137. . mmj HIS EXCELLEXCY THE ADMINISTRATOR OF TUHE GOYERN®: IX CorxcIL. MLN hbe recommenidation ¢f the Honorable the 397â€"44 Thuredoy, Id day of MarcA,1867, MIS EXCELLENCY THE) ADMINTSTRATOR OF PBE 00 4N cor xo. @ovERNXMENT ROUSE, OTTAW A «@OVERNMEXT HOURE, OTTAW A QUARANTINE W. A. MIMSWORTH, W, A. UTNUSWORTH I as the said Officer shail se aforesaid: And by such dizease, or on board of Aust. C. E. ( Hy shall give medical trestment on bourd is all cuses ofslight dissase which are not by these reguiations specially required to be treated on shore, and when it shall be deemed sdvisable not to land the passengers o8 the sald Islaod. He shail whenever a versel is cleansed, rentilated and pariBed, direct such vessal to receive on board the whate or any portion of tha passengers, or whether The Medical Superintendont shall also boa: d .nl vudhhwmmuyubpwt. He | shall have charge of all vessols detained in Quarâ€" uotine. . e shall direct, it necessury, all stoerage passongers to be lunded with their lugzage. And shall siperintend the cleansing and disinfoction | of vessels, Me shall direct the number of patsonâ€" ' gore to be landed, distinguishing those whorequire bb“hMMlul“\.&n&.; and who dre to be landed at that part of the said island set apart for such treatwent, from those who do not require such treatment, and who may be Ianded at that part of the rald laland sot upart for the reception of the heaitby and those free from pestilential dissaser, aad be shail be cureiul that all such persons shall be laaded at suoh places resâ€" pestively, ~He shall hare medical charge of all | dabin passengers who do not disembark, and who whbhlqfiauyd&’nmlu infoctious disease ; aad shall order all passengers and persons on board any such ship or vessel whio uu--uqmuuma-«n.-' ease, to be landed with their luggage avcording to the . If the answers be satisfactory, ho shall give a Clean Bill of Mealth to the Master or persin in charge ; and sach vessel may then proceed to the harbour of Quebec. If the answors be not satisâ€" {actory, or the Medical Suporintendent has any reason to suspect fraud on the part of the Master or porson in charge, crow or passongers, ho. shall Immediately order the vessel to such place as may be appointed for vessols dotained under Quarantine of Obsertation ; he shall call for the ship‘s papors, lists and logâ€"bouks, and Taspect them so as to ascertain the whole of the qogurâ€" rences during the voyage, andshould he moet with any resistance, he will make such signal as may be determined on to show that assistance is neeesâ€" 8. Did any person or porsons, and how many die during the royage, and from what disemper * #, Ind you or any of the ship‘s compuny or pasâ€" sengers, wmith your privity go on beard any «hip or vessel, or did any of the company of any ship or vessol come on bourd your ship in the vuyage, and from.what port did she amil last * 10. Did you ob any of theship‘s company or pas sengers, with or without your privity or consent land at any place within the Province of Canada 11. Hare you any person on board who is lunaâ€" uc, idioti¢,deaf and dumb, blind or infrw, and are such accompanied by relations able to support * $. Was such place or places, or any and which of them, intected with the cholora, plague, or any postilential fover or difease * & How many persons were on board when the vessel sailed* Cabin passengers * Stoatage passongers * T. Have any person or persons during the voyâ€" ago been infectad? or aro there now any infected with the cholera, plagne or any pestilentiab fever The Establishment at Groeseâ€"lsle shall .~.....m; of a Medical Superintondent, an Hospital Stowar, one Orderiy, one Cook, one Polics Sorgeant, und | "four boatmen. The Modical Superialondeng shall, by virtme of his ofice, be a Justice of the Pesce within the limits of the Quarmatine station as hereinbefore described, shall be authorized to seo | the Quarantine duly performed, and for this purâ€" | pose shall have full power and authority ‘.vuuli officers and other persouns whatsoever in Grosseâ€" Iale, or attached to that station, and be authorized to call upon all persons to aid him in enforcing she law and their reguiations, and in case of his doath, sickness or absenee, the officer next in rank omâ€" ployed on the Island, sizall have the power authority aforesaid. And the said Policemen ahd Boatmen, shall, by virtue of their office, be Mmummmm,--,z: thority of @pesial Constables, within the limits of the said Quarantine Station. / 5. â€"â€" Medical Superintendent The Medical Superintendent {or in case of bis deaih, sickness or absence, thy Oticer next in rank employed on the Island) enfuree ‘the said Law and these , and whall direct ships or vessels to go to such or places to perform Quarantine, .'l_-qho necessary to send them to. Me shall direct all ships or vessels, liable to pertorm Quarantine, to be brought to anchur withâ€" in the limits of the Quaraatine Anchorage, abu generally do all that may be required to enforce H.uoba_lamlchnulnfihnhph- tions. Me shall permit all passengers, or other persons landed on the said Island, to be reâ€"cinâ€" barked or shipped om board any Steamboat or other Vossel when the Vossel is in a ft state to seceive them, and that they have been cxamined by him and found in a fit state for reâ€"embarkation or for leaving the said Island : and #at all such | passengers and persons, whh their luggage, hn' been washed, cloansod and purided, and that there | does not exist amongst those who are about to proâ€" seed, or leave the said Island, any cnse or sympâ€" toums of Asiatic Cholera, Fover; Small Pox, Sourlaâ€" tine or Measles, or other tufoctions and danzerous ~MHe shall also go 0@# iversels bound to makle their Quarantine at Grosseâ€"Isle as aforesaid, and put the follewing questions to the Masters or ‘perâ€" sous in charge, viz : 4 1. What is your name and that of your vesso! * 3. From whence did you wail, and date * more Stoorage Passongors, or which being of greatâ€" | the wholo or any and which of the said passengers | _ Steorage passengors* 6P tonnage than seven bundred tons up the Crew * shall have on Afly or more Stecrage Passenâ€" | river by some other medaâ€"of donyryance, and he i. Number loft at Gross | gore on wl Come from some infected | »ball, ro soon at the passengers Aro reâ€"ombarked _ 5. Mave any person or p Port, shall makethoiy ime at Grosse se in | on baard their ship, or on any whip or vessel leayâ€" | since you left Grosse Isle ? the River 8. La there remain and conâ€" | ing the suid Leland,give a ofl.’kulilld‘ 6. Mave any died? Sta tinue until such slhips or resseis shall be discharged | Hoealth to the Muster or. having guch verse! | dincase * from such Quarantine, by such licenso or passport, | in charge, to proceerl to Quebge. e shall make | 7. MHave aby person or 1 and discharge, given without foe or emolument of | returns of the vesselt boa by _ him as | aft your vassel since you le any kind, as alall be directod or permitted by such | soun as possible aiter such vessels are visited. 8. Have you any nerson .A At what plase or places did your vessel touch in her voyage ** Pox, Scarlatinn or Measlias, or any other infoctions and dangerous disease ; and the remaining port.on for the reception and accommedation of all pasâ€" sengers and*other persons who shall be landed and detained upon the said Island, who shall not labor under or be throatened with any of the said diseases, and no person or persons, unless on duty, shall be permitted to pass from one of the said portions of the sard Island to the other, unless they have passports signed hy the Madicq] Saperâ€" intendent. 2. That all sh ps, and vessels which honcelorth and during the oight months atosesaid, shall arrive at the Port of Quebes, from any port or port« in Europe, place or places or elsewhere as atorerais, of the class or deseription hereiabefore mentions d. as liable and bound to make their .marantine at Grosse Lale, to make their farthor qQuarantine 1 the barbour of Quebes, according to the !teg.!> thous w.‘th" Piovided All ships and vessels ol the cluss and dessrp tion hereinbefore mentioned, as lialWe to make their Quarantioe at Grosweâ€"Isle, shall anchor withâ€" in the space included between Grossgâ€"Isls and a line driwn parallWl to it, through the Rod Busy, to \Mu heretofore under the direction «i the Suporintendent of Pllots, aud. bounded on the East and West by lines drawn due South from the Western Extromities of CLJ Istwed and Groossâ€" Iste. â€" The IstaR® shall bo so divided as to loave ons‘ portion thereof for the hborpitais, und for the treatment and reception of those who are laboring under or ure threatened with any of the Nollowing discases, namely® Asiatio Cholora, Fover, Small shall have on Afly or more Stecrage Passenâ€" gore on w Come from rome infected Port, shall makethois ine at Groese I=te in the River 8. La there remain and conâ€" tinue until suct or vessels shall be discharged from such Quaraentine, by such licenso or passport, and discharge, given without foe or emolument of 4 be directod or permitted by such flm&-&w the Guvernor, with the of the Exocutive Council thereof ; and until the said ahips and veasels shail respectively haye performed such Quarantioe, and shall be dischar ze 4 therefrom by such license or pasport and d charge as aloresaid persons, goods or merchandizs which shall be on board sach sahips or vessels, shall not came or be brought on shore, or go or be fl-hunldquhn ship or yessel in this Province, excupt on Grosse Islo aforesaid. when duly reduirad by competent authority . What is your curgo, and whense taken on elabirehirre | if need be, cause any or any past of ki t | be burat or etherwize destroy ie | tw« Pradece, Sutters, Hirabore and others. a8® | _ No porsons tollowing the business of Sutiers, Tra U0* | dare, urucete or sther ueen , 0C concesnedt i A 4 | bayrug or selling, shall be allsprod to reside «u th 3+ | Lelamd, excopt under the wl strint coutes "f | of the Modical Suporintsmient,| wpo will have ful the | suthority to Tacharge mud from the Tslund In all cases whore vessols having passengers on board, on account of slekaess amougst such pasâ€" sengers, shall be detwined in Quarantine, the Master or porson in charge may, on application to the Medical Supsringendent at Grosse Isle, be alâ€" lowed to land the said passengets with their lug. n.ufllhvnnlhh'myew.w rdeduad disinfected aujler the supariuteadence and with the livwase of the Modical Suporintowâ€" Mwml!'lhl'm"ulhnu passengers, upon the mastor or persou in charys paying to such person as shall be appointed to reâ€" ceive the same, one shilling and thres peose for each passonger, to bear the expense of their conâ€" veyance to Quobec, aud alpo at the rate uf ous shilling per diew,for cach of the said passongers, to reamburse the expense of their msintenance at Grosse Isle, for the thime during which such vessel. 10.«â€"Inspacting PAysician at Quebes. An Laspectingâ€"Physician . Quebec shail go of to all vesgeis arrivlig at Quebes or at the month of e rhy io coutnt id Pu BJ Aaloving goo.. i-nbm:-h M Aw: 1. When did you leavs‘ Groske Tale * 3. Euhibit to me your passport from Grosse Isie + 3. How many persons hare you on beard * Cabin passengers * 1 in the jadgweot of the Medical superiatondent, would bare hud to hbe io | Quersatine walting far the passengery not with aoy of the pestileusial or infocyous aloresaid, ctherwige such reswel shal} be detaized in Quaranâ€" tine until the passepgers oot sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall be clesused, washed, parifed and disinfected. | Veesols arriving at Grosse Isla from any infocted port or place, or one supposed to be infected, and on board of which no pestileatial discase shall have declared itsolf during the passage, may be kept under Quarantive of Obsoryation for a period of not whre than three days, during which time the passengers and crow thereof, shall besubâ€" jected to a strict purification under the direction of the Meaical Superintendent. All vesseis detained in Quurantine shall be cleansed and ventilated, u‘lh-rlu-uu“n.llfiph-luvm od, shall be well whitewasshed ; but if painted or varnished, shall be thcroughly s¢rubbed with soup and water or ley, and such portion of the ballast as theâ€" Medica! Supeorintendert shall order, sball be thrown overâ€"bourd under his imwediate superâ€" intendonce, or that of some persun to be appointed by him for that duty. ’ im relating to the sick. w.u vistt and inâ€" spett all passongers landed any vessel, aud l distribute theimm a« he shall thibk expedient cither in that part of the lsland a mmted for the treakment of pestiiential or oite . discames, ’nnfio'-nuuwuuld appropriated to healthy passengess, . V pon the recovery of persons twoated fur such a disease he shail aiter due preâ€" | cantion, transier such porsons to the bealihy part : ol the said Island. Me superintend . the ) cleanâ€"ing, washing and paritug of «lt passenge, ln-llh king and ventilating of their baggege, I .ml‘h:!:ymin.hun« ptuceed, he shalt, if need be, cause any or any past of k to | be burat or etherwine destroy Mud-:pnodh:rlub-cdw bee, and there anchor at any, place within the 1iâ€" mits of that portion of the Port 6f Quebec, Nercinâ€" before defined, and thore remain without communiâ€" cation with the shore, or any other vessel or boat until fnally discharged from Quarantine by the liâ€" conse passport aforesald; but if any such vessel shall have been detained at tirosse Lele from sickness or suspicion thereof, it shall amcher at the mouth of the River 61. Charles,and thore remain until inally discharged from Quaruntine as aforesaid. bonut or other vessel, as shall be ‘directed by the | Quarantine, Medical Superiatandent. ‘The passengers in the | principal cablp shall not be landed except in cases | 39L of sicknoss, and may at all times proceed with the | â€"â€"~â€" vessels, or othorwise, after having wasbed and puâ€" nfl&drw-lb#'fi-l“'hhhi s passport of the Medical Superintendent. . F _ All Vemels linble to make their Quarantine at Groess Islo, on their arrival there, shall anchor within the limits of the Ancborage Ground at Grosse Isle hersinbefure deGned, un bourded by the Medical Supersutendent : and if they shall ut be detained at Grosse Islo on account of sickness or susploion thereaf, shall receive a Clemn Bill of On the arrival of any versel at Gruese Lele, on board of which there shall be ar shall have beeu during the passage any cuse af Cholera, Fever, Smail Pos, Scarlatine or Measies, or other infocâ€" tious . or dangerous disease, and in all other cuses when it shall be conpidered uecessary by. the Modical Superintendagt that the steorâ€" ago passengers shall be landed with their luggage, and washed and purifed and be permitted un-mumfln\a‘uu vessel, or shall be detuined and embarked in some stoamâ€" @Gromse Islb bercinbefore defned. They shall also keep a Unionâ€"Jack Aying at the poak of all vessols under their charge, until boarded by the proper ofâ€" core. On arriving at Queboe, mn::..u has recel red a Clean Bill of Health from the Medical Saperiatenâ€" dunt at Grosse Isle, and bhas not been detained there on account of ot suspieion thereof, she may m-;-u‘EZP-nl-muhiq limite in the Port , vis: the wholo space of the River St. Lawrence, from the mouth of the Riwer St. Charles to a line drawn seross the said River st. Lawronse, from the Flagâ€"staf on the Citâ€" adel or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said river, but must not â€"communicate with the shore or with any other vessel or boat until boarded by the lnspectingâ€"Physician ; butif the vessel be of the cluss of thore mnot linble to make their Quarantioe at Gromse Isle she may cither bring to at any place within the aforesaid limite, in the Port of Quobes, ur she may prosem! at unce t~ the Ballast Bround. 4 Pilots raving been furnished with copies of the mgrohduhhl.nusdflnnduul dtynngnluhu.ludn-flhuldnnflo- z.wmmwuahuâ€"umxu- or person in charge of every vemel they may bowrd. Every Pilot haring charge of a vessol, of the description of those liabie to make Quarantine at Grosse Lolo as aforesaid, shall bring her to anâ€" cbor withla the limits of the agchorage ground at ing the governmiont. Allsuch in auy way on gaged in selling or tratle on the sabl Island sball be regulated as to prices by lists to be furniâ€"bed ‘by the Medisal suporinteudent from thms to thne, as alsted hy the Chiof Emigraut! Agont st «(uober, Ne shall strictly euquine into utd deside upon all complaints of nisconduct or of the reguls u-ub;pmuum&u::mu ree that po ark ud waby cWd podans llscharge and the r« al puperintendenot shail have charge ais. â€" He ahall regeive inte the Mospiâ€" lur the treatment of pestilential and eases, all porrous laboring under or ith any such disease. He shall have Nuporintemdent,, wpo will have fult | charge maud trom the Tslhand, | poasuas, :hl Ǥ suek ‘ bu se the lufurnae tuot Geveral of persue administerâ€" | l-w ag the haw wf Sut C ueart , 6f Com the lisconse and strk wt», Tva THE OQOTTAW4A TIMES APRIL 6, is67. umds wl Phick rwewtyâ€"mive Ounts, _ * ~ . dad hy t Abastimer Joe Beberte o. aC 12 DPPPTOTZCZ CHC PVENgEmIEmZ O ; (he (gestive organs corrected, akin, a6d ,-Iflnvotlouu.“u‘ Sppearanco. D. W. UURO, Suscessor to Hoap & Co., Maiden tmoe, New York, Sole Prepristor the United * Ottawa, Pob. 8, 1007 irabian Heave Remedy AND CONDITION MEDICINXE ll.'P‘uO?‘?“lVIL' 'UPII‘:.OI To aAyY ruyhe: Phigh ind Broken Wints a0d l dingavcs fi!‘im Wind of Horeem ; :l::.Jl‘:.Mi- s Suey to give, aure to are, kad s2te in all cadet ‘hat mach inconvenience has been, and is expeoriâ€" «need by certain of the inhabitants of this Province residing in the vicinity of the Camaidian Frontier iine, by reason of their being deprived of the priviâ€" lege heretofore enjoyed by them of having their ;rain produce ground at Mills situate ou the Aworiâ€" ‘an side of the Frontier, and reâ€"importing the same ‘nto Canada free of Customs duty, in cases where the aloser proximity of guch Mills to the residences «f auch inhabitents, or their groater capacity ande it expedient to resort to them :â€" Whereupin, and on the recommendation of th Jonorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" ler the provisions of the seventeenth chapter of the jJunsolidated Statates of Canada, His Excelloney in Jeuncil has been pleased to order, and it is horoby swdered that any four or meal, or other producs of .ay wheat or grain grown in and taken out ot this Province Into the United States to be ground, and »wought back Into this Province within one week «Mer such wheat or grain has been #6 taken out to 1« ground, shail be, and the same is hereby exâ€" Aupted trom the payment of Customs dutics ; proâ€" ided alwuys that such grain be first duly reported utwards at the nearest Custom Iouse before ex= â€"etation for the special, purpose hercin reforred to, «ad that the ilentity of the fau: or meal, the proâ€" leee thereof, be sworn to on its importation into als Provigee. ad at all times, and ".‘J.SI&:;;;&:E;; v: being 'q.i:l while using ~As 1g from the m b' .qtll’m or 12t secretion heaves gausing diffica‘ty in breathing, &od by ud.; on u.: leessed Darte esusioy the mgéous membrane to CEDGL OE 23 S C®l @!mensions, thus equalizing the essals to their natarel size y° by its use the borse‘s UI3 EXCELLENXCY THE GOVERNXOR.GENE RAL IN COUNCIL * wumu IT w BEEN REPRE~ sented to the Governor Genmeral in Council 13. All vessels trading between any ports or places within the District of Quebec, and not hayâ€" ing touched at any ports or places without the said District below Grosseâ€" Isle, nor communicated with any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the said district below Groszeâ€" I=le, shall 1e exemmpt from the foregoing rules and reguâ€" iIations, so far as respects the necessity of going to or stopping at Grosseâ€"Fele ; nor shall the said rules aud regulations apply to any Versel of War, or to Transports or Vessels having Queen‘s Troops on board accormpanied by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state, or to any Steamer from Europe, unâ€" teas sigkness or death may have occurred ‘luring the passage. S 15, Auy person who shall contravens, sither by omission or commission, any of the foregoing Regâ€" ulations, shall for every ofence incur and pay a Â¥ine not exceeding FOU it HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be recovered in the manner pFescribed by the said Act; and every person who, upon conviction of any such offence, shall fail to pay the u*oul of fine which he shall have been condemned to pay, shall be imprisoned until such Fine be paid. The Order in Council, of the #th April, 1866, and all previous orders making Regulations relating to Quarantine, are hereby revoked. * 14. No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebes or Montreal, until all the require ments of the foregoing Regulations in reference to sach Vessel shall have been fally complied with _ 12, No Steambont shall be allowed 1o procegd to Grossoâ€"Isle for the purpesé of taking on Koard passengers direct from that Island, withyut preâ€" vieuely obtaining from the Collector of Qustoms of the Port of Quebec, a written Permit a;,uu effect ; subject neverthelesyto the regulationg bthcf_un veerele arriving ut Oreesoâ€"Lsto with : ~k. ~bould the Iuspecting Physiciaw at Quebec men «h any csesistance in discharge of the duty required df him by this regulation, be will imipediately ouforce the «ame by all lawlul means at his disposnl. 11. Auy Steambost er other vessel that shall have towed or etherwiso communicated with a vesâ€" «al of the class of versels linble to make theit Qua taatine at Grusseâ€"Isie, not baving the di=charge from Quarantine 0t the Medical Superintcadent at Grosseâ€"Lsle, shall be subject to the smue réegulaâ€" toos and instructions as hereinbefore provided, respecting vesselsnot discharged from Quarantine. the end that such verse! may obtain a mn)yflfi charge from Quarantine. Uut if, on the coftrary, slch Iuspecting Physician at Quebec sha) ind any case of pestiiential or intestions d on board, «t shall have fhst cause to approhond the breaking out of any such malady, it shall then be his duty to hoist a yeltow Aag at the imajé topâ€"gailantâ€"pmas bead and shall cause the veisel to returu to or remuin and hn‘:-uimd at the mouth of the River seaint Charles farther observation and inspecâ€" tion ; and baving acquainted the Marter or parson is charge with the peoaines to be incurred it be should permit eay communication with bis versel antil relensed fretn Qu@rantio¢, be shall refort all the clroumetawces to the Socretary of the Proviace for the of the Governorâ€"General. and if it sbaif&ppoar to the said luspecting Phyrician «t any that such yersel shall have passed the % lno station at Gruseâ€"lsie without stopping t9/maxe Quarsutine, beipg liable therets, and ild therefore be sent doin to Grosseâ€"lsle, or that such vessel having already cleased frow Grosec» (:le, should return thereto, there to land the| pas» sougers, be shall order the Master or person in ©. oge to proceed or returp with sach vesre! to + se I»}«, and such Masteror porson in charge sbail obey such order. Aod tas proper othser> at Srosseâ€"I+ie shall abseryc, in respect of such yosrels, the same rules aod regulations as are provided for Aud moreover, he shall require all Masters, or persons in charge of vesseis liable to make their Quarantine at Grosseâ€"Isle, to exhibit to him the Heense or pas«port which they shall hare ro?lwl from the Medical Superintendent at the Quarantine Station ; and such Masters or person« in eharge shall furthwith exhibit the same for examination, tothe said Inspoctingâ€"Physician at Quebos, who, if he shall find, as well from the" answer he m«y seceive as trom the temor ot the passport and the actual state of the health of the passengers and crew, that sicknees dues not exist on board, hq shall then grant to the Magfer, or person in chargo of anoh vessel, a Certificate in writing setting forth‘ the healtny state of the passengers and crew/to 7. Have aby person or ypersons come on boardror aft your vassel since you left Growo I#le * i. Number loft at Grosse Isle ? 8. Mave any person or persons been taken sick since you left Grosse Isle * 6. Mave any died? State number, names and dincase * 8. Have you any person on boarc who is lunati¢, diotie, deal and dumb, biind or infirm, and are uch sccompanied by rolations able to suppo r JR turda the 8ih day of Drecember, 1866 wian the temor ot the passport and the of the health of the passengers and oknees dues not exist on board, hq shall 0 the Magfer, or person in charge of a Cortificate in writing setting forth state of the passengers and wew,/to xoatliogt' _____ Propridors for the Canatas, DARLE Y‘8 PRESEXT W. A. HINSWORTH, Asst. C. E. ( W . A. HIMSWORTH, In writing setting forth assengers and wew/to way obtain a Gual/dis ualizing the | | P’fincylvanla Rock GCil ‘ Whicy stands unrivalled, supplied in any quantity | :/ BEACH & Co., & 62 Sguh Street. Qttawa, January 28, 1867. 22â€"3mâ€"dw This is a remedy so universally known to surpass an Sther Tot the Sure of throat and Tung compisinth That i 1+w are the communities, or even famjlics, thom who have pot some persomal -md%-â€" some livieg trophy in their midgt of it« victory over the wubtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. Asall know the dreaifnl fataiity of theee disorders, and #s +T , we need pot I" ho MLdo ooo oie enects SE thin emedty. we need pot Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, them may be found in our American ml& q= below named are pleam«! to furnish gratis to all who call for them. * w in, Heart Discase, Fits, Epile 4 ’.n’y.. fioh-eloly, Neuralgia Peshs Many remarkable cires of these affections have «en wade by the alterative power of this medicine. . 3t stimu: lntes the vital functions l-:"vawm action, and thus overeomes disorders which be supposed bevond its reitch. Such a remedy has lJong been required by the noâ€" cessitics of the prople, and we are conStont that this will do for them all that.medicine can do. in useless bere to publish the evidence of it4 vittues. : 1ts u..fv-n.dnall.:h‘luml& Whoeu :&m mationd of the carth. §an o o P ET EC V %wf:‘.cmmmfi.m.: !;‘:;‘_’n':hmwmd.:’u «bove r.m.+ M PE T ORRID N SeBhp m s Pimcigy h e P se t ic fui chron.e Rheumatizim for a long time, which baftied the skill of pbysicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies i could fiod, until I tried Sarmparilla, One Wettle cared me in u--mu“:flafln‘m hlth-TfiMlmlwn. 1 was attacked, I think it a medicine. J. FREAM. Iutes Y. Getchel!, of 8t. Lonis, writes: "I have been aflicted for years with an a af the Liver, which destroyed my bealth. 1 tried every thing, and every thing fatled to rotieve me ; and ! have been a Lrokenâ€"down man tor.some years from no other rause than derangrment of the Liver. . My beloved or, the Rev. Mr. Expy, adsised nlunzurhnpimhmuhnuul&u 0u, -4--5 h",:--d---wnhmhg. b{m- ing of God it cured me, and has so my blood as to make a new man of me, J feel young again.. The ® 70 ISake a hew man of me, J feel U-Mulh..d’-blddn A great variety of cases have beon reported to us where eure= of these formidable complaints have respited from m-dhh'.dy.mnmhnvulnul-n them. Some of them may be in our American Schirrus,Cancer Tamors, Enlargem en t ‘l'.!gogli.-, Carles and Exfoliation of know frow its I-‘E. which your agent gats me, that Vinie r laborntory moust be a great mm-m. ’J."... truly remarkable results with it have mot surprised me, Fraternally yours, _ 6. Y. LARIMER, M. D. Rhenmatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. some dists this face. A m who Bad: beeg treated . for the sorder by was enfloring from this pobson bones, 'iwbdr become to gen ative to the We hat on a dauigâ€"day she suffered ex« know frow its this Provamrat #ous swdting on gner tm yeare." Leneorvlheen Utering Ub In. J. B. 8. Che woet choorbuily c secluc1 hbave f> altomthve in the emnber encl a roe of the ®cminJou® ate onnee of Te #@owri‘le, Onr phy stcius thoug! top of his mowth, . Your '-m steadil fi-. conet him to ie woeks. . Another was -mck.-'{.:’m ombmy symptome in his nnw.r the nleera bud eaion anay a conshlerabic part of it #o that 1 belicve the tsoriler would soop nerch ‘m besdn and kill him. But it yivided to my I:n-tu- of your Sursaparilia; the nivers hoaled, and belp well agnin ©0t of course without They have made arrangements to do #o at a small vost per burnor, and without injuring the Gas Burner or Chandelier. & Lene orvlheea or Whi Ovarian Tamor, Ulerime l'luutlon‘?;oulo Discaeses. in. J D. 8. Channing, :..\: Yu.:‘(:‘oy. sorites ; --II wo« chooituily comply with t your agent in sehacet b«n’!\nd your hr‘n:‘dhnnwnrmum! altormthe in the namerous compluints for which we emnber ench a romsidy, bnt Tn-uq in Fomale Prwaves of the SomnJoue dinthe#ts, . 1 bave cured many faveter« ate onnee of Te uwgnbu- by it, and some where the conâ€" [!i‘nt was consed by adcarution of the vtervt,. The ulcerâ€" stiin inslf wae sonn euved. Nothing within my know!« ol e eon «s it for these temale Autungements." Mward ®, Martow, of Newhury, Als., writes, " A don ormne ommrire fwhoeon one of the females to my family. «hich bud defied e we could emplor, ha« 1 &t hn dtl: been eampletely enred by your Extract of Sar > | “.’H have appointed Mr. J. LESLIE, Bparks Street, sole fim for sale of above Watches, and contion the public against being im« posed wym by Watches marked «Makers to the Queen," but which are not manufactured b&,m. THCNAS RUSSELL & SON, Having altered 4 or 5 doron B during the | h U ADE â€" BA _2 ~ 5 "Th D A 2 dhik Th 4 patt werk, which give :5“ entisfaction 14 all |~: : _ * P irkos g«;b‘_‘&\ 4 }' cases, they can with confdence rocommend this t esnt | j Good | p es‘ / +3 | \“M‘:‘,"’»fi) zks e ',i.'-",-. Good Canada Rock Oil| #*70 zxt k 37) etsx. por Gallon. In cans containing Five Galions; and Chimneys by the dosen very low. e 2. 8t. Anthony‘s Pire, Rose or &3’ lncl.-. Tetter and Salt ‘lhom. Be ead , Ring wori, Sore Eyes, Dro + Dr. vl':b« M. l’br-l-b- 'm:dho. Salens, N. Y., 12th A mt Las on wn inveterate ense of 3’;.0. m iWreatened to terminate w.lnubv the persavoring use of oug Barsaparilia, and alsp a guroum Muliqnast Erpsipelas by lnege doses of the eame; sys be cures the commen Draptions by 1t constantly. May 31, 1866 Tlll: SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform the M public that having been applied to by a large num ber of the citizens of Ottawa to have their J. €, Aver & O« Gente: 1 frel it mmy cury 10 <. knowledge what your #ersaparilla bus done pa 15., Having inhorited a Scrofulous infoction, I have sedc «c from It. in yamous ways for years . Fomelines it bnrst out in «Ujiers on 1y haoos and Brts: sowmcummes it turned dnwand and cistreced me at the stecvch. â€"Two years ago it lauks cut on my head and coversimy «calp and ours with one sore. which was painful and lontlhisciue beyond deséription, 1 tried many rhedicines and seveisi m-‘-‘huw without much l':l’bllfllh agy thing. !s . the disorder grew woree, . At length I was xéA lned to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had preps 4 an alterative (Hansparilia), for 1 kuew from your repats tiin that any thing you mede must te good. I seut in Cineinnati and got it, wad used it till it cured me. 1 toux it, a« you advise, in small doses of & teaxpoontul over n month, and used almost three bottles, New and beaithy roe en n Les w ; 19y b-, t\’hh::-l& y system. | YÂ¥ou can imi I Lool I am ng when I toll you, that J hold _n-lblfnou( the apustles of the a7=, and remailn ever pratefully. Yours, ALFRKD 8. TALLEY, And, for the speedy cure of the followidg comy Scrofula and Scrofalous Affections FOR THUE RAPID CURE or oughs, Colds, l.l.o.n.'. Hoarseners, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Conâ€" sumption, and for the Kelief o’ &ou‘ advanced en of the D‘ou:.. Sarsapari}is Bronchnaccle, Goltre or Swelled Neck. the uciating as Pamer«, Clcers, Fores, l\.'rnrl;- Pimples, â€" Pastules, Blotches,| i: Bains, and all Skin Dixcuses, Osxza®p, Tnd., Cth June, ) J. €, Aven & O« Gente: 1 frel it my cury : nowledge what your #ersaparilla bus done i aving inhecited a Scrofutous infoction. I huse o oun It. e wanous ways for years . Fomelines it it in «Ufeers on uy basos and Brtus; scumun irned dnwebnd and cistreed me at the stpomeck. GAS FIXTURES CHANGED ! GAS SUPERSEDFD ! CCOFA K; CrH k. "; philis and Mercurikl Discase. Nrw Om 1 A.6, Avexg Hr,x%mt‘ FOR PURIFYING THE BLOGD Fraternally yours, _ 6. . LARIMER, M. D. amatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Fxp PENCE, Preston Co., Va., ¢th J“" 1850 3, C. AÂ¥ck: SK, 1 have beca sficed whh a painâ€" Onr phy«tclam thought nothing W#t extispe t nlfllrl'* lief, but he -rm the trial of y':r Na m« the Inst resort before entting, and it ectual, After taking your remody ol&b weeks +m of the diseaso remaing." s pobson bones, . They had become #o t he vfhl .“::‘H‘:’*.';:m pate es. 4 | ::-iy by your exrstpavilla in a fow I:& Avien: uf mgent it ngent. and revort to you #some of the eB«ct« «ol with 4t, in imy prasticey most of the comâ€" which it hfim famd is wond rfnl, in cure t and Merâ€" w. | One of my patients had Syphilitic nicers 4, which were consuming bls paiste and the . C EL‘ NO PICI. WILE BB SUPPLIED AT f Prospoct, Texas, write« ; " Thirce botâ€" parilia cured me from a Gol‘re=â€" a hidâ€" the neek, which I had sufered from Lowdem and Liverpool 139y the cures which hm« _2 | Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squi We 16 Coumuax $1., Loxnox. â€"â€" 230y Eurgical Instraments, sroul 0. the recommendation of the Honor= CS able the Asting Minister of Finance and un~ der and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" forred by the Act 29, 80 Vie., Cap. 7, His Exoelâ€" lency th Coungit has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that subject to the provisions of the said Act, to the conditions, regulations and resâ€" trictions established and imposed by the Order in Council of the 24th day of September, 1866, and to such further regulations as may herenxiter bo made by competgat authority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture in Bond, the undermentioned arâ€" ticles, that is to say : Accetic Aoid, . Acetic Ether, + Butvric * * Chlorie _« *# > Nitrous .« Cfi]“ «6e Collodiah « + . lHoffman‘s Anodyne, Talapin, " Podophyllin, Lip Tandrin, Spirits*Ammonia Aromatic Compound Spirits of Luoml}. Do do of Juniper,, Medicina! Tinctares of all k}i-l& Cordial«, 5 Bittere, * Syrups, . Coflpâ€",du of Brandies, (Gin {common!y calied old Tom) other Gin and »0, #e0, 11, j M NOTICE./ is hereby given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not e mplying with the said Act are jable to the f February 23, 1867 GovYERNMEXT HOUSE, tat. 7 Orrawa, 20th February, 1897. eee Puesext : Â¥\% HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINIsSTRAâ€" â€" _ _* ToR O®F THE GOYVERXNMEXT IN COUNCIL. For such lefault, a# provided in the said Act WHEREAS, it will greatly condace to the health and somfort of the Citizens of Ottr@wa generally, to "have the City cleaned of all filth and nuizances : And whereas the introduction and epreid of Cholâ€" era, Tyrrhu and other contagious discases is, and will certainly be influenced by the sanitary conâ€" dition of the city : And whereas Toall W hom it May Concern FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES lu HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONGRE« GATIONS, ‘or dthers owning Churches, and individuals, corpordtions and companies owning Halls, Theatre«, or{other Buildings used for the pm?ou of holding public mectings, or places ot public resort or amusement, all the Joors rhall be so hinged that lhog may «;Jnn free‘y outwards, on or beture the 15th day of August, 1887, and any parties neglecting or refasing to do xo will be proâ€" secutedrrccording to law. + THOS. LANGRELL, j s Chief of Police. Ottawa, March 22 N*'imm[nntod by any Statute of this Province, " have not published the statement of their } "Assets and liabalities ; & f + _ Amount of Capital Stock ; » ‘ â€" Amount paid thereon ; x ‘_| _Nature of Assets ; _ Amount of Jowses ;â€" x due and unpaid ; § adjusted and not dae. j in uspense and w{iting for forther :. fore the 3946 day of April, â€" 1867 : And I hereby give notice that the Chief of Polico and the Comctabulary of this City are enâ€" Joined to proceed, at once, to have ail Privy Pits, Ce«spools, &¢., thoroughly cloansed, and to see this order earried into offect, and all and every porson or persone disobeying or neglecting th observe the same, on or bofore the Twentieth day otf April, 1867, will be punished according to law. ; GIVEN under my hand at the City of Ottawa this 22nd day of March, A. D. 1847. ROBERT LYON, Under and by virtue of the Powers conferrod upon them rI:ir'nmnu Aots of Parliament, establishing « Boards of Health," and in ace rdance with varâ€" lous Byâ€"laws of the Ciry of Ottawa, have deemed it advisable thht immediate steps should be taken for clennsing the City. Â¥ Now Kuow Ye that 1, ROBERT IYON, Mayor of the City of .Oitawa, do heroby order and direct, that all Yard«, Cellars, Stables, OQuthouges dnd other Buildings anc Enâ€" closures, Lane« or Alleys, shall be thoroughly cleansed of all Filth, Dirt, Night#oil, or other imâ€" puritics by the owners or persons cccupyirg the Glacsware, Medicine Chosts, ‘ â€" proof ; _ | resisted, and for what cause ; . Amount of all other claime fgninst the comâ€" : pany ; Amount of premiums ‘and unearned during the past yoar ; The whole as required by the Act 23 Vis.. cap. PENALTY OF $1.000, 10OMPLAINT having been made that / certain Sootch and Irish Whiskeys Proprictary preparation«, Patent Modicines, Chemicale, Pharmaceutical Proparation«, Auline Dyee, Hair Oils, Hair Washes, : Powders. . #y DR UG®S, A\ } 11 The Board of Health Th tical Preparations fimphlo Elnds:_iu,w N OPXIXLCG Tb rubse JOHX SIMPSON, + .\.-r.iun‘tst Atptron % 4 S67dw9 tf Avort Orrics, Ulawa, Fobruary 49, 1867 Wa. H. LEK, Clerk Executive Council A0 vafec CSA Patent Medicines Dys Goolg,) & o. 289 Mayor M p« kept: 3 3 nd whereas during the progress of the operaâ€" tion® which We haye undertaken against the In surgent Nativetribes in our Colony otf New Zealand, it has happeried that persons serving in the Local Forces of Our said Colony have porformed deeds of gallantry, in consideration of which they are not, according to the strict provisions of Our said recited Warrant, eligible for this high distinetion : Now know ye, thkht We of our especial Grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have thought fit hereby to signify Our Royal Will and Pleasure that the said Decoration may be conferred on such persons atoresaid, who mayâ€" be qualified to receive the same in accordance with the Rules und Ordinances made, ordained, and established by Us for the government thereof, by Our said. recited Warrant, and We do by these Presentsfor Us, Our Hoirs and Successors, ordain and appoint that 1t shall be competent for such persons aforesaid to obtain the said Decoration in the mauner set forth in the Rules and Ordinances referred to, or in a¢ cordunce with suchifarther Rules and Ordinznces as may horeafter be made and promulgated by Us, Our Meirs and Successors, for the government of the said Decoration, provided that it be established in any case that the person was servieg with Our Troops, under the: J:hu of wrd or other Othcer, undor cireumstances which would entitle an Officer or Soldier of Our Army to be recomâ€" monded for the aid Docoration, in accordance with the Rules and Ordinances prescribed in Our said recited Warrant, and rmvi“d alsd euch person thall be recommended for it by such Geopral or other Officer : j And We do further for us, Our Heirs and Buccesâ€" #ore, or-l:hb.m&‘u the â€" eaid mu ue may also l in accordznge w Rules and Ordinancer prescribed in Out said recited Warraat, and ubtl to the provisions sZoresaid, on guch persons who may NM&M. ve the same in accordance with Rules anod Ordinances, as may hereafter be employed in the Local Forges r or which may bs raised in Our Colonies and their who may be callâ€" ed upon to serve. in coâ€"operation with Ourâ€"iErdone to undertake r&“h'.'-“ufw"-,‘i"- of Rebellion against Our Authority, or forrepelling invasion by n{qd‘l"-r. * Given at Our Court, ut Osborne flouse, Isle of Wight, this first day of January, 1867, in hw”ud&_ldp g By l.lw Command, ‘v HEREAS, by a Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual, countersigned by one of Our Principal S¢eretaries of State, and bearing date at Our Courts #t Buckingham Palace, the 29th day of January, 1856, in the nineteenth year of Our Reign, We did constitute â€"and create a new Naval and Military Docoration, to be styled and designated the Victoria Cross, which Decoration Weexpressed Our desire should be highly prized and cagerly sought after by the Officers and Men of Our Naval and Military Sorvices, and did also make, ordain, andestablish the Rules and Ordiâ€" nances therein set forth for the government of the same, to be thencéforth inviolably observed and «_ VICTORIA R VICTORIA, by . The Officer Administerâ€" ing the Governmwment ~ of Canada. | 1 have much pléasurc in transmitting to you a Caopy of a Warrant, issued under the Royal Sign Manual, under which the docoration of the Victoria Cross may be conférred on persons serving m the Local Forcés, which are or may hereafter be raiscd in any of He: Majosty‘s Colonies. â€" I have to instruct you to take whatever stefts may appear to you most likely to give publisity to this W arrant. i s . % Wunnu.\s 1t is expedient that thear» ticle known as Lock Spindle Iron, used in the manufectare of Spindle= for Door Locks, should, though unenumersted in ‘any of the Schedules to the Art, 29th and" 30th Victoria, Cap. 6, be held and deemed to be and:â€"be included in the exemp tion from Custom# duly created in favor of .Rod Iron, with which the same shodid properly be clasâ€" sified. frvca m Mis Excelienâ€"y,in Council on the recommends tion of the. Honorable the Acting Minister of Fin ance, dnd under the nuthority conferred by the 17th Chap. Con. Stat. Can. has been pleased to orde» and dbclare, and it is hereby ordered and declared, that «quare Rod Iron used in the manufacture of Spindies for Door Locks, shall be and the #ame is hercby deciared to have been since the passing of the Act first abore mentioned, exempt from the payâ€" ment of Castom:« dnty on importation into this Pro vince. Hae w Cimeviar. (Copy.) MEDICAL 3761( WARRANT for crtending the Victoria Urom to the ,__ Local Forees in New Zealand and in the Col+â€" aifn, «nd their De iee generally, ll\llE SUBSCRIBER has just fine aszortment of genuine Farina Cologne, in basket and plain, Lubin‘s Perfumes, * Piver‘s Perfumes, conts. For cents, For For t*=,â€"sSparksâ€"*=tf1ise0t, The Subscriber bege to eall the attention of Phyâ€" sicians practising in the country to jhi« inrge avd complete stock of « PrpsEAr® : % | ray_ axpress for Ogdens WIJS EXCELLENCY THE «apmixistRA.| . Riekvid® Kingston . ToR or nE GovErx ExT { â€"~ Upderich, tukaix D y i INX COUNCJIL. I N"h.tu lldl |uvim; West, i ~ the recommendation of the 1f * O o a 0 able the Commiseioncr of Public Work:, and } 4¢¢@miodution Train £. under and in virtdoof the mf"rit,v given ud conâ€" Intermodiate Statio ferred by the fin Chap. of the Con,. Statutes of | Tr2X08 â€"for _ Lachive at Canada, His Exteliency in Council lius been pleasâ€" | Nuud, 3.00 P.M., $.0 edâ€"to Order, and it is berchy ordered that rhg] Thg:3.00 PL.Train r Bri.:hgc l;ea&ly etectodover the River Gatineau, x & b";;‘%" s‘:};’ in the Towuship of~Huil, by the De n ayy 4 Ariniten y Shallh ay ty Pabtie W orhe, ho fnd the cenee i usrel e paieis t 1 * Tork, Sogiult, mnd a HIS EXNCELLENCY THE ADMIXISTRAâ€" TOR OF THE GOYERXMEXT / IN COUXNCIL, Druge, Cliemicals, aud Pharmacatical 4 Jl‘repamtiozn 5 . 3am, Country Merchants will be supptied with O.1s, Perfumes, Patent Medicines, Dyestuils, ctc., ut: wholesale prices, and on th* most farorable terims. s red, conveyod and mado uver to the -:l‘lic‘ljllli(y of the said Township of Hull, and that the Tollowâ€" ing Schedule of the rates of Toll be levied aud colâ€" lected on the said Bridze, that is to «ayâ€" March 14 MIKDLOAXL, HEXLTL, each hore cach shee Hajir Baighes, % Tooth Brushes, . : Nail Brushes, ‘ Dressing Comb» Toilet Foayp h {Sigued) A, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdot o( Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith. To al to whrow" these: Presents shall come, «reoting : i ; 18. PROVINCE OF CANADA horee GOvERNXMEXT Hot‘s: rawa, Woanesday, Feb, 20 I Presest: 00 C { in"' the honor to be, â€" s 1 â€" Sir, ® | | Your most obedjent, | " Humble Serv gued) CARA ABRVON ; Sparksâ€"Street. + #e., ~_ &e. +_ [ W. M. MASSEY, amily and Dispensing Ghemist, | ' 25, Sparksâ€"street Dawsinc Stz1, 9th Fob., 1867 f1} v ud Wu. I: LEEB, |_ Clerk Executive Council w, uP ©x, twoâ€"cents. g or ca‘f, one cent. W, IL, LE Clerk Exceutive C W. M. MASSEY, n@ Dispensing Chemist, 28, Sparksâ€"street ‘ RRMy Bath .'fim' e#, ‘ Tlrkili Towel:, le. ingle w reccived m Council 0; 18 | w L 1:50 l'lm «s \a l The tiine of these Trains has beoy to ensure connection with night and | Grand Tronk, east and west. ; . N. B.â€"These Tretins run on Montr Baggage to and from Oftawa t from and to all stations on Grand T | _ Returns tickets to Prossott, kemp | 'llll"dlrednlflflnbeh‘ll‘lh | tions on th‘ Jine, Tus Orriwa â€" we6.â€"Printed and Publisbed _ The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing disoases for whichit 1 reâ€" xmnmh it to a high rank in the list of Romedios for these complaints, Orders Afé mummumu.nmdh e ieatain ucss is aaradinn Pato Destropee never fails fo give We speak from experionce nce in this matter, baving tested it thoroughly, and therefore thuse who are euffering from any of the complaints for which i is recommended may depnend upon its being a Soveâ€" reign Remedy. _ _ [ en n l o fl‘llx CANADIAN PAIN ©ESTROYER HAa. now been before the public for a lepgth ot time, and whenover used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to give permanent relief «hes timely used, and -efafi never known a single Pariy fuliowed s ‘ont on the contror y cil are deligatâ€" ; on , all are o’rlv’lhmmm, and epe: inunm terms of its vi nnd magical effects. d Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Bore Throat @prains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, ~| * Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, 7 New :orlr ds 2 loml’l‘:..!w c"‘,.' Bold b: Mortimer, RBoberts, W . N Massey, {l.m-ty. and Joseph Skinner,. in Ottawn. BC Aw(h-ulwd-d-iww coveries stands the | CANADIAN PAIN OESTROVER! ply to C n ta =ae e n 43 * Aalls 100 .AOL., 12.06 Nuud, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. Thg:3.00 P.AL.Train runs throughto Platteburch, * «olX@ EoUTH A.\'D‘[.\FT. Expres« by Railway throughout for New _ York, Boston, and all ln;n::di-u Points, at St. with \'enm:u?T‘M.‘ entrrl lhiln»ad‘, at Burâ€" Ihj-:‘w- Hig the mua m Busâ€" iogton Railroad, also with the Lake gtorgo E. ratoga, New Y w , Sa: New k,ic«,&0. $.30 A. Astommedation Train for nhaog Pood * and Intermediate Stations, at........... 645 A:y, Bxpl;u for Bostoen mslm;rdm u. wints, connecting at Ft. ns with * M‘:’. \;er-an Central lhilruud.‘::.... 8.30 A x. ot Portland, stopping over night at Express was or New \'ock,’Bod-._{nd all Intermodiate Points, connecting at St. Johns withâ€" Vermont Central Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lg:gn Railroad, also ut Roure‘s with hb(“u:phtnr"(u:en R ‘ â€"for Lake George, Earatega, New * York, &e.,f-t_i.{...._..._m _.W 8.3 P.M. Night Express for Three Rivers, Riviere da Loup and Portland,â€"at...10.10 P.M. pa slupixCu- on all Nigidhh-.m For further information, nnd time of arrival and leparture of all traing at ‘Termini and ": Sta. tions, see the wrand Trunk Railway Bodk of Tiee Tables. x * b. J. BRYDGES, R Managing Director, May 26. 135â€"y > CHANGE of THME Offawa and Prestoft Rila, PULMONIC U AFER® 08 and after Tl’MI;A\' vember, 1866, and until fo will run as follows : prraztcex. * From Oitawa, 7.50 a m. A+ 4 Prka«a, November 2 East End Dalyâ€"st., Ottawa e ApaHis .:; A: > lows RELIEF 1NX ~TEN Grand "Trumk_ Railway Company : ~OP CANANDA â€" : UVE CANADA.: SEMMER â€" iRRDCGENENTE3 Oarleton, O.W Ottawa Feb. 5, 1867 Ottaw â€" 23rd March.1 Prenared by T MODERATE RATES ON PIRST~â€" CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap. 0 J. PENNINXQTON MACPHER®ROX, * s Banwsrer, &c. 0 PARTNES ABOUT TO BUILp.â€"â€" Tr AxXD AFTER MOXDAÂ¥.u aAar Money to Lond (Aut cdiB® Us O mt 7 en es W br _ Corrox. m..r‘&‘d)f- Printing Worke,; Xo. in the City of Ottews Montreal Tdm‘piv Adinge, Ottawa. 3rd March. 1 ,.M-h"u-c. y l2 ceRA Mc alds, cu-l’l‘!l!( Bites, &¢., &«. RALLROA»s, od "b iess .PLAXS, BPECIFICATION STIMATE®,. . BRY GOING 7 CEBDAY, the *7th and until further notiz. . AUGUSTU® LAVE® densburgh, « Detroit. C Belicvilie, T Kingston and Attawa M“Wu" roug Grand Trunk Railway 1, I\'o*' ville -‘0';& had at the prineipn) «s Newsnstle, C. o ormevighes, real Tame AREDV ar ».20 t m, Iol!r“‘ €2Y triing on Arcermer 1 4 tm trains A.M

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