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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Apr 1867, p. 4

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bring his Vemet to: at the plape at the said Querantine ~Station gouted in the Reguis tions, and report such Vesso! in ‘writing to the Ofâ€" cer at the sal i n| designated for that purpose in such Regy all the partisulars reia" tive to the same, to the Voyhge. Passenâ€" gore and Cargo thereof required by such Reguâ€" lations or by any t \duly ized undes them to re quire the ,â€"and to allow the proo per Officer to visit inspect such Vessel and every part thereof, ag! the Passongers and crow aad the cargo and artioles on board the same, â€"aa 1 to amswer truigia. questions jasked of him toushing the same,â€"and to sond ua shore at said Station and at the pl there potuted out ‘by the Oficer therounto authofized by the said regulation soy or all of the Passguagers, Crow, Cargo or other articles on auch Vossel, as the said Ofices thidks necessdgy tor pfoventing the introduction ot contagious or ioug dise ase,â€"and to allow guch Passengers, Crew, Cargo and other articles, and als. the Vessolitsolf, to r so long at the said station sad at such places respectively, and to be so treated cleansed,and as the said Officer sha«d think nessssaryfor the jurpuse aforesaid: And bysuch Regilations, the in Conncit may assigo to the several OMcare sone to be employ ow at the amid on, the powers and du ties nesessary (or cartying the seid Reguiations aad this Act fuily into iffect, and may deciare that any.such Ofiser or perpoos shali by vistue of his ol :e or employment bp a Justice of the Poace or a wa, 2l3 h, 1867. f »3&MT. f HIS EXCELLENCYT/THE ADMINXISTRATOR Am Act respectiny t wate and wontine, it is amuoyst vther things d, that " The Governor in Council m=y from time to tiine mjke such regiâ€" latio.3 as he thinks t for enfofcing compliâ€" ance with all the 104 a of thig Act, and for duguring the due pert=rmance of Q@urantine, by aad in respectiof V Pussoxgefs and Goods» cuming into the Port bFQuebec, to which he thiuks It right for the ation of the lo Hoalth that su h Reguiati should , and for the thorough cleunsing disnfecting of such Ves sels, Goo Js and s, 80 us to provent as far as possible, the int or dispemination of disease into or in Province, may from time to tnase reveke, glier or amend|such Reguiaâ€" thons or auy of thent, and make ers in their stead ;" and =such Regulations 11 have the furse ollaw dacring tag time choy zef pectively reâ€" main unreraked, they be ex ly limited to be in furee only \ a om tain thime or at cer tain thage or in which chee they shab have the toree of law @uring the tigge and at thâ€" times and sewsons. 4 or at which they hare been lnited to he in ; " aud "by such Rogu lations the Garernor in Council require the Master of. overy V coming uplthe Kiver st. Lawresce the Station a. Qn.“:& on V as are there: in designated and: ed to as ) â€"te 0!0 be atiom of the Monorable the act ng Minister of Finance, His Exceliency is Councit has been pl to order, and it is hereby erdered that Scrap M of all kinds} though not special‘y mentioned in the List of G authorized by the Act 19 30 Vic,\Cap. 6, to be itpported into Canada free of C s duty, shall be the same treated cleansed,and think nessssaryfor the rur Regilations, the to the several OMisare at the amid A ties nesessary for carry and this Act fuily into any.such Ofisar or perpor of§ :e or employment bp a ADMINITSTRA ml aus o :r Ix cbu.\'cm-z “‘ UERKEAS it hap been represented to His Ex+ ceilency the laistr«tor of the ~overn« ment in Council through the Hon. the Comumissionâ€" ar of Crown Lafs, thht Gold has been discovered, and is found to ex»t i various parts of the Townâ€" ahips hereinafter naimgd, and whereas it is expediâ€" ent that the tractrembrsced in the, said sever 4 Towaships should be ander the operation, aad be made sy to the provis.ons of «The Gold Mining: Aot," # Uis Excuency imOguncil on the recommend ation of t -‘W siuner of Crown Lands, and unuer 4 10 vit6We / the authority given auu confecred by the tn* spotion of the Act 22 ani 28 Vie. Cap. 0, has Atherefore pleased to order, Axo it is hkitsBy Oxbkas o, that the tract of Counâ€" vinge or taken out of warehouse for uniption therein, free of h% dutics undor lh:ovhluu of the ath zection of the 17th chapter of the Consoâ€" litated Statates, of ‘Chnada. . T thorough cleunsing disi sels, Goo is and #, 8 as possible, the int disease into or in Prov time to thase reveke, glier or tions or amy of, themt, and n stoad ;" and =such Reguiat furee cila=w dacing tiime c main unreraked, they | to be in furee only . a ce C ~ble or Poabe for (Gcoese lsls and the -“muu. Statign and for the spase around the sa as described njsuch Hegalations, and, anch Odlser shall scourdingly be‘such Justise of the Po see or Poase Othser whether he be otherw iso quae lifled or mot : And by|such He qulations the Gover nor in Councit may ipapose. fiaes not exseeding Four humiret Dollars in any ease, on petsons conâ€" travening the saime may provide that the of fenda: shall be imprisgnod until such. Ano be paid, zad may direct that ay Vosso! shall b:.t.u or cleared at the Port of or of x L antil all the requirements of such Regulations are fully commplied writh, and direct that any Person, Vesset, or thing, who dr which has passed or doâ€" parted or been removed from the said Quartantioe dt «tion, belume ahi the of such Regulaâ€" tiens hars been complied with in respest of such Person, Vessel or thing, or without the whtton pei> mission of the O.Bser stmpoweve 1 t »authorizs such passing or departure, inay be compelied to return or be carried back to the said Statioa, and by force if newessary." â€" P #te Towaships should be aad be made syhject t Gold Mining: Aot," Uis Excusency in Ogur of t “rfin s unuer in vintve »! confecred by the in spet try comprised econetituting the T »wnsdips of Barrie, Clarendon, Pulmerston, Milierc pna North and South C smonte, ) County of F.optenac, the Towuships . in the of Reufrew, situated north of the of Milier and Canonto, the Townships in the Cou Addington, situste no: th of the Towaships of SRefild and Bariie, the Towaâ€" sbips in the County of wite ato gorth f the Townships of Sidsey, Thurtow ahd Tyendinaga, the Township of Bel and the Townships in the Connty of Puter , situate north of the ‘Township of Bel and the wame| is hereby . declared to be & Mixing Divisien for all the "parposes of the said 4~, under the mame of " Th« is heceby authorized *Nw *u this Proâ€" 397 t HIT3‘\'l;n: ADMINTISTRATOR OF THE GOYVEENMENT IN CoUXCIL 1. That all ships and other Versels, except the Caemiian Mall ste whish henceloth and during tnw sight m next following the First day of April in sa0h every â€"yoar shall arrive to the Purt of Q 1sheo, from any part or ports, pluce other infections or d which any person sh sage, which, being of dred leng mMeegarame»; OF THS @â€"VERNMENT I8 COUSCIL. ‘v HEREAS by the Forticth ?.pu: of the Consutldated es of Canida, intitules or places in Burops lot clawhere by way of that pa tofthe River St.|\ Lawsence, which is below Groese lsle, and w have atthetime of :heir said arrival, or . hure at during their lwlvnfm it is brdered by His the Governor Generallin Cougsil: 397â€"tf Quinte Gold Minin @OVERNMEN Thu e4 AEooooe s ds rston, Miller pna North Grosse fole, 10 n ak s t ) County of F.optenac, the the haurbour of (Quebec, of Reifrew, situated tiops hereinaiter peovi of Milier and Q‘M the usls f MIM:O‘llgalo.u All ships and vessels fild and Banie,the Townâ€" | tion hereinbefore mont site ato gorth f the | their Quarantine at Gre Thurtow ahd Tgendinaga, | in the space included . and the Townships in | line drawn paraHel to , situate h of the | to be places as heretof the wame| is horeby | the Superintondent of 1 Mising Divisien for all the East and Wost by lings **, under the mame of * The Western Extremities © Dhivision." | Asls. The Island shal W, A. HIMSWORTH ® HOUSE, OTTAW A gorous disease, ES ENT n 1 + da lat A, 188 ,.’ | more Steerage Parsonjrers, of which being of greatâ€" ! the whole or apy and which " or tonnage than seven hundred tons m‘-h-ltn-‘a““‘lfl ! â€" wb tw y of more dtecrage Passenâ€" | river by seme oth@rt mode « ¢ . | gos ve gome from some infected ; shall, «o soon as tho passor C A W A.s “M. u@rmObie at Groese Jalgin | on boand l:if ‘:u on , | the , and thore rowain and gonâ€" | ing the Â¥a . ghve f Marc®,1867. | tmue WBtitwetreM|e or vessels shall be dischatged l llo'alu to 'h;‘.M é | Lrotm such QuaraAtine, by such hounse or passport, ) in charge, to We NISTR w go, given without fee of emolunrent of | returns _of the vessels b OUNCIL 3 m"l'b. Mm\lhd hy such ‘ soun ns possible aitor augh | ted to His Ex. | 0481 as shall be made by the Governor, wite the | _ The asedieal SupSnntend *he sovern+ ‘@.«& Exeoutivie Council thereof ; and untd | of the Hoapitals. â€" bte shall Commissionâ€" | the said sbips and vessels shail rospectively have | cais set apart tog the treatm n discovered, perfo. med such Quarantine, aad shail be discharged | infuctiones digeases, alt pers of the Towp. ; hereirom. by such rHeense or pamport and ds l thocatemed with any such di it io oxped|. | Charge as afuresaid porgons, goods ur merehandim | tho goneral anpA ictenuience said ”';"” which shull be on bourd such ships or vessois,| hing relating tothe sick, he <operation, ; #hall not come or be brougbt on shore, or go or be | speci ali pascea,co~ tanded ons of «The ‘ put on MU‘II’ ether ship or vessel in lhn‘i wb tribute theum as he shail ( t a'-‘n‘-iu«. exgopt on tU.usse l=e aforesaid, when | on that part of the Isiand ommend ation uuly required by competent authority . ‘ beatument of pestuential u n Lands, and | _ 2. Cbhat all sa ps, wad vessels which henaveforth | or un the part ut the saiu | " given mauu ; aud during the gught wonths atoresuld, shall arrive | nowlhy passvigers. U pom t 2 «n} 13 | atthe Pirt of Quebec, from any |~'-|( or . porls in | tLroates for such a disease b ged) to order, Karope, plage ur places, 0° etsewhere as afurvsaid,, caution, Uranatew suag e petaws act of Coun. | f * @lusk ur descriptiun hereinbetfore mentioned. | of. the sail Tslani. He i l T sevabi as lhhg‘-d buund wm‘kA- their . uaruntine at | clounsing, wasliag whd pur Exceilency l All ships and vessels of the ciass and descrip tion hbereinbefore mentioned, as liable to mak their Quaraptine at Grosceâ€"Islo, shall anchor w th ‘in the spaee insluded between Grossoâ€"Isie and . line drawn paraMel to it, through the Red Buoy to be places as heretofure under the direction c the Superintondent of Pilots, and bounded on th East and Wost by lings drawa due South from th Westerm Extremities of Cl# Islacrd and tGro«se A«le. The Island shall be so divided as to leay one portion thereof for the.boepitals, and for th treatment and recoption oflbou who are laboring unider or are threatened witf any of the followin, , dissages, namoly + Asiatio Cholera, Fevor, &mal w veasels to go to such pluce or places to perfucm Jumraotine, as it may be nccessury to gend theis a. Me shail dic¢ct ail ships or vessols, linble to J@ri0r ce Quarantine, to be brought to suchor with «a the limitscuf the Quarmatine Anchorage, ans generally do all that may be: required to enforee igid obed. nee to the said law and these ieguiaâ€" «iuns. o shall permit all passengers, or other arsone landed on the said Islamu, to be reâ€"oum> sarked or shipped on board any steamboat or Aher Vosse!l when the Vossel is in a fii state to weceive them, aud that they hare been ex»mined oy him and found in & fit state for reâ€"ewmbarkation ar for leaving the said Istand: aod that all such passengers aod y reoos, with their luggage, have ceen werhed, cleansed and pusided, and that there Jdues not exist amongst those whorure about to proâ€" ceed, or leave the said Isiand, any case or «ympâ€" tins of Asiatie Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarltâ€" tina or Measles, or other infoctious und dungeruas disouse. * The Medical Saperintendent saall also board all ‘ vessois he may consider noce y to inspect. le shail have charge of all vesselp detained in Quarâ€" [ autine, . te shalil direct, it nob ry, all steorage passongers to be landed with their luggage. Anm! ‘ shall saperiniond the clemnsing and aisinfection of vessels. . Me shall cdirect the number of passenâ€" | gore to be landed, distinguishing those who require to be treated for pestilential of infoctions dissuses, | and who are to bo.landed at that part of the said | islund set dpart for such treat uent, f ow those who | do not require such‘treatment, and who may be | lunded at that part of the sald island set ap ort for the reception of the hoaithy and those free frow pestilential discases, and he shall be careiul that all such personsshal! be landsd at such places res pactively. He shall have medioat charge of all caubin passengers who do not disembark, and who may be laboring under any other than pestilential or infoctious disease ; and suall order all passeagers and persons on bourd any «uch ship or vessel who sball laboar undoer any pestileniial or infoctious disâ€" ease, to be landed with thoir Inggage according tothe foregoing regulation. He shait give medical treatment on board in all cases ofslight disewse which are apt by thase regulattons opdmm tg be treated on shore, and when it shall be desmed sdrisable not lamd the passengers on the si1d Islaad. He :-ll whenever a v=sse! is «lamnsed, reatilated and parlSed, disectsach verse! to reasive on board the whole or any m“” or whather Me shalil also go w4 to vessels bound to make their Quarnuatine at Grosseâ€"lsle as aforcsaid, and put the fullewing questions to the Musters or porâ€" sous in charge, via: L. What is your name and that of your vessol ? 2. From whenee did you sail, and date * pestifential fever or disease ? 6. How many persons were on board when the veesel sailod ? * Cubln passengors * Steerage passenger»* Crow ? T. Have any person or persons during the royâ€" qol.m?n are there now any infected with the "l‘ll‘!‘ any pestilential fever or disoase ? R s 10, Did you or any of theakip‘scompany or pasâ€" with ur without your privity or cousent, iand t any place within the Province of + anad« ? » Observation ; he shall call for the ship‘s papert, passenger‘s lists and logâ€"bouks, aod inspect them shoroughly so as toascestain the whole of the ocourâ€" cences during the voyage, and should he mest with amy resistance; he will moke such signal as way se dotarmined on to show .‘1 asistance is necesâ€" sary . one portion thereof for the.hospitals, and for the treatment and‘reception of {Iw- who are laboring unider or are threatened witf any of the following discages, namely + Asiatio Cholera, Fevor, &mall Poxr, Scurtation or Measl:#, or any other infoctious and dingerous disease ; and the remaining port.on for the receptioa and accommodation of all pasâ€" sengers and other, persons who shall be landed and detained upon the said Island, who shall not labor under or hbe threatened with any of the, uid diseases, and no person or persons, unless on duty, shall be permitted to pase from one of the #uid portions of the said Island to the other, unless they have passports signed by tho Medical Superâ€" The Extablishment at Grosseâ€"I<le shall consist of a Medical Superintendent, an Hospital steward, »ne Orderty, one Cook, one Polise Sergeant, and four boatmen. The Medical Superintendect shall, oy virtue of his office, be a Justico of the Peace within the limits of the Quaraotine station as hereinbefure deseribed, shall be authorized to ses the Quarantine duly performed, and for this pur. pose shall have f.ll power and ambority over ail uilicers and other persons whatsoever in tirorseâ€" Isie, or attached to th..t station, and be authorized to eall upon ail persons to uid him in enforcing che law and theu regulations, and in case of his douth, sekmess or absence, the oficer next in rauk omâ€" vloyed on the Imand, shall have the power and uthority aforesuid. â€" And the said Policemen and duatmen, shail, by virtue of their ofice, be peace ihoors, and be vesed with all the powers and auâ€" bority 0. Special Con.â€"tables, within the limits ot «he said Quasmatine staticn. 3. â€" Medical Superintendent. The Medical Superintendent (or in case of his leach, sickners or absorce, the Othcer next in rank empioyed on the lelund) shall entorce the suig uaw and these Reyulations, wod sinull direct ship #. Dud you or any of the ship‘s company or pasâ€" sengers, with your privity go on board any ship or vessel, or did any of the company of any ship of vessol come on board your ship in the vuy age, and drowm what port did sho sail lust? I; the answers be satisfactory, he shall give a Jlean Bill of Moalth to the Master or person in marge ; and such ressel may then proceed to the amcbour ot Qiebec, . If tae noswors be not sutis> jnctory, or the Medical Superintendent has any ‘wason to suspect fraud on the purt of the Master or person in charge, crow or passengers, he shail mumediately order the vessel to such place as may be appoinied fur vessels detained under Quarantion 3. Was such plase or places, or any and which of them, jutectod with the cholora, plague, or any b. Did any porson or persons, and how many die during the voyage, and from what dissemper? 11. Mave you any person on board who is lunaâ€" 10, iflictic, deul and dumb, blind of infirm, and e such accompanied by relations able to suppurt Jhenn ? # 4 At what pl n her voyage? What is your cargo, and whense taken on what place or places did your vessel touch «« Estobishment whee, a osseâ€"Is! ad same forthwith to the Medical suporintendent, who shull enyuire into the facts atteged, und may suspernd from his office any person so charged unâ€" til the plessure of the Govpruor General, snall be known respecting the persin so charges. 1â€"â€"P + Pilots having been with copies of the said Act relutive to Emig: and Quarantine and uf these regutations, and alzo of these laws regulaâ€" ting Emigration, ahal eahibit the same to the Jlas â€" ter or po.sun in charge of every vessel they may bound. Every Pilot naving charge of a vesset, of l* wescriptivn uf those have to make Quarantine at urose Islo us afuresaid, sball bring ber to anâ€" whor withia the lunits of the anchorage grouna at whhosse Lole Lereiubefore decaed. They stall also keep a Uuionâ€"Jack fying at the pouk of all vesse!s under their charge, until boardes by the properofiâ€" cere. Onaiiiving at Quebec, if the veescl has succiveu a Cieag Bull ol Healih frow the Medical superintenâ€" Jdaut at Grusse Isle, »nd has uct been cetwined there on account.of sickness or suspicion theroot, she may bring tout any place within the {liowing Lumts in the Port of Quebec, v.a: the whole space ot the Hiver st. Lawiente, fromw the meuth of the Kiver st. Charles‘to a Ime drawn scross the said Kiver St. Lawreuce, iom the Flagâ€"stai on the Citâ€" adel or Cape Diamund/at right angles to the course of the salw river, but must uot cummunicate with the shore or with any other vessel or bout until buarded by theâ€" Inspectingâ€"Physician ; but if the veem 1 be of the cluss of thoe not liabie to mase their Quarantine at Growwe lole she may either bring to atway place within the aforemid LLmits, in the Port of Quebes, or she may proceed at once to the Bailast tGround. « tion of the Govgraor woneralor person adminiaterâ€" ing the government. Allsdch poreonsin apy way ca gaged in solling or tralie on the said leland shall be regulated as to prices by lists to be furnished by the Medical Superintendeat from time to time, asâ€" sisted by the Chief Euigraut Aent at Quebec. Ho chall strictiv ennuire into and doeide upon all and disiafected. 4 T 0. â€"(nspedting PAyrisinn ot Quobe:. An Inspecticgâ€"Paysician . ~"Quebes shall go of to all yessels arriving at Quebac of at the mouth of the rivet St. Charles, and pat the following quesâ€" tions to the or persons in charge, vis ; n.mmmmufl 3. Exbibit to me your passport from Grosse Isic ! 3. How many persons hare you on board ! Cabin passongers ! uf ut more than three days, «during which time the passengers and crew theroof, «h all be su bâ€" jocred to a strist purification under the direction of the Meaical Superintendent. All vesse s detained In all c«ses whore vessois having passengers on bourd, on account of sicknoss amouget such pasâ€" sengers, shall be detained in Quarantise, the Muster or person in charge may, on application to the Medical Superintendent at Grosse Lale, be alâ€" lowed to land the said passengers with their lugâ€" gage ; and the vessel being property cleansed, paâ€" niéduad disinfected under thé superintsudence and with the ligeuse of the Medical Auperintenâ€" dent, may proceel up the rivae without theâ€"said passengers, upon the master or porson in char;e payliug t such person as shall be appointed to reâ€" veive the same, one shilling and throe pence for wach passonger, to bear the expeose of their conâ€" I P F 2e y ANmn ard P » paying t such person as shall be appointed to roâ€" ; AND COND1ITION MEDICINE veive the ahill d n 8 POSLITIVELY 8v To ANY n; same, one ing aud three pance fir‘ lwnldhr m.‘ § wasn passonger, to bear the expeoss of their conâ€" l 6 i ) reughs, Thisk und Broken Wind, and all disenscs veyanceto Quebee, aud mlso at tlo rate of ou® | hich affect the Wind of Morept / also, as a Candiâ€" shilling per diowm for each of the sai4 passoogers, | on Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind ; to reunburse the expease of thair maintenance at | * *4*Â¥ to give, sure to cure, and sufe in all cases On the arrival of any versel at Grogae Lsle, on buard of whca there shall be or shall haye been during the passage any case of Cholera, Fever, Smail Por, Searlatine or Measlos, or uther infecâ€" tlous or dangerous disease, and in ail «ther sases when it suall bo consideced pecessary by the Moedical Superintendent that the steerâ€" ago passengers sitail be tanded with thair luggage, anud washed and purited und shall be permitted to seâ€"embark and proceed in the same vesrel, or shall be detained and cmbarked in some rteamâ€" buat or other versel, as shalt be airested by thé Medical Superintendeat. The passengers in the All Vessols liable to make their Quarnatine at ! Grosse Isle, on thgir arrival there, shail anchor | within thelimits of the Auchorage Ground at Grosse Isle hercinbefure defined, until boarded by the Medical Superintendent : and if they shall not be detained at Groswe Iste on account of sickaess or suspicion thereof, shall recsive a Clean Bill of | Health, and may proceed to the Harbour of Queâ€" | bee, and there Anchor at any place within the liâ€" | wits of that purtion of the Port of Quebec, hereinâ€" befure defined, and there remain withgat communiâ€" cation with the shore, or any othe; velsel or boat antiil fnally discharged frum Quarnautine by the liâ€" couse passport aforesaid; bat iCaoy such vessel shail have been dâ€"tained at Grosse I«le from sic@ness or suspicion thercef, it shall anchor at the mbuth of the River at. Ubasles,and thore remain until inally wlscharged rrum Quasantine as aforesaid. Vessels arriving at Giosse Lsle frum any infocted port or prace, or one suppused to be infected, and wa beard of which no, pestitential disease shall nave declured itsolf during the pessage, may â€"be kept under Quarantive of Observration for a period ‘ PS ce CR 10 EL UET in Qu_rantine shall be cleansed and ventiluted, and theur between deeks, if not painied or varaishâ€" od, shalil be well whitewashed ; but i painted or | varnished, shall be thcroughly serubbed with soup ‘ and water or ley, aud such portion of the balla:t | as the Medica! Ssuperintenuert shall order, shail | be thrown overâ€"board unuer his imunydiate super> | ineadeace, or that of soae person to be appointed | by him for that duty. | prinerpal ouBin shall apt be landed except in cases | of stokness, and may at alt times procesd with the | vessels, or otherwise, ‘-rhvh"flddu‘ wiied their laggage tothe ratisfactcion and with the | passport of the Medical Suporintendent. | speci ali pasced,0o~ banmded whtribute thow as he shall t wn that part of the Lsland teatument , of pestwential v Mealta to the w &: in charge, to We returns of the vessels b soumn as possible aitor augh \ The medical Supsnntend of the Hospitals. . bte shall the whole or any and which of the said passongers shall remaie on the s#id 1» to proceed up the river by seme oth@r mode coaysy ance, and ho shall, «o soon as tho passerigers are reâ€"ombtrkeq on boand thoir ‘1--70‘1 'M., or vessol leayâ€" ing thoul.l: "u‘ purt or CloamXili of S« 000 CAATTO® PVE PMINN®T MNSUITANON HHO '-F‘ '.:::":".m:‘: f:: :‘::.' ' dou ; and having mequainted the Master or person the reasun therefor, tor the iuformaâ€" | : shirge w:(h the putlaiti« to be iw":‘fx it ': Rf f A sboutd permit any communication with his vess ‘“.:‘ \;‘:.;:_:h'r P l unn;mun- I watil rc'l:uod from QuaraGtae, ho shall report all hok AUl Ece Nevyyreiyy bay enb id ho citeumstances to tho Socretary of the Province af ";'m C :n‘t‘:- “':. :rl‘?w;" | jor the intormation of the Governorâ€"Geperal , and rornettee, hoa ts to en 5 | if ichall appoar to the said Inspocting Physician :;M Euigrant A§ent it ul::vboc. . it any umuhu? suich \'nnfl shall h‘svn puod;l.ho nounuire inth aud â€"decide uponr stt | Quazantine station at tiroegâ€"Iele without stopping J onl h of the t L \a mawge Quarautive, being liable thereto, and -imnovto'. breas ‘.Il e «beuld therefore be sent dowa to Groeseâ€"Isle, or that W No tindingt be 'h'.h wee‘thak no ‘ uch vexsel having alroady cloared from Groeseâ€" i eumplaged o3 tho h.w'l‘w“" *\ tsto, sboald return thereto, there to land ‘the pase rwpluy ment on the said """", has [ sogere, ho shall SfGuF tht Manter or persou in ~" hy falerest o To t i 4 ‘ze o proceed or Teturn with such vessel to fhoralicuds ow othex shimgs "{ rriar 1 s«agâ€"[sle, aod such Mapter or porson in charge ed, buugbt or «old upon the said Islan 4 Td OB S plGly S oc reboata} M opat oouts t ndirectly receives or takes any priâ€" l fi:'n-lo,hfinlldllr\‘. o.i._l"::eh vessele ::':“':::.:.:h. w l::z | she same rules and regulations as are provided for the said hm..m sbuik “‘; #»eole arsiving at Grosseâ€"Isle with »‘~k, Bhbould U jerpous to wijose knqwledago any | the Inspecting Physician at Quebec mec. ~‘th any Reguiation shall come, to report the ufla« in discharge ‘.‘.. duty required of him h to the Medical Suporintendent, | 2 this regulation, he will imuediatety enforce the live into the facts altered. und may | ~*=* by a!l lawful 1»4aus ut his disposal. cleansod, washed, purited ne labyring huder or | _ Aund moreover, be shall require allâ€"Masters, 0r Ho aball bave | persons in charge of Mll:m ko |their nd directon of oÂ¥ ery â€" Quaractine ‘at Urosséâ€"Isle, & ;u:hi- the le shall vinut aud in / license or passport which they shall have received Tuis any Vesswi, a0d . from the Medical Superintendent utthe Quarantine ink capedient wither | station; and such AMasters or persons in charge apjnopriated lor the | shall ieithwith exnibit the sam8~for examination, bujectiuns Cisvases, l tw the said Inspectingâ€"Physlchia at Quebec, who, sland approprumted to | is he shall find, as well from the auswer ho imay he recuvery of pegsous | regeiÂ¥ve as trom the temor ut the passport and the shall, alter due preâ€" | actual statevf the gealth of toe passeagers and tv the healthy pait | cvew, that sickness does not exist on bourd, ne shall all superintond the | then graut to the Master, or porson in churge of ung of als passengess, | such vessel, a Cortiueate in writing setting furth tingel theu beggeage,. | che healtoy state uf the passengers aod crew, to to prucecd, he stail, | she ead tTkt such veesel may obtain a final disâ€" e or any past of it to | charge frowm Quaraniine, UGut if, on the contrary, ed. * such lnspecting Phytician at Quebee shall find any rucers and lhers, | case of pestilentiai ur infectious disease on board, Nee ut dublers _ | or shall have just cause to apprehond the breaking m e In | ut any mck mt i weal ten Un hi ty wed to reside on the | !9 beist a yollow Ang ut the maia topâ€"gallantâ€"mes nagâ€"wild. atrict cutitiol hoad and shall cause the vessel to return to of t, who will have fay | ¢@main and be detained at the mouth of the River ud Spone "this "Lad l.l Saint Charles for further ubservation and inspec» comysy ance, and ho |* 4, Kumber \efl at Grosse Isie? ets aro reâ€"ombtirked . 5. Have any person or persons been taken sick phip or vessol leayâ€" f «ince you lob?‘ Take J ~ * a~~ pouit or CloamBili of | _ 6. Have any died? w names and havting such vorsel | discase? + | bee. le shulil make | 7. Have any person or pe h‘n board or arded by _ him as | eft your vessol sinse you left wrosso I+le? roube aure vieked, â€">â€" l 8. Mave you apy person on bour( who is lunati¢, ut shail have churge $ diotle, den{ and dumb, biind or inlirm, and are ecemve into the Husptâ€"| uch accompanied by relation« able to suppo t AtHentint tA q#TAaWA TIMEB APRIL o. J > ‘ DARLEY*3 | | Arabian Heave. Remedy | 15, Any person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, any of the foregoing Reg» ulations, shall for every ofence incur and pay & | Fine not exeeeding FOUR UUNDRED DOLLARS, 'wbomul in the manner prescribed by the said Aot; and every persson who, upon conviction ! of any such offence, shall fail to pay the ampunt | of Ane which he shall have boeen condemned to pay, | shail be impÂ¥eoned W§HHt such Fine be paid. * rum- is iwmprove!, all #u; .;';(‘;S..; iigestive organs corrected,‘ 0, ;\ring to the cout a sleak wand m.‘ appearance. tu"v. HURO, O.un-no Hcan clm ‘.ane, ,New York, Bote Propristor for United tates. * NORTHROP & LYMAX, Newoc:.srs, ‘.'.. ___â€"_____> Proprimorsfor the Canadas, 13. All vessels trading between any ports or places within t .e District of Quebec, and not hayâ€" ing toucked at any ports or places without the said District bolow Uresse Isle, nor communicated with iny other vess«l which »hail have urrived from any port without the said district below Grosse Isle, shall 10 exempt from the toregoing rules and reguâ€" lations, so fur as respeets the necessity of going to t stuopping at @rouseâ€"Isle ; nor shall the said rule» and regulations apply to any V&â€"sel of War, or to Iransports or Vessels having zm'm'- Troops on board accompamed by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state, or to any Steamer from Europe, unâ€" less sickness or death may bave occurred during he passage. 12. No steambout shall be allowed 10 proesed to Grosseâ€"Isle sor the purpose of taking on board passengers direct from That Isiand,. without pre viously obtaining from the Collector of Castoms of the Port of Quebes, a written Permit to that effect ; subject nerertheless to the regulations hereinbefore provided. k 14. Noâ€"Vesso!l shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Muntreal, untit all the requireâ€" ments of the foreguing Regulations in reference to such Vessel shali have been fully complied with. from Quarantine ot the Mediout superintcudent at Groseeâ€"1sle, shall be subject to the same regulaâ€" tions and instructions. as hereinbefore provided, respecting vesselsnot discbarged from (Quarantine. The Order in Council, of the #th April, 1866, and all previous orders making Regulations relating to Quarantine, are bereby reroked. 118 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORGENE kAB IX CuUNCIL “flllllll T w REPRE» sented to the Governor Gemeral is Council that muci. inconvedience has been, and is experiâ€" need by certate of the inhabitants of this Province esiding in the visinity of the Qaaadiain Frontier ine, by reason of their being deprived of the priviâ€" ‘ege heretofore emjoyed by thom of naving their «rain prosuce ground at Mills situate on the Ameriâ€" *an side of the Frontier, und reâ€"importing the same ato Canada free of Customs duty, &n @ases where he aloser proximity of such Mills to the residences f such inhabitants, or their greater capacity nade it expedient to resort to them :â€"â€" * It clonuses the bresthing app remov» ag from the air.cells .o‘ m}’-ph. or 1st secretion which in h.udo‘:'tbcn. causing + difficu‘ty in breathing, aud by its sotiqn on the iecased part, causiog lho 29 membrane to esume lis natural dimensions, o zing the ireolation of the blaod, and w reesols to their natural size ; nse rautine at Grosseâ€"Isle, n« having the discharge Whereupon, and on the recommendation of th lonorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" ler the provisions of the seventecnth chapter of the ad at all times, and loses not prevent the horse rom being worked while using it _ _ _ ‘rovinee into the United states to be ground, and wought back into this Province~within one week Rer such whedt or grain has been so taken out to e ground, shail be, and the same i= hereby oxâ€" «mpted trom the payment of Custouts dutivs ; proâ€" ided always that such grain be first duly reported utwards at the nemrest Custom House hefore exâ€" wrtation for the special purpose herein referred to, ind that the identity of the dou: or meal, the proâ€" inee thereof, be «worn to on its importation into "is Provinee. 11. Auy Steambout or other vessel that »ball | rave towed or otherwise communicated with a vesâ€" ol of the clase of vessols liableâ€"to make their Qua | it a Council held in the Cuy «f Montreal on Saâ€" :«.mmdc--u-. His Excelleney in ouncil has been pleased to order, and it is hereby rdered that uny dour or meal, or other produce of ny wheat or grain grown in and taken out ot this Omerte, Fob. 6, 1861 hem 312f Etoorage passengers? Crow ? turday, the ®th doy of December, 1864 PRESEST W. A. HIMSWORTH, Asst: C. E. C. W, A. HTMSWORTH, Aust C. E. C L uns 7 sthae., & a lkvu.:lmd 4 or 5 doten Burners during the past waek, which f“ groat eatisfaction in all cases, they can with confidence recommend this change. Good Canada Rock Oil Ottawa, January 28, 1867 wonderfal cures of n‘l-&}:fi disease, have made it kpown throughout the civilized m‘ ‘the earth; Few are the communities, or even among them who havre not some personal un&k‘:‘d lucfloeb.: some living trophy in their midet victory over uie and Iruperams dhorder® of the Throst 2nd Hings Wl have appointed Mr. J. LESLIE, | Sparks Street, sole Agent for ale of above I Watches, and cantion the publicâ€"against being im= f posed upon by Watches marked " Makers to the | Queen," but which are not manufactured by us. | THCMAS RUSSELL & sSON, | London end Lizerpoot, May 31, 1866 â€" 139y : M public that baving been applied to by a large num ber of the citizen« of Ottawa to have their They have made arrangements to do «o at a «maill cost per bgzur. and â€" without injuring the Ga# Burner or Chandelier. Po% 37} ots. per CG<tallon. In cans containing Five Galions; and Chimneys by the dozen very low. Pennsylvania Rock Oil. « top of W# â€"mewith, Your Sarespari cured bhay io five weeks. . Apother w ondary aymiptoms in his mod exbon WAY @ Csideraile FII. 6 cwsorder ewaild anon reach his brnin ar yleided 10 y @dministration Of you ulcers d he de welliigmin. not some disf to his fro@, _A won treated f kame dieor d}:’{ mer from thie n her bonesy (They : sltive to m|.- d ernciatimg in ber Joinf@ and boi cured ent t;v your >arsaparilia 4 know . mula, which your ag this from your Inborator Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. INDEPENDENCE, Preston Co., Ya.. (th July, 1850. Pr. J.C, Arin: $ir, I bave been aftlicted with a painâ€" ful chronie Mhemmetâ€"am for a long thme, which buffied the skill of physiciens, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies 1 could find, until 1 tried your Sargaparilia. Oue bottle cured M# in two weeks. and restored my general health so much that 1 am far beiter than Lefore 1 was attacked. 1 think it a wonderful mediclue. J. FRKAM. do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, 4 _ _of the Discase. _ This is a remed iversally known to surpars other for the m.’J"n.'::.- ndlim m.:hhm\h is useless here to publish the evidence of its v:rn. unrivalled excsllence for roughs and colds, and ite t Which nWa unrivalled, eupplied in any quantity 5*s:0 .0 BEACH & co., louple t coo) i. .. 0tBparks Street. the use of this remedy, but our «pace »gace here will not adniit them. Some of them m:;‘!t. and in our Amt-rl::n YoRr THE RAPID CUKE or Coughs, Colds lrlu. Hoarseness, (‘r‘o-;. Iro.'el tis, l:c.l'plo-l Conâ€" l-.-,Fon, .-d“fu ;h:hn-o.lut o-r. ‘m a * m m .‘L'_:‘:;_._!':‘,l“ ¢ oval It o yeark! this Preparation from your ) remwdy ; consequently, these with it have not surprised me, Â¥raternally yours, And for the speedy. cure of the following compiaisits : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affections.s uoi Tumers, Jicers, bores, Eruptions, kpln. Pustules, Blotches, Boils, ns, and all Siin Diseases. +__* Qakrasp, lnd.‘ 6th June, 185 °. J. €. Aror & Co, Geote: 1 feelit my duty to acâ€" I-nmdf: what your raréapmilla bas doue fur wo, llntw herited a Scrofuious infedticn, I hate £ufered trom it in various ways t«-rl[:-n. Rometimes 1t burst out dn Uices on my hands und ; sometimes i turBed Juward and distressed me u.:;:nwn-eh. ‘Iwo years sgo it Linke ont on my lI:l‘l and covered my scaip and with one spre. which whe paluful and loathsowo b-ya‘-«n;.r-u-. 1 tried many imedicibes and rveral physiciau«, bot without much reitel from any thirg. Jn fact, th# disorder grew worse,. . At length 1 was rstolood to read In the wospel Messenger that you had prepared :: alterative (Sansapariiln) for 1 knew from your n puta« m that woy thing you made must be pood, +1 seut to Cinclpnath and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 took it, as you advise, in small doses of a tearpoontul over m mouth. aod used almost three botWes, â€" New and ben: hy skin soon begun to form under thescab, which after m while foll off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the discase bas goue from my system. You can well believe that 1 foel what I am saying when 1 tcil you, that 1 hold you to be one of the apuosties of the ngo, aod remaio ever gratefuily, Yours, , ALFK®D 8. TALLEY, 8t. Anthony‘s Fire. Rose or ‘rrslnoln. Totter and Salt Blo-blo. d Mead, Ring worm, Sqre,Eyes, Dropsy. _ f _ Dr Roi~rt M. Proble writes frotm Ealem, N. Y., 12th Z;E; 1st9, 7ll:m'mfid n;‘lu;'mn‘ case of p6), Whaich to termi by the prw-w'dol nse of our Sarsaparilia, Hdonx;nmm Mabgmant Iryspelas by large doses of the same; #ay* he cures the common Zruptions by it constantly. Brouchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Prepazed by Dr.J. 0. AYEZR & 0O., Lowell, Mass. Lencorchcn or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, fle-no Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Chanaing, of New) Â¥ork Olty, writes ; * 1 Sarsaparillia snen e SaProitty d * Wubnthat ies 26th, 1807 3840w9y D«. J. C. Aven: ®r, T cheerfully comply with the reâ€" rera ".‘W;on&-ndm-nwynu-d the effects rv« poskized with o . cva amred i ioh Hr ET wocet of the comâ€" GAS FIXTURES CHANGED | hi« throwt, Which were e@twaming hi« palate and the ‘ ‘.l.‘_hnh._.'q)-. \T.-'mrg--%\h“ steadily -kul- [obmton Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes ; "Three botâ€" + of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goi/re=a hidâ€" is swillin> on the neck, which I bad suffered trom GAS SUPERSEDFED ! C:CF & L. C®IIXI, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD HE SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform the jorilia u«. the, l p tag, and i c n.l-v lnnl.' nt:"-m;‘ m‘:fll‘: mptom of the ditease n-m& 8y philis and Mercurial Disease. Cc > â€"\Wew Ornsans, 2ith August, 1850, for which it ts reécommended, and have found it ‘craty wtedfogint in the aihe or Pihirent aue hiis Migar. _ One of my patient« had Ryphilitle ulcers Imow, too. the effertee Our physician thoufht nothing but extirpa t «fford rétlef. but be advised the trial of on NOTPTICE: on to hi« fna;l\ woman who bud Lo same dieo merenry was Sufleriug Jn ber bon '7I{||ey had become so men« m‘- day she suffered ex« in ber Joluld and bones. Fhe, t6o, wast by your sarsaparilia in a few weeks. I rmula, which your agent gave me, that ) from your Jaboratory must be a great uently, there truly remmkable resulw WILL BE SCPPLIED 4 #0 A8 TO USt 0. Y. LARIMER, M. D. Liver Complaint. v was attagked by secâ€" nd the ulgeration lad it, o that T belisve the n and kifl hi. hm‘l.h" your >ubmparilin: the . not of gourse without woman who bud Lo merenry wius Sufleriug 22â€"3mâ€"d w 1 0n +. | February 23, 1867 «* Boards of Health," and in ace rdance with varâ€" jous Byâ€"laws of the Ci y of Uttawa, have deemed ‘ it advisable that immediate steps should be taken | for cleansing the City. sFas | Now Kuow Yo that I, ree of all charge, monthly, by _ _ _‘ Burgoymabridgel and Squire 16 “-Af'll.,m. 220y snx-.l Instraments, Patent Medicines op Fittings, A Drysalterios, Perfume*y, Dye Goods, Drugs, _Colors, : WHEREAS, it will greatly conduce to the healil. and somtort of the Citizens of Ottawa generally, ty have the City cleaned of all filth and nuisances : And whereus the introduction and spread of Cholâ€" era, Ty phus and other contagious discases is, and wilcertainly be influenced by the sanitary conâ€" dition of the city : And whereas 1807 : And L bereby give noticeâ€"that the Chief of Polico and the Comstabulary of this City are enâ€" joined to proceed, at once, to have all Privy Pits, Cerzpools, &0., thoronghly cleanseil, and to #eo this or#er carried into efect, and «ll and every .person of persons disobeying or neglocting to observe the #@me, on or before the Twenttcth day ot April, 1897, will be punished actording to law. GIVEN ander my hand at the City of Ottawa this 22nd day of Muroh, A. D. 1867; f ROBERT LYON, 0- the recommendation of the Honor= P able the Acting Ministor of Finance and unâ€" der and in virtue of the muthority given and sonâ€" ferred by the Act 29, 30 Vic., Cap. 7, His Excelâ€" lency in Councél has been pleased to order, and it is hereby @rdefed that subject to the provisions of the said ““ the conditions, regulations and resâ€" trictions established and imposed by the Order in Council of the 24th day of september, 1866, and to such further regulations as may hereafter be made by competent authority, Liconse« may be granted to manufactare in Bond, the un@ermentione@t arâ€" ticles, that is to say : ¢ 7 Acetic Acid, Aceti¢ Ether, w Batyric «* __ Chlorie * â€" Nitrous .« Bulphuric « Chloroform «* * Collodian « Homan‘s Anodyne, Talapin, hk + «_ Podophyllin, Lap Tundrin, A Spirits Ammonia Aromatic, Compound Spirf@ of Lavender, ; Do do of Juniper, ©Medicinal! Winctares of all kinds, ‘_Cordial«, Bittors, Syrups, § Compeunding of Brandies, . Gin (commonly called old Tom) other Gin and Under and by virtue of the Powers conferred npon themâ€" by v:r.ilon‘ Acts of Purliament, emobl_ilh‘ng ROBERT LYON, Mayor of the City of Oitawa, dow hereby order and direct, that all Yards, Cellars, , Syables, Outhouses and other Buildings anc Enâ€" J cl\uuru, Lamnes or Alleys, shall be thoroughly | clent-odnf all Filth, Dirt, '.\'ightmil. or other imâ€" | puritics by the owners or persons« occupyirg the | s athe, s pubi Net incorporated by any Statute of this Province, bave not published the statement of their Assets and liabilities ;# Amount of Capital Stock ; Amount paid thereon ; Nature of Asscts ; 3 * _ Amount of losses; d | due and unpaid ; _ |‘ *~_ adjusted and not duei * , in surpense and waiting for forther proof ; $ y resisted, and for what cause ; * Amognt of all other claim» again«t the comâ€" + nany ; 4 Amount of promiyins carned and uncarned 2 during the past year ; . The whole as required by the Act 23 Vio., cap. 33, see. 11. sEsea s NOTICE is hereby© given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not complying with the #aid Act fre iable to the For such lefault, as provided in the said Act NT : ms’sxcm,'m: ADMINISTRA ‘TOR OF THE GovERXMEXT o IX COUNCIL: > 3T6tH Ottawa, Mar Ottawa, March 22 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANI®S l)RO('L.\MATl(!.". Poall W homait May Concern Glassware, Medicine Chosts, Thirty thousand prices of the abore forwarded NOMPLAINT having been made that / certain # PENALTY OF $1.000, Seotch and [rish Whiskeys Proprietary preparations, Patent Medicines, Resinoids, Chemicals, ; Pharimaseutical Preparation:s, Auline Dyoe; i Hair Oils, ’ Hair Washe« Powdore. TY or DDRUGS®, &6e. fore the 2016 day of April, Tho Board of Health ‘vé Aw exI "€ 4 0 5 j»"" .-:.I’ ‘JL ‘\ y 2e dfig PV "LSKL: Hylpl * As# GovERN ME Orrawa, Pharmacentical Preparations Photographic Gundries, _ Ot taw JOWN SIMPSON _ Wy. H. LEE, Clerk Executive Council AOVANCE NT HOUSI AssisrAxt Auprror 367dw9 if th Febroary, 1867 Acpir Orricr Pobraary 19, Chicf «f Police S8Ou *) (;:/'& it fl‘i L 4~. cithU®} May Mu MEDICAL U‘"; BC W‘l&m“ “'n:'- w'i:’“‘: V 'u:‘.m':&nmmlw" ¢ | By Her Majesty‘s Commund, | . I haverto instruct you to take whatever stop: may | appear to you most likely to give publicity to this ‘ Warrant | Now know ye, that We of our crpecial Grace, certain.knowledge, and more mytion, hare thought it hereby to siguify Oar Moyalâ€"Will and Pleasure l that the said Decoration~imay .be conferred on | wach person« atoresaid, who may be qualifed to " receive the same in accordance with the Rules and Ordinances malle, ordained, and established by Us l for the government thereof, by Our eaid recited Warrant, and We do by theso Presentsfor Us, Our | Meirs and Sucocesore, ordain and appuint that | sball be competent for such ‘persons utoreeaid to ; Obtain the said Decoration in the manner set forth | in the Rules and Ordinances referred to, or in‘ 20 | cordance with such further Rules and l)rdl:um us may hereafter be made and promuigateq by Us, | Our leirs u‘n-em, for the ‘olf‘om.w of the said Decoration, provided that it be established in any case Mm&non was serying with Our Froops, under| the ors of. a General or other Othcer, under cireamstances which. would entitle an Uibcer or Soldier of Our Army to be recomâ€" ; monded for the said Docoration, in accordance with | the Rules and Ordinanses prescribed in Our said cofs, ordain and appoint that the said Decoration may aleo be ao&mfl, in accoerdance with the Rutes and Ordigancet precoribed in Our vaid recited ! Warrant, and subject to the provisions mloresaid, wulllllq by a Warrant ander Our . Royal dign Manual, countersigned by one of Our Princip.l Secrctaries of State, and bearing d ite at‘Our Courts it Buckingham Palace, the 29th day of Januaty,{/185»6, in the nineteenth year of Our Reign, We did constitute and create a new Naval and Military Decoration, to be‘styled and designated the Victoria Cross, which Decoration We expressed Our desire should be highly prized and cagerly sought after by the Officers and Men uf Our Nayal and Military Sorvices, and did also make, ordain, and establish the Rules and Ordiâ€" nances therein get forth for the government of the same, to be thenceforth: invioiably: observed and kept: 0_ s f vs 4# rl\lm SUBSCRIBER Bas Just rrteised a fine sssortinent of genuine Farina Cologne, in varket and plain, * Lubin‘s Poifdmeos, Piver‘s Perfurnes, ; 3 The Subscriber boga o cal) the artentich of Phyâ€" gicians practising in the conhtry to hi« barge and coul sleve stock lot _ . ts NIs EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRAâ€" TOROP THE GOYERNXMEXT t :+ f TNX "COUNCIH. ~* wnnn.lju it is expedient that the are ticle known as Lock Spindle Iron, used in the manufzsetuts of Spindies for Door Locks, should, though unenumerated in any of the Schgdules to the Act, 20th ful 30th Vietoria, Cap. 6, be held and deémed ts be and be included in the exemp tion from Casthmeâ€"daly ersated in favor of \Rud Iron, with whigh the #ame shou}d properly be clasâ€" sifed. | His Fxcelismy in Council on the recommenda tion of the Hopborable the Acting Minister of Fin ance, and under the authority conferred by the 17th Chay. Con Stat. Can. bas been pleased to orde: and declare, and it is heroby ordcred and declared that square Rud Iron used in the manufacture of Spindles for Door Lockg, shall be and the same i; "nereby dochr-#l to have been since the passing oi the Act first abore mentioned, exempt from the payâ€" ment of Custonis duty on importation into this Pro And whereas during the progress of the operaâ€" tion: which We have undertaken against the In surgent Nativetribes in our Colony of New Zealand, it has happened thatâ€"persons serving in the Local Forces of ur saidâ€"Colony bave performed deeds of gallantry, in consideration of which they are not, according to the strict provisions of Our said recited Warratit, eligible for this high distinetion : on such persons who may lbe‘ qualified to receive Lhuunpi.n accordance lnk. the said Rules and Ordinanges, as may hereafter be employed in the HID EXCELLENCYâ€" THE ADMINXISTHAâ€"q Prockville, is ingetof a°0 _ TOR OP THE GOYERXMENT [ > dudebes aogais , >, . ‘| INCOUNCIL, | | . and all point« West, 05 the recommendation of the Monore | NIEL _ do _ do able.tho Commissioner of Public Work», and ‘ Accommodation Train f under,and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" Intermediate Stai« rervred by the 25th Chap. of the Con, Statates of | Trams for Lachine at Canada, His Excoilency in Council has been pleasâ€" | Nood, 2.00 P.M., 5.4 ed*to Order, &ud it is heroby ordered that the The 5.00 P.M.. Train Bridge recontly vrected over the River Gatincau, | . _ GoING sov in the Township of Hull, by the 'T"m of | Bxpr!"re'h_\' Railway th Public Works, h and the same is hereby transferâ€" & York, Boston, and red, conveyed made evor to the municipality Poiuts, connecting" of the said ‘Townebip of Hull, and that the followâ€" | _ Y*"®St Centrsl J recited Warrant, and Eovl‘-d mlsoâ€"such person thall be recommended for it by such General or uther Officer : / ; Aud We do furtber forus, Our Heirs and Succesâ€" eofs, ordain and appoint that the eaid Decoration _ Drugs, Ch¢micals, and Pharmaceutical :"‘“""“" vave. Eis Preparations. 4 | *z Country Mershants will be supplied with | ! @wa, November of Oils, h-'evfm'n«, Patent t;ediein;:, ’Dy-â€"t‘nl-, ete., [ ropnsicos at wholesale prices, and on the most favorable LOrmg, t P § > % Toz inz Echedule of the rates of Toll be levied and col leoted on the sgid Dridge, that is to sayâ€" For cach #pan of horses and dosble wazon, «i VICTORIA PL' VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United 3 l\'infdmn of Great Britain and ILreland, * Queen, Defender of the Faith. To all to whom these Presents shall come, NMLIEDICAL; ELAILTI, Cirociar. _ (Cu‘n,.) I have much pleasure in transmitting to you a Copy of a Wartrant, issued under the Royal Sign Manual, under which the decoration of the Viotoria Cross may be conferred on persons serving in the Leal Forces, which are or thay bereaficr be raizod in any of Her Majesty‘s Colonics. (Signed) The Officer Administerâ€" ing the Gorernment of Canada.| 3T6H WARRANT fur ertending the Victoria Cross to the Loca! Fortrs in New Zealand and iwihe Ooloâ€" nies, and their Dependencies generatly. > Given at Our Court, at Osborse House, Isle of 14 °. Sparksâ€"Streot, Nair Hrushes, > Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushos, a Dreesing 28, Sparks*â€"8treet. Gregting U‘)\'I".RX.\IE.\"[ HoUS raWaA, Weqnegday, Fob. 2 OvYERNMENT HoT | :~, W. M. MASSEY, _ | Family and Dispensing Chemist | *8, Mparks stre W. M. MASSEY, Family and Dispensing Chemist, * *8, Sparksâ€"»troet I have the bqnor to he Dowsiac Stkxe1, 9th Fob., 1867 We Clerk Excecutive Courcil Your most obedient, or x, two cont» r ca {, une cent. A Y Wax. H. LEE wW, H. LE1] t single wagon Humble Servant, . CARAAR.YON UX Turkish Towels, CHANGE of TImg Oftawa and Prescott Raibray, 0: and after TUESD A Y , vember, 1866, and upti! f vt will rup as follows : d DkPakTCEK . From Ottewa, T.50 am | i: m Returne tickct wa at reduced r tions on th sine Tus Oftarma â€" teâ€"Printed and Publisbt Trer? moraing,, (Suodays «xcepted) M low ud cÂ¥A Ad cmmntarngnt‘y i We from in thieâ€"matter, beving sertod 2P Harooghiy, aud |therefore those who #m safferizg from any of the complaints for which it it recoumended may depond upon its being a Bore RemeUy. 9 * T astoniehing effcaey of the Cenndian PP Déstroyer, in curing disonees for which it is t and its wonderful success in gubduinf parns of Rbeumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints, . Order® 46 coming in from Medicine Dealere in al} parts of the country for further eupplios, and each testifying #* to the universal uusr' action it gires. i ienanon ts mitie, "Penien 1 everne : P « Physicians orderand use it ; ‘D‘l’“""’:'f without it after once trying it. t Price twentyâ€"five cents per bottle. _ _ _,. taws. â€" _Ottawa, Feb, 5, 1867 Grand IrgnIS‘ nanlwg ‘Enmbaa; B0 by Geo. Mortimer, Jobn Massey H. F. MoCarthy, aad 3 Iimy «®prees ply to JOB MUiskS, Sole Prepricter, NP ."'\' xomkor & finx. o ] Newen»tie, C.M. Bold »ha.-p Mortither, Jobn Roberte, W. M Massey) Â¥. McCarthy, and Jureph Skipner, is aW & | IgNO PARTIKE® ABOUCT TO BUILD»â€"â€" PULMONLC s {FERB A-fl‘uo“mpflh:fidmw~ coveries ptands the 5ol THI: ORIGILNAL MEDICIXE ESTABâ€" lished in 1857, lost »rticle wf the kind ever introddced ‘undr‘r“:'.ar nume «of «Puimanc Wafers," in this or any other country; all «ther *[monic Wafers are avunterfoas. The gevuive ,, be known by thename RY AX being etamped * WAFER Bryan‘s Pulmyni¢ Wojers Relieve m%u. Colds, Fure Momrrenes ryan‘s Pulmonic WeJee 5 Relicye Astbms, ithe.> Di Breathing DBryaws Waiew Reliove Spiiting of Pains in the Ches . h ~ Bryan‘s Pulmanic Wajere Relieve Incipiant Consumption. Lang Discaser Are. ada for Voealists and Public !# wfl',flu'n Pulmonic Wafers Are in nluy}i la-;é pleasant to the taste. rynn‘s P ie WeaYers Not only ‘telieve but effeid nfll_@l““ CARAOLAN PalA 2ESTROVE! May 26 East End Dalyâ€"st., Otiawa n Bryon‘s mc Wafow * Rolieve Inritation of Uvula and Tonsile. !fq& P ic Wafers Relieve the -bm‘. o aints 'i_. ; miputes. m @ Are m blessing to all .and Constitutions Lrgou‘s 1 se Wafers °> Are warrantes to give to every «06 No tamily should be without a box ot Beyen‘s Pul ie Wayere ~ in the T . Ne traréller should be without a supply of * Bryon‘s Pulmonic Wajers = & in his ts No person will ever object to give * " Bryan‘s P Walers . J M . Feanmate Twe Cont#.: ; KJs LA4I®, 1N â€" iN MiXUTES y â€"~~â€" BRYIA N‘ _ _J. PRENNINXGTON lafn:luu. | e B:nnu. &e. Montreal Tnlw:qob ildings, Ottewa. Ottaw | 23rd March. i 8 9f. Stzeet, in the City of Osrieton, O.W . Ottawa Feb. 6, 1867 Gzores Corrox,s Proprictor, at 4 Steam Printing Works, Xo. 60, MMER 4RRANGCENENT3, Brockville, Kingston, Believilie, T ronto, Gueljh, Brantfor fiu-!uirl., Buffalo, Detroit, Chica» UCO abue o 055 0+ 2â€"000", al., and 6.3 he 5.00 P.M.. Train raps throughto P1 .« _ GOING N\l';“ AND EAsT rese by Kailway throughout for New York, Boston, and al} Intermediate Points, connecting t /St. Johne with VerwSut Centr:l vad,at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Borâ€" lington Ruilrond, nleo with the Lake Champlain bomts for Lake Uoorge, Baratoga, NOW Youk &eefo. Prevared by April 1 y AXD Armen @xDaY.3AY 140 Trains will leave Bopaventure Statio® *# fol T MODERATE RATES 0N FIRSTâ€" CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap Money to Lend GoING soUTH axp BEA OF CANADA. RAILROQAD»% * rt.t.\'s. SPECIFICATIOXS, ESTIMATES. &c gdenshurgh, Ottawa Pes OeR PC NORTHROP & LYMAX. Newcastle, C ®# y \General Agents for Câ€" L P AUGU=TUS LAVER ) â€"d¢ppampriere . a cut Â¥ig¢ v d b fig € A.NM., #.00 A 0/1". M., and 6.30 bs throughto P1 Kingeton ar DPTLO® the j the ARRIVa), ecked &\ unk Rail Azcurrecr 35050# *7th Now dticg tiigg %50dw6m 800 A.M, 815 PX 97M 20 n Way Pm a zed «Yet Ds &‘l 1® All

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