imafgecic~3 41. 107 _ TE* OfROE Vexshtls, exc pt the Canosdian "Muil | Steamors, which th and dering the eight months noxt fo} ing thp‘ First day of April in each awhd every . yp shalll artive a.rm-thun..,m-uy ird or ports, place a* places in Europe or olawhere Way lof that part of the River St. Lawrence, which is |â€"betow Grosse Isle, and which shall have atibe time their said arrival, or shail have. at | durin thoir passage from the plases they ively ¢leared any person on board laboring Aslatic: Chal. Seaer We o ce o uo s ‘essel, or thing, who or which has auugu.._an lbonqcin-_..h tions ha‘re been complied with in 1 ""%V-u'lqm..,,, PÂ¥ 8R mission of the Oficer ,_p"‘"', C J""“‘ passing or departure, may be com or be carried bg% to the said Stati “Mry." N <e* Now therefore it is ardorei by the Governor Goneral in Council: / 1. That all Ships and other Vess Canedian"Muil ° Steamors, which daring the eight months noxt f31 day of April in each ahd every yeu Mub Th s oo ke L 1 ties necessury for .carrying the sa wl fl&“flylfluï¬&u&- y deplas any such Oficer or persons shall b virthe . <lice or employment be a Justice oflthe CM&PMO.Q:&!O Isle{ an anid Quarantioe Statih ‘and for t i the same described in such Regat ons, gnd Oficer shall accordingly be such ustil® . Poace or Peace Oficer whether he e nc lifed or not : And by such Rogu! G nor in Council may impose face {not exse Four hundred Doltars in any case, dn per; u'u-h.cbcn-ond-uy provide that |th l-‘-y-ldlbilm «ntil fine be -J.aydinon.luu"uul all be crtire cleared at the Port of Quebes or of s all the requirements of such Regulations : complied with, and may dirost any iPa tigs m e ® At said Station and ut the places there out by the OfGcer therounto authorized by the ations 2y or all of the Passengers, Crow, or other artigles on board such Vosnel, &s Officer thinks necessary for preventing ths idn of contagious or infectious disease,â€" allow such Passengers, Crow, Cargo and other arti , and also the'nlqu he gaid station and u-d’luulbummpeu y, and to be io treated cleansed,and purified as the loer shall mmum bysuch h'ahucu,hamhc-ue ‘may assign to the soveral Officers and persons th be employed «t a.-.uo--‘mu..m.,m wets and ' threes srmes s s * I every part thereof, and the Passe «ud crew flllo‘ll"unhtufld.u the same, â€"and to answer truly ail questions of him tourhing the same,â€"and to sead an u... . B * °7 °* e same, and to the V. +, Ps gars and Cargo thereof required ‘by such 1 lations any Oficer duly (og : tlc-lowmu.,.-.._.““ bw the "'flnr\ovhu‘ub’“‘ in | Vesset every part thereof, and the ’“% ud anil the cargo and other articles on thke a tive to the same, and to tions, and report such Vessel in writit ser at the said Station designated for, in such Regulations, with all the TT Vimes or seasons, in which they shall lmtot-u.dhydus.‘... and" at the h“mmuu' h'%h‘" been limited to be in force : * ahd such Reguâ€" lations the Governor in Council require the faster of overy Vessel coming River St, Lawredce from below the Quar Stution at Gizoase Isle, (except only such Vessqls as &re thereâ€" in designateid and reforred to as J ~46 bring his Veasel to anchor ‘ut the ut the aaik stead;" and u'ï¬eh Wn. i/ have the hflh-hhcu.u-.“.’ m"l’ 4 main unrevoked, unless they be 1y limited “hhm‘bï¬ï¬‚u."m me of at cerâ€" tain times or seasons, in which they shall have the force of law during the and" at the Winnmetiels s cul o d id c time to time revoke,‘alter c tions or any of them, and ephiPnbbipingicbeca hist‘nsicsicce ..A i Act, and for ensaring the due periormunce of rantine, by and in respect of Vessels, Passers ts and ‘Gaode oyhhgothdOuho.h hich he thinks it right for the preservation of the ic Health, nhtmhlogilnh--lnnd. » and for the thotough cleansing and disinfecti of such Vezâ€" provent as far a« M&.&-m ot dissentination uf“ discase into or in this Province. knd mav f..... HIS EXCELLENCY tHs8 Ap NIsTRATOR , «_ OF THEGOVRRXMEXT ry COUXNCIL â€" . HEREASY by the F Chapter of the Wc....m 3«-“;- of C d?.‘ intituied An Act respecting Emigrants and { int, 10 is amongst other things enacted, that The Governor h&-l;-n’h.duuthn ake such reguâ€" Jations as ‘he: thinks proper for onfor com pli. ance with all the réequirements of Act, ndfor’; ensaring the due periormunce of Fantine. be HIB EXCELELENCYT tug NISTRAToI 0®F PME aovERNMEXT 1y corxen. WV SE SS it Natbeen rereasen oo uorere t .. â€" ment in Council through the the Commissionâ€" * or of Crown Laads, that Gold h been discotered, adhhï¬bniflhvm of the Townâ€" ~_._ shige Rereinafier named, and whoreas it is expedi ; ~~me SNF ts ut c o0 0 C000 I 220 =C permited HIS EXCELLEXCY ThE NISTRATOR)Y portions of the sar OF THE GOYVERNXMEXT 1Â¥ cor xor.. ‘:"{.:::: passports N he recommendation of Honorable aaice a* 03-! ng Minister of Finance, h«uon‘eyui’; t 1. w Councithas been pleased to order, and it is heréby | fn, Establishmen erdered that Serap Metal _of all ‘Xinds, though not of a Medical Superia «pecialy mentioned in the List of authorized o-dyd.fl"o.._&n by the Act 20 20 Vie, Cap. 6; to imported into | four boatmen. The . Mï¬-dmm.* be and the same by viitue of Ris ofic in hereby authorized to be im into this Proâ€" | within the limits of vinceor taken out of wareliquse consumption | hereinbefore describe Mï¬-d‘m.}uh f the provisions the Quarantine duly ; of the 5th section of the 17th charter of the Consoâ€" pose shail have full â€" lidated Statutes of Canada. ./ "I offente reack ahn . 397 4t 7 EmmE 4 2 CHe the Township of Belmont, and Towns) the County of Peterborough, situhte north TM,‘M).;&.‘. BFame is Mudtohlflddlhhgm ien for 4 parposes of the said Act, underthp name of * Quinte Gold Mining Disizion," © s | â€"__ W. A NDwortu, o 00. w i Ed * CPeame recommendation of t "o Hon. the Commisgioner of| Crovwn Lands, and unuer and imviftusofthe a ity given and conferred by the In4 section of 0 Act 27 and 38 \ Vie. Cap:.9, has been therefore pléased to order, Axb it 1 wakeny Onnere», that tract of Counâ€" try camprised within apd ing the Townships j f Battie, Clarendon, Pala Miller and North and South Canonto, in the Count of Frontenae;/the | Townships in the County of frow, situated north of the Towaships of Milter Canouto, the Townships in the County of Addi . sltuate north f of the Townships of Shetisld and ie; the Townâ€" in the C of Hastings, « ate north of the 'T:':dip o(.;i.yduy. Thurlo® 4nd Teanar... [ Wold Mining Act Wintomek Prow oh. in th Townships shooli e broaght wiier ""m‘ in(‘wueu. t 1 No Hon. the Commisgioner GovERryyexTt 1t !'I.P‘Mdlkd t to the said . and QUABANTIQIE vâ€"and to sead on shoré‘ at 1e periormunce of Quarantine, by of Vessels, Passea ts and "Goods > Port of Quebec, to which he thinks peeservation of the (Public Health,, ilations should a .lulforunl sing and disinfecti o(.uh\'n-l Passengers, so as prévent as far I-won or d enfination of htNraniuo, may from roke,‘alter or ame, ..J,m ‘h-,u make u\hm uch Regulations U have the bclhu..n., J vely reâ€" I“h’h '7JW Uhhclc-hh’ or at cerâ€" asons, in which they shalt | law during the and at the | I aovERyareyt nouse,, ‘Ottawa, 21st) March, 1867. ~_+_ Prasest, * s LENCY THE AbDMIXNISTRAToR IOVERNMENT IN|COUNCIL . 2::;‘“’2“0- Ch:r«onho ‘ es B s LK L “h‘ may provide that ithe of. ed until ) fine be paid, Veasol be entbred or ‘zebes or of . until uch Regulations afo fully direct any % which has or de» r.'- the d (Qn ing quirement ¢f such Re ‘ d with in respebt f such ‘ t without perâ€" designated i Thursdry, subject to PRESEXT ipélled to return ‘&.Ifld y foree ich is |â€"botow the timeof:heir during | their ively ¢leared Aslatiq: Chol. Me & Or , or on of & such pas hun« «A. HTMSWoRTH, Agst.C. B. ( ively ¢leared Aslatiq: Chol. Me & Or , or on of han hun» on board £3 or authorige such nHoUse, OTTtaAw a , st doylo/ Moreh. the or a Isle{ and the Around ons, dnd such ustis¢ of the ““:q“' qua> oas Gover~ y detlate that "eretore |pleased to order, ®», that the tract of Counâ€" I i lh,nuu'. h Miller and North J 0 County of Frontenacythe | ty of frow, situated & Millor Canouto, the of Addi situate north old and Barric; the Townâ€" atings, s{tuate north of the .ll‘h' T’-.“'.‘.' , and Townships in gh, situkte north of the and the |samo is hereby | ing Division for all, the | under thh name of « 7%» | ; Exdelloncy exseeding the ulations be and the same E‘rl&o this Proâ€" consamption er the provisions of his Bs con nelim 0 k. eereie t O TT EVAE ts W oseer silip «e vessel *., Provinee, except on Grosso Isle aforesaid recommendation | 4@iy, required by compoetent antbority. Ctotn Lands, and | ~2. That ail sh ps, and vessole which hen ity given ang | and during the eight months aforesaid, shall 0 Act 27 ang 3s | Mtthe Port of Quebec, from any port er p ‘!l"..d to order, “"lW'. place or piaces, or elsewhere as at. P B Loo 0 o CdOOee eoepetier + | or tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, f shall have on board fifly or more Stectage Passenâ€" | gors or which shall have come from some infected OTrAw L > Port, «bail muketheir Quarahtine at Grosse lsle in diavvy of Meiich 1867 the River St. Lawrence, and therd remain and conâ€" o s s t s P chaany wntil auch shipsor vessels shall be discharged < } from Quarantine, by such liceuse or passport, NISTRATOR | and ï¬::{u“, given without fee ur emolument of I® corxcn. any kind, as shull be directed or permitted by such ‘to His Ex. | Orders as shall bo made by the Governor, with the | dt the wovern~ | advice ofthe Exccutive Council thereof ; and wntit | the Commission. | the said ships and vessels shall respectively have | been discotereq, | Performed such Quarantine, and shail be discharged of the Tow». | therefrom by such ticenge or passport and dis as it is expecdi. | Ch&rgo &s aforesaid persons, gouds or merchand:2e l the said â€"soverar |Wbich shail bd on board such â€"ships or vessels, lor the operation, | $Ball not come or be brought on shore, or go or be | rovisions of ..m‘m“bounlnf.-'vah.- MO" Severand W int ue unc 1y L _ c_1 _ _ NP POR e PrIEE . L the reception of the heaithy and those‘free from pestilential disonses, agd he shall be careful tha all such porsons shallâ€" be landed at such places res pectively, He shall have medical chargo of at cabin passengers who do not disembark, and whe uybohb;.h.ndonqy otherthan pestilontial ot Whuihou.; and shall order ail passengers and persons on board any such ship:or vessel who shall labour under any pestilential or infoctions digs F #ase, to be landed with thcirlunmnmrdingtglho foregoing regulation. NSE lb“‘lwl“lu]tnnmwbuhl in all casge ofslight disoase which are not by these reguilations #pecially required to be treated on llcn.hl'lnlt‘.lbo deemed advisable not uumw'-mm Island. Hoe shall vhnnunql is cleansed, ventilated and NMM“Man on board the 7 mrnluynhpwnmnn«sou DL3 __ _ c3 0 â€"â€" ReCXEentIkt of Infection and who aroto be landed at that part island set apart for such treutment, (rom do not require such troatment, and whe landed at that part of the suid island sot the reception of the heaithy and those‘ pestilential disonses, agd he shall by oa; stvewiw cil; ! wie adt 44c 1 _ _ o2 _ CAE AOK ADREE _ fig the recoption of the heaithy and thosoe‘ free from pestilential disonses, agd he shall be careful that all such porsons shallâ€" be landed at such places res~ pectively. He shall have medical chargo of alt cabin passengers who do not disembark, and who uyhltm‘ud-rw otherthan pestitential or | hluthnllnuo; and shall order ail pumgcn; and persons on board any such ship: or vessel -h, shall labour under any pestilential or infoctions digs t Ollo.hbowvhhthoirhul‘olomtdinglgtho O foregoing regulation. NSE ' llooldlclnldhdtnu-cuoabuhl in all casee ofslight disoase which are not hw thac. | i gere to be landed, distinguis to be troated for pestitentiat and who aroto be landed a island set apart for such trey do not require such troat men *J 10. Dut you or any of the ship‘s Lo-pny or pag» A | sengers, with‘ or . without your privity or consent, @ | land at any place within the Provinge of Canadas*? "| 11. Have you any person on board who is lunaâ€" * | tie, ifiotic, deag and dumb, blind or infrm, and z are such accbmpanied by relations able to support them * * > ‘| ‘If the answers be satisfactory, he shall give a ) | Clokn Bilt of Health to the Master o# person in charge ; and such vessel may then proceed to the | harbour ot Quebec. If the angwers be not satis~ ) factory, or.the Medical Superintendent has any | reasof to uspect fraud on the part ~of the Master or person in charge, érew or passengers, ho shail immediately order the vessel to such place as may be appointed for vessels detained under Quarantine of Obseryation ; he shail call for the ship‘s papers, passenger‘s lists and logâ€"books, and inspect them thoroughly so as tonscsertain the whole of the dcours rences during the voyaze, and should ho eet with any reslstance, he will make such signal as may be determined on to show that assistance is naces~ | Sarv, 1 passengers to be landed with th shall superintond tho cleansing of vessely. â€" He shall direct the : The MedicaT Superintendent sha vessols ho may m“".m’ shall have charge of ail vessols det satlae. | Molaha U ALLS ue o9 . , | 0° for feavingâ€"the said Istand: and that all such far passengers aud persony, with their luggage, have n of been washed, cloansed and purificd, and that thore tom M*nï¬wthmwhoanumb proâ€" m ceed, or leave the said Island, any case or 4ympâ€" Cl‘ | toms of Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Emall Pox, Seatia th* | tina or Measles, or other infoctious and dangerous I¢* | Mlanacs PS 8. Did any person. or persons, and how many Chhrh‘&ovoym.ud fe what dissemper ? <% Wmnmdlhlhgwlyflm mmyu:mmâ€opmwhipn vessol, or did any of the company of any ship or yessol come on boatd your ship in the voyage, and from what port did sw sail last? y s 4 At what place or places did your vesse} touch 4:""":.’!* ‘places, o hich .....“. ted o or any and w es '1':'-“’"“- plague, or any r-ilhpum- # ’ ’.fl-flymwouum'hm. vessel sailed? _ . ‘ Cabin passengers * § Wn-mr + , Crow ? P s T. &nqmorpnmdpfl.‘mâ€â€™, ago been t or are there now any infected with Mm*mu any pestilential fever ot disease * I " 1847, o SRee °0 on oe Eonl Ee He shalil alzo go of to vessels bound to : MM&OMI-M as aforesaid, :'\hfflh'u‘ql‘uin. to the Mausters or in charge, vis: * F wuumu-..umaflm +2. From whence did you sail, and ® | 3. What 1@ your sargo, and whonas io. Wns | * CCCCZOME Of such licenge or + eas. | charge &s aforesaid persons, gou 'N["MM bo on board such ion, | Shall not come or be brought on : The | put on board of anyother sAip Provinee, except on Grosso Islo ion / duly, required by compotent ang h All ships and vessels o( the class a § ‘ tion hereinbetore metitioned, as liabt & | their Quarantine ift Grosseâ€"Islo, shall q ,'I in the space included between (irosgoâ€" y | line drawa paraWel to it, through the , | to be placed as heretofore under the d p the Sitperintendent of Pilots, and boun f East and West by lines drawn due Sout . | Woestern Extremitios of CHit Isfaed ar | Isle.: The Istand ghall be so divided a , eue portion thereof for the hospitals, a; treatment and reception of those who ar f ‘ under or are threatened with any of the | discases, namely * Asiatic Cholera, Fex | Pox, Seartating or Moasies, or any other { and dangerous discase ; and the remaini | for the reception and accommodation of | songars and other persons who shall b ) lndd-uh‘dnpo-th said Island, who labor ander or be threatened with any of ‘ diseases, and no person or persons, unloss shall! be permitted to pass from one of 1 © mR pidibn snftiascnrieBemic css & 111. four boatmen. ‘The Medical Superintondent shal}, by viitue of his ofice, be a Justico of .the Peace within the limits of the Quarantine station as hereinbefore described, shail bo nuthosizaf 1. u.. The Establishment at Grosse of a Medical Superintendent, an one (irdetly, ane Cook, che P 7 mmw to l.'l hall direct, it necessary, alt # be landed with their lnera~s of the class or dewcription as fiable and bound to n Grosse Isle, to make thei. the barbour of Quebec, a tions hereinafter provids 7 _ "Fhatactory, ho shall give a saith to tlie Mastor o# perron in h vessel may then proceed to the ee. If the angwors be not satis~ Medical Superintendent has any fraud on the part of tho Master distinguishin mote Steerage Passengers _ [ _ C "2iC fawâ€"and these Reguiaâ€" shalil permit all passengers, or other ded on the said Island, to be reâ€"emâ€" shipped. on beard auy Steamboat or ow un\hmlhh‘;numb lï¬ï¬l they hare -h«n cxagnined in a fit atato for reâ€"embarkation Lh i ri_d * AmaDd) saall enforce the said egulations, and shall direct ships o such place or places to perform : may be necessary to sond them ect all ships or vessols, liable to ne, to be brought to anchor withâ€" the Quarantine Anchorage, anu‘ that may be required to enforce | cargo, and whence taken perintendent, an Hospital Steward, e Cook, one Police Sergeant, and r‘: Medical Superintondtent shall, th lh:ir.lun.‘., A;I sing ahd disinfection the number of passen~ ted to pass from ous of the u;i' sard Island to the other, unless orts signed by the Medicat Superâ€" w Estitblith ime T B bnintaniti edci ... th ... 14 ‘ nd, shall have the power and Aud the said Policemen and virtue of their office, be peace ed with all the powers and au. onstables, within the limits of Station. ral Superintendent. ‘v evintendent (or in case of his | sence, the Officer next in rank P land) shall enforce the said | y from any. port er ports in t places, or elsewhere as aforesal.} ewcription hereinbefore mentione 4 ound to make their Giarantine at rake theic Lurther Quaraftine. in lat part of the said ent, from those who and who may bo 424 statien, and be authorized ns to aid him in enforeing the Jong, and in case of his death, the officer nest in rank omâ€" , shall have the power and g those whorequire infoctiong discases, "ECZ0 persons, goous or merchand:ze ow board suchâ€"ships or vesse!s, or be brought on shore, or go or be , shall be authorized to seo TT T nase who are laboring ed with any of the following siatic Cholera, Fever, Small asies, or any other infoctious 0: and the remaining portion accommodation of it pasâ€" rsons who shall beo farded I also board all ons who shall bo far said Island, who shall fore under® the directic Pilots, and bounded on drawa due South from CCHE Isfaed and (Cro be so divided as to be the hospitals, and for Grosseâ€"Isle shall consist | pere as aforesaid, and cording to the R in Quar+ stesrage â€"1at passen, . or which being d...‘. Cass and de’ctil» As liable to make shall whqr , unles® on dut y vesse) ? U quehor with= rosseIste and a i the Reud Buoy, the direction of bounded on the to or emolument ul}' POburins or permitted by such | soon as Governor, with mf . The 4 thereof ; and untit { of the 1 | respectively have ,‘; Jais sot) shail be discharged | Infootivg passport mud ds | threates 1 ndedal 2. 5 . o) Weerse musHEgo off tonunuohuriviagum-tuchmthol ‘ï¬oflmhmtflflmmhï¬â€˜quu- | tions to the Mrumindu’, via: |.Wh.¢uy-lnn0nn..bhr ; 2. mhummhï¬mm.." :i.llo'lunym-.hnyo-.bunn ho make 1 1 _ 2C PV Gases whore ressols having passengers on . | board, on account of sickness amotget such pas~ sengers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the | Master or person in charge may, on Application to 4 ï¬olï¬iul!!um.gnd'mno Isie, be ‘al: | lowed to land the said passengors with their lug. gage ; and the vosset being properly cleansod, puâ€" Aledand | disinfected wnder the suporinteadeace and with the llu? of the Medicat Suporinten~ dout, may procecIup the river without the ‘said pmlpn. upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be appointod to roâ€" «lnlboban one whilling and three pence for cach passonger, to boear the €x0@ns6 of thain ... Â¥veyance to . Quebee, u;dâ€";l; shilling per diem for cach of to reimburse the ©xpense of t Grosse Isle, fur the time durin in the jadgment ‘of the Mod would have ‘had to bo. deta waiting far the passgugers not, the pestifoniial or lufvstions otberwh.!nuch versel shall be tine until the passengors not si diseases, | shall be cleansod, and disinfected. _ > l..v-lwq Physicia An lqfluh‘-l’lnklu per â€"Pieateq 1. | .. . o_ _| 1. C Orew thoreof, shall bosub~ , | jectod to a strict purification under the direction of | the Meaical Superintendent. A1 vesso!s dotained in Quarantine shall be cleansed and ventilated, | and their between doeks, if not painted or varnish. ed, shall be welt 'Nh'llhd; ‘but !if painted or varnished, shall be thoroughly serubbed with soap and water or ley, and such portion of the ballast aa the Medica! Superintendet i shall order, shall be thrown overâ€"board under his immediato® supor» intendence, or that of some person to be sppointed by him for that duty, s i, shall arrive . or ports in Cabin passongers * the said , Vessels un!vhguum-hhtn.ny infeetod §ponwpln.,crauu"~4h be infected, and on â€"beard of which no pestilential diseaso shalt have declared itsolf during the passage, may be kept under Quarantipe of Obunu’n for a poriod of not wore than three duys, during which time the passengers and crow thereof, shall besub. o oe se is to leay Â¥ $ if s All Vessols liable to make their Quarantine at % ‘f’ * 4sl Grosse Isle, on their arrival there, shall anchor ~atat.f «/ 7 | within thelimiits of the Anchorage Ground at Grosse esd ‘& â€" l _ ~ w.hmhmondol-u,»-mbowu by the ~~,_-‘-\,f-v Medical Superintendent : and if they shall not be TY or ie MX W“Orfl!hhnmddd.ut or Crrok “;@% suspicion ‘thereof, shall receive a Clean Bill of i lh-m.umymnmunhrorw PloanlA'l'loh. hlz and there anchor at any place within the 1i WHEREAS, it will greatly co mits of that portion of the Port of Quebec, hereinâ€" | »nd somfort of the cuf:u of Ot before defined, and there remain without communiâ€" have the Ciy cleaned of al‘ filt cation with the shore, or any other vessel or boat h ,:l.-;,h'::'“; wxa:: until finally disgharged from Quarantine by the ti~ will .,.J’."..n, be influeneed by cense passport aforesaid; but ifany such vesselshall | lition of the city : And whereas have been dotained at Grosse Iste from sickness or & suspicion thereof, it shall anchor at the mouth of Uader ::;"::"::.QJ?MOJJ the River St. Charles,and there remain until finally them by various Acts of Pnr!iu: discharged from Quarantine as aforesaid, i6 Manedia ap wl ce c 2 709 ye Te P0 ic TS CCC > CEeE cases when it shall be consideted ‘necessary by the Medical Saperintendent that the stoerâ€" ! ago passengers shall be landed with their luggage, And washed and purified and shall be permitted to re embark and proceed in the same vessel, or shall be detained and embarked in some steamâ€" boat or other vessel, as shall be ditected by the Medical Superintendent.â€" The passongers in the J prhetpde_u{-llfllluhlndoduupchcuu elniehâ€".ndnqu-llhupnond with ‘the nuoh.ww*hvhg'uhdud pu-} nlNMWbflomhnudvlmth passport of the Medical Superintendent. 9.« Vemels. = On the.Arrival of any ‘ves board of which there shall be during the passage any cas Smail Pox, Scarlatina or Mena Ly 222 / 3. .10_ _ [ _ Cmged wilt copies of the d | said Act relative to Emigrants and Qlipunthn and 0 | of these rogulations, w&uo of these laws regulaâ€" » | ting Emigration, shail exhibit the same to the Masâ€" ~ | ter or person in charge of every vessel tbgy may i | board. Every Pilot having charge of a vessel, of 1 | the dour"pduvl those liabte to make (Quarantine ® | at Grosso Isle as aforesaid, shall bring ber to anâ€" â€" | chor withia the limits of the anchorage ground at f | Grosse Iste hereinbefore defined. They shall also keep a Vnionâ€"Jack fAying at the poak of all vessois under their charge, untit boarded by the proper offiâ€" cers. Ol:rlvhquubn.'mho vessel has recbived & Clean Bill of Health from the Medical Superiatonâ€" dant at Grosse Islb, and has not been detained there on &ccount of sickness or sugpicion thereof, she may bring to at any place within the fullow ing limits in the Port of Quebec, viz: the whole space ‘of the River St. Lawrence, from tho:mouth of the River 8t. Chartes to a line drawn secross the said Riror St. Lawrence, from the Flagâ€"sta® on the Citâ€" ade! or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course j of the said river, biit must not eutimuntice Lon MippAdinnt d incvin sontniaites ic dh 5... the shore or with any other vesse? or boat until boarded by the xl'p.eï¬ngll’bydehl; but If the yessel be of the olnss of thore not liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse Iale sho may eithor bring to at any plage within the aforesaid Bmite, in the Port of Quebes, or she h-yprmd «t once‘to the Ballast Ground, â€" _‘ C in this ‘ when not ‘efvl‘l‘ ' the | the the , fur the time dnr!n; gment ‘of the «Moedic it Tradk Lh Lo. dabets [ CC Pequring whick such vessol, sment ‘of the «Medical Suporintendent , e had to be. detained in (Quarantine the passeugers notgfected with any of avial . or infoctions diseases aforesaid, uch verse! shall be detained in Quaran« hus madsuds ustt Extend Poiecns fupon the said Istand. An the duty of all persous to whoss kn breach of this Regulation sha}t come, same forthwith to the Medicat uy who shall enquire into the facts alloge suspend from his ofice any person so . til the pléasure of the Covernor Gene; known respecting the Derson *o chars _| _ «\o persons following the business of Sutiers, Tra . \| dore, Grocers or other eccupations, of « ungerned in | buying or selling, shatl be allowed to reside on the | Istand, ¢xcopt under the Neomse afd strict controt ol the Medical Superintendont, w§e wilt bhave fuit authority to discharge and sead from the Island, nllxwmï¬pm.w&u 6f guch | discharge and the teason thorefor, for the Informyâ€" tion of the Uovernor tencral or porson adtalnisterâ€" ingthe governinent. Allsuch porsous in any w ay en gaged in selling or traflic on the said Island shall be regulated as to prices by lists to be Furnished by the Medival Suporintendent from time to thae, asâ€" sisted by the Chicf Kwigrant Agent at uobes, No shall strictly exnqnite into and decide upon ail complairits of misconduct or breach of the regulaâ€" tious by persons so trading ; ho shall seo that no officer or; petson employed by the Novermsent, or in any pablic employment on the «aid tsland, has ! directly pr Indirectly any interest or concern in | any supply of provisions, or other things to be a5p | Nwh&“.hflxflnuflhï¬t&nm IMiant or directly or indirectly recoiwes or takes any |llâ€i-‘l ‘ vate gratuity or reward for service rendored to any Masters 6r Crew# of Yeusala. Pasomzlll o2 ic T _ _ _ " ‘here shail be_or(shail have been ; the passage any case of Cholera, Fever, Pox, Scarlatine or Measles, or other infooâ€" or | dangerous disease, and in all other SxNLC cogy css "iots having been furnished healthy p.-‘-‘..".â€: treated Yor.such a « on tuat part of the Istai treatment of ‘pestilential or on the part ol"the sai the | river by some other mode of e , shall, so soon as the passenger ‘wn board their ship, or on any & ’ log the said Lstand, give a pas« Health to the Master or person ] fin charge, to proceed to Quebec return«, of the vessél# : board soon as possible aiter such vese The Medical Suporinign deut $ of the Hospitats, â€" HMe shall rec.i aied fur.such a disease he shall, a i ation, transter awely persons to the j the |said Island. He shall gupe ansing, washing and purifiag of alt i the unpacking and ventilating of th l whegn they are in a mumn-'mw ced be, cause any baggage or any | burnt or othorwlus Aupacs s gors not sick of ( P th0 triver without the ‘said master or person in charge n as shall be appointod to reâ€" shilling and three pence for bar the expense of their conâ€" and also at the rate of one cuch of the said passceagers, Aysician at abe the rema r otherwise d /00 Bc .Ad of their maintenance at any vessol at Grosse Isle Quebes shall go of PDy017 landed f n as lre shail 6 emsens fained in Quaran« : of the aforesaid washed, purifcd Master or person hfl.‘ proceod to Quebec, its aby person so charged w (iovernor Gezeral, shatl 1 porson «o fh!rgh. â€" Nessele > “.“w by aiter such vÂ¥wely ave Superintendent sha}l ) â€"â€" Me shalt recuite bnto t the treatment of pesti @#, all persons IAtborin not communicate with Nal . op infgvtions sald leland appee Upon the resuvery ‘ passengers nre or on any shin o ©Ced itoun !auy‘ \t-“-l' hall think jexpodient c land Amut“prinnd for stroy ed 'u_upin< °C Mi@etious dissases, lflaq «ppropriated to the resuvery of persous e shall, aiter. due preâ€" ne to the hoerlthy part shall superintend tho upsrintendont, ged, and may of alt passengers, ol their baggage, proceed, he shail. of veu t ie 4 2s Mc €110= | oi 388 t00k away from the Russolt l;onu. on } mru.&:un. A MINK CAP, will oblige by reâ€" | carning the same. ady part of it t ‘s are resombarked 'ml‘ Or vessel loay» port or Olean Bill of us Atawa, March 93. hwal 0 CC L TS PV AL 4 GATIONS, or others owning individuais, corporations and cou Ualls, Theatres, or other Building .-uaun of holding public mestin wablic resort or amusement, all the «0 hieged that they may open free! w dufuce 4n ces ut d sE ty y 1r0o0" t before the t5th d:;’otp':mn. »arties neglecting or refusing to do couted according to law. l: HEREBY GIVEX To ans coxur; GATIONS, or others ownts . ‘ro ~bNQ P Y ow Sivag 4s . . en init 5t °“u""- February 23, 1867, Nag such vessel Hs shall make Rtaws, Maroh & $ 1 § reee icdatass\ t / K A o ,‘S::’ZG-{/‘ > ""'â€";gw i Before the 201 dny o 807 : And I bereby give notice tha ‘olice and the Constabulary of this hfmiul ow en TL : HC GENTLENMaAYy wHo take took away from +h. p.u./ @MWd im o Mrsascsll ic iu2, pu jul "e8tb," and in sccordance with , vh‘:! lous Byâ€"laws of the Cir of Ottawa, have deemed it advizable that l-n!mo steps should be, taken For cleansing the City. & e o e Ed Under and by virtue of the Powers conferred u them by various Acts of Parliament, establish « Boards of Health," and in mecordance with, v lous Byâ€"laws of the Cir of Ottawa, have deen it advizable that I-.J'm. ninke shanti 10 224 ‘athas aeutuae 24 ECCE 7 WVs Quthouses aad other Buildings aps En- losures, Lanes or Alleys shall be thoron ly leansed of all Filth, Dlig. Nightsoit, or other in.. writies by the owners or persons cccupyirg the ame, ! Now Kuow Â¥Yo 10BERT LYOX, Mayor of th ts itables, ouses and ot losures, Lanes or Allevs °. 1 12°006Ad, it will ftutly conduce to the health and somfort of the Citizens of Ottawa generally, to have the City cleaned of all filth and nuisances : \nd whereas the introduction and ad of Cholâ€" w n.-T_:rh\u and other contagious m.._.. is, and till certainly be influeneed by the sanitary con« lition of the city : And whereas # ISF i sds Bs meulh c ad is ii «f apy such ofence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which he shalt have been condemned to pay, <hall be imptisoned antil such Fine be paid. Axp E The Order in Comncil, of the 9th. Aprit, 1866, and all provious orders making Regulations relating to Quarantine, are herchv ravass ; _ 3 L _ _0 DP CAOUM 100 Toregoing rules lations, so far as respocts the necessity c ir stopping at Grosseâ€"Iste ; nor skhall the «nd regulations apply to any Vossel of 1 Transports or Vessels having Queen‘s board accompanied by a Medica! Ofleer, Lealthy state, or to any Steamer from E1 loss sicknoss or death may have occurre the passage. . 14. No Vessel shall bo enigred or clear Port of Qaebec or Montreal, until #! the ments of the foregoing Regulations in ref cuch Veszel shall have been fully complie "pe yPe ‘ I O PP 15, Any person who shal! contray omission or commission, any of the j vlations, shall for every offence in Fine not exeeeding FOUR HUX DRE to be recovered" in the manner pres ewid Act; and every person who, mj 13. All vesseis tradi jilmces within tue Distri log touched at any ports or p} District below Grosseâ€" Isle, nor ony other wvessel which shail imy port without the said distri hall 10 exempt f:om the foreg AHIORE, 50 FRYF 45 Snemauks 44. . Urosseâ€"Isle jor the passengers direct fro viously obtaiming fro: the Port of Quobec, a subject neverthcless t provided. this 22nd 1. _ _ _2 O 220 ©* YOssels linble to make their 'Quu rantinoat (Frosseâ€"Isto, not having the dissharge from Quarantiné of the Medicat Superinten lent at Urcssoâ€"IÂ¥le, shall be subjoct to the sante regula> tions and instructions as horeinbefore provided, respecting vesselsnot discharged wuum:ne. 12. No Steamboat shall be aHow. wieleen 9 dsc NOTICE, The _Board of' Hea;th TA & o ‘p 301t° i of the class of l0 end that such yor "“",' from Quaramip » HMave you any person on boa dictic, deaf and duinb, blind or ach acecrpmaled by relations ithem ? Aud.moreover, he shati require porkons in charge of vessels liablk ‘luntantine at Grosseâ€"Isle, to ex licente or nasenort whik 4n o. "v , are hereby t;mi:d._ j ' w. A. HryswortH, i Darmam pmannad * /4 . !".ï¬(_ .2 ta h I w3 OM80 Kuow Yo that I, ! :,.I.:yn‘t. of the City of Ortawa dAuw cpagcc i m PhoU day of March, A. D. 1867 ROBERT Lyox, Kuow Y TiOS. LANGRELL, _ | fr3Gar® a the Medical Suy Crew § « Number left at Groske Isie® * â€" Mave any parson or persons been 0 you left Grogso Isle ! Mave any died? Frate pumber. Eteorage ‘AAU be enigred or cleared at the t Montreal, until #! the require: going Regulations in referents to have been fully complied with, . who shall contravene, eithor by ission, any of the fotegoing Regâ€" it every offence incur and pay a g FoUR uuxoREN DOLLARS, ng from the °" Charge of vessels liable t ino at Grosseâ€"Isle, to exbi t passport which they shail 2 26 CAurehes, and vl _ companies owning wildings nseq for thet mestings, or places bt 7\ Pm &s EVE i hau . 2 u0 o _ 100 008 A29E200E7 2013 C715 q t Potask; II Bavannah, Co., Jan, 8, 186¢, C J.G l' Hoxornt> Sin: I should to wagratefcl for tho relief )Am.coxunu | your skill has me f T did not report my case to t * | you, Acold h-{ ba and brought on excrgs ‘ng Churches, and | clating peins, whick ended in chromic rhrama. companies owning | fiem, _ I hnd the bort of physicians, the idings nsed for the grow worke and worse, until hy the ndriâ€"s uf ies sctings, or places bt t agent in Haitimore, Dr. Mackenzio, 1 trjed Â¥our i the doors shall be | PHMM. Their effeets wore slow, but sure, By persevering ftoï¬y OutWards, on in the uso of theip, J am now entifely we‘l gust, 1887, and any | > _ | Sevire Ofix®en, Paton Rouge, Lo., 5 Des. T885, to do so will bo D# Arsa: 1 have been entively carcd, by your PLJs, of mo Rhwuc Goutâ€"a painful discase that bad affiicted mo ANGRELT: for yéars. EWiSG (bopt ttiun ossols liable t mamner prescribed by -éh?.i;'(._::f“i:olieq 3891 passengere ! *\ 4 Ya BY ‘MIS4 i4 ~1s)e, b exbibit to him th ich they shail have receives riatehdent 8t Pha Pscusdin ards, Cellars, , t pon , establishing Mayor, O1t at [®@song come on borrd or lefl Grosse Iste * ovtain a fipal disâ€" if, on‘ the contraty, tebes chall find any . discase on board, ed by the conviction W A TL M is atue who is lunatis, t infrm, and are ns# able 4o suppor , do mber, nemes and c althouss "28 455# in ‘market contain Mercur w TI.M a Â¥aluable remedy to ekilial hands, j erous in a public xll, from the dreadful cons 4 that frequently follow ts incautions nso. The: tuin no nequ or mineral substance whatever, on all Masters, 3 [ _ . 0 " 69 ACVOre Anysicianfand Alicaoift, Boston, T find one or two large doses of your Pils, taken at the voper time, are excellent otives of the natura} score. Z- when ï¬w Wlm;.mm-ml, and "h,.yu vory effectnal to the stomach and grpel worns, They aire #o much the best physic we have that 1 recommend no other to my fationts, Prom t 1e med €200 ing it furâ€"the u.'éil‘.::“;â€™ï¬ multi that complaint, which, although b the progenitor of others that ato tivemess to originate in the liver, bu organ and cure the discaso, < * Prom Mrs, E, Ruart, Physiciant 1 find one or two large doses of y voper time, are excellent otiv Z.. when ï¬w wzï¬?}" supt QW_â€- feanse the stomach ans "uileg C Cer ds Louglit, Montrecl, Canada, Too much cannot be said of your Pilis for the cure of in efieacidl uo t tore t par Aarernity have fonlt e y as ould Join me in proclaim~ ing it for the h-ncnz‘\:f the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough In iteelf, is the progenitor of orhs», 33 /.0 "8Z €100¢h in j Slae. ant wl o 04 0" UEIbK your Cfllifllil&V\"i‘il‘;‘;‘)‘u;;‘l":fl% fee, and find them an excellent |;3r‘,;ua:o:z cleanse the systen} aud Ufy the fountzing of. the y puriy /JUIIN G. .‘{L‘.{C(LHX, M. D. Constipatton Costivencess, Su ression, Rluz:-lufl. Cont, Nen’nl:n, Drop-' 8y> Pur-lyol-, Pits, ¢te. â€" 8 From Dr. J. 2 Feuchn. Mus ic "piciin" W ARS Qte, Y9° oming C . Desn 8t ; I am u‘slni your Ca Bee, and find them an excellent systent and prri/y the fountaing fu‘abooe Potond tross. | To purify the blood, they ar avrrhl.:myn, and I can c ay friends, Dyspepsia, Impurity of the From dReo. J. Â¥. Himes, Pastor of Advent C) . Ti AEKEt 1 HEVe Habl stane Infltcsccucs. in in esteem ns one Zp )3 37 Y Practice, and I hold them huhe;umo! the best aporients 1 have ever found. Their alterative efect upon the liver makes thetn an exceliont remedy, when given in sma}} doses for bitous Cysentery and diarrhcea, Their sugarâ€"contipg makes them very accefitalle and convenient for the use of women and childrey, 14 n c CCC Oe oo P hold theim in esteem ns one ever found. â€" Their altararic them. Deranturyt, or sur T8remton, | Washington, D, C ith Feb, 1850, Fm : I have nsed your Hills in my geucral and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best cothartig weemploy, â€" Their regus faiing action on tho liver 14 quick asd decided, conse» quently they are an admirable remedy for demangements gl, um_.(»rgm. Indeed, L haverseladen _ . "CCtents y ols ECCE PME P 0d th tho Liver very marked indecd, tice proved more effectual far plain‘s than aay one remedy I ¢: «q\.au..u we ho at Jeacth a thy coutidence of the pul-d‘ Dysentery, Diarthoa, " o+ . PHOM Dr. J. 6. Green Dr. J. C. Arsn. | 8Jp the t headache o O rtyhs Rradache an Your P IEPTANIARADNNecimintaidls (muunt ht Asiccl sls 40 ; Drear Dro. Ave®: Icannot an«wer you what complaints I bave cared with your Plls botter than to say alt that we ever treat with a purgative medicine, 1 Efl“ great depenâ€" deuce on an effectual eathartic in my ly contest with dissase, and T do that your Pills afford us the best we have, I of course valae them highly, f + f 1855, Dr. 3. 0. Ween > misv M' Pa., May 1, 1855 hams 3. 222220091007 2, 2000, TT xsn ATED. . 8ir: Y have been atedly cured of the headache onyhodymnm'r?;yad:ucrm of Pills, oue °‘°?c"hâ€m“ t respect, _ ED. W i-nmn, oure wi respect, & W. Clerk df Steariter Ctarion, UVilions Disorders â€"Liver Complaints, Prom Dr. Themiore Béll, of New York City, Not‘only are your Pilts admirably adapted to their purâ€" 030 as an apetient. but Hind their beneficial effects upon !.-3 Liver very marked Locs.3 / soo COSNCiAE effe taken #sick ake their qnalitles surpass a mild, but very corta boweld, which mak treatment of diseas liuol-ehe,flokl!enduhe. # From Dr. Pdivard Bort. 22. Arct: Your Pills are the paragon of all that‘ is groat in mediciag, Whey have cured my fittio d-mT ot-lcormuwm-’uh-rhmduubmbgchm ed incurable for y Mor mothor has beer M'§ rr:'r\‘- onsly afflicted 'wmhe\ and pimples on her skin and in her lysic. After our child was eurgd, sho also tried your Pills, and thay b&ve cared her. it Rov. Dr. lnokes, of Oit Methodis® 7 C ts Fuus ang ty HEnarce Wb _ VS of hoalth again. â€" What is trucand so apparent in 3isb.u'irm and mï¬â€˜mlos.:ompmnw also truo Tl.l. many the decpâ€"seated and gerous empors, snmg mmummfl expols them. Canusod lv‘y #hnilar obstruc» Hons and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they aro rapld) i“' and many of them surely, {:rql by the same means, â€" None who know the virtues of theso mln. vl?‘ noglect to employ them when suftring from disorders they cure. Statements ‘m{n feading physicians in some of the prineipal cliics, and from other well known publi¢ perâ€" BOU%: » s uelb e s e eRty 0 this trivial and common c oflbo:‘loqr'n'ulc.l nnlc‘l 'd’:: rgative effect e gT-ps and der_m-hm us dix "vom a Foreiarding Merchant +f S Lu:;'p, Dz. AÂ¥rct: Your Pills aro tha narnons. . Ottaw Ponnsy! va: Which stands unrivalle; 410M Iir, J, G. Oreen, 6f Chicago, _ il1s )m.‘»: paset. Tis have hnd afong twhil in my practi Araternally yours °_ ASA MoRG RIDGi. . As a Family Physic. Prom Or. Ps W. Cirtwright, New Orteans. Pills uro the princo of purges. ‘Their e on # «urpass Any ‘cathartic we P9ssoss.". ‘Thoy ar it Yory cortain RnA AMfastaat ceR e Th .2 T mpadt aitoa 7 C CTTHOE ANSWwer you what complaints ared with your Pills better than to say all that we t with a purgatine medicine, 1 !]dm great deponâ€" an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with ind bellevinacs« yut. 11. ... _2 ©Wlly conte 7 . ;) ‘CUUNFItY Of the Hlood. J. Â¥. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston, : 1 have used your Pills with -txtnonmurly u',l.nnlly Aln.(‘lou:ung thoso I nrm nllo:: Iom‘;. 0 10. o 08 â€"6 flgu on and Mm Aro the vz; best remedy I have , and 1 can confilently recommend them to !5\:1}: SUits B public that nuimberCfithe eit t or5Boxesfor$i | * *=NALTY OFP ile por Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. | «* $ . J.0. ATYER & 00., Lowell, Mags. | For such Jefault as nrovia«a :_ Watches, at Andanit â€" »auc c 0 CCCR UpOR Ty marked Indecd, They have in my prac« more efectual fur the cure of bilious com. GAS FIXTU “’:\ fas M ® lrilr GAS. SUPERSEPE® L, Jannary 2 , John Roberts, W, x i â€"Skinv6r in on.." S8d2w0y the have that i YINCBNT ELDELL ato worso.r I beliov r, but your Piils affec SE APUL NO Paiiall Lasi Aci 14 quick and decided, conse ie remedy for demangements have‘scldom found a case of hat it did not readily yield to .. ALUNZO BALL, M. D,, sician of the Murine Hospital, @a, Rolax, Worms,. ofectnal in thoir action an the m invaluable to ts in achke,Foul Stomach. d Boyd, Bultimore, ure, eNO0S; Tpi2. C/.thiiken | t, Ca., Jan, 6, 185¢, rateful for the uuef' k report my case to | rbfl:gght og excra» 3 1 in rowic rheumay | morp:{.wm, the i mhe Â¥ice of your . 4 ckenzio, I frjed your 1 une. By Lersevering |. y well, s ; Lo., 5 Deci 1885,. | 9i# RH » mention, 1 sincerely purgative which is ware »a and the people, Y., Och 24, 1 a CC THRODT them J. V. HIMES COses 1 in P1 [ ] | February 23, 1867 |__Ahe whole as required by the ‘Act ’ UZ, see. 11. i | _ NOCR is hereby given that [ | COMPANIES not complying with the , iable to the â€" 1, 1856 (ooiee it aien antobu fhnititiateis t ids Abcuthcate ... 2 2 ||Not incorporated by any Statute of this have uot pablished the statement of | Assots and liabilities ; es Amount of Capital Stock ; ' Amount paid thereon ; # ‘ Naturé of Assets ; : Amount of lowses; due and anpaid ; & adjusted and not duc, in susponse and waiting f. \ proof ; ; resisted, and for what cnus * <amal Kg}ï¬ H. The Toall W pmit May C trée dw Dated at P ‘e exprossed Our dosire Xotice m hereby given that under the provisions [ 824 pagerly Hm‘w Arer of the Statute of 27 and 28 Vic, Cap. 3, Section £to, | 0f Qur N"‘f and Militur the said license to net as a Brewer, granted by Make: °"“'f" and estab to ‘the said Thomas Bourke has, in consequence of | 20# u“."’“"h".“ r"‘_ 4 £ such default, betome and the same is heroby doâ€" ;‘?": to ks aqostor(h . clared to be forfeited and void. | kent: IRE INSURANCE COMPA::t®= Aotico 48 hereby given that under the pr of the Statuto of 27 and 28 Vie., Cap. 3, Sect; the said license to net as a Brewer, granted to the said Thomas Bourke has; in consans. I CSX s¢ tm D venencorcss 30 #6t sgrn } Brewor in the said Village of Smith‘s Falle & And whereas the said Thomas Bourke was on the 16th day of Fobruary last past, cunvim&'or having iMicitly distiffed spirits against the form of the statute in such case made and pFovided, anf a penaity of $100 was imposed upon him thereffor, which penalty the said Thomas Bourke has failed to pay ; s * 1O 3t 199 / cortair ‘VI!E'REASQ ’l""OHAS BOURKE, or â€"~Bmith‘s Falls, in the County of Lanark, was by a license under my hand, beating date the 18th of September, A. D. 1866, empowered to act as a Brewer in tha shi8 Tiima se up on iss Amount Amount of Muafl(;:v Ottaw a Ottew lefault, as pnvido& in the said Ast, JOHN SIMPSOX > Suld by hhe 5[et | RELIEER EKE IN TEX N MINU NUTES . Oftawa, ] QAINT having af. + wa, Fob. 5, 1867 27»5100, and for what enuse ; it of all other claims against the cornâ€" * . bany ; _ t of premitims earned and unearneil » ._ datring the past year ; j as required by the ‘Act 23 Vi. ... erth this 15th Wihilcn tss of ite vi We speak f. I NORTHROP & py. ; Newcas ; " I'Ny)rl'dornfn muce nrestvâ€"my® orn y Geo. Mortimer, John Re Henry Â¥. MeCarthy, and / P ULMONIC v F7 ROBEKp DovVGLaAs, Collector Intand Rovenue, â€" : ; County of Lanark 18 NOTICE, @tit of fr t In Assisrayt March, A.D i03 and may m experienc biy. and . th i sueh persons aio; Acpit Orrjor, | m“;f: tho Shine l,w..ltr"f"' 19, 1867, ,ordhunou made % been made{hat I for the governma o trying All M $1.000, ANT Acbpiror 3Aldawg ut INSURANCE 0 said Act are and spea‘ j napgical ell sot ence in this n ~therefore t! Â¥9 3\ licine t 4 it, por b this Provinee t of their 3 aor lurther ner Vi oncern 1867 dAal kiR | ilable l"m nh-{ s them .‘ cz t wb De cap ot« in th M idltu' ; OR k, was 1 Wl _3 0 2CCC A2UC3 and . 1 4N008, as may beroafter be employed in the Looal Forces raised, of which may be raised ip Oar Colonies aud their Dependencies, who may be callâ€" od upon to serve in ©vâ€"operation with Our Troops in mulitary Operations which it may be nocessary ‘to undortake for the «appression of Rebellion against Qur Authority, or Torrepelling invasion by a foreign enemy, ‘ . VON t Out Co0H â€" at Mn cnle n d nsl . i F pugs T 02000r0p AH ©OG | Rules and Ordinance prescribed | Warraat, and subject to the pro | on such persons who may be qu the sari‘d in accordance with the ‘ ommpm. AS May hernaftar 4s S0F2, or YJ ! Warrant, and We do y i Heirs and Sucoo; cores ond: shall be competent fof su Obtain the said Decor tion in the Rules and Ondihanc | cordance with such f« ther | as may hereafter be ade : | ut Hbobne mnd se aan o ENC io on e an Oficer of Soldier 6 mended for the said Do the Rules and Ordinan recited Warrant, and thall be recommmendst of in an Trooy Office ha 1E wi of Our Principal Se date at Our Courts ut day of January, 18 Our Reign, We did « o Naval and Miltaeo $ { WARRA 3 /+ ORRARIET PAie "l uts ic sns 17 7AT SAUtROrty, or Tor repelling invasion by ign enemy. u_ at Our Court,: at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, this first day of January, IOJ.. in the thirticth year o(slt Reign. By Her Majesty‘s Commund, * (Migneay : Jâ€"PEEL. â€" “,’_l 1: Itov;l _ VICTORIA : VICTORIA, by iso ho l'pnra'trpd', in and Urdinance: presor TT P PWY T P rid Docoration, y caso that the signa The 0 4ain and a ¢ Oficer Administer. ing the Govern of Canada, and T BW walne uic 31 der the gnlcrp uf a General er ciremmestance ; which. would r Soldier of Gur‘ Army to bo the said Decoration. in manoan €Ti7g09r loyal Sign K 1 ¢ , % 217 S MWiland Pleasure Jetoration may be conferred on resaid, who may be qualified to in adrordance with the Rules and ‘, or Sned! and establizhed by Us bt thereof, by Our said recited e do by theseâ€"Presents for Us, Our l sorssiptdain and appoiot that it fur such pereons aloresaid to ecoration in the manner set forth Orntihances referred to, or in ac h futther Rules and Ordinances hor adb ie 22c â€" by the firace of God ngdoig <If Great Brita een, Ddfender of the MEDICAT, Cl 28, Sparks CC AemuieLATEs ol Statbe, and bearing urts ut Buckingham Palage, the 29th TY, 3836, in theâ€" nineteenth year of e did donstitute and croate a now litary Decoration, to be stvled and °L 0 eeoration, to be styled and t \'icw;i’: Cross, which Decoration Jur desire should be highly prized ight alter by the Officers and Men ud Military Services, and did also and cstablish thp Itales and Ordiâ€" ‘ot fortl for the. government of the | euceforth . inviolably observed and A 5 FAS, T Jor us, Our | wolut that tho + A° ®new cerplaries of State, mt P‘iï¬kinlhlh P. HJ. 8t lfl,’( ;i fine hssorfinas D ut 2 cce de and promulgated by Us, ‘#, for the government of vided that it be ¢stablished ?y a Warrant nnder Our Manual, counter® one olb e 9 Snd s ‘Ravre in transinitting to you a t, f==zed under the Royal Sign chlthe desoratiog of the Victotia Tabd on persona serving in the 1 re or may hereafter be raised st#‘s Colonies P 6, Dur Heirs and Sueoosâ€" al 0o said Dscoration in Bccordance with fhe ribed in Our said recited ° provisions aloresaid, i0 qualified to reccive 1 Was Ha Por fam e s »q 4 r most « PWPE WE W mt Ntccuss er of the Faith. < To all e l’rucm.g shall come, PM said Rules and r ba PUIJUEREI has just h_l‘ll Of:genainc + 4e ned, exe shall be an bobn sigee t Britain and Ireland Hamble Servant, CARNARYON M hNSNS $ q God, of the United J~PEEL, wil 1 y orderod and declared, in the mahufacture of all be and the same is ‘or ad and i genrally bedfeat, AXADA ‘&u in favor of’l.:opefl, be arksâ€"Street. Dre latever stops .may > publicity to this be, on the reocommendaâ€" ing Minister of Finâ€" onferred by tho 17th ‘n pleased to order Ne 5 r the Jlivi by tho De 11 uis VERNXAMEXq writ Urows to th nd in the Coto ‘RPCIAD same is tv the passing. of »pt from the pay~ fom into this #poâ€"" iyz vrdered that the he Liver Gatincan, _the Department uf ¢ is here‘:y trans{erâ€" to the munici sality and that the flullov- l1 be levied andâ€"colâ€" is to SAV~Lâ€". "> T y cordere 1ASSEY, ho I h ot .\'unpg. Lath Mponges, i. Turkish? : 14\ ]7471.4, ouncil the ffonore ¢ Works, and iven and conâ€" @. Statutes of is *:oeq pleasâ€" 185 Tag Orrawa _ wss.â€"Printed and Published €very morning, (Sundays excepted) b 12. Whore the real estate extends beyond m-u.h ofone township, a further foe of ten dollars charged for every additional township named in the Charter, â€" for any of the purposes mentioned in subscction: !l,l,-‘l,l.éul‘.d‘nouo‘l of the Act, will be included in the Charter, Buch lands must be parâ€" ticularly deseribed in the Notice «nd Patition by lot and concession, or by metes and bounds, (it a porâ€" tion of fot or lots) and ay comprise any number of lots, or portions .of lots in any connty or counties ; where head offces are desired in any city, town or village, within or without this Province, such place or places must also be spocificd in the Notios and Petition. l & & Chemist, porkgestrect gml Corrtox, )’mptietor, ut the Toigs itcam Printing Works, KXo. 60, Spark® Street, in the City of Ottews County of Carleton, O.W , b * ® + .lc + ‘l‘hhlll.o-ll,mauy‘fldnd «t the date u; the publication of the natice ty intending Companies M ied The ra/ue of the real estate to the amount requirâ€" 0d by the Act, should be proved by the evidence of Mbut(vopr*jmu.,u‘hp perty. An the case of mining Jand, the report after examination of a Mining Engineer, or Rapert, of Geologist of good repute, would seem to be requisite. * d _ When the paid up capital consists of ren! extate, (in whole or in part) the fact of theâ€"zeal estate standing in the names of trustees ougbt to be showh either by the production of the tite deods duly . mnn.orbymumu.uqnnn.w..(.. County where the lands lie, embodying so much of the instruments registered as will show the dates, the parties, the parsels, and the trusts. 1em _ The fact that the ten per cent. has been paid to the credit of trustees for the Company, in a Charâ€" tered Bank of the Province, ought to be proved by the certificate of the cashier or other principa) ofhâ€" sor of the Bank, 140 4tf clus 3. . _\ . °C "TZ me proposed capital having been dnlyu@c.bypen..dpdupuuh" of payment, mist be shown by theafidavit of some ‘mau.p.m.og-xuuamm. The Provinâ€" ehlSeenuqeu-atnpuuld the subscription of‘tookhnb«--mh-pduhh"lfle-}& be done. ¢ tuils, et favoral The fact of the least â€"ane hol/ the duly made, by per reurived a _ The proof as to aibseription of stook may be by production of the stock book, with the signatures Of the subscribers, &¢., verified by aftidavit of some one who saw the «ubscription ; or in the absenge of the stockâ€"book, by the afidurit of at least two of the subscribers, stating hMMn‘M tion hs been made. i British:.sutject and a tos thould be by declaration verificd by afidavit treet h l The proof as to eorporate now being of &ny other company, ought to be stated at best of knowledgo ‘and belief, by ene of applicants being a resident of this Province, or by an "Attorney or agont being such resident. Lho rlatement abould be verifed by afidavit Aute c2.._a ~â€"_ SEXmeal‘s Clo the nainber of five at least) perâ€" sonally, or if any case by Aitorney, the JAtter of Attgrney anthorizing sighature, being duly authenâ€" ticated, ought to aceompany the petition, Win the notice, and should | the applicants (to the number sonally, or if anv case hy An The perit with the n the applica The prgsin» not te be the same nerson The proof that one or Tnn NoTICE 18 tug required by seotion 2, ma been given, if, on examination 1 Departuient, the fact @ppears, ai tian names of the ®pplicants wit legal additions, or cceupations, therein. awels, e t®"" For further information, departure of all trains at thons, see the Crand: Trop Tables. 24" Sleepin ..éu.p -nc.zo;.:lnd.r:...".!. PX. pas l ars on ing, checked through,, * *" 44 Niglit Trains, Haggage â€"â€" * Yapp "p _ _ 10. UITOUgDOLt for New York, Boston, and ali Intermadigte Points, conmecting at FC Johnes with Vermont Central ‘kl ilroad," nt "Byy. \lington with the Rutland and Bor. a linf.t:u Railroad, also at Roueo‘s Point with l.-h('ï¬uplninb‘utdm * {W George, Saratoga, New % ke.,,".... Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, ‘Ririen du Loup and Portland, at. 3 oys oo l l2 . 0200 A.. ~ Â¥OTk! Hactaa â€" 2. 3 CHBAOUL Tor New York, Boston, apd all Intermediato Points, connecting At St. Johne with Vermont Contrri Railroad, at Bur. ‘ lington with the Ruland and Burâ€" lingtop Railroad, also with the Lake + Champlain Steambosts "for Like George, Raratoge, New York,&ta,&e. 'Aea'nxmclvdnim Train for letand Po.q and xonu.'ueliude-. iboineinmmers Express Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at £t. Joling with the Vermont Central Ruilroad, at.... Mail for Portland, etopping over night at I#land Poud._..~ ‘ Express by railway throughout for Neq York, Boston, and ali Intermadigte Points, connecting at FC Johnes with Vermont Central ‘Rnilu-agl,‘ at Byrâ€" \lington with the Rutland and Bor. < lin Railroad, also at Roueo‘s ‘romitl Lake Champlain Steamiors * fer Lake Georre. Ran...._ "Htm Bxpre Tra Nig Ace ng such resident, Lhe statement sbould ed by affiduvit duly swork, A L. SABIE â€" ARtNCDIPNTE 0‘133,"“.‘“":.';'.“..’!‘“ DAYANMAY 146. Ppsun« not iess than /ine, who pelition, mus same persons who give the notice, Grand ([)rgn£ Babray Compaqy t “‘_‘"n Novemt The 4y .Xpress f Brockvile, ronto, Gue i pimalg:s. vem bem 1866, will run as follows EKE , CHANGE of Tryp Oitawa and Prescot Rabrg, and all poifts 4Â¥ oet it * <sto * dy uxmnadu‘:ug Train f ntermediate Stati, Ns for Lachine at Nood, 2.00 P.M.. 5. Wa.. MeDOUGALL; SUGGI Â¥ o o sEedes 00 P.ML, Train runs GOoIXG sotTy . by Railway through e oc t e e 10. subscription to the extent of at 5 _ ROTX@ wist ress for Omaï¬g Cr kville, Kw evill * Glelnï¬z, London,® Bran rich, nlo, D(‘“’ui(, Chi ill points AÂ¥ ect, at........... ... _du \ do at . on examinationâ€" by an «*4 ght to correspond D artra s %ill leave act appears, and if a)! the Chris iepplicants with their residences OF CANAPaAa "ormation, and { arri trains at Tm'-{.-.:u ‘."l : randâ€"Trunk Rati§ay Book of use or more of the applicants is a resident within the Provinee, on t"lbe “mbj.d" hw M Train for i4 â€" POMCeDOnI in every respoct should be signed by each of afler RAILROGADs, 3 o 4 . â€"N~ 900A .M I., 5.00 p, M., Mh l:' P rain Funs through to P} 2 h‘ul"rll_A.\'D EAST, 'f STTONXx K MOXDAy,: e Bonaventere & TURESD A y and luptil § or Ki D8, at IF # CAZRTTE® may be taken to have » Belicvilie, ‘p . 8. DETLOr nme stated in jult At C4 bibed tz w 8.15 ton and «Beer of the A Y. MaAYy I"~ ure ï¬'fl{-@ Af lhal. â€" 3 0° *ith further noky ",‘ CPERINTEXDEEY awa + the 2 [ We loiy â€l.'N. Fo 2.40 Py ARRbDFaY . 8% a y 200 Py 645 AM. . 5.30 Ay, 9.40 A.y, 8.00 k Ra burgh, A.X. PX Way Pu tfin‘s by £p O# Jahoar Mar Ulhvn.] 1700 o i Fobr ï¬(o:-, dooume Di way on it in n jove Crve Febru Nr. Aug OChmay 9tt Boston, 3 20d to a Off aw All su Avvi lu“fl'l Dusine makip I ®,@0 afordi vertise [rans ©Tit 4°0 () Abri