C ET | the Port of Queheq,from ady port »t places in Rurops or stawhere by past of the Rivor St. Lawre wh Onuohlqll"“m 6 atth â€"â€"S@id wurival, or shall havde ‘at . _ passege from the places they l «ay person on board labort under 4 ars, Pavor, Small Por, Soart l9Â¥ . or * ochgllb-uouudugm ease, walch any parson sha.) bave dur & . ge, which, beitg of tess tha * tone . casarement sha :’:0 o 6 ApbonButih: sQnvitisi‘sd Sn mpdihs d i 2c â€" hnn.fluulnï¬l-‘.nï¬- n)o-dl;-pom mission of the O ficer ampowesed to authorizs such passing or departure, may bel pelied to retura 1‘ or beccarried bask to the said) Station, and by force , if nevessary.* + J w Now therefore it‘is orde by ‘ Mi# Exogilency ’ the Gorernor Generalâ€"in Cou ... Ferchamen am o | 1. That all Ships aud othe Vossels, except the Cuasdian Mail Stéumers, whish henceforth and | during the eight mouths nestfllowing the Kirst day of April In M’l‘. year suall arrive | Itkss Boock stt ts c cr â€" M Station, before ali the require tiong ll"p \.o‘ complied "l: tds necessiry for carrying the said Regulation wud this Act fully into efect, , may deciate tha auy such Oulsog orparsons shll by virtue of bi ofh se or employment be a J of the Peace or a Cgnstable or Poase Officer for beokse Isle and the safld Quarsntine Station and tor the #pace . around the same described in"such galations, andâ€" such Officer shall accordingly be kuch ,l'bo of the Poaceor Peace Oflicer whetheghe be twise quaâ€" lifed or not : â€" And by such Régulations the Goverâ€" nor in| Conncil may ith pose not exseoding PFou» dundredt Do/lars in any ase, on persons conâ€" venlog the same and may previde that the of. ::dnï¬all be imprisoned unkif such fine be paid, and imay dirdct that no,Â¥. skall be entered or eladred at the Port of Que or of Montreal, until all the requirements of such Reguiations ato fully comipled with, and may direkt that any Person, Â¥4ssel, or thing, who or whic hufll-ndub_- parted or bean removed trom Ens ALY 22. ... ..sl > "H‘h !6‘.!‘[ Odicers ;“ p atithy saild Quarantine Stati 4 4. onl vigns or any of them, and shake others in their stead;" and "such Re shall have the foree of law during the time ree pectively reâ€" main unrevoked, uniess they expressly limited to be in force valy duzing a tainâ€"time or at cerâ€" tain times or seasons, in w ich case they shail have the force of law during time and .at the times and seasons during or{at which they have heen limited to be in force ::"land "by such Roguâ€" Jagions the G>vernor in i1 may require the .\:nuolomy Vesse! co up the River St. Lawrence from beldw the Qgarantine Station «t Grosse Lsle, (except only sush Vessels as arethereâ€" in desiguated and, reforred as excepted,) â€"to bring his Vessel to anchor at place at the said Quarsntine Station desi in the Ieguiaâ€" lons, and report such Vossel writing to the OMâ€" cer at the said Station dosi for that purpose in sugh Regulations, with all particulars relaâ€" tive to the same, abd to t Voyage. Passenâ€" gars and Cargo thereof requ by such ~Roguâ€" lations or by any â€"Ofider suthorized under them to require the same,â€"apd to allow the proâ€" par Oficer to visit awd inspgot such Vessel and every part thereof, and the assengors and crow aad the cargo and other on board the same, â€"a0d to sns #or traly a‘l queitions asked of him toushing the same,â€"and to on shore at said Station and at the places pointed out by the Oiteer thereunto anthorized b the said regulations ' «uy or allsof the Passeagers, Qrow, Cargo or ather articles on board such Vossel) as the said Officer | thinks nocessar} for proventi the introductioniof contagious or infoctions dise ;~â€"â€"and to allow such | , P4ssengers, Crew, Cargo and t articles, and alsy | | the Vaszol itself, to remain +o l at the said station and at suoh places thereat res vely, and to be so | ; cleansed, and puriiod the said Qfficer shail | ; %qhhm ‘ d:And bysuch | i ‘ilations, the Governor in Councit may aesis« siromenth of this Act ‘4n4 £ . | ; 8 _ V 1_ TCO C mesaid law and these Reguiaâ€" anceâ€"with all the requirements of this Act, ‘and for | tions. e shall permit all passengers, or other eqsuring the due perto of Qnarantine, by} persons lunded on the said Island, to be reâ€"omâ€" watd in â€"respect of Vessels, PAssengers and. Goods barked or shipped on board any Steamboat or coming into the Port of Quebbe, to which he thinks | other Vesset when the Vessel is in a _fit state «o it right for the preservation df the Public He alth, | receive them, and that they have been examined that such Regulations shou! apply, MF the | by him and found in m fit state for reâ€"embarkation thorough cleansing and dis ng of such Vesâ€" | or for leaving the said Isltand: and that all such wels, Goods and Passengers, \o as to prevent as far passengers and persons, with their luggage, have aa possible, the intreductiont or dissemination of been washed, vloansed and puridert, and that there disesse into or in this Province, and may t'“c does not exist amongst those who are about to proâ€" . time to tme revoke, aiter or lamend Suchs Reguthk« Lcouk orlenue ahl u0k o 1 _1 â€" LEce OE Sn c oo e w P io & 1 it right for the mrumim Publ that such Regulations shou! w,‘, a thorough cleansing and beting of zels, Goods and Passengors, $ as to pre: in Council may from titme to ‘ latlons as he thiaks propet tbr c ance with all the requirom of eqsuring the due perto uf asid in â€"respect of Vessels, Pksser GoIi.‘hto[h.M“Q“ e; te GovERXMENT nousE, $ JFUE« * Ottawa} 21st March, 1967,. 7'# Medica $ Pire » dtuh?lhtuu * t ns Pxctltencr Tnglaburyistraton | pab Balce OF THE GOVERNXENIP 2N couxer. or vessell to g Wu-gu hy the Farticth Chapter of the | Quarantine, as «WYÂ¥ Consolidated Statutesof Canada, intituied.| to.‘ He shall ¢ Aï¬_ Act respecting Emi Quarantine, it is , perioria Quarar atonget other things enacted, that «+ Theâ€"Governor | in the limit« o in Council may from tite to t make such reguâ€" ge lly do al lations as he thiaks proper for enforcing ‘cot pliâ€" n'mhdulu anceâ€"with all the requirements of this Act, and for | tions. Ife shal ensuring the due perio rof Quarantine, by persons landed aad in â€"respect of Vessels, P mgers and;Goods | barked or . ship toming into the Port of Quebbe, to which he thinks other Vezzol wi it right for the preservation ff the Public He alth, | receive them, an hat such Regulations shon apply, Mt the | by him and us MI3 EXCELLEXCY tar NISTRATOR 0"! THEâ€"GOVERXMEXE 1x CoU XCIL 0.‘ he recommendationof the Honorable the act ug Ministeg of Fi , Mis Excelioncy «in Connsil has been pleased to order, and it is horeby opdered that Scerip Metal of 1 kinds, though not apecial‘y mentioned in the LiX of Goods suthorized. by the Act 20 30 Vic, Cap. 6, to be imported into Canada free of Costoms duty, ghall be and the same is hereby authorized to be imgorted into this. Proâ€" vince or taken out of warchohse for cunsumption therein, Tree of Customs dutied ander the provisions of the 5th section of the 17th pter of the tnn-l lidated Statuates of Canada. * the County of Pelerhorough 'l'n"u\ip of ld*t, bo an «Agclared‘to be a Gold: Mirin plrposes of the said Act, un *\ Quinte Gold Mining Dirisi CEZu ns W WWe prosent i * “ con'.nc‘; t:bu;du":!n:\ tot "of ::'lo“..l:.s:: aheat in Council Ihh‘sugh, the Mos. the Comatissionâ€" er of Crowa Lands, that Gold as Mp-l»mvond. aad is found to exist in vatiouk parts of the Townâ€" ships hercinatier named, and Wwhereas it is expediâ€" _ ont (Bhat the tract embraced lin the . said several Townshipa should be broughtlunder® the oporation, and be made subject to th provisions of * The Gold Mining Act." » hip sc His Exechency in Council ) the recommendation ~of t *o Hon. the*Comm of Crown l\uflt, and ami in virtue of the authority given and f conferred by the in# seotion df the Act 27 anl 28 Vie. Cap. #, has been therei, pleased. to otder, «Axb Tt is wnnnay Oanearn; that the tract of Counâ€" tty comprized within and Wati the Townships of Bartic, Clarendon, Pal on, Miller and North «nd South C anonto, in the Cotfnty of Econtenac, the Townships in the County df Renfrow, situnted north of the Townships of Milfer and Canontp, the Townships inthe County of Addi situatenorth of the Towaships of Sheffietd gnd Bartie, the Townâ€" ;ï¬"hw(\uly of Hastings, sitwate north of the ! wnships of Sidoey, Thart$w. ind Tyendinaga, [â€" Jhe Township of Belmont; the Townships in the County of Peferhorough; bituate north of the Township of Belmont, be and|th¢ same is hereby || declared‘to be a Gold Mining Divisicn for all the | pï¬lï¬moflbpuiglhel. name of * The HIs EXCELLEXNCY tur or THE gGoverxu®yx “' HPRRFAS iâ€"has been :i celleney th0 Admings aeit in Codncil through the 1 uovERXME®XT nort OoTraw a Thursday, Ttlatay of Mareh. QU A RAXIM I xX x GOYERXMEXNT not N20 CC TOV T ©00.5p300 . around ) in"Buch Rbgalations, and such dingly be buch ,K'DO of the ver whathed ho be Rherwise quaâ€" by such Régulations the Goverâ€" y ithpose not exceoding w* ly any ase, on persons conâ€" carrying the said Regulations nto efect, and may"deciaze that porsons sh4ll by virtue of bis "Cevew year suall arrive rom ady port or ports, place or als te b" way of that Lawrshos, which is ‘below d from n‘ld Quarantine requd t of such Reguiaâ€" M wl tm m .‘ .*' » o8 w the writtgn perâ€" mpoweled to authorize such nay belcompelied to return U sai Suuo‘_. and by force and po fing a cgitainâ€"time or at cerâ€" + in which case they shail durlng time and .at the PRES ENT which is ‘below atthe tinue oftheir at during their ivoly cleared under Aslatic Cholâ€" tias . or Maasies,, or iecase, or in bowrd of ied ‘Irlr.mw ':::mm burâ€" on board 18 or W ce of the Peace or a bromse Isle and the r the.space . around galations, and suth foresaid: And bysuch l them ? ‘puncit may asign | If th ous to be omï¬lq.‘l‘ Clean ) ‘the powers and . | charge A. IHIMSWORTH, | T Asst. €. E. C en mreed "+ °S "ZJ person of persons, and how many tions asked of him | die duting the voyage, and from what dissemper ? id on shore at said | 9. Myoï¬wnyollhuhip‘aoo.mywpu- pointed out by the | sehngers, with your privity go on board any ship or the said regulations | vessol, or did any of the company of any, ship or row, Cargo or ather | vessel come on board your,ship in the vuyage, aod as the said Olml !n--lug-ndhl abosail last * Mb pers s lul id s : P 7 SCWiorized undert | 7. Have any person or persons during the voyâ€" d to allow the proâ€" qohuwrwubmmnguyw st such Vessel and with the cholers, plague or «Any pestilential fever assengors ahd crow | or distase * , * on board the same, | 8. Did any person or persons, and how many ions asked of him | die duting the voyage, and from what disemper * d on shore at said | 9. Myoï¬wuydlhuhip‘soo-myupu-- pointed out by the | sehgets, With YoUr ptHivity to on hoand anw 4i â€" i1 may require the up the River St. arantine Station at Vessels us arethereâ€" ) as excepted,) â€"to he place at the said ed in the Ieguiaâ€" NFS ENT iA cleared | all qases ADMINISTRAToR IN corxorn. 8 W E, OTTAW A Murch, 188 Asst. €. E. C RTH, n* of * The | P \| I"re nev lom | dul Bands, and .j given and | ¢ 2t .:.) 2s | at « ; Bur & to otder, t of Counâ€" ~«€ t Townships | ** N and North ‘:':I mtenkec, the | © Tas oo stm oo o Pemere en on to be trgated tor pestibeutial or infoctious disoases, ! and who are to be landed at that part of the »aid laland eet apart for such treatment, from those who do not require such treatment, and who may he Tanded at that part oldunldbhunupm for the receptiqn of the heaithy and those free from pestilential discases, and he shall be careful that all such persons shall be landod at such places resâ€" pectively, He shall have medical charge of all cabin passengers who d not disembark, and who Q.y'bohlnh.nuy.{y other than pestilential or infectious discase ; and shall order all passengers udpm-o.hudwmmp or vessol wlo“ Mkmm.mmwclfloï¬udb- | case, to belanded with theirluggage according to the foregolng regulation. | d Tnline bhidinht snsetesesk t io f us un A March, 1807 | _ If the anawers be satis(a Clean Bill of Health 1+> the charge‘; and such vessel, ma harbour otf Quebec. If the fuctory, or the Medical Su of vessels.. HMe shall direct the number gore to be lanided, distingnishing those , The Modical Supecintgnient s veszols ho may consider nocessa shall haye charge of all vessels « aotine. / He shall direct, it neve: passengers to be landed with the shalt “W'tlh cloansing of vessels.. He shall diraot #ha . reason to suspect fraud ou the ; or person in charge, erew or p4 immediately order the véssel to be appointed for vessels dotaine: of Ohunuiu’; he shall call fo passenger‘s lists and logâ€"books, thoroughly 20 as to ascertain the rences during the voyage, 34 sb any realstance, he will make ‘a be determined on to show that a sary. "* | passengers and persons, with their “J heen washed, vloansed and puridet c does not exist amongst those who ar A , ceed, or leave the said Island, any 11. Mave you any pun:o; t10, Miotle, doaf and dumb, b. are such accompaniod by relat 10. Drd you or any oflho-h]ps company or pasâ€" sengers, with bor without your privity or consent, land at any place within the Province of Canada * L 0 tad 10 38 We S b“'wâ€â€*"“""flm,w and w dth-.hmm».m..::'.,..,,.. pestilential fever or disease * . 6. How many persons werd on board when vessel sailed * cidt 40 * Cabin passengers * board ? f € css L'MMMw in her royage * 'hm He shall aiso go off to vesse ‘W’Qllui@m at Grosseâ€"Isle : put the following questions to the sons in charge, viz: 1. What is your mame wud that 2. From whenee did you #ail , a 3. What is your curgo, and y toms of Asiatic Cholern, Fever tina or Measies, or other infoct disease. â€" .l * All ships and yo:lla wt the class and descripâ€" . | tion hereinbefore mentioned, as linble to make , | their Quarantine & Groszeâ€"Isle, shall anchor with» ,, [ in the space included between trosseâ€"Isleand a , | line drawn parallel to it, through the Red Buoy, , | to be placed as heretofure uinder the ditection of , | the Superintendent of Pilots, and bouuded ca the , | Hast and West by lines drawn dae South from the Weetern Extremities of Ch@ Istazd hrad Gragse: * Iste. " The Island shall be co divided, as.to léave ; one portion thereof for the hwwul-,l:d for the treatment and reception of those who laboring | under or are threatened with any of the fullowing | dizeases, namely + Asiatic Cholers, Fover, Small | Cox, Scarlatina or Measlss, or any cther infokions | and dangerous dis¢ase ; and the remaming portion ’ for the reception and accommodation of all pasâ€" |leengers and uther persons who shai} be landed | and detained upon the said Island, who sbail ‘not Inbor unier or hbe threatened with uny of the said disedses, and no person or persons, unless on duty, shall be permitted to pass from one of the suid portions of the said I:land to the other, unless they have passports signed by the Medical Snperâ€" intendent. | uB B mt e e _ or tonnage than geven bundred tons measuremer shall bave on: layw-mltnnply gets or which have come (ftom some infect« Port, shall fiaketheir Quarnifine at Grosse Isle the River St. Laywrence, and there reimain and cor \| tinug until sach hips or vessels shalil be discharge from such Quavaptine, by such license or passpor | and discbarge, given without fee or emolument « any kind, as shall be directed or permilted by eae orders as shall 4- by the Governor, with th advice of the utive Couneil thereof; and unt: the said m,:? vessely shall respectively hav porformed such (narantine, and sh att be discharge therefrom > by such license. or passport and d.s charge as aforeshid persons, goods or merehandi which shall be $n board such ships or veasets | sall not come ot be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in this l‘mi.fl,‘ucopt in Grogse lslo Aforessic; when duly required by competent authority . 2. That all sh pe, and voprets which honcefouth and during the eight mmgIv aforesaid, shall arrive at the Port of Quetioe, from any port or ~ports in Burope, place or places, n-btlu-rhon as aforesaid, of the class or description hereinbefore mentioned, as Halfte and bound to make their Quaraftino at Grogaq Isle, to make their farther Quarantine in the barbour of Quebee, according to the Regulaâ€" tions hereinafier poovided* ‘ more Stoerago Pnssencors consider necessary to Owith to the Master or person in h vessel, may then proceed to the ec. If the answors be not satisâ€" Medical Superintendent has any fraud ou the part of the Master rgo, crew or passengers, he shall or the véssel to such pluce as may vessels detwined under Quarantine he shall call for the ship‘s papers, h troatment, and who may he t of the said island set apart for he heaithy and those free from es, and he shall be careful that all be landed at such places re«. and dumb, blind or " N2300 ho number of m lw‘.‘w‘l those who require tileutial or infoctious disoases, landed at that part of the said cintendent shall also board all vessels detained go oll to vessels biund to make gâ€"books, and inspect them ertain the whole of the occurâ€" K9 a-hhqu he meet with make ‘such signal ay may ow that assistance is neces» name aud that of your vessel * satisfactory, ha id you sail, and date? _‘ _ curgo, and whence taken on hid necessary, all steorage with their luggagze. And "", Slind or infirm, and relations able to support with their !u“-", have id purideit, and that there me who are about to proâ€" land, any case or sympâ€" fever, Small Pox, Searlaâ€" infections and dangersas did your vessel touch board who is tunaâ€" and disinfection ol nc cinss and descripâ€" loucd, as Hable to make #oâ€"Isle, shall anchor withâ€" etween tirosseâ€"Islerand a ity llm;o.h the Red Buoy, te whder the direction of Hots, qnd bouuded ca the lrawn dae South from the Ch# Istacd ud Grosse: be so divided, as.to Itave he MN:I:',.‘-M for the , or any and which as aforesaid, and ) Masters or perâ€" board when the inspoct, e *, or which baing of groatâ€" | th ndred tons measuremeny | «h or mote Stecrage lyz, riv come {rom some imfected | sh tubfine at Grosse Isle in ou ind there reimain and conâ€" ing +d in Quarâ€" all steorngo shall give a ind when the All Vessels liable to make their Quarantine at * Groese hlz.n their wrrival there, shall anchor | within thelimits of the Auchorage Ground at Grosse § < B Isle hereinbefore ‘defined, until boarded by the * W&M&Tu(:udflthylhdl,fl be ring the voy. | detained at Grosse Islo on account of sickness or any infected | Suspicion m shall receive a Cloan Bill of lential fever | Hoealth, and may proceed to the Harbour of Queâ€" * | bee, and thore anchor ut any place within the 1iâ€" how many | mits of that portion of the Port of Quebec, horeinâ€" t dissomper?,| before defined, and thgre reaain without communiâ€" pany or pasâ€" | cation with the vlol:ruy vther vessel or boat any ship or | Shtil Anally discharged from Quarantine by the li< any, ship or | Conse passport aforesaid; but ifaiy such veesel shall vayage, and { have been d:tuined at Grosse Iste from sickness or suspigion thereof, it shall anchor at the mouthof pany or pas» | the River $t. Charles,and there remain until finally or consent, | discharged trom Quarantine as aforesaid. PDPPUWIT Dh ie‘ P Do nintcimicess I 10.«â€"Inspacting Physician at Quebec., . â€"ccuted according “h';['[oi in ) â€"An Inspectingâ€"Physician Quebec shall go og | ase | to all voszels arriving at Quebes or at the mouth of | OH**> March 22. on | the river St. Charles, and put the following ques | ~~~~~~~â€" ..fthuhthla‘uumiuhur. viz : I NOTI He | i. When did you leave Grosse Isle? | T A N ind | 3. ubiolt inors your pasrport frods Grosse Isie t | * [ ae, ie L pCRMANY the | _ 3. How siany persons have you on board * m&:uc.n'axxo et | _ Cubia passengers * hk rurping the same, all any ; | _ In‘all ca26e where vossels having passengers‘ on . | board, on ndcount of sickness amougst such pasâ€" seugers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the | Master or person in charge may, on epplication to | the Medicat Suporintondent at Grosso Lsle, bo alâ€" | lowed to land the said passengers with theit lugf | gage ; and the vesse) being property cleansod, paâ€" | rifledund diginfected under the supo;lntu-lanco | and with the diconse of the Medical uperintenâ€" | dent, may procecd up the river without the said | pessengers, upon the mastor or porson in charge , paying to such person at shall bo appointad to reâ€" | ceive the raumw, one shilling and three peouce for | each passonger, to bear the oxpense of their conâ€" ‘ i veyance to Quobec, and also at the rate of une | | shiling pmt. for each of the suid passongers, , | to reimburse the expease of their maintonance at } Grosse Isto, fqr the time during which such vessel, .' | in the judgingat of the Medical ,dnpoti-udm-i [ would have uid to e dothimeal In. Prowsssiinn o ing of groak. , the wholp or any and which of the eai. reasu shall remain on the said Istand, to pro rage l’mz river by some other mode of conveya omre infected | shall, so poon as the passeugers are ; irosse Isle in ou board their ship, or on any ship or win and conâ€" | ing the smid laland, give a passport or o discharged | Health ty the Master or person having or passport, | in chargd, to proveed to Quobec. | He nolument of | returns 6f the versels boatded Le | |y , ar 4; 0 [ _ _" [ Onarge may, on aopplication to ' Xtawa, March 2.5&._ = / m’l‘:?â€: I the Medicat Suporintondent at Grosso Isle, bo alâ€" |, M mss ue maseus j lowed to land the said passengors with their h‘{ ' 7 ~. M { gage ; and the vessol being property cleansod, paâ€" | ( > B & AMZ ul * , rifledand diginfected under the mpornuldouco «. UA NP hk *_«d x | !M'l&h the diconso of the Medical uperintenâ€" I‘ ‘{fl‘ "arh A ’ | dent, may procecd up the river without the said AM WeP. *{ T s: ' pqssengers, upon the mastor or person in charge | *. y | & h o db / * ‘ paying to such person as shall bo appointod to reâ€" YCeeqemt Anfers® .. m<y 1 | ceive the raume, one shilling and three pegss ror, * poteat" g. h m* h a each passenger, to bear the oxpense of their conâ€" " bexinte g\‘ C ts ' . | veyance to Quobec, and also at the rate of une | }a’y, Y :.:'Y' Q“AQK.‘ | shilling per diom for each of the said p.uun‘on., * #.;: ‘11'.1"'512}“;' feAt } to reimburse the expense of their maintonance at [ . IRalzs } R Grosse Isle, fyr the time during which such vessel, | ~XO@TIC Eo ' weurg fidguat of the Medical Superintendont» | surneBsy GIVEY To ALL cononreâ€" | would have kad to be detained in Quarantine ‘ l GATION®, or others .".h. Churches, and waiting for the passengors not adfected with aoy of | individn corporations ‘and companies owning the pestileatial or infoctious discases um.:u.i (alls, h‘::“'m io wl oo c hk i otherwise such vesso! shall be detined in Quaranâ€" bublic resort or amassueat, atf the §3 en 1e tine until &omrnm sick of the aforesaid ' ;owq‘&um my:lpn free‘y outwards, on dizeascs, shall be cleansod,; washed, parifed | or phtore the ‘:{n "m'“:-m‘.“. any | . and disinfected. ' -MW!-:&:I--. hss ye Pt* ( | 1O.mâ€"lnepecting Physician at Quebce., . | THOS. LANGRELL, _ r acks.. | An Inspectingâ€"Physician _ Quebec shall go o€ | esaind Chief of Police. to ult vessele ubriving ut Quobas ay atrts Llocir â€"a l OMawa â€" Miasucs eohamn utfresdwccpalll d . the Meaical Superintendent. ° All vesse‘s detained in Quatantine shall be cleansod and ventilated, and their between decks, if not painted or varnishâ€" od, shall be well whitewashed ; but if painted or varnished, shall be thoroughly sorubbed with soap and water of Jey, and such lon of the ballast as the Medi¢at &Muelql shall order, shall be thrown oterâ€"board under hi« immediate suporâ€" intendence, or that -7 gume person to be appointed by him for that daty, _ _â€" Vessels arriving at (Groaso Isle from any infected portor plage, or one supposed to be infected, and on board of which no pestifential disoase shall have dectared itself during the pessage, may be kept under Quarantive of Observation for a period of not mure than three days, during which time the passengers and crew thereo!f, shall besubâ€" Jooted to a strict parification under the direction of cases when it shall be cobsidered necessary by the Medical Supérintendent that the steerâ€" | ago passongors shall be landed with their luggage, and washed and purified and shall be permittod 'hn-o-bukndpmod in the same vessel, or shall be detained and embarked in some steam~ boat or other vessel, as shall be directed by the Medical Superint endent. , The passengers in the principal cabin shall not be landed except in cases ollkkuu,udusyu.nu-npmï¬mmo vessels, or otherwise, after having washed and puâ€" tided their luggage to the satisfaction and with the passport of the Medicat Superintendent. . : On the arrival of any vessel at Grouse 1sle, on board of which there shall be or shait have been during the passage any case of Cholers, Fever, Smail Pox, Scarlatina or Meagles, or cther infecâ€" tious or . dangerous disoase, and in ail other okace whin â€" it shall ho anfsttu.sy Eo0 2 , eommunnindimees Artcy u.4 board. ~Every Pilot having charge of a vesse!, of the description of those liabte to make Quarantine at Gmo.Elo as aforésaid, shall bring her to anâ€" chor within the limits of the anchorage ground at Grosse Isle bereinbefore defined. They shall also keep a Unionâ€"Jack Aying at the poak of all vesse}s ander their charge, untit boarded by the proper ofâ€" cere. Onargiving at Quebec, ifthe vessel has received a Clean !.l: of Health from the MedicalSupf#rintenâ€" dant at Grosse Iste, snd has not been detained there on account of sibkness or suspicion thereof, she may bring to at any place within the following limits in the Port of Quebec; viz: the whole space of the River St. Lawrence, from the mouth of the River St. Chartes to a line drawn weross the #aid River St. Lawrence, from the Flagâ€"sta@ on the Citâ€" adel ur Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said river, but lnuf mot communicate with the shore or with any other vessel ar boat until bearded by the I-poeth‘-l‘h"lehl; but if the vessel be l’ the.clads of thore not liable to make their Quartantine at Grosse Isle she may either bring to at any place within the aforesaid limita, in‘ the Port of Quebes, or she may proceed at once to the Ballast Ground, """ °h6 P‘Casure of the trovernor ’ known respecting the person o b l ‘ of the Medical Superintemient, who will have fu * | authority to discharge and soud foum ‘the LJap ?‘ all or any such person», reporting the fact of suc | dirchargo and the reason theretor, for the informs ‘ } tion of the Govertior treneral or porson administei / ing thogovernment. Allsuch persons in any way on .| guged tu gelling or trattic on the saild Lland sha [' be regulated as to price« by list: to be furnished b | the Medichl Superintondent from thne to time, as sisted by ithe Chict Emigrant Agént at (Juehes He shait aï¬riody euqtire into and decide upon a} complainty of misconduet or breack of the reguts tione by persons so trading ; le shall see that » officer or persou employed by the Government, «. in any public employ ment flllho:nl-i lslansd, bas directly of indireéctly any interest of csy~=en ; any supply of provigione, or other things to be supâ€" plied or howw‘;umngu Jeland Pilets having been furnished with copies of the fuid Act relative to Emigrants and Quarantine and of these regulations, and also of these laws regulaâ€" ting Emigration, shall exhibit the same to the Masâ€" ter or person in charge of every vessel they may hokkd. ~EÂ¥ory Pilot bawhie srares ce ie n e m U Te Nee ie agpepe itc _or &m\l‘}u indirectly receive: or takes any pri Yate gratuily or reoward for service rendered to any Mastors og Crews of Vessel«, Passongors or othe persous Ton the said Istand. (And it shall be the duty of all persynsto whose knowledge any breach of this Regulation shall come, to report the same htuh to the Modical Baporintemdont, who shall enquire into the facts alleged, and may suspend lt his odice any person so charged unâ€" til the pleasure of the Governor Goneral, shall be and the ubpacking wod ventilutin aid whenthey are in a St state t if need ba, cause any bagguge . be burit qrotherwise destroyed. C100 50 prssengters landed \istributg them as he «hail on wti of the Istand tre of pestilential « or on the part of the said healthy nassemiere W ui thre with any sue “M':huyc.rhuqiue porsons fol euing Pt al V.=â€" Veescls h s having passedgers‘ on ‘ss amougst such pasâ€" 1 in‘ Quarantine, the may, un application to it Grosso Lste, bo alâ€" mgors with their lag{ roperty cloansed, paâ€" | the lflp‘;lm.dm. Medical uperintenâ€" roe without the said or person in charge I be appointod to reâ€" and three pegso for ’ go and sond from ‘the »a~, reporting the fact agon theretfor, for the: treneral or porson adu Allsuch persous in any Emigrant® Agént at (Juehes, |* ire into and decide upon alt | * duet or breach of the reguta> | " ading ; e shall see that m | f oyed b¢ the Government, 6« | *‘ weht on theâ€"said Istand, bas | * : any interest o esyesen i . ** ne, or other things to bo snpâ€" ; *~ ag the busin l be allowod t Isfand. "And it shall be vivo whose knowledge any n shall come, to report the on the said Iland shall 1 or infecti nce and direct seugets are reâ€"ombarked any ship or vessel leayâ€" & pas«port or Clean Bill of 1 frum may + think exped b #DPpr0priate He h of the eaid parsonge;s it, lor the informa porson administer harged g of their baggage + proceed, he shatt t any part of it to hu perialt on . to proceed up the mveyance, and he furnished by the Ixland tupriated t ty of persou U ha ‘mTIC MPSTLERAN wWHO Br ‘MI%» l. take took uuilho- the Russel House, on M&m‘ NK CAP, '“IGNI‘QD’ reâ€" rurping the same, be "O-'-' Te ttawe, Pebruary 38, 1867 ROBERT LYON, Mayor of the Cn‘of Oitawa, do hereby order and direct, that all ards, Cellurs, ‘tables, Outhouses and other Buildings anc Enâ€" losures, Lanes or Alleys, shall be thoroughty ‘leansed of all Filth, Dirt,\Nightsoil, or other +mâ€" purities by the owners or persons occupyirg the ame, Before the 2801h day of April, 867 : And I hetoby give notice that the Chief of ulice and the Conon*nhry of this Ctx_‘m en« oined to proceed, at onee, to have all vy Pits, ‘esspouls, &e., thoroughly cleansed, and to see this wder carried into effect, and all and every person c persons d‘noboyh&or neglecting to observe the ame, on or before the Twentieth day ot April, 8607, will be punished according to law. , GIVEN under my hand at the City of Ottawa this 22nd day of March, A. D. 1867. ROBERT LYOoX, Under and I:{ virtue of the them :ZVI ous Acts of P; « Boards of Health," and in lous Byâ€"laws of the Ciry of o the Pliby alsumad ces Wc o C Requr®ly s €0 have the City cleaned of all filth u‘rnuium: And whereas the introduction and spread of Cholâ€" #ra, Typhus and other contagious dmum is, and will certainly be influenced by the eanitary conâ€" lition of the city : And whereas S o COoPee ‘ament, establish * Boards of Hulci‘.?-';:i i:.:l« «rdance with v‘:r! ous Byâ€"laws of the Ciry of Ottawa, have deemed t advisuble that I--.Ihlo steps should be taken or cleansing the City, Now Kuyow Ye that I, ut , WHEREAS, it and somfort of th _ 15, Any person who shall contravene, Qllhrrâ€"by I omission or commission, any of the foregoing Regâ€" ulations, shall for every ofepce incur and pay a Fine not exceeding FOUR HUXDRED DOLLARS, to be recovered in the mmanner prescribed by the said Act; and every person who, upon convietion of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which he shall bare been condemned to pay, shall be imprisoned until such Fine be paid. Asp The Order is Council, of the 9th April, 1866, and all previous ofders making Regulations relating to Quarantino, are herehy reroked. * W. A. HIMSWORTH, 52o A0Mt _ | _\ / ~ _ AMBL U K. 6. THE OTTAWA TIMES 14. No Ves#el shallâ€"be entered or cleared at the Port of Quobes or Montreal, until all the requireâ€" ments of the foregoing Regulations in reference to such Vessel shall have been fully complied with. W i cupecs iess nsl chce ces 1 T _ 13, All vessels trading between any ports or places within the District of Quebec, and not hav. ing touched at any ports or places without the said District below Grogsoâ€" Iste, nor communicated withâ€" any other vessel which shall bave arrived from any port without the said district below Grosse Tele, shall 10 exempt from theâ€"foregoing rulés and reguâ€" tations, so far as respects the necessity of going to ur stopping at Grosgeâ€"Iste ; nor shall the said rules and regulations apply to any Verse! of War, or to Transports or Vessels having Queen‘s Troops on . board accompanied by a Medical Offcer, aud fo a healthy state, or to any Steamer from Europe, unâ€" loss sickness or death may havo ‘occurred during the passage. # it Gro«so«lsle for the purpose of taking on board passengers disect from that Island, without preâ€" viously obtaining from the Collector of Customs of the Port of Quebec, a written Permit to that effect ; subject neverthelessto the regulations hereinbefore provided. > ; Tho Board of Health 170000 . C# *OMIn0 LOROF of the passport and the actual state of the bealth of the passengers and erew, that sicknmess does not‘exist on board, he shall then grant to the Master, or person in charge of" much vessel, a CortiGcate in writing »etting forth the healthy state of the passengers and crew, to the end that such . vesret‘ may oblain a final disâ€" charge from Quarantine:â€"But if, on the contraty, »uch Inspesting Physician at Quebee shall find any ase of pestilential or infections disoase r board, of shall have jast eause to apprebend the reaking NOTTCE, to the said Iuspectingâ€"PBysici i he shall find, as welt from t receive as trom the tenor of th actual state uf the bealth of t crew, that sickmess does not‘exis then grant to the Master, or i ruch vessel, a CertiGicate in w; the healthy state of the nassen: _ 1. Number left at Grosse I &, Mave any person or pers s140q you left GGrosse Ivle * 6. Mave any died? State â€" of the Citizens of Ottawa ;;;;a.l.l'y, TD UVOIT o sut> D /w v Steambont shail be allowed to proceed to virtue of the Powers conferred uq us Acts of Parliament, establish ntecrage pastengers * Crew * j Mave any person or persons come on‘ board or ulr vessel sinee you teft Grosse I#le * Mave you any mdbum who is lwnatie, t, denf nnd dumb. blind or ‘Lnfrus: e d ues " HOurer, ho shall require all Masters, or in charge of vessels liable to mmke their tiue at Urusseâ€"Isle, to exhibit to him the t passport which they shail have received Medical Superintendent at the Quarantine and such Masters ‘or pedsons in gbll"l. thwith extibit the same for examination, . ld Iuspectingâ€"PDysician at â€"Quebes, -ho.“ 1 find, as well from the answer ho may T will greatly gonduce to the health 8 of Ottawa generally, to all fiith ud"nuiune;-: Quaratitine, b » lhe\.‘crlflpr’ f the Governe the said luepe h vesxsel shall ) orauh on(boare who is lunatic, b, blind or infrm, and are by ‘relations able to suppor 0 Isle* versons been taken #sick number, pames and Ayeflsm(_.fyqu:y Pectoral, | YOR THE|RAPJD CUkE or ° ,.n,hl, Colds, i-l-nu.. Honarsenens, | Cronp, Hronchitis, Inciptent Conâ€" 1 ou-{puon. amd for the IRelict | of Consumptive Patients # | ln‘flw-ced Stages ‘ | the Discasr. #3, Melancholy, | Many r;m-;l-l-l; chics of ;‘l ade by the alterative power e t:‘{ vital m-..m.':' into v qvercomes diserders which woul «_ Buch a remedy has long cemition of the people, td we ar do for them all thit medicine c« Schirrus, Canecr Tumors, |'lnruinu. Cariey and 7 the Bones, T | A arcat variety of « have been 1 pres of these formidable complaints ::- nee of this remody, but onr u'pcu them. Scme of them way be foun Almanac, which the rgents below p r}.. wish gratis to all who call for thei Dys sia, Heart Discase, * '“,-'y, ilol-nthcly, Ne Neuw: wsul. Pe# c the nse them, man im i b Livr. . My tre to try your 8 d any thing yo tiig of God it hiw to make anmew ;I-l that Cur by s 1: qoR en Till elronic Rhewmetis o6 physichuns. mus le« Lcould find, t botile cured me in tw bealth xo much that 1 ME n mm PTT 7 vemedy ; consequently, Thos Â¥)th it have not mnyM niv Fraterually youre, And for the upec '_’ sure of the following compla!nts . Scrofn!d and Scrofulens Afections,snct: as Wiuusors, Liecers, sores, Eruptions, |Pimples, Pustaules, llï¬ou:'lw-, Holls, | Blaiiesy Aird al} i de das l aett se â€" Ottawa, January 28, 1867 t. Anthouy‘s Pire Detter and. Haft 1 Hing worin, Sore S&IS * & a R Eapa-h' hilï¬@ rhleh stands nn}igdlod. nm(lioci in any 37) ets. per C+allon. They have made [arrangeménts to do o at a »mal} Eut per bumner, and withou injuring the Gas urner or Chandelier, | Maving altered 4 or 5 dozen Burners during the w:q't. which ‘give great eatisfaction in all E‘-n. they can with confidence recammend this ange. hispp d \ Good Canada Rock 0° ®)philis n ¢@ns containiig Five Gallons; and Chimneys ! y the dozen very low. | Pennsyivania Rock Qil ‘ WhLik cedelg. hals ds s esw‘ 1 ’l‘lllC SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform the : public that having been appled to by a large number of the citizens of Ottawa to have their â€"« C OA T . May 31, 1886 »$HpAE heut Hiimie io Te P viand ds ciues 1A W V Sparks Street, sole Agent fTor sale of nbove Watches, and contion the public against being im« posed upon by Watches marked * Makers io the Queen," but which are not manufactured by us. y ‘HICMJS_RUSSBLL & SON, Y ! have appointed »t, 3. oxsirn, Snatks Sbieot anle Asang siouipl oa 4099 FOR PURIFVYING THE BLOCD GAS FIXTURES CHANGED ! tw N9 t GAS SUPERSEDED ! Avior We ui is P en ‘me; Abd I bavebeen a I-u-:.m«lu\{n muun from bp ether cause than drvonpeiarn e beloved pastor, the Rev, Mr. Â¥spy, Ad cised Exmsaparilia, becanse hi" sald he koew gou, youl mitle was worth trying. . Ry the bles« e cured me, and has so porified my Ltcod w Inant lof MDG. . } feel ')“uullg again, ‘Fhe e »nld of you is not hal good enongh," heen or Whites:Ovarien Tan:or t lccration, Female Discasos, Chanatn 1 N LT en Ausd wll Sidr l_l'ipeule'. + 1. OsELAND, Ind.} 6th Jn # & Co, Geate: 1 feel it my i what yhaue Farmmpaiilla has Jor nlbed a (Scrofilous infoction, 1 ha nlob® waye far yeark. . Rometino. LAPRIL 16, 1 560 NOTIC E:: Tumors, lv:nl'argenlcnt ley and Exfoliation o (Pirc, Rose or r.l?'-lrelin,u, hn Ktheum, Scald Head, re Eyes, Dropsy, 8 pbie writes from Eaiem, N. Y., 12h + hos cuncé an inveterate case of nlened. to terminate fatally, by the \r Sermapmriiia, and alse a dancerois J# by lafep dosck of the reme; Eiys h Arvntions by it consiantiv. WILL BE SUPPLHD At Goiltre or Swelled Neck tospect, Texas, writes 1 * Three be Na emed ino from m fidire we nb hwreck, wthich I had snflered on W. M f 366d48w9y * | February 24, 1887 mave been reported to us where 80 AS To t8F un d G. V, LARLNER, M. p. al [ ALFRZD ®. TabbAEY retmarkable resalts Â¥ 9 teet vctassaan W Puliskal 4 London and Ll'rrrlwnl‘ ~ TI0y () ']4.' The t 6foy c Abse the One eral quantity For such lefault NOTICE is hereby given COMPANTES not complying iable to the PCR oo oo ho on ENC C nPat | Massey, H. F. McCart \'o?rl“z' ‘ U(tum: The whole as required b 33, soo. 11. $ .',. ie 77. 'i rC , unugnusr KWaring Leen imade that i‘;‘h ,(/ cortain i ‘ ‘: ‘FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIXS | 1 Not incorporated by any Statute have nst published the state Assets and liabilities ; Amount of Capital Stock ; Amount paid thereon ; .‘ Nature of Assets ; Amount of Josses ; Dated at Porth this 15 Notice is hereby given thatâ€"under of the Statute of 27 and 28 Vic., Cap the said license to act as a Brewer, to the said Thomas Bourke has, in such default, bocome and tho same clared to be forfeited and void. PENALTY OF $1.000 D f PP the statute in such case made ponalty of $400 was imposed which ‘penalty the said Thom 6 pay ; : tGAiAdIiAN P.illl the 16th day of F!bgury last having illicitly distilled spirits w:ll;ng:As, uen â€"« Bmith‘s Falls, in t by a liconse under my h: of September, A.D.â€" 1866 Brower in the said Vilia : h n rnt Aneid Massey, Heury F. M Ottawa. I Ottawa, Feb. 5, 1867 |Arabisan TIcave 1xD coxpttion ; lfl FOIITI\'EL)’ sUPE or all other prepatations for Coughs, Thick and Broken Win which affect the WYid of Horwes [ Hon: Medierme. anrmnestine o uin ul _ D. W. HURD, Suscesso Lane, New York, Sote P State«, Appetito is â€"improve digestive organs corr giving to the coat a s en oc uh 1 301. C EC MEINE IL * It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by 1 ing fmm&tbo air.cells the coagulable ly m that secrétion which in heaves clogs them, ¢ a dificu‘ty in breathing, and by itsâ€"action . diseased part, causing the mucous membr J::mo its natural dimengions, thas equalizi eireulation of the blood, and restoring the dis vessols to their natural siza‘: by its Sza paaly 10% NeWiCAr, surpassing overy th is ensy to give, sure to cure, and and at all times, and «loes not P from being worked while using it. It cleanses the breathing appar ing fmm&tbo air.cells the ccaza that secrétion which in hanvas af.. And whereas the said all W hoin it M Bold by , bany ; Amonnt of premiams earned dus and unpaid ; .. adjusted anduot die, _ { â€" ~_ in suspense and waiting for fir prsefs: _ ... vresisted, and for what eause ; Aimount of all othor claime against the e Ar f rguis omrérxsar, lished in 1837, ar (ever introduced under | Wayer®," in this op anm; | "*imonic Woafers are be known by the na : R WAPLI Relieve Oitawa Fe Reliove PULMONIC uies RELI®I » as provided in the said A~t JOHNX SIMPSOX, / No trave 1 felacudsl muick rwextyâ€"mvg ocays teo. Mortimer, John Rol NOTICE, ROBERT DOUGLAS, Collector Tnland Revenue, f County of Lanark this 15th March, A.D. 1867. _ _: by 4 was imposed upon him therefor, 1 e said Thomas Boarke has failed Coughs, Colds, For llr‘ynn'c Pulmor Asthima, Bronchiti 2 "’J"“'l Pulmor thia ) THOMAs BOUREKE, Is,in the County of Lanark my hand, bearing date the during the past year | by the Aet 2% Vic. 7 "DNVAUCOrthe provitions | 28 Vic., Cap. 3, Section 1 10, as a Brewer, granted by me urke has, in conspquence of ARererant imer, John Roberts, W. M. eCarthy, and J. Skinner, in n‘ that INSURANCE & with the said Act are spirits Against the form 3RXA N‘K Ir empowered to 3 of Smith‘s Fall« Thomas Bourke w in the } otthd be sUPERIOR To any iuns__t_i_:r the cure of Heares» Aubi® T C under the p NT Arotron 3674w9 if Eâ€"this Provin ent of their i provided, and ad and uncarnod wOHcOn ty Oreics omedy TEDiCIN iR a hereby de MQdwOin C.W LA Ap MINXUTES er ; OF L, was 1 Sth 197 f if has happened that persohs su;m‘ in th 73 Forees of Our said Col y have performeq lot gallantry, in consid@ration of which tt | not, according to the sthict provisions ‘of O | recited Warraat, eligifle fyr this high dist | . New know ye, that We 6f onr eepecial certain knowledze, and me instion, have 1J "| Gthereby to signity Oag Rdval Wiil and P that the said Docoration may bq "confer j.uch persond atoresaid, wh may . be qual j receive the same in acjorddnce with the Ru at | Ordinanees maide, ordaine , td establishe for the goyernment th¢res by Our said Warraut, and We do by these Presentsfor I § | Heirsand Succcssors Orgain and appolat "â€" | ahall boe compctent for sieh persons atore: *, | obtain the said Decoration in the manner «c | in the Rules and Ordingncos referred to, or cordance with euch further Rules and Ordi +) as may hereaftor.be made and promulgated ~Oar flyeinx and Fuccosedrs, for the governu | the ##id Docoration, provided that it be estat ‘ in a§F gase that péreon was . serving wi Troolf; under &) ork o£ aA General o ~ Olishr, undor érownstances. whick would. . ; an ;l:{u‘cr or Soldier of Gar Aruy to be : "monded for the said Dogoration, in accordanc the Rules and Ordinanbas prescribed : in Ou T recited Warragt, and P»mvi«kd also euch j abl""b! reeotnmended for it by ‘such Gene other Oficar : x & Aall We‘ do further fur us, Oar Heirs w % | Sorspprdain 4nd 4p int that th | may jalso _bo__cbn{e‘:"rsl. in r:m seit of wol We do further for us, Oar Heurs a; d Succesâ€" forspbrdain «nd dppoint that th i gmruiu may also be cbnierrod, in -»-.m with the Rules and Ordinancer prescribed in Our said regited Wartast, and subject to the provisions aforesaid, on such persons who may be qualified to receire the same in accordanse with the said Rules and Ordinances, as may herbafter be employed in the Local Porces raised, or which may be raised in Our Colonies aud theit Depeadencies, who may be catlâ€" ed uï¬on to serve in coâ€"operation with Our Troops in military operations which it may be necessary to. npdertake for the ‘flfprmiun uf Rebollion «gainst Oar Authority; orfor repelling invasion by a foreign $nemy. | f es Given at Our Cou::i at Osborne Flouse, Irle of | Wight, thi: h d.'l of Janzary, 1867, in 0bo0 SSEA ENE es e an ?ii«‘cr or Soldier « monded for tho said Ds the Rules and Ordina: recitgd Warraugt, and sball "ba reeoinmended other Oficar : Iol’ gaxmantry, in considgration of which they gre | not, according to the sthict provisions of Our said | recited Warrkat, cligiÂ¥le fyr this high distinetion : | Now know ye, that We 6f onr eepecial Grace, certain knowledze, and me 'mdtiun( have thought ,flt hereby to signify Our Rdval Will and Pleasure that the said Docoration may be oonfn.rged on l-uch persond atoresaid, wh may . be ql.liï¬oflfl to receive the same in ncdordgnce with the Rules and ~Ordinabees made, ordaine , Anlestablished by Us for the goyernment th¢res , by Our said recited Warraut, and We do by these Presentsfor Us, Our é Heirs and Sucocesors Orgain and appolat that . shall be compctent for sich persons atoresaid to. obtain the said Decoration in the manner «ot forth in the Rules and Ordinancos referred to, or ‘in< c cordance with euch further Rules and Ordinances as may hereaftor,ba made and promulgated by Us#, Oar a{:in and Fuccos=drs, for the government of the ##i4 Docoration, provided that it be established in a@f gase m“tï¬c-iy Peon was . serving with Our Troolf; under 7 ors of a General or other Olig$r, undor rtrounstances. whick would. entitle an ;'iiccr or Soldier of Uur Army to be recomâ€" mended for the said Dogoration, in accordance with the Hules and Ordinanbes prescribed in Our said revitqd Warraut, and 'rmvidod also euch person shall ibe recotmmended for it by ‘such Generdl or afhintl C406 m00 + & . " OJ NO O S° PHHn@Ln®! progress of the operaâ€" tions which We have unde; aken against the In surgont Nativetribes inour olony of New Zealand, it has happened that persohs serving in the Local Forees of Our said Colgny have performed deeds of gallantry, in consid@ration f which they gre not, necording to the #tÂ¥ict bravictime n# Anu _ te | â€" W Â¥ / Royal Sign,,\l nu }of Our Principal Secrétar | date at Our Coarts at Back deay of Jamafy, 1854, i; 101{1‘ lé[ci,,'n. Wealid equet Naval and Mil:tary 9 ldosigm:a the Victorla We cxf.rcr-od Our desike . : i and eagerly sought aiter 1 £War Naval and Miti ry make, ordain, and e A nlnlrof. thotdin #ot fort for same, to be thenceforth i s$a m( kent Aui nore, .,...,T.; . Â¥ictorIA‘4) VYICTORTA: by ‘vnulu:,\s, by a 1 Royal Sign Ménu: WARRAXT , The Oficer Logal Force in auy jof 11. I have to appeat to y W arrant. ind whereas duriuflthefyro‘rm _6 w Loit Trst day of Janzary, 1967, the thirtieth yeat of Our Reign. * By Her Majesty‘s Command, .‘ (Bigned) J. PEEL 0 Oficer Administe} ing the Governie of Canada. | tire TAE '~( y e d > Governmeht wda. S ; \ Â¥T jur_extemdting the Vieto Purces in Nee rnluld w adthbir Dependehcies yemer UA â€" * A, hy the racd ‘of God, Kingdont of Grdat Britair tQneen, Defen of the J to whom theed Presents 1ireotin_g: REAS, a MWarrant ral Sign Mgnua}, counters icipal Secr@taride of State, Coarts at Hack gham Pa mary, 1856, in| the ninet , We did <edustifute ‘and e Mil:tary uilation, to 1 the Vietor oss, whict od Our desi ould be 1 sought after by the Ofice A and Milifary| Services,, in, and estfiblifh tho Rui (Digngd) Vopeadencies, who may be catiâ€" : coâ€"operation . with Our Troops ons which it may be necessary the / Fuppression of Rebollion :Zl_\'f‘0r£ï¬rrep¢lliflgifl'flifl by atr C N20s070In franswitting to you a riant, iIszwd hder the Royal Sign c which The deforation of the Victoria conterrad ‘vn jpersons serving mthe which ake or may hercafter be rafsed Majestyts Colopies. t you to t ke whatever stops may ; likely t¢ give publicity to this CV CR MOWs ga macces» that th fitâ€"Decoration in r-,m with the scribed in Our said regited the provisions aforesaid, ; be qualified to Mit.‘ ith !“u uig Rules and y a Warrant under Our Anual, countersigned by one {qri # of State, and bearing Jackingham Palace, the 29th , in| the nincteenth year of melilute and create a new tecurlation, to be styled and i* Gross, which Decoration to. should be highly prized r the Oficers and Men ry|Services, and Tiul also blith the Rules.and Ordiâ€" for| the government of the h prictably observed and y the, hohor to be It '_}C't Britain nndiir"lfll;ni_. f the Faith. To all resents ghall come, Hnmble Servant,; CARNARVON IEXT ubedient, Victoria Cross to th nd and in the Jols, generall y, 1, of the United I IlOL n oLthe Homor» ty wiven and LI ADANMNXIST1 nin provi * Points, connecting at 8t. Johns yic ‘ Yermont Central Eaitrond, at Buyâ€" e lington with the Rutland and Bur. 1881... ; lington Railroad, @lso at Réuse‘s 1 Point with Lake (‘k:m;uhin.-lu:gn 4 for Lake George, Saratora New [PVHA~ i_ _ Yorks en Abmunmentancanease® § Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebee, m Biv.ic‘n du Loup and l::::h:‘l.rnt.»l { _ â€"feit" SleepirgCars on al Night Train: mineduts | chacked um':::h. oA * v/ |. _ For further iuformation, and time of a »should, | departure of all trains at Termini and dules to tions, soe the Grand Tronk Pmilway Roâ€" Where the real estate extend« beyond the Umits o(mw"-ilp.lw&d@ddlm‘ be charged for every additional township named in the Charter. T Tus Orrawa _ xzs.â€"Printed and Published every morning, i,sundnyc lexcepted) by Gzores Corrox, Proprictor, at the Tt# Steam Printing Works, Xo. €0, Spaikt _ The lands, o«/y, astually acquired ‘@! the date 01 the publication of the nntice by intending Companie® for any of the purposes mentioned in subssctiont f.:.-':, 4, 5 and 6, of section 1 of the Act, will be ‘included in the Charter. Such lands. must be yorâ€" ficularly described in the Notic» and Potiion by 10 and concession, or by metes and bounds, it a porâ€" tion of lot or lote) and may comprise any number of lots, or portions of lots in any county or countios ; where head offices are desired in any city, town or village, within or without this Province, sack place or places must also be epecified in the Notie® and Petition. ) & T > 10, s The ra/ue of the real estate to the amount reqirâ€" ed by the Act, should be proved by the evidense of at least two, persons, who have examined the pro perty.~ In the case ..r.mux.u.. report after examination of a Mining Engineer, or Export, or Geologist of good ropute, wopld seem to be requisite. f : hi ienss CEme P e s Btreet, in the City of Ottaws County of Oarleton, C W, When the paid up capital consists of. mat extote Ain whole or in part) the fact of the real eétaie stunding in thou-uafmgpth!t*'l either by the production of the Titie deeds duly proven, or by the certifGicate of the Registror of the County where the lands lie, embodying so much 0( the instruments registered as will show the dates, the parties, the parecl«, and the trast« The fact that the ten per cent. has been paid. to the ergdit of trustees for the Company, in a Charâ€" tered Bank of the Province; ought to be proved ty the certificate of the cashier or other principal off= wer of the Bank., befs leagst sae hal/ the p¢u|fl:ud capital having been (duly made, by persons of good reputé as to meens of payment, must be shown by the afidavit of some credible person cognizant of the tafl, The Provinâ€" cial Secretary cannot report that the subscription of stock has been made in = good faith" unless this be done. â€"‘ P Eum c \| kml.mn'mumum..rmw is a l Rritish subject and a regident within the Province, should be by declaration of the =subject" himnel, | rerified by affidavit. E M 2 The proof .as 10 swbw vip im o maboel may be by production of the ‘stoCk book, with‘ the #signatures of the submcribers, &c., verifed by afidavit of some one who saw the subscription ; or in the absence of the stockâ€"book, by tiis afidavit of nt Teast two of the subscribers, stating the fact thit such «abscripâ€" tion hzs bech made, > a 404tf ~_ The prodf as to corporate any ofher company, ought t knowledge and belief, by on a‘ resident of this Province, agont being such resident. be verifed by affidavit duly The Jrtition ought to corre withâ€"the ‘notice, and should the applicabts (to the numbe souffily, or if any case by A Attorney suthorizing signatia ticated. ought to accompany The fact of the shbsorip 'l‘llE NOTHICE 1N THJ> 4 i required by gection 2, may be been give$, if, on examination by an Department, the fact appears,and it tian names of the applicants with the legal additions, or «eeupations, ‘ane . therdin. hrs As 16 the kind « Thé 4 +.%4 ;\ > MB inds, o«/y, astually acquired eation of the untice ty intendi t1 fGomend to a Returne ti« (»X* will s ~. ) imteeris~ wand Trunk Lailway Com Cha "a w«a, Novemt Oitawa anndz and Trun} K. 6.â€"Th ame POPinCe the subsoription to the extent of at !f the proptsed capital having bett n th SUGG}] EC 7688 +BEB Jire, who potition, an person« who give the notice. « War 12. ng signature, being duly authen iess than / " °0 COCRDONG in Â¥ery respect 1 should beâ€"wigned by each of e humbor of fve at ieast) perâ€" ise by Attorney, the hn::r .VCDOflGALL.’ i Secretary ® CANADA p and Motand, at...10;}6 P.4, rs on all .\'ighfl_‘rniu'.unm nation, and tie of arrival ang ns at Termini and Way E5. *>, ~TiOXxs®* naw" hbeing tot that of to be rtated ‘at best of we of apyféants being . or by mn Attorney or J. _ BHYDGI 1b may be taken have by an officer of the tate way Bock of Time 4A ZB2 ent shoutd «M A y 6 4 es Chri 0 P.a bor 14th, A. M tal. Mosg 'l pi al by m# H Idan cester, n .‘m‘ od Otla® £D l Orric ) anamry Â¥. K () Dita «t aw O# Buy #24%, 1dit Mar Ottm rowin OSbew Ofice, Store, 8i tPc derid PMÂ¥ t urric La w w G Tulubud Fobra Ottaw J 0verni nay eal arit dn a Decé couns 4 Oitaw Oflice * Cl Patent OUt m ©09003l Me. W vrvrick ebrtaf ‘Mkce: Aukka 11 a w tb . \ 1 »,000 s S opdin asoa h U owin O1 DV ver «i ©% Oo