-&uuumm out by the O Asec theâ€"suato sathorized by the asid regul ation anle or alt of the P usssugers, C.ow, C zo or othe. articles on board sach Vosse!, as the paid Ofice: thinks ascses sry for provsating the introd mstion o enate slous o infootions dise ie â€"â€" ind t aflow suc! P sâ€"engore, Crew. Cargo and other arid‘ea and, «ls the Vessel itsolf, to en vin ss loug «t thq «aid station wa l ut umt 9l ag m theve it retpctively |and t» be «« troated :leansed and parided 1 the »aid ‘Moor sh» thin enesess ury for the purp wo sforesaid| Aud bysuc} Rogu stions, the Doesense in C aunsit io uy wesigs to the ssrecal O.B sere and persons to be empl wyou. disease into or in this Proyines, and may from time ty time revoke, alter cr amend shch Regulaâ€" tion« or any of them, and make ot in their stead;" and «such Regulations shall Nave th force of la« during the time they ‘ree vely reâ€" main anreveked, unless they be of propel; limite; to be in force only during a ce: tain tige orat cer tain times.or sewous, in which carp they shai huve the force of law during the time|ani at th times and .sow<ons duringyor at whick they hay. been i aitow to by in furce : " wad * by suci mogs lations the @»wersor in Oo-n! may| require thâ€" Mister of overy Vorsel coming up Obe AMiver at La«resce from below the (Q i w c Station # Grosse Lsle, (oxcept only sush Vesels ns arochere in designated and relorred to as ted,) â€"t bring his Vesmel to sucvor at tis placg at the sxl: Querantioe Station designatqd in Regula loas, aod report such Vossel in ws to the Uth cer at the sail Station designated for purpose in sash Reogualstions, with alishe partipulars rela Uive to the same, and to the Voy Passon: gere and Cargo thereof required by h. Reguâ€" lations or by uoy Oficer duly ized ande> them to re juire the same,â€"and (o allyw the proâ€" per Ofiser to visit and inspect such |Vossol an« every part thereot, and the. Passen and ore« aad the carg> and other artioles on d the same â€"â€"ua l tr aaswer truly all questions asked of hin tou hing the same, â€"and to seod on store ‘at sail at the said\Qu urantivne Station, the po and tios nesesmary lor eurrying the sull Rog Lathe m» wn P this .nfpm into offect. and may (Horlare tha anay a1h VB+¢ or parâ€"ons aval} by vhtus of hi ‘uwo?flui,.lh&lw.\nd Pease or » Constable or Psae Wiser for G.oâ€"se 14le â€" and t Ivid Q usruntine Station and for the spice alreuny! thya as lerse bol on enoh Rog sations, and sns Ofirer shull accordingly be sa0h Justise of the Poresor Passe OM ‘or whoher ho be otherwise qua ied or act :~ And by such Re miations the (Gover nor in Counsit may impose fince ex seedidg , Mis Excusency in Council on the vevicintioggy yO Pexioodt y compmieme REOQUOEICE: of 1 "t Hhon the Contmissioner of Crowh Lahds, 2s That all sn ps, aud vessels which heneeforth unuer wod . in virtae of theâ€" anthoity given q and duily the eight months "‘"",“"":‘"'""" couterredrby the #u* section of che Afp 47 ant 1y] 4 Un Port of Quebed, fromâ€" any. port br ports. in Â¥.q. yap, 9, lras been therefore w orde,, | 4 0pe, place or phives, on elsowhere as afuresabi, Aorety D HKRL KE Omnane is tast ce tiffer of Coum, | * the «es un dvsgriptive hereinbefure mentioned try domprivedwothin andvoostits ting t\} T â€"wnehi, s |*** Hale ans bou,s to make their . uarantine at of Burrie, Clarondun, Palmwerptin, Wilife «n Yorl btuase bale, to in aK ; taaic CartWor Quatuntine . in Sink Stutly C choutth, mc‘â€m’ af Houtonae, thse [ * harbour of Quebec, according to the Regils Towhahips in the County ‘of Routtfw, ditmatoy | 199* Deteinafier povidey, * nurth of the Townships of Miller and @anonto, th Pn li bogtamdxid Towast ips in the County of Addington,gituatenoth.| _ All ships and vessois or the ciase and descripâ€" of the Towaships of She feld and Barije, the Townâ€" ‘ uon bureinbetore ipentioned, as liable to make abips in the Conhty of Hustings, situ «ty north of the | <boir Quarantine at Groseeâ€"Lslo, shall anchee with Towuships of Sidney, Thumow and Â¥yendinaga l io the space inctuded between Grosseâ€"lsle and a the Township of Belmont, and the Thwhships in | ut diawn parallel to it, through the Red Buoy, mm‘mҠrth , of, the Outh h“.“’ the directivn of Township of Belmont, be and the saute is hereby | (40 Suporintendvnt of Pilots, aod. bounded on the declured to be a Gold Mixing Divisictp for alt the | 648 ®2d West by lines drawardue South from the parposes of the suid Act, under,the tipme of " T4 Woestern Eatromities of CH Islutd and trosseâ€" °* qeinke Wobek Afling Litoinient i | Iste. The island shall boe so divided us to leave isccE ~ W. A)HIMSWAORTH, â€"___ | +800 postion thereof for the hospitals, and for the BIS EXCELLENXCY ‘TuUE aADVINIâ€"TRATO®R OF TUE GoOVERNMENT I® CPUNCIL 0.‘ i recommend«th n of the t«ble th sot n Minister of Fipusuce, is kxcelloney i Counsil has baen pleased to order, bt ho dvere b y ordered that Sorap Metal of all kindg, thogh u» special:y mentioned in the List of ( authuriteo by the Act 19 30 Vic, Cap. 6, to be ijmported int C suada free of C:stoms duty, h11 be the same is bereby authorized to be iinported imto tha IP‘ro vingeor taken out of --nrun' fur punsumption therein, free of Customs duties under the proviaion > of the oth section of the 17th chapter of the Cons Uiiated Stututes of Canada w.--.l. by the Fortieth Ch pter of the Consolidated Statutes of Can« intituies An Act respecting Emigrants nd ing, it is amongst other things enacted, tl"l « Qovernor in Councid may from time to time make such reguâ€" lations as he thinks proper for enfording com pliâ€" ance with all the requirements of this Aoct, and for ensuring the due periormance of Qudrantine, by and in respect of Vessels, Pugseagery and, Good: coming into the Port of Quebec, tow h he thinks it dthqh preservatiomof the Public Health that vach Regaiations should apply, and for the thorough eleansing and GW? such Ves sels, and Passengers, so as t vent as fas -‘.'n..o introduction or‘« ination e Pour huntr«d Dollars in any case, on gorsoug con. | se determined on to show that assistunce in neces trwwoning the same ind may provide that the ofâ€"} «ary. Fascbn | femder shall by inpfisoned until anox be paid, | _ The Medical Superintendent shall also beard all and miay direst that a> Vessel. sh ull be} entered or | vesseis he may dousider nncessary to inspect, â€" He ole wrad at the Port of Quekes or of Mohrea!, until.| shall have cuargo of «li vessols detained, in Quarâ€" All the requirements of such Regulatiope are fully | sstine. ,He shail disset_it necesary, all stooragp goraphed #ith, sad.may direct that Person: |, »asseagers to be tanded with their luguage. And Vesselor thing, who or whish has pabsed wr doâ€" | snall Arperimend tho cleansing and disinfection puted or bsea removedâ€"f.oom the a4i4 |Quarantioe | of versele, He shall dirsct the number of passeaâ€" Bt.stion, before all the requiremgent of shob Reguls gors to be landed, distinguishing those who require tions bass been cwmplied with in respeot of such w0 be treated for postilontial or infoctious diseases, Person, Vessel or thing, or without he per .d-i--nmboluddculungpllh-u seteskm ABHKE MMisia avaivcl nc o wl . & 2 T < GovERXMExT HoUs s R en Ortawa, 21st , 1807. % Passgyr. HIJ3 EXCELLENCYâ€"~THE ADMIN]!sTRATON OP THE GuUVERNMENT IX co€ xcun. w UEKELAS it has been repregented to His eeliqney the Adiministrater of *\ d ment in Council through tho; Hon. the Commiss er of Crowa Lands, that Gold has beep di @ and is found to exist in various parts f the Tow ships hereinafter named, and whoreaslit is cxpediy | mflmm in the . puid sover j T ps should be brought under epgratio and be made subject to the. provisi¢us of *‘ { Goid Mining Act * 5> % Al 397 tt 1. Thatâ€"all Ships and othor Vorsels, except the Canadian Mail Steamers, whish hegocforth and during the cight months next following the First day of April in euch and overy year ghall arrive the Port of Quebec, from any port or| ports, place se plases in‘ Europs or clawhere by ray of that part of the Rivor St. Lawrence, which is below Grosse lsle, and which shall have at thetime oftheir said arrival, or shall have at ring their passage from the places they respectively. cloared asy person on board laboring under atis Cholâ€" ora, Fover, Small Por, Soarlatine or or other infectious or dangerous nq on board of which any person sha l have 4 such pas ‘ ge, which, being of less tonnage thas sevena hunâ€" â€"~_ tous . easurement shall hare on bourd 1# or 307â€"tf UH lakg M3 EXCELLENCY THE AbDMINISTRAT or TUE GOVERN®EXT 1x CouNerL. UE HERKEAS it has been represented to His E Governor Goneral aOVBRXMENT nHOUSE, WA. £ { Thursdoy, 21st ‘Qi‘ @ovERNMENT HoUSE, OTIAWA, . <â€"_ Phwaday, e doy of March, 187 & " o o opmm®eyp: o9‘ qV x R kx x T I N |® % i ; he * f r‘ rovince, ""’ ; in Council on the regquimendation|| ¥«¥ Requised eabmiissiuner of Crowh Lands, 22 Riut all s irtae of the â€" anthority given q and dvaiug the du* section of che Adp 47 amp 4)4 «t ie Port of Q been therefuwe w ougy,, | s ope, place s : (nubin m D; Past ohe + of Coum, | * the ccams un d n andvonstite ting t T wnehi, s |*** Habue anu b dun, Pelmerstn, Mitike «ns Youuk | ***** Jns t i 6, is ttre C;.M,v ‘uof Ffoutenac, the | * Resebous of 1 e County ‘0f Hectefw, smatey | «1988 hersinats ships of Miltes and @anonto, th County of Adding north .| _ All ships and of Sha ied and Barije, the fowuâ€" | on burcinbeto ty of MDastings, sipu «t north of the | tboir Quarantin ?" Th&bu® Aiuk ’“il?..! I in the space in W. A. HIMSWC PRE®ENT »Emh ted,) â€"t «t the aal Regula they shai ani at th they hav. such wegu require th: RTH, sst. C K. C RTH, sst. C. E. C out by th regqulation go or othe pald Office: I ~ tinue from suot and discba ‘ any kind, _ | erdare as a i «dvice of t lo the said al pertormed ts } therefrom .qi} | charge as ., p / which shal “.*: shall n;l & lur the receptiont and accommudation of all pas sengers aod other persons who shall be lunded «nu detained ypon the said lsland, who shall" not abor under on be threateued with any of the said lisvases, M: porson or persons, unless on duty, hull be porthitted to pass frote one of the swid «o. Meâ€"shail dicect all ships or vessole, liable to veriorm Quarantine, to be brought to anchor withâ€" m the Hiits of the Quarantine Anchorage, mou generally do all that may.be required to enforce «igid obedicnce to the said Taw and these Reguiaâ€" tiona. 1e shall permit all passengers, or other persons langed on the said Island, to be reâ€"emâ€" sarked or shipped on board #uy Steamboat or ther Vessol when the Vessel is in a ftstate to seeeive them, and that they have been examined oy him and found in a fit state for reâ€"embarkation or for leaving the_said Island : and that all such jassengers and p:c. with their luggage, have »een weshed, cle: and purifed, und that there «does not exist amongst those who are about to proâ€" ieed, or leave the said Island, any case or sympâ€" is of Asiatic Cholor®, Fever, Small Pox, Scariaâ€" waa or M.uuï¬rwm;l-lm liscuse. a + Onservation; he shall call tor the ship‘s papers, passouger‘s lists, and logâ€"books, and luspect thom horoughly so as‘to ass¢:tain the whole ot the ovcur ences during the voyaite, amd should ho meet with my reslgance, be will make such signal as may ng. dotermined on to show that assistunce in necesâ€" Ing®ISEONs ipecially. required to be on shore, and whon it shall be deemed u:::... to land the passengers on the said Island. | He shall whenever a vessel is cleansed, rentilated and pur fed, direct such vessel to receive on board the way portion of the passengers, or whother The Medical Supe (or in case of his iouch, sitkuesa or absouce, the Oticer next in rank smptoyed on the lsland) shall lenforce the said Law and these Reyulations, and shall direct ships w vessele to go to sugh place or places to perform Juarantine, as it may be necessary to send them 6. MHow many persons were on board when the vessel sailed * .. Cabin pussengors# R Steorage passengort* Crow ? 4 7. Have any person or persons during the voyâ€" ige been infovted? or are there now any infected mnhohl?n.plquu any pestilential fever it disease ? s ; lsle. The island shall be so divided as to leave ue porstion thereot Jor the hospitals, and for the treatmgnt and recoption of those who are laboring wu‘nnm»uucz with any of the fullowing lsouees, namely + Asi Cholura, Rever, Smail Uuy, Scarlatina or Measies, or any other infoctious and dangerous disease ; and the remaining portion btcalld x2 * t1 the answors bo satisfactory, he shall give a ;m'mdwnhmlmnmn aarge ; and such vessel may then pruceed w the sarbour ob J whec, . Lf t10 woew n be not satis s0tury, ut, the Medical superintendent has any gusum to suspoest (raud on tho part of the Mastes «e porsun in «h urge, crow or passongers, ho shail -tudhld:oflulï¬ovuull»mhphn-m w0 appuluied Fur vessely Jotained under Quarantine ». Dud any person or persons, and how: many vie during the voyagd, and from what disemper? 9. bnd you or any of the ship‘s company or pasâ€" eqgers, with your privity go on board any ship.or sessel, or uid any of the company of any ship or <cssol cume on beard your ship in the vuyage, and rom what port aid shoswil last? - 4. =« Esiabluohurent. 1 The Establishment at Groessâ€"Iâ€"le shall consist fa Medical quperi.tenuent, an Hospital stoward, «1* Ordurly, one Cook, one Pulics sergeant, and us boatmwen.) The Modical Superintendént shall, 1y vimue of his otfee, bo a Justice of the Poace sitnib the limits of the Quarantine station as wrvinbefure described, shalt be authurized to see he Quarantine duly performed, ana tor this purâ€" w040 shall bave full power and authority over ail slivers and dther persons whatsoover in (GGrosseâ€" iqle, or attached to th.t station, and\be authorized Iochlltbpolbvnndiflfluuh beir Quarantine at Grosseâ€"lsle as afuresaid, and mt the fullowing questions to the Masters or perâ€" vas in charge, vis: 4 1. What is your name and that of your vessel ? * From whence dis you sail, and date * 3 What is your cargo, and wheace taken on ward * + « call upon all persogs to aid him in enforcing she w and their regulations, and in case of his deuth, wkness or absence, the offcer nest in raak omâ€" Juyed on the Isiand, shall have the power and wuthority afmesaid. . And the said Policemen and 4 At what plage or places did your vesset touch u her voyage? n 3. Was such place or places, or any and which € thein, intected with the cholera, plague, or any @stilential fover or discuse ? "} ,mt‘»u ut the sard Islzed to the other, unless hey have pusspuits signod by the Medical Superâ€" atendont. 10, Dud you or any of the ship‘s compaby or pasâ€" sugers, Wilta of without your, privicy or consent, d at any place withia the Jnviu of + anud« * It, Have you any person on bu«rd who is lunaâ€" 1s, Hilotle, ol wnaetanil, ill.nl‘ or indrm, and 1# such qucumpaned by relations able to support Satmen, shhil,â€"by virtue of their office, be perce uicers, and be vesed with gli th» powers and auâ€" aority oo Special Comtables, withim the limits of 1e swid Quusantine station. | s ues ob dusyrtphow bereinbefure mbntioned. e anu bousd to make their . . warantine at tale, to i a® ‘taoic FartWor Quatuatine . in bour of Quubes, according to the Regil» @rvinaler p.ovidey. â€" Nedical Supgrintendent shall be discharged remain and conâ€" Outhe arrival of any vessel at Grosso 1810, 90 | ujutions, shall for every ofecce incur -n-lï¬lll)’ a board of which there shall be or shall have b6e0 | gine not excoeding FOUR UHUXDEED DOLLA 1 %, during the passage any casoof Cholera, Fever, to be resovered in the manner presoribed by the Smail Pox, Scartation or Measlos, or other inf@ot= | saiq Act; and every person who, npon conviction tious ‘or dangerous diserse, and in all Cthef | of any such ofence, shall fall to pay the amount suses when it shall be MIE«“'N necersary | of fne which he shall have been condemued to pay, by the Medical Ruperintendent that the steerâ€" shall be imprisaned until such Fine be vail. ago passengers shall be landed with their luggage, AXp and washed and purited and shall be r--“"q ‘The Ordet in Counsil, of the Oth April, 1850, and to reâ€"omburk and preceod in the same vessel, or | all preovious orders making Regulations relatin= to shall be detaincd and .-w in some #He4Mâ€" | quarantine, ate heroby reveked. boat or other vessel, as shull be directed by the | ~ . W. A. HLMSWORTH, Medical mfllfl-u‘l’h passengers in the | 39106 Asst, C E.. principal cubjin shull not be landed except in cases | T S T ~ Tt k of sicknoes, and way at all times proceed with the | [P®O9C**A MÂ¥A T1ION. vessels, or otherwise, after having washed and puâ€" WHEREAS, it will n“dy coudace to the health alted their lugg age to the satisfaction and with the ::d ::.un of the Cit -“Ji'?.'f-'-'"f'"f.""' to ve m uisances : passport of the Medical Superintendent. vad »ereas the Rradctieh and Tlrckd of Cira t D. Veusels. “m’.‘ï¬mmw- discases is, and All Vessols liable to make their Quarantine at | *44 be influenced by the ssnitary conâ€" Grosee Isle. on their artival there. shall anchor | Htlon of the city : Aund whereas All Vessels liable to make their Quarantine at | wt1 certainly be influenced by the ssnitary conâ€" | d Grosee Isie, on their arrival there, ehail anchor | 440 Of the city : Aud whereas i within the limits of the Anchorage Ground at Grosse® Tho Board of Hoeaith i Isie hereinbefure defned, until boarded by the lf*lï¬â€˜x‘m of the Powers conferred upon ; o Medical Superintendent : and if they shall not be | them z Â¥ Aets of Parliament, establishing | v detained at Grosse Lele on account of sicknoss or | * r+4 .“"‘:"&:&":a":":""&b fuod % â€"lawa t w ved | suspicion thereof, shall ‘recoive a Cioan Bill of | itadvisable that immediato steps chault be (hken | u-:m proceed to the Harbour of Queâ€" | inr cleansing the City. % bee, and th«.« anchor at any place within the 1iâ€" e + mits of that portion of the Port of Quebec, hereinâ€" Now Know Yo that I; P before defined, and thore remain without communiâ€" | ROBERT LIO.Z:.‘IQQ -l.:. Cuyvnl"‘(:«u-ï¬. do | \ eation with the shore, or any other vessel or buat | @00Y """l direct, that all Yards, Cellare, | , until Anally discharged frum Quarautine by the Iiâ€" m Lanes or 'A'n‘u;'.'.'".sï¬"t'fllx..‘t?,' [ i cerie passpott aforesaid; bat if any such vessoisball | «leansed of all Filtb, Dirt, Nigntswil or other 1mâ€" |â€" have been ditained at Gromse Islo from sicxness or | purities by the uwners or persons cccupyirg the | suspicion thereof, it shall mmummqi""" T p the River St. Chasles,and there remainuatil fnally | _ B fore the 20146 day of April, |â€"® discharged srom Quarantine as aforcsaid. 1867 : And 1 hereby f:l. natice shat the Chief of | .'. Versels acriving at G.ose Lâ€"lo from any infected ;'dko.t:dlh- Constal nyo.' thul;.ill‘l"""' i $ port or p ace, or one suppuaed tw be infuoted, and l'.._“‘" """"""""" feve all "Prbve Pits,:| 4 «pouls, «0., thoroughly c‘eansed, and t this |. wn beard of which no pestiential disouse shall | arder carrâ€"4d into ofect, and all and wrery prrsin | aave dectared lwfd.uu.!»lh passage, may b.l r person disobeying or negle ting to observe the\| and disinfscted. es S Tt s 10.â€"â€"Intpecting PAysscian at Quebec. An Inspectingâ€"Physiciag _ Quebes shall go of to all vesseis arriving at Quebes or at the mouth of the river 8t. Charles, and pat the following quesâ€" tions to the Master or persons in charge, viz : ‘© 1. When did you lears Grows Ists? %. Bubhibit to me your passport from Grosse Isie ! 3, How many persons hare you on hoard * In alt c way whore vessels having passongors on board, on ascount of sgyokress amougst such parâ€" sengers, shall be detiogd in Quarantine, the Master or porson in charge may, on application to the Medical Superintendent at tro«se Lole, be alâ€" lowed to Inod the said passengers with their lug. gage ; and the vessel being property cleansed, puâ€" aiedund disinfected unmdar the superintended¢e and with the liconso of the Medical Superinten» deat, may proveed up the river without the said passengers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such porson as shail beâ€"appsnted to roâ€" seive the samo, one shillisg and throe peusce for each passonger, to bear the expense of their conâ€" veyance to Quebec, and also ut the rate of one shilling per diows for cach of the said passcngers, to reimburse the expense of their maintonance at Grosse Isto, fur the time daring which such vessol, inthe judgment of the Medical superintendent . would have bad to bo detsines in Quarantine 'flhgkaomumal-bd-uu:d the pestilonsial ‘or infoctioms dissuses aforesalid, otherwise such ressol shall bo detained in Quaranâ€" tine until the passongers not sick of the aforesaid of these regulations, and also of these laws regulaâ€" tieg Emigration, shal exhibit the same to the Masâ€" ter or posson in charge of every vesâ€"el they may bourd. Every Pilot having charge of a vessel, of Iiomvlrhuflb-nlhi.h-nh Quarantine at Grosse Isle as aforesaid. shall bring her to anâ€" chor withia the limits of the anwborage ground at tWrosse Lâ€"le bereinbefore detined. They shalil also koop a Union Juck Aying at the peak of all vessels under their charge, until bogrded by the proper ofiâ€" core. Onarriving at Quebec, if the vessel has received a Clean Bill of Health from the MedicalSuperintenâ€" dant at Gropse Isle, and has not been detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, she may bring toat any place within the fulowing limits in the Port of Quebec, viz: the whole space of the River St. Lawrence, from the m»uth of the River St. Charles to aline drawn across the said River St. Lawrence, from the Flagâ€"staff on the Citâ€" adel ur Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said river, but must not communicate with the shore or with any other vessel or boat until boarded by the Inspectingâ€"Pbysician ; but i( the vessel be of the class of theo not liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse Iole she may cither bring to at any place withis the aforesaid limite, in the Port of Quebes, or she may proveed at once to the Bailast Ground and their between doeks dars, tioters or cthor wm.mwm. og, conserney .h buy ing or selling, shall be altowed to residy on the Asband, excupt under the Heguso aud ‘strwt cuatrot ol the Mediqul duperintemiont, who will have falt authority to dischargo and soud from tho: Leland, all or any a4cb porsons, repoirting the fact of such dlscharge and the reasou there(s, (or the informaâ€" tion of the (Governer Goneral or porson administerâ€" ing the government. Allouch persous in auy way en guged in selling or tratic on the said lsland +bail be regulated as to pricus by ï¬h be furnished by the Medical Superiatendent time to time, asâ€" sisted by the Chiof Emigrant Agent at Quobec. Mb shall strictly enquire tots and desile upen all Amplaints of misconauct or breach of the regulaâ€" '::,moolnllq;‘la shall see that no or peison ewploy ed bb the Government, or in any pablic employ ment on â€"the cald {sland, bas diréctty or ludirectly] any lnterset of cousern is «ay supply of provisions, or gther things to bo #«; plied or turnished, bought of sofd apon the said Lolas 4 or directly ar indirectly roceives or takes any priâ€" vate gratuity or roward bur service Rendored tany Masters or Crews of Vesscls, Passongers or other porsons ist the said Itand, Asd it shall be wme duty of all persons t» whose knowleago any breach of this Reguiation shatl come, to reporst the same forthwith to the Modical Superinteodent, who shall eaquire into the facts alteged, and may saspend from his o€ice any ’-n-.nchupd unâ€" til the pleagure of the Governor Generaly sball be known respecting the persom s fu..:.’. avaithy passomgers. â€" U pou the recuvery of perrons Miu*lnm shull, atter due preâ€" be busut or etherws 1 itow Ad when they ane i td the unpacking ar the sand Islami. bhe shail ty LE atheler «shall be cleamsed, wasked, purited 8. â€"= P ce m ofter‘a b pers & Â¥uul it ataity to proceed, l baggage or any pert Woureved, i ithou baggege, 0 hew sengers, * THE OTTA WA fiMEKS, APRII i : the fio theee renllvanlaontls . > CA CC 7~ i wflumw been stoppéd, and the jgg ced ngn nds in Bm 4 ons $o B 13. All vessel« trading between any jposts 0 places within t .e District of Quebec, and puot hav. ing touebhed at any ports or placos without the +ai District below Gresse Isle, nor communicated witl any dther vessel which shall have arrived From any port without the said district below Grosse Isle s«hall 36 exempt from the foregoing rules and reguâ€" lations, so far as respects the necessityâ€"of going t« or stopping at Grosseâ€"Lsle ; nor shall the said rules and regulations aspply to any Verzel of W ar, or t« Fransports or Vessels having Queen‘s Troops o: board accompanied by a Medical Olicer, and. in a healthy state, or to any Steamer from Purope, un less sickness or death may have cccurred doring the paésage. _ , 15, Any person who shall contravene, either by omisgion or commission, any of_the foregoing Regâ€" wlations, sball for every ofecce incor and pay a Fine not exceeding FOUR UUXDKEED DOLLALs, to be resovered in the manner presoribed by the said Act; and every person who, npon conviction of any such ofence, shall fall to pay the amount of fine which he shall have been condemned to pay, shall be imprisaned until such Fine be vail. Asp The Ordet in Counsil, of the 2th April, 1858, and all previous orders making Regulations relatin= to (Quarantine, are hereby reseked. $ F524 W. A. HIMSWORTH, ROBERT LYOX, Mayor of the City of Oitawa, do nereby order and direct, that all Yards, Cellars, Suables, Outhouses and other Buildings anâ€" Enâ€" «lusures, Lanes or Alleys, shall be thoroughly 12. No steambont shall be allowedj» pro Grosseâ€"lsle sor the purpose of taking on passengers direct from that Island, withos viously obtaining from the Collector of Cu« the Port of Quebec, a written Pekinit to that subject nevertheless to the regulations herei: provided. _ a +4 14. No Vessol shall be entered or cleased at th Port of Quebec or Montrea!, until all the requise wents of the foregoing Regulations in reference t such Vessel shall have been fully complied with. Clarence Street, Opposite the Murlcet, Tul SUBSCRIBERH begs to Inform his friends ul.t‘l.o public in ';“mil:th:. he h:: «ow PGâ€" new throeâ€"stor wh Jas been refornished, and will bo found comioce ible and central for travellors. 'l\lll GENTLEMAN ‘WHO BV MIsâ€" take took away from the Rus«oll Hous», on Mu-‘:lgu. A MINK CAP, will oblige by roâ€" «rning sam o. % Jitawa, Fobruary 23, 1867. 366 * ‘“. Im Most of the Pills i tain Mercury, ‘. ! \ -hï¬.. -l?h.uh & v-luhlo-rvm';’ln“;:;!:l hands, is CORPORATION CHECK for $374.50, | autass that foqontly thil‘w its incentious me. Thags t 2.80 y foll ® A. duted th December, 1845, No. 533. piylfl: ! ":‘_" no mercury or iminers! substance whatever. . 7. Mave any person or persons come on bos} d« olt your vessel since you left Groswse Isle * 8. Have you any Sberson on board who is tusatr dictic, deaf and dumb, blind or inlzm, and a: uch accompanied by relation= shle to supys theue ? * Aud moreover, be shall require all Masters, « persons in charge of vessele liable to muke the iluarastine at ulzn-lulo. to exhibit to him th license or passport which they shall have recwive drom the Medical Superintemient at the tGuasantic Station ; and such Ia-pn uf persons in charg sball sorthwith extibit the #samo fot caaminatia to the said Inepectingâ€"Physichar ut Queboe, whs h be shall find, as woll tmoub the answer Lo 108 receive as trom the tenus 6t tho passporl and tL abtual state of the health of too passesgers an evew, that sickners does pot exist on bo«rd, he shal theo graat to the Master, or person in charge < sueh veerel a C.stivzdte in writing selting fort the healtay state of the passengers amd ccow, d the end that euch versel iay obtain a fine! dis ?. GORMAN‘S HOTEL sharge from Quarantine. < Gut if, « such bnspecting Physician at iQue b . ader M:L.m of the Powers conferred upon houe Â¥ Aets of Parliament, establishing * I‘zd Healtb," and in ace rdance w.th varâ€" was Byâ€"laws of the Ci y of Uttawa, have degmed t advisable that hd‘lï¬v steps shauld be taken or cleansing the City. k ntuwa, March 22. &. Mave any person or persons been tsken »ick rince you laft Gross Lelo * % & t l'lcum died? ‘=tate â€"'bfl. names and I disease * * 8 Omawe, April Sth, 1087 4. Number left at Grosse Iste Steerage passenger»* NOCPICEH. meation vitho is NErsel atus, be shall rejent ad ceretary of the Prosince Jovernorâ€"tGieneral; aud t Dnopecting Physician ol .:‘-ll have patsud the s¢â€"Isle without stoppipg Bg jiable thereto, usa ®. R. M»â€"GREEYY V to Price, 25 conts por Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO., Lowoll, Mass. Bold by George Mortimor, John loberts, W. 3 Mussey, H F )}:O-nhy and <Skinnerin O‘tawa February 26th, 1867 °. 300d4iw9y Gooed Cansd Ott aw a Lowels, which inakes them ble o Dtt e ih thik Puvatuable to ts in the defly the Woswowen £i: I «hould ungrateful for the relief your akill has brouzht me If Mdid not report my case to you. A cold setiled in -'yIL bs and brought on excra« celating mewralyie pa‘ns, which ended io chronicrheumaâ€" tiem. Ncl'll\-uuding I the best of p.l!-k'uu. the disease grow worse and wored, until l;lun vice of your excelignt m.&!n Baltimare, Dr. 1 wle, 1 tried your Pilis. â€" Their effects were w:. but sure. Ry persevering in the use of thom, 1 am now entisely well. Eexate Cuamse®, Batoh Rouge, La., 6 Dog. 1585, ‘Da. Aven : I have been entizaly cared, by your Pills, of Phewnatic Goutâ€"a patnful that had afficted me Tor years. + | YINCENT SLIPELL Hendache,8icl.lleadache, Foul £tomach. § Dillous Disorders â€"LIÂ¥y Dyseniery, Diarrhma, onstipation, Costivenc«s, Suppression, Dear Mthenmatism, Gor!, Neuralgia, Drop» #J+» l'nrnlyol-’. D‘ux'elc. is e* Vours with preat sespd¢ J® «. and f y ahar neare, V 1 a Family Â¥. 25 W Corfer lmprrity of the Blood. loirhany . Wimir sugnâ€"conting abig mhu convcalent Jur the use 3:“‘!‘?“01 in ® t well koown ASA MOoRGRIDGP. Physic. _ ht, New ‘Orleans, 8 urges. ‘Thetr excellent we possess. They aro al in their action on the ty the Marcue dbaptial IRelaxr, Worins,. n repeatedly cuned or have by a dose or twa from a foul stomach, C@Galton. TD. W. PREDLE, my qo U ACH A M, M, D. Mav 1, 1835 ittle daughter 1at had proved a tong griev« i her akin and sho also tried all th »e of the ublic perâ€" 4. 16 tiP 1 T 100 i. | Not incorporated by *ny Ftatute of this Province, have not pablished the statement of their . : *_> | Agsots and liabalities ; . Amount of Capital Stock‘; e ‘ . [ Amount paid ghoreon ; Nature of Assets ; t Amofat of lorses ; viae and unpa‘id ; 1 adjusted and not due. + in suspense and waiting for forther f+ «_ | proof; ¢ ‘ | * resisted, and for what cause ; | : Amoupt of all other claims against the comâ€" | ~I‘ % vany; . | + | Amongt of premiums earned and uncarnod j $ s during the past year ; > . ~The whole as requited by the Act 23 Vic., cap. ‘ 33, see. 11. NOTICE is horoby given that INSURANCE I COMPANIES not complying Srith the said Act are lable to the ‘ esd 5 | For eush fofault, as provided in the said A«t | JOHN SIMPSON, . Pebruary 23, 1867 rl\mc ORIGINAL MEDICINE E8STAR+« lished in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name ‘of * Pulmonic Woer«~," in this or any. other mt}?; all other umonic Wafers are coupterfeits. The genuine bo k{u:wn by the nnme BRY 4N boing stamped WAFLR. F C \ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES P{L| Sold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, Henry E. MeCartby, and J. Skipner, in Octew a. Dat Relic “fl!lG‘lC'l-.‘A‘H. “‘IIOI'A' BOURLKE, OF Smith‘s Falls, in the County of Lanark, wat by a lcouse under my hand, bearing date the 18th of Soptember, A.D. 1866, empowered to act as a Brower in the said Village of Smith‘s Fall« RELIEF TN \TEX OMINUTES! Arabian Heave Remedy Poall W hom it May Concern ared t Oitawa, Fob. 5, 1867 AND CONDITION MEDICINE :. s POSITIVELY sUPERIONR To insy or all other preparations for the cure of Herres, uyhs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all diseases ioh affect the Wind of Horeet; also, n= 2 Condiâ€" a Medicune, surpnssing everything of the kiud ; easy to give, sure to C'»;e., and safe in all cagee 1 nt all times;~and dSes not prevent the horse m boing worked while using it. t cloansos the breathing apparatus, by removâ€" ; from the airâ€"cells the comgulable lymph, or it secrotion which in heaves clogs them, causing bificu‘ty in broathing, and by its action on the oasced part, causing ,the mucou« membrant to ume its natural dimebsions, thus equalMing the culation of the blood, and restofjing the distended sols to their natural sira; by its use the horeo‘s petite i+ improved, all‘ derangoments of the wstive organs corrected, softening the skin, and ‘ing to the cout a slook and shining appeurance. ». W. MU R i), Successor to HUrD & Co., Maiden #6, Ne York, Aole Proprictor for the United 10 MPLAINT having been made that PENALTY OF $1.000, Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers | \ pre Coughs, Colds, Fore Throat, Moarsen * Bryan‘s Pulmonic Warers‘ evo‘ Asthma, wi:.chus-. Ditheult Breathing: Uryan‘s Pulmonic Wafere, elieve Epliting of |Bloud, Pains in the Ches . Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers| * \ ore Inci};wm umption,. Lung Disdnses ryan‘s qPulmunic Wajera Relieve liritation of Uvula And Topsile. _ .. Bryaw â€" Pulmonic Wafers ® ielieve the above complaints in ten |minutes. r yan‘a 'l'?!muuu Wajera! a blessing to alÂ¥ Ciasses and Constitations R UWryon‘s Pulmonic Wn{‘:n £4* adapfed tor Vocalists and Public Speakers tiwo i= hereby given that under the provicion o Statute of 27,and 48 Vie , Cap. 3, Section 110. vid license to act as a:Brewer, granted by m. s said Thomas Bourke has, in consequence «1 default, become and the same: is hereby deâ€" dito be forfeited and void. & Br"/u'n" !’uhmu'c Wfl'lm‘ « in simpe form and plearaut to the taste. Uryen‘s Pulinonic: Wapers! f uly reli¢ve but effect rapid m{d lasting cures \. Bryan‘s Pulmonic. Wafere! > watrautos to give satisfaction to every . one Aw4amily should be,without a box o+ R.yan‘s Pulmonic , Wayere | § in the houge. No traveller should be w;ï¬vmt « supply of Uryan‘s Pulmoni¢ Wafers | ‘in his pucket. No perspn will ever object to give for > Lryan‘s Pulmome Wafe > i where th day g illicit i2 CANAIMAN PAIN DESTLOYER Ha. uow been belore th@ public for a length o and whenover used is well liked, never tarling higle instuace to give permanent relief wher _ used, and webave never known a ringh { d sgatislaction trhere the directions are proâ€" followed ; bu&unmo.cuu!nr{,lll.-redell ht th its operations, lnd. epeak. in the lui‘iop AUIAXR Pall CEsTROYER ! of its virtues and magical effects. $ ‘peak from experience in this matter, having i thoroughly, and therefore those who are ux from mny of the complaints for which at is neuded mhy depend updn it« being a Sove vhercas the said ‘Thomas Bourke was, on day of February last past, convicted o llicitly distilled »pirits against the form of ite n such case made an d provided, and a of $400 was imposed upon him thorefor enalty the said Thomas Boatke bas faileu y txeor iL. Â¥. Porth this 15th March, A.D. 1867 OME W APERS w =, (Aat eAï¬ wipiai zt NORTHROP & LYMAX, Newcastr, C.MW., > Proprictorsfor the Canad ds PRICT MNANTYâ€"FIVE CESTS. »l Nead, Coughs, Colds, Sore T Brules, Crawmps in the Stothact ra Morbus, Dysontery, Bewel ."fu)'lflin(b, Burns, Sealds, \d‘rost Biges, &¢., &¢. ; NOTICE, hing elicacy of the Canadian Pair curing discases for ‘which it 1« reâ€" id us wonderful suceess in subduing ine of Lheumatiem, and in relieving lons, entitie it to a high rank in th« s for these complaints, | Orders ar« Medicine Dealers in all parts of the ter supplies, and cach testifying a» 1 satisfuction it gives. in Pain Destroyer never fails to give of. All Medicine Denlers keer i ocand vse R; and no family will Gheo trying it, Asoo it % ROBERT. DOUGLAS, Collestor Inland Rovenue, i County of Lanark, NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Newcastlo, C. W. go Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. MoCarthy, and Joseph Skinper, in BRYV Iwontyâ€"tive Conts le Proprietor, New York 19 18( ‘ve contd per bottle. .‘I')KTIU{OP & LYXMAN, Newenstle, C. W . General Agents for C lortitaer, John Koberts, W 186 iportant of modern Medical Dis rerics etands the Cartay €4, A NS Astterawt Acprron w Acort Orgice , Colds, Sore Throat brhary 19, 1867 $8p 4A "kinner, in do0dw6m 350. dw 0d w6m 39; W Rules and Ordinancet prescribed in Our said recited Warrant, and llbjhoct to the provisions aforesaid, on such persons who may be qualifed to receive the same in accordance with the said Rulos and Ordinances, as may hervafter beemployed in the wnl Forces raized, or wflcs may be raisod‘in Our onles and their Dependenties, who may be callâ€" ed upon to serve in coâ€"operation with Our Troops in mujtary operations which it‘may be necessary to undertake for the su ien of Rebellion Our Authorit y, «vrlori.pollln‘hvulon by x Toreige snemy. j , m"'wï¬o'c;hmi:ï¬ of J 1867 in ght, anuary, . in thnhlru..ywotzulda. % By Her Méjesty‘s Command, Aud We do furtber for t Oar Meirs and Succesâ€" sore, ordain and arpolnu t the said Desoration may aiso be conterrod, in acsordance with the l‘u;:s;sz $ * s HIS EXCELLENCY PHE ADMINISTRAâ€" TOR OF THE GoÂ¥ERNXMEXT Wc t N CORKCHL : imden 0!\' the recommendation of the Honor» able the Acting Miuj«ter of Fiance and aunâ€" det and in virtue of the @uthority given and conâ€" ferred by the Act. 29, S# Viec., Cap. 7, Mis Excelâ€" lency in Council has bewippleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that shhject to thoprovisions 5f the said Act, to the c'm-ln‘tlm-‘, regulations and resâ€" trictions established and Jmp--r{l by/the Order in Conneil of the 21th day of september, 1866, And to <uch further regulations ?k may hereafter be made liv wu_lzmc.u 1t is expedient that the are | ticle known as Lock Spipdie iron, used in the manufecture of Spindes for Door Loeks, should, ‘ ‘hough uncnumerated in any of the Schedules to the Act, 29th and Suth Nistoria, Cap. 6, be held indâ€"deeimed torhe and Qo included in the exemp \ don from Castoms daly eroated in faver of Rud [ron, with which the nm? showd properly be.clasâ€" <ifed. . > s | Mis Pxssliency in OCurtncil on the recommenda tion of the Honorable l:J(@cung Minister of Fin ance, and under the authority conferred.by the 17th | Chap., Con. Stat. Can. has been ‘pleaged to ordei and declare, and it is hogby _onlereqï¬d declared . ‘ that square Rod Iron used in the mamufacture of Spimules for Door Locks, shall be and the same is | hereby declared to have been #ince the passing of | the IAfl first above menth{ed, exem$ from the payâ€" ] ment of Custome daty ah {mportatioh into this Pro ' vince. _ | a s Jroes ingy be conferred persous ‘serving an the ! Uosted, ouglt to nccopmpauy. the petitron. Loo! Forces, which are of may hereafror be raised | ; |. 4. , in any of Her Majesty‘s Cplonics. / * _| _ The proof as to corporate »«» being nof that of I have to instruct you to take whatever steps may | a0y other company, onght to be »tated at bert of wppoar to you most likely to give publicity to this ‘ knowledgo and belief, by one of applicunts being Warrant. + (6* + ~| a rerident of this Province, or by ar Autorney or 4 I have the i"n"' i6 bns, ©â€" . /| agent being such rcc,nront. Abe tatement «bould yA * €ir, ‘ be verifie) by affdarikt duly »worp. (O[fl Cmoviar ( C"pj I have ‘much pleasure in Copy of‘. Wairant, issngd Manual,)under which tho de Kingdom of ni‘Fn «Britain and inln;u. Qucen, Deteonder 4f the Fuith. To all to ‘whomâ€" thego "Prosents shail coame, 4 Wireeting: _ . > ~ f wnzan A8, by @ Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual, countersigned by one f Our Princip .A Secrotaries of State, and bearing l ite at Qurâ€"Courts it Buckingham Palace, the 29th lay of January, 18,6, in the nineteenth year of Yur Reign, We did c tute and ereate a new ¢aval and Military Decération, to be styled and lesignated the Victoria Cro«s, which Decoration ye expressed Our desire ghould be highly prizred nd eagerly sought after by the Ufficers and Men £ Our l\'"‘\ and Military Sorvices, and did also nake, ordain, and establish the Iules and Ordiâ€" u‘ll.neol therein sot forth (’0’- the government of the HMIS EXCELLENCY!THE ApMINTSI ToR OFP THE (‘:n\'r:n.\'m:x'r L PNCOPXCIL. 376 The Oficer Administerâ€" ing the Government of Canads:. t aiAroug .+ Aulphuric : Chloretorth Collodian Hofmar‘s A Talapin, Podopbytiin Lip Tands Medicinat T Cordials, Bitters, ' Ryrups, Compeunding of Bramdie=, in (commonly callod old Tom) Feotch and Irish| Whiskeys, Proprictary preparntion«, ~ ~ ; Patent Medicines, } . Rexinoids, * .‘ Chemieatss > fâ€" » Faarmaceut Auline Dy io Hair Oil«, Hair W asle , to boâ€" thenceforth jinvioably observed and rits .\‘mmuui.l Anymatic, apount l*plrita_ur\r.uwhd Do |~. "do. r-[']u\n'\pm licinat Tinstures of all k GOYERNMEKT HOUSI (Signed) spmig olnn fhl sn . mrd "â€" mc# RO \J I have the honor to bu, $ :. * €ir, ; Yeur|most obedient, â€" ~~_!| .. Mumble Servant, . sned) © CARAARYON VEALN !1‘1'1‘.‘2'[‘ Hol va: Wearlesday. Â¥ub +499b + ading the Victoria Cross to the New! Zcalaad and in the Coloâ€" f »Wixt, 14. ,F.EB |l Excentive Countil th trangmittipz unpder the & IL. LE3 iog of the Vicloria ws rerving an the t1 1191 DA 3 8 vill of the United io you a yal Sign U | _ The pwwoas uot ioss than #cs, who petition, anns‘ { be the #ame person« who give the noties, * ‘l;no lands, on‘y, astually acquired «* 1/ aate 4J thepublisation of th» ic« by intending Companie® for any of the purposes mentioned in subscctions 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 and 6, of section 1 of the Act, will be included in the Charter. Such lande must be p2"â€" ticwlarly dizcribed in tho Notice and Petition by 10 udconeouio-.wb‘w aund bounds, {it a por® tion of lot or lotw) and | may comprine any sumber oflets, or portions of lots in any county or countio® ; where bead offce: are desired in any city, tows or village, within or without this Province, #u0b placeâ€"or places must slso be «pecified in the Notice 4 12. â€" * i Where the real estate extends beyond the limit# of one townthip, nfn%«l’ndu-ddhn"‘ @harged for overy additional townsbip named i" the Charter. Fip ; * The vaivs of the realjestate to the n.o::‘zll" ed by the Act, should be proved by the ¢ of at least {wo persons, who have examined the proâ€" porty. â€" Anthe case of mining land, the report after examination of a Iin“g Engineer, or Expert, of Geologist of good" répute, would reem to be; requisite. pessss y Tes Orrawa j xzs.=â€"Printed and m every morning, undays exce Grzones Conou', gwdm†, at . the Tots Steam Printing 'ofklb'{o'.‘â€. Sparks BStreet, in the City of â€" County of Osrieton, C.W .. â€" When the paid up â€"capital consists of real estate (in whole or is â€"part) the fuct of the real estalt standing in the names of trustees ougbt to be shown either by the production of.the titie deeds duly . proven, or by the certificate of the Registrar of the County -Tlh lands lie, embodying so much 0 { the instruthents registcred as will show the dates, the parties, the pascels, and the trusts. CHANGE of TIME, Ditawa and Prescott Railray, (â€1\‘ and after vember, 1866, will rup as follows The fact that the ten per cent. bas been paid to the credit.of trustees for the Compauny, in a Charâ€" tered Bank of the Province, ought to be proved by the certificate of the cashier or other principal offâ€" ver of the Bank, 1} > < The fact of the .-ubéription to the extent of at least wne ha!; the "proposed capital having beet luly made, by persont of good repute as to mesht if payment, wust be showp by thewfdavit of somé redible person coguizant oftue tact, . ‘Ahe Provie sial Sc'en‘;nry'cmm report that theâ€" subscription if stdok has been made in " good faith" unleas this sonaily, or il any,casp Attorney authorizing si tieated, ourht to »csom & NE o ~* *ha proof as to subgcription of »t9ck may be by production of the <todkâ€" book, with the signaturet of the eubscribers, 4¢., verided by afidavi: of some one who saw the »ubs¢ription ; or in theâ€" absence of the stock book, by the afidavic of at least two of he sabscribers, stating the fact that «uch «ubscripe ion hi« been made. 4 VA f f L2 s T|m SOTICE IX THE.» GAZETTE® required by section 2, mayâ€"be taken to have been given, if, on examination by anâ€".officer of the Department, the fact appears, and if allthe Chrisâ€" tian names of the applicants with their residences, legal additions. or «detipations, are stated in/* therain. $ | y with the a on al The proof thatâ€"one or more of the applicants it ® Britlish qulject and a tosident within the Provinte, uhrld be by declaration of the * >ubject" bimself, verfbed by afidavit. . |*â€" «5 Grand "Trunk Eailway Company ‘% OF.CANADA. SLMMER â€" ARRAACENEATS * uO[.\'Gt-'W_l',.'sT. a» ret« for Ogdensburgh, Ottam j â€Bflkz'_i}le._l{ing_flw. Believille, T May 2 Avr x â€" fB..: * The lande, on/y, a stually acquired The ) § A WKx,. McDOUGALL, _ 4041 5 Provincial Secretary N AND AFTER MONXDAY. MA Trains will leave Bopaventure Siztiop e prtition ought to correspond in uvery respect the notge, and should be signed by cach oi jpplicants (to the: in’lm!flr'(-l' live at loast) perâ€" Iy, or if any,casp by. Aitorney, the Leiter of ney authorizing signutare, being daty authenâ€" DERARTURF a 4 € I ri,{. kind of I"rom Procvincial â€"Recret to Report in favror Charters of Inco: Guelph BRAILROA ms, SUGGESTION® alo, Detr Wost, ut .. ‘~th 1 TUESDAY. 10. king of Required ty the ary Ao omluf,%l'l of n.p]:"l"lï¬ull!or porction under Act oteril, (,""'Pm 24, anaging Director » hecked xhâ€' 8 Trunk Railway, :u-'u‘-fle. .,_‘ Otg: ntfo t ie AB®XH tion m‘ fal 2210 Now TF3pEN 3500 am, 429 pm, IT#Ng®d ag Imal stg 1 4th, a71 A"I‘NKS Chapeers *Patent Right : oericx : Post Fobruaty 7, 4* Bu 1=,000 1 t A0 m Oflice, over Etore, Rideai J&unary 17 Oitlat All gubscquen Yéarly adve liberal aWow P%. ney sâ€"atâ€"Ls Orrices: Ma Ar. Wright s Tridays of over Ias. COLMAM, repared to ath jovermment i nay entrast his wit in and fort % n.:n-fer [4 and Russoll M Draaght and Lower C cester, near U executed witl od Ottawa C attontion. k8 UCawiaae % Fsbruanry 7 U MG K I s Street. Octawa, Nus Qoount l‘i " OUtAMR, â€"evic®: dn Jangary 21, 4 l’no iN Draaght i‘A‘linlb Noetary 1 LF “l a¢ 4 % Cuavey OrriC® : Mum.:lj Atawa, E ebmary 21, 1 aking m Ar Enc â€E XTs Stroet by means of Ottawa, Fob 1 U® _ O»wicx: Eigin nune Crt awa, Dob urFiCE : d he ofice at Joun Swith bougrare tin‘s. Eud Octawa, Fo puto ; John Otlawe, "OTAdCIR ;All{l§1 Chancery wrice: Auw awa., Jan. 1 puysic . "Claton® March 1. * P tral O Otawa, J V.OIP, Ottawa, J bAPIX TTORNMI M M A WV 4 ~ 0d DVOC A AV. MA ) A t 0 8 P01 DVOCA A BR BR ES ). A. Ma AALILE® Solicitor Ottaw a, * W , W Ottaw a., A 3t 4t 1 ® i. BJ EDW G EK. +QPPIO® 1i rosw: hahoory. ols 1 ENT3H8 rancery ut A Jullj 14 Â¥ ®1 OR KK Ofice € tem and A Atton Elgin A U 1Dit (i