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Ottawa Times (1865), 5 Jun 1867, p. 3

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/ e $ unottan d m use q nsviny ns Solo by all the #7 * W orm remedy for E' it is a welil. W : stt all the Anke or sagett -7‘; aitting ht : anderstanding the ‘:. Â¥, JUXE 5® e Drama». ex stas puunl,.;| vou “,<“-'-- CCEVE \ orms alone, it pred to health in edy, after bayâ€" a severe lua "ongo m ptfonâ€" owâ€"sufferers the Etr, ngton S¢., PDOF Town. »hn Townsend. CMENTS f Townsend. Nc: wb Saville., .‘ rence Townsead. ; ic Drasiw, ®Bâ€" Wms INXMax, :'lm e M.t.‘ the ly wit â€"thereby a istgring Castor :â€"as in the use . us Goop row en o e * P.P.P * and *34 i un ¢ mile signatabe hiog, : the #1mple reme. gradual waist. #tore. onceives to be Herer will try tertainmeits, \f . HEARN me, whish they itur® tanrday. OLS. Bbas heatre. DNLY. RETT.:, * .. SEDGWICK, :ubm-g: hiokk. : > . } 4 v , TMHIS DAY c oun have it 08 paying. for thit e. MES SKEAD 91â€"3 ladies of thi, a«copy of the with the direcâ€" NOCENCE WILsON, noert, in the Drams. nishe , White imal H ING ! ro«t and lqv advertiset in neva ; Mary.Saville. to youree11. nsing this F one who atre, #15.. Carâ€" 457â€"2 5 . . j", \ groat bill will be p K: i 80c l * 4 iDoors open at 7} a‘clock. |\Porformance to comâ€" â€"~. menee at 84 o‘clock. 7 A GR «rSACRED Wednesday Ev‘a.. June 5, 1867.) Broadway Theatre. Eighth Night of the Great Company g K1GHT B and POsITTIVEL the LAST NIGHT BV I ONE of the great compa®y . % Ey PARTICULAR vEsr will be repeated C. W . Taylour‘s cclebrated emoâ€" thional play is â€"five acts, entit c * ALICKE A. HAKRISON in h tér ot Laoy Isasks an After which the roaring fa Youth that Never § Admissionâ€"Re e served s‘ur S‘IIAVGD FROM THE PREMISES of the Hou. Ww. McDoijgall, Dalyâ€"st . a ED COW, medium size, with white spots on her feet, short, straight horne, and abput six yours old. Any person returning her, or giving information where she may be found, v'hl be saitably rewarded. Ottawa, Juge 4, 1867. . W1«3 > | At t YÂ¥ t oÂ¥ 4) Y aveo cmcxors ! CitiG NoAs ! €HHENONS ! J'" ARRIVED, ER STEAMER fn*nvha." the lateet style in LADIE®® HEAD DRESS, in NESTS, RIZZET®, &c., &¢ , at the Subscriber‘s, who hir m«do arrangements with Me. Stzacy, Court Hair Dresser, of Cranâ€" m:nu. London, %gi_ , to turniz® him with ! the quarteily book of Fashiins; and all the nowest styles of Hoadâ€"Dresses. He fattor« himself he will I be able to suit the t«st»s of wil who favor hins with a call, and be able to compete with any house in ‘ * MA Waich Quatds amÂ¥ Rings of the newest patterns made of Ladies an Gontlemen‘s own hair on the shortest notice. y â€" K. MILE3, Parliament HMairdressing Saloon, _ > f * f . _ Rideauâ€"street. N. B.â€"Also recoived a y oi the Aldxandra Hair W avers. s ~| t ® May 7. o §4 3 . a28uf : . ~OTEANY x _ : Music ‘and Fancey Store. CRICKET, Plain and Pancfiickor Baskets, | SA TUURSDAY evenigg, JUNE 6. 1887 and complimentary henefit/to * Alice A, Marrison. ‘ sKATING (RINK. May 31 For the Benelit N. n.-c;;. Cbll"l’l.l. has kindly consented to allow the fine band of the 100th to give their assiz« A DMIS$1ONy. ...« \_ Lady and HQ‘-JW,-,‘ 1.â€"â€"Overture ‘ Thursday ey‘g., June 6. complete assortment of the above â€" _ ~.‘ fust refdived. >( 1.â€"Clurionet Solo #.â€"Tantum Ergo 4.â€"â€"Ave Maria °* S ~ We Kinw. M 5.â€"â€"Gr§nd Selection..(1 ‘Doors open at 7} o‘cl May 31.. ‘ WB the Car‘n.l Stock \temand and require ol respectively to pay wht pany, at his offlice, in amount of such Stock on SATU RDAY, the 2 Ottawa â€" ard _ Montreal: cow sTRAYED. In the Cathedral, * ° wÂ¥ THE: 'l‘II skcox»n moxTHLY al®in nds of the Mutual Bubiding Scciety, will be heid at the Secrotary‘s ofic#, 80 Sussexâ€"st., (up : stair®) on THURSDAY the y JUNE, lu:-” Km.. when the second insfaiment of the s k will be | yable, and the fundsavailable of the ?fll‘l’ will cm for sale, fding to tho: les of “'I &"“’ % OEY® my ; _ _ALokcamikhine for stock can dol * Parties desirous of gubscribing for stoek can do} #o at any teme by calling upon the Becrotary, at his office, where the rules and By fhns of the Society can be and generat workings of ocA i, Keq., Presidect : 1. A l k , Presi ; P. &« -_n_.-:'l-‘ Viee nt Overture.......... ... Fidetio..... ........ BG@LROY@RD Band of| the 100th. « .$ s OM..M\M%I“ Mase, Mersadunte a $ s * i erutk wnice Â¥gieson, Eeq, Vko;l.“' Dinéh?.:-‘:- P * xt_“.?' Smith, Exqâ€" . â€" 1 Soticitor.â€"R. 1,004, Hankers. â€"The BA nis office, where w:‘ of the Society can be ® the Society expla Officers.â€"=A. I ll".‘ Eeq:, Viee Dw«fi..d.-fl- Pr 'uil Smith, L."‘ 1e PINHLN PAPIER MAC Dated this 20th diy BOARDERy, â€" at : Masisu io oo Miss Ryan will p Galterys the Elc Ottawa, May 2 Quawe, May \lfl. 1 () WIL8RONX‘= ‘all of* CROQUET, K sUBSCR! __to receiyo per M9td en every Kight GOD 8A r. .ln RYBRY . OR * € 1" rrgerasore. . | Ly And ARCHERY. reBby. given, that the Di# ou*u -ml";luamd Mmcad« aw a Woman, pement. ‘r great dual charaoâ€" ‘ Mapaw® Vixa. _ ne of the _ ane ; Do , 1€ Goo0ps. YLE, .« SOX. . 'ohhr t)rfiaaiist l in de St. Aubin tabat Mater.)... ; Rossinu | ‘ONCERT ND (Notre Dang,> PLC IS. the LAST NIGHT £ the 49@@ Company, and the holders . of sach Stock the"Troasurer o' said Come tawa, six per dent. of the eld by them respectively, th day of JUNEH, isa7. if May, 1867, j I %, WILSON, lecrétary and Troasurer. â€" HOIR, 1oxTHLY MEEKTING tding Scciety,. will be heid , 80 Sussoxâ€"st., (up : stairs) ith JUNE, at 7:50 p.m., WER 1% PREPARERD anent, day, and transient hoare" tately "occupied o7 | TV of Queen and all® | And o omises to 'WT,: W. Cousens, "“-n limc-'m' Ks+q., James de at tha Organ ; of Brivish North America. IAMES EG LESON, secretary â€" Troasurer . Â¥ cont« ; Gallery Sss . iggheie »~r Cont. OW y s 35 Sm;nu ® 5_1 Leethoven W J. PMT \G. F. Bailey & Co. s | ms m rtoaemromesy :( & * | strect a suportor tot of nearty new | ~METROPOLIRAN ; | prowig, Dingand Beiron Fumiturs, Mullor 444â€"td 15¢» Quadruple Combination, ‘MONDAY AND TUESDAY, yaRIETY ‘conossat wiproror 6uts! traction of COMETE $XEBITIONS \Great Australian Cireus Rbengnized and acknowledged by Naturalists and Biblical scbolars as being identical with the « Beâ€" hemoth"" oft wvu. and of which it is spoken in the Book of Job, 40 : 19, and 41 : 33â€" â€"_____. _ @lle is chief of the way s there is not his like." WO-'-IIIN%‘M' oNE CoLo#ssAL ./ CANVAS the viaripdg and comprehensive atâ€" E. BAILEY,& COFS Comprising tho fineit, most extensive and varied Collection of Living Specimens of Natural History ever exhibited ; many of which are the only ones of the species in America., + MENAGERMIE | PERFORMING ELEPHANTS i ‘l':w-dnn performed by these Animals, and the novel and -nh: character of their feate, aro beyond the power of eeen ption. 'w.i-u&- brilliant constellation of Furcign and Native starsâ€"a grand Alliance of Talent from the most noted Arenis of both Homispheres. . ‘Comic Trick Mules \A Baby Elephant LLAR(IE AND CoMPREH EXSIYE Introducad by Mr. J. tarious attractions, has Aup its Moru®®, \ Ahi.. also, two ,l::i Lama. ored fot KATRi‘e These varied attractions will be exhibited under one “‘5““" Pavilion, for the SAME PRICE OF ADMISSLION which has horetofore been charged to each . one separatelyâ€"making it the cheapest und best as woll as the most interesting Exhibition extant m Maltitudiaal Combination will. enter town about 10 a. m., in a grand B‘wnumn. headed by the immense Hippopotamus Den, drawn b* a temun w and u«l"uu\ylnnh\l by Prof, Whither‘s ropolitan Opera Ban o s onen ‘at % and T p.ur Performance to ‘HIPPOPOTAMUS _ Poors opyen at 2 and . gommence a halfâ€"bowr later _ Admission 4) cent 25 cents. â€" * sncelal Not 1ee., $ Grand Morning Exhibition For h:.!nfllt“ of Families, Schools and Chil« dren, of those who, from religions seruples, do a”d:‘l'r ‘:‘o withess. the Equestrian exercisos;, & June 10 and 11. _ _FIRST. i. C QUIHUC‘s T ME BA B Y lLl_PHQlT, THIRD. > _ sAXDS, XATHANS & Co."$3 « ANXTONY and CLEOPATRA GRAND MORNING BXEIBITION PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, Tuesday, June 11, ‘67. : FOURTH. M IEELYVILLEYS®S ve Menager®, Will exhibit at SsECOND. FOUR Autony and Cleopatra, Shopwles. To theee multi 'jno;r\nuh_.*lfl ® TWX Child Vpon Earth Jule} 1Ovears, ©â€" ATTRACTION! ATTRACTION! Mousehold Furnitare |\ Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, &c., « _ RAFâ€"Sale positive, without reserve. Terms.=â€"Cash in Bankablc Funds» ' "HU. MeLEAN, BY AVCTION, Onâ€" Saturday Next, 8th June, 9 (At S. & H. BORBRIDGES “Al been instructed by F. Chasse, Keo«+ to sell on the premises, over the store of E. Martineau, .. cotner of Sussex and Clarenceâ€" streots, & #9 lot of nearly new Ottawa, June 4 | _ JOSEPIH BOYDEY, : General Agent. | . N.B.â€"Household effects rnh.-du usual at ‘,.iuu resdences by which a u'h: of 20 per cent. can be effected to the seller than yd‘l;ro:( | of them otherwiso. <| > & y ‘V mont of Dinner Sets, Dessert Sots, Kreak tnst Sote, Tem Sots and Toilot Sets, ds-m Patterns, in China, Enamelied Ware and W are, w "“T Glassware of all kinds in the must appreved patterns. Stote Ware of all T 1 B LCC B LW Sb W..2.1altad and NV Kinds. Flour Pots of all sizes. ‘ Enamelied and Common Milk Pans, | Also, a Iul‘o..w of Wooden W are in Tubs, Pails| Bow!s, Clothes Pin«, Knife Boxes, Spice Boxes, Buber Prints and Ladâ€" les, with a large of Table Mat«, Door Mate, Dusters and Brushg*. Qilt Mirrors and Pictures, and a large assortment of New and Second Hand Cooking Stoves, which HMaving opened a regular Farniture W are Room I shall keep always on hand a large variety of W alout -Jcmqphmn‘. Toilet Glasses and will be sold .cheap Just recoived. The numbers from the beginning ‘lhw"m_ d e aeueos To Wentnss c of the year su T P k* â€"‘ Ritchic Hotel, Grenville, C. E.,; 34, Sussoxâ€"st., orrosUTtE TWE BARRACKS, Ottawa. May 10. wwo coup# Fhat WILi CAUSE attrACTNQ® a¥® ow To BK AREX At THX f The â€"Universal, Exhibitionâ€"IlNlustrated EL M oT 2 A N Furnitur¢ ! Furnuiture ! 3 Brtccsccittitecomantive betiradth 1 addle. tb | sHOE FIN DisGs PRon i9. keo ho will somt . NDIN ¢., &o., will conâ€" Saddles. Saddles. â€" Saddles SEQEENRISS Targe and most complete in every aomaifiint w k n mageercndui | department, and we most mrd-lly solicit a cou» C | tinuance of favors, to merit which our constant en« ”'“ss. deavors will be as usual to provide the hest articles and sell at the lowest remunerating pricks, % G. HOWE & SON. “Al"iss. n““s& z. Remember the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. T naxt tn Howell‘s Grocery. FACTORY AXD STORE, l Corner Rideau hud Mosgrove Streets, Ottawa City. ‘ May 8, 1867. 410â€"30 _ Successors to Chas. Garth, â€"Â¥% o. 23, Rideasâ€"st. MIR Subscriber has leased the above , E YERY BEST AND CHEAPES 'l firstâ€"class hutel for a term ".r‘" and m | T'r‘u msbmc:’ purpises. and Journal Bear by strict attention to the wants and comforts of bis | .__, ;. ay kinds of machinery. . . _ _ | _ M .i in nceArcrmindb rdfbathicbhertieet. iprecie? sprviiet‘ TV bynrla..‘mhi::h-uiu‘o-hmd‘h' guests, friends ?r.‘.lo.ulll.r”lt” ot public patronage. The Hotel is the largest and h:lud-llc-nh()mvmo; it is three stories , high and commands a wullvw'dmzur and steamboat landing. The Bar will ain_ u«‘)mdmo choicest and purest quality. The: Table will be supplied with the best the market can afford. :“nw..m-mumu-umu.u-.‘ which lbou‘nlhonndaumo-d Hostler, and always supplied with tresh y and OQats«. Charges moderate. s JOMN RITCHIE # PIIVATI BOARD, WITH D AND M-mm or seven All the Year Reand ulfivia"" | gra | Blackwood, M Gooq Words, | Sunda ogfiu. * Ch-h’.n'i Journal, Cornhill, | ® Young Eng! an. % The 'A::lu- Magazines. BLYTH & KERLR, UE APRIL NO. «ART JOURNAL,** containing the first part of . HERE the most beautiful n:ofl. F " C ib ctthats w PIambers, __ tias & Steam Fitters, Tin «& Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers. &Â¥. EXTENSION DIXINOG TABLE, (a splendid avrticle,) q."...-dudwln-.l.ududcm Hm,w.“.dlmt:bfl.m Brack> ot», Globes, a "'? * deseri A :«-i:.u.l'lhh ~c-'mn¢ M' aterials, &c. y ue ie n W tp 6 pep s mssn bovsd F@r Public and Building», Comservator les, Vineries, lmhs #&e., warmed b; Steam, Hot W ater, or warm Air, on the Intest an most improved principles. * T Importers and Dealers in &A W Houseâ€"Furnishing Hardware | The Richmond Circuit May 18; AUCTION SALES. Ottawa, May 30. * For sale by persons, can be obtained at Ottawa, October 20. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Private Boarding House. o io pna fethe Auiler than bs '%‘:I;’"“l MRS. GRANT»s ‘SALOON;, T s CEOROGE STREET:, Art Journal, 1867« \ Ohoicoe Wines & Liquors,Prime Cigars SALE OF IOMN RI1CHIE, Proprictor commedated with aT ¢ P. M. | * _ 10, Sparks Street, # | ~Opposite the 1-:o.l‘l House. â€"CONSTANTLY 08 WAaNDâ€" 1ONN DURIE & 80XN, or fowr ean be ac« in poard at MBRS. P ARDEY‘S, e We n NOC is aP & withis fre minates* walk of the the 15â€"cent edition of Â¥\ MRS. J. MeARTHUR, + _ | aslasas Sheask ‘ Auctioneer. _ | 451td | ‘\ tAE OTTAWAY/TIMES JUNE 5, 1867. 441y can be ac« Fly Books. d16y DALGLIIH & RUSSELL 447m CROCcERY COODS Consisting of Teas, Gunpowder, Old Myson, Young Hyson, Hyson Twankay, Black, Extfa Fine Engâ€" lish Breakfast Souchong, Conyou ditto, Oolong» Orange Pekee, Fines: Japans. _ Coffeensâ€"Java, Jamaica, La Guayts, Mockha, Roasted and Ground on the premises. | â€" TME LAKGEST | anD BEST AS8ORTMEXT .-?nâ€"-' Enclish, refined in loaves, Loaf, Crushed White, Vellow Refined. . Chocolate and Cocon Spices, Mustards, Essenâ€" ces, Syrups, Pickle#, Suuces,‘ V inegars, and Bottled Fruits, in b‘np. Preserves, Potted Meats, Fruit®, ke. Also, isions, Sugar Cured Hame, Brd Rolled Hams, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Biscuit«, Flour, Oatmeal, lsrlo{. Peas, Rice, L4 brador Herring», Table Codish, Digby Merrings, #&e., 4¢.+ dur stock is extengive and «-E:;u. and every article warranted to give satisfaction. All orders sent or left will be promptly attended to. All Goods« delivered on the shortest notice. _ * GOOLIHG ST0VE ! The Stock compricas 6t. Lawrence. | Steward. Golden Fleace. King. Forost Queen. «C., #c., * «t. Of all sizps apd shapes, with or without warming Closets, and Hot Water Fountains. If you want a Btove, call and examine. ERMONXDE sROS. Ottawa, May 24. + 441y Ottawa, November 27, THE METROPOLIT AN Ottawa, May 22, 1867. Boot RE NOW IN RECEIPT OF THEIR new and varied assortment of * +. xo. 10, YORK STREET, Next ioor to the Market Drug Store, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVEâ€" mw inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" lr{; that he h:”?no‘d. at the above stand, where he is prop: to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article. & Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. 7Tlo‘£:nu- o.,m‘...r‘--a:..m his ':rom attention., m atâ€" 8 Orders from rs promptly ‘a GEORGE MURPHY. HOWE‘S Boot and Shoe Store. x\Board of Public Instruction, R©TOTICE 18 wErEuy GIvVEN THAT Al the w::‘m Premises in Â¥ussex« street terminates this month, we m to con fine our business to one locality, and remove the whole of our Stock on the 1st of May next, to oar Store in $A Remember the place, P. O‘Meara _ old 4 c U Fyectiot > next to Howell‘s Grocery _ April 27. METAL! Ottawe, May 8, 1867 M THURRER‘S ROYAL ANTIERICTION _ METAL} No. ALEX. WORKMAN & Co., A‘gents Manufacturer of Pickles, Sauces, &., AT ESMONDE BROS. R”Plfl"'b‘.\’ announces that he is now .ntuodn delwer 1CE to all requirâ€" In{‘:nhouhu y the week, mo th or season. fl-flth contract for su plyinat‘.\o Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, the 1ce. I o’u to the public has been unhll{ picked . * = Purce.â€"10 Ibs. per dhy, per somson, $4.00. BA otel\â€"keopers, Steamboats, and others reâ€" T . ME TL CC B 140000 drslwith. napmrted to Oitare airing a 1 wu will be h be C All n‘n.:ffi L’i‘v 8. Har ::'I;m\- Market, or at. Mr. K. Hotel, York Street, will m 1'M'o the 2‘“ ‘”2“ Jlllilm, !'l\o ITAI‘!'IEI :::::' TO BUILDe«« ' 1 at 10 otclock, &â€"mep ih‘“mqmqflmh duly [(« ied teas} 4 April 8. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Richmend, 10th May, 1867 All orders | Will meet in the : nee Neae NE §E C E00. 200000 tGrammar School Mouse, | FOR SALEâ€"â€"TO ARRIVE, i% RICHNOXDP, ~E. McGILLIVRAY se sise 448b Aumond‘s Block, PU BR B IO®B : JAMES NASH, No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. AT THE CAPITAL and iShoe Stre | * _.QTTAwWaA, C. W. Â¥F. P. G..TAYLOR & €CO., Sole Manufacturers for B. N. A rok SsALE BY Â¥y +« NOTICE. t E M OV nayl -\r:-;.; -.-u‘“-- ez with pron *" Hotel reet, will meet w r‘l e , L 1 436â€" TRADE MARK : YORKâ€"8T., foTTAW A P. O‘MEARA, Proratcto®. L 2urtl Octa wa. Davy Crockett." Protectionist. ; â€" Empire State, Ranger Rideau Street, Ottdca Wellington & Kewâ€"ste. % 4ily _ __ JO8SEPH HIXTON, AÂ¥ L. a _ 420y April 10. Pon'r WINXE, finest quality, In Wood and Bottle, April 10; April 10. Nest. doot to Cunningham and Lindsay‘s INDIA WAREKOUSE, April 10. x wolnn syLL BITTER®, April 10. m TOUTGHTON BITTER®, April 10. April 10. Aprii 10 April 10 April 10, April 10 April 10 April 10, 1867.â€" April 10. HERRY WINE, vamous brands, > In Wood and Bottle, i April 10. RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Brands, _ In Woddâ€"and Bottle, _ _ April 10 INE OLD CHERRY BRANDY, April 10. Pianoâ€"Forte and _ Organ lnstruction w ."C. OLL&ERE,.~ h A Ah 2M . 4 WB 4 css csmm d I.IOI‘I'OI .of Music, Teacher of Organ, Piano, Voice and Harmony. Also Mrs. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparkeâ€"st., adâ€" joining Desbarats‘ Block. May 4. 420y ;“ @250 BAGS Liverpool Salt . $ REQUISITION â€" Edwad. McGillivray, Esq. SIR,â€" ©4My~* 1 The undorsigned Electors of the City of Ottawa invite you to offer yourself as a°CANDIDATE FOR ITS REPRESENXTATION INX THE FIRST COMMUONS OF THE pOMINION OF CANADA, ard pledge themselves to your support by their votes, influence and active exerâ€" AMSAY!s PORT ELLEX 18LAY i HERRNERE y : . 39 i0054 CHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, UINESS!s DUBLIN sTOUT TER, e oo ;UOA‘I-CURID HAMS, AND BREAK« fast«Rolied Bacon. | A choice supply of the above can always be had F At the India« Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY. o0oTH‘s OLD TOM GIN, | At the India Warchouse, : BROWNE & HARDY No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, IBBERT*S LONDON sTOUT â€" TER, PS t INEKST OLD RYE WHISKEY, At the India Warehouse, * BROWNE & HARDY. Ottawa, March 15. E KUYPER*S HOLILAND GIN, In Wood and Bottle, _ _ _ _ I have much pleasure in accepting your requl» | / vition, so respectably and numerously signed. : \ From my experience in commercial transactions |* and long residence amongst you, it would not, I ‘u‘&hm;fin-pum in me ‘to say that I have a deep interest in the welfare and lndummou of this section of the country, and | Iay glaim to a thorough practical acquaintance | | with it? trade, its wants, its ‘resources, and the ! | mode of their best development. | ‘ Should I be the choice of the people Iâ€" pledge | mysbIf to devotermy best energies to the .dvnh-j 1 ment of our County generally, but more especially â€"| | to all that will contribute to the prosperity of our | lfu.. City, and that great staple trade so closely | ‘l-louu-d with the progress and prosperity of the | | Ottawa valley. _ . . INEST AMBER SsYRUP, At he Indiéa Warehouse, ROSSE & BLACKW ELL"S Ft® 07 N M Black Currants, Jams and Jellies, At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. GENTLEMEN,â€" ERNARD‘S GINGER WINE, e chart Pn esnt I Ottawa, March 00sEBERRY JAI.I'I'B-A\VI!I?R\' l C W ifi ue ie uoi o e on Ju-..-l'nâ€"l;;r-r; Jam,Green Gage Jamp > 4 At the India ‘Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY. | Ottawa, May 31 RK AND FLOUR Constantly on hand, At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY. 5h 4 400tf East End Daly.â€"st., Otawa. April 1. : Ta Hon. Jaines Skead, H. £. Bromson, Eag., 44 MeCormick, Exg., J. Aumond, Exg., J !:,3::. Exg., Donald _ Dow, Beg. David Moore, Kxg., and other« : 4t th« india Warchouse 4t the India Warchouse, U the India Warchouse, _ BROWNE & HARDY. JAMES SKEAD, H. F. BROXSON, HENRY MeCORMICK JOSEPH AUMOND, .vg:p ooo:?w. pONALD DoW, DAVID MOORE, And othere. At the: India Warchouse, . BROWNE & HARDY At the. India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY lLACKWlLL’l‘RRD AND Ar the â€"India Worchouse, BROWNXE & HARDY t the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY t the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY 4t the India Warchouse, â€"_ BROWNE & HARDY. TEAZ Ar l'fi;wi;;liur Wieehouse, SPECIFICATIONS8, ESTIMATES, &©¢ REPLY. 1 remain, At the India Warehouse, SAXLTL. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & dIARDY. BROWNE & HAKDY. BROW NE & HARDY. BKOW NE & MHARDY AUGUSTUS LAVER, , 'i'-J‘n respectfully, E. MoGILLIVRAY 1867. ATION POR« POR» 307 SUMMER STOCK, M _ GOODS per 8.8. Perurian, Nt. Andr British Markets, Call and see our prices 250 Bnu_u. Rich, Fancy and Wodding Eilk«, from 75« 1000 ps. Rich Dress Goods, from 64. * 1000 Assofted Shawls, from 3# #d to 3508, 1 1000 dor. lloo'nr{. very good, and very cheap. 1 500 ps, Prints, fust cvlours, from 64. §00 «* Heavy Grey Cotton, from 7d. 10 Cases Straw Goods at fearfully low prices. We have added a splendid * To our uuuiu'promhr, which at all times will be found re&d‘ with all the latest novelties. Our Stock of CARPETS and FLOOR OIL CLOIHS will be found the largest in Western Canada comprising Axminster, Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, 2 Ply and 3 Ply ; Datch, Beotch and Hemp.â€" . Also Rug», Mats, Cocoa Matting, and a complete assortment of Houseâ€"furnishings. } s 250 doz Joivine (modlnlg, Duchesse Kid Gloves, worth 5# 7id ; our price 3« 94 50 ps. Black Glace and Gro Grain Silk, from 3s #4. _ > OTTAW A, MAX 23, 1867. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO, Are now MOURNINXG GOODS, MA T s ‘ BLACK LACE SHAWLS, yc s 1 BLACK AND COLOURED SILKS, 11 io3 : cLOTH AND SILK sachenss ~|_ & i ~_ _ _ FRENCH ANXD $sCOTCH PRINTED NUsLIXS Bonnets, 3 f Mats, â€" . _ § f Ribbons, â€" . t Feathers, Flowers, â€" f Bonuet Ornaments. ._~ Inspection Invited." Wholesale & Retail.] o s | 24 4 200 s @etiteeeeennmeememmmiem â€" Sie 3 * * ( |_ soUcHON@G. HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE ‘I% & flE(;EiPT or FoRrTyâ€"rwo CKAGES | aifrane mos uAnf‘Dhl: c m ‘ 1 Y« P PAC 1 F "o0BS te? 24. Proatim, s dndree and goin Fall bgpght sinoe oo gteat fall in price in the | 4@gy r"r;::-:d(;h'i: rmall Crddist, about 1 1 To T no nb Fhave + U i â€" OTTAWA, May 30, BEG LEAYVE TO INXFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS AXD THE PUBLIC INX GENXERAL * that they are now preparedâ€"to show a complete stock of . ‘ 5 PTANCY DRESS vices of a firstâ€"class M please their customers. ‘UNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S, OTTAW A, April 24. YOUNC & RADFORD, SPRING AND; SUMMER DRY â€" GOODS ;.PRAUTIUAL WA'[‘UHAN“ C100 K MAKERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, > Watches, Clocks and Jewelled of every description ca}e{ully cleaned, fir.nqnnd WarraxreD. | Bank 6t., Ottawa, |Is AGAIN PREPARED TO MANXUFACTURE Masonic Emblems and Jewels, Gold and Silver leMM. &o.,| all descriptions ot Made to order, and old ‘Jewellery ressett in the latest styles Ofl.f“hm~ Always on hand a | And hopes by strict i tohd:;icv; a £ Choice Assortment of Gola and Silver Watches, Chains and Jewellery, | continuanor of the m so liberally bestowed Electroâ€"Plated Ware and Fancy Good#® f . on him before. \ e dhotren EP o 4 n N * 4357 Ottawa, Beptember 16 _\ 220y OTTAW A, May 15. To Comprise ll_l:b‘l.\ BR.\". New| Show Room ! OAtawa, May 15, 186" shewing a large and complete stock in every.department. : « the following he‘s F ‘"‘ 1867. â€" sUMMER. : 1867. M ILILLINM BEECY OO M ESTABLISHED, 1838. LCE SHAWLS & MUSLIN DRESSES. Pusher, Spanish& French Lace Shaw!s & Mantillas Varying in Price from $1.50 to £50.00,. * 100 ‘pimn- New French and British Printed Muslins, warâ€" c ruge 1. 1952 _ 449y THEY HAVING EXLARGED THEILR PREMISES, AND OPENED OUT A rise MILLLNERY, MAXNTLES, and INFANTS‘ CLOTHES, lh:y having secured the sorâ€" cclase Milliner and a firstâ€"class Mantle maker, who will spare neither time nor Arouble to uatomers. â€"All are invited to give them a call at the wlccd : UNION BLOCKâ€"â€"â€"Cor. of Sussex and Yorkâ€"streets. One Price and Quick SHales. *& & THOS. & W. HUNTON. N EW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW N EW RE sHEWING A GREAT VARIETY OF REAL EARNS & RYAN 1867 E\'ER\'T!II.SQ REQUISITE FOR THE ABOVE SPORTsS SHEFFIELD HOUSE! us â€"ALSOâ€" ) Watches, Clocks,. Jewellery, Electroâ€"Plated Ware * ~get" Particular attention paid Repairing Department. Â¥* ~No. 14, Ridenaue«st. MAGEE & RUSSELL FIRST JUNE, 1807 CRICKET, CRQQUEL FIR®T ARRIVAL 30 SPARKSâ€"ST. FISH INGTACKLE, BLACK SILKS, LACE SEHAWLS. y 4â€"4 AND 6â€"4 BAREG ES CEHALLIS, CGRENADINES, * MUSLINS, | s | DRESS GOODS, . \| FANCY GOODS, &e. just received at the â€"AT~â€" to the Manufacturing and .0 425y They invite sfifcial attention to o gteat fall in price in t THOS. & W. HUNTON [(20 Sparks@â€"st. 442 > ~\|24 447 4174 ay | ed, lt at Very Choice and Supericr NOW ON SALE The Pure Mountain Berry our premisce by * Without exenriu the finest Coffee in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. R We are constantly receiving supplies of this truly beautiful abd delicious COFFEE, romted daily on By which peculiar process, the aroma is preserve and renders it the ra vormâ€"wiru ALLCoPPEE Damk ErS, 5 * (uUINESS & CO #4®" A« it is imported by no other firm in Canad Wines, Spirits & Liquors ROBINSON & CO. would especially call the ai tention ofâ€"families to their stock of TCt ALES, WINES&SPIRITG To > * ; Wub Wo(h"n a most delicions FRESH ARRIV AL Which we are selling at 8 skillings per gallon | THE TEA POT, . | * f otraw a | Establishmenteâ€"Busser BHt. and Rideau ! Ottawa, September 10. 22 . DUBI IN STOUT 1. BLOOD‘S LOXDOX STOUT. y BARCLAY‘s LOXDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALE.: â€" ym BASS‘ EAST INDIA. _ 4 m pOWs CELEBRATED mMONTREAL ALK DAW‘8 SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE: DAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & sPOU ‘Prepare for Spring Work. I merensmect : ‘AT THE SIGN OF THE Just Reccived from England : ROAST HARE. CURRLED Do. â€"~JUGGED DO. » ETEWED Do. ROAST PHEASANTs. } ROAST GROUSE ROAST RARTRID@E, ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREKER by our own ‘Waggons to any p.qdmpu!uny |â€" Rideau Street, BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS ’000 y AR P lidd UNCOLORED 500 Chests very chpice ahd superior YOUNG â€" â€"HYSON. § > > » 700 Chests Good TWANKAY 100 Chests® old fashidned BREAKFAST Dakins‘ Patent Siver Cylinder *â€" Of every description HOES, RAKE®, Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools IN GREAT YARIETY, Nails, Spikes, Camp Ketles, Circular and Cros cut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putty, &0..â€"al4 curar. | « yar CALL AND INSPECT. THOMAR IIIKIS‘!‘. C ricle Buccessor to James Ltarke. | North Gower, April 4 100 cases Otard Brand,. l 5o â€" "*â€" Martel®®s * % 150 â€" * Mennessey. 75 * . United Vinquels Ottawa, April 13 CARDEN TOOLS At their Sittings in the TOWN HALL of said } + Township, to s For the purpose of establishing a ROAD from the !‘ro-to(l:o‘l'tirdcgnpui-. to. the Rear of the Fourth Concession of said Township, at or near the River Rideau. Agricultural Implements L EN D I| N G L 1BR A R Y AND NEWS DEPOT. © " Times" Buildi ;j"a b.-n -I.w::.yé u‘x‘:m latest m‘."ml: . "77 o *X maAUsSREER, _‘ ccis + T & 'u'], P May 17 ms to u’ part of the cu! dany ROBINSON 4& CO. DINNEK SHERRY COFFEE | Eighth day of June next, HE MUNICUIPAL COUNCIL OF Township of North Gower intend, on ROBINSUN & CO,, PRESERVED MEATS. HATUSSEI has removed PLOT LINE®, NEW AND IMPROVED. THE TEA POT, ~SMITEH,: 4A j 1 BBA ractory â€"â€" NoTICE. " Building, Bparkeâ€"st. SPADES, SHOVELS, &e., CaN BE Hab IA8. B. EASTMAN, %, 'l'ovfitl.ql ~ 14w4 OTTAW A Th

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