Burgoyne, Burb ‘v- have appatnted 0. J. LESLIR, *â€" \ Sprurks Strget, sote Agont for sale of abuve Watohos, and eantfoe Me publicc aghins being in« posed «pom by Wkichas marked =Makers to the Queen," but '1!\* re not manufactured by us, Thirty thonsand pric ree of albsharge, mont LB A d Galls BJ B nQd uce of mankinds| Â¥ronared by Dr. J.C. *vï¬k CO.. Yowpll, Mass. L.yer‘s~Ch Apmb t 1 Riveus,Came c# s vkono‘ou. Cas lhe bhomes, & great ewiloty of « m ee of Hhowe Bormsidiale Di e of t dbys t hows . Somes F’r m Commmme, whieh the as o unds qprrieinp t hB w h s . . ie Aigiratee be epen t a lCms during Nising«s Invoices of progertyjof whatever kind jitended to exfpmed into the Un mret® he anthebticn by mo at thi Ag iney, in ordar to Facititate iss transit per ports of ent, y; L BA | Pharmacent { Photograg vrateal [~stramesnts, ’I"'l awwdereigne t C P n the Cite oif Ont aw theres!. deems it ptoper t Ahooug w h e m uy pred dro his May 11, 1840 Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa «ht its Dâ€"psndencies. . | Muny veai vade by the whi tou the m:‘ gevenmniem dises And tor the speady. chrd of the followBg eomplainte ; Berofulannd Scrofulous A.égo.o.anl as Wuamers, Ulbers, »ores, uptions, Pimples, Rustules, Hlotches, Boils, Wliaidaney u" Biun Dispasess | : ‘Ktx®0, lud., 64 Juné, 1852, J. C. Arin & ¢o. feois: 1 fel it my dury to ac« Medicine Chosts, * Sarsaparilla FoR THEEnaPI dunt or * | eaghs, Cofds, Infuenza, Hoarscmes®, Lroup,, Brome is, Incipient 6 m« .‘z'“..' Sou n-'% Rebief ~ Come Uive Patlemts ; & In advéaunced #tages . k of Discase. seities of this pery y fow thirty l vust 445 2t Pw, J. ( Shop Fittings ¢. unu.;-- ® Weates m lt.:u‘:-v:;--- :1 "Alacnwa re. 87 philis amd FOR PURIEYING THE BLOOD. Dt Druge, Paui n’l. b4 Y*. P T ER‘S AT EFTAW CONsuLAR AC:# CY THCXMAS KCSs Ire. Rore or wr ln=, »&‘-llhnnu. Seald â€"Meowd, e EKyes,. Dronâ€"y . g‘.-llhcmu Ne mlchâ€" e Byes, br.") « erry Pectoral, Mereuriat Discase DiscaseNFits, Epilep« kokys :\.x.m'u amere, l’?u'nr.o.ront s and Exfeliatida of have been r to ut where eetisdaci n tw ® vewin froun t onr «page with m “v wl bws ts by our | Athertcdin ts below anmued are to Â¥P. Wo M M AR W’ O.Jmen‘s $tores, Vetomnary Y Sundries. -«‘m above forwarded ly, by idgos and Squire ) Propara o Sundrie « 8. Conantar A gent a. wad the lependencies iR Pllgel Mod)cines 'yo-dnt., â€â€™E.a..:. i)- Cbemi¢a‘s, Wish ELL W I Nock, 40% U *ANTEDs««1NX AN OPFPICEK “ Conntingâ€"house,â€" a sitwation for a n ahie vouth, who writes an excellent hand. at this «lige. ® Oitawe, May soly the t hep eamme atond, only© belr «AiÂ¥e wentesâ€"rove hay . sollthe G ~iy\l:n Q.:l..:llmu Probige for bes lh‘m togrty» ve n-..‘ when .: W (hon brought only twety cent«. Many Roohgster are s«a‘ting a bed of ‘the fldz.q.n m purp e to mix the berrie= with the w ilson= they get from ive o seven conts more per quart for he ‘rlfl ‘by doing so. Kxpress by Railway throughout for New '\'wl.’l-sul. and all" Enterm Points, connocting at 8t. Johns Vormont Centrcl Wailtoad, at Burâ€" Huyton with the Rusland and Burâ€" Nagton Kailroud, also with the m. Casmmplain« Steambouts . for e Woorge, saratig», Now Vork.dce,&¢. Accommudution Train for bsland Pond and Intermediato Stutlu#, t............ Eupréss Tor Bustum and Intermediate Puints, connecting at tt. John« with hl.r \'un::‘. Central Railrond, at.... lpln..‘ l\?h....‘..................“..i...... Expres= by railway throughout ow Y wh.’luuul. and all _-1& Poiots, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Central Railroad, at ‘Burâ€" lidgtow with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also at Rouse‘s & _ iPoint with l..homnfluh.ma «Nor Lake George,. Satatoge, New Â¥uirky, ty Whronrrorantstrantiermre ree Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebes, "very ordet of ®>, i will wid D'rcï¬ of the O@olden Queen _ For an order of $10, one 00": Vine and 13 plants , und so on in propartion to t nonnt over #10. * « J B. Cuine ofers to. the ‘public a remarkable s umew b e , Pak On-.nuglu. 1J is of a besutiâ€" tut bright sonriet eâ€"lur ; :u.‘l'h:uv.. .‘fla- npougl whictive â€"many ber measuring w»-M-yh.'fn'numfmnâ€". lt ripen« Aitsen days after the Wilei,. and is thus moâ€"t valuahie as a late huerry lur fam Iv wae or marketng. L ; tewed alce hourn a uf the Gylden Queen as l «mm as the 17th of G* GKAPES & STRAWBERRIES, B@ sleopingCars on all Night Traine, Bagga#e thocked chmg‘. * Ror {yrther information, and time of arrival and lc'uau of all arains at Termint and Way Staâ€" ‘lons, soe the Grand Trunk Railway Book Jh Tabl W Apuil q250 BAXGFS | _ _ ink w ‘\CHANGE of TIME. Ditawa and Prescott Railway, Night : do .. â€"d0 â€" At.uoommcowmer Slh Plk Accommedation: Train for Kingston and Intor1m0®#46 3t»4i008, #t..~......».»»« $40 A.M. Praims for Luchine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 _ Nood, £00 P.M., $.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M,. _ SUMMEB ARRANGEMENTS, t6:20D ; \__ w# BA : . Brcckville erd Dtawa A:ilicy. Broekeille, April 13 . mn@®K®>. Grand Trunk Railway Company Inr Gorges Quers S nawnraur.â€"â€"Thos whe sire to raire .' ‘r:"t 3" Tomato .-.‘.‘.? Strmw â€" my Aaver, will nâ€"t what they lookag t in t\ 'fl*‘.‘ Quoen _ Jton, of the Amerions ‘.un':i.‘u\ priâ€" red in New York, saye: «it is vorit shle strawhersy. and one of the best varie= « yot ra‘« id, alther for home use or for the marâ€" t." and until cccular nlma‘m-nrah. proves to the 1 Iw From I‘re Frowm Ottawa Evary pe (0"¢ The 3.00 P.M., Train suns throughto Plattaburgh. _aotxa socTth AXD East. . r}n 4A REAT induccments offered to those i t a w h ALTERATION OF TRAINS, _ Liverpool Salt FOR SALEâ€"â€"TO ARRIVE. E. McOILLIYRAY Un raon shou‘d set out largely ofthe Green t -:’ r;ho horry i« ne urly as | arge a« the Gotâ€" Qoeen, very e wlv, remser and aswent. . It is re mgmled very highly in the enstere put of the a where it iâ€" bettvi known. . in f wt. the Golden any «mit con. "r lil~ are. the two bast berrics ult vition, _ The Golien Queep sells to our Iuy tifor foue shillings per q in ¢ waere the Wie Goderiel and wit p N AND AFPTER MONXDAY, MAY 14th, Trains will leave Bonaventure Station * folâ€" i pay the collection OM ARMRE leve: Alled in rotation. Orders marke ho hver m««t pay the capres« charges, y Plants can be set until ate in the rod well with leaves or l:::.. Ti 1 Apple Trees, 30 cents + wliflz'-’ $1 to 82 e«ch ; hs Quinâ€" ench. â€" Evergreons, Roses Shrubs p&ps. Gencéul nssortment of House I OF CANADA are bownd t , Builaict, Detroit, Chicags K WEOKE, M srcomesiercrrrcers tor Ogdens , Octaw e, lllmmllb, r:-' welpb, Liindon, Brantforc . o reXLCE: BR AILROADS, PmE | ARRIVAL« t, 7. 00 a. um, _ At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m 2 40 p i. ve u6 _ dcdu pam y 7.00 @ uume At Proscot: 9.33 a m 1230 on t ©6 0 doldh pute A. M.eâ€"TRAIN® will leave B.ockv lo duily at #.20 a m , and rriving at Sandpoint at 12:30 p m., Southerm Ru . Oit». t idirhbnnitho ind w in S n nc P /% Intonidhihidiicntditrdol and from «Ottew» _ hecked througb P P o ntiane d Havo commenced their regular trips between stutions on Grand Truuk Inyll'l’- , Montreal : ad Hawilton ‘-..lllu‘;n wil I:Mnn t« o Proscott, Kemptville and.Otte» | Ports, connecting with the ato. can be bad at the principelata | § t.s. petrom _ oo( _ Ottawa and Prescott Railroad. doInd wEst. YÂ¥ Three Rivers, Quebes, up and I’tm w€...] ars on all Train , M.s«â€"TRAIN® will leave | m oo e l ie ndpoint deily mt uooo.-..u" Fast Sailing Mail Steamer Q«a Victwrus, (Capâ€" ving at dioukvilie at 12430 p. m., | tain Bowio.) leaves Ottawa .lu;( (Sundays ex» k ‘ :.'-:ï¬:‘l‘ 6. 3000 m., l‘..r Or;:n; ocud ,huv-o‘"- Ain line con Falls in 8, gonnecting with the C, &A dGreaville A trom Pmr' shawies | Railway, and at Carilion with steamer 2. iace o Areiime elet N | Wales, â€" Passongers arrive in Montro 4 «t €4> p.m. or® ty i | U suutes «moras| Banks of the Ottawa, of the Strawberry Plant«, in W ousiiesiaated the Sttawberry Plant«, in yX (o tw, Ive. @rape Vines, J. BRYDGES, t w..‘wu-. 1 33â€"y heliove it whrk and tike r'â€""' 1 id ‘ï¬rnm the rdor of $10, one Wripe II. ABBOTT NDPOTN 1 J. B; CLIXE, mh.:-..’l..o.u P.M. ? uut;â€"pronted at Amity KVILL a Montreat Tomve DETLOR, st vuw.'-un. x +Â¥ Munager for Trustce, per 100 per 10 ab | With a fneâ€"House and «plendid ‘Garden, well n‘;:‘nll st., _ | feneed, and all the requisite outâ€"buildings, Barn®, ochester, N. Y. } Stables, &0. _ C * @it O0% d O# hib 00 00 Oo ... 8.00 A.M. _. 815 P.M. 6.48 A. 330 nn.] 413y $% | 14 15 ;.-u’ k iahathk«".:"~ > %. .. ~â€"@a:fA â€" Â¥lnest in Lower Uanada. .| | A ready marketJs abtained for all furm ‘protuns | | on the spot: m.mnm‘z-mm; ( ,u--m-{o-uunmaw; | own supplies this offers an advantage seldom to be 1!'..."!'.?.'!..‘!“’""‘ well fonced, and is adâ€" Om MK. REL!YS Agent, _ * » 38â€"3 On the Paim, Clarendon. ’ Thraizh Which it \Vii Hench PM Manizeak Gasete and Toronto Leader will & give the above three tosertionsâ€"onss a weekâ€" t t3 and sead ascount to this offee t aeugmt IEWREEE wer | _ toawe City ‘To Fimers, Lumbermen, &c. End UGawa Rallway on the up trip at Arop ior at w wmm:u;’- ;"Mn':-d--:- t _uhumuu;a.-; Arnprior at 12: 15 p=® Acâ€"rPINE : F *A R *1807, Smmatd » M n 1 P.r further partioniars anply at the Office of the Company at QOttawa City or Ayimer. R. 8. CASSELS, A coenection is made daily with the Brockvilip and Ottawa Reilway on the up trip at Arop lor at The teoamer Ailionce maves Postage dn Purt »vary -u-nlu‘ at 0 30 a. m . torchlog «t G=uld‘s Whuf Farrell‘s Wharf, Bonnechere, Bristel. Sand Puint and Armprior, «nd acriving at hoi of Reilâ€" way at 12:45, and connecting with Ana Simom at Ponting. Passenzers reach Avimer at 4 30 p m. The steamer Caluast lsaves Ch »peau Village on lnh)-nhau 0 a.m., and resurning le«reâ€" Mavelock same day on arrival of passengers from teamer Alliance _ . Iunidays 200 ®hage, hy ces doschims~ calitag w % ap oachims, ¢ «C wl m.' nnp::tsnlnm-"-:-;-.u‘. ;o' m P. 1 . m at s »oke with weamer Amon Gould, which |» arce duily «t 8 a.om. and amiving at Portage du Port at 10. «. «m _ +2:30, touching at M?n. Sand Point. Bristo! Bonnechere Farreil‘s Whak, Gould‘s W hart, ans Portage du Fort â€" Stages wili le ve tionuld‘s Whart iume siately after amiral of Aiionce tor Cobden sonnecting with ste imer Jasos Goul«, and arriving «t Pembroke same ove=in . % This C is now red with new and efficiens stook to forward Ereight of every descri tiom between Mostroal, Qrtawa and Ridows Conal, and intermediato Ports, with promptae«s and desâ€" pateh, and at low rates. * Â¥reight received at the wharf of the Richehou Company, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. For freight A"ly’h j y > . MURPHY, Agest, â€" Consisting of the following dirstâ€"class steamers : | _ ANN SISSON,crarenseres.. CHpEABOCKCD: » ~ RHERAED\..ccccccccccrceces * *LETICHK, _ > BEARAMC Be consesccsnccscrcccs. â€" * FISDLAY OECONY «ccrtccrrcrvicuice * WikkFHRD+ #XOW BIRD.................. * Foxtu. JASON AACLDs:ssssssnecces * OÂ¥BRNAY,* 2 POXTLHE, ..ommmmtcrmrccrce _ * DVGOAK PBEMBROR E..»»mumsessecccccs * ©+ CVRCYHE, / CAKUMUBETmsemmessescssersces * B/4YD0% On the opeatng ot nevigatior . .otil further poâ€" les) the steamer Arn Simoa will bave Aylmer day, for the Upper Ott=wa, at 8:30 + im.. con feutleg whhine Wifiakes At headt of Railrood a 18A AC BONNER, Agent 1161 s<aces**5â€". 1367 | MONTREAL & OTTAW A 85 Commenâ€"st., Canal Basin, Montreal May T. = 42 and Gre#ville 1861. Return tickets to Montreal Ste « (Capt. = o.&'n'mu‘:'&mm‘cï¬rm. :fl,.‘;: ‘.él!fl‘x:‘*‘ kmpaniatls ... . 9 A well of fing soring water and pamp in the _ Partics desirous of a pleasant m‘ can obtain Return Tickets from uttawa to Grenville, valld for que day, at singlo fares. . e CC will be landed at L‘Orignal. mE 1 duily from Ottawa to Montreal and Initraredizce iwodlege: c FARES : most fashions blo for tourists. Stommer Pronce o/ Wolde, (Captain H. W .“f‘- herd,) leaves Lachiseon ayriyal of the 7 a.m. tra‘n frotn Muntreal, »t Curiilon with €. & GQ. Ruilway, and at Greaville with Steamer Queen Victria, arriving at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m "hou-:u:n: economy of this li:oli:l‘n:_- passed, while the route passes through one of the most pletureeque districs in t'.mun'. and is the o.\ul: orraw \1- LV EK N a viG aATION CuMNPANY‘*® Praesengers: will find it +o their advantage to travel . by tirhs poute,. it h-lmm quinkest and cheapest, as well as the most fom t cbdes, .. Meals and State Rooms always included in t « the Fare. * N.B.â€"Through and Returq Tick ained at peduced rates from Pasmsengers for Des Joachims leave Ottawa every Roth wiys, daily SPARTAN The magnifcont stenmers comprising this line, Vik, A 67. esz _ ze 1 807. Clarendon, County ofâ€" Portiac, May 14 Tllfl! PORWARDINXG AND RAIL« F ‘way comnraxy. _P..u'g._n_ï¬v the Celebrated Caladonis Springs TE EKE IF .A H M To Let on Long Lease, Ew PrREGHT LsE To oTrawa 1 AND THE RIDEAU CANAL~ Uppeor Ottnanwa Route. LOYAL MA THROCGN LINXE ANADIAN INSLAND sTEAM XAVI« LATiUNX COMPAXY. s Dll.l{.‘lthlfl- * W. MCXavontos,..|L....J. B. Avorer conmettyg or 400 acarse, on Ttws LIMITED. PRRSIDENTâ€"Hoeosr MeLesxsas \ WHTH NEDIATE Pos®PR®8, FORWARDING COMPAN)3 GRECLA N April 20, 1867 ner . Alrcandra, (Capt. M. the oyed in towing rafts between HRRRiCK. BRUSH On phe fdrst Range FASSPORT, NTEA UYMERS. MondRW§ s excepts MINGSTON RATTARY, MAGNET R. W. SHEPHERD. nal Basin, Ottawa and CHAMPION, Lares. _‘ Frsonar Thirtago. Toxng. Oe mt a%.* 2 Pre«ijent 41 Â¥â€"e 3 00 428 8 M 1807. «a, NOW is the PILN ES | 1861. ts each. ll"l mE "orTal p‘mr:s .) | |Dry Goodg, ‘| . ._ Grbceries, . ' ‘d!e';{wafré,f or‘md*arg::',‘. * | ' TO n. } f, | [ ADVE,B?,'QISE I is f ‘Let the World Know It. / frae ) T HE uTTAt\NA TIMES JUNE 10, is6z. _ This is the Motto of hverv Real ;Printing Works! > ADVER?‘ISE 11 No Matter what your Bn"'eu A Do you want to Buy: Property to I‘T HAS BEEN TRUOLY sAID THAT «*4A | ©0, WILL . AFFORD A svPERIOY tiEDn ADVERTISING "OTTAWA TIES PRINTPMRS INK I8. ONE u> PHE LEaDING arRNXURS ro Wsaaurni W DICIOUS® APPLICAPIOXN u® THE ADV ERHISE. aparks street, ventre Tows > ADVEKRi[I84.! Fu PPSINES® MEX 18 "UIK THE "TIMES®"! BUSINESSs TKE PUZLIG: ADVERTISE! IF Yor WAY} T J A. M Ir yop ADVERTISE orPICF LNXE OF T EK M > #4 HAY1 4 * 6 U BJ It i 7 > m A o Yaf 4 x 4 »‘% ’é se« SV | a~«‘ d A ‘ j | Eu. e .5 6e t â€" | dW id wetrid | oo y°¥v,_ ids 5 +. ® 1 33 P P t Pmd TCT EMEE ) K _ the Coutts otf GENXERAL QUARTER SEs. | S1ONS of the PEACE. and COUXTY COURT, in and for the said UnufcICarlom. will be holden ‘at the Court Housb,. in the City of Otawa, on TUESDAY, the cleventh day of JUNE, 1887, at | the hoar of .Trx of the clock, a. m., of which all | Coromers, Builify, Constabler, and all others conâ€" _corned are uqaud to take; nutice and govern | themselves accordingly. â€" * ‘ WM. F. POWELL, Sheri¢. By JAS. BALLIFF, Doputy Sherif. dUNTY OF CARLETOX®, # e Wits .‘ _ 3 gh | f[PBUBLIC NOTICE is heren pYs8 oo y OE To it heréeby given that Bherifi‘s Offlice, Ottawa, s May 14th, 1867. t ‘ 436â€"3â€"20w14 | suue which We have und.rtakea against the in | surgeut Dailybtrines in our Cotony ut New LZealapd, | & bas happened that persous se. ving"n the Local w108s 0% wus #aid Colony hare perform d deeds | & gallantry, h consideratin of which they are ' wi, aotonding to che stmet provisions of vur said ecited W arraut, oligible fur this high distinetion : Now know ye, that We of our wepecial Grace, ertain knowledge, and more mution, have thought thereby to sigâ€"ify uor ioyal Will und Plcasure hat the said Lecoration may be conferred on uch petsons utorcraid, who may be qualined to receive the game in »ecordance with the Kules and Urdinances made, ordained, and ostablished hy Us for the government tnereof, by Our said recited dnmu. and We do by those Presentsfor‘U#®, Our Meirs and Succrssor« ord.in and appolot that â€" | shall be competout for «nelt persons atoresaid to | wbtain the said Decoration in the manner #et forth | in the Rules and Ordinance} referred to, or in ac cordance with such further Rules and Ordinance «s may hereafter be madewnd promulgatea by Us, ithr l‘in and Syou6â€"sore, for the government of the said Decuration, provided that it beestabtished | in any case that the ‘person was ‘serv.ng with Our | Proops, under the ‘Arders of a tieneral or other iOthnr. under ciroumstances which would entitle an Vileer or Soldier of Our Army to be recomâ€" mended for the said Desuration, in accordance with the Rules and Ordinances proscribed in Our said reeited Warrant, and t,-m lded also uch porson shall be recommended for it hy such General or | uther Officer : | t our Prineip 1 secret ies of i to 30-‘ Courts it Backingb k43 Ja«au«ry, 18 6, in the wr Reign, We aid constitate vaval ans Mibtary Docorati «@#ighated tuo Victoria: Cros® l +* Epn@sted Yur dosire. shoul «o Cagerly #ougzut ‘afterby t1 (Our A aval ang withitary ser 1«ke, ordain, and est.blish t sa0ous buegein set tith tor the «ime, to be fuenomoith ipvio ue cA e k And We do further for u«, Our Heurs and Saccesâ€" sore, ordain and appdint that the #aid Decoration ml‘u «be mnlurnd. in mecordance with the aud Ordinancer preseribed in Our said rbcited Warrast, and asubject to ‘the provisions ma.oresaid, «n such pergons who may be qualifed to receive the same in accordance with the said Reles and Ordinancés, as may hueuflor'hemploved in the | weal Forees raised; or which may be raised in Our | lulomies and their Dependencies, who may be callâ€" w1 upon to serve in coâ€"operation with Our Troops ' ‘"a wnlitary nperuiur which it muy be necessary w undertake for the urpgouion of . Rebellion | against Our Authority, or for repelling invasion by | a foreigu eqemy. * : Oiven at Our Coort, at Osborng, House, Islo tll Wight, this first day of January, 1867, in the thirtioth year of Uur Rolgs. | By Iter Majesty‘s Command, | (Signed) 3. PEEL | Local Forees, wh in any of Her M«) VICIORIA ®. YICTORI A, by t tap Kingd Queen, Cigot I have to inst appear to you n Warrant \‘f HEREAS, by a Warrant under Our Koval sign Mauual, countersigned by one fumt Prineip 1 secret mi0s of state, and boaring i to .‘m‘ Courts it Backingham Palace, the 2Â¥th 114 of Jaau«ry, 18 6, in the ninetecnth yeas of wr Reign, We uid constitate and ergatea new vaval ang Miltary Docoration, to be styled and «@slghnated tob Victoria Crost, which Lecoration +* Epn@ssed Vur dosire should be bighty prized da Cagerly #ougbt ‘afterb, tuo vihcors and men (Our Aaval and withtary services, and did al= 1«ke, ondain, and est«blish the Rules and Ordiâ€" salous Luogein set mith tor the government of the «me, to be tusnomoith inve»ably observed aft Aud wheroif® during the progr wae which M e have unds Ttakea argent Aativhtrioes in our Cotong t bas happedied that persons se. y 1608 0f wus #aid Colony havre f gallantry, i consideratiâ€"n of (signod) The Officer Aamimisterâ€" ing the ‘Government of Canwda} . > For each «pan cf horses and double wagon, six For each horee and eart or, «ingle wawon, three sents, & w ‘ Por each horse, cow, or ox, fwo cents. . â€" For each sheep, nig or ca f, one cent. WARRANT 01! the recommendation of the Honor» able the Commissioner ofâ€"Ryblic Works, and inder and in virtue of the authofity given and conâ€" acred by the 2sth Chap. of the Con, Statutes ot Canada, IMs hxcellency in Council has been pleasâ€" ed to Order, and it is hereby. ordered that the Gridge récently orected over the River Gatineau, in the Township of Hull, by the Department of Public Works, be and the same is Iurec; trangforâ€" red wonveyei und made over to the manicipality A the said Township of fiuil, and that the l%.llo'- ng Echedule of the rates of Toll be Wvied and colâ€" eeted on the saidâ€"Bridge, that is to sayâ€" . 1 have . much Copy of a Wana Manual, under wt "ross may be con! Ohl ll heéreby glven that the Recorder will ait tor the purpose of hearing matte:s of Appeal from the Court ~-l‘.‘lh\'luinn for the City of Ottawa, at theâ€"City Hall, in said city, on Friday, the fourâ€" teonth ‘dag «£ June, 1867, at the hour of four t A% «4 I & (8 with wh EXCELLLENCY THE ADMINISTRAâ€" Podod THME GoVERNMEXT § * IN eouxcurm,.,. s FWHERE 48 it is expedicot that the ar= EXCEA.LENCY THE ADMINISTRAâ€" ToR OF THE GOVERNMEXT IN COUNCIL s andl th py.) ppedieu that persons se. vu¢ #aid Colony hare iry, i donsideration of dl’n‘ toahe stmet provis actaut, oligible fur this ow ye, that We of our owledge, and imere mul to Sig.ify uar ioy al â€" M said pecoration may to . whe Gmuotir sOovERNMENT HOUSE et PROYINCE OP CANADA ~OTICE D nferred T Wi im of ureat Britain and Ireland, Defender® of the Faith. To all 1 h the gecoration ofllui\'idnfln red c'*\ person« servibg in the are «3 may hereafter be raised tys Cdlonies. you to take whatever steps may likely to give publicity to this Nbtice thd homotr t th NMENT Hol WITRLLAM P. LETT vl W, H. LEE, k Execntive Conncil j 4 progress of ‘!““VE' apedicat that the ar» k Spinale, Iron, used is + for Dour Loeks. shouly nny of the â€"Sehedules t il on the Acting M W transmitthing ito you & under the Atoyal ai‘n betaink tBowgnf 5 4 UA ~ Snd : d st obodient, IInmble Servant, Priescnts shall c«mme, d gyd )th Feb., 1867 A q ctorie Cruss to the t and in the Colo= nerally be M. iv Ne h Feb., 18%7. ) may be callâ€" c c h Qnyt Troops ’ W‘:-gl:l: }‘n.l:-:ri:. t‘:o- c::-:n .,:’ L.a:r‘k', 3-.: ':_'i. ll'lï¬::l.«?\ | by a lconse under my hand, boaring date fhe 11th ginvarion ‘hy | of Septomber, A.D. 1866, empowered to act as a ] Brower in the said Village of Smith‘s Falls : “‘:"’“" s‘";“i: | _ Aud whereas the said Thomas Bourke was, on y s “lhn 1l6th day of February last past, convicted of imand, having Migitly distiled spirits against the form of J. PEEL, _| the statuto fu such caze made and provided, and4 a ® | ponalty of $100 was imposed upon him therefor ~| which penalty the eaid Thomas Bourke has failed 0 pay ; _ of the United AR a ARVON porly be clas . recommonda LT.J 8, be hotd the exomp» 453td »mcil / Notice is ereby given that under the provisions of the Statuto of 37 und 38 Vic., Cap. 3, Section 11 the said license to act as a Brower, granted by .e to the said Thomas Bburhbu.lgw of such default, become and the same is bereby deâ€" clared to be forfelted and void. * ROBERT DOUGLAS, Collector Inland Revenue, Dated at Porth thig 15th March, A.D.:1867. _ 307 K of every kind. We call the attention of the «*dles of Ottawa _ our ssortment Sif "DU VERNAY PBRO8. p»rAixEn Booxs and French, EK of every kind. We call E attention of tha " oc ons e s o on C n nmrnpnennne te §oee vided always that such grain be first duly reported outwards at the nearest Custom House before exâ€" portation for the #pecial purpose herein referred to, «and that the identity of the flour or meal, the proâ€" duce thereof, he «worn to on its importation into this Provinee. f Whereupon, and on the recommendation of the Honorable the Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" der the provisions of the seventeenth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that uny flour or me&l, or other produce of any whent or|grain grown in and taken out of this Province into the United States to be ground, and brokght back into this Province within one week after such wheat or grain has been so taken out to be ground, shall be, and the game is hereby exâ€" empted trom the payment of Customs dutics : proâ€" BIS EXOELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"OENE RAL IN CuUNCIL ‘vu:nl’:u IT HAS BEEN REPREâ€" sented to the Governor General in Counsil that much inconvenience has been, and is exporiâ€" snced by certain of the inhabitants of this Province cosiding in the vicinity of the Canadian Frontier {ing, by reason of their being deprived of the priviâ€" lege heretofore enjoyed ‘by them of having their 4rain prosuce ground at Mills situate on the Ameriâ€" can #ide of the Frontior, and ryâ€"importing the same into Canada.free of Customs duty, in cases where the closer proximity of such Mills to the residences of such inbabitants, or their greater .capacity made it expedient to resort to them :â€" 376M At a Councit hetd in the Ciry of Montreal . turdav, ihe Bth day of Dicember, 1206 P able the Acting Minister of Finance and : unâ€" ler and in virtue of the authority giyen and conâ€" terred by the Agt 29, 20 Vic., Cap. 7, His Excelâ€" ency in Cwï¬&u been pleanccr to order, and it i« hereby ordered that subject to the !m)\'ili(-m of the said Act, to the conditions, regulations and resâ€" brictions established and imposed by the Order in Couneil of the 24th day of september, 1866, and to anch further regulations as may hereafter be made by competent stuthority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture in Bond. the nndarmantionad arc to manufacture in Bond, the undermentioned arâ€" ticles, tha is to ray‘: r Aceti‘ Acid, £ Acetic Ether, .. Butvric > vag a Chlorie %. * Nitrous > < ON he recommendation of the Honorable the act ng Minister of Finance, Mis Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is heroby ordered that Scrap Metal of all kinds, though not specially mentioned in the List of Goods authorized by the Act 29 30 Vic, Cap. 6, to be imported into Canada free of Custom# duty, shall be and the same is hereby authorized to be imported into this Proâ€" vinee or taken out of warehouse for consumptioy therein, free of Customs duties under the provisions of the 5th section of the 17th chapter of the Consoâ€" lidated Statates of â€"Canmda. L HIS EXCELLENCY THE AD!I!NIS'I‘I: TOR OF THE GOYERXMEXT 1N COUNCIL, ; Thursday, 21st day of March AS67. * PRESENT. . ‘ HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRATOR oF THE GOVERNXMENT IX COUNCIL WIIBILEAS it has been represented to His Exâ€" celleney the Administrator of the wovernâ€" ment in Council through the Hon. the Commissionâ€" er of Crown Lands, that Gold has been discovered, and is found to oxist in various parts of the Townâ€" ships hercinafter named, and whoreas it is expediâ€" ent that the tract embraced in the said several fownships should be brought under the operation, and be made subject to the provisions f «The old Mining Act." C $ Vic. Cap. 9, has beep therefore pleased to order, Aao it is neaxtoy OcbgRkb, lhuubé tract of Coun» try comprised within and @onstitatiny the Townships of Barrie, Clarondon, Palmerston, Miller and North and South Canonto, in the Cpunty of Froxtonae; the \l'u“'mhlpl in the County:of "Renfrew, situaied torth of the Townships of Millerand Canonic, the Fownsbips in the County of Addington, situatezorth «of the Townships of Shefield and Barrie, the Townâ€" ships in the County o MHastings, situ ate northâ€"of the Cownships of Sitiney, Tburlow and Tyoudinags, ho Townehip of Belmont, and the Town{hi!v! tn he County of Petorborough, situate north of the Uownship of Belont, be and the same is hereby teclared to be a Gold Mining Divisicn for @il the wrposes of the said Act, under the namo of «T‘ * Quinto C044 Mining Division." HI8 EXCELLENCY THE ADMINISTRATOI OF THE GOVERNMENT IN CoUNCOIL 397 4 His E;ï¬.‘.icm-y in Council on the recommendation of t e Hon. tho Commissidmer of Crown Lands, and anuer @ud ‘in virtue of the authority given and conferred by‘the 2n4 seetion of the Act 27 and 28 312 Uiin (commonly called old Tom) other (Gin and 1‘f Smch ‘and Prish :nhhkey-. t pr parations, ll;:!ien 1:3151':". ® Nï¬ Chomicals, s Pharmaseutical Preparation«, Aubbe Dyeq, â€" * . Powders, lair Oils, _ Hair W ashes Chloroform « Collodian« _ . Hoffman‘s Anodyne, ;l‘slnph. f h 'o-h*hyl An, Lip Pandrin, Epirits Ammonia Aromatie, (W Spirits of Lavender * Do _ do nf-'ul'lirl’, Medicinal Tinetures of all kind Cordials, !"ml‘l. (hae uiss Syrups, N the U% GOVERNXMENT HOUSE, OTTAW A. uoOvERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Thureday, 21st day of Merch, 1867 rRESEXT: ; govERrNMENT HOUSE Orrawa, 20th February, 1867 NOTICE. lo® nding of Brandiee, Clerk Executive Co PREBENT W. A. HIMSWORTH PRESENT W. A. NIMSWORTH, j Asst, C. E. C W Wa. Hâ€"LET tion of the Honor» HLMSWORTH #4 Yied _CANOMK PAN 3ESTRONERL _ REQUISTTIOy e 11. x The lands, o@#y, actually acquired 0t the dots of he publication of the nAice by intending Companies for any of the purposes mentioned in eubsections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of gection 1 Of the Act, will be Incladed in the Charter. Such lands must be pare ticularly derczibed in the Notice and Pctition by 10 and‘conces:ion, or by wetes and bounds, (it a porâ€" tion of lot or lots) and may comprise any number oflote, or portiansp f lots in any couity or counties ; where hoad offices are desired in any city, town or village, within or without fhis Province, euch place or places must also be,specified in the Notice and Petition. _( ~~ 9 $ 4:> 4k , 1 Whore the rea! estate extends beyond the dimits of one township, a,further foe of ten dollare will> charged for every additional township named ] the Chartar. & i ~ The pmofâ€h fl.flm( b.ug not that of ’ any «ther company, ought to be etated at boet of | knowleigo and belief, ity ene of applicant© being. l a rorféent o§. this Province, or by ar Attornay or | agent being suoh resident. ‘Lho statomnt should | be verined by afidavit duly sworm. :. â€" . The velue uftlu real estate to the ampunt requir» od by the Act, should be proved by the evidence of at least two persons, who hac‘examinedthe proâ€" perty. n the case of mining laud, the report after examination of a Mining Engineer, or Expert, or Geolegist of .good reputs, would seem to be requizite. 5 t 1 Tm: NoTICE IN THE » GAZETEE® f required by section 2,â€" may be trken to have | been given, if, on examination by an «ficcrof the § Department, the fact appeass«, and it all the Chrisâ€" | tian names of the applicants wilh their residences, | legal l-ldiï¬nn: or ccetmations, are statod in : thorein. s 'h“h paid up capital consists of réal extate (in whole or in part) the fact of the real estate ‘standing in the names of trustees ought to be shown either by the production of the titie deeds duly proven, or by the certificate of the Registrar of the County where the land« lie, embodying so much o the instraments registered as will show the dates, the parties, the parcels, and the trusts. The fret that the ten per cent. has beed paid.to the credit of trustees for the Company, in n Charâ€" tered Bank of the Province, ought to be proved by the certitieate of the cashier or wther principal ofiâ€" wer of the Bauk. s | The fact of the eubscription to the oxtent| of at least one hal; the propogsed capital having been duly made, hy persons of good repute as to meuns of payment, must be shown by the afidavit of #ome credible person cognizant of the sact. . ‘Lhe Provinâ€" cial Secretary cannot report that the subscription of stock has been made in « food faith" unless this be done. $ k. T The proof as o i:"‘/-u‘:':{n)n uf, stock may be by production of ‘th:s. rtock book, with the signature« of the nbscrircu. &e., veriged by afidavit of some one who saw the sabscription ; or in the absence of the stock hook, by the pfiduricof ptdleas two or the subscribers, slating the fast that ench salfgerin tion his been made.~ â€" L 4 'l\uu ORIGINAL MEDIOINXE EsTAR»+ | lished in 1837, wnd lirst mrticle of the kind | ever introduced under the pame uf © Pulmonic | Wajers," in this or muy other country; all cther | "t;':nonic Wafers ure‘ counterfeits 4 Thoe genuine ’ san be known by the pame BRYV A N Lin-: stampod on each WAFEI should bo by declgratiog of +1 voritied by atfldavit. [ ® PAE Â¥ t hervons uo h SGon, thast | ESPATCHS®KOTLCHE is herecby g b T:' M ons leu‘:.;m‘/h fh‘h" P o l D,lhlt parties requiring Passports mast e the same plorgon® whio‘give the notice, | upul further notice,: to thi« Depa riuent, t 4 / F oi | ting at the same time a certificate of identity. The p«tition uught to gorrespond in overy respoct | oonrclh"p eoch eage with a description of with the notice, and shoutd be signod by each of | o jcant, signed l'.v‘t. Justice of thp: Reaee, th t ho . ul =o the fee of one dollfr, . , * e applicants (to the number of five at leaet) perâ€" | W M. NeBolg M sonally, or if any case by Attornsy, the m‘uf.l , »04f % L Necretary Attorney authurizing signatare, being duly authemâ€" ( _ ~\~â€"~~~â€"%~*~>;, : n ticated, ought to necompany the petition. 1:> # I [ hn yon o it . ol 2 s 1 o 4 ¢ As to the kind of Probf Required by the Provincial Seerctary to enalle him to Report in favor of applications for Charters of invorporation under Act 27th and 28th. Victoria, \Chapter 23, Â¥ Bryan‘s I‘_ilmuv‘r Wafers . * > /> Are warranted toâ€" give satisfactiom to every : _ No family should be without a hox ot _ |* Rryan‘« Pulmonic Wayee in the house. f * Netravelier should be without a sapply ot f BRryan‘s Pulmdnic . W afere ; in his pocket. * w44 o No person will ever object to give for Bryan‘s Pnl-m)n wnï¬w‘ = D1 cz o_ :o _( Twentyâ€"five Cents. + - Relicvo Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, H=arâ€"en + â€" _ Bryan‘s Pulmonic Ware‘s Kelieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Dificult Breathing lfrrru'n Pulmonic Wajore > Rï¬lhn Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Ches . ‘\ Bryon‘s Pulmonic l‘l’:‘h}q Reliove helyeul Consumption, Liung Diseases r"'ll'l Pulninic (Wajers Relieve Irritation of Uvula and Ton«ils. Bryow. Pulmonic Wafer Relieve the above complaints in ten minutes. . s Bryan‘s Pulmeonic Wajers Are a blessing to all Classes and Constitations f Bryem‘s Pulmonic Waférs : Are adapted tor Vocalists and Public Speakers k "Qfl.'l Pulmonic Wafers Are in simpe form and pleasant to the ta t liryon‘s Pulmonic Wafere & Not only rg“a:o b“teg'fl:( upid'.an-_l lasting curp@. We speak from experience in this matter, havirig. j tested it thoroughly, and: therefore those who ape | sufforing from any of the complaints for which it is + recominended may depend upon its being a moveâ€" reign Remedy. * Peos The Astonishing eféeacy of the Canadian P3in Destroyer, in caring discasos for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonder(ul Fuccess in subduing | !Nmtxlx painsot Rbeamatigm, and in relieving / Nerwml Mections, entitle it to a high tank in the| list of Romedic« for these complainte" Orders arc | coming in from Medicine Dealets in all parts of the | country for further sapplic«, and each testifying as | to the universal extistaction it gixes. .. I Side, Back and Head, Coughs, C:‘hdo.. Bore '{hruv, | Spraing, Byuises, Cramp: in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, y’:euem Bowel ; (’umplclnu. urn®, Scalds, + [ Frost Bites, &e., &c. 4 'l\uh CANADIAN PAIX DESTROYXEK HaA. . M now been boforo the public for s length 0: : time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing | in a single instance to give permanent relief when | timely used, and we beve never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the dircctions are proâ€" perly followed ; but n the contrary, all are delightâ€" ‘ ed with its operations, aud speak in the ‘h.igflu' | terms of its virtues and magzical efects. 21 The Canadian Pain D(uï¬-lyc’r vever fails to giv immediate relicl. . All MedÂ¥cine Dealers heep i Physicians orderand use R; and no family «rill without it after‘once trying i( ‘ts ; Price Orentyâ€"five cout« per bottle. .wncxmfcw # LYMAX.. °_‘ 6 ® Neweast1®, C. W .. PO.dOAIR wariRs Ma REL} The r Oftawa Feb. 5, 1867 (Â¥ h es / * .0 _ 1 P m Putye ty y S n n n e 13. i Rallnee i * "i& . Abe 40 % H SUGGESTION® Mortiter, J W‘v. NeDOUGALL, ~ Provincicl Seor i‘s Pulmonic W { the complaints for which it is depend upon its being a moveâ€" 10, Diftiicult Breathing | Oitawa, Manch MINUTES ;50d womn M Buld b; Ww' , Jobhu Roberts, W. 4 Massey, Lfly £, 3 ont,v.-l:v! J. Skipner, * mm&w. 3500w6w Tus Ortiwa Tixke.â€"Printed and Publish®® States 1t cleanses theâ€"breathing apparate«, by rcmosâ€" ing from the mirâ€"colls the coagulabfe Aymph, ©f thut sgeretion witich in heaves clogs them, cau=ing « dificu‘ty in breathing, and by ats aktion on the discasud part; causing the mucous membrabe !~ resume its natural dimensions, thus equul‘iï¬â€œ: cifculation of the Wfbod, und restoring the distebded. uuouwmhunhi-; :‘y its use the :‘ll"';r proved, all rangciments ï¬m corrected, softeuing the skin, 850 to the cont a slook and shining appest®nc. D. W. HURD, Suscessor to Huao & Co, Naidt Lane, New York, Sule Proprietor for the Unitt! is easy to fly'o. sure to cire, and eafe in all case and at all times, and does not prevent the hork from b.elng worked while using it â€" AND CONDITION MEDiUINE ‘ l' mdl mmuIIOR “I'(D,AI\' or for the cure of Coughe,: Thick and Broken Wind, and all dise which affect the Wind of Horses ; alsh, as a Cond Hem '-Uc_c:u. -m everything of uw_‘Lm{ To be seen at the Stable of Ottawa. December 2 cent per eaw log of thirtcon feet in length, and proportionate suwm on pieces <of gr*lfl_ leng passing down each of the above montioned «lid respectively. . And that the above ‘tgft of nne w persaw log be collected and w‘ib’rhfl slide pn all such «aw logs, and of one doitar p cnb.on all guch cribs of square tiniber a> ha passed down the River Trent from the beginnin the present season of navigation. | s 0 THE â€" RECOMMEXO ’fnqn J C the Hon the Comuisermer of Iu.cj and undor and in wirtue of. the cightyâ€"flkh, e of A:c:conqeiguh chapter Consplidjted Stat of Ganade, His Excoliency. in CouncH has pleased to order, and it as hereby «rd4red that following tolls be imposed,; levied lb‘r:-"'flï¬l "‘ saw jlogs and timber |uï¬pn!‘4d-u'u" he shdes F. y‘s Fulle, Middie Falls and Bealy‘s Fails, Of , q?im of tho River Treat, taat i.‘E:l. say : omp ‘ x: DAbuBX¥‘S ; [ s _~ â€" Arabian Heave Remedy Au IMPORTFED BLE and Tandem HJs 1 | advancen | tay claim ‘\mh its t mode of th newspapers of the necessity tor such persons viding themselves before leaving the Colony some offcial evidence â€"of their identity and scription. e h3 every morning, (SBundays excepted) P‘ CH0MME Cqrres, Preprictor at Tsc tuts mart 3 ~malee _ "'l"’""'l." "'s' % 1 Sreeh, in the Oity fof Orfams en 1 C â€"tishon. O.W. ® WVÂ¥ patch from this Departmen: dated the <f June, 1806, relative to the Gase of Rore: paturalized in any of her Majesty‘s Colonies wish to obtain ‘British I‘hnlmmx fur foreign t .â€"I have the honor to inform you that dif enses have occurred lately in which such ized Foreigners have applied in this country Passports without boing in poâ€"scssion cither 4 SIR,â€" Parsport from the lldn;'lmf or of any Official Do ment from the Colony to establish their idep and character, â€" You willâ€"readily petocive that: is ‘:nleuh_ld.m embarase this Dopaittment, 4 also to eause much pricate: inconveniense to porsons eoncemea if they should (nd themse unable to prodace any snfficient evidence of t quality, " + d Nigned, BUC The Oflicer Adwinister \â€"â€" the Government, CnlAy 124 M to all that will contribute to rising City, and that great identified with the progres: Oitawa Vaï¬n_\‘. lnnlt:’wu l'r‘rflc( yourcel{ as a « A!lnn roRr ITs REPRESENXTATIONXqy a PIRST. COMMoXs or gupp; Doxy, K CANAMA, in d pledee Pistnestel . Edwd. McGillivray, The undersigued dole mvite Fou topffer vour 8I it Cireul adf N IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOU ( Wish R Silver Mounted Harnesses. Tave |rl'fl~f!|7(;r;lp the Clrcular 1 T1 HARNESS® FOR SALE. CFLLENCY T&mn r:l:ts‘vmm1 0 > AALIANCOUKNCIL®| JF PROYINCE Or raxitp Map #Â¥0 ‘a deep ._ ; Newcasnce, CMW, Propriaaort for the Conab# rICE TWRRTYRTE CEMTS. & JOSEPH Al KAMES Goo LON ALD D; 19A N L 1+ Ntéw REPRESENTAT; NORTHBEOP & LYMAX, I have the hanor to In REPLY rhaau Your most uhl‘u'-, j l_hnufma’t. BUCKINGIAM & CHAXT W, A. HIMsSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C BROX=r *KEAD the EoA &4 Exo Taro MD W 1 M. CAMERON ueJ y P NP\ OB ~G M Me : NCHL.* Â¥ 10% wipes es u-cigh';;*ï¬ha_ ¢ Consplidhted Stat in Councst has beff rebr srd4red that tif! ied lndm.llmï¬l ; gld--â€"u".h'z- shdes & and Bealy*s Fails, f , that i't saÂ¥ : onle ‘ feel in length, and # . ~of grgarer 4engl) we montionad «i hove tgft of nne a psidibprh nd of one doitar 1are fl*fl_l* MHC ND MNeGHAnNRay Raf pestiuliyv Besserer Streek | 4if Mor th April, 18 1st May, i 86 as a Cond { the kind in all oo Le