toâ€"time be given is p this Dopartmen r::-'hno.“ oy should find shem suflicieht evidence a iasioner of Public T & MR of the cightyâ€"Ofth B‘Vm Cansolidated __ yown Attor im ‘Council N# vad Russell harchy i that 3 :;mu 331‘ levied and nommmmmmue m others o MOvoPting your d -M‘ k’"“"â€œâ€œï¬ PDGHE yOu, it Woul oF Ca NAD.‘. toâ€" the case of her Majesty‘s C Passports for for DeRTa®y‘s &M Ottama, 31st May, e Foregoing COwenlor.) of their identity and Justice of the Pess /M. McBOUGALL, aesing dow ‘alls and l:d::= aly in whici swet 1 pplied in this count t in possession citke nor or of any Offeial o establish their 1 I readily perceive th HE GOVERNORGEN ‘OUNCIL % o 0 6 N 1 A T DON _ 0 A. HFMSWORTH __ Asst C L ¢ FOR 8AuZ. SITIQ EAD, N30X CORMIox UMOXp, oDwIy City &f Montreal ns of December, 1986 ‘oreigners who are ‘PERIOR TO is for the cure of Wind, and all w.-;-hud"“. everythi -.‘nn“.m"'. -u'wd* .fllflcml energies to the . ir most dbedient, Humble Servant INGHAN & CHANXD to ..;‘:'..:4 epart EKY‘S 7 by its use the 9 ., softenting the skin 485 .h t s TV A staple trade 1 N MEDICINE qnnv;i-bu'-i at from the beginalt e above toll of and paid for eadif ing it P & LYMANX, Newo.sms, CÂ¥ leaving the Colony m pQ0O0E io mme practical Dowsixg Passports mast by Of the City op . M 3 c.i i‘l‘A?lo. THE Do , SISOLE: pot No in of »male Afl“ @no sction on i5# by «_ +J . K. MABAXCOGK]| * | >\ #4 PrORNEYâ€"ATâ€"L i‘atent Right Solicitor. vrric@ ; Post Ofice Building, Elgint Octaw#&» y . ruary 7, 1966 43â€"a * yE DAILY AXD WEEKLY T xow L..)«,a THE LiRGRST CirCtramoX of paper published, in the Otigwea V s of the usily over 2,0001 and Weekiy. 4,000 1 alfls. total clronlation in the of" ever 12,000 1 thus outstripping all competitors, and ifording the best mediam for business to adâ€" ertice in. yesttipe m :+ Anvewtmkuztyrs are insorted in the at the ~llowing rates : > + * 4 , $y«iness Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, per an~ _ _ searge Cotton, Publisher and Proprictor. â€" e mvts n se t Met .“ eremknng e m * |l:.... weer Td ; j M subsequent insertions, ‘ K made. nv-'rmm â€"â€"Messre. 3. M JP cengril & (o., 14, Fark Row, Nee York, and .. / Street, Hoatom, General Advertwing Agents, y ruthor» »d to recevee Advertutements for the Awa Tou®s JUL & W®, Otlama Dailp C 4 ©LBGALLâ€" _ | â€" MASSE & mn&s Es ‘â€A“‘ PUBLIC, H lh,u.' % ‘hM‘n e y: EL LAPIERRE & HAYCOCK, TTORNIESeATâ€"LAW, ,‘ Chancery, Conveyancers Public, «rner of Sugsex and Y orkâ€"streets, Ottapa. Uttawa, February 26, 1947. | 368y LA Orrice: Mosgrove‘s Wlock, Ride: ntawa, c.iw., _,J'! T ‘3 k rrbl;ï¬ts&:wo N l A, E. BOUCHETT ) \l'“l'lk.flnn No 17, $t, Poter it street, Quebec. Mr. Bouchette will always be repared to attend '"‘l‘.‘i & the lovernment employes} generally nay entrust lu’kl.m the ciz= wit in and for the ist of Quebec. December 28, 1865. Â¥y P. JSBUCKLEY, L: nnd_um and A Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , N Pr ulise, over Mr. Luke Cumer‘s t 3tore; Rideau Streot, Ottawa, C. W. January 17, 1861. " ATGUSTUS KEEFEL BAI“‘I'“ amd . At mumm hm ugrl:u d Wilee: Upposite w Auonls luwl',:‘-.c-u led .as t::&du- Drtawa, Mss‘ YJ l * COLMAX & (WRIGHT, A.'“Al::“ -n&n-' altere un:’-;-"u-dmauo. E. ; Seume" Mr. 'df will astend at Mull on ys and T Tok ) We A%.¢. Vadle W. Mcxa® W wonr, CL Ottawa, Feb. 7, 1866. Foagks «lâ€"utf . ARRISTER, Ktoâ€", for Cammdas ll c?incn: Court mqhh- Buckingâ€" BB Amewds to «lt Law Courts in District of Oe Fabruacy 7, 1868 _ /.. . 4 _â€"at ‘1- ORNE Y 8+A T«LA W , 801 C , Convey ancers, Notari OUfice: Elgin Street, opposite the Ru ALRCANDER Ross. Atazd ttawa®, Juby 28.« ~ ~ ++# BA RIRISTEIt«A T«L A W , #oftcitorelat= Chancery, &e. t urrice : Aumond‘s Beildings, Rideag Strdet. sueawe, Jan, 12, 1306. # My D‘ iA Nxo &mlnigaur‘. & dam UPPIOR : Vfl;l ‘mb"h * cbruary 21, 1866. ~# »| a=*â€" §8e9 E‘k’).wf‘\'l'tl) T. DÂ¥X ELL,, A 18 &A id 1B waat) Puban,‘Clerk of the Paike and Connty yown Attorney, for the United C of Prescutt sad Russell. orrics: In the Court House, L‘O L.‘ . {9 1J Ouv'bi:leon. #0., urries: Inthe Court H Rosgur Lees. ‘ kiawa, Februacy 7, 1806 W. K. BELL, A.M., M.BD., â€..“l‘lll’. Huntom*s #parkke Street. _ ZM"Teoth. extracted |without ‘pain by means of the Ethereal Sproy Pr «.. _. 2300 1) !lhl;t) LOGAN, MD., LC.H.B., OMEPATHLIC â€" Physlc * Murgeoam und A . Ouric® : lm Blook. Can foand over he office at night. â€" [1.â€"A. Sominkt fgu yar ces slsc a eremces : Rov. Lai Ofono; Rev. l.::/s-m. :.-m; Rov. &vM Jturke ; Duncas Campbell, M.D., M R.C.S.E., Torâ€" wto; John Hall, M.D., J. Adams, M.D., Toronto.â€" Ottawa, February 7, 1886. 4Jâ€"utf ( Published eviry moremnng, Sundaye extepted.) Ottawa, November 13 Caxczns Curen, without the «:o of the knife, by & «i hk mevvaiee speee d ie en h e d P* numâ€"â€"payable in advance.only; .......... $6 00 Pll!flcll!.lm..-d Clatence Stroot, OltaWw as Warch 4. F wees. _ References given to parties reated, 1f k m The cure quaran s D. C. A. MART ID Stmark: Gampbett & Gocs, t Ottawa, January 27, 1866, o W,. MARSHALL MATH plnum. Attormey, o Qrrice:. Horne‘s Buildings, cort Elgin Streets, Ottawa. tawa, Doc. 18, 1866. ~, DiR. OLIVEIQVMAIY! r:fln'r. O@fMce t Sparks $ tral Ottawa. Rtawa, January 27, I!“. - (RasnsrLy reom lnu;j URGOERY and . Weside: PARKS® Stree tramce * door to ; W, W. Brown‘s "lr..:l'flu' -T Ottawas, Deceinber 3. hire o+ .___ n MBEDELCAL. * .. DR CHESLEY FRICK over Mr. Garth‘s ment, 25 Rideauâ€"st.,. Ottawa. VWNaws Yebruary 7, 1866. VOL IH. NQ "REILLY,| *â€" j mM n?&?.fln -.L-o- How | WILEIAM MOSGROYE, HYSLCIAN, Surgeom amd Office : lï¬u‘n‘aMflo&'bx"“-- C LEES & GEMME DR. JOHN LEGGD J. F. BOULTON, Dit. W. J. MENRY, Ixnt DIHJION, DB. C. LEGGO »d M. McLEOD, Joux J. G#xpxuL he n:#.n louse AtiEIT Pirsoxs. k, Rideasu cconcheur, Ll::ot. aver treet, Cen= IN, MCS, 306â€"tt Public.. _ and Shoa ity 240y 460.| Mâ€"uth P.ovucnu.‘ LAND ivnv':vuon. Drayghtsman, &0., (commissioned wad â€" Lower CanÂ¥ia.) 0&00 and m ester, near Ottawa. Surveys of ov:zu gecuted with accuracy. Communic w Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), will recoive prompt promptly attended to. Consignments received for itive sale. Partics wishing to purchase Keal F-n‘l;i:l ?“ornulll:‘hh-'uh- FRKEE OF c oillee. Ww..l‘ï¬â€œ-ï¬r l y 1â€"y “bmu. December 18, 1865 Cox-rnu'ron and . Builders m.- North side Â¥ork street, second door from XCHWANOKE Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac« Em Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ing Agonts. â€" Ofice, No. 37, Sussexâ€"street, Ottawa. AU.’PIOII..I.-‘ General Comuis= £%. sion Exchange snd Reaal Eetate Agents, No. Street. Ottawa, March 20, 1868 _ x. k. ofcoxxor. March 9. co-uuo'- Merchant General L Prany Iorionr flmmd R @ wes ue Porter. }':-.’ )lur. c., for sale. Orrier : No. 3, Sparks Stroot, near the Russoll House, Ottawn city, C. W. _ _ _ y D-unmu POR LETTER® PAT» ENT of invontion neatly excoutud ; desoripâ€" I.::‘. u:‘ specilications dnn“m and ."orlg appropriate materiale prepared ; signs for monuments turnished and Monuments }omldx Ornamental Work in Stone, Plaster of Paris, Composition, &c., designed and executed upon the shortest notice. $&" Orvice: Atthe Rooms of Aagustus Laver C, E. ZOLLIKOFER, Draughtsman Modeller, â€"&o., &. Agent. . Reforences : â€" unexcopth Orsical : s-mmu:â€œï¬‚ï¬ Hotei, and nowrâ€" mou'u. ,\Py.;‘“: + B2y _ 4. Puuull‘l' Mair Drossing Saloons YLMEI, C° E., Livery aud General Under the Pate f Mis Excelloncy the 3 * â€" Clu.lrou' e w%;.‘m' aree;: ‘A"“m‘l’:r}"â€mm‘m“-{?‘:h Pw:; prwmyll : Brushing Apparatus, | JAR JOHNSTON‘3 > the only one on the Continent in use Ottawa, Doc. 18; 18363. * C nep TR l They have now on hand and for sale Mon..uvm:ï¬-.uu m Canada; and nh-t-oq-xdh Lands is the Townships on the Oltawa,. SÂ¥ riCK, Gorner of Sparks and Motoxifo Stre of the Lands of Absentess. T"L:_Jli. to the Crown Lands Department fot l& Lands, &e., MESSItS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, VINXCIAL Land Surveyors, Canada East and Wost, Roal Estate Agents, &o. Parâ€" lar attention devoted to the sale and protection Â¥. A. BALDWIN, P, 1. 8. Ciitwrew Pae. T. Yhuk. ==~ *~* *‘ xT _ _ Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. TK the most recent and {mproved principles. r}lu Flook‘s vunl and " Improved Taylor ater| Wheel, aud Vuican Irom Works, Montreal. Addross Chas. Bsplin, ‘Ottaws. * zieef ‘ CuamkLEs ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer Chimpagne Manufactured in Ottawa OQttaws, February 21, 1866. LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH STREET ME NOW MANVPAGYURNING A WINE CALLED® Cunnadian â€" Champagnaeo ! Wu;cu 18 EXCELLENXT,and WHLICH they carsell at $3 PER DOZEN. Amateur who have tasted the wine, consider it a very good article, and superior to what is supposed to be Imâ€" r‘d. Hotel keepers and dealers in Wines would ‘do well tocall on LAROQUE & C;., and give thenx Botties of every desori excepting oil hanud. and one penny r:..‘n- more giv= en than by any othorp1¢. y for the same. .. _ _ Em armen c gumes on Tick Sooe, n n Ottawg: Deoo1%/1006. â€"___ _ _ _______ E* K IU. MoG@uRKEEYYC, _ [ ‘ccflol Iooms, No. 10, Sparks Street, Centre Town, Ortawa, opposite mtn Station= v Store. ‘The «ale of Keal Fatate at Austion or Private Sale SIDNEY B. FRIPP, ‘ncnmcfa Quric@: Wellington Street, opposite St. Andrew‘s Church. Ottawa, February 7, 1866. M Ottawa, May 3. Ottawa, Septem berd i supported by adequate proof before th#Agont for Indian Lands, W. R. Bartlstt, Exquire, on or beâ€" the ‘Friday proseding the Public Sale, who will attend at Owen Sound from the l1th July to the day ot «ate for that parpose. _ _ n Mfl‘:.’l" of Christ l.':-ni Teacher m Pianoâ€"Forte, &¢. Ottawa, Pob. 7, 1866. * 43â€"ut ’Allu“‘l“ll. tesp 1:‘!.’“3: Office : ‘s Bui ogt ce E\‘b:.‘lmlul‘m†d Tll& disposable lands in the C.v-nh'l'rc of Keppol, Amabe!, Sarawak, Albemarle, Eastnor, Lindsay and St. Edmunds, including those resumed for nonâ€"fuldJment of the conditions of sale. And also in the Towh Plots ot Brooke, Southampâ€" ton, : Wiarton, Mardwicke, Oï¬..unu and Hary wi be ofered at Public in, at the town of Owen Sound, on TUESDAY, the SIXTEENTH JULÂ¥wnext, at the hour of noon. They have now on h Lists of the same with conditions of sale may be had on application to the Indian Office, Toronto, ot at this office. “"“o:.‘!."'.u.. .\u;.mf s QN and Iosur ERCHANT. TAILOR, 39, Sparks TYOROUGH BASs. . :. _/ AYLMER, C. 4 I81ITS OTPAWA TUESDAY® AND PRIDAYS. * > ders left at Union House will be punctually atâ€" MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, RIST AND sSAW MILLL® _llll!.? ,l RARLLAMENTARY AGENCY, }.J4. 80GOHETTE, Ls SURVEYOR and Draughtsman, BUSINESS CARDS. _ _« ~R.SPARKS, (VWCONNOR & WALLER, vane : mUsSiC 1 : '.’.0“ AND Engiish Yongs, Sicrod Music, Polkas, Vaises MACDONALD & BRO., &» J. P. MACPHERSQN, GEO. L. PERRY, MR. 4. i. FRIPP, N. McKINNXON, JOHN MERCER, IL. Mc 8, CHMRISTIE, 1. MULLIN, Ispia® Laypa, Savoves Pesisauia E, MLILES, XOTICE cLEAN‘S DUVERNAY BRO W . SPRAGGE, We W. WALLERK 37 8y LAROQUE & CO. "oiiy .96 Furming 1870 9 118â€"7 55â€"7 13y Lt MEDICAL HALL Cargpbeli‘s Gran. Ef. Soitser Saite, de. de. «& # ‘w € for arcaas on is Tot the saee rauatle prec Furnitare Poltish, } and pints, Eau Lustrale, for mlr. Cholera Mixsture, l Mutchison‘s Trusses , â€" Qrosa‘s Trusses. j wrosa‘s Shoulder Braces, Cutter‘s Shoulder Braces, Lubin‘s and Piver‘s Perfumery, . â€" Mally, Mont: ontresL. A)l toilet requimtos. hy ~ i Prgd dn hs S 1 A 41 Sussex Stroot, / = Is the Place to Buy Your Modicines ! Breowster‘s Dentifrice, on hand. With cight diferent Syru amifactured hp-wll-ohmd:dh(imn: English & French Chemicals, * DEUOS, PEAFUMERY, TOILILET A RTICHLBS, &0 Please call and -?-h the Stock. . Jt is the lugnd best ever inported. All the rehable PATENT MEDICIN®ES Just being opened up. SA!â€"J-V MIM' do warranted 7-7‘7 ed Fresh: ud h PER ru‘u'ï¬efltv' .%.m".‘.'.‘ï¬" FLORIDA WATER. _ sOZODON‘T. ® Campbell DRUG WARENOU 8k P. 8.â€"Advice to the poor gratis. Ottawa, April 11. ers °_ MaATR BrRUsSHES. _ CoxBs. NAIL BRUSHES. CLOTHES BRUSHES, (Tktks :ik + *« d ll\-l LARGKST ASsORTNMENT OF DY B3 in this caty on sale atthe Ottawa Drug Warehouse. A fresh Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES jast 1ecoived. N. B.â€"Prescriptions carefully and je= pared. houts: J. GA U IY.:’K.._ A LARGE Â¥TOCK or rnksn a;r. DEN ami PÂ¥RLD 8ERDS, jfust arrived and on RIDEAU STRBET y 1866. sSEEDS, SEEDS. 1866. ttawa and vicinity for the above valuable _..y‘.;l:‘._i!’-nh c.-':tll & Co., (m K Te Cl W .A eW qootfemen san ohtain map =, C. W. w in srior apartments. ‘ e Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1863. , &7 Jl\ll! Subsoriber has leased the above | li«-vlu-hulbtlhl-:l.‘un-lhor by strict attention to the wants comforts of his | guests, and friends at large, to morit a large share fotp-fltexm-m The Hotel is the largest and | best laid of house in Oreuville; 1t is three stories high and commands a besutifut view of the rapids | and steambost lawding. The Bar will oour:‘hn Ottawa, January 9, 18607. L{',‘,"Q,:â€â€˜â€œâ€˜" mor oic:‘-z uboveâ€"named l.&lo’lunb%lh- â€"u-m-nnumm that he has :m.‘.“ thiscomâ€" establishment, in the management of which 'by‘m.hdIu-th::.ulâ€NMn eserve encour se fl.:'?flusm. k Lagel ur comnected ; kw{"un.’d.fl“wfl. 1CHOLAS Street, Court=House A venue, %'..Jch Graham, Proprietor. hohmmhflllw.flnmw taing character as a ~â€"CLA8SS MHOTEL en tm en n“-‘m No pains will be mnlb’::â€"dnh ase. oï¬uusnummâ€"mmm boats free ;11 o‘ M.h .-. FIRSTâ€"CLASS LILVERY 5“.'.. Dee. ï¬. 1806. bâ€"y UHB MOUSE, North Gower. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. ye OMNIBUSES to :'o\b:m There Whae: Do 18 THE «" QUE M.‘AVA..“ The * QUEEN" comprises nllllon#' for a Inuh-mri‘.hhb- refitted and refurnished .l“l-l- The BAR contains the choicest Brands in -n.‘l.lom.u‘m delicacy of the season will be found on the table. The mn-*-.‘m l-n-l-..“ will be directed to the comâ€". JOHN MALTMAXN, LAT_I MeADAM*S, Commercial Hotel, Packenham. The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known ::uh-n-.luu-lu:: bylh'n:d:‘upd wmdw‘ Tun fame‘ «ko BAR will at alltimes be futnished with the very best the market affords. GOOD8STABLTNG and a careful Hostler always in attendance JOHN MALTMAN. M. mw'u::ud Il:upm.-.dmm of M ® m w he main entrance to the “""-':ml': Ritchic Hotel, Grenville, C. E., MHOTELSA AND 8ALl40NXS. â€" _ PROPERLY ee.on? AND FREE FROM ADULTERATION: Liqnore of the choicest and purest quality. The mu be supplind with the best the market can afford. ial care will be taken with the Stables, Te inï¬ m ind ie o s wayt su) w Onte. Charges -ndon'l’o ‘ * JOWN RPTOHIE Ottawa, November 37. L4 a.m.‘..a...-..m Mostler Januaty 11, 1366, _ ks DUIGNAY‘3 THE " QUEEX" RESTAURANT, THE METROPOLIT AN Anmosnd‘s flook. Ridcau Street, Oitawa. P. OMEARA, Propumros: : Ohoice Wines & Liquors,Prime Uigart ll;rnv;iï¬, catner of George\and WiHiam Streets, (P. O*Meara‘s old stamd). RAM® ONBTERS in every ¢yle, at all hours. ICB CREAXY $ODA FOUNTAIN, 430â€"y we, Fub. 12, 1866 May 18. MH" Hemember the place, P. O‘Meare (Old DOMESTIC DYVES. RS. â€" GRANTSâ€" 8Â¥AL00N CBORO®Y STREPT, THE RUSSEKLL HOUSE, 28, Sparksâ€"Streot. lilE ALBION HOTEL, MORTIMER‘S Just Received 1 MEDICAL MHALL. WwHN RITCHIE, P T.Al"lil-â€l PA8ST FA= wors. I beg respectnully to an MR _ vors. 1 beg tos) 1 â€"-mll'anmndv‘:d:y stock for the Summer Trade. It com« prises all the bost and parest DRUVUSGINtT®. HOLTS HOTEL, A. J. LEMON, VICA WA JOSEPH CARVEY, .D W . M. MA8SRY . < Mudieal bhail, _____ 28, Sparksâ€"stree! w.lw reprictor Sparksâ€"at OTEAW X::C.W.. FRIDAY. JUNK â€"14, 1s67. 9 â€"y . Insurance Company, Unpital, â€"« â€" â€" #5,000,000. ‘v~olttâ€" NHKID OrMCES: ~*¢ «+ London, . :. .. . . Lirerpool,. . . . . . Montreal. DIRECTORS FOR CANADA: _ . Chatrmanâ€"WM. WORKMAN, Esq., President Cl:, Bank. OHN REDPATH, Reqg., Viee Pres. Bank of S a on o Fus. d s M we 4 ou % 148SLE, Esq. . u , in most Companies, to re h.!}lh profits, about $50, and without Fire and Life Insurance, LONDON AKD LANCASHRE cols Xavier St., Muntreal r. and Rates ly to the un« aeAigned agrat ie Oe 9n s _ ~goux o. T. cocnraxE. ~ Orricyâ€"Elginâ€"street, opposite the Ruszell House. Ottawa, February 23 CITY GF EGLASGOW MR public the combined advantage of per meies emmnaran i danedrs defence of the country. _ RIXTOUL B208, Montreat, Goneral Agonts for CÂ¥ XEIL u-nnomm.;‘. Ottawa, March 25. ast 3 301y is »f _ ! . ; Kina : tife Insurance: Company, Tlnl CoMPAaNY orFERsSs public the combined advantag 'l.‘m‘, Most sUCCESSPUL LIFE 1X« BURANCE COMPANY divides the who/« of the Profite, eyery year,among the insufed, reducing the cost to ‘about sneâ€"hall the figures. usually Capiat ant Asets, 1sf Jan., 1861, $1,401,833.86 Ne3 0venn t pvvige soremecomnertnnntstsnerteemninnmatihs P person 30 years of I UGO, CO8t8 tgp GTHE YORT...sssmms mssc is â€" 28.31 o o l c l Which payment is subject to further reduction as the business of the Company increases. | wee. Endowment policics on equally . favorable ‘The fact that the Eina has, during the past 12 ..Ih.lwdm:lop..rn«u,ln-u-q the best business men of the -ttufl.l-{:o best possible testimenial to the somndness of the Come pany, and the excellence of its method of doing Ottews, March 13. Wcy i pngpared o inare ait dmenpriom A 6 re a pt »l propert loss or da by fire. *‘ UERRICK, nnugu’co., + C Aorxts, | Ottawa, January 4. 1867, I 3Hy +A Assurance Company ! ~__FIRE AND MARINE, _ ESTABLISHED 1830. R. S. Cazsels, Esq. . .. + + â€" Consulting Director ANNUAL REVENUKE OVER £120,000 8re. Royal( ESTABLTSpHED i838. OTTAWA AGENOY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. M. P.HAYES, Ottawa, June 21 Ml« GEORGE SHOULDOIS, TN RE turning thanks to his friends and the publi« tor the liberal patronage which he has received for many years, begst o state that for the future his business will be cartied on in YORK STREET, GENERAL AGENXTs ; @ Messrs. SIMPSON & BETHUNEH, 104 8t. Franâ€" And where every articie in the 4rade can â€"be ob tained of the best quality and at the lowest prices Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their custom, aod furnish them daily where his promises are known as the with wich bread as they ma; nvln P i e Please send m%u u’m otk Street Fancy _ Li~ Tut sourneyiaen Bakers Wanted. _ _ (Late of Chicago.) F HIAVY MESS, Prime Mess, ertr® Prime Pork, guarantéed Uhlcago standard Bugarâ€"cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, &¢. ket ratés _ NQOTICE OF REMOVAL: A. MORTIMER BO OKBINDER , _ Motcalfoâ€"streot, f f uKos To axxovuxcE To Lis friends and patrons that he ha# removed to the hlr\-:l:%:-a:?k street, formeriy occupled by i ‘ost, where he is now prepared to exeeute s1 for H0OKBINDING, PAPERâ€"RULLILNG, or HLANXK BOOK MANUFACTURING, Of every description, in the neateit and ‘most dur» * ooo ie y U ons aniatis Ottawa, March 16. BUmouies 3 from ‘Sussex ty it prepared uo aecommdote ate on mighy poart ESTABLISHED YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, @iving personalâ€"attention to all work, and harâ€" J. WARYVEY, E8SQ., M. D., WYITSON. & . CO., BRITISH AMERICA * 14 sw ® â€"! V dedt s ~*4 Trk e 36 eP DLLE, 44 «o "ta INSUER A NOE. CAPMPAL, £600,000 Sty BE EBA D. _ _ _â€"__. R. SMITH, Agent, Office : Over Scott‘s cuo’.rggh.m Rork Packers, TOROXN1O, anadianBank A. MORTIMER, A. D. 1820. $8ly Acsxv. 1674 READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING : a would call particular attention, is they have now on hand every novelty:of cu‘ and p.uf}E in co -xl-:lro‘o. 3"'“ is fashionable for the senson, and as their stock is large &nd varied they DEFY ON. koA : ¢ Inâ€"y are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make up in the m:{: T‘:)‘l?‘;lé’ .’;xd as they are under the npr‘ntondouco nf‘:xporioncog ¢utters, ‘tlhly nre Importers of Dry Goods. All NoOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WP.LM!I.{EC‘I‘!D sTOCK OF DRY GQOODS, which they will sall CHEAP FOR CASH. | ; i BLACK DOESKIN®, SILK MIXTURE oF CoATINGS, _ . > *‘ Do. __ do. TROWSERINYQ®, % BEDEORD CORDS, CHAUDIERE 1 W Es us, BANNNOCKBURN Do., > HALLFAX Do., KERSEYS, FLANXNELS, Ab BEXA Qg-flsn' ""CAPITAL‘‘ STOVE DEPOT 1 > > "CAPITAL TINWARE DEPOT 1 > o 9 S EAPITAL HOUSEFURNISHINCG DEror:! ESIROUS OF RETAINING AND DESERVING THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE D hitherto accorded them &y the public of the« CAPTTAL:,"â€"begâ€"to intinrate they have lately added some pew andâ€"improved --umzy to their manufacturing #opt.rzm. apd, are pow enabled to offer extra inducements for the manulacture of all kinds of Iir&c‘lu m xo Efar?c: Shu; Metals, au«:d u: ::kh PLATES, Galvanised, English and Russia SHEET IRON, JOPPER, &c., and are prepared to take in s e banciortare it hings of Mi2A® A M Â¥, BWME Jn toe abore line: nock an CA 8: ts for the manufacture of all kinds 0 . Ai h as CANâ€" Thpias, a0UP RETTLER, CAMP KETTLES, Disll PANS, &c., &o. | Also e naoaier We would ï¬nlu!y draw attention to our Water Filtersand Coolers, by wiich all impuritics ar6 taken away the water. ‘They are onumh‘ on ndoubted. scientife principles, being simple in \lahrnflu, and not liable to get out of order. fi.tering substance is the same as used by the best Water Works Compantes is England, and recommenled by the nredical faodlty | as the ‘Best known Mill Lamps E.T{?.rul' and not liable to get out of order. The f. substance is the same as used by the | b’.u‘ ater vf:a'c:u Uonpaihc‘;' ir ï¬:r:nd,.unfdmdrb‘:gt-:tflalmny as the ‘Best k{ow: | combination lents oreign ¢ . water spark and healthy. We waky Aifscent sives ::nyu-. mgecy h ycm w‘ï¬u ts reach of all, x«'.“rfnu, | «bould bo_'ithutau.upniflly where there ate childreu. $ 7 "* * Plunge Baths, Baths, Hip Baths, Sits Baths, Foot Baths, Children‘s Infaot‘s Baths, w#urious sizes. 'IOILB?:I.G‘I.TS pnhu{ln new and beautifal duig. 1RON nï¬sr“msâ€"mon B‘ED- STEADS$â€"double and single. REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHEST3 ; atso «Porry‘s" Arcic Ioe Cream Jelly M , Pudding Moulds, Jell cliva Kutile and Sanotiade. Stefpanh ollhd hottlbs .;.d MK:- su;p-. ? c;u:hmngu uu;’ct;. t): CFORIH “:g: ‘nu # reezers, THCE -HA‘.G ‘aading ul?. e ishes, Dis rors, Round and Obl and Coffee rl-.'m‘- Ladies, Toast orhfnd Racks, Wire Vombl:"n.u.". '*.;m ti:f::' Bkowers, Mincing :.Sm. Puste Oaotters, Cake Turners, Flesh Forks, Basting Spoons, Cal .35«. atty Pans, Gravy Strainers, Nursery Lamps, &6,, &c. _ â€" % in o Euied ols S â€" | â€"=.¢* ~STOVES. STOVES."STOVEE, * Water Coolers _ Water Coolers .. Water Coolers i Water Filters ! Water Filters L ... Water Filters! In this branch we keep the best and mosl rellable. . &@#" Our Coou-, Stoves are now the favorites. We can always faraish any part of a am:,u is bought from usâ€"a fact interiding purchasers would t'.n to note, as -:y Stoves sold are of forcign make, and‘nuunhokon‘o’r rat out canaot be replaced. + . intin JOB WORK in all its branches carefally attended ‘to by competent and experien@ed mechanies. All Mdkfllaflmmwm‘&nuhcï¬ï¬‚mv‘- e f « BIRD CAGESâ€"BIRD CAGESâ€"A variety of beautiful ?.-. CQAL..?II- Ot standard quality, Canadian and American. â€" Lamps, Chimaies and Wicks. Inspection invited. f Freesor, warranted to freeze the oream in four minutes Ottawa, March 11, 1867 _ â€" LADIES & GENTLEMENS Hair Cutting & Dressing Rooms, Ne. 41, &M.“’":Lw the Rideay Hotel, Curtisand Melatosh, Proprietors, LADIES‘ HAIR DRESS8ING, 1 es OWeMHh o 4 0 _0 1n the tatest styles by Male or Female artists.‘ m â€" Mw“ud‘d-oflmhhvutu‘ C j f P a inty Watch‘Guards, Bracelott, Rings, &o. | FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES N. B.«â€"A stock of Hair Olls, e#, Pertumâ€" | Ai ery, scented Soaps, &¢., kept constantly on hand. | Not incorporated by any Statute of this Province, May 6. _ : _ 385â€"3m _ have not published the statement of their Mosic _ Work, ';’."a, I;w“’us" OQurls, Waterjalls, ‘s, «t€., * Kepton hand or inade to order on the shortest Qrtiwa, 2nd April, 1867. a ine on ano m R*X@CLATIONS for the Saie or Public adjuasted and nat due, o sigd Lands in the Quinte Gold Mining Division, & in suspense and waiting for further | made by His Ercellency the Administrator of the . _ proof ; p | ° Ennat in Countiiies â€"i**<* resisted, and for what éause ; ... | That the price of the Public Lands in the said < . A“fldflld&dflnmfllm-‘i And that in all Letters Patent Lands, mhm‘mm i TWO DOLLARS AR ACRE CASH BRAVERS, Jelly M« DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LAXDS, GOLD MININGâ€" DIVI8SI0ON RBNEWAL POR THREE: VEARS â€"~~â€"PENALTY OFP $1,000, PETERSHAMs, ¢ DEVONS, _â€" _ . " Mel haopes, PA ABTAS bo TO THEIR CLOTHING OEPARTMENT BSTABLISEHED IN 1844 , September 12 ‘Fimber Licanses for the said Lands + .. =~=* / > u0 0 =~~ / BATHS BATHS!! BATHS!!! (Mothsmsâ€"~and Clothing. ALL KINDS OF BE RAISED, TO Oit Cans August 1, 1866. e SPARROW‘$ ’l‘l“.l‘, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets Groseries, Liguors, AND PROVISIOXNs Wholesale and Retail. M. SPARROW & Co.,â€" ‘©©ULINARYX . UCPENSIL®S. NO. 60, SPARKS STREET, AND : . MEA DOWS & TO., BROADCLOTHS, A. CANPBELL , Commissioner. _ February 23, 1867 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS TN \|_ Buke Pans.: _ Sugar Ketfles. _ Agricultural Furniaces and Stovés ! N 44 ; s rs‘ |and Lumberers‘ Supplies. _ Buake Pans. Sugar Ketfes. Mitk H. MEADOWS & Co. z“,.'.‘,:";'.,ru-n defualt, as provided in the setd Act. BLANKETS. & ME A*AI1tAâ€"~& °CC | CoaT8, MoCe 4 «ooom| _ » «Lon this continent for featr of despaeraté 4o QvAPIR j !mme‘‘da.z:â€"nfl. comical Ake El <. 9@ sn s3 _ n 'ell:r.f::i:iwge orh't.h':cwnbry volzap‘nmr BPe SHAW ham‘: loucerh | 5 ie Snï¬ anl Sapoing mine Toall W hom it May Concer | 801 clnav artinls than enn be found in any ciroos ; ; p 0 s ANMgimight: .cc s 01050 3 : & 1 apyomc«. /°| Joe Pentland, Ainount of premiutis earned and uncarned 4 10â€" > deving the past year ; "The whicle us re(dired by the Act 23 Vic., cap.‘ 83; seo. 11|‘ o t NOTICE is hereby© given "that ‘INsURANCE COMPANTES not cxmplying with the ®hid Act aro iable to the PANTsS, CASLN8, BUCK, . BAGS, LINEN, % LDo.,â€" TRANELLLNG; CoOTYON8, STRIPED, pr Do., BLUE, i oo . u., â€" â€" GREY, TRUNKS, «+ VALIASES, OMPLAINT having been made that VESTS, Assets and fiabilities , Amount of Capital Stock Amount paid thereon ; Natute of Assots ; Amoyat of lowses ;â€" due and unpaid ; SHIRTS, . DRAW ERS, Ottawa, February 19, 1867 SMOCKS, §5â€" OF $1,000,â€" TM’MuyM'" sb wdlveny se 1 ad ols SAE ME . .. | .. Mmuzflz.ugmu%.: } t * ‘ Tickets dor Sale on the day of Asmisrayt Aupurox Exhibition at E. K. MeeGilitve 3674%9 t ray‘s Jewelery Store, $parkeest, | 456td Pans and Strainers, MIPES, W OOLLEN Do. i BUCK, 627y ~Monday & Tuesday.‘ L. B. LENT, ‘ â€" â€" DIRECTOR New York Circus From the Hippotheatron Tron Buildings, Fourâ€" a‘&ul-mm.mtck. C Largest â€" Exhibition on Earth! o TT A WA jutiydranptenstentmiditredirtizdrrttner taiiorrize semactihdreaced 1 Visiting principal towns only, and is fully endorsed ‘by the onfln‘l;:nu ot New York as welt as the louï¬n(r journals of all cites in which it has apâ€" red, as infinitely superior in all respects, to any K:un thet has ever been seen on this Continent. The galary of Stars comprised in this mamnioth company inclhides â€" ol 4 ; -h‘m :0 f&mil‘i':r;‘» ull;r'ilo l'r: in the habit ?(vm ‘the City ew York,_ ummy oo during the greater portion of lflo year at its ‘Colos. sal Iron Buildings, oeon1pyin¢ a frontage of one hundred and twentyâ€"five feet on Foutteenthâ€"street, OpEoeiu the Academy..of Music, and is universally acknowledged to surpass in the number and talent of its artist«, the beaaty and thorough training of its porforming Horses and Poni¢s, and the splendor ::‘.:’I:‘.‘ B‘:'eirfl“:n of. this qolebrw mqttopolhul The Leading Circus of America, 1s too firmly established to be seriously questioned in any quarter, it 1# only mlfl; todflathump entire.mammoth company of the New York estabâ€" lishment will appear, at each representation, and thatthe performancts will be found more varied and brilliant than anything hitherto witnessed <h this side of the Atlantic, The New York ‘Cireus is now on‘its second annual of its wardrobe a2d 'f»s??ï¬:’iflï¬'-‘ï¬ï¬iï¬'ï¬; hibition ever broughtâ€" betore the American pu}_lu. SUMMER TOUR BY RAILWAY The wost dashing and daring Equestrienne the world has ever produced, from the Cirque Napoâ€" leon, Paris, whoso extraordinary and unprecedent. ed style of Equestrimnizm, so different from anyâ€" ?In‘ of the kind that has preceded it,. never mils to inspire the wildest enthusiaem. Nothing to wupnlr:dvnl:‘ has ever been attained by any other lady rider in any or country, and no words can do justice to.l{: wondrous skill and daring: displayed by this beautiful,: accomplished and fascinating Artiste, whose achicvements on horâ€"swift running courser are at once terrific and enchanting beyeo, doscription. MD‘LLE, CARLOTTA DE BERG, The child wonder, the most extraordinary youthâ€" ful ptodlï¬ of whom we bave any acoog Ihi ough a mere child, surpisses Blondin on the tight rope, EL NINO EDDIE ! a mere child, surpaeses Blondin on the tight rope, and is . the. most. gracefal juvenile rulf om age. The world renowned the classic -cmja dfl,â€"'hv.&.:qm rivals 1 on ‘catth, their great act of ic . Gymnastio nmpinp.hlfll! been hc ged in ‘all m‘ capitals of the Old World to be the perfection of pbhysical culture and artistic grace. 4 JAMES H. MADICAN,; » | ‘The champiop summerset rider, who has no equal | Raunells â€"Family ! From the al Amphitheatres of LonJdon, Paris, Vienna, and St. ".e‘eehfï¬v-!b as Profesiors ol Principal glown.‘ The finest stud of ?dm honn';’ :;I :ut -wnrb collection l ponies ; e gorgeous ntments any cireus in Eprope or M-.m wonderfal This well known troupe, the reputstion of which The only really water proof pavilion ever manuâ€" “‘.‘l The stroot parade will be ‘hesded by the new and ; BEAUTIFUL LIGHT BAND CHARIOT. Containing Prof. Tharles Boswold‘s full opera band No Oatchpenny Side Shows are aowed with «« «. +â€"â€" this Establishment. ADMISSION, ~ : â€"~â€" ==~ 25 ots. Murdle Leiping Buflalo ! Resérved Carpet Seats, 50 cen â€"‘*â€"Opiidren ‘umder 10, 25 cents. Sune 24th and 25th WAIT FOR THE WILL EXHIBIT AT au Niz { PRICEKâ€"2 CRNTS. PUBLIC AUCTION! WV ‘ie ds hk Rharmigees, *‘ WICTORIA BOILOMGS. TRORMEâ€"ST BAST HALF OF LOT NO.17, GOLD REGTIONS The East Half of Lot Number Scventoon in the sixth condession of he ‘Township ol Mads in the County of Masuings. on g. * This lot forms part of the Village of FPI Dors 46 and adjotns the Richardson.Gald Mine. _ The following papers will please copy till : of sale, and send accounts to the Department Crown Lands, Ottawa :â€"Gazsdtc, Noac, and M erve, Montreal ; .Citizen and Canada G=zate, 0i wa; Nace and Whg, Kingston; Chromole, Bel villo; Standard and Arywe»>, Napance; N World,â€"Sun and Sentinel, Cobourg; Gusde, ) Hope; Revias, Poterberosi Leadw, Iecyso I(,'ï¬h'durn Gnardian and Frecman, Torouto ; y»« tor, Times and Chrisian Adrocate, Hamilton: Wednesday, June 19th inst., Tlll APRIL NO. SARE JOUR NA AL,** containing the first part of e Just received. T:Od‘nu-hon frem the Dogaimen; the year su f ffl'{h’g Vo‘l.nmfl of the 15 cent editicn . Cooper‘s Novels, The m“lh‘ Bow ®, i (numpen‘s movat ANTIFRICTION ME TAL) No. Ottawa, May 10 amired Road Company have this day mado a \__Call of six per Cont. of the Capitat Ztook of the said Company, and demaad and roquire.of tbe holders oi mach Btock respectively to pay unto the Troasurer of hasd Com pany, at his office, in Ottawa, six per sent. of the wmount of such Stock hekl by them respeciivaly on SATURDAY, the 29th day of JUNE, 1887 METAL! The? Universal | Exhibitionâ€"IMuSa«ted C Ustalogne, _ * | ° T4z Believille, June 4. 1867 § d Sromerun‘s Omucs, _ ~+> e K June, 1867 . wulllAl/ the Hoyal Prociamation under the Act for the Union of Canada Nova Sootia and New Brunswick, has now iesued4 and the ; > "‘Itt D&Yâ€" OF: JULY / next hum’lnl as the day for such Union Notice Js given to all Her Majesty‘s Toving subjects in the pt:mm.«cnu-. that they are invited to ite the eaid first day of July as a Ottawa | and _ Montreal ,‘um.?i;q‘m Contpany. FOR SALE BY y 444 ALEX. WORKMAN & Co., Agoents oTTAWA, W\ * >, Price :â€"No. 1, 35¢ ; No. 2, 30¢ ; No. 3 25 April 8. _ , ; 7| â€"403â€"3m | Fiaxes Derartwent, = Custome, Quéebee, 6th March, 1% l'l‘ 18 DIRECTED EY THE HOX. Th® FINANCE MINISTER, that bereafter Week!) Notices be published and furnished to Collectors ui Customs, a8 to the rate of diseount to be allowed «: wmmh‘wi is to be l:’ugordum ’fl. as M changr uon:'z-lm ‘Buch notices to appe~ every 5 y in the Canada Gazrrr®k. _ [ Fixaxce Deraztusxr, Cvarous, f Ottaws, Juze T, 1867. ll ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOV$ Order, notice is h-obycv-ththmom ed discount is declared to be this day 26 per cent -Mpaac:: of deduction is to be continued until mext Week!ly Notice, and to all pasâ€" chases made in the United States during that woek THOMAS WORTHINGTOR, Dated this 30th day of May, 1867 Good w«;(-. i Sunday Magazine, ChlllLl’l'l Journal CormhiÂ¥, Young Englishman London Journal, â€", All the Year Rouri, Belgravia Blackwood, Argosy, POSTPONED SAAAE OTIOK is herehy given, that the D1 rectors of the Ottawa and Montreal M«ca4 AMERICAN INYOICESâ€"DISCOUXNTs 45614 i natt _ L. WILBON, 449td Secretary and Treasurer he Ameri¢can Magazines, _/ or sale y JOnN ln'mn & gox, 2 Opporite the Mussell House , May 10. 4ly DAY OFâ€" REJOICING ! Art Journal, 1867. of Madoc. Week at twelve o‘clock, noun By Command, TRADE MARK : Assistant Commissioner of Customs W on ®n, POR, SALR ay A A.CAMPBELL E. P. 6. TAYLOR & ©O0., ) Manufactspers for 6. N. A a m m OolnsLr W M. MeDOUGALL, * Bearetar) R. 8: M. BOUCHETTE Lmf sw ol