$Lat May, 1867 ing. Curcularey l livmat this country fop pelon cither of 4 ny OGisial Doee. h their y ,..a..n.% )epartment, nvenionce to the | find themseives \t 4 Chanbos Council bas be@t y ofticred that G# d und collected @_ down the dides wb Bealy‘s Fallt mt in »te 3MÂ¥ c pt, in lengts, a8% 1 transactionge â€"Wwould not, P V KK N oRâ€"GANE 1ls s NDaRiOs. OR p df. Public "‘_ roes RuEU® "__ Garl shining PPEA A0ig) | 1 eemmte Ln swo o ‘rn/«- the M CExT3. . fl Ickhn Roberts, W« g , and . J. Skinndfs * ADA w#, hnd 11 diseas®*® Ti n n k. ing of :’.d ln‘tc- in «l 00899 « prevent the hork® I 10N ue C youg M\Y‘n sperity: of io #o cho sSperity sf dentity and d Irowime Des ) dated the 5h + of Roreuqnem ‘s Colomes who i foreign wave n‘ thiiet â€" dn welfure ang country, dug %0qu aintaggy im .v.(,O“ who are likely convenient thes given in, public h persons proâ€" ha Colopy with Qaneto® iple 1 pledge the adviney son. Fegnpr y its action on U2 gous ‘.'Nu.). to "-.qulll'.ll ta# toring the distended y 448 use the horee‘® | rangements of ®# EE2e, the skin, 9241 | your ‘requt sighed.. . â€" mber. 1266 DMDATe IN AHp S mERT \clance of theip CaAMERON 16 April, 1867 UGALL 'G.T.::.;" ‘n'. No ;‘,ef".. |nised us, by remel" bie 1y mpB. U sham. cauMD® aÂ¥d ths Pttava Dailp Cimcs, \ Published enery] mormagy w-r«v'-‘ seores Cotton, Publisher and . + *HEâ€"DAILY aAND WEEKLY TIMEA XDw | l enjoys TH® Lagorer ormcviation of any . published in the Ottawh Valleyâ€"issuing m‘ Qaily over #,000 1 and Woekly over #/ naking a total direulation in the week of « | 18,000 1 thus outstripping all competitors, | vfording the best medium for business men to ad» | _ qumâ€"payable in advance only, ".mfmm.lmu «lowing rates : â€" dustness Cards of from 3 to 0 lines, per ‘an \â€" NWyc cuee ecnecteneemmene conmmetennenns n eqe mm CC all enbsgquent insertions, p@r lIM@,.....«,+0«« 2e Yearly advertisers «peqialiy ccoatracted with| and Cutan, & cnere! J &. Ma#g®it ptawa, Murch ? * VOL IL. artigze in. (Anventistwsyrs are inserted in the hl’ 4* ptawa, C. W mUoSso & PARILILVATN3 Stroot. UITOR NE Â¥ 8+A Tekp A Ws **\ / Om ‘\ï¬l‘n:g, Cunymu.'t;:uthn pded4 | â€"â€" ',‘:m“'““.:_, lite ces street, opposite RusseH # t f esnA "___ Aumewr Py .: | l-cnulln:i‘ M_'l;.lï¬;l..\. ALAW & k * # n oodk s * 1. e ermmnaplucknon _ "Marul. â€" 4 BAE c _ Ottaws, May 4. | _ d ho sestwrtmany, Ns Ayp < 7 w s T Ovrice : Building, kigin8ueet, t d chruary w : 43â€"w‘ _‘mll&l‘-h‘l‘-j.h". Solicitor Chancer?, Convey ancer, Notary Publi and Patent Right solicstor. . ; 0 __ > > _â€" % ‘ï¬onnuo-u'-luw. Soltcito SA Chancory, Convey ancors and Notaries ornor of Nussexiand Vorkâ€"streots, Owewa. tntawa, Fobruary 26, 1867. 3 i\."th‘llo Oilcet No« 17, 81. Poter | P street, Quebec. Mr. Bouchetto will alwhys be | mpared to attend promptly to any busi « the | jorernment employes, and ‘the pablic ally uay ontrast bimn. . Mr. B.atteads n(ll.dy cigâ€" ait in and for the district of Quebes. Docember 28, 1865. #y n.\lll"ll and | Attiormeysat Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Pul _ «Mice, over Mr. Luke Curner‘s Boot an Stose, Rideau Street, Ottawa, C. W., .. January 17. 1867. _* se ADVOCA".I. Barristers, and Attor=e k noysâ€"atâ€" Law. Ormers : 1 atd Aylmor, C. E. ® Mr. ':%:l‘mwl at Hall on a and 14%, LIG:.I\I. ~_ W. Mewat Wereut; B.C.L. »bruary 21, 1868 mtawa, Jan. 13, 1860 neral allowance madib MAsSSE& TETREAU T OÂ¥ ARIR® PCBLIC, HuH, €+ 1am, C.Â¥. Ortawa, Fob. 7, 1366. . N. K. B&LL, A. M., M.D., C ; (Recesrur yeort Kxauaxp.) ‘ GERY â€" and _ Residence, , _# str6at. *3 . LEES & GEMMELL, BA RIS LRRS, . Attorneysy .-‘ C .-n{-uu-. #&e. £" Orriore? Inthe Court House, Ottawa, C.. Roaset Lince. Jow» J. Onus htawa, Febraary 7,1388. 71â€..& to all Law WX ts BAIII‘I"., Sollcitor, Attormeé TB Notary Public, Closk of the Peace and rown Attorney, for the U nited Conntios of «nd Russell. Cu% vanrein® AgrsCy â€"Mowre, 8. M. & §4, Fark ow, Nes Yore, and _ Stato ia, & caeren mlâ€.’chnd, » peccive Ad#ertisements or the Oria®s To Orr1c¢: In the Conxt suaary 27, 1366. '.\nqutha-A'r-L.\ W q Chancery, &c. + wrece: Aamond‘s BuilGngs, it W. MARSHALL MATHESO 'IAI.I. PER, Attormey, Solicit« â€" QOrsice: Horne‘s Buildings, cornet of Eligin streets, Ottawa. * H xtaws, Doc. 18, 186. *)3 D.: ‘CONNOR, A FTORNEYVâ€"ATâ€"RM@W, Sollcitos in $ o eaoannainan Onfame. / _ | _ /‘iu: mln'l‘dw Ootawes _ . Di. JOHMN l.l':"'é'-U, | .’-aiu ©, Muntonm*s . Hlock, Street. . #MR" eeth extractod : wi by means of the Echeroa! Spray Produce )"WM.U Mrs ‘:..nn'- Kat !‘lun. 2o Ridgauâ€"st , Oitawa. y 30, > â€"** AUGUsSTLS ARELEEELL,â€" ARRISTER and [Attqrneyâ€"at Nolicitor®in Chaneory, c“',',f“"" d ce :*(>pr®â€"ite Post Otfice, (.? Streot ue fataby de*iplod as the GCustont House “.mllwl'mc Physician, |Surgeon and ï¬c:unchuu. y om: Horne‘s Block. f‘an be d over he at nlï¬; f Rejorences : m thovn Labrrence, ; Rev. John Smith, Bowmanville; Rov. Riddel1, Starke ; Dunsan C=pbell, M.D., M.R€.A.E,, Totâ€" wuo: John Hall, "D_"."‘.""“" M.D.} Toronto. _ l)‘!'“'o Ovfice 1 Spacks Stee tral OGtawa. s Ottawa, Janktsiry 27,1806. _ . Patllc‘l A Â¥, Sucge om, amd Acco 6 Inw maty wrease Stoeot, NiaWa g ‘ Marga I w49 ‘f; y _ Aunlotja. Eto., for Lower €4 Gericas4fourt Hoase, Aylmozand B DHK.C. A, MANELEPN, Dun-h"'. O@Mcet Sussex #t Messre. Campbell & ‘Co.‘s, Gyocar», Ortewia, January 27, 1866. ; & Rasidence, Maria Street, C.=wr To: » Cancuns Corep, a n ,::.:& ~ 3‘-"' * sated, m'u-uu‘ Oxewa, 14. H. J BUCKLEY, LL.B WILLIANM MORGROVE t JAFY APIERRE & HAYCOCK EDWARD T. DaARTNEL COLMANX & WRIGHT, L2 buncsial â€"srau kcaisg if nuaws, Fobruary 7, 185 Abad.. Nuchsuateirtr® s Otawa, Ihth(ï¬ Â©EO. LOGAX, M.V.; L.C.4.15., RosSs «& PAISON®S, prtaws ‘February 7, PARK$ Streqt, entrawce W, W. Brown‘s Barber Shop. ORK Street, opposite Matt) AYSICI AN, #urgeon amd | A Oifice : Huniqn‘s Block, Sparks A, F. BOUCHETTE, (‘;imtj and Comvey #: Maggrowe‘s Btock, R\'h.‘r‘ reat, Dit, OLEVER MAiRTIN Cavenber l USTUS KEEFER 1IL. IFA YCOCK, D# CHESEEY,:, M. McLEQD, Dit. DORIONX, DR, W. J. HENRY U E.DICAL. DR DR â€"OREILLY, 1M , fArst insertion per «L A W , â€" Roilebipretm= i C. LEGGO, %,. MARPIN Courd in the Di LTONX N. T armsa sv6tf LOrignal neat door to 1 ut ud T in the | PA-um-'. Malr Dressing Saloons 1 | Under the Patronage of lis Excelioney the t 4 _ | Governorâ€"General, * Block, Mideana Stroot, 7 4Ml‘n-s.mt‘l', 'c /s Hair Drushing Apparatus, i c’q.-'lho-dy ou the Continent in use. . , \_ Ottawa, oo. 18, 1805, + 4« Loh W 5 ho. : â€"utf LW o a and | . Oitawa, Desember poucl.cary i t omr @4 triet of 45 . s anke éwa‘ How (To Lb w in ; reorg e | &*. | zo., & A dy 1, Cem® â€"~â€"~â€" s l 17wâ€"10053 Ortatrs, Slat May, 1867. rosooth 44 @v@r @Â¥ 6 yooun i Bs i A3â€"ut Meut! 34 chan C Batf _ _ NB L SURYEYOR â€"and conmamy wie 2. z-.uuahi.fl'::i?“v -m:.:““:’ ve [ pobregtoe perres pestie attee Moio w« wih to *b enparmen s are s depicte ium‘-:‘!?"__...ï¬ ud en anes _ Sb 1 B Een Lo uIv C i> Comâ€" | | » » y oi norat Antine 4 are MeMBAWEY Communciat Hours| -"F““l -.;r.n:“m wine, consider it a very good S-‘.A":'.- lo:lll'h Comumercial Hotel, ofu:' | article, and awpertor to hat is t kenha « able Pree Wtet keepers uk ‘dexlorm th m:.'-':m.-ul hm:mm::;‘l“' °'|‘=;‘ io wilianitnd | imï¬ oes. Eoi e eradh hi oo Auiaiine ediaapretetse riee tce aBD | sor 4 f cla A Meuth ‘ nollior, velucl, ath ie description» exsePtin6 0n | BAR will at all times bs furnished with the vwl; style on than hy any other» «is 7 Mm same. best the market aférds. pacitls ‘m To i LAROQUE & CO. || hoOODSTAILNGMsmM Hostler always P is w ptem be _C guier attendance , ta wa\ nneudeceiiiediaatieond ecvasmimane Y 5* "2 _ x Jonn MALTMAX. e _ + IONN MALEMRDE. i | KE p n.-‘.....""""‘..‘""’ > muissioned wi«'m' t:‘ur near Ottaw )M: .c.“ deser\ » e | sécuted with accuracy. o!iâ€"m.-uï¬: ‘ wl Ottawa COity, (postâ€"paid), will regeive prompt Ottawa, Fobruary 21 , 1806. _ â€" Wey E. WOR Lang‘s Buildbna, opucrite Po«as on# l)no\rl-flu. LAFD . SURYVEYOR, Draughtsman, &6., (oomuissioned for U ppor Ccl‘lflnl auil RKxchange Broker, and * Insuranse Ag#nt, Spmkeâ€"street, opposite Mageo & Russoll‘s, Ottaws, C. W , _Quawa, Mapch 28. _ ; . ___. : 304y 1Gâ€"utf vEuqml Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac# cldental Iosurance, Commission and Collectâ€" iyg Agoots. . Office, No. 27, Sussex streot, Ottawn. #. k. o‘ComNxoR. w. W. WALCER _.. ®. _. o‘coxxo®. March 0. / exy Store. .. . The sule of Roal Fstate at Auction or Private Sale po-"ny attended to. Consignments received for itive sale. Partics wishing to purchase Real e manckinmer **** 0 M'-.ZO'I:M._ { y lâ€"p esX t A es “,.I)U.i\ ALD Vor Lo 4‘....‘-‘-'&& f Comaai * A.-.'- O ; _ ‘M. McLRkAXN‘S A’uc N Meomse, No« 194 *) Centre Town, Qitawa, opposite | AWINGZ WOR LETTER®: PAFT® 'P“‘l of 'nv!num neatly exoout 4; deserip~ ogm .1‘0 iucations drawp up, sod working Iloblof‘ :;u'm -“fll;l:‘ll I:I.P.;.:' Leâ€" aigne for noudments 100M.* & monts | erectemt; Ornuthental Work in Stone, Plustor of Paris, Composition, &o., designed aad executed a rtes. e. pon the shortes. nutic t MV PA IEILS Basme af Awoustie LAver CIVII. EKNGINEER, Union & .corner of Sussex and York Streets., . Ottawa, Dog. 18, 186>. K. II, McGREEV\Y, Cul'ln,\c'lol. and . Wuilder« North side Y ork street, second door f C"sc.g""%.'fl' it for Read‘s Highwines and & e ‘s wines a Proof Whiskey ; x‘bow-‘.l.nn..m and ormes. "~Pavk, Hhoun, 0. 18 460 . * _ , _ _.Orrice: No. 5, Sparks stroot, lun.mokel!’-c-,"__ M C, E. KOLLIKROFER,. Dnn‘m 'lï¬.‘“" ‘oo’ “Uo _ SIDNXEY B; FRIPP, > ‘nemic'- Onm:m streat, oumvy T tik . _ |â€" _ â€"tbull ud us A copehininCmanint wmprety “fl' Veri®: Atche ln::.omm Laver e o s iainear 1.‘ ~ _ wweâ€"3m \[ESSIYS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, raamtingrgrent Mema d BMit. L. bt. ARIPP, )-uum of Christ Chureh of the Organ, Piano.Rorte, A¢. Ottawa, Fob. 7, 1806. Ouaws Dec. 24. _ COHARLES ESPLIN;," Millwright and Engineer COt h se UKW the stort resout /awni improved peinciples. #ut for Eleck s patent nn-APu-uowl Taytor ‘ater Wheel, and Valsan Lros Works, Montroil. Address Canus. Esplig, Ottawa. _ ,_ â€" 21066 Teacher P{ano-t'om Violin,&e. THOROUGH BASS.| vul-n WI‘UA RUK®UAYXS ANE . FWIDAYS, Orders left at Union Hows will he punctually at tended 40. Ottawa, Joly 26. 19780 Chagf@pgne Manufactured in Ottawa. ‘lUllO ; MUCaIC 1: FREXCH AND y _ln‘ll-h Songa Sacred Music, Polkas, Val*e» “ BUSUNXEX® CARDE. VCOXNOR & WALLER, ll\"l dAisposable lands in the tow-.llr | of Keppe!, Am«bel, Sarawak, Albem arle, ‘ Eastnor, L nd«ay aod St. Edmunds, including thoso | resumed for nouâ€"ful@ment of the corditions of «ale. f ‘And also in the Town Plots of~Brooke, Soathamp~ | ton, Wiarion, Mardwicke, Oliphant, Adasir and Bury will be offered at Public Auction, at the town of Qwen Sound, on TUESDAY, the SIXTEENTH JULY next, at the hour of nogn. Lists of the same with conditions of sale may he had on application to the Indian Office, Toronto, or at this office. j i R : Porsons having Special Claims arising from 0c« qupation and improvement must arraoge them, supported by adequate proof before the Agent for Indian Lands, W., R. B.tlatt, Esquire, on or beâ€" will attend at Owen Goun«. from the 11th July to the day ot sale for that parpsse. L LL <Aoam aenmem MECHANICAL DRATGHTSMAN, RI®T, AND 8AW WILLS BUILT ON N y MR CAE F ooï¬ bactit PARLLAMENTARY AGKNCY. J. HOVCHETTE, GKO. H. PERRY, N, MeKINXNON, R. SPA NK8, 8. CHMRISTIE, JIOMHNX MEKRCER, E. MIL Is ta% Laxybs, Sivorey Pemiswors xOTICE secand door from Sussex | Union Buiblding*s DUIVERYAY BRO AYLMDR, C. & BUKAwAYS AND wads Gemneral 3797 b4, Mpark®s viee t areets me‘s Station» the Russell of Farming KoTA U aANT of George and :'b. k. l n W abl imom M.(m'.nm'o:‘l"h‘:l‘)- Ife Streots. | "oge oY sTERNS in every style, at all hours. V eme mex D. 8. 1. A. 1Sâ€"uth 107 . |UC ppppieg thine at MEDICAL Furpiture Pol«b, | pints and pints, Km h-:t‘:. for the haif. » m NT®, %, Huvalibe®n‘s Trusses, Groas‘s Trusses. # wroos‘s Shoulder Braces, Cuttor‘s :::nl‘n Lraces, & ‘a Piver‘t Porks #ï¬ Pert. mory, in taney Jurs. y i oo . wy, wf, MASEKY, Medical: Hiail, English & French Chemicals,. TOTLET ABRTICLES, &C dn Rand. 'fll & CREAM SO’DA FOUNTALIN, ith eight diferent * manufactured on the promisos. 1t is -mh{')'::lflh.m A StH CS AEWS ts feramined mds LN an . , Just art un heegh Cortatioh of u{-n' and rm-nl: A large us FU Mk.+ will arrive next wee FLORLIDA WATER. _ >0Z0DONT. * DRUG WARKEHOU SE , A Just being opened up â€"_ RAIR BRUSHE® NAIL BRUSUHES. P. 8.â€"Advice to the guescaga‘ss. ]the poor gratie RIDEAU STREET } %, semsere 4 I8de. SEEDS, SEEDS. 1866.| 1VATE HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot= x:-..\:.fl. A fow gentlemen can obtain sugâ€" UOttawa, Dos. 20, 1845. _‘ . _ L L. flls ’ THE © QUEEXN" RESTAURANT m# ~ KA V % N AGIH, Proprictor, Corner . Please call and examino the Stook,. It is the gufl best over importod. All the rebable PATENXT MEDICINES Otlawa, January 9, 1867 ut iom | _ 4 . A 0P\ +204z snmeg‘_epne h 2 9WnP aboveâ€"named Hotel, bogs leave to int bis nu» merous f~iencds and the U"fl%fl“ has r:;rhudndn'lyomnhh‘ this comâ€" lou« e«ta btishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business sad guests, he hopes mdomo.m-d-mt. JAMES E. Ti :i :4 MOTELS AND l{?.! HOLTI"Ss HOTEL, TLE ALBION MUYEL, " ICHOLA®S Street, Court«House A venue, 1W ottuws, John Grabam, Proprietdr, nbwhm,.h-a.ddl-ah- tains its character.as a FLIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL Considerable additions have recently been made to the premises, and it has bron ontirely repainted and cemovated. No pains willbe spared to accommodate ‘-lru- + % OMNLBUSES to and from the cars and Tree of charge. There is a FIRSTâ€"CLAS8 VERY sTABLE attached to the Hote!, s dctawa, Dec. 18, 1860. *" . i January 11, 1866 ï¬"'x.w'n ie ietand sirdeu, dpponte LVR e Motcalfo amt Weilington Streets, opposite‘ ho em agn" coltprizes oll the requinide for e * Q N" com U a Orstâ€"clase R rant. . The House l':-\-oun-lo‘ and refurn lhm"\ms The BAR containe the choice«t Br in W ines and Liquors, and every deilcacy of the w:‘.uuuummm i uie -\-n:’:m be directed to the comâ€" t % finopaie guente and pxtront s .., pus Substriber has leased ‘the above , trat=c b.ulfuf-w-o(.zunullor | by strict atrontion to the wants & comforts of tris t guests, and frignds at large, *o morit a large share | ot pub is patronage. â€" The liotel is the largest and I best laid off house in Genville; it is three stories ! high and commends a beautiful view of the rapids | Puics ufiee quaient rand" poroscrguaiey 0 The I nore of t % ) "it\u will be supplied with the best ihe narket can afford. Special cage will be taken with the 8t a ble#, which will be under the cace of an ¢x Hostlor, and always supplied with tresh and Ou-.‘ Charges moderate. We e JOUNX RITCHIE Sp ons bik + 438â€"#m Ritchie Hotel, Grenville, C. ‘DOMEs‘%HLo DYES. WB LARGE®T AssOnTMEXT OoP DY ES in this eity on sale at the YLMER, C E., Livery aud General Stage Olles. . Alired Moses Molt, Ja, Prop‘tr. NION HOUSK, North Gower, Stabling and an attentive Mostloc. . Qitawa, November 237. THE METROPOLIT ATE CAMPBELL!8 HOTEL, Octawa, °C. W. The undersigned, proprietor of the ember 21, 186 28, Sparksâ€"Btreot. May 18 y L« IHE IUSSELL MHUUSE, WEDICAL HALL Just Received ! ANKPUL FOR PA®Y FA« ’l vore, 1 bog respesifully to an nounce *hat I have now reseived my stock for the Summer Trade. It scomâ€" prises all the bost and purest CcEORCOE sTREEpT. DBRUGGISTS. JAs,. JOHNSTON‘S WaH DRUG®, PERFUMERY, Aumond‘s Blook, | Rideau Strea, Otowa. P. OMEARA, 'e.' DUIGNXAX‘s J. LEMON, JO8SEPH CARVEY, M.D. RHTCHIE, 1 «o. 4 Hiink praiess tiraks Guiiee __ _ COMB®. CLOTHES BRUSHES, OTTAWAÂ¥ â€"C: â€"wW.> TUMHMBDAY. JUNE Is, is67. â€'l NK« for orâ€"£ 30â€"7y ty K. blie Ih:‘:.uul ..d-‘u'T!fl ..'G,-Qn preminms beral thay it proft». < No extra charge for Vol defence of the country . hINTOUL BRO3. , Montroal, @émeral. ~CAPITAL, £800,000 Stg. _ ; ANNUAL REVEXUK*OVER £120,000 Wre. rl\-n comra®y OorrERs To public the combined adventege of 1 Oitawa, March 13. BRITISH AMERICA . | Assurance Company ! HRE AND MARINE, ESTABLISHED 1830. R. 8. Caigels, Eaq. â€" «> â€" +« Consulting Director Life Assurance Company. . < * EBSTABLISHED 1088." Ottaws, January 4, 1867. usind#® OTTAW A AGENOY : Officeâ€"Desbaruts‘ Building, 77 Sparks 8t "I\Il ABQVE PFIRSTâ€"CLA8Ss COM»~ i PAXY bn'lr':‘“ insure all 0.':"!“"' . mV & *# Of ‘l-l f HERRICK, Ill‘fl" CO., 1 * Aoryt®, Royal€ Ottawa, June 21 Rll. GEORGE l%ll. 18 RE uv:::.thuh to his and the publi« tor the 1i patronage which he has rec»ived for many years, begs: o state that for the future his business will be carried on is YORK STREET, where his premises are known as the M-unmuwouummucb hluduflhhdm.-‘u&omm Mr. Shoaldis hmmnd-&w thvor him with their and furnish them daily with wich bread as the; wn?h. mm-dymu&nhh ork Street Fancy LA Twc Journeymen Bakers Wanted. _ . Ottawa, December 300tf ESTABLISHED, A. D, 1820, Iolate of Chicago.) “lAV\' MEK##, Prime Mess, extr® Prime Pork, guaranteed Cbicago standard Sugarâ€"cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, &e. 'l\'l UIDIIIIOIIDHMM been ap pointed agents for Mes=rs. Wilson & Co., nilers will be promptly axecuted at the lowestmar ket rete« Oitawa, March 2. | Ottawa, March 16. J, GARVEY, E8Q., M. D., Medical Reforee. \ . SMITH, Agent, Oikee: Over Seott‘s Confectionery. BO OKBINDER , #18 #EGs TO ANNOoUNCE To Lis friends and patrons that Wb ha*t remored to the building on Meie»lf6" street, tormerly occupled by The Eeening : Post, where he is now prepared bummxnm sq0OKBINDING, ' ‘__ PAPER«RULISG, or C BLANK BOOK MANUVFACTURING, Of every description, in the noatest and most durâ€" able style. . Yiving personal attention to all work, and hayâ€" ing bad many years practical experience, he feels co fident thet satisfaction will be given. _ . _ Ortamental RBinding done in tre ."-‘.M YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, ‘vnlnnu CERTALK LOTS KXOWE as Lots 11, 12, 13, u‘ntmw LitchGeld, County of Pontiac, } have Are advertised for sale U. V. ® bat Andrhn the luuo‘Zl COLI.%%'-L this is to caution intending purchagers that J “.uuu Lets, and no proper title can he ob ned without my signature. : ALMIRA McDONELL Alexandria Park, Portage du Fort, she is prepured to January 20, 1867 WY ILLSON & CO..; + 'l‘-l-- B ‘vv En eP Pn OeE be responsible for sny drbts contracted by any just cauge or yprovocation. TE "us retycke A Dower of Two Thousand Pounds LXSUR A NCE Bearbrook, May 16. NUTICE OF REMOVAL ) MORTIMER 200 ACRES EACH, BEREAD. CE£UZION . Moetcalfeâ€"stroot, Pork Packers, 1 TrORONTO, HERRICK, BRUSH & CO., 3, Auwond‘s Buildings. " Book and Fancy Store, York Street, «t Jan., 1867, “,wlm Â¥ orrERs To ® bined adventege of maiums and liberal = tra charge for V «4 L McKIXNXON, s8 1 S!-n‘o-vlnd‘.:"m " hz k cmel : . x Street, begs to anraince that accommedate six or anght boardâ€" A. MORTIMER, notice that 1 will not M. P. HAYES, o oi Tok 312â€"10w6m --uh'""‘hw. $8ly Aos»t. 1874 ~ READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ‘Importers of Dry Goods. # «THB RE NOW OFFERING a LABGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED sTOCK OF DRY A @OODS, which they -u'r;';.a CHEA? POR CASH y t have now on hand every novelty of cu and pattern in uk ru.wm.‘:'mm“:&:mm :'A:lu!hdr stook is large and varied they DEFY :\"aï¬n‘ TTION. | h red to take orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make up in the %‘n:rm as they :nudu the qpï¬uunm n(‘“nprw cutter», they are WA KD TO FIT + * BLACK nonlr!. SILK MIXTURJ "’.«Ffl‘.ï¬?,w:m 12. "CAPITAL‘‘ STOVE DEPOYT 1 _ _ . _ CAPITAL® TINWARE DEPOT 1 "CAPITAL‘‘ HOUSEFURNISHING lam TUR CAPITAL CENTRE uUF ATTRACTION QF ESINROUS OF Il_'l‘lllllfl ‘ANXD D RVING THR LIBERAL PATRONAGE D hitherto accorded them by.the public of th6 * CAPIEAL," beg tRintmaute they have lately. added zew and lhw.k:“chm"’ t thgir manufacturing depa wod uow enabled to offer extra inducements for manutactm«} all kinds of art.c 0s in ade f Metals, such as TLA PLATES, Galvanized, English ussin SHBELET IRON, 20PPER, Â¥e , and are prepared to tak« orders for the manufadtu) e of inds of MIELPEARY $TOREK®, in Re abore line, rach as CANâ€" TEENS, SUUP RETL CAMP KE1TLLS, Disk PANS, &c,, &e. + te We would rni-luly draw attention to our Water Filters and Coolers, by which ali impurities are taken away frow the water. ‘They are coustructed on rh_ubul sciontide principles, being simple in thoir‘ ion, and pot linble to get out of order. The fltering substance «s the saie us used by the best ;nnt Works Companies in lund, and recomunonded by the medical facuity as the best kaowi. combination of ingredients for remuvring all foreign matter, and making the «ntor pure, sparkling anu healthy. We make different sizs aud stylos, #o as to bring tuews within the reaca of all,. Au, family «huuld be without one, especially where there are children. v Â¥"):>4 Water Coolers ! _ Water Coolers ! _ Water Coolers ! W ater Filters ! M ater Filters ! Water Filters i Plunge Baths, Sponge Baths, Hip Biths, Sitz Biths, Foot B wths, Chiliren‘s and Ldfent) in in iiniinrereoon i fa t hn sn fos ta ht atr botnen Pouyh den. TEADsâ€"double and # s t Â¥ed vallss; also * Avcti 0 Freeser, warranted to freeze the creaim in four minutes. o ; 164 foeref < t'u"' 104 Creaw L* UULINARY UTENSILS. 4 .\.nli Moulds, Pédding Moulds, Jelly Cake Pans, Pic Plates, Melon Moalde, Brass, Tinned and Enamâ€" elled and Seucepans, Stowpaus, 44 Coddlers an 1 olwers, 1 :o CJrea n alsulds an i rroozess, Bice Moulds, Soup Fareens, Casdag Visacs, JV i S¢ k Wisass, Diso Covers, toial, JÂ¥al wad olong Fea ‘nd CUuffee Srll. ooux Ladles, forst docks and st icks, Wire Vogstable duilers, gridirons, Egg Beaters, skewers, Mincing guives, Paste Cattors, U ake Nru\m. dlosa Horks, d aiting dpsous, Cali 1s, Paity Pans, Grevy MILH. Nursery Lawmps, &o., K0. “ sSTOVKEKs. STOV Es. SsSTOV ES SILK MAIXTURE OF COATING *thubn.dnkapmbr-ulnm W d cun always faraish any part of a stov. do well to note, as -mvu sold are outut out canuot be rey laced.. _ _ _ _ _ '.::u.:uu h.:ll';‘- br i ishes cirefully atton ie l to by conpstent and experiensed. mechanies. :I c Sn cAauBY Do Harck 1 a Parod of ceaatifal paterns: COAL OIL ot stendard quali Onpihins o Amotican. Lampe, Chimaies nod Wisks. Laspestion invited. mpri ahelitts _ e e e e C OENY es as y Ottawa, March 11, 1867. LADIES & GENTLEMENs Hair Cutting & Dressing Rooms, No. 81, B:a::n;moypum the m COsc +‘ Gartis and Melnto<b, Proprietors. Toall W homit May Concern Kept on hand or made to order on the shortest notice. 1apiEs; Harr prissisxc, In the latest stylos s{ Male or Female artiste. Also, Ladies and Gentiemen‘s omn hair worked into \v.uu-o-.r-. Bracelets, Rings, &o. N. B. â€"A stoâ€"k of Hair Oils, Brushes, Portamâ€" ery, scented Soaps, &¢., kept constantly on hand. DEPARTMENXT OF CBOWN’ LAXDS, f Ortawa, 2nd April, 1867. Rlow.sfloll for the Sale of Public Lands in the Quinte Gobd Mining Divisica, made by H‘s Exceltoncy the Administrator of the Government in Coun1lâ€" % , ‘That the price of the Public Lands in the éaid TWO DILLARS AN ACRE CASH Of all existing ‘Timber Liconses for the said Lands and the reservation of the right to collect the May 6. ANML IL :A ELA °& pPETERKSHAM, j . VEVONX® | wutTxEYs [ _â€" TIsH FRIEZE, s CANADLAN o. BROADCLOTH®, m,u To THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT GoLD MINING DIVISION REXEWAL POR THREE YEARS AND THE CAPITAL CENTRE uUF ATTRACTION . _ CONFEDERATE CAPITAL, 3 _ ols Pigh, as., IXTURE OF cumoh | MoOCCASINS, BUCE Do. %uows IXO®, â€" | °. BAGS, LLNEN, BEDFORD CORDS, {|,.*â€"‘Da;, TRAY cuu&m 1W Eew$§, } . _ OuUEIO BANNNOCh B8UKN Du., 4 Po HALIFAX DO., j KERSEYS, , FLANNELS, ~| BSTABLISEHED IN 1844 AT NO.~35, SUSSEXâ€"STREET. asung ETB UTU LC 12 asltast i ~ reservation of the right to ccllect the t in all Letters Patent for such L provise be inserted authorising the Cloths. and Clothing. BATHS _ â€"BATHS!! _ BATHS!!! (hil Cans ALL KIND® OP August 1, 1868. SPARROW‘S BUILRING, . , & Corner of Sussox and Murray Streets M. SPARROW & Co., mvon?‘nns AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Liguors, AND PROVISIONS | & Wholesale and Retail. BE RAISED To Farmers and Lumberers‘ Supplies. NO. 560, SPARKS STREET, Pd snv!mvvll OF, AXD DEALERS I% . Bake Pang. _ Sugar Keltles Agricultural Furnaces and Stor o s c resisted, and for what caure ; Lands in the éaid Amount of all other claime agaipst theâ€"comâ€" COurla, Waterfalls, . MEADOWS & Co. 385â€"3m BLANKEN® wao e awâ€"â€" â€"â€"â€" CYMEAERA & CC | COATS, MOCCASILNS, BUCK, memamons. | C sy RVING THR LIBER A APL ru;." beg tRintimute the cturing wod uf art.c 0s rn"ulu fi hrl ‘ IRON, 20PPER, e , and ; RY STOME®, in te abore i PANS, &c., &o. Al PaAXTS, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIZES Not incorporated by any Statute of this Province, have not published the statentent of their Assets and liabilities ; Amount of Capital Stock . . _ . _ Amount paid thereon ; 5 en Nature of Assets; | . Amount of losses ; due and unpaid ; * hsms adjusted and not due,_ * : in euspense and waiting for farther Amount of premiums earned and unearned during the past year ; ‘The whole as required by the Act 23 Vic., cap. 83, see. 11. . & PENALTY OF $1.000,. For such 1efault, as provided in the said Aot. Â¥ebruary 23, 1867. Do., TRAVELLING, _ * Cuproas, sTRIPED, , Do, _ _ . BLUE, ' "“‘mé’é‘fg s $ vVaALISEs, Vl's‘l's., OMPLAINT having beenâ€" made that certain * SMIRTS, j DKA WERS, SMuChS, SUCKS,* es s 2iAs«¢ e Ottawa,, February 19, 1867 Milk Pans and Strainers b6â€" MLTTS, WOOLLEN Do. â€" BUCK, Acour OrFice Asssezaxt Auptron. HTdv? if THE a@7tf @9 July as a next has been fixed as the day fot such Union Notive is bereby given to all Her Majesty‘s loving subjects in the present Province of Canade, thet they are invited to celebrato the said fist day «f WHIIIAI the Royal Proclamation under the Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, has now issued and the ist DAYOF JULY ! METAL! 'l‘}l‘ YERY BEST AND CREAPESNY | M ‘for Babbitting purposes and Journal Bear | M ‘for Babbitting purposes and Jeurnal Bear h.- in all kinds of machinery. i VO'I'ICII: is hefely given, that the Dis 2W rectars of the Ottiwa and Montreal Macaq: amized Road Company have this day made a . ALEX, WORKMAN & Co., Agents of the Capital Stock of the said Company, and demand and require of the holderg of such Stocl respectively to pay unto the ’l‘con-}r of s id Comâ€" pany, at bis office, in Ottawa, six! per cent. of the amount of such Stock held by them respectively on SATURDAY, the 2Â¥th day of JUXE, 1867. oTTaAwA,. C. Y â€" Price :â€"â€"No. 1, 35¢ ; No. 2, 306 ; No. 324 Cooper‘a (Novels. The glish wom an," Bow Be I#, ; Loncon Jourbal, . 4 2" the Year Round, rgosy, Onee a MAAK, â€" .. Ottaava _ and _ Montreal April 8. Oitawa. May 10. EAST HALEF OF LOT NO. 17, Dated this 30th day of May, 1867 GOLD REGIONS® ‘ of Madoo," THURRER‘S ROYAL ANTIFRICTION METAL} No. PUBLIC AUCTION! HCTRL LC MOBTâ€"SL The Eact Hâ€"If of Lot Number Beventeen io the sixth couceâ€"sion ‘of the ‘Township of Madoc, in the County of Hastings. ~> 7 Wedncsday, June 19th inst.. _ This lot forms part of the Villag« of El Dorado, 'ngl“jvinnhuimflddm » The following papers will please copy till date of sale, and send accounts to the Depurtment 0| Crown Lands, Ottawa :â€"Goztte, Ners, and Min erve, Montreal; Citizen and Conada Gazete, COuaâ€" wa ; News and Wing, Kings on ; Chromecte, Belle Lo. n ss, villie; Standard and Erp es#», Napanee; Star, World, Sun and Sentine!, Cobourg; Guide, Pon Hope ; dteviese, Peterbore ; Leader, Teegraph, Christurn Guardimm and Fr.eman, Toronto ; Npectoâ€" tor, Time» and Christian Advocate, Hamilton. > . DAY OF REJOICING ! Call of Six per Cent. HE APRIL NO. ¢ ART JOURNAL,* contuining the first part of ngin locrd of Pu[lf_lc Instruction, ï¬le Richmond Circuit ; Weinesiay. the 26th day of June next at 10 o‘clock, zemses # for the purpose ot granting certificates to duly Belgravia * Black wood, Good Words, Eunday M»gazine, Chambers‘s Journal, .. Combil!, Young Englishman. The American Magazines, PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Richmend, $0th May, 1981 Believilie, June 4, 1137. FOR SALE BY «Grammar Macadan:izsd Road Company POSTPONED SALE. For sale by Art Jourral, 1867 / ILL be sold by Pablic Auction, at the vffise of thé undersigned, By Command, TRADE MARK : : F. P. 6. TAYLOR 4 €0., Eol Manufacturers for 3. N. A. T:.d numbérs from the beg nning ’:‘_u...{.. of the 15 cent edition 0 at twelve o‘clock, noon, Srcastiaay‘s Ovric®, 5 â€" â€" Sth June, 18607. iN RICHMOND, W M. XcDoUG ALL, Reoretary Will meet in the *__ 1 %. wWILsON, Secretary and Treasorer »â€" â€" â€"â€" Caml: A ‘A. CAMPBELL r lnepom.r.Q.G.VD. JOSErH BIXTON, *or 403â€"3m 451Â¥ ¢x { PRICEâ€"3 CKNTa2 O T TA W A, New YorkCircus L. B. LEST, â€" â€"© DI&RECTOL Largest . Exhibiticn . on E:h ! From the Hippotheatron Iron . Buildings, â€"Fourâ€" °_ ccenthâ€"screet, New Yok, Monday & Tuesday. Thj» well known troupe, the requtstion of which will ho f(:milzr: .ll"': n‘l:'i- the bfl;oh\ init ing the City ork,. :..-ud wt o d curing the gwu:(puuo 1 year st ‘. Cul s sal Trn Bnildines accuovlu? A frontage of oub sal Tron Buildurgs, occupylug 8 frontage o out bundred mnd c-g'-ln & a‘u Fourtegr «.-.mf, q:[â€" site the Aeademy of Music, and Wruuirersally wol now! â€"dged to sn fo the ) amber wnd tlent of its artisg«, t he ’llsnd thoree h treiuing <f its perfurming Horses and Ponies, ana the splendor of it« wardrobe a 1d paraphe nalia any «imiar ex hibiti n «ver brought : betore the American public. As the position of this celebrated ametwpolitan establishmert as « 4e Is too firmly established to be semously questioncd in any quaror, it is enly necessary to stateth at the entire mamny th company of the New Yo k estabs I shorent wil! appear at o «ch ropresertation, ond that the performabeos will be found more caried and brilli im [! anr any hing hitherto witnesseq wa this side of Atl »utie. e SUMMER TOUR BY RAILWAY, Visiting principal tomn» only. mand is folly endoree d hy the entire préss cf New Yorâ€" mwow S => the leading journale f all «it o« in which "« has apâ€" Fnr«l. as in‘ nitely amy ericr "n n‘t râ€"pect?, to as, / Trous that hes ever hecy »cen o« fthi> ® sls rt. The plu'y of Stars comprised in this mamumuth company includes £ The Leading. Cirous |of America, The most dathing and daring Equestmenne the world has ever produce1, from the Cir jwe Napoâ€" teon, Paris, whose extraordinary and unprecedentâ€" ag a yie of Equertrianism, so different fram »ny» thing of the kind that ber preeded it never fails to inspire the wilgest enthusiaem. Nothins to compare with it has ever been attained by any other lady in any age or country, and ns words can o justice to the wandrous skill. and lnring dippiayed by this berutiful, mse amplich=d and fascina@ting Artiste whore achlevemint« en her ewift sunning «ourser mre ‘at onge Lerrise and onehutingbqonddeg;-iulm. e MD‘LLE CARLOTTA DE BERG, The child wonder, the most. extraurdinary youth» tul prod‘zy of whom we bave any account alt hough -n‘nruh?l‘. surpasees Blondin ns the ti, ht rore, wwd is the most graceful juvenile rider of tha The New York Cireus is now on itz second anou al EL NLINO ~EDDIE ! Ranvells Hamily ! “-â€"-"--" .- wâ€"-â€".- Prom 1pal ‘-phiï¬e.uwnl Lon «n, Par‘s Vienna, 5t Peterstburgh, who as Profeâ€" ar» «£ he . lassig echool of @y «n «stien. are withoat rie us m caith, | their g ea mot of ?M‘Q,."I tie irouping«, h «ving been ack now dged inâ€"all the capitaly : f the 1d World to bethe very perfection f pbysical culture and artiâ€"tic grace, _ , ‘The champion summerset rider, who hm« no equal on thi« continent tor feate of desperate dming, toâ€" zetber with the grentest torce of danmg rdere ; woompfl-ï¬e‘ acrob «ts ; ol »esic gy mnants ; con ie «l down# ; «lack rope ea~lters ; posture mheters ; equiâ€" ibrints ; voh igners ; t «mblere and p »ntomimiâ€"t/ever brought tigether in thi« « ountry involving a g â€"«ater ‘xpondi use for ealaries than is incurred by any /our travelling companies and embracing more irst ~lars artists than can be found in any cinces in the world.. Joe : Pentland, Pduip‘z.h:h'.' The fnest stnd of ; erfom} hvorker ; mast superb coll ction ‘uï¬ll‘n:ï¬ nan of ; jand the most gorgeans qgr-m- «t any circus in Europe or America, woudeifa No Oatchpenny Side Shows are a June 24th and 25th. . The world renowned C _ _"__ ‘this Establishme.t. ADMISSION, â€" .â€" â€" «â€" No vay!, JeWelery Store, 8, arke® ., Murdle Leaping Buiialo ! A o wwccaw and Ausscntettd f i _ Seats for Everybody ! Doofkopen at 2 and 7. Gran ectreeat 2; and 74. g‘w for Gale on the doy of Exhibition at E. K. Mas@!Uiie JAMES H. MADICAN, Reséved Carpet Brats, 50 cem Chiidren under 10, 23 cents» w ATT FOR THE WILL EXHIMT aT" IFPUL LIGHT BAND ; N Howed wi.h 95 e:t.