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Ottawa Times (1865), 16 Jul 1867, p. 4

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k kn 4 : 'l‘.-‘.r’-“ U. 8. Consutar Agent for the Oll.r Ottawa, and the dependencies S Ahereef, deems it proper to give public noti¢e to * those whe may "Y‘" his oficial services, n.x his * office in R. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"street, will be open at all times during business hours. | All <t F involces of property of whatever kind exportad or intended to be w into the l‘nimr‘bww. * must be suthenticated by me at this Comsular w4 'I-IM"G'DIUICTOR!IID’.NH lY’nmi«tha? a half yearly Mividerd : the tate F *3 c Mix Per Cent. l'rr’.\ wharim. On the capital of the Bank, will be payalte he FIFTIL DAY OF JULY, 1867, to the propri« -mdd-:'w’-linb--'um..-»., n "t â€" + further sum # Â¥iftcen Shillings Sterling Ber Share, .. Taken trom the the;-e.a 'N?n,:.r'l 1 pald to the the same time. Both will be made ‘at the . rate "Cl.c: :Iw;m-t-mu day of July, IN87. to ) Notice to the Businoss Men of Ottawa and its"Dependencies, Agency, in order to facilitate it« tranvit a* t) per ports af entry . 3 Aprl 12. 3. Aven & Co. Geats:i 1 Rel it my know! what your Saursaparilla Ras «& Having inherited a Scrofulous infection. 1 ) tfrom it in varioue ways for yoars . dometis out in Vleers on my hands and soms; ; turned boward and distressed" e atfi®ie sto years ago it broke out on my head appf cov i «nd ears with one sore, which was yhinisl on Wyond description. 1 tried many medicisics ‘ A Y ER Cw Sarsaparil wumâ€"'b relted fromeany thing. <bn the disorder grew woree. . At oagth 1 wos isjoilod to read in the Gorpel Messenigie that you id prjpored «n alterative (Bansapartila), for 1 know from your n prta« tion that any thing you made â€"must is goot, 1 a Cipetunati and got it, and used it vilt it omect me. 1 toog iC as you advise, in email .duges of a terspoontil ove: a month. and used almost three boftles, . New and hoalthy skin soom began to form under the scab, which after a while foll off." My skin is now clear, and 1 know by my feclings that the has gone from mey system? You can well believe Lfeel what 1 am saying whon 1 toll you, that I hold to be one of the apostles of thy ige, and remain over y« . ‘Your. :/ BANK OF BRITISA NORTH AMERICA And Ti the speedy. curs of the (oliewing com? t serofula and Serofulous AGicetions« s# as TPumears, Uleexs, Neves, EeapPMo; mo-. Pustules, Mlote®es, 13 , and all Alkim Disoasss. Dr. w’.hfibm from Sadenm, 3. Â¥.. 12i) Sept. that he has cured am i affe cass of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fataily, by th« persevering use of our Sarsaparilia, and also a roms Mulignant Erysipeias by lurge doses of.the same ; sny he eures the common Pruptions by it comstan \y. Bronchoccle, Gaitre or Swelied Nook. l m. . ____ ALPRED B. TALLEY, 8t. Anthony‘s Rore or ipelas, Tetter and l"l.l.filo.-. M-iu: Y-'..'i Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. * Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : " Thrse bot Mdmmr“-t,--u&r hit sous swelling on the neck, which naumF- ihat wer two No 124 ‘st., with °* :wu.'.'v'm‘: ise:" l.ouoonlg- ce W a, Ov m t in P w Uterime bwt‘om:o Dl.o-:::‘: Dr. J &. 8 Channing, of New York City, wtites ; aa his throat, which waro ppasuminc hs 1 op of hit moutls. Y Burshpariile, + wred him in ln-ow: Another .-.;:u wolowr y m Ath. nose, and + i atom nmrhn o# it sn thes «sorder soon reach hi brake mncd bil «lied to my administration of your m icvative . in the mumerons com for which . mipley such a remedy, but eap* in Amals Di * t Sorofulons diathesis. . t have ewred many invo: «e cosne of Lencorrhsen by it, and some whore the ~ mm waeemnsed by wleeration of the uterus. . The wist $ nnwmâ€"- “NM‘IM hy Wmom sns it these wie. L t.lward 8. Marrow, of Newbury.. A: write®, © 4 ce rous quanign frmor on one of the femajes in my how it nich had defied all the remedies we could cmpley, h ~m~~uâ€"ww by your Extract of Sa W thought nothing but extiy w coabt tut he *“'m«' ww epariie as <the lyst reaort before , and q wvod effectuat, . After taking your romiedy cight wee ". ormntom of the dissase remains." Syphilts and Mereurial Discase. m 2 New Omutaye, $th August, 180 am. 3. C. Aute s Sip. 1 w_vm-plx whih thus of your agent, an) reaqyrt to you some of theâ€" c t 'hvo,w aliged with your Rarsaparllte 1 have cured.with it, in my practice, meat of the co yaints for which it is recommended, and have fand Shecw truby wonddr(nt iy the cure of Fenerest o 3 most cheerfaily y with the request of you arim« 1 have ‘:',â€" Sursaparilia a most sdisvative .m the nwmerons complaints for > foore hesled, wod he is well amin. not of eptsne '~Mb“b“'. A woman who bs ‘3:' tive montes by imrcury was # dam ‘;hn. her bane« | They hiad becomse dive to e ‘:fl on a damp day sho «af 4 but boues. . bho, f 'm ""'m‘ Im on ow wne from: hm-mb{‘uvml gave gm from: )m watory must be ;Owy. al traly remarkable wh it have surprised me. qy Praternally youre. . O. V. LARLNH®, for years with an amection ef the Aones, whi t may health. Etriedewery thing. m cvory thinl velieve me ; and I hays been a besken «own uen * some years from no other cause than «/ wpe 1 ad ALeeer. My beloved pastoi. the Kew. No bapy . asy isod to uy Sarsaparilie, qpomuse ho shid be Rtew you. d.sfiaub-nmmnnn., By the bles wab o 1# cured me, and has so porified my td /« to make a new man of me. 1 frel young exain. i ne hat that can be said of you is not half good enou; i. " w.r Tumeors, Enlavge ment. a Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. & r roR w\:nm ovan or . & joughs, Colds, Infuenza, Hoarsewesss t‘roz “Iuhhl.-flpk-l Com« * sumption, and. the Rebiel ('o::-pun Patients din anced Stages . of the Discasc. This is a remédy «s universally known fo surpase any wher for the cure of threat and Iioy comphoants, that :t paseless here 6 publish the evidence of is vistucs. }is sorivalled excellence tor coughe and colds, and it= t l\ sondarful cures of ‘pulmonary . discase, Rays . mude it mown throughout the civitiest rationg of the e«ith Rew are the communition: or cven lnw-i‘z-. ameng. thomk who have not some pestonal experionce of its Mect== + N.u“vw‘" The confidenve of narighhe. w Dr.J. 6. AYER & CO.. Loweli, Mase. byfloa‘: Mortimer, Job‘n Roborts, W. M assey , M P McCarthy and Skinner in Ottawa. February 26th, 1867 368d3w9 » wane living trophy in their midst of it mhtle and dangerous disorders of the : amail Inow the dresibd Letalkts ol th an they Tonows, dues. Cc efiibts ot caie vea &-. m:---‘l;;q \b'.:: M hn vhint ye w whauking the Nu-uow‘qym\ the confidenv« of Barzovne, Burbridges and Squire A great variety of eases have been reported to us whors wree of these formiduble complaints havo n-h«t‘*.-- no use of this remedy, but our here will not admit nom, Some of them may bm in our Amesican \imanae, which the agents below mamed are plewed t M‘“”,n“ who call for thei. pfeci« truly wondortul jy the cure of 1 avist Dissaco. Ome Faknhfi ha Cw oo y P mE s _a Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, June 11 Dyspepale, Heart Discase, Fits, Epilsjpâ€"« o)..hohnlol.y'. ir-r-l‘.ln se en thenmatisnm, Gowt, Liv: Inpevempax08, Preston Co., V P Chroule Ahemmatizn for ® hmg i 4 a long tis ilt of and stuck to me f*r *l’“.. could find, until I triesd \'::t «sreomes disorders which would be suppigei t« sae®. . Buch a remedy has long been x-‘lur:-' t 1 saities of the people, and we are confitentvho . fog them all that medicine can do. y°® Thirty bousand prices of the above forwarded see of all charge, monthly, by 4 o have realiged with 1 have cured. @iily abute fow which it hris truly wondirf cured me in two weeks, nnd pestored y so muceh‘ that 1 any for bottor than bomee 1 1 think 6 a wmudertul itedicine: . 4: bRJ/ Jules Y. Getchell, of 8t. Louls, writees ©1 have __sy, Melancheoly, Many remarkable eures of. th ade by the alteratite power of te« the vital functions into v Nb transfers can be made between the 2515 id 5th prox.. as the béoks must *he clsaed 4 The First of the Seasou. UST RECEKIVED By EXPRESs a7 « The Queen® Restaurant. p FOR PURIFYING THE BLO0D (Incerporated by Royat Charter, Pharmaceutical Preparation Photographic Sundric#, Instrument«, Patent :l Fitting=, Dry Porfumery . 2 Ds Prugs. * Glassware DR UCG®S, &+~. AT OTTAWA. ©. w ConBMANâ€"8t. Loynoy Ry Order of the ist: T PRERtney I I Ivanced Stages . s mexey t UEsSedndt« t the ‘Déiscase. >*â€" _ Strawherry Plants can ) ) w-n to murpase any | Fadl W eqvered wellâ€"with le: Tt ie i ns "s=s | Cheerier and Phone, <1 t t 8. i« t < o P tor coughs and colds, and it= t1ily | ce, 75 cents eagh i'vomv.q rv diseage, hays made 1t ‘ofall desct :.,‘. * Mewer hi in ibient l-:.u-uz‘-.f the ©006» ) PJanpe r'|. hk MOM Y itios. or cven wl eng th I T P 3 pectonal rlrflh’menl"n‘l:'vfl“â€"" | ; Ewill guarantes all ord w thetr midst of i6« victory ofer the | ‘uml onder. 1 can send by 1 c Misorders of the thyoat aud Nung# | a hundred and fifty. of the wlb Retalrty o4 these ditarders, and | one package Aund trom #ix t P,v"- of hh remeily, we need not* i l es ‘wh n‘l‘:‘ it has now all the v.m posthas puld ‘r Weeq Thhe in ie bave Cach orders Mled in rot Teven finting (De cormnagnt 1 C. 0. D).. thrs hover mast pa Ongua®®. lad P. IW. MAMAR €. McX Al bais im Ne wrelg in M. K AÂ¥ANAGH wBicted wi tw w hok t 1 Patent Modicines | Als a igatas".. VARIETY uies‘ . _: 04, Susgt Lozenges, * Let wil lovers of thme good Chemicals, MHALL, for there 1« & stock to ‘Bl‘-'-‘n Stores, | «d elsowhete, and where you : Sumities, China Pco ACEKCY 4071 15744 " V XRIETY HALL. «. €D". Â¥r CHANGE of TIME. x SPMMER ARRAMGEMNENATS. 0’3 AND AFÂ¥ER MONXBDAY, MAY L4th, | and Thursdays Traine will loave BomavBature Station as folâ€" Baggage ('L‘ Grand Trunk Railway Company, Day xpress dor gdensb Brockville, Kl-m ronto, Ona? Godericb, alo, De ___ and all points West, a _ Intermediate Stail Trains for Lachine at Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5. Night _ do _ ‘do Accommodation Train EKxpress by Railway t \‘n:;'lv-ua.‘:w T: B0D /: 40000 pre Mss d YFor fil\q information, at h{cnun_ all traioe at Te thons, «6e t Grand Tropk 1 Ac Ex #4% pe Kuox Wikson® karly ® Hovey‘ Fall it e C. 0. 1. and | w Ottawa andPrescott Railway, Ot 44 pioces, for 84 ; 100 dozen « in nests or sizes, to suit paurchaser , Also, Furaiture, Wooden vtn. Stoves, &c. musnally low prices at the uiu‘ Walt, JOSEPH BOYDEN, g rckvitle cand Ultawa Railway 4s67, . The 3.00 1. M nd y t HUHEIL AdEN %N6.D.*®) Ni N and after FUOESDAY, the ith May, lington Railroad,.also with the Lake &‘Ntii swnnhmt: l.ut:. fih --‘le. l ouk Cw & ¢. J“.M. Tra m Island Fond and Intermediate Stations, at o wees Tor Boston ami Intermediite c:-h. connecting at St. John# with A f~ \;‘o::nl Contral Railsoad, :« joar lund, stopping over night at gees by railway throughoot fur New York, Boston, and #11 Intermediate Points, connecting at 8t, Johna with Vermont Contrad Railroad, at Prrâ€" I with th@e Rutland andâ€" Bur Railroad, .l«;‘“ Rouse‘s Point with Lake ChamplainStoamers fot Lake George, Buratorn, New P China Teoea Ksett STILL THEY COME! NQPHER | beautitul assortment of Chma, Qassware anm| Crockery is this day 17 tw Wihes S N AlLROA NS OPF CANADA M‘“j- ING 34, Sussox»st. 440 P1 A. Mam@WHEARNNX wwill 13 aoINa wWEsTt Ogdons burgh, t P M [ll AND EA PHEAPN® â€" wwilt low vders to v mb t DETLOD hoose from u the Golden with the Wi :l:v:v‘:l Ap& Y 1y ARROVAL M LIN} ® lto o€ .nranl and mmb Way Ste« /0 ami. straw» y. are I*king i ; a hundred t try Plant«, i h VARIEEY Pjangâ€"forte and Organ Instruction, 8,00» 8.13 5.30 A.M att«hurghy * t is of the o trape mag k a ble matkOu hn it N. M Wid whe a i he â€"â€" Chanrpagne Manufactured in Ottawa. $ LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH STREET "\Nb: @VPA W A RIVER NaviGATION \ 5 COoMmPANY‘s & will be e 1861, MONTREAL & OTTAW A * Freight received at the wharf of the Richehen (“--p':','. at Quebec, and forwarded daily. For ght apply to % + D. MURPHY, Ages, Canal Bain, Ottawn . anc 1 p. w This Company is now red with new and alelnlm-rmmmm-lmmr tiony between Moptreal, Ottawa and Ridean Cana!, anid intermediate Ports, with promptness and desâ€" pateb, and at low rates. f e ts order« JP Uoiiles ol every description, excepting oil bottles, wanted, And one r-a per dozen more givâ€" on than hy any othermvrt y for the same. . _ _ May Portage du Fort.‘ Stages will leave Gould‘s Whart -xwly alter -nm of Ailienc» Ator Cobden, mnecting with steamer .A« ~«//, and arriving at Pembroke same evening, > The Postic« leuves Pembtoke at 8 a. mi. OB The Pustic« louves Pembtoke at 8 a. m. OB Incedays and Friduysâ€"tor Des Joachime, calling at all intermediato.ports, returning on #ame a.&-.. leaving at 4 p.m:, comnscting at Pembroke w staapmer Jue»e tould, which leaves dallyâ€"at 5 a.m., and arriving at Portage du Fort at 10 a. m« The steamer Alf@ace leaves Portage duo Fort every morning at 130 a. m., rmwu'- Whart, Varrell‘s Whart, Bonnechere, , Sand Point and Arpprior, and -mmfiuw of Railâ€" way at 12:45, and connecting with Au» ANimo«w at Pontiac, _ Paszeugers reach Aylmer at :30 p. m, The steamer Caln=«t leaves C Ylllm Monday morninge at 10 a.m., and returning Havelock same day on ‘wrrival ot passengers from Ottawa, September 2 \ &‘4&&.â€".‘ Thutsday. For further particubage Company at Ottawn City Fgro PARTIES A8SOUT TOBUILD«= , Ajatket Steamer, / bowan,) leaves Montre |vam'~¢ ror war mxa As?« RAIL« , ; M oc way conxraxy. > e| ‘ 1807 Auscroc ie 1357\ Let the World Know Jt : “’ HHLCH ES B XCELLE NT,amc WILCH ® they cansell at83 PQR DOZEN. Amateur who haye tasted the wine, consider it a very good witicle, aud supotior to what is s«ppo«ed to be im« portec. | Motel kecpors and dealers in Wines would lo well tocall «n L.AROQUE & C0., and give them On the opening ol naÂ¥Agatior . «otil further I iwo) the -u”.-'.of Aris Névee y a will leave Ayl-u‘.\t very day, for the 1 pper Ottawa, at 8:30 a.m., con» | wctin@ with the AWiimce at head of Railroad at 2:30, touching at Avin. Fand Puoint, lllfi lonnechere, Fattell‘s Whart, Gould‘s Wharf, and. |‘.ogu‘.“'ll will d&nd . it t ivel by‘ this route, it be eapect, ns well as tb" most M Commtian â€" Champagine ! The steamer A ery m at hart, Kartell‘s W int and Arpprio y wt 13:45, anc n;.' is made a:.n, with m‘mmu ottaws Railway on the u at l:a‘fllt Mke $ sudm’n l:np.a'n.";"udn down al Sand Point at 11:20 a.m.; Arnprior at12:15 id cb NMBER A b b),... ... ALLIANCE, «««.« HHRRUOWNy cescerce NNOW RIRD,... JASON GOULL PNEEN PEA Nucerccies PEMRROK E,.... CALEMBET.... :. Oitawa and Prescelt Railtoad Eind Daly April 1. W ‘Mi.‘ uL NN 8I8 pareel h FRESIDENTâ€"Hveom MeLex»as FORWARDING COMPAXNY amer l*"fl w . C. CI.A.F:K. HERRECK. BRUSH & 0+ & Mawstr smy w it *\t“fli always melu« »‘ ;the FPare. STE.A MEIS. °_ PLAN®, sPECIFICATION® ESTIMATES, & t Mccowdre, (Capt. u“su.:d.) ved in towing 5-n'-'um. ww ® LIMITED fug Dos Jome April ked thr v Ottnanwa Houte. the fullowing hrstâ€"elass steamer» Masuit bingcrons M KINGSToN 0 NE w w t APGUSTUS® bAVER, FARb ndays excepte d L "Ret 1867 Vlike az~«~, (Capt. Peter Meâ€" “Clfl!" Br-in. Tuesdays wue t Ti hims leave Ottawa.every y at the Office of the :c"::l-c. é MArs ND K. w, SHEPHERD â€" . 4348 NO A WiNE CALLED U heir advant 4 t wieke -’:;Mv 3. B. Avu®® LAROQUE & CO Capt CASSELS i CHAMPION, trips . between 1 Internsediato Anowerect Â¥isomay Miruiamp. Toxk®: OYERNAN, Desuay, Cow verr® Buovory ~ 97 of President® 419â€"4 On 80 bhe ols «> Printing Works! its ed in THK OTTAWA TIMES.>4 ULY 4 â€" "OrTAWA TIMES" ; * HIX ENXNCELLENCY THL AbSIN & ' ToR OP THE yoOVERN MEX LINE or \/ f JX tof xeu WIIRRIGAN “h expedient that § iD tiele known a« Lock ~pindlo Ivan $ ; e manufeetyre ol Spigdles for Door Lock : 1 U N though uuouuu..-mtanv\x tlte Sct ‘Z f | the Act, 29th and. 30th Victora, Cup. ( I | and deemed to be and be included in‘t ‘Dry Goods, Or Hardware ( No Matter what vour Business 'D | Fis is the Motto of evervy Real v0, Ssparks Street, Centse Town UP ll,{l\ BEEN TRULY SAID TNAT " A'l VIL1> AFFORD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM «. A&DVERTISE. Do you want to Buy? * OW is the PL ME DE "OTPAWA TNE " roperiy to Sell PRINTERS INK 18 ONK 0+ THE !-:: . + Iwi LRADING AVENUES PTO WEALIH! ) yroy; IUDICIOUS® APPLICATION OF THE T RUSINES®S MEX IN THE THE "TIMES" ADVERITISEK! Groceries,! I8 THE MEDIUM RU‘SINESS MAN. ADVERTISE!!â€" *A 46 A IML ADVERTISE! IF YoU HAYVE IF yoll HAYE OFFICHE Crockery, smmA N TJcs TO SELL, ADVERTISE. i PUBLICL® . Glassware, | and deemed to be lliol from Custom» ; Lrom, awvith which 11 sifed. His Exceliency inâ€" Counvil on the.rocommenda« tion o the Monorable the Acting Ministar of Finâ€" i ance, and under the authority conterred by the 17th Chap, Con, Stat, Can, bas been pleased to order | and declare, and it is lereby ovdered and declaged, that square Rod Iron used in the manafactire of Spindles for Door Lock#s, shall be and the sama is hereby deciared to have been sincefthe passing ©4 ! the Act first above mentiened, etonfi from the pay» | ment of Castoms duty on importation into this Pro _ The Examination will be 0 subjectt over seventeen and u of age, . :. . + t & VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United }Q Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defonder of the Faith. To all I to whom these Presents shall come, ’ Greeting: & | Wulms.:y a Warront under Our L Royllfllfl anual, countersigned by. one "tof Our Primeipal Secretaries of State, and bearing | date at Our Courts at Buekingham Palace; the 29th day of January, 1856, in the nineteenth year of Our Reign, We did cons.itute and create a now Naval and Military Decoratien, to be styled and designated the Victoria Cross, which Decorition We expressed Our dpsire Fhould be highly prized and urv gought after by the Oficgrs and Mon of Our Naval and Iillu;( Services, and did also make, ordain, and establish the Rules,and Ordiâ€" thereijn set forth for the government ol the ;fi‘w he thenceforth. inviolably shsorved ‘and 1 : * Th*?‘lltinm resyp subsfantially the #ame distributed to the Parties desiting further inform the proposed Examination can pro ing by letter to the undersigned. â€" For the Indian Civil Service Headgâ€"of the Principai Educational Institutions * # Examination of Caydidates In Upper and Lower Canada EXAMINATION Â¥OoR THE CIVIL sERV.CE N. 1% OP 1INDLA. ; LON DO N. ENGLAN D ] Now ID.'{.. that We of our especial Grace certain know , and mere mution, have lhough( | fit hereby to signify Our Royal Will and Pleasure that the said Decoration may be conferred on such persons atoreraid, who may be qualified to receive the same in accordance with the Rules and | Ordinances made, ordained, and cstablished by Us for the government thercof, ‘by Our gaid â€"recited Warrant, and We do by these Prosonts for Us, Out Heirs and Buccessors ordain and appolot that _ Mlhon.q‘\cnl for such . poreons atoresaid to mm said Decoration in the manner set forth l in the Rules and Ordinances referred to, or in ac | eordance w ith such further Rules and : Ordinance 'u-&::n.fl"h madg‘and promalgated by Us, Oar and Successors, for the government of | the said Decoration, provided that ii be estabiished in any cu.lhl(tlu‘rnnn was serving with Our Troops, under the Orders of a SGeneral or other Officer, undor ciroumstances whigh would entitle an Officer or Soldier of Our y to bo recomâ€" . mended for the said Decoration, Tn accordance with the Rules and Ordinances prescribed in Our said recited Waurrant, and provided also »uch person | shall be recommended for it by such fleneral or ‘| other OGficer : * j i.’ou;onluh and -Emint that the said Decoration may also Be conferred, in accordanee with the l IIL and Ordinancet prescribed in Our said recited Warra:s, and Nw to the provisions aloresaid, |ucuh versons who may be qualified to receive the sata6) 1 accordance with the said Rules ard Ordin=s*~ 4,as may hereafter be employed ‘in the I Local ro ves raised, or which may be raisod in(irt» ' Solonier wnd their Dependencies, who may be callâ€" »a to strve in coâ€"operation with Our Troops ? .9 mr’ eperations which it may be necessary | wo unidertake for the suppression of llebo:k\n | against Our Authority, or for repelling invasio®hy , a foreign enemy. Jn the lst Mirch; 1868, HIN EXCELLENCY THE ADM{NI TOR OF THE GOVENINMENT IX CoUNXQIL 0. the recommendation of the Honore able the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" ferred by the 2sth Chn!-. of the Con, Statutes of Can&da, His Excelioncy in Council has been‘ pleasâ€" ed to Order, â€"and it is hereby ordered that the Bridge recently, erected over .tho River Gatineag, in the _'I‘o-u“ ip of Haull, y the Department of Public Works, be and the satoe is hereby transforâ€" nd.eo-t?d and made over to the municipality of the said Township of Hull, and that the followâ€" “M‘ of the rates of Toll be levied and col lected on the said Bridge, that is to sayâ€" For each span of horses and doublesgragon, #i I have muchpleasure in fransmitung to you a Copy of a Wartant, issued, under unugny.iysln Manual, under which the decoration ujlho Victoria Cross may be conferred on persons s¢rving in the Local Forees, which are or may hqreaftor bsraised in apy of Her Majesty‘s Coloni¢s. stbtf _ I have to instruct {'u e it A t n appear to you most likely to give publicity to this W arrant. « The Othcer Adminicic: And whereas during the progress of the operaâ€" tions which We have undertaken against the In surgent Nativetribes in our Colony of Kow Zealand, it has hmd thu.!-enm' serving in the Local Forces ‘uid Co ln:ny lhuvor[wr(urmod deeds of , in consideration of which they arc fiu‘mbuo strict provistons . of Our said Warrant, eligible for this high distinction : WARRANT jor extending thy Victoria Cross t Local Forces in Now Lealand aad in the { â€"mies, and their Dependcncion gem=oolly} And We do further foru«, Our He sore; ordain and uE-oint that the & may also Be conferred, in accord ‘YUBSDAY, MARCH 31st, For each horse, cow, or ox, two cénts. â€" For each Mmuf ca‘f, one cent. &i : 3 , : W, M. LMKE, rBtf Cletk Execnutive & For each horse and cart or VICTORIA i ?fi the Government Canada. 456td SOYERNMENT HOT Wenwesnay. 20th And following ds I have the honor to be, 8ir, â€" > Your most obedient, * Ilnm'}h Nervant," muody ALNARVON Bows Nt W lerk Â¥x WM. MeDOUGALL, iven th t haw a ,.8th Jiune. 18 pen t H gle azon, three 16.Â¥ Ntb‘ held 4 * ‘3 o nccon: TL GOV EN ME MLNXIRLEA«;â€"*â€", NC‘ xeqr.>. * IRXT .â€"‘ > _ (’.\ thhe I(ilu.lll“l'lANllliill“ 0( th Phacd the ase | able the Acting Minister t Flurar Jvun, used in | det and in virtue. of the authority give l.-\‘l.' should, l ferred by the Actâ€"29, 20 Vie., ',":F. I, Schikdutes {o letiey . tn Conncil has been pleased to 0: ip, 6 be theta | is berithy ordered that subject to the pr in tik exemp. |.tht said Act, to the eondltion-;'::.fnhm favok of j104 | trictions established and imposed by t merly he ~12«. | Council of the Zith day of September, 1 af m | such further regulations as may hereaft recommendaâ€" | by competent authority, Licenses may nistor of Finâ€" | t6 manufacture in Bond, the hnderme ed by the 17th | Heles tha is to #ay :« mecrelary ouncil â€"_ _ 1. j and beâ€"made subject 1 y | Gold Mining Act." N D [* Mig Exctiicncy in Com ; | of t e Hox. the Commiss tish bOFD 4 unuer aust‘ in virtue of e ye258 | conferred by the 2nd gee ‘ Vic. Cap. 9, lhasâ€"been t QRA®. | Aso it is immnuny Orbr® ply the 1¢, | tawa [* Mig Exctiicrnicy in Council on lhmln;umuendnlion ; o[ t be Hon. the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and | unuer aust‘ in vittue of the authority given and conferred by the 2nd gection of the Act 27 and 28 |‘vié. Cap. %, liasâ€"been therefore pleased to order, ! Axn it‘ s imnuny Orprren, that the tract of Counâ€" iry compriged within and constituting the Townships of Barrie, Clarendon, Palmerston, Miller ahd North | and outh Canonto, in the County of Frontenac, the i Townships in the ‘County of Renfrew, fituated | north of the Townships of Millet and Canonto,, the | Townships if the County of Addington, sitwate north |_of the Townships of Sheffield gnd Barrie, the Townâ€" | phq.-.'in,ll.c County o Hastings, #itwate north of the | Townships of Sidney, Thurlow and Tyendinaga, | the Towneship of Belmont, aild the Townships in | the Cqunty of Peterlorough, situate nortH of the | Township of Belmont, be and the same is hereby I declared to be a Gold Mining Divisicn for all the | purposes of the sail Act, under the name of «/?he | i Quiute Ginld Mining Ditision," Il\lll;: CANADIAN PALN DESTR.OYER HA. . now been before the public for s length ot time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to {lvo permanent relief when timely used,â€" and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are préâ€" | perly followgd ; but on the contrary, all are detightâ€" | od with its bperations, and miLmu.. highes | terms of ite»virtues and magical effects. . _ The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give | mmodtate relief. All Medicine Dealers koofi! | Physicians orderand use it ; and no family. wi | without it after onee trying : ‘Price twentyâ€"five cents per bottle. NORTHROP &â€"LYMAX, * y o Newcastle, C. W., 1 General A for C, W | _ Bei by Geo. Mortimer, John lm:u, W. M. | Massey H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in | : And whereas the #aid Thomas Bourke was, on | Lh_é 16th day ofâ€"February last past, convieted of having illicitty distilled spirits against the form of ’ the statute in such case made ln,'l provided, and a , penalty of $100 was imposed upou hi therefor | which penalty the said Thoma® Bourke has failed. PRESENT. HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMILNMSTRATOR OF THE GOVERNMENXT IX COUNCIL .wuum:,\s it has been represented to His Exâ€" celleney the Administrator Â¥ the governâ€" ment in Council through the Hon. the Commissionâ€" er of Crown Lands, that Gotd has been discoveres, and is found to exist in various |-lfln of the Townâ€" ships lioteinafter named, and whereas it is expediâ€" ent that the tract embraced in tRe said several Townhips should be brought under the operation, and bemade subject to the provisions of "The €2" lWe spoak from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are sulfering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended may depend upon i(s being a Soveâ€" reign Remedy. . a o Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Golds, Sore Throat, Spraing, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, ‘ _ Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel _ Complaints, Burns, Sealds, Frost Bites, &¢ , &e. o CAKADIAN PA qEsTRCNER Notice is ereby given that under the provisions of the Statute of 27 and 28 Vic., Cap. 3, Section 11 the said dicenso to u:z: a Brewer, granted by ! e to the said Thomas rke has, in consequence of such defanlt, become and the same is hereby deâ€" clared to be forfeited and void. ~ ROBERT DOUTGLAS, a Ciollector Tnland Revenue, y __ County of Lanark, â€" l‘\ou SALE WHOLESALE. Bakers and fawilies choico brands, fresh ground flour, direct from the mills of the west. . Am ‘rrepmd to soll wheat or corn by the car.load direct ffom the west at the lowest market rates on the spot, or to arrive, and deliverable at any station or steams baat landing in the 0“.55. district * ~o « ~ ~GEORGE DALGLISH, Agew, at Dalglish & Russell‘s, . 480.2a w â€"2m es 4 Wellingtonâ€"st ‘VI!E}VEAHQ 'l}lolb\fl BOURKE, OF W smith‘s Fall¢, i the County of Lanark, was by a license under my hand, bearing date the 11tip Of September, A.D. 1866, empowered to, act as a Brower in the said Village of Smith‘2.Falls : Dated at erth this 15th March, A.D. 1867 Anjong the most important of modern Medical D is 4 coveries stands the * [)R A YER BOOKS, English and F sench, of every kind. We call the attention of the Qadies of Ottawa _ our --gmm 5tf â€" DUVERNAY BROS. Ottawa, Feb. 5, 1867 ’.\ the rccommendation of the Honore able the Acting Minister 4f Fiwance and unâ€" c and in virtue. ol the authority given and on red by the Actâ€"29, 30 Vic., Cap. 7, His Excelâ€" ioy 11 Conneil has been |-lcuemf&-- order; and 1t herithy ordered that subject to the provisions of said Act, to We conditions, regulationâ€"and resâ€" ctions e«tablished and ilnlmsofly the Order_in uncil of the Zith day of September, 1866, anPto ‘h further regulations as may hereafter be mado competent authority, Licenses may be granted manufacture in Bond, the tnderwentioned Arâ€" les, tha is to #ay :1 Aecti Acid, 8 Butyric. Chloric Nitrou« Sulphuri Chlorofor Collodiar Iap Tandrin, â€" inssb .\"lnriu Ammonia Aromatie, t um‘\mmd Epirits of Lavender, )o do ufJIlll.lI)lr. Medicinal Tinctures of all kinds * Seotch and Irish Whiskeys, Proprictaty preparations, Patent Medicines, » Resinoids, 5& ; Chemicals, ~ > Pharmaceutical Preparations, Auline Dyes, Hair Oils, Hair Washes, Powder. L . H Bittois, Sy ru 1+ $ s + Compeund®ng of Brandies, (Giinâ€"{commonly called old Tom).uther Gin and Wanted Ammediately, ollman‘s Agody ne alapin, _ donhyll rdial VELNMENXE HOUSE, OTTAW A Flour, Wheat, Corn. NOTICE. V ELNMI LNXCA PHH Wa A. HTMSWORTH tk Executive Council War, J1. LEJ PMi; _A DMINUSTIHA OVELSMEXT* M y of Mowch ABBT 50y d w 97 ~County of Russell. â€" o REQUISITION | _ l James Kelly | Mtnry Codd * | Samtiel.Booth | Charles Billings | William Staith: | David Taylor l James Johnson, | Patrick Nolan | John Grant > | Jope slMumies I ‘Ggorge Johinstot i Sampuel Brouse Gay Kimble __ Audrew Ritchic James Nolan ~_James Johnstot John Doyle ©Adam G Johi®ton William Cavanagh _ W D Wilson llemz Evans Robert Scott _ * David Murphy ,> , Audrew Moore «John Sinix ~F H Moore David Homes Stephen Switchior ° Michael Brady, Mathew Dansey Johin Fenton . , PeterChilds . , â€" Terrance Reynold« â€"_ Matthew Talben * iienrgc Cooper Win Dansey # ‘Edward Grimes Joseph Switcher 1 Patrick Whctan Sdtuuel Huston } Richard Hall Fill MceCormick , Alexander Spratt William Holmes | M Marquie‘ Alex McHarvy < > | Menry Walsh Robert Wilson Josepl Lqmepi(t William Cosgrove Thomas 4Toc1‘ James Johnston Jolhin Sims Richard Henry | Teseme Laroy Hardy Litle | Menry Laroy Jamés Lupton "r.olu-n Hood ... Thomas Whillams Francis Maringare . John Culberty jr Michael Spéars Jobert Herdman ' James Hutton Thomas Borthwick | Philip Barnes John Cosgrove | A C Smith f Robert Henderson John Williams John Savage | Samucl Halliday * _ John Sharp | Lew?s Hal _ , Robert Farmer 4 Louis Perrault _ _ John Farmer Richard "Dagg *‘Thomas Dempsey Thomas Dashney . _ David Boyd _ . > | James M \\'illhrin-' Alexander Moote Isidore" Cuisson / Lewis Seir . . _ N Facite Philip Davis > | Michael Laflaure James Boyd . , | Donald McLaughlin Thomas Ceden Robert Liflico Miles Bacon . James‘Dempsey __" Andrew Deloy And Others. ; Feseme Laroy | Menry Laroy "l‘.olu-rt Hood £ Francis Maringare . Michael Spéars ' James Hutton | Philip Barnes | A C Smith . John Williams | Samuel Halliday * | Lew?s Hal _ , { Louis Perrault _ = Richard "Dagg â€" _ Thomas Dashney . | James M “'il“lli“ Isidore" Cuisson / N Facite | Michael Laflaure | Donald McLaughlin Robert Liflico ! James‘Dempsey _ " ‘To Dr. James Astrant, M. 5 \"\', the undersigned eléctors of the County of RussoA1 boing desirons that you should acâ€" cept of a nomination asâ€"our choice for the re presentation of this county in the Canadian S1I Samuel Lrots Ranson C Co« Richard Smit} Charles Jones Jobn Findlay: Wan Griew f Jnoâ€"8 Cameren John Chalme.= : John Orton John Quiglcy, Duncan Cameron Neil McEachermnâ€"« Henry Rinsellg ) John McGlady â€" / dohn Moffatt Wan H Bletcher Iqhn. Show . Mictiael Brinan Hugh: i[cl'llchvrn Archd MeBaghorn W M Russcll Androw Poirier, jr Alex Findlay Richard Grings Benj Watson® Jdseph Watson Alexandér Stuart flufin’a MceKerche 1PCer"Malloch Neil Malloch Robert McLaren Alr!rcw Parvey .',O)III Ml}‘lhllm A McQregor * John gtc\wm J McDonald f Gilbert Nelson, s Jonathan Watson Robert Watson Thomas Witson ° Richard Birch _‘ Thomas N Birch Alexander Loed: Joseph . KinseUn James Sullivan William Birtch Robert Lord > John Larmour Thomas Larmour James Larmaur Willian Coopei WikiiamHunter Robinson Birtch Thomas Kinsclia George McKay _ . Alcxander Larmon \"i!li;lfin Bly t 6 corge Whit: David MeBKee Jolin White Thos Mexand Sames Mexan Thoinas‘ Merr Robort Cleinu D Mels lelm*M Jas Mc Daniel Robert‘Marti Hezckiah Ma Thoma#â€"Wat Jamai . Wal ie James Ander John Grie Thomis Davi t D.. F. i. 8.. &e. t Reply. endér you our support it shoulid yon accede to John ‘Lolhn TII(N’ charl William Huston Jolm Hitchman liush Pempser‘ lohbn Farmer Willian® Mexau« Fhomas Tiemcy Michacet Tiemner William Hall , Wiliam Shaw Adam Johnson Thomas‘Heron Alexander Smith Thomas Hardy 1 Billings Poter Tomkins Robort Surtes Thomas Tubman James Blackburn tGeorge Merrick* Matthew Aird John MeLatchic Poter McDonald Edward Bannick James . Allen Archibald C New Win R Belt, M D R W Smith . . lobert Daufl Nobert Clarke Hobert Tink d obitat Patric William Cowan lames EHis« lolhn Fraser Phomas Cullen H Daze M Michael Rivington James Thornton Thomas Thoraton Bernard Clafiry lohm Richardson lohn strong Julm‘me A Andrew Poigier ti M Nelson r Ww Swain _ OX Henry MeNally Wim H Adams William Keys ; Robert Mulligau Robert Fogry . Mex Kennedy Dayid Davidson ’lu‘ww Stewart Joln Kends _ ,, James Devine,} Francis Armstrong William A‘m:;fi:ou; lames Tanuer Charles Armstrony Peter Bolton > Win Purves < / Vance Alien dobert Allen Andrew Reid Alex Reid Neil McCaul Andrew Nelson John McKenzie James Comren James Brown, «r Thomas Lee o James Spratt John 4‘ Johnston Wm Lee . John Johnston James Brown, jr Wim Shane Joseph Condeli Kennedy Johnston Thomas Moore Samud] Moore. ‘ Kohpmu Byens"â€"* bert Johnston Wardell Wilson Menty Sproule Robt Pettipicce David. Mall Audrew Ritchic James Johnston Adam G Johi®ton h'â€"cprl dali : Patrick Callaghci Michaet Callagher Ben® Piper William Britt Indrew Tang*taf D s P Bucke U Irvin: McT:iroy McDonald s Ceffmot! 100 Now bray , The undersigned Electors «i the Cay u4 Otig, Invite you to offef yoursel{ as a « A!Dlln‘ FOR ITS REPRESEXTATIO® 13 T County | FiRsT conmMxoxs or tim: Douing n14 a~. |OF CANADA, and pledge themsetces o. 2 Edwd. McGillivray, support by their votes, infue thoms. 6 t wl'nl rclerence to the «Oircular Dew â€"patch from this Department datéd the # of June, 1866, relativg to the scase of Formgues naturalized in any of her MajestiR: Colonies wh wish to obtain British Passports" for foreign travd â€"I have The honor to Inforin you that diferes SIR,â€" From my exserience in e and long resilence among trust, be considered prew: that 1 havé a deen inter advancenient of this secti lzy claim to m thorough* with its trad, its wants, mode of theirbest develoit casesbave occurred tately in which sath nuture ized Foreigners have applied, in this untry 4 Passports without, possession cither « Passport from the Governir or of any Official Re ment from the Colony l%‘-flhl. their #henti character. "You will readily perseive thatth is ¢ ed to embmrass this Department, a }lfl: to much private inconveniense to t persons concerned if they should find themsels unable to produde_ any suficient evidence of th quality, * x+ & 1 have therefore to suggest that, in everyC containing naturalized ;swn who are to travel ‘in Europe, it would be convemient notice should from time to time be given in prbk newspapers of the necessity tor such lfl“:j viding themselves before leaving the Colmy n sbme official evidence of their identity and seription. fi espsiiie. 6 k Dovid M GENTLEME:,â€" Ottawa, Mare 1 Rigned, BUCK J The Officer Administering the Governinent, ke., &e., &e. UISs EXCELLENCY *THE GoVERNONâ€"GENR : L TX coprcm.. / _ . on e ib it i ind under and in 'h'ruf the eightyGid of the twentyâ€"eighth Chapter Consolidated Statate of Canada, His Excellency. in Council has b#e pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that 4h following tolls be imposed, levied and ésllected « saw logs and timber passing down the slidet Fanney‘s Falis, Middle Falls and Bealy‘s Folk the works of the River Trerit, that is to «aÂ¥y; @ cent per saw log of thirteen feet in length, s proportionate sum on plieces of greater p.nil“o'l‘d‘z»f the above imentioned respectively. : Afd tnat the above toll o ont per saw log be bollested and paid for each slide on all such shw log», and & one dollar® crib on all such cribs of «quare timber as M# pasted down the River Trent from the beginnin the present season of navigation: . , ; Ottawa Desember 2 It. cieanses the breathing apparatus, by MO®P" ing from the »mir.cells the eo:r:bk 1ympb, 4 that secretion which in heaves clogs them» ul a difficu‘ty in breathing, and by "its &ction 08 * diseased part, causing the mucous membramt / rosume its natural dimensions, thus equalizidf Cirealation of the blood, and restoring the disk95" vessels to their natural size ; by its â€"uso the BM ;rufiw is, improved, atl dérangeiments .‘.. gestive organs corrected, softening l:;::'_- giving to the cout a sigek and shining APP®N ; Tas Orfawa Tnas.â€"Printed and@Publi ment of our Gunty sener: to all that wil cont rabftte vrising Cityt and that gres identified wth the proge Oftawa valey> c a m ysell M orvall other preparations for the cure 0f Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all dit which affect the Wind of Horee» ; also, as a ( im Medicine, suppassing everything of Abse iaouyl:"fln.,uumaue. and safe in all and at all times, and does not prevent the frowm being worked whileusing i. _‘ , _ Oftawa, March Al IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, D0 | . BLE and Tandem _ * Silver Mounted Harnesses. l To be seen at the S xhle of * p. W. HURD, Successor to Heso & Co Lane, Now York, Sote ‘Proprictor.for .‘;__ DARLEY‘S Arabian Heave Remed 11 41 a Coungilheld in the City.of Montreal in urday, the 8th <zy of December, 1866 Phave wack pleasure in a ion, so respectably and nu s NORTHROP & LYMAN, _° < » Newcasnts, CW~ * * Proprittors for the Can ut PwCr mw\? “c;nn- w ‘-.L . m:‘u;h_v, apd J. Sikinn® Sh every morning, (»UNUT) tho."m- Steam Printing Sparkeâ€"st, in the City 0 AND CONDITION MEDiNINE s POSITIVELY sUPERton® 10 iX (W To 4 $0t TY REPRESENTATI: REQUISTTIOQX ith Rejercuce «o + la J HARNESS FOR SALE. PROVINGE ©} MA ROVINCIAL SpoRr®tany‘s Ob JAMLES ShEAD, J. F. BRONsoXx, HENRY MeCORA1 J08SEPH AUMO\; «AMES GOODW 1 \ BOX ALD Dov , AVID MooRY, . And athers I have the honor to 1 # flflr ; Ns s, 16et REPLY. BUCKINGHA) PREBENT W . A. HEMSWORTH, _ ® Asst C. KÂ¥ our un W M. MeDOUG AlA4 (Sundays Ollh wa ty M K. 4 M. CAMERON Hut ot Ottews MOGIILAAVi Desseret Strets +/ 3144 306| Works, Myir pred (Comtiy AQ Tri { UOttatua i»blished ‘in the * imily over . #,000 zaking a toral clrc 18x,000 I this «cats "t. Chancery, "Con patentRight Solieg crmer: Post Othe . AUVGUS ‘rcuufl'r. .\'ngiv'flnr‘i. wee : Op write Zuons l.wly.ufi uitawa, March tot ty it 8B‘ * Qurice : Jn the J#paary 21, 1866 “l . RI®FHLL c«.m{ ancor Orrics : In the q * _ Womuer Lk B0 ww a l-n.hnvyj 1 in X®# Chancory, & Qrrice : Aumon Atawa , Jan. 12, 1 rown Attorney, anid Mussoll, . _ > i% A ht in Te d Notary Publi subseqwent ansert early advertisers beral allowance n ttly subsctintfion f tD + apA in w in LAPLEIIE pOLlNLE ‘ Chancery, Com ner of Russek and it awa., Pebruary| Jandary. 1 gubmowe : Mbull mm NOF., W orkgctat oi idays of every we . CoLmax. s * M ASkL »(!"I'fl 4 l&? a* tu t P Quaiont Mo Kigin Ntrocts, Ottawa., Dee. 1®, _"ll Y®LCIA Clarence K UD BP Mimcit 1D"* Sur wuary 7, 186 U Harees bmgen amto; Juhn wll Ottaw a., Febri LO8S TTOR NEX TPORNXEY»~ Chancery, Comt l,ll'.l(‘ll Office : 1 wWIIAA 4 NY , Cns .Vlfl(‘lfi oÂ¥ ment, 25 id May 30 Uitaw a, Nove COLMA DVOCA TPE® DJt I’ll‘l"ll'l'. tral Ottaw Oitawa, Janu »VoOCATE (Keoi e M G EC AR W Chancsery, Con 6e : Rlgin Sure rxaxoes Ros® Strodt, aned to m Tament -.4 entrust dim. * a sund for the‘ d . _ Clarence St March 14, .. . aB6p WA AIUSI uitawa, J AP". mf Kesidence, N# P TORXEX A B RISTE M and Accou urrice: In 1 x othce at nigh A t 00 00 C Solei A NOR 8 NC braumry 7, 18 A 40 104 8 0P 5 * W , W OUore, i 1P A BtiGs ED AHt mber 28, 180 Caxores Co EXTI®T, PMLY A C. w tel. Ww n B OR ® nysit« Oitawa. Â¥ > 1M )1 14 râ€"imâ€"€ r Mr. Di Df D 1»

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