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Ottawa Times (1865), 31 Aug 1867, p. 4

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tawa, C. W buisccdlip~~ uns Pn > L 0d NE SHF neae trophy t€ its victory over the .u'flnâ€"mfi. thro-h’nd l:n'p 14 all know the of these disorders, and p.q--.m-ummvu-q.mmm ¢> more thas to awuce Liew MI‘:’- now all the vir lues that it did have ub:t making ‘Mnbfth bave Seen uin e C TAE spous I â€"---wq»‘m-u-d..m. Prevared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO. Lowell, Mase. Sold byGeorge Mortimer, Jokn Roberts, W. M Quarter Sessions of the Recorier‘s C 7:3 O & At the hour of eleven of the clock, in the torenoon of which all City Coroners, Justices of the Poase, Constables, Jarors, the Sheriff of Carleton, and all others in any wisoconcerned, are heroby required to take notice and govern thems¢ives accordingly. * RODERICK Ross, High Baili{. OR THE RAPID CURE or 443f % *% Rochester, N.Y. hse, Colds, Infuenza m W | $ ~+ uon cce vrvemmenenenerms semtenoestrmmenn ocm‘ fememmmmmzony ‘"‘\reup, -...::l‘b.'.l'u‘."’.l.:i.:rc..::- it ~+. j "‘J"oâ€"-"’g:. Patients | Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa. t esakans r t == f remedy so usiverally known ts surpes iny | LAROOUE & Co, CHURCH STREET :‘&-:&1&! L‘n:”r‘\‘;‘hlu:muu::’c l N « .fl: -&-«0“ M:Mu:"“:; | ARE NOW MAXUPACTURING A WIXE CALLED jarâ€" fi-m"‘:«"..‘.‘:..‘f _ Canadian . Champagne ! few are or exen h-ll»:aw them Slects ICHIS EXCELLENT, and WHICH To in aiaaay Ne tale Withiof is tistoy ores the * UV ty serrch oo PER DOLKE: Anblea CITY OF OTTAW A, To Wit. ° Will be holden ia the Coun‘y ‘ail) in said city. on Burgovns, Burbridgoes and Squire, * _ Cournua®â€"8r., Loxnox. 12y | HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE, W“I‘A!,l Manufacturers of Bed= _steads, Chairs, &c., Chaudiore Island,"0tâ€" ll\o PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILD=â€"= Rast End Dalyâ€"st., Ottawa April 1. _ Nigh Baili‘s Ofice Monday, the second day of Septemâ€" â€" ber next, made was worth trying. he. t y to make a new man of me. I fel youug agaio. The h“-bfld,â€"huflf’:mgrum‘ Tumors, Enlargement, "Wreceratioms Darke nad Hatelltiion of the Bones, #% A great variety of cases have been reported to us w here wres of these formidable couplaints have resaited from ~-n-4“~ly.\u-nrobn'ulmu!mn nows Bome of them may be foand in our American timames, which the agents below onmed are pleased to apwinh gratie to alb who call for theny. w Heart Di , Fits, Epilc * * Tas Milancaiely, Rewestgen "**** Loucorrhoa u'\lb;.murh- Tamor, Urerlime Ulccration, male Discases. In 3. 6. 8. Chanping, of K‘;v: York ('i;y. weiltae ; hl: mt chesrially comply with of your agent ewin@1 have fund your Mm‘:mn«nrn »Mevatite in the numerous complaints for which wo ; emevering u«o of our Sarsapariiia, and also a dangerous MaNqnent Birysipel@® by InrcecJows of the sntie; »hY® he ecves the conmmmon Pruptions by it cogtan‘\y. Hronchocele, Goitre or Swelied Nook, Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, " 8t Anthony‘s Fire. Kore 0s r-lrlq.. Tetter a«d Salt Rhetwm ald llead, Hing worm, Sore Eyes, e y » « «ach a hurchil Pemale Insetser ;t’ "fi‘. l-h*&l-uylmmr- p-:m_qn.-u‘:u-m the counâ€" yiaint wes coused by wlceration of the ntarus, The uirerâ€" wleo lt r‘:u.:*l:&n-m my knowl= oly= aquale nte." ’dtull.hir.lm,v. AEnlm."A:hn- sromm ouarniam eme of the femaisi1i my funily, iieh had defted remedica we coul+ employ, has 7 longit been enred by your Extraci of Sarâ€" guntlite. Our physician thought nothing but extirpaâ€" m cubd afford reliof, bat hw&olfldd)u«r 'w-mnw entting, sod it ved effectual. . After *tv remedy eight weeks g armptom of the diseaa rema y By philtes and "Mercuriat Dis¢aze. in sc w New Onusau®, t6th Auenst, 160. _____ BÂ¥ McCarthy and . Skinper in Oftaws. fobrgary 2th, 1867 mt s \ocf.llolu'o.-fll,y?br C ' Rel pe the spoely ce« o% the Pollowing complaints : «rofule and Prrofulans« Affections,such as Fumec», Cicers, sores, Cruptions, Phiopics, i‘ustules, litotohes, Beils, Wlaius, wud ail suin Discases. â€" souy from no thor cause than de Liver. beloved pastor, the Rov. Â¥y. F to try Eassaparilia, because ho said i 1. you made was worth trylng. _ C“ it has cured me, and has so purit Jn mualsa ssm mnan af n Y esd culll sn CA X OVE __© Sarsaparilla Many vemarkable cares of there aflections h*s wde by the alterative power of this medwine. . 1t we the vital functions b:-"-r-u- action, w corcomes disankars which be supposed bey seeb. . Bach & remedy has long been regquired by ««lties of the people, and we are contident that t! » for them all that medicine can do. ugl-l--.i«.' lp of his mouth. Your Sarespariia, steadily takon, ured him in"Ave.weeks. Apother was sttacked by secâ€" «dary symptoms in his nose, and the vlcomtion hud umuq.c-u-lbwdl&-lmlhlmulh â€" soon Mill biws. But it surdet would reach his besiu and Lill b u.::m of your Enpmapartiia; the "m -dh::fllqd:uu wnl;ui.:‘nmm no defiguration to faee, A woman w ul been J wtod for the sume distrder by mercury wes sufering nh-:â€"hlnh‘ had become so senâ€" ve to W .‘qzmmn- ‘-Nh pwin in and She, too, was ~ad eniirely <by careepatilia in a fow woeks. T . ow froum hl'xvm our t gare me, that & is Preparation from ycorh‘w'u;-u- be a gremt wmedy ?fi. these truly remarkable vesuits “IhlL- surprised mo. * t-nii-b‘ "ifi"x‘fi‘fi?t‘giion acked. T thisk it a wonderful Inc. Julss Y‘m# Bt. Lonis, writes: * r“ years with fection of th City of Ottawa, Ottawa, Aug. 8, 1857 thenmatiom, Gout, Liver Complaint. Innereso®3cr, Proston Co., Va.. Cih July, 1850. ’u:.c. Arem: Sir, I have been atficted with a painâ€" chronie Ahewmatiem for a long time, which bailic.\ the inl-t physiciins, and stuck to me io spito of all the in illa. One | nedies 1 could 8ad, antil I tried your Eara 0 Glacsware, Nedicine Chests, bed to polibva , Suvex" y Du. J. C. Atze : #iz, 1 choorfally comply with the reâ€" nam-an:bymu::onbrkm mve H-nnn-t-kli«.hum-rdo{lbm.- -nk-‘bihm.-nhauhntmnn f nmie. Te of y pntiente 10e Capiaiitee us wic (gour.. e ditic ulcore hie throat, which v_g:’e-_h:_lbmm and the tie cured me in two weeks,and restored miuy general Prepared by FOR PUCRI®YIKG THE BL00D. DRUGS, ik&6. 20th Aogust, 1867 Drags, Fraternally yours, _ G. V. LARINER, M. D. which threateped to term u Sluan of Prospect, Texas, writes : © Thre rur serssparilla cured me from a Ga‘reâ€" Bimg on the neck, which I had suftered Recorder‘s Court. Pharmaceatical Preparatic onoanile Ssuuuries, ~* C NOTICE is hereby given that bealth. Ltried every thing. and ov re me ; and 1 have been A brokenâ€"d PLANS, SPECIFICATION®, ESTIMATES, &¢ Proble writes from Sa AUGOUSTU® LAVER, WILLIAM HOLG ATE, JOHN OLIVER, WILLIAM ANXNABLE A L4 Patent Medicizes Drysaltories, Dye Goods, to fa Aecuttzor betve 1 was J. FREAM. «ily, by 3976 ALLE Y #o, (-"J ; ’.s...:.‘l_.s )A t ied | W | who have tasted the wine, consider it a‘ very good | article, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" Express by Kailway throughout for New York, Boston, and all Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with * Vermont Centrel Railroad, at Burâ€" *‘ lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Lake H Champlain Steamboats for Lake s:m-l.' Hotel keepers and dealers in Wines would “:.u tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them T3. @" Bottles of every description, excepting oil bottles, wanted, and one penny per dozen more girâ€" en than by any otherpa y for the same. â€"__> Ottawa, Beptember I will guarantee all orders to be. delivered in good order, â€" I can send by mail from a bundred to a hundred and fifty of the &nwhrayl’hm.h une package, and from six to twelve Grape Vines, postkge pabd, |_ 1~ Cc NP POIEN OO PA n :“ c“}).. he bu w 3 d.rp.. . 0. D., t must pay express and I will pay l‘:ea!hes:'. + 3. B. CLINKE * : > 4 #* A. M.«â€"â€"TRAINS will leave 5 ® -‘5 Eandpoint daily at 5145 a.m., and 2100 p, m., arriving at Brockvilie at 12:00 p. m., and S:13 p. m. i ~The 7:30 a m, Train from Brockville connects at Sandpoint with U. F. Coy‘s Steamers for Porta du Fort, Pembroke, &c., and the Train from s.Jf point at 2:00 p.m., leaves after Steamers are due int at 2:00 p.m., IOATCS Al :;a Ottawa and Pem vroke. _ All trains -i:;-ih’un connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to Rad from Perth. ce, 75 cents each. Evergreens, Roses and Shrubs of all descriptions. General assortment of House Brockville and Uttawa Railway, A. M.«e«TRAINS will leave 7:30 Brockville daily at 7.30 a.m, and 3145 p. m., arriving at Sandpoint at 1:10.p. m., and 9:25.p.m. Brockville, June 21 CHANGE of TIME. Oftawa and Prescott Railway, From Prescott, 7.00 a. m. _ At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m. « «. 2:45 p.m. «_ . 5:20 pim. From Ottawa, 7:00 a m. At Prescott 9.35 a.m. ‘u «_ 1:30 pam. * . * _ 400 pm. The time of these Trains has h-onrr;ru to ensure connection with night and day ns on Grand Trunk, east and west. Copied from the Southern Ruralist, at Amil 1 i ts printed mity Tnxz Gorp«x Quzx ;Innnlv.â€"hm who do-lntonln:n mt;( ‘lâ€"“-‘. size and Strawâ€" berry flavor, w ust w they are looking for in the Golden Queen. Jupp, of the Americar Agriculturist, printed in New York, says: * It is -nru-blo‘nvlnfry. and one of the best varie» ties yet raised, either for home use or for the marâ€" ket," and until cccular demonstration proves to the contrary, we are bound to believe it. % per dos. _ per 100. per 1000 Gotden Queen...............$1 00 $5 00 330 * Peach and Apple Trees, 30 cents eact cu_niuudl’m-, , $1 to $2 each ; Oraz Gotden Queen......... Greor, Prolific........ Great Agriculturist. _ Â¥ork, Boston, and all Intermediate .. Points, «â€"oed.ngnu:mu with Vermont Central at Burâ€" lington with the Ratiand and Burâ€" ll';:&on Railroad, also at Rouse‘s L:k“: Goorge, Saratoga, N for ow YOTK, #0â€"; th..cccccimmmmasmnonsacecces 00 â€"PMe Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, . Riviere du ls-p ud.l;lcnhni. at...10.10 P.M. yat~ ars on all Night Trains, Baggage checked &m:g. Knox‘s Jucunds .,...... ... 1 00 4 00 25 ‘l‘no:xbl& Gand........ 50â€" 2 00 14 Wilson‘s Albany........... ©50 2 00 16 Early Scariet............... _ 50 2 00 15 Hovey‘s M:“....« 50 2 00 15 Strawberry Plants can be set untillate in the Fall if covered well with leaves or straw. _ N. B.â€"These 1rans run on Montreal Tume. _A Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway. . George, Saratoga, New York, ko« ke. Accommodation Train for lsland Pond _ and Intermediate Stations, at............ For further information, and time of arrival and departure of all trains at Termini and ':I Staâ€" tions, see the Grand Truok Railway Book of Time Tables.: C. J. BRYDGES, R Returns tickets to Preseott, Kemptville and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principal staâ€" tions on the line. * T. 8. DETLOR, Istawa, May 7 lows J. B. Cuix® offers to the public a rem Strawberry, T® Gocpux Quzeex. It is of a fu} bright searlet color; of high flavor, and enorâ€" mously p‘dnâ€"-.{ berries measuring six inches in ciroumference. It ripens fifteen days after the Wilson, n‘nldlruu most nluxblo un‘h‘: berry for family use or marketing. I picked berries of the Golden Queen as late as the 17th of July , on the stand, -li' five onuâ€"u.nfm l e r.h.n-v:nldlh d MM." '::8;- Rochester are setting a bed of the Golden Queen on purpose to mix the berries with the Wilsonâ€" xhey"«fmlnhmun-mprqur!fu the Wilson by doing so. S Grand Trunk Railway Company SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. _ Points, connecting at Et. Johns with Mail for ‘;’.onhnl, no"u.h u,:';l or over IHlnhtd PONEpccccoarclertseseetitovommctses Express by railway throughout for New GRAPES & STRAWBERRIES, ulhum'nlh'h'cknluhm Every order of $5, vmuiflahmdm (Ielh“ro-. For an érder of $1 mflu: Vine ”gl-m;udnuhwnl amount over $10.. Â¥ 35 uen P Queen and Green Prolific are the two best berries in cultivation. The Golden Queen sells in our market for four shillings per quart where the Wilâ€" May 26. _ Every person should set out largely of the Green ProliGic. ‘The berry is nearly as large as the Golâ€" den Queen, very carly, tender and sweet, It is reâ€" as follows "*" wisliceine, Ichagton Boigymente" ronto, Oflm Brantford . Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicagt , and all pOiMtS WOBt, A.......cssceccceces Night _ do _ d0 _ Mb......otussmmanmes Accommodation Train for Kingston and Express for Boston and Intermediate Prolific for less than twentyâ€"five cents, when the Wilson brought twelve cents. Many in ocusimes mo sowing a bio af tho gorden unice _ Intermediate Stations, at............... 9.40 A.M. Trains for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 Peach and Apple Trees, 30 cents each ; Pears, _ Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 r’.’& ., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs igh to Plattsburgh GOING SOUTH AND EAST. sUMMER ARRANGEMENT N and after TUESDAY, the 7th May, 1867, and until further notice trains will run N AND AFTER MONDAY. MAY 14t8, REAT ‘Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as folâ€" DEPARTURE Commencing 1st July, 1867 LEAVE BROCKVILLH Fruit and Ornamental Trees OF CANADA. RAILROA Ds. LEAYVE SANDPOINT 20 GOoIXG wWEST. H ABBOTT, f Manager for Toustce 412y No. 8 Howellâ€"st., ~, _ Rochester, N.Y to LARONUE & Co. offered to those Sureartexp®yt 1â€"y 5.30 A.M. 935 > May 4. 8.00 A.M. 8.15 P.M. 6.45 A.M. 8.30 A.M. 2.00 P.M. Im'm. of M Teacher of Orgap, Piano, Voice and hu.-y A‘ lr; -Ohu‘l. Teacher of Dnvh(a:.; Painting. : Rooms “ Residence, P.fl.-“., td joining Desbarats‘ Biook. eagraee "4s Pianoâ€"korte and Organ instrubticn Silver Mounted Harnesses, To be seen atâ€"the Sable of Ottaws Desember 2 And hopes by strict attention to business to have & continuance of the patronage so liberally bestow od on him before. Ottawa, Septemb _ 15 230y IS AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTU®NE all descriptions ot Carrilages, Sleighs, &c. _ The steamer Calumet leaves Havelock on Pucsâ€" days and Saturdays at 6 a.m. ; returning, leaves Chapeaun Village on Mondays and Fridays at 2 Ottawa ¢Iq. Aug. 26, 1867 AI IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, Dot BLE and Tandem The m:‘l:lmia-u lun‘: Pon“"o du J'-»n I-w a. m., railway time, touch i n mu’o harf, Farrell‘s Wharf, Bonmb--e‘. Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriviny at head of Railway at 12:45, and‘ connecting with Ann Sizeon at Pontine at noon. . Passengers resch amuitsm . _ . â€"â€" _ * _ _ _ A conmection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up tflg at Sand Polat 1 p.m.; and on thedown trip at Sand Point nt 9 l‘tnqwi for Des Joachims leave Ottawa every F. rnla-l.’ M-"Iy {c tae.Office of or ars eâ€"Office of the Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer. $ : R 8. CASSELS, â€" du Fort, arriving at 2 p. m. Stages vill mw. Whart \n;‘odluof{ after arrival :;l Alliance tor Cobden, conpecting with steamer J« >n Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. The Pontiae leaves Pembroke at noon on . Tusâ€" days, Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachims, ufih‘ at all intermediate ports, nhrnlng Mon» days, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving at 6 a. :., connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jaron Gow!/, 'hfl luv!o Mhl:k_o Landing at 1 p. m., rad 1867, arriving at hun du Fort same evening The steamer iance. leaves Pornn.‘: 8P Passengers will find it to their advantage to travel by this route, it being the quickest an cheapest, as well as the most comfortable Meals and State Roowms always included i | Mess um p y â€" ie peg, 0 ~ On and after SEPTEMBER 1st \antil turther noâ€" tice) the steamer Ann Sison will leave Aylmor day, for the Upper Ottawa,at 7 a. m., conâ€" __m‘!yh the Ailiance at head of Railroad at 11, touching at Anwlor. Band Point, Brist Bonnechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s W harf, a Have vommenced their regu Montreal and Hamilton, calling Ports, comnecting with the : Both ways, daily, Mondays excepted Fast Sailing Mail Steamer Quem Viceric, (Capâ€" tain Bo'h.) leaves Ottawa Qnil‘y (Sunday s e?\- cepted) at 6:30 a.m., for Grenville and intermeâ€" diate Jandings, connecting with the C. & Grenvilie Railway, and at Carilion with Steamor /rinc ~/ Wales, â€" Passengers artive in Montreal at 4:i> p.». 117 mc 1367 N.B.â€"Through and Return Ticket ained at reduced rates from . Returntickets to Montreal..................$6 00 each. WIAE OMMSS......,...cccossmmncsrrerervcestiveces 3 89 B600UU 40 ..............«csssssscsscccccsccs3..+, 2 00 Market Steamer Dagmar, &Clp&. Peter Moâ€" (:::nl.) leaves Montreal, Canal Basin, Tugsdays 8. epprgy phaskes infough. _ > imer Prince of Wales, (Captain H. W. Shepâ€" herd,) leaves Lachine on arrival of the 7 a.m. tra in from Montreal, connecting at Carilion with C. &â€"G. Railway, and at Grenville with Steamer Queen Vistoria, arriviog at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m. The comfort and economy of this line is unsurâ€" passed, while the route passes through one of the “&‘I&rflt‘n districts in Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists. | Parties desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets from Uttawa to Grenville, valid far wve day, ataingle fanie r _ _ | ~ <== .‘ > The Bteamer Alexandra, (Capt. M. Shepherd,) will ln.-nloy'd in towing rafts betwegen Ottawa and Grenville. : A R. W. SHEPHERD. May 14. 4348 MONTREAL & OTTUTAW This Company is ln"pnpand with new aod ‘ehdm%d reight of cvery descripâ€" tion between M Orawa and Rideau Canal, and intermediate Ports, with promptness and dosâ€" patcb, and at low rates. Freight received at the wharf of the Richelieu Company, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. For freight apply to _________ _ CHANGE of TIME. 1807. Appppeieaatit 1 1807. #rill be landed at L‘Orignal Parcel .:ro- daily from Ottawa ts and intermediate lmdfip. & â€" .; Commenâ€"st., Canal Basin, Montreal May 7. o 42 ISA AC BONNER, Agent, 1861. The magnificent steamers comprisia Upper Ottawa Routc. Consisting of the following firstâ€"cluss steamer» ANN SISSON,................Capt. BOCKUS, BMER ALD,ussccverssesseecee * TEICH, ALLIANCE, sesssscsnssessevcece * FIXDLAY ORBEQON, .:cnssevsessesssecss.s * WILLIARD, SNOW BLRD,.................. * ‘ToNERm JASON GOULD............... * OVERMAN, POMIA('E..................... «. Dusgoas, PEMBROK £,.................. .** _ COUNRETT®, CALUMET.....c. sscccrscceccce (** BLONDHN NANADIAN INLAND sTEAN Navi« GATIUN COMPAXNY « Passengers for the Celebrated Caledon May 14 ARTAN ROYAL MATL THRoI! NIONX RPORWARDING AND RAIL« wAYy COMPANy. HE OTTAWA RIYVER NAVIGATION COMPANY*$ EW FREIGIHT LINE TO OTTAWA AND THE RIDEAU CANAL. +448 Ottawa and Prescott Railroad. DIRECTORS: W. MCNato#to®,........J, B. Avare HARNESS FOR SAuE. | Banlk, St., Ottawa, W. C. CLARX, L:MITE?D. PRESIDENTâ€"Hven McLaxyas FORWARDING COMPAN) IJ. CGMILITEI, â€" AL flc FACTORY RECLA N NERRICK, BRUSH «& cCO STEA MERS. PASSPORT D. MURPHY, Agent KINXGSTON FARES MAGNET Canal Basin, Otaws M. CAMERON, Capt. Bockus. * Lercn, * Fixpray ) Micitako. .++ ‘Toxe®. ._" _ Overna®. . _"*. Dusoas, .. ** _ Couyretrs 08 BuoCDIN Besserer Stroe 314f THE OTTAWA TIMES AUGUST 314, i8#o7. 20y LAMPION President* 410â€"« Agents a Dpril hetweer rmediats Montre al NJ 1 he L807 1861. at l, 1‘ His Excellency the Governor=General, sB¥‘ ANm« {._ Ist. That the collector or other officer of Cusâ€" toms of any \\’uehom!nf Port in the Provinces of (Quebee or Ontazio beretofore constituting the Proâ€" | vinee of Canada, may deliver without pay ment of duty, to the Importer of any Maize orother grainâ€" ftom which flour or meal can be manufactured, on proper entry being ml\:e of the same, any quantity of such Maize or other grain for the purpose of drylngh. grinding and packingun such place and on such premises as shall be particularly described by such importer or owner. i The Custom Lepartment Nrill receive his Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoos. , that 1 :fimnu Inthe city for the carriage of all descriptions o goods and monles, &c., at reasonable rates. Goods called for onleaving notice at the offices of the Tlll public are informed that owing to M the increased demand for the quick dispatch Merchandise and Parcels To and from Montreal, the. above Company have been induced to open an OTTAW A to MONTREAL The Ottawa River Navigation Co. Boot and lShoe Store ' As per schedule A., n«t having undergone an: g_oup:f fermentation, but a :‘m«d oo-y-’url':-( EXPRE SS AG EN BBABIRG Date the Seventh Instant, has been pleased to order and direct that the article now imported and labelled Duty of $1.20 per Gallon ended to. WIIIRIAI b; an Act passed in the Session of the Parliament of the late Proâ€" vince of Canada, holden on the 29th and 30th years of her Mojesty‘s reign, intituled : .« An Act to amend the Acts lfl]‘&fifinf duties of Excise and to alter the du!‘y\ thereby imposed on Epirits," it is among other things enacted (See. 9). " The Governor in Council may in his discretion authorize the manufacture in bond of such dutiable goods as he may from time to time see fit to desigâ€" nate, in the: manufacture or production whereof spirits or.other articles subject to dutics of Cusâ€" tums or Excise are used, by persons licensed to that eflect, und subject tothe provisions hereinaiter made, and to the regulations to be made by the Governor in Council in that behalf, and: the goods so manufactured in bonds shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in this Province, be subject to duties ‘of Excise equal tothe duties of Customs to which they would then be subject if irmported from British or l"mllr‘: markets, and entered for consumption in this Province," & lis Excellency the Governorâ€"General in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minâ€" ister of Fingnce, and under and in virtue of the auâ€" thority given and conferred by the said Act, bas been pleased to make and prescribe the following regulations, vizâ€" A » * the said premises withcut due entry as aforesaid, either for consumption as aforesaid, for removal or exportation and payment of all Customs duties legally due on the flour, meal and «ther products into which the said maize and other grain shall have been manufactured, as the case may. bo, allowâ€" ance having first been made of five per cent on the said flour or meal for shrinkage in those cases in which the corn or other grain has been kilndried beâ€" fore granding. * to the Collector of Customs aforesaid fer the use of Her Majesty, and the said importer or owner shall, before he can obtain the doliur{e:foreuid. further enter into and execute to the collector for the use of Her Majesty as aforesaid, a general bond, the s a d importe r or owner in the penal sum of one thou an five hundred dollars, and two approved suretiess in the su mof three hundred and seventy five dollars éach, «onditioned that nt no period shall the quanâ€" Aity of maize or other grain, or the &mduet thereof, in the said building or premises be less than the Order in Council, 2nd. That such bmidings used for dry ing, grindâ€" ing and packing of Maize or other grain and the premises thereto belonging, with ‘the deseription to be gi'.nd lbicmm n‘nd?l‘-,rau‘lld, -h:ll, for the of drying, grinding and packing Maize l‘”‘nfl o(ho.rdgniu under the above ’I:untioged Act, be doemed and considered a®Wovernment Bonded Warchouse, and that none of the: Maize or other grain, so brought into the said dryiuj. grinding and rukh‘ building or upon the said premises, shall be remeved therefrom without a ‘flmpor exâ€" warehouse entry, and due payment of all duties on the same, if intended for home consumption with» in the said Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, or yither of them, or upon due entry thereof for reâ€" moval or exportation under the usual bonds ; nor shall any flour, meal or other gr.oduou from the maize, or other grain aforesaid, be removed from 3.â€"That before the importer or. owner of any nniu“.::’ o&or grain llor:uid :‘;o: th; I“i"" e , grindingand packing, be entitled to mlln the delivery thcno}.‘ either cxâ€"ship upon their importation to the Provinces of Quebec and On:lurio, or o‘lltrl;'or of tlnn.‘ to mnrriid iml:elddi- stely to the drying, grinding ackin ildâ€" ings and pnn!ul:“dmuid. or out gl‘ any t‘umml W arehouse, in which the same may be whrehoused, he shall avo bond with two sufficient sureties to the s <f the collector of Customs at the port where such maize or other suin are imported or warehoused, in & r.‘lty of double the amount of duties mtbie on the same, with the that the whole amount ofthe duties so payable upon the quantities of maize and other grain so delivered upon Arrl‘v;l oruto‘l;.s;ohmo ldl lfo;euld h;tl:. h‘hf , ground and packed in [:..5 shall, within six months from the a of the bond to be so entered into, beé well and truly paid 72. AND CLASSIFIED, ASs A CORDIAL, And liable to the t quantity on which the bond or bonds for duties hm“. mentioned, shall be outstanding and unpa NOTICE IS UEREBY GLYVEN THAT Ottawa, May 8, 1867 CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, â€" NC. 10, YORK STREET, . ”"{j Ar Next door to the Market Drug Store. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE ; to inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" | habitants warrounding:counâ€" | that he has op ?mnm,-md.‘, g re he is to them with a supeâ€" | I8 GINGÂ¥R wINE LN Co T NCIL. By Command, _ | * TIfOS. WORTHINGTON, Should be, and is hereby considered Asst, Commissioner of Customs and Exeiso. AT THE CAPITAL LX PRESS. HERRICK, BRUSH & CO. Orrawa, August 8, 1867. â€"â€"ViAâ€" GROoRGR MURPRHY. or bonds for duties August 1, 1867 ~__ NOW is the UTILIME THB "OTTAWA TMES * This is the Motto of every Real No Matter what your Business "OTTAWA TiMES®" Printing Works! 60, ‘sparks streei, Centre FTown Do you want to Buy?| WILL AFFORD A St IT HAS BEEN TRULY sAID T Dry Goods, ADVERTISE ! Let the World Know !It ADVERTISING hrough Which it Will Rench roperty to ®ell JUDICIOUS APPi1GJATION OF THE PRINTERS INX IS ONK o THE LEADING AVENUES To WEALTH TCO BUSINESS MEX i ADV ERTISI. Hardware THE "°TIMES® XADV KERQuJSs.! BUSINESS MA N Groceries, ADVERTISE!! LHE PUBLIC S'J‘J C A M ADVERTISE! THE MEDIUM iF YoU HAVE IF YOU HAYVI 10PMICK mt A NT â€"mwâ€"+ Crockery, ADVERTISE, TO SELL, LINE GP Glassware, ERIOR MEDIUM NX A‘T p | 12th. The primnr{ <professidnal examination !| shall comprise the following branches, viz., "Anâ€" | atomy," " Chemistry," * Materia Medica," = Inâ€" 7 | stitutes of Medicine," and © Botany." f | _ The final ¢xamination shall comprise the subâ€" s l jects of " Anatomy," (excluding, that of the bones, * | muscles and legiments), Practical Chemistry," | «e li&liul Jurisprudence,‘" « Theory and practice » | of Medicines," * Principles and "practice of Surâ€" | gery" and * Midwifery." Just received direct from GERMANY, to be sold at prices defying competition. Alsoa splendid lot of GUITARS, FLUTES, &., mn# an assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUâ€" S never before offered to the public of Otâ€" tawa, at the Ottawa Music Store, 25 Sparksâ€"st August 6 at prices defyi It cleanses the breathing -mnfi- , by remorâ€" ing from the air.cells the oo:f\lb ly’mpl. or that secretion which in heaves oi:'u:m, causing a diflicu‘ty in breathing, and by acticn on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane te resume /its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the cireulagion of the blood, and restoring the distended versel« to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and .wln{ to the cont a sleek and ahhh! appearance. 1. W. HURD, Successor to Hurp & Co., Maiden &:no. New York, Sole Proprietor for the United tes. . _ NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newciasmz, C.W., $ Proprietors for the Canadas PrICE TWEXTYâ€"RYE CEXT8. Bold bfi(ho. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, Heory F. McCartby, J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. Ottawa, Feb. 5, 1867. 50d w6m Al.b the , title and claim of the undersi h £m and legatee of the late Walter Beckworthy lots of land distinguisbed as numbers thirty, thirtyâ€"one and thirtyâ€"two (30, 31 and 32,) in the first (1st) range of the Township of Litchfield, County of Pontiac, and Province of &w The above is generally known as the " Paur duâ€"Fort property," the village of that name being situated thereon. YIOLINS. For turther particalars a to the undersigned, if b{ letter, poot-‘tld. nl:flisnloek. County of Pontiac, Hargrave P. 0. WIDOW JAMES POWELL Havelock, July 13, 1867. 28w4m \TOT!CE Is HEREKBY GIVEN THAT 4 %®@ the foilowing curricullum of Professional Studied, established by ©the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of Upper Canada," has been approved by his Excellency the Governorâ€"General in Council, in terms of see. 17 of the Act 29 Victoria, chapter }4. Ist. That no ‘professional degree of License be grauted to any person under twentyâ€"one years of ll POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY or all other prepaidtions for the cure of Heaves, Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all diseases which affect the Wind of Porses ; also, as a Condiâ€" ‘ion Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind is easy to f'vo. sure to cure, and safe in all cases and at all times, and does not prevent the horse from being worked while using it _ _ PROVINCIAL SECRETART‘S$ OFFICE, Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGE, TRUNKS, &e., &c., will conâ€" sequently be very large and most complete in every department, and we most rqunlly solicit a conâ€" tinuance of favors, to merit which our constant enâ€" deavors will be as usual to provide the best articles and sell at the lowest remunerating prices. G. HOWE & SON. wam. Rememb the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. next to Howell‘s _ rocery. April 27. . s 420y * oth, That the professional examinations be diâ€" vided into at least two distinct parts, that the first may be undergone after the completion of two years of study, and the firal m;nL termination of tour years of study. ] of three months cach l:}von the fol lowing branches, viz. : «* Clinical Medicine," an« " Clinical Surgery." h * And one course of three mouths upon the followâ€" ing branches, viz.: © Medical Jnripumdencé," "nfincticnl' Chemistry," and = Botany. Oth. The candidate must also give proof of havâ€" ing attended the ruc(lc' of some geperal hospital or other hospital approved ef, for the period of twelve months. _ Al the Lease of our Premises in Sussexs street terminates this month, we intend to con fine our business to one locality, and shall remove the whole of our Stock on the 1st of May next, to our Store in Universit proved «l ~ 8th, Candidaces for final examivation shall farâ€" nish testimonials of baving attendod two full courses of lectures wpon the following branches of medical education, viz. : * Anatomy," « Chemâ€" istry," * Theory" and «Practi¢ce of Medicine," « Principles &'3 practice of Surgery, Mm-ifcr;, and dizcases of women and children," " Materia Medica and Pharmaey," ©Practical! Anatomy," « Institutes of Medicine." 10th. No one shall be permitted to become a candidate for final examination whose Enal course embraced less than four subjects, each six months. Jith, All students shall 'sruent eviderce of their having compounded medicine for a period of twelve months, or for two periods of six months each, in the officeof a regularly qualified Medical 17th, The various Medical Schools and licensing bokes shall make returns to the Medicn] Comncil stating the number and names of the candidates who have passed their first and second examinaâ€" tions, and Sxe number of those who have been reâ€" jected at their first and second examinations reâ€" rrnrti;iuner. Andthey shall present evidence of m'\"ing attended not fewer than six cases of Midâ€" wifery. 13th, Fourâ€"fitths of the metualteaching days of a session must have been attended, before a certiâ€" ficate of attendance at sa‘d session can be granted, except in case of sickness. _ HOWE‘S Bost and Shoe Store. l4th. Students shall not be permitted to attend any otlter lectures during their first year than those un the branches comprised in the primary examiâ€" nation, â€" Nor will the certificate of any lecturer be recognized who lectures on more than one branch of medical science. Nor must he deliver more than one lecture daily, but the professor of Surâ€" gery may lecture on Clinical Suriery, the profesâ€" sor of Medicine may lecture on Clinical Surgery, or the professor of Materia Medica may lecture on Botany or Medical Jurisprudence. . . 15th, All graduates from recognized colleges in the United States shall matrisulate ‘and" one full course of lectures, and all students shall maâ€" triculateâ€"and complete a course of study in the colâ€" legoe in whith theyifitend to graduate equivalent to the curricul uired by the Council. 16th, The/several Colleges and licensing bodies shall notify the Registrar of the various examinaâ€" tions held by them in order that one or more memâ€" bers of the fiodlc.l Council may be present. spectively, Such returns to be made annually on tg:ffim ol"“ly. | f By Command, Arabian Heave Remedy VIOLINS. ! _VIOLINS ! PTOUR CLSES 5061E i| equcation, except as héreinafter provided. From the student who is a graduate in art ; recognized college or university, only three of attendance upon medical lectures shall be That four years of professional study be d afier having passed the examination in AND CONDITION MEDIUINE No. 10. Rideauâ€"st. bat all students be required to pass an exâ€" h in genoral education before commencing essional studi¢s. R J M O V CoONCERTINA®, FOR SALE. lucation, viz. : * Anatomy," « Chem tolz" and +« Practi¢e of Medicine, ind practice of Surgery, Midwifery of women and children," " Materi Pharmacy," (© Practical‘ Anatomy,‘ { Medicine." wa Muslc Store, 232 8;1 J. L. ORME & SON, DAKkLLEYV‘S AND OoP Wa. MeDOUGALL Ortiwa, June 29, 1867 ACCORDEON®, «k Ks . 25 Sparkeâ€"st. Secretary. Hugh Hartshorne, l.z.. Sehiecitor............ Helitax. Messrs. Black, Bros. & Co.,Merchants...... Halifax. J. B. Blapd, Esq., Banker.................... Halifer Jonathan C. Allison, Ksq., Merchant......Halifax John IL Walker, bq‘l\l“.&. John, N. B Bul:- respectfully solicited. zfl, T. 6 471â€"2mâ€"00d Offers his O‘MCGMAMW' signee to the Merchants and of Canada West. 8TOCK BROKER, CONSIGNEE, &c., PICTOU, N. 8., â€" _____JOSEPIH F. ELLIS, INSURANCE, SHIPPING {L.8.) To.all to whem thete presents shall comeâ€"GrrEtâ€" 180. WIIII.IA’ we are desirous and ree solved, as as may be, to meet our plodcnrl’hwhuo( Onu-l!z. and to have tgoir #flull:“ullm; W:.ldlonuh b'nm;vy‘ wil rum to a Legislature or Parâ€" liament, do further declare that by the advice of .our Executive Council of Ontario, we have this day, ‘lvnomutorhnhflm'fluhhfln for calling a Legislature or in our said Province, which writs are to bear date on the 7th dnyotmluun.nlbh returnable on the twentyvâ€"f day of Septembernext. Ix Trsrmmoxy Wurrror, we have caused these urlmnwbonuop.u-.uflhvu seal of Ontario, to be hereunto affized ; Wirâ€" xEss, our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved Hexey Wiuuiax of the most honorable order ot the . Majorâ€" General in our Service, Licutenant Governor of Our Province of Ontario. _ At our Governâ€" : ment House, in our CITY OF TORONTO, in Our said Province, this SEVENTH day of AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord, one . thousand eight bundred and sistyâ€"seren, and thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. By Command, ) 8, J. VANKOUGHNET, [L8.] ______ PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Vicror1a, by the Grace of Gon, of the i _ United Kinzdom of Great Britain ~_. and Ireland, QUzxx, Defender of the Faith.i&e., &ec., &e. * WV solved, as upnnp:bo.h-ut ou:ro- ple of our Domifion of Canada, and to bave their advice in Parliament; We do make known our royal will and pleaeure to ceall a Parlisment, and do further declare that by the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, We Eno this day giveb orâ€" ders for issuing our writs in due form, tor calling a Parliament in our said Dominion, which writ« are to bear date on the}SEVENTII day of AUGUST VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United kingdom d.fli# Britaio and Ireland, Quezex, Defender of the Paith, &c., &c., &c. “fllEllAl we are desirous and ree solved, as soon as may be. to meet our neoâ€" [L To all to whow these Presents shall comeâ€"GREET KNO“’ YE, that we being desirous and resolved, as soon as may be, to meet our people of our Dominion of Canada, and to have their advice in Parliament, do hereby, by and with the advice of our Privy Council tor Canada, sumâ€" mon and enl::fimr the House of Commons in and for our Dominion, to meet at our city of Ottawa, in oursaid Dominion, on TUESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next, then and there to have conference and treaty with the great men and Senate of our said Dominion. In Tesmoxy Warrror, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Canada to be hereurto afixed : Wirxzss, our ri‘hnnutz!:nd wellâ€"beloved * _ cousin, the right honorable CrarL®s S1axâ€" L®y, Vispount Moxcx, Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the M‘fl.i of Wexford, in the I‘cerage of lreland, Baron Monck l\wo FIRSTe«CLASS JOURNEYMEN Blacksmiths to whom constant employment nd good wages will be given. Apply to {4. Know YE, that we being desirous and resolved, as soon zs mayâ€"be, to meet Our People of Our, Province of Ontario, and to have their advice in Legislature or Parliament,â€"do hereâ€" by, by and with the advice of Our Executive Counâ€" cil of Ontario, summon and call together the Legisâ€" lative Assembly of Ontario, to meet at our City of Toronto, in our said Province, on TUESDAY, the TW ENTYâ€" POURTH day of 8EPTEMBER next. Vivcror1a, by the Grace or God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QUuUEEx, Defender of the Faith, &e.. &e.. &c. ; i PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ; Vicroria by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and (Ireland, Querx, Defender of the Faith, &e., &e. 4 Lo all to whom these Prosents shallâ€"comeâ€"GzEETâ€" y Command, 506â€"t4 506â€"td of Baliytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and <Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" * eral of Canada, &c., &e., &c. At our Govâ€" ernment House, in our CITY of OTTAW A, in our said Dominion, this SIXTH day of AUGUST, in the year of our Lord, one thousana eight hundred and Iilt{-lc\'el.lld in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. By Command, EDOUARD J. LANXGEVIN, Clerk of the Crown‘in Ch » Tohé ancery, ) ByC Is 463f Wanted Immediately, Tesmxoxy. Wur:zor, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Ontario, to be bereunto affized ; Wirs®ss, Our Kight Trusty and Wellâ€"Beâ€" loved Hrxry Wirciax Etisten, Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Major General in Our Service, Licutenant Governor of Our Province offOntamio.~ At Our Government House, in Oar CITY of TORONTO, in Our said Province, this SEVENTH day of AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand 'lf"' hundred and #ixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. 06td MONCK MNouse, in our City of Ottawa, in our said Doâ€" minion, this 6th J:y of Aufmt. in lh':‘yur of our Lord, one thousand eighthundred and sixtyâ€"seven. and in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. # to whom these presents shall comeâ€"Crrir MONCK 8. J. VAN KOUGHNET, EDOFARD J. LANGEVIN, ___ Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, % CA N A D A; Clerk of the Crown in Chancery (Nerk of the Ormen in Chancery, REFPEKENCES IL W. STISTED H. W. STISTED CANADA CANADA CANADA e given. Apply to . _ ""}“"fi"&m AND AGENT, Ontario Ontario. Tas Ortawia ‘{‘tm;â€"!’ri‘:t:d and Wl‘“) o every morn exce m'rm-u:‘A M‘wmlm"' Bparkeâ€"st, in the City of Ortews, Count! F mayos Derartumir, Costous, awa, August 23, 1867. CCORDAN WITH THE ABOVF lu,mu&g-um“ ed discount is declared to uuL’g Tad wha. reokty Retion and is apply io all P m-wumfym_@q,-gM Fisaxzce Deraeruest, Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863 lrum&l sY THE HoX. THE FINXANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Week!y Notices be published and furnished to Collectort 0f Customs, a« to the rate of discount to be allowed O S ie p in d o epramins iy o as Y « at a rate equal thereto. ‘Such notices to app®® mys-m?uumc.uaom » K. S. M. BOUCHETTE style, she is to receive a few more Genâ€" iomeen poorgunnnte whon win beaiignind enporet Mfih.razuhfiu -lu‘::hr cond‘ w e premises by the addition of other portions of the Desbaratt‘ ahl“ifimdmzadâ€"’oflh Desbaratr Jlock, which have been fitted up in unexceptionable THEODORE FRIEDPAICK, Propriete MB ing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Bell and “h&ob‘gh?“"- manship. Er ing connected with the trade kept on hand. 453â€"3m BEPTEMBER, Ottawa, Aug. 26th, 1867 KK _ means of inf hf the Farmers cf h'(;;; MeSab and adj ‘ownships, that bis agents Mesers. Pontey and Taylor, ure now engaged in the locality soliciting orders tor trees. Hrxap Roag. Ters, R. LYON‘S HOTEL, ARXNPRIOR The subscriber need only point to the fact, that his {ryit wherever exhibited at the Provincial Faiy has carried off the first prize, to assure those favorâ€" ing him with their E.lmmg- that llf{y will \be supplied with Trees bearing fruit of the first qualiâ€" ty. > His stock of trees forthe Eastern demand have been grown with a spRcial view to propare thein fur that climate, being of that low ~stocky growth which expericace teaches to bethe best kind & treey for J; Eastern portions of the Province, The Stock comprises fruit trees of every description also Ornamental Treos, Shrubs, Roses, Herhaseoss fowering plants, &c., &c., in great variety. * GEORGE LESLIE. Proprietor. Charcoal & Cordwood, Tlm Canada Iron Mining and ""“-'n turing Company is prepared to contrace 620 the purchase of * CHARCOAL AND corDwoop In lot« of either by Made at any Season of. the Yey FPRUCILT TREK ES They will apply to the Judgo of the said Court for & confirmation thereof. f LOWER PROVINCES OAD or NZ\\'I(-‘\’TI"N And delivery may be ' It 48 m T on most feverible terms, FIVE L TS,con taining Two Hundred and Eighty Square Miles, on the River Bumoine, (one of the tribataries to the Ottawa), which, from recent Burveys, is found to contain an immense growth of White and Red Pine, and which, in point of quantity and quality, eannot be surpassed in all the Pine. Perritories on the Upper Ottawa. THE undersigned have filed a deet of composition and discharge execnted by their creditors, and f % On Monday, the Thirticth day of September next, Upon a careful estimation, competent Sar. veyors, they give the following amount of Standard Logs upon each square mile, that is, an nverage of seventeen thousand logs to the square mile, mak» ing, at a moderate estimate, four million two hen dred thousand logs, with ample allowance for any part of the limits that may be covered by water or swamps. / f llM.ll".fx. The Manufactures of Ortario and Quebe, (**"noate of en being rel) dre now a4.. . mi into the ' Maps of the property and any farther particulam may be had of the agent. ' s Terms of payment very liberal. * WILLIIAM PARKEK, a cttawa Motel, Montreal. Province of Outario, Dominion of.Canada, United Counties of Prescott and Ruassell. CONVERSE, COLSON & LAMB, CORNER HOSPIT AL & 8ST. 10 HNâ€"STRERETS August 16th In the matter of ALEXAXDER CAMEROX BEN NETT‘S _WH ARF For further igned. ~ . Ottawa, July 1 Ottawa Brass Foundry, WILLLAMâ€"STRERT, 1 AMERICAN TNX YVOICESâ€"DISCOUXNTS FREE OF DUTY. , PA Consiguments Solicited. July 30, 1867. Toronto House, Ottawa. ALEXANDER CAMERONX, * ALEXANDER CUMMIN®, ISAAC KERR, By their Attorney, d tibaem, ts EDWARD TAYLOR DARTXELL L‘Orignal, July 29, 1867. 498â€" 1 a w .2m Crown Land Timber Lamits August 3, 1867 COMMISSIONX MERCHANTs NHE Aunual Course of Sindies in thit | College, commences on MONXDA Y , the 2nd d nE sUBSCRIBER TAKES gupy OTTAW A UNIV ERSITY. (Next Door to the Ten PA, Rideauwmred,) RASSâ€"CASTING, F1 Insolvent Act or 1864 TORONTO NURSERIES. ALEXANDER CUMMINS, and I8AA¢ KERR, trading under the style and firm of CAMERON and CUMMINS, Insolvents. (T W Mult fIron orks, ## 0 August aty Court of the nit PresceAt.and Russell MONTRE A L. POR SALE. Del rmation a a £, V; â€" &1} HX KENNEL + 4 /n , Plumbe 47400 521 490 wi Sess d Wttatua l A W , Cham 4 Ofice, Lang‘s t «Post Office. * . Octawa, July 19. 18,090 i thus i A W , Clhm A Ormon: M Bln‘ll‘l‘ll Solicitorâ€"inâ€"C «tso, over Mr. Store, Rideau Stree "l“l‘olllci: Chancery, Patent Right Solic prt ow OC. W MASSL TOTARLE® ;\ the l'od-«"i J. A. Mana®. Ktawa, March 23. B 1B tiemen we ancery Qrvic® : A-.-l Atuwa., Jan. 12, 18 $ <Sige l).mscu- in O Uflice : Oml.. on n MAtawa. R Febraary 7, 1 BA RLSTEH c«nn{m Ourrice: In the C Rommar Lioes." Htawa, Febmary * wnd Russell.~ _ Orrict : In the ancary 27, 1866 Vearly advertiset hm{ w early sabscription -‘\‘m)...:.u. . 11088 \TNIIIY Chancery, C uthoe: Elgin ALKKANDER ttawa, July 28. D. % \1‘1‘0“-"- Chancery, Con urrice: Union Bs cbruary 21, 1866. . rid g of ¢ e AR.. A:.'." Qitawa, Fob. T.I! EDW AR “Allllfll Notary Pabli rown Attorney, {« 4Â¥ . R. BELL iD iD s1 DAILY mA l. mo'l TWE LAR blished in the 4 lly over ~2,000 A DVERTISENENTE lowing rates : »iness Cards :“ h ou.â€"‘fl" ansient Advert January 17 186 , COLM4 ‘DVOCAT.I noysâ€"at Law. Orrices: Mull a Mr. Wright will \I'\'O(‘A'- Stroet, Quobec. epared to attend | wernment 1y entrast bim. i i in and for the d l>ecember 28, 186 Onnn“ll“â€" cx John i-h.:g Aarke; Dunca: mto; Jobn Hall Oitewa., Fobri now , but certa «omm. m".‘- reated, Oitawe, Apr GEKO, LC uolfl“ and Accou P-vncx‘ Oltawa. ] *parks Street, LA l'll-:li# L'l"!‘(illl Chancery, nerâ€"of Sussex and xtawa, February P”"lcl A Ofbce : Hu Ottawa, N DKR. O I’..fllfo’ tral Ottaw a. Ottawa, Jannar 1y . _ Ciarence March 1. subsequent insl pHYSLIOLA Ottawa, J ana P ubl ished enery Ottawra. VRGOERER Y T DR t P ARIKS # Caxoums ie / AVGU A HRELSTI weans of the A BE E8 T C FFICK ov: ment, 25 Rid ary DR. KENTIST. DR. ENTIST, XICHLOL V OL. wWILLT #H1CK® the best m LEES 1 DJ DIF D) D M

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