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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 Sep 1867, p. 3

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° THURSDAY NEXT, 12th SEPT. \ OTICE is hereby fi:.- that applica« «W tion will be made at the next Session of Parâ€" liament or the Legisiature, tor an Act to incorporâ€" ate certain persons under the name of « The St. Lawrchce and Ottawa Railway Company," and to vest therein the Ottawa and Pregeott Railway with the lands, rights, privileges, franchises and appurâ€" iemances thereto belonging or appertainieg, with tull power to convert the several interests of the preâ€"ent proprictory thereof into stock or shares, an i to open stock or shareâ€"books, and also to enâ€" a‘le the Company to substitute Bonds or Debenâ€" iwree bearing interest for the roveral certificates of the Trustees umier a certain Deed of Security, hcnhlux made in and upon the said Railr ay by the proprietors theteof, or to confirm such certifiâ€" caes as Mortgage Bonds, and also to enable the +ail Company to sell or lease thesaid Kailway and iis appurtemances, and also for power to extend the lide of the said Railway, from the City of Ortawa, in cither or beth ofthe Provinces of On. tario amd Quebec, and generally to confer upon the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company, all powers, rights and privileges necessary in and for the conduct, management, working and efficiâ€" ency of the said Railway and its appurtenances, cither by adoption of certain of the sections of the Railway Act, or by express provision therefor. O:taws, September 6, 1867. 5$32â€"2m "The Lady of TLyons Who hasâ€" in the most handsoime manner velunteerâ€" cd his valuable services, kindly assisted by the prinâ€"ipal amamieurs of the city, and supported by the several members of the Townsend Family. Gowan‘s full band will be in attendance. The W And FETE CLAMPETRE, pP. M 8T. JAMES® CHURCH, HUELL, 'l\lll Grounds will be thrown open at Five oclock, pm., at which «howr BOATS will be in readiness at the foot df the Locks "and (Queen‘s Wharf. :« . At $ o‘elock a Concert of Nocal Music will Â¥8 given by some of the principal Amateurs of the City, under the direction of II. R. FRIPP, ESQ., Orgamist of Christ Churen, Ottawa. JOIHN MERâ€" CE E32. O grn‘st of S°. James* Chureh, Hull, will preside at the Piano. Refreghment tables provided for by the lqdies Crounds of E. Haycock, Esq., â€"GowWaN‘s CELEBRATED BAND will be aitendance, asd perform. a choice selection Jperatic and Darice Music during the evening. ~f the committee, over which they themselves w.1! preside, will be available during the evening. â€". Dinnerâ€"from 5 to T p. m.â€"25 cents. ‘ Tickets of admission to be had at the principal stores, gad at the entrance to the grounds. . Adults, 50 cents ; Children, 25 cents. > Skating Rink New Music H«ll ! G. Inventor of the " Mystery." A HUMAN READ FLOATING in the AIR. THREE NICHTS ONLY ! CHARLES LEVI Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, * SEI"T 9th 10th and 11th, : And Tuesday Afterncon, at halfâ€"past two o‘clock. 0' the mos characier» will NW’I Illusion® have been wi at Dodworth Hall, New York, in 250 consecutive mights, by $50,000 delighted spectators, who, with the press ‘have pronounced him without a rival in the * Occult"Art," : MrÂ¥. M. Hartz, the accomplished Pramst, will perform several brilliant Solos on the Fiano. Mr. Harts wilt have the honor of introducing to the public of Ottawa, for the first time, his grand t"'fi.- a THIE MYSTHERY" NECROMANTIC ILLUSIONS! Pronounced by all who have seen itâ€"to be the GREATEST "SPECTACULAR ILLUSION " S nniger. Soppertedcoy the Companys . .. amateur. .D; omm . EO Tickets at mn. 0Â¥-o & So,:‘o.’lmio re. Sparksâ€"st., of G. W. Lester, Esq., or of Bro. n Townsend, at the Theatre. Ktawa, September 7. " â€" * m Ottawa, Sept. 7, 1867 THE INSTANTANEOUS CROWTA 0P FHLOWERs!| And other new lMlusions, Wonders and Miracies. | Tiskets 25 cents ; Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Reâ€" served Seat Tickets for sale at Messrs. Orme & Son‘s Ottawa Music Store, on and ‘after Saturday, Neptember Tth. Doors open uu.ce--unu] 8 o‘clock. w MATINEE.â€"Doors open at 2, to commence at hallâ€"past 2, twenty.â€"five cents; Children 15 cents ; | !o all parts of the house for the Matinee on!y., | Ottaws, Sept. 6, 1867. 531â€"t4 l ude Moin BROTHER JOHN â€" TOWKNSENTP, H A. EK‘ Z, \ts. Alderman Fricl many Oa Friday ev‘g., September 13th, W. LESTER,. ORCAN FUND A Human Head Floating in the Atr i The District Deputy Grand Master, rshipful Masters, Officers and Brethren of : several Lodges of Ancient F. and A. Masons of Ottawa. the following gentlemen : Mis \\'onhép tae Mayor, M. L. A. s J. M. Carrier, Esq., M. P. The Irish Tutor MAJESTY‘3 THEATRE. ented Lord Lytton‘s beautiful play (is _ . five set«), entitled . FOR THE BENEFIT OF 0 io with the laughable farce of \oRR TWE raftoNAG® OP . Dr. VanCortla i 5k + £ the loading -.:!'huu of the Of the Nineteenth Century, WILL.BE HELD IN THE Mr. Sheriif Powell LOVE AND PRIDE EASTERN HULL, OX OF s in Oitaw#) M. K. Dickins Mr.‘G. W. LESTER John Torensead w4, No. 164), MNMANXAGER Wily MANAGER. d | ‘Uttawa, Sept td Seventy ‘Cases and Bales ! _ _ CA R EP 3 "X" & i Ten Cases of Canadian Tweeds Twenty Cases of London Goods, Dress Goods, sShawls, ' * ~Mantle Cloths, P Prints. CUNNINGHAM AND LLNDSAY, DmREss GOOIDS, MLIL] IIATS AND BONNETS, S ELC AW TLS, M &A NTLES, Masonic Goods in Céntral Canada. All kinds of work in the Jowellery lins carefully attended to, and Designs furnish/ est notice. . Watenes, Clocks and Jewellery repaired on the premises and warranted.! Ottawa, July 20, 1867. . | YOUNC & RADFORD, PRACTICAL WATCH AND CLOOK MAKE (PREE stA'r.)i Will be opened for Divine Service, ‘ 0N SUKDAY NEXT, TBE 878 NNST % «ol [°~ â€" 8 L BR â€" STILL LATER. ® =â€" t *kb wey isfeinbistnlziizmce ies 8 f â€" :* oC L am manufacturing the following new Tram Lâ€"â€"If ’0‘ Sa«irts, in all gizes and widths : | Eâ€"â€"AtAs _ TIHE NEW DOMINION TRAIL. C __â€"â€" ga’; ? THE ROYAL VICTORIA TRAIL, & =!_â€";,’â€";$ f THE LONG TRAIL U _/./o . â€"â€"â€"t td THE QUAKER TRAIL, and § fâ€"eâ€"I4= _â€"-ff‘; 1 THE DEMT. q & § ;- Z1 ) , ADDITIONAL TTEMSâ€"Just received a large lot of Corsets and o s * 4 a‘ White Cotton Hosoâ€"â€"all sizes. i & * if eâ€"er * DAVLO MILLAR, 43 Sparksâ€"st., Contre Town. Amasesap‘ Ottawa, July 5. * 453â€"3m. First Service Celebration of the Holy Commuâ€" nion at 8 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, Sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a.m. . The Offertory at this Service will be devoted to defraying the expenses of Church Furniture. Evening Prayer at 7 p.m. ' Memorial Cards will be issued on application to mhembers ot the existing congregation that will ad . mit to the church before the doors are, bpened at 10:45. y Contributions of those unable to be present will be thankfully received by the Rector, the Church wardens, or any member of the Building Comâ€" mitteo. | l HEREBY caution all partics from glv= ing credit to my wife, Mary Keenan, as [. will not bompodbh‘nnyd&awbyhor. she mon my bed and board without any jast on JAMES WALKEK. Ulancastar. Sent. 6. 1867. 531.3 WE HAVE NOW READY FOR INSPECTION THE CONTENTS OF NWV i lip Ge oC 0t on opual Momanyy ie > Ci & s ninth day of SEPTEMBEN, A. D., 1887, staoren o‘glock, p.m., for the coustruction of in Siaterâ€"streot, Wellington Ward, bln cifieation to be seen at the office of the gineer. Tenders to state the price per 100 feet for the work. W. P. LETT, _ 8T. ALBAN‘S ~CHURCH, OTTAW A, July 25, 1867 Ottawa, Sept. 5, 1867 EG to announce that in order to clear dut the balance they have made a great reducticn in the prices of (Gloucester, Sept. 6, 1867 MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. tches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"Plated, Faricy Goods, | Ottawa, Sept. 5, 1867 CLYDE AND LIFERPOOL STEAMERS, Dry Goods at Reduced Prices. AUTUMN IMPORTATIONS. TEN DERS CA& U LPICXLY . 10w Deing marked off, and will be shewn toâ€"morrow ) MAGEE & RUSS 8, 1887 Make Your Selections in Time. PEG TOP DEPOT.| will be sold ll order to niake room for fall l-gorullon- the stock now on hand, consisting of choice Summer Tweeds, Coftings, Trousctibgs, Black Broads, Doeskins, &c., &e., &¢., Under original prices for cash. CLOTHS & HOSIERY, TO® THE PUBLIC. AND 1E BESP AND LARGEST COLLELCTION OF 30 SPARKSâ€"ST. No. 14, Liideoeauâ€"st., TEHN PEF CENTL C. M. HOLBROOK, 381y Ex S/S. " Bel City Hoop Skirt Factory ! â€"(‘OILIIYI'ING orâ€" City Clerk. RECELVED BY 530â€"3 â€"â€"A180,=â€" â€"â€"ANDâ€" will | Elliott Robt Â¥elveteens, . Cloths and Tweeds. Cottons, for fall importations the Abram Jas Bumford Frederic Bavens Benj Barry James Bement Hawley Berry C M Bloomfield W in Borylis Mrs Boyd Edward Brown Migs Helen Brownlee Margt Byron Mrs Ellen J Carr John Carr Wim Carter Eli"i:h Castle Sydney C Clothiers Mbr: Colton Miss Susic Conway Miss Jane Costello Margaret Curtis Mrs §able Dillit ?uk Dilton Dinon Miss Elien Doxéy Miss Fanny Danlop Robt Duznam Miss Edwards Michael Evans James Finley Mrs Fobb Mrs Forsyth Andrew Forsyth Walter > .. u.llqlhor Miss Lizzie Garlick G A Gibbs Miss M GQilbert J II Goodie John .Graves Miss Julia Groves Patrick liart Poter . (Giouc) layes Katterino Hays M * Hemmenway Amanda Hodgins Miss M A Howard C B Hudson Ma: Irvine Goot'z' Irvine John James Wim ' Johnston Baker Johns Mrs Cath Kerk James ELGINâ€"ST., OTTAWA. King George Lee J 8 Leonard Mrs Sophia Little John Little Miss Zilla LJc; Miss Mury A alley John EMAINING in the urtawa Post Office 1st September, 1867. td osr oclv a > List of Letters 528â€"3 x +9 ztan, LINIERY, of their Summer Stock Manley John Marshall Mrs Thos Martin Miss Vivian Meyer Iermann Michaelson Mr# J B h.nyl“d w Murphy Mrs Murphy Julia Vakds Jis 11. es Jas O’Bonntu John C‘Donnell Mrs Bridget Oliver H W J O‘Neill Miss Annie : . 7 Patton Miss Mary Phair W Pratt Joseph _ . Pratt Alex R Quinn Jas (Teacher) Rae Miss E * fi"»‘.‘.&":.%i’ * [ m Robertson Robt Roche Wm Ross John â€" Rotton Otto Rusenstrom John : Ryan Mrs > %ohy-u:,r James ames Bl:l'fiho Kate Smith Rev T W Stafford Wm ‘l?n:ln Mrs John ‘aylor Geo «Thomas Jnm Todd Mrés Carrio Miller J Morrison Jos M D Vanbuskirk J Woods Anthony Wright Mrs Cath H Watson Jos _ * W ater Jos * ‘\;rl:huluug | arot Williams Robt Willson Elien MeQabe‘s _ Jasâ€"Children McCann Elizsa McCusig Norman MoKiroy HI MeBwing Mus J anet MeFadden Miss Mary MceFee Archd MeGrath Michi :c(ll‘ulu,w Elizth cKay Wm «. P. BAKER, . Postmaster. Blankets. THE OTTAWA TIME Thos +3 on the shortâ€" 202y 435y W m 280y BP7 i ieaarft THE IMPORTERS. TEA! TEA! TEA! Tlll! MNONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, having just imâ€" rted a lurgo quantity of Green and Black Teas, {: to call the attention of the Trade, Hotel Proâ€" prfowr-, and large establishments generally to their list of prices. . Buyers and Boxes of Tea will save money by It direct through the Importers. & All orders tor 25 Ib. boxes and xnrds, carri« ago free to any nada. Parâ€" ties wanting t â€" ahould club togeâ€" ther, Buyers w. will please send post office order, or enclose notes, The their list of prices. . Buyers and Doxes ol | Tea will save money “b; muect through } the Importers. & | x All orders tor 25 Ib. boxss and flnrds, carri« | * an free to any nulll.b Parâ€" es wanting t 6 “ ‘club togeâ€" ther, Buyers w, will B please send '“ru rfi.c-lno The carriage will be the nearest station, where f there are Tea 'gl be forwarded | Apri immediately on of the z-dl conâ€" taining money, o money can be collected P‘ on d-flv?.‘.by express man. Casii collected in Montreal free of charge, and Tea forwarded for the carriage will be paid to the nearest station, where there are ' Tea :g'h forwarded immediately on the or b‘-dl conâ€" taining money, Of money can collected on d-flv-z‘by express man. Casii collected in Montreal of Q.T. and Tea forwarded for the same. Original packages Black Toa \ulah. 4 chests about 50 lbs. Chests do. 90 to 100 lbs. Green Te« from 60 to 80 Ibs. Teas not mentioned in adâ€" vertisement can be had equaliy cheap, | The Comâ€" pasy are ddomlnodbhhs stand in the Montreal market, ovor'nmieu may therefore be depended on as to quality and weight. ‘ Commmon Congou, Broken Leal, Strong T ...soogu Fine Flavoured New Season do............;.... 00 53 Excellent Full. Fiavoured do............ ...jf... 00 73 SOUNG OOLODG........cerrerrnrirrnenmcirerercrecthcces 00 40 Rith FIQVOUTOA G0...»»»s020« eccevessssssnenenecn . 00 60 Very Fine 00 ccceensecrinerrerirenerrecreshcess: 60 T8 JAPMD. : cere cevecrmersersersresetirrerrers serscrernihere+ 00 BB VETY FinO00.,.sreeeenmeeees trprastenerinemepsprses OU 78 An excellent mixed Tea, Btack and (Green,.... 00 €0 PRINCIPAL, ASSISTANT. WORK will be resumed, with a full Staff, in the new School Koom, (basement of St. A‘ban‘s Church,) on MONDAY next, the Uth instant, at 10 a.m. * ‘ September 3, 187. 528a Hon Hudsous Bay Company‘s Buffalo Rokés Tlll ANNUAL SALE WILL TAKE place at the Company‘s Waurchouse, . 17 Common Street, Montreal, on WEDNESDAY, Isth. SEPTEMBEN, 67 OTTAWA CLASSICAL VOCAI- AND INSTRUMENTAL,in aid of the ORGAN FUND, St. James‘ Church Aull, on the 12th SEPTEMBER, on the grounds of Edward Haycock, Esquire, Village of Hull. Refreshments on the ground, and furnished at moderate charges, j 4 | Tickets of admission+â€"50 cents for adults, 25 cte for childrev. ON TUESDAY, the 27th AVGUST, on the road between grumvmo and Catp Villsr, a BROWN OVERCOAT. ‘Any person finding the same will please leave it at George Clarke‘s, Otâ€" tawa, or at William J. Featherstone‘s, 3rd line Huntley, and receive the thanks of _ September 4 Open Air Concert, New Music! â€" New Music ORME & sSON BOOSEY‘3 COMPLETE WORKS, Viz.â€"MUSICAL CABINET, in single numbers, or bound handsomely in Crimson and Gold, adaptâ€" ed for presents; collections of PIANO FORTE and ORGAN.MUSIC. Also, a complete stock of SIIEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOKS of every kind, &e. . > 4 llAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE PARCEL of ENCLISH MUSIC! Fnbu the New Edinburgh gqnure, a COW, five years old, farrow, marked red and white, prinelpcll{ red, with white on the flanks, and white face ; horns rather wide set ; ?n wild. Handsome make. : Whoever will «give information which will lead to the recovery of the sime will be suitably rewarded by * WM. MoKAY, Jr. Or ROBT. BLACKBURN, New Edinburgh. Avouat %: 1867 «* 524 a August 27, 1867 WOU’LD take . this Q'pponnnlty of thanking their patrong for three years of continued success in business, and ho‘pc for a conâ€" tinuance of the same. Their establishment this year will receive a larger assortment of goods of better quality, and ohnp:} than can be found elseâ€" where in Ottawa, a list of which will be shortly published, | Country dealers send your fall orders to ) T\VBI.VI PLASTERENR® | ca And | onrloymon for the â€"winter. by nrp.”ing to | PHILLIPS & WAND, No.9, Balmoralâ€"st., Monâ€" Ottawa, August 31. Al BOOKKEEPFR OR ACCOUNTANT by a young man who understands his business thoroughly, and can give satisfactory reference as to character and ability, w Lx uds 526â€"44 Ottawa, Sept. 2 . Ho for the B.egatta. Two First â€" Olass ~Skifts August,.30th, 1867. Ottawa, August 30 BIIAII-(‘A!'I'IKG. l'lnlnlilug, Plumbe hi’ Gas and Steam Fitting, Bellâ€"hanging and Locksmithing done in the best style of workâ€" THEODORE FRIECRICK, Propricto manship. Everything connected wi kept npiud. K4 Ottawa, Sept. 3, 136_7‘ P20 Address August 29, 1861 _ Catalogues will be prepared Sale at TWO o‘clock. .. _ . __ Ottawa â€" Brass Foundry, ESMONDE BROS, Commercial School, ALYâ€"STREET, CIPAL,........._Rev._T, D. Pminuiprs, M.A. TANT ..........Rev. 1. N. Puspprers, (Next Door to the Tea Pot, Rideauâ€"street,} September 5, 1867. Wanted a Situation. + (*IMSTO! BULLD, Apply to ( & P95 JOSERH BKINNER, GREEN TEA. BLACK TEA. CARD. ESMONDE BROS., MONTREAL TEA CO,, 6, Hospita{â€"st , Montreal. * s .52234â€"wy WILLIAMâ€"STREET, W AN T ED. OTTAWA MUSIC STORE, CAPT. YERASER, â€"â€"ANDâ€" THI 43 SPARKSâ€"S8T., Opposite the Ontari> Bank. A 3lly COMPRISING Lost, JOUN LEEMING & Co., $ f Auctibneers @OR SALE, CHURCHW ARDEXN Address C. O, W. Times Office. §27â€"t Fitzroy County. * ’629-1-35'3,(' e â€"street. 5251 25 Sparks street. v 528â€"a $00 38 00 55 . 00 60 . 00 75 .. A 00 . 00 85 . 1 00 «. SRPC K MB BR . kL.1l 1i snil. the trade 453â€"3m 530â€"4 April 10. April 10 April 10 April 10. April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10. April 10 April 10 Aprit 10, April 10 D" April 10 April 10, April 10% April 10. April 10. Next d April 10 April 10. INDIA WAREKOUSE, CITY OF 6LASGOW Tlll! coOMPANY OFrFERS TO THE rubllc the combined advantage of Xtrl‘cet security, moderate premivms and liberal participaâ€" tion in profits, No extra charge for Volunteers in defence of the country. _ & Ai id _ RINTOUL BROS., kontrqal,(leneral Agents for Canada. + NEIL MOKLNNON, Agent, Vl\ll MosT SUCCESSFPUL LIFE IN» RANCE COMPANY divides the whole of the , every year, among the insured, reducing the cost to about oneâ€"bal the figures usually the. cost to about oneâ€"bal the figures usually charged. 3 For instance, the annual plymeit, at the ago of 30, in most Jompanies, to insure $2600 is, with profits, about $50, and without FORN .. .. coccosneeeconcin mocmmerimmeerrmcboentecscerccnnn 4008 In the Ktua, $2000, to a person 30 years of AgG, 60818 tho fir8t YOAF.......eme ssm £5.31 Ard Cach §4b80(UONt YOAF........scsscaas se csens â€" 26.74 Which payment is sabject to farther reduction as the buruu of the Company incre “‘, Endowinent policies on equally favorable rms. A ‘The fact that the REtnoa has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 gouom, from among the best business men of the Continent, is the best possible testimonial to the soundness ®f the Comâ€" m[:, and the excellence of its method of doing Capital and Assets, 1st Jan., 18017, $4,401,833.86 +CHIEDAM SCHNAPPS®, Ottawa, March 13. Assurance GCompany ! ‘\INICPI'I" oLD At ;UGAR-CUI!E'D HAMS, AND BREAK» fast«Rolled Bacon. A choice supply of the above can always be had At the India Warchouse, ESTABLISHED 18s30. R. S. Cassels, Esq.â€" â€"â€" +. Consulting Director, of property agaiast loss or damage by fire. TOUGHTON BITTERS, i t At the Indur Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. Tlll ABOVE FIRSTâ€"CLASS COM» PANY is pn!nnd to insure all descriptions Af nernawe amalact Inss ar damnwa hy fira Ottawa, January 4, 1867. HERRY WINE, various brands, | In Wood and Bottle, OHN BULL BITTERS, At the India Wa Life Asgurance Company ESTABLISHED isse. â€" @APITAL, £600,000 Stg. : Mll. TROTTER begs to inform he M friends that having enlarged her premises b{ the addition of other roruo-l of the Desbarats‘ Block, which have been fitted up in unexceptionable style, she I:Jvrqmntl to receive.a few more Genâ€" tiemen Boarders;to whom will be afforded suporior accommodations, IN® Al-l- Wersons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, and whore accounts have been rendered, aro requested to call and settle at once, or cost@will be incurred. 1 J. GARVEY, M.D. 1867. RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Erandg â€"â€" In Wood and Bottle, AMSAY!$ . PORT ELLEN 1isSLAY c MSEEY, : :c# UINESS‘S ,DUEBLIN STOUT Pronr»â€" TER, enc renfan rentenbomg 00oTIPSs OLD TOM GIN, INEST AMBER SYRUP, y At he India Warchouse, ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘S RED AND Black Currants, Jams and Jellies, + At the India Warchouse, h BROWNE & HARDY. ° ERNARD‘S GINGER WINE, "_ At the India Warehouse, + f BROWNE & HARDY. IBBERT‘S LONDON sTOUT POR® TER, Nhpp tm Adhilp 00SEBERRY JAM,STRAWBERRY Jain,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage Jams At the India Warchouse, _ NNUAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 8re. ORK AND FLOUR : Constantly on hand, At the India Warchouse, Ottawa, July 1 ESTABLISHED,. A. D. 1820, Torouto House,; Ottaw: RT WINE, finest quality, In Wood and Bottle, Ottawa, Sept. 4, 1887 J. GARVEY, ESQ., M. D., * . Medical Referee. | No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, BRITISH AMERICA KUYPER*S HOLLAND GIN, In Wood and Bottle, 7 OLD CHERRY BRANDY, FIRE AND MARINE INSUER A NCE to Crmningnam and Lindsdy‘s c ) 0_ > R. SMITH, Agent, Office : Over Scott‘s Confectionery. At the India Warchouse, _ BROWNE & HARDY. At the India 7}f'rhqrhrmnr, LD TOM GIN, At the India Warechouse, HERRICK, BRUSH & CO., At Mi _Iru;finr Warehouse, At the India Warchouse, At the India Warchouse, At‘ the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARD\Y At the India Worehouse At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY NOTICE. th NYE WINISKEY, India Wurchouse BROWNE & HARKDY BROWNE & MARLDY BROWNE & HARDY, BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY e India Wearehoue, BHOWNE & HARKDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY. 405tf BROWNE & HARDY f Aoryts, ‘s Buildings. , Aumond‘s s aoy hous 1867. $8ly 4T40f d. PILOTS,; | BEAVERS, & PETEKRSUAMS, DEVONS, WIHILTNEYS e IRISH FRIEZE, CANADIAXN Do., BKOADCLOTHS, READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! ‘CW CMNUOES, UT CoOMPETITION BLACK DOESKINS, SLLKk: MIXTURE OF COATINGS, Do. _**@o. rnowsf{uxus, BEDEORD CORDS, | _ . CHAUDILERE 1 W Exvg, BANNNOCKBUKRN Do HIALIFAX Do., KERSEY S, y FLANNEL mam. They are also prepared to take orders for Cluthi latest styles and fuhkg‘.‘enlnd»u they are under the s1 WARRANTED TO FIT. ©~ ie o0 a AA iE Importers of 8ry Goods. THE HOWE MACHINES are WORKLDe1tENOWNED (or dol most durable work on Leather. _ For Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers, Do« ‘They are the best Shuttle Machine in the World for Tailors‘ use. Spools, Cotton and Silk, Oil, Needies, ete., ete,, eon: tantly on hand. 419y > G, A. WALTON, Aoxat, hey wfiuld.eull particular attention, as they have i eadyâ€"Mades, that is fashionable for the season, and "CAPITAL‘‘ STOVE DEPOT : ; ) "CAPITAL‘ TINWARE DEPOT i | oo C CAPITAL‘ HOUSEFURNISHINC pepott! ESIKOUS OF RETAINING AND DESERVING THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE D h:h‘m wecorded them by the pablic of the © CAPITAL," beg to intimate they haye lately added some rew and improved machinery to their manufacturing department, and are now thabled to offer extra inducements for the manufucture of all kinds of. articles made from Sheet Metals, such as TIN PLATES, Galvanized, English and Russia, BMEET IRON, J0PPER, &c., and are prepared to take orders for the manufacture of all kinds of MILITARY STOIREKS, in the abeys line, sach as CANâ€" TEENS, SOUP KETTLES, CAMP KETTLES, DislH PANS, &o., &e. Also O MBA LA & â€"Coâ€" ISâ€" AT NO. 35, SUSSEXâ€"sTREET. We would particularly draw attention to our Water Filters and Coovlers, by which all impuritios ‘a taken away rron the water. ‘They are constructed on undoubied !cienlific{vriuciplu, n.aa.f}".am,.n. {: their :pnuon. and not liable to ‘fl.m of order. ‘The«filtering substance is the same as usod by the best Water Works Companies in England, and recommended by the medical faculty as the best kaown combination of I:Endhm for ga-w.i':f all foreign matter, and making the water pure, sparkling and healthy. | We make different sizes styles, so as/to bring them within the ruu‘t of all. No family should be without one, especially where there are children. Mill Lamps Plunge Baths, S Baths, Hip Baths, Site Baths, Foot Baths, Children‘s and Infant‘s Baths, vari Sizes POLLET SETIS painted. in now and beautiful designs. _ARON BEDSTKADSâ€"LION TDhuâ€" STEADSâ€"double and single. REFRIGERATORS and 10L UHESTS ; also= Torry‘s" Arctic lce Cream Freezer, warranted to freeze the cream in four minutes, % | Jfl], Moulds, Pudding Moulds, Jelly Cake Pans, Pic Plates, Melon Moulds, Brass, Tinned and Eramâ€" elied kettles and Buooctll!, Stewpans, Â¥gg Coddiers and Slicers, Ice Cream Moulds and Freezers, kice Moulds, &-8 Tureens, ‘nm‘rimm, Uval Steak Dishes, Dish Covers, Round, Oval and Obtong Tea and Coffee Urns, 8@{ Ladies, Toast Forks and Racks, Wire Vegetuble Boilors, Gridirons, Egg Beaters, Skewers, Mincing Knives, Paste Cutters, Cake Turners, Fiesh Forks, Basting Spoons, Callenders, Patty Water Cgolers I~ Water Cooklers ! _â€" Water Coolers ! Water Filters ! Water Filters ! Water Filters Pans, Gravy Strainers, Nursery Lamps, &c., &e In this branch we keep the best and nost reliable. Je®" Our Cooking Stoves are now the favorites We can always furnish ‘any part of a Stove that is boaght trom usâ€"a f‘.u:l inteniling l-‘“h:‘.:.v:‘:u“. do well to note, as mabyâ€"Stoves sold are of foreign make, and when separate\Piates are broken or burnt out cannot be replaced. _ _ 1x i "JG'B'W&K:ZT{&H&TE;BW carefully attended to by competent and ex peném:od mechanics. . All kinds of Building and Steamboat Work done on the shortest notice. â€" BIRD CAGESâ€"BIRD CAGESâ€"A variety of boantifal patterns. COAL OLL ot standurd quality, Canadian and +mbrican. â€" Lamps, Chimnies and Wicks. Inspection invited. Oltawa, March 11, 1867 ..__ _ FROM; FIRST OF NOâ€" ‘; ~, ~ vember next, as the propri¢ior is e about retiring from busipess, that excellent and commodious hot»l stand, situated on the south side. of Sparksâ€"st., in the central portion of the city of Ottawa, lonf and favorably known as the British Lion Hotel, to. gother with the large yard, stables and out housos thereto attached. M ® ;'A'"lvodm *!l;r";»u. lhu‘o or .l.;o ye.ln willhbo ante possession given before first of Noâ€" vember, if required. * For particulars apply on the premises to _ . RICHARD BISHOP. Ottawa. Aucust 17. 1867. b14â€"if 4 24 Fol. SALE, PHAT ELI#« > flce gible &ru;nny, beautifully situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" ~ wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the g? of _Ottawa about three miles on the macadami md,w‘nlm the STONKE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon , at present occ:‘pled :I William Thomson, Esquire, and the garden and ornamented i«ud- adjoining . the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in the 1st con, cession, Ottawa front, A most desirable privite residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same also for sale at reasonable prices. 9 * Ottawa, February 27, 1867. _ For particulars and terms apply to Juhn ane W lllln‘;. Thomson on the‘ premises, or to RE NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED ST00K OF DRYV GOODS, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASII. Ottawa, August 17, 1867. gIR & Wirg, $Popst PRe, 0 ‘OB SALE OR TO LET TO ThHEIR CLOTHING DEPARTNMWENT AND THE CAPITAL â€"CENTRE uF aTTRACTION OF (THE < CONFEDRRATE CAPITAL, dreumse ESTABLISEHH ED IN 1844 STTOVES. STOVES. STOV E=z. TQCLET. Cloths aind Clothings. BATHS . BATHS!! LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa 27, 1867. 309y Oil Cans August 1, 1866. Corner of Sussex and Murray Strects M. SPARROW & Co., [ _ . «xND PROVY ESIONE Wholesale and Retail. Groceries, Liguors, Farmers‘ and Lumberers‘ Supplies. ) NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, AXD MANUFACTURERS Of . MBA DOWS & TCO., ©CULINARY® UPENSILS. IMPORTERS AND DEALER Bake Pans. _ Sugar Ketlles, | Agricultural Furnaces anrd Stoves SPARROW‘S BUILONG, . M EGADOWS & Co. NNELS, | BLANKETS Whecker and P »â€" Whesiergk Wileon‘s : Machines is now ready; 1 Embroidering Attachinen HoweWMlachine Co., Paris Exposition, 1867, i,â€"ui];-u::fi | Ottawa, Jun 21 PME TWO IHGHNEST PREMIUMS AND ONLA CGGéCOLLID There were Eightyeiwo Competicor®» \3 IUCCASLNS, LUCK BAGS, LINEN, Do.. TRAVI OATS, RoyalCanadianBank M I1S:A I Officeâ€"Desbarate‘ Building, 77 Sparks St PANTS, vESTS Ottawa, Aug. 28, 1867 OTPAWA AGENCA n‘s New Button hole Aitachment for their yi It is the greatert Inverition of the day, nents, and «ther latest improvements, ete, WNEID for doing the Handsomest and re Trimmets, Boot and. Shoo Makers, &¢ Apply to CUTIONS TRAVELL IRTIS, DRHAWI NA ETN A T° BATHS!!! 1N Comfortable Dwelling r\ over the Store «1 the subserib er on We‘lington street, 1 mifept MOCKS, SOCK Milk Pahs ar! Strain STMIPED, BLUE, A & CC 55â€"7 GREY, TRUNKS, vALISES 1ME hoÂ¥ ReowYork,. id Sparksâ€"st., Otta wa JLTTS, W OOLA M. P. HAYES, JOHN GBEEN. MLf COJaJ, BUCK, tf Aorxt 1578 DEPY 62â€"y LN ‘Very Choice and Superior.. )0“' ox SALE «. Without the finest Coffee‘ in the wurld."â€"»bd?um March 16. We are constantly receiving supplies of this truly beautiful and delicioug COFFRE, mased dusly â€"n The Pure Mountain Berry 1.000 mM Nrr 100 C«Lm very choice and superior YOU N« |HYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANK A Y 100 CHests old fasbioned EEEAKEASl ALES, WINES8& SFIRIT:: We GUINESS & CO BLOO * ,ONDON 8TOUT. o BARCLAY‘S LONDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALK. BASS‘ EAST INDIA. | DOWs CELEBRATED MONTREAL aLÂ¥ DAWS SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE. DAW‘8 CELEBRATED PORTER & 8stovd w (\rfi we are selling at 8 chillings porgullon us promises by Wines, Spirits & Liquors Sust Received from England : ROAST HARE. s CURRIED Do. JUGGED po. BTEWED bo. ROAST PHEASANTs, ROAST GROUSE, _ ROAST PARTRIDun ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by Waggons to any part of the City daily 4 OTTAW A. Establishmentsâ€"Sussex St. and ‘Ridean £1 Ottawa, September 10. 225uf Ottawa, February 13, 1867. y which peculiar process, hbe aroma is proserve " renders it the ra voRITE WITH aLL CoPFFE DRrNk m Tlu'r FiNEK BUSINE®S® w ma Stand on Ridesn street, on« eupied by Mr. E. MILE®, and . known as the fiufl.‘u Rair Dressing Saloon. Enquire gf Mr. on the preâ€" mises. _ ‘The reason of the + mmnt for leaving is, that he is about to to new hlook ite the Russell two doors frean ::rrkm which is now fitted up as m airdressing Saloon in a style second to none in British America. Ottawa, August 24, 1867. ! 520 4f e Siptmam pen, w04 11An Nou, 26 and 28, in the.same Concession, at present in the of Win. T. Aylen, Req. For further lare apply to Joux and Wu. Tuowsox, lzou, and Lewis & Pixaxy, Barrister, Ottawn. ~ Jelâ€"1414f FRESH ARRIVAT. Fx$~ This is the finest rufl ‘Tra ever Import ba per pound : in emall Caddies, .about 14 1b house. Apply to m’nuifi Road, with Stables, Conch House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto, _A #sistern of fine water in the Ottawa, May 10, 1867 MD firstâ€"class Frame llouse and Lot, 66 Â¥#, wimhm:mvdl ofllmldL. y % f IL MCLEAN, _ 6 omtr â€"» TIIA'I' VALUABLE PRG fiw io eeriend, eoningatey ther 4 ‘s abous Ri h:-i‘a‘la Ou,la,lldh W.‘l‘ .he Ottawa River, + lington Street, City of Ottaws, with the Dwelling «nd outhouses thereon. 4 wiiy o snprsra merey P BEWARE OF SP URIOUS 1MITATIONS, *~ As it is mported by no other firm in Canads could pot fail to be made to pay, - uhmuhnloanm(dm&u tnmdfl“;lfllflph".'fibfl, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. ghhflywuh“d'crm ‘C ratie) dlatel x -o-tlulw‘p.-umumnu-kb‘ehu, ao‘lh‘nh?h%udlhcdn"h.,.. Fabruary 10, 1860 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. iacke «) HMuvadtntiy partr mm tas Bhiny: i hm h-'li:‘l{o lease of the . of Mo‘fim!& Crt i ore ww e .Ji.'.‘“&:l‘&f.',.g-q. as its capital, quired e Ottewa, March 11 â€" soUchHoxg, 150 Caddies MANDERIN MXTURKE Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinter 160 ceaxes BINDGX & CO, would e«pec n of famiher to their #stock of _lflr llllll DUBIJ IN STOUT ay 8 »0 Y PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGE firstâ€"class Frame House and Lot, 66 by Â¥9, ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA PoT, Apply to FOR SALE OR ‘TO LKEKT. Applications, (postpaid) to be addressed to ies FRANCI8 c:.-w‘=q .‘_‘?“w. Ottews, C. W TEAS, )INNER SHERRY Three Houses to Let, GOBR SATLE. COFFEE | ~ 0- vÂ¥ICTORIA TE&R» iL race, Richmond Road, conâ€" H taining eight rooms each. Pubâ€" ROBINSUN & CO,, Possession given Ist June. PRESERVED MEATS. The Victoria Hote! st delicions mag MRS." BUNTING, Rochester Estate, or on the Premises Fap Araid a 29 M sls O, 24, M First &qu_-in_ouovq Front Neâ€" session given May 1st TO LET For THE TEA POT, OTLAW A. lard Airainadp. ‘ Martebi‘s * Hennessey, United Vinguet» a% TWR INE GROVE HOUSK oP LEWI8 & PINUKY, Barristers, &¢., Ottawe MRS. LAUDEK 3570f ally oull the Centre Town 4304f Sivtt our own

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