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Ottawa Times (1865), 9 Sep 1867, p. 4

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Select Educa_ggnal Classes. Urs, and Misses Cossar, B‘o to acquaint the Ladics of Montreal and the surrounding country, that they will ro«eive at their house, No. 1, Oxford Torrace, 44 McGill College Avenus, a limited namber of Young : Lades as Boarders, who may be desirous of finishâ€" ing their education, or who, from a residence in the country, have been unable to enjoy the advantages of the city seminaries; . + _ f Mre. Cogsar is prepared to instruct theso young tadies in all the branches of a thorough Eng:ish t.t.nrus:. :l..oo French, \'or:: and lnstrumental ic, General Deportment, C isthenics, and parâ€". ticularly to sing an English Ballad. _ ° C Mré. Cossar has been induced to open these classes, baving been informed that thete are many young ladies to whom attendance at â€"a school is hith irksome and unpleasant, but who would make more favorable progres« when surrounded by comâ€" paniqns of their own ago and acquirements, and 1. ng with Mre. Cossar and her daughters in all the ireedoin of a happy home, and yet with that corâ€" reet restraint «o steadily earried out in England. Mrs. and Misg Cossar also give private lessons in snging and on the pianoâ€"forte, and beg to reâ€" tiry their sincere thanks for the kind encourageâ€" ment they have already received. [erms on application 2'-‘_‘ i necp es Burszovns, Burbridges and Sqfiire HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE, “fllfll.l‘:;‘ l.* Manufacturers of Bed= steats, Chairs, &0., Chaudiere Island, Otâ€" East End Dalyâ€"st., Ottawa Montreal, June 23, 1967. 175* l dott $ M â€" $& } / T M DRUG®S, o. â€"|\CHANGE of TIME. Glasswares Medicine Chests _ Storekeepers Th ce n Ks ( ts fclel kR Prazd B L JRicedl «& MBOvAi® q . 4 _A + Wis. "7"0 Q'fn(," â€"«_"«le Tz ::}li;;'?.%' %~ Ry l +o u « C sw es the worst Aradache any body can have by a dose or two From a Porwarding Merchant of 3. Lowis, Feb. 4, 1858 De. Aver: Your Pills are the paragon of all is reat in medicine. mm«uamumm © ulcerou« soves npon her hands and that had proved wcurable for years, I.-.-h-hnmvbv- ~slyv affiicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and « her hair. After our child was cured, sho also tried me Pills, and they have cured her. loa AHADARDTRAR Dillous Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints, Wrom Dr. Theadore Bell, of New York City. practice ever simo you made them, and cannot hesitate to »+â€"y they are the best cathartic wo employ, Their reguâ€" lating action on the liver is quick and decided,â€" conseâ€" anently they are an admirable remedy for derangements i« that organ. Indeed 1 have seldom found a case of talsoms distsisc mcuuomu“-umlly‘buw them. _ Praternally yours, _ ALONZO BALL, M. D., | 0 PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILD»â€" Prepared by As a Family Physic. From, Dr. E. W. Corturight, New Orlcans, Y.ur Pills are the prince of purges. Their excallont;uywaâ€" They are .i.]. bat very certain and effectual in their action on the .s«is, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily +siment of disease. x-.d.oh.lhllp.d!w Stomach. w ansut, Wyoming w?&‘]u 1955 Duas 5it : 1 am using your C i n my prac» ts e.‘l‘ml find fl.}; am n’coll-u Wu to cleause the s<tem and ify the blood. yptem n n / P nds ) MEACHAM, M. D. Constlpation, Costiveness, !-pnonl.-. Ihenmatism, Gout, Neuralgla, Dropâ€" #y, Paralysis, Fits, ¢tc. From Dr. J. 1*. Yaughn, Montreal, Canada. «> m.uch cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of: wetwene<s. _ If others of our fraternity have found them as eficacions aa I Mv-.tby&ombhuhghb- mus it for the benefit.of "'"":J"' # from that complaint, which, although e in itself, is the procenitor of others that ard worse. I believo cosâ€" tihones: to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that Dysentery, Diarrhca, Relar, Worms. Prom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago, Your Pill« have had a long trial in my practice, and I hokd them in esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have ie airenrcliont remeny, when givee in rmatl doges for heae an exe & w ® muoas dyremtery. and IM“ Their sugarâ€"coating m whos thens very acceptable and conveni¢nt for the use of women -u! children, . Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Kee. J. VoMimes, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston, Dz. Aver: 1 have used your Fills with extraordinary unuh.’?fljfi?”l&-rfluhm io distrests 0 regul organs digestion ,-:u‘n + the blood, they are the very best remedy 1 have ever known, and 1 can eonfdently recommend them to my. friendss Yours, . J. Â¥. MIMES. #arMost of the Pills in market contain Mercury, which. although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is pongergus in a public tfl. from the dreadful couse queness that frequently llow its incautious use. These cnnh.o.«q«-hnflm'w. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for { 1. Propared by Dr. J. C n Pora»xi Houst, Savannab, Ga., Jan. 2“ Hosorrp #im: I ghould be ungrateful for reliof por skill has beought me if I did not report my case to | J ‘“N‘Hh-:kl ..‘hd-d:.m pating newre y w r .â€"."mmlumd.:{'mmm .-u-‘n'mn-l'm-lblb‘th ite of your «»ellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your till«. â€" Their effects were slow, but sure. By persoveriag is the use of them, 1 am now entirely well. April 1 pe«a Buo. Aver: m--t-fi-"mwm s1v« evrel with your PiS better than to say all that we awa, Aug. 8, 184 f Prrtsscro, Pa., May 1, 1855. 1g. K & krkk. Sin: T Rera ho repontndly tervics ZZ e P PPR O t ”l mflfihmfiing? Are you out of ~i o , with your system deâ€" #~ ranged, and your feelings unâ€" J.R.e comfortable? Mgnp BVA y g toms are often the prelaide to # ,“' serious iliness, . Some, fit of 8. sickness is creeping upon you, y * and should be averted by a *4.’%; timely _useâ€"of the 1:« remâ€" ~"a o edy. Take Ayer‘s Pills, and Ta» cleanse out the disordered huâ€" m . morsâ€" purify the blood, and in let the fluids move on unob» structed in health again. 7 Tl:{'nhnhh the functions of body into vigorous ac« 2 tivity, purify the system from the obstructions which make wo. A cobl settles somewhere in the body, and obâ€" <is its matural functions. ‘These, if not relioved, + upon themeelves and the surrounding organs, proâ€" â€"‘ peneral aggravation, suffering, and discase. e in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, + Ayer‘s Pills, and see how dh-t‘l.‘nqm the ural action of the system, and w it the buoyans ‘m of health again. Whatis true and so apparent in : trivial and common complaint, is also true in many 10 decpâ€"seated and dangerous distempors, The same vative affect expels them. Caused b similar obstrucâ€" i: aud derangements of ll.uunif.udono“ho :. they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured ho sume means, None who know the virtues of these s. will neglect to employ them when suffering from disorders they cure. . = satements from leading physiclans in some of the wipal citics, and from other well known public perâ€" Â¥ebruary 26th, 1847 Pharmaceutical Preparations _., Photographic Sundrie#, al Instruments, Patent p Fittings, k m Dro I find one or two lurge doses of your Pills, taken at the wper time, are excellent prownotives of the natural secre« m when whoily or partially and also very ‘ctual to clanse the stomach and worms, ‘They * «> much the hest physic we bave 1 rcsommend : other to my pationt® | _ mJ\Tl:.â€" It seems to ariso from a foul stomach, h they cleanse at once. ours wi . W. PR l-.n'ulspdmpfi. n? ERLE, C MRS. COSSAR, No. 1, Oxford Terrace, 45 McQGill College Avenue. ses kindly permitted to:â€"Rev. Dr. Wilâ€" Dr. Jenkins, Jobhn Leemjing, K«q., John .. Theodore Lyman, bzq., Menry ‘Verâ€" Srwate Coamsr®, Baton: , La., 5 Dec. 1885. ‘Ares} I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of -uu“-nfilulnu ufflicted mo M e e 3 YINGENT SLIDELL ousand prices ot the above forwarded harge, monthly, by C 11 Conxua®â€"St., Loxnox. are your Pills admirably to their purâ€" I,IXâ€"Ml.HIMMmM“ veryâ€"marked indeed. They have in my prac« «d more effectual for the cure of bilious com« a1 uay one remedy I can mentjon. 1 sincerely 1t we have at length a purgative w is wor mtldence of the profession and the Devantwext or tus Ixtemio®, Wn‘tm.’-&.'hlloh.ll“. have need your Pills in my general and hospital _‘ PLAN®, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATES, &¢ From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. f:’?u" urgative medicine, 1 great depenâ€" fectual cathartic in -y:mum wlieving as I do that your Pills afford us the , 1 of course valuo them bighly. Ur. ILiwbes, of the Methodist Episufhurch r. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass zs Mortimer, Jobhn Roberts, w . M jâ€"Carthy and 4 Skinper in Ottawa. s ss04920% AUGAUSTUS LAVER, JOHN OLIVER, WILLIAM ANNABLE WILLIAM HOL#ATE rt, Physician and Milwife, Boston AYER‘S CATHARTIC PILLS. Whysician of the Marine Hospital, Patent Medicines Drysalteries, « Dy ® M” ASA MORGRIDGE. Lozenges, , Chemicals, Oilmen‘s Store®, °. Vetermmary . Sundries. sick, feeble, and ArcutrRct 3970 22y 06y 3684 3w9 » arâ€". + A+ M.««â€"TRAIN®S _ will b ® 7.30 Brockvilte daily_at 7.30 a.m., eso | 3145 p» m., artiving at Sandpoint at t:10 p Brockville and Uttawa Railway, From Prescott, 7.00 a. m, _ At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m. « w 2:45 pm. « /o / §:20 pam. From Ottawa, 7.00 a m. At Prescott 9.36 a.m. # «_ 1:30,p.m. «* «> 4:43 pam. ‘The time of these Trains has been soarfanged as to ensure connection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and west. 1 § * N. B.â€"These yraus run on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Oftawa thecked through from and to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway. .s. ‘ s A. M.â€"«TRAINS will. Ieave oD s ROD sandpoint daily at MHED in nc 2100 p. m., arriving at Brockvilte at 12:00 p. m., and 815 p. m. * 4 whus Cl s 3145 pe nasy AFTLV and 9:25 p.m. Brockvidle, Juné 1{» as follows tions on the line Deta wa, May 7 Returns tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Otta wa at reduced rates can be had at the principal sta Grand Trunk Railway Company SUMMER â€" ARRANGEMENTS.| ; lows Ottawa and Prescott Railway, sUMMER ARRANGEMENT May 26 the as we are prepared to prove from the evidence of those who have‘tried it All they ask is a trial, It is simple in construction, easily adjusted, and answers for an IRONING TABLE. It never need be taken out of the Kitchen, as it answers for a‘picce of Furniture. The following testimonia will show what the Ladies at the Nunnery think of it. . Parties desirous of giving us a fair trial will please to send us notice by post, or otherwise, naming time and place, will be attended to. HOLGATE, OLLVER, & ANNABLE. . Only This is toeortify that Messrs. Holgate, Oliver & Annable‘s Washing & Ironing|Table have been used bygthe tirey Nans, and they haye proved to be very satisfactory . 4o U uF Gere m Ottawa, August 12th, 196 N and after TUESDAY, the 7th May, 1867, and until further notice trains will run 'l‘llt Subscriber begs (to Inform his friends and the public ge rally that he has commenced business in the store formerly occu. pied by x f 1>1l\% Readymade ( Messrs. Fingland And where he will keey ral assortment of Which will be sold at a sinall Champagne Manufact LCHEY LAROQUE & Co “Vlll(’“ I§S EXCELLENT,and WHICH ‘ they carsell at$3 PER YLEN. Amatear who have tasted the wine, consider it a vety good | article, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" s:ttod. Hotel keepers and dealers in Wines would | well tocall on LAROQUE &)CO., and give them ] orders order?. RAB Botties of every deser tion, excepting oil bottles, wanted, and one pentiy dozen mp‘oir‘o‘giv- en than by any other y fon the same. .. AROOUE & CO. ttawa, September MM“ 2 A““Al‘“n“lhl‘ll'Bu C Mll’kél Steamer Dagmar, (Capt (Gowan,) leaves Montreal, Canal Bas * zim and Thumhgs. N AND AFTER MONDAY. MA Y 14th, \ l’x”fif‘s’fifi.:cl,'q'f,l,'.f’.."}';.fi"}cl.w,_ M w ASHING MACHINE. DEPARTURE Traing and Oitawa, July 10, 186 Cannadian HE UNDERSIGNED facturing a new and w! 0 a.m, Train fr READYâ€"MADE C ARE NOW MANUFA LEAVE BROCKVILLE RALLKROAD®S. Washing Machine now in the Do# miniony .. NEW DOMI OF CANADA. will leave Bonaventure Station as \VE SANDPOINT P ncing l GoIng wEsT JAMES® HI m Brockville connects at y‘a Steamers for Portage 11â€" ABBOTT Marnager C‘ J. BRYDGES, Managing virector , 135â€"vÂ¥ CC > INED: are now mani= and what they claim to be AND~ AND DETLOR, nst an HU RIN ha SUPERINTENDENT ARRIVAL iGINSON, ! And hopes by strict attention t ock, Nuséyâ€"st. | continuance of the patronage & , on him before. _ & ext to ho;"!‘n Pot. 1 . Ottawa, Septemb _ !5 1tE } azzelnâ€"me+ matemrmmmerâ€" A WINE CALLRD: ly on hand a gene red in Ottawa. ivance on cost .CH s3TREET lothing (» D) ! NCO 1sS ! (ION. LOTHING, n piap GREY NUNS & Draper from rne . fol 1867, H M 1807, PA RT AN | 90â€" egte onl Vn ) V 4 | en | MONTREAL & OTHAwA 3‘ _l.';;t-l‘e;;i;&i 0‘ & P‘ll.'lhl trip can ken:lm m“ tm‘ UOttawa to Grenville, v: one day, aros. Pn!lo;l'' Celebrated Caledonia : will be landed at L‘Orignal. ‘~ Parcel c:xnu ddlly from Ottawa to M and intermediate landings. 1 .FARES Return tickets to Montreal FirSt OLQ8®hcoueceneecrenpecness Second UD,.csrsercrrinerbercts o o o e o ies ’l’;:%hmdr Alesandra, (Capt. M. Shepherd,) will be employod in towingâ€"rafts between Ottawa and Grenville. i R. W. SHEPHERD. |__ _4 SMITUTH, , oentrRat c# racrory 1t tANADIAN INLAND _ STEA GaATIWN COMPANXY This Company is now prepared with eflicient stock to forward rreight of ever; tion between Montreal, Ottawa and Ride and intermediate Ports, with promptuess pateb, and at low rates. Freight received at the wharf of the Company, at Queber, and forwarded dail Fou freight apply to _ _ ISAAC BONNER, Agewt, 85 Commonâ€"st., Canal 1 ROYAL MAIL Ti May 7 CHANGE of TIMIES. 1E OTTAWARIVER NAvIGATION ; coMPANY‘s On and after SEPTREMEER 1st _antil turther noâ€" tice) the steamer Aiin Niswm will leave AyIme: onr{ day, for the Upper Ottawa, at 7. a. m., conâ€" aecting with the A//iazace at head of Railroad at I1, touching at Amuiur, Sand Point, Bristol, Bonnechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Whart, ans Portage du. Fort, arriying ‘at ‘lr. m, â€" Stages will leave Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival of Alliance tot Cobden, connecting with steamer /o tiould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. The Pontiac leaves Pombroke at noon on Tues d:‘vl-. Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachim e h‘V“ all intermediate ports, returning Mof days, Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving at 6 a. m omastine at Pambroke with steamer Jason Gon/ connecting at Pembroke with stea which leaves Pembroke Landin arriving at Portage du Fort same May 14 The steamer Allionce leaves Por every milwn 7:30 a. m., railway t at (Gould‘s Wharf, Farreli‘s Wharf, Bristol, Sand Point and Arnprior, an head of Railway at.12:45, and co Aan Sisson at Pontine at noon, .. Pass Ottawa at 4 p. m. < The steamer, Culum«t leaves Haveloc) days and Saturdays at 6 a.m. ; roturni Chapeau Village on Mondays and ®r > m. 3 A connection is made daily with the and Ottawa Railway on the upitrip at : 1 p.m.; and on the down trip at Sand Ottawa City, Aug. 2 Passengers for Des Joachims loave Monday, Wednesilay and Friday. For further particulare apply at ta Ottawa City or Aylmer, Bank st., Ottawia, Is AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUEFACTI all deseriptions ot ~ Carriages, Sleighs, &o. Ottawa and Prescolt Railro To be seen at he St «blo Ottawa December Pianoâ€"t orte and Organ fnstructior PRO_I?E!SOR of Music, Teacher « Organ, Piano, Voico and Harmory, Al Mre. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparksâ€"st., & joining Desbarats‘ Block.# EW FREIGHT LNE To OTTAWA °_ AND THE RIDEAUT CANAL. 118 May 4 EMERALD,...... ALLIANC Ey..... ORBRGON, ceveces SNOW BIHRD,... JASON GQULL PONTIAU,@...... P EMBROKN L CALUMET,.. Upper QOttawa Route. A NN SISSO N A * pIRECTON W. McNavitto®,.... . x IMPORTED SET, SING BLE and Tandem isting of the following firstâ€"cla PRESIDENTâ€"H FORWARDING COMPAN) sTEaMER®S. DERI HARNESS FOR SAuHE. ilver Mounted Haruc memonnetti e tser _ szeatffee J&h: 1A N x.°G. CLa&RXKXk with KA N 1 D. MURPHY M AG NEA BRUSH 18M Ol THE OTTAWATIMEs, SEPTEMEBEER 9,° i867. Canal Ba pT MoL® M. CAMET LOHAML pt Be intil turther noâ€" / jr@nmk®. leave Aylme: l for: t 7. a. m., COn> | thereof, c of Railroad @t | tHose wh Point, Bristol, | office in 1 d‘s Wharf, and | 1 epen m, . Stages Will | jnyoices after arrival o! | intended ) steamer /oso» | niust be ime evening. _ | Agency, noon on Aue®> | j t ports Des Joachims, | returning Monâ€" | ving at 6 a M.. | April 12 ar Lsw Rowld : | * +â€"â€"â€" «l arrivin nnocting D iA VI= lea L8 1 J El ly rer VRETTE 26y n Pu ba reliou the the 1OT Mc «iden 419â€"8 1. 24 c=e T @ GARDEN TOOLS Do . FRUILL TREES! scoo| _ TORONTO NURSERIES. â€" ve BLYTIH & KERR, Plumbers, Successors to Chas. Garth, Yo. 25, Rideauâ€"st., AT THE SIGN OF THE iwporters and Dealers in House Purnisi .. H§ Hamwiate.â€" . .. Ottaw a, A|»ril'| wh Iv AMRRORS®, MIRRORS, MIRROR Toilet and other ‘Looking GHla Acricultural Implements The Queen‘s Book. | _ Hardware J. DURIE & soNn _ [ â€" ME NA MNene AP Prince Cinsort, | To s1 | U. S.° CONSUYLAR ACEKCY Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa and its Depeudencies, oÂ¥ Il\llR undersigned U, 8. Consular Agent for the City of Ottawn, and the dependencies thereof, deems it proper to give public notice to those who may redquire his offsial services, that his office in R.\ Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"streot, will bo open at all.times during business hours. All invoices of property of whatever kind exported or intended to be exported into the United _States, njust be atuthenticated by. me at this Consular geney, in order to facilitate its transit at the proâ€" pipt ports of entry. 0| > â€" > _ _ . ail il\lll& sUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS means of informing the Farmers of Fitzroy, MeNab and adjacent "i!u\vn.-hlp.!, that his agent« Mes«r«. Pontey and Taylor, are now engaged in the locality soliciting orders tor trees. Hxap QUakâ€" The subscriber need only point to the faet, that his fruit wherever exhibited atthe Provincial Fairs has earri¢d off the first prize, to assure those favorâ€" ing‘ hiin with their patronage that they will be supplied with Trees bearing fruit of the first qualiâ€" ty, â€" is stock of trees forthe Eastern demand have been, grown with a special view to prepare them for that climate, being of that low stocky grow$h which experience teachesto ho the best kind of "\Ill-:* undersigned is authorized to sell on wmost favorable terms NÂ¥FIVE LLMIT3, conâ€" taining Two Hundred and Eighty Square Miles, on the River Bumoine, (one of the tributaries toâ€"the Ottaway, which, from recent Surveys, is l‘mip.l to contain an immense growth ‘of White and Red Pine, and which, in point of quantity and quality, tGias & Steam Fitters, cannot be surpassed in all the Pine ferrit the Upper Ottawa. t i‘pon A careful estimation, . competent Surâ€" veyor», they give the following amount of Standard Logs upon each square mile, that is, an average of seventeen thousand logs tothe square mile, mak» ing, at a moderate estiate, four million two hunâ€" dred thousand logs, with ample allowance for any nart of the limits that may be covered by water or s wam ps. & 3 Maps f the property and any further partionl may be had of the agent. \ Terms of payment very liberal. WILLIAM PARKER, Uttawa Hotel, Montreal Anauat 34 1867. 5034 es for the Eastern portions of the Province, The ock: comprises fruit trees of every description, :o Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Herbaceous wering plants, &e., &c.,.in groat variety. | GEORGE LESLIE, Proprietor, Crown â€" Land LW 8T RECEIVED a large consignment {+ Mirrors and Toilet Glasses in Gilt, Roseâ€" and Walnut #rames of various shapes and and of »uperior finish, which will be sold and of superior finish, which will be sold to elose the consignment, Also lurge addiâ€" £ Crockery, China and Glassware. + A large Cut Tumblers at $2 per doz, the best ever of~ it that price, also furhiture of all kinds. In sortment will bo found some beautiful Sofas, were purchased cheap, and will consequentâ€" sold for les« than value. Bargains can be ed by patronizing the Variety Hall, ter agust 3, 1867 idlennmu t6tred nters and Joiners‘ Tools Of every RAKES, ‘Tin «& Coppersmiths. PLOT LINES, kes, Cti;fi’ Kettle l.nmp’l‘,}hih, ul 16th VEAY AND IMPROVED A) 34, Sussexâ€"st. ~‘T OTRAW HBell MHangers, &c. sPADES, SHOV ET t L AND 1NSPECT. THOMAS BLRKETT, ° uccessor to James Starke f â€" 408y . Al JUSsIEIIH BOYDEN, £ General FOR SALE. P. 11. MAHAR, . DURLE rnpt Fimber Limits brai (‘ii\@r:u al s, Putty, . _ 24 N & SON, , 10, Sparksâ€"at 498y ar Agent 107 A gont 2w4 artionlare O "OTTAWA TIMES Printing Works! is 60, sparks street, Centre Tow n WILL AFFORD A Sl'l'f".lil()li MEDIUM \Dry Goods, PP MHAS BEEN TRULY sSAID THAL ADVERTISING \Property to Sell ADVERTISE ! Let the World Know 1i No Matter what vour Business. Do you want to Buy?: This is the Motto of ecvery NCOMW is the PEVE IS PRINTERS ANXK A8S ONLE Ob WDCLOUS APPHMCOATLION OF PH] Ary r np 4 P 5 LRADING AVRNUES TO WEALTH hrough . Which it Will Itench ‘FHE "TIMES®"* 11 ADV RINLPLSHIG PA Groceries, ADVIAIRLISIH! S DIC A M QAIDVERTIS‘E!! BUSINESS MA N *OTTAW A TS 13 THE MEDIU M ADVERTISE! IF YOU HAVI! iF YyoU HAVE 1 LHF® PUBLIC Grockery, LINE OF TO HIELL, ADVERTISE, rroiml Glassware, MI D. Nkt§? THL Real Y §M _/ HOWES Boot and Shoe Store. fine our 1 the whol SHOT lej Arkbian â€" c Ma Brown, in Ott Ottawa, Pel VIOLIY~. Av MI On FRID For the convey proposed conts t pr Als Addr During the W way. betweer 101 IOC>U BR & VAUOREUIL CARILLON & G principal 1 and blat ftht BB i Apamarisi 0| ivtacsanle OTTAWA to MON‘FREAL of | attentior ) ended t The Oftawa River Navigati Merchandise and P beer callsd Agent § the Lease of our Premi street terminates this month, \ In t finnt:’ and \;Shge lry; that he has . where he is prepare rior article. Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes pali" Pos1tTIVELY sUPERIOR all.other préparations for the eus ‘vu.l. be received by the Corporation ef the City of Ottawa, until Monday, he ninth day of SIEI']'AF.‘.MI.H;ZK. A. D., 1947, at sever M q‘slock, pm., for the construction‘ of Slaterâ€"street, Wellington Ward, accord cifi¢ation to be seen at the office of (1 gineer. Tenders to state the price j for the work. & ‘ VIOLINS FINDIN tly be ver Ottawa, May 8, 1 e of fay VUIB public are fnfor the increased domand No. 10. Rideauâ€"st Ottawa, Sept. 3, 1867 135 BR EM OVA L. 1 L1 t M THE SUBSCRIBER REGS LE A Vi edNxCP TEN DEERS KT ‘LILIK C on ll(‘pfll Orders ir mict da M J Â¥I {1 TRUNE ir av AUGEB â€"URiWLLL L‘ 1 ¢ Mi W 1Cl‘ FTAVVI‘-\ m Nit®s LETT, City Clerk on bi 10 | VI “'Hl«‘.!‘.!'..\h J I TW ENT o NE IT ‘% golve sTOOCK BROKER, CONSIGNEE, &c., M l\“’ll PIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYMEN Blacksmiths® to whomâ€"constant employment nd good wages will be given. Apply to PHT‘:K l\'ll.fil’l-‘l-" .46 3tf Yorkâ€"st., Ottawa. NOW Y3 CC A N A D.A.. Y auted Lmmediately, . W vb CENEZAL AGENT, 10SsLPEH E. ELLIS, Al TH 4 TH 1J \J) .A 1 )l \ 1) A Ad U c desirous and ree 1ay be, to meet our peoâ€" T ired { 0 Merchant iHNET, sivous and pee Y oF TORONTO, in « SEVENTH day of r ofâ€" Our Lord, one ed and s‘xtyâ€"seven, Our Reizn. VIN uirrpina | _ Douinio Sclf Seaing Prait J2t d } inag desir 1 1 PAl 1 »lngn:ion e Bath, tenant G MJ TW D our City of sDAY, the ER next. i Well affixed d these of the lritain Halitax, Malifax Halifaa Halifax urers of Mr 1 the t te!BENNETT‘S WH ARF Over axfi Tflrmlqsr adl G §. > PELIVERY, Monday, the Pebruary 10, 1 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LEL On Monday They will apply to the a confrmation thereof CONVERSE, COLSON & LAMB, CoRNER HONPITAL The Manufaclures of Ontano aud Q18K (when a LOWER PR OVINCES 'l‘lll‘! UNDERSIGNED has ing pointed agents for Mersrs, Wileon rders will be promptly exceuted al the ket rates. Ottawa, March 2 Sugarâ€"cured I nited ( ll E.A V % Prime P €D"* FWMUIE undersigned has a fow rogus a# dations, . liament J Ottawa, July Fon preserving frubt with the quantity of sugar used by th while the true taste of the fruit i Pricefrom $1.50 per dozen. A household requisite for reviv any Igbor, a Looking Gls«s j where the French polish or va dimmed by wear. Tas Orrawa Tives.â€"Printod @bo 7 every morning, . (Sundays SIQJ the Tixes Steam Printing Works Sparkeâ€"st, in the City ot Ottaw® of Carleton C. W Private Boarding Hous® NE | undersigned Insolvent Act of 18064 COMMISSIUN Alilnlit‘Mi County tedf* BLLC NOTHCE ‘\nu © / TERMS WLLISON â€" & °© Pork Packers, POF S rignal #"Consignments Sellcited July Dominion Purniture Poli®b. ALEXANDH KERR, trad CAMERON : Moneyvy 10 J The Victoria Hotel ; UNENCUMBERED HEAL Ee TATE SEOURITY. â€" Apply to Market PBrug AVY MESS, Puian litor 3. 5 cent« per bottle inpanid . -.lrtholr be m September 1 NOTICE. Al OFâ€"Q@ T T AWaA PE@xyiAT VARLUABLE PL ns, (postpaid) »FRANCIS « Or JOMN | HERRICK, BRUSH & Apply RDWARb TA\ 1 ily 29, 1867. F1 A A PIANO MONTRE AL, atreas the Thirt KA mt y @4 t EOX â€" REASONARH HALA A ND Yorxâ€"STREET F1 th Di (El M1 have ied 1J ed CA M M MI r _ S1080« pay w AJ 1 and H N 1€954 11 PARTKELL A N bers #P ubdisP ted) | EEL AJ Osent exir 0 A 15‘ 1 UOD k1 %5 'g & uurl::} Cuave « unmacs : ’n!h' KHowsuy Lacas. _ ntawa, Febraary 1.“ l‘Aullll‘l‘ll Notary Public, rown Attorney, for wad Haxsoll. . urrice : In the C anaury 27, 1866.â€" OtHtalba .’Rl‘rll‘l‘.“ tral Ottawa Ottawa., J anuat 1D* GEQ 119664 l luumrAfld and Accouchq P mhare ce ..ll\'sl( I A N, â€" Ofice: Mar how , but cortain ©e08. :‘n& reate@, it requir Otawa, Aptil LuOSS +o TDORNEY®« *parks Street, C Kesidenoe, Maria l’ll YS1CIA N Oftawa. Day ’V'l('lpm mont, 25 Ridea May 30 14# GIC BC W \ carly advertise ineral nllowange arly aubscriptior Marche} e«thee at i Dit BIHYVS10O1A®N, ‘PARK} Str W, W . Brown Oitawa., Decemt Httawa., J anum n Smith, Lows rke ; Dunean C4 o ; Jobn Hall, M ntawh, Februar oPARIRS I* : ('ul..\t.‘\‘j DVvoC aAPE «¥" A 11. TTORNE Y DVOCATE. iwed to attend q DI FORI Stree A NY 4 ~ COlnmake A UGUS w on t tm n C 00 sulicitor in Cl 10e : Opposite | 4 NY 4 Olnmane 1. . 80 A OR TS TEI "IC. 44. PTORNE YÂ¥+» A J¢ 00 0 8 0C 08 Chancery, &e. mox : Aumond M. A 80 60 18 P CAt tol. % taws Feobro ENTIET: ¢ EDW AltI DR. ENTIET, alicitorâ€"inâ€"Ch 6, over Mr.‘ 1 Ridean itroct, TOR NIESâ€" hancery, Cony rect A. Mas Ragphat WILIA A APLERR VOL: J a M DJl OJ K1 L bor M AsSs| February »4% (lt LEES M arch Iy Di t ©Wilice D DR 12] 14Â¥ 18 Bor M Suree Stup 1 mÂ¥ M

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