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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Sep 1867, p. 4

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Seloct Eduea_t_._ional Classes. Urs. and Misses Cossar. Burgorus, Burbridges pnd Squire Cortwaxâ€"St., Loxbox. | 23y HOLGATE OLIVER & ANNABLE, V East End Dalyâ€"st., Otawa. + Aprilh. . irty housand prices ot the 'P"' forwarded .w-’lehrp.-o-lb.b # w Instraments, m Fittings, « Perfumery, Drags, t Paints, â€" Glacsware, 4 ”\ "'“'P‘ ts re . â€"â€" Sundries. : diwaso. _A cold settles somewhere in y, and ob stzucts its natural fanctions. These, W# not relieved, reaet upon themsetves and the organs, proâ€" ':\Umhflo-z*.v by the derangements, tate Aver‘s Pills. and see how directly they restore the 12. 42A Pnd e ragat ptp C feeling of health again. . What is true and so apparent in 'hb-":r‘nhltnd?“.lbw’i;-y o( the deepâ€"seated dangerous distempers. same purgative offect expels them. o-l?mm tous and derangements of the functions of the hody; they are raptdly, and many of them surely, cured take Ayer‘s Pills, and see how directly they restore the Te tm 0 the dpitemn and with is the bucyaed by the same means. None who know the virtnes of these uls, will neglect to employ them when suffering from nhwfi-‘ = "In totheof the pi.a.u“-an-m“ ‘well known public perâ€" Avem: of all that is Du. Ave £ e daughter Your Pills are flâ€"” C en ienennaoene n e anr hoii of ulcerogs sores upon Nere e ow oY mnered 3 ..z_..-.:‘_!-m prg bair :::-m-:-d. c :«?;’nh.n‘u-qhwe“ TsA â€"MORGRIDG As & P’ II;:A. From Dr. K c-n:ul. Orkans. -: crintice mitoase miy oitpartic No posses. . They are qmaliting aurpase muy cat CA c t 0. o. > . â€" â€"@eieth OMA * ‘No. 1, Oxford Terrace, _‘ Ketereuce Ktsity perfiped feceiine P erences to:â€"Rev. Dr. Wilâ€" s, Rev Dr.JflL. John Iau-hgbg.'. John u;..:q,m Lyman, Esq., Menry Verâ€" A, R L + Montreal, June 28, 1867. 415* howels, which maktes them.invaluable to us in the daily tromtment of disease, . ‘â€" 1‘.-ouu.oumm. 4088 tw nn’uwr‘.yulm“-” tho Liver very marked tadeed. They have in my prac« tics proved more effectual for the cure of bitious comâ€" «. uts than any one remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely L<jor» that we have at leagth a purgative which is wor siry th> contidence of the profession and the people. a â€" ‘Devanticyt or tus Intemio®, } Dewr Bro. Aven: lm.‘n-fl? y \'n:-** I .-"tn: »er treat with a, .';â€"-...-..n.aom-a cathartic in m:&'fil is»ase, an«l believing as I do that your Pills afford us the Be. 3. C. Avex. llc:!i:voh-fi;fi%dd the worlk body can have by a or two w Pss T :‘:.b-ht-.:bd.-nfi. «w hide cleanse at onee. Yours with groat respect, _ ED. W.PREBLE, . r_.mwrilhh‘lfi{'_"“ mhington, D. C., 7th Feb., 1854 hnlhw-lngh’.&fi' .&l practice cver since you made cannot to s«y they are ==z*%h Their reguâ€" x :a they are‘um remedy for derangemen \rmu,m unu:l': biLous so obstinate that fl thear. 33.--; yours, erxces Dysentery, Diarrhea, Relas, Worms. PFrom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago, Your Pils have had a long trial in my practice, and I Billous Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints. Prom Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City. â€" Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Ked. J... Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, Bostom, Te. Are®t: 1 have used your Fills with extraordinary siccesr hi my family and among those I am called to visit x-u}fi“-ru"”"n"'m' # Pills in my prac» An.n::‘u . ‘:mâ€"m:fl-l-lh M Py in dn & dE Metaxt, at. D. Constipation, Costitveness ssion, l&-:.‘l-‘. Gout, 'Ci'lfl‘:m’- sy, Paralysis, Fits, ctc. From Dr. J. P. Vaugin, Montreal, Ornada. r, Too mmchcaunot be said of your Pills for the cure of Pn dfetaires t 4 heres they shonld pim e in To Tt mt Tho booctrt tho muitiiaies who saler from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the prozenitor of others that are worse. 1 believe casâ€" tireness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that »rean and cure the diseasc. ‘ Price, 25 a-i.,cnu.csmuu. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Masa P m VCE sontaig no mercury or mineral substance whatever. < Prom Mrc. E. Quart, Physician and Midwife, Bosto». 1 fAnd one or two large doses of your Pils, taken at the pnmraritrarad uen efectual to oleamge the stomach and worms, They «re so rmuch the best physic we hate 1 resommend a~ other to my patieats. Proms the Rev. Dr. Howies, of the Methodist Epis. Church. Suware Cnama=R, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Du. Avzz: 1 have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rhewmatie Goutâ€"a painful disease that bad ufflicted me t vears # VINCENT SLIDELL #y*Most of the Pills in market contain l-e-ri. which, aithough a valuable remedy in skilful bands, it coooece un neclanit hikee in feceutious use. ‘Tiess To mm e m t Auich, .a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is frurzesgun in a pabtic pil, from‘ the ‘dreadful couse> wold them in esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have sor found, Their alterative effect upon the liver makes :mnmmâ€"nunh «Howe dysentery and -fi-fll( 2@ them very acceptable and convenient for the use & women and children. Prepared by 2 we have, I of » distress. . ‘To regulate the organs of digestion and urify the blood, they are the very best remedy 1 have ver {m--.ud 1 can confidently recommend them to ny Orbemdit, . Yours, _ J. V AUIMES3. 1a, Aug. 8, 1867 Â¥ebridary 26th, 1867 itreal, June 28, 1867. . 4o _ LGBH & 4y ~ap. DRUGB, &o. CHANGE of TIME. »ar skill has brought me if T did not report my case to »s. A cold m my limbs and brought on excruâ€" Ptu-:ll-:--'â€"‘.h-.h.zu Hosorz» Sin: I should be ungrateful for the relief HOLESALE .-.'lmnn of Bed= steads, Chairs, &e., Ch re Island, Otâ€" t only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur: PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILD»â€"â€" mntegraphts Suodr ;:w_” byilsorge Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M . W# r-Cn}_hy and â€" Skinner in Ottawa., PLANS, SPECIFICATION®, ESTIMATES, &¢ w ansam, W yoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. AUGUSTUS LAVER, WILLIAM HOLGATE, JOHUN OLIVER, _ WILLIAM ANNABLE Tas mb fiment ce the obstructiggs which make T ied e Pa of Pbprcian, ue "un until by llo.. ice of your Clerk of Steamer Clarion, Patent Medicines . Drysalteric®, Dye Goods, } Colors, Ai _ Lozenges, Oilmen‘s Stores, Vetermary _ Sundries. Lozenges, _ .| Cremik ‘MEP Ancnm®et 97 36 +c 3uet w N6y 1, 1855. Ottawa and Prescott Railway: | Brockville and Uttawa Railway:) |$,; .« _~ZA¢ Eo e mE All trains on !lill line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to a d from Perth. * + 1Â¥ ~ABBOTT, Brockville, June 29 ® A. M.««TRAINS will leave 7:30 Brockville daily at T.30 a.m., and 45 p. m., arriving at Sandpoint at 1:10p i. DEPARTURE ___.__ A@RIVAL | From Prescott, 7.00 a. m. . At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m. | * «_ 2:45 p.m. «* 6 5:20 p.m. ' From Ottawa, 7:00 a m. At Prescott 9.35 a.m. | * «_ 1:30 p.m.. * «_/ 4:43 p.m. | The time of these Trains has been nouu':g'd as to ensure connection with night and day ti on Grand Trunk, east and west. ; | N. B.â€"These traims rum on Sontreal Time. ren Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through trom and to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway. as follows imtawa, May 7 Returns tickets to Pressott, ‘h'usvluo‘ and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be hail at the principal staâ€" tions on the line. . | T ‘ T.S. DETLOR, Grand Trunk Railway Company SUMMER , ARRANGEMENTS. 0. AXD, AFTER MONDAY,. MAY 14th, ue ‘Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as f@}â€" GoInG wEsT. uy .xpress for Ogdens! ; Otawa, , Brockville, Khmbgl’;fllh, Toâ€" ronto, Guelph, Brantford Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicagt, f and all points Wost, at................... $.00 AM Night _ do _ do _ &t....._........ 8.13 PM. Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Staiions, at............... 9.40 A.M. Trains for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 Express by Railway throughout tor New f };wk.m and Alls‘.h't,m!-’mdm:; ‘ oints, connecting at ohns wi , Vermont Ooanl‘ldh&d. at Burâ€" § lington«ith the Raviand and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Lake Champlain Steamboats for Lake W.Bnmgt.lh'!'aue..te.'s.s. A.M. Accommedation Train for lsland Pond and Intermediate Stations, at............ 6.45 A.M. Express for Boston and Intermediate e Points, connecting at St. Johns with > Ir Vermont Central lhilroud.‘;t.... 8.30 A.M. Mail for Portland, stopping over night at l-ln:d Pf’”&pr”fi" 2.00 P.M Express by railway throu out for New Â¥ork, Boston, and all Intermediate Points, m“m&u with Vermont Central at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" $ u':ftn Railroad, also at Rousc‘s nt with Lake ChamplajnSteamers * fer Lake George, Saratoga, New Wymf“-fimh”@h& 4.30 P.M. t or vers, Que! ‘ Riviere du Loup and Portland, at...10.10 P.M. F _i MEC;:: on all Night Trains, Baggage ' For further information, and time of arrival and \ departure of all trains at Termini and W:I Staâ€" tions, see the Grand Trunk Railway Book of Time sUMMER ARRANGEMENT Tables the Only Washing Machine now miniongs as we are prepared to prove from the ‘evidence of those who have tried . it. All they ask is a trial. It is simple in construction, casily adjusted, and answers for an IRONING TABLE. 1t never need be taken out of the Kitction, as it answers for a pidee of Furpiture. The following testimonia will show what the Ladies at the Nunnery think of it. Parties desirous of giving us a fair trial will please to send us notico by post, or otherwise, naming time and place, will be attended to. This is to eeni? thiat Messrs. Holgate, Oliver .& Annable‘s W ash a:-ln-ilg ‘Table have hbeen used by the Gréy and they have proved to be very satisfactory . Ottawa, August 12th, â€" Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. ‘The 3:00 P.M., Train runs through to Plattazburgh bcadntnimints, .c 1 sntoil e "LT l’l.‘.fin for Joachims leava Ottawa eve & mm T3 3 | Monday,â€" y and Friday. Tln‘. Subscriber, begs ‘to inform his | â€" For further lars apply at tae UGice of the friends and the public generally that he has | Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer," commenced business in the store formerly ogcuâ€" | | R S. CASSELS, pled by w a | 4 | President I puscwscrall s logsYert 41 Yew . DR Y GOOLs ! Readymade Clothing | ‘;L.'M Mh:{m keep constantly on hand a gene DRY GOODS! Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. f 3 Al..z}bnaclnon. ukn Block, Sussecâ€"st, Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa Ottawa, September LAROOUE & Co. CHURCH 3TREET ©OUmesy RRRCITR DT en than by any other Canadian â€" Champagune? wn!cn 18 l!cll.l.;fl'l‘ and WHICH they carsell at$3 PE DOZ’RN Amateur who have tasted the wine, consider it a very good wticle, and superior to what is rupposed to be imâ€" a-tod. Hotel keepors and dealers in Wines would well tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them Bottles of every descri excepting oll oi Piiieh un mt foey paodivaes more givl N and after TUESDAY, the 7th May, 1867, and until further notice trains will run W ASHINGâ€" MACHINE. Oltawa, July 10, 1867 ‘;'ll UNDERSIGEED are now imana= ‘acturing a new and what they claim to be READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ARE NOW IAiU'ACTU!m A WINE CALLED Commencing \ ‘HAILRKOAD®S. LEAYE BROCKVILE®E NEW DOMINXION. GoING soUTH AND EAST LEAYVE SANXDPOINT HOLGATE, ULIVER, & ANXNAGLE OF CANADA. A. M.«â€"â€"TRAINS will leav e ’ Sandpoint daily at 5145 a.m.y and atriving at Brockvilte at 12:00 p. m., . Fingland & Draper| â€"â€" * n.umm. * W Anrector. 35â€"Â¥ â€"ANXD~â€" AX® y for the same. _ _ _ "LAROOUR & CO. qi Mn SUCPERINTEND®NT 18 Next to he Tea 481tf GqREY Nt‘3S in the Do# 412y ustee »! Meais and State Rooms always { * the Tars. . . , attention to business to have a | continuance of the natronage so liberally bestowed { on him before. > Pot, | _ Ottawa, 15 230y | SPARTAN, i Pussengers will find it to their> travel by this route, it being the | cheapest, as well as the most comfort Have commenced their regu‘a Montrealand Hamilton, calling 94 Ports, connecting with the Both ways, daily, Mondays exce | MONTREAL & OTTAW A N.B.â€"Through and Return Ticke ained at reduced rates from 1807, Parcel ¢ and intorrat Return 1867. The magnifcent steamers comprising This. Comrlny is now prepared with new and efficient stock to forward rreight of every descripâ€" tion between Montreal, Otawa and Rideau Canal, and intermediate Ports, with promptness and desâ€" patch, and at law rates. Freight received at the wharf of the Richelicu cw, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. F ight apply to » > D. MURPHY, Agent, tANADIAN INLANXD STEA GATIWN u’bpl!\ax | CENTRAL ISAAC BONNER, Agew, 111 Amreccls. 1367 c L 86, W_ mm flli-. Canal Basin, Montreal Mayt. TT3 _‘ 42 CHANGE of TIME. On and wm'uuuzu 1st ,«ntil turther noâ€" tiee) the s {u SNisson will leave Aylmer avery day, for the Upper Ottawa, it 7 a. in., con« daye, Wednesdays and Fridays, Invinf at 6 a. m., connecting at Pembroke with stean.or/asor fiould , which leaves Pembroke Landing at 1 p. m:, and atriving at mnu Fort same evening. ‘The steamor "'.-‘nm loaves Portage won avei -uflvu a. m., railway time, ing at gclld'l harf, Fartell‘s Wharf, Eonuechere, Bristol, Sand Point and Arnprior, and arriving at head of Railway at 1:45, and consecting with Aun Sizon at Pon Ottawa at 4 p. m,. _ ‘The steamer Calum«t leaves lHavelock on Puosâ€" days and Saturdays at 6 a.m. ; mnminf. leaves Chapeau Village ¢n‘ Mon@ays and Fridays at 2 mas ve .. f *A connection is thade daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up Mg at Sand Point 1 p.m.; and on thedown trip at Sand Point at® [\nn OoTTAWA RIVER NXAVIG conraxy‘s Ottawa City, Aug. 26, 1867 ROYAL MAWMH May 14 IBHII SSL., SA LLEL VY 15e IS AGAIN PR&PARID TO MANUFACTURb » descriptions of Carriages, Sleighs, &c. To be seen at the Stable of Ottawa Pnovn Organ, _ Pi Mrs. Clark, To Music e joining Degbara May 4. | Pianoâ€"korte and :Organ instruction A buriged Tepdem Consisting of the following firstâ€"class steainers 4448 Ottawaâ€" and Proscott Railro: EW FREIGHT LINXE To OTTAWA AND THE RIDEAU CANAL. NIONX FRORWARDING AND RAML» waAay coOMPANY. ANN SISSON,.......%. BMERA LD,...sssycccee ++ ALAIANC Ey cevyreveccees OREBEGON, :s susssescaseess NNOW _BIR D,.«cccccccss JASON GOULD:....... PONTIA Uymermenenessues P EMBROR Biyscuscussst» CALUMET....... ....... Upper Ottawa Route. ; W. McNavcitto®, Silver Mounted Harnesses. PRESIDENTâ€"Hcon McLexsas RECLIA FORWARDING . COMPAN) HARNESS FOR SALZE. IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOT Bank St., Ottawia STEA YER®S. AHAERRICK, BRUSH & at Pontiae at noon. _ Passengers reach TLIMITEILD . BM ILEPEIL, xm v® . KINGSTON DIRECTORS Voice and Harmony,. Also t of Drawing and Painting. _ > Bllhl:donu, 69 Sparkeâ€"st., adâ€" nok. C. CLaABRBEK, R of Music, Teacher of THROLT MAGNEA e i7 24 Canal Basin, Ottaw@ R. W, SHEPHERD 4348 Ottawa to Montreal M. CAMERON, J. B. Avor@ to Capt rtal A 3b NAYVI= CHA MI advantaze t Beaserer Stree: SMt o un apaann n Terms and conditions made known at time of tae Ufice of the . sale. Vendor will covenant only that he has done :"v_g s no act to incumber. "““‘"".;."Mm Title to be accepted as it existed at the excenâ€" 41x -‘mum&w-' s esmpatient &ll. dn-'v;ym. searches, abstracts, &o., to be at 4 » itc o_ T citor for the sa homas ie« FTACTORY | Ortawa, August 23rd, 1867. . d524â€"3â€"3¢wtd Bockus. Lerrer, Â¥ixpuay Hormra w OVERMAN, DuégaaN. Cou y RETTR | Cooking Stoves,â€" â€" Tron Bedsteads, l | Double Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Penders, | Parlor Stoves, Fire Irops, j Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, | Japanned and Planished Tinware, &¢., | mtaze to | Manufactarers of all descriptions of work for W ater ceâ€"t and | and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. | Makes and fitsup Galvanized Iron . Cornices, Gutâ€" | ters, Conductors, Roofing, &c. 3 j ,_| _ ge@~Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" uded in | tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &c., warmed by | | steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on, the most apâ€" | ' proved principles. * n he ob | Orders from the country will receive stmet atâ€" | tention. | 4 Ottawa, August 26. 116y | A TION 1807, 00 THE OTTAWA TIMES., SKPIEMBEKR â€"12, 4 thy "©c GCARDEN TOOLS 1861 | BLYTH & KERR, _ Successors to Ohas. Garth, NÂ¥ o. 235, RRidcauâ€"st., Plumbers, AT THE S1IGN OF THE t â€"ALSOâ€" mporters apd Dealers in House Parnish _ n Rartware, ‘u. S. CONSULAR ACEKCY j IN GREAT VARIRTY, Nails, Spike«, Camp Kettes, Cireular and Cr cut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putty, £¢.,â€" CITRAP. § io t cann en 49e Ottawa, April 13 MIRRORS, MIRRORS, MIRRORS, Toilet and other Looking Gasses, VARIETY HALL, Jl‘!'l‘ RECEIVED a large eou-lfinmeut of Mirrors and Toilet Glasses in Gilt, Roseâ€" wood and Walout Frames of various shapes and sizes and of -:gnrlu finish, which will be sold cheap to close the consignment. Also large addiâ€" tions of Crockery, China and Glassware. A large lot of Cut Tumblers at S’.’fpor doz, the best ever ofâ€" fered at that price, also furhiture of all kinds. In the assortment will be found some beantiful Sofas, which were runhud cheap, and will consequentâ€" ly be sold for less than value. Bargains can be received by patronizing the Variety Hali HAV. RECEIVED ¢ The Early Years of His Royal Highness the Prineg Consort, compiled under the direction of Her Majesty the Queen," by Lieut.â€"Gen. the Hon. C. Grey. «"Shakspeare," eomfilelc, 30 cents ; « Byron," comâ€" tlou. 20 cte. ; "The Northâ€"Wost Passage by Land," y Viscount Milton, &c.; «" Rest in Josus ;" « Life in Heaven ;" " Meet for Heaven ;" "Dante‘s Pur. gatorie," by Longfellow ; Ancien Regime," by Kingeley ; «Voices of the Prophets;" «The Church of the First Days," by Dr, Vaughan ; © La Lyre Francaise," by Gml\'o Masson ; " Called to Account," by Annie Thomas ; «Raymond‘s Heroâ€" ine;" * No Mans Friend," by F. W. Robinson ; «Wynard‘s Ward" by Holme Lee, Malton‘s Comâ€" Enuy» and Battation Drill;" «The Civil Code of wer Canada ;" « Unspoken Sermons," by (George MacDonald. ie Ropors All materials for the above brmgches kept con intly en hand. « ’l‘llll undersigned U. 8.‘Consular Agent for the City of Ottawa, and the dependencies theresf, deems it proper to give public notice to those who may require his offisial services, that his Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa and its Dependencies. office in R. Raton & Co.‘s Store, Ridenuâ€"street, will Agricultural Implemients he open at all times during business hours. All | invoices of property of whatever kind o;xorud or | intended to be exported into the United States, | must be authenticated by me at this Cmflu_l Ageney, in order to facilitate its transit at the pro= | i::;éfi- of entry April 12 rl“l:li Will be offered for sale by Pabâ€" ‘lie Aaction, at eleven o‘cleck, in the forencoon, on MONDAY, the 23rd day of September nex, a the Law Ofice of. William Mosgrove, in the Oity ot Ottawa, tinder the Power ot ‘Sale contained in a Mortgage thereof, from one Wailter Collins to Thomas Cuddic, the following land, being com posed of the nortb half of Lot No. pwentyâ€"three in‘ the broken Front Concession on the Ridean in the Tornship of Gloucester, in the County of Carâ€" leton, contatuing by admensurement seventyâ€"five acres and half an acre. t | SPADES®, SHOVELS, &0 arpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools Jast recoiveil direct from GERMANY, to be sold ut prices dofy.lmeonpotition. xlma sple lot of CUITA.IMLUTBS. &e., making an assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUâ€" MENTS never béfore offered to the rblic of Otâ€" tawa, at the Oitawa Music Store, 25 gcrh-fl. J. L. ORME & SON, _ _ Y10LINS. The Queen‘s Book. J. DURIE & SON August 6 Octawa, August 20, 1867 0N TUESDAY, the 27th AVGUST, on the road between Stittsville and Carp Village, a BROWN OVERCOAT. ~Any person finding the same will please leave it at George Clarke‘s, Otâ€" tawa, or at William J. Featherstone‘s, 3rd line Huntley, and receive the thanks of CAPT. FRASER, _ _ The English Magazines for August. The X:sfimfinguim for g;:ulber‘ « ‘The New Dominion Monthly," 10 cents. September 4. Just received a well selected assortment of Rideau Street, VIOLINS ! _ VIOLINS ! TOUR CA ES LGas & Steam Fitters, 429v For sale by mar CaLL AND INSPECT. > f THOMAS BIRKETIH, uccessor to James Starke Avpril 13. t 408y Tin & Coppersmiths, TUESDAY, the 27th AVGUST, on NEW AND IMPROVED, 34, Sussexâ€"st. AT OTTAWA, C Morigage Sale. coNCcERTINAS, Bell Mangers, &co. zing the Vnflel{)llun JUSEPH BOYDEN, AT TWE P. IL, MAHAR, J. DURIE & SON, No. 10, Sgnrkl-n‘ 67. 98y AND U. 8. Conmular ':('“' 407 ACCORDEON®S, (encral Agent Fitzroy W 25 Sparksâ€"st. 520â€" 1â€"35wtf "OTTAWA TIMES" Printing Works! 60, sparks street, Centre FTown wWILI. AFFORD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM [‘l ADVERTISING Dry Goods, ADVERTISE ! Let the World Know It Do you want to Buy? No Matter what your Business} Property to Seli This is the Motto of e TY "OtTAA TIMES N OONY is the PLNME HAS BEEX TRULY sAID THAT PRINTERS® INK I8 ONR OL THE LEADLNG AVENUES To WEALTH H TO RUSINESS MEN IN THK THE "TIMES" oush â€" WhichZit SWill Rench plerors APPNICATION oF THR ~DV ET Hardware ADV EKA1I Groceries, ADVERTISE!! TEA Mi BUSINESS MA IS THE MEDIJUNM o « | which affect the Wind o/ Forses ; also, as a I"y ‘0 S‘,'.l' ‘ ‘ton Medicine, surpassing everything of the k * | is easy to 1lvo. sure to cure, and ®afe in all c | and at all times, and does not prevent the ) | from being worked while using it. Pn | _ Jt cleanses the breathing apparatu«, by rei A DVE RTI SE! | ing from the air.cells the coagnlable Jymp! 1 that secretion which in honve.t elogs them, car POn on ons t e t : 1O FRICE 3 IFP YOVU .HAYVE iF YOU HAVE JnE PUBLIC Orockery, ; °| Glassware, A LINE OF seemmmiA ND â€"â€" ADVERTISE. & JC S 6 vervy Real S JS. 19 ® ’ $ the Lease of our Premises in Sn street terminates this month, we intend t fine our business to one locality, and shall r | the whole of our Stock on the 1st of M uy r | our Store in ‘ l a difiicu‘ty in breathing, and by its action | diseased part, causing the mucous mem}b resume its natural dimensions, thus equali; circalation of the blood, and restoring the di versels to their natural size; by its use the .Pm is improved, all derangoments digestive organs corrected, softening the «k pvan’to the cont a sleek and shining appe D. W . HURD, Successor to Horp & Co., . Boot Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOK SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, o., sequently be very large and most e« depattment, and we most respectful tinuance of favors, to merit which o deavors will be as usual to provide t and sell at the Jowest remunerating way, Rememb _ the pl next to Mowell‘s . rocery. April 27. . | 6 c prauss | @W/HEREAS we are desirous and | EKEX PR JISâ€"=w~. ‘Y # ll":"‘"'b:: nmyh.,‘:-ouur‘&’;. I ile of our Provinee of Ontario, to have a=>â€" geean -" l:;, fi-”-'u""fi"‘im :mwe.d‘lo wm;q- I cex ®P _ ill an< a or Parâ€" aAam= L iesd | Aarben, nnd dn farther. dectare thek 9 the advice ! :;f cer .‘.uem‘:vo Council of Ortario, we have this ‘ ay, given orders for i i OTTAWA to MONTREAL | hn sAleg a Lepiciauare ot Parliaient in wur sald l‘ se B uce Province, which writs are to bear date on the 7th { 6 ‘d.ynr:\.@::d.muo,flr*-um': retarnable on the p 1 1 + | twentyâ€"A4carga day ptember next. F |~ Is Trâ€"monym Wurrwor, we hay sed The Ottawa River Navigation br,| To Prewo ie oren aee | j | «sal of """’"S.‘i" be bemmtnz afficed ; Wirâ€" â€"o~â€" x s, our right trust fellâ€" 1 TIII public are informed that owing to | i -x*;‘\i‘xuu’:u S-rrl:ni-, :‘- 'o_‘l'l.ho.l‘«m | the increased demand for the quick dispatch ‘ most h..,wal,le 'unl.nt 4J the m. Mejorâ€" ‘of * G nn':_a;’m our So(t:)m:.. Gowernor s R » ie x ‘ of uar Province of Ontario, our Governâ€" ‘ Merchandiseo and Paros« 'ls j i cr* Hoace, in our CTTY OF TORONTO, in "l’g and from Montreal, the above Company have ‘ '\=. l(:i.'l rl‘r;-:x::::, ;::; :{Emrl-m‘.w ,'hnn induced to open an | thragand 'eight hundred | and dxly-;wpn. e se se va e oo s 1 aande aid thiryâ€"first year of Our Reign. | In the city for the carriag Fgooth and monles, &e., at i eallsd for on leaving not I Agents. _ i .. Ll-n'e, New York States. _ l. POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY or all other prepaiations for the cure of Aeavres Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, ard all diseasc which affect the Wind of Forse» ; also, as a Condi 1%B’nnt and %Shoe Stare ‘i Arabian Heave Remedy PRICE TWENTYâ€"FIVR CK» Kold by Geo. Mortimer, Jobn 1 Massey, Henry F., MeCarthy, J. > Brown, in Ottawa. _ _ > lt{;':hu he has w he is a dorufielo.l"p Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoos, m‘:)-i-l‘-ol-‘-'\l-i: némerous friends and the inâ€" habitants of thecity and surrounding ¢oun. try, that he has ope e.d. at the above stand, ‘The Castom Department will receive his special attention. Order? from Lumberers promptl‘; atâ€" ended to. Ottawa, Feb. 0, 1867 Ottawa, May 8, 1867 Next door to the Market Drug Sigre. by THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAvp 4831 8 t( No. 10. Rideauâ€"st AND CoONDITION MEDWCI ® R E M OV A 1. AT THE CAPITA! XG. 10, YORK STRI HCWES 4 and Shoo Store. NORTHROP & LY MAN DAKLEY Sole Proprietor HERRICK to furnish them with a supe GEORGE MURPH}Y Neworsin®, ( as0h U s in Sussex* mpl LEATH m, causing tich on the mbrane to aliing the rt x of the remoy W. M C das tR Bs TW ENA their TWENTA Es & [L JOSLPH 1, LLLI®*, t phamdle <» INSURANCE 8SHIPPING :. Dominiom Self Sealing Fruil STOCK BROKER, CONSIGNEE, &c., PICTOU;®.&%, ®*>‘_ Olers 1. orvices as Agent, Correspdudent or Cor. siwnee to the Merchants and Manufacturers of Caunsda Weet REFERENCES : Mugh Hartsborne, Esq., Sohcitor............ Halitax. Messrs. Black, Bros. & Co.,Merchants......Halifax. J. B. Bland, Heq:, Bankor....~.s.......... Halifer Jonathan C. Allizon, Esq., Merchant...... Halifex #obn 1. B}’ww. l'-oq...i_;i.;.....-&- John, N. B eur> swees respeoct 0‘“ dimg 27, 1967. .. . _ 471â€"2mâ€"e0d nd g le NO W )8 â€"4d XOW YE, that iwe being clt-lr.ll_lrd HEREAS w 1C 463f NWAnr~l Immediately, wo FIRSTe_. Blacksmiths to w 1| our Lord, one thousand cighthundred and xtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first vear of CCA N ADA: SERCRETTTTY NC ERTC od wages will b_e_:l"e PLOYINCE OF ONTARIO. #iA, by the Grace of Gop, of the nited Kingdom: of Great Britain id Ircland, Qurxx, Defender of ie Faith, &e., &e., &ec. > whom these presents shall comeâ€"GrzETâ€" EDOUARD J. LANXGEVIN, xtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"fir«t year of ir Reign. in our said Province, on TUESDAY, the V TOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next. ixony WitR.:tor, We have caused these r Letters to be made Patent, and the cat Seal of Ontaric, to be hereunto affized ; tsi=s, Our liight ‘Trusty and Wellâ€"Beâ€" ed lrzagy Wiuiuti Srzten, Companion the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, jor General in Our Service, Lieutenant vernor of Oar Provinee of Ontario, . At r ‘Governmment .Mouse, in Our CLTY of ’)U).:}‘fi, in o})n“;t'ufll’mhu. thol:_ WENTH da AU: , in the gear :t-rd. one l’hflllld eight hundred and PROVINCE OÂ¥ CGENERAL AGENT, JOSELPH F. ELLI*, Y I, that we na gight lhiay fir y the Grace of God, of the United i of Great Britain and Ireland, )etender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c. L Ki letk ‘of the Crown in Chancery, VAN KOUGHNET, K ihy _ * 4* u) w sether the Mouse of Commons in i Dominton, to meet at our city of aid Dominica, on TUESDAY, the RTH day of SEPTEMBER rext, « have conference and treaty with ud Senate of our said on. Wusrror, we have ca these :to be made patent, and the great anadaâ€" to be hereunto) afized : our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved c right hunu.»al'u. CnarLes Staxâ€" ornt . MonC«, . Baron Monek ot *mon, in the county of Wexford, in ; of Iroland, and Baron ‘Monek caminin, in the e‘l? of Wextord, corage of the United Kingdom of in and Treland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" mida, &c., &¢., &c. At our Gov»« i use, in oar CITY of OTTAWA, ia Dominion, this SIXTH day of [, in the year of our Lord, one ight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and ;y first year of, our reign. W as soon as mayâ€"be, to meet Our ‘rovince of Ontario, and to have Legislaturc or Parlimment, do hereâ€" : the advice of Qur Executive Counâ€" ummon and call together the Legisâ€" of Ontario, to maet at our City of said Province, on TUESDAY, the tL w. STSsTED CANADA 1 W CANADA Mn CAXNXADUA "a to be nellvnull;’.ll‘fiu:: Wat | At the hour of ten of the cl it trusty and wellâ€"beloved cousin | ,, h uk j morable Cnaruks Sramuey Visâ€" '(.omon.ll‘\lnk!. ”"'. x, Daron Mouck of Baliytraw, | others concerned, are requ Pounty of Wexford, in the Peers | govern the nselvos accordin nd, and Baron Monek of Ballyâ€" 4 * >‘ M u. F. p the County of Wexford, in the | S_BAT the United Kingdom of Gréat" Bry J A. BA Iretand; Governorâ€" General of| Sherifl‘s Oflice, Ottawa, , &o¢, Ao. Atour Governicent | Augu®t 5th, 1867, Cily of Ottawa, in our said Doâ€" ; â€" . â€" *~â€".â€"â€" ith day of August, in the _yeu_'l ie 2 P t YANKOUGHNET, wb af the Cemen +n Chan PTEMEER e Electoral e Prescuts shall comeâ€"GREET W hat we being desirous is soon as may be, to meet our mion of Canada, and to have ament, do hereby, by and with vy Council tor Canada, sumâ€" ‘r the Mouse of Commons in minton, to meet at our city of Dominica, on TUESDAY, the the Crmon aa Chancery by the Gracé of God, of the oin of Great Britain Quszex. Defender of MBER next, vu;]l howâ€" ectoral District of Gaspe, istrict of Chicoutimwi and vill be returnable on the of October next, r. we have caused these wdo patent, and the grest ve hereunte affized: Wit y and wellâ€"beloved cousin â€"~ 88 JorRxEyxEx e give‘;““ '.-Pl"““ PETER KPPY to YorkeF: .____ TI AN EEX desivous and ree y be, to meet our ia, and to have lr:i.; «lo make known our ill a Parliament, and ie advice of our Privy e this day given orâ€" ONXTARIO £EVIN TED H 26 yoNAh flex 3 1 G w1 God, of the reat Britain Defender of £ AUGUS TWENTY ancery neâ€"(sREBT h Crnada ()ntara ""iawa; Oatarie alling EHT Province of Ontario, . Dominion of Canada, | United Counties of Pre 1 and Russell. j In the matter of ALEXANDEl l4 ALEXANDER CL MMINS, _ KERR, ‘trading under the +13 { ‘ CAMERON and CUMMI Xs, COUNTY OF CARLET |0n Monday, the Thirtict . Beptember néxt, Oyer and â€" Terminer and Genere} ¢ DELIVERY, !l‘llA‘l‘ VALUABLE PRQ ind s s perty known as T. M. Bis, ‘,,M deli‘s Homestead, cantaining abo ‘ C C4P2. Two Acres, benutifully «ituated o .‘Il. Ottawa l(iveé. being Lot One, North side We ington Street, City of Ottawa, with the I» ,-nroutiouoeu (hen’on. ':fq. * Peuly 6 Will be bolden at t Fabreary 10, 186 Monday, the Twenty«thire Day Of Keps tember, 1867, â€"* And of Assize a VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET ) ; . , ; *ered to any party in thel m;.mrinf line than the lease of 2 above FLRSTâ€"€LA8S HOTEL Be'uzoa the eve of Confederation, and (x; being definitely settled upon as it« capital, The Victoria Hotel could not fail to be made to pay. ° It is built on the most modera y le ture, of cut stone ; has large plateâ€"gl« and nLon stories high, exclusive of t It is firtely situated on the corner of W O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposit ment Buildings, and has three vacant go that the Buildings could be enlarg« quired c.p«i'y. % ® Applications, (postpaid) to be ad y FRANCIS CLEMOY * Or JOHN MEXEY, ‘BEN NETT‘S WH ARFf Oitawa, March 11 | _ Ottawa, August 9, 1867 They will apply to the Judge of t4 a confirmation thereof. | Ottawa. March 2 Il\lll undersigned have filed n > deed of composition aml «{iecharge execated by their creditors, and CONVERSE, COLSON & 1 AMB CORNER HOSPIPTAL & ST. 10 HNâ€"NTREER * HALIFAX. L Thg Manufactures of Outario 2ud Wl& L4 f (when accompanied by the proper ofécial® m.f&' mitted into the 1 LOWER PR OVINC* E undersigned has a few roo-l: uu:‘lu boarders with: excellent ace« fong, within five minutes walk of the P# linment Buildings. % A"D‘] to ul * K Ottawa, August 13 Ottawa, July 9 * _ (inte of Chisago ) M FAseras, gratanient Chicngy vianier + ieago sta Sugarâ€"cured Eamse, Breakfast Bacon, &#. ‘ Tas Ortawa Tarms.â€"Printed apd I‘w every morning, (Sundays excep the Tuf§ Steam Printing Works » Sparkeâ€"st, in the City ot Oftaws, C of Carleton C. W y ket Eu préserving frait with one=thir the quantity of sugar used by the old met®* while the true taste of the fruit is prest‘ Price from $1.50 per dozen. * Lbcunhold vequisite for reviving, with ®C my labor, a Looking Glass polish on far where the French polish or varnish bas P dimmed by wear. C Price 25 cents per bottle at RMarket PDrug #tore: Private Boarding Houst L‘Orignal, July 29, 1867 FREE OF DUTY. PA Consignments Soliciped. UBLICNOTICOE is hereby give the Court« of COMMIS8IONX â€" MERCHANT® Insolvent Act of 1864 July 3 jouit sinrk an REAsox a8U * TERMS. WILSHON & O CO Pork Packers, County of Carleton In the County Court of the i nit of Presectt and Russell July 20, ‘!’; en rmeaes i dumd Money to Lonan N_ UNENCUMBEERED REAL I TaATE sECUkITY. Appiy to " WyIl. WALKER, Dominion Furniture Polis®: FPOEFR SALE. E UNDERSIGNED having been #) To Â¥ ALEXANDER CAMERON,â€" J ALEXAXNDER CUMMIXs, ISAAC KERR. , | By their Attorney, o« /hitim, EDW ARD TAYLOR DARTNXELL Richmond Road NOTICE PIANO MONTRE A L. 2+ c & * Ygt-c"ut. a F. PoW EL BAILLFF. LEW J Bar MRS. rpARDE\ A at this ofi ppy & PINHEY TORON3 wa: HEAR® W ellingtonâ€"# i 5100 ° li A W A ellingtonan e the Parba Ouaws 4bâ€"utt ind thtt * Tthaq aw Bm Jas 4757 1SAA farpite® ublishe ted) *# W munt 8B‘" ‘ TPORNE YeAT« cumg‘m- U‘ntent 3i & 2 -'::rn'fi : f':‘d om-fl uulllli'u nlee, oyer Mr.: Luke ‘tore, Rideau Btrzet, Jangary 17. 1867. dttaba 4 4; enyoy® T# LATWNE ,aH'uk',‘ in thé Otta Waily over 2,000 1 : ¢ohruary 7, 1866 @ Bâ€"solicitor lll)j Ofice : Opposite Post tooms latel Fon: Aelpformupte %% D naking u totht ciresiati 1 %, 000 3 thus m iJording theibest modiu: rertise in. z> Apvegtigeweyrs are <d wllowing rates © * Susiness Cards of tromw 3 ‘numâ€"payable in ad {vausiont Advertisement MIMO,, . snn penenvnirinende All subsequent insortions Yoarly advertisors ape Liberal aMowance made \ carly subscription to th « 4 UVAMOO) .+ s enesh ne en { not paid in advance ... ) oarly subscription t th 143 #own Attorney, for the Orvio® : In the Court snuary 2#, 1866. LEKS & UP o. avcyracant, C Orrio® : lm&-fl Rommwr Lt®® Mtawa, Fobruary 7, 10 Mta w . Dobruary 7, 1866 4 ; . BEtL, A. GEO. LIMGA llolcl'A‘l‘lll and Accouchour. Orric«: In Horne‘s Ar. Wright will atto ridays of every weok . Commanse! _ W. \'u-r}unr.- e a® the Postâ€"office. J..A. Mass®. > ttawa, March 23. * tt |’ll Y8ICIAN, Clarence Stre D Ausxanxqe®. K ttawa, Juby 28 John ‘Smith, l-q Plarke ; Dunean »nto ; John Mail, M:â€"D., M Stroct, Quobes. Mr cpared to attend promy -\!w_mnou( 4 iy entrust bim,» E B it in and for the district Decomber 2821865. Pu YSICIAN, # Office : Hunton‘s PARK® Ccree s W, W . Brownts 1 Ottawa, Deocemijer "parks Street, O« Kesidonce, Muria Cu.c:n' Corep, new eou.. lm reated, if required. .'fl‘lcl over 1 mont, 25 Rideam May 30 + _ (Kecmnmiy . IURGERY . and . troot. Ottawa, November 1 l’ll'l'lli'- «D ‘al Ottawa. Ottawa, January 27, tawa., Feb. 7, 1866 L ig Atro® on bra ary, i A B ‘llf.”.-fl" Ch » wwcn“:'-e:?-u."l B awa, Jan. 12, 1866.~ . , Clarence March 1. I".f“z"- OM Ottawa, January 27, aUE UAILY ‘AND vofhice at night. sary 7, Ottawa, February COLMAN DVOCATE®, | noysâ€"atâ€"Lw. _ L&PIERRE TTORNIES» A 1 Chancery,C er ol Nus~qpand ;Ac â€" l{WBS & i TTORNE Y 8eA Chanceory, C fi‘n'e ‘ 'I:'vlu'lzpllfi.w 1. C TTORNEYeAT DVOCA TK &" Aitends&o all (Mtaws, Fobruary A W, â€" Chancery Odice, Lang‘s Buit Ottaws, April 16. .ll'l‘ll‘l'. LJ Stroot. _ Z0 means of the Bth wWILJIA A M A ::':'u‘;: ‘w A MIAISTEIL, K Orricks : Court M AUVGUSTI ARRISTER a EKDWARD ‘I AMRRISTER, M« Notary Public, Ole Chancery, Convey surisixg Acesoy ORK Street, NTCHOLAS t OM aid in mdvance \"( )14. l i, Fobruary 26, D. OLIV MASSE & Juby 19 hpd every mor DK. C: DR. JOF W us cagcst lull and A . MoJH DR. W. Di C DR. O DR A dincrt uen BUC M DR. « LEA BO

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