KG to acquain Ladics of "6 B and the -l-ltl:'eulin:ry, that x:z receive at their bouse, No 1, Oziord Tert McGill College Avrease, a limited nurmaber tA Ladies as Boarders, who may be desirons oi ing their eduestion, or who,from a resideace sountry, hate been anable toen,oy the auya: Select Bdum_t._i_ona.l Classes. MUrs. and Misses Cossar. classes, haring been informed that there are i: m.l-.qb whom attenjance at a sches irksome and unpleasant, but who would m *hvflom when surrosnded by c r“d their own age aod acquilements, mrng with Mrs. Cossar aod her daughters in all freedum of a happy bome, and yet with that c ret restraint so steadily earried out in Englan Mr=. und Miss Coseur also give privale Tess in saging wnd on the pianoâ€"forte, and beg to turn theur sincere thatks for the kind ensours ment they hare.already received. Refesenses kisdly permitted ke«, Rev. Dr. Jenkine, John 1 Loreil, X#4., Thecdore Lyma® East End Dailyâ€"st., Ottawa. FWINO PARTIES A80oUT TO BUILD** HOLGETE OLIVER & ANNABLE W!L: /AÂ¥ ER’;‘?‘ Sarsaparilla And for the speedy cure of te following complaints ; «refulaand Serofulous Affections,such as Tamer«, Cleers, Sores, Eruptions, ° Pimples, Pustules, Elotches, Boils, Hlaius, and all Skin Discases. o)nm? Ind., Oth June, 189. iowindge ahat yoes "Rerepartitn hatr domer fors mhe: know what your il nee we. Havigy suberited a Scrofalous infection, 1 have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes 1t burst out ih Uiers on my hands und arms; sowetimes it Purned lowent and cistrefed me at the stumach, Two ysare ago it becke out on my head and covered my scalp cad ears with one sore, which was painful and leathsorme teyoud descriptea. 1 trid many medicines and several vhe«icize«. but without much relief from aoy thieg. In Jursovas, Burbridges and Squire| 8t. Anthony‘s Pire, Rore or l‘El.lg Tetier and Salt Rheum, l::rd ad , King worm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Br, Eobert M. Proble writes from Saleto, N. Y., 1°th Popt., 1960, that he has cured an inveterate case of Irsyey, which threatened to terminate ’hlm‘t:: pmâ€"-lz-b-.-flh-lï¬. Â¥.lâ€"mant Erysipetes by large doses of the saure; #ay* io cures the commep Eruptions by it constantly. BHronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Zntulen Sloah of Prespect, Teras, writes: * Three botâ€" Hee of your parsaparilia cured me from a Goiére â€"a hidâ€" was awelling on the neck, which 1 had suffered from idcation, also Freech, Vocal an asic, teneral Deportment, Calisth ularly to sing an English Ballad Lencorth«a or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterime Ulceration, Female Discases. Tr. J H. 8 Channing, of New York City, writes; =I mo=t cheevfully comply with the request of your agent in sasing P have fLoond your Sursaparilia a most excellent sBerative in the numerces complaints for which wo mploy suclh a remedy. but expecially in Amale Discases Rrenared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mase. Sobl by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M M wsey, U P MeSucthy and J. SÂ¥inner in Ottaw» dencuary 3ith. 1467 36343w0y 4 4 tilassware, . Medicine Chests Storekeepers who have not some personal experience of its eBectsâ€" mme living trophy in their midst of its victory uver the jibtle and dangerons disorder= of the throat aod lungs. as ail know the drewlful futality of these disorders, and piliey know, too, the effects of this remedy, we ured mot > more than to acure them that it bas now ail the virâ€" gues that it did have when making the curer which limv Â¥â€"n so strongly upon the confidence of mankind, p.’lm‘-.tuuzor zl-.:l, m-f; lceration, Caries and Exfoliation o the Bomes. : was., A.ndv-hy-h-lhv-mwn-'m uses of these formidable complaints resuited frou he use of this remedy, bat onr «pace here will not admit lwun. Some of them» may be found in our American Wimanac, which the agents below named are plaased to armet giatis to all who call for theun. Dyspepsin, Heart Discase, Fits, Epilep» -y..ï¬oh.rholy. Nenmralgia Many remazkable cures of these afection® have |en vade by the alterative power of this medicine. . 1t stumuâ€" ts the vital functions into vigorous action, aud thus cereomes disorders which would be supposed beyoud its mc . Buch a remedy has long been required by the noâ€" «sities of the people, and we are confident that this will , for theu all that medicine cas do. i/* eq«le it for these female derangements." Liwar®®. Marrow, of Newbury, Als,, writes, " A danâ€" srurte onvrian tumor on one of the females in my family, Mick had defied all the remedies we could employ, bas t lsnatl been completety cured by your Extract of Sarâ€" yparilia. ~Our physician thought nothing but extirpaâ€" m coubd affurd relief, but he advised the trial of your .reaparilie as the last resort before .cutting, and it wted effectual.. . After taking your remedy eight weeks Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, gieal }uo-f-. phop ittings, Perfumery , Drugs, Ihenmatism, Gout, Liver Complaint (woupexpence, Preston Co,, Â¥a., 6th July, l-:.-a." Im. J. C. Atu®: 8ir, I have beeit aftticted with a painâ€" } chronic Abrumabam for a long tine, which bafted the At of physiciawsâ€"and stuck to me in spite of al} the .‘-u-l-l.-fll.l.-uluhlymw One rn. cursed me in two weeks, and restored -‘ general alth so much that 1 am fur better than 1 wass .-Lâ€"L 1 think it a wouderfal medicine. . J. FREAM. i yoRr THE kaPID CUR®E or joughs, Colds, Infuenzia, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Com«» --.-’flo-. amd for the Ielicf Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Discase. Prepared by April 1 This ow from ite a Preparath FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. awae, Aug. 8, 186 uedy‘ consequiently, these i it bave not sarprised we g Praternally yours, DRUCS, By philis and Mercurint Disease, New Ontraxs, 2tb August, 1250, . J. 0. Aren: Sit, 1 cheerfuily comply with the reâ€" of your agent, and report to you some of the effects is ihe Gospel Messenger that you had prepared vo (Bupssparilia), for } knew from your reputaâ€" amy thing you made must be good. I seut to aud got at, aud used it till it cured me.. 1 took uivhe, is small duses of a teaspoonful over a 1 teall ahaost three bottles, Now and healthy begus to form under the scab, which after a of. . My skin is now clear, and I know by my at the disesss has gone from my Systeum. _ You cheve thi.. I fel what I am saying when I teil I hald you to be one of the apostles of the age, whbâ€"un-h-t 1 have cured many inveter if Leucortheen By it and sopme whete the com: « mused by wheration of the uterus, The uleer { was soun cured, Nothing within my know} Pharmaceatical Preparat Photographic Sundries a rewmedy so universally known t ESALE Manufacturers of Bed« », Chaire, &e., Chastiiore Lsland, Otâ€" winutam worcats, «_ JOHN OLIVPR, WILLIAM ANNARBLE. . PLANS, SPRECLFICATION3, ES TIMATES3, & Ltxayâ€"37., Loxbo® b,,u-'t:‘r:'-llhh a fow weeks. 1 frmala, w : yout agent gave me, that -ï¬-ymh{-nï¬wy*hl quently, these truly remarkable ...ï¬ AUVAUSTUS LAVER, M he Ladics of Moutreat * sotntry. that lJy wilt ALFRED B. TALLEY 0. V. LARIMER, M. D. res, Drysalteries, * Dye Goods, Lozenges, : , _ C hemicais, (nimen‘s Storcs Veermary Â¥R. Anowornor exe Ar He fotwarded 970 , among theus § its effectsâ€"= 32 . â€" e# se _ . .1:.} CHANGE of TIME.:"~ Oftawa and Prescott Railway, > Brockville and Uttawa Rdilway, 7 30 A« M.««â€"TRAINXS . will leave $ Brockville daily at 7.30 a.m., and 3143 p. m., arriving at Sandpoint st 1: 10 p u. A. M.«â€"TRAIN®S| will leays # i 5 + "5 Sandpoint daily at 5345 a.m., and 2100 p. m., armiving at Brockrille at 1200 jm ia., Brockville, June 2 as follows Night . do | @0 _ HL.ccormfecqe«s ShPW Frllie Accommodation Train for Kingiton and , **‘Antermediate Stations, at...,......~... 9.40 Aâ€"M Trains for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 Nood, 1&?.!.. 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs throughto Plattsburgh. GoIxg soUTH AND EAST. Express by Railway throughout tor New * l‘ock.’m and all Intermediate Puints; connecting at St. J with Vermont Centrzl Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Ratland m Barâ€" lington Railroad, also with theâ€"Lake Champlain Steambonts for Lake teorge, Saratoga, New York,ke., ke, 5.30 A.M. Accommodation Train for lsland Pond and Intermediate Stations, at............ 6.45 A.M. From Prescott, 7. 00 a. m. . At UlaW « *« / 245 pm. â€" #" e From Ottawa, 7.00 a m. At Pre« From Ottawa, T * _â€"_ 130 p.m. * t* o . sc 4y pum. The time of these Trflu has been soarranged as to ensure connection wi :iéu and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and wes£ °. ( | Express for Boston ‘and Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with | .. ths vermont C rmont Central Railroad, ts 8.30 A.M. or stopping over t at llln:d :’:nd,;_................r.‘,.n‘? .... 2.00 P.M Express way throughout fir New Yuk.’m’nd all Intermediate Points, m%mtu with Vermont Central at Burâ€" with the Ratland and Burâ€" Railroad, also at Rouse‘s F with Lake Champlain Steamers â€" for Lake George, Suratoga, New York, M;:...-.....i‘........_.._.,.... .30 P.M. M?p- Three Rivers, Quebes, Riviere 431 Loup and Portland, at...10.10 P.M. tr Returns tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and 0t a wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalsta tions on the line. ho O ncb ol onl 1. nata wa, May 7 Grand Trunk Railway Company! low SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. uy .xpress for Ogdensburgh, ouawa, Brockville, Khmz:fl"ilb. To ronto, Guelph, Brantford . Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicag , ___ and all poéAtS Woél, &4................... as we are prove from the evidence of thore who havetried it All they ask is a trial. It‘is simple in construction, easily adjusted, and answers for an IRONING TABLE~ It never ‘need be taken out of the Kitchen, as it answers/for a piece of Farniture. . The following testimonia will show what the Ladies at the Nunnery think of it. Parties desirous of giving us a fair trial U please to send us notics byï¬t. or. otherwise, | naming time and place, will be attended to. © -fl' wl For further information, and time of arrival Wls EXCELLENT,and WHICH they carsell at$3 PER DOZEN. Asmateur | who have tasted the wine, consider it a very good ! article, and superiot to what is suppmed to be inâ€" snflnl. Motel keepers and dealers in Wines would | do well tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them T May 26 the Only Washing Machine now in the Do# mintiony P Baggage to and from Ottawa cbecked through om and to all stations on Grand Trank Railway. sPMMER ARRANCEMi N This is to certify that Messrs. Holgate, Oliver & Annable‘s Washing & Ironing Table have been used by the (Girey Nuns, and they have proved to be yery satisfactory, _ | 4 #A4" Botiles of every description, excey bottles, wanted, and one penny per dozen m on than by any other y for the same. p « LAROOUE . ttawa, September Octawa, August 12th, 1867 N. B.â€"These 1rows orders _R friends and the public gemerally that he has commenced business in the urn formerly oceu. pied by ‘ Messrs. Fingland & Draper ;A‘x;.lâ€n‘::;::'::ll keep constantly on hand a gene DHBRY GOODS! Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa. F§UIE Subscriber begs to inform his DRYV GOOLS ! Readymade Clothing Which will be told at a small advance on cost LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH STREET N and after TUESDAY, the 7th May, 1867, and until further potice traine will run WASHING MACHINKE. N aAND AFPTER MONDAY, MAY lith, l Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as folâ€"| Ottawa, July 10, 1867 Canadian â€" Champagne ! DEP A RTURE HK UNDERSIGNED are now manu» facturing a new and what they claim t be READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ARE NOW MANUFACTURING A WINE CALEKD NEW DOMINION. LEAYVE BROCKVILLE HOLGATE, OLIVER, & ANNABLE LEAVE SANDPOINT OF CANADA. HRAILROA DS. GoING WEST Cars on all Night Trains, Baggare JAMES ‘HIGGINSON, rugfon Mostreal: Time T.8. DETLOR, IUman Elock, Susserâ€"st At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m. we we ,._?) pm M SUPERINTEXDENT kYnl to he Tea Pot. 481th ARRIV AL GREY NUNS tt .15 P.M 4:45 p.m 6.45 A.M. | This Company is now ared with new and | eficient nu::: forward )lni:bt of every descripâ€" tion between Montreal, Otawa and Rideau Canal, 8.30 A.M. | and intermediate Ports, with promptnéss and desâ€" ee k pateb, and at low rates. 4 w ds L Ar se n o v s ie e e ds 2.00 P.M ng oil e givâ€" CO sPARTAN § J. SMITEIL, , | oenTRaL & FACTORY NTRES Fast Sailing Mail Steamer Queem Victoro, (Cape tain B«n’n.) leaves Ottawa daily (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at 6:30 a,m., for Grenville and intermeâ€" diate landings, connecting with the C. & Grenville Railway, and at Carillon with Steamer /#)=0 57 Wales, " Passengers arrive in Montreal atâ€"4:4> p.m Steamer Prince of Waie«, (Captain II. W. Shepâ€" herd,) leaves Lachine on arrival of the 7 am. trai from Montreal, connecting at Carilion with C. & G. Railway, and st Grenville with Steamer (Queen Victoria, artivieg at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m. The comfort and éeonomy of this lipe is unsurâ€" passed, while the route passes through one of the most mtumfd districts in Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists, « 1867, _ Parties desitous of a pleasant trip ean obtain Return Tickets from Ottawato Grenville, valid for one day, at single. fares. _ .. _ < # will be landed at Pareel oxvï¬ and intermediate Return tickets to Montreal FIISE CHL5S. 1 siea00s revierceus Market Steamer Daogmar, (‘c.n. Peter Moâ€" tGowan,) leaves Montreal, Canal Basin, Tuesdays and Thursdays. t / ) Baggage cheeked throu % | The Eteamer Aluawlrc‘. (Capt. M. Shepherd,) | will be employed in towing rafts between Ottawa | and Grenville. °> | % R. W. SHEPHERD. Mayv 14. s 4348 | _ Freight received at the wharf of the Richelieno h pany, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. Kor freight apply to * [ D. MURPHY, Agew, | | > MONTREAL & OTTAW A 1862 | Bank st., Ottawa, _0 | is AGAIN PREPARED To MANUFACTUIRY | all descriptions ot | Carriages, Sleighs, &c. CHANGE of TIME 1101 ces 1967 LSAAC BONNER, Agent, On and after SEPTBEMBER Lst \afll turther noâ€" tice) the steatmer Anm Sison will leave Aylmer every day, for the Upper a,at 7 a. m., conâ€" necting with the Ailiance at Head of Railroad at 11, touching. at Arnprior, Sand Point, Bristol, Bonnechere, ;.ml:;lflgluf. ;)ould" W harf, m;i Portage du Fort, at2 p, u. BuT- will leave Gould‘s Whart In:.“i oty after arrival of Alliance tor Cobden, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pem e same cmlzg. iveuaé uy & .22 d c l h itc Bs Adbsiraint® sn enipntiaddvies~ The Pontuac leaves Pem e at noon on Tuesâ€" d:fl.' Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachims, & l.‘vn all intermediate ports, nt.urninf Monâ€" days, Wednesdays and Frida l.luflm:& &. m., gonnecting at Pembroke with mer Jason Gould, ::“hr.‘lav;n I’onl::l: ng at 1 p. in., and ving at M’. ort evening. The 1 er Alliance leaves Portage du For nm-‘% at 7:30 a. m., railway time, touching at Gould‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s Wharf, Eonnechere, Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving at head of Railway at 11:45, and connecting with Ann Sisson at Pontine at noon, _ Passengers reach Ottawa at 4 p.m. 0 _ ue io +ANADIAN INXLANXD sTEAN NXAViâ€" GATIWN COMPANY * _ ‘The steamer Calum«t leaves Havelock on Pues. days and Saturdays at 6 a.m,; returning, leaves Chapeau Village on Mondays and Fridays at 2 Passengers for the Celebrated Caledonia S prings .M 9 A wl;h made Uaily ‘with the Brockville and Ottaws Railway on the up lflg at Sand Point 1 p.m,; and on the down trip at Sand Point at 9 vw for Des Joachims leave Ottawa ever; Monday, Wednesday and }:;..,:- CPH TCtE "To be seen at the Stable of Ottawa City, Aug. 26, 1867 _ Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Eparkeâ€"st., adâ€" joinings Desbarats® Black. . * _ For further particulars apply at tae Office of the Company at Ottawa City :’Ayl-or._ * +R 8. CASSELS, May 14 And h by strict attention to busi to have » | .IN M-:t:ozlm umu:o so Ilh:l'l'y bestowes | Yrol l‘%x on him before. * «.. Ottaws, Septemb 15 20y | * Pnor:uon of ‘Music, Teacher . of Orgam, Piano, Voice and Harmony. Als Mre. Ciark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. _ Pianoâ€"korte and Organ Instruction Ottawa December 7 A. IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOIT BLE and Tandem Silver Mounted Harnesses, °. Consisting of the following firstâ€"class steamners TEW FREIGHT LINE To OTTAWA . AND THE RIDEAU CANAL. UE OTTAWA RIYVER NAVIGATION coOMPANY‘s 4448 B.â€"Through apd Return Ticket 4 at reduced rates from > May 4, NIONX FPORWARDING ANXD RAIL» «wWaAY COMPANY. f ANN SISSON,................Capt. BOCKUBS KMERALD,acmmeesnecssececye. * LEHTCH, ALALANO By .e ssveccisnceceecges * FINDLAY OHRBGON, ccooreevrvcvavexceccfec * â€" HMLLHARD SXNOW BIBDp.cusuucccoccce * TOXNER JASON GOULD:»ssmsseccccy.. ** ONERMAR, PONTIAC.....cacaccc:cool.. * Dugoas, PEMBROK E,....cccccssccucpcs 0 * CoUVRET] CALUMET.._.=ll__ccl. " Busers Upper Ottawa Route. DIRECTORS W. McNacextos®,... . ..] LIMITED. PRESIDENTâ€"Huon McLaexxas FORWARDING COMPAN) 64 HARNESS FOR SAuZE. hClAN NERRICK, BRUSH & STEAMAER®S. Y . ~:C. CLARK. nt steamme U TH Srom Ottawa to Monireal MAGNEL Canal Basin, Ottaw J. B. Avor® wpf M. CAMERON, Lesserag Stree: h ipa between Intermediate UAMPL ToXER. OvkRMAN®, Dugéas, Cooyr®etr® Buo«prS 3 89 2 00 807. hi 24 President 419â€"8 THEK OTTAWaA TIMmHKs. SEPIEMBER 17, i5664 26y 1861 earh ~BLYTH & KLERB, s Sucéessors to Chas. Garth, . _ Yo. 25, Ridecauâ€"st., @| CARDEN TOOLS Plumbers, Cooking Stoves, Iron B‘dfl#d.l. D)i uble Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Fire Irons, Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, Japanned and Planished Tinware, &c., ° Manufacturers of all descriptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up Galvanized Tron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &e. _ _ . _ ZM"Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most apâ€" proved principles. ul 5 {mporters and Dealers in House Furnish â€"~ _ ng Baniware. : AT THEâ€" SIGN OF THE, °* * Of every descriptic UOES®, RAKES, j ention. Ottawa, August 26 . _‘ IN GRRAT VARIETY,â€" Nail«, Spikes, Camp Kettles, Cireular and Crossâ€" cut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, ,Putty, &c.,â€"al) Ottawa, April 13 MIRRORS, MIRRORS, MIRRORS, Toilet and other Looking Glasges, VARIETY HALL, “A;i RECKIVED $ The Early Years of His Royal‘ Highness the Prince Consort, compiled under the direction of Her Majesty the Queen," by Lieut.â€"Gen. il;.llou. C. Ql;y.' # «Shakspeare," mr-u. cents ; * Byron," comâ€" plete, 20 ets. ; "The Northâ€"West Passage by Land," lete, 20 ots. ; The Northâ€" W est FAssigo Dy LADG, . [;y Viscount huun. &o:; " Rest in Josus ;". " Lafe Tntorie," 6y Loogistion; = Austen Hegime* by ntorie," by Th ,"*_by *lnphy; #" Voices of the Pnr;' «* The Church of the First Days," by Dr, Vaughan ; ©" Lg Lyre Francaise," by Gustave Masson ; " Called to Account," by Aunle Thomas ; " Raymond‘s Heroâ€" i VIOLINS !_VIOLINS ! EROU BR UCASRE S All materials for the above branches kept con intly on hand. Ine s‘ " NO AEAME PEIORH MJ W UHe PTNCRCCY "W ynard‘s Ward" by Holme Lee, Makon‘s Com . r‘iuy and Buuli? Drill ;" «The Civil Code of wer Canada;" " Unspoken * by Geor en nnees., he i or ‘The American Magazines f:r-g?'-bor. «The New Dominion Monthly," 10 cents. For sale by 4 J, DURIE & SON, iR No. 10, Sparksâ€"st. Tlll u-danâ€ld U,. 8. GConsular Agent for the C'u{ Ottawa, and the dependencies thereof, deems it proper l:.'lvo public notice to those whe may nx-ln his official services, that his office in R. Eaton & Co:‘s Store, Rideauâ€"street, will be open at all times during business hours. All invoices of property of whatever lhl-m-hd or intended to be exported into the U States, must be suthenticated by me at. this Consular Ageney, i:rmdor to facilitate its transit at the proâ€" per ports entry. £ _ P.I. ‘l]IAuAR. s 9 . 8. Consular Agent, Avril 12. «m} ine ;"* * No u. Ss. CONSULAR ACENCY Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa and its Dependencies. R Agricultural Implements 8RA P April 12 'l‘l'lI‘Il.wlll beéoffered for sale by Pubâ€" lie Auction, at elqven o‘cleck, in the on MONDAY, the â€n{dly of September next, a the Law Office of William Mosgrove, in the City ot Ottawas, under the Power ot Sale in a Mortgage thereof, from one Waiter lins to ‘Thomas Cuddie, the following land, com posed of the nortb half of Lot No. in the broken Front Concession on the in the Township of Glioucester, in the County of Carâ€" leton, containing by admensurement Wy-ï¬o acres and half an acre. | arpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools Terms# and conditions made known at time of sale. Vendor will covenant only that he bas done no act to incumber, A Title to be accepted as it existed at the execuâ€" tion of the Mortgage. | All mv‘;yu.u' o , searches, abstracts, &c., to be at the purchaser‘s ex| % I *‘ WILLIAM wosaroy®, Solicitor for the said Thomas Cuddie. Ottawa, Augast 23rd, 1867, d524â€"3â€"$iwtd Just received direct from GERMANY, to be sold at prices defying competition. Alsoa splendid lot of @U LTARS, FLUTES, &0., making an assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUâ€" MENTsS never before offered to the ie of Otâ€" tawn, at thettawa Music Store, 25 aâ€"st. iJ. L. ORMER & SOR, 0! TUESDAY, the 27th AUVGUST, on the road between Stittsville and eupvfl‘&o. a BROWN OVERCOAT. Any person finding the samb will please leave it at George (Clarke‘s, Otâ€" tawa, or at\ William J, Featherstons‘s, 3rd line Hantley, and receive the thanks of _ The Queen‘s Book. J. DURIE & SON August 6 Ottawa, August 29, 1867 Just received a well selected asgort ment of ders from the country will receive stmct at eptember 4. Rideau Street, Gas & Steam Fitters, BA CALL AND INSPECT. THOMAS BIRKETT, Tin & Coppersmiths, PLOT LINES, NEW AND IMPROVED 34, Sussexrâ€"st. AT OTTAWaA, C. w Mortgage Sale. | CcoNCERTINAS®, Bell Mangers, &c. SPADES®, SHOVELS, &c. â€"ALSOâ€" CAN. BE MaD AT CAPT. P.l ASER, . m l us uccessor to James Etacke AXD OP ACCORDEON®, | _ 04 416y <«OTTAWA TIMES" |IP HAS BEEN TRULY Printing Works! ... .. 60, .'lpurluc street, Centre Town TUB "OPTAWA TIMES WILL AFFORDâ€"A sUPERIOR MEDIUM ADVERTISING Dry Goods, NOWV is the DJ MNMIC ADVERTISE | Let the World Know It Property‘to Sell I No Matter what your Business} This is the Motto of every Real hrough Which it Will "Heach PRINTERS INK I8 ONE OB THE JUDCIOUS APPLICATION OF PHL LEADINQ AVENUES To WEALTH THE "TIMES" 4£&DV EN TISEFE. Hardware ADVERIISi~.! BRUSIMN Groceries, I8 THE MEDIUM /T TS A M ADVERTISE! BUSINESS MA N ADVERTISE! 50o r@rcs® 4 IF YoU HAVE iF YIU HAVE 1BE PUBLIC Crockery, LINXE OP wazous t M D) w TO SELL, ADVERTISE, Glassware, MI sAID THA‘T PHK °L 'Attholwit of ten of the clock, a.m.; of which all + : | Coroners, Magistrates, Bailiffs, Constables, and all thers concerned, are required to take notice and | govern the mselves accordingly. , | 9 { | Sherin‘s ies oA 4+ ya August 5th, 1867. HOWE‘S â€" Boot and Shoe Store. Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, sHoE l‘-‘libl.\'ï¬sl. mmxs. &e., &e., "i.ll conâ€" sequently be very large most complete in every de(}-nmem‘ and we most mrdnfly solicit a comnâ€" Ainuance of favors, to merit which our constant enâ€" denvors will be as usual to provide the best articles and +ell at the lowest remunerating prices, tine our bush the whole of 4 / Fo Wit: % B\‘ VIRTUE ofa Writ of Fierl Facias, issued out of Her Majesty‘s County Court of the United Counties of Lanark and Renfrew, and to meé directed and delivered, against the Lands and Tenements of Thomas Costillo, at suit of Robert Brown, I have seized and taken in ¢xecutian, and will offer for sale at public auction, at my, offi¢e, in the Coart House, in the ‘City of wa, on TUESâ€" DAY the XINETEENTH day of NOVEMBER, A D.1867, at TW ELVE o‘clock moon, all: he estate right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the above named Defendant, of, in, to and out of all andsingulat the northwestern oneâ€"third part of Lt number Fourteen, in the Second Concession of the Township of Fitzroy, in the County of Carleton, containing by admeasurement sixtyâ€"six and twoâ€" thirds of an nere, be the same more or less. W Mm. Â¥.. POWELL, *| Manday, the Twenty«third Day of Sep« | tembet, 1867, Sheri@‘s Office, Ottawa, August 10 A. D. 1867 . Fixaxce Derartmest, Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863 l’l‘ Is DIRECTED BY THE HOXN. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed or Awerican luvcices, which is to be in accordance with the price of gold as represented by Exchange at a rate equal thereto. Such notices to appea every Saturday in the Canada Gazetre. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE Fixaxce Derakrwext, Crsto®s, Ottawa, September 13, 1867. lK ACCORDANCE WITHTHE ABOVE Urder, notice is hereby given that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be this day 31 per cent which percentage of dedubtion is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all purâ€" chases made in the United States that week. K. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. Shenft‘s Sale of Lands lfl POSsITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY or ail other preparations for the cure of Heaver, Coughs, Thick und Broken Wind, and all diseases which affect the Wind of Ewrzer; also, as a Condiâ€" ‘im Medicin«, surpassing everything of the kind is easy to give, sure to cure, and safe in all cases and at all times, and does not prevent the horse from being worked while using it . © _ ‘ Eon en in in e It cieanses the bréathing apparatus, by remorâ€" ing from the air.cells the eo:f-lnbb lymph, or that secretion which in heaves o? them, causing a diféicu‘ty in bréathing, and by its acticn on the discased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the resume its natural dimensions, thus equaliting the circulation of the blood, and r«bfllahdlf-dod versels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and ‘-’hining appearance. en Ned oo C ce anenarater e ; Smemer ~4 o1 aidan . DAKLLEY‘S Arabian . Heave Remedyv AND CONDITION MEDININE States. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcaste, C.W., Proprictorsfor the Canadas prick TwEXTYâ€"mvE CEXTS. Sold by Geo, Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, Henry F. McCartby, J. Skinner, and J Brown, in Ottawa. _ + CoUNTY OF CARLETON, * 1. W. HURD, Successor to Hurp & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United | -»\ FOI SALE, THAT ELIâ€" h gible Kop-ny. beautifully | situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the (.-l‘!{ of Ottaws about three miles Fon the macadamized road, together with the STONE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present | vccupied by William ‘Thomson, Esquire, and the Pl'fhulél(.‘.:(l’rl(‘fl is hereby glventhat Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol _ DELIVERY, And of Assize and Nisi Prigs, in und for the said Will be holden at the Court House, in the GAITY. OF 0 T T.AWA. Boot The Custom epartment will receive his special attention, Orders from Lumberers promptly atâ€" ended to. t T A GEORGE MURPHY. Ottawe, May 8. 186 429â€"y At?blcll‘lï¬?& ;fll be “.“nuvâ€lo l‘:c Corporation e -'flls at the Su';ic; ;&:N M}d on BATUI"A‘I‘ :_zth’dcy of CTOBER next, for passing a Byâ€" or stoppi up the old rond .m-m'x-u Ouut; Lot Number Twentyâ€"one, in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township. wW. P. TAYLOR, Mess Ed 4 _ ‘Township Cterk. vecupied :I William ‘Fhomson, Esquire, and the prdl;ll and ornamented fluw adjoining the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in the Ist conâ€" ceision, Oitawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for sale at reasonable prices. LEWIS & PINHEY, , { Barristers, &0., Ottawa Ottawa, February 27, 1867! 360y Township Clerk‘s Office, Fiteroy, 20th August, 1867 AMERICAN INVOICESâ€"DISCOUNTS __For particulars and terms apply to John: and William Thomson on the premises, or to Ottawa, Fob. 3, 1867 § the Lease of our Premises in Sussex® street terminates this month, we intend to con our business to ome loeality, and shall remove Ottawe, May 8, 186 No. 10. Rideauâ€"st. County of Carleton, &E M OV i L. well‘s rocerty AT THE CAPITAL G. HOWE & SOX: emb the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st To Wit and fl_sme Store | r Stock on the 1st of May next, t« By J AS. BALLLFF, Deputy Sheriff. CARLETON, NOTICE. NOTICE. Wy. E. POW ELL, Sheriff, By JAMES BAILIFE, Deouty Sheriff. â€"ON~â€" surrounding 3504w6m 420y Sheriff 2wtd Slwtd [LS.] VICTORIA, by the Gra Kingdom »of Gre Quzkx, Defender : To all to whom these ptc To all to whom these presont: shall comeâ€"(izrrTâ€" 1sGj & flce ® WIIEREAS we are desizous and re» solved, as soun as imay be, to meet our ‘:m ple of our Dominion of Canada, and to hage their advice in Parliament; We do make known &r royal will and pleasure to call a Parliament, and do further declate that by the advice of our Privy ders for issu a Parliamen to bear date instant, snd FOURTH day of ~EPTL: ever the writs for the El ;ml for the E:c’:iu.'.»l Di enay, which writs w .rfl.\'n-run_qu day (1 Vicrorma, by t] â€"â€"â€"‘~I*nited K# Klo“’ YE, that we being desirous, and resolved, as soon 2s may be, to meet our p.zlo of our Dominion of Canada, and to have their advice in Parliament, do hereby, by and with the advice ofour Privy Council tor Canada, eumâ€" mon and cali together the ijouse of Commons in and for our said Dominion, to meet at our city of Ottawa, in oursaid Dominion, on TUESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next, then and there to have conference and treaty with the great men and Senate of our said Dominion. Ix Trsumory Wirkmor, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Canada. to be hereurto afixed: WiTxzss, our righttrusty and wellâ€"beloved . cuusin, the right honerable Cnazuts Staxâ€" Ley, Viscount Mosck, Baron Monek ot ‘Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in the Peerage of lreland, and Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the count yâ€"of Wexford, in the Peerage ofâ€"the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" * jeral of Canada, ke., &¢., &c. At our Govâ€" eroment House, in our CITY of OTTAW A, in our said Dotinion, this SIXTH day of AUGUST, in the year of our Lord, one . > _ thousana eight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€" first year of our reign. By Command, + [Lâ€" 8. VictoRrraA by th United Kin KIOW YE, that we being desirous and resolved,â€" as soon as may be, to meet ‘Dur People of Our Province of Ontario, and to have their advice in Legislaturc or Parliament, do hereâ€" by, by and with the advice of Our Executive Counâ€" cil of Ontario, summon and call together the Legisâ€" lative Assembly of Ontario, to meet at our City of Toronto, in our said Province, on TUESDAY, the TWENTY FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next. Is Testmioxy Wur.:wor, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Ontario, to be hereunto affixed ; _ Wir®®ss, Our Kight Trusty and Wellâ€"Beâ€" °*‘ Joved Hrxzy Wic:ax SmztEp, Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Major General in Our Service, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Ontamo, At °_ OQur Government House, in Our CITY of TORONTO, in Our said Province, this SEVENTH day of AUGUST, in the year of «. _ Qur Lord, one thousand ei{bt hundred and gixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. By Command, ; and Ifeland, Qur:x, Defender 0 "4 the Faith, &c., &e. Lo all to whom these Presents shall comeâ€"Garet [LS8.] To all to whem these presents shall comeâ€"Garzerâ€" | 180. 4 WI.::“AI we are desirous. and ree» | , as soon as may be, to meet our ‘ ple of our Province of Ontario, and to have tfloh advice in Parliament ; We do make known our royâ€" | al will and romn to call a Legislature or Parâ€" l “_u further declare that by the advice of our iwe Council of Ontario, we have this | Cq;slv. orders for issuing our writs in due form, | for calling a Legislature or Parliament in our said / Province, which writs are to bear date on the 7th | day of August instant, and to be retarnable on the ; twentyâ€"fourth dA‘ol' Septembernext. ' Ix Trsrmioxy Wiurrror, weâ€"have caused these ‘ our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Ontario, to be hereunto affixed ;q’n- NES8, q;lr right trusty and weliâ€"beloved Hexey Witmiax Smsrten, Con‘uiu of the most honorable order ot the Bath, Mejorâ€" (General in our Service, Licutenaat Governor | ____ of Our Province of Ontario. _ At our Governâ€" ‘ ment House, in our CITY OF TORONTO, in OQur said Province, this SEVENTH day of | AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord, one | thousard eight hundred and ®ixtyâ€"seven, | and thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. L 29 By Commant®: _: â€"_ ;) .5 0: .0 * 1x T+s _ _ _PROVINCE oF ONTARIQ, V1ctoR1A, by the Grace of Gopn, of the United Kinzdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Qu:xx, Defender of the Faith, &c., &¢., &e. wixtyâ€"sever our reign. B yCommand, Offers his services as Agent, Correspondent or Cot signee to the Merchants and Manufacturers « Canada West. a» INSURANCE sx1rrpixcG+: Dominon Self Seahng Fruit Jars. STOCK BROKER, CONSIGNEE, &c., PICTOU. N. 8., REFPERENCES : Hugh Hartshorne, Esq., Solicitor....... Messrs. Black,\Bros. & Co,, Merchants. J. B. Bland, if, HHRBIEBE::scsrcteccr+ 4s Jonathan C. , Eed., Merchant. John H. Walker, Esq................;.8t. ’. Business respect{ally solicited une 27, 1867. 471â€" S06td ]"0 FIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYMEN Blacksmiths :;)t:b“om constant employment nd good wages wi ven. _ Apply to + PETER Kl[â€;l)ik‘. 468tf Yorkâ€"st., Ottawa:; 506â€"t4 all to wh 506â€"t4 Obtd MONCH th Wanted Immediately, MONC EDOUAKD J. LANG Clerk of the Croz CAN .A TD.A.. EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, â€"â€" Clerk of the Crown in Chaneery 8. J. VAN KOUGHNET, Arv s preserving fruit with one«tbird GENERAL AGENT U ohe orrmun t wnger paeally the ni4 mens o * » while the true taste of the fruit is preserves Je en pual anike nnvernview z. mb-’m"“" 5 PROVINCE ( JOSEPIL F. ELLAS. Clerk of the Cro i1 th J. VANKOUGHNET, Clerk of the Oren in H. W. STISTED CANX H W . STISTED. CANADA. % ) ‘~i'. + a * BP ~dil Great 1 ANADA A17 .1 EEX ;‘f&“g! !;'.u Fa NTARL JN | Chamee 471â€"2mâ€"c0d rl‘it Britain Defender of see»»«e»» HAJil 28 its...... Halifax »»seee»»» MALif®® nt...... Matifax 8St. John, N. B it C ed thes he gres Ontor Ired and (Obnut l Wor x 0 x vicT T . ~ race, Kich J taining eight r I" session given M < «: *= FROM. PIR®T Oij & V _ o vember sert as the fr; about retiring from busic excellent and commodi stand, mia ®n the south side ot >par the central portion of the city ot Ottaw a, ‘ favorably known as the British Lon 1 gether "i(h the large yard, stables and thereto attached. A.lerse for one, three or fve year granted, and possession given hefore râ€"t vember, if required. the same Concession, at present in of Â¥im. T. Aylen, Esq.. For furt! apply to gorx and Wx. Trox#os Lew:s & Prxwer; Barrister, Ottaw a. he Ottawa River, being Lot lington Street, City of Otta and outhouses thereon. 2vily 0 * 8. February 10, 18* ffl\lll undersigned has a few rooms movw ; vacant for boarders with excellent ancomno luua-. and within five misutes walk of the i‘=:; liament Buildings. # VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LL1 could pot fail to be made to pay. It is built on the most modern style «i arch. ture, of cut stone; has large plateâ€"glass w sdth and is four stories high, exclusive «l the basem: It is fnely situated on the corner «i W eliington . ()‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the 1*Af ment Buildings, and has three vacint lots aits. | so that the Buildings could be enlarged t« an, * ind f Appt (postpaid) to be addressed iâ€" FRANCIS CLEMOW, Esu., & * NO ‘ufl eligible chanee cou (ht sus 2 offered to any party in the i M s# keeping line than the leare ubon,hlb‘l‘«ll_.\» HOJHL Being en the eve of Confederation, and <~: being defnitely settled upon as its eapital, | Ottawa, March 11 In the matter of AI.EX:IJBR CAMIHAO ALEXANDER CUMMINS, and 1sAA KERR, trading under the style and firm . CAMERON and CUMMINS, Insclvent«. Province of Ontario, Bominion of Canads, . United Counties of Pressott and Rassell. 'l\lll undersigned have filed a> of composition and «discharge execute their creditors, and On Monday, the Thirtieth day c September next, & They will apply to the J-lgey a confirmation thereof. e Officeâ€"Desbarate‘ Building, 77 Sparks Et â€" M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, Jun« 21. /Private Boarding House RoyalCanadianBank Ottawa, August 13 (Late of Chicago.) i HT’:"PC: guaranteed CM:;:.' '1“" ie stand ar d Sugarâ€"cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, &°. Tlll UNDERSIGNXED having been a} I pointed agents for Mesars. Wilson & Co Ottawa Mazch 2 rders will be promptly executed at the lowes: ma ket rates. % R HERRICK, BRUSIH & CO., . es A household requlsite tor reviring, with scarce!s any labor, a Looking Glass r:n‘ch on hu:‘rllnï¬ where the French :m or Â¥Yarnish has become dimmed by wear, Price 25 cents» per bottle at ; Market PDrug Store, May 8 Tas Orrawa‘ Times.â€"Printed and Publishe® every motning, s:-.dnyo excepted) at the Tiwes Steam Printing Works, 6. 60, Sparksâ€"st, in the City ot Oftews, Cougty of â€" Carleton C.. W f Ottawa, Aug. 25, IP‘ L/Orignal, July 29, 1867 wa, February 1 July 3 WILSON & CO. Y PRIVATE BARG firstâ€"class Frame Hoase awa, A Insolvent Act of 1864 OTTAW A AGENCY : FOR SALE OBR 7 Dominion Furniture Polis<b, In the County Court of the | + of Prescatt and Ko pPOR SA1rE. pply t Three Houses to Let, Apj The Victoria Hotel Af l_\on SALE.«â€"«THE WEsST= erly oneâ€"third of Lâ€"¢ No. 27. } First Concession (Miaws, Fromt > pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 2=. «n Pork Packers, Â¥ to ALEXANDER CAMERON, > ALEXANDER CUMAIXS, ISAAC KERR. . By their My, «d lnllluu EDW ARD TAYLOR DARTNEL Apply to Tlu'r VALUABLE Pit« perty knows as T. M. L dell‘s Homestead, sontaining a Two Acres, beautifully situares For Sale. _Or JOHN MHENEY, Eeq Richmond Road, Octaw, C TO LE1 A Comfortable | Dwelling over the Store ot the s1« 6r;1 er on Wellington street. ® V1ICTORIA Tén. York*THEET LEW 18 &. PIX Darristers, & H MRS. PARDEY, ' H ’ '.' l. * mu-c-‘“ M AIN, A LARGE TORONT0O HN WM. HEARX the said C W ellingtonâ€"st 5104 498 â€"] a w Aorxt 1574 a w o deed oJtalva Ha T4 S‘A RRISTER and Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancer «»tice, over Mr. Luke : Stofe: Rideau Spreet, Ottar Aiawa., Jan. 12, 1806 |§$4 * â€" AQUSS & : \ _ TPORNEYSeA ‘ Chancery, Convey: Uijeet Dlgin Street, Auxxarxo®e Ross: â€" rawa., July 28: . °* Raryâ€" meme: M LW ts T Vobruary 7, 1366 tD < ;Allll"l.q &D Notary Public, A W, Chancory 4 Othice, Lang‘s Du K. BR. BELI urric« : In the Coirt anaary 27, 1806. 1D ')u YE1ICI A X, Clasense Strect, mitBE PAILY AXD . enjoys Tak Lakoxat & dlished® in the ‘Ottagn iv over #,000 I _ AUGUSTUS ‘Alull'l'.' manel Sulicitor in Cl ‘hee : Opposite "Post ons butely m:du ntaw a, Mourch 30. ~, D in and for the dj Jscember 28, 186. GKO, LOGA] and Accoucheus. Ovric«: In Morne‘s ¢ office at night. " mio; John Hali, M.D â€"arly advertisers speo acal allowance made. y llbhl'l'fwll to the TPORNEYeATe& . Chancery, Conveyar ont Right Solieitor.| mjo®: fmmuï¬t rmous: Mull and @yl Ir. Wright will athond lays of every week. . CoLacaM. W . M« ttawa. Fob. 7, 1866. ’Pl’l(‘l over M mont, 25 Hidean« May 30 . » (Recesria . CUHORRY ‘and pvEKrIsEwENXTS are :nc wing rates® a ‘ nees Cards of from 3 to numâ€"pay able in wient Advertisements, * Streot. Ottaw a, November 13 l)u YSLCIAN, fice :â€" Hunton‘s q. COLMAX 4 VOCATE®, Ba + DI. OLIV Il'«é_ Tul."" Vitaws#, January 27, Pll"lfll‘lo ‘l‘*('xtx'.. Da Keridence, Maria 8 Cu::n Currp, w pride herreines Seremont reated, it required . _ Onawe, April 14 _ Clarense Strect, Murch #. . TTOR NIES~A Tw t A W, â€" Chancery P &avo{infa:c. reucs : Jowrl Iln:nf m 4 awa, Februaty 7, 184 #2, AUtorne the B ; for. r ,' VE": 1 uufl PTORNE Â¥eâ€"A T DÂ¥ 00 ATE: n Supect, Quo! . ied to alie 3‘ rnment i ont cust him. nn B. Chancery, Conveyan rof Sussex and Y ork: awa, Fobruary 26, 18 c\-w’_ , Jonvey: mc*: Union Baild gary 21, 1866. * â€" _ 3. F. KW A HICIS TEIeA ney sâ€"atâ€" Low References : Rex on Soalthh, . Boge 1Â¥ ANO®) ...« «e = paid in advance y subscription to D APIERRI Uttawa, February 7 A BR OS TAAL, Ke wrrices ; Court M Chancery LEKKS & # IUSTER®S, / ‘PA LKS Stree W, W. Brown‘s I Oitawa, Dececber OR %t+ !:':l. 'Mnjy means of the EDW ARID EP NJCNOLAS V C)J ENTIST. WILLIAM A uent insertion® July x6 Ag«xoy â€"â€" Aumond‘s Bu DR. C rl Advertwing T DH.>C DR. W ty BUCK Dit 1 DR. DR. C . MA M. Mo to all 1 LEQ y noraen DR Buildi BOL 11