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Ottawa Times (1865), 19 Sep 1867, p. 1

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nty at C Riirrents _‘ omm p‘uama Dailp Cimes, “, MASSE & TETREAU, *OTARIKS PUBLIC, Hull, C+ E,, near _Â¥ the Postâ€" ofice. 7 J. A. Masa®. N. TeruRav. Â¥gawa) March 23. _ 390f 1 aoy*" t mas kn * .. .wlfl'm all nl dh '......m-r«u-m- ertice in ”___,,..,.wumu-n! \» AW, Chancery and Conveyancing» " u'xcl: w' Block, Ridean Street, uawe, C. W. f 3 Abownig CCC as ‘Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, per anâ€" + :â€"-pnbbi- advance only, ........« $8 00 ,..l.uuAm first ingertion per 36 Mc cce ceereerrcerrent cenaene enevenn en on mtomt :) sabsequent insertions, per HBO,......««««* 2e \:-l.r MMM with, and i allowance made. .uiynntip‘nmnh‘dly (if paid inâ€" f not paid in advance ~opanemeatrom 1 _ carly subscription to th¢ weekly (if paid im .anaa)_.. sll :: aApvertsixg AgenCY not paid (Pwb ~HB RUsSS & PARSONS, ml!“'"""“"w \ Cha , Convey ancers, Notaries Public, &0. Saee: Eigfo Street, opposite the Russel! House. Aqueraspce Ross. Aussar P. fa%4, Juty 25. 189â€"6m RTM_____ 0 __zz2ige e o ‘.". t‘t-.u.v.y sel Office, Lang‘s W » »Post Office. s xtawe, July 19. _ fiee, over Mr. Lake Curner‘s Boot #tore, Rideau Street, Otaws, C. W. Junuary 17 1867. s AUVGUSTUS KEEFER, ahlll-‘l'll and â€" Attorneyâ€"at«Law, Solieitor in Chancery, “E‘:'.n OUfice: Opposite Post Office, Street, in the loours .“1 ufl;‘d as the Custom louse. drtaws, March 20. ____J..‘L ser of Sussex and Y orkâ€"streets zawa, February 26, 1367. ;.q rates ’ Cards dsÂ¥ Aaws, Jan. 12, 1866. 1 wam, C.E. ZB" Avewls to all Law Courts in Xtawrk. > Â¥cbruary 7, 1866. _: ___" _â€"â€" _ TVORNIESâ€"ATeâ€"LA W o Chancery, Convey ancers and LEES & GEMMELL, e BA RISTER®, Attorneys, Solleitors,. ancers, &0. + ormex : LNM“W'SO-'- Roaker Lexs. _ _ _â€"_ â€" Joux J. GexxeuL > Htaws, Fobruary 7, 1366. * 43â€"utd opmess: Hull and Aylwer, C. E. |I t ie e eaii ie alken emminte A0 . Coment W . Mexar Wauent, B.A.B.C.L ‘ ontawa, Feb. 7, 1866. 42â€"utf | EDWARVD T. DARTNELL, B.Allll‘l‘ll, Sollcitor, Attorney, and Notary Public, Clerk of the Peace and County mMy.Mml‘MWflM wd Russel. Orrict : In the Court House, L‘Orignal. s 2o TrORNEYâ€"AT»â€"LAW, Sollcitor . in Thancery, Conveyancer, &0., Sussex Streot. â€"mer: Union Buildings, OttaWwa&. l okty 24. 1904 . 55â€"3 snuary 27,18066. X*R. BELL, A.M., MD., C.M., &e. (Reokstur reow ExomaxD.) “t‘lo.l' and _ Residence,; George â€"* Streot. Uitawa, November 13. © ________â€" . 280y VOL. II. NO 542.; DVOCATES, Barristers, '-".‘:H.':_:A_n_â€" mow 1] LEGAL xICHOLAS, SPARKS, “..l.”".l-"g Sollcitar® Chancery, &e. A wwice: Aamond‘s Buildings, Rideau Stroot. LAPLERRE & l_l_A!gf)CK mmâ€"u-n.s. M. Patengull & A’é&-’i‘;ei;'.';.“.;‘ri.. Park Row, New York and State Street, | 40, Sussex Stroet. General Advertuang Agents, arehereby author â€" Ortawa, December 18, 1866 oys eCc un oo mbstne esn es PE! «s F®H eceves )"l(‘l over Mr. Garth ment, 25 Rideanâ€"st., Oitawa. May 30 P. J. BUCKLEY, LLB., ARRISTER and Attorney@atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary: l:b}u:m D GEO. LOGAN, M.D., LC.ILB., . uolcrAfluc Physician, Surgeon and Accouchour. Ormer: In Horne‘s Bloek. Can De tound over wotice at dc- T Refeences : Wev. George Lawrence, Orono ; Rev. Ivin Smith, Bowmanville; Rev. 0"'! idifell» "Narke ; Dunean Campbell, M.D., M.R.C.8.K., Torâ€" wito; John Hall, M.D., J. Adams, M. D., Toronto. (ttawa, February 7, 1866. 43â€"utf ‘M...,-uâ€"-'.m-"""') DAILY AND WEEKLY TIMES NOW ys yax La®@e®t cmmeviato® of any paper i in the Ottawa v.u.’..ilnl‘olllo e 2,000 1 and"Weekty oret 4,000: & total circulation in the week of over i thus outetripping all competitors, and a . hast medium for business men to adâ€" ARRISTER, Ktc., for Lower Canada, _ Orrices : Court House, Ayimersed Buckingâ€" U YVSICIAN, Surgron, and Accouchenr, _ Clarence Streot, Otta f4« Murch 1. To: ie _ c wILLLAM MOSGROVE \,I"l‘ll‘!'- Oflice : : tral Ottawa. (ttawa, January 27, 1366 'l!'lll‘l'. Offlce? Susser Streot, over Messrs. Campbelt & Co.‘s, Girocers. Htaws, January 27, 1866. _ 77'“73&fl COLMANX & WRIGHT, Pl!'lIClA'l;m and Accoucheue a '.t.:a-.. Day “wn;walw & Street, Center Town; Office ns Ww homemet pirte W beriee se cves. $ success reated, if required. â€" The s Ouawe, April 14. mi* 1twâ€" IPARK® Street, entrance ) W, W. Brown‘s Barber Shop ntawa, December 5. DKR. JOHN LEGGO, ENTIST, Hunton‘ts Block, Sparks Street. â€" /ZMR"Tecth extracted without im eans of the Ethereal Spray Producer. R;OO Caxcres Cunso, with wat the cseâ€"of the knife, by a in advance Htaws February 7, 1866 ORK Street, opposite Matthews®‘ DR C. LEGGO, IYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ofice : HMunton‘s Block, Sparks Street. _ L Soligito, L *+ Office Bailding, Eigin Stroet, Ottaw®. | *"Gu,awa, May 22 Wf‘ DR OLIVER MARTIN,. iÂ¥ @CoNNOR, J. E. BOULTON, DR.°C. A. MARTIN, _ mEpctAL _ DR. CHESLEY, Dii. W. J. HENRY, M. McLEOD, Dit. IJAURION, DR, 0. C. WooLu, DR. O‘REILLY, i;-co 1 Sparks Street, Cen=â€" Mr. Garth*s Establish» «LA W, Solicitor=in= | whe Ortawa Ts Ottawa Lawrence, Orono ; Rev. : Rev. George Riddell, plicitors=in=, otaries Public, and Aattor= the District of next door to at the and Shoo 447 43â€"ut â€"atf 34â€"6m 4lutf 21â€"7 11wâ€"100â€"4 3Mâ€"ntf N. McKINNON,. â€" CO!!II::K' and Exchange Broker, and L nce Agent, Sparksâ€"street, opposite Mageo & Russell‘s, Ottawa, C. W. Ottawa, March 25. omane L. G+ c (°CONXNOR & WALLER, EXCIlAll Brokers, Firé, Life and Ac= cidental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ing Agonts. Oidice, No. 27, Sussexâ€"street; Ottawa »ow o‘CoNNOR: wW. H. WALLER, | March 9 promptly M M{.Mb. ; } They have now on kand and for sale some well ; G and Lo'or|lhi:- Canada; and an immense qu ty of Farming ;l] Lands in the Townships on the Ottawa. ’nri â€" Quric®: mui‘mmmzm ‘ w. K. THISTLE, P. L. 8. : # F. A. BALDWIN, P. 1. 8. | T COIIIDSIOS Merchant: and General | Acm. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines and ‘ Proof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales and | Porter. Pork, flour, &o,, for sale. | Oaemer .No. 5. Suurks Street, near the Russell | _ OrFiCER: No. J, Sparks Streot, near the | Hoase, Ottawa city, C. W . ied . PARLIAMENTARY AukNCY. C. i. > ROUUCHETT ® BP Lang‘s Buildings, opposite Post Office Ihawa, March 10. mz'” l \ MECHANICAL DhAUGHTSMAN, "lll‘l‘ AND SAW MILLS BUILT oN the most recent and improved principles. #.l for Fleek‘s rlm and ‘ improved Taylor ater Wheel, and Valean Lron Works, Montreal. Address Chas. Esplin, Ottawa. 2198° PIOVINCIAI. Land Surveyors, Canada ; East and West, Real Rstite Agents, &e. Parâ€" ticular attention devoted to. the sale and protection of the Lands of Absentees. Applications to the Crown Lands Department for Mining Lands, &¢., MESSRS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, Ottaws Dec. 28, 1865 Ottawa, March 20, 1866 __ _ CmARLES ESPLIN, | Millwright and Engineer | 10XTRACTOR and Builder, . Office } /North side Â¥ork street, second (door from Sussex I Ottawi, May 5 Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. THOROUG! BASS. » vp x 3 . w J,. P. MACPHERSQN; % Remedics for Chotera, Diatthos, D ARRISTER, &c., Ottawa. Ofice?} ) tory, Cholera Infantum, add other summet EWY LIC C SEA 1 K. Nes a wccullaim T | LL% x: "am ‘E&'{::,",:;‘;,‘:fi;::{."f,::,‘:‘&'; _ HMalt, Nail, Tooth, Cluth, Hat, and Flesh ussex Street. Brushes, Turkish Towels, Shoulder Braces, India tawnu., December 18, 1866. 1â€"y Rubber ‘Combs, in variety. Bathing Cape, Bath tawn, DeC@MDET 2t Coomatcoonooooozmmmemc > | SpODGO8 and Bugs. Ar pu‘!:nfiou in variety. U MCLE‘N 8 ! Lubin‘s, Rimme}, Plesso and Lubin‘s and Phalop‘s y T ~ a < | Perfumes, Genuine Eau D‘Cologne, Florida W ater, UCTION Rooms, No. 19, SparksStreet; | also a number ef preparations for the teeth and Ro L. Hthcs Airaws ‘annoulta Hone‘s Stationâ€" | enms at | biwat eP SE ETs + .'lu.le t MUsIC 1: FRENCH AND 1 English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Vailsos &o., &0. DUVERNAY BRO All strictly forbidden to pass or tres« pass in, over and about the fronts of Lots number 29 and 30, in the First Concession, Ottaw a Front, Nepean, and the Broken Fronts thereof, unâ€" less and untilâ€"some satisfactory nn-‘-ou is come to with the proprietors thereof. All persons trespassing after this notice will be pfosoouml acâ€" cording to Law. & JIUN WM. THOMSON, ~"~. , NO rPECE, | § is HEREBYGIYEN THAT ALL| DRU G 3 f c a, ® Lumbermen & Others Lieks oS BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN MALTMAN I ATE McADAM*S, Commercial Hotel, 4A Packenham. The above Hotel, one of tife otdest and best known in Packenham, has been leased by the undersigned and m‘hln overhauled and refitted for the l&.â€" cial h.olT:nu. THE TABLE AND BAR will at all times be furnished with the very m“,’.!‘.’!*.‘.‘.flh' & PWPee Nt huke Vlll" oTrawa TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Orders left at Union House will be punctually atâ€" nded too Aitaws July 26. 187tE Ottawa, July 26 13. Arucbe Apâ€"+srudd GOOD STABLING and a careful Hostler always in attendance ' JOHN MALTMAN. ERCHANT â€" TAILOR, THERE « QUEEX® RESTAURANT, wammnenetembe s en nevmenntuemennenmmen en 0 NJ KAVANAGH, Proprietor, C f \ LLS A 3 C N8. j svapamamnuniescoan d o TELSA NR 8 ALOuUNS he main entrance to the Government buildings, iss i rep‘ o hol‘QUflN'anflfiul?:thohW?&: . â€" HOTKT‘3 HOTEL, firstâ€"class Rostaa +. e House has reo! e @ And (refurnishedâ€" ‘oughout. The BAR contains A Hote miecs. Alired Mcses Holt, Jr., Proptr. the choicest Brands in Winds and Liquors, and every | _ December 21, 1363. 4y deljcacy of the season will be found on the table. The | >* â€"â€"+ â€" =â€"» m::flbd‘ah will be diracted to the comâ€" ‘ ; JAS. JO"NSTUN'&\/' ort guests and patrons. NION HOUSK, North Go . Geood :Qflno atnatail : /____ J l’subllng and an attentive l!octlor."" 8 C ~*~*~~~ | _ January 11, 1866. SCM 2vâ€"y Ritchie Hotel, Grenville, C. MACDONALD & BRQ., fl\lll Subscriber has leased the above firstâ€"class hotel for/ term of years and I«n: by strict attention to the wants and comforts of gu-l;.l and friends at nu‘oilm l-.’ull: l‘up lh:;; ot ic patronage. e Hotel is the largest b-ruid off house in (Girenville; it is three stories high and commands a beautiful view of the nr(ds and steamboat landing. . The Bar will ain ufin of the choicest and purest ‘quality. The ‘Table will be supplied with the best the market can afford. Srfld care will be taken with the Stables, which will be under the care of an experienced Hostler, and always supplied with fresh HMay ahd Oat«. Charges moderate. + sn ar n rnmt® Dated this 26th June, 867 Ottawa, November 27 THE METROPOLIT AN MRS. GRANTS SALOON, C+>MORCGE STREET. (Ohoice Winas & Liquors, Prime Cigars N May 18. &. SPARKS, * I1. MeGREEV , JOMHN MERCER, IOHN RITCHIE, Prop Remember the place P.O‘Mears . old Jy6.â€"110t Aumond‘s Block, CHRISTIE, MULLIN. P. O‘MEARA, Prorarntror. x 292 Rideanu Street, (ttawa AYLMER, C. & ThDt 3i8y 39, Sparks JOHN RITCRIE 438â€"6m 132â€"y Pmp[htfl!‘ .. 4T0H pric(or i18â€"y % Remedics for Chotera, Diarthoa, Dysen i¢e# | tory, Cholera Infantum, afd other summer COm t laints, are ko.v on hand, besides a good supply 0 M Y 4 Aisinfectnnts L. _ _ _ _ ul e oar gy ) 1%y I > EN12 t The sole a agency in Ottawa for the e Â¥â€"Â¥ l ant rowm Messrs. Kenneth, Campbell ____ | Co., Medica P al. v 50 l‘ dical Hall, Montreal 4?2 P "The Medical Hall," Tllleelc.tnod i Quinine Champagnes** also " Qrange Quinine W ine," and other Toai¢ Bitters ab 4 AUSTIN‘S, * The Medical Hall," Rideauâ€"stroot. MEDICAL | VDispensing Department. \ _ Great care and attention is constantly flnn to i this important department; for the extromely liberâ€" al Lm‘. hitherto bestowed upon it the sub. | seriber return= his best thanks. _ A vERY sUPERIORK ARTICLE, pre= k pared from the finest material, with the apâ€" proval of many of the medical faculty of this city, at the A certain protection from the bites of this misâ€" whievous insect. References given to many genâ€" tlemen of Oiftawa and vicinity. Prepared only at the hok oo n onue aier uk 40 Dr. Dwiour‘s Croukka Muctur®, Chloride of Lime, Harte‘s Concentrated Lye, Lifhminn Fly Killer, Atlantic Sea Salt, pure flavoring extracts, &o.. &0., at the m ie o se ons Hatk, Nan, axo Toorw Bavauks, in variety, Luâ€" bin‘s Perfumes, Toilet Vinegar, Florida, Water, Sozedont, Farinia‘s Colognes, Dressing and Fine Combs, &c.. Iee Cream, Soda Water, with pure frait syrup l‘mw,fiuws' Marble Fountain at the BDICAL HALL, 28 Sporkeâ€"st. o 41 Sussex Street, â€" Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines| lngllsfi& French Chemicals, TOILET ARTICLES, &C Please call and examine the Stock. 1t is the largest and best ever imported. T&@"~ All the reliable PATENT.MEDICINES on hand. ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN, Wita eignt different B&np, manufactured® on the premises. It is a healthy and cooling beverage. MORTIMERS Apothecaries Hail! AUVSTIN, APOTHECARY. & RIDEAU STREET 1866 SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. A sAECRATOSES OS Eind ande Sale. All Sceds wa _mm_‘ To iiiees euuy P SE P s A large importation of and French PERâ€" FJMEs will arrive next fiu & FLORLDA WATER. â€" s0ZODONT. HAILR BRUSHES. co M NALL BRUSILES. CLOTHE J D6i &e., &e., d ust opened up. & ',“ ; ""yosrpnu GA P. S.â€"Advice to the poor gratis. Ottawa, April 11. : PROPEALY COMPOUNDED AND FREE FROM ADULTERATION! Just Received ! 'l‘llAll‘l‘Ul. FOR PAST FA« vors, I beg respectfully to an: hounce that I have now received my stook for the Summer Trade, It comâ€" priges all the best and purest Ottawa â€" Drug Warehouso. 160011 Oitawa, Fob. 12 1856 erior apartments. Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1865. Ee y Ottawa, January 9, 1867. l)RlVA'l‘l HOTEL, tawa, C. W. A fow gor TIIK RUSSELL HOUSE, LATI CAMPBELL‘$ HOTEL, Ottawa, .C. W. The undersigned, proprietor of the aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to nm;'m his nu« merous friends and thé mflh&:-c , that he has reâ€"painted and newlyâ€"furnished hout this comâ€" -05\‘«!! establishment, in the manggement of which by strict attention to hum and guests, he hopes to deserve encouragowe! su TAMES®.0008,° | _ NlCllol.A. StreetyCourt=House A venne; Ottawa, John Graham, mr. This Hunhu-ml.y and still mainâ€" tains itg. character as a FIRSTâ€"CLASS MOTEL. Considerable additions have been made to the promises, and it has been enti repainted and u“n:vuod. No pains will be spared to accommodate ease. o&uus:sm.ummm and boats free of charge. There is a FIRSTâ€"OLASS LIVERY STABLRattached to the Hotel. ll:"-AvE'Ai'i'. corner of George and & William Streets, (P. O‘Meara‘s old stand). LA ONYSTERS in overy style, at sl'l'I;ourn. 20, Sparksâ€"Street. qUININE WINE, DOMESTIC DYES. UE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OFf DYES in this city on sale atthe 5 AUSTIN‘S, * Th AUSTIN‘S, DRUGGIST®S. 41 RIDEAUâ€"STREET, mosqurro Q!l.. THK ALBION HOTEL, connected igw‘® Street, Quebec, hoang wor (of on 4 :oA MEDICAL MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st MEDICAL HALL, DRUGS, PRERFPUMERY, cCPA WwWA ‘E HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot« W. A fow gootiemen can obtain supâ€" W ARE HOU 6 , A.>J, LEMOXN, W. M. MASSEY, : Medical Hall, Sparksâ€"s DUIGNAN‘S « The Medical Hall," _ | Rideauâ€"street JOSEPH GARVEY, M.D. Depa OoTTAWA C: HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st Medical Hall," _ Ridoauâ€"street _ _ COMBS, CLOTHES BRUSHES, 28 Nparks st or the eleâ€" 347y of RELIEEF IN PULMONIEC WABERS | » < 3 'l!lll ORIGINAL MEDICINE ESTABâ€" ‘ lished in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of " Pulmonic Wajers," in this or any other eounuz‘; all other ‘*rmonic Wafers are counterfeits. e genuine can be known b{lthe name BRY AN boing stamped on each WAFER. he â€" 47â€"utf 91Tâ€"7y An Pnd Eit NV Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wofers Are in simple form and pleasant to the taste, Er_wn'c Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve but efect rapid and lasting cures. Bryan‘s Pulmonie Wafers & Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one No family should be without‘a box ot Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers in the house. * No traveller should be without a supply of Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers f in his pocket. ~No person will ever object to give for Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers a Twentyâ€"live Cents, JOB MOSKS, Sole Proprietor, New York. ; NORTHROP & LYMAN, § & Newcusue, C. W. Sold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, 1. E. McUarthy, Joseph Skinner, and J. rown, in Ottawa. » Ottawa Feb. 5, 17 3504w6w Ottawa Feb. 5, 17 3504w6u EVERY MAN Bs OWN DOCTOR Puorlnon KELLOG8 Life Preserve ing )’e&enblo Compound and universal cure for man and beast, whlch.flvn immediate relief, and onlf requires one trial to convince the most skeptical. Externally by rubbing, internally by mixing with milk or un{tbin’ to suit the taste or clear. One teaspoontul, a full dose, fever and ague, and all fevers; old sores, fresh cuts and bruises, burns, foul stomach. Dyspepsia, by mixâ€" ACTes UHmem UOO PR CnPP t ing with one glass Highwines ; thoumatism of all kinds, Delitium Tremens.. Porsons drunk maue sober in half an hour by two doses, and in fact almost ovug ailment cured in a very short space of time. Corns, bz paring and applying for several weeks. ‘The nerve of & tooth entirely quiated by an application for a short length of Wns I, 2242 se manla an haven flach in all aamau. time. â€" It acts as magic on horse flesh in all cases, and also on all other beasts. No family should be without‘ it, as there will be no danger of disease when used in commection with the Water Care, Nomne genuine without the signature of the above Sole Proprietor, H. J. KELLOG. . We the undersigned inhabitants of Templeton have used the above named compound in many cases, and cordially recommend it to the public for a trial, as it has been more expedient and efâ€" fectual than any remedy used by us. . ’rcufldmâ€"blodcno Martel, JC::"'P and purâ€" ging ; nwl‘hmr. Fever; A. rkin, different ailments; W im Waters, rheutmatism ; T. Blancheotte, man and animals; R. McElroy, sunstroke; J. Devideon, emallsmO®. . 0 00c 000 0on 5.. ol 3y "B'&Z'JZ’-'WTT&.’ Caldwell, W, Kennedy, J. M. T. Hannum, X. Locas. _ _ Mn nc _ Sold by W. Hearn, J. Skinner, and other drugâ€" ts f ‘uomu. June 36 867. "<towr _ Among tne most important of modern Medical Dis coverios stands the CANADIAN PAIN OESTRONER! Il\ulfl CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER UA. now been before the publts for & length ot time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to ii" permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the eonl.ur{,lll are delightâ€" ed with its operations, and speak in the Mggu terms of its virtues and magical effecte. .__ _ We ‘rtl fron‘oxporionzo in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints forâ€" which it :s recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" reign B‘-.d". c c ie /‘ m ‘as wmor 'fho m{'h::,fi efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in ng diseases for â€"which it is roâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing thowmfln‘ pains of Rhoumatism, and in re ieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank n the list of Remedies for these complaints, ers are coming in from Medicine Dealers in allp arts of the country for further n;pllu, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. > _ J â€" Theé Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmodiate relief. All Medicine Dealers kur i Physicians order and use it; and no family wi 1 ']lhi;lt‘il mron%otryhalt. botth z) rice twentyâ€"five cent e. B Nou'rm&:; & LYMAN, k Newcastle, C. W., . s s (General Agents for C. W de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Spraing, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Qhol::n h}oxi:uu. ;)ymmrzl.dl:owol owmplaints, Burns, * Mrog Bies. Ko ko _ _ . . ol by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M Massey, H. E. McCarthy, J. Skipner, and J Brown, in Ottawa. _ __ ints BO OKBINDER, Metcalfeoâ€"streot,â€" " BEGS To ANNOUNCR TO hi friends and patrons that he has removed to the building on Metcalfe® streot, formerly occupied by The Is‘mu;:g Post, where he is now prepared to execute all orders for BOOKBINDING, : PAPER«RULING, or * BLAXK BOOK MANUFACTURING, Of every description, in the neatest and most durâ€" able style. % PM wiu s ki un on EC LcA aw: "(‘I‘K;i;;-pcuonl attention to all work, and havâ€" ing had many years practical experience, he feels confident that satisfaction will be given. . s Té;:;fimfiifi_i;f done in tae most artistic style. * J A MORTIMER, â€" Ottawa,. March 16 Ottzawa, Fob. 5, 1867 ‘[I(- GEOoRGE sHOoULDIS, IN RE iVR turning thanks to his friends and the publi« tor the liberal patronage which he has received for many years, begst o state that for the future his business will be carried on in YORK STREET, where his promises are known as the And where every article in the trade can be ob tained of the best quality and at the lowest prices. Mr: Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their oustom, and furnish them daily with such bread as they may require. ts w e e d TW L Please send y our ordets to the York Street Fancy Bakery.+ & F * fl; Two Journeymen Bakers Wanted Ottawa, December u9l FOR SALE WHOLESALE. Bakersand families choice brands| fresh ground flour, direct from the mills of the west, Am :npnndto sell wheat or corn by the car load irect from the west at the lowest market rates on the spot, or to arrive, and deliverable at any station or steam > to arrive, and deliverable at any st boat landing in the Ottawa. “:‘.'!‘.': 480.2awâ€"2m Bnnn.muc.-uls. REYXOLD3, «THK Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Street 3 doors from Sussex Street, begs to anrounce that *uMmMflcmb‘ufl- YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, NUTICE OF REMOVAL A. MORTIMER BRYAN‘S Flour, Wheat, Corn. r. THURSDAY,. SEPTEMBERâ€"I9, 1867. BEEA D. TEN GEORGE DALGLISH, Agent, at Daiglish & Russell‘s, MINUTES Metcalfoâ€"street. 384v 350y dw Wellingtonâ€"st [L 8.] iss CANADA. s." ° PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. VicroriA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain und Treland, QuE®x, Defender of the Faith, &e., &e., &c. 11 to whom these presonts shall comeâ€"GRrFETâ€" 1NG. Wlllllll We are desirous and re= solved, as soon as may be, to. meet: our 9.1,1. of Our Province of Quebec, and to have their advice in Parliament; We do make Known Our Royal Will and Pleasure to call a Legislature or Parlinment, and do further declare that by the advice of Our Executive Council of Quebec, We have this day, given Order for issuing Our Writs in due form, for Calling a Legislature or Parliaâ€" ment in Ocr said Province, whichâ€"Writs are to bear date on the ELGHTH dn% of AUGUST inst., and to be returnable on the TWENTYâ€"FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next, except, however, the Writs for the Electoral Division of Gaspe, and for the Electoral Division of Chicoutimi and Saguenay, which Writs will be returnable on the TW ENTYâ€" FOURTH day of OCTOBER next. ; 1x Testmioxy Wuzaror, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the R Great Seal of Quebec, to be hereunto.aflixâ€" ed ; Wirx®ss, Our Trusty and Wellâ€"Beloved Naroisse Fortusat Beuusav, Knight, Liouâ€" tenant Governor of our Province o% Quebec At Our Government House, in Our CLTY of QU EB EC, in Our said ‘Province, this EIGHTH day of AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and .. sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. j u’ uummln“: PF wive h on s [L. 8.) Staiik _ CANADA. + PROVINCE OFâ€"QU EBBC.‘ VicroriA, by the Grace wf God, of the %United Kingdom ul')lh'cut Brithin © and Treland, QUEEN, <Defender of the Faith, &e., &e., &c. _ § To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"GrEET. 1x@, f KIOW YE, that we being desirous and resolved, as soon as may be, to meet Our Poorlo of Our Province of Quebec, and to have their advice in Parliament, do h.nb{, l;y and with the advice of Nur Executive Council of Quebec, sumâ€" mon and call together the Legislative Assembly of %\loboe, to meet at Our cn{ of Quebec, in Our said Provinee, on TUESDAY, the TWENTYâ€". FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next, then and there to have cunference and treaty with the Great Men and Legislative Council of Our said Province. ix Testimoxy Wiurarzor, we have caused these Our Letters to be imade Patent, and the Great Seal of Quebec to be hereunto aflixed ; Wirness, Our <Trusty and Wellâ€"Beloved Narciss® Fortuxat BrLLRAU/ Knl,bt. Lieuâ€" tenant Governor of Our Province of Queber. ‘ At Our Government House, in Our CLTY of Q U EB EC, in our said Province, this ; EIGHTH day ot AUGUST, in the year of OQur Lord, one thousand eight bundred and * wixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year: of Our Reign. By Command, _________ 506â€"t4 POIIE!IION GIVEN IM» 3 . «M m " _ mediately. _A new Brick ‘;nnulldln‘ on Bessorer Stroot, Sandy xA Mill, near the residence of Hion Malcolm Cameron. This building contains Sever. Bedâ€"rooms, and is furtished with all modern im« rovements. P ECC CCR CC OLLLLO 422320 Huilina an tha ans. e A l'.‘l'{. Two storey Wooden Building, on the corâ€" ner of : This House is lined l(ixh Brick, furnisl with double doors and wirffows and Venetian Blinds. Thereis alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pumr‘-. Stables and other Buildings in the ‘ynd. This House is well adapteg for a Store, Hotel, Boarding Housg, or private resiâ€" dence. Â¥For furthe ‘particulars u!.ply to .L. P. O‘ HANLY. Ottawa, Feoruary 10. 1866 DALGLISH & RUSSELL CROCERY COODS Coulhfi? of Teas, Gunpowder, Old Hyson, Young !lli“' yson Twankay, Black, Extrg Fine Engâ€" lish Breakfast Souchong, Congou unto, Oolong, Orange Pekoe, Finest Japans. . 506â€"4d Coffees.â€"Java, Jamzica, La Gimyn. Mocha Roasted and Ground on thé premises, 8 lish, refined in loaves, Broken Loat Oruthed White, Yellow Refined. / * Chocolate and Cocona Spices, Mustards, Rssenâ€" ces, Syrups, Pickles, Sauces, Vinegars, and Bottled Fruits, in Sm. Preserves, Potted Meats, Fruits, &o. Also, Provisions, Sugar Cured Hams, S{Ieod Rolled, Hams, Bacbn, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Biscuits, Flour, Oatmeal, Barley, Peas, Rice, Laâ€" Izudor“ Herrings, Table Codfish, Digby Merring#, C . * Our stock is extensive and complete, and every article warranted to give satisfaction. All orders sent or left will be promptly attended to. All Goods delivered on the shortest notice Ottawa & Gloucester Road Compy. I° hereby given, that the Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company have this day made a further R CGall of 10 Per Cent. Of the Capital Stock of the said Company, which Call they require the holders of such stock to pay to the undersigned at the Office of MATHESON & LEES3, in the City of Ottawa, on ilfiieéday; second daywur l({lclahggflaxl. Seey. & Treas. Dated this Second day °!§‘PL‘E!’.'I',‘§§71 528â€"4d 1000 DO7EN CHIMNEYS ! 1000 Dozen Lamps, CHANDELIERS AND WICkS, RE NOW IN RECEIPT oF THEIR new and: varied assortment of 100 Barrels Rock Oi, WV : three little Fm' i m ody oY letter Mutic, for a few hours daily. Apply bY letter ,&pu. to M. B., Postâ€"office, Ottawa. .'»N‘ pa Sign of Red Barre}i. OCAI‘:, Sept. 10, 1867. Dwellings to Let. . R. LEAVENS‘ L. H. MUOT, ‘ Clerk of the UCrmen L. H. HUOT, N. F. BELLEAl Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, (Quebe N. F. BELLEAU. ANTED,â€"A Governess May 22, 1867 Dalglish & Russell, NO TIC JUST ARRLVED, 72 Sussex â€"street d L. P. O‘HANLY. Sandy Hill. + 46â€"utf AT Wellington d Kentâ€"sts 4ily AS Ch (Ju ebet to instruet 5342 CGITY OB GLASGOW Il\lll! coMPANY OFFrERS TO THE public the combined advantage of perfect security, moderate premiums and liberal participaâ€" tion in profits, . No extra charge for Voluntcers in defence of the country, RINTOUL BROS., Montreal, General Agents for Canada. . NELL MCKLNNON, Agent, borislontiiongs Sparksâ€"streot, Ottawa. Ottawa March 25 Kina Life Insurance Company,| Capitatand Assets, 1st Jan., 1861, $4,401,833.86 rgillls MosT SUCCESSPUL LIFE IN. And e Office : Over Scott‘s Confectionery Ottawa, March 13. $8ly ANNUAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 sto. Assurance Company ! Life Assurance Company ESTABLISHED 1i838e. CAPITAL, £600,000 Stg. S TA BLISHED 1830. R. 8. Cassels, Esq. . â€" â€" ++ Consulting Director, 'l‘lllt‘a ABOVE FIRSTâ€"CLASS COM»â€" PANY is pre{mrodto insure all descriptions of property agaiast loss or damage by fire. Ottawa, January 4, 1867. Sheriff‘s Sale of Lands. CoUNTY OF CARLETON, ESTABLISHED B\' virtue of a writ of Fierl Facias reai« due, issued out of Her Majesty‘s Court of Common Pleas at Toronto, and to me directed and \ delivered, against the Lands and Tenements of James Goodwin and Allan Seott, at the suit of Francis McDougall, I have seized and taken in ex» ecution, as the property of James Goodwin, one of the above named defendants, and will offer for sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, at my office in the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, on MONDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FIFTH day of NOVEMBER, A. D., 1867, at TWELVE o‘clock, noon, Lot number n on the West side of King street, in the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, in that part of the City of Ottawa, called Letter O. ! WM. F. POWELL, Sheriff. Sherifi‘s Office, Ottawa, August 17, A.D,, 1867 CoUNTY OF CARLETON, BY Virtue of a Writ of Fierl Facias issued out of the County Court, of the County of Darleton, and to me directed and delivered against the Lands and ‘Tenements of Magloire Charlebois, at the suit of Edward Grifin, I have seized and taken in execution, and will offer for sale, at Public Auction, at my Office : in the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, BRITISH AMERICA On Tuesday, the Twentyâ€"Second day of At twelve o‘clock, ncon, all the right, title, inter> est and equity of. redemption ot the above named defendant, of, in, and to the morthâ€"east part of Lot Number Two, in the third concession of the Townâ€" ship of Gloucester, (Rideau front,) in the County of Carieton.* # 4 W M. F. POW ELL, Sheriff. By JAS. BALLILFF, Deputy Sheriff Sheriff‘s Oflice, Ottawa, July 18th, A. D., 1867 A LL the right, title and claim of the undersigned, du&hur and legatee of the late Walter Beekworth, in the lots of land distinguished as mumbers thirty, thirtyâ€"one and thirtyâ€"hoo (30, 31, and 32,) in the first (1st) range of the Township of a:bhliold. County of Poutiac, and Province of &0- The above is generally known as the " Puur duâ€"Fort property," the village of that name being situated thereon. For tarther particulars apply to the undersigned, if by letter, pnn-?ld. at Havelock, County of Pontiae, Hargrave P. 0. _ _ “"'_ o tar 3 "m l‘\oll SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 ieor inss Sooth_Side Sparks Street» 4 nearly ospafiu the lot on wanich the new Bank of Montreal is to be erocted, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks, . Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street Sheriff‘s Sale otf Lands. in rear of the above In the ’rwuhlg ot Gloucester, a mile from Bill l:“l Bridge. T en bloe or in lots of 5 acres. .. Ottawa Feb. 10, 1866. 1 NSUV B A NCE FIRE AND MARINE. 1 tionable August 1. Mosimny R Cc um vv o WLDOW JAMES POW ELL Havelock, Jualy 13, 1867. 28w &n For furtber particulars, apply to To WIT To Wit HERRILCK, BRUSH & CO., . Aaxxts, , Aumond‘s Buildings. iv 4. 1867. 323y ALSO. 23 ACRES OF LAND. By JAS. B AILILFKF, Doputy Sheriff. October, A.D., 1867, CCMNtS Apply to FOR SALE. coUNTRY RESIDENCE FORSALE. â€"Beautifully situated on FRANCLS CLEMOW, ESQ., City of Ottawa. K. SMITH, Agent, A. D. 1820, REV. J. JOHNSTON, Hull Village, r, situated about ‘halt This land can be sold 301y 489â€"1â€"29wtd "y-“. ge 3 '0.0‘:4- 1 o&'-. August 30 _ «s«CL * P s r ;‘\\\\\ oâ€"iFRENCH NERMUIC: [ Snn/bdf o ®%. 6d. per YVard. & French Poplins and Empress Cloths, ‘CUNNINGHAM & LINDsAY‘S; CUNNINGHAM AND LINDSAY, & TED ) COr, OO&-’ “NH.N IET w L1 14 SHEKFFIELD HOUSEE! ; 234, S#parks stâ€", Ottawa. â€"_â€" IUST received an immense assortment fmf PARLOR CLOCKS, DIXâ€" «4 1ING ROOM CLOCKS8, OFFICE CLCCKS, KITCHEN CLOCKS, &c. â€"tx" Call and inspect the stock of Gold. and Silver WATCHES Jewellery, Eleetroâ€"Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, &c. \ ONE CASE OF BEAD TRIMMINGS, JAPANESE SILKS AND REPPS, FALL AND WINTER TRADE! $" A N CY G o o J & : $ bales Blankets, 2 cases Fancy Flannels, 1 case Shawle, 1 case Fall Hate, 2 cases Wool DromeTIGMI :)flw U?ion limel%h. 1 case Silk Mixed Tweeds, 2 cases Fancy \'o.ol Tn:“-. 1 case of gunr vercont ,‘1 case W aterproof Cloaki 4 cases W hitney , 6 beles Linen Goods, 3 cases CMhfl‘g'Ny Flarnel, 7 cases Grey cm,m- the best -m in Canada, 2 cares Canadiau Hoslery, from the best makers, 4. cases Canadian Yarn, 4 cases Canadian Shirts and Pants, 1 case Cardigan Jackets, 25 bales Wadding, 15 bales Cotton Warpâ€"108 package®. KA W arrunted good h a9 MRRE M TL 0t _2 093 hy ane hones in the trade. value, OTIAW A, Sept. 14, 1867 No,. 20, Sparkeâ€"street, 3 bales Grey Cottoys at very nearly old prices & 1 case White Shirtings. 4 bales Prints. .'â€"Z\ l BBA t\ ==.§ 1eA j :A .. J Lo t 7 e e â€"": » 8 %â€"-_"f. a :i =§Y’;\ : ,. 2' .: C its %“‘ ns o » meimulyfor w S N mssee dsfor** s t 1 AJ hi =I OTICE is hereby given that applica« FRUIT TREES! Nes ioi t o rsmsorave ifhonpron » liament or the Legislature, tor an Ast to incorpor ** TORONTO NURSERIES. ate certain persons under the name of " The St * mss § Lawrence and Oftawa Railway Company," and to Tlll '3.:(‘:':": "I‘AK':' l"-u ; vest thersin the Ottaws and Prescott Railway with means of informin; e Farmers itaroy, Mexab and adjacent ‘Fownships, that his agents | the lands, rights, privileges, franctiises and appur Messrs. Pontey and "l::zor,m now engaged in | tenances thereto belonging or appertaining, with the locill:‘y\ Bfi'gfififw‘rm"‘f:x mughfl QuaKâ€" | full power to convert the several interests of the TrR8, . ON® + t h * ‘The subscriber need only point to the fact, that | present, proprictors thergof into stock or shares, his fruit wherever exhibited at the Provincial Fairs | and to open stock or shareâ€"books, and alsto to enâ€" has carried off the first prize, to assure those favorâ€" | able the Company to substitute Bonds or Deben. b8s c SCch their patronage that they will b6 | pore; bearing interest for the several certificates of Tlll sUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS ; means of inl'or-inl the Farmers of Fitzroy, MeSab and adjacent ‘ownships, that his agents | Messrs. Pontey and 'E"zor, are now engaged in ; the locality -o!ieiuns rs tor trees. Hrap QUARâ€" | rres, R. LYON‘3 HOTEL, ARNPRIOR. t ‘The subscriber need only point to the fact, that ; his fruit wherever exhibited at the Provincial Fairs | has carried off the first prize, to assure those favor» | ing him with their m:p that MHEII be supplied with Trees fruil of the ‘Juu- \| ty. is stock of trees forthe Eastern demand have : been grown with a special view to for | that climate, being of that. low y Tmu I which utrrlom teaches to be the best kind of . trees for the Eastern portions of the Proviace, The Stock comprises fruit ‘trees of every description, . also Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roser, Herbaceous . fowering plants, &c., &e., in great variety. Juine, adsts t NCR AnrIs aan August 16th Lot ‘Ql; thereto house. Apply to _ Ho for the Regatta. Two First â€" Class Skiffs * FOR BALE, Ottawa, May 10, 1867. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO,, y, from the DoR TEREUS CR T DC A.tin Warn.108 ba an Jackets, 25 bales Wadding, 15 bales Cotton Warpâ€"108 package®. ‘as we are determined not to be undersold by any houte in the trade. o“-‘r Ottawa, September 9, 1867 417y (KINGSTON BUILD. Apply to ; 1OSEPH SKINNEE, Chemist, W ellingtonâ€"street. Possession FRENCH MERINOES, FRENCH MERINOES, 2s 64, PER YARKD, Cottons from Aid.| perig Y ard. TO LET GEORGE LESLIE, JUST RECEILVED Coach House, Garden and vacant TNo. 14, Rideauâ€"st. , given 1st June» INK GROVE HOLVSE pleasantly situsted on the c T Cenidfons : uit‘ $ nds .A .-mtrl'; fine water in the * L B IRS. BUNTING , or on “....h,-‘. City Heop Skirt Factory ! I am manufacturing the following new Team Exirts, in all sizes and widths : THE NEW DOMINION TRALIL THE ROYAL VICTORIA TRAIL, THE LONG TRAIL > f + THE QUAKER TRAIL, and ‘ THE DEKML. 5 ADDITIONAL ITEMSâ€"Jast received a large lot of Corsets and White Cotton Hoseâ€"â€"all sizes. "AMe C"""~ _ DAVID MILLAR, 43 Sparksâ€"st., Centre Town. E. K. McGILLIVRAY & Co., Ottawa. 513â€"1â€"32w4. 5 cares Aberdeen and Fancy Winceysâ€" 1 case Black Lustres. | PRICEâ€"3 CENTS. p 7w %‘Ji“ css NEW “\\!JJ lil MERINOES, C [ Wiky FoR THE â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" July 5 STILEL LATEHR. 2s 6d 1 :'.i.'!mrm under a certain Deed of Seouri‘y, for | neretoformade in and upon the said Railray by ':'MWMM,ww confirm such certit [‘.few!nlofl-‘apl.‘i.l“d“lo enable the n-.,utdcu'uylo-dloruuom-ld Railway and U® | its appurtenances, and also for power to extend ‘ the line of the salid |Reilway, from the City of f :omu.u'm-cmum Provinces of Onâ€" '-urh-flmm.-nllylncdorupo ~~ | the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Rallway Company, P 'nllpvm.ri‘btln‘pdvm.-myi-ud fummmw'uth( and efici ency of the said Railway and its appurtenances I“:onuumam-fm sections of the the | Reilway Mt.unn'n‘-pwlfl-lbad-r. les, , . Ottaws, September 6, 1 j $322m . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS ANXD _ MANUFACTURING JEWELLER® | 01: .sUITE OF ROOM® nan‘s Private Hotel, 3?"""‘ | Ottawa, August 17. WILLIAMâ€"ATREET, (Next Door to the Tea Po, Ridsauâ€"srea,) THKEODORE FRIEDRICK, Propric 1 case biack Cobourgs. 1 case French Merinoe®. 6 sases Fancy Dress Goods, newest dosign: Ottawa BR YARD | Hate, 2 cases Wool Broadeloths, Wool Tweeds, 1 case of Beaver #, 6 bales of Linen Goodes, 3 cases berin Canada, 2 cares Canadiau Wholesale and Retail Vory Cheap 810y l".--“',o 484Â¥ AT DVIG= §14¢

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