(Having lately arrued prom Amglan®.) (Montreal |} yepr it "":5. That they "will seceive at thaie house, No. 1, Ozford Torrace, 45 mv® & l * nc on Bi...ckas af Vanné Select Ednoa_tégnal Classes. ’ Mrs. and Misses Cossar, =| IThsonmee lddlnrn.d)"’" Engiand,) i HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE, WIOI-IOALI Manufacturers of Bea«= steais, Chuirs, &6., Chandiere Lsland, Otâ€" awa, C.W. f P % WILLIAM HOLGATE, s JOHN OLIVER, ; WILLIAM ANNABLE. East End Dalyâ€"st., Otteéwa. April 1.â€" Thirty housand prices of ° n.u.u.wp..-.l;..br mt urgical Instruments, Sarsaparilla And for the speedy cure of the following complaints ; ï¬mmuwmmmuh a« 'l‘-on‘ Ulcers, Sores, e i0onma, Blains, and .lll.llw # “; s 6 "hamte ow dth J. C. Aris & Co. Gents: lfl;w».o- knowledge what your Sursaparilia bas done for me, knowldge. wilt PM N TN O TK is asiltives d u.._-w.mul-n-ï¬ wom it umm-m:.‘-n Sometimes it out in Uieers on my and arms; sometimes it tursed inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years «go it broite out on my head and covered my scaip uad cars with one sore, which was painful and loathsome geyoud description. luflwï¬hfln‘m c:dm-slu-uâ€"lâ€"‘ any In , the disorder grew worse. At 1 was to read in the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared an alterative (@arsaparilia), for 1 knew from reputa~ tion that any thing you made must be 1 seut to Cincinuati and got it, anst used it till it eured me. 1 took “",’"MP_HMMMm. Glassware, Medicine Chests, urgovne, Burbridges and Squire TV CC TETTEN CC Ae oo 29 Pad" m&â€"l%m’m-‘m skin soon began to form under the scab, which after & while foll off. My skin is cow clear, and 1 know by my welings that the disease bas gone from my system. _ You van well beliove th: I feel what I am saying when I toll :Ml:m»hmdthâ€d’m ® * .. "xbPRED B. TALLEY. 8t. Anthony‘s Ror las Tetter u’d ml.-.‘-lm‘..m“: ingworm, Sore Eyes, ho’.y. Dr. Robert M. Proble writes from Salem, N. Y., 1ith Sept., ulouu ho h.e:flnm:.: m w M t-“ pmâ€"‘-l--uwilqulnmnâ€" WWâ€W“‘ eame; suy® hmmwmnu&(p Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Nock. buhflâ€"-dMï¬.‘vrh: @"Three bot» thee of .â€"?-fld Guitre â€"a hidâ€" n-.-w,::nunl -d.':llh:l-"d.h- Leacorrhoa or Whites, Ovarian Tumeor, Utevine Ulceration, Pemale Discases." lnm‘-.“h“w Du. J. C. Arem: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with reâ€" weat of your agent, amd to you some of the effecta ‘.‘un reahaed with h |n'.;“-nï¬-qm-dam- aleie M-&blhu‘-ï¬ï¬hflh‘m z’:;:""':.'.":"'“â€" hr-nlndhr rage. my patients had Syphilitic ulcers rhbanu.-lkh-m’nmh'l-fl'-‘fl‘ wp of his mouth. Your Sarssparilla, steadily taken, o ple 0 PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILDâ€"» Prepared by «ten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the op of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilia, laken, ured him in five weeks. A-m---mnr‘ awa, Aug. 8, 1867. Ov. J B. 9. Channing, of New York City, writes; 1 st cheerfuily comply with the request of your agent in sing $ have found your a most excellont erative in the pumerous compleistr far which wo paritla. Our yeician [NOGRT ecnitate ces ent m Mn en eurt i f as c -;;" @eorge Mortimer, John Robe: . M ,_.,,'flrmm.l.sm:"o:-r geprczerr 10th, 1887 yadv@y ¢ t two yeark. #uedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilia. One ,'flonufl me im l'...d?â€"d -x general *sith so much that I am far better than before I was %..fed. 1 think it a wonderfalmedicine. J. FREAM. led to relieve me ; and 1 have a brokenâ€"down man FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. theumatism, Gont, Liver Complaint. ', to try your Sarsaparilia, because he sald he knew Ts mal made was worth trying. the e mmar wad has so Thriged my vind io make a new man of me. again. ';aun:h-udy-hnth:“" whirrus, Cancer Tum.m..' Ulceration, Caries and the Bones. a great variety of cased have been reported to us where ures of these fopnddable complaints have resulted from e use of this rentedy, bat our mhnvll-ol.‘-n nem. Some of them may be in our American vimanac, which the agents below named are pleased to arnisb gratie to all who call for thein. Meart e »y+pepata; Heart Disease, Pits, Epilep» This is a remedy so universaily Mno#n 5 i taa her for the cure of throat and complaints, llfl‘ $ uscless hore to publish the evidence of its victues. 1ts ,."'.mmtv*-ldï¬Â»ll‘“'"\"! runderful cures u:--y disease, have made it yeewo throughout civilized nations of the earth. few are the communities, of eÂ¥e@ Rroflie® afigne them DRUG#S, [: 24 TL â€"las ccnpeadiseâ€"Ahgpir > m V V# them few are the communities, mï¬m_ who have not -,‘.'.F.!AJ...A TE ons m ts who MM* C NCE wGC midet of its victory ove ..:..mwylnur-w.t‘dbvmmlh w “?"dâ€"b s all know the dreadful Wilyï¬:‘%m TE Cl e lc d ccl ccn sds ow not CE WE MTT TL _ Wl cirls ce is cae they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need Bot :-.1.-0“ Mum_'llt'.' foes that it have when making the cures which bave you so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. _ L m semeses a w ce l 4n sls dary symptome in his nose, and the uleerntion bad Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, Prenared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass. +rmptom of the disease remaina." 4 8y philis and Mercurial Discass. 3 OR THE RAPID CURE oÂ¥ oughs, Colds, Infnenza, H ness, â€" Croup, lrol'oluu. l-t'plo:'(.‘.o-- Â¥ o-:pob.. and for ao ln‘l.m / n aivradeed stagts be Serofaious diathesia. _1 have cured many inveter zach. . Buch a remedy has long been required by the .u-aa-'pqh.u-'::-.uuu:'u:u ; tor them all that medicine cum do. Da. J. C. Arem: Si, 1 have been affticted with a ) chronie nâ€"-â€"u'.'u.n-.-&uu.-r‘:- JJi of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the Drugs, Many remarkable cures of these affections have been is by the alterative power of this medicine. . 1t stimuâ€" ToA Hiiiite which would bo sapyeeea veyond is live in the sumerous campleistr far which wo o in o en but expecially in Porkdls bumantt Pharmaceutical Preparations, » ‘Photographic Sundries, aatruments, Patent Medicines Inveptnpenct, Préstou Co., Ya., Oth Juiy, 1859. Consea®â€"S7., Loxnox. 22y A Y ER‘S * PLAXS, SPECLFICATION3, ESTIMATES, &0 AUGUSTUS LAVER, MRS «&o. 5 s ariuy r ED B. TALLEY. ldl' las "seala Head, | _ ] m.u-.:vm h"' uow se |® inhml-' ailke ‘:‘!W‘ \ * 3 1 Aso#ITROT forwarded Brockville and Uttawa Railway, A» M.«â€"=â€"TRAINS will leave T zB0 Blocavitie daily at 7.30 a. m , and 3145 p. m., arriving at Sandpoint at }:10 p. m., and 9:25 p.m. 2100 p. m., arriving 5:1355 and 8:15 p. m The 7:30 a.w, Train from Brockville connects at Sandpoint with U. F. Coy‘s Eteamers for Porta du Fort, Pembroke, &¢., and the Train from .s.ux‘ m: at 2:00 p.n., leaves after Steamers are due (ttawa and Pemoroke. All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Perth. Brockville, June 29 CHANGE of TIME. Oltawa and Prescott Railway, as follows DEPARTURE AM6 From Prescott, 7.00 a. m.‘ At Ottawa, From M 7.00 a. m.~ At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m. # «_ 2:45 pm. * «* $:20 p.m. From Ottawa, 7:00 a.m. At Prescott 9.35 a.m. # «_ 1:30 p.m. * «_ 4:48 p.m. The time of these Trains has been soarranged as to ensure connection with night and day trains on Grand Trank, east and wost. _ N. B.â€"Thee yrams run on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Oitawa cheoked through from and to all stations on Grandâ€"Trunk.Railway. tions on the line Lsta«s, May 7. Returns tickets to Prescott, Ko-gvillo and Otfa wa at reduced rates can be bad at the principalsta Grand Trunk Railway Company sUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. lows sUMMER ABRANGEMENT pay .xpress for Ottawa®, wl Kieigim ao araiey ty ronto, m Brantford . Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicagt , and all points Wost, &t..................... 8.00 A.M« Night . do °_ do _ &t............., 818 P.M. Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate StalIOns, At..............« 9.40 A.M. Trains for Lachine at T A.M., Â¥.00 A.M., 12.00 Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs through to Plattsburgh. aoIxG soUTH AND EAST. & Express by Kailway throughout tor Now York, Boston, and all Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Centrel Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Lake Champlain Steambosts for Lake Georgo, Saratoge, New York,&e.,ke. . Ascommodation Train for lsland Pond and Intermediate Stations, at........... Express for Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at £t. Johns with Idl.rvl’oulul. ‘nl.:"u u.::"" or stopping over at hhn‘d P':r,-.....................';..ï¬m.. Express by railway mo-fh-ï¬ ow York, Boston, and al stnsur-odluo PMPoints, at olns with v..mumd. at Burâ€" with the Rutland and Burâ€" ‘ Railroad, also at Rouse‘s with Lake Champlain Steamers York, &0., :..Z...il....-&....i“ .30 E. M Night Express for Three Rivers, n Riviere du ls-putl m‘l‘*"“‘" P.M. F _z ars on al rains, Baggage checked + _ % senremeons intenngiien qodti s rainnt and ' ‘erm! a tions, see the Grand Trunk Railway MJTI-. Tables. & _.â€" C. J. BRYDGES, ~ _ Managing inrector. Only as we are prepared to prove from the evidence of those who havetried it. All ‘they ask is & trial. It is simple in construction, easily adjusted, and answers for an IRONING TABLE. It never need be taken out of the Kitchen, as it angwers for x piece of Furniture, The following testimonia will show what the Ladies at the Nunnery think of it. . Parties desirous of giving us a fair trial will please to send us -odu} post, or otherwise, naming time and place, will be attended to. HOLGATE, OLILVER, & ANNABLE. â€" ,..-‘ after TUESDAY, the Tth Mays 1867, and until further: notice traing will run ‘This is to that M Anpable‘s Washing & Ir used by the Grey Nuns, an very satisfactory . Ottaws, August 12th, 1867. DRV GoOoons ! Readymade Clothing rl\u: l--«uu} begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business \n the store formerly occuâ€" pied by + J Messrs. Fingland & Draper And where he will keep constantly on hand a gene DRY GoOooDs! N AND APTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, Trains will leayg Bonaventure Station as folâ€" Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JAMES HIGGINSON, % f Imon Block, Susseaâ€"st. § * Next to be Tea Pot. Mimwas Yalw 1B 1867 + 481 Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa. LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH STREET # ABK NOW IAW"ACTUII!“I A WINE C‘LLII; _Canadian Champigne f ‘v HWICHIS EXCELLENT,and WHICH they carseoll at$3 PgDOZIN. Amatear who have tasted the wine, ider it a very good wticle, and superior to what is rupposed to be imâ€" :hi. Hotel keopers and in Wines would do woll tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them orders. f BRA Botiles of every description, excepting ofl boitles, wanted, and one penhy per dozen more & en than by any other y Mm same. € LAROQUE & CO. Ottewas, Septem ber 286 WASHING MACHINE. for Ottawa, July 10, 1867. HKE UNDERSIGNED are now manus fncturing a new and what they claim to be Commencing 1st July, 1867 READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, LEAVE BROCKYVILLE BAILLKROADP®S. Washing Machine now in the minions LEAVE SANDPOINT NEW boMINTON. OF CANADA. A. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leave Sandpoint daily at 5145 a.m., and wrriving at Brockville at 12:00 p. w., GoIna wEstT. T. 8. DETLOR, H ABBOTT l!dam, Oliver & Ironifig Table have been and they have proved to be AND Manager for Trustee 412y . 5 TNT RNT RND SupR® ARRIVAL GREY NUNS t dozen more giv 136â€"Â¥ evidence of 5.30 AM 6.45 A.M 8.30 A.M. 2.00 P.M. 4.30 P.M. ‘The magniticent viz., 1867. 4 sSPARTAN, Have commenced their Montreal and Haniilton, ca Ports, connecting with the Passengers will find it to their advantage to travel by this route, it being the q:!eknt and chenpest, as well as the most comfortable, _ Meals and State Rooms always included in the FPare. N.B.â€"Through and Return Tickets can be ob« ained at reduced rates from Both ways, Fust Sailing Mail Steamer Queen tain Bowio,) leaves Ottawa dail cepted) at 6:30 a.m., for un:vi'l‘\ OR UE U WeuD C OLCL Llstile soltk 6 1807. Aemmpagece i. 107. cepted) at 6:30 a.m., for Grenville and inferme:. diate landings, connecting with the C. & Grenville Railway, and at Carilion with Steamer Prince of Wales, Pun:g:n arvive in Montreal at 4: 40 :,m Steamer Prutce of Wales, (Captain H. W. 8 or- herd,) leaves Lachine on arrival of the 7 a.m. train from Montreal, connecting at Carilion with C. & G. Railway, and at Grenville with Steamer Queen Victoria, arriving at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m. The comfort and economy of thig Tine is unsurâ€" passed, while the route passe®t through oné of the most rleturu-ru districts in Cansda, and is the most fashionable for tourists, h â€" Parties desirous of a pleasant tr ean obtain Keturn Tickets from Uttawa to 0‘!&’““ fot nn; day, at lh;‘loml':r:. o k assengers for oWW will be landed at L‘Orignal. ~~_ /â€"~ . ____ o ‘+ANADIAN INLAND STEAA NAVIâ€" 4 GaATIoON CoOMPANY WiTl Do MRA m M UTUBCCC & 8 Parcel nsml d-u{ from Ottawa to Montreal and intermediate landings, FARES Return tickets to Montreal FiPSt OLMMS.. .c cce ee00 000040000 SGOORE 0O,.....c.cscrecvipress Market Steamer Dar-'. (Capt. Peter Meâ€" (Gowan,) leaves Montreal, Canal Basin, Tuesdays .“Bwec‘ahlam h. 2" a% ,_14_‘ bmocs aK exilkasd | ORA NCE i'h..%r Alexandra, (Capt. M. Shepherd,) will bourloyo‘ in towing rafts between Ottawa and Grenville. R. W. SHEPHERD. 1861. MONTREAL & OTTAW A This Co-:ny is now prepared with new and éflicient stock to forward reight of. every desoripâ€" tion between Montreal, Otawa and Rideau Canal, and intermediate Ports, with promptness and desâ€" pateb, and at low rates. Freight received at the wharf of the Richeleu Company, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. % For freight apply to _________| ; _ ROYAL LSAAUV DUORNMN BM m 85 Commenâ€"st., Basin, Montreal ME Ts ) . 2 2A n 1e ic ons o 6e s LSAAC BONNER, wE oOTraAwARIVER NAVIGATION f comPaANY‘8 CHANGE of TIME. 1307 es 1367 May 14. days, w"l‘.h'o-mz%had leaves Havelock on Puesâ€" days and Saturdays at 6 a.m. ; nhnrlllr leaves Chapeau Village on Mondays and Rridays at 2 AH§ Ottawa and Prescott Railroad. F:m is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up uls at Sand Point 1 p.m.; aad on the down trip af and Point at 9 â€";'unwï¬'tc Des Joachims leaveâ€"Ottawa every M‘y, ednesday and Friday. » _ For further particulars apply at tae Uffice of the Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer. R 8. CASSELS, | Ottawa City, Aug. 26, 1867 Consisting of the following firstâ€"class steamers J. SIMTITTEL, CENTRAL g& FAC And hopes by strict attention to business to have & continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on him before. Ottawa, Septemb _ 15 ‘ _ 2307 18 EW FREIGHT LINE TO oOTTAW A AND THE -I_DEA“ CANAL: ) * «_ ie â€"â€"@: 1191 To be seen. at the St.1ble of Ottaw a Piandâ€"t orte and Organ Instruction. Plornuon of Music, Teacher " of Orgam, Piano, Voice and Harmony. Also Mts. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. _ Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparkeâ€"st., adâ€" joining Desbarats‘ Blook._ AK IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, not BLE ang Tandom j Silver Mounted Harnesses, NION FPORWARDING AND RAIL« wAaY coOMPANY. GRECLAN, ANN S1SSON,... ‘EMER A L D,....... ALLIANC Big..... OREGON, ..‘..... SNOW BIRD..... JASON GOULD, PONTIAC,....... PEMBROK £,.... CALUMET........ Upper Ottawa Route. May 4. o DIRECTORS: W. MoNavento®,... ....J. B. Avar® Bank St.:; Ottawna, AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURKE all descriptions ot Carriages, Sleighs, &c. PRESIDENTâ€"Huon McLexxax STEA MERS. daily, Mondays excepted FORWARDING COMPANY LIMITELD. PASSPORT, HERRICK, BRUSH & HARNESS FOR SAuZE. MAIL THROUGL dA W. C. CLARK, steamers comprising thi tine, KINXGSTON, their regular trips between on, calling at all Intermediate D. MURPHY, Agent, Ottawa Quil{ (Sundays exâ€" for Grenville and interme> ting with the C. & Grenville Han with Steamer Prince of MAGNEY, averisssccseese. $6 00 each. Queen Vietoria, (Cap Canal Basin, Otaw*. and CHAMPLON, sâ€"â€"t 1807.| â€" M. CAMERON, ces U0 Capt. Bocxus. .4* Lermox. . * Fispuay .0 MipbrtirD. . .. +t ‘FoNER . * Overua®. . «* Dusgas. . .** _ CouyRETTE. . 0% BuoxDIN CO. Agents Beaserer Streeu 314 FACTORY Teacher â€" of €HKK OTFAWA TIMES, SEPIEMBER 19, 1867. 428 8 President 419â€"8 26y BLYTH Plumbers, y â€"_> Gas & Steam Fitters, " Tin & Coppersmiths, B.ell, Mangers, &e. Successors to Chas. Garth, N o. 259 Rideu‘l‘st a9 {mporters and Dealers in Hogse Puriish ing Bardware. _ Cooking Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Dauble Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parior Stoves, Fire Irong, Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, Japanned and Planished Tinware, &c., Manufacturers of all descriptions of work for W ater and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Milla, &c. Makes and fits up Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &c. _ _ RéS~Public and Private Buildings, Conserysâ€" tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &¢., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most ap proved principles. o e Ee D NOR CTIE LnasFam "absuld c ud â€" Orders from the country will receive tention. 4 Ottawa, August 26. % All‘materials for the above tantly en hand. s AT THE SIGN â€"OF 24 Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools IN GREAT VARIRTY, Nails, Spikes, Camp Kettles, Cireular and gut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putly, «e c..". L Eon vass PEERTV VE Ottawa, April 13 « MIRRORS, MIRRORS, MIRRORS Toilet and other Looking Glas VARIETY : HALL CARDEN TOOLS Jvl'l‘ RECEIV ED a large consignment of Mirrors and Toilet Glasses in Gilt, Roseâ€" wood and Walnut Frames of various shapes and sizes and ‘of superior Ilhi.zhlch will be sold cheap to close the consignmentt. Also large addiâ€" tions of Crockery, Cliina and Glasswate. A large lot of Cut Tumblers ltâ€{pudm. the best ever ofâ€" fered umuxmo. also furhiture of all kinds, In the assortment will be found some benutiful Sofas, which were rnhlnd cheap, and will consequentâ€" y be sold for less than. value. Bargains can be received by patronizing the VnktB Hall. JUsEPH BOYDEN, Agricultural Implements B onl Royal Highness the Prince Consort, compiled under the ?lroedon of Her Majesty the Qlul.m.;:‘ymbhlt-fln. '.hou Bon‘g. (h;y. "eflilob, cents ; * Byron," comâ€" thu,fl cte, &"‘l'ho orthâ€" West Passage by Land," y Viscount Milton, &o: ; 4# Rest in Josus ;" " Life in Heaven ;" * Meet for Heaven;" «Dante‘s Purâ€" gatorie," by Longfellow; * Ancien Regime," _ by ingsley ; * Voices of the -.Pm‘?hu;" " The Church of the First Days," by Dr, Vaughan ; © La Lyre Francaise," by Gustave Masson ; * Called to Account," by Annie Thomas ; " %uymnd’n Heroâ€" ine ;" * No Mans Friend," &y . W. Robinson ; «+ W'yurd'n Ward " by HWolme Lee, Malion‘s Comâ€" E“’ and Battalion Drill;" «The Civil Code of ~wer Canada ;" « Unspoken Sermons," by (George "'-x?m:ï¬-nu loss for Auge azines for August. * The Ama“uuln‘- for g:rumbcr. # The New Dominion Monthly," 10 cents. For sale by J. DURIE & SON, __ _ No. 10, Sparkeâ€"st. Just received a well selected assortment of Notice to the Business Mon of Ottawa and its Dependencies. Rideau Street, per ports of entry April 12. Tlllll will be 6ffered for sale by Pub~ li¢ Auction, at eleven o‘cleck, in the forencon, on MONDAY, the 23rd day of September next, a the Law Office of William Mosgrove, in the City ot Ottawa, under the Power ot Sale contained in a Mortgage thereof, from one Waiter Collins to Thomas Cuddie, the following land, being com posed of the north half of Lot No. qwentyâ€"thi 6o in the broken Front Concession on the Rideau in the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Carâ€" leton, containing by admeasurement seventyâ€"five apres and half an acre. # Terms and conditions made known at time of sale. Vendor will covenant only that he ha« done no act to incumber. The Queen‘s Book. J. DURIE & SON Ottawa, August 29, 1867 vYIOLIN®, M::ix‘d direct In-‘ g:u/m\',;.. be sold ‘ at ying competition. °> rhol ofln‘:& tot of @UITARs, FLUTR3, &0., | mll%sn assortment of MUSLICAL INSTRUâ€"| MENTS niever before ofered to the rbflo of Otâ€" | tawa, at the Ottawa Music Store, 25 rksâ€"at. | â€" J. L. ORMR & smg,' j August 6 a BROWN OVERCOAT. _ La’ person finding the same 'lu.rhuo leave it at George Clarke‘s, Otâ€" tawa, or MW"I?‘AI ‘:; z&m‘ ‘s, 3rd 1ine (Juntioy, a ve CAPT. FRASER, | 420y VIOLINS !__VIOI..INS I POUR CASES eptember 4. Of every description : , RAKES®, y 1 & PLOT LINES, SPADES, SHOVELS, &c. purchaser N TUESDAY, the 27th AUVGUST, on the road between Stittsville and Carp Village, NEW AND IMPROVED . CONSULAR ACENCY 34, Sussox»st. iléllY!D 6 The Early Years AT OTTAWA, C. W CALL AND INSPECT. THOMAS BIRKETT, uecessor to Jamen Ftarke 183. 408y Mortgage Sale. CcoNCERTINA®S, â€"ALSOâ€" CAN BF HaD & KERER, AT THE du P. H, MAHAR, U. 8. Consular A 407¢ AND branches kept con ACCORDEON®S, @eneral Agent F mi_ C T HFE 24 11¢ trict at 25 Spartksâ€"st 498y 620â€"1â€"35vtt 18860 â€"â€"ALd <OTTAwWA TIMES ADVERTISING Printing Works! €0, sparks Street, Centre Town WILL AFFORD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM IT HAS BEEN TRULY SAID THAT "4 t Dry Goods, § ADVERTISE 1 Let the World Know It Property to Sell Do you want to Buy? No Matter what your Business} This is the Motto of evervy Real TO BUSINESS MEN IN THE NOW is the TPJ M rpBixrrRks INK 18 ONK OL THE LEADING AVENUES TO WRALTH® whiciovs aPPLi¢cafion oF THE ‘PHTE "TIMES" brough Which it Will Reach Hardware ADV ERTISE. â€" } Groceries, S 1‘ A M ADVERAIS:.! ADVERTISE!! 10 P®ICE 4 BUSINESS MAN t6 18 THE MEDJIUM T H EBE IF YOU HAVE ADVERTISE! iF YoOU HAVE LINE OF Crockery, QTTAWA TDR 1BE FPUBLIC. TO SELL, ADVERTISE, â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Glassware, _ HOWES t : * LREM C V A L. ‘ # lhe,l.uu of our Premises in Sussex» street umxul this month, we intend to con fine our busines qkno loculitly, and shall remove the whole of our Stock on the 1st of May next, to our Store in Uur stock of BOO0TS and SHOES, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, &c., &c., will conâ€" sequently be very large and most complete in every Qepartment, and we most nl?ed\llly solicit a conâ€" ‘uu of favors, to merit which our constant en« wel will be as usual to provide the best articles ‘whd sell at the lowest remunerating prices, £ G. HOWE & soN. T4. Rememb the placeâ€"N« next to Howell‘s rocery. April 27. COUNTY OF CARLETON, B\' VIRTUE ofa Writ of Fierl Faciass issued out of Her Majesty‘s County Court of the United Counties of Lanark and Renfrew, and to me directed and delivered, against the Lands and ‘Tenements of Thomas Costillo, at the suit of Robert Brown, I have seized and taken in execution, and will offer for sale at public auction, at my office, in the Court House, in the City of Otawa, on TU ESâ€" DAY the NINETEENTH day of NOVEMBER, A D. 1867, at TW ELVE o‘clock moon, all he estate right, tiGle, intérest and equity of redemption of the above named Defendant, of, in, to and out of all and singular the ‘northwestern oneâ€"third part of Lot number Fourteen, in the Second Concession of the Township of Fitzroy, in the County of Carleton, pontaining by admeasurement sixtyâ€"six and twoâ€" i thir ds of an nere, be the same more or less. W m. #. POW ELL, Sherifi‘s Office, Ottawa, "|._ â€"â€" August 10 A. 1.1887.___> _ : Stutd AMERICA N INYVOICESâ€"DISCOUNTS Shenift‘‘s Male ! ll POsITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY | M or all other prepmations for the oure of Heaves, ‘Coughe, Thick and Broken Winch andâ€"411 diseaser ‘ which affect the Wind of Lorses ; also, as a Condi« | ‘ion Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind | is easy to 1‘"' sure to cure, and safe in all caser. and at all times, and does not prevent the horse | from being worked while using it * A | _ 1t cleanses the breathing apparatus, by removâ€" | ing from the airâ€"cells the mnfnlnblo lympb, or | that secretion which in heaves c oï¬' them, causing a difficu‘ty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimengions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood, and restoring the distended versels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘ appetite is improved, all derangoments of the drguflvo organs corrected, softening the skin, and ‘lvin‘vlo the cont a sleek and lhilfll{ appearanco. D. W. HURD, Successor to Hur» & Co., Maiden | Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United Fixarce Derantwext, Cosrous, Otawa, September 13, 1867. lN AccoRrpaNCE WITH TPHE ABOVE Order, ‘potice is hereby flven that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be this day 31 per cent which |»em.-ntn£o‘of deduction is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all purâ€" chases wmade in the United States during that week. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. 99 24 «) ~DMABY‘D Arabian _ Heave: Remedv AND CONDITION MEDICINE ll POsITIVELY SUPERIOR or all other prepm ations for the out Coughe, Thick and Broken Winds andâ€" which affect the Wind of Lorser; also, ‘ion Medicine, surpassing overythingru Btater BRTCTY NORTHROP & LYMAN, w Newoast®, C.W., Proprietorsfor the Canadas» ies PRICE TWENTYâ€"FVE CENTS. Bolds by ‘Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M Massey, Henry F. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J Brown, in Ottawa. Nétawa. Rah. 5. 1867. 350@v6m coUNTY OF CARLETON, Over and Terminer and General Gaol DELIVERY, _ And of Assize and Nisi Will ‘be holden at the Court House, in the Monday, the Twenty«third tember, 1867, At the hour of ten of the clock, a.m. ; of which all Coroners, Magistrates, Bailiffs, Constables, and all others concerned, are required to take notice and toms, as to govern the mselves accordingly Sheriff‘s Office, Ottawa, August 5th, 1867. KT THE CAPITAL Boot â€" and i&hoe Store | Ottawa, Feb. 5, 1867 THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE ‘ to inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" lr{. that he has .?outl, at the above stand, where he is prepared to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article, Readyâ€"mado Boots and Shoes. ‘The Castom Lepartment will receive his lrcm attention. Orders from Lumberers promptly atâ€" APPLICA“‘:I:‘)&;IH be :;da to 1':0 (Mrf‘ mt ownshi il;oy at the Session to be held on BATURIYAY, 17th day of OCTOBER next, for passing a Byâ€"law for li:ypin‘ ?m old road across the North Quarter of Lot umber Twentyâ€"one, in the Eleventh Concesgion of the said Township. _ _ _ .. ... Township Clerk‘s Office, Fitzroy, 20th August, 1867. ended to. C l“vâ€"H;"W__' ty,° beautifully .nus« on the u{u of the Ottaâ€" * ‘wa, in the Townsbip of Nepean, distant from City of Ottawa about three miles on the --dnhind.quhr with the STONE DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present occu by William Thomson, Esquire, and the ‘srdpo‘:‘ -J ornamented gfll‘l -dg)lning the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in the 1st conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same also for sale at reasonable prices. t ez 9 No. 10. Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, February 27, 18674 : __For particulars and terms apply to John ans William Thomson on the preimises, or to ® + LEWIS & PINHEY, _ _ Barristers, &0., Ottawa. Ottawa, May 8, 186 UBLLCNOTICE the Courts of fo Wit : Next door â€"to the Market Drug Store County. of Carleton, To Wit By J AS. BALLIFF, Deputy Sherif. OE o T T AWA. NOT1ICE. NOTICE. By Wau. F. POWELL, Sheriff, JAMES BAILIFE, Desuty Sherift OR SALE, THAT ELIâ€" is hereby giventhat Priu‘a, in and for the said w. P. TAYLOR, GEoRGE MURPHY. 420â€"4 10, Rideauâ€"st Lands. Township Clerk 420 Day of Sepe Sherifl Hlwtd {118.] VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QuEEX, Defender of the Faith, &¢.,&c., &e. “)'IIEI!I'-‘.AS we are desivous and ree solved, as soon as may be, to meet our ‘:eu- ple of our Dominion of Canada, wnd to have their wdvice in Parliament; We do make known our royal will and pleasure to call a Parliament, and do further declare that by the advice of our Privy Council for Canada, We have this day given orâ€" ders for issuing our write in due form, for calling a Parliament in our said Dominion, whiclf writs are to bear date on the SEVENTI day of AUGUST instant. and to be returnable on the TWENTYâ€" To all to whom these proser 18G : FOURTH day efSEPTEMBER next, exgept howâ€" éver the writs for the Electoral ‘D’istricLï¬ï¬‚upe, and for the Electoral District of Chicoutimi and Saguenay, which writs will be returnable on the T\flil\'TY-FUl'KTH day of October next. Jx Trkmiony Wiurr®or, we have caused these our letters to be made .patent, and‘the great seal of Canada to be hereunto aflixed : Wit xxss our riihnnuty and wellâ€"beloved cousin the Right Honorable CnarLtes Staxuey Visâ€" [L Vicron:a, by the Grace United ;t'\.i"."‘“"l xo and ‘Jrefand, QuEH KIO“’ YE, that we being desirous nnd,mmlud. as goon 4s may be, to meet our people of cur Dominion of Canada, and fo have their advice in Parliament, do hereby, by and with the advice of our Privy Council tor Canada, sumâ€" mon and call together the‘ House of Commons in aud for our said Dominkgp/to meet at our city of Ottawa, in our said Dominion, on TUESDAY, the TW ENTYâ€"FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next, then and there to have conference and treaty with the great men and Senate of our said Dominion. Ix Trstmiony Wurkror, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed : Wirsrgs, our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved Mog en Ceniady trammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United l\'inx‘i;m of Great Britain and Iretand, Governorâ€"General of Canada, &c., &0 , &o. At our Government House, in our City of Ottawa, in our said Doâ€" minion, this 6th day of Au?m. in the year of our Lerd, one thousand eighthundred and sixtyâ€"seven, aml“ the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. 2 (% B yCommand, EDOUAkKD J. LANGEVIN, Clerk of the Crown in Chaneery, I‘ ll Vicrorra by the Grace of God, of tlw'\ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Qex®rx, Defender of ‘ the Faith, &e., &e, L0 all to whom these Present« shall comeâ€"GREETâ€" l iNa. ; Kuow YE, that sye belng désivous and tesolved, ag soon us many be, to meet Our People of Our Province of Ontario, and to have their advice in Legislaturc or Parliament, do hereâ€" their advice Jn Legisiaturc or PArNAION!, €0 UBTT® b{, by and with the advice of Dur Executive Counâ€" cil of Ontario, summon and call together the Legisâ€" lative Assembly of Ontario, to moet at our City of Teronto, in our #aid Province, on TUESDAY, the TW ENTY FOURTH day ot SEPTEMEBER next. Ix Test1moxy Wurzror, We have caused these OQur Letters to be made Patent," and the treat Seal of Ontario, to be hereunto affixed ; Wirs®ss, Our Right Trusty and Wellâ€"Beâ€" . loved Mrxry Wirciam Stisreo, Companion of the Must Honorable Order of the Bath, Major General in Our Service, Licutenant A Governor of Oar Province of Ontario,. At Our Government House, in Our CITY of TORONTO, in Our said Province, this SEVENTH day of AUGUST, in the year of Uur Lord, one thousan eight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first yoar of Our Reign. f By Command all to wh §06td [LS J cousin, the right honorable CuarLrs Stax« ky, Viscount Monox, Baron Monek of Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in the Peerage of lreland, and Baron Monek of Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great. Britain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" erai of Canada, &¢., .h-.‘.jtf'. At our Govâ€" ernment House, in our CITY of OTTAWA, in our said Dominion, this SIXTH day of AUGUST, in the year.of our Lord, one thousand gight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€" first year of our reign. By Command, EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, Clerk of the Crown in Chaneery, O_ _ â€"~_ PROVINCE OF ONTARJO, | VicroR1A, by the Grace of Gon, of the | ~ United Kingdom of Great Britain | N l“ and Ireland, QUszxzx, Defender of| ’ n _ the Faith, &e., &ec., &e. | e‘ k To all to whom these prosonts shall comeâ€"Grrztâ€" | OTTA 18G. â€" HEREAS we are desirous and re= l Di «< W wln‘,nsomunlybo,ummmgo- Oï¬ Desbar ple of our Province of Ontario, and to have their | advice in Parliament ; We do make known our royâ€" l al will nmltmn to call a Legislatare or Parâ€" | Qitawa, Jun« 21 linment, and do further declare that by the advice | ._._..__*....._._. of our Executive Council of Ontario, we bave this | nlee MONCK day, flvu orders for issuing our writs in due form, for a Legislature or Parliament in our said Province, which writs are to bear date on the 7th dJay of August instant, and to be returnable on the twentyâ€"fourth day of Septembernext. Ix Trstoxy Wurmzor, we have caused these our letters to b6e made patent, and the wn __ seal of Ontario, to be bereunto affixed ; Witâ€" x®s8, our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved Hexey Wiumax Stsren, Co-rniou of the nost hononbl:s‘ordor ot the Bath, Majorâ€" General in our Service, Lieutenant Governor ‘of Our Province of Ontario. _ At our Governâ€" ment House, in our CITY OF ‘!‘O#ON‘X‘O. in OQur said Province, this SEVENTH day of AUGUST, in the year‘of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. By Command, 8. J, VANKOUGHNET, Clterk of the Crown in Chancery, Obtd JOSEPHM F. ELLJIS®. INSURANCE, SHIPPING! STOCK EROKER, CONSIGNEE, &6,, PICTOU.N.$., . _ ~ covst Moxcx, Baron Monek of Ballytram mop, in the County of ‘ \\'exf«:n:tl, ip the Peer Offers his sorvices as , C Cot â€" #ignee to the Monm m:n of I Canada West. . * | P REFERENCES : Hugh Hartshorne, Esq:, Sohcitor............ Halitax Mesars. Black, Bros. & Co.,Merchants......HAlifhx. J. B. Bland, E#q., Banker.................... Matifur Jonathan C. Allison, E#q., Merehant..... Halifax John 1. Walker, Esq..................8t. John, N. B $ Basiness respect{ally solicited. June 27, 1867. . 411â€"2mâ€"e0d §£06â€"1d Two FIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYMEN s Bluhullh'“l.nh:hfln mu:nt employment ‘nd good wages ven. to We s ". C HiEn x ithore, zo of Ireland, and Baron Monek of Bally and Prefa the Faith 506â€"44 MONCK O .BLIT.AALIO SE Wanted Immediately, t 4 bren s 63 T N. T T \‘ PROVINCE OF ONTARIO m these Presentd phall comeâ€"GREET GENERAL AGENT, ('J\Nx\l).\ Clerk 1t W. STISTED. CANADA. * w ie 2 / on P cb 2B ANADA m t i. Tay ANI hall comeâ€"Grtrt ot God, ‘of »the { Great Britain x. Defender of :.3\« | & za ‘ Comfortal . ."' * .4 overthe Store hooerâ€" l _ er on Wellington s Amniy ta Onbarv Ottawa, February 13, 1867 of | In the matter of ALEXASDER CAMERON ALEXANDER CUMMINS, and _ ISAAC erâ€" \ KERR, trading under the style and firm «l i CAMERON and CUMMINS, Insolvents. a * FROM FIR®ST or voâ€" W,@y, 3,5 Tomber next, as the proprietor is a «@bout retiring from business, that C excellent and commolious hot»l stand, situated on the south side otf Sparksâ€"st, s the central portion of the city of Ottawa, long and favorably known as the British loon Motel, to. gether with the large yard, stables and out howses thereto attached. A lease for one, three or five. ye granted, and possession given before 1 vember, if required. «s noos: l“on SALE.â€"â€"TPHE WEST»â€" ho me s enly one-&h(’u-l of Lot No. 2, i0 Akka e First Concessfon Ottawa, Frunt Ne pean, and . Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the sume Concession; at present in the ocompation of Wim. T. Aylen, Esq. For further partioutass apply to Joux and Wa,. Tuoxson, Nepean, ard Lkwis & Prsuxy, Barrister, Oltawa. | JeFâ€"41 n “r PRIVATE BARGAIN, A firstâ€"class Frame Mouse and L within tea munutes® walk of Government Apply to ‘he Ottawa River, being 1 hnstnn Street, Ciy of O and outhouses ther con, »wily 0 tw February 10, 186 8y . NO more eligible chance could be i % " 2 offered to any paty in the Hotel» keeping line than the leare of the = ‘boui'llw‘l'-('w\ss.llul‘n. Being en the eve of Confederation, and GOtowa beipg definitely settled upon as its capital, Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, \ United Counties of Presc and Russell. VICTORIA HOTEL For particulars apply on the pres Ottawa, August17, 18 mmmfuluh-mm. ® 1t is built on the most style of archiweeâ€" ture, of cut stone; has darge plateâ€"glas« windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basompot. It is finely situated on the corner of W ellington and U‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parkaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lotsattached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired eapuily. Cc k ApphCfliulll. (pMpliAl)_!n be addressed to .. FRANCIS CLEMOW, EsgQ., Or JOMHN MENEY, Esg., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W Hikpcws Warahk 11: * â€" 3200 l:'~; RoyalCanadianBagk May 8 TB u earention aid divhane eseruel o on and discharge exceu! tbdremm f C f ‘Ou Monday, the Thirticth day of | Beptember next, ‘ Ottawa, March 11 Oitawa, Ang. 28, 1867 \ _ QOTTAWA AGENCY :â€" ‘omoo-mm' Building, 77 Sparks 84. * M. P. HAYES, They will apply to the Judge of thega a confirmation thereof, k FOR SALE OR TO ‘ Ottawa, August 13 Apply t wom.n take this opportunity of thanking their patrons for three years oi eontipued success in business, and h?;. for n con tinuance ‘of the same. Their establishment this ear will receive a larger assortment of goods of Luor quality, and cheaper than can be found elseâ€" where in Oitawa, a list of which will be shortiy published, . Country dealers send your fall orders Ottawa, August 31 Tlll undersigned has a few rooms now vacant for boarders with+excellent accommo dations, and within five mioutes walk of th6 Parâ€" linment Buildings. l HEREEBY “7,.-‘.? .-:‘.f:rw nn;"hr':" won Or or +mplo) THOMAS ‘Bu.. x# be ;:f.n :.y“ employ "‘_’ out mn ause m his M wmm him will be rosecuted as the law directs. | TIMOTHY MOFFATI _ ALEXANDER CAMERON, . _ ; ALEXANDER CUMMIN®, 1SAAC KEKK. é â€" By their Attorney, d /Abstwm, _ KDWARD TAYLOR I'Mll‘l')lEI.L 1/Orignal, July 24, 1867. 498â€"1aw,2m Insolvent Act of 18G:« Tus Ortawa Timgs.â€"Printed and PublMM every morning, . (Sundays excepted) the Tiwrs Steam Printing Works, #9â€" Three Houses to Let, Hull, Private Boarding Houss pOoOoR SA ESMONDE BROS. In the County Court of the 1 of Prescott and Kus Sparkeâ€"st, in the City of Carleton C. W â€"A-;-m to Thoe Victoria Hotel 0! vÂ¥IcToRIA TERS» race, Richmiond Road, cor taining eight room® each, aPrg session given May 1st. 'l\llA'l' VALUARBLE Pitdâ€" perty known as T. M. Ias deli‘s Homestéad, containing abous I‘wo Aores, beautifully situated or KFor Sale. TO LEI ESMONDE BROS.. N OTITCE. Apply to 1, 1867 C}‘A BRD. ng Lot Ume, . § Oftawa, w LEWILS & PINHME * Garristers, Ae.,! 43 SPARKS®Sâ€"®T., RICHARV BISH Opiposite the Ontayio Eank 1y MRS.. PARKDEY , _ * Wellington 5104 § 1O NN A N th LAUDY ot nited Counties $ ell. & > Do elling t the cubssrb thside Wet the Develiay GRELb 1O LEI ©)0ha w 46â€"uti A 4443 05 I Cooart T AuENE Publishe® i4 "Leral allowan learly subscript a.lnm“ ‘);;i 1i not paid in Iclfl"‘ su bscript inâ€" advance) Li notâ€"paid in ad «tlab imaily over 2/ king a total « 1k,000 1 thus « uri‘-‘ the bes A o ERTISRMEN Aiowing rates : nsiness Cands < + nuw â€"payat {ransient Advert WDO,....» se Ail subsequent i \ curly adverti . AUG in Yikee : Omi 1%$. ‘ "A LARIST Chancery, srmice: Asme Atawn, Jan. 12 ubb s 11Oi & 't..,"""'i A » «thee; Elgin 8 wh o2 ntnmaont BR tawa, July 28. U COLN \u\'ocAtw noy s «mt Ln orricrs : Ie' Mr. W? ridays of overy a # , C000 0086 Og! awa, Hotb. 1 | 4 Oithoe, Jang e Post Ofhice. Ottawa, duly 1% ‘ M ASs ‘!0""“." the Post ‘1‘ J, A. Mas#® . tawa, March 21 rown Aftor «wd Mussoll tD ata % Stroet, Quol «/ aned to aftor vornment «4) iy entract hm « in and tor th Docomber 28, TPrORNL l Chancery, ner of Bussex it awa, Fobru Janamry 17 A . IL; BK AovrkTis(N@ .. $4, £ ark wijee, over brauary 7, 4 rvfon : Ee anaary 27, 1 iuary 21,3 DE Ottawa, J K N Dh , Guawa, bl a w t GKO 1t mE DAIL . enjoys THE Rewgrs=«<< Maurkce ; May 30 [ h WILL A W 4 Clum c Wtacst D street. Uttawa, No 1. vyousk o nannt puÂ¥s®rC _ Clarems Marci 1. U VOCAT 3w4 anhedk kesidence, new , but â€"€ coms. Re reated, if : Oxawea, Chancery, A R BR 18 : Solicttor OPPICE sA PIEL A BAE P#ICK mout,; 25 Ottawa, Owrio® + 19 A Wt meéans «f NXTOIL Lm d ecoupe Ad Isioly * OR K GrriCR® VA DR in ¢ (K