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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Sep 1867, p. 4

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a . Porase: Houss. Sevanoab, Gs.. Jusn. 6, 1854. Hosort» Siz: I should be angrateful for the relief F‘h:u-ll.lnm-yn-- A cold hz‘.‘u‘“.m & pains, whi r-*â€"n- fum. 1 hed Qâ€"dwm' â€".--.dnn-dzh- uf your m aho Pfi: lyl P were alow , sure. m* fi-dhl-mmfl,fl Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for ! 1. Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Make. ~â€" «y sur.0 M «« imer, John Roberts, W. M Mwsey, «* F McCarthy and J, Skinper in Ottaws Rebruary 26t3, 1867 %e 1W38i3v$y Srxare Cusnug®, Baton Rooge, La.. 5 D=c. 1855. Dr. Arza : I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout â€"a painful disease that had «fict«d me fpr years. # FINCENT SLIDELL gl‘ of the Pills in market contain fi!-;. aithough a remedy in skilful hands, janger0us in a :lb'h-&.t-fle-- queness that freqnently its incautious use. These sontain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. in distress. To mpuiste the orgens of digertion ud w_â€":‘.?fln the very best remedy 1 have ever combdrnty recommend them to wy frieude. se Your, _ J. Y. HIME® tor, and fad them as excriiest porpative to oymens and puri/y Use fowntzins of Oa Uinod. , â€" _ _ _.___ IOnN G. MEACHAX, M. D Constipation, Costiveness, Suppressio: Too much camnot be sald of your Pills for the cure of pustmencss. 1f cthers of our frutervity have found them » «Bcacous as 1 hare, they should join me in prociaimâ€" nlhfib‘:du-?-brvi- the prograitor of cthers that ure woree. 1 teliers on cusy effined wite Liniche aud pampler on ber scis use a her tair. After our chld was oured, she sls td your Piln, aud they, ue curst bur. _ C % As a Femlly Physic. . Prom L. L W. Contmmregt, Kow Onuana. Tour Fills ure the prince of parges. Tudr erciliest qualies eurpms buy cathartic we possem. They ue wild. but very cortain and effectusl in thair action on the De. J. C. Avex. Sr: I i;n.-nâ€"%'â€" cured ob The worlt keaduche any body cas have by a dose or two time. ars exoullent promotives of the natwral secre whee and ul oo e ar ons in i en m we so much the best pysic we bare 1 rmmend so other to my patients. z. Proam Ta Rev. Dr. Hswes, of Ou Mrtodiat Fpin. Coorck. weetment of discuse. @mmase. und bebevier as 1 60 that your Pills eSurd us the best us hore, 1 of course value them Lighiy. whads they chounse uk onne. _ . _ . _ _ _ Vours witlh grest respect, _ ED. W. PEEELE, D:’-.Llr.h.hjhm Boston, | Ara®z: 1 beve used Piis with extraordinary | _â€"!-_hfl’fl:q..lgfilh_ hemes to opaste in the liver, bot Pille ufSectCast «rgan and cure tiie disouse. | s Pram Mrs. E. Suart, Pryrician and Mibaife, Botox. _ I fed ons or tws large doses of your PDis, taken at the Headache,Sic kHeadache, Fou! Stomach. Prom Dr. Ltward Boyt, Laltimarc. Dess Bus. Aree: l“â€"-cfim ll-_na,fi_v"-lmt‘-â€"_- us to sey all that we Domama»nt or tus Inreason, } ' 'd-:l&’.n.m Sm : I have ased your in my general and bospstal practice ever since you made them, and cannot becitete to | q.q-.n-?w*,. Their mge lating artion on the liver qfifl.fl- -"--â€".-.lrt-elh-n-h.â€"ln-d 0‘-&:â€".““!‘-“”. ”n.â€"-(-.â€"lq&. Your Pills have bad a long trial in my practice, and 1 boid them in extoem as one of the best sperieats ] have rer found. Their alterstive efect upon the liver makes --*mfi-hdfi-h klw«s dyprcuiery and Their T«_ makes them very acceptable and comvement tise use i commnsed ddithes puints thas aay one romedy I requice that we bave at leagth a purgative which is wor thp the (ohfdence t6 the pivicmact aind the proples Billous Dysentery, #J » Select Educstional Clisses . RimBRoiank, â€"|â€"â€" STEAiNEEs. * only are your Pills admirably adupted to their purâ€" --’muluuw‘--â€" Liver very marked indend. They hare in my prac proved more effectual for the cure of bdious comâ€" Paralysis, Fits, From Dr. Tredure Brll, of New York City. W sptart, W yoming Co., X. T.. Oct. 24. 155. viud. 8 Actcrnidodhcctaies N2 i23 Gout, Ke ere, Curk of Seamer Clarom. A8A MOBGEIDGE 1 piace greut depen to us in the daly sslom, This hbofly“'l-.lrw'wl Annable‘s 'fi?t Iroming T have ©boen used by the Grey Kuns, and they hare proved to be | very satusfactory . * r."- Ferniteenlt sn LARGICE 2 00. 200 E7+ 0°m | ppaopnss04 or sreme . receme * B0 Bottics of every description, excepting o0 | & Osgze., hmsan. Vactrand Haruier. . Alse mmu-pzpumw;l:&uufidm‘firu.u“ wo thas by any other / T PMIMLINITS £ 00. | Jiniek Desbarety Biick. : Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa. Canadian â€" Champagne ! “’ HWICHIS EXCELLENT,and WHICH they carsell at$3 PER DOEEN. Amateur who hare tasted the wine, consider it awrery good wrticle, and superior to what is reppored to be imâ€" LAROOUE & Co. CHURCH STREET L friends and the public . that be has ;:..:-lhh-c_i-fl- formerly cocuâ€" Messrs. Fingland. & Draper : â€"â€" And where be will ketp constaqt‘y on hand a gene , Which will be sold at a email sdrance on coct. * Carriages, , &e. L I s s t \ _ aamks moormon, . | ABMBPT M Arict siebes to burionk i hare a Mfi *- es for Three Eivers, Queber, Eiriere do Lovp and Portiand, st...10.1? P.M. pq:n::uwtmm Fur further i and time of arrival and DRV GOCOTDS ! depurture of all trains st Termini and Way &tsâ€" g-.-lfl.Gn-l!_lflvtquTho Readymade Clothing DERYC GOODS! Only Washing Machine now in the Do= as we are prepared to prove from the evidence of those who havetried it. All they ask is a trial. It is simple in construction, easily adjasted, and answers for an IRONINXG TABLE. It sever need be taken out of the Kitebeb, as it aniwers for a pisce of Furniture. The following testimonia will show what the Ledies at the Numpery thisk of it. Partios desirous of giving us a fair trial will please to send us notice by post, or otherwise, nescing time and place, will be attesded to. 3 1 AeF Sucy taws, August 1 2th, 1367 Ottawa, JuiÂ¥ 10, 1867 WASHING MACHINXE. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHINXG, AlL EOW MANCJACTURISG A WINXX CALLED HE USDERSIGSED are now manue facturing a new and what they claim to be NEW DOMINXIONX; HOLGATE, OLIVEE, & ANXXABLE M.â€"â€"TKH 4 1%% w#ll leare buoumt Gasiy us 6645 enatcs ueC C. J. BEYDGES, AND Blivck, Numez â€"s. "’-hi.hd-o‘ Kurtte he Tos Pr $ _ Pain s 461¢f ' omcs GREY SUM® 1â€"r | _ On and after SEPTEMEER it somd turtber no | thot) the stemmer Aum Sumos wil leare Ajylimer ' the Epper (ctawa, ut 7 a. is., con. 'nangmlhfll-'-u st bead : Railroad a 1, working \u'Arv't. Band Point, Bristol, l-‘-..;-nll‘o M:G-“a W harf, und Portage ds Fort, arriving at2p. w. Stages will leave Gould‘s Wihart Ma&rufivd‘l ;nmuommmmam Gould, und arriving ut Pembruke same evecing. ’, The Postsec leares Pembroke at noun‘ on Tursâ€" | days, Thursdays and Suterdeys for Des Jouchimns, Ottewa Pianoâ€"t orte and Organ instruction aku: . <om CEKTRAL FAC Bank Sti)Otulwa. IS AGAIN PREPAX To MANXUPFACHUKE Silver Mounted Harnssse:, To be seen st the Stable of ; â€" The steamer Columa leaves Havciock on Tuesâ€" deys and Saterdaye at C am.; returniog. leaves Chapess Vileage on Montay: and Priceys at : (rtaws City, Auz. 36, 1467 _ A conpection is made dally with the Erockrille .ilm-.wt.ynbopmt at Bund Poit 1 pm.; and on the dows trip at Kand Poist at% ecl-“ n,flw-mm?' Mon. days, “)n.‘l’flhjn.\uru & #., connecting at Pembroke with ceamer Lpond d , which leares Pembrcke Landiog at 1 p‘im., and arriring at Portage do Fort sume erening. The steamer Allsonce leures Portage du For nwym,uifl;.n*n;jvnyz;u.wg st Gould‘s Wharf, Farrel‘s Wharf, Zonnechere, Brigd, band Poirt and Artprior, and arrivrieg ut Bragd, Sand Poict bead of Eailway Aue Sumom at Pout Ozars at 4 p.w. 7.1” for Des Jouckizme leare Octawe every Mondsy, Wedsesiay and Friduy. For turther particulare apy!y st tue OfGce of th» Comumey at Octewa City or A;an. a A’ IMNPORTED $ET, SISGLE, DOt BLE and Tandes 4 CHANGE of TIME. 1367 Consisting of the following hrstâ€"class steamert TEIO® ZORWARDISG AXD RAIL»â€" 2 way coxPriaxy. ANX S188GN,.. EMERALL....... ALLIANCE,..... OREGON, ........ ENOW BIRLD ... JaSON GOUTLL PONTIHAC......... PEMEROK £.,.... CALUMET...... "*AEADMIA® IXLAKD ®*TFi. miavyie 4 GaTIWE CONPa®l. t wag Upper Ottawis Route. HARNESS FOR SALE. kc St., Ott: EP AB To M all «t ageâ€", Rlgigh fict ath to Te be ge so. 1$ M. CAMEROX, Jaiy 1, 1867. Besserer Stree A. M. F. Guxrur:, Esq., H4 My Dear Sirr I beg to acknowledge the receipt _______L____._____. (f a sample of your Royal.ftalinn Bitters together on m--l-mhu- &o;u::.:: for their an instruction. preparation. % large w to try the + . effect of your Bitters, lhnm&,fiu J im i Seeek success in cases requiring the use of a mild, stimaâ€" FA4CTORY 1861 1Â¥ . THE UTTaWa TIMEsS.â€"SEPIEMBER 21, iso7 v-h’i.-n..‘l m M“k:alr Inting we 4 "{m.’,mm.ews.;mm A. SOUSLACROIX Dectesr Medesin et Chirurgies Prancais Je 11 Faculte de Paris, Bachelser en MBMLKM en Scienâ€"es Physiques, Eee Noreâ€"Dame, So. 192 _ Montreal, 2# Decemice, 18%4. in bealts by promoting dig.sties, but may also teo emploped ‘with adrantage u-'-_;hmd ailâ€" ments which art the immedizte comsequencses ot 7 cemses o errors in putrition, such as iysperec®, cuteraigin, apunis, chiorotus, leuscrrbes, coorcles. cence, in sbort in all cases where the syrstem is mash debilitated tor want of restoratives to refresh A Monsiour Gia®ELLL This preparation, by is clegant appesrance, its delimous flavour, and above all by its restorative properties, deserves to attract public attention, and «bould be conmdered as infuutely superior to all articles of the kind which hare appesred to the A._eqt.&r.lh'w:-d my d.&ar-M is energies Mflnrl-iucpm This uremaration hy its aelarent as _ By the touie ingredients, zud erpecially by the iros whoch exters into ie compontion, it acte un the whole orgenization , the tissaes sseume a coâ€" vigtenct moure decided, a derelopment more nomâ€" plate, a functional energy mure regular: the glob. wese of the blood besome richer, the vital energics grester, the musculor system more powersl, the uervous ryrem caloser. This beverare, whies is stomuchic and at the B'n.!,mâ€"r' mgh your politences, was reve!t uue sinde. am heppy to eay f Copeer .d;:: gumfi_ofiym&uux are a de A. XM. F. G1ixezc Jmar 8w : Te wito its smpontos, bot also with the efert, and ’‘.nu very «begutt upe, euitâ€" to mary caser when a more power‘sl compound wyuld not be used. After kuring bud furtber portesity, 1 shall be uble to give a more ur.c?; gent opizios in regaurd to its efbeary. _ Have you apy agenty in this uy patieute are anmous to use the wa where to procare . Youre tr A.B., Trimit Caflxmun M. D., !o’v Y Lives Haraze pave too moot Alook«, un are benoe laxiiuly, and 5 goves megres pleasure 10 ate io ynxhih:hcnd“,. tle Toxic I unn«u“nwu s{:fln;u'..m- larly agepteq in and chidres detiltated ty the rarious daseases an6 oomplaice pesuliar t« Your * Tomice Leat" seeme to me Tome we hare long wiehed for, bw/t the Medeal World Respertizily yours / _ Wa £i : HOLOL Professor of Aural and Opotialuee =o where ) can pronure your Eiters Sor my palse | uhnd toke partiouler peipe io recommend th September 14, 1867 muubed orpiths preparer & the Kumope Ermsâ€" * s ( shap as Domme) BalY. inp wihose tarur Nr. Gcgar s ' Siouprsoure esc Printing Works maa «i the Prorimonml Enilinzie sprge besl . * CoOCKTY ©r CARLETO® 5e Mrmirianl cnl Kevntrom ccrs BE NA cce eshataaine Royal Italian Bitters‘ _.OL\.: k the act of digestion more cuy and 3i, Templeâ€"strest, Boston 23, West Elerenthâ€"rtreet, New york, Mor ® E. DE LA GRAXJA, D wILL] Kew Tork, April 2, 147 AM ARENOLD : will fug‘ in X. %#.. C. & Longum “.:ln Do you want to Buy? * the Dry GOOdS, auug *â€"â€"â€"~â€" 60. sparks street, Centre Towan 6 w ~ IT HAS BX®X TRULY SiIDTHAT "4 THE "OfTATA TMES *: Let the World Know It Â¥; Metter what vour Business: *% O NV is the TI ME Property to Sell 18 THE MEDIUM [ fame, ferming part of Lot Ko. 2v. in the 1 en ~/ 1: Agnenianarrenes at hrouch. Which it Wl mg:'-':"m:!:.‘z“'_:‘{,‘; yvee ant "OTTAWA TIKES A&ADV ERTISE. RINTEES ADVERiIS :: Hardware THE ~TINMCES" A&FFOLD A SUPERIOE MEDITK BUSINESS MAN.: Groceries, ADVERTISE! ! ADVERTISE !. 24. ‘a3; * REar ~ rerin A m ail, IABK PUBLIC. Ottaws, February 27, 18673 â€" ADVERTISE! iP YoC HAYE suwweelt BJ [sce IF YOUT BAiYE JOFFICE i Crockery, ADVERTISE. L=* MEX iX TEE LIXE QP TH E Glassware, ENXTES TOG FEALTE* xXE |78 PPIIQATION OF THE UNE 0+ TEE HOWES =» Boot and Shoe Store. ‘D'moâ€"mc’”ii’aâ€"-."”"fmd." d, «t present hamnele® Lo WHMLLll amoll l opeclrs Lo guas A"I-ICA'I'?‘I‘ ;ifl“-:c d-‘ndcr to the Corporation ip Htrror si the | Gession to be H‘d.t- SAIL'KBI)AT. 5& day of +OCTOBER néat, for passing a Byâ€"law for mop zfit ald road .a-th‘Sm'a Qquarter «"i:f ~-‘M~. in the Kleventh Consessicc | of id Township, | W.P. TAYLOR, i hsnl h _ Township Clerk. | Department, with a view to comnect ai Point Forâ€" | 45y | tane with the arrival there of the mails from» Vazâ€"| for c dreail, asnd to reach Oftawsa in mbum"’:"' after learing Point Fortunc. esA To leave Ozaws Post OSce daily, :-a:xr-.'ufl' I exoepted, ai T pas., and to arrive at Carilion with. | | in sevenwes bour: afterwards. i Township Clerk‘s Ofice, > _ } and blask forms of tender mar be oclizined at ib Post Ofices of Carilion, Poist Fortune, Hevkes bury, L‘Drignal, Plastageoet and Ottarws. ~ Post Offce luspecter‘s Ofice, . Kingston, 16th Sept (By the South Shore,)\ from the close of narigution in 1867, yrid * Convreyzuse to be made in suitable rehicles. The mails to leare Carillon daily, Sumdays ercepted, at such bour as may be sppointed by the Port Offce Eis times per week each waey, doripg the wister season, between HER MAJESTY‘8S FOUR YE ARS, â€" Friday, 18th October, from being worked whie using iL. It cleanses the brestking apperatus, ty ing frum the miroelle the poagulaioe \y: that secretion whirh in beasves oge thei, a dfhou‘ty in breaihing, and by oo seuon diseased part, cunring the musouse mewk ll POSITIVELY $UPERIOR T0 isÂ¥ ar ul acteer atoue for the oure «6 Seare Couqihe., fs-ctl?.fifiabs Wint, und all Coemen which aSert the Wind «/ Fowe : alse, us a Conce wou Medsconm, surpessing everyuimg of toe Kind Fiteroy, 20th Argest,1%7.% _ #4 Arabiar Hea~vs R Ee our besmess to abe seckilt. and $54 the whule i our Stnok on the lst < No AÂ¥*t s Ohorke, Cnugens. Larillon and Ottawa. $ the Lease of our Promiscs in Sueser* No. 10. Ridgeauâ€"st. Te Wir: On e proposed Contract for For the converance ot NOTICE. MATTEEW SWEETXA® Contract may be seen MiAlix 2| ¥¥¥ JOSEPIL E. ELLA®, Aizgmm#® _ ____ JIHSUBAHC_E. $HIPPIKG! Private 32 M A M desirous and d °PX | WÂ¥ sirst usn steay te mee ageo | OTTAWA AGENC Province Drtaric, und to have their 6n s We ?mrgu_;v.ufimmflz-,&â€"wm 77 6 ill rflnn‘ to call a Legislatore &â€" lh:-:. bhxh-:da:.hbym‘:‘na s X P. EAi of uat Exeestive Conncil of Ontaric, we hare this P g:] . . day, giren orders for insuing our writs in due form, Omare. Juze 21} I for calling a Legislatore or Parlinnent in «ur gmid . _i ff d Anpen umt am t cesmm mie) â€" VIOLINS ! VIOLIN instarw, ang on * zvz-vmhyd&,-ic- * # . | Is Trermosty Warrmor, we have cassed these X »â€"â€"â€"â€" , “VVIIiRIAl we are des a scived, as soon as mey be | To all to whes these presents shall comeâ€"Gzrrr Wanted l.-edlmly, .. n d in qed age ‘Tes Orra®i Tresâ€"Printed and PuollishC T'o PIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYME® | every momning, (Stmdayr: erc;t~> s Blacksmiths Mm-'l-â€" P m P ted good wages will be riven. m“ * , _ the Triss Steamm Printing Works, Ko. ©\ W oo PETER KILDCFF, | _ Sparkeâ€"st, in the City otf Ottaws, Comnty J. B. Bland, Es., Banker.............._._Uaii/i Jonathan C. &'b;*m...lflifi GENERAL ACENT, STOCK BROKER, CONSIGNXEE, &<., PICTOT.®E.s. signee to the Merchants and Manufacterers Cheads Won. Keé rem of Hegh Hartebarse, Esg., Subsier......: _‘.Haltear. _l-_'lLlngk.}:u.: &_lc:;m.‘..._flniu. HEREAS we . Business respecticliy sulicited. EXEEA® w YE,. that we being dcaimems REF jel Qoey D4 * RevalCanadianBanh Torkâ€"st. Otaws: ° of of Carleton C. W 47 iâ€"*mâ€"p08 rrest Britain him will be reseccind as the lnw direcs * TINOTEYT MOFT I *A pr ce mots o_ ons K4 of «c exmpbering THOXAS AL-hi-lfi.:v empler withâ€" oel amy just cause of complaint. and contraryt t> 'I‘-. undersigned has a fow recscs s vecest for bourders with easnellen soooe detions, usd withis fire minutes wyik ol the ! Octowi, August 13 Jus reseined direc from GEZXAYL at drfring compecition. . 7&“&46(!}&!‘. NEXNTS sever before ofered to i8¢ 3 tmue, at the Ottarre Mase Store, 25 & YIOLIN®, VIOLINS !. VIOLINS ! FOUR CAAAE NOLlTCE CcoxCERTIX > Apply to «€ KUSICAL LOCGRDEC \A ARD & U B u» Au\'ocml'-l. ,‘ ney sâ€"at â€"Law. urrices: Mull and Mr. Wright will tit Sridays of every tas. J.u.lnl. 1 Oftawa, Feb. 7,186 Apyterismnchms q cliowing rates : > Susiness Cards of numâ€"pay able {rausiont Ad * MMOpeame+ weneFers All submequent Yearly advertisers sberaj allowance yearly kubsoription AdVARCCY.....2.«»» If not paid in ady Yearly nbfitfip’- in advance) ... 1t not paid in ady *%. Chancery, Cony J atortt 31 .“ Solicte u#ricr: Post Office écbruary 7, 41866. D Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chi Othce, over Mr..1 store, Kideau. Street, Januaryâ€"17 1867. BAIIIITIGI Chaneery, &e. (Orrick * Aumond Alawa., Jut. 12, 18 6Mintoa 1x,000 1 thus 0 ifording the best Nflf!!llfil t the Post -.\ni‘v_. J. A. Masa®, _° K0 ww a, March 23. Ufily over 2,000 nhking a totdl cine EDW ABRL “AIIM“ Notary Public; rown Attorney, for «d Russ@IL _ . Uprice : In the Co anuary 27, 1866. vey ertise in 4 . R. BELL, * . .(Reors 5it URGEERI _ ttawi, July ZM" Atonds to 1 Hia w Fobranry 7, 1866 , « Published every m qaue pafoy Ad ‘l' enjoys Tm® LaRG yhlished in the d eDruary:21, 1866 ',n YSICIAN, Clarence Stre D. OL l’ll'l'l.'- € tral Ottawa. Ottawa, January rrmstrong (he / Ottawa ‘ DVOCATE. : Ntreet, Quobee. epared to attend qpr wvernment .â€",1 ay entrust him. it in and for the di« December 28, 186. AUVGUST I‘Alllli‘u Solicitor in Obas Office : Opposite . P 1D “Plllj ts N* W, W. Brows r Ottawa, Decem! )"lcl over ment, 25 Kides May 30 &. Chancery, Cony ner of Sussex and attawa, February & Qitawa, Novem! A W, Chanoes 4A Ofhice, Lang‘s 4 ; Post Office. Ottawa, J anuary â€" Clarence March 1. TPOR NIES= l1}3® TTORNE Y}®» A W, _ Clha * D. U TPORNE Â¥=â€"A TPOR NE YÂ¥ 1. 4.; U A BR LS TR means of the ARRLS TK Lt Orvions ; Cou Chancery, € LAPIERRH GEO. LOG Or® DHR. C ENTIST. € HYSICIAN Offce : Mant EXTI®ST, XTICIHHOI ORK $ tel. COLMA WILLIA x * Uffion Ba VOL. ©. W N ASSIJ July 19 DR. J x R DR DR DKR. DB. DR treet D HU

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