~â€"~hannd A ;nuhbt‘ «dy . at _ for entirely length of all cases, bould be of disease Care. the above ‘OCTOR. Presecy to seit uy #o -u‘ such a= SELL 3 26 61 42 2 26 20 62 & 00 34 72 ate relief, ) the most rnally by Lands BEXKT ip.Clerk on, Young Fine Engâ€" , Oolong, ts, Prait®, ce ores y fever and is, Essen Russel ‘empleton he: paoi‘s s i hid tE d im fact and purâ€" . different lanchette, stroke ; J. !'m o# Arrant is the War. I'Mm e directed Ine for five nds in the notice t'xl.hml IDAY, the at cleven ENEr , by mixâ€" ism of all oneession §â€"4 Merrings, CUKT 4707 h day of it of "Lnd 4 & 84 84 46 URY 45 69 34 44 10 13 1 Count? 10 14 12 4s 14 VJ to the y at the Moohs Brokem w33â€"13 49 23 8 19 09 55 41 49 S0 41 14, 46 15 41 05 34 44 5$ @1 U> 14 67 82 42 21 70 47 14 sAlllfl“ and | Attorney=at«Law "Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Public. «W#iee, over Mr. Luke Cuzrner‘s Boot and Shos 3tore, Rideau Street, Ottawa, C. W. January 17 18a7. y 3My M. McLEOD, * BAI'M“, Ktc,, for Lower Canada. Orvices: Court House, Aylmerard Buckingâ€" vam, C.K. [ . % B4" Attends to all Law Courts in the District of Rtawe. * * February 7, 1366. 43â€"ut AUGUSTUs KEEFER, BAuqufg.;a%-u Attorney=at«Law, Solicitor in , Conve , &o. Ofice: Opposite Post ‘:o::. lm;:tul.hï¬o on i n im tone itc .4 BA.‘I.‘I’.I. Sollcitor, Attorney, and Notary Public, Clork of the Peace and County ‘yrown Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott wwi Russell. _ Orrice : In the Court House, L/‘Orignal. _ _ ADVâ€â€˜TI‘, Barristers, and attor= neysâ€"atâ€" Law. * Qrviczs: Mull and Aylwer, C. E. Mr. Wright will attsoid at Hull on Tuesdays and o nrer ol avaey mss :1 [.. _ : _ .. hS J. F. BOULTON, _ BA-mlu-A-r-uw. Solicitor=in= Chancery, &e. Ovrice: Aumond‘s Buildings, Rideau Street. Atawa, Jan. 12, 1866. #â€"7y LEES & GEMMELL, BA RISTERS®, Attorneys, Solicitors, C. ureyancers, &c. Orric® : {.«h Court House, Ottawa, C. W. Roszat Lexs. Joux J. GencenL. Xtawa, February T, 1836. ; 43â€"uth «. R.BELL, A.M _‘munnt-ur- LA W, Soltcitors«in= Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Pateat b‘:nm § , Orric®: Ofice Buildipg, Elgin Street, Ottawa. ebruary 7, 1366. 43â€"u ‘DVOCAT.- Oflice! No. 17, St. Poter Street, Quebec. Mr. Mw& ll'l’l': npndlo“'ï¬'fl to any iness hm-o-'log. ..5 the public generally nay entrust him, . B.attends regularly the cirâ€" wit in and for the district of Queboc. & December 28, 1865. #â€"7 \ TTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, Solicitor in ‘%. Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Sussex Street. Orricz: Union Buildings, Ottawa. isbruary 31, 1866. % 55â€"y us. Comman. __> W. Moxar Wareut,B.A.B.C.L. Oftawa., Feb. 7, 1366. ‘42â€"utf GEO,. LOGAN, M.D., L.C.ILB., OMEPATHIC Physician,â€" Surgeon “ and Accoucheur. Orvice: In Horne‘s Block. Can be found over ¢office at nt- References : Rav. Oootr Lawrence, Orono ; Rev. fohn Smith, Bowmanvilie; Rev. u.? Riddell, Harke; Dunean Campbell, M.D., M.R.C.S.E., Torâ€" nto ; John Wall, M.D., 4. Adams, M.D., Tororto. Ottawa, Fobruary 7,1866. _ 4Jâ€"utf LAW. Chancery and Conveyancing» Orsicz: Mosgrove‘s Block, Ridean Street, ktawa, C. W. *~.* 366â€"4f . anuary 27, 1366 ')-rru'-r_. Oflcet Sussex Street, over Mosars. Campbell & Co.‘s, Grocers. L Ottawa, January 27, 1866. ____________ 34â€"utl Ailâ€"ubsequent insertions, per line,.....v...... _ _ 2¢ Yearly advertisers specially contracted with, and 'unni allowance made. _ N early subscription to the daily (if paid in i _ . W" the Postâ€" office J. A. Masax. Atawa, March 23. ‘Tl!llï¬â€˜h“'fl:?“&,m £ ancery, cu-vnmn otaries n orner of Sussex and Yorkâ€"streots, Ottawa. Ottawa, February 26, 1867. 368y .nah,w » m"l‘l‘ ::"e"- d_'-’,:: partios: -,--5':' M Ottawa. Day oficcopposite Magee & Russell‘s, w 00’-.1 Town; Night Ofice at his Maria Street, Conter Town. Caxcure Curep, with t the «o of the knifo, by a asw,but certain, speedy, and almost painless proâ€" Apveatskuzyts aro insorted in the Daily at the ollowing rates : SQusiness Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, per anâ€" -â€"-m:bh in advance only, ... ...... $6 09 (ramsiont rtisements, first insertion por io reated, if required. . guaranteed. "Ottawa, April 14. mmne« = K 1. enjoys rux namaser Circcration of any paper mublished in the Ottawsa Valloyâ€"issuing of the Daily over #,000 1 and Weekly over 4,000 I naking a total cireulation in the week of over 18,000 1 thus outstripping all competitors, and iFording the best medium for business men to adâ€" If 108 pMd 14 MENVMMO®...cccnceeenneconnennnnne Yearly subscription to the weekly (if pa MD MAVMMO®) ,....ccccceccececnscnncerncennnnh 17 204 PMQ M MUVMNOO...ccccceeencnnccnceccee (b., 34, Fark Row, New York, and _ State Street, Boston, General Advertunng Agents, are hereby authorâ€" wdin recevse Advertiwements for the Ortawa Tmks ROSS & PARSONS, ‘TTO'.“Y‘-AT-LA\V.M Chancery, Convey ancers, Notaries Public, &c. tlco: Elgin Street, opposite the Russell House. Aurzxaxo®s Ross. Auszrt Parsoxs. ttawa, July 23.. 189â€"6m rertis@ 10. l)ll"lc_‘l.\! Surgeon and Accoucheur Ottawa. D"'olooomlu Maceo & Russell‘s (Reousrtur reow Exoraxp».) ‘b‘“l_.’ and _ Residences Ottaw1, Novomber 13. C Otitawa Dailp Cimes, 'l’ll‘l'll‘l'o' Odlce 1 Sparks Street, Con=â€" tral Ottawae ~ Ottawa, January 27, 1866. _ B4â€"ntf 3’A..ll Street, entrance next door to W, W. Brown‘s Barber Shop. Ottawa, December 8. utf LAW. Chancery and Conveyancing Office, Buildings, Elginâ€"st. ite C nas l-.-c'- ngs, Elginâ€"st., oppos! Ottawa, July19. P 489y ‘Mtaws Kebruary 7, 1866 AovEgTHNG AgENCY â€"Mewres. 8. M. Petengull & DR,. JOHN LEGGO, .I!‘I‘Il‘l" Hanton‘s Block, Sparks ‘Btreot. â€" ATTecth extracted without m means of the Ethereal Spray Producer. FPPICE over Mr» ment, 25 Rideanâ€"st., ay 30 14 ~UIE DAILY AND WEEKLY IIMNES Now EDWARD T. DARTNELL, HYSLICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ofice : Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Street. MASSE & TERTREAU, ! OTARIES PUBLIC, Huil, C. E., wear '?:x Stréet, opposite Matthews‘ Ho« LAPIERRE & HAYCOCK, Â¥. £. HBUCKLEY, LLL., "ublished every morning, Sundays excepted.) NICHOLAS SPARKS, DR. OLIVER MARTIN, COLMANX & WRIGHT, WILLIAM MOSGROVE, YOL. L. NOQ.08G4,! DR. C. A. MARTIN, A. F. BOTUCHETTE, DR. W. J. HENRY, i. H. HAYCOCK, DR. 0. C Woou, mEDIcial. DR. CHESLEY, D. (@CONNOR, DR. C. LEGGO, Dit. DORION, DR. O‘REILLY, LEWGAL Garth*s Establish« Octawa. M.D., C N. Term®av M., &¢ 447 â€"utf 17wâ€"100â€"4 George $1 00 1 50 34â€"6m C All strictly forbidden pase or trese pass in, over and about tha fronts of Lots number 29 and 30, in the Furst C ion, Ottawa Front, Nepoan, and the Broken thereof, unâ€" as and until. some satisfact mnrod is come to with the proprietors thereof. A ‘cdnou tmu-ll‘l;n.or this notice will be prosec acâ€" cording to s ; JIHN WM. THOMSON, F Proprietors. Dated this 26th June, 867. . _ 470f Ottawa Dec. 28. 1865. | JOHN MERCER, ; Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. % THOROUGH BASS. ol o e in Lt k They hare now on hand and for sale some well FMQLMV‘W. mr!u-h‘ 0 ; an immense Lands in the To on the Ottawa. Orrice: Corner of ks and Metcalfo Stroots. wW. THIB'“&P.LS. F. A. BALDWIN, P. L. 8. â€" ; 'l KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of IVR o Motontto and \‘ollh.u- Streets, opposite .,!:“.QUIIN “thm all the h&hflufl « " com lor m Arstâ€"class Restau ant. The House l':o\nnnm «nd nfnnhhodflmonfl:ul. The BAR contains the choicest Brands in and Liquors, and every deiloacy of the season will be found on the table. The rietor‘s best efforts will be directed to the comâ€" mofll.pmmpw. } + KB ysters, Game eto., dail Address Chas. Esplin, Ottawa. Pnovmcln. Land Surveyors, Canada East and West, Real Estate Agents, &c. Parâ€" ticular attention devoted to the sale and protection of the Lands of Absenteos. m-nm to the Crown Lasls Department for Lands, &c., CHARLES ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer P L. SURVEYOR and Dr;z‘hm. & wi‘.‘f' Land, and General ameniary Agent. _ lseferences ""‘"{.‘,“.““‘ Orric® : W ellington Strect, next to British Hotel, apd nearâ€" ly opg.uiu the banks, Ottawa. Publis Laid pusiness, adjorting dispoted claime, io iness, adjusting dis and nurl? Patents. Ottawa, May 22. _ 132y Glllf AND SAW MILLS BUILT ON the most recent and imptoved ‘ principles. a‘on for Fleck‘s Vtou and improved Taylor ater Wheel, and Vulcan Iron Works, Montreal. AUCT‘OIIIBI.M o-'cuco-h- sion Exchange and Real Estate A‘gents, No. 40, Sussex Street. _ _ ; C CX _.(é;- Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines and Proof Whiskey ; d‘:;.‘D.'u' Lachine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &c, formales (} | © _ _ _Orricek: No. 3, Sparks Street, near the Russoll House, Ottewaelty, C. W. .000 . } _ + y MESSRS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, NO FrICE . _ [3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL Lumbermen & Others Ritchie Hetel, Grenville, C. E., «ry Store. x i’;ï¬ï¬. of l.u.l‘ rmcu A‘netio- or Prlv:::‘ S:lo promptly attended to. Consignments rece or itive sale. Partics wishing to purchase Real zun will â€"receive all information FREE OF CHARGE by o.m-f at the office. Ottawa, Dec.18, 1865. 1â€"y T mireâ€"dian/nsent tor t toew of yeark aod hooes a uy ariet attention to the whiats and somforte of his Ir mublie patrounge:, â€" The Hotel is the Iergast aud ot pubi e. borloid off house in On-vmm it is three stories high and commands a beautiful view of the rapids and steamboat. landing. The Bar will oontdg Liquors of the choicest and putest quality. The MRS. GRANTS SALOON, cCEORCE STREET, Choice Wines & Liquors,Prime Cigare Al‘c'l‘lox Rooms, No. 19, Sparks Street; . Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite Er;o'l Stationâ€" Ottawa, November 27. Co.-llllol and Exchange Broker, and Insurance Agent, Spacksâ€"street, opposite Mageo & Russell‘s, Ottawa, c?. wW. o Ottawa, March 25. 01y Liquors ol the choicest and @wuny. ANG Table will be supplied with the beat the market can afford. :ral.lomvfllbohluvlï¬lh& # which will be under the care of an Hostler, and always supplied with frosh s Oats. Charges moderate. & | JOHN RITCHIE. Exflusol Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac= cidental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ing Agents. Office, No. 27, Sussexâ€"strect, Ottaws. ®. ®. o‘Coxxo®. W. M. WALLER, March 9. f 378y PIOVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Draughtsman, te.;)&mnluloud for lispo! and Lower C"""“')S- co .:‘d mmm ouâ€" ester, near Ottawa. rve *secuted with acouracy. Ca’znnm- “«m )fl})}}:gs City, (postâ€"paid), will receive prompt V THE METROPOLIT AN THE " QUEEN" RESTAUR.ANT, ‘tention. P rapror s Ottawa, February 21, 1866. VIII'I'I OTTawWA TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Orders left at Union House will be punctually atâ€" Ottawa, July 26. Ottawa, March 20, 1866. + ; _A corner of Sussex and York Streets. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. f Ottawa, May 5. NOMMISSION Merchant and General Ottawa, December 18, 1865. Remember the P. O‘Mears â€" old | STABLE : wae Sy6.170¢ t Ottawa ':lAnuuB'r:'n. Loo lo.l.’.'(‘).l Office : Lang‘s Buildings, to Post Office Ihuawa, March 10, lm 10â€"7 May 18. ONTRACTOR and Builder. Office : ‘North side York street, second door from Sussex PARLIAMENTARY AGENCY. C.: J. BOUCHETTE, MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, * UsIE! MUSIC!I! FRENCH AND .:..duno.xsw Music, Polkas, Valses x ® DUVERNAY BRO ERCHANT TAILOR, 39, Sparks (O‘CONNOR & WALLER, BUSINESS CARD®S. MACDONALD & BRO., JOUXN RI1CHIE, Proprietor K. I1. McGREEVAY, Aumond‘s Block, â€" : Rideau Street; du-q‘. P. OMEARA, Prorartrox. J, P. MACPHERSON, JOHN MALTMAN GEO,. H. PERRY, N. McKINNON, . McLEAN‘8 B. MULLIN. 8. CHRISTIE, R. SPARKS, AYLMER, C. L 438â€"6m 187t TDt 219f 118â€"y 18y b5:7 9â€"7 nounce that I have now received my stock for the Summer Trade. It somâ€" prises all the best and purest _ hngll.h & French Chemicals, DRUGS, PREFUMERYT, _ Witn eignt different T,"" manufactured on the premises. It 1s a healthy and cooling beverage. 1866 SEEDS. SEEDS. 1s66. A LARGE u'o:::;r FRESH GARâ€" DEN and FLELD SEED3, just arrived and on Sale. All Seeds warranted Frosh. _ . _ _ ___ > A large importation of English and French PERâ€" AE q)) 141 Deormege an i rne . ognocamis FLORIDA WATER. _ s0ZODONT. __ HAIR BRUSHES. NAILL BRUSHES. Just being opened u 3 P. S.â€"Ad t:: Oswll’l!:‘:l % vice to gt Q@(g Apelt II. __. > % 41 Sussex Street, Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines | TOILET ARTICLES, &C Please call and examine the Stock. 1t is the h#nd best ever imported. All the reliable PATENT MEDICINES “2?:&0.:0 and Mloa'u “.nutntly f“]“ to portant department; for extromely liberâ€" .l::nonphitlnmw-puuth’c sub= scriber returns his best thanks. 5 W. M. MASSEY, & Soo Medical Hall, Montreal. OITraA wA DRUG WARKE KOUE , Ottawa â€" Drug . Warehouse. A free Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just received. N. B.â€"Prescriptions carefully and promptly preâ€" PIIVA‘II HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot« tawa, C. W. A fow gentlomen can obtain supâ€" erior apartments. 4 Ottaw a, Doc. 20, 1865. * 37 Rll'l‘At'lAl'l'. cormer of George and William Streets, (D. O‘Meara‘s old stand). 0‘: OYSTERS in every rtyle, at all hours. . a, January 9, 1867. 321y THE RUSSELL HOUSE, Lt'l': cg’lm’l HOTEL, ou:'wm oi teniiniiraiinls in it merous friends and the s.nll p:flla. that he has w\i and newlyâ€"furnish odauuhut this comâ€" establishment, in the management of which iymm attention to buh-:‘:d guests, he hopes ie * FaMES 8. douts, § Lately, and for many years connected with . A certain protection from the bites of this misâ€" chievous insect. References given to many genâ€" tlemen of Ottawa and vicinity. Prepared only Hark, Nam axo Tootn Bavsuets, in variety, Luâ€" bin‘s Perfumes, Toilet Vinogar, florida Water, Sozodont, Farinia‘s Colognes, Dressing and Fine Combs, &c. Ice Cream, Soda Water, with pure fruit syrup from Dows‘ Marble Fountain at the Dr. Dwiout‘s CHour xtur®, Chloride of Lime, Harte‘s Concentrated Lye, Lightning Fiy Killer, Atlantis Sea Salt, pu hvorfn‘ extracts, &c., &o., at the & f MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparks st. * THE ALBION HOTEL, Nlc!lOI.Al Street, Court=House A ven ue; T hi Houss ie n reatont situsted, and still mainâ€" tains its character u'flnn-cum HOTEL go:ddmuomhnmm -uo.: n.:nnd. No pains will be spared to accommodate OmI.ISHhuih-mdnnd boats free dm There is a FIRSTâ€"OLASS8 LIVERY BT attached to the Hotel. e Ottawa _ 1866, s 17 A VYERY SUPERIOHRK ARTICLE, pree ‘n«l from the finest material, with the apâ€" proval of many of the medical faculty of this gity, at the C. Austin pegs to thank his many customers and friends for the liberal patronage extended to him since his removal to his present premises, and assures them it will be his endeavor to merit a conâ€" tinuance of the same. 3 _ i The -é;;;;i‘inn Dornm-t†is conâ€" ducted persorially by himself, and prescriptions committed to his care will be dispensed with aecy: MEDICAL HALL at the racy and promptness Remedics for Cholera, tery, Cholera Infantum, and g:tnu. are ko.rt on hand, besides infectants Hair,, Nail, Tooth, Cloth, Hal, and Flesh Brushes, Turkish Towels, Shoulder Braces, India :lbbu g:llbl, in v l.r.’ B i‘n‘ c|ap. Bath m Bur re ons in variety. lnln"“n. Rimmel, P1 ll?fl l‘: n‘s and Phalop‘s Porfumes. Genuine Egu D‘Cologne, Florida W ater, also a number of préparations for the teeth and ms at * & AUSTIN‘$, " The Medicat Hall," L s Rideauâ€"streot. 'IIIOI HOUSE, No:th <«Gower. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostlor. . Bitters at C. AUVSTIN, APOTHECARY. "The Medical Hall," MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries Hall! MHOTELS AND SALOONS, PROPERLY COMPOUNDED AND FREE FROM ADULTERATION! Just Received ! The sole a ted nc int pnpu‘m of I?un January 11, 1866. ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN, wa, Fob. 12 1866 7!..::;0 Al‘.h;d 'i".'{iol“: Oo.o:tl mn ho lk ) rppbupaintmechlainn + f JAS. JOHNSTON‘S Bubuls and an attentive Hostler. nuary 11, 1866. DOMESTIC DYES. E LARGEST ASSORTMENT °B Y ES in this city on sale at the ; Dispensing Department. 28, Sparksâ€"Stroet. qUININE WIXNE. AUSTIN‘S, « The Med AUSTIN‘8, * The Med Tllllm FOR PAST FA« wors, I beg nqnothuy. to an MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st. «oi z& # MOSQUILTO OIL. > HOLT‘s HOTEL, 41 RIDEAUâ€"STREET, DRUGGISTS. &e., K. J. LEMON, DUIGNAN‘8S MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparksâ€"st. MEDICAL HALL, ted agency in Ottawa for the cleâ€" of ].o..uug’xmh. clu!ppoll & JOSEPH GARVEY, M.D. ‘s Hotel, Palace Street, Quebec, Medical Hall, Sparksâ€"st. __ _ COMBS. . CLOTHES BRUSHES, J. GAR OTTAWA, C. W. WEDNESDAY, OCFOBER 16, 1s67 reol Hall," Rideauâ€"streot. Lurh\u. Dysenâ€" t summer comâ€" a good supply of eal Hall," Rideauâ€"streot. 28 Sparksâ€"st 412y $2ly 4Tâ€"utf Life Assurance Company ESTABLISEHIED 1638. _ @APITAL, £600,000 Stg. _ ANNUAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 Ste. _4 Tllll cOMPANY OFFERS TO THE K{«Iplk: the combingd advantage of x‘orfoct ecurity, moderate premivs and liberal participaâ€" tion in profits. No extra charge for Volunteers in defence of the country, RINTOUL BROS., Montreal, General Agents for Canada. * NEIL MeKLINNON, Agnt, fore atig + Sparksâ€"street, Ottawa. OTTAWA AGENOY :: Officeâ€"Desbarate‘ Building, 77 Sparks 8t ESTABLIQHED 1830. R. 8. Qassels, Esq. â€" â€"+ â€" â€" . Consulting Director, THI ABOVE FIRSTâ€"CLASS COM»â€" PANY is mlndto insure all descriptions of property aga loss or damage by fire. 4 MERRICK, BRUSH & CO., Aorxts, m ___. , Aumond‘s Buildinigs. RoyalCanadianBank Ottawa, Jun» 21 M now been before ‘the public for s length ot time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to ‘tvo permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the , all are delight: ed with its ornï¬:nd.ndl in the hi terms of its virtues and magical effects. : We :rn from expérience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore *on who are suffering from any of the complaintsfor which it is recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" !’:o utonnhlng efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing diseases for which it ts reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing thomm Rhoumatism, n1 inre ieving Nervous entitle it to a highirank n the list of Remedies for these complaints, ers are coming i‘::t'o- Medicine Dul.:;ï¬:“ puu‘:l‘llo country for further supplies, and e as to the universal utugaouon it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate relief. All Medicine Dealers knr 1 Physicians order and use it; and no family will vlt{utu after once trying it. s Price :wentyâ€"five cenll‘-ior‘bomo. ‘ NORTHROP &‘LYMAN. Newcastle, C. W., General Agents for C. W Sol by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W M, Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. â€"___ _ . l u8 Ottawa. January 4, 1867 Assurance Company ! * FIRE AND MARINE. Among the most important of modern Medical Dis C s goveries stands the ; t *"yrces Sncises Greepe in ths Simmacky »â€" rul amps in H Cholera Morbus, Dyl:aury. Bowel ; Oaumm. Burns, Scalds, M Bites. &c., &o. Tlll CANADILAN PAIN DESTROYER HA. now been before ‘the public for s length ot Ottawa, March 13. CANADIAN PAIN DESTRCYER! ‘The fact that the Etna has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 énrlou, from among the best business men ot the Continent, is the best possible testimonial to the soundness of the Comâ€" nniy, and the excellence of its method of doing siness. , J, GARVEY, ESQ., M. D., * Medical Referee. ¢ K SURANCE COMPANY divides the whole of the Profits, every year,among the insured, reducing the cost to about oneâ€"bal the figures usually charged. _ _ ‘ / For instance, the Jmuul payment, at the .ï¬ , of 30, in most Companies, to insure $26 is, with profits, about $50, and without pPORK .. .1s «ty ccrremerememstomenntrtirimmmmsmmsntfd 00 In the Atna, $2000, to a ‘person 30 years of AGO, 00848 tho PBE YORF,.....cssmmmssssessmsmm: 25.31 And each subsequent yOAF.......s.....t........s. 26.74 Which payment is subject to further reduction as the business of the Company increases. * ' BEGS TO ANNOUNCR TO wu friends and patrons that he has . removed to the building on Metcalfe® streot, formerly, occupied by The lboo;‘:‘ Post, where he is now prepared to excoute ‘all orders for BOOKBINDING, _ , ' PAPER=RULING, or _‘ BLAXK BOOK MANUFACTURING, style. FWWHIIS MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INâ€" NUTICE OF REMOVAL _ ./ rycke MORTIMER . BO OKBINDER , xl""' description in the neatest and most durâ€" le style. m We in penamie ul an smm t snn en um Giving personal attention to all work, and havâ€" ing had many years practical experience, he feels confident that satisfaction will be Snn. Oraamental Binding done in tre most artistle Ottawa‘ March 25 Kina Lifé Insurance. Company. Capital and Assets, 1st Jan., 1861, $4,401,833.86 Ottawa. March 16 M’.o GEORGE SHOULDIS, IN RE hm thanks to his friends and the public tor the 1i patronage which he has received for many years, bogst o state that for the future his business will be carried on in YORK STREET, where his premises are known as the And where every article in the trade can be ob tained of the best quality and at the lowest prices Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may ('bgtun with hl"u‘-.udhnu them daily such bread as they may require. r W Endowment policies on equally favorable Ottawa, Fob. 5. 1867 ith such bread as they may require. Y flon-ndy:tud::o’m-tmm rhmmwm wa, December 300f YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1820. BRITISH AMERICA INSUVU BR ANCE. Moetsalfeâ€"streoot, BEREIAD. » R. SMITH, Agent, Office : Over Soott‘s Confectionery. A. MORTIMER, M. P. HAYES, 381y 350vdw 328y Aouxt. 157 301y Febraary 10, 1860. $*, PINE GRovE Hous + m pleasantly situated on { Richmond . Road, with Stabl Coach House, Garden and vac Lot adjacent thereto, A cistern of fine water in | house. Apply to *" MRS. BUNTING, Rochester Estate, or on the Promis L 8t â€"â€" TIIA'I‘ VALUABLE PRO is .L porty known as T. M. Blas f dell‘s Homestead, containing abcui S ceoe Two Aorés, beautifully ‘situated on «he Ottawa River, being Lot One, Northside Wel Il.nrnn Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. $ moly o‘ on adadget s e Ottawa, May 10, 1867. "~~ FOR SALE, THAT ELl» . Fis gible &ro%ert{,. benutifuily | situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" wa, in t&ou'l‘uwmhip of Nepean, distant from the City, of, wa about three miles on the mdnmim{y road, together with the STUNE DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present occu ‘:I William ‘Thomson, Esquire, and the en ornamented ï¬oundl adjoining the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in the lnf conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for sale at reasonable prices. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 eould not fail to be made to pay. BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGE firstâ€"class Frame Honze and Lot, 66 by 99, within tea minutes‘ walk of Government Buildings, gults is Abddoâ€"CemiLiabove FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. _ Bolnzu the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa b.m finitely settled upon as its capital, It is built on the most modern style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large flm-flul windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attached, so‘that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired capacity. ! Appli¢ations, (postpaid) to be addressed to, 2 éim.* L erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First C{mconion Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 ‘and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the cccupation of Wim. ‘T. Aylon, Esq. For further particulars apply to Josx and Wx. Trowsox, No‘nln, and Letwis & Pixuxy, Barrister, Ottawa. _ Je2â€"141â€"tf _ _For particulars and terms apply to John anc William Thomson on the premises, or to % LEWIS & PINHEY, 7 Th hss 4 __ â€"_ Barristers, &c., Ottawa. Ottawa, March 11 Ottawa, February 13, 1867 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. 4 ;mnuflding on Besserer Street, Sandy Hil}, near the residence of Honâ€" Malopim Cameron. This buikding contains Sevet Bedâ€"rooms, and fs furnished with all modern imâ€" provements. A lu‘m'l‘vo storey Wooden nuUdln& on the corâ€" ner of Murray Streets. This House is.lined with Brick, mï¬u___w_m double doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. Thereis alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pumflc. Stables and other Buildings in the fnwl. This House is well adaptee for a Store, Hotel, Roarding House, or private resiâ€" i#2WiekAg, . STONE BUILDING, Corne of Sparks and Bank Streets, one of the best business stands in the City. The shop is large, and ten large rooms on the two flats or storys above the shop, and four rooms in the ;u.ltt‘. making in all fourteen rooms, and good ard, &c. **_ * * TERNSâ€"~REASONABLE, Possession can be had at any time. Apply to _ _COUNTRY RESIDENCE FORSALE.â€"Reautifully situated on the Macadamized Road {«vnn Otâ€" "Le tawa City: and Aylmer, about 36 mm' dl;l" fro;::o’a:uy. A t‘-";u (;f .â€:s".m ml(n& & acros, with a lar, tone "Thke Propristor baen hjood' m 4 of e as no 0 on to sell a part the farm, with or without the house. 'l'hhp'onld be a :luluuo country . residence. : Title unexcepâ€" tionable. paid. e ape e tte N. B.â€"Persons with a not apply, R Ottawa, reoruary 10. 1866 In the Téownship ot Gloucestor, situated about hali anllo(n-!u‘:fllrup. This land can be sold en bloc or in lots of 5 nores. * For further particulars, apply to y e M _ South Side B,guh Stroet, nearly ogpoolu the lot on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, within five minutes‘ walk ofthe other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Stzeet in rear of the above. i0 Bflila‘lT‘.â€".n& vél""g'l'l"":o-:uumvu s h.A Address JOHN JONESYTIW! Ofice, Ottawa August 1. FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., City of Ottaws. Ottawa Fob. 10,1866. ) â€" 46â€"utf Ottawa, July 9. Ottawa, May 8 Ottawa, Oct: 4, 1867 For furthe particulars a Ottawa, October 3 Â¥& 10OBR SALE ON REASONABLE nateed on Apply at this office. Apply to FOR SALE OR TO LET. FOR SA Apply to Possession given 1st June. ‘The Victoria Hotel Three Houses to Let, ALSO,. 23 ACRES OF LAND. Dwellings to I{.et. ""TO "CABr"DP. Aug. 28, Apply to Apply to To: LEFLP. To Bb Let NO more eligible chance could be offered to any Pmt{ in the Hotelâ€" keeping line than the lease of the Poullnon glvnu IM= S . mediately. _ new. Brick TO LET FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Or JOHN MENEY, Esq., Richmond â€"Road, Ottawa, C. W 11. *~â€" 3T9uU To THE FIRST OFP MAY next a GENTEEL DWELLING HOUSE, nebtly furpished, and conveniently situated to the Pubâ€" PIANO FOR lALE-n’FIIE WEST= ‘ ,ry oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in For Sale, [[MHAT New Three Story r\ Comfortable nw.mi&’ over the Store of the subscrib=*| er on Wellington street. 4 Y YCronra ren. | race, Richmond Road, conâ€" | taining eight rooms each. Pnc-l seesion given May 1st, | 1867 OR SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 REV. J. JOULNSTON, LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &¢., Ottawa. 46â€"utf IL. MoLEAN, J A8, WADSWORTh, * 554â€"tf lamily of children need JOHN GREEN®E. | 523 if MRS. LAUDER to P. O'gANLh â€" d6â€"utf Centre Towh Hull Viilage, 501â€"5m 430â€"tf soTt 553tf , pré ho nt he ]f RELIEEF IN TEN MINUTES \ BRYAN‘S j i A PROCLAMATION. | HEREAS th w ; W liament u’CA:QdE::I‘::a. pr::o;l‘:od :.t;: | Second day of the month of November next, xzvEr®â€" | THELES8, for certain causes and considerations, we | have thought fit further to prorogue the same to | WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of the month of | NOVEMBER next, #o that neither of you nor any | of you on the said second day of November next, i at our City of Ottawa, to appear are to be held and constained, for WE po wiut tuat you and each of you and all others in this bebalf interested, that on WEDNESDAY, the sixth day.of the month of NOVEMBER next, at our City cf} Ottawa aforeâ€" said, personally you be and appear for the deâ€" spatch of business, to treat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in our said Parliament | of Canada, by the Common Council of our said Dominicn, may by the favor of God be ordained. ‘ Ix Trstnioxny Wu_xrnor, we have caused these | our letters to be made jpatent, and the groat | . seal of Canada to be hereunto afixed: ‘ Wirxrss, our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved | cousin, the right honorable CuarLes Staxâ€" l Lry, Viscount Moxox, Baron Monek ot F Ballytrammof, in the county of Wexford, in the Peerage of lreland, and Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, ’ in the Peorage of the United Kingdom of ( Great Britain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" | _ oral of Canada, &0., &¢., &¢. At our Govâ€" ' ernment House, in oar CITY of OTTAWA, in our said Dominion, this THIRTIETR } day of SEPT., in the year of our Lord, one } thousana ¢ight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and ( in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. By Command, EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, ht Clerk of the Grown in Chan ry, 55114 : â€" Canada, P ULMUONME W AFBRK I ’l\ll! ORIGINAL MEDICINE ESTABâ€" lished in 1837,, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of «"Pulmonic Wflfen," in this or any other eonntr’{; all other ilmonic Wafers are counterfeits. ‘The genuine can be known bi.'h. name BRY AN being stamped on each WAFE Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers _ â€" Relieve Asthia, Bfonchitis, Ditealt Breathing B: ‘s Pulmonic Wafers 5/ & Relieve Spitting of Blood, Paing in the Ches . bryan s Pulmonie Wajers® > Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarsen Relieve Incipient Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Reliove Irritation of Uvula and Tonsils. Bryaw. Pulmonic Wafers Relieve the abovg complaints in ten minutes. Are 8. Hessing" to uit ‘Cleten '.'.;'{“w..u.. a. bless es 1# J ‘s Pulmonic » Wafers Are adapted ï¬:y‘;gnl.hu .nd_aiâ€nblie Speakers __ Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers _ Are in simp:e form and pleasant to the taste. 5ryau’q Pulmonic Wafers Not only rplieve but effect rapid and lasting cures. Bryan‘t Pulmonic Wafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one No family should be without a box ot Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wayers in the house. Notraveller shocld be without a supply of VARIETY HALL, JUI'I‘ RECEIVED a large consignment df Mirrors and Toilet GMlasses in Gilt, Roseâ€" wood and Walnut Frames of various lhlr aind sizes‘ and of tmnrlor finish, . which will sold cheap to close the consignment. Also large addiâ€" tiofis of Crockery, China and Glassware. A large lot of Cut Tumblers at $2 'Eor doz, the best ever ofâ€" fered at that price, also furhiture of all kinds, In the assortment will be found some beautiful Sofas, which were rurehuod cheap, and will consequentâ€" ly be sold for less than value. Bargains can be réteived by patronizing the VRHB Halis > £ JUSKPH BOYDEN, _ Toilet and other Looking GHlasses [L 8.) To our beloved and faithfal the Senators of the Dominion of Canada, and the members electâ€" . ed to serve in the House of Commions of our said Dominion, #summoned and called to a Meeting of the Parliament of Canads, at our City of Oitawa, on the second day of the month of November next, to have been commenced and held, and to every of youâ€"GrEEmXG: U. S. CONSULAR ACENCY _ Immediate Payment To the undersigned. Overdue payments must be settled before VictoRra, by the Grace or God, of the United Kingdom. of Great Britain and Ireland, QuUEEx, Defender of the Faith, &e., &o., &c. # APPLICA'I‘IOI will be made to the /% Municipal ’Oofrorwon of the Township of (Gloucester at it3 sitt n&‘on the first Saturday in November next, for puol':f of a Byâ€"law to establish a public hi‘hnï¬. forty feet wide, and open the same across Lot No. 15, in the 4th Conâ€" cession of Gloucester, Ottawa Front, as laid out by John Brown, Townskip Boad Bnnï¬u. P . BLLLINGS, Township Glerk, Gloucester. Bentember 17. 1867. 81wâ€"1 make 18T JANUARY NEXT A Deduction will be Made From accumulated interost, Richmond Road, Ottawa, September 19, 1867. §424â€"37â€"2m AT OTTAWA, C. w. + Notice to the Business mof Ottawa y and its Depend: %, Tlll ‘ndcr-’uo‘ U. 8. Consular Agent for the Clt{ Ottawa, and the dependencies thereef, deems it proper to give public notice to those whe may wln his official services, that his office in R. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"street, will be open at all times during business hours. All a , i mendecveiest e on Phong y ie pe n ot DC d( adeli e meniorve eP woal an Proaivy w invoices of Property of Whnte Ss1 Lead uraies intended to be exported into the United States, must be authenticated by me at this Consular Am.i:‘mmhf its transit at the proâ€" C°°CCCC poumagan Auvril 19. « r~*~ adud April 12. So as not to necessitate logal proceedings. _ To persons paying in full before 1st January Beptember 17, 1867. â€" 7 P MIRRORS, MIRRORS, MIRRORS, 420y ERSONS indebted to the Estate of the late EDW ARV MALLOCH are requested to MONCK N OTICHE. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers 34, Sussexâ€"st. ~ NORTH NOoTICE. CANADA. AT ohntes JOHN MALLOCH. General Agent. Discases Ottawa, October 2, 1867 u. POR: .. ‘w" Wheeler & Wilson‘s New Buttonâ€"hole Attachment for their M “"ï¬â€œ"‘ Machines is now ready. It is the greatest invention of the day. 1863%. ® Embroidering Attachments, and other latest improvements, ete. THE HOW» mACMINES are WORLDeRENOWNED for doing the Handsomest and most durable work on Leather. . For Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers, Boot and Shoe Makers, &¢. ‘They are the best Shuttle Machine in the World for Tailo»s‘ use. Spools, Cotton and Silk, Oil, Needles, etc., etc., constantly on hand. 479y ; G, A. WALTON, Aorxr, 37 Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa. _ varied assortment ever shown in Ottawa attended to by competent and experienced Mechanics &o., at reduced ntf:. * 4 % READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! COOKING sTOVKs. COoKING lfO\_’El- COOKING sTOVES. CoOoKING sTovEs. ©OOK1I TOVES. COOKING sTovEs, COOKING sTOVEs. COUKI*’I‘O\'EI. cooktsG sroves. FAr~ Our stock of the above comprises the 1.:;: ignlwrovom.opu in both ELEVATED and LOW + OVEN sTOVEs. CoarL SsSTovEs. PARLOR GRATES. j HMot Air PFurnaces. * ‘ We still oontiluotomlmhetflnn\'or{ do-cnpti;mut TIN, SHEET IRON, and 00??2‘. WARE, / RUSSIA IRON PIPE, and DUMB STOVES. y Also all kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in our ling ::on:i’od t;) bydoompounc and experienced Moch.mek Country Merchants supplied with Stovepipes, / m raduaed ratae a & * CAPITAL® 35, H. STOVE sSUSSEX MEADows DEPOT 1 St. & CO. “7 E_ have received our fnll and Winter Stock of STOVES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWE, DUMB STOVES, TINW ARKE and LUMBERMEN‘S SUPPLIES, which we offer Wholesale or ®etail at low prices. In Cooking, FParlor, Box and Hall Stoves,far wood or coal, we have the largest and most vaviad neenrimane aoae ap l dis sns PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR sTOVE®. PARLOR STOVES. They would call pafticular atteni B.u‘-um.. that is fashionable CoMPETITION. PLILOTS, f : BEAVERS, â€" PETERKSHAMS, DEVON8, s & WHILTNEYS IRISH FRIEZE, 4 CANADIAN DO., BLACK DOESKINS, Te o iR d URE OF COATIN MuDC BU\ _ sionttartonme * | * oo giatiee ie cmumnï¬â€œws,- " qofroxs, stRiPED, â€"* BANNNOCK BUKK DO., : Do., _‘ BLU HALIFAX DO., o Do., _ GREY, kexskys m%- y FLANKNELS, v. : ©"_|* BLANKETS. % & + & 9 ues murE O‘MEARA & CO. All NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GQODS, which ‘they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH They are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they make l8E tyles and fashion, and as they are under the superintendence n ekprriensed pyttany Thoy 5s TA AARNTED To FHT. _ _ ustâ€"vitetes ns Importers of Dry Goods. ALEX. DVUFF. STOVES. â€" STOVES.â€" STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. . STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. Al.l. the t, title and claim of the M‘:tdu&wrudlw of the late W aliter Beckworth, in the lots of land distingaished as numbers thirty, thirtyâ€"one and thirtyâ€"two (30, 31, and n.;)“umm (1st) range of the Townshi of Litch .cunyflroum.uawd&o- DOt. . ‘The above is gene known as the « Por duâ€"Fort M"" "“[.‘. of that name af:‘ #ituated thereon. uth‘ud-mn“ _ For turther particulars apply to the uncersi¢Ner, if by letter, postâ€"paid, at Pczu.luvm"‘-‘&“ Lumbermen‘s Supplies ! Lumbermen‘s Supplies ; O*M B A. FLA. & LCO jem. Any part of a fitove sold by us can be replaced when broken or urnt fact ititendi chasers lol’:ld do well to note. 3. * P‘ 4 out, n feet "E wIDOW JAMEsS PO Harelook, July 13, 1867. fl p HOUSEFUKXNISmMIXNG @oops: . _ _ °_ °_1 Bird Cages ! Bird Cages : Bird Cages 1 Price Lists sent free on application An inspection of the above goods invited at tho OTTAW A. Soptember 12. PA Suitable for private Dwellings and Churches, Warehouses and Stoves. <IR 4 w $E sr orel30) R sToOVES. _PARLOR sTOVEs, R sTOVE®. + PARLOR sTOVES. R QTO\‘EB- A PARLOR STOVES. New and most beautiful designs, very cheap. TO THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT + BOX AND HALL sTOVES. BOX AND HALL STOVES. BOX AND HALL STOVES. FOR SALE. BSTABLISHED) IN 1844 Cloths and Clothing. | CoATS, __ August 1, 1866. Groceries, Liquors, ~__ AND PROVISIOXNS Wholesale and. Retail. SPARROW‘S BUILDING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets M. SPARROW & Co., NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, attention, as they have u{-uw-vï¬ynnkyd- and pattern in nable for the season, and as their stock is large u.l varied they DEFY BROADCLOTHS, IMPORTERBS AND DEALERS IN velock, County ‘of o T‘T A Whecler â€" aud ~Wiisou Manofacturing Company, â€"â€"AND THEâ€" Howe Machine Co., both of NewYork. *# CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT: THE TWO HIGHEST PREMIUNMS AND ONLY aris Exposition, 1867, GOLD MEDALS There were Kighty=two Competitors. { PRICEâ€"3 CENTS | U P nan‘s Private Hotel, Sparksâ€"st. | Ottawa, Augast 47. WAI'I’ID IMMEDIATELY a Boy t carry a round of the Tiurs. ~Mast be abi to read and write. Ottawa, Bopt, 23, 1867. site â€"POR SEWING, MXCHINES AT THEâ€" ’A‘lola'nl‘!‘-’l"‘llc.l.ef’ 1 . Basins ! ~ Camp Kettles, "r l“m nur‘:cl.m JOURNEYHKEK nd good wages will be given. Apply to PETER KLLDUPF, antit Yorkâ€"st., Ottaws: PANTS, H. MEADOWS & CO. Wanted L NE SUITE OF ROOMS AT DUViG» BOX AND HALL STOVES. HOX AND HALL STOVEs. BOX AND HALL STOVE®. fwees awarpep ro ue YESTS,1 **~ â€"4#genn o / _ DRAWERS, SMOCK 28 CCR i 35, Sussex Staser PARLOR STOYÂ¥ES. PARLOR STOVEs. PARLOR STOVES. MITTS, WOOLLLS Do. BUCK iately, S14t 62â€"y