rge su ing date the r:o directed # due for lve El.t in the noti ‘:l.hqf?] NDAY, the T nousn 0 o son ay SBU Ll"‘ Presscy versal cure relief, ince the most internally by the taste or fover and euts and , by mixâ€" of all drunk mase and in fact short space pplying for entirely length of in all cases, ily should be of disease Water Gare. of the above DGE orks, Xo nody. J. M luarter mtlh Con sell, ue . Kentâ€"sts t e BR Â¥lrtue or Woarrant is iÂ¥ the Wiar. OF THEIR 3 40 AXD. mship C of Templeton ind in many to the public and « his, duterent . Bianchett®, on td ate, Fru Hams, !m mse, Cracke AGEN i other drug ade to the Fitzroy at the , 12th day of -lu'not'h. Hyson, Young tra Fine Eng* litto, Qolong ient land efâ€" ayra, Mooks tarde, Exsen Lands SSEI e, and every . All order® ves, Brokt DOCTOR. 1 8i 2 46 oDS y Herring* ENET 641y SELL 10 15 RY 45 43 14 420# 6 41 mvegn 14%@1 No. 60 Count! wodâ€"1 49 41 89 44 31 49 41 34 14 ession U 14 54 46 44 PrR.>0. Cwuor. > : / PII"ICIAN,.m and Accoucheur Ottawa. Day officeopposite Magee & Russell‘s, w Center Town; Night Office at his Maria Street, Conter Town. Oar‘â€"&.g-fl-l:eodthoh&,;,. 20w , but certain, speedy, almost painiess stt ."‘"" l‘g to parties -ua reated, cure f, ""on 'fï¬"-l i th guaranteed. Y8ICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur _ q brag: m y op rn l en “oucrrrme Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Orrice: In Horne‘s BlockK Can be found over ¢ office at -ï¬ Te Reforences : +« wronce, Orono ; Rev. M;)--Ca.phll.ih-.l.l .8.E., Torâ€" nto ; John Hall, M.D., J. Adams, M.D., Toropto. Ottawa, February 7, 1866. ¢ 43â€"utf ‘,"lcfl over Mr. Garth‘s Establish« ment, 25 Rideanâ€"st., Oitaws. _ May 30 447t° “ufln. Ofice : Sparks Street, Con= tral Ottaws. * _@itaws, Junuary 21,1800.; .. : . :. Hentf DR. C. A. MARTIN,â€" l’.fllll’. 0&..0 co..".,.q‘ Street, over Ottawa, January 27, 1806. B4â€"uatt 4. R.:BELL, A.M., M.D., C.M., &c. (Reoxwtey rmow EsxocraxD.) iyfURGERY â€" anud â€" Residence, George Btllll?.n and Attorney=at«Law Ofice : “r'?:t')' f e Bm y sctmrlineifreempied se e Cantom Toure.,, / " Ataws, Jan. 12. 1366. Bum‘lll. Ktic., for Lower Canada. Orrices : Court House, Ayimer ard Buckingâ€" am, C.E. #" Attends to all Law Courts in the District of Xtaws. Fobraary 7, 1866 LEES & GEMMELL, BA RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicttors, Cu T8, &e. a Orric®n : flm Court House, Ottaws, C. W . Roszat Lews. Joux J. GaomeLL. Rtawa, Fobruary 7, 1865. 43â€"utf AD'.OA'I., Barristers, and atter= neysâ€"atâ€"Law. Ourices: Hull and Aylmer, C. E. Mr. I?Nwmms.dufluu«-'x‘-ud-yo and Sridays of every weok. _ e psrarante Bnl.u-rii amd .A‘tdt':y-q-;‘t;h_w mh-cm,. a m’ 10. i»lce, over Mr. Lake Curner‘s Boot and Shoe Stoce, Rideaqa Street, Ottawa, C. W . January 17 1807. Nep + 3y ;’Aln Street, entrance next door to W, W. Brown‘s Barber Shop. . Ottawa, December 3. dGutf Orricz : In the Court House, L‘Orignal anaary 27, 1866. Ottawa, November 13. _t\.mlllI'-A'l'- I.A‘;. loll;l:.ro-l: *\ Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, F*atent Right Solieitor. = â€" 7 _\nvoeul'l. Ofllce} No. 17, St. Poter pared i minkd prompany to ny business ts re to to any Zovernment -,Iczt, mtho public punm way entrust him. . B.attends regularlythe cirâ€" suit in and for the district of Quebec. December 23, 1865. #â€"y rown Attorney, for the United Counties of Proscott | _ Clarence Stre m . yo Street, Otta ra. _ Urrigs: : Post Of «ebruary T, 1866 DiR. DORION, pHUYSICIAX, Sargran, and Acconchear, Htaws February 7, 1866 “I"I'OIIIII.A‘I‘-I.AW, Solicitors«im= i S%. Chaneery, Conveyancers and Notaries Public, Chaneery, &e. & a ?um: Apmmond‘s Buildings, Rideau Stroet. taws . Jan. 12. 1866. 21 DR. JOHN LEGGO, .ll'l'l.!?. Hunton‘s ll.‘h. Sparis means of the Etchoreal efl',mxm Q:: «»mer of Sussex and Yorkâ€"strects, Ottawa. Jitawa, February 26, 367. d Rtawa, s, Coumas. ___ W. Mcxay Waiout,B.A.B.C.L. dttawa, Feb. 7, 1866. 42â€"utf GEO. LOGANX, M.D., LC.H.B., ADVERTISING AOENCY â€"Mesere. S. M. Patengill & Ca., 34, Furk Row, New York, and _ State Street, Uosm, General Advertuwing Agents, are hereby authorâ€" sedt» recewe Advertuwements for the OTtAWA Truzs MASSE & TETREAU, wyoranres PUBLIC, Hull, C. K., near « W the Post ofice. ‘mll.'lâ€"hf-l.".londtm- Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ke. . Office: Elgin Street, opposite the Rassell House. Auzxaxoxs Ross. Auszzr Parsoss. ttawa, July 28. 189â€"6m & in advance)......... ‘Jflup.i_l im s)dn-oo ORK Street, opposite Matthows! Ho«# l"fl"l'-l‘l'-“', Solicitor in T. Chancery, Convegancer, &c., Sussex Stroet. Orric®: u-i::-fldhp, Ottawa. ebruary 21, 1 y 55y J. A. Massx. tawa, March 23. 1=,000 t thus outstripping all competitors, and «ifording the best medium for business men to adâ€" wertise in. va ol se uid 14E DAILY AND WEEKLY TIMEZS NoW l enjoys TWE L&XRO®RST CiRCULATION of any paper «ublished in the Ottawa Valloyâ€"issuing of the Duily over 2,000 1 and Weokly over 4,000 ! nuking a total circulation is the week of over _ ApvextiSku®yts are inserted in the Daily at the «Kywing rates : & % Yusisess Cards of frouy 3 to 6 lines, per anâ€" _ __ 000 MWMeraee evarerectrercer ceprrecrecirrnce ont tm «o All subsequent insertions, per line,............ 2e Iï¬ advertisers specially contracted with, and W allowance made. "Yearly subscriptionâ€"to the daily (if paid in _____ Uf mot pBid 1 AUVMMO®.....sc20.00scseseecesensene Yearly subscription to the weekly (if paid '“;.mmudy}'.‘....m {rensiont > first insertion por EDWARD T. DARTNELL, â€" ARRISTER, Solicitor, Attorney, and Notary Public, Clork of the Peaee and County Ottaiba Bailp Wimes, J. F. BOULTON, ARRISTERâ€"ATeLA W, Solicitor«in= WILLIAM MOSGROYVE, Chancery C ancing» I‘D'év:_t_ : m-;‘lqbrm Street, L. J. BUCKLEY, LLB., DR. OLIVER MARTIN, (Published every morning, Sundays excepted.) LAPIERRE & HAYCOCK, COLMAN & WRIGHT, AUGUSTUS KEEFER, DR. W. J. HENRY, NICHOLAS SPARKS, ROSS & PARSON®; DR. 0. LEGGO, A. F. BOUCHETTE, YUOL. IL :: NOQO.0GG.} DR. O‘REILLY, DR. CHESLEY, R. H. HAYCOCK, Me&SDTCA L. D. OCONNOR, M. McLEOD, Ofico Building, Elgin Streot, Ottawa LEGAL T H BE N. Termaau 371y â€"utf 34â€"6m 4dâ€"ut $5 00 6 00 $1 00 1 50 MRS. GRANTS SALOON, CEORCESTREET, Choice Wines & Liquors,Prime Cigart _ RM" Remember the place P. O‘Meara old Ottawa, November 27. ’l\lll Subscriber has leased the above Mumhnmfl'mflhom by strict attontion to the wants and comforts of guests, and friends at large, to morit a large share ot public patronage. The Hotel is the largest and best Inid of house in Grenvilie; it is three stories high and commands a ».-m.im«mm and steamboat landing. The Bar will u&l.:“'n“h choicest and putest quality. The T will be supplied with the best the market can afford. ‘s'mthlomvmhuknm:ho Stables, which be under the care of an experienced Hostler, and always supplied with fresh Hay ‘and Oats. Charges moderate. JOHUN RITCHIE. May 18. 438â€"6m _ â€" and Md-uw’ t. The BAR contains the choicest Brands in ntl,l.lqncn.b:onry deiicacy ofthe soason will be found on the table. The mmlh mol'om'fllbodimud, to the comâ€" guests ana patrons. _\ . BM ystars, Game eto., dail ' +he QUEEAN" comprises all the requisites for a frstâ€"class Restau ant. 'nollolqohru.qbo-nmod Ritchie Hetel, Grenville, C. E., THE METROPOLIT AN and y overhauled and refitted for the speâ€" gid_mkndpub. THE TABLE m) BAR will at alltimes be furnished. with the best the market affords. ~ _ GOODSTABLTNG and a careful Hostler always inattendance . JOHN MALTMAN. “l KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of VR e Mctoaifo and Wellington Streots, opposite he main entrance to the Government buildings. The " QUEEN" comprises all the requisites for a [ ATE McADAM*S, Commercial Hotel, Packenham. * The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known in Packenham, has veen leased by the undersigned All strictly forbldden to piss or tres» pass in, over and about the fronts of Lots number 29 and 30, in the First Concession, Ottawa Frout, Nepoan, and the Broken Fronts thereof, unâ€" less and until some satisfactory mlnl-m is come to with the mprhun :Iond. persons m-pudnï¬ after notice will be prosecuted acâ€" cording to Law. JIHN W M. THOMSON, y Proprietors. Dated this 26th June, 867. 470tf . NOTVICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL AYLMER, C. & ‘Vlll" oTTawaA TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Orders left at Union House will be punctually atâ€" tended to. m Ottawa, July 26. 187 Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. THOROUGH BASS. Millwright and Engineer MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, . Glll? AlI‘D siW MILLS BUILT ON the most recent and improved principles. #lulunnl'ovun and improved Taylor ater Wheel, and Vulean Iron Works, Montreal. Address Chas. Esplin, Ottaws. 3198 THE " QUEEXN" RESTAURANT, p-pl‘:.unh'dh. We s They hare now on hand and for sale some well sitaated City and Villa Lots, in Uppor and Lower Canada; and an immense quantity of Farming Ortawa Dec. 28, 1865. Lands in the Townships on the Ottawa. ce Orrice: c«mufamuamm W. K. THISTLE, P. L. 8. # ""**~ *A acBALDWIN F. LX * W SK East and West, Real Estate Agents, &c. Parâ€" ticular attention devoted to the sale and protection of the Lands of: Absentees. Apslioauou to the Crownm Lasls Department for ng Lands, &o., MESSRS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, PlOVlNCIAL Land Surveyors, Canada East and West, Real Estate Agzents, &o. Parâ€" \'ollil.t-&np.lnxno British Hotel, and nearâ€" 1y opposite the banks, Ottawa. ( _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ P. S.â€"Special attentian given with despatch to Public Land buhuo.mun‘:fln‘ disputed claims, . Ottawa, May 22. _ _ 0 13%7y hP‘ Sole agretior hond‘s Mighwives ‘and & ut for ‘s Highw Proof WhiskeY ; ll.‘:o. Dawes‘ L.ell’l: Ales and Porter. Pork, biour, &¢., for sale. Melwion edsties Orrice: No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. : 3 Conrnuc-rou and â€"Builder. Office! X/Nortth side York street, second door from Sussex M UCTION Rooms, No. 19, $ Street A . Centre Town, uhes, sppoete Hopers Matinn® The saile of Real l'mcu Auction or Pflv::“s?lo prom attended to, + Consignments rece/ or mt-:v‘o"uh Partiss wishing to purchase Real will receive all information FREK OF CHARGE by um.‘. at the office. Ottawa, Dec.18, 1365. 1â€"y A\JC'I'!ONIIRI. and General Commis« sion Exchange and Roal Estate Agents, No. 40, Sussex Street. 8 i Ottawa, December 18, 1865. 1â€"y Exuuuo: Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac= cidental Insurance, Commission and Colloctâ€" ing Agents. Olice, No. 27, Sussexâ€"street, Ottawa. __®. & o‘coxxor. March 9. Coumsuou and Exchange Broker, and Insurance Agent, Sparksâ€"street, opposite Magee & Russell‘s Ottawa, C: W. Ottawa, March 25. 3#ly â€" Ottawa, May 5. P.avn‘lcuu‘ LA::)-‘. zz:vbl'vbono‘ Draug. ‘sman, &c., J ppor| and b..f"c.ujo.) 0&« and residence, &a-, estor, near Ottawa. Surveys of m m‘ï¬ï¬‚ xecuted with accuracy, 60. »d Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), will r«~cive prompt Ottawa, March 20, 1866. * GEO. H. PERRY, "UVIL ENGINEER, Union Buildings, .A corner of Sussex and York Streets. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1805. ; 1.# UstC: MUSICI! FRENCH AND English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valses J, P. MACPHERSON, ts fariath.. s ul Yhawa, March 10. w::.’“ e 10â€"y Ottawa, February 21, 1866. C. J. BOUCHETTE, | L« SURVEYOR and Draughtsm»n, | L« SURVEYOI and Draug! @ !i'.lr. Land, and General P:h 1t. _ lieferences unexceptionable. Lumbermen & Oqaers 'E‘IICHANT TAILOR, 32, Sparks JOHN RI1CHIE, Proprictor Aumond‘s Block, JOHN MALTMAN O°‘CONNOR & WALLER PARLIAMENTARY AGKNCY. MACDONALD & BRO., CHARLES ESPLIN, BUSINESS CARDS. R. I1. McGREEVA, JOHN MERCER, N. McKINNON, 8. CHRISTIE, B. MULLIN, H. McLEAN‘S P. OMEARA, Proraretos. R. SPARKS, Rideau Strea} Ottawa, DIVRRNAY BRO â€" Th W. N. WALLER. 378y 118y 18â€"7y 10â€"y mwunï¬.fl“ohibd.ndlï¬nndr tains its character as a FIRSTâ€"CLASS MOTEL Considerable additions have recently been made to the premises, and it has been ontirely repainted and renovated. ‘ No pains will be spared to accommodate lâ€"y aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to acquaint his nuâ€" mmmm‘.â€˜ï¬ 1 m«.!honom r-o;sdnbd and newlyâ€"furnished out this comâ€" ious establishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes to deserve encouragement and support. . A§~ RII'I'AUIAI'P, corner of George and* William Streets, (P. O‘Meara‘s old stand). o:‘ OYSTERS in every rtyle, at all hours. ‘ wa, January 9, 1867, â€" 8Â¥fy ; PIIVA'I'I HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot« tawa, C. W. A fow gentlomon san obtain supâ€" erior apartments. Ottawa, Doc. 20, 1865. 3y A sipor foikor enkan can. DEN and FIELD SEEDS, just arrived and on T ’Iu..A" i?d'mau'"“:"wumhiu French PERâ€" renc xguza will arrive next week. RIDA WATER, s0ZODONT. HAIR BRUSHES. . _ CO] NAIL BRUSHES. CLOTH det bui &o., &c., & up. rereitremme . B.â€" ce to is Oteme, Aproel1. "oy monenes Tnl LARGEST ASSORTMENT oF DYES in Chis city on sale at the f Ottawa Drug Warehouse. ~A free Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just '.;C’“B.'L Presoripti fully and . B.â€" 0 ons carefully and prom reâ€" Pn# :c cigcon c ts J.’oAm?EY.%'B. '] NION HOUSE, North Gower. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. . Witn eignt different Syrups, manufsctured on tlom:fl. Ituuhou&ymm N i perimeaare e I ... ol c 1. 1866 SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. qlcuox.'n Street, Court=House A ven ue, Jttawa, John Graham, Proprietor, ‘This House is conveniently situated, and still main» QMNIBUSES to and from the cars and boats free m There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY PAJ to the Hotel. _~â€"_â€" OTHTAWKA DRUuG WARE KHOU 6 , on hand. TOITILET ARTICLES, &0 Please call and examine the Stock. 1t 1s the hgnd best ever imported. $SÂ¥~ All the reliable PATENT MEDICINES English & French Chemicals, y 41 Sussex Street, Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines | MOTELS AND SALGON®. L2 suuudmn.&om}.'flud&.' January 11, 1866. The sole a ted agency in Ottawa for the eleâ€" ant nwm of Messrs. Kenneth, Campbell & So., Medical Hall, Montroai. Aragr P Dr.:Dwiont‘s Crotgra Mixtur®, Chloride of «Lime, Harte‘s Concentrated Lye, 'lmmhgvfly Eeu:a;; Atln::o Sea Sait, pure fla g extracts, ., at ‘_, _ MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkse st, % @â€"_â€"â€"_ Harz, Naw asp Tooru Bavan®s, in mm(v. Luâ€" bin‘s Perfumes, Toilet Vinegar, Aloridas Water, Sozodont, Farinia‘s Colognos, Dressing and Fine Combs, &c. Ice Cream, Soda Water, with pure fruit syrup from Dows‘ Marble Fountain at the > « MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkyâ€"st. Disponsing Department. &2'1'“ care ‘and Mlo-’u “.o‘nuutly §v‘¢n to mportant department; for extro iberâ€" al ::u-.o hitherto Nun"odupu it sub« scriber returns his best thanks. hneer W. M. MASSEY, * Medical Hall, Sr-rbd. The sole appointed agency in Ottawa for the eleâ€" A, Soags 08ice 0 Altred Muser floly Jn Propirs 03 To T. roan hoi oe i Ceibe on e man abeaeietnae w at the MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st, t °_ MOsqUITO oOIL, A certain protection from the bites of this misâ€" chievous insect. References given to many gonâ€" tiemen of Ottawa and vicinity. Prepared only .__ MORTIMERS Apothecaries Hall! A VYERY SUPERIOR ARTICLE, pre= pared from the finest material, with the apâ€" proval of many of the medical faculty of this city, at the PROPEBRLY COMPOUNDED AND FREE FROM ADULTERATION! _Just Received ! ° ATE CAMPBELL‘S HOTEL, oiuw-, C. W. The undersigned, proprictor of the § The Compounding De‘rcn-o-t" is conâ€" ducted personally by himself, and prescriptions committed to his eare will be dispensed with acou. racy and promptness, > dly MEDICAL HALL C. Austin lor to thank his many customers and friends for the liberal patronage extended to him since his removal to his present premises, and assures them it will be his endeavor to merit a conâ€" tinuance of the same. Hair,. Nail, Tooth, Cloth, Hai, and Flesh Brushes, Turkish Towels, Shoulder Braces, India Rubber ‘c:-u, in variety. B.&i;ng (iupo. l‘!:h Sponges Bags. Hair rtnl ons in variety. Lubin‘s, Rimmel, Piesse u:d ibin‘s and Phnlo"i Perfumes. Genuine Eau D‘Cologne, Fiorida W ater, also a number of preparations for the tecth ahd gams at &« AUSTIN‘8, * The Medical Hail," 1 _ Rideanâ€"stroot WE, Remedics for Chotera, Diatrhoa, Dysenâ€" tery, Chiolera lifn:l:a and otter summer 7«: n.mh‘rtu and, besides a good su s::lhbetnu PPÂ¥ AUSTIN‘8, " The Medical Hall," Rideauâ€"stroot. Tulnubt-udu Quininé Cbu:&onߠalso * Orange Quining Wine," and other Toule Bitters at ~ f AUSTIN‘S, « The Medical Holt," Rideauâ€"strest. ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN, C. A?sflu, APOTHECARY. "The Medical Hall," DOMESTILC DYES. 1 2. 1 », oasne® d6uim, | _ } Lntely, and for many yeare cvnnected with . THE RUSSELL HOUSE, THE ALBION HOTRL, « HOLT‘3 HOTEL, JAS. JOIUINSTON‘S 28, Sparksâ€"Street. qUININE WINE, e °41 RIDEAUâ€"STREET, S vors, I respectfully to an mounce that Iï¬nmmlnd my stock for the Summer Trade. It comâ€" prises all the best and purest THAIKI‘UL FOR PAST FA«â€" wors, I berw respectfully to an A. J. LEMON, DUIGNAN‘8 â€"* DRUGS, PRRFUMERY, DRUGGIST®S. MEDICAL HALL, 38 JOSEPH GARVEY, M.D. __ COMBS. CLOTHES BRUSHES, #&c., & 47â€"utf OTTAwWA, C. W., FRiIDAY.â€"OC:0OBER 18, 1867 2uâ€"y 97â€" And where every article in the trade can be ob tained of the best quality and at the lowest pricas Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their custom, and furnish them daily with such bread as they may u?h. Please send your orders to the York Streot Fancy _ $M" Two Journeymen Bakers Wanted. _ . for the liberal patronage which he has received fot many yours, begst 0 state that for the future his business will be cartied on in YORK STBEET, where his premises are known as the Ottawa, March 16 a;‘vgg personal m::xuo. %o all work, .hu a-':‘ many years practical experience, he sodident that rittarninian will oo given. * _ Oraamental Binding done in the most artistie Of evory description in the neatest and most dutâ€" â€" Motcsalfeâ€"street, : _ BEGS TO ANNOUNCR To hi friends and patrons that he has removed to the building on Metcalfe® streot, formeriy occupied by The Evening Post, where ho is now prepared loumunuo:«’anfw BOOKEBINDING, °_ PAPER=RULING, or _ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING, BO OKBINDER, The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails give mmediate rolief. â€" All Medicine Dealers 1 Physicians order and use lt;‘ and no family wlgultiflum. trying it. Price twentyâ€"five onltlllrr bottle. NORTIROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, C. W., j General Agents for C. W Sol by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skipner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. Ottawa, Fob. 5, 1867. 350rdw ‘The uhn{lung eficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing disenses for which it 11 reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing thomwrimpmud Rhoumatism, and in re ieving Nervous ions, entitle it to a highrank n the list of Remedics for these complaints, ers_are ““"..,..3, Tor fertknt repplion a6o" ‘:.:“J.&"r,'?r" is or er supplies, and e as to the universal l_:q‘ffuou ltgives.. . . /â€". We :ruk from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended may depend upon its boing a Soveâ€" reign Remedy. . 5+ e wl * YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, Ottawa, June 21. OTTAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St gie M. P. HAYES, C ® ® Among tae most 1mportant of modern Medical Dis ‘f weonriu stands the CANADIAN PAIN QESTRCYER ! RoyalCanadianBank FIRE AND MARINE. ESTABLISHED 1s30. R. 8. CGassels, Esg. : â€" > » + â€" Oonsulting Director Assurance Company ! Ottawa, March 13. Aina Life Insurance Company _A _ sSURANCE COMPANY &uuum whole of the Profits, every year, among e insured, reducing the cost to about oneâ€"bul the figures usually charged. For instance, the annual peymont, at the ns € of 30, in most Companies, to insure $24 is, with profits, about $50, and without proflts ... . . cou ermons mmmermmentre imarmmmmmmryntfbde OM In the Etna, $2000, to a person 30 years of age, costs the first year......................._._._. 25.31 Ard each subsequent year.......................... 26.74) Which payment is sabjoct to farther reduction as the buzsiness of the Company incroases, | T Endowment policies on equally favorable terms. The fact that the Rtna has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 gonm, from among the bost buginess men of the Continent, is the *best possible testimoniai to tho soundness of the Comâ€" m, and the excellence of its method of doing ness. * J. GARVEY, ESQ., M. D. Medical Reforee. _ FRNHIS MOST SUCCESSPUL LIPE IN» Capital and Assets, 1st Jon., 1807, $4,401,833.86 Tllll comrakAt orrERrs To THE blic the combined advantage of perfect u«rï¬, moderate premivms and liberal putl‘elpn- tion in profits, No exira charge for Volunteers in defence of the country, RINTOUL BROS., Montreal, General Agonts for magd EIL MeKLN i NEIL MoKLNNON, Spuh-mutm'ws. Ottawa March 25. 30ly i. GEORGE SHOULDNIS, IN RE turning thanks to his friends and the publi« CITY OF . cLascow NOTICE OF REMOVAL. AX. MORTIMER Life Assurance Company ESTABLISHED 1i838. CAPITAL, £600,000 Stg. ANNUAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 Sre. BRITISH AMERICA ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1820, BEREATD. W & l rkkk,. _ ‘ * J u0 8 4 (a K i 2‘: A y3 (% PA gp n - ‘_:?",“ i 7‘3.“, Aâ€"«d wtes! pSel "g<2 o $ INSUV IR A NCE. R. SMITH, Agon Pn'lu Over Scott‘s Confectionery. 1 A. MQRTIMER, Acoert. 1574 38ly In the Township ot Gloucester, situated about halt llflob_lfl{rflp. This land can be sold en bloe or in lots of 5 acres. f For further particulars, apply to FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., City of Ottaws. Oltawa Feb. 10, 1866. dbâ€"atf Pry M _ South Side Sguh Streot, â€"nearly o‘pulu the lot on wnich â€" the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk ofthe other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street in rear of the above. f land, containing about 90 acres, with a large Stone en en m en ooo o a as no on to sell a ol the f....’"m‘.m the house. mup:?-m be a desirable country residence. Title unexcepâ€" tionable. f piily 10 , ... .. 5 > snn tw is August 1. pS coUNTRY RESIDENCE NRSALB.â€"B.MNII{::“MM the Macadamized Road between Otâ€" ze tawa City and Afylmor. about 36 minutes® dlï¬t fromi the city. A farm of excellent land Ottawa, Fepruary 10. 1866 en o ols i'ollllllOlGlV!N IM= nest _Bui aqi s eandrend Btrset, Sandy ~3 t9tee 6h 1 on andy s â€%m near the residence of Hon Ma‘qpim Cameron. This building contains Sevet Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnishedwith all modern imâ€" provements. % A lnflo Two storey Wooden Bulldhf.on the corâ€" ner of Murray Streets. This House is lined with Brick, lunfl‘od with double doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. Theréis alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pumps, Stables and other Buildings in the yard. .This mnn is well adaptee rdou re, uouzllurdh‘nmn.otprivm resiâ€" ence. se For e particulars apply to ; could not fail to be made to pay. . . It is built on the most medern style of architeoâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large plateâ€"glass windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediatelyopposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, ana has three vacart lots attached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired ureity. Applications, (postpaid) to be addressed to FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Or JOHN MENEY, Esq., Lilt â€"_..., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W Ottawa, March 11. VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET LEWIS & PINHEY, ; § Barristers, &0., Ottawa. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 2+ ‘$00y C .n Es ET ijonrc. Sifiaid same, forming part of Lot No. 20, in the 1st conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private resi and vacant Lots adjoining the same also for sale at reasonable prices. For particulars AMP torms apply to John ans William Thoméon on the premises, or to NOR SALEON ~REASONABLE Rochester Estate, or on the Promises Ottawa, May 10, 1867. 430â€"tf + PIIE GRovE nous®E: Pn A2R : pleasantly situated on‘ the Richmond Road, with Stables, Coach House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto, _ A sistorn of fine water in the house. Apply to * l aneocapian® Fabruary 10, 186v. buskr =~ ’l\flA’l‘ VALUABLE Pro a cnatnnad porty known as. ®: M. Blas q dell‘s Homestead, containing abcu« w Two Actes, beautifully situated on he Ottawa River, being Lot Oue, Northside Wel Ilnrm Street, City of Ottawa,‘ with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. 4 woly o * | â€">.,t ~~.: NO more eligible chance could be ul caby 4.3 offered to any Pmti in the Hotelâ€" Aas hopln; line than the lease of the ¢â€" iabove FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. Being on the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa ing &lnuoly settled upon as its capital, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGH firstâ€"class Frame House and Lot, 66 ?{ 99, within tea nul;:tu’ walk of Government Buil ings, Apply to $ H. MCLBAN, _ Fk .ws lpon SALE.«â€"THE WESTSâ€" & erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Noâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the occupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq. For further particulars apply to gou and Wu. Taomsox, Negun, ard Lkwis & Pixaxy, Barrister, Ottawa. Je2â€"141â€"tf Qu:‘!&_gï¬mlry 13, 1867, _ Apply to i« Ottawa, Aug. 28, 1867 1. a ommE ORCOCRTROY S0 io Buildings and Club House, _/ . Address JOHN JONES, Put~0*c0. paid. R N. B.â€"Persons with a family of c not apply . | May 8 IÂ¥. ‘Tha show q1al2 0_ 0 210 200P55 SEEN08 in the City. The shop is large, and ten ru‘o rooms on the two flats or storys above the #hop, and four rooms in the :“:" making in all fourteon Fooms, and good yard, &s, § TlRHl--REAlONtBLE- Posscssion can be had at any time, 1Â¥ Ottawa, October 3. Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1867 ALSO,. 23 ACRES OF LANXD. The Victoria Hotel Dwellings to Let. Apply to OE SA TLIEN Possession given 1st June. FOR SALE OR TO LET Three Houses to Let, PIANO Apply to 3â€" session given M-n'yrl- st TQO LET A Comfortable Pwelling over the Store of the subscribâ€" er on Weilington streot. To be Let K‘or Sale, OR SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 TO THE riRST oP May | next a GENTEEL DWELLING) HOoUSE, neatly | furnished, and | :ozln:ulc.nuy situated to the Pubâ€" | )Y vicrtorta »zr» Face, Richmoand RKoad, conâ€" ulu!n‘ o’ighz rooms each. Pogâ€" REV, J JOUNSTON, Il‘llA’l‘ New Three Story + JA STONE BUILDING, Corne: of Sparks and |Bank Streets, one al' the best business stands in the LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &¢., Ottawa. ~ *! d6â€"uif MRS. BUNTING, J AS, WADSWORThH [ .0 _ SA family él children need J?HN GBEENT 593 1 P. O‘HANL MRS. LAUDER. R‘? B57t 501â€"5m Bandy Hill 46â€"utf > Centre Town 4201( 379 , Ottawa, pre 523 if 553t€ | 'l\lllï¬ oRIGINAL MEDICINXE ESTARB= | lished in 1837, and first article of the kind â€" | ever introduced under the name of ©Pulmonic Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa and its Dependencies. ¢ -u.n’n:_. §. Consular Agen T‘:: the cu{ Oï¬:xl.ul.bohm. thereef, deems it proper wn public notice to Mvh-nynrlnhu al services, that his office in R. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"street, will ‘h: opol‘ndl uâ€"‘d;hq mm hours. A2 wm into the mu, must be by me at this Consular Am.h‘uh‘-'h m‘ its trangit at the proâ€" per ports .. +. i imidas, ** U. S. CONSULAR ACEKCY AT OTTAWA,C. w, leased the above well known and favorably situat© ed House on Rideau, opposite St, Nicholasâ€"stroet, where will be found oouumu hand the best of wines, liquors, &c. Tits table will be l:'p:l.bd with the best the fharket afferds, A good yard and with the best the fharket afferds. Amnflui stabling nttached, and a carefal r in at« tendance. + N CROWN HOTEL, + RIDEAUâ€"STREET, > (Formerly kept by W. B. Howes.) gpas aubscriber â€" begs | to tnform his lnmdr:mh.:vt e:lmmlz-‘-h h.l': .:...'.’: A Deduction will be Made From accumulated interest. Richmond Road, <a MG Ottawa, September 19, 1867, / §424:37â€"2m make To the undersigned. 6 QOverdue payments must, be settled before 34, Sussexâ€"st. JUI!‘ RECEIVED a large eo-dï¬:n-ont of Mirrors snd Toilet Glasses in Gilt, Roseâ€" wood and Walnut Frames of various shapes and sizes and of n:zrlor finigh, which will ?.' sold cheap to close. consignment. Alâ€"o~large addiâ€" tions of Crockery, Ching and Glassware . A large lot of Cut Tumblers usz'z;do:. the best ever ofâ€" fered at that price, also iture of ali kinds. In the assortinent will be found some beautiful Bofas, which were Purchuod cheap, and will consequentâ€" ly b: -ol: lor less dn.:huv!u. Bargains can be received e en pivpie, 420y (General Agont. 18T JANUARY .NEXT PUMONC wArRRS | +RELIEEF IN MIRRORS, MIRRORS, MIRRORS, Torlet and other Looking Glasses VARIETY I n __ New York. NORTHROP & LYMAXN, w Newousue, C.W. Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, H.‘F. McCarthy, Joseph Skinner, and J, rown, in Ottawa. ' P Ottawa Feb. 5.17 3504 whin JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers + Relieve Irritation of Uvula and Tonsils. Biryam, Pubmonic Wafers Relieve the above complaints in ten minutes. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are lblfllï¬? to all Clasees and Constitutions rrnn’l Pulmonic W«g:v Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Epeakers Bryan‘s Pulmotic Wafers Are in simpie form and pleasant to the taste. siot only reltore 2e se sarie ie Tenang e ot eve but e and cures, Te degrene Araiennde megreit e N6 0n 0) Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family should be without a bex of f : Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers No travelier shotld be without a supply c + o travel out a of x Drya.‘; l;-;m“qu 7 n his pook * No person will ever objoct to give for > Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers _ _ _z _;____ ‘~|Iwentyâ€"five Cents, ~ ol » Be ucnun“ra Ottawa, Oct. 2, 1867. 39â€"3 Bryan‘s Pulmonié. Wx'cn Relieve Asthina, Bronchitis, Dificult Breathing Bryan‘s Puimonic Wafers Reliove Bplufn‘ of Blood, Pains in the Ches . Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wa{:a Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases W:V‘cr-," in this or any other counl.?; all other "lmonic Wafers are counterfoits. The genuine can be known biuu name BRY AN being stamped on sach WAFER. * bryan s Pulmonie Wayers Relieve Coughs, Colds, Eore Throat, Hoarsen So as not to necessitate legal proscedings. To persons paying in fall before 1st January | CANADA, | Vicrort, by the Grace orf God, of the j United Kingdom of Great Britain | and Ireland, QUEEX, Defender of | the Faith, &c., &e., &e. f To our beloved and faithfal the Senators of the f Dominion of Canada, and the members electâ€" |___ eod to serve in the House of Commons of our l; gaid Dominion, summoned and called to a | Meeting of the Parliament of Canada, at our | City of Oitawa, on the second day of the month ‘ of November ‘next, to have been commenced § and held, and to every of youâ€"Grremxoe; woe A PROCLAMATION, ‘ WH.BIKEAI the Meeting of our Pare C liament of Canada stands prorogued to the Second day of the month of November next, NEvERâ€" THELES®, for certain tauses and considerations, we have thought fit further to prorogue the same to | WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of the month of NOVEMBER next, so that neither of you nor any , of you on the said second day of November next, at our City of Ottawa, to appear are to be held and constained, for We vo wiut muar you and each ot you and all others in this bebalf interested, that on WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of the month of NOVEMBER next, at our City cf Ottawa aforeâ€" said, personally you be and appear for the deâ€" #patch of business, to treat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in our said Parliament of Canada, by the Common Council of our said Dowinion, may by the fayor of God be ordained. f Ix Tesintony ‘Wuegzor, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great ‘ seal of Canada to be berennto affized : Wirxess, our right trusty and wellâ€"belored | cousin, the â€"right honorable Cnmarirs Staxâ€" LEYy, Viscorxt. Moxcx, Baron Monck _otf |â€" Ballytrammon, in the county of We&ford, in the Peerage of lreland, and Baron Monck + of Ballytrammon, in the gounty of Wexford, in the Pecrage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" l eral of Canada, &c., &¢., &¢. * At our Govâ€" _~+ ernment House, in oar CITY of OTTAW A, in our saidâ€" Dominion, this THIRTIETA day of SRPT., in the year of our Lord, one thousana eight handred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€" first year of our reign. C By Command, ® EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, fevig _ _: Clerk of the Crown in Chan ry, | IL 8.] 551td ERSONS indebted to the Estate of the late EDWARV MALLOCH are requested to 6 immediate Payment 7" D Rerve in the House of Communs of our said Dominion, summoned and called to a Meeting of the Parliament of Canada, at our City of Oitawa, on the second day of the month of November ‘bext,to have beot sommane.t MONCoK NOTICE, IN TEN 1 BRYAN‘S AT THE JOHN MALLOCH. Chirens : MINUTES 350dw6m Agont. (Canada, dnePo Â¥ropariyy® foe vilinge ot tont paie being r«w,.’-';snu.n.p,{'um es it 7 atlee: pootâ€"pare, at Meveiock, Oganly af Pontine, Hargrave P. 0. and 32,) in the first (1st) rauge of the Township of M,Wyolq’ï¬m“dmd&o- A insenipeef dvaghiet ut legutre w the Intt s 6 Walter N'fl in lots of land distinguished as numbers thirty, thirtyâ€"one and thirtyâ€"two (30, 31, ALEX. DUFF. OTTAW A, September 12. BLACK DOESKINS, § c s on . ts . IRDWSBRIN BEDFORD OORDSi 08 CHAUDILERE 1 W Ee 98, BANNNOCKSUKN Du., HALIFAX DO., f _KERSEYS,) __â€" Shey would call particular attention, as they have now on hand every novelty « â€"Mades, that is fashionabie for the season, and as their stook is large and mnuws. % m They are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they latest styles and fashion, and as they are under the superintendence J experiend wm;’\n:n TO FIT. " READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! AII NoOwW OFFERING A LARGE AND % GOODH, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH importers of Dry Goods. Ottawa, Gctober 2, 1867. Hot Air Fui We still continue to manufacture every deseription of RUSSIA IRON PIPE, ana DUMB sTOVES. uz. Al attended to by competent and experienced Mochamics.. &c., at reduced rates. â€". Z8 Buitable for private Dwellings and Churches PARLOR sToOVE®. ® PARLO®R ï¬'l'1 PARLOR sTroves. PARLOR : sre PARLOR sTOVEs. Â¥5 2 e o ons 0d CooKiNc sroves, COoKING stovEs. ©00KIXc stovEs, BEAVERS, f PETERSHAMS, + DEVONS, wHFTNEYS o s . IRISH FRIRZE, CANADIAN Do., [ BROADCLOTHS, Lumbermen‘¢: Supplies at RE NOW OFF GHNODK: whiak m.?:!n’.g A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED #TOCK * CAKPITAL" Cl 0 oc AOGb2ETCE + â€" AAemnermien s Supplies! â€" Shanty Plates ! Basine! _ Camp Kettles, 4. HoPSEFUrNI8SHING Goo0D8: * Bird Cages ! Bird Cags 1 _ _ Bird Cages 1 Price Lists sent free on application. > o T. Any part of a Stove sold by us can be replaced when broken or burnt out, a fet intending chasers would do well to noto, * $* x An inspection of the above goods invited at the STOYES. sTOVES. stovrs. . STOVES. STOVES. STOVYEs STOVE _ sussEX mEapows DEPOT ; St. & CO. m New and most ‘beautiful designs CoaL sSTovEs. ZM" Our stock of the €R & W s‘“,‘&s"_"'tf.% TO THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMhENT IMEHY A C t :A FOR SALE. BOX AND HALL STOVES®. BOX AaND naLL sroves. BOX AND HALL sTOVEs. ESTABLISEHED LN 1844 £. 9. WAI'I‘ID IMMEDIATELY a Boy ¢ 4 carry a round of the ‘Trurs. Must be abi WIDOW JAMES POWELL L.!..‘.‘,m._ be STOVES. STOVES.â€" sroÂ¥XES Cloths and Clothing. f ‘wA_u'.,__. * 1 August 1, 1866. AND PROVISIONXS Wholesale and Retail. srarrow‘s suiLoime, * Corner of Stissex and Murray Streets‘ Groceries, Liguors, M. SPARROW & Co., AND MANUPACTURERS OP, AND DBALERI IN NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, CookKING srovEs. CookKIAG sTtovEs. COUKINXG sToYvE®, above comprises the latest in!uvn.q ® ovEN sroVEs. lumbermen‘s Supplies! IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN . ~O TD A W kA Howe Machine Co., PARLOR sroyEs. PARLOR sroves. PARLOR srovEs. Whesier and Wilson Mamfecturing Company, , verycheap THE TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS AND GXLY CAP aris Exposition, 1867, ‘O‘MEARA & CO, of mnd as thair stook is harge and" can id 4 P30z in There were »MOCCAS BU: hssy e f " COTrONS, 8T; O is Frirms nom, Spetane nan‘s Ottews, August 17. PARLO_R GRATRES * Furnaces. ITAL" sSTOYVE DEPQT, G» A. WALTON, Aoznr, 37 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. T:o' n-.l'l;cuu JOURNEYMEK nd good wages will be given. A"l,u' P * PETER KILDUPE, 463 Yorkâ€"st., Ottawn. 35, i PRICEâ€"3 CENTS â€"â€"POR SEWING MACMINES | at TH®Eâ€" Wanted I of STOVES, & i. [1|PYES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, of TIN, SHEET IRON, and COPPER WARE, Also all kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in our line ». Country Merchants supplied with Stovepipes, . Warehouses and Stoves. H. MEADOWS & CO. EN Tow .V cssc 1 1 "Polkn, which we offer Whoicsale or »1"t wood or coal, we have the laraset .. BOX AND HALL sTovEs. BOX ANXD HALL sTovEs. BOX AND HALL STOYVEs. WERE AWARDED TO TH® â€"AND THEâ€" Kighty=two Competitors. Boarding. mm mige 4. DKA W BM uarantes to make up in the in both ELEVATED and LOW 35, Sussex Starer both of NewYork. °7 SWeT W holesale or Hetail . we huve the largestand most COOKI®G stoveEs. CooKiNa sroves; ©OO0KING srovEs. PARLOR STOVE®. PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR SToVEs. llately, ‘T8, W OOLLE» Do. _ BUCK, OF DRY ©2â€"y DUMB