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Ottawa Times (1865), 23 Oct 1867, p. 1

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f 45 mau® in fmet i..'m entirely m of Â¥irtne of Warrant is the Warâ€" date the ow mre due fot five T UDE 164 No. 60 County UCTOR. F-plda- hm -au; he an': efâ€" rackers, Surer, â€". Rasseil ~Lands lever and cuts and . by mixâ€" i=m of all er drug and purâ€" diferent : anchette, troke : 3. ) give Rotice th all lawfu NDAY, the . at cloten RT nous®, d to sell by IENET onld be { dseaso er Cure. he sbove sthy C BURA XH to the uship of Uglong, EXEr Mal cure te relief, the most nally by Bottied Fruits, Lroken J .. M. ‘ rday Mocha 26 61 42 le, a $4 44 P 14 linhe® 16 Young every dz at by H1 41 14 41 49 49 81 84 41 14 & ": ad n the 14 44 V# @t 44 u) U â€" RUSS & PARSONS, ‘mlll' ATeL A W, Solicitors«in= * AA. Chaneery, yancers, Notaries Public, ke. t»liee: Elgin Street, opposite the Russell Hayse. Auexaxper Ross. AusErt Parsoxs. Atawa, July 28. 199â€"6m AUVGUSTUS KEEFER, BAII!ITII. and â€" Attorney@at«Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Office: Opposite Post Office, Eigin Street, in the Awoms fately occupied as the Custom House. _ _ â€" M. McLEOD, Bllm‘ln, EKtc., for Lower Canada. Orrices : Court House, Ayimerazd Buckingâ€" r2m, C.K. .ZAF" Attonds to all Law Courts in the District of Jtawe. Fobruary 7, 1366. < 43â€"ut <5. . B . HAYCOCK, _\"O"I'-A'I'- LA W, Solicitors=in= h cb.m::ys,d G‘o‘-vvysmt. Notary Public, and omcllz“\n o-mxm... Elgin Street, Ottaw a, debruary 7, 1866. _ en un ns ce 33-_- sertis@ M. Plk neysâ€"atâ€"Law. _ C E. c oo on e a f $ y. K. THISTLE, P. L. 8. Oviers: Hall and AJLOet, 6. p. ‘I § i‘ BE\LJ\\'[N', .L s r.w?-u-nuuu-,llu y$ 200 | Qrtawa Dec. 23. 1885 3"“'3" m""v'v"neu Waureut, B.A.B.CL. | ~~_ enc To 18. Conmtant. « Y » x + Ottawa, Feb. 7, 1866. ; 42â€"utf CHARLES ESPLIN, A. enjoys rax razoxst cirovratio® of any paper published in the Ottawa Valleyâ€"issuing of the Daily over 2,0001 and Weekly over 4,000 1 naking a total circulation in the week of over 18,000 1 thus outstripping all competitors, and ifording the best mediam for business men to adâ€" Anveamsi®® AGENCY â€"Mowrs, X. M,Patergsil & t‘v., $4, Fark Row, New York, and State. Strect, Boston, General Advertuing Agents, archereby authorâ€" zed to recewe Advertuements for the OttaAWA Ti%®3 _\nvocA'l':. Officet No. 17, St. Peter Street, Quebec. . Mr. Bouchette will always be repared to attend p-fl to any business the jovernment -pltg. the public generaily nay entrust him. . B.attends regularly the cirâ€" wit in and for the district of Quebec. December 23, 1365. * #â€"7y P. J. BUCKLEY, LLB., BAIIII‘!“ and Attorney=at«Law Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Public. wfice, over Mr. Luke Curner‘s Boot and Shoo Store, Rideau Street, Ottawa, C. W . * January 17 1867. / 334y a J. F. BOULTON, BA-lmA'I-IoAW, Solicitor=in= Chancery, &c. rrice: Aamond‘s Buildings, Rideau Streot. Atawa, Jan. 12, 18366. #â€"y Xtawa, February 7, 1866. fransiont ‘| .WILLIAM MOSGROVE, L W, Chancery and Conveyancing. OQuric®: Mosgrove‘s Block, Ridean Street, ktawa, C. W. s f 366â€"tf BA RISTERS, Attormeys, Solic Ounl:uon. &e. Orrice: Inthe Court House, Ottawa, C. W + MBOy. 2000 aeecevensenenes cennnccnnbnnnene ons m All subsequent insertions, per line,......... ApVERTIGENENTS aré insertod in the Daily at the ollowing rates : Jusiness Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, per &nâ€" ‘-mmolly. ««»sssey $6 09 fransient , first insertion por 3 hua us 4mAIC T C v yfl advertisers specially contracted with, and » subscription to the daily (if paid i Â¥ + c da & â€"a-).'.’.u.‘:..’(',”‘n $5 00 "-".uh-dnau.. 6 00 Yearly subscription to the weekly (if paid f T LUL Te € Pm __ in advance)......... If not paid in advance & 4 £ 8 E0 k5 uks a NIUCHUVLAO . CLABRBRL, promptly attended to. Consignments received for LA'. Chancery and Conveyancing glvn sale, + Partics wishing to purchase Real Office, Lang‘s Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite nte will receive all information FREE OF e Post Office. CHARGE by calling at the oilice. Ottawa. July 19. 180y | _ Ottawa, Dec.18, 18365. 1â€"y «. KR BELL, A.M., M.D;, C Witava Daulp Cimes, ‘)-'llclll. Surgenn, and Accoucheur, Clarence Street, Otta ra. March 1. 3ly J. A. Mass®. Htawa, March 23. LAPIERRE & HAYCOCK, AT”IIII‘-AMAW. Solicitors=in= thk. Chancery, Cun?mnd Notaries Public, orner of Sussex and Y orkâ€"streets, Ottaw a. Ottawa, February 26, 1867. 368y \m-;l.Y-AT-l.A'. Solicitor â€" in *U Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Sussex Street. urric«: Union Buildings, Ottawa. ‘chrusry 21, 1866.â€" . §5â€"7 EDWARD T. DARTNELL, BAI‘I"III, Sollcitor, Attorney. and Notary Public, Clerk of the Peace and County town Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott ailâ€"Russell. * Orric«: In the Court House, L‘Orignal. anuary 27, 1866. a 34â€"6m 1 DR. ”ll'l‘ll'r, Streot. j means of the GEO. LC “oncr.\' and Accou ‘PAI‘I-IM entrance next door to \# W, W. Brown‘s Barber Shop. i Ottawa, December 8. [ Butf _ GEO. LOGAN, M.D., L.C.IL.B., _ “O.CPAflllc Physiclan, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Orrice: In Hornse‘s Block. Can be found over e office at llgi; Rejferences : . George Lawrence, Orono ; Rev. John Smith, Bowmanville; Rev. George Riddell, Jarke; Dunean Campbell, M.D., M.ll.&.l-:.. Torâ€" nto; John Hall, M.D., w‘iw, M.D., Toroxto. Ottawa. February 7. 1806. * I 4Bâ€"utf PK. C. A. MARKETIN, l)ll'l'll'l'. Office! Sussexr Street, over Messrs. Campbell & Co.‘s, Grocers. Ottawa, January 27, 1886. 34â€"utl = CAIO: -::‘:Ln.m f-t.l:: :o of the knife, by a agw , speedy, most painless cess. r-. .lx’ to partios -nafil'y‘ reated, if required. cure M Ottawa, April 14. Mllw-‘l.&, w Center Town; . Night / a Maria Street, Couter Town. d 5 . Th _4 Th . ; $ 4 th .tts c JP!YSIC!AS» Surgeon and Accouchear M Ottaws. Day offficeopposite Magee & Russell‘s, Ottawa, [""'lcl overâ€"Mr, Garth‘s Establish« P moent, 25 Rideanâ€"st., Octawa. May 30 4470f Ottawa, November 13 _ DR. OLIVER MARTIN, D"fll‘l‘o Ofice! Sparks Street, Con=â€" tral Ottawa. Ottawas, January 27, 1866. Hâ€"ntf « Post Office. _ Ottawa, July 19. Ottawa, February 7, 1 ‘itaws February 7, 1866 \rwmmmqow.) ~HE DAILY AND WEEKLY TIMEs NoW MASSE & TETREAU, *OTARIES PUBLIC, Hull, C E+4 (Receytur raow Esxouasp.) URGERY and _ Residence, DR. JOHN LEGGO, 'll‘lll‘r. Hunton‘s Block, Spatks Street. ZAM"Toceth extracted without.pain means of the Ethereal Spray Producer. 3502 entrust mim, . DOF, . MECTHRs EERmmia CRC CCC F32 C A listrict of Quebec .lptl{ a.tended to, :0:::'23..:8“' e€ #â€"y ' ,r'.!loy re now on hand and for sale some well P eengenn mm irnege â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"* | situated &iydlnd \’iill:. Lats, in Upper am: Lmlur e > 3 Canada; and an immense quantity of Farmin COLMAN & W Rl"}lT’ " ] zlldl in the Townships on dz Ouaw’a. & DVOCATES, Barristers, and AttOr®= | _ (pproy : Corner of Sparks and Metoalfo Streots. HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Office : Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Street. DR. O‘REILLY, ORK Street, opposite Matthews* Ho# P LEWGAL NICHOLAS SPARKS, YVOL.‘IL NQ.OTO.} RISTERS, Attormeys, Solicitors» Street, Center Town; Night Office at his LEES & GEMMELL, A. F. BOUCHETTE, DR. W. J. HENRY, DR.*0. C. Woou D. G‘CoONxNOoR, DKR. CHESLEY, DR. C. LEGGO, DR. DORION, MEDICAL. Jous J N. Tarkzac M., &c â€"utf 280y George 87â€"f 1 00 1 50 43â€"u! mear #L Stroet. ; Ottawa, March 20, 1866 Cox'rn ACTOR and Builder,. Office : ‘North side York street, second door frorm Sussex AUC’I‘I!)NE&;RI\ and Gemeral Conmmuis= sion Exchange and Real Estate Agents, No. 40, Sussex Street. C Ottawa, Docemsbeg 18, 1800. + 1â€"y AUCTI()N‘ Hooms, No. 10, Sparks Streets Contre Town, Ottawa, opposite Mope‘s Stationâ€" ary Store. 3 The sale of Real Pstate at Auction or Priv®e Sate NE CO.‘II!II!OS Merchant and General Agent. Sole agent for Kead‘s Highwines and Proof Whiskey; also, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, «e., for sale. 2 5 _ _ Orrice: No. 3, Sparks street, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. > ~ 3 P L» SURVEYOR and Draughtsm»n, & lilin“, Land, and General Parliamencary Agent. _ leferences unexceptionable. . Orric®: Wellington Street, next to British lMotel, and nearâ€" ly opposite the banks, Ottawa. PROVIICIAL Land Surveyors, Canada East and West, Real Estato Agents, &c. Parâ€" ticular attention devoted to the sale and protection of the Lands of Absentses, Applications to the Crewn Las is Dopartment for Mining Lands, &e., ing Teacher Pianoâ€"Forts, Violin, &c. | 8 THOROUGH BASS.. ; t $ Coumnsmx â€"and Exchange Broker, and Insurance Agent, Sparksâ€"stroct, epposite Magee & Russeli‘s, Oitawa, C. W. _ P. S.â€"â€"Specialattentian given with d Public Land business, adjusiing disput and securing Patents. f MESSRS. THHISTLE & BALDWIN, VIII’I'! oTTiawAi TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY3. ‘ Orders left at Union House vill be punclually atâ€" tended to. Ottawa, July 26. 187tf l“:"l'f ::e.\DAl's. Commercial Ilflel,z Tninnmns ons t ce h ce ns nereste mm mm on ze mm neenied ackenham. i ts A r re t %ho:b:;o uu‘tlcl.ono ol‘lthe ul‘d;st and be;z known | DOMESTIC DYES. n Packenham, has been leased by the undersigned E 8 and thorw‘bo‘;ly overhauled and refitted for thog-u oâ€" ‘ I .;)Y E.s‘::v.';'gfity‘;l fn?::?h:u"' 98 cial actommodationof guest«. THE TABLE Agb,l 8 BAK will at alltimes be furnished with the vory | OttaW@ Drug ~Warehcuse. bestthe market affords. © _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | A free Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just Millwright and Enginesr MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, GBIS'I‘ AKD SAW MILLS BUILT ON, the most recent and improved principles. A"cnt for Fleeks {a t and improved Taylnrl uter Wheel, and Vulcan Iron Works, Montreal. | Addross Chas. Esplin, Oftawa.. + 1 HH | K _ Draughtsman, &¢., (commissioned for Upper | ind Lower Canada.) Ofice and residence, t?lou- ester, near (ttawa. . Surveys of every description xecuted with accuracy. | Communications address4 | ‘ »d Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), will raceive prompt ttention. Ottawa, February 21, 1866. * §5â€"y, March 9 Aul strictly forbld.len to pass or tres= pass in, over and about the‘ fronts of Lots number 29 and 30, in the First Concession, Ottawa Front, Nepean, and the Broken>Fronts thereof, unâ€" less and until some satisfactory lrnn;fonnnl is come to with the proprietors thersof. All persons trespassing after this notice will boâ€"prosocuted asâ€" cording to Law. * R â€"JOHN WM. THOMSON, _ GOODSTABLING and a caroful lQflcr always inattendance t 4 JOUN MALTMAN. _ The «QUEEN"comprises all the reqiut:?-br CE .‘ 1NGLL J ARG LILqy firstâ€"class Restau ant. â€" The House has beenrefitted l YLMER, C #., Livery and General and refurnished=:nroughout. â€""Tlie BAR contains A, Stage Ofice. frod Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. the choicest Brands in W incs and Liquores, and every | l)onc:xfi»’or 21, 1869. e 4y deiicacy of the season will be found on thetable. The | y 16. IAITATenwnxra > t SPARKS, l)llo"l.\'( LAL, LAND IL'"\'B\'OR,\ Draughtsman, &¢., (commissioned fof Upper t NO rrCH IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL Lumbermen & Others Ritchic Hetel, Grenville, C. 5., THE " QUEEXN" RESTAURANT, ‘l KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of 1Â¥M e Metcalio and Wellington Streots, opposite he main entrance to the Government buildings. 'I‘IIU Subscriber has leased the above firstâ€"class hotel for a term of years and hopes by strict attention to the wants and comforts ul'[:il guests, and friends at large, to morit a large share ot public patronage.. The lotel is the largest and best laid off house in (Grenville; it is three stories high and commands a beautiful view of the rapids and steamboat landing. â€" The Bar will contain Liquors of the choicest and purest quality. The 'l'&lo will be supplied with the best the mark#t can afford. Srehl care will be taken with the Stables, which will be under the caro of an experienced Hostler, and always supplied with fresh Hay and Oats, Charges moderate. JOHN RITCHIE Ottawa, November 27 *_ CGCKEORGE STREET, Choice Wines & Liquors, Prime Cigar; fi;&;‘;&&i&m will be directed to the com of his guests ana patrons. BAB" ysters,Game eto., dail * MRS. GRANTS SALOON, V THE METROPOLIT AN .A corner of Sussex and York Streets Ottawa, Doc. 18, 1865. .. 'IERCIIAN'I' TAILOIR, 39, Sparks Street. Ottawa, May 5. f ~118y . Ottawa, May 22 Ottawa, March 2 Dated this 26th June, 867 YVIL ENGINEER, Unton Buildings, " .‘_ljll.\ NCB Brokersy Five, Li May 18 K Kemember the place P. O‘Meara . old aad. Ly6.170¢ ARRILSTEIL, &c., Oitawa. Oflce} Lang‘s Buildings, nmmitu Post Ofice UsIE: MUSICI!I FRENCH AND English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valses (YCONNOR & WALI BUSINXESS CARD®. MACDONAL nts PARLIAMENTARY AGENCY,. * BOUUTCHETT EL IOULN RILCHLE, 1 Aumond‘s Block, JOIIN MALTMAN GEOQ.IL PERRY JOLHNX MERCER, N . Mc Il., McGREEVA\, B CIOSTI MULLIN, XCPHERS P. O‘MEARA, Proranto®. s 202 KINNXON, Rideas Street, Ottoiea. D & BRO DUVIRNAY BRO AYLMER, C. & x« sUP Proprictors 470tf 433â€"60m 8y % + Tht K 4(:?', y A*? spateh to d claims, and Ace 1 Colfectâ€" My | The sole np‘;omted agency in Ottawa for the oleâ€" $â€"Â¥ | gant preparation of Messrs. Kenneth, cs-?boll & mgets 1 T9 )Eodne-l lall, Montreal. 402y | MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries Hall! 1 _ Please gpu and examine the Stock. 1t 1s the | largest and best ever imported. | â€" »@" All the relable PATENT MEDICINES E A LARGE STOCK OF FRESH GARâ€"» f DEX and FLELD SEEDS, just arrived and on ! Sale, All Sceds warranted Fresh. A large importation of Engklinh and French PERâ€" ' FJMES will arrive next wee | FLORLDA WATER. s0%0DONT. «~HAIR BRUSHES. COMBS. NALL BRUSUE3. CLOTHES BRUSHES, ke., &e., ko % Just being opened up. _ _ 1 > _ __ .0 ... A certain protection from the bites of this misâ€" whisvous insect. . References given to many genâ€" tiemen of Ottawa and vicinity. Prepared only at the MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st. ou hand. i ‘\__JICE CREAM SODA FPOUNTAIN, Wita eight different Syrups, manufactured on the promises. It is a healthy and cooling beverage. C. Austin begs to thank his many customers and friends for the liberal patronage extended to him since his removal to his present promises, and nssures them it will be his endeavor io morit a conâ€" tinuance of the same.. Â¥ * The Compounding Department* is conâ€" duetedâ€" personally by ‘himself, And prescriptions committed to his care will be disponsed with accu. racy and promptness. SHly Great care and attention is constantly 'flve,n to this important department; for the extremely liberâ€" al patronge hitherto bestowed upon it the sub. scriLr returns his best thankse . _ Remedics for Cholerag Diarrhoa, Dysenâ€" tery, Cholera Infantum, and otker summer com« plaints, aro ko{»t on hand, besides a good supply of disinfectants a MEDICAL ’-\ YERY SUPERIOR ARTICLE, pree Z*Q pared from the finest material, with the apâ€" proval of many of the medical faculty of this city, at the MEDICALAHALL, 28 Sportsâ€"st, x 41 Sussex Street, Is the Place to Buy Zour Medicines ! "The Medical Hall," 'I‘ll Cceclebrated 6 Quinine Champagne,®* also « Orange Quinine Winc," and other Toaic Htair, Nail, Tooth, Cloth, Hat, and Flesh Brushes, Turkish Towels, Shoulder Braces, India Rubber Combs, in variety. Bathing Caps, Bath Sponges and Bugs, HMair profl:utiuu in variety. l.uhiu'l. Rimmel, Plesso and Lubin‘s and Phalop‘s ‘erfumes. Genuine Eau D‘Cologne, Florida W ater, also a number of prepatations for the teeth and euma it & Hair, Nam aso Toom«Bevones, in nrjo!(. Luâ€" bin‘s Perfumes, Tollet Vinegar, florida Water, Sozodont, Farinia‘s Colognes, Dressing and Fine Combs, &¢. Tce Cream, Soda Water, with pure fruit syrup from Dows" Marble Fountain at the TOILET ARTICLES, &£C C. AYVSTIN, APOTHECARY. English & French Chemicals, P. 8.â€"Advice to the poor gratis Ottawa, April 11. es DRUVG â€"W ARE MHOU 6 A free Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just rocNe ir;d. r pl fully and . B.â€"Prescriptions careft and prom; reâ€" ared. J. GAR\?RY.%., 8. Sluwn. Feb. 1% 1866 47â€"utf ‘RIDEAU STREET 1866 SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. erior apartments, Ottaw a, Dec. 20, RE\ITA('IK.\N'I‘. corner of George and Wiltiam Streots, (P.O‘Meara‘s old stand). B~ OYSTERS in every rtyle, at all hours. Ottawa, January 9, 1867. 321y THE RUSSELL HOUSE, LATE CAMPBELL‘S HOTEL, Ottawa, C. W. The undersigned, proprictor of the aboveâ€"named lotel, begs leave to u«rnint his nuâ€" merous friends afid the uuouln&pub ic, that he has reâ€"painced and newlyâ€"furnished throughout this comâ€" modious establishment, in the management of which by strict attention to buincudnd guests, he hopes to deserve encourageame support. $ . JA%E.SS%IN. es V ICHOLAS Street} Court«House A venue, 4% Ottawa, John Graham, Proprietor. This House is eonnniull{ situated, and still mainâ€" tains its character as a FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. Considerable additions have recently been made to the premisos, and it has been ontirely repainted and ::fntod. No pains will be spared to accommodate lease. OJNIBUSIS to and from the cars and boats free of ehm There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY STABLEattached to the Hotol. Ottawa 1866.. 1â€"y DL tt Dr. Dwionn‘s Cnorgra Mixtur®, Chloride of me, Harte‘s Concentrated Lye, Ll!hunlnc Fly iller, Atlantio Sea Salt, pure flavoring extracts, fuuilitice ty y o. ch nc uce ommc ours PROPERLY COMPOUNDED . AND FREE FROM ADULTERATION! / Stabling and an attentivefiostier January 11, 1866. ioi is oi hn pRIVATE HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot= . tawa, C. W. â€" A fow gontiomen san obtain supâ€" TNION HOUSE, No:th Gower. Good Disponsing Department. Lately, and for many years connected with ; â€" ylt'un{l'c Hotel, F-Ine- Street, Quebec, 28, Sparksâ€"Stroet. qUrNINE WINE. THE ALBION HOTEL, Just Received I THANKPUL FOR PAST FA« | wors, I beg respectfully to an mnounce that I have now received my stock forthe Summer Trade. It comâ€" prises all the bost and purest AUSTIN‘8, © The Medical I AUSTIN AUSTIN‘S, * The Medical Hall," * Ridoauâ€"streot. JAS.: JOHNSTON‘S MoOsquUro OIL, DRUGGIST®S, i1 RIDEAUâ€"STREET, HoOII"s HOTEL U@QIETTA WA DRUGS, PRRFUMERY, MEDICAL MALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparksâ€" st DUIGNAN‘s 1385 J..LEMON, W. M. MASSEY, ~â€"__ Medical Hall, Sparksâ€"st JOSEPHGARVEY, M.D. OTTAWA °C. W. WEDNESDAY, OCi0OBER 23, ise7. Th Med cal Hull," Rideauâ€"stroct cal Hall," Ridonuâ€"streot 97â€" $uvâ€"y 3y rl\mn Mosu %t:(-cussm L 1LIFE I1N® BURANCE COMPANY divides the who/e of the Profits, every year,among the insured, reducing the cost to about joneâ€"hal . tha figures usually charged. | For instance, the annual pay mont, at the age . ?l 30, in mostCompanies, to insure $2000 a, with profits, about $50, and without PPORE®: . on recnmenenyrencecmermemmcme eeviermemmerneer$ 48400 In the Ktoa, $2000, to a person 30 years of YM§C, 60848 thd fIFSt YOMF.....sssmeme msccss es 25.31 AKG 101 BUDSOQUONE YOMP..ss00mmmeprescscccccee 26.24 Which {mymont is subject to further reduction as the business of the Company increases. § Tsg, Endowment policies on equally favorable terms. 4 rl\lul companry orruEns To TUHE blic the combined advantage of perfect lmrig. moderate premiv as and liberal participa« tion in profit«. No ¢xtra charge for Volunteers in defence of the countty, §" ESTABLISIIED is:;:O. R. 8. Cassels, Bsq. â€" â€" : > Consulting Director, TIIH ABOVE PIRSTâ€"CLAS®s COM» PANY is propared to insure all descriptions of property agaiast loss or damage by fire. _ . RINTOUL Bll‘).";f, Montreal, Ger Canada. | Ottawa March 2 The fact that the Ftna has, during the pagt 12 months, insured over 14,000 persons, from aniong the best business men of the Continent, is the best possible testimonial to the soundness of the Com» rna,' and the excellence of its method of doing usiness. J. GARVEY, ESQ., M. D., M@ical Reforee. _ x Oflice: Over Scott‘s Confectionery, Ottawa, March 13. S8ly e BRITISH AMERICA | Assurance Gompany ! Kina Life Insuranceâ€"Company. Ottawa,. January 4, 1887 RoyalCanadianiagk OTTaAWA AGENXCY : Otflooâ€"fnubn_mzs} Building, 7 Sparks St s [ M. P. HAYES, CITY OF SGLLASESY Ottuwa, Juno 21. THE CANADIAN PAIN DEsSTROYER HA. mow been before the public for s length ot time, and whenover used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to ii" permanent relief when timely used, and we havo never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the contrary, all are delightâ€" ed with its oe»utiqm. and speak in the highos terme of its virtues and magical effects. < Among the most important of modern Medical Dis coveries stands the We lrak from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any 6f the complaints for which it :s recommended may depend upon its being aNoveâ€" reign Remedy. â€" _ | _ n en ei The utonhhlu% eficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing discases for which it 1« reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing tlotomrin' pains of Rhoumatism, aod in ro ieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a highrank n the list of Remedies for these complaints, ors _are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further suppliu. and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. CANADIAN PAIN CESTRCNER! The Canadian Pain DTtrnyor pover fails to give mmediate relief. All Medicine Demlers keep i “&lifilfll orderand use it; and no family wi{’! without it after once trying it. Price *wentyâ€"five cents por bottle. F NORTHROP & LYMAN, wewcastle, C. W., . ~ rpammincs [ _ General Agents for C. W Sul . by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinner, Brown, in Ottawa. _ i 4'“' BEGS To ANNOUNCE To hi fmeads and patrons that he has wnmond to the buildingon Metcalfe® streot, formeriy occupied by The Avening Post, where ho is now prepared to exooute all orders for _ @iving personal attention to all work, and hayâ€" ing had many years practical experience, he feels eonfident that l{t‘ul‘uuoq will be given. . _ BO OK BINDER, â€" Ornamwental Binding doge in tae most artistic style. | | A. MORTIMER, Of every description in the nenatest and \Lbro uty lys ~â€"â€"Fncooeratase Nlu. GEORGE sHOULDIS, IN RXE turning thanks to his friends and the publi« tor the liberal patronage which he has received for many years, bo‘zno stato that for the future his business will carried on ia YORK STREET, where his premises are known as the Ottawa. March i 6 YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, FRANCLIS CLEMOW, E8Q., City of Ottawa. And where owr’ article in the trade can be ob | Ottawa Feb. 10,1866. |* 46â€"utf tained of the besi quality and at the lowest pricex. | " w« suingnionse BOOKBINXDING, PAPER«RULINXG, or BLAXK BOOK MANUFACTURING, _ Mr, Shouldis\ is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their custom, and furnish thiem daily with such bread as they may require. _ _ $ME® Two Journeymen Bakers W anted Ottawa, December io ANNUAL REVENUE OVER 41 _ Please send your orders to the York Street Fancy Bakery. f Life Assurance Company _/ ESTABLISHED 1838. CAPITAL, £600,000 Stg. de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Fore Throat Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cbolera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Cctnl}uh Ints, Burns, Scalds, + rost Bites. &o., &c. Ottawa, Fob. 5, 1837 BESTABLISHED, A ta FIRE AND MARINE NOTICE OF REMOVAL. A. MORTIMIEHR INXSUV I A NCE Metcalfoâ€"streot, BEELAID. HERRICK, BRUSIH & C NEIL McKINNON, Agent K. SMITH, Agon , Aumond‘s B a Do 1320. UL LIFE IN® vides the who/le of insured, reducing ) figures usually Metcalfeâ€"street. 34y 350y Acryt 107t rildings 2y 300tf 1w w x and J ca7cF} Miy, Jno shop is large, and ten large rooms on the | CANADA. i two flats or storys above the shop, and four rooms in D4 4 = ® lho‘:lliv, making in all fourteen rooms, and good | V tcTORIA, hy the Grace ot God, of the jard, &c. + s i Noi a4 o ow TERMSâ€"«REASONXABLE, | United Kingdom . of Great Britain Porsession can be had at any time, \â€"~â€"â€" and Ireland, QUEEx, Defender of * AH)'V to k | Pul + a + d J As, WADsWORThH, the Faith, &e., &¢., &c, Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1867 B54â€"f | Lo our beloved and faithful the Senators of the ; ~ â€"| Dominion of Canada,, and the members clectâ€" To be Let § ::i:’ l;r:lo‘ _iin the Houre :r Cu‘;nmoll]udof'uu: Cosypcoa ~ ~~ TO THE PIRST OFP MAY o O oi eateminned And ealled to i6 "yr3 noxt a GENTEEL DWELLING | Meeting of the Parliament of Canada, at our ’;!&@’ 1i0USE, neatly furnished, and | City of Ottawa, on the second day of the month oo e we C teppenieptiy sltnated to: the Pal |â€".â€" of Nevember neut, to have tom commenéed Addres: CAlX JONES, Post '-,m"e' duawaspre | and hol-l.:m:'to every nfyon-:'dm:v TiNG: paid. v ROCLAMATION, ; N. B.â€"Porsons with a family of children need | WIIEltNAllpe Meeting ‘of our‘ Pare not apply, h a liament of Canada stands prorogued to the Ottawa, October 3. 853 | Hecond day of the imonth of November next, xzs rgâ€" > r mg o . Gvez THELES3, for certain causes and considerations, we .fl!l‘co I{OUSCS to Let, have thought fit further to prorogue the same to LX vICTONITA TeR | WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of the month of 8t N Lt PRIR® xovr \ £ok 45 d) race, Hichumond Rord, conâ€" NOVEMBER next, so that incither of you nor any T o q3 {. taining cight rooms each, Pos. | Of FOwon the said second day of Movember next, L040 _ gession given May 1st. at our City of Ottawa, to appear are to be held and Apply to Mis. LAUbER constained, for W no wiut tHat you and each of Ottawa, February 13,4867. 0 _ "+ / ‘;',J';u- : | you and all others in this behalf interested, that on ‘ | WEDNESDAY, the #ixth day of the month of * | NOVEMBER noxt, at our City cf Ottawa aforeâ€" W‘ j z.. _ ;. FAOR SALE.»*=«THE ANVESTS Â¥ 3 xz i1 erly oneâ€"third jof Lot No. 27, in ! said, pergonally you be and appear for the deâ€" First Concession Ottawn, Front Ne« | #patch of business, to treat, do, nct and conclude l'h a e 'f“':'nmt l‘r“‘: 1}":!- 3" and 98;1"' | upompthose things which in our said Purliament e same Concessi at present in the eccupation of Win. . yien, Baq. PRor furtiier particulars | OF Canada, by the Common Council of our said apply to Joun and Wu,. Tinoxsox, Nepean, and | Dominion, may by the favor of God be ordained. Liwis & Pixiny, Barrister, Ottawa. â€" Jo?â€"141â€"tf Ix Trstmoxy Wuxrror, we have caused these $3 s | our letters to be made patent, and the great ; For Szic, es seal of Canada to be hereurto affixed : B". PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGE | Wirszss, our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved firstâ€"claza Frame House and Lot, 66 ':‘y 99, cousin, the right honorable Cnaruks Sraxâ€" within ten mmutes‘ walk of Government Buildings, | LkY, Viscotnt Moxox, Buron Monck of ; Aply !o IL McLEAN, | Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in ; Centre Town. the Peorage of lreland, and Baron Monek May 8 _ . 0_( _ 4894 _\ ‘| O# of Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, $ in the Pecrage of the United Kingdom of GKCOF, S AT,FI | G:eat Britain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" f j eca of Canada, &c., &¢,, &¢. A} our Govâ€" i ri\ll;\'l‘ :’.\I.UAH;J&PIT’!IO ( ernment House, in our CITY of OTTAW A, + erty known as ‘I. M. Blas ; 3 : A > iriths sc 5 doll'qplln:neuteud,contnining about | amand :.'d Bominioh, (h!; Tni‘l;'l("llfl'u [ 0098X 2. Two Acrtes, beautifully situated on | day Of SEPT., in the year of our Lord, one he Ottawa River, being Lot One, Northside Wel | thousana eight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and lington Street, City of Oitawa, with the Dwelling | in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. .nfiouthnusefithcteun. * a ‘Auuly o f ] By Command, LEWIS & PINHEY, | EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, * Barristers, ke:, Ottawa. . | Clerk of the Crow Chan ry, â€" Fabruary 10, 1860. enc 46â€"utf | * "B5itd Cinada, 5 _ mir I}THNAT New. Three Story io reacin ns i STONE BUILDING, Corner fi; .@â€" of Sparks and Bank Streets, one culthd â€"!. of the best business stands in the City. The shop is large, and ten large rooms on the two flats or storys above the shop, and four rooms in the attic, making in all fourteen rooms, and good yard, &s. TERMSâ€"»«REASONABLE, Possession can be had at any time, = Apply to j 1 riuu'r VALUABLE PRO + porty known as ‘K. M. Blas {ir "~._;$; dell‘s Homestead, containing about Lo 00f3X 2. Two Acres, beautifully situated on he Ottawa River, being Lot One, North side Wel lington Street, City of Oitawa, with the Dwelling .nfiouthnusefithcteun. * ‘Auuly o o n inteccuie ho bneaasisnn Y . " en E\OR SALE, Lots 9 and 10 ts Bouth Side Sparks Street, lA c nearly ofiponiu the lot on wnich ' â€" the new Bank of Montreal is to be | erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other "'Blnh. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street | in rear of the above. ; A. io § ~"* * wÂ¥ "eka NoX ©3.2 24 101 "zfi,}f&cum’ io Buildings ind Cl Address JOHN JQ paid. N. B.â€"Porsons w not annly. H i Pl.\'E GRoVvE noUusE: fl':‘ â€" e t C ple::lullntlydsilunt&dbonblthc 2e ingd , Kichmon load, . wi Stables, .‘.-’.‘% ‘Coach House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto, A #istern of fine water in the house. Apply to o nttaren | MRS. BUNTING, Rochester Estate, or on the Premises Ottawna, May 10, 1867. 430â€"tf “ SA + “Olt SALE, THAT EL* is 'L'k:!n.; 12 gible ]xrupcrt{, beautifully %,E E!i’ ituated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" Eid -\&n, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the City of Ottawa.about three miles on the macadamiz ({mad,tnge:hcrwith the STONE D\\'ELLL\'U-H(:E'.\‘E thereon erected, at prosent ocmlxlpicd by William Thomson, Esquire, and the garden and ornamented grounds adjoining the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in the lst conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. (A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for sale at reasonable prices. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET, For particulars and terms apply to John ano Wiltiam Thomson on the premises, or to a NQ more eligible chanee could be {[{._ ts i3 ofered to any party in the Hotelâ€" i: _;&éknyfing line than the lease of the Riin above FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. Being en the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa being definitely settled upon as its capital, could not fail to be madgto pay It is built on the most modern style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large. plateâ€"glass windows, and is four stories high, |exclusive of the basement. It is finely situated on tho corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attached, #o that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired capacity. s Applications, (postpaid) to be addressed to Ottawa, March 11 POSSEBSION GIVEN IM=« > mediately. _A new Brick > ;. 2]t_Building on Besserer Street, Sandy * C> aescHill, near the residdnce of Hon Malopim Cameron. ‘This building contains Sevetr Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with all modern im« provements. efehormone on on‘ _ A large Two storey Woodon Building, on the corâ€" ner of Murray Streots.| This House is lined with Brick, furni!{ed with double doors and windows and Venctian Blinds. | Thereis alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with I'umrs, Stables and other Buildings in the yard. This House is well adaptee for a Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private resiâ€" denee. + Ottawa, kepruary 10. 1866 1 aks coUNTRY RESIDENCE C + FORSALE.â€"Reautifully«ituated on ***~ the Macadamized Road between Otâ€" % se tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 minutes‘ drive from the city. A farm of excellent land, euntaknini about #0 acres, witl a large Btone lHouse erected thereon. s igh _ The proprictor has no objection to sell a part of the farm, with or without the house. This would be a ;}l{uirable country rexidence. Title unexcepâ€" tionable. * August 1 In the Tmuuhllg ot Qloucester, situated about halt a mile from Billings Bridge. ‘This land can be sold en bloe or inlots of 5 acres. â€" _ For further particulats, apply to Ottawa, July 9. Ottawa For furthe particulars't; ‘\ou 8 A LE O N REASONABLE TERMS. tea mss FO SALE Oll TO LET. PCO LETt. m TO TPHE PIRST OF MAY jp3 noxt a GENTEEL DWELLING wig}t_ii0USB, neatly furnished, and L_'l'g-‘,cunvcuieplly #ituated to the Pub« Apply to Posscssion given 1st Juane. Tho Victoria Hotel ALSO,. 23 ACRES OF LAND. Dwoellings to Let. Auc. 28, 1887 Apply to TO LET FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Or JOHN,MENEY, Esq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W 11. 3T9t PIANO LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &e., Ottawa. 27, 1867 369y $ §\Gye Comfortable Dwelling wer the Store of the subscrib= Wellington streot. REV. J. JOIINSTON, L. P. OHANLY. Sandy Hill 46â€"utf JOUN GBREENE, 523 if Apply at this office. > Iw/l l_’i,’]u ge. 501â€"5m [Lâ€"8.) PUbLMONE WAFEISI fl\lllfl ORIGINAL MEDICINE ESTAR= lished in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of © Pulmonic Wajers," in this or any other country; all other can be known b{;thd name BRY AN being stamped on each W AFER. RELIEEF IN TEN MINUTES BRYAN‘S bryan s Pulmonie Wajers Relieveâ€"Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarsen * _ Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Dificult Breathing Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Ches . Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers 4 Relieve Inolglont Consumption, Lung Diseases Tt ryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Irritation of Uvula and Tonsils. : Bryans. Pulmonic Wafers Relieve the above complaints in ten minutes. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers ' Are a blessing to all Classes and Constitations Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are in llmg'le form and pleasant to the taste. ryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve but effect rapid and lasting cures. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one No family should be without a box ot Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers in the house. Notraveller should be without a supply of Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers .__ _ Twentyâ€"five Cents JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, _ _ nterteran __New York. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcasue, C. W. Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, I. F. McCarthy, Joseph Skinner, and J. rown, in Ottawa. 4 Ottawa Feb. 5.17 350dw6m ake _â€"_ Immediate Payment To the undersigned. Overduc payments must be settled before From accumulated interest. A Deduction will be Made THI --dorl:?nod U. 8. Consular Agent for the City of Ottawa, and the dependencies thereef. dsems it proper to give public notice to those ko may n(kuin his official services, that his office in It. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"street, will be open at all times during business hours. All invoices of property of whatever kind o.:soflod or intended to be exported into the Unii States, must be authenticated by me at this Consular Agency, in order to facilitate its transit at the proâ€" per ports of entry. * P. H. l’(‘AS'HAR. § . 8. Consular Agent, April 12. 407 HAUSER‘s NEWS DEPOT 18TP .FANUARY NEXT Richmond Road, i Ottawa, September 19, 1867. §424â€"37â€"2m TIIE subscriber begs to inform his friends and the rublic gencrally that he has leased the above well known and favorably situatâ€" ed House on Rideau, opposite St, Nicholasâ€"street, where will be found constantly on hand the best of wines, liquors, &c. The table will be nqq;liod with the bost the market afterds. A 70“ yard and stabling attached, and a careful Hostler in atâ€" tendance, f f J. B. TACKABERRY, | To ArOPTAWA, C â€"W. Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa and its Dependencies. 57, SPARKSâ€"STREET, CENTRAL OTTAWA Mll. HAUSER would respectfully ip= form his friends and the public generally that he intends remaining in his &:unt store, No. 57, Fparksâ€"street, Central wa, where he will bo; on hand, as M.&Y' all the LATEST NEWSPAPERS, MAG AZINES, BOOKS, &¢., &e., together with a large and well selected stock of the best and neatest FANCY GOODS. Au?lur and fine stock of i-E:'ud CIGARS, MERSCHAUM PIPES, &c., will be kept on hand. So as not to necessitate legal proceedings. To persons paying in full before 1st January moni¢c Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine Ottawa, ERSONS indebted to the Estate of the late EDW ARD MALLOCH are requested to ____ in his pocket. _ No person will ever object to ‘give for Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Circulating Library MONCK CROWN HOTEL, (Formerly kept by W. B; Howes.) RIDEAUâ€"STREET, NOTICE. , 1867. â€"â€"ANXDâ€" W * & JOHN MALLOCH. S4ld |STOVES. _ STOVES. â€" STOVES. _ STOVES. , STOVES. _ sSTOVES. STOVES. â€" STOVES. STOVES * OCAPITAL :â€"â€"=:=.â€"S6, “,’ 1 have received o NFOVES, THAW AR at low prices. â€" In Cooking, varied assortment ever show COokKIxG cooKInxc CookKiNxG Ottawa, Gctober 2, 1867 PARLOR sTOVES. PARLOR STOVES. PARLOI STOVIS. We still continue to manufacture every deserptic RUSSIAIRON PLPL, and DUMB STOVES. ag attended to by competentand experienced Mechan &e., at reduced rates. a WW Wheeler & Wilson‘s New Button bole Attachment for their [ wh Machines is now ready, 1t is the greatest invention of the day. E; 1863. I‘mbroidering Attachments, and other latest imppovements, éte THE HOWE MACHINES are WORHLDeILENOWNED for doing the Handromest and most durable work on Leather. _ Fox Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers, Boot and Shot Makors, &¢, They are the best Shuttle Machine in the World for Tailors® use. Spoo!s, Cotton and Nilk, Oil, Needles, etc., etc., constantly on hand. > 479y G, A. WALTON, A_anr..'n Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! They would call particular Rudfl-!u!es. that is fashic CoMPETITION. m They are also prepared to tal latest styles and fashion, and as they WARRANTED TO FIT. A PILOTS, BEAVERS, PETERSHAMS; DEVONS, L WHITNEYS j IRISH FRIEZE, | CANADILAN DO., BROADCLOTHS, BLACK .DOESKIN3S, SILK MIXTURE OF CoATINGS Importers of Dry Goods. ALEX. DUFF. AIJ. the right, title and claim of the undoni‘u:, daughter and legatee of the late Walter Beckworth, in '.ic lots of land distinguished as numbers thirty, thirtyâ€"one and thirtyâ€"tiro (30, 31, and 32,) in the flmo((‘ st) range of the Tfl'fllhi&r of Litchfeld, County of Pontiae, and Province of Queâ€" duâ€"Fort property," .the antod porghs, . * Een ty For turther particulars a ily to the undersigned, if by letter, postâ€"paid, a't'.‘ finnloek. County of Pontiae, Hargrave P. O STOVE SUSSEX MEADOWS DBPO‘T ! .. ud {, & CCOJ. OM E. A BR A chasers would do well to note, _ An inspection of the above goods i The above is generally known as Price Lists sont free on applicatioi . Any part wf a Stoye sold by t Bird Cages ! .;; 'l-.t“;;: ,;‘.;‘i‘;;l'i-d.. â€"l'll'fllâ€"'fil;ek, Cuflll’(ry of OA RDING.=â€"«MRS8. REYNOLDS, "TH ntine, Hargrave P. 0. wil wl 'f co:up"luk and Fancy -:-. um:u y p ra re 3 doors from Bussex Street, begs to anrounce hi WIDOW JAMES POWELL she is mmu*.m“‘*m Havelock, July 13, 1867. 0 28wi4m ! ors 13% q Now and most beautiful OTTAW A, September 12 RE NOW OFFERING A L.ARGE AND WELLâ€"§SELECTED sTock OF DRY GOO0DS, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASTL (““& wll;g 11i1,. 1 WO HGNELST PREANUCMS AND ONLY ;& e st PReq, ':;;3 GOLD MEDALS & " .â€"POR SEWING MACHINES | avâ€"#MRâ€" “ s "“"fi. 9» a» # one j # 4 ® 7 iz‘ &M fParis Exposition, 1867, Our BOX BOX BOX BTOVES, STOVE®, STOV Es. aitable 1 LLDFORD CORDS, | ... CHAUDIERE 1W £Eaus, BANNNOCKBUKN Do., i _ HALIFAX bo., KERSEY®, FLANNELS, FOR SALE. EST I1 particular® attention, as they have now on and every novelty of cu and patters in lhll( is fashionable for the season, and as their stock is large and varied they DEFY Do. AND HALL STOVES. AND HALL STOVE®. AND HALL STOVES THEIR CLOTHING OEPARTMENT {1 August 1, 1866 AND !’R()Vl.\'l();\'S Wholesale and Retail. SsPARROW‘S BUILDING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets‘ Groceries, Liquors, M. SPARROW & Co., private Dwel do. TROWSERINGS, ‘loths and Clothing. y known as the " Portage: village of that name being N A BRA & C©o., NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, n in Ottaw AND MANUFACTURERS OF, AXD DEALKERS I8 A BLITSEITED N IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN nd LUMBEI Hot Alr J take orders for Ciothing, which they gusarantee to make in the oy are under the supcrintendence of experienced M.Ly wre SHFUKNINUINXG _ GOuDS & DBird Cages! COOls 1 NG COOKING COuHINXG PALLOR PARLONR PAILLOI Howso Ma wultio? alll ted at the oVvEN an be replaced when broken or burnt out,. a fact intending PHE TWO IIGHEST PREMIUMS AND ONL\Y CAPI] LK the d Church BLANKETS ( PRICEKHâ€"3 CENTS Wheore were Eightyeitwo CompetHors. CYMEHAXRAâ€"& CO, sTOVE®S, 8 TOVE®. s TOVES. 8TOVE STOVI S TOYVI COATS, ‘ARLOR GRATES MGCCASIN®, nugr, BAGS, LENEN, _ VJ ~TOVEs, »TOVE PLPES, ELBOWS®, DUM#S UPPLIES, which we, offer Wholesale or Retail ‘)Klfi sUITE OF ROOM®s aTt DÂ¥i@~ nan‘s Private Hotel, Sparksâ€"st. Oitawa, August 17. ces S1At > nuriices. \l '.‘\lt;o':l‘?hl‘r-cl;lll JOURNEYMEX ;lacksmiths to whom constant employment n good wages will be given. Apply to chinceCo., both of NewYork. o wll kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in our line Country Merchants supplied with Stovepipes, at TIN, SHUEET IRON, and COPPER WARE, HOX AND HALL STOVE®. BOX AND HALL STOVE®. BOX AND HALL STOVE®,. I1. MIZADOWS & CO. PANTS, sTOVE DEPOT 463f Wanted Ammediately, arebouses and Stoves l COOKING STOVES. Es. ©ookKixc srovEes 1042 COokKING sToVE®, vement« in both ELEYATED and LOW Wiusoo Mantfcturing Company, Whn® AWARDED To TWE 1 VESTE, TRAVELLING, > cuf&)xs,s'runw,: & / BLUK, Do., __ GREY, TRUNKS, VALISES, Boarding. i1, we have the largest and most DKA WERS, SMOCKS,* 1o, Sesssx. Stucet Basins Bird _ ages ! PETER KILDUFF, _ Yorkâ€"st., Ottawa. PARLOR STOVE®, PARLOR STOVE®. PARLOR ®TOVE®. MITTS, WOOLLE® Do. _ BUCK, 62â€"y

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