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Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Oct 1867, p. 3

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A ND daont ara~ ted a losed they hung, Lang wellâ€" st. TS * the ) 1%, 10 30 50 hav» lung 40 25 Tip« o / «o 50 18 30 30 red, has At of Bllfl'AO'I' SETS of Glit and Figur= ed China, Dinner Sets that are ndl{ beautiâ€" ful, and Tes Sets that cannot be cqualled clse where. Aho.lun.v‘nhly of Tuilet Sets, Enaâ€" melled and Gilt h Bowls, Flower Shades, VARIETY HALL, To the public will be SUSPENDED from this dat, rl\ll Supscriber has received instruce tions to sell by Public Auction, at his Sale Rooms, on TUESDAY, the 29th of OCTOBER, unâ€" less previously disposed of by private contract, the East balfof Lot No. 10, 3rd Concession, Ottawa Front, Township of Gloncester. There is a good Log House, Barn and Stables on the premises; 30 acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation, eight miiles from the city and two miles from a new n_uuh-ind rc‘a”d. s 850 ACRES OF LAND, situated ® within rwo to cight miles of the city. Apply to JOHNX W.McCGULIRE, Lot 25, 2nd Concesâ€" sion, Ottawa Front, Gloucestor. 546â€" im Crockery, China and Glassware. â€" Forterms and particulars e m e eb oels = "9.= & Al.l. persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, and whose accounts have been rendered, are requested to call and scttle at onee, or costs will wWINE MERCHANT, â€" Rideau Street, APPLY TO Library of Parliament Pints $1.00 more per 2 dozen. Hennessy‘s, Marteli‘s, and Otard du Prey‘s Branâ€" dies, in wood and bottle. P Pure Jamaica Spirits in wood and bottle. Seotch and Irish Whiskeys in cases. 4 DeKuyper‘s Gin in wood, ted and green cases. Booth‘s, Berpard‘s, and Thompson‘s Old Tom London Gins in cases. A vory superior assortment of Champagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarets, Fanturnes, &c., in quarts and pints. VALUABLE FARM, ‘Maraschino, Curacao, Vermouth, and Royal Ita han Bitters, &c. «uarts and pints. Price Lists, &¢., on application. Orders by mail bedcmiinionst t drait pang s i. sns dememasiditiaiemetiatin Amcze us with cash or city reference solicited and promptly attended to. No charge for delivery in the @ty. A discount made to persons buying in quantity or original packages. Auction W. A. ADAMSON, _ ) ALPHEUS TODD, Librarian of Senate. > Librarian HOuse of 24 TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. AT THE SIGN OF THE .. Of every description HOES, RAKES, Are requested to return the same without delay Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools IX GRKAT YVARIETY, Nails, Spikes, Camp KettJes, Circular and Crossâ€" out Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c..â€"AU Oitamwa, April 13 Citawa, Oct. 22, 1867 Ottaws, Sept. 4, 1867 Oct. 9, 1867 Oct. 23, 1867 Library of Parliament, October 21, 1867. Agricultural Implements October 17, 1867 CARDEN TOOLS CHEESE! CHEESE! WE . MAMMOTH PRIZE CHEESE will be cut on MONDAY next. BATE & C0., > The largest assortment in the Dominion is now open for inspection at the | ONFIDENTLY recommends and gua«= ‘ rantees the following WINES, viz.:â€" 1 Port (Mlâ€"l.'hq...‘.......fl 00 $6 00 4 «â€"Buperior o‘d.......... & «* Very fine old......... 1 Sherry,light table....... % _« Superior do.......... 3 «* Very choice......... LL PERSONS who may have in their . possession any Blacksmith Wanted. The Loan of Books K. AKRNOLDI, AUTUOTION NALE No. 11 METCALFEâ€"STREET, pa~ CALL AND INSPECT. THOMAS BIRKETT, Land ftor Sale. B C O K S Very fine. 34, Sussoxâ€"st. PLOT LINES, NEW AND IMPROVED. XNXNQPECE. MESSRS, GILMOUR & Coâ€", Gatineau Mill BY A. ROWE. NOTICE. RELONGING TO TEE , Bass® Ale and Hibberts‘ Porter, JUSKEFH BOYDEN, Sales, â€" Oftawa,‘ Auction â€" Sales, Ottawa, SPADES®, SHOVELS, &c. OTTAWA, CAN BE HAD K. ARNOLDI uccessor to James Starke J. GARVEY, M.D. t 52080 (eneral Agent a® Per Gall, â€" Pen. Do# .ksCO-. s parksâ€" t. 5692 ROW E, W alsor 1 Auctioncer Sâ€"td 40w3 4 50 12 50 5 50 15 00 Commons. 24 All orders tor 25 Ib. boxes and u(?wmh. carriâ€" ago free to any Railway Station in Canada. Parâ€" ties wanting smaller quantities should club togeâ€" ther, Buyers living beyond Railway Stations, will please send rou oflice order, or enclose notes, The carriage will be paid to the nearest station, where there are express ofices. Tea will be forwarded immediately on rcco:gt of the order by mail conâ€" taining money, or the money can be collected on delivery by oxpress man. Casii collected in Montreal free of ehnr?, and Tea forwarded for the same. Original packages Black Tom \nl&h. F chosts about 50 Ibs. Chests do, 90 to 100 lbs. Green Tow from 60 to 80 lbs. ‘Teas not mentioned in adâ€" vertisement can be had Q&nnfly cheap. The Comâ€" pany are determined to take a stand in the Montreal market, .Vfl’{ article may therefore be depended on as to quality and weight. H. MeLEAN, Auctioncet. Ottawa, Oct. 18, 1837 Common Longou, Broken Leat, Strong Tea..$00 45 Fine Flavoured New Season do................. 00 55 Exceliont Full Flayoured do............ ......... 00 75 Righ FIBVOULOA do.â€"»««».«»»« «»srssssseessers«..»».. 00 60 Very Fine OO eeneererenremreenevevenmmerccccente M0 Th ahbJHHE coeee revvermeneccecececrvenevsacle c muvserienusn ons WO D YeTy F1G d0..1ccccccrtrcececceescmememecrerrerers OU 16 An excellent mixed Tes, Black.and Greon,.... 00 60 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Tlll undersigned being about to retive ‘ from busivess, will offer for sale at Public Auction on TUESDAY, the 29th day of OCTOBER, instant, at the BRITISH LION HOTEL, Sparks Street, the whole of his Household Furniture, conâ€" sisting in part of Sofas, Tables, Chatrs, Bedstoads, Feather Bods«, W ashstands, Carpets, Crockery and Glassware, Cooking and ParlorStoves, and cther articles too numerous to mection. â€" Terms Cash in bankable funds. Sale Positive.â€"to commence at 11 o‘cleck, a. m, . RICHARD BISHOP, . MeLEAN, Proprietor. TIII-? MoxXTREAL TEA COMPANY, M 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, baving just imâ€" K:md a large quantity of Green and Black Toas, g to call the attention of the Trade, Hotel Proâ€" prictors, and large establishments generally to their list of prices. Buyers of Chests and Boxes of Tea will save money by getting it direct through the Importers. . : § T T o THE IMPORTERS. 'I"ulal. OHRNNOE: ... .. (00000 050 sesce004s 0084500000 'Yh. “o en senneiggrnn e enensvencnrnnnnnnnnninnnnnnne gl ow Y BOM. . 2 ok e eede c cnenes e en nne enc nevennnnnnnnn | perfine fORY CN0000s.ccccczccrmmmecccom «s :E tre (Os cew eun ven n in erier ederenmepatiinisunctes 1 ua-m::m to buyers ot Five Chests and . faxl" upwards. 4 Wholesale and Retail. 1000 Pairs Grey Blankets, ©400 do .White _ do & 150 Preces Canadian Etofcs, 20 â€" "~ Dark Satinettes, P 850 _« Canada Tweeds, j 50 _ «* English and Scotch Eweeds, 35 _ ® Seoteh: Drugget, * 150 .« Blue, White and Red Flannels, 25 * Faney t 13 «* White and Brown Serges, 30 Dozen Scarlet, Crimson and Fancy Sashes, 15 «* Men‘s and Boy‘s Wool Scarts, 20 ~â€"© Canadian Home Made Socks, 15 # . w «e «â€" Mitts, I:I Pieces Coloured Cobourgs, & «* Black Lustres and Cobourgs, 120 _ «* Glasgow Wincies, 50 _ «* Aberdeen * 33~ «®_Fancy « 115 * Other Faucy Dress Materials, P 400 Single and Double Weol Shawls, _ 100 Neckerchiefs, 150 Fashionable Mantles and Jackets, 325 Priccésg Gray Cottons and Sheetings, 130 ° :‘E'T“N «e w 210 * nted _ * 4 30 _ * Cottoh Ticking, 20 * Lingn _ " Heasian, 30 _ «* Blue Striped Shirting, 20 «* * and Brown Dennins, 40 _« «Forfar Linens and Baggings, 1 Case Linen Threads, 5 Cases Spools, 1 Case Pins, and about 20 Cases Well Assorted Small uki%m) assortment of MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS never before offered to the rblie of Ot tawa, at the Ottawa Music Store, 25 garks-lt. J. L. ORME & SON, |,â€" Just received direct from GERMANY, to be sold at prices defying competition. _____________ _ Y10LINS, Cook, Hall and Parlor Stoves, August Double and Single Hyacinths, Lamps, Tinware, &c. Double and Single Tulips, JONXQUILLS, WV Just received from Europe by the subscriber. Dutch Flower Roots. August 27, 1867. Trrxs Linkrat, VIOLINS ! VIOLINS ! FOUBR CLSES C& . MONTREAL TEA CO., 6, Hospitalâ€"st , Montreal B@" Agent for (Xiawa and neighborhood, _ STOVES, STOVES. Nttawa, Oct. 14, 1867 : Kr!eu defying competition. \iso a splendid lot of GUITARS, FLUTES, &c., Of every description and design at Low Price Bept. pA Address For domestic use of a 5) ‘TEA! THA! TEA ! BUX YXOUK TEA E HAVE NOW ONHAND A LARGE and splendid assortment of MAGEE & RUSSELL. A very finc‘and large assortment of GREEN TEA. BLACK T EA. Anction Sale coNCERTINAS, BY H. MeLEAN CROCUS, MBR. JOS., MOONEY, NARCISSAS, DRECT PROXM Wu. HEARN, Market Drug Store, DUC VON THOLE, &c., &c., &ke., & OP AND W ACCORDEO NS udid Quality 25 Sm;l- st‘. Y orkâ€"street 330 $2234â€"wy 566â€"4d $00 38 00 55 . 00 60 . 00 75 .. 1 00 . 00 85 ce 00 Rowley. ‘The BEST COOKERY BOOKâ€"Mrs. Becton‘s Book of Household Management, $2.25. The BEST and CHEAPEST ENCYCLOPGDIAâ€" Uhambers® Encyclopoedia of Universal Knowledge for the Poople,‘in 9 vols., cloth extra, and half calf extra,. Curiosities of Literature, by D‘Isracli, $1 ; Gil Blas, $1; Don Quixote, $1 ; Our Constitution, Mll(‘llAN'l' TAILORS and General Outftters, Elginâ€"street, opposite the Russell House, and second door from the London Music Store, having just received a choice stock of English, French and Canadian And a general assortment of gentlemen‘s furnishâ€" ing goods, would intimate to their friends and the public generally that they are prepared to execute all orders in thoir line at the shortest notice, in the most approved styles and at prices that we defy conipetition. CON'I'AINIIG the text of the British Americaâ€"Act, 1867, the Intercolonial Railâ€" way Guarantee Act, and the Royal Proclamation. Also, Synthetical, Analytical, and Alphabetical Indices to the B. A. Act, 1867, by * SMiIiTH & RODNEY Tn:u. WINES, BRANDIES, TOBAC= cos, General Groceries, &e., for account Messrs. :)lcle)elKhl. GUNn & CO., on ‘TUESDAY, 29th of tober. L â€"JOIIN GOOCHH. Prico â€" = in cloth == 75 Cents. our Laws and.System of Government, $1 ; Dante‘s Purgatories, $1; Dante‘s Paradiso, $1 ; Book Days (Chambers) §4; 1001 Goms of Poctry, by Mackay, $1 ; lans Andersen‘s Book of Fairy Tales, $1.50 ; Handâ€"book of Gymnastics and Athâ€" letics, by Ravenstcin and Halley, $2.25 ; History of Signboards, $25; the Blang Dictionary, $1.75 ; British Rural Sports, by Stonchenge. For sale by feamnsrane Auction Sales : Montreal BYJOHN LEEMING & CO. October, when will be offered ~ Also, a large assortment of Wines, Brandies, Tobaccos, Ciinn and General (Groceries, &c. * Sale at NINE o‘clock. COFFEE. COFFEK, About 6,000 Packages Choice FRESH TE AS. Apples, Apples, Apples. By the Barrel or in lots to suit purchasers, vizs All the above are warranted to be caretully hand picked, and packed in good new barrels. Address orders to the Growers. | FAMEUSE, J. & W. C. CARLISLE, ‘ Terrapin, ! 237 and 289, Notre Dameâ€"street, Montreal October 15, 1867. < 563b CHOICE BRANDS FOR SALE, ; API’LICA'I'!OS will. be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at he next Session for a CHARTER to run a STEAM FERRYBOAT from the GATINEAU POINT and RIVER to the CITY of OTTAW A, to be called the GATINEAU AND OTTAWA STEAM FERRY COMPANY. THE NEW RLIDDLE BOOK, BLYTH & KERBR, All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly on hand. =â€"ALSOâ€" Importers and Dealers in House Parnish â€" is Hardware. Successors to Chas. Garth, NYNo. 235, Rideauâ€"st,.. Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers, &c. Cookiag Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Double Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Fire Irons, + Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, Japanned and Planished Tinware, &c., PAS~Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &0., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most apâ€" proved principles. fln es _ Orders from the country will receive strict at. tention. Ottawa, August 26. 416y Manutacturers of all descriptions ot work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distillerier, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up (Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &e. _ _ 6 BUILDING LOTS, one mile from the city, on the Richmond Road, Mnl.-l? one acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jx., on the promises, S6att Constitution of Uanada! mocHaA COPFEE, JAVA COFFEE, FAMAICK . 7 CcOPFPEE, CEYLONX â€" (Native) _ COFFEE, CEYLON (Plantation) COFFEE, LAGUAYRA CcOFFEE, Fresh every morning, whole or ground. :~â€" .JAS. BUCBHANAN, *‘ Sussex & Wellingtonâ€"sts. Ottawa, Oct. 14, 1867. 562â€"46. Ottawa, October 9, 1867. Sale at NINE o‘clock Published and for sale by Ottawa Oct. 1, 1867: Oitawa, October 18, 1867. Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1867 867td 567td T the Stores of Messrs. CONVERSE, COLSON & LAMB, on THURSDAY, 3ist of NEW Collection of the Best Riddies and Puns newly told, by the Honble. Hugh Just received a well selected assortmont of 200 Barrels ‘Trade Sale. "Trade Sale. CLOTHS and TWEEDS, MAIN U AL ST. LA WRENCE, NOTICEH. PUNIANA, $2.25 Lots for Sale. Of the following JOHN LEEMING & CO., Auctioneérs. JOHN LEEMING & CO., Auctioneers O# TE J, DURIE & SON, * No. 10. Sparb-cltl.. te Russell House. Bdgw * 408y GEO. E. DESBARATS 1. 858â€"00dâ€"3w And POMME GRIS. 498y 565.2m 5016 ‘FMH O PTA WA LCIMEHES, OCULOBER Â¥44, iso‘v. Table Waiters, Chambermaids, 2g0 sSISRRYVA TÂ¥ UT®S, J K, the undersigned Hardware Mer» chants of the City of Ottawa, agree to close our respective places of business on and after MONDAY, the 14th OCTOBER, 1867, until the 1st of APRIL, 1868, at the hour of seven o‘clock, p.m. ALEXANDER WORKMAN & CO., ° THOMAS BLRKETT, ANDREW COW AN, MeDOUGAL & CO., GEO. HAY, THO.AAS ISAAC¢. Ottawa, Oct. 11, 1867. 500b Pianoâ€"torte and Organ instruction, .. AJ. G. COLAEREK, t 100 ACRES.*«The north half of Lot No« No. 11, in 4th Con. of the Township of Oagoode, with a good House and Barn, and other ousbuildâ€" ings, and a good Epring Well, fifty meres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, ‘This is situated on the Prescott Ioad. within fifteen miles of Otta« wa. . Also the south half of Lot No.: 6, in the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 190 acves, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with good hardwood, and well watered, and situated} within a quarter of a mile of the Railway Station. Wites goud: Vot further information I‘PR'V to PATRICK HERBERT, Rideau Hotel!, Ottawa City. REVERE HOUVUSE, OTTAWA. WIlRREA! on the morning of the 6th instant some party or parties set fire to & pile of cordwood, placed on Lot 26, Gloucestor, A reward of one hundred dollars will be paid for such information as will lead to the conviction ot beiporpatritary :.:. 00 00 0s o iiritnn PBOPEIIOR of Music, Teacher of Orgam, Piano, Voice and Harmony. Also Mrs. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparkgâ€"st., adâ€" joining Desbarats‘ Block. 4 Fon SALE, Lot No. 15, 4th Concession Gloucester, Rideau Front, 7 miles from Ottaâ€" wa, on the Macadamized <Koad, leading from Ottawa to Metcalf, consisting of 100 meres, 80 of which is cleared, and in the highest state of cuitiâ€" vation. ‘The soil is of the very best quality ; there is a good dwel‘ing houso, barn, stable and other out buildings thereon.. This farm i« well fenced and watered. R. C. CATHEDRAL, SUSS#Xâ€"ST. 5th Kovember and Following Days For further particulars appy to M. NULL’AN. Auctionor Or the subscriber, on the premises, _ _ GRAND BAZAAR! Clothing and Outâ€"Fitting Store, He will open in the store formerly cccupied by E. Miles‘ Parliamentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon, a come plete stock of Centlemen‘s Outâ€"Fitting Goods, Cloths, &¢. Mr. Miles will carry on a branch of the Parâ€" liamentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon in the store cccu. pied by him as a Melodeon Depot, Rideauâ€"stree opposite Workman & Griffic‘s Hardware Depot, ~Ottawa, Sept. 24. 546 WOULD inform the Citizens of Otta= T wa and vicinity that on the A WOOD, No. 38, on RIDEAU STREET, has been refitted by the subscribers, and will be oponed on MONDAY, FOURTEENTH OCTOBEB, with an entire new stock of , HOWE‘S Boot and Shoe Store. BUILDING FU ND Al the Lease of our Premises in Sussex* street terminates this month, we intend to con fine our business to one locality, and shall remove the whole of our Stock on the 1st of May next, to our Storo in G R OC ER IIsSs, LIQUORS AND & ET A R.DW ARE. On:fmk of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, SHOEFINDINGS, TRUNKS, &e., &e., will conâ€" uqfiy be very large and most complete in every departinent, and we most respectfully solicit a conâ€" tinuance of favors, to inerit which our constant en« deavors will be as usual to provide the best articles and sell at the lowest remuncrating prices, coss * _ a. HOWE & soX, * Rememb _ the place~No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. next to Howell‘s _ rocery. April 27. ; 420y In the city for the carriage of all descriptions of goods and monles, &c., at reasonable rates. Goods callsd for onleaving notice at the offices of the OTTAW A to MONTREAL Merchandiso and Parcels The Ottawa River Navigation Co, To and from Montreal, the above Company have been induced to open an Tlll public are informed that owing to B the increased domand for the quick dispatch EXPEE SS Ottawa, Oct, 23, 1867 Ottawa, October 12 Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867. (Glouesster, Sept. 1 May Ottawa, October 12, 1867 Apply to B46d FARMS FOR SALE. A GRAND BAZAANR IN AID $100 Réeward. IE Store formerly occupled by W. D. NEW STORE ! FARM FOR SALE. wIt ATINC 1st of OCTOBER No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. It. II. GRAFILAM (MALE AND FEMALY BE M O VA iL.!. EHXPRES=®. WILL BE HELD ON 4 ONTARIO NOTICE. JOHN W. McGUIRE, tGloucester AT TB MERRICK BRUSH & CO. _ W. McGUIRE, 1867 â€"=VIiAâ€" AT MHE BUCK & SANGER, Proprictors 570â€"3 « 1: x & woOoD & ROSSITER. 7. 561 â€"tf A G ExC YÂ¥ W. MHALPENNY 557 37â€"6m LN IK. 26y TIH Bltd from 80 of culiti. there INDIA WAREKHOUSE, April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April J0 April 10. April 10 (uumcus-s PUBLIN SsTOUT POR« X TER, QUGAR-CURED HAMS, AND BREAK»« J fast«Rolled Bacon. A choice supply of the above can always be had At the India Warehouse, _ April 10 April 10 April April 10 April 10 H April 10, Aprii 10 b»" April 10 A1 April 10 April 10 l)OI( W WINE, finest qualit In Wood and Bottle, At the India 2 April 10 I’O()'l‘ll‘fl ouD TOM GiN, D At the India Woareh + BPOWNE & LONDON MUSIC STORE ! Under the Parliament Hairdressing Saloon. For which the undersigned is Sole Agent for Oltaâ€" wa and vicinity. ‘Testimonials from Clergymen and the Principal Professors of Music in Canada, can be seen at this establishw ont. Several cases of Excellent this market or any other, 4 fi g::;:‘:ge;":sl K: rfi?:;«:idfz; % av5e? “Manufacmrers' Prices, & ALSO, A NUMBER OF WILLIAMS‘ VICTORIA ORGAKS AND MELODEONS, Secondâ€"hand Pianos tak nOW OB0R,. . / . _ en in part payment for _ Connected with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will attend‘ punctually to all orders for TUNING left at the London Music Store. PARLIAMENT _ . HAIRDRESSING â€" 8ALOON | Hairdresser by Appifin:ment to His Excelâ€" s lency the Governorâ€"General, HAI REMOVED HI8S PARLIAMENT MHALR DRESSING sSALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONXDON MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st., opposite the Russell House, which be bas fitted up in the most recherche style of the business, and wgcr_e his 'm.""}{um Brusb, which he imported expressly for himself, being the first iumm inlt.;"B-{mla America, will bo I:w ready for use. The saloon i; dol.lghunlly ventilated, and very pleasantly situated. Mr. MILES would take this ogportunity of reâ€" turning bis most sincore thanks to his many triende and the rblio, for their kind and generous patron:â€" ago to him, during a number of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" tention to business, and in his new and Grstâ€"claes saloon, with polite and attentive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. iz All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &c,, manufactured to order. * For the convenionce of ladies oraers will be received at the London Music itore, where a fine and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. sCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, » â€"â€" At the India Warchouse NROSSE & BLACKWELIS RLED AND ) Black Currants,; Jams and Jellics, * At the India Warchouse, _ SHERIRY WINE, varous brands 4 _ In Waod and Bottls, \“l!lfl oLD CHERRY BRANDY, L At the India Warchouse, 6t BROWNE & HARDY s'rl"'(i"'ro.‘ BLPTERS, At the India Warchouse, 1008SEBERRY JAM,STRAWBERRY MA Jaim,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage Jam, At the India Worchouse, Ottawa, Oct ril ouNn tuup BITTERS, t At the India Warchouse, fls BROWNE & HARDY: O‘:taw a, October 3, 1867 INEST OLD RYE WHISKEY, At the India Warechouse, C BROWNE & HARDY. INEST ANBER sSYRUP/ At whe India Warchouse, ERNARD®S GINGER WINE, » At the India Warchouse, ORrK AND FLOUR Constantly on hand, At the India Warchouse, AMSAY‘s POJXT ELLEN 1SLAY wHISKEY, _. e 1867. RANDY, HENNESSEY and IBBERT‘s LONDON sTOUT POR» TER, VIOLINS, a cOoNCERTINAS, ACCQORDEONS, ?'I‘AMBO_!U!INEB, GUITaRs, o FLUTES, PRUMS, 1 KUYPER!S HOLLAND GIN, In Wood and Bowle, _ . _ IREWOOD _ OR SALE. Office, east _end of the Sappers‘ Bridge; . Apply to JOHN No, 16, Rideauâ€"Street, WOOD! WOOoD! In Wood and Bottle, _ _ At the Iudias W c BROWNE E. MILES, Hair Dresser, by q:Kolnunut. to his _ Excellency the Governorâ€"General 'l‘llE sSUBSCRIBER has just received from the Best Manufacturers in America, a Large and Fino assortment of * Equal to any ever brought to PIANOS! Direct from Gerinany 1867 At the Iadia Woarchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY It the India Wurchouse, [BROWNE & HARDY, 44 â€"th â€"â€"AND~â€" the India: Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY 42 M _ K. MILES, Elgin Streot, Opposite the Russell House 4 551â€".30y BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & MARDY BROWNE & HARDY,. BROWNE & HARDY, BROWNE & HARDY c India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROW N BROWNE & HARDY. s wons C u80 BROWNE & HARDY. W d Lindsor‘s wehouse, & HARDY other Brands, 1867 & HARDY rehouse, HARDY 4051f 553â€"39y §40â€"2m Ees &e, GARLAND,_ MUTCHMOR &â€" C0., BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, i yMmnaieD SHEFFIRLD HOUSE ! M\ Floor Oil Cioths, Cocon Mattings, Feltings, Crumb Cioths, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Cornices Lace Curtains, Table Covers, Damasks, Curtain Reps, Giips, Window Hollands, Table Linens Shectings, Towellings, etc., etc. Carrers made and laid for 64 per yard. * ® All orders promptly attended to by Mr. W. 8. Wirsox. No. 20, 8 GRANT & HENDERSON, _ MILLINERY, MANTLES, DC WINCIES, FLANNELS, > LA MERLINO8, TW EEDS, PR CARPETS, DRUGGETTs, M. DAMASKS, REPP3, CU HOSLERY, > GLOVEs, £C LINENS, COTTONS, SH Bugle Trimmings and Ornaments in great variety lowest prices for cash: _ Carpets and House Furnishings‘ CUNNINGHAM AND LINDSAVS If you require a good Jacket, Call at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSA Y¥‘s. If you require the latest Styles in Dress Good#, See CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S STOCK. If you want goud value in Blankets and Flannels, See CUONNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘8 STOCK. CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, All kinds of work in the Jewellery line carefully attended to, and Designs furnished: on the «hortâ€" est notice. Watches, Clocks and Jowellery repaired on the premises and warranted. Ottawa, July #0, 1867. 4 435y PRACTICAL WATCH ANB C100K MAKERS, YOUNC 4& RADFORD, Masonic CGGoods in Ceniral: Canada °_ MANTLE AND MILLINERY & XX O NX iR G O XXNX & , ANUFACTURING JEWELLERS AND WATCH MAKERS, Importor of Watches, Jewellery, Cutlery, Electroâ€"Plated Ware, Faney Goods, &c., &« N K â€" Wâ€"â€"(CS+T O O D 151 . 20, Sparksâ€"street, Experienced Salesman and Cashier Wanted. Ottawa, October 21, 1867. No. 14, Riideauâ€"st. OTTAW A, Oct. 15, 1867. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. n lX s THE WALKISG AND RECEPTION TRAIL, fâ€" a 4; TBE QuUAKER OR HALF TRAIL, « & p THE DEMI (HALF SKIRT,) e â€";a *\‘, N.B.â€"Old styles altered ani repaired. naaf e e le}} Corsets, Corsets, Cormets. Cmm earia= A splendid assortment of French Corsets, just arrived is White mm f o. Scarlet »nd Grey, every size. Wholesale Buyers can be supplied with Skirts as low a« they can be bought in Montreal or e}** Ottawa, Sept. 24, 1867, Ottawa, October 21, 1867 OTTAW A, October 19, 1867 CARRP ECCX N CLESS : THE BISHOP‘S BUILDING, SUSSEX»ST., NEAR THE CATHEDRAL, E. K. MAcG@ILLIVRAY &.â€"CO., on io td The best value in all kinds of Linen Goods, 6 At CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY*s. 1t you require CHEAP COTTONS you will get the best value in Ottawa atâ€" Are now filled with all the novelties, which you are invited to inspect For Fall and Winter, consisting of W IFall and W inter Goods, Kver offered the public of Ottawa, comprising Lapland and Polar Witneys, Nay Bob Pilots, Moscow Beavers, &c. In fact all the new and most fashionable goods manufactured, selected perscnally b{ the .rroprlewr, whose long prac ical experience in the business is sufficient guarantee for his ability toselect Cloths of the best quality. . ZA@TPlease call and inspect stock previous to purchasing elsewhere. _ As THE POST OFFICE PECG: TOP DEPCOT: TWO AND THREE PLY, WOOL, JUTE AND HEMP HAVE JUST RECEIVEb ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF AND 1HE BESI AND LARGEST COLLLCTION OF Ottawa, Sept. 16, 1867 Additional Stock. 30 SPARKSâ€"ST. IEInspection â€"Envited. Have imported a very large and boautiful stock Their stock of the following is now very complete, HERE you will find the best, largest and most complere stock of MANTLES, FLANNELS, TW EEDS, DRUGGETTS REPP3, GLoOVEs, COTTONS, City HMoop Skirt Factory ! l BEG to call theatiention of Ladies to the l‘w Ktyles of HOOP SKIRT at present worn in all the fashionable cities o the world, and which I am now muking to measure ; and have i1 stock every known style at prices defying competition. 18 DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE NCO TPIC E. 48, Sparksâ€"st., Central Ottawa, _ n GRANT & HENDERSON. $48y â€"a 4 +â€" NEARLY OPPOSITE ONTARIO BAXK NEWEST STYLES! If you require a fashionable Bonnet or Hat, Call at CUNNINGHAM & LIND®A Y*s. If you require Hosiery and Gloves, Call at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY*S. DRESSE3, + LACES, PRINTS, MATTING, CURTAIN®S, SCARFS, SHEETIN4, Wholesale and Retail 38ly DAVID MILLAR oferin RIBBON®, SUAW LS, SKIRTS, OTL CLOTHS, OLLANDS, COLLARS, BAGGING. 484 v 472 §10y it rtors the | We have a most delicions our premises by ed, 5s per each, $« 9 We are const antly receiving suppiies of this truly beautiful and dolicious COFFEF, romsted dasly en By which peculiar process, he aroma is presorved an â€" refhiders it the ravortTk wTm ant Correx orixs « Without exception the fipest Coffee in the mld."â€"bud.»:%un. Morch 16. ROBINSON & €0,. would expecially call the #t teution of families toâ€"their stock of GUINESS & CO The Pure Mountain Berry BLOOD ‘ ONXDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘S LONDONX PORTER > ALLSOPS PALE ALBb. BASS EAST IXDIA. e DOW‘S CELEBRATED MONTREAL AL». DAWS SUPERIOR LACHINE ALK. DAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & sToUi ALES, WINESé& SPIRIT3 Which we are selling at 8 shilings per gailon Véry Choice and Supericr Wines, Spirits & Liguors Just Received from England :. ROAST HARE. j CURRIED Do. $ JUGGED Do. » FTEWED po. â€"â€" _(w 4 ROAST PHEARAXNTs®, ROAST GROUSKE, OAST PARTRIDGN ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our own Waggon: to any part of the City dnity / OTTAW A. Establishmentsâ€"Susscx 8t. and Rideeu Et Canal Regulations. ,No‘l‘lal is hereby given, that in ac« cordance with the z8th Chap. Con, Stats. of Canada, His Excellency the Governorâ€"General in Council has been pléased to approve of the followâ€" ing additional regulations to ensure the proper using, management anc protection of the Canals of the Dominion of Canada. dth, Two cents per cord will be charged a«» wharfage orgrowid rent upon firewsod plased on py part of the Government Can«l Reserve. NOW ON SALE 1,000 ; Privy Council Office, Ottawa, 14th October, 1867 1st No firewood to be landed on the easterly #ide of the‘Basin from Sappers‘ Bridge tothe line of Little Sussexâ€"stroct. ord. Virewsod may bw landed and piled around the Basin un Government Land within forty febt of the water, leaving a roadway of at least fiiteen feet between every four pies of frewood, which roadâ€" way must be as near as practicable at right angles to the margin of the Cana‘. This wood must »lso be removed within twentyâ€"four hours after the owner or person in chatge has been notified 10 that effect and in default a fine of three cents per cord will be levied mpon it for every day it remains thereaiter. Regulationsâ€"in pursuance of the 28th Chap. Con. State."cf Canade, for landing firewood on the line of the Rideau Canal, in the City of Otawa, and in addition to the regulations for the management and protection of the Provincial Canals, which were authorized by the Governor in Council .Oth May, 1857, Sections 14 and following, and were made «pplicableâ€"to the Ridean Canal, under the Order of His Eacelleney in Council of the 2nd of June, 1860, given 2n4. Firewood may be landed between the line of Little Sussexâ€"street and the Byâ€"wash or waste weir, but must be removed within twenty â€"four hours after haviag been placed there ; a tine of three cents por cord will be tharged for every day the wood comain« on the wharf after such notice has been oth. No firewood may be landed without a permit having been first obtained from the Lock Ma«ster or Tollector, and the fetâ€"pass must be given up to this ')Imbofmt?owodn-m*spnl- y of forty dollars. £** 568â€"1f ~Ottawa, the 16th day of October, A. D. 1667 §8714 JB3E CHE*TI HE Crediters of the undersigned are rnaibd to meet at the Law Office of WILâ€" LIAM MOSGROVE, in the City of Otewa, on 40XDAY, the FOURTH day of XOVEMBER, A. D. 1867, at twaes o‘cuoc«, P. *M., for the purpose A receiring «tatements of his affairs, and of namâ€" 1ng an Assignee, to whom be may make an assignâ€" ment under the above Act. sovecHona, 150 Caddies MANDERLN MIXTURE PAY~ This is the finest Buack Te« ever im , s per pound ; in email Caddies, about Im Ottawa, September 10 BEWARE OFP SPURIOUS® 1MITATION®, M"As it is mported by no other firm in Canada FRESH ARKRIV AL AbAb4p $7°¢," * Thovinat 500 Chests very choree and superior YOUNX@ HYsoX. 700 Cliests Good Strong TW AX kAYX 100 Chests ol-\l fashioned BREAKFASi 1@ 100 czses GOiard Craundy. 50 Ne .Vluru-ll;- * * 150 _ " _ Mennessey, 10 _ " â€" United Ninquei» DUBI IN STOUT Insolvent â€"Act of 1864. sking Pateal Silver Cylinger ROBINSON 4& co DINNER SHERRY TBEAS COFPFEE | ROBINSUN & CO,, PRESERVED MEATS. By Command, ADDITIONAL THE TEA POT, *A P, THE TEA POT, OTTAW A aT TAE c# Ww, H:1LEE, C.PC 22hf

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