eleven wfal Â¥, the 44 0s public of all P 80 cases, roken every mrders it is Warâ€" toâ€" the usand rected :sease Care. above ishe d p t 19 09 61 42 22 3i 29 40 15 6# ottled x.â€c , La» rings, 8tb 71 84 0> 15 99 55 L re 4 14 drg x# five in fhe & y 40 20 irely LL t by par 3â€"1 fact atP 3 t« % § 14 44 14 of in P. J. BUCALE I, L.L.b., 34\'.“1‘“ aud | AttorneyeateLaw Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Public «iiee, over Mr. Lake Carner‘s Boot and Sho itore, Ridean Street, Ottawa, C. W. # Jaquary 17 180l. dedy f m' Street, Center Town; Night Ofice st li1s Maria Street, C<~@«r Town. -C?m-lï¬uzcoelmnito,hyn ou'gm'u. $ 17wâ€"100â€"4 _ * â€" DR W.4.â€"HEXRY, s%ll'll Street, entrance nett door to Nl.'.. 'Mbu 8. suog Gutf 83 130. B.l RISTERS, C. sveyancers, &e. Purroins Aincects Tuiiatoge Ridons S m-..iu.w e Leslt Jtawa. GEO. LOGAX, M.D., LC.H.5., ll'.."fluc Physician, . Surgcom and Acéouchear. Omvice: In Horne‘s Block. Can be tound over «dlice at -iï¬ t Reéjferences : . .l.lw'llnhmm. Orono ; â€"Rov. m.l-ul. Bowimanvilie; Rov. lku@. Riddol, ke > Duncan Campbell, M.D., M. R.C.3.E., Torâ€" ioo‘.hh Hail, M.D., J. Adaws, M. D., Tororto. Ottaws, February 7,1866. * lJâ€"utf toous latel ed as the Custom House. eouue lebery ronarled se the Cistom Aouse: _ Orrice: Inthe Court House, Ottawa, C. W. Roseat Lees. Jowx J. Gexseut Rtawa, february 7, 1866. _____________ _4 EDWARD T. DARTNELL, | i ‘A“lfl‘., Sollcitor, Attorney, and | AD Notary Public, Clerk of the Peace and County ‘ / roww Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott | _, id RQussoll. ‘ F Orrice* In the Court House, L‘Orignal. : â€" . _ |;, squary 27, 1868. + 34â€"3 l se PIDICIAS, Surgeon and Accouchenr ‘Office : Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Stroct. * ® .R. BELL, A.M., M.D., C.M., &c. * (Reogsrur rmow Exomaxo.)} stURORRY aud _ Hesidence, ~George 1O * SKG. K K. ~WOUVLL, PY.]@IA’ Surgeon Accouchen M A°=.-_'-AD_-1'-_‘~_9~“:.§“9¢-: & l-.*!':' htaws, C. W LAPIEARRE & MHAYCOCK, ‘TTOISlll-AT-I.AW. Solleitors«in= ~% Chancery, cu-v?nm and Notaries Public, orner of Sussex and Yorkâ€"strocts, Ottawa. Ottawa, February 26, 1967. 368y * NMASSE & TETREAU, vo‘l‘lll‘l PUBLIC, Hauil, C. E., near . W the Post office. J. A. Masaz. X. Terueac. »Rtawa, March 23. 300 Aus wi + o e f are incerted io the Daily a wfl-_m'. :’(“M 3 luQ!iao; $ a y in advance onl P o n “< ic +. "seee« We ransiont rtisements, imsortion por ROSS & PARSONS, â€" ‘fl NE Y $«A Ta«L A W, Soticitors«in=« y Chxry. Convey ancers, Notaries Public, &e. tiiee: Elyin Street, opposite the Russell House. Auxzaxpen Ross. Auszat Parsoss. ttawa, July 28. 189â€"6m BJ M'W i t insertions, per ling,............ .“w advertisers .o‘p::hl:’ contracted w YearTy subsctiption to the daily (if paid in ;’"lcl over Mr. Garth‘s Establish« mont, 4> Rideauâ€"st., Oitawa. May 30 447t° Ottawa, November 13 ttaba aslailp Wines, CAIVMDOO) . ccccece c cnennnnnneneanenn n ne n Yearly subscription to the weekly (if 1 wl PWNOO) cenemec on cmenmen enc en en ‘ TTORNXE ¥«â€"AT«LAW, Soilcttors=in= Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and ormer: Otfice Building, El zin Street, Ottawa., chyruary 7, 1866. 43â€"u ADVERTISENO AGANCY â€"Mcsre. 8. M. Patengalt & in bis Fuark Row, New Fork, cad _ Sote Stvou, Soson, General Adsertuing Agents, are horeby authorâ€" «itte recerne Advertrsements for the Otiawas Tixza DKR. DORION, _ PUYSICIAN, Surgron, and Accoucheur, | _ Clarence Stroct, Otta 2. March 1. 31y i" DR.C. A. MAINTIN, )llfl.:. o.oo.! ‘l):;:o‘:"::::ot. over x, January 27, 1866. _ _ Mâ€"utl COLMAN & WRIGHT, â€"_~â€" ‘ PVOCATES, Barristers, and attor= neysâ€"atâ€"Law. urrmices: Hull and Ayiwer, C. E. Mr. Wright will attand at Hull ou Tuesdays and idays of every week. * «. CousaM. W. Mcaay Wrreur, B.A.B.C.L. mawa. Feb. T. 1866. 4+â€"utf X. F. BOUTCHETTE, Sflm.\'& Officet No. 17, 3t« Peter Street, Quebee. . Mr. Bouchotte -tll:ltny. hb: epared toâ€"uttend promptly to iness t »vermment c#onc. & the .;A,blio generally ay entrust him. . B.attonds regularly the cirâ€" it in and for the district of Quebec. Dscember 28, 1365. 9â€"y i8 DAILY AND WEEKLY 11%Es Now l enjoys TXXK LARGEZSET CiZCTLATIOX of any papet sblisked in the Otftawa Vailloyâ€"issuing of the mwily over ©,000 1 snd Weekly over 1,000 ; alung a total cirealation in the week of over x,@00 ; thus outstripping all competitors, and Sording the beet mediaca for businees men to adâ€" [‘AW. Chancery â€" and Conveyancing Office, Lang‘s Baildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite e Poss Office. } Ottawa, July 19. . 480y wILLILAM MOSGROVE, ETs e IMhons ty Suntky AW, Chancery and C Ing» | 4A 07;1(1: Mosgrove‘s Blml..l-u'd.o;g‘“gt_r:.‘t. t + Ortawa, "‘."-'?1 .‘â€:’ D. OGCONNOR, , TTORNEYâ€"AT«LAW, Solicitor in \ Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Sussex Street. )rzrc®: Union Buildings, Ottewa. % vruary 21, 1366. §5â€"7 Wiaws February T, 1866 meaus of the Ethereal Spray Produ :. _ DR,. JOHN LEGGO, ’llfl!‘l’, Hunton‘s â€" Block, Sparks Street. â€" ZMF"Tooth oxtracted without K’"i' hasns of tha Erheraal Snray Producor. 3503 F1CE : Builaings, RMidead otSCL # eeetun Sn .: 2 ... __._._..... 2 | W PRODATEL O on n . ol o 0 nsP . k McLEOD, ! Ord.:; left at Unwl-flnuno vill be punctually atâ€" ARRISTER, Etc., for Lower Canada. Otul July 26. * . 187t _ Orvices : Court House, Ayimerard Buckingâ€" | o ie ie on annenns ,l tC % UMK Street, opposite Maithews‘ Heo#â€" 4 RISTERS, Attorneys, Soltcitors, Di. OLIVER MARTIN, EXTIST. Odce: Sparks Street, Con#â€" tral Ottawa. $ awa, January 27, 1866. Hentf AUGUSTUS KEEFER, ARRISTER and Attorney=at«Law, solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. _ _ NICHOLAS SPARKS, YOL II. NQ.57TS.: LEES & GEMMELLI 44 DEK. C. LEGGO, J. F. BOULTON, sHsmivilâ€" DR CHESLEY, DR. O‘REILLY, H. HAYCOCK, LEtG ALI B06â€"tf 230y utf 43â€"uil ¢.) AII atrictly forbldden to pass or tre®= pass in, ovar and about the froats of Lot® nu oaber 19 and 30, in the Fikst Concession, Uttawa Front, Nepe in, and the Broken‘ Fronts thereof, unâ€" loss and antil some satisfacory arrangement is come to with the proprietors thereof. All persons trespassing sfter this notice will ne prosscated ncâ€" | cording to Law. | JOHN WM. THOXSON, P RO@QYIXCIAL Land Surveyers, Canada | comndont, Farinias Comcghuos, UfeSSip¢ uhnd HING [ P East and Wost, Roal Estate Agcnt:, &o. Par. | Combs, &s,. Ico Cream, soda Water, with pure | | tioular attention devoted to the rals ‘and protection | freit syrup from Dows* Murble Fountain at the | of the Lands of Absentecs. Applications to the MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sperieâ€"st. I Crowm Lag is Department for Mining Lands, &°., 4 seesmmms y pr";‘]fli a.tended mhand iR y t Dispensing Department. | Taey hare now on aud for sale some woll Great c | eitanted Cuy and Villa Lots, in Uppor and, Lower | this important departiment; for tho eatromely Iiber | Sanada; aod an immense quantity of Farming | al pationgo hitherto bestowed upon it the sub. | Lands in the r"‘""h;r‘ oh the Ottawa. _ .!criLr returns hi« best thanks. s _ Orpicx : Corner of Sparks and Motcalfo Streots. W. M. MASSEY, | _ ‘The above Hotel!, one of the oldest and best known To vi heveghiy srerueniee ana redlied ier tos ons overhaul re or the cial noé-no&io‘ of g:-u. THE TABLE A% BAR will at all times furnished with the very best the market affords. _ i e e Street. â€" Ottawa, March 20, 1866 The " QUEEN" comprises all the nfl:k’u for a firstâ€"cla«s Restau ant. The House has beenrefitted wnad refurnished= «n lwhwv. The BA contains the choicest Brands in W ines and Liquors, and every deiicacy of the season wi‘! he found on the table. The rn-pflowr’n besteffors will he diracted to the comâ€" ort of his guests ana patron BA ysters, Gaine ets., ds CO.\'T“ ACTOR and Bullder. Office! Nortth side York street, second door from Sussox Coflhlllfllo.‘ Mevchant and General A{ml. Solo :ï¬cn: for Read‘s Highwines and Proof Whiskey ; mlso, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales and Porter. Pork, F'lnur. &o., for sale. e M LA'I'E McADAM‘S, Comumercial Hotel, Packenham. on ts s CHARGE by calling at the off Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. _ Orricr: No. 5, Sparks Stroct, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. a y Ortawa Des. 28, 186o. < JOMN MERCER, 5 Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Viotin, &c. THOROUGH BASS. â€" GOODSTABLING and a careful Ho«tler always inattondance s es L4 . Ritchic Hetel, Grenville, C. E. Ottawa, November 27 MRS. GRANT‘S SALOON, C©mORrGE sSTREET. Choice Wines & Liquors, Prims Cigar: Il\lll Subscriber has leased the above firstâ€"class hoto! for a torm of years and hopes by strict attention to the wasts and comforts Ol'\il guests, and friends at largo, to morit a large share ot public patronage. . The Hotel is the largost and host laid off house in Frenville; it is three stoties high and commuands a beautiful view of the rapids and steataboat landing. ‘The Bar will contain u.ï¬:n of the choicest and purest quality.> The Table will be supplied with the best the.market can afford. Spacial care will be taken with the Stables, w w under the care of an experi¢ hich will be unde € perienced Hostler, and always supplied with tresh Hay and Onts. Charges moderate. JOHN RLITCHIE, May 18. 438â€"0m A\’(:'rlosn:l-:ns, and General Commis= sion Exchange and Real Eetats Agents, No. 140, Sussex Street. ; Ottawa, December 18. 180. * 1â€"y The sale of Real Fstate at Auction or Private Sale promptly atteaded to. Consignments received for it‘ve sale. Partics wishing to purchase Real E:uo will receive all information FREE OF P L» SURVEYOR and Dnu?huuon. ® %. Land, and Goneral Parliamen.ary et".' references . unoxceptionable. . OrFic®: ellington Street, next to Dritish Hotel, and nearâ€" ly opposite the banks, Ottawa. es C Address Chas. Esplin, Ottawa Millwricht ï¬ï¬fwiflflrï¬tcu' and improved Taylor ater Wheel, and Vulcan Iron Works, Montreal. THE "«QUEEX" RESTAUAANT, | <â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"«««â€"««â€" ‘l KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of| §§#14@ #ELS A 3 4 ®@ Metcalfo and Wellington Streets, opposite | _____________ dngurc he main entrance to the Government buildings. it m â€"P. 8.â€"â€"Spocial attentian Public Land business, a«d and m'nxi? Patents. Ottawa, May 22. ‘Qllls‘l' AND SAW MILLS BUILT ON TN tho wost rocout and improved principles. M MESSRS. THISTI NGO‘rICE « ISs HEREBY GIVEX THAT ALL Lumbermsn & Others _ THE METROPOLIT AN Mageo & Ruseel! wd L "NIVIL ENGINEER, Union Buildings, .4 gorner of Sussex and York Streots. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1.# Dated this 26th June, 867. May 18 (ttawa, February 21, 18686 O w n »MKOVINCIAL ~. McKRINX NXON 1OMMISSION | and Excha UCTIONX Hooms, No. 10, Sparks Stroet, Contre Town, Ottawa, opposite Hopo‘y Stationâ€" ARRIYT 1l, &oy Ottaws. AP C v ult ate be BUSINESS CA RDS. MACDO PARLIAMEXTARY AGENCY. } i. ROQOUCEHKETTLK,. 1A N IOHN RHGCHIE. Aumond‘s Block, CHARLES ESPLIN JOHNX MALTMAN HANICAL DEAUGHTSMAN NGBE Brokersy Fire, Life and Ac= | * 1 losurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ‘ " Ufico, No. 27, Sussex<street, Ottawa. â€"| _ GEO, H. PERRY, II B. MULLIN W. K. THISTLE, P. 1.. 3 F. A. BALDWIN, P. L. 5 CHRISTIE, _ LAND _ SURVEYOR, «o.; (commissioned for l.’ppor .) Ohice and residence, tlouâ€" Burveys of every doscription 1¢y. . Communications addressâ€" etâ€"paid), will reccive prowpt SPA KK P. O‘MEARA, Prorarcto®. ACPHER tcLKAN‘® and Exchange Broker, Agent, Spacksâ€"street, opposite XLD & BNO., GRl Ridoak Street, (itama JOHN MALTMAN. mIVERNAY BRO OM Wil EV L 1YLMER, C. 6b Engineser P, O‘Meara _ old 2y6.1706 XALLER, BALDWIN, S( vith despatch to lisputed claims, Proprietors 470f i8y 219 hp Uffice : 18â€"y T0â€"y 85â€"7 {\ The sele np&uuuud agency in Ottawa for the cleâ€" 4â€"Â¥ , gant preparition of Mossrs. Kenneth, Campboll & Np, | _ Mair, Naily, Tooth, Cloth, Hal, asd Flesh | Brushes, Turkish Toweis, Shoulder Braces, India tâ€"y | Rubber Combs, m va:ioq. M.:‘&Cop,h DI'WM Spouges and Bage, ir prej v . | Lt:")ln's, RKimmel, Picsso u?»l mln'n and Phalor‘s | Perfumes. Genuine Ean D‘Cologne, Florida W ater, ets | also a numBer of préparations for the toeth and OR~ | gums at f AUSTIN‘S, * The Medical Hall," nle Rideauâ€"stroot. | Ottawa â€" Drug Warehouse. Wita eignt different Syrups, manufactured on the promises. It is a hull{,vnd cooling beverage. N ICHOLAS §treot, Court=«House A venue; 1@ Jttawa, John Graham, Proprietor. This House is conveniently situated, and still mainâ€" tains its character as a }&MTM HOTEL. Considerable additions have recently been made to the premises, and it has been entirely repainted and renovated. No pains will be spared to accommodate Please call and examine the Stock. 1t 1s the largest and best ever imported. â€"_ _ . _ ________ JA All the roliable PATENT MEDICINES on hand. â€" & A large importation of En‘th and French PERâ€" FJMEsS will arrive nextwree FLORIDA WATER. s0ZODONT. MHAJR BRUSHES. COMBS. NALL BRUSHES. CLOTHES BRUSHES, &o., &c., &e Just being opened mps _ _ _ . _0 L aboveâ€"namod Hotel, bogs loave to acquaint his nuâ€" morous friends and the travell pmu.mn.u reâ€"painced and nowlyâ€"furnished this comâ€" mos‘um estublishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes to desorve encouragement and support. _ Sale. All seeds warranted Fresh. P. S.â€"Advice to the atio. Ottawa, April 11. _Po:"_ l’lllVA'l‘lG, HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ote tawa, 0. W. . A forr gentlomen san obtain sapâ€" erior apartments. Ottaw a, Dee. 20, 1865. 3y of charge. There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY STABLEattached to the Hotel, C Â¥ 3 41 Sussex Street, Is tha Place to Buy Zour Medicines ! A LARGE STOCK OF FRESH GAR» DEN and FLIELD SEEDS, just arrived and on _ _ 3Mm OYSTEKY in every style, at all bours Oitawa, January 9, 1867. y fls 831y udfluo. M h QMNIBUSES to and from the cars and boats free A certain protection from the bites of this mis« chievous insect. References given to m'n.s gonâ€" tlemen of Oftawa and vicinity. Prepa only at the 3 MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st, TOIT(ET ARTICLES, &C A VERY SUPERIOH ARTICLE, pree %& pared from the finest material, with the apâ€" pro;nl of many of the medical faculty of this city, at the ; MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparkeâ€"st, MosqULro OIL. _ _ English & French Chemicals, RIDEAU STREET 33 1866 SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. A_fr:i Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just receive ; N. B.â€"Presoriptions ca and red. _ . UDAATET: M b." S‘mn.‘r.b. 12 1866 47â€"utf l{mr\uu.\r. corner of George and R Wiliiam stroots, (1‘. O‘Meara‘s old stand). C. Austin begs to thank his many customers and friends for the liberal patronage extended to him since his removal to his present premises, and assures them it will be his endeavor io merit a conâ€" tinuance of the #ame. t o * 6# The Compounding Dernmnt†is conâ€" ducted personally by himself, and prescriptions committed to his care will be dispensed with accu. racy and promptness. Sity Haie, N «m aso Tootn Bavsues, in nflota, Luâ€" bin‘s Pertumes, Tollet Vinegar, Alorida Water, Sogodont, Farinia‘s Colomcs, Dressing and Fine Combs, &c. Ico Cream, suda Water, with pure frait syrup from Dows‘ Marble Fountain at the & MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sperieâ€"st. Co., Mcedical Hall, Montreal DR MEDICALâ€" HALL Da. Lime, Killer, Remedies tor Chotera, Diatrhoea, Dysenâ€" tory, Cholora Infantum, and other summer comâ€" plaintapare kept ow hand, besides a good supply of disinfectants at ; AUSTIN‘S, " The Medical Hai!," | Ridpanâ€"streot. Bil" :l": « Orange Quinine Wine," and other Touio ors a AUSTIN‘3, * The Medical Hall," Rideauâ€"stroot. U C. AUVSTIN, APOTHECARY. "The Medical Hall," MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries Hall! Ottawa UNION HOUSE, No«th Gower. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. January l1, 1866. Juâ€"y l‘ LMER, C E. Livery and General Stage Oflice. . Alfrod Moscs Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. Decsember 21. 1865. : 4y 1XD FREE FROMYM ADULTERATION! NTHE celebrated 6 Q,ulg!lcéll_.lj ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN. HE .LARGEST ASSORTMENXT OF DYEs in this city on sale atthe ATE CAMPBELL‘S HOTEL, Ottawa, U. W.. The undersigned, proprietor of the DOMESTIC DYES. THE RNUSSELL HOUSE, Dwiowt‘s Cnoursa Mixtur®, Chloride of Harte‘s Concentrated Lye, l.lf.lmlu Fiy Allnn':in Sea Salt, pure flavoring extracts, ., at the ~ _ MEDICAL HALL, 28 Sparke st, THE ALBION HOTEL, L«:J â€: JAMES E. GOUIN, iith atel y, connected ces Hosl, Pubass Sireds Caabes 283, Sparks*8treet. qUININE WINE. Just Roceived ! JAS, JOHNSTON‘S Il\ll.\."x!'vl. FOR PAST FA« wors, I beg respectfully to an nounce that I bave now received my stock for the Summer Trade. It som» prises all the best and purest HOLT‘S HOTEL, PMOPERLY COMPOUNDED DRUGGISTS. 1% RIDEAUâ€"STREET, A. J. LEMOXN, CFE"W‘A WA DRUGB, PERFUMERY, DUIGNXAN‘s W ARE KOU 6 , W. M. MASSEY, Medicat Hall, Sparksâ€"st JOSEPH GARY EY, M.D. ND SALOONS, 97â€" ESTABLISHE!D) 18#30. R. 8. Oassels, Esq. : â€"â€" » + Oonsgulting Director, Tlll ABOVE, FINRST»â€"CLAS8S COM» PANY is prepared to insuro all deseriptions of property agaiast. loss or damage by fire. _ %m. Endowment policies on equally: favorable Ottawa, March 13. BRITISH AMERICA. Assurance Compaiy ! Ottawa. January 4, 1867 Officeâ€"â€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks * M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, Juns 21. The fact that the Etna has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 é‘em«n«. from among the bost business men of the Continent, is the best possible testimonial to the ’umndne.u of the Com. pany, and the excellencelof its mothod of doing RoyaiCanadianBagak We llrul from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it .« mo-:fl may, depend upon its being a Sove ",’l y« V he utonhhln{ efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing discases fur which it 1« roâ€" commended, and its wonderfal success in subduing mmrfl pains of Rhoumatism, and iaro ieving Nervous Affections, eatitle it to a high rank n the list of Remedies for these complaints, ers are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further nyplin. and each testifying as to the universal sitisfaction it gives. & blic the combined uollrisl, moderate promiv .n tion in profits. No extra cin defence of the country. Ottawa March 25 _ RINTOUL BROS., Montroal, Canada. vo Kina Life Insurance Company, Among tne moxt important of modern, Medical Dis j coverios stands the CANADIAN PAMN BESTRSYER ! ' a BEGs TO ANXNouNCL TO hi friends and patrons that ho has removed to the building on Metcalfe® street, formeriy occupied by The Ac.uing Post, where he is now propared to exooute all or {":'s for â€" Giving personal attention to all work, and hay» ing h::‘-h’ years practical experience, ho feels coufident that satisfaction will ve given. : _ Ornamental Binding done in tao mo style. ' enc us And where every article in the trade can be ub tained of the best quality aud at the lowoest prices The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate relief. All Medicine Dealers kcn‘» 1 %i‘h- orderand use it; and no family will it after once trying it. Price *wentyâ€"five conts {or bottle. > NORTHKOP & LYMAN: weweastle, C. W., General Agents for C, W Syl by ueo. Mottimer, John Roberts, W M. Massey, H. F. MoCarthy, J. Slinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. _ _ + Of every desoription in the neatest and most dur ablo style. web ooo en nng ue tecmerâ€"onyie VR tll'.ll':a thanks to his friends and the publi« tor the 1i patronage which he has received l{cu- many y begst 0 state that for the future his m.m be carried on in YORK STREET, where his premises are known as the _ Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their oustom, and furnish them daily with such bread as they may require. _ BO OKBINDER , Ottawa,. March i6 N: CITY OB SlLAsedY & [ o e pearly ite ‘the lot on which uookKBINDINGY _ ' | 'ï¬@ the m"ï¬m of Montreal is to be PAPER»RULING), ur | erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other â€" ~| Banks, H-v aud 10 on north #ide of Queen Streot BLATK BOOK MANUFACHTUILAING»! in rear of Tha above. ‘apital and Assets, 1st ANNUAL REVENUE OVER ,£120,000 Lifo Assurance Company. ESTABLISHED is .e c CAPITAL, £600,000 Siy Ottawa, Fob. 5. 1867 ith such bread as they may require. Please send your orders to thoX'or‘ Streot Fancy YORE STREET FANCY BAKERY, ESTABLISHED, J. GARVEY, E8Q., M. D., OrTrraAWw Aâ€"AcGENCY : MW* Two Journeymen Bakers W anted. wa, December 3 HIS COMPANY OFFES To THE NOTICE 0OF REMOVAL. A. MORTIMER FIRE AXD MARINE. GEKORGE SHOULDNIS, 1X RK LNXNSURBRARNCE. Medical Rofereo Metsalfeâ€"stroct, BE EAID. R. SMITH, Agon Office: Over Scott‘s Confectionery MERRICK, BRUSIH & s0., Aorxta, â€"= > __, Aumond‘s Buildings, ; C# y s { l § NELL McKINNON, Ageu q A. MORTIMER, Snark qdvautage of pertact and liberal participaâ€" rze for Volunteers in 1" Ul tGeneral Agon Matcalfoâ€"stroot. p 381y troot, Ottaw 301y 81y Auzxt Lt 300tf t artistic tb 38 Bt | 1aÂ¥# | The prornuor has made arrangements for a 1 large supply of those delicious Bivalves, as also a | constant “R" of GAME, which he will supply to | families at the lowest rmiblo price: . *Ottawa, Oct. 9, 1867. 856â€"4 rauu'v VALUABLE PRO f J4 perty known as ‘P. M. Blas & deli‘s Homestead, containing howm Two Aores, beantifully aituated on he Ottawa River, being Lot One, Northside Wel lington Stroet, City of (tawa, with the Dwelling lni outhouses thereon, R , Astlyce Fiseliie 40 miur E"\(I!l SALE, THAT ELi= stulagix.g3 M gible proporty, beautifully ie rvaiang situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" ii‘}.. _3â€" wa, in the Township of Nepean, distaut from the City of Oltaws about three miles on the mmondnmh&{mn d, together with the STUNE DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE theroon ereeted, at present occr?ienl bJ William ‘Thomson, Esquire, and the garden and ornamonted grounds adjeining ‘the same, forming part of Lot No. 20, in the let conâ€" cossion, Ottawa front. . A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the rame alse for sale at reasonable prices. * For patticalars and terms apply to John ans Wiltiam Thomson on the premises, or to PFebfuary 10, 186 g.l 64 makrt i Lot adjacent t house. Apply Ouawa, May 10 the sume Concession, of Wim. T. Ayien, 1 apply to vous and Lewis & Prxarv, Barr lg\' PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGE firstâ€"class Framée Monso and Lot, 66 by 99, within ten tomutes‘ walk of Governmient Buddings, ht Anuly to t LEWIS & PINHEY, n . Barristers, &c. Oltawa, Fobruary 27, 1867 It is built on the most modora style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone; has largo plateâ€"glass windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basoment. It is Guely situated.on the corner of Wellington and U‘Connorâ€"strects, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings ana has thteo vacant lotsattached, so that the duildings could bo enlargedâ€"to say reâ€" quired eapacity. 4 * Applications, (postpaid) to be addressed to â€" Otth w VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LBT. Boing oi the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa being deGnitely settled upon as its capital, could not fail to be made to pay The proprictor has no objection to sell a part of the farm, with or without the boase. . This would be a aOIl'lle country residence. Title unexcepâ€" tonable. + In the ’I'ouuhlï¬- ot Gloucestet, situated about halt a mile from Bil n!‘. Bridge. . This land can b‘ sold en bloe or in luts of 5 acres. Ottawa, March 11 C * \:mdintoly. A _ new Brick 6% :. _£,{ _ BuildÂ¥ng on Beeecror Street, Sandy ~=ss2â€"Hil}, near the refidence of Hon Malepiom Cameron. This building contains Sever Bedâ€"rooms, and is furmighed with all modern imâ€" provemenks. .:. ... ul C000 o usls e o ce lnrï¬o Two storey, Wooden Building, on the coz ner of urrx Streets. This Hlouse is lined with Brick, furni%hed* with double doors and windows and Venctian Blinds. Thereis n large Kitchep and Shed attached, with l’umï¬n, Stables and other Buildings in the yard. This Houseis well adaptee for a Store, Hotel, Roarding House, or private resiâ€" donee. Oltawa, keotuary 10. 1303 . Vivae _ COUNTRY â€" MESIDENCE (1 Ayst, FORSALE.â€"Reautifully situated on vC* w ¢ the Muacadamized Roud between Otâ€" a.2t®*~%» tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 mivutes‘ drive from the city. A farm of excellent land, cor.miuini about 90 acros, with a large #tone House erected thereon. Ottawa Fob. 10, 1866 Ottawa, July 9 August 1 orsis! ch E& > orsiers Rmcmvzn dailly at the QUEEN REE» TAURANT, opposite main entranse to the Parliament Buildings, & Fam Ottawa, Aug. 23 Ottaw a, Oct May 8 For furthe particulars apply to For further particulars, apply t gou sank oN REASONABLE | * * * TERMS. | [ % Apply at this office. | vioumss. awa, July 9. 48016 , h ivikh; FOll SALE Oll TO LEI NO more eligible chance could be ; offered to any pnrl..i in the Hotolâ€" _2, i ¢t keeping line thau the learo of the szzz.c. above FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. > Apply to Possession given 1st Jnnec» The Victoria Mote!l ALSO. 23 ACRES OF LAND, Three Hous Dweliings to Let. Yom can } : App! Apply to ‘"U‘C» IN SEHELL, ï¬(wn NALE,.»=THEH WEKTe erly oneâ€"third of Lut No. 27, in Firet Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, 2sd Lots Nos. 26 and 28. in ession, atâ€" present in the eccupation yien, Lsg___For fartber particulars _ and Wu. Tnowsox, Nepean, and T. Barrister, Otomwa. | JeZâ€"HMLtf FRANCIS CLEMOW, EsQ., City of Ottawa. ), 1866. 4douth TO LRERT PIANO FRANCIS CLEMOW, Esq., Or JOHN UENEY, Eeq , Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W K . , 379L [¥‘ NJOSSESSION GIVEN IM» l "ox® s:‘! C. " m MIAT New Three Story N STONE BUILDING, Come, \ . Comfortabic Dweliing "Â¥ overthe Store of the sabscrib= cr on Wellington street. 18 “Ull SALE« Lots 9 and 19 _ Bouth Side Sparks *Stroct, had at any tit REV. J. JOULNSTON, Hhidl Vidt pl LEWIS & PINHEY, 11 vicrOoRIDA TERe 10, Richmond â€"Road, ‘conâ€" wight rooms cach. Posâ€" rristers, &o., Ottawa o8 io erfheintE t ses to Let tate J. L. P. O‘HANLY G i¢ O V te M 0, Gare ern of f IOHN GREENE 523 if W ADSsWORT L 504â€" . EAN, &e., Otta w aftsnieih v + y BUNTLNG, m the Promises 430â€"tf > 60 OLUSE: ituated on the with Stables, ien and vacant ine water in the Bandy Bill, 46â€"utf »01â€"5m utro ‘Town 420tf LAUDER 3574 HK undersigned U« 5. Consular Agent | ~""cyyp yIXTURI ' T for the City of Oltaws, and the depondo‘n:lu ‘ SILK â€le;rol: lw(,’; thoreef dsems it proper to give public notice to | . â€" BLDFORD | those v ke may require his oficial services, that his |. CHAU] office in it. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"streot, will | pies: + be open at all times during business hours. All| Kicdst involces of property of whatever kind uxurud or | intended to be exported into the United Stater, | must be authenticated by mo st this Consular Agency, in order to facilitate its transit at the proâ€" per ports of entry. P. H, MAHAR, | mbarere ksn * e x,f;“' | AI-‘X- DUFF. SA lished in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of * Pw/‘monic Wofers," in this or auy uther country; all other >Jmonic Wafers aro counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the niime BRY AN being stamped dn each WAFER. RELIEF IN ‘TEN MINUTES BRYAN‘S PUbMAOME W Abuits | TB VE ORIGINAL MEDICINXE E®TAR® To our beloved and faithful the Senators of the â€" _ Dowizica of Canada, and the members clectâ€" ed to serve in the House of Communs of our said Dominiop, summoned and called to a Meeting of the Parliament of Canada, at our City of Ottawa, on the secund day of the month of November next, to have been commenced and held, lnd't: every of youâ€"â€"Grertnq: A PROCLAMATION. ‘VII_EI! IGAthe Mceting of our Pare limment of Canada stanu« prorogued to the Second day of the month of November next, NVERâ€" THELE®S, for certain causes and considerations, we have thought fit further to prorogue the rame to WEDNXESDAY, the math day of the month of NOVEMBER neat, so that neither of you nor apy of you on the #aid second day of Xovember next, at our City of Oltatra, to appoar are to be held and constained, for Wr po wirt rnar you and cach of you and ail others in this bebalf interested, that on WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of the month of NOVEMBER next, at our City ‘cf Ottawa aforeâ€" said, personally you be and appear for the deâ€" #patch of butineuï¬ to treat, do, act and conclude upon thoso things which in our said Parliament of Canada, by the Common Coubcil of our said Dominion, may Wy the favor of God be ordained. Ix ‘Trsimony Wircunor, wo have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Canada to be hereunto aflixed : (Wirxzss, our right trusty and wellâ€"beloved cousin, the right honorable Cnartts Staxâ€" LkY, Vimcotyt Moxox, Baron: Monek otf Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in th'e Peerage of Ireland, and Baron Monek of Ballytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in the PooT:go of the Umted Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" era of Canada, &¢., &¢., &o. At our Govâ€" ernment ll‘;u, in our CITY of OTTAW A, in our said Dominion, this THIRTIETA ~. day of SEPT., in the year of our Lord, one thousana eight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. By Command, f f EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, 00 . Clerk of the Crow\ _ Chan ry, bryan s Pulmonie Wayere Reliove Coughs, Colds, Forc Throat, Hoareen Bryan‘s Pulmonic Worers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Dificult Breathing ‘ffrl'l Putmonic &,,,,,, Relieve Spitting of Bloud, Pains in the Ches . k __ Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajere _ y oeot o esnt o Reliove Inclziont Consumption, i;nn. Disoases ryun‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Irritation of Uvula and ‘Tonsils. Bryam. Pulmonic Wafers lelieve the above complaints in ten minutes. Bryan‘s Pulmonie Wafers Are a blessing to all Claseos and Constitations llr{an‘n Pulmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Aro in simp:e form and :ploasant to the taste, Sr’uu‘a Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve but effect rapid and lasting cures. Bryan‘s Pulsionic Wafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every .one No family should be without a box ot Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers _ < ll«" in t.bobl.wnn. : Notrave! w without a supply of Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Pr* in his pocket. No person will ever object to give for Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafu‘ Do0 c._.___ _ Twontyâ€"five Conts. JOB MO#ES, Solo Proprietor, [L | Newowsue, C. W. Eold by Goorge Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, H. F. McCartby, Joseph Skinner, and J. rown, in Ottawa. Ottawa Feb. 5.17 ° 350dw6in V icroxna, by jhc Grace otf God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QuUEix, Defender of the Faith, &¢., &e.. &c. make immediate Payment To the undersigned. $ Overdue payments must ho settiod before AT OTTAWA, C. W. Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa and its Dependencies, © *©ST. FAXUAXARY NEXT Tlll subscriber begs to inform his friends and the ruhlle gencrally that he has leased the above well known and favorably situatâ€" ed House on Rideau, opposite st, Nicholasâ€"stroet, where will be tound m:nfl{,on hand the best of wincs, liquors, &c. The table will be lupJnlisd with the best the market afterds. A good yard and stabling attached, and a careful Hostler in atâ€" U. S.~ CONSUVLAR ACEKCY| _ A Deduction will be Made tendance. From accumulated interest Richmond Road, _ A Ottawa, September 19, 1867 Just received direct from GERMANY, to be sold at prices defying competition. xlno splendid lot of GUITARS, FLUTES, &c., nnk\l‘s an assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUâ€" MENTS never before ofered to the rbllo of Otâ€" tawa, at the Ottawa Music Store, 25 Sparkeâ€"st. April 12. August 551td = _ U, 8, Consular Agert. | onl 12. ____ x ..,w"_!.q, _' VIOLINS g_._VIOLINS $ : POUR CASES| So as not to necessitate legal proceedings. To persons paying in full before ist January Ottawa, Oct. 2, 1867. ERSONS indebted to the Estate of the late EDW ARID MALLOCH are requeâ€"ted to CROWN HOTEL, MONCK RIDEAUâ€"STREET, (Pormerly kept by W. B, Howes,) coNCERTINA®, NmNoTICE. NORTHROP & LYMAN, J. L. ORME & 80 J. B. TACKABERRY, ANADA MMMXAOET +5 ‘.’f’r' o y l "Ra) or Now York. JOHN MALLOCH. ACCORDEON® §424â€"37â€"2m Manager, $0â€"2m se an ry, Conada. hed H..d [ y They are also prepared to take orders for C} in at. | latest styles and fashion, and a« they are under the | WARRANTED TO FIT. a , CooKIxo stovEs, |cooKIxG stoves. | coomK1xre srovEs, 10 M P0E ComAnUC 10 IAdRUTOCIUTC every der ' RUSSLA MLUN PIPE, ana DUMB S$EOVkS8 O MR _A 1BR A‘â€"Ar |STOVES.,. STOVES. STOVES. "~_~STOYVES.â€" STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. â€" STOVES, Ottawa, Getohor 2, 1867 attended to by cumpeu:m and cii:erie;:{'e«li Mech «e., at reduced rates, “V 1 have received curfall and Winter Etock of DTJVES, TINW ARBE aud LUMBERN ENs ; at low prices. â€" In Cooking, Psrlor, Box and lLall "to varied assortwent ever shown in Ottawa. PARLOR PARLOR PAILOR *CAFITAL®* _ 88. * H. STOVE SUSSEX MEADoOWs DEPOT ! â€" st. ‘ & CC( outeroaect . + Sogh se Embroidering Attachmenis, an THE HOW is sAACHMINES are WORLDeILENOW N D mogl durable work on Leather. _ For Harness Makers, Carriage Trimw They are the best Shuttle Machine in the World for Tailo:s‘ use, Spool#, Cotton and Silk, Oi1, Needles, «tc., etc., constantly on hand. 419y G. A. WALTON, They would call particular attention, n« they. hay 3 patter x ® e mbdons y ‘cmaluflcnry.w.u,.(“ and patl c(c’ldgx\_n.;;‘.)t{u( is fashionnbid for the season, and as their stock is large .‘.‘ varied they Dl"\. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! BLACK DOESKIN®S, EILK MIXTURE OF CoaATINXOS, Do. __ do. TROWSKRINGS, _ ts3 BLDFORD CORDS, _ & CHAUDILERE 1 Y +aus, s BANNXOCKBUKN Do., HALLFAX Do., KERSEYS, FLANNELS, importers of Dry Goods. A LL tu‘flbt. title and claim of the undersi s dunm und legatee of the late Walter Beckworth, in the lots of land distinguished as numbers thirty, thirtyâ€"oné and thirtyâ€"two (30; 31, D24 204 in tha first /lst\ rance of the Township of DUTY ‘The above is generally known as the © Portageâ€" daâ€"Fort property," the village of that name being For turther particulars apply to the undersignod, if by lettor, pau.‘.id. at Havelock, County of Porstine, Hargrave P. 0. and $2,) in the first (Ist) range of the Township 0 LMIJ‘. County o)((1 l’o)flhe, and Province of &e' .\'\"c still continue to manufacture every Price Lists sent free on application.‘ _‘ ; T. Auny part of a Stove sold by us can be re charers would do well to note, » An inspection of the above goods invited at th Y‘ _ wIDOW JAMES POWELL Mavelock, J-flr 1%, 1867. 2Bwim Bird Cagoes I BEAVERS, PETERSHANMS, DEVONS, WHITNEYS IRISH FRIEZE, . @ANADIAN DO., â€" BROADCLOTHS, OTTAW A. September 12 ALCI S FTOV EN PARLOR yq New and most beautiful designs, very che RE NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SZLECTED STOCK oFf DHY GOQ0D#S, which they will selt.CHEAP FOR CASIH « * LL the 1 <ZR 4 Wizgy.. $* 45 st PRe,, C CoaL SrovEs. nox AxD Haii sox axp marn BOX ANXD HALY On:"".a, 07@ â€"10®*® Wheeler & Wileon‘s New M% J Machines is now ready, 1t is it 106%, TEs Embroidering Attachmenis, ar STOVE®. STOVEs®. S TOV E8. ritable for prifite Dwellings and Churches, w arot FOR SALE. oT A BULTSFTED LN 1844 ppl THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Cloths and Clothing. August 1, 1866. j AND PROVISJON®S Wholesaie and Retail. SPARROW‘s BUILDING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets t Groceries, Liguors, M. SPARROW & Co., NO. 50, SPARKS STREET, AND MAXUFACTTRER® OF, AND DEALERS I% IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1N NHOUSEFUKAINMIAQG â€"QOOLDS 7 ABtates .\ PARLOR GRA‘TDBHE Mot Air Purnnces. ; e STOVE®. sSTOVES. sTOVES e orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make in the are unde? the superintendence of experienced M-Ly ar: ©ooK in COusiNG PARLOIt PARLOS COOKING owe Machine Co., both of NewYork. W L ME TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS ANXD ON1 CAPITAI Bird Cagzes ItCLQi aris ixposition, 1867, BLAXKETS CGOLD : MEDATL S niption of TIN, SHUEET 1 K@, Also «il kinds of o chames, . Country Merchat late { PRICEâ€"3 CENTS MEAAA & CO. sTOVE®, STOVE®. 8 POV E®. â€" »TOY E8. s POV E%. sSTOYEs. COATS, MGCCASLN8, UCK, BAGS, LINEN, Do., TRAVELLING, CoTION8, STRIPED,* OII S?l.’l'l‘l O# ROOMs AT DViG= nan‘s Private Hotel, Sparkeâ€"st. Ottawa, Augast 17. T S14t Â¥W Comtage" Book and Fancy Store, York Stre: 3 doors from Susser Street, begs to anrounce 11 aboi-pnpondmwwlbnml‘oa« K#‘ ~, "®OAKRDING.«â€"â€"MRS. REYNXOLDS, "TH M Biacksmiths to whors constant employment td good wages will be given. Apply to > PETER KILDUFF, a63f Yorkâ€"st., itawa. STOVES, ~TOVE PIPES, LLBOWS, DUMR UPPL1LS, which we offer Wholesale or Retail s for word or coal, we have the largest and most 1 when br WO FIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYMXENX PAXTS, II. MEADOWS & CoO. HOX BOX 1OX Wanted Immediately, sSTOVE PEPOT & SEWING MACMINES aÂ¥ THkâ€" 30A VESTS, Lightyelwo Competitors» arp nauy[&rovEs. AND HALL STOYE®. AND HALL STOYE®, SHIRTS, ; se g % AWARDED 40 TRY Boarding. nd Stoves D ON, and COPPER WARKC, \outâ€"door Job Work in our lins mants supplied with Stovepijas, Manufeciaring Cogany, Button hole Attachment for their 0 greatest invention of the day. d other latest improvements, ote for doing the Handsoiwest and ere, Dost and Shot Makers, &e, W Aczat, 37 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottewa r burnt out, a rct intending â€" BLUE, _ m.“l?;m * V iLises, Bird _ ages i ELEVATED and LOX Cookd NC cpokixc ©OoIIAG §5â€"7 PARLOI SPONE®, PARLOR STOVE®. PARLOR *TOYVER®, ssEX STer MITTS, WOOLLE® Do _ BUCK A STOVEs,. STOV E8. STOYEs, 2278 62â€"y